34. Convert's Testimony to Latter Day Saint Conference of Future Missionaries...

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2024
  • 34. Convert's Testimony to Latter Day Saint Conference of Future Missionaries...
    David Alexander's Sunday, April 16th, 2023... Message to Future Latter Day Saint Missionaries, as one who was led to faith by two wonderful Sister Missionaries...and baptised just five weeks previously, after 47 years of searching for the True Church and Restored Apostolic and Prophetic Authority...


  • @terrydale1584
    @terrydale1584 Рік тому +85

    God bless you David Alexander. I was 21 and an evangelical studying to be a minister and looking for the true authority and apostles and prophets when after studying with 4 different denominations decided to check out the "Mormon Church" to discover that it was in fact the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS. I am now 71. Your testimony and experience resonated deeply with me. Thank you

    • @marlamorris6248
      @marlamorris6248 Рік тому +6

      Folks like you are the lifeblood of our church. My mom was a convert in her 20s (my dad finally returned to church years later), she's never wavered & has been the strength of our family.

  • @selmamoberg6583
    @selmamoberg6583 Рік тому +161

    Bro Alexander as a 20 yr converted member there is nothing more refreshing than to hear the testimony of a new member. Tears started to flo as I listened. Ty for sharing your amazing testimony. God bless from Chicago Il 🙏🏼✌️

    • @clearstonewindows
      @clearstonewindows Рік тому +1

      @@pattykake7195 you say it like its a suprise

    • @kfine76lds72
      @kfine76lds72 Рік тому

      Me too😢

    • @clearstonewindows
      @clearstonewindows Рік тому +2

      @@pattykake7195 I'm still here. I'm just saying Jesus Christ himself said this many would here but then change there minds. See the parable of the sower

    • @mickski548
      @mickski548 Рік тому +3

      @@pattykake7195 actually that’s false the vast majority stay lol

    • @mickski548
      @mickski548 Рік тому +3

      @@pattykake7195 in your opinion you think that buddy, now go troll somewhere else, people who dislike a religion but finds pro religious videos to comment on them make no sense, I don’t like mushrooms I’m not gonna go on pro mushroom videos and bother people because that’s a huge waste of time, apart of you still is drawn to the fact of the lds existence or else you wouldn’t give it the time or day

  • @AcheliusDecimus
    @AcheliusDecimus Рік тому +19

    Many people who know me enjoy my company when I tell them about the church they try to divorce my character from the church. I often tell them I am only this way because of the church, for I was an angry young man, abandoned by his father, abusing alcohol, and being promiscuous for many years. I was baptised in 3 different churches, baptist, SDA, and Church of God, before finding the Latter Day Saint church. I did not receive true conversion until learning true gospel principles. I am so happy such a strong person has found the gospel, and can testify of the truth of it.

  • @lukehall2945
    @lukehall2945 Рік тому +100

    Hey David! I’m a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in home MTC and I just wanted to let you know how much your own testimony has strengthened mine and others. I believe that every single thing that has happened building up to this beautiful time in your life has happened for a reason, and i know it because i can genuinely feel it. Please don’t stop what you’re doing. You have so much to offer and I believe you’re doing exactly what Heavenly Father wants you to do. Love you man! Keep up the great work by being your own missionary and sharing your light and love for the Gospel!

    • @jeffwilson4693
      @jeffwilson4693 Рік тому +6

      "The Bible is the inerrant, infallible, inspired word of God and His word is how we seek Him. Your god is a god of your own creation "
      Who says there are no errors in the Bible, or in the translation and interpretation. Even as it is, were it clear, there wouldn't be tens of thousands of competing denominations from the same book.
      As for our Gods, yours is conjured and imagined by you from a book that you read. Mine lives according to his spirit which he sent to know me and awaken me to a remembrance of him. Such that I know that God lives without any external influence from hearing or reading or seeing with my eyes. My testimony is based on and supported by the truth. I know of myself that God lives. You pretend to know by another's words because all you do is repeat their words. You have no words of your own, and no God of whom to tell.
      God didn't tell you that the LDS Church is untrue. You came to that false conclusion on your own. You also interpret the Bible on your own, as well as speak according to your own reasoning. There is no God in any of it. It is only you. The Bible is another peoples diary, of which you read and pretend to be a part.

    • @David-Alexander-German
      @David-Alexander-German Рік тому +3

      @@jeffwilson4693 investiagte and humbly pray and you will know that the restoration really happened.

    • @jeffwilson4693
      @jeffwilson4693 Рік тому +3

      @@David-Alexander-German You didn't read my whole post. I quoted and responded to another post which said that the LDS Church is at odds with the Bible. And it therefore untrue according to the poster. That post has since been removed for some reason. But yes I am fully on board with the restoration of Gods Church thru Joseph Smith.

  • @guardianangel9517
    @guardianangel9517 Рік тому +39

    Wonderful testimony!
    I grew up a Latter Day Saint, then left for 18 yrs. In that time I tried other churches, and many had good people in them, and at times I could feel the Spirit, BUT.......
    I was never spiritually satisfied.
    Then I came back to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and it was like a full meal deal!
    Instead of surviving on a loaf of bread and a can of Spam, It was more like a prime rib dinner with all the trimmings 🥰
    I enjoy the FULL GOSPEL of Jesus Christ as my church, and will NEVER be a FOOL to leave it again.
    I'm so GRATEFUL for prophets past and present being the Lord's mouthpiece for us

