make the fields alternate by having the magnets having north, south, north, south and repeat, the quick change in the field will give more voltage and current
Andy, we stand on the shoulders of giants, Dont be disappointed at your results, I was wholly impressed that you created a battery equivalent to a AA battery
but it wasn't i can do better. and there is youtube videos of people doing better with less material. he should be ashamed. for not watching those other peoples videos to learn. lmaooo
@@kungfumaster12 I fail to see as to why he needs to "do better" as the title implies, can it work which is the main topic. He achieved it and he does try it make it better but that is not the point. The point is if it does work, and it does
Don’t worry. The most unrealistic part of Dr. Stone is his ability to nail most things on the first try and with crazy efficiencies. Those are the suspensions of disbelief we viewers make to enjoy the show.
It isn't that he gets it on the first try, they simply cut a lot the failures. From what I recall, I've only seen about a handful. If the show covered too much of the failure, it'd suffer from being too slow paced.
@@RyaKey Your Statement is correct, ive read the Manga And it does shows alot of failure's along the way even a mistake that made all of humanity stoned again for 7 years
The magnets need to be in the middle of the radius of the copper disk. Then you get your current from the axis and the rim. The second disk is an idea from Tesla: use different magnet polarity on both disks so that on one the rim becomes positive and on the other negative when rotated in the same direction. Then you use a metallic band (or chain) around the outside of both disks so they rotate together. Then you can get your current from one axis to the axis of the other disk (as both disks are now in series). For more info: check out Tesla's article from Sep 2nd, 1891 "Notes on an Unipolar Dynamo"
What I like about this series is its demonstrating some of the most important parts of Dr. Stones message: collecting what you can when you can will make things easier down the road, and that even if it takes a bunch of failure almost anything can be accomplished through the diligent and practical application of science.
To increase the porosity and surface area of the lead electrodes, you could cast them in a mold mixed with salt and then dissolve the salt away. It might work better if cast in multiple layers.
@@techpriestsalok8119 Lead melts at just under 330 C. At that temperature it is about ten and a half times denser than water. Ordinary salt is less than two and a half times as dense.
The copper discs used in Dr. Stone's generator seem to be a couple of metres in diameter, at least bigger the height of the characters. Judging from the way the copper was beaten flat and how rigid it seemed, probably at least 2mm (to maybe 4mm) in thickness. That would have made an exact replica a bit pricey to construct, just from the cost of copper sheet used.
The larger disks would have a much faster speed at the edge where the magnets are and this might effect the charge potential as well. He would need to Tam up with someone that makes Large Copper opjects to test this at all but someone could probably math up the differences. and extrapolate from what he did here. ( I am far far too lazy for that)
Also the fact that he placed the magnets wrong, senku placed the magnets as per teslas design, meaning instead of just positive or negative charge, it can generate both at the same time depending on wether the disks are spinning in the same direction or opposite directions, this would be significant enough to change the output, including the size of the magnets, the size of the sheets and the slight change in design, i would argue senku's version could output anywhere from 1 to 2 bolts, and thats without taking into account the speed at which the copper plates were spinning, its also woth noting senku's copper plates are thicker and are more grounded, the axis they rotate on being more fixated helps in the rotation, its also why senku needed 2 people who were very strong and could work in synchrony, he wasn't going for too much efficiency with that first design, that was just part of his sadistic nature given he could have introduced gears in the first place because he already had shown a pulley earlier in the show
The results at the 5-minute mark were pretty comparable because you had them all in parallel while charging, meaning that if any of them started pulling ahead in charge, it would be discharged to charge the other two. Should've charged them independently so the cells couldn't balance.
The coiled up battery with something in between to prevent shorts is a pretty common for Sealed-lead-acid batteries like you'd find in a backup power system for computers or cheaper electric scooters. It's a solid approach.
Man it was so awesome watching you actually go out and collect materials from the environment the way Senku would've had to! In a sea of youtubers just cobbling together high-end products and tweaking things to test the principles, the fact that you actually went out of your way to replicate functional versions of the technology exactly the way the show depicts it makes this absolutely fantastic to watch!
I believe the generator does actually have a couple of "practical" albeit uncommon applications. They are used for high amperage discharges, I think the US navy's railgun was supposed to use on of these, because the ship's power plant didn't have the instantaneous power output capacity. You can store a lot of kinetic energy in the rotor, then quickly discharge it all at once as a high current (but low voltage, as you saw) pulse.
Any plans to make a telegraph? AFAIK telegraphs were the 1st super-common electrical machine that ran only on batteries-decades before power plants were built in the late 19th century. I think US Civil War telegraphs used battery stations every x miles that had to be constantly maintained. Anyways, love the dedication and the exploration of electricity! Looking forward to your next one
The mechanical relay was critical to telegraph operation over long distances before transistors... it's like a little telegraph key, operated by a coil. ;-)
I think the thinness of the copper is definitely part of it. Even in the Dr. Stone clips, you can see that the copper discs are about 3/8" thick- and the hammering process means that they're work hardened, and probably a lot more even and flat than yours. As with a lot of what you make, the difference is, I think, in the precision of the construction. Wobbling stuff is less efficient stuff. Of course, the best sort of generator would be a cylinder style, if you have the magnets.
Its still overall a shit generator design. There's no reason at all Senku couldn't have made a copper wire coil that sits around a magnet that's spinning. Makes WAY more power.
@@MeepChangeling In the series, making wire is considered extremely labour intensive, and getting enough labour to make magnet wire and coils is a problem on more than one occasion. I think they eventually get something resembling a wire mill up, but at the point where they made the first generator they probably didn't have the capability to make enough copper wire.
An electrical potential is created by change in the magnetic field. If you have a load of magnets all with the polarity in the same orientation (I'm guessing you've done so, because of the steel plates you've put on top) it's not going to work properly. If the magnets are alternating you should get much better results. I'm quite curious on how much power you would get from it 😁
Cutting the magnetic field is what creates the electric potential; if you're also alternating the field, you'll get alternating current, which is not what you'll want for charging batteries, unless Andy decides to also develop diodes and build a bridge rectifier.
You need to look up how a homopolar generator works. It uses the Lorenz Force to create a potential difference between the rim and axle in an ideally homogenous magnetic field.
This is wrong. All magnets *must* be pointed in the same direction for this design to work. It uses the Lorentz force, not induction, and no changing flux is required. Amazingly, you can even glue the magnets onto the disk, and it will still work! Even if there is no relative motion between disk and magnets at all!
The magnets on the homopolar generator you made are in the wrong position. There suppose to be one on either side of a disk with reserves polarity, like in the sketch at 8:52 .You just put them next to each other, probably aligned with the same polarity.
I'm not sure if the polarity matter, as long as there is a magnetic field passing through a moving metal conductor, it should be enough right ? Unless the magnetic field somehow cancel out ?
Ignoring the electrical connections to the rotating disc and the magnet polarity issues for a moment; He also literally shielded the copper from the magnetic field with the "upgraded" version, while simultaneously creating such an astoundingly inefficient magnetic circuit (by forcing the magnetic fields to close through the air), that even the immense B-fields and volumetric energy products of modern Neodymium magnets was choked down to almost nothing! If he just replaced the wood supports used in the small-scale versions (showed around 13:50 and 13:56) with iron or even mild steel, it would probably have worked, though a larger copper disc would also help. Well, that is as long as he kept the thickness the same as the wood (or going even thicker) and doesn't just slap a 5mm steel sheet on and call it good.
@@alexwang982 changing magnetic field is necessary for AC but homopolar generator generates DC, so the magnetic field doesn't have to change. What's happening is that electrons in copper are moving because of the spinning and they're experiencing Lorentz force due to (static) magnetic field. This "pushes" electrons to the outer part of the copper, creating an electron density imbalance.
For the copper disk generator. The magnets should be pulling on each other instead of pushing. Pushing would mean the change in field lines are parallel to the disk. Pulling would make the magnet field perpendicular to the disk which by the right hand rule would push electrons inward or outward. Also putting the drag wires near the magnet and on both sides would be better since in no magnetic field, the electrons would flow back to equalize any voltage potential. I love your videos, keep up the good work!
@@slevinchannel7589 only use batteries. senkuu has made batteries earlier. When the power runs out, scrape the sulfates off the lead. Do chemistry to precipitate the pb ions out of solution, recover the acid. Remake the battery.
@@BlueJay137 So you mean to tell me the generator is completly useless (even if i add a waterhweel) and i should just forget it? Why do some of your sentences not start with a big letter though?
@@slevinchannel7589 there are efficiency losses when doing energy conversions. If you need work to be done physically, just keep the energy in physical. So you can keep your waterwheel and eat it too.
I think it's time to start exploring manufacturing techniques to make copper wire. Also as you're entering the age of the industrial revolution I think it's time you explore the steam machine. These things are very difficult though and require precession machining. If you're gonna do this you really have to start looking into the history of engineering and machining. But a simple way of putting it is that you'll have to make tools to let you make more precise things which you'll use to make better tools to make even more precise things etc. You'll get there, but it's gonna be hard. I would love to see you achieve this though. keep up to good work!
A note on this kind of generator is that they tend to produce their power in the form of high current instead of voltage. It's less of a high pressure pump and more of a fan, to put it in pneumatic terms.
You’re probably also losing a lot of efficiency from the generator by the physical pieces not being held tightly enough in place. The more it wobbles away from the middle, either side is experiencing less magnetic force which makes less power. Maybe having an insulated guide piece to keep it in line would help?
