Glorify Undefinable, The Answerer or The Stabilizer of Matter Controllers of Body, By eternal Existence rely to Undefinable alone, be Serene and judge by how Matter executes! The Identity can exist in every possibility! Ask guidance and things You can't get to The Answerer, THAT allowed You into this body, THAT gave truth for clean-minded in Subconscious, and avoid numbness! And use wonders Lord of Existence made from Earth, and don't take what is unknown, until You will understand it! Shape Your own makings, and You will be supported! Blessed is Controller of Man united with intuition and subtle joy! That relies to The Originator alone, That chooses by the best, That hears brainwaves and sees eye pixels! The life can be mastered, for rules were made simple to Observant! Don't be fearful of destiny, because We're parts of possibilities, that have freewill with Serenity! By wonders of fat-stores fasting, that cleans everything inside! Forbid high anti-nutrient, PUFA, synthetic food - allow wheatgrass, fruit seeds and ferment food! Trial is what evil awaited and good missed! Universe remains to its original form, and don't change adaptable bodies in ignorance! Challenging are the days of Illusion and a sad burden to anyone that didn't seek independence, no first-cause is miracle-free! Great are the days of Responsibility that nourish the Soul! We have always existed! Everything is possible, You're in this body! Simulation theory is insufficient, and lucid dreams are managed by nutritionally sufficient and aware! The world is created for Observer's favor! Whole Multiverse is in perfection for Purpose! As World ends, it will return! Current place is special by The Stabilizer!
It feels odd saying "you are a slave to your passions" shouldn't that be a good thing? Like how Art, Exercising and Productive hobbies can lead to career paths?
I can't wholly express how much your content's helped me and many other men out there to better their mental health. You guys are literal heros, never forget that!
Hey there ! Yes this is great. Really it is. Also now that you have said it, it is verified officially that is a great place to grow and one doesn't necessarily need Tate gang to grow.
can someone help me out,how the hell do you meditate in the first place.Like what's the sitting posture and like breathing technique,and what do you think if while doing it.
Dear Hamza, I am a 16-year-old and have watched your videos for around 3 months, to say that you have changed my life is an understatement. You have helped me through some anxiety-filled times and helped me mend my relationship with my father. This is both a letter of thanks and a letter of criticism of the channel's current state. Number one I want to thank you, thank you so much Hamza for making me more disciplined and self-aware. I used to procrastinate and waste away my days, doing nothing productive. I used to have an addiction to all the horrible habits that dragged my life down, drinking, junk food, porn, video games, and many more, it is you who made me stop all of these habits and replace them with more productive things like meditation, playing sports, study, read the books that you have recommended, have actual social interactions, getting a more attractive physique (A girl who I vibe with incredibly well finally showed a romantic interest in me! She is driven and has goals, I have also convinced her to be on self-improvement wish me good luck) and I have become so much more disciplined. Although I am Christian and I believe that you believe more in the value of Islam, you have made me realize the value of having a strong faith and being driven. In a way, you have become my father figure, as my father was mostly in another country grinding for money so that my mother and I could afford for me to study abroad so he was almost never around. Now I have mended the relationship with my father, all because you have taught me to have a sense of humility and I put my ego down. I will be eternally grateful for your teachings and for getting my life back on track. Now I want to provide some criticism, on what I thought about the channel’s recent activities. I will cut straight to the point, I think that currently, you are focusing too much on the “rant” kind of streams, here is why: 1. I think that you spend too much time on these streams, and this is almost against your initial message of not using social media too much. I understand that this can be outweighed by bringing more people to the main channel and seeing the message of self-improvement, but hear me out. These people who come to your “rant” kind of streams will most likely be not focused on the path that you promote, as they will be spending more time on your streams, which promotes procrastination. This is something that I realized has made me slow down my self-improvement, I spent too much time watching your stream looking for that life-changing advice but they are not as full of impactful messages as the videos of your main UA-cam channel. As the time of writing this letter {11th November 2022}, the last time that you posted an impactful main channel video was 5 days ago. 2. I do not feel they are as high quality as the main channel videos. I can get by this if it does not affect the upload schedule of the main channel. But this does not seem to be the case, as now we are getting those impactful high-quality videos less often and you seem to post montages instead. The time that you spend streaming will be, as I believe, more purposeful if you spent it making those soul-hitting main channel videos instead. I think lowering quality for quantity is not worth it because it defaces the self-improvement message that you push for. Personally, this has slowed me down in my self-improvement as I am still quite new to the channel. 3. People like me look at you almost as a father figure, when you do streaming and go against the message of overindulgence in social media, many newcomers to the channel will look at you as if you are not intellectually consistent. 4. The amount of videos that you pump out of your second channel is wayyyyy too much and it promotes even more procrastination to those newcomers who are looking for advice bingeing all your videos, they do not have enough discipline to tell them to stop watching. They are desperate to cling to anything that they can get a hold of, so this does not help them at all. I am quite fine with the coaching streams, as those streams are incredibly inspiring to see others improve. My criticism is only subjective and I may be wrong on some things but I think many viewers like me will hold the same opinion as me, please take this into consideration, as from an outside perspective of mine, it looks like the channel is not as good as it was a month before. I hope that you read this comment, I apologize that this ‘letter’ was poorly formulated but hey I am still learning English so… yeah Love you Hamza, keep being awesome, and keep inspiring people. Thank you so much for changing my life and giving me hope. Im sorry for posting this twice but I thought that there is a bigger chance of you reading this if I posted it on a main channel video.
im as proud of you as much as i envy you, im not consistent in selfimprovement, youre super young and have a whole life ahead of you, keep this up and you will be so happy and succesful
I started gym when i was 12 jan this year now im 13 and its going well. You made me push forward, Hamza. I try to talk to girls and i get alot of sleep i started using oak yesterday and i did breathing exercises before sleep, never felt better. I love you bro. I started reading and i try to eat healthy, when me and dad go to lidl or kaufland i always asked for protein stuff like drinks and chicken breast , protein bars and almond milk.I learn english from these videos since im Bulgarian and i think im doing well
Remember boys - when trying to change your life, never think in terms of *massive changes*. Don’t say “starting today I will workout 6 days a week, learn programming, learn Russian and start pottery” Focus on developing small habits, and get them to stick. That’s how big changes are built. It sounds boring, but that’s how you build an empire
@@Was_los_Bruda You can try, but if you don't have a spotter you may lose a few ribs and your sternum. Unless you're already a powerlifter. Then go ahead.
