When women go to an event and see another woman wearing the same outfit their night is ruined but when I go to an event a see men wearing the same outfit I think “Awesome. I wore the right thing!”
Sure about that? As a woman, I was rather relieved that this stereotype was about to die out. I feel the same as you do when I dress up: Did I wear the right kind of thing? Does it stand out too much? Is it appropriate for the night? And when I see another woman in the same or similar dress, I feel a wave of relief, knowing there's at least one person there that night who shares my outfit reactions, and I won't look like an odd one out.
@@buxxi90 Well I guess that's fine if that's your personal reaction. I'm a man so I it's hard to fully empathise but I can see why, in a society where men are for want of a better word _allowed_ to wear a standard type of attire and women aren't, a woman would feel awkward when another woman is wearing the exact same attire. And it has been a fairly constant meme for my whole life, played out in film and sitcoms over and over.
@@carlhartwell7978 it's true that it's been a meme for a long time, but to be fair, many other stereotypical memes have aged like milk, if you watch 50s sitcoms etc. This one might just be on the way out now. I regularly see a lot more women getting excited and bonding over the same clothing decision than disapproval or annoyance.
My favorite rant yet. Funny how you can see the glare from the sweat on David's forehead increase in intensity as he gets himself more and more worked up.
I assume you are a human being and thus it is impossible for you to resemble a remark. Change your comment to "I agree with that remark "and all will be fine ,you'll resemble Mr Mitchell EVEN MORE and I'll agree with you. Oh,you don't care about that? Boo hoo.
He is so right. This is why I loved wearing my school uniform as a kid. I wasn't crazy about the way it looked, but I didn't have to put much thought into what I had to wear. The uniform was neither inappropiate or entirely ugly. It was standard and so was everyone that wore it. Of course you had the few girls who hiked their skirt higher and wore crazy colored stockings, but that didn't bother me. Keep it simple and no one can say shit.
It's actually becoming a serious problem, gym culture, male hair salons, men's fashion stores and male makeup + moisturiser along with thousands of different hair and beard products are legion today and are infecting the youth as "normality" for being male. Old no nonsense masculinity is dying out replaced with a metrosexual man that spends even more time, money and endless worrying about his appearance over everything else in his life.
"Smartly-dressed" is an expression in the USA, it's just a bit old fashioned. The slightest bit of contextual inference makes it pretty obvious what he means unless you are a typical handsome man.
I do love a good rant, and the last line of this one truly set the tone for the rest of my day, thank you. I will giggle uncontrolably for the next 18 hours.
That's so funny..."the ugly man will always outnumber the attractive man". David Mitchell has a very clever sense of humor. I am enjoying these "soapbox" videos!!!!
I was watching a bit of the Oscars the other day and I couldn't help but to think of this. That wonderful feeling that all those women have spent hours trying on dresses and no two women are wearing the same clothes and all men are joyfully wearing the exact same and don't care in the slightest.
I've been watching a number of these soapbox videos lately thinking I had just stumbled upon them for the first time. But this one awoke a dim memory that I'd actually watched it many years ago. I chuckled at it then, and I chuckle at it now.
2:17 I think Mitchell would be delighted to join the C.I.D. and insist upon wearing a homburg, 1930s moustache, chocolate brown scarf and fawn coat, and smoking a cigar. Like Inspector Japp.
"I have an important message to deliver to all the cute people all over the world. If you're out there and you're cute, maybe you're beautiful. I just want to tell you somethin' - there's more of us UGLY MOTHERF*CKERS than you are, hey-y, so watch out." - Frank Zappa
Up until 12 years ago, I went for my 'black cocktail dress' number, for all the posh dos - which lasted 15+ years. Sadly, I no longer fit into it. Happily, I don't have to go to posh dos any more. Every cloud...
That is the funniest and wisest thing I've ever seen. Similar thoughts have been occurring to me in recent years, but DM has just encapsulated them perfectly!
For a woman it's almost impossible to include themselves in the ugly category without some hidden agenda - even if it's true! When they do so they hope to get attention and that people disagree and tell them they're actually quite pretty or slim or whatever. When David refers to himself as unattractive or just average, he accepts and isn't bothered by it.
+J4Seriously I have no idea what your deal is. i expressed my wish that dressing for women was as easy as it is for men. The clothes I own aren't relevant to that. And even if I did own a black dress, not all dress types are appropriate for all occasions, and there are some of the opinion that it's not nice to wear black to a wedding, so one black dress actually solves very few style problems
there was an ad for men with beards, it was sort of mascara for the beard. So winter is coming :-) God I'd love a uniform like men have. David is the voice of a generation.