A big problem I see with this type of generator used to charge a battery is that when not being spun (or spun too slow), the battery will just discharge right back into the metal disk since the terminals are effectively a dead short through the contacts and the copper disk. Remember that to charge a battery the voltage source has to be higher than the voltage of the battery for current to flow in the right direction and charge the battery. A way to prevent this is to use a series diode, but that has it's own losses (and a forward voltage drop) so you need the generator voltage to be a bit higher still to ensure the batteries charge and not discharge or do nothing.
I am impressed by your will to continue every episode. As a result-dependent person, I admire your persistence a lot! Things really move slowly when you do it yourself and from the basics. Your progress is amazing!
Isn't the issue that you're not collapsing a magnetic field in the presence of a copper coil? You're just keeping the coil exposed to a constant magnetic field. Didn't you make that worse by creating a homogenous field with the plates? This is why generators have to be run through a bridge rectifier no? I'm no expert btw, this is just my understanding. :)
No, you do not have to collapse the field around the copper but you do have to increase the surface area of the copper that is cutting through the magnetic field. This is why generators use wire wrapped around an armature and then that is spun through the magnetic field.
If the magnets are alternating polarity, then it's not a homogenous field; Andy didn't say one way or the other, so we don't know whether or not he did that. As I understand it, alternating the structure of the copper itself can also help, so counterintuitively, punching holes along the path of the magnets could also help. Since Andy was just trying this out before moving on to more effective methods, though, I imagine he's just going to go with copper wire coils, which simultaneously gives the structural variety and a larger volume and surface area passing through the magnetic field. Edit: brain fart, accidentally wrote batteries instead of magnets
In the rotating copper disc the Lorenz-force is letting the electrons spiral inwards towards the axle and as such creating a a negative voltage at the axle and a positive at the outer rim. The rotation velocity, the strength of the magnetic field, the homogenity of the field, the resistance of the metal (kind of metal and thickness and temperature), the surface contact etc. are playing a role in creating the voltage.
With a homo-polar generator you are exploiting the Faradays law -> Voltage =Length*speed*Magnetic strength. The mental model I use for this is imagining the disk as a bunch of individual wires. When moving a wire through a magnetic field you get charge separation at the ends. In principle this means that if you dragged a very long straight strip through a magnetic field you could get a current if you tapped the sides but spinning it is easier. Suggestions for improvement: 1) Very strong magnets on both sides placed along the radius of the generator all the way from edge to middle. Placing the magnets on the edge won't help because unless you have a pickup all around the outside edge the electrons have to fight the other currents to reach the pickup which only touches in one place. Also the placement along the radius lets you maximize the length of the copper passing through the field. 2) Thicker disk, 1/4 inch or so. This should make the turning more stable and make for a better connection at the edge. Also the momentum should help as the generator gets moving. 3) Use graphite to lubricate brushes, as a conductor a thin film of graphite could help with better brush connectivity if things are a bit wobbly 4) speed, the faster the movement the greater the force for charge separation. Two ways to get speed, bigger circle or some kind of gearing on the crank. p.s. adding the plate steel effectively killed your magnetic field as there is a significant shielding effect from steel. While it probably did even out the field it also made it weaker.
Good points! The explanation is correct, but the name is not: This generator uses the Lorentz force law, not Faraday's law. In fact, it seems to be a counterexample to the classical Faraday law (in the integral form) unless you pay much attention to detail with the integration paths.
the amount of copper atoms passing through the magnetic field will also increase the Magnetic strength variable in your formula. So a thicker disk has more dense magnetic field. Also, the hammer marks made in the Anime version create more surface area and areas of change as they pass through the magnet. This could also significantly increase the power generated.
Just FYI, hammering the copper sheet stiffens it via work hardening. The same is done to the edge of bronze swords to help them stay sharp. Also, stacking multiple layers of copper and magnets would allow you to stack voltages in kind. Just attach all of the copper layers to the same shaft and be precise about your spacing. For better brushes, try using copper sponges (used for cleaning copper kitchenware) or carbon based materials. While graphite has excellent conductivity, the lamp black carbon that remains on burnt wood can be fairly conductive if there is enough of it present. Adhering a wire to this surface could give a very crude form of brushed contact. But, this may not last long if the copper sheet rubs through the layer of carbon. To make the lead into sheets, you can use two pieces of wood as rollers and make a basic rolling press. Lead is soft enough and it can be annealed at relatively low temperatures if it gets work hardened. For the rollers, bigger is better. Let the weight of the wood do the work for you. Two 12" diameter rounded slabs that have been properly oiled should give a decent mass per length. Use rollers that are much wider than the sheet you want to produce to increase the pressure in proportion.
Creating a DC generator without magnets can be challenging, but you can use a design that involves a coil, a rotating armature, and a commutator to generate direct current (DC) or pulsed DC. Here's a simplified design: 1. Coil: Wind a coil of insulated wire (copper) around a cylindrical form to create a solenoid. This coil will be the primary component for generating electricity. 2. Armature: Inside the coil, place a cylindrical armature made of a conductive material such as copper or iron. This armature should be free to rotate within the coil. 3. Commutator: Attach a split-ring commutator to the armature. The commutator consists of two separate segments that are insulated from each other. Brushes (typically made of graphite) will press against the commutator segments. 4. Brushes: Position two brushes in contact with the commutator segments. The brushes will conduct the generated current to an external circuit. 5. Mechanical Energy Source: You'll need a mechanical energy source to rotate the armature. This can be achieved through a hand-crank, a small turbine, or another method. 6. Induction and Commutation: As the armature rotates within the coil due to the mechanical energy input, it induces a changing magnetic field within the coil. The brushes press against the commutator segments, and as the commutator rotates, it switches the direction of the current in the coil, effectively converting the induced alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) or pulsed DC. This design emulates the action of a commutator in a DC motor, ensuring that the output is DC or pulsed DC. However, the voltage and power output will depend on the design and size of the generator, and you may need to fine-tune the design to meet specific requirements.
@14:00 each time the copper disk makes direct contact with the magnet, im sure it is disrupting efficiency. just remember that Dr stones was hammered our from raw copper ores, and was very thick and sturdy. they also added divets for some reason which are worth testing id say.
I have to agree here. I have a background in electronics, and understood immediately when that generator was made on Dr. Stone, that in reality it wouldn't produce enough electricity. I had been expecting him to make a brushless motor instead and make long strands of wires for wire wrappings, which would have been much more successful. And considering he already had such large magnets, it wouldn't have been that hard to cut or break them up, to make a whole bunch of smaller magnets for the generator
This was another excellent video. Your experiments are fantastic, and just like those who originally pioneered advances in technology found out, we see not everything is going to work first, second or even 100th time. But they persevered and tried different things, sometimes for a whole lifetime. Which, in itself is a valuable lesson for people to learn. We expect everything to just work, not having seen the many, many failures in took to get where we are today.
good video ! for the generator look for a DIY on the "Wimshurst machine" a very big project (especially with your habit of working in ultra low tech mode) but you will have ~30 Kilo Volts (but very very few Amps)
I am sad to see that most of your latest experiments are failing more often. However, I appreciate your hard well to continue despite all of this. Good luck with your future experiments!
I do think it’s great that he is showing the failed experiments. You can learn a lot from failure. So many channels only show the perfect experiments. Which sometimes doesn’t teach much.
Hey Andy, as far as a generator. I would suggest making some simple ferrous magnets. Seeing if you can refine some copper and make it into wire, don't forget to anneal it as you draw it out. Once you've done that. Coat the copper wire in shellac and wind it into a coil that will pass between the magnets of opposing poles. A very crude commutator bar with roughly made graphite brushes will work very well. Dried shellac still has some give and also decent insulating properties.
Last week I saw, can't recall where, an iron air battery and how there is enough interest that Form Energy is making a factory. Could you explain iron air batteries. Where do you get all your metal. Great work
Years ago i watched a video of some guys buying commercial lead-acid batteries but filled them with an "Alum" solution K2Al2(SO4)4) which apperantly worked great. Serms like you can use a lot of corrosive stuff in them.
I like this video because you show the actual materials that you gathered. People might watch videos on generators and really take for granted modern technology, especially magnets and chemical purity. Imagine being in 1880 and thinking, "Oh. All I have to do is get a neodymium magnet." Easy today. Not so much back then, let alone trying to make or refine one.
This is still such a wild project. Again, the battery was so awesome for as simple as it was so definitely a success. Love all the effort that clearly went into this
After you get the set-up, you should try to recreate the light filament that they used in dr. Stone. By twisting bamboo fibers they were able to create a filament when when reacting to electricity was so bright you can see it from the village fairly far away. Now would like to see that experiment in real life.
Pretty cool. I'm not going to make anything so complex as a robotic arm but it's fun watching you. You really leveled up your fabrication skills with this. And getting to have the video sponsored too in neat.
A stator is definitely the better use of your time if you have decent magnets and wire available. A ring of magnets around a core of coiled wires that spin inside it makes FAR more voltage.. It's basically what a generator in an early car motor (up until mid 60's) was, as well as most motorcycles use a stator to charge their battery. The biggest problem with your battery is your acid concentration isn't high enough. Factory batteries use ~30% concentrated sulfuric acid.
@@thalaquatics8712 the show/manga are interesting.. there's times where it's like they searched up the most obscure form to try that's actually harder to make and less effective than a later concept, just to go more stone age with it.
