Je me souviens d'un jour à l'armée où je rangeais le magasin avec l'aide d'un ami. La radio était allumée et diffusait du BACH. Mon ami qui avait appris à jouer du piano depuis l'enfance a reconnu son style immédiatement pour l'avoir travaillé et étudié pendant des années. Moi qui n'était qu'un profane je fus ébahi par sa culture mais là où lui ne percevait qu'une progression logique de notes, moi j'avais l'impression de toucher l'infini du bout des doigts. Les années ont passé et je n'ai toujours aucune culture technique de la musique mais la même émotion chaque fois que j'écoute Bach. C'est le ciel qu'il ouvre pour nous, nos coeurs qu'il remplit d'une force incomparable, nos âmes qu'il apaise...
Yep. I have no knowledge of music. I never do. Yet I have loved Bach for the last 40 years ever since college years when I came across it over the radio. Every time I listen to it I seem to be in connection with something most perfect and beautiful and eternal. It touches the heart softly with power.
JS BACH élève l'âme de l'homme à une hauteur que seule la musique peut lui permettre d'atteindre , lui procurant un dynamisme infini tout en le préservant de tte vanité stérile. Merci pour cette très grande interprétation et aux techniciens du film , son et images.
My whole life I have never been so deeply touched and captivated by a piece of music. This Bach cantata hasn't let me go for weeks. Every time I listen to them, which I do very often, I get goosebumps, especially on the bass passage. A special compliment to the musicians and the conductor of the Ensemble Orlando. I don't think there is a better way to render this cantata. The Dutch writer and Bach lover Maarten 't Hart describes the cantata very aptly in his book "Bach und ich"...... as a powerful early work, impressive, dark, moving and great. I would highly recommend this book to any Bach fan.
This music is so exceptional and captivating. The lyrics take me through Christ's death and resurrection so smoothly. Martin Luther wrote it, but Bach gave it life! The performance is outstanding. Can't stop watching it, and always get back to it.
“Reason is the Devil’s greatest whore; by nature and manner of being she is a noxious whore; she is a prostitute, the Devil’s appointed whore; whore eaten by scab and leprosy who ought to be trodden under foot and destroyed, she and her wisdom … Throw dung in her face to make her ugly. She is and she ought to be drowned in baptism… She would deserve, the wretch, to be banished to the filthiest place in the house, to the closets.” [Martin Luther, Erlangen Edition v. 16, pp. 142-148] And again But since the devil’s bride, Reason, that pretty whore, comes in and thinks she’s wise, and what she says, what she thinks, is from the Holy Spirit, who can help us, then? Not judges, not doctors, no king or emperor, because [reason] is the Devil’s greatest whore. [Martin Luther’s Last Sermon in Wittenberg … Second Sunday in Epiphany, 17 January 1546. Dr. Martin Luthers Werke: Kritische Gesamtausgabe. (Weimar: Herman Boehlaus Nachfolger, 1914), Band 51:126, Line 7ff] But in what context was he making such a statement? Here’s an interesting line from a book by John Osborne entitled Luther. “And I sat in my heap of pain until the words emerged and opened out, ‘The just shall live by faith. My pain vanished, my bowels flushed and I could get up. I could see the life I’d lost. No man is just because he does just works… This I know; reason is the devil’s whore, born of one stinking goat called Aristotle, which believes that good works make a good man. But the truth is that the just shall live by faith alone. I need no more than my sweet redeemer and mediator, Jesus Christ.” Remember, Luther was reforming against the unbiblical theological approach of the Catholic church and the pagan approach to knowledge in the Universities of the time, which included its adoption of the Aristotalian view of science and God (which included the earth-centric view of astronomy which later was used by scientists and Catholics to persecute the heliocentric view), and specifically, the idea of dualism, i.e. the separation of the sacred and the secular, reason and faith, the body and the spirit." Poor Soul.
