It actually had some niche applications in Endeavor and Knock Off in prior generations. It lost both of these in Scarlet and Violet, and so there's literally 0 reason to use it as a Webs setter outside of memes.
Clodsire is Friend Shaped, I love them :) Like when I was a kid I wanted pokemon like Haxorus as a pet, whereas now I want pokemon like Clodsire, Snom, Lechonk etc. as a pet. I call that character development.
It's maybe another one on the borderline with a stat total of 475 but Gastrodon checks all the boxes and was a very strong pokemon in the weather wars of Gen 5 singles.
@@TheRealBlakers Gastrodon and Quaggie, the duo of NU's who don't care about tiering and just appear wherever they are needed - Gastrodon walling a literal god (Kyogre), Quaggie not caring about boosts at all
@@TheRealBlakers actually it's any Pokemon with water absorb or any water immunity. Since rain and sun is always there in ubers and anything that makes specks, rain boosted kyoger water moves, useless become useful in ubers.
Whether a Pokémon is good or not is surprisingly complex. Stats, moves, abilities, the current meta, they all play a role in whether or not a Pokémon can be “good”.
@@duckymomo7935 The real kicker for Shedinja is it's 1 HP. I feel like even if they gave it 10 HP, it would actually be at least a tiny bit viable, and not just immediately die from incoming by hazards or weather.
4:39 If y'all don't mind imma just expand on what these guys do a bit! -Spidops, asides setting spikes and webs, can also run circle throw for preventing setup, taunt for shutting down opposing status moves and u turn for getting teammates in safely after getting hazards up. Overall kinda versatile! -Masquerain gets stun spore, which can be useful for slowing down the opponent's lead, as well as whirlwind to also prevent setup (tho they don't rly have the bulk to pull it off). -Kricketune, asides from webs, has.....taunt. That's it. Kinda sad rly, especially since they could've been interesting if they had conserved knock off and endeavor from past gens.... Also, HAIL PELIPPER
Yes! These three are some of my favorites and I'm happy that the Sticky Web monopoly keeps them usable. Spidops is my favorite so I'm happy that they have so many options! Kricketune may not have much battle-wise, but they DO have the cry. And that's worth something.
IMO if this video gets made bad legendaries and Achilles' Heel Pokemon should be excluded for the sake of variety. Slaking and Regigigas are only bad because of their ability, whereas Pokemon like Electivire are much more seriously flawed. In metagames where you can ignore the bad ability of Achilles' Heel Pokemon, they're absolutely busted. (AAA is a great example, as in basically every gen that OM has existed, Slaking, Regigigas, and Archeops always get banned)
Not exactly a "low BST" mon (though its BST is definitely below the general OU average), but I find it interesting how, despite not a single one of its base stats being above 100, Clefable has been one of the best Pokemon in so many generations. Of course, becoming a pure Fairy type helped it a lot, but even with so many other strong Fairy-types around, Clefable's massive movepool and access to two amazing abilities in Magic Guard and Unaware allow it to easily compete with mons with greater stats. It's even strong in Gen IV, when it was a Normal-type and had 10 less base Special Attack, because its movepool and Magic Guard were just that good.
Re: Azumarill, it wasn't just a Fairy typing that allowed it to become strong in XY, changes to breeding mechanics allowed it to have Aqua Jet and Belly Drum on the same set, where it couldn't before. It was still UU in DP and BW where it was a normal and healthy part of those tiers.
Scrafty has seen better days, but it's still one of my favorite Pokemon in spite of having a fairly low BST of 488 and a 4x weakness to Fairy. With Terastallization, it could take even greater advantage of its bulk, provided it returns in DLC for SV, and while its offensive stats ain't much to write home about, it gets around it with setup moves like Bulk Up and Dragon Dance, plus a wide movepool. All of its abilities are viable in some way, too.
I think Scrafty is a perfect candidate for Body Press. Not only does it have the bulk to use it, but I also love the image of Scrafty just hurling it's tiny bod at bigger mon to inflict massive damage.
You could argue for Torkoal. It has a BST of 470 - which isn't great. But like Pelipper, it can support sun teams possibly better than Pelipper does with rain. In the current gen, it's common to see Torkoal paired with Protosynthesis pokemon, Chi-Yu, and other sun attackers. It can set up and remove Stealth Rock with Rapid Spin and can further support it's team with Yawn. While it doesn't have immediate healing with Roost, it has much higher bulk and a better defensive typing thanks to sun neutralizing Water moves.
Clodsire is one of the game's best examples of min-maxed stats, as you described. It is designed to be a special wall, its low speed can actually be a benefit under Trick Room, and its low Defense is less of a hinderance due to its high HP and any smart use by the user. The only way one could really improve it is hypothetical direct base stat manipulation, such as siphoning its Special Attack and redistributing some of those points to go elsewhere, which at that point make it a further upgrade over Quagsire than it already is. Spidops is imo a tragic example of the prior idea not being executed at all or simply done poorly. Frankly, I am very much under the impression that Spidops was meant to be a counterpart to Lokix, just like Beedrill was to Butterfree. Both of their pre-evos had the same BST with similar individual stat arrangements. However, Spidops was left with a not fully optimized 404 whereas Lokix got a decently distributed 450. Spidops would have been better if they either matched Lokix's 450, as I think they should have from the start, or if they heavily optimized its BST so it wasn't an active detriment. For example, siphoning 46 from its base 52 Special Attack (justifiable because it only learns 4 special moves total, 5 technically because Tera Blast) and distributing 6 to its 86 SpDef to equalize both its defenses and 40 to its HP to a total of 90. Such a feat could also be achieved by simply giving it 46 points to its BST and distributing it the same way, thus matching Lokix properly. Hell, since it's supposed to be a physical tank as described by Tarountula's Dex saying it deflects damn Scyther strikes (lol how you have a base Defense of freakin 45), it could've had a Defense distribution comparable to an Orthworm or Onix. It doesn't even learn any Defense boosting moves, for goodness sake!
