The Floor Show (Rocky Horror)

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Music-Thing-a-Week Year 3
    #15 The Floor Show/Rose Tints My World
    from The Rocky Horror Show
    Richard O'Brien 1973
    What can you say about the Rocky Horror (Picture) Show? Well, it's the 50th anniversary this year, for a start. It premiered 19 June 1973, and ran until 20 July 1973, so, at time of writing, we are within the 50th anniversary of its first run.
    I first heard the soundtrack when my best friend played the Original Australian Cast Recording to death. The first Australian production of Rocky Horror was the only the second production to be performed outside of London, starring Reg Livermore and Kate Fitzpatrick among others. When they put it on they were working purely off book, no one involved having seen the original production, so it as a pared down, harder rock version than the original.
    Still, Reg Livermoore absolutely knows how to camp it up, and that soundtrack was great.
    A few years later I managed to acquire the printed sheet music, and it was with that songbook (and the Beatles) that I largely learned to play guitar.
    Heck, it was with that songbook that I relearned how to play guitar left handed after I fell off the roof that one time...
    This song is an ensemble piece, so I have employed multi-tracking to do all the parts at once... I'm pretty pleased with how it came out (but it doesn't really kick in properly until the second section... not the most sensible approach in this grab the audience in the first five seconds world, but hey. Skip to about halfway if you just want to hear my beautiful layered vocals... :D)
    Anyway, I hope you enjoy.