Voilà un excellent rendu pour un dosage presque parfait entre finesse et pesanteur. Une atmosphère de mystère, de temps suspendu avec une économie (pour une fois légitime) de moyens. Un orchestre un tant soit peu trop discret qui laisse la place à un choeur séraphique. Une vision idéale et idéalisée qui ouvre en grand les portes du lithurgique et de la parole divine. Un Bach entièrement tourné vers le mystique et sûrement proche de la réalité de sa composition. C'est assez beau pour entrer en religion sur-le-champ. J'ai bien failli téléphoner à l'évêché après coup...Pffft. Bravo en tous cas à l'ensemble Orlando car bien des interprétations irritantes et modernistes qu'on nous sert depuis longtemps se trouvent effacées par cette poignée de musiciens assez miraculeux sortis d'on ne sais où...On a juste envie de dire "Vous voyez? Ca n'est pourtant pas si compliqué que cela de jouer le grand Kantor..." Il suffit de ne pas faire la course avec son voisin et de laisser se dérouler la partition sans la brusquer ni chercher à rivaliser avec le concurrent. D'y croire quoi!
I grew up listening to the now-unfashionable Bach Guild performance. I'll never forget Hans Braun's growl! This is a superb recording of this most solemn of cantatas.
It was indeed composed originally in 1707 when he was 22, but the version we know (the one played here) is from almost twenty years later. The original is lost, and quite surely he reworked things with time, as he did with many other works.
A delightful rediscovery. In about '71 or '72, I sang as an amateur choral bass in this piece, first in the Temple Saint-Martial at Avignon, then at the Église Saint-Victor in Marseille. This is a beautiful, sensitive rendering - thank you!
Where have I been the last 6 years not to have heard this exquisite mvt 3 - how peaceful! Your subdued Interpretation of this lament is so appropriate for Bach's look-back prior to Resurrection. And his harmonic sweetness gives the entire movement a great sense of calm peace! We are so blessed! Thank you ! Thank you !
Bach was 22 years old when he composed it, he renewed it 20 years later. This Cantata is closer to a Motette, so it is sometimes classified like a Motette.
Do you think the opening complex chorus was written later and added on, or part of the initial cantata? It is similar technically to the opening of BWV80, which we know was written in the 1730's, containing interesting and sometimes chromatic treatments of individual lines in rhapsodic episodes.
Choeur, solistes et orchestre magnifiques, chef remarquable d'intelligence et de sensibilité pour la plus belle interprétation de ce chef d'oeuvre absolu.
I write on the day that this cantata is most apt in the Church year as it is the day before Easter Sunday: Christ Lay in the Tomb. Finally we are seeing Bach performance without ego. Universal pathos right now hasn’t seen as much significance for many decades.
There is no time without crying, while listening to " Christ lag in Todesbanden". Everything drives me crazy. The unitiy of key, which gives such a strong concentration.....the ending "hallelujah" a each verse....Lisandros "Osterlamm" and his pronuncation of "in heißer Lieb gebraten" together with his "hallelujah".... and the lyrics closeness of early christianity to judaism....
A really tremendous performance. All so beautifully interpreted and such accomplished playing under a quietly charismatic conductor. I particularly loved the strings.
This was such a masterful,sensitive,emotional and very expressive rendition of this piece that I have come across in my short lifetime!! And Kudos too,to the conductor for his exquisitely fine and unique interpretation and musical articulations of the phrasings...really the most beautiful I've ever heard of this piece. It left me in a trance and totally in awe,almost as if I were having an outer-body,mind-altering and purely divine,religious,transcendental experience. I'd give this Conductor and his ensemble 10 stars for this performance.Bless them all and glory be to God Almighty,amen!!
@@thetoast144 Thanks for your reply in agreeing with me that this was an exquisite and very moving performance.!!!Now that we are in the Christmas/New Years Holiday Season,I highly recommend you listen next to Bach's Christmas Cantata if you have the opportunity.!!!It's another one of his gems and also appropriate to the season!!!Enjoy and Happy New Year 2023!! No doubt,that Bach was a one of a kind freakin musical genious!! As a piano student I make time to study and practice his music everyday!!!J.S Bach himself was an extremely devoted man of faith and composed music ,to bring into the Church, more believers of the faith and to bolster and deepen their faith.You begin to realize this is true as you not only listen the the music,but also read the words that go along with each Cantata!! Each Cantata is like a sermon of instruction in the faith!!Enjoy and Believe in the Redeemer!!Amen.