    • @guardianangel9517
      @guardianangel9517 Рік тому +4

      @@rickdavis2235 Way to blaspheme God's beautiful word.
      The source of my feelings comes from the Holy Ghost. I don't believe blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is the way to twist the Bible to attack the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:
      Matthew 12:32
      And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
      Mark 3:29
      But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.
      My testimony has been strengthened precept upon precept through the power of the Holy Ghost which cannot and does not lie. It is stronger than EVER, and so is my journey with Jesus Christ.
      No man or woman is perfect, but ALL are Heavenly Father's children. They must CHOOSE Him because He has given us all free agency to choose eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ, or eternal hell (defined as separation from the Father).
      We all have the free gift of repentance to be forgiven of our sins, or we can heap coals upon our own heads.
      2 Nephi 6:12
      And blessed are the Gentiles, they of whom the prophet has written; for behold, if it so be that they shall repent and fight not against Zion, and do not unite themselves to that great and abominable church, they shall be saved; for the Lord God will fulfill his covenants which he has made unto his children; and for this cause the prophet has written these things.
      In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen 🙏🏼🤍🕊

    • @ddawg468
      @ddawg468 Рік тому +2

      @@rickdavis2235 it appears you do not know what the FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT ARE.
      BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS. YE SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS. instead of throwing mud, THROW LOVE and maybe people will listen to you.

    • @Shibbynow06
      @Shibbynow06 Рік тому +1

      ​@@rickdavis2235can you give me the bullet point response next time?! You're posts are a little long. I like my Anti Mormon propaganda short and to the point. Mahalo Mate!

    • @StarShippCaptain
      @StarShippCaptain Рік тому

      Really pleased for you!!

  • @beckywalton5200
    @beckywalton5200 Рік тому +127

    Ok, even having watched ALL your videos, that had the tears rolling.
    I hope you understand how much your testimony buoys up and strengthens us existing members. Never stop sharing this message.

    • @burlingtonbill1
      @burlingtonbill1 Рік тому +2

      Absolutely !

    • @janeeyre8241
      @janeeyre8241 Рік тому +2

      Same. I was bawling and I’ve watched many of his videos too. Wish he could preach at our ward!

    • @jparkerbros
      @jparkerbros Рік тому +4

      My good Brother,
      My same 47 years has been in the Church, when I found it, after reading the Book of Mormon twice at age 19 while in the US Air Force. And then while wading through life’s
      Journey, we are ready! Thank you Brother for your testimony found after the same years! Go! Go! Go!

    • @Sophia-kf1dx
      @Sophia-kf1dx Рік тому +2

      I was also a convert to the church. I was lucky enough to join at age 21. When I first heard the missionary discussions I knew it was all true. I wanted to share what I learnt with everyone. It filled me with happiness and joy. What shocked me was most people I tried to talk to about it just shut me down. They only had negative opinions about it. But I knew it was true. I followed my heart and now Im 64 yrs old and my testimony has never wavered. Its sooo true. I love it sooo much. Keep doing what you're doing. God bless.

  • @walrusbfv6862
    @walrusbfv6862 Рік тому +15

    My mission begins in 35 days. Listening to every word David

    • @jlewis8145
      @jlewis8145 Рік тому +2

      Please read the New Testament on your mision.
      Joseph Smith and every LDS prophet since him have preached a gospel of “do,” negating the gospel of “done” that Jesus preached and was. The LDS church is all about what it and its members must still do and be if they want to live with God (and be a god) one day.
      The true church is all about proclaiming what Christ has DONE to make us right with God now for all eternity. It’s a certainty.
      Jesus Christ canceled the record of debt that was held against us when He shed his blood, on the cross, died and rose again. All you need to do is accept Christ by faith. It isn't because of who you are and what you must do for God. It is because of who God is and what He did for you in sending Jesus to be the sacrificial offering for your sins. To be your substitute on the cross and to satisfy the demands of God's law that stands against you.
      Christ has done the one work that was necessary to reconcile you to God. Christ has done the one act of righteousness that could bring justification and life to all men. All Christ is asking with open arms is for you to lay down your religiosity and works at the foot of the cross and allow Christ to take it.
      Salvation is quite simple.
      Luke 18 And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt:
      10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.
      11 The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.
      12 I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.’
      13 But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’
      14 I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
      God bless you.

    • @GeekOwtLowd
      @GeekOwtLowd 11 місяців тому +1

      @@jlewis8145 James 2:
      14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
      18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without [a]your works, and I will show you my faith by [b]my works. 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe-and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is [c]dead? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made [d]perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was [e]accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God. 24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
      25 Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?
      26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

    • @lindamartinez7006
      @lindamartinez7006 11 місяців тому +1

      He does read the New Testament which is the exact same Gospel found in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints .

    • @peggyowen1206
      @peggyowen1206 9 місяців тому

      @@jlewis8145 1:14 🎉😢😮😅😊🎉🎉😂❤❤❤ 1:48 1:49

  • @mariejones1928
    @mariejones1928 Рік тому +26

    We love you Brother Alexander. A convert in my teens 61 years ago, I have always been so grateful that someone introduced me to the church after searching and praying for direction. I've been 'in love' with this Gospel ever since. Your wandering with thirst through a spiritual desert has made drinking from the pure fountain, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, even sweeter. You are no more a stranger and foreigner but of the fellowship of the Saints and of the household of God. Welcome home dear brother!

  • @janetrobinson2699
    @janetrobinson2699 Рік тому +32

    I just celebrated the 29th anniversary of my baptism on April 10th. Your story mirrors mine. I couldn’t find the whole truth of the gospel anywhere and finally got to the point where I looked heavenward and said God you’re going to have to show me because I can’t find your church. Thankfully He answered my plea. I thoroughly enjoyed your testimony and the renewal and memories it brought to me. God bless you brother. I know you’ll be used by the Lord for the rest of your days! 😊❤️

    • @StarShippCaptain
      @StarShippCaptain Рік тому +7

      My wife, a convert, came to that same point, after searding for the True Church and not finding. As you, she prayed, "Heavenly Father I can't find the True Church, so it will have to find me!" God was merciful, and answered her plea. She found the Church, came to BYU where we met. Thank goodness for her faith and prayers!

