As someone in their 30s trust me it’s not as strange as it feels - but when you’re surrounded by people in relationships it feels like you’re the odd one out. Forget what other people are doing. It’s much better to take your time to find someone that actually makes you happy and use this time to accomplish your goals, save money, and find yourself. You have your whole adult life ahead of you.
Terrible advice. Much better to try having relationships. If they don't work out, just move on, but you won't grow as a person unless you try new things and see how they feel.
@@ivanivan5511 You can choose to focus on anything and everything but sexual/romantic relationships, but you'd be missing out on the main purpose of life. I think there's an argument for waiting for the right person to do the sex part, especially for women, but trying out dating and seeing how you feel about the people you date is really the only way to figure out what you want in and from a partner. If you want to use people as toys, then you can, but you can also look for something better and longer lasting. Postponing any sort of interaction with the opposite sex indefinitely will just put you behind, and most likely you'll be very rushed later on or miss your chance altogether.
@@nonyobisniss7928 Most of the people do rush when they get married though. Divorces rates are in their peak. They've been "having fun" their whole life until they realize they're old and need to get asap a lasting partner. Things go wrong later. The girl on this video is only 19 and it seems she's waiting to meet someone she really likes to date, it might work out or not, but she's probably trying to find a potential meaningful relationship with someone. It seems she needs some more time. She's only 19, a whole long life is ahead of her.
Ok, this is creepily too relatable. How tf did youtube randomly recommend this despite me never having watched anything similar to this video before. I swear to god my devices are recording my thoughts
what's relatable? having not dated at the age of 19? its normal, whats not normal are people below 20 dating here and there and sleeping with different people here and there. dont be worried for something normal, and don't think that something isn't normal should be normal.
@rafflesiadeathcscent3507 I'm not worried about my very little dating experience. My problem is that I have never really felt that same spark other people have with people they like. Its just the same thing over and over again where I meet someone who I enjoy talking to and being around with > I start imagining a relationship with them for a few weeks without really feeling 'butterflies' in my stomach > we stay as friends and nothing more. And it's not like I ever felt embarrassed about my emotions, too. I just never feel that urge to 'Love' them, I guess. I never have, and I'm afraid I never will. And I know what you are going to say. "You're still young. Just give it some time, and you will find that spark." And you're most probably right. Yet, I still can't shake this constant eerie feeling off that I might never really find someone I will truly love.
@@UltramagneticLove In any other situation, I'd accept that detesting others for simply being in a state that I am not would be a waste of time, but I'm kind of a machine that runs on the acid of ill will and animosity that hurts its container more than it ever could when spewed upon others, and contentedness feels wrong when kept up long enough(for me). No hard feelings?
I'm a guy and I turn 27 this year! You're definitely not alone in your struggle. It's a lot more common than you think! As weird as it sounds, giving up on finding love was the most effective thing I did to help me through the feelings of unworthiness I had when I saw a lot of my friends in relationships. However, I didn't give up on love forever, I just gave up on finding it immediately. When I stopped looking for love in a partner, a lot of it ended up going back towards myself and what makes me happy! I still have not been in a relationship but I can say for sure that it is possible to be content with being single. I encourage you to keep your head up! You'll find that there's so much more to love in this life!
Oh for sure, there is a bunch to love in this life. I mean there's God, hobbies, personal growth, career, etc. But when you are really yearning for that deep connection with someone of which you've never had, it sucks.
You seem like a pretty cool and genuine person. I’m also 19 and have never had anything serious, but I’m also aware of my value as a person. Being lonely really sucks, but it’s more important to keep trying to be your best self at this point in time.
idk why the comments are downplaying teenage love so much. as someone in the same situation at 22 and literally every high school couple i know of are still together. it’s been 5-6 years for them and sure im happy for them that they’re entering young adulthood together but damn. but tbh idek if im ready for a relationship because the thought of spending money on someone that isn’t myself….yea i don’t think i can do that💀
That's what I tell everybody. At teenage love, its just meeting each other up. As an adult, apparently you need to spend your paycheck just to show the other person that you love them. I'd rather spend my money on luxury car monthly insurance bills.
@@jimfitzgerald2289 I dunno, a bit mixed with this cuz teenage relationships dont last because they're a bit young and still learning- as in they had relationships that lasted a few months then they breakup and find new, and most of my high school friends who were dating broke up and found another in adulthood. and u don't have to spend a paycheck, ur just not meeting the right people really depends who ur with but there are a lot of simple appreciative adults too who arent love materialistic like that
People now who I knew were dating in high school are with different people in adulthood now. Young relationships dont always last cuz its young trials and still learning. I think ur not really meeting the right people or looking in the right places. U dont have to spend a lot of money to find people. The only narrative I see where people expect money are online or celeb or influencer relationships, but in real life theres a lot of good genuine people who dont care about income. We spend time simply by working out together, painting together, watching movie together, walking our dog in the mornings, simple things like that. Ur just looking at the wrong places.
dont rly comment often but I'm a guy turning 22 in less than a week. i saw everyone in the comments talking about how you dodged a bullet not dating young, blah blah. but honestly man life is just about experiencing things and regardless of if its "real love" or just some stupid relationship where you didnt know what you were getting into, those experiences change you and change your perspective on life and the things you enjoy and how you move forward as a person. as for if its worth it i mean you asked the question yourself, "I wonder what its like to have that" and i dont think these kind of things in life need any more of a reason than that. also not to put any more stress or anything on you but in the post modern world, you being in uni is one of the last chances you will have where people your age will just be put around you. you'll have lots of common topics and opportunities to talk outside of work/dating which is really good. once you finish school you really come to realize how difficult it is to even find people to talk to in real life, let alone people your age. hope you figure things out and try to enjoy life where you're at... ive realized recently how differently younger people treat me in my 20s and how much they seem to idolize the teenage years and pretend that'll be their whole life or some crazy drama but its really not like that. gl stay of winner!!!! -_-
This really depends on the person and the upbringing... I wish I never dated as a teen. No, it wasn't worth it, all it did was leave me with wounds I still have. You are better off becoming mature, and having great mental and emotional health in place before you date. Which is possible.
I don't think life is about experiencing things per se, it's about experiencing the important and valuable things. You don't need negative or meaningless experiences in your life. Young, naive love is certainly one of those experiences.
imo you shouldn't date just to have dated, but i do feel like avoiding potential meaningful connections that will teach you what you find important or what you cannot tolerate in your younger years are valuable... obvi with the caveat that baseline you are not entering into relationships that will actively hurt you...but ya.. idk it feels like really high stakes and tragic to live life avoiding potential wounds@@itsmikkaa
I'm 20 year old & I agree bcus my experience with my Ex ( being in a stupid relationship that I rushed into), I'm glad I had it now rn bcus I learned from it to never date a guy below my high standards who's also immature ( regardless of their age even tho my ex was 2 years younger than me 18 & at the time which was last year I was this girls age 19 lol) & social class/status ever again especially lol & I matured from it Omg lol!?~🥲🤭🤩🥰🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻💀☠💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💕
Hi, 43 yo fellow overthinker Asian dude, long time celibate, here. Also, I grew up in Belgium, a country that is fairly diverse, but let's say that Asian dudes in my teenage years were rare and not exactly all the rage in the dating pool. My very first "date" was when I was 17 (it was pretty short-lived), and the time I actually lost my virginity was when I was 23 ! I was keeping my first time for a person I would be in love with and who would love me back. At 20, I fell madly in love with a girl that I thought was my soulmate, and it felt she was also pretty attracted to me a lot, although she was already with someone else, and politely friendzoned me. But I was so enamored I was ok staying her friend, as long as we could keep being close to each other, and the magnetic attraction would last for 5 years, feeling love but on a platonic level (we often held hands and hugged each other with our eyes staring longingly in each other's). I didn't expect that she would break up with her bf for me, but I did kept my first time for her, just in case... In the end, it's not exactly what happened, as when I was 23, I got in a relationship with an former teenage crush of mine, who I wasn't necessarily in love with anymore, but she was head over heel for me and I felt, well, that's half of the deal I had with myself when I was younger, and I was ready to finally have my first time. So I gave it to her. Before that, sure, I also had quite a lot of times when I felt unlovable or undatable due to my lack of any type of love life in my teenage years (I dated 2 girls between my 17 and 19 and didn't get anything later until my 23rd year, but once I finally got past my first time, it actually accelerated quickly ^^. Let's say I had some catching up to do ^^ and I was finally more than ready). So you never know when it will hit you. Everyone has his or her own life, and grows at his or her own pace. I'd say you're fine. But it's also true that college is the last time you'll have to be surrounded by people your age and of similar experiences and thoughts. Life is also about letting go of your expectations and just, well, get a life. So, while I completely understand the drive of pursuing your passions (btw, fantastic art ! And that's coming from someone who's studied and worked in animation for more than 15 years) and hobbies, which in itself is very certainly fulfilling, the fact you seem to be pretty salty about your situation (given the way you're talking about it) means you're quite nervous (and afraid) that you haven't yet experienced love, to miss out. I would say, definitely keep yourself for someone you like, but even if you don't find one, it doesn't hurt to find someone just decent and try to let go a bit of your perfect expectations (and no, shojo mangas are not real life), letting go of the control freak in you, and let life happens, just to see where it will lead you. You're a pretty girl, thanks to K-pop, Asians have never been as popular as nowadays (to the point that even guys are now actually coveted, which was unheard of prior to even 10 years ago), you obviously have your head solidly on your shoulders (some might say even a bit too solidly, loose a bit your neck, or you'll get cramps ^^), so I have no doubts you can find someone nice. And remember : the key word is nice enough ! Not perfect ! Nice enough. You might be surprised. In fiction, either in Hollywood movies or in manga and anime, love is always sold as this brilliant flash of love at first sight, and intense burning passion, but you'd be surprised at how often it starts out tepidly in real life, only to slowly grow on you, like a flower that needs lot of watering. Give it a chance.
Best advice dude. Thank you for thoughtfully and carefully leaving it. My 15year love started out tepid at first because were both just exciting our 20th year of life and fresh off the trauma and conditioning of 20 years prior. We had to dismantle a lot with each other and really get to know each other properly but at the beginning we were just two toxic young adults with corrosive coping mechanisms without realizing how corrosive they were. Thankfully, we’ve dismantled a huuuuge chunk so we’re solid and strong but I can say that I was not confident about our connection in the beginning. It’s very exciting to hear/read such introspective and insightful pieces from men as I’ve just discovered 3 days ago that there apparently is a dating crisis in the west and both men and women are retreating into extreme labeling and stereotyping to cope with confusion and conflict of the requirement of pursuing self accountability in relationships. Again, thank you. Young people are lucky to have such access because I know I didn’t when I was 19. I’m almost certain you didn’t either. Cheers to nuance and abandoning perfection.
@@nonFluencerNoWa Thanks ! I appreciate. Congratulations for your 15 year long relationship ! Really glad the 2 of you could figure out all the corrosive parts of yourself and trim it down so that you could be in a solid relationship. Not everyone nowadays in the current younger gen seems to be able to do so, since everybody is so busy pointing fingers at the other gender for all their woes and misery. GenZ'ers have grown up with smartphones and Internet, they have no idea what an actual normal life is, one without internet, without online dialogue, and one where you have to actually learn how to talk to people in real life, lest getting some very real consequences (like a punch on the nose) should one behave like a troll. Without these type of social skills, there's no room for subtlety, compromise, nor nuance, and everybody just becomes a radicalist, compounded by the online discourse which will always favor the loudest instead of the ones who make sense. I feel like the best way to get back to a somewhat normal humanity would be to ditch Internet as a whole. As formidable an invention it is, I also feel like it directly contributed to the dereliction of social etiquette and actual critical thinking, attainable only by making your own researches in books and libraries, instead of just googling/wiki/youtubing it, and having it at any time at your fingertips with smartphones. Let's get back to an era when it was ok to be bored, or to not meet a lot of random people online, and actually muster up the courage to talk to that cute girl next door, or at the class, or library, or street, or at the bar. But that's just the old fool in me talking...
that's some beautiful advice. I'm also turning 17 this year and honestly, I felt like I was missing out. with entrance exams, cram schools, college admissions always in tow, it felt like I would never find happiness in life. but now I am starting to realise, that I should just let life be and keep working towards my goal. I really liked the way you articulated your thoughts, thank you once again!
@@greatroadtorome you're welcome. And yeah, don't worry, 17 is still very young. Sure, most people start their sexual maturation at around 13-14, but you're not most people and that's ok. To each their own journey through life.
19 yo is very young, missing out on teenage love mostly means u dodged a bullet 19 and never dated means u've dodged bullets for 19y staying single cus u havent met anyone u like yet is prolly a very good decision no need to second guess ,or they're in ur friendzone u mentioned dudes treating u a certain way cus it seems like they want something from u makes u uncomfortable - well i mean yeah, as a guy if i like a girl and wanna get to know her better for possibly a romantic context ofc im gonna treat it differently and make it obvious im not tryna be friends if a girl i find attractive only wants to be friends then hell na im out that's gonna be more painful the longer i stay around
@@Eurocoo nah this generation is fucked. hook up culture is horrible. been in 2.5 relationships not that i regret it cause ive learnt a lot. i said .5 cause i cant even consider it an actual relationship more like a situation-ship which felt like shit. oh the other one started out like that too and then 3 months dude dropped me like he couldnt commit and just wanted to have sex. dont ever get into relationships in high school just for the sake of it. not that I did, i was actually serious about him and liked him very much so. he tells me im pretty and everything but still decides to leave me and im willing to bet that he left me cause i didnt give it to him despite him defending himself.