Со Светлым Праздником Христова Воскресения! Христос Воскресе! Праздник Праздников, Торжество из Торжеств! Бах вечное украшение праздника! Исполнение инструментальное и вокальное выше всяких похвал, славная дирижерская работа! От сердца к сердцу!
This is one of my all-time favourite cantatas!! It has such an incredible unified tone & that tone can strip away all your emotional defences... Thank you EOF!! 👊👊
Unglaublich sympathisches Ensemble, dieser vibrierende Tenor, dieser Dirigent mit seinem Charme würden mich umhauen, läge ich nicht schon mit Kopfhörer auf dem Sofa. DANKE. much concentration. I felt like watching actual scenes while I'm not Christian and don't even speak German. Music tells me all, and I cry. 【edit】Now I listened to this for the second time, and I totally lost control when Bass aria started, crying out loud for no reason or the reason I had absolutely no idea. It's not just like the singing is excellent but something in it, the whole spirit of this performance that made me broke in tears, unstoppable. This is the best I've ever heard. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Your heart had been touched by the Infinite Unconditional Love through Bach's music. I can't stop listening to all of his Music over a year since I've discovered beauty. May God bless you and your loved ones!
@@jokodubga6535 I made clear that I don't believe God. You need to realize things are much different for those who don't, even when we both appreciate the same beauty.
A veces, cuando mi fe declina y me siento tentado de buscar otra salida de realizacion espiritual, escucho a Bach y en un segundo me siento en presencia del Señor Jesus. Con ninguna otra creacion artistica me sucede,salvo ciertos cuadros de Rouault, otro admirable genio.
Si tu fe declina es que hay una parte de ti que sabe que es mucho mejor actuar correctamente por decisión propia que hacerlo por miedo al castigo. No permitas que la mentira ahogue la mejor de tus dos mitades.
Wonderful, superb! One of the best (if not the best) interpretations of Bach's perhaps best-known cantata. Highlight for the choice of tempi, especially for the duet "Den Tod niemand zwingen kunnt" (in this recording performed by the choir rather than soloists): what sonority, what harmonics! Congratulations to Ensemble Orlando Fribourg. :)
We performed this on Maundy Thursday. Our choir was small but our hearts knew the enormity of what we were singing. We sang “oh Sacred Head now wounded”. I’m crying as I write this.
The Genius that is pure J.S. Bach. The sad part of his life was that overall, Master Bach noted more for being a Kapelmeister than composer. John Phillipe Telemann was at that time a noted composer and both Bach and Telemann were great friends. Telemann was Godfather to one of Bach's Sons.
Great conductor's vision and interpretation of the piece...tempos just right not too fast not too slow and total understanding of the choir and
The pickup by the chorus on "Christ . ." after the orchestra pauses on the Sinfonia's Picardy Third is just incredible: fragile but convicted, quiet yet muscular. This moment is an amazing interpretive accomplishment. That juxtaposition by Bach of a minor, suddenly major, and return to minor third was a period conceit he loved but fortunately never overexploited. But then we are further treated to a wonderful aria by the unforgivably handsome Lisandro Abadie, and final chorus with the most transcendent, wrenching orchestration Bach ever packed into a Cantata, including a succession of appogiatura, a delayed coda on the major VI, and one more, glorious Picardy Third! I love this work and this performance.
@@artivism4068 That's a decent question but I don't know--because You Tube automatically does a "play next video," and so I often unintentionally post a comment for my previous, not current, video playing. And I don't even remember which that was. Sorry!
oh, what a beautiful performance. the balance and dynamic subtleties are absolutely breathtaking. i could barely breathe myself during the second movement. bravi tutti!
Extraordinary (!) Bach (BWV 4; 1708.) was inspired by the cantata of the same name by Johann Pachelbel (1705.) because it refers to the same chorale and also shows stylistic similarities. "Christ is our Easter lamb" - 1 Corinthians 5:6-8. Martin Luther wrote several hymns in German to be used in church services. His hymn "Christ lag in Todes Banden" was based on the Latin hymn "Victimae Paschali Laudes", and first published in 1524. It became a main Easter hymn in German Lutheranism. Its seven verses, together with a short introductory sinfonia, form the eight movements of the cantata.