@@jaratt85 yes that seems to be the point. Stone is in the name. And it's exactly how this channel works, he can't make something too modern before he makes the predecessor
@ThalAquatics also keep in mind, the lake senku got the sulfuric acid from actually exists. It's known as lake yugama and the water is a rich emerald green and has a pH of 1.0 it's the strongest naturally occurring acid water in the world. If Andy was to use something like that, the risk of severe injury or even death becomes immensely not worth it.
The metal sheets to "even out" the magnetic field is doing more harm than good. It's providing a path of low reluctance for the magnetic flux to flow through thus containing almost all of the flux, preventing the fields from reaching the disk.
Very cool video, if I were to suggest one thing is that you try the "kelvins tunderstorm" electricity generator I think it would generate better with less effort (when it comes to old technologies) Another thing is that your voice sounds better when the microphone is farther away and you then speak louder than when he is close, it is not a question of the volume of the sound but of the tone of your voice. Good luck.
if you're going to try kelvin's thunderstorm be careful, the advantage it generates is tremendously high even though it's only about 2 wires and 2 buckets. The size of the tunderstorm kelvins doesn't matter, the amount of water that passes through it does, so a 10 cm tall one should produce the same as a 10 meter tall one, which makes it easy to make them in vertical series for best results.
Stone age method to precisely measure volts and amps: Galvanometers are fairly easy to build, and so is an expansion voltmeter. You can use a known resistive value substance (i.e. 50% saline solution of a given volume) for calibration. Homopolar Generator:These are primarily high current generators, but the voltage can get up to 500v for a big machine. The design from the show reflects an improvement from one of Nicola Tesla's patents. Having a direct conduction between the centers or the periphery allows you to take voltage from the non shorted sides. For your example, it would have been better to use thicker copper disks and let them scrape against each other or against the magnet (or electrical contacts attached to the magnet). The orientation of your magnets is an issue, since one pole being closer to the center is the key. They used to be called N-pole machines, because the common standard was to put the north pole close to the centers. Back when they were cool, some companies were even making ring magnets that had the north at the center. Naturally the faster they turn, the more electricity you'll get out of them, so using a pulley system would help.
in all fairness senku was using a pair of artificial super magnets, both we're created via a bolt of lightning... and the average lightning striker has 1 gigawatt of power in it... so he used 1 gigawatt of power to make a pair of artificial permanent super magnets... and for those saying they were "electromagnets" while that is how they started it the sheer heat generated from the lightning put the Iron bars in a state of molecular plasticity (I think thats the term) where the iron atom polarities will align with the magnetic poles.. resulting in the iron rod becoming a permanent magnet that is far more powerful than any natural magnet could be even rare earth magnets such as neodymium magnets and as such would generate a massive magnetic field and I assume by proxy would generate more power in a generator
Great video. 😊 The struggle that a modern person with modern knowledge has with this stuff really proves how hard it was for mankind to discover said knowledge in the first place.
Don't forget that Senku didn't make that generator because he needed a high voltage. What he needed was only a few volts, but an absolute boatload of current, since the generator was used to create sodium hydroxide from salt water. That was the whole reason he built it that way.
You’re actually really close to creating a Bedini SG generator! You should definitely take a look at that here on YT! The wheel design with the magnets that you came up with is very similar to how the Bedini SG generates electricity. It instead uses a coil consisting of two insulated wires charged to differing polarities that are twisted around one another, wrapped around the coil, and placed at the base of the wheel contraption right below the free-hanging wheel. This would create an electromagnetic attraction towards the magnets and the coil when given power. The wheel would then be spun and when a magnet on the wheel passes over the coil, they first attract each other, and with the momentum of the wheel and continued attraction of the following magnets, it is swept past the coil creating a brief influx of electricity sent through the wires in the coil that can be harnessed into a separate battery. This does require the use of other components so it’s not the simplest layout; regardless it is pretty simple and definitely worth looking into, and you may even be able to draw inspiration from this design! Wishing you the best!
So many Collab opportunities. Would love to see Robert Murray-Smith help out with this project, even remotely. You could get some Nile Red input on the chemistry and how to get the purest concoctions for your lead acid batteries, and even some bushcraft to see how to turn a round foil into wire strips.
Don’t let the efficiency of this stuff get you down, you tried to replicate this off a Dr. Stone design. What you’re doing here is incredible, don’t give up!
The mass of the copper has a direct relation to the electrical potential. Strength of magnetic field and speed of rotation being secondary requirements. Without Teslas 'secret' second circuit the homopolar generator is supposedly only a high amperage, low voltage device. That's allot of copper to source simply to run a scale test. To make a thick walled pipe or heavy disk.
If you can make copper wire you can pretty easily build a simple brushed motor and run it as a generator. The hard part would be getting thin copper wire, and also insulating the copper wire.
the issue with the copper is that they used a thicker sheet and then HAMMERED the copper plate0 i believe this works like annealing which is to say it heats up the copper causing the metal to be softer(weaker bonds and thus more electron flow)
You can actually use a lead acid battery to generate sulfuric acid. Simply add distilled water and Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate to an uncharged, also known as discharged battery. Charge the battery and it will create sulfated lead, which will leave the Magnesium behind. Remove the excess sediment, and add distilled water. Discharging the battery will then generate sulfuric acid. Also, when first charging a battery using pure lead, it is not the same as a normal charge cycle. It takes much longer, because you must convert the lead into sulfated lead. It is unclear exactly how long, it is more than 1 week, possibly months. The battery manufacturers keep it secret. Also, you must consider the depth of charge based on the thickness of your plates, because if you convert all the lead, it will become very fragile and crumble.
To generate electricity you need magnets, and to generate magnets you need electricity, I understand that in case you don't have either, the way to start the loop would be to build a few non-rechargeable batteries and use them to produce the first magnet, which you then incorporate into a generator. It would be nice to see a video about magnets, what material can be used to produce them, what voltage is needed, and how many batteries would be needed. Great Job!! 
There is a lot of easyly accesible Magnetite to be found in nature.. So you need zero electricity make magnets, they occur naturally. You do however need electricity to make strong magnets.
@@The_Keeper natural magnetite is not exactly a "magnet" I.e. generates a directional magnetic field, because in its natural state all the little magnetic dipoles are randomly oriented. An event needs to happen to orient the dipoles of a piece of magnetite - such as a strong electric current happening to flow nearby, such as from a lightning strike. Then you get a lodestone, or what we would call a "magnet". Those are rare in nature.
@@magikalfreak8007 In the comic, strapped to the spear was an iron bar that they had wrapped in copper wire, replicating an experiment by Wasilewski to use lightning as the electricity source to turn the iron into a powerful magnet. In the actual Wasilewski experiment, he used a very specific crystallization of magnetite to produce the magnet instead of cold iron. It is possible for Senku to have made magnetite bars instead of just iron and just didn't mention it to his crew since the difference would have been lost on them.
Hell, the fact you made batteries that can take a charge is pretty impressive. I do agree with you I think you made your sheets too thin; going back and looking at the original clip, they grind the edges with corrundum (and likely the sides too, all for the sake of polishing I assume) which tells me it can't be a thin sheet of metal they're working with, probably something like a quarter-inch or centimeter thick piece of copper they've got there. Assuming how intelligent Senku is supposed to be, I also assume he devised a bearing system to hold everything much more stable, which you'd pointed out was a possible problem. Lastly, I'm by no means an electrical engineer but it looks like as presented (and shown several times) they've wired both disks together in some manner (I assume in series since there's only three cables) and the middle one crosses over in some fashion obscuring where it attaches but likely the two cables coming off the disks are on the outside and the connectors on the inside for... some reason. You're very obviously on the path to something, and if you had to make this in a world with nothing you'd be looked at like a magician after all. Can you try cooking a bamboo filament next? I think that'd be awesome to see you try and make your own lightbulb! Stay Awesome!
A couple things could possibly help with the generator and battery. 1. More rigid copper rotors, preferably work hardened, should give more consistent area passing through the magnetic field. 2. A 2nd magnet with reverse pole on the opposite side of the rotors. We know senku had 2 magnets at his disposal so why not. 3. I know its incredibly dangerous, but its worth mentioning, the acid they used actually exists. The lake itself is known as lake yugama. The water there is the strongest acid water in the world with a PH of 1.0. A stronger acid would provide more of a potential charge. 3. Keep in mind, senku did this on a much, much bigger scale so the voltage produced is gonna be alot less in comparrison. If i had to guess forthe batteries themselves , they appear to be in at least 1-3 gallon containers. All in all what were seeing here, is that Dr.Stone knocked it out of the park 10 billion percent with the science behind every invention, this is just the small scale that backs it up.
very cool but i had 2 questions 1) is it possible to have that energy generated stored somehow that way even if it generates very little its still usable 2) is it possible to have the handle rotate on its own using magnets as a sort of passive energy generator No reason for the questions its just fascinating and I loved Dr. Stone
This generator is like one big shorted loop of wire. Its like shorting the secondary of a transformer and expect voltage to occur at the shorted point. Im impressed you even got a reading of few milivolts lol.
the unipolar dynamo was actually.. really important before the semiconductor was introduced. and the homopoloar generator, its modernized form, still sees industrial use today for generation of really high voltage, high current DC electricity. Weird welding stuff is weird and not often spoken about it is hard to find good information, and even harder to find toubleshooting guides there is no doubt about that.
