Was very much waiting for this! As good as the in-house checklist is (did manage to complete a few full flights), it’s so much better to watch someone actually do it! Thanks for this :)
Thanks for the refresher, I flew the A310-300 's 30 years ago with the A300-600R's. The fuel system is interesting with Up to 5 ton in the tail & automatic fuel transfer back & forward to balance the aircraft above 20,000ft, plus automatically pumping fuel forward on descent. More fuel on one side it would balance that too.
@@frap9965 since the free FSLTL all traffic problems are solved :) IMHO. And FSR plus DLSS works, even better wind and temperature model etc etc - so they took the time needed, I see no rush. Gliders and Helis, too (in all difficulties - can be changed and now the 3rd parties will make the 145 even better or ballons hehe).
@@ThePeperich your outdated.. even with fsltl traffic is broken. There is so many bugs. And now su11 broke the injections for aig and fsltl... also a/c rarely land now
I think it's the other way around, it took more from its mother (A320). If you're familiar with the A320 there are only a few quirks you need to understand like the alt indicator and things like the system status overview being in different places. the Boeing is a completely different philosophy.
Great tutorial - thank you so much! I'm a complete airline novice but using this guide (with lots pausing and replaying) I was able to execute my first successful A310 flight from take off to landing, Feeling extremely chuffed with myself 😁 Subscribed.
A quick point on the ALT SEL knob. Pulling it sets the increment to thousands, pushing it to hundreds. It's the same in the XP version. However it also activates profile descent if you pull it. So that's why it switched to hundreds after you pulled and took a while to dial target ALT in. You can push it again after activating PROF DESC to get back to thousands increment. Or, alternately, you can also activate PROF DESC by toggling the PROF button. I'm not sure if this is IRL but it is how it's implemented by iniBuilds.
Lots of useful info in this video =). Btw you can switch between hundred and thousand increment for the altitude by pushing the altitude knob. I know not super intuitive.
I am delighted to inform you that I a new subscriber to your channel, Captain. I must admit that I faced significant difficulty operating this particular aircraft and, unfortunately, gave up on it just one day after its release, as I couldn't locate any helpful tutorials. Therefore, I am exceedingly grateful that you have created an effortless tutorial for me and others in a similar situation. Thank you immensely for your dedication and time. I completed a flight from KOAK to KIAH.
Very thorough and well explained tutorial, as per usual. Regarding HDG vs HDG S mode - I'm wondering if "HDG" is actually a heading hold mode, where as "HDG S" is a heading select mode. This is something you'd see in older jets - it was a "feature" on the MD80's. It's not emulated on Leonardo's fly the Maddog X - but on the real jet, pushing the heading select knob puts it in heading hold mode, where as pulling it puts it in heading select mode. In the heading hold mode, it holds your current heading. You can move the heading bug, but doing so will not change the aircraft's heading - it just holds whatever heading you were on when you engaged that mode. Heading select, of course, will turn to and hold the heading you select with the bug. I guess the philosophy behind the design was that if you were flying a departure that had you fly runway heading out to a certain distance, then turn to a different heading at that point, you could put the system in heading hold mode after takeoff, then bug the next heading, and activate the heading select mode when you reached that DME point. I'm sure there were a few other applications as well. You had to be a bit more creative with navigation procedures when using 1980's technology!😄
Sorry that I am late to the party. I loved your tutorial. Between you and Jonathan Beckett, you can never go wrong. FYI, the simbrief funtion under ACARS is fully functional for importing flight information. Also, the Atis works as well.
Your tutorials are really great! Thank you! There are many tutorials where people explain how they do it, but you tell us how its done. Exactly what i was looking for👍
The EFB actually seems to take the airport from the MCDU (which isn't 100% realistic, but it seems to work). All you have to do for the rwy length is press the button left of the "1" button when you want to type in the length. That will give you the full rwy length. Same for the QDM. No charts or additional info needed as long as you don't do a shift.
Great guidance! Still can’t get it to descend on the glide slope though for some reason! They’ve acknowledged the fps issue as caused by WASM being in debug mode, which means it’s not compiling on load. It should have taken 10 minutes or more on first load like PMDG / Fenix. Looking into a fix
You need to enable ILS mode on the PFD, it's a switch to the left of the FCU marked 'ILS'. Then you need to press land once within the perimeters, this is located to the right of the FCU underneath V/S knob
Fun to fly this plane, I am finally learning fs2020 views well enough to enjoy it now. Also finally got the captains pack to work well. yea. Feels very real to me now.
I love the fact that you can use the msfs flight plan for a straight up ifr. Also, from cold and dark, after you insert the flight plan the navlog updates itself.
Thank you for the quick course on this airplane. I’m looking forward to flying it long distance now on msfs on pc. I’m use to Boeing Aircraft in the simulator world. However this old school Airbus certainly has my attention now that I understand it better.