I never knew Pelipper had 100 base defense, why the hell does it have that. Love this video, taught me the reasoning behind why these mons were good rather than just "YEP they're strong"
Crawdaunt is an honorable mention. With Adaptability, STAB Aqua Jet, Knock Off, and Liquidation hit hard. He’s kinda like a budget Azumarill with less bulk and can’t belly drum.
I think it‘s worth mentioning that Quagsire was at some point frequently used in Gen 8 UBERS because it was the only mon that could counter Zacian due to unaware and the only type combination to resist Behemoth Blade while not being weak to any of Zacian‘s other moves
Pokemon with good base stats are often intended to be strong, so they are given other strengths as well. Pokémon wasn't a game designed to be balanced. It'll sometimes feel like base stats mean everything since they tend to correlate with receiving other benefits as well. Pokémon in this video end up being quite the surprise then. And then there are Slaking and Regigigas on the opposite end.
Perhaps it should be called “the Sinnoh fossils theorem” simply because Rampardos and Bastiodon are two sides of the completely tarnished and forgotten coin.
This 100%, Stakeout just ain't worth it on Spidops and Insomnia has come in clutch for me crazy often. Plus, Silk Trap is a nice counter to Fake Out and First Impression!
Been trying to avoid too much Scarlet/Violet so I don't have too much of the game spoiled, but I happened to pick up a water absorb Clodsire (soloed the electric gym with it, no recovery moves yet) and a tera rock poison heal Shroomish with spore that I'm very excited to give a toxic orb. I was hesitant to use Clodsire since I didn't know its exact BST spread, but this video is inspiration to continue using it throughout the rest of my playthrough- plus it's just so derpy and cute
I think the ultimate example of BST not mattering are mega Mawile and Sableye. They take up both an mega slot, use an item slot and still only have 480 BST. They’re the lowest BST megas and their base forms are some of the lowest bst fully evolved pokemon in general. And yet the stat distribution and ability are so ridiculously strong that both were banned in generation 6.
I don't count pokemon wigh Huge Power as low stats. Base 60 with huge power has an invisible extra 60 points of BST, so if it was, say, 450 before factoring Huge Power, it actually became 510.
@@noukan42 That's not how Huge Power works; it doubles the overall attack stat, not the base attack stat, which is way way stronger. Azumarill (50 base) with max attack investment has an effective 436 attack, while Groudon (150 base) with max investment is 438 attack, barely higher
Yoooo that clip at 11:51 of the dugtrio using an air balloon to hard counter the opposing choice band dugtrio and dual dance on it was the biggest iq play I've ever seen.
The funny thing is that Azumarill ended up having a Stat Boost in Gen 6. In Special Attack. And it's only by 10. Of all the boost it got, the boost in stat is the most inconsequential (it's absolutely useless). That proves the point of the video pretty well.
I feel like Clefable deserves an honorable mention despite being a little higher than these guys simply for how dominant it's been for a sub 500 BST mon
And you're missing the true low-BST GOAT: Clefable Everything besides her stats are top notch: Amazing typing being pure Fairy, really efficient movepool with nice coverage and a lot of support moves, and two insane abilities in Magic Guard and Unaware. It made a pokemon with less than 500 BST a permanent staple in OU since Gen 6
This is why I prefer to use my favourites. I think a lot of Pokémon can be viable if used correctly. Also, it’s stuff like sticky webs that makes me use Court change instead of a set up move on my Cinderace. It’s a good way to surprise opponents. Just make sure to keep in mind if you’ve set up your own stealth rocks. I’ve fallen in that trap a few times
I really got to say, cutting down the availability of Toxic was a great and LOOOOOOOOOONG overdue change. It's a head-scratcher why it existed in the first place, honestly.
Ironically VGC has seen some really low BST Pokemon get used for how godly Prankster is. For stuff that's seen common use in SwSh or SV, you've got Murkrow (405), currently SECOND in usage behind Gholdengo because of it's Prankster Tailwind, Haze, and Taunt. Sableye (380) could Fake Out, Will-o-Wisp, and Quash. Riolu (285) even saw some limited usage in SwSh with Coaching and Copycat shenanigans.
Dont forget that in VGC, Clefable's biggest achievement is allowing Clefairy to use Eviolite. Like, Clefairy being an A tier mon while Clefable is garbage is super funny looking at how Clefable dominated last gen's OU
Breloom is such a lovably dorky Pokemon in terms of design. I'm glad it's been viable for a long while, and I hope it can coexist with H.Lilligant when Home releases.