You should make a wooen disk with magnets on it, them spin the magnets past a copper coil, as you have wire. Voltage can be adjusted by changing the number of turns.
the density, purity, and surface area of the copper disks (read: weight and volume) that are actually moving through the magnetic field. will drastically affect the voltage values you will output with the device. I would imagine that the linen you used in the batteries imposed a problem; you introduced a large volume of non-conductive material that both displaced the electrolyte and that the electric charges and magnetic fields had to pass through. I think that you need another sort of spacer between the electrodes besides whole sheets of linen.
With that much copper needed anyway, you'd probably be better making wires and coils to create a stator. That would require an insulator for the wires however or some way to prevent the coils from shorting
Cut a spiral in the disk and leave 2 rings at the center and at the edge. Use the edge and the center as your contact points. The magnets need to all align so one side of the disk is north and the other side is south. By cutting the spiral you lower the planar currents in the metal and make the generator more efficient. Use some kind of backing for the disk so it is not as flimsy.
For the bad connection against the cobber wheel you could try carbon brushes or braided wire ''splayed out'' instead of a solid wire bouncing on a rough surface \o/
Based on the concepts in magnetic braking, I think you basically need the conductor to be moving in and out of the magnetic fields. Having the relatively solid loop of magnets won't help, unless you reverse every other one. But then, in order to capture the voltage differential, I think you'd need one pickup within the field, and one outside the field. A coil of wire, moving through a horseshoe magnet will generate power according to the right hand rule while moving into the field, but then the left hand rule while moving out of the field. Interestingly, while the coil is right in the middle (it was a huge horseshoe magnet that we used) it generates no current. So moving into and out of the field is where the current is generated.
Though the voltage is not high, lead-acid batteries tend to carry lots of amperage. Maybe it turned out more successful than it seemed, because the voltage you could step up or down to use the amperage to compensate. Great work, and thanks for sharing this adventure!
A homopolar generator is indeed very well suited to produce extremely large currents (potentially over a million amps!). But this device is too shoddy to create much amperage. And transformers only work with AC, this creates DC. And most importantly they require wire and if you have wire you can make much more useful generators :D
Have you looked at Darwin-style wind generators? I think there's some potential there for simple/primitive energy generation with relatively stable output.
Anyone feel free to correct me if Im wrong, but as long as the battery can efficiently hold its charge, isnt this still a perfectly valid way to gain electricity? Sure, the generator may be incredibly weak and takes a TON of effort to get any charge out of it, but it still charges the batteries. From there, you just dont use your power until you NEED to. Fire would still he the go to for light untul you got enough batteries to cycle through and charge up while the lights are on. Hell, in Dr. Stone the intended use for Electricity was communication. The lights were just to show off how powerful electricity is and to boost moral. So regarldess of how weak it is, the fact that it generates any electricity at all, and the fact that the baterries work and be recharged, means that the whole thing douse work. It works incredibly inefficiently, but it works. And qgen you are just stepping into new technology, "it works" is all you are looking for. Increasing efficiency comes later once you get your invention working.
have you tried putting a brush made of copper wire above the bar magnet and another bellow? if you put a meter across both brushes while spinning the wheel, you might get a higher voltage. if you increase the magnetic flux by adding another bar magnet directly behind on the back side of the disc, you'd probably get even more volts. if you connect the main shaft to another with a set of pulleys to get the disc spinning faster, even more volts still.
try zinc-sulphate rechargeable zinc-air plating battery instead, is about 400Wh/kg simple energy storage, in flooded cells, with carbon/titanium air electrodes, use steel can and HD-PE plastic to contain the formed sulfuric acid in a leyden jar. yep zinc sulphate in metal-air rechargeable configuration. yep its also source of very high concentration sulfuric acid, and the zinc. and oxygen.
you should definitively charge them slower usually at about 10 to 15% the capacity in ah or if you don' know that a maximum of 2 to 5 % the short circet curret.
A homopolar generator is a current device. I do not know why they choose that configuration in that animation; they may have had concerns about making a device that a child could replicate and cause injury to themselves. If you are doing the rebuild society route. You might first want to start with primary cells before going to secondary cells. If you have any metal and activated charcoal you can make mechanically recharged cells. For example iron reacting with oxygen would make "rust" and that rust could later be refined into iron again using available materials found all over the planet. I did want to mention counter rotation can be an effective means of extracting useful power. I suspect that device in the animation is purposely "failed" to keep a child from injury. There are many other "ancient" electricity generators that can make exceptional voltage. For example a Wimshurst generator. Again, its a show that young ones will likely watch; the more I think of it is a purposeful fail.
If the goal is to charge batteries, a high current device is better than a high voltage device like a wimshurst machine. What you really want is a dynamo, but that requires wire and wire is much more difficult to make than plates.
@@entcraft44 yeah a homo-polar generator is a dynamo. I think its the most simple dynamo that can be made. that is why they occur in nature. for the show I think a faraday disk would have been a better choice for a generator. But, since they show two in counter rotation it might have been conceived as a serial output device which would have upped the usable voltage while providing a good amount of current. Or it might have been an experiment conducted by the author when they were younger. We should contact the author and find out what they were thinking? Anyway, if you can generate 3 or 4 volts and 10 amps of current using a homo-polar in series. That would be more than enough to charge a lead cell. Sorry I can remember the actual voltages required to charge a lead cell. It has been a while. I am sure it is found on the internet, somewhere...
@@westarthur4184 The two disk setup may stem from patents by Nicola Tesla. He tried to reduce the friction from the outer pickups by combining two disks with a conductive belt and having two sliding pickups only at the slower moving centers. Of course the show shows no belt, so it wouldn't work that way, but it might still be inspired by that. Regarding the word dynamo: I think there might be multiple definitions. I thought of a more modern wire-wound generator with a commutator to make DC.
O this is neat, I did a single wheel generator in my middle school science fair. I did all the same things, and once quit trying to upgrade it...I had a lightning bolt. I had so many magnets on the wheel, but only 1 magnet collecting the charge. So I wired just as many "recievers" (I was young lol) to the frame, I believe in series, and got dramatically more power after a bit more tweaking. God this takes me back to the good Ole days.
Not a physicist , and I don't pretend to be one , but I would spend the magnets. And I would use multiple layers of copper dispersed. The magnets across 2 staters, 3 stages into several layers of magnets. It would require an inner and out of her shaft but it could be doable. I know they are wire method . Didn't would use wire coils instead of discs.
This is just a hunch of mine, but it might work better if you arranged the magnets into spokes alternating the polarity. You should have six north polarity spokes and six south polarity spokes, one after the other. I would also ditch the copper sheet and go with a copper coil of wire. You can make the copper coil similarly to the lead coil, only decrease the width by 90% or more.
This is probably a miniscule thing but maybe try a metal support for the wheel magnets? I know some of my fridge magnets suck at holding pieces of paper so you might be losing alot of potential interaction with the wood on the circular plates
to induce voltage in any piece of copper you need a changing magnetic field, putting all those magnets around (I assume on the same polarity) seems counterproductive
Current is generated by flux, moving the disk in a static magnetic field only creates a voltage by the minute changes of the copper material. If you want optimal output, put cuts in the copper to make a series of slices, make it thicker, and have two magnets invert polarity creating a conductive ring (or "pizza slices") and a complete inversion of the field as each section passes each pair of magnets.
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You should collab with ElectroBOOM for some tips on improving the output.
make the fields alternate by having the magnets having north, south, north, south and repeat, the quick change in the field will give more voltage and current
next time ground your magnets make sure your copper brushes are tined
@@CloudaceMC.2 grounding the magnets will have no effect.
@@iKuzilize i'd be interested to see if grounding the magnet has an effect
Andy, we stand on the shoulders of giants, Dont be disappointed at your results, I was wholly impressed that you created a battery equivalent to a AA battery
Almost an equivalent but close enough
but it wasn't i can do better. and there is youtube videos of people doing better with less material. he should be ashamed. for not watching those other peoples videos to learn. lmaooo
@@kungfumaster12 I fail to see as to why he needs to "do better" as the title implies, can it work which is the main topic. He achieved it and he does try it make it better but that is not the point. The point is if it does work, and it does
@@reubenlaoagan7598 we already know it works. but he didn't prove it works like in the anime.. since he did it wrong. smh
Don’t worry. The most unrealistic part of Dr. Stone is his ability to nail most things on the first try and with crazy efficiencies. Those are the suspensions of disbelief we viewers make to enjoy the show.
It isn't that he gets it on the first try, they simply cut a lot the failures. From what I recall, I've only seen about a handful. If the show covered too much of the failure, it'd suffer from being too slow paced.
@@RyaKey Your Statement is correct, ive read the Manga And it does shows alot of failure's along the way even a mistake that made all of humanity stoned again for 7 years
@@SaitouClips Hey! No! Don't spoil!
@@blueturtlekhun Oops, my tongue slipped
@@SaitouClips whoopies
The magnets need to be in the middle of the radius of the copper disk. Then you get your current from the axis and the rim.
The second disk is an idea from Tesla: use different magnet polarity on both disks so that on one the rim becomes positive and on the other negative when rotated in the same direction. Then you use a metallic band (or chain) around the outside of both disks so they rotate together. Then you can get your current from one axis to the axis of the other disk (as both disks are now in series). For more info: check out Tesla's article from Sep 2nd, 1891 "Notes on an Unipolar Dynamo"
yes this is another issue, if all the magnets are of the same polarity it can greatly cause an issue with electron flow.
Whoa thats cool. Are teslas notes all online?
So it could actually be a good enough generator? I'd love to see a video about this new generator
@@zerokun2655 good enough for what? I don't think it'll replace the generators we are using today.