Excellent accord entre choeurs et instruments. Tempi bien choisis, pas toujours evident dans une église. Une interprétation de première ordre. La direction est claire et inspire les chanteurs d’une façon exemplaire. Merci et bravo.
Je me souviens d'un jour à l'armée où je rangeais le magasin avec l'aide d'un ami. La radio était allumée et diffusait du BACH. Mon ami qui avait appris à jouer du piano depuis l'enfance a reconnu son style immédiatement pour l'avoir travaillé et étudié pendant des années. Moi qui n'était qu'un profane je fus ébahi par sa culture mais là où lui ne percevait qu'une progression logique de notes, moi j'avais l'impression de toucher l'infini du bout des doigts. Les années ont passé et je n'ai toujours aucune culture technique de la musique mais la même émotion chaque fois que j'écoute Bach. C'est le ciel qu'il ouvre pour nous, nos coeurs qu'il remplit d'une force incomparable, nos âmes qu'il apaise...
🕊 💛 👑
der Ort in welchen
das Licht 💛 der Auferstehung 💥 und des musikalischen 🎶 Geschenkes 🎁 Bachs und Gottes 💛 an uns ... hineinstrahlte ... 💛
Yep. I have no knowledge of music. I never do. Yet I have loved Bach for the last 40 years ever since college years when I came across it over the radio. Every time I listen to it I seem to be in connection with something most perfect and beautiful and eternal. It touches the heart softly with power.
JS BACH élève l'âme de l'homme à une hauteur que seule la musique peut lui permettre d'atteindre , lui procurant un dynamisme infini tout en le préservant de tte vanité stérile.
Merci pour cette très grande interprétation et aux techniciens du film , son et images.
My whole life I have never been so deeply touched and captivated by a piece of music. This Bach cantata hasn't let me go for weeks. Every time I listen to them, which I do very often, I get goosebumps, especially on the bass passage.
A special compliment to the musicians and the conductor of the Ensemble Orlando. I don't think there is a better way to render this cantata. The Dutch writer
and Bach lover Maarten 't Hart describes the cantata very aptly in his book "Bach und ich"...... as a powerful early work, impressive, dark, moving and great. I would highly recommend this book to any Bach fan.
This music is so exceptional and captivating. The lyrics take me through Christ's death and resurrection so smoothly. Martin Luther wrote it, but Bach gave it life! The performance is outstanding. Can't stop watching it, and always get back to it.
“Reason is the Devil’s greatest whore; by nature and manner of being she is a noxious whore; she is a prostitute, the Devil’s appointed whore; whore eaten by scab and leprosy who ought to be trodden under foot and destroyed, she and her wisdom … Throw dung in her face to make her ugly. She is and she ought to be drowned in baptism… She would deserve, the wretch, to be banished to the filthiest place in the house, to the closets.”
[Martin Luther, Erlangen Edition v. 16, pp. 142-148]
And again
But since the devil’s bride, Reason, that pretty whore, comes in and thinks she’s wise, and what she says, what she thinks, is from the Holy Spirit, who can help us, then? Not judges, not doctors, no king or emperor, because [reason] is the Devil’s greatest whore.
[Martin Luther’s Last Sermon in Wittenberg … Second Sunday in Epiphany, 17 January 1546. Dr. Martin Luthers Werke: Kritische Gesamtausgabe. (Weimar: Herman Boehlaus Nachfolger, 1914), Band 51:126, Line 7ff]
But in what context was he making such a statement? Here’s an interesting line from a book by John Osborne entitled Luther.
“And I sat in my heap of pain until the words emerged and opened out, ‘The just shall live by faith. My pain vanished, my bowels flushed and I could get up. I could see the life I’d lost. No man is just because he does just works… This I know; reason is the devil’s whore, born of one stinking goat called Aristotle, which believes that good works make a good man. But the truth is that the just shall live by faith alone. I need no more than my sweet redeemer and mediator, Jesus Christ.”
