This has to be my favorite Daft Punk song of all time. Hell... the whole "Human After All" album is amazing. probably in the top 3 favorite albums of all time :)
For me as a huge Daft Punk fan, I can't rank their albums they are all at the same level, they are just so good and I can choose their album/sound when I feel like to. They are good in own way.
I liked it, but it's no masterpiece. It was an experimental album anway and Daft Punk didn't take it very seriously when they were working on it. If I remember right, they produced it in a very short amount of time. I appreciate it for what it is though.
I have come to a conclusion.. People are born to love daft punk.. They have no idea where they know these songs from, but as so as they hear one.. Boom, fan for life !!
It's my favorite album as well. I would argue with anybody that Discovery is one of the best albums I have ever listened to, ever. But Human After All came out when school was difficult and I was depressed and this right here was the soundtrack of my life back then. I listened to it so much I might have broken my brain a bit. This is the most relaxing music I could imagine.
+Ali Fikri Mubarok No. Daft punk are like the cornerstone of electronica. that video has like 800,000 views this has 3 million so no... most of the views aren't from him
Ahah, évidemment c'est toujours Daft Punk, les mecs sont des putains de passionnés du son et gèrent leur délires, je faisais que dire que pour moi Daft Punk c'est ce son, cette énergie, que ce soit Rollin' n Scratching, Veridis Quo, celle là.. j'aime tellement, c'est fort, c'est énorme! Excuse moi si je suis incapable de dire la même chose avec des titres de pop sympa comme Get Lucky, Lose Yourself To Dance, etc.. Tout le monde acclame les Daft pour leurs awards pour cet album, et quand tu leurs parle de l'ancien Daft Punk c'est genre "ah ouais, trop de la bombe Around The World et One More Time" je trouve dommage de toujours rester autant dans ce côté Mainstream. Bref pour moi Daft Punk c'est une période précise, ou ça me plait, et même s'ils sont toujours aussi doués et humble, c'est pas le Daft Punk que j'apprécie moi, et je trouve dommage de devoir s'expliquer à ce propos sur je ne sais combien de ligne pour quelqu'un qui fait exprès de ne pas comprendre là ou je veux en venir.
Paul Peul Tu n'as pas écoute le nouvel album, c'est pas possible ; si tu ne ressens pas cette énergie dans Give Life Bac to Music, Contact ou Motherboard je ne comprends pas, mais alors pas du tout. Et le fait d'utiliser des instruments au lieu de rester sur l'aspect électronique de Human After All n'enlève rien à cette énergie, surtout quand on connait la réception de Human After All, mais bref c'est hype de critiquer négativement Daft Punk.
Et bien il a fallu que je réécoute ces quelques titres, et non je ne vois pas ou est cette énergie, sans rire, et je n'ai jamais dit que le fait d'utiliser de réels instruments était un problème, au contraire je préfère un vrai instru à un synth de VST dont les potards ont été tripatouillés un peu partout pour obtenir un son artificiel, je pense que tout le monde peut être d'accord la dessus. Mais je pense que tu te méprends, en effet je vois pas en quoi le fait d'avoir écrit mon 1er post, qui à la rigueur s'apparente plus à un mauvais jeux de mot entre le titre, et le côté robot de DP + le fait que je n'apprécie pas musicalement leur nouveau tournant soit une manière de me prendre pour un mec "hype" qui critique négativement Daft Punk juste parce qu'ils sont actuellement au sommet de leurs notoriété. A la rigueur, n'est-ce pas plutôt hype, qui est un bien vilain mot je trouve de traiter quelqu'un de hype car il a des gouts différents de la toute puissante majorité. Sinon je vois pas le lien avec la récéption de Daft Punk, peut être y en a t il un, ou veux tu en venir ? Pour finir, j'aime argumenter tu l'auras remarquer mais j'apprécie pas de trop qu'on me fasse passer pour une sorte d'hipster troll toujours contre l'avis de la foule juste car je n'apprécie pas RAM et que je me suis permis de le dire, après tout les gouts et les couleurs, au milieu de tout les styles que j'aime, l'Electro, la Techno et le Rock l'emportent de loin sur la Pop, ce qui explique ma décéption je suppose!
Human After All was a much underrated album I feel, there were some great tracks on there (people seem to forget Technologic was on there, and Robot Rock - both of which everyone likes). Ironically this film makes much more sense of it, as after eight years of listening to it I finally worked out a couple of days ago what it works best as - it's an amazing driving album. Seriously, put it on when you have a long drive ahead of you on an open road, it's incredible.
