Home Made Boat Loader

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @verbatim1144
    @verbatim1144 Рік тому +1

    Best system yet... brilliant!

  • @clintonbuckley3798
    @clintonbuckley3798 5 років тому +4

    Hey mate. I was looking at doing the same for the my pioneer rack on the 200. Was wondering if you would be able to send me some close up pics so I could get a better understanding on how you’ve done it?

  • @brendabarrett6270
    @brendabarrett6270 2 місяці тому

    Any chance of getting a diagram of how the ropes run on your boat loader was great the way you didn't have to pull the boat back by hand appreciate it you can thanks John

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  2 місяці тому

      hey mate, not sure if i can upload a pic on here, but basically the shaft that spools the rope is connected to rubber rollers. When unload the boat, the rollers move in reverse, pushing the boat backwards at the same time as unwinding the rope. flick me an email to hayden.cunnold@bigpond.com if you need any more info.

    • @brendabarrett6270
      @brendabarrett6270 2 місяці тому

      @DOIN__STUFF thanks very much

  • @kevinmcnamara8568
    @kevinmcnamara8568 7 років тому +1

    Nice and simple mate just what I'm looking for, what size tubing did you use for the extensions out the back. Im thinking of using my winch instead of the worm drive.

  • @markmerryfull5959
    @markmerryfull5959 7 років тому +1

    Hi Hayden, Love this boat loader. The extending arms are a great idea. Have you put any further info out about what you used in the build.Thanks.Mark

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  7 років тому

      Hi Mark. I haven't put any info out. What would you like to know?

  • @rudyweber1573
    @rudyweber1573 2 роки тому +1

    Very nice! Can you put Informations about emotor and roof rack and stuff you have used in the comments?

  • @yiotarigas5373
    @yiotarigas5373 3 роки тому

    Hi Hayden, love that system. We have the same, being a flat Rhino roof rack. My hubby was just asking about the whole system you put on & where you got it from. He would love that for our 200 series. You love to hear from you if that is ok.

  • @toddandrews8662
    @toddandrews8662 4 місяці тому

    Hi mate, do you remember the torque value of the worm drive unit?

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  4 місяці тому +1

      @toddandrews8662 hey mate I ended up with a 320w, 1600rpm motor on a 75:1 worm drive box which outputted 21rpm and 75nm torque.

  • @bradcassidy5700
    @bradcassidy5700 3 місяці тому

    Hi Hayden can you tell me please what size motor and gearbox you used and ratio or RPM and where did you get it from????

    • @bradcassidy5700
      @bradcassidy5700 3 місяці тому +1

      Read through the rest and found it thanks

  • @gregbarnett8283
    @gregbarnett8283 5 років тому

    G’day Hayden, very clever design mate and simple. Did you go any further with producing these to sell?

  • @mganut37
    @mganut37 7 років тому +3

    Great job with this loader!
    Very innovative,

  • @rayatswan
    @rayatswan 4 роки тому

    Hi Hayden,
    What size and model gearbox and motor did you order from Motion Dynamics please

  • @davideast4727
    @davideast4727 3 роки тому

    Having had a rhino boat loader this looks much more likely to hold up. Could you supply the info on the MOTOR and controller as I am in need of a loader for my cruiser (lc200 landcruiser)

  • @damian31746
    @damian31746 4 роки тому

    That's a great system. Well done. I'm looking into doing something similar myself. I currently have a rhino rear loader which is great but has so many limitations being just 3 cross bars instead of a platform.
    I'm interested to know more about the drive system and roller you have and how you built it. Do you still have the same email as you mentioned previously? Can I email you for some info please?

  • @ivelinageorgieva8298
    @ivelinageorgieva8298 7 років тому +2

    Absolute beauty. This is an awesome loader.

  • @refloyd1978
    @refloyd1978 7 років тому

    Awesome, the best one I have seen so far. Do you have any close up pictures of the pulleys?

  • @chriswebster5908
    @chriswebster5908 6 років тому

    Great loader Hayden. What motor did you go and what rpm is it?

  • @traviscollinson1467
    @traviscollinson1467 2 роки тому

    How does it pull the boat off the vehicle?

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  2 роки тому

      The rollers that are on the same shaft that spools the rope push the boat backwards.

  • @cjm368
    @cjm368 4 роки тому

    Do you have a part number or spec's for the drive motor?

  • @craigmartin1589
    @craigmartin1589 6 років тому +2

    Hi Hayden.
    Do you make and sell. Best one I have seen. Need something like that for my 200.

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  6 років тому +1

      Hi Craig thanks for your comment. No i don't produce these although these comments are making me think i should.

    • @craigmartin1589
      @craigmartin1589 6 років тому

      Hayden Cunnold well if you want to make another I will buy.

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  6 років тому

      Craig Martin. No worries Thanks I might look into it.

