0:07 Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir (Chor) 4:57 So du willst, Herr (Arioso) 9:24 Ich harre den Herrn (Chor) 13:27 Meine Seele wartet auf den Herrn (Arie) 19:05 Israel hoffe auf den Herrn (Chor)
@@agathapestal8844 He sings „So du wild“, so you wild. translate If you are wild. willst = german want. So you want impute sin, he will pass, for forgiveness is with you.
Berührend, zu Tränen rührend! Weitab von den Unbilden des Lebens im Jahre 2023. Und doch weit hereinreichend. So lange es diese Musik gibt, können wir den Widrgkeiten dieser Zeit widerstehen - dem alten Drachen trotzen. Wie Tröstlich. Ich wünsche, dass sich viele Menschen unserer Zeit, die verzweifeln mögen, davon trösten und aufrichten lassen.
Zu der Zeit hatten die Leute wsl denselben Boomer Take und meinten Bach ist doof und nur Renaissance Musik ist "zu Tränen rührend". Euch Deppen hat's schon immer gegeben.
Die Kantate "begleitet" mich die Tage. Ich denke an die Situation in der Welt, die Hybris der Menschen, die fehlende Demut, den Egoismus, ... und wünschte, man möge sich auf das besinnen, was Bach hier schrieb ...
One of the many things I love about the Netherlands Bach Society's concerts is being able to feast on the architectural features of the various churches in which the performances take place, which is only fitting for Bach's music.
A fantastic performance. The precision, the clarity, the expression, the ensemble. Just wonderful! Your videos are a source of constant joy to me. Thank you.
I once had the honor and pleasure of singing this tenor part ( Meine Seele Wartet Auf Den Herrn) in a concert given in Connecticut. It is a work of such profound grace, mystery, and speaks to me of feelings that only Bach would understand.
I always come to this cantata whenever I feel at my lowest. This is Good giving us a glimpse of his beauty and love through the music of Bach. I thank God for his existence and the many hours this music has come like a prayer whenever I feel bad.
@@romanbotero8734 my personal faith has been largly lost.through 30 years of serving the church through music..this music however makes me want my faith back..in the worst way..
@@alpinoalpini3849 Who on earth are you to say it is irrelevant? Do you have some insight into what was occurring within his mind, heart, and spirit during his lifetime composing these pieces?
I have often rivisited the many Bach's cantatas performed by NBS and the deeper I go into them the more I appreciate these remarkable renditions from the technical and the emotional point of view. Thank you so much for taking the love of music so seriously and professionally.
For this incredible, and almost inconceivably profound piece of music to have been written by a lad just a couple months past the age of 22, really makes one wonder. Anyone who ever doubted that J.S. Bach was a true genius, and a very unique gift to humankind, needs to ponder this...several times over...and then some. There must have been at least a few folks in the audience then that were suddenly struck dumb with the sheer power, weight, and majesty of what they'd just heard, and experienced. An awe inspiring and auspicious event for sure. // This is another great NBS production and performance...I especially love the placement of the vocalists. NBS, never cease...ever.
The moment the Chorale is being sung through the aria i always have to cry, because devine perfection is being reached in composition, tho Oboe, the continuo, the lead singer all go their own way individually and create immense beauty, suddenly are melted together by the chorale melody...... and i melt
I have listened to this over and over, and the more I listen the more I like it. I am totally impressed by the presentation of the ensemble's superb singing and accompaniment. I especially like the 2nd movement, in which Mr. Berndt conveys the deepest penitence without being overly sentimental.
I'm shocked how gentle that is from 10:00. I always imagine Bach as a healthy, strong, very positive man with firm believe, but he is also extremely sensitive.....a true magic.
Pour moi la plus belle version en vidéo ❤. Tempi parfaits, les voix , le hautbois surtout sont tellement justes dans leur expression . Rhétorique et l'agogique sont maîtrisés dans les moindres détails! Bravo!!
Thank you so much for these super excellent performances. This channel is a treasure. I don't know of anything else that makes me feel the way this Cantata and video makes me feel 🙏
Klar, bewegt und tief bewegend ohne jede Sentimentalität. Klanglich fein ausgewogen. Der Kontrast Solisten/ Chor, der hier fehlt, würde aber selbst bei einem kleinen Chor dem Klangbild etwas mehr Profil verleihen.