Copy right bs sucks. This was my favorite video of the song. All driving. At least I can play the song and just mute the video. lol thanks for keeping it up anyway.
I'm not going to rank all their albums because I think they're all equally good, but I really feel like Human After All has by far the deepest, darkest and most powerful message behind it. This album in combination with Electroma. Daft Punk are true artists.
I've noticed that all daft punk songs have no dislikes. I thought that's some youtube issue, but I realised that Daft Punk can't be disliked because their music Is so good :)
Its basically that the record labels control the whole music industry now, there's no more independent artists or one hit wonders which usually are the best songs by far. The trouble now is that the record label target young teenagers and older children who can be easily manipulated by trends and popularity, so as long as they make any artist seem popular with the help of their media friends they can literally sell any shit or complete rip offs of older tracks and make a huge profit
Esta canción me trae recuerdos gratos e ingratos, por eso hace que tenga un monton de emociones al mismo tiempo negativas y positivas, me siento en la nada y en todo, vacía y llena, pero no puedo dejar de escucharla (respiro profundo, cero lágrimas y cero risas), demasiado para mí
I also like the idea of thinking that its about the members of Daft Punk wanting to make a personal confession/excuse to the listeners. As if they are tired of their image as Daft Punk and want to move on to the new. Hence no new autonome material has come out under the Daft Punk alias.
i just realized after many years what i heard when i was a child, and im just like: "heey, i know these tracks, but i could never knew who did it" And yeah.. now im a Daft Punk fan too :D
This song is just Genius cause at somepoint it messes with your head and you hear You mad You mad You mad and Yo Man Yo Man Yo Man and OMG this is just awesome!
I feel as though this song expresses the pride of being a human and being apart of the species. When we feel sick with ourselves we must look to the greatness of the human embodiment for inspiration and hope. but that's my opinion.
yeah it's been said that it only took them 6 weeks to make this album. i only like a couple of songs from this album, but their alive 2007 set brought new life into these songs :D
We are human... after all Much in common. After all [x8] Human, human, human, human, Human, human, human, human, Human, human, human, human, Human, human, human after all [x7]
I had an idea for a really cool professional video for Human After All. It would start out with a man running. Then slowly, he would grow up as he ran. Then the wind would strip away his skin, revealing a terminator-like skeleton. Then, muscle would fly onto the metal, creating a look like a man. While he continued, a suit would fly onto him. As he grew into an old man, he would slow slightly, but continue running. At the end, he falls into a hospital bed. The bed then dumps him in a grave.
I thought its a movie about sad robots created by Daft Punk themselves. "Daft Punk's Electroma is a 2006 film by French musical duo Daft Punk. The plot revolves around the quest of two robots (the band members, played by Peter Hurteau and Michael Reich) to become human." - Wikipedia
People have a right to like or dislike it. I personally don't think this video needs a dislike button but its there because of many horrid songs that exist today we have to hate. This is one of many songs that are not horrid of course.
@777Clong I bet there will be thousands and thousands if they will come to Dubai. After all this time they still have their own amazing style and sense of music. GOD Bless these guys. +++
Is a review Channel for Tech items. "MKB" is the abbreviation for his name and "HD" stands for High Definition. It actually a pretty good channel. oh and he didn't bring me here. I knew DP way before.
Actually its about them throwing up after eating asparagus for the first time, and that background noise is actually them throwing up. Then they realize that they probably have much in common with humans.
Why is this even bring discussed? The song is about how after all they have been through, they discover that they were humans all along, that they can feel emotion, namely sadness. Haven't any of you seen Electroma?
14 years ago and still this video is trolling alll
wtf with the audio, i hear a guitar lol
Me too '-'
I listen to THIS video so many times and now that? WTF?!?!
yea bro, it's sad :(
I guess the dude who uploaded it got a copyright warning and had to change the sound :// and it sucks
obviously, but why a guitar ! lol it does not fit with the ideo, at all hahahah, form e it's funneh
Maybe it has received a copyright strike and the music was removed. Orrr..... youtube has a conflict with 2 videos with the same ID's...(Bug)
This has to be my favorite Daft Punk song of all time. Hell... the whole "Human After All" album is amazing. probably in the top 3 favorite albums of all time :)
What a fucking timeless and gorgeously conceptual song. Fuck this album's haters.