  • @sarahmayj
    @sarahmayj Рік тому +127

    Never stop testifying! You are blessing so many people ❤

    • @Forestgump12able
      @Forestgump12able Рік тому +3

      As the British say, HERE, HERE. WHO RAH.
      YES,, THANK YOU.

  • @laloifilealofi9628
    @laloifilealofi9628 Рік тому +16

    Bless are the pure in heart, David Alexander, you are sharing a pure testimony of Jesus Christ and His Church, thank you so much for the love, courage to accept the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ,

  • @thenorth-manchannel4736
    @thenorth-manchannel4736 Рік тому +16

    Bro David, I am a member of the restored Church from Uganda, THANK YOU FOR YOUR TESTIMONY. I LOVE YOU.

  • @station079
    @station079 Рік тому +11

    It's interesting that a suggestion from UA-cam made my day. As I watched this video, I was reminded of Doctrine and Covenants, Section 123, verse 12, it reads "For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it." Maybe that verse written nearly 200 years ago was meant for David and those that are waking up to find the truth. I'm a convert of just shy of 50 years, I'm glad David finally found what he was looking for!

    • @boydjenkins
      @boydjenkins Рік тому +1

      Amen! The accusatory fog = “subtle craftiness of men, wherein they lie in wait to deceive”
      Reminds me that we need to let our light shine before men in love. Be the peacemakers President Russell M. Nelson pleads with us to be😊

  • @kellybakes
    @kellybakes Рік тому +103

    Love you David...rooting for you every step of the way on the covenant path. Thank you for reminding me every day what a blessing it is to have the gospel in my life.

    • @sarahbean6170
      @sarahbean6170 Рік тому +9

      “Reminding me everyday what a blessing it is to have the gospel in my life” This is how I feel! Absolutely!

    • @paulslake411
      @paulslake411 Рік тому

      @@sarahbean6170 *
      I’m a Mormon.
      We should believe the Scriptures, not man.
      And the Scriptures testify the Mormon Church is the only true Church of Jesus Christ on earth.
      But if something is taught that can't be verified by Scripture, think twice about believing it.
      I understand why so many people are leaving the church.
      Many false doctrines exist causing countless UA-cam videos mocking Mormonism.
      False doctrines like grandpa gods, (God the Father has a father), Mormons becoming gods of their own planets, Adam helped create the earth, Christ and Satan are brothers, God the Father has rarely spoken in Scripture, the African Americans were bad in the pre-existence; all of which no Scripture verifies.
      And each Sunday the Sacrament is tainted because only Elders and Priests can administer but the Deacons prepare/administer and the Teachers pass/administer the Sacrament. (D&C 20:57)
      And the Lord says, He’s bound when we do what He says but if not there is no promise. (D&C 82:10)
      …that the scriptures might be fulfilled; for ye shall do according to that which is written. (D&C 24:14)
      And we wonder why there’s depression, mental illness and other unspeakable events among us?
      And many are leaving the church because if you don't fit the mold the church leaders sculpture you're not a part of the click.
      Mormons believe the church leaders over Scripture.
      The zealous believers have the church leaders in mind with everything thing they think say and feel testifying to impress others how much they believe the current church leaders are God-inspired....
      But the Scriptures reveal the church leaders are the problem with the entire planet.
      For example,
      In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 we are informed of a person who sits in the temple of God making himself God or above all that is called God.
      And because the Mormon Church is the only true Church of Jesus Christ on earth, who else could the Apostle Paul be warning us of if not the current Mormon prophet for only the Church has the temples of God.
      And even in the D&C God tells us He is displeased with the Apostles of the Lamb saying the end of this world will begin among them. (D&C 112:23-26)
      And Joseph Smith taught those who follow Lucifer in the last days can only be church members holding all the rights of God's priesthood and using the priesthood against God, as did Judas.
      It's as plain as the nose on a face.
      Joseph Smith taught the false doctrine of grandpa gods (God the Father has a father) not over the pulpit as a prophet but as a sermon at a funeral, which should not be taken as Scripture fulfilling God’s sayings to Paul, And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (2 Thessalonians 2:11)
      That they might be damned who believed not the truth….(2Thessalonians 2:12)
      And speaking of the current Mormon prophet John saw him saying,
      And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (Revelation 13:7) (D&C 112:23-26)
      And the current Mormon prophet he has all the saints believing God our Heavenly Father was created by a being greater than Himself but Scripture says there is no greater than our God. (Hebrews 6:13)
      Therefore, every member of the Church is breaking the very first commandment God gave Moses and it is the first commandment because of the extreme importance of not putting Satan above God.
      Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
      Does it make sense to reasonable thinking that God would command we have no other gods before Him but really there are gods before Him?
      Does He not want us to know this?
      Why is it a secret?
      There’s a reason He commanded to have no other gods before Him and that is because Lucifer says he will exalt his throne above the stars of God… (Isaiah 14:12-13)
      Because by believing in false grandpa gods the saints believe our God is an infinitely lesser God putting Lucifer before God.
      And the moment we put a god before our God, our God becomes an infinitely lesser God.
      Not only that, our God also becomes a liar.
      He and the Scriptures say He is the greatest of all.
      He and the Scriptures say He is the Most High God.
      He and the Scriptures say He created all things.
      And in the Scriptures He says there are no gods beside Him. (Isaiah 44:6) (Isaiah 44:8) (Isaiah 45:22) (Hebrews 6:13)
      And Isaiah warns,
      Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)
      The saints call President Nelson good and good (Jesus Christ) evil.
      Because President Nelson says Christ and His Father are liars that God is not the Most High for how could He be? if God the Father has a father.
      President Nelson says Christ did not create all things. (John 1:1-3)
      Matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed the scientists say therefore President Nelson says the grandpa gods created these matter/energy and so Christ and the Scriptures are lying.
      Well did Abinadi warn the wicked king Noah and his priests,
      Have ye taught this people that they should observe to do all these things for to keep these commandments? (Mosiah 13:25)
      I say unto you, Nay; for if ye had, the Lord would not have caused me to come forth and to prophesy evil concerning this people. (Mosiah 13:26)
      And what is the commandment Abinadi taught that the people do not obey?
      Thou shalt have no other God before me. (Mosiah 12:35)
      Know ye not that I speak the truth? Yea, ye know that I speak the truth; and you ought to tremble before God. (Mosiah 12:30)
      And it is a false doctrine to say God our Heavenly Father has rarely spoke to us in Scripture.
      (3Nephi 27:26), (3Nephi 24:1). (2Nephi 31:20), (2Nephi 31:11) (D&C 49:20), (3Nephi 20:29) (D&C 49:5), (Moses chapters 1-2)
      Beware of the doctrine of the scribes and Pharisees who are today’s Church leaders… (Matthew 16:6-12)...