@rorkimaru I think David has put much more thought into expressing himself as an artist rather than expressing himself through a suit. I dare say he has spent his time well...
In a different context you have a point, we do tend to enjoy ourselves and therefore laugh more in company, but audience laughter is not the same. Pre existing laughter should not be required for you to laugh. I find him amusing, with or without the support of others.
@@edward657 Pretty sure metrosexuals have existed for way longer than 10 years. I'd say early noughties maybe earlier. But I do agree that the feminization of mens looks in general is certainly growing, skinny trousers are frankly distasteful to me! And I realize that's nothing new either, but I have a feeling it's going much more mainstream.
Carl Hartwell non binary people are people too, 🤷♂️ people who just want to express themselves, their views and opinions on how a good and free life is lived outside of the norm
To be fair to some of us who defy the suit rule, some people like me don't do it to rebel. I personally just don't find suits particularly comfortable. I find cargo trousers and loose shirts far more comfortable, even if they're not considered particularly formal. (I occassionally button up my shirt, but that's just a small courtesy)
As a woman I like both. I love man who dare to wear different and colorful things, but I also like the smart classic black-tie look! I find it quite handsome when men look a little smarter than they might normally do, and black and white go with every dress...
+HolandaChiquita Kilts are a whole other thing. Where as trousers are by and large inconspicuous (notwithstanding patchwork loons and press-stud encrusted cargo-pants) and go unnoticed on any man, wearing a kilt requires a level of confidence which most men do not possess. I'm 6'4" with skinny, milk-white legs and knobbly knees and would feel ridiculous and self conscious in what is essentially a man-skirt invented for the Scottish tourist industry by Victorian English romantics who fetishised the notion of the noble Highland savage.
em diar I guess, but tastes differ. And I meant to say that I almost like every item of male clothing on a man, except for dresses or skirts... Since kilts aren't skirts, they're fine. I have seen skinny pale men wear kilts and they didn't look bad in my opinion. But I do agree about the confidence level it takes to wear kilts. If you're insecure it will be way worse in a kilt... I don't think they were invented for that reason, because the kilt has been used by Gales and Celts probably even before the Highlanders got the hang of it...
HolandaChiquita The item of clothing you are referring to bears little resemblance to the modern version with which we are familiar today. It was actually slightly before the Victorian age, but I stand by the rest of what I wrote. This from wiki: "A letter written by Ivan Baillie in 1768 and published in the Edinburgh Magazine in March 1785 states that the garment people would recognize as a kilt today was invented in the 1720s by Thomas Rawlinson, a Quaker from Lancashire."
em diar To correct you: items of clothing... Sine there were different versions. Fashion evolves and the original idea of a kilt is still the exact same as it is today. Even if it looks slightly different. And getting your information from Wikipedia isn't that convincing... Actually it almost screams the opposite, but okay.
I can imagine David Mitchell sitting in the corner of a trendy nightclub, glowering at all the unusually dressed celebrities and muttering to himself 'idiots...fools...'
I can see why he makes himself part of the 'ugly' men, as he's not handsome, like say George Clooney, but attractive? Hell yes. And it's these sorts of rants where we get to see a little glimpse into what his head is actually like. Love it, love all these soapbox shows/clips/things!
Hannah Hooful I think it really comes down to the shoulders! If they are too broad they look especially odd on a feminine figure. I'm no expert on the matter but I'm sure there are tailors who would adore the challenge of making you a good suit :)
@iknowyoucodfish I don't disagree. My point was just that it's not a bad thing to express yourself through clothing and that it is very possible to do that while wearing a suit. It's no big deal as this is all being spawned from a comedic rant but I feel that what lukeashmoore said about suits ruining the features that define us is wrong. A uniform of a tshirt and jeans is still a uniform. I wear comfy cloths or suits depending on the occasion but it doesn't masque my personality.
All true, David. I prefer a suit & tie - BUT even then a little thought is needed I believe you can have one distictive item of clothing. Start with a dark, plain or perhaps self-striped suit that is not too small & where the trousers brush the shoes Then you can go mad with an open necked coloured shirt (with dark cuff links), or a shirt & tie. If both, then EITHER the shirt or the tie can be patterned, not both, & there is no room a professional's wardrobe for Simpsons socks...
This is a perfect example of a Nash equilibrium. David Mitchell should have explained it instead of the writer of A Beautiful Mind who bollocksed it right up.
Perhaps I am what one would call an underachiever, but frankly I almost always wear the same thing, jeans, t-shirt, my really comfortable shoes that look like they were made in the bloody stone age, and a jacket when I feel cold.