The album has haters?
***** suposely...
anyway, i love this song.
This album was underrated.
You sure about that? I'm detecting some Dubstep.
Yep. It was their "worst" album, but by no means bad. Just seems like everyone hates this album.
Jamie John Although it's the common opinion, I really like this album and don't rank it much lower than their other albums.
For me as a huge Daft Punk fan, I can't rank their albums they are all at the same level, they are just so good and I can choose their album/sound when I feel like to. They are good in own way.
I liked it, but it's no masterpiece. It was an experimental album anway and Daft Punk didn't take it very seriously when they were working on it. If I remember right, they produced it in a very short amount of time. I appreciate it for what it is though.
I have come to a conclusion.. People are born to love daft punk.. They have no idea where they know these songs from, but as so as they hear one.. Boom, fan for life !!
hahaha what an awesome troll. I like it Petar!! Champ! xD
i just cant stop hearing it.
"He-Man, He-man,He-Man, He-man,He-Man, He-man,Hee-Man, He-man"
XD great, now you got me hearing it! :D
It's my favorite album as well. I would argue with anybody that Discovery is one of the best albums I have ever listened to, ever. But Human After All came out when school was difficult and I was depressed and this right here was the soundtrack of my life back then. I listened to it so much I might have broken my brain a bit. This is the most relaxing music I could imagine.
this is AWESOME!!! amagad i like it so much i could bang my head on the wall at those beats rate
+TheTrueAegnor That was before they changed the music...
Here is what most listeners to this song hear:
1. Much in Common
2.Flesh uncovered
3.Thats uncommon
Listening to this to the first few weeks of spring with the sunny weather! Drop us some feel good music again!!
Marques Brownlee brought me here.
Most of the views of this video are due to MKBHD's "Five Facts About Me".
+Ali Fikri Mubarok No. Daft punk are like the cornerstone of electronica. that video has like 800,000 views this has 3 million so no... most of the views aren't from him
I am a Fan of Daft Punk, thats why i am here. And i think this seriously is the best reason to be here...
312 people aren't human after all.
Now 314 :l
... OH NO I AM NOT HUMAN OR ROBOT! *Quickly likes the video* Few... Ok I am human after all.
@@LuisReyes-xk9st Now 780
Daft Punk is amazing and they will always be one of my favorite bands
When Daft Punk was Daft Punk, after all..
Pourquoi, maintenant c'est quoi?
Ahah, évidemment c'est toujours Daft Punk, les mecs sont des putains de passionnés du son et gèrent leur délires, je faisais que dire que pour moi Daft Punk c'est ce son, cette énergie, que ce soit Rollin' n Scratching, Veridis Quo, celle là.. j'aime tellement, c'est fort, c'est énorme! Excuse moi si je suis incapable de dire la même chose avec des titres de pop sympa comme Get Lucky, Lose Yourself To Dance, etc.. Tout le monde acclame les Daft pour leurs awards pour cet album, et quand tu leurs parle de l'ancien Daft Punk c'est genre "ah ouais, trop de la bombe Around The World et One More Time" je trouve dommage de toujours rester autant dans ce côté Mainstream. Bref pour moi Daft Punk c'est une période précise, ou ça me plait, et même s'ils sont toujours aussi doués et humble, c'est pas le Daft Punk que j'apprécie moi, et je trouve dommage de devoir s'expliquer à ce propos sur je ne sais combien de ligne pour quelqu'un qui fait exprès de ne pas comprendre là ou je veux en venir.
Paul Peul Tu n'as pas écoute le nouvel album, c'est pas possible ; si tu ne ressens pas cette énergie dans Give Life Bac to Music, Contact ou Motherboard je ne comprends pas, mais alors pas du tout. Et le fait d'utiliser des instruments au lieu de rester sur l'aspect électronique de Human After All n'enlève rien à cette énergie, surtout quand on connait la réception de Human After All, mais bref c'est hype de critiquer négativement Daft Punk.