@@Was_los_Bruda You're thinking too literally lol. Benching isn't a habit. Benching is an action in result of a lifting habit. Don't try to focus on lifting x amount of weight. Focus on doing a weight that's easy enough for you to complete with absolute perfect form, yet gives you a challenge with its resistance.
@@Daniel-nm2qb so I never really tried higher weights but I just start shaking uncontrollably when I touch something for whatever reason but when I walk/act daily its all normal
I once knew a girl that was severely overweight. Turns out she was sexually abused by a family member, in order to protect herself from being sexually assaulted again she ate so she wouldn't be attractive. Similar in a way to the story you mentioned. It also highlights that a level of compassion needs to be applied when discussing weight with certain people.
The beginning is always the hardest. On my first run i had to pause 6 times to complete a 3km run. Last year i ran a Marathon. (42,2km) My first meditation practice i struggeled and quit after 30sec, today i can enjoy 45 min without to much resistence. My first winter icebath i jumped out after 30sec due to a panic & fearful emotion, On my 30th birthday i stayed in for 17min & i actually did enjoy it. Its crazy how difficult everything seems in the beginning. But the ability we have to adapt is beyond my comprehension.
Hamza after doin mediation i feel so empty like out of thoughts like the voice inside my head isnt speaking about problems with my life i just feel at ease and calmer than ever, thank you i will try and do this everyday i am sure there will be a big improve.
Since I’ve starter my self improvement journey, the biggest thing that I realize is that when someone mention something that’s happening on the internet I have no idea whatsoever, I feel like missing out but at the same time I know that I haven’t been distracting myself that much about something that aren’t important. Overcoming the FOMO is the hardest part on the journey for me. But I have to admit lately I’ve been distracted by my phone quite a lot and I’m going to hold myself accountable for it.
how can i be productive when im restricted on the things that are productive. im too young to go out and go for a run or play some sports out in public because my mom is worried that something could happen. what are some at home activities that are productive other than working out which i already do ?
Hamza, just want to say thank you for helping so many men around the world transform their lives for the better. Im only 18 right now and don’t feel like I’ve gotten a taste of what the real world is like, but you have helped prepare me through all your videos and content. I feel like my life and my future would’ve been screwed if it weren’t for this channel. Thank you
gratitude is the most incredible skill/mindset to have. over the past few months, the mindset of gratitude has seeped far into my core. and now even when I think I'm at my breaking point, or far enough from my usual mood, I randomly snap into a mindset of gratitude, and things immediately change for the better. Despite my intense hatred for myself, it is my love for others and the potential I know I have that keeps me going.
I just tried meditating and I did it for 3 minutes and by the end it was amazing it felt like I was moving back and forward and when I opened my eyes I was dizzy!!! Amazing
Reading is actually one of the best things you can do. I remember in school the teachers would ask me a question and I just wouldn't know it and it made feel so bad. I've only recently started actually reading and studying. It's actually sad that throughout high school I didn't read at all and failing all my tests and just started studying now in my senior year. When I read now it actually makes me happy that I learn new things and skills that could help me later on in life, and I go to school happy knowing that I am not totally oblivious to what is going on around me.
I try to read and study a lot but it just never feels enough, I always get stumped at questions the teacher asks me and I'm really inefficient do you think you could give me any tips for studying / reading?
Today is my 18 birthday,I was in the gym and bench press 100kg for the first time.I am so happy and grateful that I found this youtube channel,Hamza you really change my life for the better. I watch your videos since 31 october 2021 .Thank you for everything.
Hamza you've helped me out of my struggle, I had many mental issues, I got out of foster care and had little guidance in life, you helped me, I went from 290 to 240 easy first year, I've learnt how to be a man. Although like you say, you only watch these videos if you're down bad, I'm no longer that, I watch them for entertainment and to keep myself in check, but now its time to move on, something not really touched on a lot in this channel, we gotta leave this home sometime, so yeah, here's to the end of social media usage, goodbye 💯😘
Islam taught us best ways which includes all these lessons, 1- 5 time prayers which requires your mind focused not on worldly thoughts/ materialistic thoughts but to almighty creator only who we trust for everything, this literally fix problems of overthinking and anxiety etc 2- Fasting on Monday and Thursday from dawn till sunset in addition to 1 month fast of Ramadan, islamic fasting requires you to not only remain on NBM nothing by mouth but it demands you to not look at haram not listen haram not act unfairly not miss Farz not indulge in anything that is useless. Islamic fasting cleanses not only your material body but it fixes immaterial soul and mind that no other way achievable. 3- Abstain from all that is haram , for e g. Not watching films which consist naked or half naked women, not talking negative about anybody, no jealousy, no greed for material things, no earning money haram way, no injustice with anybody, no dishonesty no disrespect to anyone. Islam is perfect, trust in almighty Allah helped me fix my mental health and my life overall. Alhamdulillah
This channel is changing my life day by day. Ive begun working out in the weight room, running, and swimming. Ive begun taking cold showers, trying to be more social, focusing more on my academics, and completing Eagle. I have a hobby related to Minecraft, but Im doing my best to balance it with what's important. Ive also been camping/hiking/adventuring once a month since April 2017. I have yet to battle my horrible sleep schedule and procrastination, and Im beginning to take on no-fap. Every day Im becoming less like the Jeffrey I was in 2020 and more like Adonis.
watching hamza is like getting admission in Self Growth University in which you study, you learn, you implement teachings that are taught by Sir Hamza With time investment and your own efforts you start looking at your changes and finally when you feel like you have grown enough to do it on your own, You Graduate and take you Leave from Self Growth University. You look back at your own life and see your past not with disgust but with respect.
Glorify Undefinable, The Answerer or The Stabilizer of Matter Controllers of Body, By eternal Existence rely to Undefinable alone, be Serene and judge by how Matter executes! The Identity can exist in every possibility! Ask guidance and things You can't get to The Answerer, THAT allowed You into this body, THAT gave truth for clean-minded in Subconscious, and avoid numbness! And use wonders Lord of Existence made from Earth, and don't take what is unknown, until You will understand it! Shape Your own makings, and You will be supported! Blessed is Controller of Man united with intuition and subtle joy! That relies to The Originator alone, That chooses by the best, That hears brainwaves and sees eye pixels! The life can be mastered, for rules were made simple to Observant! Don't be fearful of destiny, because We're parts of possibilities, that have freewill with Serenity! By wonders of fat-stores fasting, that cleans everything inside! Forbid high anti-nutrient, PUFA, synthetic food - allow wheatgrass, fruit seeds and ferment food! Trial is what evil awaited and good missed! Universe remains to its original form, and don't change adaptable bodies in ignorance! Challenging are the days of Illusion and a sad burden to anyone that didn't seek independence, no first-cause is miracle-free! Great are the days of Responsibility that nourish the Soul! We have always existed! Everything is possible, You're in this body! Simulation theory is insufficient, and lucid dreams are managed by nutritionally sufficient and aware! The world is created for Observer's favor! Whole Multiverse is in perfection for Purpose! As World ends, it will return! Current place is special by The Stabilizer!
