A short update since my previous comment: I have ordered the kit with o-rings from Amazon and have replaced all of them, carefully installed with the transparen grease, by following all the steps in your video. Now the machine works as if it was new! Even if none of the o-rings were cracked or broken, they had lost their elasticity and so they were not sealing as they should. Thanks again, probably if it wasn't for your video, I would have even considered to just buy a new machine as it was so frustrating!
Thanks for these great videos, after 5 attempts of opening up my Delonghi Ecam machine trying to work out what was wrong I managed to fix it with this guide - I bought the tools you used and then replacement O rings from Ebay and replaced them all, following your guide I stripped down and cleaned everything (flow meter, Boiler, every pipe, infuser, Generator). Your refurnishing guide was also very useful. These are by far the best Delonghi repair videos on youtube - Now I'm Enjoying a great espresso this morning - Thankyou!
How simple and easy with such a video, wonderful filmed without any word or music, the best for a good concentration...Tina Turner would say : "Simply the Best"! . Lot of thanks , very useful!!👍👍,
G'day from Australia. Thank you for an excellent, comprehensive guide. All your videos are fantastic. And your generous free advice is appreciated. All the best.
Hello, I also service my Delonghi myself, I've had it for 10 years, Today I replaced all the O-rings and repaired the leaks, everything is back to normal. Your videos are masterful, this is literally how it goes. My coffee machine has already made 34,549 coffees and used 5,110 liters of water. The coffee tastes like the day after purchase. Best regards!!!
I want to thank you for creating and sharing these repair videos. They are excellent and invaluable. I was able to perform a repair and maintenance today on my own. I avoided transporting the unit and waiting 7+ days for the one repair person in my area.
Bonjour , encore merci , pour ce tuto , qui m'a permis de réparer ma Delonghi Dinamica FEB 3535.SB . Ayant trouvé le kit complet en ligne , je n'ai plus d'eau dans le bac à marc 👌. Les cafés se faisait pour ma part étrange , mais tous les rincages arrivaient dans le bac à marc. Et biensur , le café en était impacté en gout . Aucun message d'erreur affiché . J'ai pris mon temps et est suivi ta vidéo a la lettre , c'est parfait ✌. Encore 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏.
Film dodany 3 lata temu, a przydaje się do dzisiaj. Mam Dinamic'ę od 1,5 roku, po 5 miesiącach była w serwisie (zatkany przepływomierz mimo wody z dzbanka filtracyjnego i filtra w zbiorniku). Pakowanie ekspresu i wysyłanie na serwis na 2 tygodnie to mordęga. Nie mówiąc już, w jakim stanie wrócił mimo potrójnego kartonu i wypełnienia. Ostatnio mikroswitch się zblokował i nie widział tacki, miesiąc później puścił oring w zaparzaczu. 3 lata gwarancji, ale chyba musiałbym mieć drugi ekspres na podmianę, żeby normalnie korzystać z serwisu. Zamówiłem uszczelki, switche, smar i ogarniam serwis w 30 minut przy okazji utrzymując czystość w środku. Twoje filmiki bardzo pomagają! Szczególnie przy pierwszej ingerencji, kiedy człowiek się jeszcze trochę cyka.
This is the best video ever for this brewing unit! Thank you for taking the time to film it and share it with us. About to do the same to my machine. In the last month all of a sudden the coffee comes out tepid at best (but the warm up water when I turn the machine on is boiling hot; as the rinse before shutting down). Since I get tons of water in the drip tray just warming up the machine I assume something is up in the brewing unit (fishing for a solution). Since the machine is 10 years old it can't be a bad thing to service it anyway
Superbly detailed. Very many thanks for that. I had a leak into the grounds container and assumed it was an o-ring problem. I managed to source a set of o-rings and took the assembly apart. The o-rings were not broken but the piece shown at 7:11 was: the white flange on the left that the screw goes through had broken into about five pieces. I cleaned it all and replaced the o-rings anyway since I had them and reassembled it just in case it was a worn o-rings after all and that the broken piece was still OK (it seemed to be held in place OK even though I couldn't fit the screw - I had nothing to lose. It continued to drip so I assume it was the broken piece that was the problem so I've ordered a complete assembly.
I had to buy a complete new infuser unit. When fixing it back in place, I sheared one of the fixing screws on the left-hand side. This screw had to cut a new thread in the (tough glass-filled resin) infuser base and I used too much force screwing it in - I should have eased the screw in first and slowly helped it cut the new thread. I couldn't remove the remains of the screw (or rather I didn't want to in case I damaged something else in the process) so I ended up swapping all the plunger, valves, etc over to the infuser I had removed. It all works perfectly now.
Grazie a questi video super dettagliati sono riuscito a riparare la mia macchina del caffè , sapere prima dove mettere le mani non è una cosa di poco conto . Grazie!!
A differenza dell'inizio del video dentro alla valvola non c'é acqua infiltrata. Può comunque dipendere da questa il fatto che perde acqua dentro il contenitore fondi? Sostituendo gli o-ring (che non sembrano danneggiati) potrei risolvere o dipende da altro?
Se le guarnizioni non sono danneggiate, probabilmente è qualcos'altro. Tuttavia, li cambierei se tutto è già smontato. Consiglio di fare un caffè con la cassa aperta e di vedere da dove viene l'acqua.
@@yt.myworks al tatto ho sentito che la meccanovalvola é umida ma non capisco il ounto preciso da dove esce l'acqua. Ho molta acqua anche nella vaschetta raccogli gocci comunque...arriva sempre dalla valvola, se perdesse, o c'é qualche tubicino che la direziona lí? Vedendo il costo complessivo degli o-ring conviene cmq cambiare l'intera meccanovalvola a quel punto, mi basterebbe capire se é quella. Cos'altro potrebbe essere altrimenti?
@@Denisjjj La maggior parte dei problemi si verifica con lo stantuffo di infusione superiore. Ma non posso dire esattamente dove sia l'errore, perché le cause possono essere varie. Consiglio anche di sostituire le guarnizioni del gruppo infusore, forse sono intasate.
@@yt.myworks a macchina aperta ho notato che escono proprio dall'infusore i fondi bagnati...e la vaschetta già subito dopo il risciacquo inizia a riempirsi. Che sia solo il gruppo infusore o altro?