Et bien il a fallu que je réécoute ces quelques titres, et non je ne vois pas ou est cette énergie, sans rire, et je n'ai jamais dit que le fait d'utiliser de réels instruments était un problème, au contraire je préfère un vrai instru à un synth de VST dont les potards ont été tripatouillés un peu partout pour obtenir un son artificiel, je pense que tout le monde peut être d'accord la dessus. Mais je pense que tu te méprends, en effet je vois pas en quoi le fait d'avoir écrit mon 1er post, qui à la rigueur s'apparente plus à un mauvais jeux de mot entre le titre, et le côté robot de DP + le fait que je n'apprécie pas musicalement leur nouveau tournant soit une manière de me prendre pour un mec "hype" qui critique négativement Daft Punk juste parce qu'ils sont actuellement au sommet de leurs notoriété. A la rigueur, n'est-ce pas plutôt hype, qui est un bien vilain mot je trouve de traiter quelqu'un de hype car il a des gouts différents de la toute puissante majorité. Sinon je vois pas le lien avec la récéption de Daft Punk, peut être y en a t il un, ou veux tu en venir ?
Pour finir, j'aime argumenter tu l'auras remarquer mais j'apprécie pas de trop qu'on me fasse passer pour une sorte d'hipster troll toujours contre l'avis de la foule juste car je n'apprécie pas RAM et que je me suis permis de le dire, après tout les gouts et les couleurs, au milieu de tout les styles que j'aime, l'Electro, la Techno et le Rock l'emportent de loin sur la Pop, ce qui explique ma décéption je suppose!
I'm not human, shhh i'm secretly a goat.
Nicolás Andrés Cabra Ruiz you are the secret goat.
Nicolás Andrés Cabra Ruiz Holy you have my moms last name! Are you my long lost grampa?
these guys where the reason I started listing to electro music! they are legend
Saddest song ever... or is it just me?
Can't believe Get Lucky has almost 50 times more views than this.
Yeah, I remember listening the other one 50 times more. You got me...
Magic of TV and modern media, if something is popular you can be sure they wanted it to be popular.
Human After All was a much underrated album I feel, there were some great tracks on there (people seem to forget Technologic was on there, and Robot Rock - both of which everyone likes). Ironically this film makes much more sense of it, as after eight years of listening to it I finally worked out a couple of days ago what it works best as - it's an amazing driving album. Seriously, put it on when you have a long drive ahead of you on an open road, it's incredible.
you all got rick rolled
Music got copyrighted so uploader had to change it to something else.
Vieja Vieja Vieja Vieja Vieja Vieja
arruinaste mi manera de escuchar esta cancion ;~;
Copy right bs sucks. This was my favorite video of the song. All driving. At least I can play the song and just mute the video. lol thanks for keeping it up anyway.
I Can’t Hear Human After All
Might as well delete the video rather than keep just the video
Fan since 1997 and I was 9 years old. Fan for life.
this use to be good, but fuck youtube and their shitty copyright policies.
I grew up with the old daft punk so I've always liked their older songs.
I'm not going to rank all their albums because I think they're all equally good, but I really feel like Human After All has by far the deepest, darkest and most powerful message behind it. This album in combination with Electroma. Daft Punk are true artists.
AHH!! SO excited!! I pre-ordered it!! Thank You for being like the BEST EVER!!! ~~Izzyyyy~~
I use Daft Punk for all music sound level checks and everything in the studio, they're an absolute all time great. They got it. Tre Bien!
Most anticipated of 2013 for sure. CAN'T WAIT!!!!
daft punk always makes me so happy.
its sooooo deeeeeeeep that it is beyond our understanding only gods like daft punk can really know the true message of this
I've noticed that all daft punk songs have no dislikes. I thought that's some youtube issue, but I realised that Daft Punk can't be disliked because their music Is so good :)
Its basically that the record labels control the whole music industry now, there's no more independent artists or one hit wonders which usually are the best songs by far. The trouble now is that the record label target young teenagers and older children who can be easily manipulated by trends and popularity, so as long as they make any artist seem popular with the help of their media friends they can literally sell any shit or complete rip offs of older tracks and make a huge profit
Esta canción me trae recuerdos gratos e ingratos, por eso hace que tenga un monton de emociones al mismo tiempo negativas y positivas, me siento en la nada y en todo, vacía y llena, pero no puedo dejar de escucharla (respiro profundo, cero lágrimas y cero risas), demasiado para mí
DAFT PUNK truly amazing how awesome music can be
I also like the idea of thinking that its about the members of Daft Punk wanting to make a personal confession/excuse to the listeners. As if they are tired of their image as Daft Punk and want to move on to the new. Hence no new autonome material has come out under the Daft Punk alias.
daft punk for ever !!!! c'est les meilleur continuer comme sa vous cartonner tous depuis que je suis gamin,!!!!!
i just realized after many years what i heard when i was a child, and im just like:
"heey, i know these tracks, but i could never knew who did it" And yeah.. now im a Daft Punk fan too :D
no one makes music like daft punk... I need more mixes!
this song uses only few words but it's meaning is beautifull...
it makes me feel only a human,so i can't do more than being a human...