The reverse would also be cool Pokémon with high BSTs but relatively low tiers. Kyurem-Black, Articuno, Goodra, Kommo-O, etc Also does each tier have an average BST info? I.e. Gen 8 Ubers average BST is probably something like 660
National dex is the real test for how well a pokemon stands up to the test of time, you should do a video on NatDex format sometime Clodsire and Azu do well there, and then there's smeargle balling with the likes of Arceus in National Dex AG lmao
Another Pokemon just outside the 450 BST cutoff is Skarmory at 465 BST. Skarm is a great example of having all the tools it needs to fill a role (in particular, a defensive wall and hazard setter) without a crazy BST. Let's examine each aspect of this Pokemon and how it contributes to its role: -Stats: Very high physical defense, with passable HP and Sp. Def, creates a lopsided but useful defensive profile that can set up its hazards on physical attackers. Its Attack and Speed are certainly not impressive for an attacker, but they work just fine for the role and can do useful damage when the situation calls for it. Low SpAtk so very little of that 465 BST is going to waste. -Typing: Steel/Flying is an insane defensive typing that was unique to Skarmory from Gen 2-6, only weak to Fire and Electric and immune to both Poison (and importantly Toxic) and Ground. Since the Fire and Electric weaknesses are usually run specially anyway, this also means there are very few Physical attackers/moves that can muscle through Skarmory. -Ability: Skarmory didn't really have a great ability in Gens 3 and 4, but starting in Gen 5, Sturdy was buffed to become a great Ability for this Pokemon. Now leading Skarmory could guarantee at least 1 hazard of choice, or Skarmory could come in in a pinch (assuming no Stealth Rock damage from hazard control or Heavy Duty Boots) and take a hit to get off a move to handle the threat. -Movepool: Skarmory of course gets both Stealth Rocks and Spikes which allows it to fill the role of Hazard setter in the first place, while also giving it flexibility to run either or both hazards as the team requires. It could also become hazard control with Defog, providing the 1-2 combo of removing hazards before setting one's own. Roost is incredible for a defensive wall in giving Skarmory longevity and potentially refreshing Sturdy as required, and due to Skarmory's slow speed and high defense will rarely encounter a situation where being grounded for EQs actually matters too much. Whirlwind/Roar lets Skarmory deal with most setup sweepers looking to abuse its passivity to begin their setup, particularly paired with Sturdy to guarantee living a hit before the phaze. Toxic/Taunt can both be used to shut down setup sweepers and opposing walls alike. Brave Bird's high power and STAB helps make up for Skarmory's low attack stat to give it a surprisingly potent damage source when necessary, and in Gen 8 Body Press can utilize Skarmory's great Defense stat offensively to similar success, especially if paired with Iron Defense (though, if you're gonna use a Steel/Flying ID/Body Presser, you may as well use Corviknight instead). All of the above should illustrate how a 465 BST Pokemon was in OU from Gens 2-7, and even in Gen 8 still had a great OU niche while being spectacular in UU. Skarmory has its job and it does it extremely well
I loved using sableye in gen 6 pre it getting a mega evolution. Priority taunt, will’o’wisp and recover with one weakness and 3 immunities made it a really underrated check to physical sweepers.
Yeah, it turns out that if your thumbnail crops out Clodsire’s massive base 130 HP, something you specifically mention in the video as being crucial to its competitive value, then it *does* look like its stats are pretty bad.
Bruh kricketune has taunt and outspeeds forretress, azumaril, and spidops. It also has trailblaze and fell stinger so when the lower tiers come around it’ll have even more potential (maybe as a weather setter since it could use sunny day or rain dance). I’ve used it in UU to great result.
Pyukumuku is definitely my favorite low stat pokemon. Very low offenses and speed, but very high defenses with okay health, and it can pretty much wall and trap anything that can't hit it super effectively. Even things that can hit it super effectively can struggle. It had such a shallow move pool, but it ran the same moves all the time anyway so it didn't matter.
Breloom is one of my ll time favourite Pokémon, and on a side note I am very glad to see it return in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. I have seen very great success with it on ladder, with spore, substitute, focus punch and poison heal.
Spidops receiving actual attention makes me happy, but once more Sticky Web users show up I'm worried about how they'll fare. I will say, though, that Sticky Web/Circle Throw is a pretty fun combo that nothing else has. Silk Trap there as well means you can spite First Impression/Fake Out users! I hope more people realize the ways of the ogre spood, they're really fun once you set up hazards and then yeet things into said hazards.
I was baffled when I had stopped pokemon after Gen 4, came back a few later and saw Clefable dominating competitive lol (it was mildly buffed in sp. Atk, but nonetheless) The original quagsire is also a great example.
The spatk buff didn't matter at all, the fairy type helped but it already was a bulky unkillable piece of shit in gen 4 (idk if it was way after the end of the gen or not tho)
Good luck with your event ! I remember french streamers organizing a tournament with over 2k players on showdown (4 pools of 512 players) and the first rounds were very laggy, so Idk how many people you are expecting but be aware these 1st rounds lag can happen
Thats the clefable phenomenon for me, it was one of the OU pokemon for generations and in gen 8 for example was the only pokemon till RUBL to have no stat with 100 or above
It's insane that Garchomp was able to get into the same OU tier as Clodsire. I've loved the little guy since gen 4, so it's great that he's competitively viable.
The biggest takeaway is that it's not necessarily having high base stats, just ones that work well with every other trait you have going for you. "Good enough" bulk is a hell of a lot better than people give it credit for because "good enough" is what legendaries tend to have at worst. With good enough stats and the proper type, moves and abilities, you too can break Xerneas substitutes with play rough and be able to thunder wave without fear immediately after to cripple it
I think Araquanid is currently the best web setter out there. The typing is surprisingly decent defensively, it has insane bulk that (with the right distribution) can make it a super tanky mon to deal with spinners like Great Tusk, mirror coat can demolish Raging Bolt or any desperate Draco meteors, and leech life can give you some recovery on any stab knock off users who might wanna get rid of some leftovers. Araquanid is the MVP v Volcarona at the moment I run: Webs Liquidation Leech Life Mirror Coat
I know it's over your threshold (BST 483) but where's the Clefable love? No single stat being over 100 and still being used in OU/Ubers Gen 6-8 without being reliant on a "niche" or "gimmick" set, imagine how good it would be if it's base stats were higher!
Lokix and Espathra were some cool low(-ish in Espathra's case) bst mons to come out of this gen. both of them have pretty awful defensive typings and pretty lackluster bulk, but have broken abilities with just the right moves and offensive stats to abuse them shoutouts to gen 8 alphabet cup where Sableye was the best ho lead with prankster hazards, rapid spin immunity and airtight anti-setup and Scolipede was good enough to get banned with 100 attack and often running no STAB.