If you press that magic button, autothrottle locks thhrottle levers, so you should turnoff AutoTHR before commencing rejected takeoff. So i found, if you use flex mode, and just push throttles to maximum , In this way, it also limits N1 to calculated flex, but if you want abort takeoff, you just pull throttles back. And after gear up, you can turn on Auto THR
There are no failures and Terr doesn't currently work but aside from that for free its AMAZING. I would totally pay for an enhanced realistic version with failures and a cargo version.
Just had a very pleasant real world flight from UK to a chilly Berlin, smoothest landing ever. 👏🏻👍🏻 Would have said hi but seemed busy on the FD and respect the whole anonymity thing. Might be time for a voice changing app? Cheers!
ASOBO THANK YOU for finally giving us Xbox users some quality airplanes❤️ we have been waiting for a airliner of this quality for so long and we thank you so much for finally hearing us out 😩🙏🏼
Just Heading on the PFD will hold the current heading the aircraft is on, you cannot bug the heading (or select the heading) to steer. Kinda like ROLL mode or wings level modes but holds the current heading and not just wings level. However you can preselect a heading to fly but the aircraft will not turn until its put in Hdg/S mode. Heading S is Heading steer mode, just the opposite, you can bug the heading to the desired heading to fly and the aircraft turns immediately or on command when bugged.
What a great video, It was enough to get me up and running in this plane, I hate to be nit-picking, but the fact that fuel keeps burning when the sim is paused is rather an inexcusable oversight and needs to be fixed. I don"t know of any other plane in the sim that does this. Today I had to pause the sim for a family gathering and when I pressed resume, the tanks were dry and the autopilot promptly put the plane into, as the euphemism goes, "a regime of flight from which recovery was impossible".
It’s a surprise to me too! But as I said, real sims used to train pilots can do this too in some situations, so I can forgive it! Thanks for watching Jay and I’m glad the video helped!
Excellent! So much better than the pain of watching non-pilots telling how to fly such a plane. I did wonder if the FMS's are in Dual mode, or data has to be manually transferred from P/F to PNF or vice versa(after due confirmation with other pilot). By the way, I was very uncomplementary about FS2020's new helicopters, but this model looks very realistic, and deserves the term 'simulator'
This video as always some of the best MFS content on internet. How can people who can’t afford navigraph and such like addons get the experience? Is there any alternatives?
Wow, great video - and second wow, that this plane did cost $120 for X-Plane 11 but now even does not properly work on X-Plane 12 and on MSFS free. Excellent. The graphical update is good, nice that they really modelled it for MSFS 2020 :) Let’s see if inibuilds will further develop this nice oldy but goldy and make more good planes at least on this level hehe. Overall MSFS is growing and gets better and better (quite young still). The same time LM started to update P3D to V6 (Beta is running), which is also great as there are many wonderful planes, but the pricing is extreme - at least not for my pocket possible. As more am I happy that PMDG does develop for MSFS 2020, too and has lower prices here. Furthermore PMDG will bring us at least two more wide-body long-hauler for MSFS (and continues P3D, too), FBW will do the A380, a commercial A350 or A330(?) is also coming , a free MD-11 is on the way, H145 Heli and and and. How wonderful to sim today. What a “common” computer can do today is just wonderful. Overall MSFS and P3D will grow and benefit most from each other as the SDK are quite compatible (says PMDG), DCS is there for military (outside the armed forces only P3D variants) with a small but fine community, X-Plane 12 will have it’s unique market for Mac- and Linux-User (plus some PC-Fans) though shrinking number of devs (even updates 11 -> 12 are problematic; well 11 works still). So all can be happy, more or less. Cheers, Pepe and 320 -> pls keep your lovely work up.
Thank you so much for this video. One thing I really struggle with I realize is the go around. The FMC was not letting me reprogram the same approach and airport. I'm sure I just didnt know how to do it, although i can do it in the a320.
Just so you know, there's a very good reason why autothrottles don't automatically idle on the flare anymore. There was a fatal crash involving a 737 with the radio altimeter giving erroneous readings that made the FMC think it was right on the ground during an approach. That in turn retarded the thrust. The pilots were too busy to notice until they were almost stalling, and by that point, it was too late since the engines at idle took a long time to spool back up, and they were very close to the ground. So nowadays, the philosophy is that it should be up to the pilot to pull back the throttle manually to make sure the aircraft won't do it prematurely.