@@WardenclyffeResearchfor the purpose in the anime
What I like about this series is its demonstrating some of the most important parts of Dr. Stones message: collecting what you can when you can will make things easier down the road, and that even if it takes a bunch of failure almost anything can be accomplished through the diligent and practical application of science.
To increase the porosity and surface area of the lead electrodes, you could cast them in a mold mixed with salt and then dissolve the salt away. It might work better if cast in multiple layers.
like a lead foam?
Ordinary salt floats on molten lead.
@@techpriestsalok8119 Lead melts at just under 330 C. At that temperature it is about ten and a half times denser than water. Ordinary salt is less than two and a half times as dense.
@@lordchickenhawk apparently I’m blind I thought you wrote “ordinary lead floats on molten lead”
@@techpriestsalok8119 LOL. I WAS wondering what you were thinking... :)
The copper discs used in Dr. Stone's generator seem to be a couple of metres in diameter, at least bigger the height of the characters.
Judging from the way the copper was beaten flat and how rigid it seemed, probably at least 2mm (to maybe 4mm) in thickness.
That would have made an exact replica a bit pricey to construct, just from the cost of copper sheet used.
Yeah so maybe you can't make a video "recreating" it rn 🤷
tbf their copper discs were likely thick asf too. Compared to copper sheet anyway.
The larger disks would have a much faster speed at the edge where the magnets are and this might effect the charge potential as well. He would need to Tam up with someone that makes Large Copper opjects to test this at all but someone could probably math up the differences. and extrapolate from what he did here. ( I am far far too lazy for that)
Also the fact that he placed the magnets wrong, senku placed the magnets as per teslas design, meaning instead of just positive or negative charge, it can generate both at the same time depending on wether the disks are spinning in the same direction or opposite directions, this would be significant enough to change the output, including the size of the magnets, the size of the sheets and the slight change in design, i would argue senku's version could output anywhere from 1 to 2 bolts, and thats without taking into account the speed at which the copper plates were spinning, its also woth noting senku's copper plates are thicker and are more grounded, the axis they rotate on being more fixated helps in the rotation, its also why senku needed 2 people who were very strong and could work in synchrony, he wasn't going for too much efficiency with that first design, that was just part of his sadistic nature given he could have introduced gears in the first place because he already had shown a pulley earlier in the show
And he used much stronger magnets
The results at the 5-minute mark were pretty comparable because you had them all in parallel while charging, meaning that if any of them started pulling ahead in charge, it would be discharged to charge the other two. Should've charged them independently so the cells couldn't balance.
The coiled up battery with something in between to prevent shorts is a pretty common for Sealed-lead-acid batteries like you'd find in a backup power system for computers or cheaper electric scooters. It's a solid approach.
Or nickel-cadmium batteries, or lithium ion batteries, or capacitors...
@eDoc2020 fair point, it works for all of them
Man it was so awesome watching you actually go out and collect materials from the environment the way Senku would've had to! In a sea of youtubers just cobbling together high-end products and tweaking things to test the principles, the fact that you actually went out of your way to replicate functional versions of the technology exactly the way the show depicts it makes this absolutely fantastic to watch!
I believe the generator does actually have a couple of "practical" albeit uncommon applications. They are used for high amperage discharges, I think the US navy's railgun was supposed to use on of these, because the ship's power plant didn't have the instantaneous power output capacity. You can store a lot of kinetic energy in the rotor, then quickly discharge it all at once as a high current (but low voltage, as you saw) pulse.
would be cool and scary to see one of these spun up to insane RPM's.
Any plans to make a telegraph? AFAIK telegraphs were the 1st super-common electrical machine that ran only on batteries-decades before power plants were built in the late 19th century. I think US Civil War telegraphs used battery stations every x miles that had to be constantly maintained. Anyways, love the dedication and the exploration of electricity! Looking forward to your next one
I think they needed a chain of operators to repeat the message down the line, but I don't remember much about the development of telegraphy.
At one point they used an earth battery to power the telegraph.
The mechanical relay was critical to telegraph operation over long distances before transistors... it's like a little telegraph key, operated by a coil. ;-)
He made the telegraph
Keep on doing these Dr Stone series man, I've been a fan of this channel for 6 years and I've also been an avid enjoyer of Dr. STONE
I think the thinness of the copper is definitely part of it. Even in the Dr. Stone clips, you can see that the copper discs are about 3/8" thick- and the hammering process means that they're work hardened, and probably a lot more even and flat than yours.
As with a lot of what you make, the difference is, I think, in the precision of the construction. Wobbling stuff is less efficient stuff.
Of course, the best sort of generator would be a cylinder style, if you have the magnets.
senku even said that he needed both discs spinning for what they needed.
Its still overall a shit generator design. There's no reason at all Senku couldn't have made a copper wire coil that sits around a magnet that's spinning. Makes WAY more power.
@@MeepChangeling In the series, making wire is considered extremely labour intensive, and getting enough labour to make magnet wire and coils is a problem on more than one occasion. I think they eventually get something resembling a wire mill up, but at the point where they made the first generator they probably didn't have the capability to make enough copper wire.
An electrical potential is created by change in the magnetic field. If you have a load of magnets all with the polarity in the same orientation (I'm guessing you've done so, because of the steel plates you've put on top) it's not going to work properly. If the magnets are alternating you should get much better results. I'm quite curious on how much power you would get from it 😁
Commenting for visibility
Cutting the magnetic field is what creates the electric potential; if you're also alternating the field, you'll get alternating current, which is not what you'll want for charging batteries, unless Andy decides to also develop diodes and build a bridge rectifier.
You can easily stick magnets in alternating poles on a steel disc... also it's a homo polar generator, produces electric in a different way.
You need to look up how a homopolar generator works. It uses the Lorenz Force to create a potential difference between the rim and axle in an ideally homogenous magnetic field.
This is wrong. All magnets *must* be pointed in the same direction for this design to work. It uses the Lorentz force, not induction, and no changing flux is required. Amazingly, you can even glue the magnets onto the disk, and it will still work! Even if there is no relative motion between disk and magnets at all!
The magnets on the homopolar generator you made are in the wrong position. There suppose to be one on either side of a disk with reserves polarity, like in the sketch at 8:52 .You just put them next to each other, probably aligned with the same polarity.
Haha homo
I'm not sure if the polarity matter, as long as there is a magnetic field passing through a moving metal conductor, it should be enough right ? Unless the magnetic field somehow cancel out ?
@@DesignThinkerer We need a changing magnetic field
Ignoring the electrical connections to the rotating disc and the magnet polarity issues for a moment;
He also literally shielded the copper from the magnetic field with the "upgraded" version, while simultaneously creating such an astoundingly inefficient magnetic circuit (by forcing the magnetic fields to close through the air), that even the immense B-fields and volumetric energy products of modern Neodymium magnets was choked down to almost nothing!
If he just replaced the wood supports used in the small-scale versions (showed around 13:50 and 13:56) with iron or even mild steel, it would probably have worked, though a larger copper disc would also help. Well, that is as long as he kept the thickness the same as the wood (or going even thicker) and doesn't just slap a 5mm steel sheet on and call it good.
@@alexwang982 changing magnetic field is necessary for AC but homopolar generator generates DC, so the magnetic field doesn't have to change. What's happening is that electrons in copper are moving because of the spinning and they're experiencing Lorentz force due to (static) magnetic field. This "pushes" electrons to the outer part of the copper, creating an electron density imbalance.
For the copper disk generator. The magnets should be pulling on each other instead of pushing. Pushing would mean the change in field lines are parallel to the disk. Pulling would make the magnet field perpendicular to the disk which by the right hand rule would push electrons inward or outward. Also putting the drag wires near the magnet and on both sides would be better since in no magnetic field, the electrons would flow back to equalize any voltage potential. I love your videos, keep up the good work!
How to do better Eletricity-Generation then??
Anyone got some general advice or electicity-related advice for one who's in Senkuu's situation?
@@slevinchannel7589 only use batteries. senkuu has made batteries earlier. When the power runs out, scrape the sulfates off the lead. Do chemistry to precipitate the pb ions out of solution, recover the acid. Remake the battery.
@@BlueJay137 So you mean to tell me the generator is completly useless (even if i add a waterhweel) and i should just forget it?
Why do some of your sentences not start with a big letter though?
@@slevinchannel7589 there are efficiency losses when doing energy conversions. If you need work to be done physically, just keep the energy in physical. So you can keep your waterwheel and eat it too.
@@BlueJay137 So WHAT exactly do i do in Senkus situation?
I think it's time to start exploring manufacturing techniques to make copper wire. Also as you're entering the age of the industrial revolution I think it's time you explore the steam machine. These things are very difficult though and require precession machining.
If you're gonna do this you really have to start looking into the history of engineering and machining. But a simple way of putting it is that you'll have to make tools to let you make more precise things which you'll use to make better tools to make even more precise things etc. You'll get there, but it's gonna be hard. I would love to see you achieve this though.
keep up to good work!
A note on this kind of generator is that they tend to produce their power in the form of high current instead of voltage. It's less of a high pressure pump and more of a fan, to put it in pneumatic terms.
You’re probably also losing a lot of efficiency from the generator by the physical pieces not being held tightly enough in place. The more it wobbles away from the middle, either side is experiencing less magnetic force which makes less power. Maybe having an insulated guide piece to keep it in line would help?