I do love a decent suit. You can play around with the colours and peripherals but a simple black suit will make you look good with next to no effort. I like to wear a clean black trilby and rich purple tie with mine.
The temperature can certainly be a problem. Being traditionally made of wool and being composed of two layers, it will give you trouble in non-AC´d summers. Movement-wise, though, I never felt much. Even at some parties with constant dancing involved, the only thing that could have bothered were the shoes.
I'm not opposed to wearing black tie clothing, as long as they sell it at an army surplus warehouse. There's no way I'm going to normal shops to pay twice as much for half the quality.
Indeed it has; quite observant. It was put there on purpose. Items considered luxury tend to carry a certain premium because reasons. But do note that the 33.3% is still better than what you get in your original equation.
I tend to lean more to the gala dress than to the tuxedo. Not breaking the norm just give people the ability to choose: Do I want to put effort into a dress or do I go default in a suit?
The concept of fashion consists of nothing more than a group of people you don't know trying to tell you that you need to wear something you do not already own (no matter how ridiculous it will look on you) in order to part you from as much more of your money as they can. That's all. Those in charge of fashion are not at all interested in how you look, simply how much money they can get from you. This is the reason fashion is always changing. Once you own a thing, it goes out of fashion, because they can only sell it to you once rather than charging rent for it. Therefore, whatever it is simply goes out of fashion in order for the leaders of the fashion world to come up with something you don't own and make you buy that. My apologies. Didn't mean to go on a rant myself.
I generally buy new clothes ONLY when most of those I need for the approaching changing season have become unusable or just with too many holes. Ax for fashion, I have no idea about it and I just follow my personal taste.
Magazines try to brainwash girls to think cheap looking, manky, orange women with fake chests they like showing off are style icons because types like Kerry Katona, Victoria Beckham and other talentless celebs are the only ones they can get to sell dumb stories
@owaffs I believe you meant according to whom. You misunderstand. This is nothing whatsoever to do with fashion - fashion is informal, people have choice. This is formal. That means there is a prescribed form; a right and a wrong. And wearing a normal tie, such as one may wear with a morning suit, is wrong. A bow tie is right. Where you err is in supposing that this is an area for personal expression, or fashion.
As someone with unusually high self esteem, this kinda shit is great. All you average, inconsequential or otherwise non-fashionable dudes can orbit the post-mortem of unoriginality. People like me will express themselves, dress like we actually have a personality and stand out even more. We exist to make David Mitchells uncomfortable, we remind people like him that their masculinity is as fragile as their near non-existent sense of style.
As someone with unusually low self esteem but a good fashion sense, this shit is horrible. Do I express myself through style and risk making people think I think I am above them or do I bow to the will of the Mitchells?
As a gay man, and a bottom at that, don’t worry we’re trying to compete with women not straight men, it’s the movie star types that are threatening your good thing
I'm a woman and dont worry that much about my appearance, don't wear makeup or jewelry, just wear whatever clothes I can find cheap, never been to a hair dresser in my life so my hair is as it grows. I can't afford to worry about my appearance.
It’s 2020 and I fear we have lost the battle against those handsome, eyebrows picking, body shaving man. In 10 more years everyone will look the same 👨
For some reason when he started talking about handsome men with larger than life personnalities who wear sparkly shirts, I automatically pictured Noel Fielding on the red carpets xD No mistakes, I love Noel, but he's exactly the kind of guy David rants about here ^^ Nevermind, I love both of them equally
Well I don't know about utterly useless, I mean regular clothes are part of fashion and they certainly have use, such as keeping you warm in colder climates and not getting you sent to jail for walking by primary schools.
ik,r? I saw an article about "10 Things to Never Wear If You're Over XX" and I got to thinking "How does it come to pass that the people who let the type of people who write these articles tell them what to wear are considered "the smart ones"?" I mean, it matters if you're going for a job, or treasure the possibility for seduction in every trip to Home Depot or the dry cleaners, but nowadays I don't gaf.
@boydegg I have 3 hats... one of them I wear almost daily. Some other men in my village also where hats. Most probably don't though, so given your post I thought I'd read it at the next gathering in our local community centre.
I completely agree. Black tie and coat for after 6 affair. White tie and tail coat for an after 9 affair. Clean and combed hair. A real shave, not some hipster half stubble shave to look like some bad pulp romance cover. No frilly shirts or novelty attire. Simple, civilian regimental and even ugly or dumpy men look smart. And that's from a gentleman native to the US who has owned such kit since his mid 20s and use them.