Remember, Luther was reforming against the unbiblical theological approach of the Catholic church and the pagan approach to knowledge in the Universities of the time, which included its adoption of the Aristotalian view of science and God (which included the earth-centric view of astronomy which later was used by scientists and Catholics to persecute the heliocentric view), and specifically, the idea of dualism, i.e. the separation of the sacred and the secular, reason and faith, the body and the spirit."
Poor Soul.
Danke für JSB Soli deo Gloria! Manfred Spuhn
Thank you Very lively interpretation, vocalists , musicians and enthusiasts conductor 😊
The music of Johann Sebastian Bach travels across time, is getting younger with every passing decade. Thank you, Master!
Voilà un excellent rendu pour un dosage presque parfait entre finesse et pesanteur. Une atmosphère de mystère, de temps suspendu avec une économie (pour une fois légitime) de moyens. Un orchestre un tant soit peu trop discret qui laisse la place à un choeur séraphique. Une vision idéale et idéalisée qui ouvre en grand les portes du lithurgique et de la parole divine. Un Bach entièrement tourné vers le mystique et sûrement proche de la réalité de sa composition. C'est assez beau pour entrer en religion sur-le-champ. J'ai bien failli téléphoner à l'évêché après coup...Pffft. Bravo en tous cas à l'ensemble Orlando car bien des interprétations irritantes et modernistes qu'on nous sert depuis longtemps se trouvent effacées par cette poignée de musiciens assez miraculeux sortis d'on ne sais où...On a juste envie de dire "Vous voyez? Ca n'est pourtant pas si compliqué que cela de jouer le grand Kantor..." Il suffit de ne pas faire la course avec son voisin et de laisser se dérouler la partition sans la brusquer ni chercher à rivaliser avec le concurrent. D'y croire quoi!
Absolutely beautiful. I listen to this at least once weekly, and believe it is the best version of this Bach masterpiece that I have ever heard.
My favorite cantate! There are times, i listen to this Every day. Addicting
ja, ich stimme zu.
It is nice, but for me it moves too slowly. I prefer the Cantata Iche Habe Genung:
it's so sacred!
Richter's 1969 performance is far superior imo
I grew up listening to the now-unfashionable Bach Guild performance. I'll never forget Hans Braun's growl! This is a superb recording of this most solemn of cantatas.
My husband and I sang this in the Lutheran contada choir in Orlando Florida several years ago it brings back memories
Lovely and stunning. One of Bach's first cantatas composed when he was still a very young man and already a master piece.
Yes - it's hard to believe this was an early work.
It was indeed composed originally in 1707 when he was 22, but the version we know (the one played here) is from almost twenty years later. The original is lost, and quite surely he reworked things with time, as he did with many other works.
@@yonahzur3755 Thanks for the info interesting!🎉❄❗
@@ronwalker4849 👌👍🎹🎼🎶
A delightful rediscovery. In about '71 or '72, I sang as an amateur choral bass in this piece, first in the Temple Saint-Martial at Avignon, then at the Église Saint-Victor in Marseille. This is a beautiful, sensitive rendering - thank you!
I love that the film cuts before the finale applause. That keeps the focus on the masterpiece and not the performance - though masterful it sure was!
Bach with these angelic voices takes me to seventh heaven. Bravo to the Maestro and to the voices and orchestral players.
BACH is proof of heaven. Such brilliance. We are blessed by his amazing brilliance.
That tenor solo... might just be the most soul touching rendition I've ever been blessed to hear
Where have I been the last 6 years not to have heard this exquisite mvt 3 - how peaceful! Your subdued Interpretation of this lament is so appropriate for Bach's look-back prior to Resurrection. And his harmonic sweetness gives the entire movement a great sense of calm peace! We are so blessed!
Thank you ! Thank you !
La meilleure des interprétations de la cantate 4 de JSB ! Quelle finesse !
Magnifique jean Sébastien Bach superbe prestation l'émotion est toujours au rendez vous j'adore ❤❤❤❤❤
At long last... at LONG LAST... a TRUE "alla breve" in movement 2. Simply phenomenal.