I love the way this music seems not to end... to keep going... to getting bigger and bigger... about to explode in a higher rhythm. :D :D :D :D :D
This song is just Genius cause at somepoint it messes with your head and you hear You mad You mad You mad and Yo Man Yo Man Yo Man and OMG this is just awesome!
"You've got daft punked bro' !"
"Oh the humanity !"
This song gives you that sad but good felling inside :)
Discovery+Human After All = Perfect combination
I love this song, it makes me feel Alive
All I hear as far as lyrics go is "U MAD?"
i love it when you type it in on google and half of the pictures are from this movie:p
I feel as though this song expresses the pride of being a human and being apart of the species. When we feel sick with ourselves we must look to the greatness of the human embodiment for inspiration and hope. but that's my opinion.
Skrillex isnt "just noise", the entire Dubstep subgenre is.
Can't wait for new album
Pioneers of modern electronica and dance music
you should GIVE LIFE BACK to this MUSIC
These guys are brilliant.
sounds more like "much in common after all" and that fits the context better aswell
Dude I have to watch this ONE MORE TIME
i love this song. the rythm. nice!
These guys should have the title for best electric / techno music
yeah it's been said that it only took them 6 weeks to make this album. i only like a couple of songs from this album, but their alive 2007 set brought new life into these songs :D
If you dont know he is a youtuber producing great content about technology, he told his top songs and it included this. MKBHD- marques brownlee
this song calms me down :)
We are human... after all
Much in common. After all
Human, human, human, human,
Human, human, human, human,
Human, human, human, human,
Human, human, human after all
HUMAN is the word of the year.
Deadmau5, Daft Punk and Skrillex are my favourite DJs
I'm going to listen to this ONE MORE TIME ;)
Human After All(the song) and THAT CAR(Ferrari 412) and daft punk....its just......:)
That music is very good!
Penso che siano di un altro pianeta !!! Sono unici!!
I had an idea for a really cool professional video for Human After All. It would start out with a man running. Then slowly, he would grow up as he ran. Then the wind would strip away his skin, revealing a terminator-like skeleton. Then, muscle would fly onto the metal, creating a look like a man. While he continued, a suit would fly onto him. As he grew into an old man, he would slow slightly, but continue running. At the end, he falls into a hospital bed. The bed then dumps him in a grave.
i hope this video/song don't get yet another international you tube restriction i'm tired of re-finding the human song with the old cylon robots
Yeah I know what you mean, even mentioning their names in a bad light or good one will keep them in the media and so popular
I thought its a movie about sad robots created by Daft Punk themselves. "Daft Punk's Electroma is a 2006 film by French musical duo Daft Punk. The plot revolves around the quest of two robots (the band members, played by Peter Hurteau and Michael Reich) to become human." - Wikipedia
Because they all are better than the others.
That's an infinite circle, I'm loosing days with it ...
I shall listen to this while driving on a long highway!
People have a right to like or dislike it. I personally don't think this video needs a dislike button but its there because of many horrid songs that exist today we have to hate. This is one of many songs that are not horrid of course.
This tune is so TECHNOLOGIC!
We are human, after all. Fresh uncovered, after all.
I bet there will be thousands and thousands if they will come to Dubai.
After all this time they still have their own amazing style and sense of music.
GOD Bless these guys. +++
We are human after all. Human, human, human, human, after, after, after, human, human after all. That's what I'm hearing here.
Coming back to just say I love Daft Punk- Cool story bro? yeah it is.
my fav from daft punk :)
Is a review Channel for Tech items. "MKB" is the abbreviation for his name and "HD" stands for High Definition. It actually a pretty good channel. oh and he didn't bring me here. I knew DP way before.
so simple and so epic
Actually its about them throwing up after eating asparagus for the first time, and that background noise is actually them throwing up. Then they realize that they probably have much in common with humans.
This song is sooooo catchy!
Favorite song ever.
Thanks Mr. Clarkson
Why is this even bring discussed? The song is about how after all they have been through, they discover that they were humans all along, that they can feel emotion, namely sadness. Haven't any of you seen Electroma?
This is the music of the future!!
I just love this.