A big problem I see with this type of generator used to charge a battery is that when not being spun (or spun too slow), the battery will just discharge right back into the metal disk since the terminals are effectively a dead short through the contacts and the copper disk. Remember that to charge a battery the voltage source has to be higher than the voltage of the battery for current to flow in the right direction and charge the battery. A way to prevent this is to use a series diode, but that has it's own losses (and a forward voltage drop) so you need the generator voltage to be a bit higher still to ensure the batteries charge and not discharge or do nothing.
I am impressed by your will to continue every episode. As a result-dependent person, I admire your persistence a lot!
Things really move slowly when you do it yourself and from the basics. Your progress is amazing!
Isn't the issue that you're not collapsing a magnetic field in the presence of a copper coil? You're just keeping the coil exposed to a constant magnetic field. Didn't you make that worse by creating a homogenous field with the plates? This is why generators have to be run through a bridge rectifier no? I'm no expert btw, this is just my understanding. :)
I was thinking the same
No, you do not have to collapse the field around the copper but you do have to increase the surface area of the copper that is cutting through the magnetic field. This is why generators use wire wrapped around an armature and then that is spun through the magnetic field.
If the magnets are alternating polarity, then it's not a homogenous field; Andy didn't say one way or the other, so we don't know whether or not he did that. As I understand it, alternating the structure of the copper itself can also help, so counterintuitively, punching holes along the path of the magnets could also help. Since Andy was just trying this out before moving on to more effective methods, though, I imagine he's just going to go with copper wire coils, which simultaneously gives the structural variety and a larger volume and surface area passing through the magnetic field.
Edit: brain fart, accidentally wrote batteries instead of magnets
In the rotating copper disc the Lorenz-force is letting the electrons spiral inwards towards the axle and as such creating a a negative voltage at the axle and a positive at the outer rim. The rotation velocity, the strength of the magnetic field, the homogenity of the field, the resistance of the metal (kind of metal and thickness and temperature), the surface contact etc. are playing a role in creating the voltage.
I do believe the rhr still applies with discs. I might be wrong though
With a homo-polar generator you are exploiting the Faradays law -> Voltage =Length*speed*Magnetic strength. The mental model I use for this is imagining the disk as a bunch of individual wires. When moving a wire through a magnetic field you get charge separation at the ends. In principle this means that if you dragged a very long straight strip through a magnetic field you could get a current if you tapped the sides but spinning it is easier.
Suggestions for improvement:
1) Very strong magnets on both sides placed along the radius of the generator all the way from edge to middle. Placing the magnets on the edge won't help because unless you have a pickup all around the outside edge the electrons have to fight the other currents to reach the pickup which only touches in one place. Also the placement along the radius lets you maximize the length of the copper passing through the field.
2) Thicker disk, 1/4 inch or so. This should make the turning more stable and make for a better connection at the edge. Also the momentum should help as the generator gets moving.
3) Use graphite to lubricate brushes, as a conductor a thin film of graphite could help with better brush connectivity if things are a bit wobbly
4) speed, the faster the movement the greater the force for charge separation. Two ways to get speed, bigger circle or some kind of gearing on the crank.
adding the plate steel effectively killed your magnetic field as there is a significant shielding effect from steel. While it probably did even out the field it also made it weaker.
Good points! The explanation is correct, but the name is not: This generator uses the Lorentz force law, not Faraday's law. In fact, it seems to be a counterexample to the classical Faraday law (in the integral form) unless you pay much attention to detail with the integration paths.
A very good reply 😊. I like to read other’s posts before making my own. I would have nothing more to add.
the amount of copper atoms passing through the magnetic field will also increase the Magnetic strength variable in your formula. So a thicker disk has more dense magnetic field. Also, the hammer marks made in the Anime version create more surface area and areas of change as they pass through the magnet. This could also significantly increase the power generated.
Just FYI, hammering the copper sheet stiffens it via work hardening. The same is done to the edge of bronze swords to help them stay sharp. Also, stacking multiple layers of copper and magnets would allow you to stack voltages in kind. Just attach all of the copper layers to the same shaft and be precise about your spacing. For better brushes, try using copper sponges (used for cleaning copper kitchenware) or carbon based materials. While graphite has excellent conductivity, the lamp black carbon that remains on burnt wood can be fairly conductive if there is enough of it present. Adhering a wire to this surface could give a very crude form of brushed contact. But, this may not last long if the copper sheet rubs through the layer of carbon. To make the lead into sheets, you can use two pieces of wood as rollers and make a basic rolling press. Lead is soft enough and it can be annealed at relatively low temperatures if it gets work hardened. For the rollers, bigger is better. Let the weight of the wood do the work for you. Two 12" diameter rounded slabs that have been properly oiled should give a decent mass per length. Use rollers that are much wider than the sheet you want to produce to increase the pressure in proportion.
Love the series been following since the beginning, keep it up the good work!
Can't wait till we get to the Dr.Stone walkie talkie!
Creating a DC generator without magnets can be challenging, but you can use a design that involves a coil, a rotating armature, and a commutator to generate direct current (DC) or pulsed DC. Here's a simplified design:
1. Coil: Wind a coil of insulated wire (copper) around a cylindrical form to create a solenoid. This coil will be the primary component for generating electricity.
2. Armature: Inside the coil, place a cylindrical armature made of a conductive material such as copper or iron. This armature should be free to rotate within the coil.
3. Commutator: Attach a split-ring commutator to the armature. The commutator consists of two separate segments that are insulated from each other. Brushes (typically made of graphite) will press against the commutator segments.
4. Brushes: Position two brushes in contact with the commutator segments. The brushes will conduct the generated current to an external circuit.
5. Mechanical Energy Source: You'll need a mechanical energy source to rotate the armature. This can be achieved through a hand-crank, a small turbine, or another method.
6. Induction and Commutation: As the armature rotates within the coil due to the mechanical energy input, it induces a changing magnetic field within the coil. The brushes press against the commutator segments, and as the commutator rotates, it switches the direction of the current in the coil, effectively converting the induced alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) or pulsed DC.
This design emulates the action of a commutator in a DC motor, ensuring that the output is DC or pulsed DC. However, the voltage and power output will depend on the design and size of the generator, and you may need to fine-tune the design to meet specific requirements.
@14:00 each time the copper disk makes direct contact with the magnet, im sure it is disrupting efficiency. just remember that Dr stones was hammered our from raw copper ores, and was very thick and sturdy. they also added divets for some reason which are worth testing id say.
I have to agree here. I have a background in electronics, and understood immediately when that generator was made on Dr. Stone, that in reality it wouldn't produce enough electricity. I had been expecting him to make a brushless motor instead and make long strands of wires for wire wrappings, which would have been much more successful. And considering he already had such large magnets, it wouldn't have been that hard to cut or break them up, to make a whole bunch of smaller magnets for the generator
This was another excellent video. Your experiments are fantastic, and just like those who originally pioneered advances in technology found out, we see not everything is going to work first, second or even 100th time. But they persevered and tried different things, sometimes for a whole lifetime. Which, in itself is a valuable lesson for people to learn. We expect everything to just work, not having seen the many, many failures in took to get where we are today.
good video !
for the generator look for a DIY on the "Wimshurst machine"
a very big project (especially with your habit of working in ultra low tech mode)
but you will have ~30 Kilo Volts (but very very few Amps)
I am sad to see that most of your latest experiments are failing more often. However, I appreciate your hard well to continue despite all of this. Good luck with your future experiments!
I do think it’s great that he is showing the failed experiments. You can learn a lot from failure. So many channels only show the perfect experiments. Which sometimes doesn’t teach much.
Hey, it's accurate to the manga at least
Hey Andy, as far as a generator. I would suggest making some simple ferrous magnets. Seeing if you can refine some copper and make it into wire, don't forget to anneal it as you draw it out. Once you've done that. Coat the copper wire in shellac and wind it into a coil that will pass between the magnets of opposing poles. A very crude commutator bar with roughly made graphite brushes will work very well. Dried shellac still has some give and also decent insulating properties.
Last week I saw, can't recall where, an iron air battery and how there is enough interest that Form Energy is making a factory. Could you explain iron air batteries.
Where do you get all your metal.
Great work
Years ago i watched a video of some guys buying commercial lead-acid batteries but filled them with an "Alum" solution K2Al2(SO4)4) which apperantly worked great.
Serms like you can use a lot of corrosive stuff in them.
Solar would be a way you could build pretty easily. It’s just a capacitor with an insulated gap related to sunlight’s wavelength. Nice, fun workshop!
Should look into making a iron infused mud battrry as well.
I like this video because you show the actual materials that you gathered. People might watch videos on generators and really take for granted modern technology, especially magnets and chemical purity.
Imagine being in 1880 and thinking, "Oh. All I have to do is get a neodymium magnet." Easy today. Not so much back then, let alone trying to make or refine one.
This is still such a wild project. Again, the battery was so awesome for as simple as it was so definitely a success. Love all the effort that clearly went into this
After you get the set-up, you should try to recreate the light filament that they used in dr. Stone. By twisting bamboo fibers they were able to create a filament when when reacting to electricity was so bright you can see it from the village fairly far away. Now would like to see that experiment in real life.
Pretty cool. I'm not going to make anything so complex as a robotic arm but it's fun watching you. You really leveled up your fabrication skills with this. And getting to have the video sponsored too in neat.
A stator is definitely the better use of your time if you have decent magnets and wire available. A ring of magnets around a core of coiled wires that spin inside it makes FAR more voltage.. It's basically what a generator in an early car motor (up until mid 60's) was, as well as most motorcycles use a stator to charge their battery. The biggest problem with your battery is your acid concentration isn't high enough. Factory batteries use ~30% concentrated sulfuric acid.
pretty sure he's aware of the first part of your statement but the point was to test the design used in the show.