    • @phantomperformanceparts
      @phantomperformanceparts 3 роки тому

      Ill buy one too haha

  • @connieparent4085
    @connieparent4085 2 роки тому

    Eide boat loaders have been making this exact concept for many years.

  • @newport5504
    @newport5504 2 роки тому

    Hey Hayden did you ever end up making these to sell

  • @123danle
    @123danle 6 років тому

    hey mate is this a normal rhino rack ?

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  6 років тому

      Dan Le yes it is just the standard rhino rack pioneer platform

  • @kevinmcnamara8568
    @kevinmcnamara8568 7 років тому

    Hi Hayden is there any chance I can visit you to check out the boat loader I have a ARB roof rack and I'm wondering if I can adapt your idea to it instead of buying another rack Cheers.

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  7 років тому

      Hi Kevin. We can organise a time to meet if you would like.

  • @WildTouring
    @WildTouring 5 років тому

    Nice on Haydo. Actually watched this before but didnt realise it was you haha.

  • @markmerryfull5959
    @markmerryfull5959 7 років тому

    Thanks for the reply Hayden. Is the rack you have based the loader on a Rhino rack? I have seen a Pioneer platform with rhino backbone system on the net similar, but can be longer than yours. The front support bar looks simple enough. Is this Rhino rack or your own adaption. The back cross bar with the rollers and worm drive and extendable arms looks a little more complicated. Is this all made from alloy or steel? Would you mind if I contacted you at the e-mail given below?ThanksMark

  • @williamstares49
    @williamstares49 7 років тому

    Hi Hayden,
    Very impressed great job i think it is the best loader i have seen so far, I am interested in buying a loader or building one. I would appreciate any help
    Cheers for now

  • @alexmat8027
    @alexmat8027 4 роки тому

    what is the weight of your boat?

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  4 роки тому

      Hey mate, I cant remember the weight of that boat in the video however we have since upgraded to a Seajay angler 3.75 which is about 80kgs plus about 20kgs for flooring.

  • @nickgreenhill7868
    @nickgreenhill7868 4 роки тому

    cool job mate look nice easy too use which good in long run thanks

  • @vgoncharov888
    @vgoncharov888 5 років тому

    Где ее купить ?

  • @outtarangetouring2677
    @outtarangetouring2677 8 років тому

    Mate looks great, do you have a blue print or can you tell me where you got the parts to complete?

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  7 років тому

      Cheers mate. sorry no blue prints just made it up as I went. I did however buy the motor and worm drive gearbox from motion dynamics online.

  • @oldschooldiy3240
    @oldschooldiy3240 6 років тому

    It's okay, all in all, I think I would rather have a small trailer!

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  6 років тому +2

      Thanks for your reply. I use this rig when I'm towing a caravan. The caravan has a fold up boat trailer in the back.

  • @shumi5754
    @shumi5754 Рік тому


  • @kevinmcnamara8568
    @kevinmcnamara8568 7 років тому

    Hi Hayden sorry for the late reply but been hard at it, I can catch up on the 29th and 30th April if it suits you I'm in North Yunderup. Travelling is not a problem Cheers

    • @DOIN__STUFF
      @DOIN__STUFF  7 років тому

      Gday Kevin my email address is hayden.cunnold@bigpond.com
      send me an email with your phone number and I'll give you a buzz to tee something up.

  • @이준범-q8k
    @이준범-q8k 6 років тому

    very impressive.
    If possible, I'd like to have.

  • @edvaldojoseramos788
    @edvaldojoseramos788 4 роки тому

    Show de bola

  • @8003TV
    @8003TV 7 років тому


  • @sunnyyoo6219
    @sunnyyoo6219 3 роки тому

    OMG! CRAZY~~~

  • @super1woofer1
    @super1woofer1 6 років тому

    great job

  • @cruepprich
    @cruepprich 4 роки тому


  • @jaylee1166
    @jaylee1166 7 років тому

    you should patent that thing and sell it world wide!!

  • @michaelnovak9766
    @michaelnovak9766 7 місяців тому +1

    A grandad in another video loaded his boat from the side of his car on a wooden frame
    That was far easier & less complicated than this set up.
    Sometimes old dogs know better. 🙂🙏

  • @Panebco
    @Panebco 6 років тому


  • @adventurebegins1
    @adventurebegins1 Рік тому

    Video is old. Doesn't answer comments

  • @elwoodpolarisrzr5957
    @elwoodpolarisrzr5957 6 років тому +1


  • @cwnewsnow7875
    @cwnewsnow7875 6 років тому +1

    Bad ass

  • @josephinerocque9621
    @josephinerocque9621 Рік тому

  • @nwlady1844
    @nwlady1844 7 років тому


  • @АнтонОвсиенко-ш3ъ
    @АнтонОвсиенко-ш3ъ 3 роки тому

    Ну и хренотень..

  • @johnharrower3632
    @johnharrower3632 2 роки тому

    Crap footage you didn’t show how you build it