I've seen the exact ring leak in a few machines now. Apparently, it's one that suffers a lot. In one case, the clear plastics got too brittle and the entire unit needed to be replaced. Parts are expensive, unfortunately. Any tips on that?
you prolly dont give a damn but does any of you know of a way to log back into an Instagram account?? I somehow forgot my login password. I would love any assistance you can give me
@Nickolas Connor i really appreciate your reply. I got to the site through google and I'm in the hacking process atm. Looks like it's gonna take quite some time so I will get back to you later when my account password hopefully is recovered.
Merci pour cette vidéo qui m'a bien aidé car j'ai eu le joint de la vanne mécanique de ma Delonghi Dinamica FEB 3535.SB qui a tout simplement cassé 🙁 . Je confirme bien sur Ebay , on a des revendeurs de pièces détachés trés qualifiées avec les plans de montage des joints et les bonnes références . J'en conviens , il faut prendre son temps pour bien trouver la bonne piéce et selectionner le bon vendeur 😉. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
i found a roughly used 4400 and by the looks of it most of the parts are the same so im gonna go through the same process as your showing here thank you very much for the detail!
Very thorough and useful video. Some comments: I think the brewer should be driven to upper position inn order to align the infusor before fixing the two screws. I prefer to use manual tools to have more control and not over tighten screws. I also hope you use food grade silicone 😀
@Tore Wensaas: That's a good tip for aligning the brewing piston. Thanks! I use an electric screwdriver from proxxon with which you have good control. Of course I use food grade silicone grease.
Thanks for the great video! I am experiencing an issue with my Magnifica S espresso machine. Seemingly at random, but quite frequently, the water that should flow from the coffee dispenser instead flows directly from the bottom into the drip tray. This happens both during startup, when the dispenser goes through its initial rinse cycle, and when I press the button to perform a rinse. The hot water flows only to the drip tray and not in the waste container. When I attempt to make coffee, the machine starts pumping water, but after a few seconds, it switches to the cleaning and emptying phase without dispensing any coffee. The ground coffee accumulates as powder in the waste container. Sometimes, I can temporarily resolve the issue by performing multiple rinses to get the water out from the diffuser, but only in 50% of the cases am I able to obtain the desired coffee. On some occasions, however, the machine works correctly right from startup and throughout the coffee dispensing process. I have disassembled everything including the mechanical valve to check if everything was okay. The observations are that there are no o-rings broken, as well as that I see the hot water coming into the mechanical valve but then exiting directly from the little pipe that goes in the steam dispenser/mechanism, and from it the hot water flows from its bottom which is going to the drip tray. For some reasons, the hot water does not go through the infuser but it exit directly from the mechanical valve. As I have not seen cracks or o-rings broken in the mechanical valve disassembly, I'm thinking about if there is not enough strength for the electrical motor to push the infuser up and somehow preventing the mechanical valve to work as designed. Or maybe, even if the o-rings are not broken, they might still be worn off. If you have any view on it it will be great
@@yt.myworks thanks. that one is OK, it is not clogged. Overall what is driving me crazy is the randomness, as sometimes everything works without drippage, but more often is just drips down in the tray...
Hello myworks. Fantastic video and very helpful. Thanks for posting the sizes of the O rings. Please could you let me know where you purchace the O rings from at those sizes as im having trouble to get them at the sizes you mention. Thank you for your help Kind regards
Hi, I recommend purchasing a complete O-ring set for your Delonghi ECAM. I buy in bulk so sizes may not be available individually. You will definitely find a suitable repair kit on eBay or Amazon www.ebay.de/itm/155624710080?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=tVNZkM_MRdm&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=fqjNmJj7Q9S&widget_ver =artemis&media=COPY
Hi brother, it seems my previous comments disappeared. Thanks for such a detailed and very helpful video. Because of your great work I am also going to try cleaning my piston. May I ask that if you would provide the size of o-ring which is appeared at 5: 18 of the video? Thanks
Hi brother,thanks but you did not get my question. The O-ring one I asked was the one showed at the very left @8:01, you did not disclose the size in your entire video. After I dismantled my machine I found it is probably a 4.8/2 O-ring. Also there is another difference - the 5.28/1.78 @8:13 of your video, its size on my machine is actually 4.75/1.78. Wondering why it is different. My machine is 23.420.SW. Anyway, you're my teacher thank you. :)
thanks so much. I have a leak at the top of my machine and I'm pretty sure it's this thing leaking.. buy thats alot of seals and parts to remember where they all go.. im gonna try to do my own repair because the machine is amazing..
Hi thanks for the detailed video! I've an ecam 23.420 that is blocked with the message : insert the brewer group. I tried to clean it (after long battle to extract it because it was not at the right end point) but after 1 coffee it blocks again : do you have any advice and /or video to check why it shows this message? Thanks
This usually happens when the brew group cannot find the right position. It could be that the transmission is worn out. Here is my video on this topic: ua-cam.com/video/HZ8oQUGtPjc/v-deo.html
Sehr gut, mit Maßen der Dichtungen. Das Fett an den Federn soll vermutlich Geräuschen beim zusammendrücken entgegenwirken. Gut wäre es gewesen, zu zeigen wie der Brühlkolben befestigt ist. Es sind ja nicht nur die zwei Inbusschrauben, sondern auch noch 2 Schrauben seitlich vom Antrieb aus.
Hallo. Vielen Dank. Super Video. Nach dem auseinanderbauen nach dieser Anleitung, habe ich festgestellt, dass die beide Federn im Brühkolben gebrochen waren. Habe mich gewundert wie das bei solchen stabilen Federn passieren konnte. Diese werden wahrscheinlich nicht einzeln verkauft? VG.