@@thalaquatics8712 the show/manga are interesting.. there's times where it's like they searched up the most obscure form to try that's actually harder to make and less effective than a later concept, just to go more stone age with it.
@@jaratt85 yes that seems to be the point. Stone is in the name.
And it's exactly how this channel works, he can't make something too modern before he makes the predecessor
@ThalAquatics also keep in mind, the lake senku got the sulfuric acid from actually exists. It's known as lake yugama and the water is a rich emerald green and has a pH of 1.0 it's the strongest naturally occurring acid water in the world. If Andy was to use something like that, the risk of severe injury or even death becomes immensely not worth it.
The metal sheets to "even out" the magnetic field is doing more harm than good. It's providing a path of low reluctance for the magnetic flux to flow through thus containing almost all of the flux, preventing the fields from reaching the disk.
Very cool video, if I were to suggest one thing is that you try the "kelvins tunderstorm" electricity generator I think it would generate better with less effort (when it comes to old technologies) Another thing is that your voice sounds better when the microphone is farther away and you then speak louder than when he is close, it is not a question of the volume of the sound but of the tone of your voice. Good luck.
if you're going to try kelvin's thunderstorm be careful, the advantage it generates is tremendously high even though it's only about 2 wires and 2 buckets. The size of the tunderstorm kelvins doesn't matter, the amount of water that passes through it does, so a 10 cm tall one should produce the same as a 10 meter tall one, which makes it easy to make them in vertical series for best results.
Stone age method to precisely measure volts and amps: Galvanometers are fairly easy to build, and so is an expansion voltmeter. You can use a known resistive value substance (i.e. 50% saline solution of a given volume) for calibration.
Homopolar Generator:These are primarily high current generators, but the voltage can get up to 500v for a big machine. The design from the show reflects an improvement from one of Nicola Tesla's patents. Having a direct conduction between the centers or the periphery allows you to take voltage from the non shorted sides. For your example, it would have been better to use thicker copper disks and let them scrape against each other or against the magnet (or electrical contacts attached to the magnet). The orientation of your magnets is an issue, since one pole being closer to the center is the key. They used to be called N-pole machines, because the common standard was to put the north pole close to the centers. Back when they were cool, some companies were even making ring magnets that had the north at the center. Naturally the faster they turn, the more electricity you'll get out of them, so using a pulley system would help.
in all fairness senku was using a pair of artificial super magnets, both we're created via a bolt of lightning... and the average lightning striker has 1 gigawatt of power in it...
so he used 1 gigawatt of power to make a pair of artificial permanent super magnets... and for those saying they were "electromagnets" while that is how they started it the sheer heat generated from the lightning put the Iron bars in a state of molecular plasticity (I think thats the term) where the iron atom polarities will align with the magnetic poles.. resulting in the iron rod becoming a permanent magnet that is far more powerful than any natural magnet could be even rare earth magnets such as neodymium magnets and as such would generate a massive magnetic field and I assume by proxy would generate more power in a generator
Could you put these Dr. Stone videos in a playlist? I'm loving them.
Great video. 😊 The struggle that a modern person with modern knowledge has with this stuff really proves how hard it was for mankind to discover said knowledge in the first place.
Don't forget that Senku didn't make that generator because he needed a high voltage. What he needed was only a few volts, but an absolute boatload of current, since the generator was used to create sodium hydroxide from salt water. That was the whole reason he built it that way.
You’re actually really close to creating a Bedini SG generator! You should definitely take a look at that here on YT! The wheel design with the magnets that you came up with is very similar to how the Bedini SG generates electricity. It instead uses a coil consisting of two insulated wires charged to differing polarities that are twisted around one another, wrapped around the coil, and placed at the base of the wheel contraption right below the free-hanging wheel. This would create an electromagnetic attraction towards the magnets and the coil when given power. The wheel would then be spun and when a magnet on the wheel passes over the coil, they first attract each other, and with the momentum of the wheel and continued attraction of the following magnets, it is swept past the coil creating a brief influx of electricity sent through the wires in the coil that can be harnessed into a separate battery. This does require the use of other components so it’s not the simplest layout; regardless it is pretty simple and definitely worth looking into, and you may even be able to draw inspiration from this design! Wishing you the best!
Cut multiple evenly spaced lines from the outer circle to near the center to reduce eddy currents.
Can't wait until the new season releases in june!
It needs slicing into a spiral. So it’s more like a wire all your voltage is being blocked if you like by the Eddie currents
I started watching Dr Stone because of this series. thanks!
So many Collab opportunities. Would love to see Robert Murray-Smith help out with this project, even remotely. You could get some Nile Red input on the chemistry and how to get the purest concoctions for your lead acid batteries, and even some bushcraft to see how to turn a round foil into wire strips.
Electroboom would also be sick af here
Lol Nile red
Failed chemist honestly, considering he has a BSc in chem
Don’t let the efficiency of this stuff get you down, you tried to replicate this off a Dr. Stone design. What you’re doing here is incredible, don’t give up!
Belt system Andy. You can easily increase the spin rate of those discs without having to create a gear box
You made me watch Dr. Stone after hearing about it in the last video, it is in my top 5 anime now.
The mass of the copper has a direct relation to the electrical potential. Strength of magnetic field and speed of rotation being secondary requirements. Without Teslas 'secret' second circuit the homopolar generator is supposedly only a high amperage, low voltage device. That's allot of copper to source simply to run a scale test. To make a thick walled pipe or heavy disk.
5:31 That is pretty much why AA style batteries are cylindrical.
Cathode, Anode, with a fabric separator. Rolled up.
If you can make copper wire you can pretty easily build a simple brushed motor and run it as a generator. The hard part would be getting thin copper wire, and also insulating the copper wire.
the issue with the copper is that they used a thicker sheet and then HAMMERED the copper plate0 i believe this works like annealing which is to say it heats up the copper causing the metal to be softer(weaker bonds and thus more electron flow)
You can actually use a lead acid battery to generate sulfuric acid. Simply add distilled water and Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate to an uncharged, also known as discharged battery. Charge the battery and it will create sulfated lead, which will leave the Magnesium behind. Remove the excess sediment, and add distilled water. Discharging the battery will then generate sulfuric acid.
Also, when first charging a battery using pure lead, it is not the same as a normal charge cycle. It takes much longer, because you must convert the lead into sulfated lead. It is unclear exactly how long, it is more than 1 week, possibly months. The battery manufacturers keep it secret. Also, you must consider the depth of charge based on the thickness of your plates, because if you convert all the lead, it will become very fragile and crumble.
Duuude. I dreamt about the coil design for a lead acid battery months ago, but never had time to test it. Thank you for testing it for me✌️
To generate electricity you need magnets, and to generate magnets you need electricity, I understand that in case you don't have either, the way to start the loop would be to build a few non-rechargeable batteries and use them to produce the first magnet, which you then incorporate into a generator. It would be nice to see a video about magnets, what material can be used to produce them, what voltage is needed, and how many batteries would be needed. Great Job!!

Lodestones and chem cells allow a stationary field to be generated thus allowing a generator to work
im pretty sure dr stone had a gold tipped spear get struck by lightning to cause the effect of magnetism on the mountain rocks
There is a lot of easyly accesible Magnetite to be found in nature..
So you need zero electricity make magnets, they occur naturally.
You do however need electricity to make strong magnets.
@@The_Keeper natural magnetite is not exactly a "magnet" I.e. generates a directional magnetic field, because in its natural state all the little magnetic dipoles are randomly oriented. An event needs to happen to orient the dipoles of a piece of magnetite - such as a strong electric current happening to flow nearby, such as from a lightning strike. Then you get a lodestone, or what we would call a "magnet". Those are rare in nature.
@@magikalfreak8007 In the comic, strapped to the spear was an iron bar that they had wrapped in copper wire, replicating an experiment by Wasilewski to use lightning as the electricity source to turn the iron into a powerful magnet. In the actual Wasilewski experiment, he used a very specific crystallization of magnetite to produce the magnet instead of cold iron. It is possible for Senku to have made magnetite bars instead of just iron and just didn't mention it to his crew since the difference would have been lost on them.
Hell, the fact you made batteries that can take a charge is pretty impressive.
I do agree with you I think you made your sheets too thin; going back and looking at the original clip, they grind the edges with corrundum (and likely the sides too, all for the sake of polishing I assume) which tells me it can't be a thin sheet of metal they're working with, probably something like a quarter-inch or centimeter thick piece of copper they've got there.
Assuming how intelligent Senku is supposed to be, I also assume he devised a bearing system to hold everything much more stable, which you'd pointed out was a possible problem.
Lastly, I'm by no means an electrical engineer but it looks like as presented (and shown several times) they've wired both disks together in some manner (I assume in series since there's only three cables) and the middle one crosses over in some fashion obscuring where it attaches but likely the two cables coming off the disks are on the outside and the connectors on the inside for... some reason.
You're very obviously on the path to something, and if you had to make this in a world with nothing you'd be looked at like a magician after all. Can you try cooking a bamboo filament next? I think that'd be awesome to see you try and make your own lightbulb! Stay Awesome!
A couple things could possibly help with the generator and battery.
1. More rigid copper rotors, preferably work hardened, should give more consistent area passing through the magnetic field.
2. A 2nd magnet with reverse pole on the opposite side of the rotors. We know senku had 2 magnets at his disposal so why not.