I know i'm not your target demographic but this video has literally inspired me to go to the gym for a week straight. I'm a 28 year old woman who is not in shape (not obese but definitely can work on myself). I still have acne and I just feel empty. I'm going to go to the gym consistently for 4 months and see if there is a difference in my moral and looks. I also booked a dermatologist appointment at long last to FINALLY go on Accutane and sort out my hideous acne issues. I know it may be "late" to do these things at my age when most ppl are sorted out at 28, have already experienced all the fun of looking good and being in shape AND are starting to slowly unwind but I think this is my time at long last. I want to make my 30s the best decade of my life and i'm getting a head start by begining the change at 28!
Solid insight, "The 1% are already the people who read." 10:55 I know I've always searched for arcane books thinking "if everyone else is reading it, it must not be good." I realize how wrong my thinking was. Thanks Hamza!!!
The gratitude one i can confirm is real. I remember back in september i downloaded an app in which i wrote one thing i'm grateful for every day, and then one day i thought "goddamn i'm really grateful for my mom". Happy feelings
Thank you for the video I'm going to start my journey currently working on my porn addiction been doing it for 13 years I'm 26 and got to the point of hating life but I still haven't put the bullet in my head so I'm here for a reason. I'm going to take the steps to heart and better my life.
Hamza you are a goat I started watching you about 2 weeks ago and I started hitting the gym, meditating, reading, enjoying nature, and focusing on self-improvement all thanks to you. I just came back home from the gym and I feel absolutely amazing. I've been using the meditation app you've recommended before and it really helps with my stress and overall my mental health's improved massively. Before I was jacking off and watching porn 3 times a week and had a completely ruined self-image, after watching you everything's changed and my life feels brilliant, I've been doing it less, about once or twice a week and I don't obsess over my "day streak" because I'm always so busy on self-improvement. I'm going to try dopamine detoxing soon and thank you for everything, you need way more attention for doing all this to help these modernised young men.
I got a meniscus tear on my left knee from grinding at the gym 6 months into my self improvement journey and I also got tendonitis on my elbow a month later. Honestly I felt like my life was collapsing again even the simplest things were hard cause I literally couldn't walk but tbh it taught probably the best lesson of my life. If you do the right things with a lot of patience you can achieve everything you want. Since then I put a lot of patience and energy into saving my knee and also focusing on my studies and finally 6 months later I can do some basic bodyweight squats. I am sure than in another 6 months I'll be able to return to the gym and get back on top of my game
It always gets better, had a knee injury for 2 years that I never took care of. Finally gave it the rest it needed and God took care of the rest. Keep a good mentality and trust your progress even if it is slow
Good luck my fellow brother, hope you recover quickly and start kicking in the gym! When you exercise regularly, injuries are inevitable to happen but make sure you're more careful this time
I don't agree with everything you say but I can't deny that you are at your core trying to help and that just fills me with hope. I've improved watching you thanks man.
Romans 10:9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved…7
Thanks for posting this type of content, I’m currently 14 years old and I’ve been overweight my entire life. I remember how I keep on getting motivated to work out and lose weight but I always stop on like day 4. Now instead of focusing on losing weight I’m gonna spend time for myself to get my mind right and once I change my habits and start to enjoy workouts and being productive, then I will come back and hope to say, “Yes! I finally am losing weight, Yes Im successful at school and at home and in all areas in life” so it’s gonna be tough I will fight the urge to be tempted and hang around the right people Love you man
Be easy on yourself at the beginning (first year) of your self improvement journey. Start small, implementing “small” habits one by one. Even though you see all your free time and think “I can learn a new language, go to the gym, start a business, read books, meditate, journal, work a job, take up a martial art”, you can’t do it all at once. Let it be your goal to be doing all those things 6 months out from now. Trying to rush habits in won’t get you anywhere
im so grateful for the friends i have, they always push me to do my best even though sometimes i dont, they always motivate me and peer pressure me positvely and the biggest thing we have in common is our goal to get rich, its no longer a dream.
thanks man, due to you I got into gainung some discipline and doing home workouts. Im 120 pounds at the end of 15 now and its time to finally do something about it.
Hamza, you have helped me change my life. I grew up without a father in my life and never truly knew discipline. I became a loser, addicted to games, porn, and instant gratification. I was a Jeffrey. and completely myself and my potential. Your videos have helped me in recent years to tap into my potential and masculinity. With your help, I became inspired to do better. Now I’ve got a sculpted, muscular physique, a great career, more responsibilities, better friends, gave up games and porn, got out of an abusive relationship, and have a disciplined routine. I’m proud of myself, but I don’t know if I would’ve been able to do it without your videos. Thank you so much king!
90% of your problems from is your own thought - Buddha So you have to manage this 24 hours there is no more than this. Live on this day not tomorrow or yesterday or last few years. Peace!!
I cannot stress enough how important reading has been for me. Not sure if it’s directly because of reading or it allows my brain to do a mini dopamine detox but after reading consistently for a week my mind feels so much sharper. I’m happier and I just feel relieved. Definitely a great habit for anybody to develop
I cover my thoughts on some of these incremental steps in my latest video but honestly its the small changes in mindset that can really change your life, I often find people overcomplicating these steps and putting too much energy into the pursuit of the perfect routine, but if you let these habits become apart of your day as much as brushing your teeth would be over a large timeframe, then in the space of a year I believe your life can truly change for the better
I was trying to find the video from you I could recommend to a friend first to help them realise what they gotta do, this might be the one, I got someone to start watching you today and it put a smile on my face. Just know you are making an incredible change in the lives of so many young men and we appreciate you man, keep this going, increase the following, we need more people to change for the better.
hamza i am 13 and i started weight lifting now i am around 100kg all of this time i was watching you man you are my guider thank you my brother in Christe i was obese still kind of em but thank you AND YOU THE VIWER DONT WATCH AND DONT TAKE ACTION, TAKE ACTION NOW!