S Tho well that sounds boring and uncomfortable. I'm in my mid 20s and don't own a suit, have a beard and can't remember the last time I combed my hair. There are many ways to look good. I envy the plethora of clothing choices women have
Thank you, so very much. My parents worked diligently to raise a person of literate deliberation. I try to think before I type. I do make typos; I blame the dyslexia. Thank you, again, for your kind comment.
When women go to an event and see another woman wearing the same outfit their night is ruined but when I go to an event a see men wearing the same outfit I think “Awesome. I wore the right thing!”
I was just thinking about this the other day.
Sure about that? As a woman, I was rather relieved that this stereotype was about to die out. I feel the same as you do when I dress up: Did I wear the right kind of thing? Does it stand out too much? Is it appropriate for the night? And when I see another woman in the same or similar dress, I feel a wave of relief, knowing there's at least one person there that night who shares my outfit reactions, and I won't look like an odd one out.
@@buxxi90 Well I guess that's fine if that's your personal reaction. I'm a man so I it's hard to fully empathise but I can see why, in a society where men are for want of a better word _allowed_ to wear a standard type of attire and women aren't, a woman would feel awkward when another woman is wearing the exact same attire. And it has been a fairly constant meme for my whole life, played out in film and sitcoms over and over.
@@carlhartwell7978 it's true that it's been a meme for a long time, but to be fair, many other stereotypical memes have aged like milk, if you watch 50s sitcoms etc. This one might just be on the way out now. I regularly see a lot more women getting excited and bonding over the same clothing decision than disapproval or annoyance.
@@buxxi90 Fair enough! I personally could *n't* care less :-)
I love that of all these rants, this is the one where David has the most fear and desperation.
possibly the most perspiration
My favorite rant yet. Funny how you can see the glare from the sweat on David's forehead increase in intensity as he gets himself more and more worked up.
I think that's the studio lights tbh
"the ugly man will always outnumber the attractive man"
I resemble that remark.
I assume you are a human being and thus it is impossible for you to resemble a remark. Change your comment to "I agree with that remark "and all will be fine ,you'll resemble Mr Mitchell EVEN MORE and I'll agree with you. Oh,you don't care about that? Boo hoo.
@@ripdbtpoo1441 firstly, this was fucking years ago, secondly, that was a joke, it was on purpose.
@@joshuadrinkwater4254 I believe he was quoting Groucho Marx.
@@ripdbtpoo1441You've made yourself look a right twat, I'm afraid.
This is why you are my hero, David Mitchell.
Daedric lord of knowledge impressed with David Mitchell… Nice very nice
He is so right. This is why I loved wearing my school uniform as a kid. I wasn't crazy about the way it looked, but I didn't have to put much thought into what I had to wear. The uniform was neither inappropiate or entirely ugly. It was standard and so was everyone that wore it. Of course you had the few girls who hiked their skirt higher and wore crazy colored stockings, but that didn't bother me. Keep it simple and no one can say shit.
One of his more energetic rants. Clearly this particular subject cuts close to the bone. Loved it. "Handsome bastards" indeed.
The handsome men? They're gone! All gone! What is left is us posh people who are inexplicably still UA-camrs!
Thank you, corrected.
better than waiters!
how amusing
Doesn't really work because that's not a UA-camr stereotype and never was.
10 years later, still makes total sense.
It's actually becoming a serious problem, gym culture, male hair salons, men's fashion stores and male makeup + moisturiser along with thousands of different hair and beard products are legion today and are infecting the youth as "normality" for being male. Old no nonsense masculinity is dying out replaced with a metrosexual man that spends even more time, money and endless worrying about his appearance over everything else in his life.
As a little iteration for you non-brits: In "Smart" he means "well dressed".
Too late, I'm going to take all the David Mitchell I can! Nyahaha!
Also, thank you for the clarification, *****.
Speaking for all us context clueless people: Thanks.
"Smartly-dressed" is an expression in the USA, it's just a bit old fashioned. The slightest bit of contextual inference makes it pretty obvious what he means unless you are a typical handsome man.
You think? Jesus, who doesn't know that? Why not also explain that 'thick' means stupid?
That last line was pure brilliance!
I do love a good rant, and the last line of this one truly set the tone for the rest of my day, thank you. I will giggle uncontrolably for the next 18 hours.
Grow up
That's so funny..."the ugly man will always outnumber the attractive man". David Mitchell has a very clever sense of humor. I am enjoying these "soapbox" videos!!!!
As an ugly man myself he is speaking from a place of experience...
Sense of humour, yes,of course. But what he says,as here,is often very true as well!