Bach’s music is a confirmation of divinity. Ever amazing, ever moving, ever brilliant!
Bach was 22 years old when he composed it, he renewed it 20 years later. This Cantata is closer to a Motette, so it is sometimes classified like a Motette.
Do you think the opening complex chorus was written later and added on, or part of the initial cantata? It is similar technically to the opening of BWV80, which we know was written in the 1730's, containing interesting and sometimes chromatic treatments of individual lines in rhapsodic episodes.
So schön, dass es viele Tränen bringt!
Choeur, solistes et orchestre magnifiques, chef remarquable d'intelligence et de sensibilité pour la plus belle interprétation de ce chef d'oeuvre absolu.
Music for the glory of God and refreshment of the soul.
Without JS Bach "God" would be a second rate entity.
@@gumdeu It's the other way around.
@@georgebreidenthal725 Kind regards to your invisible friend.
@@gumdeu May He be your invisible friend sometime soon as well.
Der Bass am Ende ist einfach unglaublich. EInfach sehr stark Emotional und Bewegend. Danke...und Amen
I write on the day that this cantata is most apt in the Church year as it is the day before Easter Sunday: Christ Lay in the Tomb. Finally we are seeing Bach performance without ego. Universal pathos right now hasn’t seen as much significance for many decades.
There is no time without crying, while listening to " Christ lag in Todesbanden".
Everything drives me crazy.
The unitiy of key, which gives such a strong concentration.....the ending "hallelujah" a each verse....Lisandros "Osterlamm" and his pronuncation of "in heißer Lieb gebraten" together with his "hallelujah".... and the lyrics closeness of early christianity to judaism....
Interpretation superbe . Sans commentaire. Bravo
I have marvelled over this piece for forty years. Composed at the age of 22...¡Dios mio!
Beautiful performance! #4 holds a special place in my heart because it was the first Bach cantata I sang in my university choir many years ago.
Gorgeous. Bach is one of the best we can offer. He floats above us all in being beyond worldly things.
Incredible soloists!!! The tenor is suberb!
Magnifique interprétation
It is just so beautiful, so beautiful.
Magnifique musique
Quel joie et bonheur d’écouter de la musique classique
Foi um privilégio ter participado deste momento!
The conductor is magnificent. You can just see he is familiar with every single note.
Solti Deo Gloria! Alles den Leitung und den Orchester und Solist,Allelujah! István Salacz
A really tremendous performance. All so beautifully interpreted and such accomplished playing under a quietly charismatic conductor.
I particularly loved the strings.
Transcendent piece of work and excellent interpretation
So eine innige und einfühlsame Interpretation!
Unbelievable beautiful, interpreted with commitment and humility to God and Bach....Thank you....
I like this conductor and the vocal quality of this ensemble.
Bravo à tous ces magnifiques musiciens qui y mettent tout leur coeur et tout leur talent.Quel chef-d'oeuvre du Kantor!
This was such a masterful,sensitive,emotional and very expressive rendition of this piece that I have come across in my short lifetime!! And Kudos too,to the conductor for his exquisitely fine and unique interpretation and musical articulations of the phrasings...really the most beautiful I've ever heard of this piece. It left me in a trance and totally in awe,almost as if I were having an outer-body,mind-altering and purely divine,religious,transcendental experience. I'd give this Conductor and his ensemble 10 stars for this performance.Bless them all and glory be to God Almighty,amen!!
couldn't have said it better than myself... first time listening, very nice.
@@thetoast144 Thanks for your reply in agreeing with me that this was an exquisite and very moving performance.!!!Now that we are in the Christmas/New Years Holiday Season,I highly recommend you listen next to Bach's Christmas Cantata if you have the opportunity.!!!It's another one of his gems and also appropriate to the season!!!Enjoy and Happy New Year 2023!! No doubt,that Bach was a one of a kind freakin musical genious!! As a piano student I make time to study and practice his music everyday!!!J.S Bach himself was an extremely devoted man of faith and composed music ,to bring into the Church, more believers of the faith and to bolster and deepen their faith.You begin to realize this is true as you not only listen the the music,but also read the words that go along with each Cantata!! Each Cantata is like a sermon of instruction in the faith!!Enjoy and Believe in the Redeemer!!Amen.
