justは大別して①ちょっと②正当性にわけられるのかなと思いました。 ちょっとしか思わない。そこから相手に対する軽い否定の意味合いなのかなと。相手が真面目に言ってることに対しそうじゃないからjust friend、相手が深刻に思ってることに対しそこまですごい程度じゃないと思ってるからjust try it ちょっと前に食べたからjust ate 正当性から自分はこう思っているからjust like ur dad
Hey, Jun. I came up with a question. If my girlfriend tying on clothes asked me like "what do you think?" , can I say "You look beautiful just the way you are"? Instead of "you look fine just the way you are"? I know this is so small different but I want to know if I could use it that way.
Ryo Tanaka Here’s another way to tell. “It’s good (great) on you” This is pretty helpful when you don’t come up with nothing!! And to tell your true mind to your girlfriend is the most important! Both ways are correct! Hope you guys’ll have great days!! I’m not Jun though XD
hmm I'd just say "it looks good on you" like Love Rock san said below. To me, "you look beautiful just the way you are" can be used more of like a situation where your girlfriend asks you "do i look ok? i didn't put makeup on today" or when she's thinking of changing her looks because she's insecure about it. I hope this explanation somehow makes sense to you.
Just like the others mentioned, in that situation I’d just say “it looks good on you.” For someone that is insecure about their physical appearance or features, you can say “you look/are beautiful just the way you are.” Great question!
"just amazing" = only amazing, and nothing else "you look amazing" Amazing and maybe other things like pretty, stunning, etc. Using "just" with mean words (ugly, cruel) makes you sound mean. You're telling a person they are just something that's negative. This is seen as very mean. However, if that person is being very rude, mean, or inappropriate AND making people upset and you want them to stop, you can use "just."
Junさん 初めまして!いつも拝見させていただいています😊 現在カナダで生活しています。人と話す時いつも、失礼にならないよう気を付けて言い方を選ぶのですが たとえばお店で他のサイズがあるか聞く時に、日本語でも「こちらの9号はありますか?」よりも「9号はあるかなと思って」のように会話の流れで言い方を選ぶことはあると思うのですが、この場合" I'm just wondering if you have a size 26." のように使うのは不自然にはなりませんか? 教えていただけたら幸いです。
Aloha! I am a fun of Hapa Eikaiwa. Just wondering why you say "left the house" not "left my house"? It could be a stupid question . But I would like to see the subtle difference because I think it comes from English way of thinking. Take care!
"The" is used for something specific. Your house = the house because it is the specific house that belongs to you. People already know the house you're leaving is your house. You don't need to say it's yours. You can use "the" for specific things and things the listener already knows or can guess. Sometimes you can drop "the" if it's something obvious. Instead of: I went to the school. Use: I went to school. If it's the school you go to everyday, and the listener knows it, you don't have to put "the."
Thank you so much for plain explanation. I could understand how to use "just" very well. I try to use it when I talk with my co-worker just right now. BTW, as an example sentence, you introduced "I just ate." What's the difference between "I just ate. " and "I have just eaten." ? Is "just" used in both past tence and present perfect tence? I hope my English make scene. (>_
よく出てくるので不思議に思っていました。とてもわかりやすかったです^ ^
Just ってクッソ出てくるよねw
青海苔 な
Just 有能スギィ
Vitto Gallagher
ユーリア 使わせていただきます
“Just the way you are” Bruno Mars ですね!
TAKEHITO HIRATA Yup! I love Bruno 😆
He looks just like Hiroshi Abe.
とにかく を やる
とにかく やって
ちょうど~したばっかりという場合のjustで、I just ate と I've just eatenとニュアンスの違いはどう違いますか?
"I just ate."
be going out でつきあっているという意味になるのですか?
ちょっとしか思わない。そこから相手に対する軽い否定の意味合いなのかなと。相手が真面目に言ってることに対しそうじゃないからjust friend、相手が深刻に思ってることに対しそこまですごい程度じゃないと思ってるからjust try it
ちょっと前に食べたからjust ate
正当性から自分はこう思っているからjust like ur dad
Hey, Jun. I came up with a question. If my girlfriend tying on clothes asked me like "what do you think?" , can I say "You look beautiful just the way you are"? Instead of "you look fine just the way you are"? I know this is so small different but I want to know if I could use it that way.
Ryo Tanaka Here’s another way to tell. “It’s good (great) on you” This is pretty helpful when you don’t come up with nothing!! And to tell your true mind to your girlfriend is the most important! Both ways are correct! Hope you guys’ll have great days!! I’m not Jun though XD
hmm I'd just say "it looks good on you" like Love Rock san said below. To me, "you look beautiful just the way you are" can be used more of like a situation where your girlfriend asks you "do i look ok? i didn't put makeup on today" or when she's thinking of changing her looks because she's insecure about it. I hope this explanation somehow makes sense to you.
Just like the others mentioned, in that situation I’d just say “it looks good on you.” For someone that is insecure about their physical appearance or features, you can say “you look/are beautiful just the way you are.” Great question!
聞く力だけは留学前につけないとダメかと、、 洋画で耳を鳴らしておきましょう。
I just want u to be the best English teacher!! I’ve been looking forward to the video just like this!!