@@mellowblueu what’s that gotta do with hookups though? I don’t do relationships nor did I in highschool. Nothing wrong with momentarily pleasure as long as it’s done safely and both parties are in an agreement
@@Eurocoo@Eurocoo hookups are wrong because they cheapen the value of seggs and give easy access to it, which is unnatural. It's anti nature to mate so easily for humans. It causes a lot STDs , societal dysfunction, mental illness in women, weak physical immune system in women, auto immune diseases in women and unnatural population booming And in men it causes laziness, greed, open expression of v*olence, pathological behaviour for deshumanising women and disdain for women, it promotes pimp culture too Men don't respect women the more they easily have access to their bodies , it also lowers their motivation to achieve success. Also women become mediocre individuals when they start chasing and becoming desperate, which is anti nature, and that's what hook-up culture does to them. It masculinises women to some extent and effeminises men to another.
@@Eurocoo@Eurocoo hookups are wrong because they cheapen the value of seggs and give easy access to it, which is unnatural. It's anti nature to mate so easily for humans. It causes a lot STDs , societal dysfunction, mental illness in women, weak physical immune system in women, auto immune diseases in women and unnatural population booming And in men it causes laziness, greed, open expression of v*olence, pathological behaviour for deshumanising women and disdain for women, it promotes pimp culture too Men don't respect women the more they easily have access to their bodies , it also lowers their motivation to achieve success. Also women become mediocre individuals when they start chasing and becoming desperate, which is anti nature, and that's what hook-up culture does to them. It masculinises women to some extent and effeminises men to another. And the mn being so unwise once they are drunk from too much segsual access they start spitting on the wmn publicly, beating her down Because for the life of them they can't understand what they are being rewarded for. And they should be confused and mismanage what they didn't earn or deserve But was given to them on mutual agreement or pleasure. Which is also a lie since majority of segsually active wmn have no orgasm. The wmn isn't obtaining enough or any pleasure worth desecrating her body. And so these mn start beating down on wmn thanks to being drunk on too much access that they drown the entire culture and civilization because no nation rises above it's woman. The mn is no unwise and has no self control, unless a wmn tells him no, he will ruin everything But hook-up culture teaches wmn that saying no is bad
I'm 21 and I've never dated. Only been on one date, said I wasn't interested after the night. Don't rush girl, wait till the perfect man. I've seen too many girls (or fellows) ruin their lives rushing into a relationship. So sad. Your heart is precious, give it to someone who truly deserves it, who treats you well unconditionally
as someone who is in the exact same boat, I definitely have felt pressure by that imaginary expectation that we put on ourselves for different stages in our life, but what I always have to remember is that each human is on their own individual journey and it's harsh of us to compare ourselves that heavily to other people our age. I have to look at it as: I'll be alright and everything just takes patience and self discovery. hope this helps in some way!
As a 19 year old girl I caved and tried a dating app. I wanted to say that I dated to finally seem mature and because I felt unlovable seeing my friends throughout a decade mature and have relationships. I regret the dating app so much. Nothing bad happened, in fact, nothing happened with a guy I dated for a month and a half but he pushed me so much to be intimate with him but I didn’t want to so I had to leave. it just felt gross and wrong. Like where is the Shoujo romance? I am waiting for the right person still and I learned rushing into dating is a waste. After dating I can confidently say I’d rather stay single than date to fill the void.
I'm a guy and even though I would like to be in a relationship I am no longer actively looking for one. I wonder how people even get them like they don't use dating apps yet they get shoujo romance
@@rushopolis At this point, when we talk about Shoujo romance, it means human being ladies and guys who seek relationships that aren’t apart of the slop and lookism of the dating world. Relationships filled with genuine human connection, without ulterior motives of smashing. Where men don’t try to deconstruct women using physiological tricks and women don’t manipulate men into a free dinner. That kind of romance I believe you only come across when two people who aren’t desperate for a relationship and are both doing well individually, find each other.
@@delete9090 Not necessarily media ideals. A lot of people develop attractions to other people and their want to explore an intimate connection and experiment with it grows. Some people *get* to explore that in their teens. It’s where people get to test the water, test their sexuality, everything is still new and exciting. Some people like myself (Queer, Autistic) and the girl in the video don’t get to explore what *they* want to explore.
19 is still very young. I'm 23 and I never dated. Never even fell in love & I still don't feel like I'm missing out It will happen at the right time ❤️
@@nyaball actually you'd be surprised that dating is the norm these days among muslims, and people always get surprised that I never had a romantic relationship, even though yes, it is prohibited in Islam if the intention is not to get married
it's quite widespread but looking at stats would change your mind ,so it would be wrong to call it a norm,thus we talking in the context of Muslims are in their lowest point ,this itself considered as a victory for conservative societies beside the state of modernism rocking the whole world cultures running values into a hole@@shrouk5731
girlll omg i’m in the exact same boat as you, i’m an asian girl, and also turning 19 this year and literally alll of my friends have either dated, hooked up or are dating. i currently only have 3 guy friends (2/3 are gay) and every time i talk to straight men i literally don’t know how to act (i’m pretty sure it’s a humor issue cause i cannot for the life of me be friends with someone who doesn’t understand and reciprocate my humor/references). i’ve tried dating apps and boy being a hopeless romantic in the world of hookup culture is horrible. but also remember that experience is valuable! don’t be too scared to put yourself out there (!!!), act stupid and it’s okay to feel like you’re not doing “relationships” right. it’s our teen years where (most) of our stupid actions will go by as a laugh in the later years. loving also means hurting, so don’t be afraid to commit, take that chance to make that mistake, heal from the pain and learn from it. but obviously don’t rush into it, you’ll meet the one at the right time! the part where you said you were too busy/focused on life goals instead of relationships, while i do think that pouring effort and time into a relationship is definitely good, it’ll depend on aspects of a relationship you and your partner want and mutually agree on. in the future you might meet a guy who is more low-maintenance (?) and even if you guys might not spend every waking hour talking to each other and the relationship is definitely not the top priority over work/school etc, there’s still trust that the relationship is just as strong as before.
Very insightful advice. ❤ Hopefully, you will grow out of the trauma of romanticism since it’s not applicable to reality but I guess teenagers and maybe even young people in their early twenties can explore it. But I’ve read so many comments on other vlogs from older women who couldn’t shake the romantic idealism they were conditioned into and they expressed so much sadness not being able to find their dream romantic experience.
this world tells us that it’s crazy not to have done anything or been with anyone at ages like 16,17,18,19 etc WERE YOUNG this generation loves making us act older than we are girl you’re perfectly fine i used to be insecure abt it but i just have standards and waiting for someone (God sends me) but that’s just me personally. but i definitely get it it’s like everyone’s in love except u
I’d rather have a girl in my youth or not at all. Why now? I wanted a girl when I was younger but I never got anyone’s attention. And now, as a grown man… why now? Why after all this time? It’s sad man…
As a 22 year old female, I've never been in love and have NO idea what it feels like. You're only 19 years old there's time for you to find the one but manifest positively into yourself, treat yourself, self love is necessary in 2024! Sometimes it's better to be single so you can step back and see people for who they really are and how they treat you💕
literally most relatable video I've ever watched. sometimes I feel like I need to love someone and the whole experience it brings but some days I'm completely content with being single and enjoy the freedom. also, I wouldn't want to waste my time and energy for a guy I don't even like that much just for the sake of having a boyfriend... seriously, it's better to focus on ourselves, romantic love should be just the cherry on the cake.
wow, I really relate to absolutely everything you said. It's like you voiced my opinions out loud. Never having time for that, since you fill it with other meaningful things, such as hobbies or various pursuits. Overanalysing, critiquing and not fitting anyone into an imaginary mold which I you don't even know how it really looks like. Never having been actually in love or interested in someone. I'm so glad to find like-minded people, especially in a time when we feel so rushed and pressured to do these things because we are in our "prime".
I remember being 19 and feeling like that. So don't feel that you are alone in this. Im almost 34 now and I can say that don't worry, there are things that we can't control, enjoy your youth in a way you like.
Literally turned 19 the first week of January. Like you I have 0 experience no making it out no nothing. You asking yourself if you’ll never experience teenage love touched me deep! Thank you for putting yourself in such a vulnerable position. You and these comments from our fellow 19 year olds made me realise that it truly is okay and what’s meant to be will be. I’m sure that once I finally have that love that I crave, I’ll be glad I waited :)
I'm 24 yo and turning 25 next month, but I can relate to a lot of the things you said in this video. Yes, valentines day does feel like a discrimination towards people that are single. It pissed me off too seeing a lot of couples holding hands and made me irritated like I was missing out. But, relationships are only a small aspect of life. The most important relationship you should focus on is the one with yourself. Your happiness matters, and that means taking care of your physical and mental health. Enjoying your hobbies, spending time with friends and family, that make you happy and want what is best for you. I completely agree with you about the societal pressure when you talked about being at the age where you are supposed to 'be' in a relationship. In my honest opinion, I think that 'need' for a relationship becomes not that important once you live a fulfilling life. By that, I mean spending time with yourself, friends, family, and doing hobbies that make you happy. My advice would be to try making more friends and get to know people better, observe the vibe and how they make you feel and decide if you would date them after feeling them out, getting an idea of their personality and beliefs. You are better off single than having bad company with the wrong partner or being with someone that doesnt bring value to your life. A relationship should be something complements your life, makes it better. Its something you should want, but not need.
I got my girlfriend when I was 19. We're together for a year and a half and still going. That was my first relationship ever. You are FAR from being the only one, and you have a LONG life ahead of you. School is very limited. You will meet more people at work or beyond
This video is so relatable especially when it comes to the overthinking part. I'm 18 and never dated/kissed anyone, only had 4 crushes where i only really liked 2 of them, the first and most recent. Around the ages 12-16, i was surrounded by teens who would be in relationships for months or years and i always wondered how they did it and how it felt to be in one. I started to feel insecure because i seemed like the only one inexperienced. I thought maybe i was too quiet but kids who were quieter than me were dating so then i thought was i just not attractive enough for anyone to want or chase me. After feeding myself those beliefs i also began to think that i'll never be in a relationship or even long enough to get married because i'm not worthy enough. Mind you, i was a teen teen thinking this way which is CRAZYYYY. At the time people on social media and in real life made it seem like bein single was a weird or bad thing. And now after turning 18, i thought maybe its time i do get in a relationship but i mean it just doesn't happen like that, does it? It's a process. I was happy to wait for my time to come but then when i remembered that i'm 18, i realized that i might not get to experience teen love which was my dream as young teen. Even though it is kind of sad, i'm not the type to rush into anything just to fulfil that desire. I rather rock back and do my thing than waste my time on someone that isn't even worth the time and effort, yes even though it will be lovely to experience what a relationship is like, i also don't care to be in one because i have alot to achieve. When the time comes, it will.
I'm still in high school but I relate to you bc so many people my age are in relationshipsss. Also you are so underrated, I just subbed and now I'm going to watch all your videosss
I’m 19, soon to be 20 as well, and I’ve never dated or held hands. I feel your frustration! I’ve been doubting myself or my environment for a while now, but as I think about it, even through my overthinking problems, I find the best thing is to be patient and let love find you. My philosophy is if you are desperately seeking love then you won’t find the right person, or jump the shark on someone. I’m keeping myself busy with music as my main hobby so try to focus on doing what you love to bring yourself personal satisfaction! I hope you also find peace in yourself soon 🙏
So true, all of my crushes just have been based on looks. I never thought so deeply about them to the point of asking them out, it would be better to call it admiration rather than crush honestly. I do like the idea of a relationship, but it feels like it's not the time. Idk
I felt so represented when you said that your heart seems to fear your brain after it gets involved in everything...I never really liked anyone, but maybe it's precisely because I think too much, only those who don't think much and aren't rational until the last minute drop of blood gets involved in any relationship.
Girl i'm just the same :) I'm second year at uni and none of my crushes have ever liked me back i'm gonna be honest it sucks im turning 20 this year and ive pretty much lost hope...
dude you are SO YOUNGGGG. you still have PLENTY OF TIME my friend. Dating isn’t all that anyways, ESPECIALLY now adays. Take this time and learn to love yourself. Take yourself out on dates, get to know your mind better, treat yourself with care. Be the best YOU. Then one day, the right person will come about, and when they do, you’ll be 99% ready for them. Nobody is 100% ready for the unknown, but It’ll come MUCH MUCH easier:)
Look I'll be 20 too this year (04 gang) and never ever had a relationship. You shouldn't feel pressured about it. I personally never tried to actively be in a relationship because i don't feel the need to and dont want to. People around me have had relationships or are in a relationship and even if sometimes I'm like 'wt heck' i still wouldn't change anything. Also we are still young and have no reason to be hopeless. Love can come at any time. You have to accept yourself first and be comfortable with your self first before you can get into a relationship and exepct someone else to be into you.