Великолепный концерт и прекрасные голоса, которые интерпретируют музыку маэстро Баха. Потрясающее исполнение, музыкальный восторг. Спасибо вам всегда за то, что поделились этим музыкальным гением со всеми нами.
NBS, thank you for producing and capturing so many immaculate performances. I've been listening to this particular cantata since it was released. I'm not religious, but it really gives you a spiritual experience. Such a masterpiece.
How wonderful to hear some very early Bach. This is a cantata that I have not paid too much attention to, sadly. I shall be returning to this work and this performance often. The overwhelming melancholy pulls at the heart. The light scoring of the work is very pleasing and I was pleased to notice the camera showing us the Bassist and especially the theorbo and to hear the instruments so clearly. As one wag once said: remember the lute; It looks nice.
Thank you so much, NBS! Finally my favourite Bach cantata! I've listened to it easily over a hundred times in the past two years and I still can't believe it. Even for Bach's incomparably high standard this is on a whole different level of genius, utterly precious and ... 10:02 heartbreakingly beautiful!
You are absolutely right!!! Generally speaking Bach's music is of an incredible level of quality and craftmanship, but there are so many moments in his compositions, where he touches levels of depth and inspiration that are difficult to comprehend. This Cantata is one of these moments. Finally he was in his early twenties when he composed this masterpiece!!!
I love these men and women. Great singers and wonderful instrumentalists. The Netherlands Bach Society should be awarded a special Nobel Prize for exceptional excellence. I have never heard such humanity, such exquisite perfection, such modesty of presentation. I have loved Bach all my life, so to discover this work after all these years - is astonishing to me.
Ich harre den herrn makes me just cry buckets everytime i hear it...the most profound and beautiful expression of inconsolable grief i think i have ever heard
Für mich die ergreifendste, beste und seelenvollste Aufnahme einer der schönsten Bach-Kantaten! Dorothee Mields, Charles Daniels und auch alle anderen: Sie sind die Besten! Danke allen Beteiligten von ganzem Herzen!
I'm sitting here, trying to work, editing photographs for a commission, listening to this, and I don't mind admitting I'm in bits, as they say! Knowing that my father, Stephen Wilkinson MBE b. 1919, is in the very last days of his life, 150 miles away, at home. At the age of 101 he's had a long, family life, and worked as a musician, choral conductor, composer, with a particular love for Bach and Byrd. He was even working until quite recently, as well as still trying figure out 3-part Inventions! Thankfully, this sudden turn in his health is not C19 related; although C19 has preculded visits, he is comfortable and peaceful. This cantata, this performance, as indeed much of what NBS produces, is deeply moving, and at this particular moment in time has knocked me for a six, but in a personaly painful, but ultimately helpful, healing way! Thank you :)
Thoughts with you and your father's family. What a distinguished life of service to music and music-making! I hope you are able to be there with him and comforting each other as rules on locking down and isolation change.
Despite how early in Bach's career he composed this beautifully intense cantata, it surely seems among his very greatet Cantatas - and I'm familiar with several dozen.
Sublime esecuzione!! Questa cantata e questa esecuzione fanno gioire e soffrire! Non si riesce a non essere coinvolti dal coro: Ich harre del Herr! Solo Dei Gloria!
“[T]he best proof we have that life is good, and therefore that there may perhaps be a God after all who has our welfare at heart, is that to each of us, on the day we are born, comes the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. It comes as a gift, unearned, unmerited, for free.” Coetzee, Diary of a Bad Year
Thank u for all of Bach! Through this I am finding so many Bach pieces which I haven't known before. Like this one it's absolutely gorgeous! And as always are your interpretations of the pieces the best ones out there.
The ending is not a plagal cadence (which would be iv-i, i.e. dfa ace). It is an old phrygian mode cadence (vii6-I, bflat-d-g ac#e). It got transformed during the 18th century into what we now call half cadence (iv-V).
Wunderschöne Aufführung dieser kompakten und perfekt komponierten Kantate mit gut harmonisierten und perfekt vereinigten Tönen aller historischen Instrumente sowie himmlischen Stimmen vierer genialen Solisten. Der erfahrene Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Ensemble im gut phrasierten Tempo und mit sorgfältig kontrollierter Dynamik. Erstaunlich, dass die authentische Tradition der deutschen Barockmusik nun in den Niederlanden besser konserviert ist!