Before watching the vid, my guesses would be, Arena Trap mons, Shadow Tag mons (iirc Wobbuffet and Gothitelle line has Shadow Tag and low base stats), Huge Power mons, Moody mons, , Chansey and Toxapex, arguably Ditto,
choice band + technician + grassy terrain + 4x attack + bullet seed + tera grass + hits 5 times + all crits + helping hand breloom: nothing stands a chance against it
Minor correction, Dugtrio's attack stat was buffed between gen 6 and 7, not 5 and 6.
also somebody decided to give it Swords Dance in gen 9. Total nightmare
@@jasz8470 this is a video about competitive Pokemon, we're all 🤓
@@jasz8470 bro were watching competitive pokemon
that one time diglett was actually used in OU because dugtrio got banned in gen 5 is just so funny to me
I remember when dugtrio was banned in early gen 8 so people started running trapinch to kill seismitoad with giga drain for their dracovish lol
After that I remember those broken abilitys shadow trap and arena as a whole was banned
I remember laughing out load once when someone told me that Wynaut was once considered Uber tier
@@doopness785 beautify is considered viable in nat dex ag cause high accuracy from ability + sleep move and quiver dance
No one can understand his real power
“Kricketune has nothing notable going for it” my man just killed the poor violin bug so bad even focus sash isn’t enough for it
"Kricketune is kricketune" 💀
It actually had some niche applications in Endeavor and Knock Off in prior generations. It lost both of these in Scarlet and Violet, and so there's literally 0 reason to use it as a Webs setter outside of memes.
@@CoffeeFlavoredMilk Yeah I know, S/V really said what if we took away everything that made kricketune unique
wdym DELELELELELEWOOOOOP is a classic mon
I’m glad that Clodsire is decent because it is peak Pokémon design.
Clodsire truly the Pokemon of all the time
Clodsire is Friend Shaped, I love them :)
Like when I was a kid I wanted pokemon like Haxorus as a pet, whereas now I want pokemon like Clodsire, Snom, Lechonk etc. as a pet. I call that character development.
I saw my weird brown wooper involve into a magnificent clodsire and immediately found my favorite pokemon of gen 9
My Wooper was just filling a gap in my team until it evolved and quickly became a standard.
The design philosophy of “rotate the Pokémon 90 degrees” never fails!
breloom got a funny stat spread, 460 bst, massive 130 attack and everything else below average, one of my fav mons out there
And spore swords dance and technician.. so good
And yet is insanely good, good typing, abilities and moves
Imagine if Breloom would have gotten Trailblaze
@@sayzar9474 it did.......
@@sami_77558 unfortunately it did not
10:24 thanks for using my replays, Freezai. Always liked using wobbuffet in ubers on hyper offense teams
Awesome video concept, breloom has to be my favorite low BST mon
I love Breloom
Breloom stans unite
Azumarill destroying things with his base 50 attack will always be a certified hood classic
I feel like huge power is just cheating, like, it’s an attack buff with no condition or drawback, right?
@@emblemblade9245 ah yes let me cheat with a intended gam mechanic
@@emblemblade9245 good thing they never gave it to something with a decent base Stat atta- oh nevermind
@@emblemblade9245 zacian: i mean it's alright like
@@RockHoward256 Mega Mawile and Medicham: 😈
It's maybe another one on the borderline with a stat total of 475 but Gastrodon checks all the boxes and was a very strong pokemon in the weather wars of Gen 5 singles.
I love Gastrodon. Definitely similar to Quagsire in the fact that it pops up in certain metas and absolutely dominates.
@@TheRealBlakers Gastrodon and Quaggie, the duo of NU's who don't care about tiering and just appear wherever they are needed - Gastrodon walling a literal god (Kyogre), Quaggie not caring about boosts at all
@@Stony2103 yes
@@TheRealBlakers actually it's any Pokemon with water absorb or any water immunity. Since rain and sun is always there in ubers and anything that makes specks, rain boosted kyoger water moves, useless become useful in ubers.
@@ShubhamSingh-xc9dq Gastrodon is particularly effective because it doesn't care for Kyogre's Thunder or Ice Beam coverage!~
Whether a Pokémon is good or not is surprisingly complex. Stats, moves, abilities, the current meta, they all play a role in whether or not a Pokémon can be “good”.
With the exception of Pyuk. It's not complicated as to why it's the best pokemon in gen 8.
@@budgetcommander4849 if mudkipnerd says its OU, its OU.
Shedinjas ability is broken on about any other pokemon
@@duckymomo7935 The real kicker for Shedinja is it's 1 HP. I feel like even if they gave it 10 HP, it would actually be at least a tiny bit viable, and not just immediately die from incoming by hazards or weather.
@Sude Gök only because of its unique interaction with terrastalizatiom that would never exist in an actual cartridge game
4:39 If y'all don't mind imma just expand on what these guys do a bit!
-Spidops, asides setting spikes and webs, can also run circle throw for preventing setup, taunt for shutting down opposing status moves and u turn for getting teammates in safely after getting hazards up. Overall kinda versatile!
-Masquerain gets stun spore, which can be useful for slowing down the opponent's lead, as well as whirlwind to also prevent setup (tho they don't rly have the bulk to pull it off).
-Kricketune, asides from webs, has.....taunt. That's it. Kinda sad rly, especially since they could've been interesting if they had conserved knock off and endeavor from past gens....
Hail Pelipper? Just use Abomasnow smh...