I was watching a bit of the Oscars the other day and I couldn't help but to think of this. That wonderful feeling that all those women have spent hours trying on dresses and no two women are wearing the same clothes and all men are joyfully wearing the exact same and don't care in the slightest.
the intensity of this rant is what i most like about david mitchell
The end statement. Just fantastic delivery. Great work.
jeez, this clip is 10 years old. Love the internets.
I've been watching a number of these soapbox videos lately thinking I had just stumbled upon them for the first time. But this one awoke a dim memory that I'd actually watched it many years ago. I chuckled at it then, and I chuckle at it now.
That 'mostly thick' line at the end made me spit out my drink with laughter XD
The point David makes here I have never heard voiced before. It is 100% perfect.
This is the sincerest of all Mitchell's soapbox speeches. There's real venom in this one!
2:17 I think Mitchell would be delighted to join the C.I.D. and insist upon wearing a homburg, 1930s moustache, chocolate brown scarf and fawn coat, and smoking a cigar. Like Inspector Japp.
"I have an important message to deliver to all the cute people all over the world. If you're out there and you're cute, maybe you're beautiful. I just want to tell you somethin' - there's more of us UGLY MOTHERF*CKERS than you are, hey-y, so watch out."
- Frank Zappa
He's so cute.
I loved how he was so genuinely getting into it, and rightly so!
Much as I love David Mitchell, the excellent Mr Finnemore deserves some credit in the comments section.
Sometimes I feel I can't possibly love David Mitchell any more than I already do - and then he comes out with something like this and... *sigh*!!
Up until 12 years ago, I went for my 'black cocktail dress' number, for all the posh dos - which lasted 15+ years.
Sadly, I no longer fit into it.
Happily, I don't have to go to posh dos any more.
Every cloud...
@@raymondhughes7972 "Every cloud has a silver lining".
@@raymondhughes7972 You are the 'Salvador Dali' of conversation - it makes no sense, but is diverting.
That is the funniest and wisest thing I've ever seen. Similar thoughts have been occurring to me in recent years, but DM has just encapsulated them perfectly!
That last line had me laughing for a while ^o^
I have major man love for David Mitchell during one of his rants.
For a woman it's almost impossible to include themselves in the ugly category without some hidden agenda - even if it's true! When they do so they hope to get attention and that people disagree and tell them they're actually quite pretty or slim or whatever. When David refers to himself as unattractive or just average, he accepts and isn't bothered by it.
Hahaha, I'm one of those women who don't know how to dress. Oh, how often I've said it would be nice to just be able to wear a suit like a man does.
+eyliena Almost all women's got a "little black dress". Just use that :)
+Count Penta
No. No, I don't
+eyliena Oh when then you're doomed to the no effort look forever. Unless one could purchase clothes.
+J4Seriously I have no idea what your deal is. i expressed my wish that dressing for women was as easy as it is for men. The clothes I own aren't relevant to that.
And even if I did own a black dress, not all dress types are appropriate for all occasions, and there are some of the opinion that it's not nice to wear black to a wedding, so one black dress actually solves very few style problems
Then just wear a suit.
there was an ad for men with beards, it was sort of mascara for the beard. So winter is coming :-) God I'd love a uniform like men have. David is the voice of a generation.
I really want Noel Fielding to have seen this
Hello it's been ten years are you still alive
@rorkimaru I think David has put much more thought into expressing himself as an artist rather than expressing himself through a suit. I dare say he has spent his time well...
Why am I only now finding this channel? It hasn’t uploaded for five years.
Because wisdom is timeless and must reach all.
Because of the UA-cam algorithm
Because everyone needs David Mitchell in their life.
I was really excited when I saw that this video was linked to on the black tie guide website!
I love the way he's sweating in this!
In a different context you have a point, we do tend to enjoy ourselves and therefore laugh more in company, but audience laughter is not the same. Pre existing laughter should not be required for you to laugh. I find him amusing, with or without the support of others.
this is 10 years ago , i would imagine he is spitting bloody feathers now with whats going on .
why what happend?
TeeJay Bricks Metrosexuals
@@edward657 That's not the kind of thing David gets worked up about
@@edward657 Pretty sure metrosexuals have existed for way longer than 10 years. I'd say early noughties maybe earlier.
But I do agree that the feminization of mens looks in general is certainly growing, skinny trousers are frankly distasteful to me! And I realize that's nothing new either, but I have a feeling it's going much more mainstream.
Carl Hartwell non binary people are people too, 🤷♂️
people who just want to express themselves, their views and opinions on how a good and free life is lived outside of the norm
Thanks for the informative reply!
You're right about selective lobbying and corruption.
Glad I could help clear the confusion.