Im only 18 and yeah I feel the same this is relatable to me 😭 and literally you sound just like me, and I really agree on staying single if you can’t actually find someone who you can genuinely connect with. For the time being just to be on that self love journey of getting to know yourself and being okay with being alone, I’m not saying you won’t find anyone but I’ve learned that you shouldn’t feel rushed to do anything just take your time ❤️ and things will happen on its on time.
It's fine, if it doesn't feel good then don't do it. It's better to stay single and focus on yourself than have a partner that you do not fully love. It'll come around but just be open to it when it does happen and let yourself go a little. I can relate to so many of these things tho especially the overthinking haha
True love doesn't come easy but that's what makes it beautiful. I'm 18 and I never seriously dated anyone, for the reasons that you described, people not viewing me as another human being. You have a beautiful soul and there will be another beautiful soul in your life some day, but before that day comes, the most beautiful thing you can do is love yourself the most.
Lol if I had watched this video a year ago it would have hit home, but my mindset has changed. Sounds to me like you're secure in yourself and don't feel a need for love. You're ahead of everyone mindset wise, KEEP THOSE STANDARDS HIGH. Also girl, you dodged a bullet not dating in high school. I also didn't date in high school, partially 'cause of just not being approached, but it never bothered me 'cause my friendships were fulfilling enough for me to not want to seek out one of those crusty high school boys. Food for thought that you seemed to hit already: As for being 19 with no experience-- I think a lot of people in the same boat as you (i.e. 19 or in early 20's with no experience) tend not to share this with people out of shame/embarrassment for not having checked off the boxes of what's "normal" to have experienced by their age, and as a result, people don't realize how ACTUALLY common your situation is-- like I'm talking about making it past hand-holding. I'm 19 (turning 20 in a few months). I know SOOO many people who are in the same boat as you. But it's not as appearent compared to my friends who openly talk about their relationships/show off their S/O. You have to actually sit and think about it for a second. When people engage in PDA, or post they're S/O on social media, or are even just flirting in your vicinity-- it's going to be noticeable, it's going to stand out much more than the other very single people them. Couples stand out, singles blend in. But they're all part of the same picture that is humanity. Couples that are long-lasting, built on love and trust, won't rub it in others' faces-- they have nothing to prove. Majority of my friends had their first kiss before they were 18, and majority of them were also mildly traumatized from it so take that as you will. If singlehood bothers you because you really do want to experience love and crave it, I'm not really sure how to help you out there. I will say that love comes to you when you aren't looking for it. If you seek it out, you won't have much luck. But if singlehood bothers you because compared to your peers you aren't on the same timeline as them socially and it's more a feeling of wanting to fit in-- just know that the feeling of wanting what everyone else has is NATURAL. But it's really not all that imo I would rather be 19 and single tbh I just want to life a life not centered around another person. Also many will disagree with me which is fine but hookups are NOT it. Idk j coming from my experience, it's so unfulfilling and just leaves you feeling nothing but empty and used. Going into college I had the mentality of "I need to experience this by the time my freshman year is over", which led me to doing things out of my own character and leaving me mildly traumatized ngl. I understand that pressure may be coming from the outside, but don't put it upon yourself. Things aren't lining up for you and that's fine, not to mention NORMAL. Don't seek out-- let things happen. Don't put that pressure on yourself or you might do things you regret in the end, like I did.
I'm 21 and never had a relationship either. It's okay! 💕 I believe when we're adolescents there's a very fixed mindset about love and crushes. For girls especially, it's either the prince charming we'll eventually get married, or just being single for the rest of our lives. Many people especially can't distinguish between the crush and the Love. Crushes come and go, while love lasts for ever. At least that's how I see it. And it's rare to be *truly* in love in your teens or 20s.
Omg I’m about to turn 20 too! I know we’re still young, but how many times am I gonna say “I’ll meet someone when I’m 16,17,18,19,20”? How many times do I gotta hear “the right person will come soon eventually, give it time, etc”. And I’m really patient person lol. 1:49 ALSO THIS PART IS SO TRUE !! I’ve never had any crushes, I just think someone is cute and go on about my day. Sometimes I think there’s some wrong with me because I don’t have that initial attraction to someone. I’m also an introvert and a bit awkward. I’ve always interacted with girls more than boys too. We’re literally twinning except I didn’t get the glow up yet. 😭
im 19 right now and finally i’ve learned that i don’t desire to have a relationship like i used to i really wanted to be in a relationship because all my friends were in one but now im happy with my own company i don’t need anyone to make me happy so thank you for this video ❤❤
Personally i relate SO HARD to that feeling of having missed "young love" im currently 21 and ive only ever had 1 talking stage. We hung out like twice and held hands once and it was cool but in the end it didnt work out. I used to get so beat up thinking ive missed my chance with young love because of this and im now 21 but I kinda had a realization that even my small experience was something a younger version of myself couldve never even envisioned. I dont think you can be ready for love but when you stumble onto it, it will always be magical. I had my experience at like 18 and even though it was just holdin hands it was young love. And whenever you find someone you like no matter how long it may take (i relate lol) it wont matter because when its the right person it will still feel special. Just like that young teen love. I mean hey 19 is young and so is 20 & 21 etc. I also relate to how i used to NEVER talk to girls like as a kid and teen they scared me to my core haha, but now I feel like people in our situations, where love may come later for whatever reason. Is honestly a good thing. Not that the alternative is bad, everyone is different. But some seeds can sprout in days! And others take weeks. Look at a sapling for a tree. They take years, but theyre some of the mightiest plants in the forest. Its ok that these things take time. Just tend to your garden and keep it well kept. And inevitably you will bear fruit! I wish u well!
Relatable. I'm a 19 year old guy in college. Valentine's Day makes me sad cause it just makes fun of you. I go to a small liberal arts school, so it gets a little hard with looking for someone. But tbh don't put too much pressure on it.
I’m 19 as well. I haven’t dated anyone throughout my whole life. Never had a kiss from a girl. Last time i hugged a girl was when I was 14. The closest thing I’ve ever had to “love” was just online relationships. They’re not real love but it showed me how “teen romance” can break you as a person.
I'm a 19 year old guy, and while there are positives and negatives, the two relationships I have been in thus far seriously messed with my mental health. The grass is always greener on the other side, and honestly, I've felt happier single than I have in a relationship lol. However, I totally understand why you feel left out, I would too in your situation. I guess what I'm saying is try not to rush things, sometimes being single is better and sometimes being in a relationship is better, it all just depends on who you end up with. I wish you luck! :)
Easy for you to say. You experienced something not many of us do. I wish I was 19 again, so I could try again to get girls because back then nobody liked me. And it’s so unfair. Like, Why me? I was a good looking teenager back then, and yet nobody found me attractive… I missed out on a few things that I’ll never get back like getting a girl, and I’ll always hate women for that. They have robbed me of my adolescence and those are wounds that will never heal. Honestly it’s a miracle I haven’t snapped yet. But trust me, during my teen years every day I wanted to snap. I was desperate for love and nobody gave it to me. Why?
@@LilXancheXBuddy don’t go into the incel route. It’s nobody’s fault they didn’t want to date. The world is unfair and I understand what you’re feeling, I was always left out by people too. The best thing is to work on is your self esteem, in a healthy way. It may be meditation, therapy, sports etc. Maybe your childhood made you feel inadequate and you believed it, and released that energy and self belief into your environment. It’s not your fault but we all do it subconsciously. Therapy taught me that people pick up on your beliefs and energy. It’s so bizarre but it’s true. If you subconsciously think you’re shit, you will act like it, you will have closed off body language, feel awkward around others etc. People will act accordingly as a survival mechanism. Start forcing yourself to do things you know will make you feel powerful. You don’t need to be good at them, just start. The moment you’re not afraid of failure and experimentation is the moment you’ll feel free from anyone’s judgement. No matter what you do not blame other people for your problems. Because you will label all of them as bad and miss out on other individuals that would bring some serious value into your life.
One is never "ready" for love. When it happens it happens. When it clicks it simply clicks. Easy as that. When you don't try, you'll never get. Whether that relationship will be productive, healthy and sustainable however obviously has a lot to do with maturity, knowledge/experience of course. This last bit can only be attained by tryin' it for yourself. Though do mind, that it's better to be as knowledgeable as possible than not of course.
I'll be 21 this year and I haven't had any experiences either. I've had like 3 crushes in my life but nothing came of them for various reasons. And now I'm at the point where I wonder if my want to be in a relationship actually comes from within me or if it's something I've been conditioned to want by society. I've had relatives ask me about my relationship status since I was literally 5 years old, and the moment I turned 18 my parents became kinda obsessed with my relationship status and they even tell me they are sorry for me and that I can never really be happy without a partner. Like, I know I'm not aro/ace, if I find someone then that's great but it's also fine for me if I don't. The thing that bothers me though is the judgement for society. It's more acceptable to be in a bad relationship than to be happy single (since birth).
Same here I'm 21 and I have never been in a relationship. It really gets annoying when people (like my coworkers or family members) say when will you get a girlfriend or what type of girl you like. Don't get me wrong I do what to date someone or feel what is like to be in a relationship but it never happens so ig my bad looks bad social skills or something else. Anyways I hope to find someone one day and if you yourself is trying don't give up there is always someone other trust I've seen so many people that find love no matter what, in my case I'll just have to wait.
What a nice video i've stumbled upon. I think you unpacked how you feel about your current circumstance very nicely for a 19 year old. I don't wanna say much. the comments are also pretty spot on but you are still very young but the pressure and the idea of having a partner is romantised literally everywhere and what you value in your future partner isn't so easy to find especially at your age (from experience im 26 lol) but I believe It's worth pursuing the partner with the values you care about compared to going out with someone just cause. It is normal to feel pressured or lost but I believe God has a plan for all of us and all we can do is Believe in that plan and make sure we are the best version of ourselves so we are prepared for it. Good luck :)
being single gives you time to work on yourself, but it’s hard to know what to work on if you’ve never been in a relationship. being in love is an amazing feeling. I believe that once the time is right that one person will randomly pop into your life, although he may not be the one, you will feel really happy/grateful that this person appeared into your life.
Hey gurl , dont worry i relate to this too so much .im 17 years old this year and i also havent dated anyone like holding hands kind of relationship. I could relate with when you said you only have crushs that youre only obsessed with for a week and that you also feel like you havent met the one you want to date. SAME! I relate so muchh.I am glad your channel was in my fyp💕 i have always wanted to make videos but i cant because my phone cant upload😔 oh i hope i get a new phone and finally one day start my own channel
Don't worry, you are not alone, and it happens, you have to keep going and have faith, it's okay to be single and you have your whole life ahead of you. If it can reassure you, I'm a 19 year old French student and I've never gone out with a girl and that's okay, I still have confidence in myself so don't give up. Beside that, you shouldn't be afraid of being alone, no matter what, people will always find a way to appreciate a part of you. (By the way, you're really pretty)
I'm 25 in April, I never got to be my own person to seek a girl for me, and I still can't do it now. I'm not a creepy guy or an incel, but I do have doubts on if I'll ever find a girl for me, maybe I'll be the "boy who's never been loved", but I can bless those who have opportunity better than I do. God bless you, so you may find love and be in joy. Amen
So amazingly said! I was in a very similar situation your age. Later on when I left school I experienced it for a first time. Don't rush it, its way better to be single for life than to force a relationship. It's very normal and healthy to be single at your age. If you want to meet someone it will also happen, belive me😊
There is nothing wrong with you. Even beyond dating, I spent so much time in my life worrying why I wasn't enjoying the things everyone else did or having the same experiences as them. It caused me a lot of inner anguish. I forced myself to do things that I wouldn't have naturally done just to try and live up to a perceived standard of what my human experience was supposed to be like, and ended up regretting a lot of it.
this video is so real. im 21 and have only been in a situationship before. i worry if im not pretty enough or whatever the case my mind goes to. people always tell me love will come when i least expect it but that just gets me upset. i want love and i want to love someone. whoever is reading this you aren't alone in these feelings and this too shall pass. your partner is out there and being single isn't all that bad. it's totally better to be single than in a bad relationship. i hope all of us have the prospect of getting to love someone one day and we got this guys! also i loved ur video u gained a new sub :D
Im 19 and same, I've never dated. Honestly it just doesn't bother me too much since am already occupied with my studies and my own interests around me. I feel like im missing out a lot of things that i should be doing at this age that others are i think its better not to think too much about relationship stuff for me now haha .Plus many of friends are single too. So yeah, I'll focus on myself for a time being. :)
I was in my mid-late teens too before dating but honestly, there is nothing to know. Everything I worried about was just handled by instinct and intuition. Now it's 25 years later and I laugh at my teen angst. You will laugh at this video one day, watch.