Yes! These three are some of my favorites and I'm happy that the Sticky Web monopoly keeps them usable. Spidops is my favorite so I'm happy that they have so many options!
Kricketune may not have much battle-wise, but they DO have the cry. And that's worth something.
No, Pelliper makes rain happen, not Hail..
I'll see myselft out.
I could see perish song being situationally useful on kricketune, thats all i got though
@@Marrrrley Wise choice 😅
That sticky web section made me miss Galvantula. I hope it comes back in DLC.
My favorite webber and one of my favorite bug types, i hope so too
Not araquanid?
@@ink3487 araquanid’s all right, but compound eyes thunder is funnier
@@midnightemerald compound eyes and tinted lens are definitely some of the sickest things bugs get
i just loved the extra utility of near garunteed thunder hits, plus its just fun
Nice vid. You should also make a video about high base stat pokemon that are actually bad/mid
* Haxorus, Goodra, Electivire and Dusknoir have all entered the chat *
IMO if this video gets made bad legendaries and Achilles' Heel Pokemon should be excluded for the sake of variety. Slaking and Regigigas are only bad because of their ability, whereas Pokemon like Electivire are much more seriously flawed. In metagames where you can ignore the bad ability of Achilles' Heel Pokemon, they're absolutely busted. (AAA is a great example, as in basically every gen that OM has existed, Slaking, Regigigas, and Archeops always get banned)
The lake trio except maybe Azelf
Wailord joins the battle
Love all the analysis, but this part killed me:
"Kricketune is well, kricketune"
Its true...
Not exactly a "low BST" mon (though its BST is definitely below the general OU average), but I find it interesting how, despite not a single one of its base stats being above 100, Clefable has been one of the best Pokemon in so many generations. Of course, becoming a pure Fairy type helped it a lot, but even with so many other strong Fairy-types around, Clefable's massive movepool and access to two amazing abilities in Magic Guard and Unaware allow it to easily compete with mons with greater stats. It's even strong in Gen IV, when it was a Normal-type and had 10 less base Special Attack, because its movepool and Magic Guard were just that good.
Clefable also gets Follow Me which makes it viable in doubles too.
@@masalanicholoff3593 Friend Guard, Follow Me, Eviolite/Babiri Berry Clefairy was actually a highly used pokemon in VGC for a while
It was absolutely dominant in Gen 8 OU thanks to all these traits.
Re: Azumarill, it wasn't just a Fairy typing that allowed it to become strong in XY, changes to breeding mechanics allowed it to have Aqua Jet and Belly Drum on the same set, where it couldn't before. It was still UU in DP and BW where it was a normal and healthy part of those tiers.
Azu was basically a wall breaker prior to gen 6
Scrafty has seen better days, but it's still one of my favorite Pokemon in spite of having a fairly low BST of 488 and a 4x weakness to Fairy. With Terastallization, it could take even greater advantage of its bulk, provided it returns in DLC for SV, and while its offensive stats ain't much to write home about, it gets around it with setup moves like Bulk Up and Dragon Dance, plus a wide movepool. All of its abilities are viable in some way, too.
I think Scrafty is a perfect candidate for Body Press. Not only does it have the bulk to use it, but I also love the image of Scrafty just hurling it's tiny bod at bigger mon to inflict massive damage.
You could argue for Torkoal. It has a BST of 470 - which isn't great. But like Pelipper, it can support sun teams possibly better than Pelipper does with rain. In the current gen, it's common to see Torkoal paired with Protosynthesis pokemon, Chi-Yu, and other sun attackers. It can set up and remove Stealth Rock with Rapid Spin and can further support it's team with Yawn. While it doesn't have immediate healing with Roost, it has much higher bulk and a better defensive typing thanks to sun neutralizing Water moves.
"Kricketune is Kricketune" LMAO
Murkrow is a great example from VGC, prankster + tailwind is amazing, and haze for the very popular dondozo + tatsugiri combo.
I think Lokix deserves a honorable mention, it might not get that OU usage aim wishes but for a 450 BST it sure made an impact so far.
It made a solid first impression.
@@mylessmith9758 *insert caddicarus laugh here*
it's obnoxious but fun
I expected nothing less from the Doller General version of Scizor.
we need more videos like this for every generation i love this
Clodsire is one of the game's best examples of min-maxed stats, as you described. It is designed to be a special wall, its low speed can actually be a benefit under Trick Room, and its low Defense is less of a hinderance due to its high HP and any smart use by the user. The only way one could really improve it is hypothetical direct base stat manipulation, such as siphoning its Special Attack and redistributing some of those points to go elsewhere, which at that point make it a further upgrade over Quagsire than it already is.
Spidops is imo a tragic example of the prior idea not being executed at all or simply done poorly. Frankly, I am very much under the impression that Spidops was meant to be a counterpart to Lokix, just like Beedrill was to Butterfree. Both of their pre-evos had the same BST with similar individual stat arrangements. However, Spidops was left with a not fully optimized 404 whereas Lokix got a decently distributed 450.
Spidops would have been better if they either matched Lokix's 450, as I think they should have from the start, or if they heavily optimized its BST so it wasn't an active detriment. For example, siphoning 46 from its base 52 Special Attack (justifiable because it only learns 4 special moves total, 5 technically because Tera Blast) and distributing 6 to its 86 SpDef to equalize both its defenses and 40 to its HP to a total of 90. Such a feat could also be achieved by simply giving it 46 points to its BST and distributing it the same way, thus matching Lokix properly. Hell, since it's supposed to be a physical tank as described by Tarountula's Dex saying it deflects damn Scyther strikes (lol how you have a base Defense of freakin 45), it could've had a Defense distribution comparable to an Orthworm or Onix. It doesn't even learn any Defense boosting moves, for goodness sake!