Do you mean the 737-500 crash in 2021 (old certification, other system functions)? Or (could fit better) the 737-800 of Turkish Airlines at Schipol. If the later one, read the findings of the investigation and the bulletin: “The agency is recommending that flight crews, whether operating in automated or manual flight modes, "carefully monitor" primary flight instruments including airspeed and attitude, for aircraft performance and the flight mode annunciation for autoflight modes.” Isn’t monitoring the reason for PM/PF and a good CRM? Btw - if for example the A320 autolands, it will come to a total stop on the runway (or doesnt’t it). You just have to use rudder (and monitor together with PM non stop). Doesn‘t the modern Boeing have such a function, too? So there are circumstances that the AutoThrottle sets IDLE and even breaks till the plane stands still, or am I wrong - can of course be.
Dear 320 Sim Pilot, I enjoy your tutorial very much. Could you tell where I could get my hand on such programs for various type of airplane! Your response is much appreciated! Cheers
Hello, I watched the whole video. Thanks for your explanation. I have two questions and I hope you like to answer them. 1) You set 449 ft for MDA. But when you reached 450ft on the Baro Alt, you didnt get any visual indication on the PFD and ND. Also there was no callout like MINIMUM. I know that many A300-600 and A310 have the callouts PLUS HUNDRED or HUNDRED ABOVE and MINIMUM with the so called FRENCH ACCENT CALLOUT VOICE. Some just call it "old voice". What indication would you get when reaching the MDA? 2) During the Flare, on the ND a small cross was visible on the right upper corner. Shortly after that the message: VECTOR was visble in green color. Then after Touchdown the messages: CATSOUNDOFF and STARTER2_OFF_T were visble on the same right upoer corner of the ND. What do the: Small green cross, VECTOR, CATSOUNDOFF, STARTER2_OFF_T mean? Are these real messages which are also visbile in the A306/A310? Thanks!
@320 Sim Pilot I had the same issue with the throttles as well but after calibration and a restart of the sim, the issue was rectified. Maybe you should try that too
good video ..thanks. Are you using a mouse to use the cockpit camera? My mouse is too close to the controls and will not zoom out..other cockpits are ok. Thoughts please?
Something of note, if you have a turtle beach velocity one and you have autopilot functions mapped to your yoke switches they don't seem to work for some reason. Just had to use the mouse and scroll like olden times on the knobs lol. I had a great time with this though, it lands really easily, I got a 5 callout on the first shot.
Its not your controls…..the plane is glitched and has throttle issues it will lock into full and will not give back control no matter what you do even shutting the plane down to cold and dark gliding and turning it back on goes overspeed until pitch is not controllable then overspeeds into ground
I'm a big fan. You helped me so much. A few tips though since you're obviously professional therefore so advanced; can you always keep in mind that when working with the flight director to explain how to both add and remove way points and to explain some generic consequences of using DIR and how to in flight reconstruct certain way points. There were some moments of yours where I had to watch like 10x to really figure out what you did. Not asking for you to distract your videos on a full flight with just the computer, but I'm sure it'll improve your lessons a ton if you just keep in mind that the computer is actually less intuitive than it feels once you become more familiar with it. By a lot actually. I still don't know how to delete waypoints and am only now figuring out none is a selection to avoid adding unwanted way points at the transition from some database flight plan. I'm still struggling with the fact that flight plans that look good on the map sometimes tack on unwanted way points that have to be avoided and would be better if I knew how to remove. I'm sure you have a video on the computer somewhere so I'll search for that for the specifics.
Hi. Great tutorial. After take off, my plane is losing navigation no longer following the flight plan. It just flies straight after a couple of waypoints and becomes unable to steer neither HED SEL nor NAV mode What is this? Why does it stop following the flightplan and just flies straight ahead?.
Hi there, wonderful video!! Is there any way to do an IFR flight and fly in NAV mode with autopilot? I mean, with the other planes, when activating the autopilot, the plane already follows the correct route (the pink line on the map), as simple as that, but on the A310 is still straight on the AP and I can only modify its direction by the HDG...? I'm referring of course to the simple way, without being an expert like you hahaHA. Thank you!!!
What is the difference between pushing the TO/GA button and just setting the throttle to the max on this plane (same for boeing planes)? Is full throttle less than maximum thrust?
Can someone tell me what Im doing wrong?! I enter the flightplan, everything looks fine and when I set the AP and Set NAV the plane doesnt follow the flightplan. When I press DIR and chose the next waypoint and Set Direct to, it flies to the waypoint and THAN it Start following the flightplan. Why not from the start?!
this happens on my a320 as well. I think its because its finding the quickest nav path from one point to the next and only follows it closely during take-off and landing. This is due to the curvature of the earth and my inability to set an airway
Hi, make sure you set the departure runway and SID correctly, without those it won’t sequence on takeoff. Also setup the TO page and make sure you press the GO levers (use the button on the glare shield as in the video) to ensure the airbus knows you are in the takeoff phase!