  • @jeffwilson4693
    @jeffwilson4693 Рік тому +188

    "You don't know how precious it is because you were born into it." This comes from a man who sees the difference between the world and the LDS Church. His is the voice of wisdom and truth. He has watched young Missionaries and members get bushwhacked by the sophistry of others on internet videos. So he is saying, stay true to your covenants, your Church is true.

    • @Forestgump12able
      @Forestgump12able Рік тому +15

      As a Convert to The Teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I Seized upon the Church as it came by , by way of the Missionaries.
      Thank you for that Great Truth.
      Thank You.

    • @rejieliclayton2347
      @rejieliclayton2347 Рік тому

      What truth? It's a Sect.

    • @stephenmiller-wb2ul
      @stephenmiller-wb2ul Рік тому +1

      The LDS Church is not any longer true, but it can get back on the route of righteousness and I believe it will because there are some that are working for that above and down here below. Many of us are working very hard to make it so.

    • @AlexParker-zg9hp
      @AlexParker-zg9hp Рік тому +1

      Members of the Mormon “Organization” (not a church)
      are told to pray about whether the Book of Mormon is true or not .
      If your answer says it is true , then you are a blessedly enlightened human being .
      If the answer is NO , then you are still the son of the devil .
      And you need to pray more about it
      In Christianity , the Truth of the Holy Bible is never questioned ,
      and nothing can be taken out nor added to ; it is the complete and final revelation of God’s will towards mankind and Jesus our Lord is the only way whereby we can access the almighty God ,
      it is THE WORD OF GOD .

    • @AlexParker-zg9hp
      @AlexParker-zg9hp Рік тому

      @@rickdavis2235 , I have edited my comment .

  • @6barbers
    @6barbers Рік тому +11

    Beautiful testimony !

  • @jeantoller
    @jeantoller Рік тому +152

    David. I always ask myself… if I were Satan which church would I attack and spend time trying to divert people from. Think about that. It would be the true church. Why waste your time and effort on any other church The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is True. ❤️❤️❤️

    • @lootingiv4058
      @lootingiv4058 Рік тому +31

      I have always thought the same. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is attacked and attacked by everyone. We don't go around saying how others churches are false. They attack the Book of Mormon all the time as well but it is still standing today because its a true book!

    • @VICTOR7oh2
      @VICTOR7oh2 Рік тому +10

      It's sad that people can't see that 😔

    • @Irvingdector
      @Irvingdector Рік тому +11


    • @Irvingdector
      @Irvingdector Рік тому +22

      I’ve noticed that these days it’s OK to believe in astrology, crystals, taroth, mushrooms, in the universe ETC ETC But when you believe in Christ and God it’s not ok.

    • @burlingtonbill1
      @burlingtonbill1 Рік тому +8

      GREAT point, Sister Toller !

  • @socorrozamarripa9567
    @socorrozamarripa9567 Рік тому +17

    😢😢😢😢😢😢 I am a convert myself and I understand everything he says and said that my children born in covenant are inactive and this brought tears to my heart. All I can do is work in the Temple, magnify my calling, read my scriptures and do all I can to be an example to my children and pray for them.

    • @Forestgump12able
      @Forestgump12able Рік тому +1

      Hey Hey, I have found it helpful to read in 1st John Chapter 3. Verse 2. You may like that Scripture.

    • @socorrozamarripa9567
      @socorrozamarripa9567 Рік тому

      @@Forestgump12able thank you.

    • @LiveHappy76
      @LiveHappy76 Рік тому +2

      Their being born in the covenant gives you eternal claim upon and access to them. I know your sorrow, having 2 sons estranged from me and a daughter without the chance, yet, for sealing.

    • @socorrozamarripa9567
      @socorrozamarripa9567 Рік тому +1

      @@LiveHappy76 I am so sorry 😞

    • @LiveHappy76
      @LiveHappy76 Рік тому +2

      @@socorrozamarripa9567 Thank you.

  • @jeremyarrieta6869
    @jeremyarrieta6869 Рік тому +7

    i'm born in the covenant. we are really grateful to have you. i always love to listen to all the conversions stories. it makes me happy and grateful for our Father in Heaven because the truth is restored. this is humbling

    • @lootingiv4058
      @lootingiv4058 Рік тому +1

      I was also born into the church. Truly grateful that I didn't have to search for it and have always had it in my life

  • @thechaosgardener
    @thechaosgardener Рік тому +32

    Your words will bring thousands out of the darkness and into the light. Like Alma the younger. Welcome home brother.