Совершенно случайно нашёл Ваш канал. Ваша энергия и стремление к саморазвитию себя и окружающий впечатляет. Желаю Вам успехов и благодарю за популяризацию ценностей, которые действительно важны для всех нас
I respect you as a person and you offer valuable advice. All I want to say is that in my opinion, promoting self hatred is very dangerous, although I know that’s not your intention the way you worded the part it came off that way to me. I’d personally promote self love and compassion for starting at level 1. Understand that you are trying to make a difference and forgive yourself for being a Jeffery at the moment. Forgiveness = happiness and salvation. Keep up the good content hamza and choose forgiveness 😁
@Sophia I’m glad hamza’s methods have been helpful for you. There are infinite ways to interpret the world, as well as yourself. Hate is a very strong word. And having that sort of emotion towards oneself is why people commit suicide. That is why I’m saying it is very dangerous to promote that. I also work better with positive reinforcement, and I’m sure there are billions out there that feel the same way. Who better to give positive reinforcement to you than you?
@@chadman1-z5d Sophia gave multiple good suggestions. But what I would add on to that (and also take away) Is pick one habit. Just one, and STICK TO IT. For hamza it was weight lifting. Once you see that you have built yourself a positive habit, pick another one, and keep building!
I understand this, but the point of him saying it like that, is because he wants you to have some discipline. Discipline yourself to improve. Stop living a sad, disgusting life and pretending you’re ok with it. You need to really reflect on how you’re living as if it’s a movie about how you live. Be better. That’s what he means
@@nivviey I agree! I’m suggesting to hamza to have more caution with the way he words this message. But there is a difference between forgiving yourself and pretending your ok with a current negative lifestyle! Forgiveness is a mindset that leads to inner peace 😁
Hamza thanks so much for uploading hours of genuine wisdom and meaningful advice. I am genuinely so grateful for this channel, I doubt you will see this comment but it means a lot to me that you put this effort into helping so many people.
you are just a brutally honest entity on youtube who enlightens young audience honestly my mindset didn't used to resonate with any of the youtubers but you are the exact mindset i was looking for you deserve a different medium to publish your content youtube is just very small thing for u
A lot of my life I’ve been in the background, very hidden, and shy, but I’ve been working on myself a lot recently, and something that has helped me a lot has been this: If you want respect then respect yourself so much that others feel inclined to respect you. You’re what you’re surrounded by, and if you’re surrounded by laziness and bad people with bad habits then you’re gonna become them. My goal is to be such a valuable asset to others around me, so much so that it would hurt losing a friend like me, and that garners a whole new level of respect.
"Only the disciplined ones in life are free. If you are undisciplined, you are a slave to your moods and your passions." - Eliud Kipchoge
best insipirstion for running💪
Glorify Undefinable, The Answerer or The Stabilizer of Matter
Controllers of Body, By eternal Existence rely to Undefinable alone, be Serene and judge by how Matter executes! The Identity can exist in every possibility!
Ask guidance and things You can't get to The Answerer, THAT allowed You into this body, THAT gave truth for clean-minded in Subconscious, and avoid numbness!
And use wonders Lord of Existence made from Earth, and don't take what is unknown, until You will understand it! Shape Your own makings, and You will be supported!
Blessed is Controller of Man united with intuition and subtle joy! That relies to The Originator alone, That chooses by the best, That hears brainwaves and sees eye pixels!
The life can be mastered, for rules were made simple to Observant! Don't be fearful of destiny, because We're parts of possibilities, that have freewill with Serenity!
By wonders of fat-stores fasting, that cleans everything inside! Forbid high anti-nutrient, PUFA, synthetic food - allow wheatgrass, fruit seeds and ferment food!
Trial is what evil awaited and good missed! Universe remains to its original form, and don't change adaptable bodies in ignorance!
Challenging are the days of Illusion and a sad burden to anyone that didn't seek independence, no first-cause is miracle-free!
Great are the days of Responsibility that nourish the Soul! We have always existed! Everything is possible, You're in this body!
Simulation theory is insufficient, and lucid dreams are managed by nutritionally sufficient and aware!
The world is created for Observer's favor! Whole Multiverse is in perfection for Purpose! As World ends, it will return! Current place is special by The Stabilizer!
Brother you spam the same quote every video
It feels odd saying "you are a slave to your passions" shouldn't that be a good thing? Like how Art, Exercising and Productive hobbies can lead to career paths?
to me that doesnt make sense, to be disciplined you need restrictions right? and if you have restrictions you arnt free
This is wholesome :)
I can't wholly express how much your content's helped me and many other men out there to better their mental health.
You guys are literal heros, never forget that!
Hey there ! Yes this is great. Really it is. Also now that you have said it, it is verified officially that is a great place to grow and one doesn't necessarily need Tate gang to grow.
Timestamps for each habit:
1. Weightlifting (1:10)
2. Learning (2:05)
3. Meditation (3:24)
4. Journaling (7:01)
5. Reading (7:43)
6. Failing (11:01)
7. Uploading Content (11:45)
We got this brothers
Thanks, didn’t need to watch the whole video just to hear the usual. I appreciate it.
don't do this bro, he could have made chapters on his own. But this must not be serving the channel
Thank you so much!
@@businesselves6332 the hell is wrong with you
can someone help me out,how the hell do you meditate in the first place.Like what's the sitting posture and like breathing technique,and what do you think if while doing it.
Dear Hamza,
I am a 16-year-old and have watched your videos for around 3 months, to say that you have changed my life is an understatement. You have helped me through some anxiety-filled times and helped me mend my relationship with my father. This is both a letter of thanks and a letter of criticism of the channel's current state.
Number one I want to thank you, thank you so much Hamza for making me more disciplined and self-aware. I used to procrastinate and waste away my days, doing nothing productive. I used to have an addiction to all the horrible habits that dragged my life down, drinking, junk food, porn, video games, and many more, it is you who made me stop all of these habits and replace them with more productive things like meditation, playing sports, study, read the books that you have recommended, have actual social interactions, getting a more attractive physique (A girl who I vibe with incredibly well finally showed a romantic interest in me! She is driven and has goals, I have also convinced her to be on self-improvement wish me good luck) and I have become so much more disciplined. Although I am Christian and I believe that you believe more in the value of Islam, you have made me realize the value of having a strong faith and being driven. In a way, you have become my father figure, as my father was mostly in another country grinding for money so that my mother and I could afford for me to study abroad so he was almost never around. Now I have mended the relationship with my father, all because you have taught me to have a sense of humility and I put my ego down. I will be eternally grateful for your teachings and for getting my life back on track.