"The ugly men will always outnumber the good-looking men." What a reassuring thought...
To be fair to some of us who defy the suit rule, some people like me don't do it to rebel. I personally just don't find suits particularly comfortable. I find cargo trousers and loose shirts far more comfortable, even if they're not considered particularly formal. (I occassionally button up my shirt, but that's just a small courtesy)
+Jaz Thomas Get a tailored suit. It feels pretty good once you get used to it.
Like Krim said. A properly fitted suit is a world of difference.
As a handsome man, I can confirm, I am thick.
Honestly, David looks a lot better in the video than the photo.
Imagine. Just imagine being handsome and clever.
That's Richard Ayoade
Check and uhhhh what does clever mean???
every once in awhile this guy just knocks it out of the park lol.
Voice of the people right there. If only our politicians thought as logically as him.
This is brilliant. I can't believe I've never seen this channel.
As a woman I like both. I love man who dare to wear different and colorful things, but I also like the smart classic black-tie look! I find it quite handsome when men look a little smarter than they might normally do, and black and white go with every dress...
***** That is indeed wonderful. I don't really mind what guys wear when we're in. But going out a pair of trousers or at least a kilt is a must ;)
+HolandaChiquita Kilts are a whole other thing. Where as trousers are by and large inconspicuous (notwithstanding patchwork loons and press-stud encrusted cargo-pants) and go unnoticed on any man, wearing a kilt requires a level of confidence which most men do not possess. I'm 6'4" with skinny, milk-white legs and knobbly knees and would feel ridiculous and self conscious in what is essentially a man-skirt invented for the Scottish tourist industry by Victorian English romantics who fetishised the notion of the noble Highland savage.
em diar I guess, but tastes differ. And I meant to say that I almost like every item of male clothing on a man, except for dresses or skirts...
Since kilts aren't skirts, they're fine. I have seen skinny pale men wear kilts and they didn't look bad in my opinion. But I do agree about the confidence level it takes to wear kilts. If you're insecure it will be way worse in a kilt...
I don't think they were invented for that reason, because the kilt has been used by Gales and Celts probably even before the Highlanders got the hang of it...
HolandaChiquita The item of clothing you are referring to bears little resemblance to the modern version with which we are familiar today. It was actually slightly before the Victorian age, but I stand by the rest of what I wrote.
This from wiki: "A letter written by Ivan Baillie in 1768 and published in the Edinburgh Magazine in March 1785 states that the garment people would recognize as a kilt today was invented in the 1720s by Thomas Rawlinson, a Quaker from Lancashire."
em diar To correct you: items of clothing...
Sine there were different versions. Fashion evolves and the original idea of a kilt is still the exact same as it is today. Even if it looks slightly different.
And getting your information from Wikipedia isn't that convincing... Actually it almost screams the opposite, but okay.
I can imagine David Mitchell sitting in the corner of a trendy nightclub, glowering at all the unusually dressed celebrities and muttering to himself 'idiots...fools...'
Zed Zed Top: "Smart-Dressed Man."
I can see why he makes himself part of the 'ugly' men, as he's not handsome, like say George Clooney, but attractive? Hell yes. And it's these sorts of rants where we get to see a little glimpse into what his head is actually like. Love it, love all these soapbox shows/clips/things!
Funny how this is also, essentially, the description of how herd immunity with vaccinations works.
@ that's not herd immunity, that's natural selection
So happy I stumbled across this channel :D
I wish that, as a woman, I could look as good in a suit as men do but for some reason it just doesn't work right.
People like Ellen DeGeneres manage!
+The Aura Tree - no, no they don't. They just make themselves look like men and then dress like men.
Hannah Hooful I think it really comes down to the shoulders! If they are too broad they look especially odd on a feminine figure. I'm no expert on the matter but I'm sure there are tailors who would adore the challenge of making you a good suit :)
***** Maybe I'll have to look into it.
Hannah Hooful Go for it! Challenge society! My general preference would be sloping shoulders but hey, your style so your choice :)
@iknowyoucodfish I don't disagree. My point was just that it's not a bad thing to express yourself through clothing and that it is very possible to do that while wearing a suit.
It's no big deal as this is all being spawned from a comedic rant but I feel that what lukeashmoore said about suits ruining the features that define us is wrong. A uniform of a tshirt and jeans is still a uniform. I wear comfy cloths or suits depending on the occasion but it doesn't masque my personality.
Don't completely know why but this made me think of the Academic dress code: phdcomics.com/comics/archive_print.php?comicid=1446
All true, David. I prefer a suit & tie - BUT even then a little thought is needed
I believe you can have one distictive item of clothing. Start with a dark, plain or perhaps self-striped suit that is not too small & where the trousers brush the shoes
Then you can go mad with an open necked coloured shirt (with dark cuff links), or a shirt & tie.