Hello and thanks for all your effort, it's been really helpful so far. Right now, after 5 or so years of faithful service, it looks as though my Delonghi Dinamica is in need of new seals all around, as well as a new spindle nut. I followed the links from your videos, but these spare parts are currently unavailable in Amazon. Do you have alternative links for these parts (o-ring xl kit, brass spindle nut)? Thanks in advance
Thanks so much for this! Been waiting 2 months for a technician to look at my machine (I'm in Kenya). Decided to try myself after finding your video. I have replaced all o-rings (except the 2 x 6.75mm o-rings as the closest I can find here are 6.07mm). I am still getting a strong jet of water leaking from the seal of the part you are removing at 2:07. I have noticed that the 2 large coil springs are very stiff. I can't seem to push the piston in as far as you are in the video. Could it be that the coil springs have stiffened and need replacing? Having said that, even with coil springs removed, the piston does not move in and out easily. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Hello, on this part 2:07 the o-rings rarely break. I think the error is elsewhere. The two springs are always stiff and do not have to be replaced. You need a lot of strength to press them together. The diameter of all o-rings must not be larger than 1.78 mm. You have to watch everything closely to find the fault. LG
@@yt.myworks I just took the brew piston apart again. I can't see any issue there. All rings replaced with 1.78mm. Seems the more coffee I dose with, the higher pressure the leak from that joint becomes. When brewing a coffee using no beans at all, the leak is still there although very slight. Could the issue be in the brew unit? Perhaps the flow through it is restricted? Or could the alignment be an issue? I did pull the brew unit apart to clean... perhaps I put it back together slightly out of alignment.
Actually, I think I see a hair line crack in the thermoblock just below where part at 2:07 plugs in. Anyway of repairing the crack? Importing a new generator will cost 50 euro just in import costs! Add to that the cost of the generator and shipping.
@@christianocondo5179 I haven't repaired damage like this yet. Can you maybe find a used part somewhere in your country? Sometimes I buy defective machines for spare parts. LG
Hi dude, great video, just went over the entire process myself last weekend and wished I'd found your video earlier. I was checking it out now, because upon re-assembling I was not sure what is recommended for tightening the piston. For sure not all the way, but how much slack? One thing though, I am not sure, but it appears that at 12:00 you have placed the bracket upside down. It might work that way as well, but perhaps the screw will go in too deep and damage its plastic housing? Not sure about it, but I placed it back the other way around which seemed to make more sense... Thought I'd let you know just in case
Hi, the long screw has to be screwed in until the large transparent sleeve no longer moves. You should make sure that the screw turns into the old thread. If this is not the case, then the screw should still be screwed in until the end.
The bottom of the black bracket needs to be flush with the housing when you put it in. Otherwise the screw would not go far enough in and you would bend the bracket in the middle. So what he shows you in the video is correct.
I have one more question. I would like to change the silicon tubing that attaches to the infuser unit and the one that actually dispenses the coffee into the cup. I have spent hours looking for a good parts diagram but not seeing anything that's very helpful. Can you tell me the size of the tubes please and thank you? I believe they are silicone tubes? Thanks so much for your time!!
@Mikey a teflon hose and a silicone hose 3.0x1.5mm are connected to the brew group. You can buy the silicone hose on Ebay. The thick silicone hose is only used for venting and does not have to be replaced.
What could be a reason for NO water coming through? I have recently repaired one where one of the seals at 04:06 wasn't sealing anymore and the unit was leaking water. After replacing the O-ring the unit worked perfectly. I also checked, greased and cleaned everything else. However, now 3-4 months later and probably unrelated, the machine won't spit out water anymore at all. Neither via the water spout or coffee dispenser. The pump is OK (checked with working one), the boiler isn't clogged. I swapped it with a known working piston infuser, and no problems with making coffee or dispensing hot water in that case. The only thing i can think of is the spring valve on top (at the water entry point, before the water spout - coffee dispenser splitter), but that seems to work fine. Before I buy a new piston infuser, I'd like to know if something can be fixed. It's a mechanical part, so I assume everything is servicable. I just can't think of or find the culprit. Thank you for the great video! Kind regards and best whishes.
Great video. Thanks for the effort. Really helpful. I was wondering though, what is the function of the two springs? Does the Brew Infuser move when in operation? It seems to be screwed in place quite solidly.
Hello is there a good diagram and part numbers of what size seals go on each of the parts? Ive seen kits, but no diagram. Im specifically looking to confirm seals on the part @ 2:15 and @ 3:17. Thank you!
what is that small grey piece that sits beneath the spring valve and has a stem that is held to the top cylinder by a small circlips ? and is there a spare part for it ? mine broke at the bottom of that stem where it attaches to the three way manifold, I doubt the break impact in anyway the function but since I opened the machine might as well replace it. Also do you happen to have a step by step assembly guide for the magnifica evo ?
Hi, I think you can only get this part as a used spare part. Every part on the brewing piston has a certain function and is therefore very important, otherwise it can malfunction. In this case I recommend a new brewing piston.
@yt.myworks alright thank you for the answer, indeed I researched the part and it's not available on its own you can only get a new whole piston. I tried some gorilla epoxy glue and the part is holding pretty well, am gonna try this and if it fails I'll buy a new piston. Thanks for the answer
where non earth do you obtain the O rings you describe. and no mention of the spring under the grey bit. is it held in situ by the strange bulbous bit and ? which way up?
Siemka, może dasz radę pomoc. U mnie woda dochodzi do góry zaparzacza ale nigdzie nie uchodzi jakby gdzieś było coś zablokowane. Rozebrałem do zera cały piston I brewing unit wszystko wygląda ok.
Hi amazing video. My machine has been leaking and found out its due to a crack in the big block shown in 2:07 . I have tried to fix it by using a soldering tool to melt the plastic crack. I have not yet checked if it works as I somehow have lost the part you show in 11:29 . Do you know whats the purpose of this part?
Alles was Recht ist!! Klasse!! Ich stelle fest, dass ich bei meinen Abo`s aufräumen muss. Die meisten die hier Videos um das Thema zeigen ist nur Bla Bla.....
Hello! Very helpful your videos! I have an ESAM 4000 B, and i would like to replace the orings.. do you know if the dimensions of the orings on the video, will fit to my machine?
@Arick House: First, make sure the brew group is running smoothly. If not then you have to lubricate the brew group. Then you need to check that the coffee is properly ground. See my other videos in my maintrance playlist.
Thank you for the reply. . I just replaced the orings and lubricated/cleaned the brew unit. Much quieter, the start of the shot is dark, but the end of the pour seems to be a lot lighter and watering down the shot. Pucks look good, are well formed and grinder is set to fine. If you have any other ideas, please let me. Thanks again for the videos and your replies!