Now I want to provide some criticism, on what I thought about the channel’s recent activities. I will cut straight to the point, I think that currently, you are focusing too much on the “rant” kind of streams, here is why:
1. I think that you spend too much time on these streams, and this is almost against your initial message of not using social media too much. I understand that this can be outweighed by bringing more people to the main channel and seeing the message of self-improvement, but hear me out. These people who come to your “rant” kind of streams will most likely be not focused on the path that you promote, as they will be spending more time on your streams, which promotes procrastination. This is something that I realized has made me slow down my self-improvement, I spent too much time watching your stream looking for that life-changing advice but they are not as full of impactful messages as the videos of your main UA-cam channel. As the time of writing this letter {11th November 2022}, the last time that you posted an impactful main channel video was 5 days ago.
2. I do not feel they are as high quality as the main channel videos. I can get by this if it does not affect the upload schedule of the main channel. But this does not seem to be the case, as now we are getting those impactful high-quality videos less often and you seem to post montages instead. The time that you spend streaming will be, as I believe, more purposeful if you spent it making those soul-hitting main channel videos instead. I think lowering quality for quantity is not worth it because it defaces the self-improvement message that you push for. Personally, this has slowed me down in my self-improvement as I am still quite new to the channel.
3. People like me look at you almost as a father figure, when you do streaming and go against the message of overindulgence in social media, many newcomers to the channel will look at you as if you are not intellectually consistent.
4. The amount of videos that you pump out of your second channel is wayyyyy too much and it promotes even more procrastination to those newcomers who are looking for advice bingeing all your videos, they do not have enough discipline to tell them to stop watching. They are desperate to cling to anything that they can get a hold of, so this does not help them at all.
I am quite fine with the coaching streams, as those streams are incredibly inspiring to see others improve.
My criticism is only subjective and I may be wrong on some things but I think many viewers like me will hold the same opinion as me, please take this into consideration, as from an outside perspective of mine, it looks like the channel is not as good as it was a month before.
I hope that you read this comment, I apologize that this ‘letter’ was poorly formulated but hey I am still learning English so… yeah
Love you Hamza, keep being awesome, and keep inspiring people. Thank you so much for changing my life and giving me hope.
Im sorry for posting this twice but I thought that there is a bigger chance of you reading this if I posted it on a main channel video.
I read some of it. Keep it up !
Love this content! Are you familiar with Jordan Peterson
call your father bro
im as proud of you as much as i envy you, im not consistent in selfimprovement, youre super young and have a whole life ahead of you, keep this up and you will be so happy and succesful
@@eskaban_edits_beats_and_more Thank you brother, it is never too late for self improvement, keep up the good work. I am also proud of you. Thank you!
"Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners"
-Robert T.Kiyosaki
lol i'm one of your subscribers what a coincidence seeing you here
Kiyosakis books should honestly be recommended. Good views on money and the school system.
I have read the book where he wrote that recently
hey, I have read some of books
I started gym when i was 12 jan this year now im 13 and its going well. You made me push forward, Hamza. I try to talk to girls and i get alot of sleep i started using oak yesterday and i did breathing exercises before sleep, never felt better. I love you bro. I started reading and i try to eat healthy, when me and dad go to lidl or kaufland i always asked for protein stuff like drinks and chicken breast , protein bars and almond milk.I learn english from these videos since im Bulgarian and i think im doing well
What a chad my man. Keep going you got it king
Walking W🔥
I'm also 13. Completely changed my life. But it wasn't Hamza my guy. It was you, you're the man
Yo Bulgarian I started almost a month ago hope it work for me too. Keep it up!
Продължавай с пълна сила маняк !!!
Remember boys - when trying to change your life, never think in terms of *massive changes*. Don’t say “starting today I will workout 6 days a week, learn programming, learn Russian and start pottery”
Focus on developing small habits, and get them to stick. That’s how big changes are built.
It sounds boring, but that’s how you build an empire
So should I try to bench my bodyweight times 2 or not?
@@Was_los_Bruda You can try, but if you don't have a spotter you may lose a few ribs and your sternum. Unless you're already a powerlifter. Then go ahead.
@@Was_los_Bruda You're thinking too literally lol. Benching isn't a habit. Benching is an action in result of a lifting habit. Don't try to focus on lifting x amount of weight. Focus on doing a weight that's easy enough for you to complete with absolute perfect form, yet gives you a challenge with its resistance.
@@ed_lifts people dont want to spot me because my arms shake too much
@@Daniel-nm2qb so I never really tried higher weights but I just start shaking uncontrollably when I touch something for whatever reason but when I walk/act daily its all normal
I once knew a girl that was severely overweight. Turns out she was sexually abused by a family member, in order to protect herself from being sexually assaulted again she ate so she wouldn't be attractive. Similar in a way to the story you mentioned. It also highlights that a level of compassion needs to be applied when discussing weight with certain people.
I feel sick when I heard stories like these... It's so fcked up! But it motivates me in a weird way to make a change for the better.
Damn i am really sorry for her
that is fucked up but I am impressed with the ingenuity and commitment to become unattractive in that situation
I feel bad for her bc she seems like a good and a very very smart person and nobody should experience that
I would recommend the book „Breaking the habit of being yourself“
It changed my life
it was a pretty difficult read for me, might have to try again
Do the hard work, especially when you don't feel like it.
@@bharatsharma9703 .
The beginning is always the hardest.
On my first run i had to pause 6 times to complete a 3km run. Last year i ran a Marathon. (42,2km)
My first meditation practice i struggeled and quit after 30sec, today i can enjoy 45 min without to much resistence.
My first winter icebath i jumped out after 30sec due to a panic & fearful emotion, On my 30th birthday i stayed in for 17min & i actually did enjoy it. Its crazy how difficult everything seems in the beginning. But the ability we have to adapt is beyond my comprehension.
Bros streaming and posting at the same time. What a goat
Zyzz and hamza are the reason of me being perfect thank you sm.
The animation is top-notch this time damnn, thanks hamza for fixing this generation.
Hamza after doin mediation i feel so empty like out of thoughts like the voice inside my head isnt speaking about problems with my life i just feel at ease and calmer than ever, thank you i will try and do this everyday i am sure there will be a big improve.
Since I’ve starter my self improvement journey, the biggest thing that I realize is that when someone mention something that’s happening on the internet I have no idea whatsoever, I feel like missing out but at the same time I know that I haven’t been distracting myself that much about something that aren’t important. Overcoming the FOMO is the hardest part on the journey for me.