I have followed this exactly and the aircraft maybe follows two points after departure then flys straight. I have my hud displayed and on the top left it’s says vor1 and not gps. I’m on xbox btw.
every single time without fail that I try to shoot an ILS approach the aircraft starts turning left then right hard, knocks it self out of autopilot then stalls. Cannot figure out what I am doing incorrectly as I am following videos to a T.
Yes Pan Am used it as their secondary mainstay for their Trans-Atlantic flights towards the end as so did Delta after they took over and various other airlines.
How do you activate a missed approach on the mcdu? I screwed mine up and couldn't use the direct to page as all the waypoints disappear when you pass them
The magenta text at each waypoint giving an altitude and a speed, Does this mean that at this way point i have to be at this level, i have to be above this level before i reach it or i start climbing to the indicated level when i reach the way point? Ive been practicing along with your video on a flight from EGGP TO AHAM an the flight plan ive created after 4000ft restricted Sid wants me to then jump to roughly an indicated 19,000 ft but theres no where near enough distance between the end of SID to the first waypoint to make it without going into the max climb setting, is that something that you would have to do? Thanks anyone in advance
@@austriankangaroo how long have you used it for and is there a chance of being banned? apparently it’s illegal in the uk but i’m more worried about getting banned as i’ve allready spent £200+ pounds including the game
@@swales3511 i started using it maybe 6 months ago. I think you can theoretically get banned for it, but there is no way microsoft knows that the planes you download are pirated and not downloaded from a seller. But of course there is no 100% guarantee. And if you bought the addons from 3d party websites you can keep them after getting banned.
I have a problem that after I put the ils frequency in and I press the land button it will capture the loc but the plane won’t actually descend. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Was very much waiting for this! As good as the in-house checklist is (did manage to complete a few full flights), it’s so much better to watch someone actually do it! Thanks for this :)
Thanks for the refresher, I flew the A310-300 's 30 years ago with the A300-600R's.
The fuel system is interesting with Up to 5 ton in the tail & automatic fuel transfer back & forward to balance the aircraft above 20,000ft, plus automatically pumping fuel forward on descent.
More fuel on one side it would balance that too.
Thanks for that insight Bill! What a fantastic machine to work on! Thanks for watching!
It is pretty crazy how much new content is in this update. Props to Microsoft.
true.. and for free!
Only downside: its rushed. So they messed traffic and few other stuff
@@frap9965 since the free FSLTL all traffic problems are solved :) IMHO. And FSR plus DLSS works, even better wind and temperature model etc etc - so they took the time needed, I see no rush. Gliders and Helis, too (in all difficulties - can be changed and now the 3rd parties will make the 145 even better or ballons hehe).
@@ThePeperich your outdated.. even with fsltl traffic is broken. There is so many bugs. And now su11 broke the injections for aig and fsltl... also a/c rarely land now
@@frap9965 Don't worry they'll fix it. But i only fly online on Vatsim so... all fine on my side 😊
The A310 cockpit is like the A320 and the Boeing 737 got together and had a baby.
it's more like the 737 than the a320
I think it's the other way around, it took more from its mother (A320). If you're familiar with the A320 there are only a few quirks you need to understand like the alt indicator and things like the system status overview being in different places. the Boeing is a completely different philosophy.
Great tutorial - thank you so much!
I'm a complete airline novice but using this guide (with lots pausing and replaying) I was able to execute my first successful A310 flight from take off to landing,
Feeling extremely chuffed with myself 😁
That’s great to hear, thanks for sharing!
It’s almost like a hybrid Boeing-airbus. Fascinating!
Couldn't have come at a better time. Time to enjoy this over a bowl of freshly popped popcorn!
What a coincidence I’m also eating popcorn and watching this right now ha ha
I love how proportionally short and chonky it looks :D
A quick point on the ALT SEL knob. Pulling it sets the increment to thousands, pushing it to hundreds. It's the same in the XP version. However it also activates profile descent if you pull it. So that's why it switched to hundreds after you pulled and took a while to dial target ALT in. You can push it again after activating PROF DESC to get back to thousands increment. Or, alternately, you can also activate PROF DESC by toggling the PROF button. I'm not sure if this is IRL but it is how it's implemented by iniBuilds.
Brilliant, thanks for watching and thanks for the tips! So many slight changes from the A320 to learn!
Thank you so much for this tutorial..best one on UA-cam by far. Please keep them coming
That’s very kind, thank you!
Incredible addon. Can't quite believe this is free. Also, excellent tutorial! Thanks so much for doing these.
Lots of useful info in this video =). Btw you can switch between hundred and thousand increment for the altitude by pushing the altitude knob. I know not super intuitive.