Со Светлым Праздником Христова Воскресения! Христос Воскресе! Праздник Праздников, Торжество из Торжеств! Бах вечное украшение праздника! Исполнение инструментальное и вокальное выше всяких похвал, славная дирижерская работа! От сердца к сердцу!
Bach es el padre de la música, sus ovras sublimes llegan al alma, saludos desde Chile 🎼🎶❤
Immer unfassbar gefasst, offenbar sogar der junge Bach. Danke aus Flandern.
Absolutely amazing. I wish I could listen to this music live some time.
We are so blessed.
We are hearing Bach better than Bach heard it himself.
Magnifique Très bel ensemble !Sublime final!
This is one of my all-time favourite cantatas!! It has such an incredible unified tone & that tone can strip away all your emotional defences... Thank you EOF!! 👊👊
All the movements are in e minor, which for sure makes it sound "unified".
@@TheSimLord True true... plus each starts with B to A#... which also gives that unique shared characteristic... 🎶👊
Phenomenal recording. Love Lisandro Abadie in Hier ist das rechte Osterlamm.
A very subtle balance between musicians, choristers and soloists. Second movement reaches a poetical climax. I decide to subscribe
Unglaublich sympathisches Ensemble, dieser vibrierende Tenor, dieser Dirigent mit seinem Charme würden mich umhauen, läge ich nicht schon mit Kopfhörer auf dem Sofa. DANKE.
Immer wieder eine ganz besondere Freude. much concentration. I felt like watching actual scenes while I'm not Christian and don't even speak German. Music tells me all, and I cry. 【edit】Now I listened to this for the second time, and I totally lost control when Bass aria started, crying out loud for no reason or the reason I had absolutely no idea. It's not just like the singing is excellent but something in it, the whole spirit of this performance that made me broke in tears, unstoppable. This is the best I've ever heard. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Your heart had been touched by the Infinite Unconditional Love through Bach's music. I can't stop listening to all of his Music over a year since I've discovered beauty. May God bless you and your loved ones!
This music not tells you all.
It's God that tells you all through music and then you cry. Bach can do anything through Jesus Christ that bless him.
@@jokodubga6535 I made clear that I don't believe God. You need to realize things are much different for those who don't, even when we both appreciate the same beauty.
A veces, cuando mi fe declina y me siento tentado de buscar otra salida de realizacion espiritual, escucho a Bach y en un segundo me siento en presencia del Señor Jesus. Con ninguna otra creacion artistica me sucede,salvo ciertos cuadros de Rouault, otro admirable genio.
Si tu fe declina es que hay una parte de ti que sabe que es mucho mejor actuar correctamente por decisión propia que hacerlo por miedo al castigo. No permitas que la mentira ahogue la mejor de tus dos mitades.
@@gumdeu gracias por tu comentario tan sabio. disculpa por no haberte respondido antes.
Merveilleux Orchestre fribourgeois !
Authenticité, technicité, subtilité, et toujours ce parfum de l'époque classique...
tenía trece años y escuché por primera ez esta cantata. ¡Me gustó muchísimo!
Amazing conductor.
That bass is badass! 5 strings and enormous tuning pegs. I need one!
A wonderful rendition. More words are not needed.
I had the very privilege of singing this Cantata back in 1995. A memory for life at no doubt. Fantastic rendition here.
Bestaat er hogere zang, mooiere muziek tot eer van God ?
Hoe heerlijk is ons luisteren naar Bachlot.
Gracias, gracias, gracias. Saludos cordiales y muchas bendiciones para todos ustedes por presentarnos estas bellezas.
bach had to write a new chorale every day and I'm glad he did because without doing that we wouldn't have this beautiful music
Wonderful, superb! One of the best (if not the best) interpretations of Bach's perhaps best-known cantata. Highlight for the choice of tempi, especially for the duet "Den Tod niemand zwingen kunnt" (in this recording performed by the choir rather than soloists): what sonority, what harmonics! Congratulations to Ensemble Orlando Fribourg. :)
We performed this on Maundy Thursday. Our choir was small but our hearts knew the enormity of what we were singing. We sang “oh Sacred Head now wounded”. I’m crying as I write this.