3. I know its incredibly dangerous, but its worth mentioning, the acid they used actually exists. The lake itself is known as lake yugama. The water there is the strongest acid water in the world with a PH of 1.0. A stronger acid would provide more of a potential charge.
3. Keep in mind, senku did this on a much, much bigger scale so the voltage produced is gonna be alot less in comparrison. If i had to guess forthe batteries themselves , they appear to be in at least 1-3 gallon containers.
All in all what were seeing here, is that Dr.Stone knocked it out of the park 10 billion percent with the science behind every invention, this is just the small scale that backs it up.
very cool but i had 2 questions
1) is it possible to have that energy generated stored somehow that way even if it generates very little its still usable
2) is it possible to have the handle rotate on its own using magnets as a sort of passive energy generator
No reason for the questions its just fascinating and I loved Dr. Stone
This generator is like one big shorted loop of wire. Its like shorting the secondary of a transformer and expect voltage to occur at the shorted point. Im impressed you even got a reading of few milivolts lol.
I really appreciate sponsor bar.
This series is always impressive to me.
the unipolar dynamo was actually.. really important before the semiconductor was introduced.
and the homopoloar generator, its modernized form, still sees industrial use today for generation of really high voltage, high current DC electricity. Weird welding stuff is weird and not often spoken about it is hard to find good information, and even harder to find toubleshooting guides there is no doubt about that.
You should make a wooen disk with magnets on it, them spin the magnets past a copper coil, as you have wire. Voltage can be adjusted by changing the number of turns.
I'm surprised dr stone didn't think about inventing a manual transmission and gear ratios for the power generator.
the density, purity, and surface area of the copper disks (read: weight and volume) that are actually moving through the magnetic field. will drastically affect the voltage values you will output with the device. I would imagine that the linen you used in the batteries imposed a problem; you introduced a large volume of non-conductive material that both displaced the electrolyte and that the electric charges and magnetic fields had to pass through. I think that you need another sort of spacer between the electrodes besides whole sheets of linen.
With that much copper needed anyway, you'd probably be better making wires and coils to create a stator. That would require an insulator for the wires however or some way to prevent the coils from shorting
Cut a spiral in the disk and leave 2 rings at the center and at the edge. Use the edge and the center as your contact points. The magnets need to all align so one side of the disk is north and the other side is south. By cutting the spiral you lower the planar currents in the metal and make the generator more efficient. Use some kind of backing for the disk so it is not as flimsy.
For the bad connection against the cobber wheel you could try carbon brushes or braided wire ''splayed out'' instead of a solid wire bouncing on a rough surface \o/
You can make lead sponge from lead acetate and zinc powder it should make the batteries more efficient
Nile red has a video on that lead sponge
Based on the concepts in magnetic braking, I think you basically need the conductor to be moving in and out of the magnetic fields. Having the relatively solid loop of magnets won't help, unless you reverse every other one. But then, in order to capture the voltage differential, I think you'd need one pickup within the field, and one outside the field. A coil of wire, moving through a horseshoe magnet will generate power according to the right hand rule while moving into the field, but then the left hand rule while moving out of the field. Interestingly, while the coil is right in the middle (it was a huge horseshoe magnet that we used) it generates no current. So moving into and out of the field is where the current is generated.
Though the voltage is not high, lead-acid batteries tend to carry lots of amperage. Maybe it turned out more successful than it seemed, because the voltage you could step up or down to use the amperage to compensate. Great work, and thanks for sharing this adventure!
A homopolar generator is indeed very well suited to produce extremely large currents (potentially over a million amps!). But this device is too shoddy to create much amperage. And transformers only work with AC, this creates DC. And most importantly they require wire and if you have wire you can make much more useful generators :D
@@entcraft44 Cool. You should make a video doing just that.
I remember commenting about him being like real life dr.stone and I am very happy he did this
At 10:47 you have the meter leads in the wrong jacks to measure voltage.
Have you looked at Darwin-style wind generators? I think there's some potential there for simple/primitive energy generation with relatively stable output.
Anyone feel free to correct me if Im wrong, but as long as the battery can efficiently hold its charge, isnt this still a perfectly valid way to gain electricity? Sure, the generator may be incredibly weak and takes a TON of effort to get any charge out of it, but it still charges the batteries. From there, you just dont use your power until you NEED to.
Fire would still he the go to for light untul you got enough batteries to cycle through and charge up while the lights are on. Hell, in Dr. Stone the intended use for Electricity was communication. The lights were just to show off how powerful electricity is and to boost moral.
So regarldess of how weak it is, the fact that it generates any electricity at all, and the fact that the baterries work and be recharged, means that the whole thing douse work. It works incredibly inefficiently, but it works. And qgen you are just stepping into new technology, "it works" is all you are looking for. Increasing efficiency comes later once you get your invention working.
have you tried putting a brush made of copper wire above the bar magnet and another bellow? if you put a meter across both brushes while spinning the wheel, you might get a higher voltage. if you increase the magnetic flux by adding another bar magnet directly behind on the back side of the disc, you'd probably get even more volts. if you connect the main shaft to another with a set of pulleys to get the disc spinning faster, even more volts still.
In a homopolar generators the potential difference is between the axle and rim, not two places on the rim.
try zinc-sulphate rechargeable zinc-air plating battery instead, is about 400Wh/kg simple energy storage, in flooded cells, with carbon/titanium air electrodes, use steel can and HD-PE plastic to contain the formed sulfuric acid in a leyden jar. yep zinc sulphate in metal-air rechargeable configuration. yep its also source of very high concentration sulfuric acid, and the zinc. and oxygen.
you should definitively charge them slower usually at about 10 to 15% the capacity in ah or if you don' know that a maximum of 2 to 5 % the short circet curret.
A homopolar generator is a current device. I do not know why they choose that configuration in that animation; they may have had concerns about making a device that a child could replicate and cause injury to themselves. If you are doing the rebuild society route. You might first want to start with primary cells before going to secondary cells. If you have any metal and activated charcoal you can make mechanically recharged cells. For example iron reacting with oxygen would make "rust" and that rust could later be refined into iron again using available materials found all over the planet. I did want to mention counter rotation can be an effective means of extracting useful power. I suspect that device in the animation is purposely "failed" to keep a child from injury. There are many other "ancient" electricity generators that can make exceptional voltage. For example a Wimshurst generator. Again, its a show that young ones will likely watch; the more I think of it is a purposeful fail.
They did show the process for making black powder.
If the goal is to charge batteries, a high current device is better than a high voltage device like a wimshurst machine. What you really want is a dynamo, but that requires wire and wire is much more difficult to make than plates.
@@entcraft44 yeah a homo-polar generator is a dynamo. I think its the most simple dynamo that can be made. that is why they occur in nature. for the show I think a faraday disk would have been a better choice for a generator. But, since they show two in counter rotation it might have been conceived as a serial output device which would have upped the usable voltage while providing a good amount of current. Or it might have been an experiment conducted by the author when they were younger. We should contact the author and find out what they were thinking? Anyway, if you can generate 3 or 4 volts and 10 amps of current using a homo-polar in series. That would be more than enough to charge a lead cell. Sorry I can remember the actual voltages required to charge a lead cell. It has been a while. I am sure it is found on the internet, somewhere...
@@westarthur4184 The two disk setup may stem from patents by Nicola Tesla. He tried to reduce the friction from the outer pickups by combining two disks with a conductive belt and having two sliding pickups only at the slower moving centers. Of course the show shows no belt, so it wouldn't work that way, but it might still be inspired by that.
Regarding the word dynamo: I think there might be multiple definitions. I thought of a more modern wire-wound generator with a commutator to make DC.
O this is neat, I did a single wheel generator in my middle school science fair. I did all the same things, and once quit trying to upgrade it...I had a lightning bolt. I had so many magnets on the wheel, but only 1 magnet collecting the charge. So I wired just as many "recievers" (I was young lol) to the frame, I believe in series, and got dramatically more power after a bit more tweaking. God this takes me back to the good Ole days.
I was waiting for you to switch to a coil design generator!
Not a physicist , and I don't pretend to be one , but I would spend the magnets. And I would use multiple layers of copper dispersed. The magnets across 2 staters, 3 stages into several layers of magnets. It would require an inner and out of her shaft but it could be doable. I know they are wire method . Didn't would use wire coils instead of discs.
Do a video on the marx generator, and make one from scratch. Try to get the highest voltage, Amperage and largest spark possible.
This is just a hunch of mine, but it might work better if you arranged the magnets into spokes alternating the polarity. You should have six north polarity spokes and six south polarity spokes, one after the other. I would also ditch the copper sheet and go with a copper coil of wire. You can make the copper coil similarly to the lead coil, only decrease the width by 90% or more.
This is probably a miniscule thing but maybe try a metal support for the wheel magnets? I know some of my fridge magnets suck at holding pieces of paper so you might be losing alot of potential interaction with the wood on the circular plates
Did you arrange the magnets in a halbach array to get a stronger, more consistent one-sided field?
to induce voltage in any piece of copper you need a changing magnetic field, putting all those magnets around (I assume on the same polarity) seems counterproductive
Current is generated by flux, moving the disk in a static magnetic field only creates a voltage by the minute changes of the copper material. If you want optimal output, put cuts in the copper to make a series of slices, make it thicker, and have two magnets invert polarity creating a conductive ring (or "pizza slices") and a complete inversion of the field as each section passes each pair of magnets.
Cant wait for him to make the Dr. Stone boat!!
Wimhurst generator works pretty well with spinning disks, theyre pretty cool how they work