Hi. Can you advise if there is a video how to dismantling the delinghi ESAM 4200 to get to infuser and replace all seals. Do you know where I can buy a good quality seal set for infuser
Hi, I made an older video with a similar machine. The housing is designed slightly differently but the brewing infuser is essentially the same ua-cam.com/video/ZVrbdKXM1pY/v-deo.html You can get an O-ring set from eBay or Amazon amzn.to/3BYuZss
Very helpful videos. My ESAM3000b does not brew coffee, when I select a 1 or 2 cup coffee it grind the beans and creates a puck, but no coffee or water comes out of the coffee spouts, only water comes out of the steam wand. Any chance you know how I could fix this? Thanks!
@Amy you must try to make a coffee with the door open. Then maybe you can see where the water is coming from. To do this, you have to operate the door switch manually.
@@yt.myworks Thanks for the suggestion! I made a coffee with the door open. When the brew unit moves across to the infuser to press the coffee grounds and filter water through, the water then begins to be produced through the steam wand instead of being directed through the coffee grounds in the brew unit. I'm not sure if this is in issue with the infuser unit or a leaking valve in the steam wand
Great video I have a JennAir built in coffee which I believe is built by Delonghi we continually get an General Alarm Insert Infuser Assembly upon start up. Normally after 5 or 6 restarts we get it to work do you have any thoughts on where the problem might be?
Hello, after inserting the brew group, the error message comes up immediately or are there working noises at first? It could be that the drive unit is already worn out.
@@yt.myworks also upon shutdown we always receive the message insert infuser assembly which can be fixed by just opening and closing the brew station door
This problem can have many causes, but most often it happens when the transmission is worn and the spindle nut is too loose. The brewing group then cannot find the basic position and generates an error message. You can see similar problem in my other video: ua-cam.com/video/HZ8oQUGtPjc/v-deo.html
Hi, thx for video. I have followed everything step by step. After replacing my machine's steam wont give any water and i didnt touched that part of it. Can you help me what could be the problem?
@@yt.myworks I have connected everything precisely. The problem could be that i was not able to measure the o-rings exactly so i try to use my "eye measure" I used silicone where it needed. At the end of the priston there is a black plastic "'ring" which squeezes the grinded coffee has a screw. This was overscrewed and one of the screw head goes off but it stays in its place. Once i was able to make coffee but after that the 3 red lights come up (in manual says needs to let out hot water through steam) as soon i start letting out nothing comes but i can hear sounds. Iam sure that the water pump is okay because i got this used machine with everything working. The brown seal was broken like in your video thats why i wanted to change.
@Gábor I recommend taking everything apart and reassembling it. You may notice something is wrong. There is also a valve 11:28 in the white plastic body, maybe it's upside down.
Hallo guten Tag, Ich habe ein Delonghi Primadonna Elite und beim einschalten und Erst-Spülung läuft das Wasser vom hinter BrühKolben runter ins restkaffe Behälter anstatt durch Auslauf vorne. Woran es liegen kann? Auf eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen.
Hallo, wahrscheinlich ist der Brühkolben undicht, wie auch in diesem Film. Ich empfehle das Teil zu reparieren oder am besten gegen einen neuen ersetzen. Ein neuer Brühkolben kostet zwischen 30-40,-€ zum Beispiel in diesem Shop "komtra.de".
Thanks for making this video it's been very helpful so far, but I'm still having an issue. When attempting to make a coffee the water is being pumped directly into the drip tray, the steam wand works fine. All the O rings look fine and the Piston was clean, I have very soft water so there is no lime scale at all and all the pipes are clear. At 2:23 you show a spring which contains a silicone tube with a mushroom cap. They look separated, in my machine they are connected and do not pull apart when the spring is released. Is it's normal behaviour or is the spring meant to separate them? I can manually pull them apart. I can't find that spring + tube + cap as a spare part anywhere although it's available without the tube. My Model is ECAM 23.420 . Any advice would be really useful.
Hello, yes, these parts can also be purchased individually, but they are not responsible for the problem you described. There must be another problem here. You need to make sure that no o-ring is broken and the clear sleeves are not cracked.
Thanks for the helpfull video! I have a water leak: the (hot) water comes from under the part that you start to remove at 1:58 in this video. I have lifted it, checked the rubber rings and they are good. Can you help me?
This would be very unusual for water to leak from this spot. You can check if there is a crack inside, but that would be very strange. I recommend replacing all o-rings, even in the transparent sleeve, as I did in my video.
Hi, i find your videos very helpful. I do have an issue when i do steaming with my magnifica S, the steam does not come out to the steam wand and i see it's coming out of the brew piston/generator area. Any idea what could be the problem?
@@yt.myworks thanks! What exactly is “washing soda”? Is it the same as baking soda? I am in Canada and haven’t found anything that is described as washing soda exactly. Or is it a type of descaling powder (like Urnex Dezcal)?
@Geoff Booth baking soda is a little different from washing soda, but it is not a descaler. The "puly CAFF" cleaner is also very good and may be available in Canada.
Hi, just wanted to know if there could be any other issues with brew piston than sealing? Complete set of sealing is 10 EUR, new unit is 40 EUR. So is it only about if someone wants to pay more for plug and play solution or wants to save some money and DIY? Need to decide. Thank you.
Hi, if you have a way to buy a new one, then it's a better choice. Often the plastic parts inside wear out after contact with hot water. To replace the part, I made a separate video: ua-cam.com/video/9PEf881kFAo/v-deo.htmlsi=ZF9_eA3wHVObF9nf
I see that you have the proxxon polisher. Would you be willing to share what you were using for a polishing compound? And what kind of polishing wheel you're using? I can see from the video the one you have is not one of the standard ones that come with it
@Timo seppala I use APS PRO MINI PAD - HART Ø30MM and APS PRO PP30 - 30MM SUPPORT PLATE FOR PROXXON WP / E: www.autopflege-shop.de/30mm-polierteller-fuer-proxxon-winklepolierer-pp30.html and for polishing products from menzerna like these here: amzn.to/3tQwbp8
Hi, if the machine is more than four years old, then I definitely recommend replacing the brew piston. After that, you can see if there are any other issues.