  • @bryancardon432
    @bryancardon432 Рік тому +14

    Your testimony is more precious than pure gold. Thank you for sharing it!

  • @laurabrooksperry3841
    @laurabrooksperry3841 Рік тому +8

    Thank you! This was an amazing testimony.

  • @davesn90
    @davesn90 Рік тому +8

    So powerful, so powerful. Those of us who have been born in the Gospel really don't know what our lives would be without it! Thanks for reminding us to be grateful. :)

  • @Nicolesrecoverycorner
    @Nicolesrecoverycorner Рік тому +18

    You are the male version of me I was a Christian, and I was on fire for the Lord, but I couldn’t walk at the exact same walk as Jesus and I desire to be holy!❤ Now I am an endowed saint ❤

  • @barbaralarkins756
    @barbaralarkins756 Рік тому +16

    I too found the Restored Gospel in my life in Sept. of 2011 and was baptized in Oct. of 2011. I'm so very thankful that I now know the truth. Thank you Heavenly Father & Lord Jesus Christ & Holy Ghost for my salvation.

  • @sione43
    @sione43 Рік тому +10

    Thank you for your testimony. You’re amazing.

  • @MrArtist7777
    @MrArtist7777 Рік тому +8

    Wonderful testimony! I too journeyed to find the truth, attending many churches and someone handed me a tiny card with the 17 points of the true church. I studied it, was amazed that only one church on earth had everything in Jesus Christ’s original church, attended a Latter-day Saint church service and felt the Holy Ghost more powerfully that at any time in my life, which bore testimony of the truth, and was converted. That was 36 years ago, and still going strong.

  • @kfine76lds72
    @kfine76lds72 Рік тому +10

    My heart filled with tears of joy welcome brother every word you spoken really touched my soul thank you for coming to the Lord true church

  • @GrassrootsLibertyBillFoster
    @GrassrootsLibertyBillFoster Рік тому +29

    David you are my blood brother ! My testimony is nearly identical to yours as well as personal revelations.
    I am honored to be flooding LDS members and converts to the Restored Church through your spellbinding testimony ! Thank you Mister David Alexander. Onward, Pressing Onward !

  • @TheSing4fun
    @TheSing4fun Рік тому +49

    Thank you, dear Brother, for your testimony of the Lord's restored church. We are so richly blessed to have a living prophet on the earth at this time ..... and Apostles of Jesus Christ who bear His name and have been given authority to bless the world with the Good news of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.
    You have blessed my life today, by the sincerity & depth of your conviction.
    Thank you for sharing your heart & soul with so many ❤️

  • @toddbender3463
    @toddbender3463 Рік тому +13

    That's one things we take for granted in the church: you can go anywhere in the world, to any church building and they will always be teaching the same gospel, have the same organization, and you'll feel the same spirit

  • @Total_Freedom
    @Total_Freedom Рік тому +7

    What a lovely human being and disciple of Christ you are! Very awe inspiring! God is Great!

  • @roncameron7461
    @roncameron7461 Рік тому +5

    Thank you, I truly appreciate your testimony 🙏

  • @ericabase
    @ericabase Рік тому +45

    Brother Alexander! You will never know in this life how many people your words have and will impact people. Your words have reached far and wide now. They will soften hearts and strengthen faith. Thank you. So much love for you and the good you are doing. Thank you thank you.

  • @lucilinomendonca247
    @lucilinomendonca247 Рік тому +8

    Hi David😊. Greetings from Cape Verde🇨🇻.
    I enjoy watching your videos. It reminds me my own conversion to the gospel.
    I think your life journey has been rich and followed by the Lord. And I think this is the right time He prepared you for to really make a difference.
    Thank you for remembering the LDS how blessed we are for having the true gospel and all it represents.
    Keep it up Brother👏🏽

  • @MelanieVanDeGraaff
    @MelanieVanDeGraaff Рік тому +17

    So glad to have you in our church, thank you for your wonderful testimony!

  • @pauldevictoria5028
    @pauldevictoria5028 Рік тому +17

    Wow! Thanks for sharing. We’re all on different paths and timelines. I found the Restored Gospel at 14, now I’m 61. I’m glad you found us.

  • @Vetionarian
    @Vetionarian Рік тому +17

    David we as a body of Christ need people like you to speak up more and more. LDS cultures and Evangelical cultures now more than ever need to unite as one against the powers of Satan. I cannot believe how powerful your witness is and I teared up listening to your story. I was born into the church like most of the members and it is incredibly easy to take for granted what we have as well as to close our mouths and not share it. I want to thank you for your testimony and it inspired me today greatly.

  • @GirlWithaGun12
    @GirlWithaGun12 Рік тому +25

    New favorite video! I can’t explain how much young people that have grown up in the church need to hear this. We take this gospel for granted (myself included) and it is the most precious thing we will ever have in this life. Definitely will share this with my ward here at USU!

  • @tanyaschilling50
    @tanyaschilling50 Рік тому +10

    Wow! What a powerful testimony, I am so grateful for you sharing your story. I am so impressed that you are and have been so sincere in your search for truth, you are so humble and we need more people like you in the world! Thank you!❤

  • @jenpope9786
    @jenpope9786 Рік тому +10

    Dear David, I love you, we love you...we need you! Thank you for your beautiful testimony! I really feel like you have a Paul-like calling! Your experience will be the bridge for soooo many to come! I marvel how the Lord does HIS work!