Ich höre Musica Gloria zum ersten Mal - und bin begeistert! Bachs Musik mit solch, tatsächlich „jugendlicher“, Kraft, Frische, Unmittelbarkeit, ja: weltlicher Bodenständigkeit dargeboten zu bekommen, die doch bis ins Transzendente reicht: das ist einmalig! Bitte: weitermachen, noch besser werden - ihr werdet in 10 Jahren oder so das absolute Spitzenensemble für alte Musik sein. Alles Gute!
I am a simple American but I love this! I wish I knew what type of pitch the gentlemen is singing in the middle. In my mind I do wonder why this music is not as popular as the big stars now. I mean those singers and musicians here in the video are extremely perfectionist as well as conductor.
Superb! Thank you. My first time listening to this Cantata performed by anyone. So glad it's you, though! ...and absolutely spirit-lifting for me during these early days of UK COVID lockdown...thinking of you guys over there, too! :) Stay safe.
I directed the middle chorus for our church choir years ago. Layer upon layer of exquisite beauty! Clearly God inspired. What a magnificent performance to hear on this Day of Atonement.
What a performance, I am deeply moved, singing by myself since many years in different choirs, I know about the challenge and timings. So thankfull, to be able to take part in those times, in listening to such a brilliant music!
It is believed that Bach wrote this deeply moving cantata in the early days of June in 1707 after the devastating fire of Mühlhausen. With the entire town and two churches burned to the ground, some scholars imagine that it was first performed open air ... surrounded by the smouldering ruins of what was left of the town. Whether Bach himself lost loved ones is unknown, but countless died on that tragic night: Stadtarchiv Mühlhausen, handschriftliche Chronik der Stadt Mühlhausen, Sign. 61/19, S. 566: Anno 1707 d. 30 Maij (den Montag nach Rogate, oder den Montag vor Himmelfahrt) entstund allhier zu Mühlhausen des Abends [seitlich eingefügt: auf dem Kornmarckt an der Rathsgaße Ecke in der Harbe,] ein erschrecklicher Brand oder Feuers-Brunst, welcher von halb 10 Uhr bis den 31 Maij frühe um 6 uhr dauerte, dardurch der dritte Theil dieser guten Stadt an 300 Wohn-Häusern nebst Scheuern u. Ställen, jämmerlich in die Asche gelegt worden, u. hatte es viel ehrliche Leüte, welche Anno 1689 den großen Brand erlitten, dießmals wieder betroffen, es war erschrecklich anzusehen gewesen, wie die Flammen durch einen starcken Wind getrieben so geschwind die gebäude niedergelegt u. verzehrt. Und dieses war nun in 50 Jahren der 4te große Brand, unter welchen der Anno 1689 der erschrecklichste gewesen, darinnen 32 heile, bis auf 200 Gebäude, in wenig Stunden damals niedergeleget worden. Stadtarchiv Mühlhausen, Fragmente einer Chronik 1533-1802, Sign. 61/18, Blatt 93v: Den 30ten Maij des Abends um 10 Uhr ist auf dem Korn Marckte an der Raths-Gaßen Ecken ein Feüer aus kommen, welches in kurtzer Zeit den gantzen Korn Marckt einnahm, dieweil die Bürger eben zurselbigen Zeit im ersten Schlaffe waren, ehe nun dieselbigen zum Feuer kamen, ward es, so groß, daß es nicht zu Löchen war, denn es Brante von der Raths Gaße an die folchte Gaßen auf einer Seiten, (2) die Barrfüßer Gaße 3) die Linsen Gaße bis an den Korn-Marckt, 4) Unter den Nußbaum 5) Die Göllners Gaße, 6) Die Viehgaßen 7) Die Kurtze Görmar Gaßen alle, 8) Die gr[oße]. Görmar Gaße auf einer Seite nach d. Erffurther Gaßen zu alle, und die andere Seite bis an die Allerheiligen Gaßen, 9) die Weber Gaße, 10) Die Erffurther Gaßen auf der eine Seiten nach der Görmer Gaßen zu, 11. Die Kilians Gaßen auf beyden seiten, 12) die Kirch Gaße, 13) Hinter St. Kiliani 14) Die Kilinas Kirche, es brante von 10 Uhre des Abends biß des Morgens 3 Uhr, da der völlige Tag da[,] war[en] 241 Wohnhäuser ab. Es sind auch 2 Jung Gesellen dabey umkommen in der Kilians Gaße, den Einen hatt eine Wand todt geschlagen, ist aber nicht verbrandt, sondern deran, dero ein Schuhknecht ist recht eingeäschert und verbrannt, daß man nur noch die Knochen noch [sic] funden hatt, ist auf den Blasij Kirch Hoff begraben worden, den ersten aber, welchen die Wandt erschlagen hatt, hieß Heinrich Schilling ist auf Himmelfarth auf dem Kilians Kirchhoff begraben worden, und ward ihm die Leichen Predigt auf dem Kirchhofe gehalten, weil die selbe Kirche mit abgebrandt war.