If both, then EITHER the shirt or the tie can be patterned, not both, & there is no room a professional's wardrobe for Simpsons socks...
This is a perfect example of a Nash equilibrium. David Mitchell should have explained it instead of the writer of A Beautiful Mind who bollocksed it right up.
Tempy Thing yeah I never understood the theory due to their explanation of it. glad to finally get what it is
Haha. Brilliant.
I found this today! It's March of 2021 and I really needed some laughs. Thank you. True laughs! -- or LingOL.
The problem is, David Mitchell actually *is* unusually smart.
That's because he always follows the instructions relevant to the occasion.
+Tony Hightower - He's not that unusually smart for a European.
smart means "well dressed" in the Uk in this context.
smart means well dressed in Australia too if it comes out of your grandmothers mouth.
Excellent. DM at his finest.
Stay the course my sub-handsome brothers! The tyranny of hot men shall never rule over us
an "i'm glad he's dead t-shirt" sounds right up my street.
Did he just call me thick?
I think so. Of all the faceless blue silhouette display pictures, yours is the handsomest.
It's a compliment now. It used to be an insult.
Chances are quite high you're both.
OMG, we'll have to "exercise judgement"! HA! He's absolutely RIGHT!
Its mad how much people are getting mad over this video. Chill out :)
oh man, that was one of the best rants yet. i woke up my entire family with my laughter
Perhaps I am what one would call an underachiever, but frankly I almost always wear the same thing, jeans, t-shirt, my really comfortable shoes that look like they were made in the bloody stone age, and a jacket when I feel cold.
Form over function. That's the right way to do it.
TranscendentLion Of course I meant function over form. Oops.
TranscendentLion Yep exactly how I feel, but to be fair I don't have to dress impressively most of the time
I do love a decent suit.
You can play around with the colours and peripherals but a simple black suit will make you look good with next to no effort.
I like to wear a clean black trilby and rich purple tie with mine.
he's really quite funny.
I'm a yank and this is great. Love Peep Show too. Spot on.
That suit he's wearing in the pictures is one of the most ill-fitting suits I have ever laid eyes on.
The suit must be a rental
To be fair, he didn't say it was good, just that it was his personal best...
Gotta love the last line.
Ties and suits are uncomfortable. I hate them.
Great. Let's make decide to wear neither.
A properly fitted suit should be quite comfortable to wear, actually. I can understand that ties can be annoying for some, though.
The temperature can certainly be a problem. Being traditionally made of wool and being composed of two layers, it will give you trouble in non-AC´d summers.
Movement-wise, though, I never felt much. Even at some parties with constant dancing involved, the only thing that could have bothered were the shoes.
The best of all the Soapboxes, surely?
I'm not opposed to wearing black tie clothing, as long as they sell it at an army surplus warehouse.
There's no way I'm going to normal shops to pay twice as much for half the quality.
Then have it taylor made and pay 3 times as much for twice the quality.
Your formula clearly has a margin of 33.3% spending inefficiency.
Indeed it has; quite observant. It was put there on purpose. Items considered luxury tend to carry a certain premium because reasons. But do note that the 33.3% is still better than what you get in your original equation.
Not really, paying half as much for twice the quality is literally 83.5% better.
I was under the impression that your other, original alternative was paying twice as much for half the quality, not the other way around.
So well spoken
I'm thinking smart may not mean intelligent to an english man
I kinda like it
In England, 'smart' can basically mean 'well-dressed'.
TranscendentLion it's less 'well dressed' and more like 'vaguely functioning member of society'.
I tend to lean more to the gala dress than to the tuxedo. Not breaking the norm just give people the ability to choose: Do I want to put effort into a dress or do I go default in a suit?
This is the reason why I (occasionally) wish I was a man. I want a female equivalent of a black tie outfit!
Maerahn , short, tight ,black, you’re there, easy!
It’s called the little back dress.
MissCaraMint and very nice it is !
Spot on!
The concept of fashion consists of nothing more than a group of people you don't know trying to tell you that you need to wear something you do not already own (no matter how ridiculous it will look on you) in order to part you from as much more of your money as they can. That's all. Those in charge of fashion are not at all interested in how you look, simply how much money they can get from you. This is the reason fashion is always changing. Once you own a thing, it goes out of fashion, because they can only sell it to you once rather than charging rent for it. Therefore, whatever it is simply goes out of fashion in order for the leaders of the fashion world to come up with something you don't own and make you buy that.