Torountula+Fur Coat?
Quagsire: Who are you.
Clodsire: I’m you but special.
I never knew Pelipper had 100 base defense, why the hell does it have that. Love this video, taught me the reasoning behind why these mons were good rather than just "YEP they're strong"
You ever tried punching a pelican?
Crawdaunt is an honorable mention. With Adaptability, STAB Aqua Jet, Knock Off, and Liquidation hit hard. He’s kinda like a budget Azumarill with less bulk and can’t belly drum.
Don’t think we didn’t notice you cutting off clod’s titanic hp stat in the thumbnail
I think it‘s worth mentioning that Quagsire was at some point frequently used in Gen 8 UBERS because it was the only mon that could counter Zacian due to unaware and the only type combination to resist Behemoth Blade while not being weak to any of Zacian‘s other moves
Mega Slowbro should have had unaware instead of shell armor
I feel like it should be noted that Kricketune does have 1 thing that Spidops and Masquerain don’t.
Surprised to see Lokix not on the list. Tinted Lens + First Impression/Sucker Punch is just so good.
Probably the only good tinted lens user imo
@@Ratty524 Venomoth too, there's a reason it's forever RUBL.
Pokemon with good base stats are often intended to be strong, so they are given other strengths as well. Pokémon wasn't a game designed to be balanced. It'll sometimes feel like base stats mean everything since they tend to correlate with receiving other benefits as well. Pokémon in this video end up being quite the surprise then. And then there are Slaking and Regigigas on the opposite end.
The rampardos theorem
Perhaps it should be called “the Sinnoh fossils theorem” simply because Rampardos and Bastiodon are two sides of the completely tarnished and forgotten coin.
Lets talk about Clefable being probably the OU GOAT since gen 6 with 483 BST. That thing is insane
Even funnier when you consider Clefable is barely usable in VGC, while Clefairy is VERY good
Also the goat in gen 4
It’s cool that Spidops with gen 2 Pokémon design is viable to an extent
3:13 Esdeath vs Rikka Takanashi
What a matchup I'd have never expected XD
I want a video about Pokémon that in a vacuum seem really good with good base stats and good abilities but just don’t live up to it
Zamazenta in gen 8
That sounds like gen 4 electivire
The Quagsire Theorem: You don’t need base stats above 100 to succeed.
7:56 live Rampardos reaction:
Spidops also has the advantage of having the Insomnia ability, so Sleep Powder pokemon can't prevent it form setting Sticky Web.
Masquerain has Whirlwind
This 100%, Stakeout just ain't worth it on Spidops and Insomnia has come in clutch for me crazy often.
Plus, Silk Trap is a nice counter to Fake Out and First Impression!
@@senny- circle throw
Been trying to avoid too much Scarlet/Violet so I don't have too much of the game spoiled, but I happened to pick up a water absorb Clodsire (soloed the electric gym with it, no recovery moves yet) and a tera rock poison heal Shroomish with spore that I'm very excited to give a toxic orb. I was hesitant to use Clodsire since I didn't know its exact BST spread, but this video is inspiration to continue using it throughout the rest of my playthrough- plus it's just so derpy and cute
I think the ultimate example of BST not mattering are mega Mawile and Sableye. They take up both an mega slot, use an item slot and still only have 480 BST. They’re the lowest BST megas and their base forms are some of the lowest bst fully evolved pokemon in general. And yet the stat distribution and ability are so ridiculously strong that both were banned in generation 6.
I don't count pokemon wigh Huge Power as low stats.
Base 60 with huge power has an invisible extra 60 points of BST, so if it was, say, 450 before factoring Huge Power, it actually became 510.
@@noukan42 That's not how Huge Power works; it doubles the overall attack stat, not the base attack stat, which is way way stronger. Azumarill (50 base) with max attack investment has an effective 436 attack, while Groudon (150 base) with max investment is 438 attack, barely higher
@@noukan42 Wrong. Thats not how huge power works it was literally explained in the video
@@gusthavo15yearsand98 i know but it does not make my argument weaker, if anything it make it stronger. Don't miss the forest from the trees.
Favourite low-BST mon is Shedinja, easily. Occasional appearances on stall, and the fact that it’s either a god or a dry leaf is so funny to me
11:53 Everybody gangsta until Balloon Dugtrio with Agility and Hone Claws comes in.
No comment on dracovish? It ain't ou but being Ubers with those stats is pretty impressive
Yoooo that clip at 11:51 of the dugtrio using an air balloon to hard counter the opposing choice band dugtrio and dual dance on it was the biggest iq play I've ever seen.
He out-dug that trio
The real reason clodsire is good is because it's just way too drippy
Surprised Sableye wasn't mentioned. Burn + toxic + recover priority and once it gained a mega it took some time for its mega to get banned.
*and kricketune is just kricketune*
- Freezai, 2022
The funny thing is that Azumarill ended up having a Stat Boost in Gen 6. In Special Attack. And it's only by 10.
Of all the boost it got, the boost in stat is the most inconsequential (it's absolutely useless). That proves the point of the video pretty well.
A lot of mons this Gen are weirdly optimized. It's kind of nuts.
I feel like Clefable deserves an honorable mention despite being a little higher than these guys simply for how dominant it's been for a sub 500 BST mon
I remember Pelipper for Groudon Raids in SwSh, it basically was a free win with Wide Guard and Drizzle
And you're missing the true low-BST GOAT: Clefable
Everything besides her stats are top notch: Amazing typing being pure Fairy, really efficient movepool with nice coverage and a lot of support moves, and two insane abilities in Magic Guard and Unaware. It made a pokemon with less than 500 BST a permanent staple in OU since Gen 6
This is why I prefer to use my favourites. I think a lot of Pokémon can be viable if used correctly.