Simplesmente incrível. Excelente música. Que alegria poder escutar vocês em meio a essa pandemia. Espero poder estar ao vivo assistindo esse espetáculo artístico quando passar esse caos. Parabéns. Divino...
0:07 Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir (Chor)
4:57 So du willst, Herr (Arioso)
9:24 Ich harre den Herrn (Chor)
13:27 Meine Seele wartet auf den Herrn (Arie)
19:05 Israel hoffe auf den Herrn (Chor)
So Du willst- If you want.
@@TheAklang i think it would more be comparible to "If you will"
@@agathapestal8844 He sings „So du wild“, so you wild. translate If you are wild. willst = german want. So you want impute sin, he will pass, for forgiveness is with you.
9:24 Ich harre des Herrn (Chor)
Berührend, zu Tränen rührend! Weitab von den Unbilden des Lebens im Jahre 2023. Und doch weit hereinreichend. So lange es diese Musik gibt, können wir den Widrgkeiten dieser Zeit widerstehen - dem alten Drachen trotzen. Wie Tröstlich. Ich wünsche, dass sich viele Menschen unserer Zeit, die verzweifeln mögen, davon trösten und aufrichten lassen.
Zu der Zeit hatten die Leute wsl denselben Boomer Take und meinten Bach ist doof und nur Renaissance Musik ist "zu Tränen rührend". Euch Deppen hat's schon immer gegeben.
Die Kantate "begleitet" mich die Tage. Ich denke an die Situation in der Welt, die Hybris der Menschen, die fehlende Demut, den Egoismus, ... und wünschte, man möge sich auf das besinnen, was Bach hier schrieb ...
Tökéletesen egyetértek! 130.zsoltár😇
Wie wunderbar eine Musik mit Ewigkeitswertigkeit!Danke dafür,Trost und Hoffnungsfroh!
There are times when Bach's blend of instruments and voices just takes the breath away.
I think that is most of the time.
Bach ist immer in meinem Leben Trost und Freude,solange ich lebe,im Himmel wird Bachs Musik vertreten sein und Er auch!
One of the many things I love about the Netherlands Bach Society's concerts is being able to feast on the architectural features of the various churches in which the performances take place, which is only fitting for Bach's music.
God bless all these beautiful humans with their great gift to me.
Voices of heaven!
A fantastic performance. The precision, the clarity, the expression, the ensemble. Just wonderful! Your videos are a source of constant joy to me. Thank you.
"Ich harre den Herrn" is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.
That tenor is awesome!! So lyrical and precise with a wide range.
I once had the honor and pleasure of singing this tenor part ( Meine Seele Wartet Auf Den Herrn) in a concert given in Connecticut. It is a work of such profound grace, mystery, and speaks to me of feelings that only Bach would understand.
Wow, just wow. Thank you for sharing.
I always come to this cantata whenever I feel at my lowest. This is Good giving us a glimpse of his beauty and love through the music of Bach. I thank God for his existence and the many hours this music has come like a prayer whenever I feel bad.
Beautiful comentary...!
@@romanbotero8734 my personal faith has been largly lost.through 30 years of serving the church through music..this music however makes me want my faith back..in the worst way..
@@alpinoalpini3849 Who on earth are you to say it is irrelevant? Do you have some insight into what was occurring within his mind, heart, and spirit during his lifetime composing these pieces?
omg, Meine Seele harret is at the perfect tempo and all the voices and the instrument meld together so seamlessly!
I have often rivisited the many Bach's cantatas performed by NBS and the deeper I go into them the more I appreciate these remarkable renditions from the technical and the emotional point of view. Thank you so much for taking the love of music so seriously and professionally.