As a 16 years old girl, i feel you, like i have crushes as well but its just not serious yk. I once liked a guy for 1 year but he just left me and i just try to not think abt anymore. My family always says: 'Why don't u have a bf?' And like i just say that i don't need it atm and that i want to concentrate on school and just wsai for the right person. But there's more, I crush on people but once they come closer and start to give me attention, I take distant bc im scared. Im scared to be in love, to be loved. Im so so scared of love and physical affection. But at the other side, I sometimes need a hug. People want that I change bc i don't have a bf and i don't go to parties, but I like myself how I am. That's why i just wanna go away from home. Just travel like I've always dreamt of and discover the world on my own.
i'm 25 and i just met my first partner ever this year and honestly? who cares. it didn't hurt me being single until 25, and it won't hurt anyone else too. the whole "you gotta find a partner before turning xy years old" thing is nothing but dumb social pressure, there is literally no reason to pressure yourself into anything. you can only find the right person with patience.
Thank you so much for making this kind of video. I am so thankful to find a channel like yours. I just hit my 30 and I have yet to had any relationship. I think i am still the only single person in my friend group. I think what helps me overcame negative thoughts of being "single" is just accepting who i am as a person, such as standing by my personal values. In the past, I used to seek validation from others at all time.. it really reeks my insecurities. Another big things that have helped me is forcing myself interact with other suxh as joining local church, and just be kind to others. Always try to do more things to leveling up myself to become a better person than who i was yesterday. I learned that i should not be comparing myself with others. My life is my life, and their is theirs. I am still struggle with a couple things, but i hope one day i can find someone special too.
You know, I'm 18 and I have never dated. I wanna say something regarding 5:00, I do talk to girls who are my friends and I enjoy the platonic company. But if I like a girl, then I start feeling uncomfortable/afraid to talk to them because I feel as if I am only talking to them because I like them or have a crush on them or I want something out of our convos, even if I just wanna get to know them; so I just stop talking to them and then I wait to overcome that crush. Now I am in this delimma that, I don't wanna be with someone I don't know (properly), but I cannot know someone properly if I don't talk to them, and I get uncomfortable talking to them, so I don't know them properly, and thus. cannot date them. *(I don't know if you can get me and understand what I mean, I just blurted my heart out and told y'all a reason why I don't think I can date)*
It never really bothered me until recently when my mom suggested she would pay me to go out with a girl... like, seriously? I've been clear about my preferences-I like guys. I'm single because I'm not as into girls as I am into men. Plus, high school boys can be too immature for my taste, and the guys I like either aren't interested in guys or I'm just too shy to make a move. :p
I’m a man who’s turning 21 next month and I once felt how you’re feeling but trust me. I found self awareness that it isn’t my looks or anything. A lot of ppl our age 2003-2005 kids are emotionally immature. The fact you avoided hook up culture is a blessing. We’re in the same situation where we could find the right person. Focus on yourself physically, mentally , and spiritually. It’ll only be time to panick when you’re entering mid 20’s.
I'm 19 rn and I'm exactly like you. Never dated, never kissed, never anything. The only difference between us is that I don't even want to find a guy to date anymore. I had a crush on a guy for many years and he liked me too for a while. But senior year, he started dating someone else and it seriously crushed me. He appears in my dreams all the time even though its been 2 years.
Kinda same thoughts at 22, especially about the part when I start craving things only when life situation is not that smooth. Also please make a vlog about boxing training, want to compare experience since Ive started mma/sambo myself recently
I'm also 19 years old. When I was younger in high school I used to get jealous of all the other boys who had girlfriends of their own and I desperately wanted one but when it came to girls and women I never had a deep connection with most of them. But now I'm trying not to let that distract me and I'm doing my best to love myself and take good care.
I feel u, I had my first kiss and relationship at 20 which even to this day, I feel a bit embarrassed about and that maybe it is because I was not attractive enough. Lots of people are late bloomers but it can cause issues for some.
Cheer up. Some people even almost in their 30s have never dated and it's perhaps even not that bad because, while they seem to be the most fun, younger relationships pretty much suck for all the drama and shallowness involved. You have alot of time ahead which carries alot of room for change and possibilities. The best has yet to come, so don't worry and just focus on being happy yourself first!
I haven't watched the video yet, but I'm also 19 years old, and girl, you're still very young. There's absolutely no rush to find someone. I know it can get lonely and boring at times, but you should never take these moments of solitude for granted. Once someone else is brought into your life, it comes with responsibility and commitment. If you're not capable of taking proper care of yourself, you won't be able to do it for another person. People who are in desperate need of love from another person usually lack it within themselves. Don't let society make you feel the urgency to rush and find someone just to fit in. You have so many years ahead of you, although I do understand that anything can happen at any given time, and you want to make the most out of life and experience things. However, I swear that when the time comes for you to leave this world, none of that will matter. Do things for yourself, and it's a huge accomplishment in my opinion to not have dated anyone, especially in the generation we're in. The longer you wait for someone, the better they'll be because by then, you would have figured out what you want in a significant other by having boundaries and high standards. It's something that I lacked when I started dating at a young age, and the consequences ended up with me traumatized. Never settle for less.
Its better that way,my younger cousin is one month away from being 20 and she has never dated,in a society here where some girls lose their v at 15 years old. She has far better character than all Gen Z girls and she even went to the navy. It means you are better,more seperate,different and above most girls. People saying you are only 19 and relax dont get it,not only should you relax,you should be proud. Personally i didnt thought about dating till college started(as all high school girls were utter filth and i only wanted to hang out with my friends, although they were thirsty unlike me). And now at nearly 24 i dont even care anymore,i had a bit of fun but a lot of ugly and annoying stuff too and i regret basically all of it,i am gonna chill like my pre college self,my urge has fallen to its lowest,if something occurs with a REALLY good one then i want it yeah but 95% i am done,i am happier this way.
im 19 too and i did have one realife partner and it was horrible it was an introduction to the worst part of love and young love at that, i also got the same kind of mindset like you described but with this extra experience of being trickt into feeling loved but not being loved and having an intire fantasy crumble around you. i was 18 at the time and i thought finally im not alone but at the end i was more lonely than ever before i got scammed out of my love and care for another person while wanting to be loved myself aswell. Yet i do believe there will be one person whos honest and loving to me one day and i dont care if i will be 40 when that happenes because i atleast will be loved once in my fucking life and i will be glad for it doesnt matter if for long. All i want is true love once and then i never wanna deal with that thought ever again. Love is like money and sex you only feel like its important when you dont have it.
It's okay being single at 19. Do whatever you feel it's fine for you. It's fine to date in highschool and it's fine being single in 20's. If there is nice guy you attracted, go ahead give a try and date. I'm 25 and I never had a boyfriend since I struggle to support my family. Now it is better, I would open my heart for a nice man. Don't be pressured by life and unrealistic goals. Be spontaneous. Life is blessings and do whatever you love.
That’s the same mentality that got you to be single in the first place. It’s not okay to be single, you people need to stop saying that’s it’s okay because it’s not. When you miss out, you soon grow up and regret not doing what you wanted. When i was 19 I wish I had a girl, even when I searched for one, nobody even noticed me. And it hurts everytime I think about it. My youth wasted because nobody wanted me… it hurts man. Yeah I had some relationships now in my 20’s but why now? I always ask myself why now? Why not before when I was desperate for love? Why not before when I was in prime? When I was a young good looking kid? Why now? I just wish somebody loved me when I was a teen, because as an adult it doesn’t feel the same. I wish I could go back in time to give my younger self a hug, because deep down I was hurting every day cuz nobody liked me. And that’s not okay 😢 My youth wasted because girls are selfish, and I’ll always hate them for that.
@@LilXancheX Ur blaming the problems on the opposite sex. Just seeing some vids from your channel i think that already says enough about you. Have you ever thought that maybe its you who is the problem. Personally im a mess and i think that working on yourself is what you need to do. Blaming your problems on someone else will never fix it and even if it was their fault there's nothing you can do to change it. You need to reflect on yourself more my guy. (Im literally the last person who should be saying this since i dont have my life together at all in anyway)
I'm 19 and I can relate to this(as well as many people, I see). I want to experience love, not with a random person, but with someone special, someone I can be happy with.
Dude I'm so glad you posted this. LOOK into sacred celibacy. I'm a male, but it really is a beautiful lifestyle to pursue/is definitely the right answer. + you're gorgeous girl! Best wishes for ya!
I felt same one day, i know i'm 18, but when you'll reach some point like i did, some wisdom will come, and you'll understand that it is just hard to find your real match, because better to be with one for whole life, than with a lot of partners that doesn't love you really.
I felt this exact same way at 15 - 18. Felt so little attraction to people yet simultaneously a hopeless romantic. Had no female friends since I went to an all boys school. Got some luck by 16 we bonded very well. She was perfect on day 1. We shared common interests, it was mutual and it became the biggest mistake of my life the following year. ^_^ Back to where I started and honestly prefer being single atm lol but to say it didnt get me thinking about the nature and dynamics of people and relationships would be an understatement. Especially in regards to the opposite sex. I'm just tired and fed up with people man.
Look I’m telling you you ain’t missing out on nothing being single is not bad at all don’t rush it trust me just wait for the right one and right moment it will come till then just focus on yourself
i'm 21 and haven't held hands with anyone too but im completely okay with it. i wanna just try to improve myself as much as i can right now in every aspect not just money wise. i wanna be in a position where im happy and complete on my own so whoever becomes my partner in future i get into a relationship with them not because of needs but because i would like to share joy with them. and im not constantly trying to extract joy from them cause im miserable on my own. that's why i think it's a good thing. till i fix that it's better that im alone. and tbh i feel like im the only one in this life that i can completely rely on so why not put all time in that. if im wonderful just by being me cause of my own nature i think i will also attract the right people on the other hand if im desperate cause of my physical and emotional needs i think i will attract the wrong people. im just grateful to be alive man fr. just saw the comment of the dude who got cancer. im gonna pray for him. everyday is a blessing thank you god
seriously be glad youve never dated anyone. teenage romance is a stupid concept to begin with and in 99% of the time it never works out in the end; you'd just end up wasting yourself on people that don't deserve you. patience is key
I only recently turned 18 so I’ve started to feel like I’m overdue for a relationship (even though I know I’m not) and I always overhear my friends talking about this girl and that girl, and while sometimes I feel left out i quickly snap out of it and realise that I am in no position to manage a relationship and take care of another person and so are my friends, and the way they talk just about any girl shows that they and many more people aren’t in love with the people they are talking about but rather they are in love with the experience, status and attention a relationship brings them. If my friends thought realistically they’d realise they don’t actually see themselves marrying the girls they are looking at, so like I said it’s not real love. For me I’m going to just work on myself till I’m actually in the position where I can afford a relationship with an ideal girl I see myself marrying, and obviously this process can’t be rushed, but I’m a guy so things are obviously different from my end. So to sum up my waffle, don’t do it for the experience or because you feel left out but do it because you actually love the person and you see yourself getting old together.
I’m 22 years old and also have never dated. Sometimes I think about it, but at the end of the day I’m not worried and won’t rush it. When the time comes, it’ll come.
As someone in their 30s trust me it’s not as strange as it feels - but when you’re surrounded by people in relationships it feels like you’re the odd one out. Forget what other people are doing. It’s much better to take your time to find someone that actually makes you happy and use this time to accomplish your goals, save money, and find yourself. You have your whole adult life ahead of you.
Great and mature advice!
Terrible advice. Much better to try having relationships. If they don't work out, just move on, but you won't grow as a person unless you try new things and see how they feel.
@@nonyobisniss7928 That's what most of the people do and it's failing. People just use people as toys.
@@ivanivan5511 You can choose to focus on anything and everything but sexual/romantic relationships, but you'd be missing out on the main purpose of life. I think there's an argument for waiting for the right person to do the sex part, especially for women, but trying out dating and seeing how you feel about the people you date is really the only way to figure out what you want in and from a partner. If you want to use people as toys, then you can, but you can also look for something better and longer lasting. Postponing any sort of interaction with the opposite sex indefinitely will just put you behind, and most likely you'll be very rushed later on or miss your chance altogether.
@@nonyobisniss7928 Most of the people do rush when they get married though. Divorces rates are in their peak. They've been "having fun" their whole life until they realize they're old and need to get asap a lasting partner. Things go wrong later.
The girl on this video is only 19 and it seems she's waiting to meet someone she really likes to date, it might work out or not, but she's probably trying to find a potential meaningful relationship with someone. It seems she needs some more time. She's only 19, a whole long life is ahead of her.
Ok, this is creepily too relatable. How tf did youtube randomly recommend this despite me never having watched anything similar to this video before.
I swear to god my devices are recording my thoughts
UA-cam probably knows your age (and everyone else's)
@juhaojanpaa it's not even age, but my thoughts and opinions are literally a reflection of hers
@@mystic.4371yeah me to
what's relatable? having not dated at the age of 19? its normal, whats not normal are people below 20 dating here and there and sleeping with different people here and there.
dont be worried for something normal, and don't think that something isn't normal should be normal.
@rafflesiadeathcscent3507 I'm not worried about my very little dating experience. My problem is that I have never really felt that same spark other people have with people they like. Its just the same thing over and over again where I meet someone who I enjoy talking to and being around with > I start imagining a relationship with them for a few weeks without really feeling 'butterflies' in my stomach > we stay as friends and nothing more. And it's not like I ever felt embarrassed about my emotions, too. I just never feel that urge to 'Love' them, I guess. I never have, and I'm afraid I never will.