My apologies. Didn't mean to go on a rant myself.
I generally buy new clothes ONLY when most of those I need for the approaching changing season have become unusable or just with too many holes. Ax for fashion, I have no idea about it and I just follow my personal taste.
Magazines try to brainwash girls to think cheap looking, manky, orange women with fake chests they like showing off are style icons because types like Kerry Katona, Victoria Beckham and other talentless celebs are the only ones they can get to sell dumb stories
LOL, brilliant commentary on a topic I've always fought against. Makes me think again, change my perspective on this ... well, black tie it is then!
"Men's fashion" is a contradiction in terms.
Men never change.
But Men's fashion did change, didn't it? What men wore 200 years ago or even 100 years is not the same as now.
Yes i shall just go and put on my toga shall I?
Jay the French revolutionaries were pretty stylish and wouldn't look out of place in a modern Men's Fashion week. That's over 100 years ago, isn't it?
@owaffs I believe you meant according to whom.
You misunderstand. This is nothing whatsoever to do with fashion - fashion is informal, people have choice. This is formal. That means there is a prescribed form; a right and a wrong. And wearing a normal tie, such as one may wear with a morning suit, is wrong. A bow tie is right. Where you err is in supposing that this is an area for personal expression, or fashion.
As someone with unusually high self esteem, this kinda shit is great. All you average, inconsequential or otherwise non-fashionable dudes can orbit the post-mortem of unoriginality. People like me will express themselves, dress like we actually have a personality and stand out even more. We exist to make David Mitchells uncomfortable, we remind people like him that their masculinity is as fragile as their near non-existent sense of style.
Robert Webb? Is that you at it again? You should be happy for David
Either this is ironic and you’re hilarious or you’re the most deeply delusional person I’ve ever met
As someone with unusually low self esteem but a good fashion sense, this shit is horrible. Do I express myself through style and risk making people think I think I am above them or do I bow to the will of the Mitchells?
@@ta1os Neither, he’d been drinking! Judging the overall tone and opening sentence I’d say he was 8 drinks deep
fuck you
As a gay man, and a bottom at that, don’t worry we’re trying to compete with women not straight men, it’s the movie star types that are threatening your good thing
It took me a little too long to understand that when David says "smart" he means "fashionable".
smart means well dressed, dressed for a special occasion etc
Not just him, an entire country
I'm a woman and dont worry that much about my appearance, don't wear makeup or jewelry, just wear whatever clothes I can find cheap, never been to a hair dresser in my life so my hair is as it grows. I can't afford to worry about my appearance.
It’s 2020 and I fear we have lost the battle against those handsome, eyebrows picking, body shaving man. In 10 more years everyone will look the same 👨
For some reason when he started talking about handsome men with larger than life personnalities who wear sparkly shirts, I automatically pictured Noel Fielding on the red carpets xD No mistakes, I love Noel, but he's exactly the kind of guy David rants about here ^^ Nevermind, I love both of them equally
fashion itself is utterly useless
Well I don't know about utterly useless, I mean regular clothes are part of fashion and they certainly have use, such as keeping you warm in colder climates and not getting you sent to jail for walking by primary schools.
ik,r? I saw an article about "10 Things to Never Wear If You're Over XX" and I got to thinking "How does it come to pass that the people who let the type of people who write these articles tell them what to wear are considered "the smart ones"?" I mean, it matters if you're going for a job, or treasure the possibility for seduction in every trip to Home Depot or the dry cleaners, but nowadays I don't gaf.
@boydegg I have 3 hats... one of them I wear almost daily. Some other men in my village also where hats. Most probably don't though, so given your post I thought I'd read it at the next gathering in our local community centre.
I completely agree. Black tie and coat for after 6 affair. White tie and tail coat for an after 9 affair. Clean and combed hair. A real shave, not some hipster half stubble shave to look like some bad pulp romance cover. No frilly shirts or novelty attire. Simple, civilian regimental and even ugly or dumpy men look smart.
And that's from a gentleman native to the US who has owned such kit since his mid 20s and use them.
S Tho well that sounds boring and uncomfortable. I'm in my mid 20s and don't own a suit, have a beard and can't remember the last time I combed my hair. There are many ways to look good. I envy the plethora of clothing choices women have
I found a traitor.
Where do I report him?
MrSnowman I'd rather be a traitor than a lemming
so far this one made me laugh the most
This is the GOAT David Mitchell rant.
Thank you, so very much. My parents worked diligently to raise a person of literate deliberation. I try to think before I type. I do make typos; I blame the dyslexia. Thank you, again, for your kind comment.