Love Rock uいらんやろ。
-リンゴ Are u seriously??
Love Rock うん。
-リンゴ I’m not talking about me. It was about Hapa. U got it?
You mean video/clip/vlog, not movie....
You look just like Remi
いつもみてます!今度figure outと単にfigure〜だけ使うのときの使い方の解説をしていただきたいです!調べてもイマイチよくわかりません。。
saying "you look just amazing" instead of "you look amazing" means what?
"just amazing" = only amazing, and nothing else
"you look amazing" Amazing and maybe other things like pretty, stunning, etc.
Using "just" with mean words (ugly, cruel) makes you sound mean. You're telling a person they are just something that's negative. This is seen as very mean.
However, if that person is being very rude, mean, or inappropriate AND making people upset and you want them to stop, you can use "just."
Junさん 初めまして!いつも拝見させていただいています😊 現在カナダで生活しています。人と話す時いつも、失礼にならないよう気を付けて言い方を選ぶのですが たとえばお店で他のサイズがあるか聞く時に、日本語でも「こちらの9号はありますか?」よりも「9号はあるかなと思って」のように会話の流れで言い方を選ぶことはあると思うのですが、この場合" I'm just wondering if you have a size 26." のように使うのは不自然にはなりませんか? 教えていただけたら幸いです。
Miho Miyoshi 言い方は間違いないとは思いますが、もし日本語で文を考えて英語になおすという方法をしているのなら英語は英語で、日本語は日本語でという風にするとより早く英語を習得することができると思いますよ!
you could also say "do you have a size 26 by any chance?"
Love Rock さん 仰る通りで、日本語で考えるクセがなかなか抜けないのです、。意識して過ごします。ありがとうございます。
emsfg Thank you for replying! I'll keep that in mind!
その場合は「just」を使わずシンプルに「I was wondering if you had a size 26.」でOKですー!just なくても十分丁寧です👍🏻
今までずっとI have just~って使ってました🧐
have 使うなら、 have just p.p。使わないなら、just 過去形。 意味はわずかな違いで大きく異ならないから、会話だと just 過去形を圧倒的に使いがち(笑)
意味的にはなんら変わりないですが、個人的にはI’ve just 〜の方が聞きます
って言っても、I justとI’ve just は発音そこまで違いはないし、注意して聞くわけでもないのであまり気にしなくても伝わると思いますよ!
Justだけの文は口語でhave justは文語なのでは?
ただの兄妹ですの場合、we just brother and sister.でいいんですか?
moor ted 「are」とbrother と sisterの後に「s」を入れたら完璧!「We are just brothers and sisters.」もしくはシンプルに「We are just siblings.」とも言えます!
moor ted zzzzzzzzzzzz2zzzzzzzzzzzzz2znzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzznzッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッっzっっっっっっZZzzzZZZZZzzZZZZZZZZZzzZZzzZzZzZZZZzZZZzzZZZ
Hapa 英会話
@@Hapaeikaiwapage 3年前のコメントにすみません💦justの意味として、「〜だけ」という意味があるのですが、この意味は動画内の①〜⑤の内のどの用法に当てはまりますか?それとも新たに⑥として覚えるニュアンスでしようか?
誰かに似てるなぁと思ったらSam Tsuiに顔の感じがちょっと似てる(笑)
Aloha! I am a fun of Hapa Eikaiwa. Just wondering why you say "left the house" not "left my house"? It could be a stupid question . But I would like to see the subtle difference because I think it comes from English way of thinking. Take care!
"The" is used for something specific. Your house = the house because it is the specific house that belongs to you. People already know the house you're leaving is your house. You don't need to say it's yours.
You can use "the" for specific things and things the listener already knows or can guess. Sometimes you can drop "the" if it's something obvious.
Instead of: I went to the school.
Use: I went to school.
If it's the school you go to everyday, and the listener knows it, you don't have to put "the."
can you just give me a minuteはOKだけどcan you give me just a minuteはNG...
なのにjust a minute単体だと問題ない、、、なんで??😂
Thank you so much for plain explanation. I could understand how to use "just" very well. I try to use it when I talk with my co-worker just right now. BTW, as an example sentence, you introduced "I just ate." What's the difference between "I just ate. " and "I have just eaten." ? Is "just" used in both past tence and present perfect tence? I hope my English make scene. (>_
I don't know. Just cuz. とかのjust はどこの部類に入るんですか?
Masahiro Sekine 例外じゃないですか?Just cuzが一つの単語みたいなものなので
「ただ何となく」という意味で使う場合は用法2ですね。「Just because」の動画を以前アップしたので参考までにどうぞ→ ua-cam.com/video/K74trJgYoIM/v-deo.html
Hapa 英会話 ご説明ありがとうございます!
That makes sense.
Just do it!!!!!!
私はよくJust kidding.もっと文章で丁寧に言えばI am just kidding.(ただの冗談だよ!)と冗談好きの私はよく使う表現だ。
Just a cockroach?? Wtf That’s the cockroach! Sorry I hate them 😂 😂
No! It’s NOT just cockroach !
ライト太郎 Use it!!
“Just” use it !!
Hello There
( [Friend] )
少しの ただの とにかく