Also, it’s stuff like sticky webs that makes me use Court change instead of a set up move on my Cinderace. It’s a good way to surprise opponents. Just make sure to keep in mind if you’ve set up your own stealth rocks. I’ve fallen in that trap a few times
I really got to say, cutting down the availability of Toxic was a great and LOOOOOOOOOONG overdue change. It's a head-scratcher why it existed in the first place, honestly.
Freezai is starting Pokémon fight club
Ironically VGC has seen some really low BST Pokemon get used for how godly Prankster is. For stuff that's seen common use in SwSh or SV, you've got Murkrow (405), currently SECOND in usage behind Gholdengo because of it's Prankster Tailwind, Haze, and Taunt. Sableye (380) could Fake Out, Will-o-Wisp, and Quash. Riolu (285) even saw some limited usage in SwSh with Coaching and Copycat shenanigans.
Dont forget that in VGC, Clefable's biggest achievement is allowing Clefairy to use Eviolite. Like, Clefairy being an A tier mon while Clefable is garbage is super funny looking at how Clefable dominated last gen's OU
@@ogeid772 also clefable doesn't get friend guard
Breloom is such a lovably dorky Pokemon in terms of design. I'm glad it's been viable for a long while, and I hope it can coexist with H.Lilligant when Home releases.
"kricketune is kricketune" lmao im dead
the background battle at 11:52 is incredibly funny
If you beat finchinator we should make mudkipkid a council member
The reverse would also be cool
Pokémon with high BSTs but relatively low tiers. Kyurem-Black, Articuno, Goodra, Kommo-O, etc
Also does each tier have an average BST info? I.e. Gen 8 Ubers average BST is probably something like 660
He did that video a long time ago
Sadly, most of the new cross-generational evolutions that Gen 4 introduced have high BST’s but are in relatively low tiers.
"it is one of the few pokemon that has toxic" that sentence is so weird lol
National dex is the real test for how well a pokemon stands up to the test of time, you should do a video on NatDex format sometime
Clodsire and Azu do well there, and then there's smeargle balling with the likes of Arceus in National Dex AG lmao
It’s funny you said that I just thought how smeargle is actually in the ruins in heart gold and soul silver for the Arceus event
I saw the thumbnail I knew that he knows what he’s doing. Anything that ends in sire is OP
Indeed, kricketune IS kricketune
Another Pokemon just outside the 450 BST cutoff is Skarmory at 465 BST. Skarm is a great example of having all the tools it needs to fill a role (in particular, a defensive wall and hazard setter) without a crazy BST. Let's examine each aspect of this Pokemon and how it contributes to its role:
-Stats: Very high physical defense, with passable HP and Sp. Def, creates a lopsided but useful defensive profile that can set up its hazards on physical attackers. Its Attack and Speed are certainly not impressive for an attacker, but they work just fine for the role and can do useful damage when the situation calls for it. Low SpAtk so very little of that 465 BST is going to waste.
-Typing: Steel/Flying is an insane defensive typing that was unique to Skarmory from Gen 2-6, only weak to Fire and Electric and immune to both Poison (and importantly Toxic) and Ground. Since the Fire and Electric weaknesses are usually run specially anyway, this also means there are very few Physical attackers/moves that can muscle through Skarmory.
-Ability: Skarmory didn't really have a great ability in Gens 3 and 4, but starting in Gen 5, Sturdy was buffed to become a great Ability for this Pokemon. Now leading Skarmory could guarantee at least 1 hazard of choice, or Skarmory could come in in a pinch (assuming no Stealth Rock damage from hazard control or Heavy Duty Boots) and take a hit to get off a move to handle the threat.
-Movepool: Skarmory of course gets both Stealth Rocks and Spikes which allows it to fill the role of Hazard setter in the first place, while also giving it flexibility to run either or both hazards as the team requires. It could also become hazard control with Defog, providing the 1-2 combo of removing hazards before setting one's own. Roost is incredible for a defensive wall in giving Skarmory longevity and potentially refreshing Sturdy as required, and due to Skarmory's slow speed and high defense will rarely encounter a situation where being grounded for EQs actually matters too much. Whirlwind/Roar lets Skarmory deal with most setup sweepers looking to abuse its passivity to begin their setup, particularly paired with Sturdy to guarantee living a hit before the phaze. Toxic/Taunt can both be used to shut down setup sweepers and opposing walls alike. Brave Bird's high power and STAB helps make up for Skarmory's low attack stat to give it a surprisingly potent damage source when necessary, and in Gen 8 Body Press can utilize Skarmory's great Defense stat offensively to similar success, especially if paired with Iron Defense (though, if you're gonna use a Steel/Flying ID/Body Presser, you may as well use Corviknight instead).
All of the above should illustrate how a 465 BST Pokemon was in OU from Gens 2-7, and even in Gen 8 still had a great OU niche while being spectacular in UU. Skarmory has its job and it does it extremely well
I'm excited for another event match happening on Showdown. Good luck out there! But I hope you both put up a great fight!
I'm a big fan of Medicham. It's like the living definition of a glass nuke. Pure Power really is the only term you could use to describe it
I loved using sableye in gen 6 pre it getting a mega evolution. Priority taunt, will’o’wisp and recover with one weakness and 3 immunities made it a really underrated check to physical sweepers.
Yeah, it turns out that if your thumbnail crops out Clodsire’s massive base 130 HP, something you specifically mention in the video as being crucial to its competitive value, then it *does* look like its stats are pretty bad.
exactly why he cut it out
clodsire: no thoughts, completely unaware
Bruh kricketune has taunt and outspeeds forretress, azumaril, and spidops. It also has trailblaze and fell stinger so when the lower tiers come around it’ll have even more potential (maybe as a weather setter since it could use sunny day or rain dance). I’ve used it in UU to great result.