Magnifique. Mille Mercis Jean-Sébastien et mille mercis à chacun de vous.
The Genius that is pure J.S. Bach. The sad part of his life was that overall, Master Bach noted more for being a Kapelmeister than composer. John Phillipe Telemann was at that time a noted composer and both Bach and Telemann were great friends. Telemann was Godfather to one of Bach's Sons.
Wie fantastisch! Danke! Ich weine.
A masterpiece and an adequate performance: Joyful and nice.
Wunderbar gesungen die Osterkantate,Text und Melodie von Martin Luther
Such stunning music so beautifully performed! Such a blessing to be able to listen to on UA-cam.
Great conductor's vision and interpretation of the piece...tempos just right not too fast not too slow and total understanding of the choir and
The pickup by the chorus on "Christ . ." after the orchestra pauses on the Sinfonia's Picardy Third is just incredible: fragile but convicted, quiet yet muscular. This moment is an amazing interpretive accomplishment. That juxtaposition by Bach of a minor, suddenly major, and return to minor third was a period conceit he loved but fortunately never overexploited.
But then we are further treated to a wonderful aria by the unforgivably handsome Lisandro Abadie, and final chorus with the most transcendent, wrenching orchestration Bach ever packed into a Cantata, including a succession of appogiatura, a delayed coda on the major VI, and one more, glorious Picardy Third! I love this work and this performance.
can you please tell me at what minute and second into the music this moment is???
@@artivism4068 That's a decent question but I don't know--because You Tube automatically does a "play next video," and so I often unintentionally post a comment for my previous, not current, video playing. And I don't even remember which that was. Sorry!
Christ is risen
Божественная музыка, бальзам для души 🙏
Beautiful! I listen to every sunday morning.
A Masterly Performance !. Superb All Round. Wonderful Sound. Many Thanks, Greetings From Scotland.
oh, what a beautiful performance. the balance and dynamic subtleties are absolutely breathtaking. i could barely breathe myself during the second movement. bravi tutti!
Exquisite interpretation; masterfully performed, led by a sensitive and gifted conductor.
Leave it to this great Swiss group to capture the intricate clockworks of Bach with such precision and grace!
Addictive. Beautiful.
Extraordinary (!) Bach (BWV 4; 1708.) was inspired by the cantata of the same name by Johann Pachelbel (1705.) because it refers to the same chorale and also shows stylistic similarities. "Christ is our Easter lamb" - 1 Corinthians 5:6-8. Martin Luther wrote several hymns in German to be used in church services. His hymn "Christ lag in Todes Banden" was based on the Latin hymn "Victimae Paschali Laudes", and first published in 1524. It became a main Easter hymn in German Lutheranism. Its seven verses, together with a short introductory sinfonia, form the eight movements of the cantata.
One of my favorite Bach Cantatas and performed beautifully by this ensemble! So delighted I found this Easter treasure right before Good Friday.
Beautiful job, People
beautiful performance....such moving music.
The Christ lives!
Just superb, superb. And it dances, as it should.
dasWesen dieser Musik außergewöhnlich gut getroffen. Sehr durchdacht und ergreifend musiziert.
Great music, great interpretation👏👏👏
Me gusta mucho esta versión delicada, respetuosa y elaborada de un clásico. Gracias.
Beautiful Performance, 1a Soloists!! Thank you!
And a couple of friends who I love were on the right side of the conducteur! Michel has the most lovely bass voice, Héléne soprano!
Great performance! Halleluja!
a beautiful performance, even BWV 4 being favourite one
Excellent accord entre choeurs et instruments. Tempi bien choisis, pas toujours evident dans une église. Une interprétation de première ordre. La direction est claire et inspire les chanteurs d’une façon exemplaire. Merci et bravo.
What Artwork ! What Interpretation !
Nice tempo. Full chorus throughout the movements a nice change from soloists. Excellent performance
Nádhera....vďaka za krásny zážitok všetkým interpretom.
Extraordinary performance.