I am delighted to inform you that I a new subscriber to your channel, Captain. I must admit that I faced significant difficulty operating this particular aircraft and, unfortunately, gave up on it just one day after its release, as I couldn't locate any helpful tutorials. Therefore, I am exceedingly grateful that you have created an effortless tutorial for me and others in a similar situation. Thank you immensely for your dedication and time. I completed a flight from KOAK to KIAH.
Very thorough and well explained tutorial, as per usual.
Regarding HDG vs HDG S mode - I'm wondering if "HDG" is actually a heading hold mode, where as "HDG S" is a heading select mode. This is something you'd see in older jets - it was a "feature" on the MD80's. It's not emulated on Leonardo's fly the Maddog X - but on the real jet, pushing the heading select knob puts it in heading hold mode, where as pulling it puts it in heading select mode.
In the heading hold mode, it holds your current heading. You can move the heading bug, but doing so will not change the aircraft's heading - it just holds whatever heading you were on when you engaged that mode. Heading select, of course, will turn to and hold the heading you select with the bug. I guess the philosophy behind the design was that if you were flying a departure that had you fly runway heading out to a certain distance, then turn to a different heading at that point, you could put the system in heading hold mode after takeoff, then bug the next heading, and activate the heading select mode when you reached that DME point. I'm sure there were a few other applications as well. You had to be a bit more creative with navigation procedures when using 1980's technology!😄
Sorry that I am late to the party. I loved your tutorial. Between you and Jonathan Beckett, you can never go wrong. FYI, the simbrief funtion under ACARS is fully functional for importing flight information. Also, the Atis works as well.
30 seconds into the video: Seeing "quick start guide" be the title of a 1 hour long video is very very promising!
On this channel time moves differently! Usually takeoff to landing is 3 plus hours 😅 Thanks for watching!
Your tutorials are really great! Thank you! There are many tutorials where people explain how they do it, but you tell us how its done. Exactly what i was looking for👍
The EFB actually seems to take the airport from the MCDU (which isn't 100% realistic, but it seems to work). All you have to do for the rwy length is press the button left of the "1" button when you want to type in the length. That will give you the full rwy length. Same for the QDM. No charts or additional info needed as long as you don't do a shift.
Where did you find this information?
@@jannehonkakorpi3137 You can actually see it in the video.
Ah great, thank you! It seemed strange to me that it didn’t do that. Thanks for watching!
And there’s me looking for a tutorial, thank you sir.
Great guidance! Still can’t get it to descend on the glide slope though for some reason!
They’ve acknowledged the fps issue as caused by WASM being in debug mode, which means it’s not compiling on load. It should have taken 10 minutes or more on first load like PMDG / Fenix. Looking into a fix
You need to enable ILS mode on the PFD, it's a switch to the left of the FCU marked 'ILS'. Then you need to press land once within the perimeters, this is located to the right of the FCU underneath V/S knob
Saved to my library. Beautiful livery and classic aircraft.
Easily the best tutorials on UA-cam
Fun to fly this plane, I am finally learning fs2020 views well enough to enjoy it now. Also finally got the captains pack to work well. yea. Feels very real to me now.
Excellent overview, exactly what I was looking for. Now to try it myself!
I love the fact that you can use the msfs flight plan for a straight up ifr. Also, from cold and dark, after you insert the flight plan the navlog updates itself.
They have a temporary fix for the TCA throttle calibration on the inibuilds forum page. After doing the work around throttle is work so much better
yup and that temp fix works like a charm. If you meant the one where you make in the ThrottleConfiguration.ini file :)
I’ve tried their workaround but it still has the same issue 🙁
Thanks for the video! Certainly some great lessons here that I can use in simming this wonderful aircraft.
Thanks Dave!
What a fantastic video this is. Helped me enormously. Thank you
Thank you for the quick course on this airplane. I’m looking forward to flying it long distance now on msfs on pc. I’m use to Boeing Aircraft in the simulator world. However this old school Airbus certainly has my attention now that I understand it better.
grear video... super informative.... as I'm getting back into flightsim, videos like this one are extremly valuable
Thanks, glad you liked it!
I love your videos and you are the only one that explains things perfectly as it's helped me tons! you should be an instructor my friend. hehe!
Thank you! Now i get to fly this properly, because of you
If you press that magic button, autothrottle locks thhrottle levers, so you should turnoff AutoTHR before commencing rejected takeoff. So i found, if you use flex mode, and just push throttles to maximum , In this way, it also limits N1 to calculated flex, but if you want abort takeoff, you just pull throttles back. And after gear up, you can turn on Auto THR
There are no failures and Terr doesn't currently work but aside from that for free its AMAZING.
I would totally pay for an enhanced realistic version with failures and a cargo version.
Just had a very pleasant real world flight from UK to a chilly Berlin, smoothest landing ever. 👏🏻👍🏻 Would have said hi but seemed busy on the FD and respect the whole anonymity thing. Might be time for a voice changing app? Cheers!
