This year we used a John Deere 7000 6 row 30 inch planter and used every other row which gives us 5 feet between rows. We marked the tires on top and bottom and dropped a seed down tubes with funnels on top every time the mark came up. That gave us 3.5 feet in the row. Slickest thing we've ever done! Last year we planted 2 acres by hand and it took almost 2 days. This year 5 acres in less than 5 hours.
My neighbor takes the box off of his planter, puts a funnel in the seed tube, then walks alongside the planter dropping his pumpkin seed into the funnel to get the right spacing as his wife drives the tractor. I know another guy that used a plate planter and filled some of the cells in the plate with silicone to get the right spacing for pumpkins.
Last weekend I planted my pumpkins I bought the pumpkin meters. However I did have issues with the different pumpkin seed sizes. The small pumpkin seeds didn't get picked up. I have to figure out how to change the brushes in the meter.
Understood all of it. Great explanation on how
you do your pumpkins. Hope you have a
bountiful harvest this fall.
Very good explanation for that type of planter I guess for the old coles you just change the gearing
This year we used a John Deere 7000 6 row 30 inch planter and used every other row which gives us 5 feet between rows. We marked the tires on top and bottom and dropped a seed down tubes with funnels on top every time the mark came up. That gave us 3.5 feet in the row. Slickest thing we've ever done! Last year we planted 2 acres by hand and it took almost 2 days. This year 5 acres in less than 5 hours.
My neighbor takes the box off of his planter, puts a funnel in the seed tube, then walks alongside the planter dropping his pumpkin seed into the funnel to get the right spacing as his wife drives the tractor. I know another guy that used a plate planter and filled some of the cells in the plate with silicone to get the right spacing for pumpkins.
Last weekend I planted my pumpkins I bought the pumpkin meters. However I did have issues with the different pumpkin seed sizes. The small pumpkin seeds didn't get picked up. I have to figure out how to change the brushes in the meter.