And I know what you are going to say. "You're still young. Just give it some time, and you will find that spark." And you're most probably right. Yet, I still can't shake this constant eerie feeling off that I might never really find someone I will truly love.
"It's almost Valentine's Day which means everyone is trying to piss me off" Such a mood fr fr. Love the video!
@@UltramagneticLovewhy should they? They’re nobody
@@UltramagneticLove why should they? Two's company
@@UltramagneticLove In any other situation, I'd accept that detesting others for simply being in a state that I am not would be a waste of time, but I'm kind of a machine that runs on the acid of ill will and animosity that hurts its container more than it ever could when spewed upon others, and contentedness feels wrong when kept up long enough(for me). No hard feelings?
I'm a guy and I turn 27 this year! You're definitely not alone in your struggle. It's a lot more common than you think! As weird as it sounds, giving up on finding love was the most effective thing I did to help me through the feelings of unworthiness I had when I saw a lot of my friends in relationships. However, I didn't give up on love forever, I just gave up on finding it immediately. When I stopped looking for love in a partner, a lot of it ended up going back towards myself and what makes me happy! I still have not been in a relationship but I can say for sure that it is possible to be content with being single. I encourage you to keep your head up! You'll find that there's so much more to love in this life!
Oh for sure, there is a bunch to love in this life. I mean there's God, hobbies, personal growth, career, etc. But when you are really yearning for that deep connection with someone of which you've never had, it sucks.
thank you for your advice! appreciate it a lot. I just hope it's all worth it in the end
dont feel rushed to get into a relationship, being alone is better than being in a bad relationship
Amen to that brother
Option c is better. Be in a good relationship
very mature advice coming from a trump profile picture lmao
@@shesh2265 experience hahaha
You seem like a pretty cool and genuine person. I’m also 19 and have never had anything serious, but I’m also aware of my value as a person. Being lonely really sucks, but it’s more important to keep trying to be your best self at this point in time.
I'm 21 y/o man who never dated. So you're not missing out. Don't feel bad about it.
Speak for your self
It will happen, don't worry
I mean if you were dating you could say she isn't missing out, but how would you know lol
@@lefeeshchopped8286he is
"My standards aren't too high but I don't like anyone?" She answered her own question lol. Guys she likes there isn't many of them simple as that.
I'm 19 and never dated as well, you're not the only one who feels like this
Yoo samee
idk why the comments are downplaying teenage love so much. as someone in the same situation at 22 and literally every high school couple i know of are still together. it’s been 5-6 years for them and sure im happy for them that they’re entering young adulthood together but damn. but tbh idek if im ready for a relationship because the thought of spending money on someone that isn’t myself….yea i don’t think i can do that💀
That's what I tell everybody. At teenage love, its just meeting each other up. As an adult, apparently you need to spend your paycheck just to show the other person that you love them. I'd rather spend my money on luxury car monthly insurance bills.
@@jimfitzgerald2289 I dunno, a bit mixed with this cuz teenage relationships dont last because they're a bit young and still learning- as in they had relationships that lasted a few months then they breakup and find new, and most of my high school friends who were dating broke up and found another in adulthood. and u don't have to spend a paycheck, ur just not meeting the right people really depends who ur with but there are a lot of simple appreciative adults too who arent love materialistic like that
People now who I knew were dating in high school are with different people in adulthood now. Young relationships dont always last cuz its young trials and still learning. I think ur not really meeting the right people or looking in the right places. U dont have to spend a lot of money to find people. The only narrative I see where people expect money are online or celeb or influencer relationships, but in real life theres a lot of good genuine people who dont care about income. We spend time simply by working out together, painting together, watching movie together, walking our dog in the mornings, simple things like that. Ur just looking at the wrong places.
Cause love is overrated
dont rly comment often but I'm a guy turning 22 in less than a week. i saw everyone in the comments talking about how you dodged a bullet not dating young, blah blah. but honestly man life is just about experiencing things and regardless of if its "real love" or just some stupid relationship where you didnt know what you were getting into, those experiences change you and change your perspective on life and the things you enjoy and how you move forward as a person.
as for if its worth it i mean you asked the question yourself, "I wonder what its like to have that" and i dont think these kind of things in life need any more of a reason than that. also not to put any more stress or anything on you but in the post modern world, you being in uni is one of the last chances you will have where people your age will just be put around you. you'll have lots of common topics and opportunities to talk outside of work/dating which is really good.
once you finish school you really come to realize how difficult it is to even find people to talk to in real life, let alone people your age. hope you figure things out and try to enjoy life where you're at... ive realized recently how differently younger people treat me in my 20s and how much they seem to idolize the teenage years and pretend that'll be their whole life or some crazy drama but its really not like that. gl stay of winner!!!! -_-
This really depends on the person and the upbringing... I wish I never dated as a teen. No, it wasn't worth it, all it did was leave me with wounds I still have. You are better off becoming mature, and having great mental and emotional health in place before you date. Which is possible.
I don't think life is about experiencing things per se, it's about experiencing the important and valuable things. You don't need negative or meaningless experiences in your life. Young, naive love is certainly one of those experiences.
This is so true. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t too egotistic when I was younger.
imo you shouldn't date just to have dated, but i do feel like avoiding potential meaningful connections that will teach you what you find important or what you cannot tolerate in your younger years are valuable... obvi with the caveat that baseline you are not entering into relationships that will actively hurt you...but ya.. idk it feels like really high stakes and tragic to live life avoiding potential wounds@@itsmikkaa
I'm 20 year old & I agree bcus my experience with my Ex ( being in a stupid relationship that I rushed into), I'm glad I had it now rn bcus I learned from it to never date a guy below my high standards who's also immature ( regardless of their age even tho my ex was 2 years younger than me 18 & at the time which was last year I was this girls age 19 lol) & social class/status ever again especially lol & I matured from it Omg lol!?~🥲🤭🤩🥰🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻💀☠💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💕
Hi, 43 yo fellow overthinker Asian dude, long time celibate, here.
Also, I grew up in Belgium, a country that is fairly diverse, but let's say that Asian dudes in my teenage years were rare and not exactly all the rage in the dating pool.
My very first "date" was when I was 17 (it was pretty short-lived), and the time I actually lost my virginity was when I was 23 ! I was keeping my first time for a person I would be in love with and who would love me back.
At 20, I fell madly in love with a girl that I thought was my soulmate, and it felt she was also pretty attracted to me a lot, although she was already with someone else, and politely friendzoned me. But I was so enamored I was ok staying her friend, as long as we could keep being close to each other, and the magnetic attraction would last for 5 years, feeling love but on a platonic level (we often held hands and hugged each other with our eyes staring longingly in each other's). I didn't expect that she would break up with her bf for me, but I did kept my first time for her, just in case...
In the end, it's not exactly what happened, as when I was 23, I got in a relationship with an former teenage crush of mine, who I wasn't necessarily in love with anymore, but she was head over heel for me and I felt, well, that's half of the deal I had with myself when I was younger, and I was ready to finally have my first time. So I gave it to her.
Before that, sure, I also had quite a lot of times when I felt unlovable or undatable due to my lack of any type of love life in my teenage years (I dated 2 girls between my 17 and 19 and didn't get anything later until my 23rd year, but once I finally got past my first time, it actually accelerated quickly ^^. Let's say I had some catching up to do ^^ and I was finally more than ready).
So you never know when it will hit you. Everyone has his or her own life, and grows at his or her own pace.
I'd say you're fine. But it's also true that college is the last time you'll have to be surrounded by people your age and of similar experiences and thoughts.
Life is also about letting go of your expectations and just, well, get a life.
So, while I completely understand the drive of pursuing your passions (btw, fantastic art ! And that's coming from someone who's studied and worked in animation for more than 15 years) and hobbies, which in itself is very certainly fulfilling, the fact you seem to be pretty salty about your situation (given the way you're talking about it) means you're quite nervous (and afraid) that you haven't yet experienced love, to miss out.
I would say, definitely keep yourself for someone you like, but even if you don't find one, it doesn't hurt to find someone just decent and try to let go a bit of your perfect expectations (and no, shojo mangas are not real life), letting go of the control freak in you,
and let life happens, just to see where it will lead you.
You're a pretty girl, thanks to K-pop, Asians have never been as popular as nowadays (to the point that even guys are now actually coveted, which was unheard of prior to even 10 years ago), you obviously have your head solidly on your shoulders (some might say even a bit too solidly, loose a bit your neck, or you'll get cramps ^^), so I have no doubts you can find someone nice.
And remember : the key word is nice enough !
Not perfect !
Nice enough.
You might be surprised.
In fiction, either in Hollywood movies or in manga and anime, love is always sold as this brilliant flash of love at first sight, and intense burning passion, but you'd be surprised at how often it starts out tepidly in real life, only to slowly grow on you, like a flower that needs lot of watering. Give it a chance.
Best advice dude. Thank you for thoughtfully and carefully leaving it. My 15year love started out tepid at first because were both just exciting our 20th year of life and fresh off the trauma and conditioning of 20 years prior.
We had to dismantle a lot with each other and really get to know each other properly but at the beginning we were just two toxic young adults with corrosive coping mechanisms without realizing how corrosive they were.
Thankfully, we’ve dismantled a huuuuge chunk so we’re solid and strong but I can say that I was not confident about our connection in the beginning. It’s very exciting to hear/read such introspective and insightful pieces from men as I’ve just discovered 3 days ago that there apparently is a dating crisis in the west and both men and women are retreating into extreme labeling and stereotyping to cope with confusion and conflict of the requirement of pursuing self accountability in relationships.
Again, thank you. Young people are lucky to have such access because I know I didn’t when I was 19. I’m almost certain you didn’t either.
Cheers to nuance and abandoning perfection.
@@nonFluencerNoWa Thanks ! I appreciate. Congratulations for your 15 year long relationship ! Really glad the 2 of you could figure out all the corrosive parts of yourself and trim it down so that you could be in a solid relationship.
Not everyone nowadays in the current younger gen seems to be able to do so, since everybody is so busy pointing fingers at the other gender for all their woes and misery. GenZ'ers have grown up with smartphones and Internet, they have no idea what an actual normal life is, one without internet, without online dialogue, and one where you have to actually learn how to talk to people in real life, lest getting some very real consequences (like a punch on the nose) should one behave like a troll.
Without these type of social skills, there's no room for subtlety, compromise, nor nuance, and everybody just becomes a radicalist, compounded by the online discourse which will always favor the loudest instead of the ones who make sense. I feel like the best way to get back to a somewhat normal humanity would be to ditch Internet as a whole. As formidable an invention it is, I also feel like it directly contributed to the dereliction of social etiquette and actual critical thinking, attainable only by making your own researches in books and libraries, instead of just googling/wiki/youtubing it, and having it at any time at your fingertips with smartphones. Let's get back to an era when it was ok to be bored, or to not meet a lot of random people online, and actually muster up the courage to talk to that cute girl next door, or at the class, or library, or street, or at the bar.
But that's just the old fool in me talking...
that's some beautiful advice. I'm also turning 17 this year and honestly, I felt like I was missing out. with entrance exams, cram schools, college admissions always in tow, it felt like I would never find happiness in life. but now I am starting to realise, that I should just let life be and keep working towards my goal. I really liked the way you articulated your thoughts, thank you once again!
@@greatroadtorome you're welcome.
And yeah, don't worry, 17 is still very young. Sure, most people start their sexual maturation at around 13-14, but you're not most people and that's ok. To each their own journey through life.
19 yo is very young, missing out on teenage love mostly means u dodged a bullet
19 and never dated means u've dodged bullets for 19y
staying single cus u havent met anyone u like yet is prolly a very good decision no need to second guess
,or they're in ur friendzone
u mentioned dudes treating u a certain way cus it seems like they want something from u makes u uncomfortable - well i mean yeah, as a guy if i like a girl and wanna get to know her better for possibly a romantic context ofc im gonna treat it differently and make it obvious im not tryna be friends
if a girl i find attractive only wants to be friends then hell na im out that's gonna be more painful the longer i stay around
Idk hookups are pretty cool
@@Eurocoo nah this generation is fucked. hook up culture is horrible. been in 2.5 relationships not that i regret it cause ive learnt a lot. i said .5 cause i cant even consider it an actual relationship more like a situation-ship which felt like shit. oh the other one started out like that too and then 3 months dude dropped me like he couldnt commit and just wanted to have sex. dont ever get into relationships in high school just for the sake of it. not that I did, i was actually serious about him and liked him very much so. he tells me im pretty and everything but still decides to leave me and im willing to bet that he left me cause i didnt give it to him despite him defending himself.
@@mellowblueu what’s that gotta do with hookups though? I don’t do relationships nor did I in highschool. Nothing wrong with momentarily pleasure as long as it’s done safely and both parties are in an agreement
@@Eurocoo@Eurocoo hookups are wrong because they cheapen the value of seggs and give easy access to it, which is unnatural.