ASOBO THANK YOU for finally giving us Xbox users some quality airplanes❤️ we have been waiting for a airliner of this quality for so long and we thank you so much for finally hearing us out 😩🙏🏼
It’s a remarkable piece of software and what a treat for us all!
A tutorial on how to do a VOR approach would be super appreciated. I can't figure out how to command the FPA. Great vid as always!
Just Heading on the PFD will hold the current heading the aircraft is on, you cannot bug the heading (or select the heading) to steer. Kinda like ROLL mode or wings level modes but holds the current heading and not just wings level.
However you can preselect a heading to fly but the aircraft will not turn until its put in Hdg/S mode.
Heading S is Heading steer mode, just the opposite, you can bug the heading to the desired heading to fly and the aircraft turns immediately or on command when bugged.
What a great video, It was enough to get me up and running in this plane, I hate to be nit-picking, but the fact that fuel keeps burning when the sim is paused is rather an inexcusable oversight and needs to be fixed. I don"t know of any other plane in the sim that does this. Today I had to pause the sim for a family gathering and when I pressed resume, the tanks were dry and the autopilot promptly put the plane into, as the euphemism goes, "a regime of flight from which recovery was impossible".
It’s a surprise to me too! But as I said, real sims used to train pilots can do this too in some situations, so I can forgive it! Thanks for watching Jay and I’m glad the video helped!
World Travel Airlines livery looks gorgeous!
amazing video! as always full of tips and information!
love how different it is from everything else :)
Excellent! So much better than the pain of watching non-pilots telling how to fly such a plane. I did wonder if the FMS's are in Dual mode, or data has to be manually transferred from P/F to PNF or vice versa(after due confirmation with other pilot). By the way, I was very uncomplementary about FS2020's new helicopters, but this model looks very realistic, and deserves the term 'simulator'
beautiful aircraft and very well explained
This video as always some of the best MFS content on internet. How can people who can’t afford navigraph and such like addons get the experience? Is there any alternatives?
You can use chartfox for the charts
I noticed when you click “TORA” on the Takeoff Performance page on the bottom left you can see a value that possibly could be the correct number…
Thank you for this nice flight. Interesting to fly. Safe flights.
20:38 Runway length and direction are available bottom left next to the input keys.
Great tutorial and makes it fun to fly, thanks 👏🏻
Thanks once again for the great tutorial.
You’re very welcome, thanks for watching!
Wow, great video - and second wow, that this plane did cost $120 for X-Plane 11 but now even does not properly work on X-Plane 12 and on MSFS free. Excellent. The graphical update is good, nice that they really modelled it for MSFS 2020 :) Let’s see if inibuilds will further develop this nice oldy but goldy and make more good planes at least on this level hehe.
Overall MSFS is growing and gets better and better (quite young still). The same time LM started to update P3D to V6 (Beta is running), which is also great as there are many wonderful planes, but the pricing is extreme - at least not for my pocket possible. As more am I happy that PMDG does develop for MSFS 2020, too and has lower prices here. Furthermore PMDG will bring us at least two more wide-body long-hauler for MSFS (and continues P3D, too), FBW will do the A380, a commercial A350 or A330(?) is also coming , a free MD-11 is on the way, H145 Heli and and and. How wonderful to sim today. What a “common” computer can do today is just wonderful.
Overall MSFS and P3D will grow and benefit most from each other as the SDK are quite compatible (says PMDG), DCS is there for military (outside the armed forces only P3D variants) with a small but fine community, X-Plane 12 will have it’s unique market for Mac- and Linux-User (plus some PC-Fans) though shrinking number of devs (even updates 11 -> 12 are problematic; well 11 works still). So all can be happy, more or less.
Cheers, Pepe and 320 -> pls keep your lovely work up.
Excellent. Thanks. A lot to learn but very helpful.
Thank you so much for this video. One thing I really struggle with I realize is the go around. The FMC was not letting me reprogram the same approach and airport. I'm sure I just didnt know how to do it, although i can do it in the a320.
Just so you know, there's a very good reason why autothrottles don't automatically idle on the flare anymore. There was a fatal crash involving a 737 with the radio altimeter giving erroneous readings that made the FMC think it was right on the ground during an approach. That in turn retarded the thrust. The pilots were too busy to notice until they were almost stalling, and by that point, it was too late since the engines at idle took a long time to spool back up, and they were very close to the ground.
So nowadays, the philosophy is that it should be up to the pilot to pull back the throttle manually to make sure the aircraft won't do it prematurely.
Do you mean the 737-500 crash in 2021 (old certification, other system functions)? Or (could fit better) the 737-800 of Turkish Airlines at Schipol. If the later one, read the findings of the investigation and the bulletin: “The agency is recommending that flight crews, whether operating in automated or manual flight modes, "carefully monitor" primary flight instruments including airspeed and attitude, for aircraft performance and the flight mode annunciation for autoflight modes.”