Good evening, I have a problem with this same model of De Longhi. The machine is 9 years old, always decalcified and I use bottled water. For a few days, the machine has stopped delivering water when it is switched on and not even coffee and it goes into alarm due to excessive pressure as if it were blocked by something. The cappuccinatore, on the other hand, works perfectly and the water is hot. Yesterday I decided to open it and I cleaned the flowmeter, tray and drain pipe where the water is expelled when it goes into too much pressure, and the internal tray with the two nozzles where the coffee is dispensed. After this cleaning the machine ran for the whole day but this morning the same problem again. Since the problem seems mechanical to me, what do you recommend to check? Could it be the clogged mechanovalve? Thanks so much for the help
In older models, the machine is not descaled via the coffee spout. To do this, you have to add the descaler to the water tank and press rinse until everything is free again.
Hello guys, thank you for the video and the dimensions of o-rings used. I am looking for the diameter of o-rings used to seal the connections between the transparent hoses and connections to the mechanical valve, if someone has them, I'd be so glad
@@yt.myworks I believe there are few sizes missing. For example the ones inside plastic parts which connect to thin plastic pipes. They are secured by a forelock. I am not sure I am explaining it properly 😃
Oh yes.. these are the same connection o-rings that are installed everywhere in the machine 3.85 x 2.00 mm or alternatively the 4.00 x 2.00 mm, I also use these.
Hello, thank you for this very helpfull video. For me it doesn't works. I have the classic problem of water not going through the coffee but to the overflow bin". Everything is very clean. Anybody has any idea ? Thank you for any clue. Maybe it's just the toric joints of the infuser ? My machine is the 23.210.
@@yt.myworks when the water come in the brewing piston (flow valve) she is not going trough it, she is going to the condensation collector (the drip tray), I hohpe to be clear enough... tell me. Thank's for your answer.
I didn't seen it. I just cleaned this valve but same behaviour... I should say there is no water flowing (during the rinsing process) when I switch on the machine. Thank's for this clue.
Many thanks for the video, I followed it step by step, but now the machine does not turn on anymore. The display is blue but no text and nothing is starting up. Any ideas what I did wrong? The machine is a 28.465
Hi, do you have a video or instructions of removing everything in order to be able to remove the brew piston? This video only shows the operation with the piston already removed. Thanks!
Dear Myworks is it possible to give me a link to the right infuser unit (whole ) to DeLonghi ECAM 45.760 ?. I am a bit confused of what part would match my coffee machine. Based on your guides I am going to try to fix my coffee maker !:)
Hi, I have tried different piston infuser and they are all the same. The only difference is the hoses, so I recommend buying the cheapest one and taking the hose from the old one.
Hi myworks. Vielen Dank für deine Videos, sie sind sehr hilfreich. Habe alles so gemacht, wie gezeigt und hat eigentlich auch funktioniert. Die große Ernüchterung kam aber nach dem ersten Funktionstest. Kaffemaschine geht an, Warmwasser über die Dampfdüse funktioniert ebenfalls. Also auf diesem Weg ist schonmal alles ok. Beim Versuch einen Kaffee auszugeben hört man das Mahlwerk, bruhkolben verdichtet, die Pumpe fängt an zu drücken, aber es kommt kein Kaffee raus. Anschließend gehen alle Warnlampen an und es landet viel Wasser im Auffangbehälter und klatschnasses Kaffeepulver im Tresterbehälter. 😢 Ich tippe auf irgendeine Blockade in/an den Hochdruckschläuchen zwischen Thermoelement und Bruhkolben. Aber das sieht auf den ersten Blick gut aus. Hast du einen Rat für mich?
Hallo, ist das der gleiche Fehler wie vor der Reparatur? Wenn ja, dann empfehle ich die Teflonleitung zu überprüfen die von der Heizung kommt. Sehr oft ist diese verstopft.
@@yt.myworks vielen Dank für deine Antwort! Ich habe gerade eben mal das crema Ventil aus dem Kolben der Brühgruppe ausgebaut. Jetzt läuft der Kaffee wieder normal raus. Ich vermute also, dass ich ein neues crema Ventil einbauen muss...
@yt.myworks P s. Es war tatsächlich das crema Ventil. Habe ein neues eingebaut und jetzt läuft die Maschine wieder ohne Probleme 😀 vielen Dank nochmal für deine Videos, haben mir sehr geholfen 👍
Do you know what the water hose specs are in the machine. Specifically the supply line from the reservoir to the pump. They are larger diameter soft. I can't find replacement or description anywhere.
I'm using this one 8x4 mm: www.ebay.de/itm/296118614120?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=AQmADgC_SHO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=fqjNmJj7Q9S&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Good morning ! Thank you for this great video ;-) I'm in France and thanks to your videos I can fix my coffee machine! I have a problem, one of the two springs is broken... I don't know where to find this part on the internet... can you redirect me to a site, or maybe you have one? ;-)
I have the Delonghi Eletta ECAM45.70X and find the milk isn’t getting hot, it froths but only like warm milk comes out. The machine steams and produces hot water. What part do you think needs attention? Do you have any video on how you fix it? Thank you
The machine is equipped with an additional heater for steam generation. Maybe the temperature sensor is not working properly. I'm not sure though, I haven't had a case like this before.
Hello friend, I have the same coffee machine. Recently, there was a lot of clean water in the drip tray after making two cups of coffee, and there was more water in the drip tray after making four cups in a row. Could you tell me where the problem is and how to repair it? Thank you
Thanks for video, but cleaning can be improved: don’t mix alcaline soda with citric acid….do an alcaline clean first, rinse, and then the acid clean. You neutralize the power of both the acid and alcaline by mixing them!
Dzięki za świetny instruktaż! W moim ekspresie przestała lecieć kawa (gorąca woda z dyszy leciała normalnie); problem leżał w zatkanym kamieniem kanaliku pod tym zaworkiem ze sprężyną. Nie pomagały żadne odkamieniacze, musiałem go przetkać mechanicznie. Po złożeniu zespołu tłoka pojawił się jednak inny problem: kawa leci normalnie, za to gorąca woda nie leci z dyszy, tylko z zaparzacza, prosto do pojemnika na fusy! Nie rozłączałem żadnych innych przewodów i wężyków poza zaparzaczem. Co to może być?