For this incredible, and almost inconceivably profound piece of music to have been written by a lad just a couple months past the age of 22, really makes one wonder. Anyone who ever doubted that J.S. Bach was a true genius, and a very unique gift to humankind, needs to ponder this...several times over...and then some. There must have been at least a few folks in the audience then that were suddenly struck dumb with the sheer power, weight, and majesty of what they'd just heard, and experienced. An awe inspiring and auspicious event for sure. // This is another great NBS production and performance...I especially love the placement of the vocalists. NBS, never cease...ever.
The moment the Chorale is being sung through the aria i always have to cry, because devine perfection is being reached in composition, tho Oboe, the continuo, the lead singer all go their own way individually and create immense beauty, suddenly are melted together by the chorale melody...... and i melt
I have listened to this over and over, and the more I listen the more I like it. I am totally impressed by the presentation of the ensemble's superb singing and accompaniment. I especially like the 2nd movement, in which Mr. Berndt conveys the deepest penitence without being overly sentimental.
Dorothee Mields, Charles Daniels... The best Bach-Singer ever!! And all the others, only great... Thank so much! Wish I could hear you live.
Did you manage to?
I managed to hear one NBS concert already, unfortunately not with these two. It was worth the trip.
Genau darum geht es, gerade, jetzt: Meine Seele harret auf den Herrn. Selig und dankbar für diese wundervolle Begleitung in diesen denkwürdigen Zeiten
I'm shocked how gentle that is from 10:00. I always imagine Bach as a healthy, strong, very positive man with firm believe, but he is also extremely sensitive.....a true magic.
Pour moi la plus belle version en vidéo ❤. Tempi parfaits, les voix , le hautbois surtout sont tellement justes dans leur expression . Rhétorique et l'agogique sont maîtrisés dans les moindres détails! Bravo!!
The blend of the soloists is unsurpassed in beauty and skill. I love the theorbo!
...da gehen Herz und Seele auf...vor Freude und Dankbarkeit für diesen musikalischen Balsam
Unbearable sadness. Bach's ability to incorporate intense emotion was there from the beginning of his career.
Such a beautiful performance and great blend between singers and instrumentalists.
Bach brings genius harmony in this wild world. His master's Beauty is simply that.
Thank you so much for these super excellent performances. This channel is a treasure. I don't know of anything else that makes me feel the way this Cantata and video makes me feel 🙏
Perfect for the actual moment we are going through. Thank you for sharing this magnificent masterpiece.
I really don't feel any connection between De Profundis and the inconvenience of not being able to find toilet paper at Costco.
@@herrickinman9303 Once you need to use the score of De Profundis in its place.. thou shallt to the connection awake.
Klar, bewegt und tief bewegend ohne jede Sentimentalität. Klanglich fein ausgewogen. Der Kontrast Solisten/ Chor, der hier fehlt, würde aber selbst bei einem kleinen Chor dem Klangbild etwas mehr Profil verleihen.
Martin Stadler the Oboist must have a mention. He is after all "the Voice of God"! A superb soloist/accompanist!!
Wasn't it the Holy Ghost that the oboe represents?
Sehr schön Vielen Dank
Великолепный концерт и прекрасные голоса, которые интерпретируют музыку маэстро Баха. Потрясающее исполнение, музыкальный восторг. Спасибо вам всегда за то, что поделились этим музыкальным гением со всеми нами.
grazie ❤️ il meglio possibile per questa cantata. incommensurabile
NBS, thank you for producing and capturing so many immaculate performances. I've been listening to this particular cantata since it was released. I'm not religious, but it really gives you a spiritual experience. Such a masterpiece.
Una de las mejores cantatas de Bach. No tiene desperdicio, una delicia del principio al fin.
How wonderful to hear some very early Bach. This is a cantata that I have not paid too much attention to, sadly. I shall be returning to this work and this performance often. The overwhelming melancholy pulls at the heart. The light scoring of the work is very pleasing and I was pleased to notice the camera showing us the Bassist and especially the theorbo and to hear the instruments so clearly.
As one wag once said: remember the lute; It looks nice.
La più bella interpretazione della BWV 131 che abbia mai ascoltato . Grazie infinite
10:04, I've been looking for it all my life!
Thank you so much, NBS! Finally my favourite Bach cantata! I've listened to it easily over a hundred times in the past two years and I still can't believe it.
Even for Bach's incomparably high standard this is on a whole different level of genius, utterly precious and ... 10:02 heartbreakingly beautiful!
You are absolutely right!!! Generally speaking Bach's music is of an incredible level of quality and craftmanship, but there are so many moments in his compositions, where he touches levels of depth and inspiration that are difficult to comprehend. This Cantata is one of these moments. Finally he was in his early twenties when he composed this masterpiece!!!