It's anti nature to mate so easily for humans. It causes a lot STDs , societal dysfunction, mental illness in women, weak physical immune system in women, auto immune diseases in women and unnatural population booming
And in men it causes laziness, greed, open expression of v*olence, pathological behaviour for deshumanising women and disdain for women, it promotes pimp culture too
Men don't respect women the more they easily have access to their bodies , it also lowers their motivation to achieve success.
Also women become mediocre individuals when they start chasing and becoming desperate, which is anti nature, and that's what hook-up culture does to them.
It masculinises women to some extent and effeminises men to another.
@@Eurocoo@Eurocoo hookups are wrong because they cheapen the value of seggs and give easy access to it, which is unnatural.
It's anti nature to mate so easily for humans. It causes a lot STDs , societal dysfunction, mental illness in women, weak physical immune system in women, auto immune diseases in women and unnatural population booming
And in men it causes laziness, greed, open expression of v*olence, pathological behaviour for deshumanising women and disdain for women, it promotes pimp culture too
Men don't respect women the more they easily have access to their bodies , it also lowers their motivation to achieve success.
Also women become mediocre individuals when they start chasing and becoming desperate, which is anti nature, and that's what hook-up culture does to them.
It masculinises women to some extent and effeminises men to another.
And the mn being so unwise once they are drunk from too much segsual access they start spitting on the wmn publicly, beating her down
Because for the life of them they can't understand what they are being rewarded for.
And they should be confused and mismanage what they didn't earn or deserve
But was given to them on mutual agreement or pleasure. Which is also a lie since majority of segsually active wmn have no orgasm.
The wmn isn't obtaining enough or any pleasure worth desecrating her body.
And so these mn start beating down on wmn thanks to being drunk on too much access that they drown the entire culture and civilization because no nation rises above it's woman.
The mn is no unwise and has no self control, unless a wmn tells him no, he will ruin everything
But hook-up culture teaches wmn that saying no is bad
I'm 21 and I've never dated. Only been on one date, said I wasn't interested after the night. Don't rush girl, wait till the perfect man. I've seen too many girls (or fellows) ruin their lives rushing into a relationship. So sad. Your heart is precious, give it to someone who truly deserves it, who treats you well unconditionally
Amen! This is such a beautiful, well written message! God bless you sis ❤
as someone who is in the exact same boat, I definitely have felt pressure by that imaginary expectation that we put on ourselves for different stages in our life, but what I always have to remember is that each human is on their own individual journey and it's harsh of us to compare ourselves that heavily to other people our age. I have to look at it as: I'll be alright and everything just takes patience and self discovery. hope this helps in some way!
As a 19 year old girl I caved and tried a dating app. I wanted to say that I dated to finally seem mature and because I felt unlovable seeing my friends throughout a decade mature and have relationships. I regret the dating app so much. Nothing bad happened, in fact, nothing happened with a guy I dated for a month and a half but he pushed me so much to be intimate with him but I didn’t want to so I had to leave. it just felt gross and wrong. Like where is the Shoujo romance?
I am waiting for the right person still and I learned rushing into dating is a waste. After dating I can confidently say I’d rather stay single than date to fill the void.
I'm a guy and even though I would like to be in a relationship I am no longer actively looking for one. I wonder how people even get them like they don't use dating apps yet they get shoujo romance
You girls are just beautiful, you have morals and are rational. No clue where to find girls like you. Don't ever change.
"Where is the Shoujo romance?" It's in the anime world! Real life isn't a romcom.
where is the shoujo romance part is funny 😂
but I ain't gon lie, we all kinda felt that in some way
but it's a rather sillly thing to add
@@rushopolis At this point, when we talk about Shoujo romance, it means human being ladies and guys who seek relationships that aren’t apart of the slop and lookism of the dating world. Relationships filled with genuine human connection, without ulterior motives of smashing. Where men don’t try to deconstruct women using physiological tricks and women don’t manipulate men into a free dinner.
That kind of romance I believe you only come across when two people who aren’t desperate for a relationship and are both doing well individually, find each other.
I feel you friend I am 19 too. My advice to you is to focus on yourself, you personal self and try to be better. Don't stress your love will come
you're 19. relax.
aight old man
As a gay man I feel her
Its weird how ppl at 19 are this worried about love. They're too pressured by the media ideals. When I was 19 all of my friends were just chillin
Not necessarily media ideals.
A lot of people develop attractions to other people and their want to explore an intimate connection and experiment with it grows.
Some people *get* to explore that in their teens. It’s where people get to test the water, test their sexuality, everything is still new and exciting.
Some people like myself (Queer, Autistic) and the girl in the video don’t get to explore what *they* want to explore.
Not dating anyone is a huge flex in these generation!!soo congrats to us
19 is still very young. I'm 23 and I never dated. Never even fell in love & I still don't feel like I'm missing out
It will happen at the right time ❤️
ur muslim so its different
@@nyaball actually you'd be surprised that dating is the norm these days among muslims, and people always get surprised that I never had a romantic relationship, even though yes, it is prohibited in Islam if the intention is not to get married
Same I’m 23 never even kissed a woman unfortunately.
@@dannyhernandez265 i'am 29 !
it's quite widespread but looking at stats would change your mind ,so it would be wrong to call it a norm,thus we talking in the context of Muslims are in their lowest point ,this itself considered as a victory for conservative societies beside the state of modernism rocking the whole world cultures running values into a hole@@shrouk5731
girlll omg i’m in the exact same boat as you, i’m an asian girl, and also turning 19 this year and literally alll of my friends have either dated, hooked up or are dating. i currently only have 3 guy friends (2/3 are gay) and every time i talk to straight men i literally don’t know how to act (i’m pretty sure it’s a humor issue cause i cannot for the life of me be friends with someone who doesn’t understand and reciprocate my humor/references). i’ve tried dating apps and boy being a hopeless romantic in the world of hookup culture is horrible. but also remember that experience is valuable! don’t be too scared to put yourself out there (!!!), act stupid and it’s okay to feel like you’re not doing “relationships” right. it’s our teen years where (most) of our stupid actions will go by as a laugh in the later years. loving also means hurting, so don’t be afraid to commit, take that chance to make that mistake, heal from the pain and learn from it. but obviously don’t rush into it, you’ll meet the one at the right time!
the part where you said you were too busy/focused on life goals instead of relationships, while i do think that pouring effort and time into a relationship is definitely good, it’ll depend on aspects of a relationship you and your partner want and mutually agree on. in the future you might meet a guy who is more low-maintenance (?) and even if you guys might not spend every waking hour talking to each other and the relationship is definitely not the top priority over work/school etc, there’s still trust that the relationship is just as strong as before.
Very insightful advice. ❤
Hopefully, you will grow out of the trauma of romanticism since it’s not applicable to reality but I guess teenagers and maybe even young people in their early twenties can explore it.
But I’ve read so many comments on other vlogs from older women who couldn’t shake the romantic idealism they were conditioned into and they expressed so much sadness not being able to find their dream romantic experience.
this world tells us that it’s crazy not to have done anything or been with anyone at ages like 16,17,18,19 etc WERE YOUNG this generation loves making us act older than we are girl you’re perfectly fine i used to be insecure abt it but i just have standards and waiting for someone (God sends me) but that’s just me personally. but i definitely get it it’s like everyone’s in love except u
I’d rather have a girl in my youth or not at all. Why now? I wanted a girl when I was younger but I never got anyone’s attention. And now, as a grown man… why now? Why after all this time? It’s sad man…
You are so real and relatable. So grateful for your channel
As a 22 year old female, I've never been in love and have NO idea what it feels like. You're only 19 years old there's time for you to find the one but manifest positively into yourself, treat yourself, self love is necessary in 2024! Sometimes it's better to be single so you can step back and see people for who they really are and how they treat you💕
literally most relatable video I've ever watched. sometimes I feel like I need to love someone and the whole experience it brings but some days I'm completely content with being single and enjoy the freedom. also, I wouldn't want to waste my time and energy for a guy I don't even like that much just for the sake of having a boyfriend... seriously, it's better to focus on ourselves, romantic love should be just the cherry on the cake.
wow, I really relate to absolutely everything you said. It's like you voiced my opinions out loud. Never having time for that, since you fill it with other meaningful things, such as hobbies or various pursuits. Overanalysing, critiquing and not fitting anyone into an imaginary mold which I you don't even know how it really looks like. Never having been actually in love or interested in someone. I'm so glad to find like-minded people, especially in a time when we feel so rushed and pressured to do these things because we are in our "prime".
Yeah i feel the same way too
I remember being 19 and feeling like that. So don't feel that you are alone in this.
Im almost 34 now and I can say that don't worry, there are things that we can't control, enjoy your youth in a way you like.
Literally turned 19 the first week of January. Like you I have 0 experience no making it out no nothing. You asking yourself if you’ll never experience teenage love touched me deep!
Thank you for putting yourself in such a vulnerable position. You and these comments from our fellow 19 year olds made me realise that it truly is okay and what’s meant to be will be. I’m sure that once I finally have that love that I crave, I’ll be glad I waited :)
I'm 24 yo and turning 25 next month, but I can relate to a lot of the things you said in this video. Yes, valentines day does feel like a discrimination towards people that are single. It pissed me off too seeing a lot of couples holding hands and made me irritated like I was missing out. But, relationships are only a small aspect of life. The most important relationship you should focus on is the one with yourself. Your happiness matters, and that means taking care of your physical and mental health. Enjoying your hobbies, spending time with friends and family, that make you happy and want what is best for you. I completely agree with you about the societal pressure when you talked about being at the age where you are supposed to 'be' in a relationship. In my honest opinion, I think that 'need' for a relationship becomes not that important once you live a fulfilling life. By that, I mean spending time with yourself, friends, family, and doing hobbies that make you happy. My advice would be to try making more friends and get to know people better, observe the vibe and how they make you feel and decide if you would date them after feeling them out, getting an idea of their personality and beliefs. You are better off single than having bad company with the wrong partner or being with someone that doesnt bring value to your life. A relationship should be something complements your life, makes it better. Its something you should want, but not need.
I got my girlfriend when I was 19. We're together for a year and a half and still going. That was my first relationship ever. You are FAR from being the only one, and you have a LONG life ahead of you. School is very limited. You will meet more people at work or beyond
This video is so relatable especially when it comes to the overthinking part. I'm 18 and never dated/kissed anyone, only had 4 crushes where i only really liked 2 of them, the first and most recent. Around the ages 12-16, i was surrounded by teens who would be in relationships for months or years and i always wondered how they did it and how it felt to be in one. I started to feel insecure because i seemed like the only one inexperienced. I thought maybe i was too quiet but kids who were quieter than me were dating so then i thought was i just not attractive enough for anyone to want or chase me. After feeding myself those beliefs i also began to think that i'll never be in a relationship or even long enough to get married because i'm not worthy enough. Mind you, i was a teen teen thinking this way which is CRAZYYYY. At the time people on social media and in real life made it seem like bein single was a weird or bad thing. And now after turning 18, i thought maybe its time i do get in a relationship but i mean it just doesn't happen like that, does it? It's a process. I was happy to wait for my time to come but then when i remembered that i'm 18, i realized that i might not get to experience teen love which was my dream as young teen. Even though it is kind of sad, i'm not the type to rush into anything just to fulfil that desire. I rather rock back and do my thing than waste my time on someone that isn't even worth the time and effort, yes even though it will be lovely to experience what a relationship is like, i also don't care to be in one because i have alot to achieve. When the time comes, it will.
I'm still in high school but I relate to you bc so many people my age are in relationshipsss. Also you are so underrated, I just subbed and now I'm going to watch all your videosss
I’m 19, soon to be 20 as well, and I’ve never dated or held hands. I feel your frustration! I’ve been doubting myself or my environment for a while now, but as I think about it, even through my overthinking problems, I find the best thing is to be patient and let love find you. My philosophy is if you are desperately seeking love then you won’t find the right person, or jump the shark on someone. I’m keeping myself busy with music as my main hobby so try to focus on doing what you love to bring yourself personal satisfaction! I hope you also find peace in yourself soon 🙏
So true, all of my crushes just have been based on looks. I never thought so deeply about them to the point of asking them out, it would be better to call it admiration rather than crush honestly. I do like the idea of a relationship, but it feels like it's not the time. Idk
I asked someone out but was rejected. It's unfortunate but right now i just focus on work
I felt so represented when you said that your heart seems to fear your brain after it gets involved in everything...I never really liked anyone, but maybe it's precisely because I think too much, only those who don't think much and aren't rational until the last minute drop of blood gets involved in any relationship.
Girl i'm just the same :)
I'm second year at uni and none of my crushes have ever liked me back i'm gonna be honest it sucks im turning 20 this year and ive pretty much lost hope...
dude you are SO YOUNGGGG. you still have PLENTY OF TIME my friend. Dating isn’t all that anyways, ESPECIALLY now adays. Take this time and learn to love yourself. Take yourself out on dates, get to know your mind better, treat yourself with care. Be the best YOU. Then one day, the right person will come about, and when they do, you’ll be 99% ready for them. Nobody is 100% ready for the unknown, but It’ll come MUCH MUCH easier:)
I'm in my first year but sameee
Look I'll be 20 too this year (04 gang) and never ever had a relationship.
You shouldn't feel pressured about it.