Czy złożyłeś już maszynę? Nagraj proszę krótki filmik i wstaw na UA-cam lub prześlij na mój email yt.myworks@hotmail.com bo ciężko jest cokolwiek stwierdzić na odległość. Pozdrawiam
@@vutik1 Wygląda tak jakby źle podłączony był Solenoid Ventil. To jest te małe urządzenie do którego wchodzi druga strona szlałchu. Albo o góry na zaparzaczu. Posprawdzaj wszystkie połączenia jeszcze raz i porównaj ze zdjęciami z internetu. Coś jest nie tak ze szlaułchami.
@@yt.myworks przy termobloku wszystko dobrze podłączone, inaczej się nie da, bo węże nie pasują. Od drugiej strony nic nie odpinałem. Ten "solenoid ventil" to elektrozawór z szarą cewką z napisem CEME? Może się zawiesił i nie przełącza?
@@vutik1 Tak, należy sprawdzić czy zaworek otwiera odpowiednio. Przyznam szczerze że nie miałem jeszcze takiego przypadku. Chyba że kamień dostał sie aż do zaperzacza i coś tam blokuje?!
@@yt.myworks Thanks for the reply. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly where the water and steam are coming from but water gets into the grounds container. I've got an O ring pack on it's way which I hope has the right parts that I need.
Wenn man typisch Deutsch in einem Video beschreiben müsste -würde ich auf deines verweisen. Und das ist wirklich im positivsten Sinne gemeint. Die Hingabe, Genauigkeit und teilweise Pedanterie sehe ich in der Forum eigentlich kaum mehr. Tolle Arbeit, wirklich wahr. Soda und Zitronensäure - heben die sich nicht gegenseitig auf ? Das eine ist ja eine Säure das andere eine Lauge. Wird machen das noch zusätzlich im Ultraschallbad, aber nur mit Soda bis jetzt. Schöne Grüße
Hallo! I have done all these steps, cleaned all parts, replaced all gaskets but I still get water drips in the coffee grounds container. I have also cleaned and changed all gaskets of the infuser, so all brew group has had a proper maintenance. Any idea what this can be?
A short update since my previous comment: I have ordered the kit with o-rings from Amazon and have replaced all of them, carefully installed with the transparen grease, by following all the steps in your video. Now the machine works as if it was new! Even if none of the o-rings were cracked or broken, they had lost their elasticity and so they were not sealing as they should. Thanks again, probably if it wasn't for your video, I would have even considered to just buy a new machine as it was so frustrating!
can you share the link to the o rings you bought? and what kind of grease was that ?
Silicon @@tradergirl7067
@@mixajlo8142can you share the link where you have ordered from Amazon or how can we find them?
For the first time in my life I see Very detailed service. Very professional video, Thanks from all of us !!!!!!!
This man understand how to make a restauration video. Very detailed. Thank you for sharing!🙂
Thanks for these great videos, after 5 attempts of opening up my Delonghi Ecam machine trying to work out what was wrong I managed to fix it with this guide - I bought the tools you used and then replacement O rings from Ebay and replaced them all, following your guide I stripped down and cleaned everything (flow meter, Boiler, every pipe, infuser, Generator). Your refurnishing guide was also very useful. These are by far the best Delonghi repair videos on youtube - Now I'm Enjoying a great espresso this morning - Thankyou!
I'm very pleased. It motivates me to keep going.
How simple and easy with such a video, wonderful filmed without any word or music, the best for a good concentration...Tina Turner would say : "Simply the Best"! . Lot of thanks , very useful!!👍👍,
What an awesome video. So detailed and you went slowly enough to show all the key details. Thanks so very much!!!
G'day from Australia. Thank you for an excellent, comprehensive guide. All your videos are fantastic. And your generous free advice is appreciated. All the best.
Thanks for the great words and greetings to Australia 👋
Hello, I also service my Delonghi myself, I've had it for 10 years, Today I replaced all the O-rings and repaired the leaks, everything is back to normal.
Your videos are masterful, this is literally how it goes.
My coffee machine has already made 34,549 coffees and used 5,110 liters of water. The coffee tastes like the day after purchase. Best regards!!!
I want to thank you for creating and sharing these repair videos. They are excellent and invaluable. I was able to perform a repair and maintenance today on my own. I avoided transporting the unit and waiting 7+ days for the one repair person in my area.
Bonjour ,
encore merci , pour ce tuto , qui m'a permis de réparer ma Delonghi Dinamica FEB 3535.SB . Ayant trouvé le kit complet en ligne , je n'ai plus d'eau dans le bac à marc 👌. Les cafés se faisait pour ma part étrange , mais tous les rincages arrivaient dans le bac à marc. Et biensur , le café en était impacté en gout . Aucun message d'erreur affiché . J'ai pris mon temps et est suivi ta vidéo a la lettre , c'est parfait ✌.
Encore 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏.
Film dodany 3 lata temu, a przydaje się do dzisiaj. Mam Dinamic'ę od 1,5 roku, po 5 miesiącach była w serwisie (zatkany przepływomierz mimo wody z dzbanka filtracyjnego i filtra w zbiorniku). Pakowanie ekspresu i wysyłanie na serwis na 2 tygodnie to mordęga. Nie mówiąc już, w jakim stanie wrócił mimo potrójnego kartonu i wypełnienia. Ostatnio mikroswitch się zblokował i nie widział tacki, miesiąc później puścił oring w zaparzaczu. 3 lata gwarancji, ale chyba musiałbym mieć drugi ekspres na podmianę, żeby normalnie korzystać z serwisu.
Zamówiłem uszczelki, switche, smar i ogarniam serwis w 30 minut przy okazji utrzymując czystość w środku. Twoje filmiki bardzo pomagają! Szczególnie przy pierwszej ingerencji, kiedy człowiek się jeszcze trochę cyka.
This is the best video ever for this brewing unit! Thank you for taking the time to film it and share it with us. About to do the same to my machine. In the last month all of a sudden the coffee comes out tepid at best (but the warm up water when I turn the machine on is boiling hot; as the rinse before shutting down). Since I get tons of water in the drip tray just warming up the machine I assume something is up in the brewing unit (fishing for a solution). Since the machine is 10 years old it can't be a bad thing to service it anyway
Wlasnie robiłem to samo w moim bo po 6 latach przestał działać...oczywiscie wszystkie inne elementy tez wyczyszczone.