But I have to admit lately I’ve been distracted by my phone quite a lot and I’m going to hold myself accountable for it.
how can i be productive when im restricted on the things that are productive. im too young to go out and go for a run or play some sports out in public because my mom is worried that something could happen. what are some at home activities that are productive other than working out which i already do ?
@@Ehsan.a06 push the boundaries set by your mum little by little
@@Ehsan.a06 meditation, journaling, reading
I haven’t really watched your videos in a couple weeks. This is sort of breath of fresh air
Hamza, just want to say thank you for helping so many men around the world transform their lives for the better. Im only 18 right now and don’t feel like I’ve gotten a taste of what the real world is like, but you have helped prepare me through all your videos and content. I feel like my life and my future would’ve been screwed if it weren’t for this channel. Thank you
I’m lifting 20 at 13 you have pushed me your videos help me and other young men thank you
gratitude is the most incredible skill/mindset to have.
over the past few months, the mindset of gratitude has seeped far into my core. and now even when I think I'm at my breaking point, or far enough from my usual mood, I randomly snap into a mindset of gratitude, and things immediately change for the better.
Despite my intense hatred for myself, it is my love for others and the potential I know I have that keeps me going.
awesome stuff brother
Best intro to a self improvement video ive ever seen
I just tried meditating and I did it for 3 minutes and by the end it was amazing it felt like I was moving back and forward and when I opened my eyes I was dizzy!!! Amazing
bro I love you, no homo, but this feeling comes from inside and thank you for saving my life
The editing for these videos is becoming better and better. Love it 😂
I swear I get goosebumps everytime I hear "Do the hard work, especially when you don't feel like it". Thanks Hazma. Imma go hard today. Again.
Reading is actually one of the best things you can do. I remember in school the teachers would ask me a question and I just wouldn't know it and it made feel so bad. I've only recently started actually reading and studying. It's actually sad that throughout high school I didn't read at all and failing all my tests and just started studying now in my senior year. When I read now it actually makes me happy that I learn new things and skills that could help me later on in life, and I go to school happy knowing that I am not totally oblivious to what is going on around me.
I try to read and study a lot but it just never feels enough, I always get stumped at questions the teacher asks me and I'm really inefficient
do you think you could give me any tips for studying / reading?
Man this is gonna change my life
Today is my 18 birthday,I was in the gym and bench press 100kg for the first time.I am so happy and grateful that I found this youtube channel,Hamza you really change my life for the better. I watch your videos since 31 october 2021 .Thank you for everything.
Congrats man keep improving and have a good day! Happy Birthday
Hamza you've helped me out of my struggle, I had many mental issues, I got out of foster care and had little guidance in life, you helped me, I went from 290 to 240 easy first year, I've learnt how to be a man. Although like you say, you only watch these videos if you're down bad, I'm no longer that, I watch them for entertainment and to keep myself in check, but now its time to move on, something not really touched on a lot in this channel, we gotta leave this home sometime, so yeah, here's to the end of social media usage, goodbye 💯😘
Islam taught us best ways which includes all these lessons,
1- 5 time prayers which requires your mind focused not on worldly thoughts/ materialistic thoughts but to almighty creator only who we trust for everything, this literally fix problems of overthinking and anxiety etc
2- Fasting on Monday and Thursday from dawn till sunset in addition to 1 month fast of Ramadan, islamic fasting requires you to not only remain on NBM nothing by mouth but it demands you to not look at haram not listen haram not act unfairly not miss Farz not indulge in anything that is useless. Islamic fasting cleanses not only your material body but it fixes immaterial soul and mind that no other way achievable.
3- Abstain from all that is haram , for e g. Not watching films which consist naked or half naked women, not talking negative about anybody, no jealousy, no greed for material things, no earning money haram way, no injustice with anybody, no dishonesty no disrespect to anyone.
Islam is perfect, trust in almighty Allah helped me fix my mental health and my life overall. Alhamdulillah
my favorite message that hamza gives everyday
"Do the hard-work, even if you don't feel like it."
what a beautiful message to live by.
This channel is changing my life day by day. Ive begun working out in the weight room, running, and swimming. Ive begun taking cold showers, trying to be more social, focusing more on my academics, and completing Eagle. I have a hobby related to Minecraft, but Im doing my best to balance it with what's important. Ive also been camping/hiking/adventuring once a month since April 2017. I have yet to battle my horrible sleep schedule and procrastination, and Im beginning to take on no-fap.
Every day Im becoming less like the Jeffrey I was in 2020 and more like Adonis.
@@batman5655 omg it’s Batman
@Dylan G agreed. Adonis is the end goal that no one achieves but everyone should attempt to.
Hamza you opened my eyes for the first time i will Prove everyone who didnt Believe in me
1st day of reading and journalism, see you guys at the top
watching hamza is like getting admission in Self Growth University in which you study, you learn, you implement teachings that are taught by Sir Hamza
With time investment and your own efforts you start looking at your changes and finally when you feel like you have grown enough to do it on your own, You Graduate and take you Leave from Self Growth University.
You look back at your own life and see your past not with disgust but with respect.
Boys. I'll do the hard work especially when I don't feel like it, and upload all hamza's videos on the hub one day! Ome day
1. Weightlifting 1:11
2. Learning 2:07
3. Meditation 3:24
4.Gratitude Journaling 7:03
5. Reading 7:43
6.Failing 11:01
7.Uploading Content 11:45
Glorify Undefinable, The Answerer or The Stabilizer of Matter
Controllers of Body, By eternal Existence rely to Undefinable alone, be Serene and judge by how Matter executes! The Identity can exist in every possibility!
Ask guidance and things You can't get to The Answerer, THAT allowed You into this body, THAT gave truth for clean-minded in Subconscious, and avoid numbness!
And use wonders Lord of Existence made from Earth, and don't take what is unknown, until You will understand it! Shape Your own makings, and You will be supported!
Blessed is Controller of Man united with intuition and subtle joy! That relies to The Originator alone, That chooses by the best, That hears brainwaves and sees eye pixels!
The life can be mastered, for rules were made simple to Observant! Don't be fearful of destiny, because We're parts of possibilities, that have freewill with Serenity!
By wonders of fat-stores fasting, that cleans everything inside! Forbid high anti-nutrient, PUFA, synthetic food - allow wheatgrass, fruit seeds and ferment food!
Trial is what evil awaited and good missed! Universe remains to its original form, and don't change adaptable bodies in ignorance!
Challenging are the days of Illusion and a sad burden to anyone that didn't seek independence, no first-cause is miracle-free!
Great are the days of Responsibility that nourish the Soul! We have always existed! Everything is possible, You're in this body!