  • @elenaanderson8629
    @elenaanderson8629 Рік тому +41

    Thank you for sharing this. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints we don't really know what we have. And unfortunately don't fully appreciate it and sadly don't fully live our spiritual privileges and responsibilities. Church needs people like you to testify and remind its members of those truths. Lord needs disciples like you to set an example. Thank you , David

  • @christinaweight1619
    @christinaweight1619 Рік тому +17

    Brother Alexander, welcome! Thank you for your powerful testimony of Christ and how precious it is to have His authority through apostles and prophets leading The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am grateful you don’t have to wander in the desert anymore…that you can be safely on the covenant path. We are so grateful you are here with us.

  • @jsolomon0101
    @jsolomon0101 Рік тому +17

    Love you Brother!! From Arizona!!

  • @andrewolsen2711
    @andrewolsen2711 Рік тому +15

    What a beautiful witness of Christ. Thank you.

  • @elliothuntington8980
    @elliothuntington8980 Рік тому +34

    Dear good brother,
    I don't even know your name. But I want you to know how strongly I felt the witness of your testimony as you shared it with us in this video. Thank you for your example of seeking, of finding, and of your fervent testimony of the restoration of the Priesthood, the church, and all the associated blessings that are available to all those who truly seek the Lord.
    I know with you that this is the only true and living church upon the face of the earth.
    Thank you! And God continue to bless you!

    • @gwengold8154
      @gwengold8154 Рік тому +2

      Elliott, His name is David Alexander. If you haven't watched his other videos yet, you should consider doing so. They are all so inspiring! They make you feel grateful for the gospel.

  • @zinannekuletz4707
    @zinannekuletz4707 Рік тому +8

    You're amazing as a recent convert.
    Bro David, I want you to know how your testimony strengthen us and other saints as well.
    Keep it up!

  • @GwPoKo
    @GwPoKo Рік тому +14

    Love hearing your testimony, David! You are an inspiration to me and many others!

  • @clairvernon3031
    @clairvernon3031 Рік тому +39

    David, welcome home. We love your testimony and exuberance. Tell us about your receiving the priesthood. You have the potential to touch millions of souls.

  • @libertyadventures1
    @libertyadventures1 Рік тому +3

    Thank you, David! Your testimony is so uplifting!

  • @roberthall9452
    @roberthall9452 Рік тому +15

    I really love the evangelical spirit you're bringing to the Church. We need it! Thanks!!!

  • @boone7812
    @boone7812 Рік тому +4

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and testimony!

    • @boone7812
      @boone7812 Рік тому +3

      @He Who Has Ears To Hear Let HIm Hear in your opinion that may be, and you have nothing to lose then.
      Yet, his experiences share a profound truth, which is seeking answers to questions someone might have and seeking spiritual confirmation to those answers. This is what he did and why his testimony is amazing. The answers and spiritual confirmations were not immediate, yet he endured, practiced faith in seek Christ, and was answered in God's timing.
      Shouldn't we all try to follow this same process in seeking God's truth?

  • @CalledtoShare
    @CalledtoShare Рік тому +3

    Thank you brother!

  • @marinade06
    @marinade06 Рік тому +54

    Welcome home! Praise be to our Heavenly Father for the restoration and the honest seekers of truth. Though they may wander, the Lord is over them, guides them and their broken heart and contrite spirit will be fully cleansed and made whole and holy in Christ. David, your videos and journey have been tremendous. Thanks for sharing. Welcome home brother thou son of God!

  • @ArleneEvangelista-o3j
    @ArleneEvangelista-o3j Рік тому +16

    I am a convert myself and I know exactly what you are talking about. I hopped from one Church to another till the missionaries found me. Thank you for sharing, what a great testimony.

  • @Stevemotzkus
    @Stevemotzkus Рік тому +22

    Your testimony is beautiful and very powerful! Thank you! You are a Holy Man!

  • @MeganRoseanne
    @MeganRoseanne Рік тому +7

    Aw! I loved your testimony so much!! Thanks for sharing and strengthening my testimony. You’re a wonderful, faith filled man. Don’t ever stray from the covenant path. We need you!! ❤

  • @phav1832
    @phav1832 Рік тому +5

    I love the term "fog of accusation" . . . great description.

  • @Yelta
    @Yelta Рік тому +5

    Thank you for sharing your faith and testimony of the truthfulness of the restored gospel in these latter days. Thank you for sharing your conversion story, and for your great desire to share it with everybody through this public media. May God keep blessing and guiding you.

  • @pukrufus
    @pukrufus Рік тому +3

    I rejoice with you Brother David.

  • @osipenko7654
    @osipenko7654 Рік тому +6

    I can’t thank you enough for your willingness to share this with others.

  • @bonniehowell4760
    @bonniehowell4760 Рік тому +25

    I am addicted to listening to your videos. Your testimony parallels my own story in so many ways.

    • @gwengold8154
      @gwengold8154 Рік тому +2

      Bonnie, If you haven't already, you should consider recording your story and sending it to David to post. We would love to hear your story and your testimony 😀

    • @davidmalvinalexander
      @davidmalvinalexander  Рік тому +4

      What Gwen says below...is true! Record your story and send it to me!

    • @mrselizavl5250
      @mrselizavl5250 Рік тому +3

      Yes please share your story pretty please ❤❤❤

    • @LiveHappy76
      @LiveHappy76 Рік тому +1

      ...with sugar on top! ;)

    • @bonniehowell4760
      @bonniehowell4760 Рік тому +1

      I will send you my conversion story in a couple of weeks.

  • @lekalp3351
    @lekalp3351 Рік тому +7

    More life to you David! Thank you for your beautiful testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, its so beautiful and humbling to witness🙌🏽 May you continue on the path to finding all the beautiful truths the true gospel offers🤎Much Aroha from Auckland, New Zealand!