Isn’t monitoring the reason for PM/PF and a good CRM?
Btw - if for example the A320 autolands, it will come to a total stop on the runway (or doesnt’t it). You just have to use rudder (and monitor together with PM non stop). Doesn‘t the modern Boeing have such a function, too? So there are circumstances that the AutoThrottle sets IDLE and even breaks till the plane stands still, or am I wrong - can of course be.
Why does the a310 auto land don’t work i tried it it don’t work
Great video as always thank you
You’re welcome Darren!
Did you download the PC enhancements from the marketplace? It includes the cabin and improved textures.
He shows the cabin in the beginning of the stream, so yes.
Dear 320 Sim Pilot, I enjoy your tutorial very much. Could you tell where I could get my hand on such programs for various type of airplane! Your response is much appreciated! Cheers
I watched the whole video. Thanks for your explanation.
I have two questions and I hope you like to answer them.
1) You set 449 ft for MDA.
But when you reached 450ft on the Baro Alt, you didnt get any visual indication on the PFD and ND.
Also there was no callout like MINIMUM.
I know that many A300-600 and A310 have the callouts PLUS HUNDRED or HUNDRED ABOVE and MINIMUM with the so called FRENCH ACCENT CALLOUT VOICE.
Some just call it "old voice".
What indication would you get when reaching the MDA?
During the Flare, on the ND a small cross was visible on the right upper corner.
Shortly after that the message:
VECTOR was visble in green color.
Then after Touchdown the messages:
were visble on the same right upoer corner of the ND.
What do the:
Small green cross,
Are these real messages which are also visbile in the A306/A310?
I didn't understand what you did with the HDG when you put a direct to. Could you explain that part please?
@320 Sim Pilot I had the same issue with the throttles as well but after calibration and a restart of the sim, the issue was rectified. Maybe you should try that too
Thanks Rishi, I’ll give it another go!
@@320SimPilot hopefully it worked!
good video ..thanks. Are you using a mouse to use the cockpit camera? My mouse is too close to the controls and will not zoom out..other cockpits are ok. Thoughts please?
Something of note, if you have a turtle beach velocity one and you have autopilot functions mapped to your yoke switches they don't seem to work for some reason. Just had to use the mouse and scroll like olden times on the knobs lol. I had a great time with this though, it lands really easily, I got a 5 callout on the first shot.
Its not your controls…..the plane is glitched and has throttle issues it will lock into full and will not give back control no matter what you do even shutting the plane down to cold and dark gliding and turning it back on goes overspeed until pitch is not controllable then overspeeds into ground
Ive got the same issues with the reverse thrusts on my turtlebeach yolk
It has its own volume controls!? Awesome, it's so loud.
Yes a very hand feature, especially for streaming!
I'm a big fan. You helped me so much. A few tips though since you're obviously professional therefore so advanced; can you always keep in mind that when working with the flight director to explain how to both add and remove way points and to explain some generic consequences of using DIR and how to in flight reconstruct certain way points.
There were some moments of yours where I had to watch like 10x to really figure out what you did.
Not asking for you to distract your videos on a full flight with just the computer, but I'm sure it'll improve your lessons a ton if you just keep in mind that the computer is actually less intuitive than it feels once you become more familiar with it. By a lot actually.
I still don't know how to delete waypoints and am only now figuring out none is a selection to avoid adding unwanted way points at the transition from some database flight plan.
I'm still struggling with the fact that flight plans that look good on the map sometimes tack on unwanted way points that have to be avoided and would be better if I knew how to remove.
I'm sure you have a video on the computer somewhere so I'll search for that for the specifics.
Excellent tutorial. Thanks
Great video! I'm currently learning the A310 and this helps a lot. How did you record the external landing view if you don't mind me asking? Thanks
did you ever do that cold and dark video?
Hi. Great tutorial. After take off, my plane is losing navigation no longer following the flight plan. It just flies straight after a couple of waypoints and becomes unable to steer neither HED SEL nor NAV mode What is this? Why does it stop following the flightplan and just flies straight ahead?.
Thank you great video ❤
You’re very welcome!
Are you not using the tobii eye tracker anymore?
hello Captain, always thankful to you for your tutorial, may i know the channel name you mention something Virtual pls.
Hi there, wonderful video!! Is there any way to do an IFR flight and fly in NAV mode with autopilot? I mean, with the other planes, when activating the autopilot, the plane already follows the correct route (the pink line on the map), as simple as that, but on the A310 is still straight on the AP and I can only modify its direction by the HDG...? I'm referring of course to the simple way, without being an expert like you hahaHA. Thank you!!!