Simulation theory is insufficient, and lucid dreams are managed by nutritionally sufficient and aware!
The world is created for Observer's favor! Whole Multiverse is in perfection for Purpose! As World ends, it will return! Current place is special by The Stabilizer!
@@niyamusfr788 jesus
@@niyamusfr788 i’ll just pretend i understood what u said
@@niyamusfr788 ok, thanks
Thanks for the time stamps!
You’re editor is doing an amazing job
I love this guy makes me see how beautiful life can be when you apply hard work to anything you wanna be successful at, this video gave me goosebumps
I know i'm not your target demographic but this video has literally inspired me to go to the gym for a week straight. I'm a 28 year old woman who is not in shape (not obese but definitely can work on myself). I still have acne and I just feel empty. I'm going to go to the gym consistently for 4 months and see if there is a difference in my moral and looks. I also booked a dermatologist appointment at long last to FINALLY go on Accutane and sort out my hideous acne issues. I know it may be "late" to do these things at my age when most ppl are sorted out at 28, have already experienced all the fun of looking good and being in shape AND are starting to slowly unwind but I think this is my time at long last. I want to make my 30s the best decade of my life and i'm getting a head start by begining the change at 28!
Lets go queen
keep going!
thanks guys! you're all sweet and super kind!
lets goooo
Classic Miranda W
“It’s only after we’ve lost everything, that we’re free to do anything.” -Tyler Durden
Yo man Ive been reading for 4 years now going to the gym for 6 months made a couple stores they failed im not giving up thank u hamza
Solid insight, "The 1% are already the people who read." 10:55
I know I've always searched for arcane books thinking "if everyone else is reading it, it must not be good." I realize how wrong my thinking was. Thanks Hamza!!!
i gotta tell bro,this man is changing lifes,and is starting to change mine.i dont have more words
The gratitude one i can confirm is real. I remember back in september i downloaded an app in which i wrote one thing i'm grateful for every day, and then one day i thought "goddamn i'm really grateful for my mom". Happy feelings
So glad I’m seeing this at the age of 15, good to start early and learn some nice wisdom
Thank you for the video I'm going to start my journey currently working on my porn addiction been doing it for 13 years I'm 26 and got to the point of hating life but I still haven't put the bullet in my head so I'm here for a reason. I'm going to take the steps to heart and better my life.
Bro this editing and story at the beginning is fire 🔥
I like that Jeremy is finally trying to do better things with his life, I have hope for Jeremy
Hamza you are a goat I started watching you about 2 weeks ago and I started hitting the gym, meditating, reading, enjoying nature, and focusing on self-improvement all thanks to you. I just came back home from the gym and I feel absolutely amazing. I've been using the meditation app you've recommended before and it really helps with my stress and overall my mental health's improved massively. Before I was jacking off and watching porn 3 times a week and had a completely ruined self-image, after watching you everything's changed and my life feels brilliant, I've been doing it less, about once or twice a week and I don't obsess over my "day streak" because I'm always so busy on self-improvement. I'm going to try dopamine detoxing soon and thank you for everything, you need way more attention for doing all this to help these modernised young men.
I got a meniscus tear on my left knee from grinding at the gym 6 months into my self improvement journey and I also got tendonitis on my elbow a month later. Honestly I felt like my life was collapsing again even the simplest things were hard cause I literally couldn't walk but tbh it taught probably the best lesson of my life. If you do the right things with a lot of patience you can achieve everything you want. Since then I put a lot of patience and energy into saving my knee and also focusing on my studies and finally 6 months later I can do some basic bodyweight squats. I am sure than in another 6 months I'll be able to return to the gym and get back on top of my game
It always gets better, had a knee injury for 2 years that I never took care of. Finally gave it the rest it needed and God took care of the rest. Keep a good mentality and trust your progress even if it is slow
Good luck my fellow brother, hope you recover quickly and start kicking in the gym! When you exercise regularly, injuries are inevitable to happen but make sure you're more careful this time
I hope you succeed my dude. People like you that keep going no matter what inspire me
Goodluck to you bro 🙏 💪
Look into the kneesovertoes guy. Helped me when I injured my knee
I don't agree with everything you say but I can't deny that you are at your core trying to help and that just fills me with hope. I've improved watching you thanks man.
Reading meditations by Marcus Aurelius and it's so fascinating that he loved reading so much that he considered it a distraction
wowww the last bit, instead of copyright striking you appreciate these people are spreading the message. lots of love from germany
This is actually so accurate. Ever since I binge read Nietzsche, Plato and Freud, my conversation skills became a bit of my trade-mark.
Did they make your SFMs better? Love your content lol
To be honest hamza I found you on a TikTok video. Fast forward 6months I’m loving the grind !
Love your video Hamza! Good thing we have you in our time!
Romans 10:9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved…7
Thanks for posting this type of content, I’m currently 14 years old and I’ve been overweight my entire life. I remember how I keep on getting motivated to work out and lose weight but I always stop on like day 4. Now instead of focusing on losing weight I’m gonna spend time for myself to get my mind right and once I change my habits and start to enjoy workouts and being productive, then I will come back and hope to say, “Yes! I finally am losing weight, Yes Im successful at school and at home and in all areas in life” so it’s gonna be tough I will fight the urge to be tempted and hang around the right people
Love you man
You got this brother!
Be easy on yourself at the beginning (first year) of your self improvement journey. Start small, implementing “small” habits one by one.
Even though you see all your free time and think “I can learn a new language, go to the gym, start a business, read books, meditate, journal, work a job, take up a martial art”, you can’t do it all at once.
Let it be your goal to be doing all those things 6 months out from now. Trying to rush habits in won’t get you anywhere
This is the best advice
I know everyone has heard it a million times already, but Rome wasn't built in a day
the main reason why i always give up :/
im so grateful for the friends i have, they always push me to do my best even though sometimes i dont, they always motivate me and peer pressure me positvely and the biggest thing we have in common is our goal to get rich, its no longer a dream.
thanks man, due to you I got into gainung some discipline and doing home workouts. Im 120 pounds at the end of 15 now and its time to finally do something about it.
what's your advise to me I'm also 15
Im 28 and i salute you guys for starting good habits so early. Good luck.
Hamza, you have helped me change my life. I grew up without a father in my life and never truly knew discipline. I became a loser, addicted to games, porn, and instant gratification. I was a Jeffrey. and completely myself and my potential. Your videos have helped me in recent years to tap into my potential and masculinity. With your help, I became inspired to do better. Now I’ve got a sculpted, muscular physique, a great career, more responsibilities, better friends, gave up games and porn, got out of an abusive relationship, and have a disciplined routine. I’m proud of myself, but I don’t know if I would’ve been able to do it without your videos. Thank you so much king!