Pyukumuku is definitely my favorite low stat pokemon. Very low offenses and speed, but very high defenses with okay health, and it can pretty much wall and trap anything that can't hit it super effectively. Even things that can hit it super effectively can struggle. It had such a shallow move pool, but it ran the same moves all the time anyway so it didn't matter.
It won’t ever have toxic again so it’s useless now
@@simplezgoof it will, it learns it with level up not TM, for reference Quagsire still learns Toxic as well via level up
Quagsire & Clodsire: *Appears*
OU Pokemon for no reason: 😱😱
I consider a low stat total to be anything below 500, so I would count pokemon like Ferrothorn and Toxapex (pre gen 9, anyways)
No chance especially with toxapex. Toxapex has insane stats
"And Kricketune is Kricketune" put that on my tombstone
Breloom is one of my ll time favourite Pokémon, and on a side note I am very glad to see it return in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. I have seen very great success with it on ladder, with spore, substitute, focus punch and poison heal.
Spidops receiving actual attention makes me happy, but once more Sticky Web users show up I'm worried about how they'll fare.
I will say, though, that Sticky Web/Circle Throw is a pretty fun combo that nothing else has. Silk Trap there as well means you can spite First Impression/Fake Out users!
I hope more people realize the ways of the ogre spood, they're really fun once you set up hazards and then yeet things into said hazards.
Once galvantula makes it with home transfer, you will only see spidops or galvantula
When Galv pulls up its over for all Sticky Web setters
I was baffled when I had stopped pokemon after Gen 4, came back a few later and saw Clefable dominating competitive lol (it was mildly buffed in sp. Atk, but nonetheless) The original quagsire is also a great example.
The spatk buff didn't matter at all, the fairy type helped but it already was a bulky unkillable piece of shit in gen 4 (idk if it was way after the end of the gen or not tho)
Clodsire just sits there,.... menacingly!
It’s gotta be clefable in gen 4. That thing has 463 bst and a normal typing and is hanging with ttar because it’s immune to hazards lol
Good luck with your event ! I remember french streamers organizing a tournament with over 2k players on showdown (4 pools of 512 players) and the first rounds were very laggy, so Idk how many people you are expecting but be aware these 1st rounds lag can happen
Mec tu viens du 18-25 ? J'ai l'impression de te voir partout depuis 2020
Nothing makes me smile more than seeing Scovillain in Ubers.
"[...]And Kricketune is Kricketune".
Words of wisdom
Had somebody try to argue with me that Breloom isn't good in the current meta and I had to explain this concept to them 💀
Fun fact about Clodsire, he frowns when on land and smiles when in the water
11:52 that balloon setup dugtrio is genius lol
Thats the clefable phenomenon for me, it was one of the OU pokemon for generations and in gen 8 for example was the only pokemon till RUBL to have no stat with 100 or above
Do a video about pokemon who prefer to utilize their weaker attacking stat (Nidoking, Dragapult, etc.)
It's insane that Garchomp was able to get into the same OU tier as Clodsire. I've loved the little guy since gen 4, so it's great that he's competitively viable.
The biggest takeaway is that it's not necessarily having high base stats, just ones that work well with every other trait you have going for you. "Good enough" bulk is a hell of a lot better than people give it credit for because "good enough" is what legendaries tend to have at worst. With good enough stats and the proper type, moves and abilities, you too can break Xerneas substitutes with play rough and be able to thunder wave without fear immediately after to cripple it
I think Araquanid is currently the best web setter out there. The typing is surprisingly decent defensively, it has insane bulk that (with the right distribution) can make it a super tanky mon to deal with spinners like Great Tusk, mirror coat can demolish Raging Bolt or any desperate Draco meteors, and leech life can give you some recovery on any stab knock off users who might wanna get rid of some leftovers.
Araquanid is the MVP v Volcarona at the moment
I run:
Leech Life
Mirror Coat
Great video as always! 🤩 Was hoping you would mention Pachirisu winning world's that one time even though that was more of a meta call. #neverforget
He usually talks about singles, if you want to listen about VGC I'd suggest you watch WolfeyVGC or other VGC content creators ;)
I know it's over your threshold (BST 483) but where's the Clefable love? No single stat being over 100 and still being used in OU/Ubers Gen 6-8 without being reliant on a "niche" or "gimmick" set, imagine how good it would be if it's base stats were higher!
also gen 4, its not just the fairy typing that makes it great
Lokix and Espathra were some cool low(-ish in Espathra's case) bst mons to come out of this gen. both of them have pretty awful defensive typings and pretty lackluster bulk, but have broken abilities with just the right moves and offensive stats to abuse them
shoutouts to gen 8 alphabet cup where Sableye was the best ho lead with prankster hazards, rapid spin immunity and airtight anti-setup and Scolipede was good enough to get banned with 100 attack and often running no STAB.
Sad that Quagsire didn't get it's mention for being the only counter to Xacian Crowned in Gen 8.
1:02 Yeah I love when chat is moving so fast that discussion is impossible. I sure do love aimlessly watching lines of text scroll.
Before watching the vid, my guesses would be, Arena Trap mons, Shadow Tag mons (iirc Wobbuffet and Gothitelle line has Shadow Tag and low base stats), Huge Power mons, Moody mons, , Chansey and Toxapex, arguably Ditto,
choice band + technician + grassy terrain + 4x attack + bullet seed + tera grass + hits 5 times + all crits + helping hand breloom: nothing stands a chance against it
How are you getting a +6 bee loom with choice band, and helping hand and all crits