La casa di vetro | Matteo Corradini | TEDxReggioEmilia

  • Опубліковано 22 лип 2024
  • Di cosa parla? O​gni giorno condividiamo dati che giudichiamo irrilevanti, sulle nostre abitudini online. Come le ricerche che facciamo su Google, o i siti web che visitiamo per informarci, fare shopping o semplicemente per svagarci. Ma anche le informazioni che condividiamo volontariamente, come le foto, i like o i post sui social network. Queste azioni, seppur semplici, possono portare a importanti conseguenze ed è indispensabile acquisire spirito critico e consapevolezza riguardo alle nostre abitudini online. Soprattutto se le foto che condividiamo sono dei nostri figli. --- What he talks about -Data on people's online habits that are shared every day and thought to be non-relevant. Google searches or website traffic to get information, to do shopping or for fun; but also intentionally shared information, such as photos, as well as "likes" or posts in social networks. These apparently simple actions can have major consequences, so they should be performed along with a critical mind and awareness in terms of online habits; especially if parents decide to share their children's photos. MATTEO CORRADINI - Cyber security specialist
    Chi è? Hacker etico, studente e atleta. Da sempre ha trovato il giusto connubio per unire le sue passioni ai suoi impegni. Dopo l'esperienza Erasmus in cui ha scritto il blog "Erasmus For An Italian Guy", conosce la figura di Edward Snowden. Da qui nasce il suo interesse verso la Cyber Security, che lo porta a partecipare al "Cyber Defence Discovery Camp", una competizione per giovani hacker a Singapore. La sua sensibilità verso queste tematiche lo conducono ad approfondire i temi riguardanti l'utilizzo dei propri dati in rete. Lavora presso Cyberoo, un'innovativa PMI italiana il cui core business è la Cyber Security.
    MATTEO CORRADINI - Cyber Security Specialist
    Who he is - Matteo Corradini is an ethical hacker, a student and an athlete. He has always found the right way to perfectly match his own personal passions with his work commitments. After his experience with the Erasmus Programme, that he well described in his blog "Erasmus for an Italian guy", he started to read about Edward Snowden. This is where his interest in cyber security comes from, leading him to participate in the "Cyber Defenders Discovery Camp", a competition for young hackers held in Singapore. Security awareness is one of the themes he started to analyse in depth, as well as data protection and online privacy. He is now employed by Cyberoo, an innovative Italian SME whose core business is cyber security. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at