I personally never tried to actively be in a relationship because i don't feel the need to and dont want to. People around me have had relationships or are in a relationship and even if sometimes I'm like 'wt heck' i still wouldn't change anything.
Also we are still young and have no reason to be hopeless. Love can come at any time.
You have to accept yourself first and be comfortable with your self first before you can get into a relationship and exepct someone else to be into you.
ill be 20 this year 2 04 lol but i have had a girlfriend in school and you did not miss out on anything lmao its just a bunch of games
Give it some time! But how your crushes look like?
Im only 18 and yeah I feel the same this is relatable to me 😭 and literally you sound just like me, and I really agree on staying single if you can’t actually find someone who you can genuinely connect with. For the time being just to be on that self love journey of getting to know yourself and being okay with being alone, I’m not saying you won’t find anyone but I’ve learned that you shouldn’t feel rushed to do anything just take your time ❤️ and things will happen on its on time.
cry me a sandwitch
Well said and same girl I’m 18 too! ❤
It's fine, if it doesn't feel good then don't do it. It's better to stay single and focus on yourself than have a partner that you do not fully love. It'll come around but just be open to it when it does happen and let yourself go a little. I can relate to so many of these things tho especially the overthinking haha
True love doesn't come easy but that's what makes it beautiful. I'm 18 and I never seriously dated anyone, for the reasons that you described, people not viewing me as another human being. You have a beautiful soul and there will be another beautiful soul in your life some day, but before that day comes, the most beautiful thing you can do is love yourself the most.
Lol if I had watched this video a year ago it would have hit home, but my mindset has changed. Sounds to me like you're secure in yourself and don't feel a need for love. You're ahead of everyone mindset wise, KEEP THOSE STANDARDS HIGH. Also girl, you dodged a bullet not dating in high school. I also didn't date in high school, partially 'cause of just not being approached, but it never bothered me 'cause my friendships were fulfilling enough for me to not want to seek out one of those crusty high school boys.
Food for thought that you seemed to hit already:
As for being 19 with no experience-- I think a lot of people in the same boat as you (i.e. 19 or in early 20's with no experience) tend not to share this with people out of shame/embarrassment for not having checked off the boxes of what's "normal" to have experienced by their age, and as a result, people don't realize how ACTUALLY common your situation is-- like I'm talking about making it past hand-holding. I'm 19 (turning 20 in a few months). I know SOOO many people who are in the same boat as you. But it's not as appearent compared to my friends who openly talk about their relationships/show off their S/O. You have to actually sit and think about it for a second. When people engage in PDA, or post they're S/O on social media, or are even just flirting in your vicinity-- it's going to be noticeable, it's going to stand out much more than the other very single people them. Couples stand out, singles blend in. But they're all part of the same picture that is humanity. Couples that are long-lasting, built on love and trust, won't rub it in others' faces-- they have nothing to prove. Majority of my friends had their first kiss before they were 18, and majority of them were also mildly traumatized from it so take that as you will.
If singlehood bothers you because you really do want to experience love and crave it, I'm not really sure how to help you out there. I will say that love comes to you when you aren't looking for it. If you seek it out, you won't have much luck. But if singlehood bothers you because compared to your peers you aren't on the same timeline as them socially and it's more a feeling of wanting to fit in-- just know that the feeling of wanting what everyone else has is NATURAL. But it's really not all that imo I would rather be 19 and single tbh I just want to life a life not centered around another person.
Also many will disagree with me which is fine but hookups are NOT it. Idk j coming from my experience, it's so unfulfilling and just leaves you feeling nothing but empty and used. Going into college I had the mentality of "I need to experience this by the time my freshman year is over", which led me to doing things out of my own character and leaving me mildly traumatized ngl. I understand that pressure may be coming from the outside, but don't put it upon yourself. Things aren't lining up for you and that's fine, not to mention NORMAL. Don't seek out-- let things happen. Don't put that pressure on yourself or you might do things you regret in the end, like I did.
I'm 21 and never had a relationship either. It's okay! 💕 I believe when we're adolescents there's a very fixed mindset about love and crushes. For girls especially, it's either the prince charming we'll eventually get married, or just being single for the rest of our lives. Many people especially can't distinguish between the crush and the Love. Crushes come and go, while love lasts for ever. At least that's how I see it. And it's rare to be *truly* in love in your teens or 20s.
Omg I’m about to turn 20 too! I know we’re still young, but how many times am I gonna say “I’ll meet someone when I’m 16,17,18,19,20”? How many times do I gotta hear “the right person will come soon eventually, give it time, etc”. And I’m really patient person lol.
1:49 ALSO THIS PART IS SO TRUE !! I’ve never had any crushes, I just think someone is cute and go on about my day. Sometimes I think there’s some wrong with me because I don’t have that initial attraction to someone. I’m also an introvert and a bit awkward. I’ve always interacted with girls more than boys too. We’re literally twinning except I didn’t get the glow up yet. 😭
im 19 right now and finally i’ve learned that i don’t desire to have a relationship like i used to i really wanted to be in a relationship because all my friends were in one but now im happy with my own company i don’t need anyone to make me happy so thank you for this video ❤❤
Personally i relate SO HARD to that feeling of having missed "young love" im currently 21 and ive only ever had 1 talking stage. We hung out like twice and held hands once and it was cool but in the end it didnt work out. I used to get so beat up thinking ive missed my chance with young love because of this and im now 21 but I kinda had a realization that even my small experience was something a younger version of myself couldve never even envisioned. I dont think you can be ready for love but when you stumble onto it, it will always be magical. I had my experience at like 18 and even though it was just holdin hands it was young love. And whenever you find someone you like no matter how long it may take (i relate lol) it wont matter because when its the right person it will still feel special. Just like that young teen love. I mean hey 19 is young and so is 20 & 21 etc. I also relate to how i used to NEVER talk to girls like as a kid and teen they scared me to my core haha, but now I feel like people in our situations, where love may come later for whatever reason. Is honestly a good thing. Not that the alternative is bad, everyone is different. But some seeds can sprout in days! And others take weeks. Look at a sapling for a tree. They take years, but theyre some of the mightiest plants in the forest. Its ok that these things take time. Just tend to your garden and keep it well kept. And inevitably you will bear fruit! I wish u well!
I relate to this video so much. girl my problem is I obsess over boys too much and I need to stop liking them. but I get you.
Relatable. I'm a 19 year old guy in college. Valentine's Day makes me sad cause it just makes fun of you. I go to a small liberal arts school, so it gets a little hard with looking for someone.
But tbh don't put too much pressure on it.
I’m 19 as well. I haven’t dated anyone throughout my whole life. Never had a kiss from a girl. Last time i hugged a girl was when I was 14. The closest thing I’ve ever had to “love” was just online relationships. They’re not real love but it showed me how “teen romance” can break you as a person.
I'm a 19 year old guy, and while there are positives and negatives, the two relationships I have been in thus far seriously messed with my mental health. The grass is always greener on the other side, and honestly, I've felt happier single than I have in a relationship lol. However, I totally understand why you feel left out, I would too in your situation. I guess what I'm saying is try not to rush things, sometimes being single is better and sometimes being in a relationship is better, it all just depends on who you end up with. I wish you luck! :)
Easy for you to say. You experienced something not many of us do. I wish I was 19 again, so I could try again to get girls because back then nobody liked me. And it’s so unfair. Like, Why me? I was a good looking teenager back then, and yet nobody found me attractive…
I missed out on a few things that I’ll never get back like getting a girl, and I’ll always hate women for that. They have robbed me of my adolescence and those are wounds that will never heal.
Honestly it’s a miracle I haven’t snapped yet. But trust me, during my teen years every day I wanted to snap. I was desperate for love and nobody gave it to me. Why?
@@LilXancheXBuddy don’t go into the incel route. It’s nobody’s fault they didn’t want to date. The world is unfair and I understand what you’re feeling, I was always left out by people too. The best thing is to work on is your self esteem, in a healthy way. It may be meditation, therapy, sports etc. Maybe your childhood made you feel inadequate and you believed it, and released that energy and self belief into your environment. It’s not your fault but we all do it subconsciously. Therapy taught me that people pick up on your beliefs and energy. It’s so bizarre but it’s true. If you subconsciously think you’re shit, you will act like it, you will have closed off body language, feel awkward around others etc. People will act accordingly as a survival mechanism. Start forcing yourself to do things you know will make you feel powerful. You don’t need to be good at them, just start. The moment you’re not afraid of failure and experimentation is the moment you’ll feel free from anyone’s judgement. No matter what you do not blame other people for your problems. Because you will label all of them as bad and miss out on other individuals that would bring some serious value into your life.
@@LilXancheX It's your unwarranted sense of entitlement that's caused you to be involuntarily celibate. Just saying. 🤷🏻♂️
One is never "ready" for love. When it happens it happens. When it clicks it simply clicks. Easy as that.
When you don't try, you'll never get.
Whether that relationship will be productive, healthy and sustainable however obviously has a lot to do with maturity, knowledge/experience of course. This last bit can only be attained by tryin' it for yourself. Though do mind, that it's better to be as knowledgeable as possible than not of course.
I'll be 21 this year and I haven't had any experiences either. I've had like 3 crushes in my life but nothing came of them for various reasons. And now I'm at the point where I wonder if my want to be in a relationship actually comes from within me or if it's something I've been conditioned to want by society.
I've had relatives ask me about my relationship status since I was literally 5 years old, and the moment I turned 18 my parents became kinda obsessed with my relationship status and they even tell me they are sorry for me and that I can never really be happy without a partner.
Like, I know I'm not aro/ace, if I find someone then that's great but it's also fine for me if I don't. The thing that bothers me though is the judgement for society. It's more acceptable to be in a bad relationship than to be happy single (since birth).
Same here I'm 21 and I have never been in a relationship. It really gets annoying when people (like my coworkers or family members) say when will you get a girlfriend or what type of girl you like. Don't get me wrong I do what to date someone or feel what is like to be in a relationship but it never happens so ig my bad looks bad social skills or something else. Anyways I hope to find someone one day and if you yourself is trying don't give up there is always someone other trust I've seen so many people that find love no matter what, in my case I'll just have to wait.
At least you’re not ugly. When you’re ugly and am 19, it hurts so much worse in my opinion.
What a nice video i've stumbled upon.
I think you unpacked how you feel about your current circumstance very nicely for a 19 year old.
I don't wanna say much. the comments are also pretty spot on but you are still very young but the pressure and the idea of having a partner is romantised literally everywhere and what you value in your future partner isn't so easy to find especially at your age (from experience im 26 lol) but I believe It's worth pursuing the partner with the values you care about compared to going out with someone just cause. It is normal to feel pressured or lost but I believe God has a plan for all of us and all we can do is Believe in that plan and make sure we are the best version of ourselves so we are prepared for it. Good luck :)
being single gives you time to work on yourself, but it’s hard to know what to work on if you’ve never been in a relationship. being in love is an amazing feeling. I believe that once the time is right that one person will randomly pop into your life, although he may not be the one, you will feel really happy/grateful that this person appeared into your life.
Hey gurl , dont worry i relate to this too so much .im 17 years old this year and i also havent dated anyone like holding hands kind of relationship. I could relate with when you said you only have crushs that youre only obsessed with for a week and that you also feel like you havent met the one you want to date. SAME! I relate so muchh.I am glad your channel was in my fyp💕 i have always wanted to make videos but i cant because my phone cant upload😔 oh i hope i get a new phone and finally one day start my own channel
Don't worry, you are not alone, and it happens, you have to keep going and have faith, it's okay to be single and you have your whole life ahead of you. If it can reassure you, I'm a 19 year old French student and I've never gone out with a girl and that's okay, I still have confidence in myself so don't give up. Beside that, you shouldn't be afraid of being alone, no matter what, people will always find a way to appreciate a part of you. (By the way, you're really pretty)
I'm 25 in April, I never got to be my own person to seek a girl for me, and I still can't do it now.
I'm not a creepy guy or an incel, but I do have doubts on if I'll ever find a girl for me, maybe I'll be the "boy who's never been loved", but I can bless those who have opportunity better than I do. God bless you, so you may find love and be in joy. Amen
You’re not so alone Man I’m 23 and feel the same way.
I have bad news for you
@@VaultDwellerOG what is it the “bad news”?
So amazingly said! I was in a very similar situation your age. Later on when I left school I experienced it for a first time. Don't rush it, its way better to be single for life than to force a relationship. It's very normal and healthy to be single at your age. If you want to meet someone it will also happen, belive me😊
There is nothing wrong with you. Even beyond dating, I spent so much time in my life worrying why I wasn't enjoying the things everyone else did or having the same experiences as them. It caused me a lot of inner anguish. I forced myself to do things that I wouldn't have naturally done just to try and live up to a perceived standard of what my human experience was supposed to be like, and ended up regretting a lot of it.
this video is so real. im 21 and have only been in a situationship before. i worry if im not pretty enough or whatever the case my mind goes to. people always tell me love will come when i least expect it but that just gets me upset. i want love and i want to love someone. whoever is reading this you aren't alone in these feelings and this too shall pass. your partner is out there and being single isn't all that bad. it's totally better to be single than in a bad relationship. i hope all of us have the prospect of getting to love someone one day and we got this guys! also i loved ur video u gained a new sub :D
Im 19 and same, I've never dated. Honestly it just doesn't bother me too much since am already occupied with my studies and my own interests around me. I feel like im missing out a lot of things that i should be doing at this age that others are i think its better not to think too much about relationship stuff for me now haha .Plus many of friends are single too. So yeah, I'll focus on myself for a time being. :)
I was in my mid-late teens too before dating but honestly, there is nothing to know. Everything I worried about was just handled by instinct and intuition. Now it's 25 years later and I laugh at my teen angst. You will laugh at this video one day, watch.