  • @concordestate
    @concordestate Рік тому +33

    I never comment on videos...until now. Your words are so powerful and true! Thank you.
    Your brother,
    Bishop Gibby from Oregon

  • @rebeccanichols9295
    @rebeccanichols9295 Рік тому +10

    I love his testimony ❣️ God bless him on his journey. I was a Southern Baptist and converted at 18. The gospel is true. So grateful that this brother reminds us of what a great blessing we have in this restored gospel. He is amazing and refreshing❣️

  • @samtilton7714
    @samtilton7714 Рік тому +6

    Brother David Alexander, welcome and THANK YOU for sharing your experience that has lifted me today! The best is yet to come!!!

  • @brandonboucher7090
    @brandonboucher7090 Рік тому +3

    That’s a beautiful song.

  • @eugenelds
    @eugenelds Рік тому +10

    Congratulations, Bro Alexander for being baptised. I love your conversion story. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true church of Jesus Christ.

  • @StephanieTranquill-tt3rr
    @StephanieTranquill-tt3rr Рік тому +4

    I feel this in a very real way. I felt like his conversion was very much in line with mine. Same thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Thank you for sharing!

  • @MikolDawn
    @MikolDawn Рік тому +7

    I’m thankful to my parents and grandparents and great grandparents and great great grandparents who heard the true gospel and stayed true to the faith and never did falter! We are individuals coming to Christ one by one , thankful to be on the Gospel path with this great kingdom on earth and in heaven. I love this gospel! I really felt the Spirit as you told your testimony. Thank you for sharing it!

  • @tylerjohnson843
    @tylerjohnson843 Рік тому +18

    Straight from the heart, thank you brother Alexander. The spirit is just pouring out of you.

  • @howetechsolutions
    @howetechsolutions Рік тому +31

    Literal tears fell down my face. Tears have not graced these cheeks in years. Please, keep making videos.

  • @av8ionUSMC
    @av8ionUSMC Рік тому +6

    Welcome brother! Beautiful conversion story. Thank you for reminding members what we have and never take for granted 😊

  • @deerjerkydave
    @deerjerkydave Рік тому +4

    Giving voice to how so many of us feel. Thank you!

  • @jessicamorgan6219
    @jessicamorgan6219 11 місяців тому +3

    After watching this testimony, I have never been more grateful for my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. (Both and raised) I have never cried so many tears of gratitude in my whole life. Thank you!

  • @boydenterprises
    @boydenterprises Рік тому +3

    Welcome David - we love you!

  • @nancerella2000
    @nancerella2000 Рік тому +2

    I LOVE you!!! THANK you!!

  • @bexciideluca9116
    @bexciideluca9116 Рік тому +25

    How beautiful to watch on this beautiful morning, you are loved brother and you are blessed, our Heavenly Father is happy you are in his path we will return home to be with him again. Sending love from New Zealand ❤

  • @laureljohnson5942
    @laureljohnson5942 Рік тому +11

    Blessings be upon you and your family. Your testimony of the true gospel of Jesus Christ is and will continue to be a great blessing to many who listen to it. I’m sorry it took so long for you to find it but, the Lord will bless you for being a true disciple of Jesus Christ. You will bring many souls to the gospel as you continue to share your experience and as you stay humble and continue to rely on the Lord. Thank you for blessing my life!

  • @fayereeves6568
    @fayereeves6568 Рік тому +3

    I'm 76 years old, been an active member of The Lord's True Church my entire life. I have heard many many conference talks and Sacrament meeting talks.
    This is the very best one, because it is personal and inviting.
    David, I would like you to know that my Dad and I looked for health for over 30 years.
    I found it in D&C 89:14-17
    and in the Old Testament, and in Alma 62:27-29

  • @sabrina4everyourss
    @sabrina4everyourss Рік тому +19

    Thank you so much for your testimony I Married a Catholic Man who was brought up Catholic and their teachings were that when your a newborn you must be baptized because the baby had Sin so we baptized our baby in the Catholic Church because that's what Catholic people who were born in the Church do The Catholic Priest was saying the baby had Sin while he was baptizing my son the words that he was saying didn't sound right After that day I began to search for answers through many trials i asked Heavenly Father to lead me to find the True Church all the ones I was exploring never seemed right one day I was cooking dinner a knock came at my door there were 2 Tall Young Men dressed in suits they looked like they were glowing I believe it was the Holy Spirit when I look back I said hello they asked if I believed in Jesus Christ I said yes I do then they asked if they could come in I said sure they came in and taught me some of what they believed in then after that day I was taught the Gospel i was Baptized along with my Husband who was also taught after the 3rd lesson he was listening in while missionaries were teaching me 1 year Later we both went to Temple then we were married sealed for time and eternity following that I did allot of work for my ancestors in the Temple baptizing them and sealing them to their families.I know this is God's Church The only living True Church upon the Earth I'm Thankful for Jesus Christ who died for all of us.

    • @StarShippCaptain
      @StarShippCaptain Рік тому +1

      I'm grateful you have such a wonderful Testimony, and shared it!!

  • @nathanaeltuft973
    @nathanaeltuft973 Рік тому +6

    Glory to God and the Highest!

  • @MintyBuck
    @MintyBuck Рік тому +2

    i loved this! ❤

  • @spiritualimmunity813
    @spiritualimmunity813 Рік тому +9

    ❤ this! The wilderness is brutal and unforgiving, but it is a very good teacher.

  • @ammonater
    @ammonater Рік тому +4

    Your faith is beautiful. The journey you made is inspirational. Keep sharing the gospel and your story! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony!