Bach is beyond words
You can also try Suzuki's version.
The plagal cadence at 13:00 - 13:22 is perhaps the most perfect phrase I have heard.
And he was about 21-22 year old when he wrote this music!!
Wie man hier "Gefällt mir nicht" drücken kann, ist mir ein Rätsel... Ich finde es großartig - vielen Dank!
Sicher aus Versehen... 😉
Um Werk kann man nicht streiten denke ich,aber wie das bei gebracht wurde.Gibt es bessere Interpretation .☺️
Netherlands Bach Society raising my spirits again! Thank you
I love these men and women. Great singers and wonderful instrumentalists. The Netherlands Bach Society should be awarded a special Nobel Prize for exceptional excellence. I have never heard such humanity, such exquisite perfection, such modesty of presentation. I have loved Bach all my life, so to discover this work after all these years - is astonishing to me.
@@Bouncybon exactly ❤️
Ich harre den herrn makes me just cry buckets everytime i hear it...the most profound and beautiful expression of inconsolable grief i think i have ever heard
너무 아름다운 연주에 전율이 느껴지네요.ㅜㅜ
아름다운 연주 감사합니다.
One of the best in a vast line of supreme cantatas by this incredible genius!
Alle sind sehr gut, wunderbar anzuhören und ein sehr schöner Bass. Danke!
Für mich die ergreifendste, beste und seelenvollste Aufnahme einer der schönsten Bach-Kantaten! Dorothee Mields, Charles Daniels und auch alle anderen: Sie sind die Besten! Danke allen Beteiligten von ganzem Herzen!
Ihr seid wunderbar!!!!!!!!! Alles was ich von euch ist so himmlisch gut aufgeführt
interpretazione sublime mi sono commosso grazie.
I'm sitting here, trying to work, editing photographs for a commission, listening to this, and I don't mind admitting I'm in bits, as they say!
Knowing that my father, Stephen Wilkinson MBE b. 1919, is in the very last days of his life, 150 miles away, at home. At the age of 101 he's had a long, family life, and worked as a musician, choral conductor, composer, with a particular love for Bach and Byrd. He was even working until quite recently, as well as still trying figure out 3-part Inventions! Thankfully, this sudden turn in his health is not C19 related; although C19 has preculded visits, he is comfortable and peaceful.
This cantata, this performance, as indeed much of what NBS produces, is deeply moving, and at this particular moment in time has knocked me for a six, but in a personaly painful, but ultimately helpful, healing way!
Thank you :)
Thoughts with you and your father's family. What a distinguished life of service to music and music-making! I hope you are able to be there with him and comforting each other as rules on locking down and isolation change.
Thank you for putting into words what others might want to say in similar circumstancesx
Thank you for sharing your so moving words about your father, wishing him and all your family more good years of peace and tranquility.
May God bring you comfort during these trying times. May this sublime music bring you peace and joy.
Музыка Баха - Дар Небес! Спасибо за совершенство!
Музыка Баха - доказательство того, что Бог существует
One of my favorite Bach pieces!!! I love this channel.
Cantata meravigliosa la prima scritta in giovane età il genio è già presente esecuzione pregevole, fantastici tutti.
Sin dudas Bach es mucho más que música, gracias por tanta belleza
Maravilhosa interpretação. Com Charles Daniels apresentando técnica e sensibilidade em alto grau. Grato a todos da NBS!
Una obra para la humanidad y una interpretación memorable
Despite how early in Bach's career he composed this beautifully intense cantata, it surely seems among his very greatet Cantatas - and I'm familiar with several dozen.
Wonderful cantata and performance! It's been a great pleasure discovering the NBS. Thank you for putting them online.
Sublime esecuzione!! Questa cantata e questa esecuzione fanno gioire e soffrire! Non si riesce a non essere coinvolti dal coro: Ich harre del Herr! Solo Dei Gloria!
This is so beautiful, again I hear something from JSB that I never heard before (I thought) and it stuns me - thank you for the wonderful performance
Tränen fallen aus meinen Augen / lágrimas caem de meus olhos....so schön/ tão lindo
“[T]he best proof we have that life is good, and therefore that there may perhaps be a God after all who has our welfare at heart, is that to each of us, on the day we are born, comes the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. It comes as a gift, unearned, unmerited, for free.” Coetzee, Diary of a Bad Year
Thank u for all of Bach!