Smiga Jak nowy !!!
Superbly detailed. Very many thanks for that.
I had a leak into the grounds container and assumed it was an o-ring problem. I managed to source a set of o-rings and took the assembly apart. The o-rings were not broken but the piece shown at 7:11 was: the white flange on the left that the screw goes through had broken into about five pieces. I cleaned it all and replaced the o-rings anyway since I had them and reassembled it just in case it was a worn o-rings after all and that the broken piece was still OK (it seemed to be held in place OK even though I couldn't fit the screw - I had nothing to lose. It continued to drip so I assume it was the broken piece that was the problem so I've ordered a complete assembly.
I had to buy a complete new infuser unit. When fixing it back in place, I sheared one of the fixing screws on the left-hand side. This screw had to cut a new thread in the (tough glass-filled resin) infuser base and I used too much force screwing it in - I should have eased the screw in first and slowly helped it cut the new thread. I couldn't remove the remains of the screw (or rather I didn't want to in case I damaged something else in the process) so I ended up swapping all the plunger, valves, etc over to the infuser I had removed. It all works perfectly now.
This is the most detailed repair video I've ever seen, very good job !
I found the problem !!!! It was the weak water pump !
Thank's for your help.
Grazie a questi video super dettagliati sono riuscito a riparare la mia macchina del caffè , sapere prima dove mettere le mani non è una cosa di poco conto . Grazie!!
A differenza dell'inizio del video dentro alla valvola non c'é acqua infiltrata. Può comunque dipendere da questa il fatto che perde acqua dentro il contenitore fondi? Sostituendo gli o-ring (che non sembrano danneggiati) potrei risolvere o dipende da altro?
Se le guarnizioni non sono danneggiate, probabilmente è qualcos'altro. Tuttavia, li cambierei se tutto è già smontato. Consiglio di fare un caffè con la cassa aperta e di vedere da dove viene l'acqua.
@@yt.myworks al tatto ho sentito che la meccanovalvola é umida ma non capisco il ounto preciso da dove esce l'acqua. Ho molta acqua anche nella vaschetta raccogli gocci comunque...arriva sempre dalla valvola, se perdesse, o c'é qualche tubicino che la direziona lí? Vedendo il costo complessivo degli o-ring conviene cmq cambiare l'intera meccanovalvola a quel punto, mi basterebbe capire se é quella. Cos'altro potrebbe essere altrimenti?
@@Denisjjj La maggior parte dei problemi si verifica con lo stantuffo di infusione superiore. Ma non posso dire esattamente dove sia l'errore, perché le cause possono essere varie. Consiglio anche di sostituire le guarnizioni del gruppo infusore, forse sono intasate.
@@yt.myworks a macchina aperta ho notato che escono proprio dall'infusore i fondi bagnati...e la vaschetta già subito dopo il risciacquo inizia a riempirsi. Che sia solo il gruppo infusore o altro?
Greatly appreciate this well done step-by-step video, which helped me to solve the problem (The same seal was broken). 👍
I've seen the exact ring leak in a few machines now. Apparently, it's one that suffers a lot. In one case, the clear plastics got too brittle and the entire unit needed to be replaced. Parts are expensive, unfortunately. Any tips on that?
Sama przyjemność patrzeć na każdy krok. Uczę się metodologii ;). Good Job! To nazywa się pasja...
you prolly dont give a damn but does any of you know of a way to log back into an Instagram account??
I somehow forgot my login password. I would love any assistance you can give me
@Weston Jaxx instablaster =)
@Nickolas Connor i really appreciate your reply. I got to the site through google and I'm in the hacking process atm.
Looks like it's gonna take quite some time so I will get back to you later when my account password hopefully is recovered.
@Nickolas Connor it did the trick and I finally got access to my account again. I'm so happy!
Thanks so much, you really help me out !
@Weston Jaxx no problem :D
Merci pour cette vidéo qui m'a bien aidé car j'ai eu le joint de la vanne mécanique de ma Delonghi Dinamica FEB 3535.SB qui a tout simplement cassé 🙁 . Je confirme bien sur Ebay , on a des revendeurs de pièces détachés trés qualifiées avec les plans de montage des joints et les bonnes références . J'en conviens , il faut prendre son temps pour bien trouver la bonne piéce et selectionner le bon vendeur 😉.
i found a roughly used 4400 and by the looks of it most of the parts are the same so im gonna go through the same process as your showing here thank you very much for the detail!
I would give you my coffee machine for service without any further questions. Awesome work!
awesomely filmed, thank you very much, i could very easily follow you.
Very thorough and useful video. Some comments: I think the brewer should be driven to upper position inn order to align the infusor before fixing the two screws. I prefer to use manual tools to have more control and not over tighten screws. I also hope you use food grade silicone 😀
@Tore Wensaas: That's a good tip for aligning the brewing piston. Thanks! I use an electric screwdriver from proxxon with which you have good control. Of course I use food grade silicone grease.
Хороший формат подачи контента. Качественная съемка. Всё понятно показано. Успехов!
Thank you for your video it helped me a lot and now my coffee machine is clean 🥰🥰💪
Mine had the exact same problem. Thanks so much for the video
😎👌 Excellent video demonstration .. even in smallest details 👌👌👌
Genial! Vielen Dank für das Video und die Ersatzteil-Links !🙂
Sehr gerne!
Thanks for the great video!
I am experiencing an issue with my Magnifica S espresso machine. Seemingly at random, but quite frequently, the water that should flow from the coffee dispenser instead flows directly from the bottom into the drip tray. This happens both during startup, when the dispenser goes through its initial rinse cycle, and when I press the button to perform a rinse. The hot water flows only to the drip tray and not in the waste container.
When I attempt to make coffee, the machine starts pumping water, but after a few seconds, it switches to the cleaning and emptying phase without dispensing any coffee. The ground coffee accumulates as powder in the waste container. Sometimes, I can temporarily resolve the issue by performing multiple rinses to get the water out from the diffuser, but only in 50% of the cases am I able to obtain the desired coffee.