I'm relating to this so much. Thank you. I'm not the only one.
As a 16 years old girl, i feel you, like i have crushes as well but its just not serious yk. I once liked a guy for 1 year but he just left me and i just try to not think abt anymore. My family always says: 'Why don't u have a bf?' And like i just say that i don't need it atm and that i want to concentrate on school and just wsai for the right person. But there's more, I crush on people but once they come closer and start to give me attention, I take distant bc im scared. Im scared to be in love, to be loved. Im so so scared of love and physical affection. But at the other side, I sometimes need a hug. People want that I change bc i don't have a bf and i don't go to parties, but I like myself how I am. That's why i just wanna go away from home. Just travel like I've always dreamt of and discover the world on my own.
i'm 25 and i just met my first partner ever this year and honestly? who cares. it didn't hurt me being single until 25, and it won't hurt anyone else too. the whole "you gotta find a partner before turning xy years old" thing is nothing but dumb social pressure, there is literally no reason to pressure yourself into anything. you can only find the right person with patience.
How did you meet
Thank you so much for making this kind of video. I am so thankful to find a channel like yours. I just hit my 30 and I have yet to had any relationship. I think i am still the only single person in my friend group. I think what helps me overcame negative thoughts of being "single" is just accepting who i am as a person, such as standing by my personal values. In the past, I used to seek validation from others at all time.. it really reeks my insecurities. Another big things that have helped me is forcing myself interact with other suxh as joining local church, and just be kind to others. Always try to do more things to leveling up myself to become a better person than who i was yesterday. I learned that i should not be comparing myself with others. My life is my life, and their is theirs. I am still struggle with a couple things, but i hope one day i can find someone special too.
You know, I'm 18 and I have never dated. I wanna say something regarding 5:00, I do talk to girls who are my friends and I enjoy the platonic company. But if I like a girl, then I start feeling uncomfortable/afraid to talk to them because I feel as if I am only talking to them because I like them or have a crush on them or I want something out of our convos, even if I just wanna get to know them; so I just stop talking to them and then I wait to overcome that crush. Now I am in this delimma that, I don't wanna be with someone I don't know (properly), but I cannot know someone properly if I don't talk to them, and I get uncomfortable talking to them, so I don't know them properly, and thus. cannot date them. *(I don't know if you can get me and understand what I mean, I just blurted my heart out and told y'all a reason why I don't think I can date)*
So relate to this I feel sometimes sad about never being in a relationship , never having a boyfriend and being almost 20 now ❤ life
It never really bothered me until recently when my mom suggested she would pay me to go out with a girl... like, seriously? I've been clear about my preferences-I like guys. I'm single because I'm not as into girls as I am into men. Plus, high school boys can be too immature for my taste, and the guys I like either aren't interested in guys or I'm just too shy to make a move. :p
I’m a man who’s turning 21 next month and I once felt how you’re feeling but trust me. I found self awareness that it isn’t my looks or anything. A lot of ppl our age 2003-2005 kids are emotionally immature. The fact you avoided hook up culture is a blessing. We’re in the same situation where we could find the right person. Focus on yourself physically, mentally , and spiritually. It’ll only be time to panick when you’re entering mid 20’s.
Im 20 and ive never dated. Its normal. Don't worry about it
I'm 19 rn and I'm exactly like you. Never dated, never kissed, never anything. The only difference between us is that I don't even want to find a guy to date anymore. I had a crush on a guy for many years and he liked me too for a while. But senior year, he started dating someone else and it seriously crushed me. He appears in my dreams all the time even though its been 2 years.
Kinda same thoughts at 22, especially about the part when I start craving things only when life situation is not that smooth.
Also please make a vlog about boxing training, want to compare experience since Ive started mma/sambo myself recently
I'm also 19 years old. When I was younger in high school I used to get jealous of all the other boys who had girlfriends of their own and I desperately wanted one but when it came to girls and women I never had a deep connection with most of them.
But now I'm trying not to let that distract me and I'm doing my best to love myself and take good care.
I feel u, I had my first kiss and relationship at 20 which even to this day, I feel a bit embarrassed about and that maybe it is because I was not attractive enough. Lots of people are late bloomers but it can cause issues for some.
Cheer up. Some people even almost in their 30s have never dated and it's perhaps even not that bad because, while they seem to be the most fun, younger relationships pretty much suck for all the drama and shallowness involved.
You have alot of time ahead which carries alot of room for change and possibilities. The best has yet to come, so don't worry and just focus on being happy yourself first!
im so sorry girl thats actually a valid thing to argue abt
I haven't watched the video yet, but I'm also 19 years old, and girl, you're still very young. There's absolutely no rush to find someone. I know it can get lonely and boring at times, but you should never take these moments of solitude for granted. Once someone else is brought into your life, it comes with responsibility and commitment. If you're not capable of taking proper care of yourself, you won't be able to do it for another person. People who are in desperate need of love from another person usually lack it within themselves. Don't let society make you feel the urgency to rush and find someone just to fit in. You have so many years ahead of you, although I do understand that anything can happen at any given time, and you want to make the most out of life and experience things. However, I swear that when the time comes for you to leave this world, none of that will matter. Do things for yourself, and it's a huge accomplishment in my opinion to not have dated anyone, especially in the generation we're in. The longer you wait for someone, the better they'll be because by then, you would have figured out what you want in a significant other by having boundaries and high standards. It's something that I lacked when I started dating at a young age, and the consequences ended up with me traumatized. Never settle for less.
Its better that way,my younger cousin is one month away from being 20 and she has never dated,in a society here where some girls lose their v at 15 years old. She has far better character than all Gen Z girls and she even went to the navy.
It means you are better,more seperate,different and above most girls.
People saying you are only 19 and relax dont get it,not only should you relax,you should be proud.
Personally i didnt thought about dating till college started(as all high school girls were utter filth and i only wanted to hang out with my friends, although they were thirsty unlike me).
And now at nearly 24 i dont even care anymore,i had a bit of fun but a lot of ugly and annoying stuff too and i regret basically all of it,i am gonna chill like my pre college self,my urge has fallen to its lowest,if something occurs with a REALLY good one then i want it yeah but 95% i am done,i am happier this way.
stop talking bro. yap central
im 19 too and i did have one realife partner and it was horrible it was an introduction to the worst part of love and young love at that, i also got the same kind of mindset like you described but with this extra experience of being trickt into feeling loved but not being loved and having an intire fantasy crumble around you. i was 18 at the time and i thought finally im not alone but at the end i was more lonely than ever before i got scammed out of my love and care for another person while wanting to be loved myself aswell. Yet i do believe there will be one person whos honest and loving to me one day and i dont care if i will be 40 when that happenes because i atleast will be loved once in my fucking life and i will be glad for it doesnt matter if for long. All i want is true love once and then i never wanna deal with that thought ever again. Love is like money and sex you only feel like its important when you dont have it.
It's okay being single at 19. Do whatever you feel it's fine for you. It's fine to date in highschool and it's fine being single in 20's. If there is nice guy you attracted, go ahead give a try and date. I'm 25 and I never had a boyfriend since I struggle to support my family. Now it is better, I would open my heart for a nice man. Don't be pressured by life and unrealistic goals. Be spontaneous. Life is blessings and do whatever you love.
That’s the same mentality that got you to be single in the first place. It’s not okay to be single, you people need to stop saying that’s it’s okay because it’s not. When you miss out, you soon grow up and regret not doing what you wanted. When i was 19 I wish I had a girl, even when I searched for one, nobody even noticed me. And it hurts everytime I think about it. My youth wasted because nobody wanted me… it hurts man. Yeah I had some relationships now in my 20’s but why now? I always ask myself why now? Why not before when I was desperate for love? Why not before when I was in prime? When I was a young good looking kid? Why now? I just wish somebody loved me when I was a teen, because as an adult it doesn’t feel the same. I wish I could go back in time to give my younger self a hug, because deep down I was hurting every day cuz nobody liked me. And that’s not okay 😢
My youth wasted because girls are selfish, and I’ll always hate them for that.
@@LilXancheX Ur blaming the problems on the opposite sex. Just seeing some vids from your channel i think that already says enough about you. Have you ever thought that maybe its you who is the problem. Personally im a mess and i think that working on yourself is what you need to do. Blaming your problems on someone else will never fix it and even if it was their fault there's nothing you can do to change it. You need to reflect on yourself more my guy. (Im literally the last person who should be saying this since i dont have my life together at all in anyway)
@@LilXancheXYou need God and a therapist, or a gym membership since you’re a guy ig
@@LilXancheX 🤡
You are very good looking, have a good personality and good critical thinking. Don't worry. Keep it up and don't rush it girl.
This girl is choosing to be single.
She’s obviously attractive
Yes, she should get together with the first person she sees just to not be single
@@splatommy7527lmao, literally guys logic 🤡
Lol i know attractive people who are full time single virgins just simply because of circumstance
I'm 19 and I can relate to this(as well as many people, I see). I want to experience love, not with a random person, but with someone special, someone I can be happy with.
Dude I'm so glad you posted this. LOOK into sacred celibacy. I'm a male, but it really is a beautiful lifestyle to pursue/is definitely the right answer. + you're gorgeous girl! Best wishes for ya!
Maybe she's not into that and prefers a different type of relationship. So maybe not try to convert her into subscribing to your ideals.
I felt same one day, i know i'm 18, but when you'll reach some point like i did, some wisdom will come, and you'll understand that it is just hard to find your real match, because better to be with one for whole life, than with a lot of partners that doesn't love you really.
3:00 and i'm also the one who overthinks about everything lol
Bruh you are 19. My first relationship is when I was 25 and it's still going strong.
I felt this exact same way at 15 - 18. Felt so little attraction to people yet simultaneously a hopeless romantic. Had no female friends since I went to an all boys school.
Got some luck by 16 we bonded very well. She was perfect on day 1. We shared common interests, it was mutual and it became the biggest mistake of my life the following year. ^_^
Back to where I started and honestly prefer being single atm lol but to say it didnt get me thinking about the nature and dynamics of people and relationships would be an understatement. Especially in regards to the opposite sex. I'm just tired and fed up with people man.
Teenage love is extremely forgettable I ain't missing anything you know
Look I’m telling you you ain’t missing out on nothing being single is not bad at all don’t rush it trust me just wait for the right one and right moment it will come till then just focus on yourself
You look so PROUD while speaking about It.. (i dnt watch till the end..)
i'm 21 and haven't held hands with anyone too but im completely okay with it. i wanna just try to improve myself as much as i can right now in every aspect not just money wise. i wanna be in a position where im happy and complete on my own so whoever becomes my partner in future i get into a relationship with them not because of needs but because i would like to share joy with them. and im not constantly trying to extract joy from them cause im miserable on my own. that's why i think it's a good thing. till i fix that it's better that im alone. and tbh i feel like im the only one in this life that i can completely rely on so why not put all time in that. if im wonderful just by being me cause of my own nature i think i will also attract the right people on the other hand if im desperate cause of my physical and emotional needs i think i will attract the wrong people.
im just grateful to be alive man fr. just saw the comment of the dude who got cancer. im gonna pray for him.
everyday is a blessing
thank you god
Girl chill, come back when you re 30 and never dated, you are still very young…
exact sammmee girl, youre not alone
seriously be glad youve never dated anyone. teenage romance is a stupid concept to begin with and in 99% of the time it never works out in the end; you'd just end up wasting yourself on people that don't deserve you. patience is key
"Don't be hasty"
I only recently turned 18 so I’ve started to feel like I’m overdue for a relationship (even though I know I’m not) and I always overhear my friends talking about this girl and that girl, and while sometimes I feel left out i quickly snap out of it and realise that I am in no position to manage a relationship and take care of another person and so are my friends, and the way they talk just about any girl shows that they and many more people aren’t in love with the people they are talking about but rather they are in love with the experience, status and attention a relationship brings them.
If my friends thought realistically they’d realise they don’t actually see themselves marrying the girls they are looking at, so like I said it’s not real love. For me I’m going to just work on myself till I’m actually in the position where I can afford a relationship with an ideal girl I see myself marrying, and obviously this process can’t be rushed, but I’m a guy so things are obviously different from my end.
So to sum up my waffle, don’t do it for the experience or because you feel left out but do it because you actually love the person and you see yourself getting old together.
As a 19 yr old I can confirm that I also feel lonely.
You alright. Take your time. Enjoy your life while you're young. Relationships are a pain in an ass.
Waiting for Chad
I’m 22 years old and also have never dated. Sometimes I think about it, but at the end of the day I’m not worried and won’t rush it. When the time comes, it’ll come.
that kinda hits home😂