Through this I am finding so many Bach pieces which I haven't known before. Like this one it's absolutely gorgeous! And as always are your interpretations of the pieces the best ones out there.
The best ending ever. Don't know the technical term for it. But been loving Bach for years now.
Yes! and it is echoed by the passage 13:00 - 13:10.
A plagal cadence in both cases.
The ending is not a plagal cadence (which would be iv-i, i.e. dfa ace). It is an old phrygian mode cadence (vii6-I, bflat-d-g ac#e). It got transformed during the 18th century into what we now call half cadence (iv-V).
Wunderschöne Aufführung dieser kompakten und perfekt komponierten Kantate mit gut harmonisierten und perfekt vereinigten Tönen aller historischen Instrumente sowie himmlischen Stimmen vierer genialen Solisten. Der erfahrene Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Ensemble im gut phrasierten Tempo und mit sorgfältig kontrollierter Dynamik. Erstaunlich, dass die authentische Tradition der deutschen Barockmusik nun in den Niederlanden besser konserviert ist!
Ich höre Musica Gloria zum ersten Mal - und bin begeistert! Bachs Musik mit solch, tatsächlich „jugendlicher“, Kraft, Frische, Unmittelbarkeit, ja: weltlicher Bodenständigkeit dargeboten zu bekommen, die doch bis ins Transzendente reicht: das ist einmalig! Bitte: weitermachen, noch besser werden - ihr werdet in 10 Jahren oder so das absolute Spitzenensemble für alte Musik sein. Alles Gute!
Perfectly done, it's a very deep text, it has a deeply humility
I am a simple American but I love this! I wish I knew what type of pitch the gentlemen is singing in the middle. In my mind I do wonder why this music is not as popular as the big stars now. I mean those singers and musicians here in the video are extremely perfectionist as well as conductor.
Charles Daniels you mention is a tenor.
@@pamelafrancis4476 awesome he is the man. My last name is Daniels too. Very cool.
Not as popular......? One reason might be that people nowadays have drugs offering instant relieve albeit fake. Deep fake.
We have Bach. We don't need drugs.
Superb! Thank you.
My first time listening to this Cantata performed by anyone. So glad it's you, though!
...and absolutely spirit-lifting for me during these early days of UK COVID lockdown...thinking of you guys over there, too! :) Stay safe.
9:24 Never heard this piece. Wow, I'm tearing up.
Innamorato di questa cantata. E di questa interpretazione! SDG ❤️
Wonderful, thank you very much!
wenn man sich darauf einlässt ist es wunderschön, komplex, emotional - ein bad der gefühle.
¡Buenísimo! Recomendadísimo. Impecable. He quedado impresionada y muy agradecida por esto.
Remarquables interprétations de toutes et tous ! Bravissimo
I always hit thumbs up before I even hear the first notes played and sung by this exquisite ensemble 🙂
el minuto 20:30 es increíble. Me llena el alma. Es hermoso, espero seguir teniendo el privilegio de escucharte toda la vida.
The more problems God gives to me, the more I need to be with Him. Bear your cross is the way to grow.
Finally God saves and delivers me from my sins.
I directed the middle chorus for our church choir years ago. Layer upon layer of exquisite beauty! Clearly God inspired. What a magnificent performance to hear on this Day of Atonement.
This cantata is beyond profound!
Oboist 👏🏻
What a performance, I am deeply moved, singing by myself since many years in different choirs, I know about the challenge and timings. So thankfull, to be able to take part in those times, in listening to such a brilliant music!
Thanks a lot NBS! As usual its a perfect moment f music
It is believed that Bach wrote this deeply moving cantata in the early days of June in 1707 after the devastating fire of Mühlhausen. With the entire town and two churches burned to the ground, some scholars imagine that it was first performed open air ... surrounded by the smouldering ruins of what was left of the town.