90% of your problems from is your own thought
- Buddha
So you have to manage this 24 hours there is no more than this. Live on this day not tomorrow or yesterday or last few years.
+ Faith & Praying. Belive in God.
The science of habits is super underrated. Once you understand why you do what you do everyday, it becomes much easier to get your life back together
Sì, consiglio a tutti di leggere questo libro chiamato "abitudini atomiche" lì spiega tutto questo in modo più approfondito
@@ToiMemes pizza
@@user-gk7gw7qe2z Ñ
Probably one of the best self improvement youtubers
Hamza you should make a book list with all your favorites and most impactful books. I think that would be valuable.
Here ya go brother
i also agree
he has already check hamza unfiltered
The thumbnails are REALLY REALY GOOD hamza!
I meditate 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening and it has literally changed my life around. It saved my life 🙌🏻
I do 5 mins in the morning and have been patting myself on the back 🤣
Damn 2 hours
reading,being gratful, meditating are all things you do when you are a Muslim and that's why Islam is soo beautiful
Love These high quality videos that u put a lot of time in to, I appreciate these more than the fast produced videos u upload sometimes
Hamza editing skills are getting better like every hour
I cannot stress enough how important reading has been for me. Not sure if it’s directly because of reading or it allows my brain to do a mini dopamine detox but after reading consistently for a week my mind feels so much sharper. I’m happier and I just feel relieved. Definitely a great habit for anybody to develop
I appreciate your input. I need wipe the dust off my books and get to reading. I have some damn good books that need reading anyway.
I don’t know how you can manage to always sound so chill.
This guy is changing people lives.
I cover my thoughts on some of these incremental steps in my latest video but honestly its the small changes in mindset that can really change your life, I often find people overcomplicating these steps and putting too much energy into the pursuit of the perfect routine, but if you let these habits become apart of your day as much as brushing your teeth would be over a large timeframe, then in the space of a year I believe your life can truly change for the better
I was trying to find the video from you I could recommend to a friend first to help them realise what they gotta do, this might be the one, I got someone to start watching you today and it put a smile on my face. Just know you are making an incredible change in the lives of so many young men and we appreciate you man, keep this going, increase the following, we need more people to change for the better.
5 daily prayer > Meditation!
hamza i am 13 and i started weight lifting now i am around 100kg all of this time i was watching you man you are my guider thank you my brother in Christe i was obese still kind of em but thank you AND YOU THE VIWER DONT WATCH AND DONT TAKE ACTION, TAKE ACTION NOW!
Hamza motivation on the hub
Great video as always Hamza! Im a 21yo female from India
Совершенно случайно нашёл Ваш канал. Ваша энергия и стремление к саморазвитию себя и окружающий впечатляет. Желаю Вам успехов и благодарю за популяризацию ценностей, которые действительно важны для всех нас
Upgraded body=Upgraded mindset
you change my life forever:)
This was actually uploaded on my birthday. This shit really tells me something. A new age, and a new opportunity to become great.
1. Weightlifting (1:10)
2. Learning (2:05)
3. Meditation (3:24)
4. Journaling (7:01)
5. Reading (7:43)
6. Failing (11:01)
7. Uploading Content (11:45)
I’ve actually never watched someone/something so relatable.
man, if i could only show him my immense grattitude... ive got so much in my mind
I respect you as a person and you offer valuable advice. All I want to say is that in my opinion, promoting self hatred is very dangerous, although I know that’s not your intention the way you worded the part it came off that way to me. I’d personally promote self love and compassion for starting at level 1. Understand that you are trying to make a difference and forgive yourself for being a Jeffery at the moment. Forgiveness = happiness and salvation. Keep up the good content hamza and choose forgiveness 😁
i appreciate it and also starting to improve your self how do you start small so the bigger habits stick?
@Sophia I’m glad hamza’s methods have been helpful for you. There are infinite ways to interpret the world, as well as yourself. Hate is a very strong word. And having that sort of emotion towards oneself is why people commit suicide. That is why I’m saying it is very dangerous to promote that. I also work better with positive reinforcement, and I’m sure there are billions out there that feel the same way. Who better to give positive reinforcement to you than you?
@@chadman1-z5d Sophia gave multiple good suggestions. But what I would add on to that (and also take away) Is pick one habit. Just one, and STICK TO IT. For hamza it was weight lifting. Once you see that you have built yourself a positive habit, pick another one, and keep building!
I understand this, but the point of him saying it like that, is because he wants you to have some discipline. Discipline yourself to improve. Stop living a sad, disgusting life and pretending you’re ok with it. You need to really reflect on how you’re living as if it’s a movie about how you live. Be better. That’s what he means
@@nivviey I agree! I’m suggesting to hamza to have more caution with the way he words this message. But there is a difference between forgiving yourself and pretending your ok with a current negative lifestyle! Forgiveness is a mindset that leads to inner peace 😁
I'm 13 and I saw you on tiktok then your UA-cam you made me change my lifestyle so much thank so much
still got much more to change
Hamza thanks so much for uploading hours of genuine wisdom and meaningful advice. I am genuinely so grateful for this channel, I doubt you will see this comment but it means a lot to me that you put this effort into helping so many people.
you are just a brutally honest entity on youtube who enlightens young audience honestly my mindset didn't used to resonate with any of the youtubers but you are the exact mindset i was looking for you deserve a different medium to publish your content youtube is just very small thing for u
I thank the marine corps for a lot of things it did to me, but I sometimes fail to realize I have a long ways to go still
I wish you the best!
Hamza, I have been doing really well because i just watched your videos. You don't know how much you've helped me. Thank you so much Hamza.
7 habits hamza mentioned :-
1. Working out
2. Learning
3. Meditating
4. Journaling [ Gratitude ]
5. Reading
6. failing
7. uploading content
one hamza vid per day... thank u, sir!
A lot of my life I’ve been in the background, very hidden, and shy, but I’ve been working on myself a lot recently, and something that has helped me a lot has been this: If you want respect then respect yourself so much that others feel inclined to respect you. You’re what you’re surrounded by, and if you’re surrounded by laziness and bad people with bad habits then you’re gonna become them. My goal is to be such a valuable asset to others around me, so much so that it would hurt losing a friend like me, and that garners a whole new level of respect.
You have changed my life. Thank you.
It's a good day to have a great day... fuck that it's a good day to change in order to have a great Life.