My Xbox is being fixed right now I can’t wait to fly this when I get it back!!
What is the difference between pushing the TO/GA button and just setting the throttle to the max on this plane (same for boeing planes)? Is full throttle less than maximum thrust?
its crazy if you compare checklist of A330 vs a320 neo :D A330 over hundred things and A320 barelly 30 :D
Great landing!
What buttons do you have the trim bound to on your TCA Airbus pack? Thanks.
Can someone tell me what Im doing wrong?! I enter the flightplan, everything looks fine and when I set the AP and Set NAV the plane doesnt follow the flightplan. When I press DIR and chose the next waypoint and Set Direct to, it flies to the waypoint and THAN it Start following the flightplan. Why not from the start?!
this happens on my a320 as well. I think its because its finding the quickest nav path from one point to the next and only follows it closely during take-off and landing. This is due to the curvature of the earth and my inability to set an airway
Hi, make sure you set the departure runway and SID correctly, without those it won’t sequence on takeoff. Also setup the TO page and make sure you press the GO levers (use the button on the glare shield as in the video) to ensure the airbus knows you are in the takeoff phase!
@@320SimPilot thank you for ur answer. Indeed it was the SID which wasnt set correctly. The plane doesnt know where to fly if there is no SID set
Can you tell what replay tool you have been using, thank you ,man
what a beast
Is it really study level as they say in the loading screen?
forth dial in the fcu?
You can see right through to the other side,through the port holes.LOL.nice vid though. well done.
This aircraft has full working TCAS functions (at least in the cockpit)
Do you know if it’ll actually alert to AI planes that intrudes on you?
I have followed this exactly and the aircraft maybe follows two points after departure then flys straight. I have my hud displayed and on the top left it’s says vor1 and not gps. I’m on xbox btw.
Same problem
@@Vlad0628 I was able to get it fixed let me know if you need help.
Great instruction
every single time without fail that I try to shoot an ILS approach the aircraft starts turning left then right hard, knocks it self out of autopilot then stalls. Cannot figure out what I am doing incorrectly as I am following videos to a T.
What commands to assign for the fuel master levers 1 and 2 please?
would the a310 be able to fly cross the Atlantic. somewhere like London to Miami or NewYork or is that a flight that it probably should do
Air Transat did fly their A310 across the Atlantic, but obviously from Canada.
Pan Am used it as their secondary mainstay for their Trans-Atlantic flights towards the end as so did Delta after they took over and various other airlines.
Easily mate. I did Istanbul-JFK with it yesterday which is a 10 hour flight and I didn't even have full tanks.
How do you activate a missed approach on the mcdu? I screwed mine up and couldn't use the direct to page as all the waypoints disappear when you pass them
The magenta text at each waypoint giving an altitude and a speed, Does this mean that at this way point i have to be at this level, i have to be above this level before i reach it or i start climbing to the indicated level when i reach the way point? Ive been practicing along with your video on a flight from EGGP TO AHAM an the flight plan ive created after 4000ft restricted Sid wants me to then jump to roughly an indicated 19,000 ft but theres no where near enough distance between the end of SID to the first waypoint to make it without going into the max climb setting, is that something that you would have to do?
Thanks anyone in advance
The nav mode button switches itself off all the time and wont let me turn it on? Is there a way i can fix this?
I always end up too high when trying capture the gs how do u know what hight u need be at to capture gs
Wish me luck trying to fly this beauty thru cloud gaming and with Xbox controls 👌🏼
Imagine flying a study-level airliner sim with an xbox controller
could you maybe do a fenix a320 flight tutorial again. It’s been a while since your other one and i imagine the plane is a little different since
That would be sooo usnecessary. Almost nothing changed
@@austriankangaroo thought something would have changed in a couple of months. what’s your opinion on simplaza
@@swales3511 gotta be honest, i use simplaza myself, but of course its not ethical to use it
@@austriankangaroo how long have you used it for and is there a chance of being banned? apparently it’s illegal in the uk but i’m more worried about getting banned as i’ve allready spent £200+ pounds including the game
@@swales3511 i started using it maybe 6 months ago. I think you can theoretically get banned for it, but there is no way microsoft knows that the planes you download are pirated and not downloaded from a seller. But of course there is no 100% guarantee. And if you bought the addons from 3d party websites you can keep them after getting banned.
I have a problem that after I put the ils frequency in and I press the land button it will capture the loc but the plane won’t actually descend. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Whenever I disconnect the AP shortly before landing it gives me this never ending warning sound and red ecam message, as if something is wrong.
How do you disconnect it? Which control keybind are you using?
@@jannehonkakorpi3137 the default control bind on the keyboard. It’s Z I think.
@@eraser2727 Try the AUTOPILOT OFF keybind instead. By default its Shift + Alt + Z.
Press the red button on the yoke