Whether Bach himself lost loved ones is unknown, but countless died on that tragic night:
Stadtarchiv Mühlhausen, handschriftliche Chronik der Stadt Mühlhausen, Sign. 61/19, S. 566:
Anno 1707 d. 30 Maij (den Montag nach Rogate, oder den Montag vor Himmelfahrt) entstund allhier zu Mühlhausen des Abends [seitlich eingefügt: auf dem Kornmarckt an der Rathsgaße Ecke in der Harbe,] ein erschrecklicher Brand oder Feuers-Brunst, welcher von halb 10 Uhr bis den 31 Maij frühe um 6 uhr dauerte, dardurch der dritte Theil dieser guten Stadt an 300 Wohn-Häusern nebst Scheuern u. Ställen, jämmerlich in die Asche gelegt worden, u. hatte es viel ehrliche Leüte, welche Anno 1689 den großen Brand erlitten, dießmals wieder betroffen, es war erschrecklich anzusehen gewesen, wie die Flammen durch einen starcken Wind getrieben so geschwind die gebäude niedergelegt u. verzehrt. Und dieses war nun in 50 Jahren der 4te große Brand, unter welchen der Anno 1689 der erschrecklichste gewesen, darinnen 32 heile, bis auf 200 Gebäude, in wenig Stunden damals niedergeleget worden.
Stadtarchiv Mühlhausen, Fragmente einer Chronik 1533-1802, Sign. 61/18, Blatt 93v:
Den 30ten Maij des Abends um 10 Uhr ist auf dem Korn Marckte an der Raths-Gaßen Ecken ein Feüer aus kommen, welches in kurtzer Zeit den gantzen Korn Marckt einnahm, dieweil die Bürger eben zurselbigen Zeit im ersten Schlaffe waren, ehe nun dieselbigen zum Feuer kamen, ward es, so groß, daß es nicht zu Löchen war, denn es Brante von der Raths Gaße an die folchte Gaßen auf einer Seiten, (2) die Barrfüßer Gaße 3) die Linsen Gaße bis an den Korn-Marckt, 4) Unter den Nußbaum 5) Die Göllners Gaße, 6) Die Viehgaßen 7) Die Kurtze Görmar Gaßen alle, 8) Die gr[oße]. Görmar Gaße auf einer Seite nach d. Erffurther Gaßen zu alle, und die andere Seite bis an die Allerheiligen Gaßen, 9) die Weber Gaße, 10) Die Erffurther Gaßen auf der eine Seiten nach der Görmer Gaßen zu, 11. Die Kilians Gaßen auf beyden seiten, 12) die Kirch Gaße, 13) Hinter St. Kiliani 14) Die Kilinas Kirche, es brante von 10 Uhre des Abends biß des Morgens 3 Uhr, da der völlige Tag da[,] war[en] 241 Wohnhäuser ab. Es sind auch 2 Jung Gesellen dabey umkommen in der Kilians Gaße, den Einen hatt eine Wand todt geschlagen, ist aber nicht verbrandt, sondern deran, dero ein Schuhknecht ist recht eingeäschert und verbrannt, daß man nur noch die Knochen noch [sic] funden hatt, ist auf den Blasij Kirch Hoff begraben worden, den ersten aber, welchen die Wandt erschlagen hatt, hieß Heinrich Schilling ist auf Himmelfarth auf dem Kilians Kirchhoff begraben worden, und ward ihm die Leichen Predigt auf dem Kirchhofe gehalten, weil die selbe Kirche mit abgebrandt war.
Thank you so much for presenting this account. Vielen Dank für diesen Beitrag.
This festive cantata was more likley written for the inauguration of the new council in 1708.
Sehr intressant zu lesen!
@@TheOneUpright Festive?
@@TheOneUpright It's not my personal idea of the circumstances but that of Ton Koopman and the Bach-Archiv Leipzig.
Sobriété et beauté d'interprétation
Oh that chorus at 9:24 with its ever-renewing slow suspensions!
superbe, grandiose... merci pour cette superbe interprétation...!!!!
This project is really amazing. Thank you.
Dit project is echt geweldig. Dank u.
One of the Best Performace. Thanks !
Supernally breath-taking. The heavenly cantata raises us to the wellspring Source from whence it came.
Simplesmente incrível. Excelente música. Que alegria poder escutar vocês em meio a essa pandemia. Espero poder estar ao vivo assistindo esse espetáculo artístico quando passar esse caos. Parabéns. Divino...
Great voices. I especially like the male alto (countertenor). Very moving. Bravi tutti!
4th movement is hauntingly beautiful!
Amazing grace!
Thanks for such a great gift!
Just beautiful. Thank you.
Exquisite music to raise the spirit s in these dark times
No conozco de música, pero ésta me impresiona y me lleva a otro nivel... Muchos saludos a losartistas
Enorm ontroerend en troostend, dank jullie wel!