  • @dianalupton5543
    @dianalupton5543 Рік тому +10

    Keep up that awesome spirit! I was away from The church for 40yrs. Because of my struggle with The Word of Wisdom. Little did I understand that was satan at his best.6 failed marriages because no Gospel or Priesthood in my home. Here Iam at 63 SO SUPER GREATFUL for my missionaries that knocked on my door. I had been feeling Christ pulling ,nudging me back "home" ,The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
    May blessings continue to pour out upon you.

    • @StarShippCaptain
      @StarShippCaptain Рік тому

      I'm glad that through your many struggles, you now cling to the Iron Rod of the Truth found in the True Fold of Christ. : )

  • @jerry_phillips
    @jerry_phillips Рік тому +21

    Missionaries are the best! My wife and I picked up our son last year in Argentina at the end of his mission and met with some of his companions. To hear them talk about being mugged AND their deep love of the people they serve in the same conversation was amazing.

    • @gwengold8154
      @gwengold8154 Рік тому +4

      Jerry, Wow, that's scary! I'm so glad that your son and his companion were unharmed. My brother served his mission in Argentina 🇦🇷 and he hopes to be able to return someday as a missionary with his wife. It's wonderful to have valiant young men still carrying the baton in that nation! 😀

    • @jerry_phillips
      @jerry_phillips Рік тому +3

      @@gwengold8154 Yeah it’s chaos and mayhem down there. Guess 60% inflation will drive folks to desperation. That said, the tamiles we met were so wonderful. My heart breaks for their situation.

    • @gwengold8154
      @gwengold8154 Рік тому +4

      @Jerry Phillips how sad. I didn't know that things were so dire there now. That is heartbreaking. My brother was there during the Falklands war. It was a tense time. Lots of anti-American sentiment. He had to stay inside of his apartment for a few weeks. But the people were generally very nice, and I don't think that it hampered the spreading of the gospel much.

  • @kellythompson2267
    @kellythompson2267 Рік тому +3

    I truly enjoyed your story!! I couldn’t be happier for you!!

  • @daryseang7936
    @daryseang7936 Рік тому +8

    Welcome to the true church of Jesus Christ brother Alexander. I am also a convert and I do have some friends and family misjudge me because of my belief. I rather be wrong with my friends/family but rather be right with the lord. I am very happy for you to know the truth about Heavenly Father’s truth church. I’m grateful for your beautiful testimony and your words touch my heart to the core. Thank you 🙏 for your bravery testimony and I know the lord loves you soo much that is why you are here. ♥️♥️

  • @deborahalmoney4843
    @deborahalmoney4843 Рік тому +7

    Thank you for such a powerful testimony. I pray that I remember your words of how much we have (and sometimes take for granted) in the Lord's church. I'm sorry it took you so long to find us... but am surely glad you did. So thankful you are willing to share your journey with us. To hear it helps strengthen my testimony.
    I was blessed to be exposed to the church through a friend, who once he found it, shared it with me because he knew I was looking for something better. Such a happy day when I was baptized... I find myself wishing I could have been at your baptism (I'm sure the angels were singing!). That must have been a powerful meeting! Again... thank you for your testimony.

  • @kennethcallahan7313
    @kennethcallahan7313 Рік тому +9

    Desperation is the desire for me to be really involved with the right Church on the earth, and all the Brother is saying is exactly 💯 truth. Thank You 🙏

    @-BROWNMONK- Рік тому +5

    May your testimony of the savior Jesus Christ continually grow

  • @arielsarabia1397
    @arielsarabia1397 Рік тому +3

    Welcome brod...to The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints..this is your Home.

  • @Air-Run
    @Air-Run Рік тому +6

    David, Thank you for sharing your personal witness of the Way, The Turth and The Life. I work in the temple in Logan, Utah. Your testimony empowered me and encouraged me to share my personal witness more than I do. Thank you for living the life you lived so you could testify so boldly in ways so many of us cannot. You are a God send to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but more so, you are a God send to other Evangelical Christians just like yourself. Here's to Jesus Christ, the best fog light out there! Let's all let his light so shine before men that they may see what they haven't been able to see before that has been right in front of them all along.

  • @kimberlyolsen9416
    @kimberlyolsen9416 Рік тому +2

    Amen Brother David! Amen!

  • @sarahbean6170
    @sarahbean6170 Рік тому +16

    David, you HAVE NO IDEA how much joy you bring me and many others with your testimony! YOU are what the Saints have needed! You kind of remind me of Alma the older. He finally accepted the truth. Of course the difference is you are not evil😂 Alma listened to Abinadai and became one of the greatest influences on the people. You are on fire like he was when he came to the truth and the lord used him to bless the church. You are the Captain Moroni! You are the Alma! Hoorah for Israel! What joy you’ve made this chorus swell! All is well ALL is well🙏🏼

  • @diannelafreniere2211
    @diannelafreniere2211 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for your heartfelt testimony of the Gospel and teachings in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As a member who has wondered off the path of truth and Light, I so needed to hear your testimony! Thank you brother!❤

  • @sonicfray
    @sonicfray Рік тому +3

    I really appreciate that you shared this story it invigorated me and gave me a new appreciation for what I have and have had for so long and sometimes we forget the greatness of something when it is so close- ironically.

  • @cedricdeconcordia7862
    @cedricdeconcordia7862 Рік тому +18

    Your remarkable faith journey of 47 years of wandering and wondering, and your daring decision to find the truth have ultimately led you to the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, His restored church and priesthood. Just so inspiring and heartwarming! You can now help lead other beloved Evangelicals to the true fold of God to which you belong. God speed

    • @RonWong
      @RonWong Рік тому +2

      Cedric I found David’s video before he was baptized , he’s a delight

  • @twoplustwoequalsfour48
    @twoplustwoequalsfour48 Рік тому +8

    Gosh I love his testimony