On some occasions, however, the machine works correctly right from startup and throughout the coffee dispensing process.
I have disassembled everything including the mechanical valve to check if everything was okay. The observations are that there are no o-rings broken, as well as that I see the hot water coming into the mechanical valve but then exiting directly from the little pipe that goes in the steam dispenser/mechanism, and from it the hot water flows from its bottom which is going to the drip tray.
For some reasons, the hot water does not go through the infuser but it exit directly from the mechanical valve.
As I have not seen cracks or o-rings broken in the mechanical valve disassembly, I'm thinking about if there is not enough strength for the electrical motor to push the infuser up and somehow preventing the mechanical valve to work as designed.
Or maybe, even if the o-rings are not broken, they might still be worn off.
If you have any view on it it will be great
Hello, did you check at minute 2:17 whether the valve is ok or maybe clogged?
@@yt.myworks thanks. that one is OK, it is not clogged. Overall what is driving me crazy is the randomness, as sometimes everything works without drippage, but more often is just drips down in the tray...
Hello myworks. Fantastic video and very helpful.
Thanks for posting the sizes of the O rings. Please could you let me know where you purchace the O rings from at those sizes as im having trouble to get them at the sizes you mention.
Thank you for your help
Kind regards
Hi, I recommend purchasing a complete O-ring set for your Delonghi ECAM. I buy in bulk so sizes may not be available individually. You will definitely find a suitable repair kit on eBay or Amazon www.ebay.de/itm/155624710080?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=tVNZkM_MRdm&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=fqjNmJj7Q9S&widget_ver =artemis&media=COPY
where do can I find the Oring siZe as u mentioned!!
Hi brother, it seems my previous comments disappeared. Thanks for such a detailed and very helpful video. Because of your great work I am also going to try cleaning my piston. May I ask that if you would provide the size of o-ring which is appeared at 5: 18 of the video? Thanks
Hi, you will find the answer to your question in minute 8:05 ;-)
Hi brother,thanks but you did not get my question. The O-ring one I asked was the one showed at the very left @8:01, you did not disclose the size in your entire video. After I dismantled my machine I found it is probably a 4.8/2 O-ring. Also there is another difference - the 5.28/1.78 @8:13 of your video, its size on my machine is actually 4.75/1.78. Wondering why it is different. My machine is 23.420.SW. Anyway, you're my teacher thank you. :)
thanks so much. I have a leak at the top of my machine and I'm pretty sure it's this thing leaking.. buy thats alot of seals and parts to remember where they all go.. im gonna try to do my own repair because the machine is amazing..
Hello, some sellers attach a description to the o-ring sets to make them easier to match.
listening to those clicks and noises must be good for falling asleep.
Thank you for a very well and clearly made film. Can you tell me what model, type of camera you are shooting the film with?
I recorded the video with a Canon G7x Mark II, but I now use the DJI Osmo Pocket 3 which has much better focus and stabilization amzn.to/40o5cSx
@@yt.myworks Thank you very much for your answer. I wish you good luck and success. 👍🙂
Outstanding video. Chapeau.
Hi thanks for the detailed video! I've an ecam 23.420 that is blocked with the message : insert the brewer group.
I tried to clean it (after long battle to extract it because it was not at the right end point) but after 1 coffee it blocks again : do you have any advice and /or video to check why it shows this message? Thanks
This usually happens when the brew group cannot find the right position. It could be that the transmission is worn out. Here is my video on this topic: ua-cam.com/video/HZ8oQUGtPjc/v-deo.html
@@yt.myworks thanks!
Sehr gut, mit Maßen der Dichtungen. Das Fett an den Federn soll vermutlich Geräuschen beim zusammendrücken entgegenwirken. Gut wäre es gewesen, zu zeigen wie der Brühlkolben befestigt ist. Es sind ja nicht nur die zwei Inbusschrauben, sondern auch noch 2 Schrauben seitlich vom Antrieb aus.
You are the master! Congrats Sir! :)
Hallo. Vielen Dank. Super Video. Nach dem auseinanderbauen nach dieser Anleitung, habe ich festgestellt, dass die beide Federn im Brühkolben gebrochen waren. Habe mich gewundert wie das bei solchen stabilen Federn passieren konnte. Diese werden wahrscheinlich nicht einzeln verkauft? VG.
Klasse das war wirklich hilfreich.👍
Hello and thanks for all your effort, it's been really helpful so far. Right now, after 5 or so years of faithful service, it looks as though my Delonghi Dinamica is in need of new seals all around, as well as a new spindle nut. I followed the links from your videos, but these spare parts are currently unavailable in Amazon. Do you have alternative links for these parts (o-ring xl kit, brass spindle nut)?
Thanks in advance
Thanks so much for this! Been waiting 2 months for a technician to look at my machine (I'm in Kenya). Decided to try myself after finding your video. I have replaced all o-rings (except the 2 x 6.75mm o-rings as the closest I can find here are 6.07mm). I am still getting a strong jet of water leaking from the seal of the part you are removing at 2:07. I have noticed that the 2 large coil springs are very stiff. I can't seem to push the piston in as far as you are in the video. Could it be that the coil springs have stiffened and need replacing? Having said that, even with coil springs removed, the piston does not move in and out easily. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Just replaced the old 6.75mm rings with 6.07mm, and still the same jet of water from part at 2:07 and lots of water in puck tray.
Hello, on this part 2:07 the o-rings rarely break. I think the error is elsewhere. The two springs are always stiff and do not have to be replaced. You need a lot of strength to press them together. The diameter of all o-rings must not be larger than 1.78 mm. You have to watch everything closely to find the fault. LG
@@yt.myworks I just took the brew piston apart again. I can't see any issue there. All rings replaced with 1.78mm. Seems the more coffee I dose with, the higher pressure the leak from that joint becomes. When brewing a coffee using no beans at all, the leak is still there although very slight. Could the issue be in the brew unit? Perhaps the flow through it is restricted? Or could the alignment be an issue? I did pull the brew unit apart to clean... perhaps I put it back together slightly out of alignment.
Actually, I think I see a hair line crack in the thermoblock just below where part at 2:07 plugs in. Anyway of repairing the crack? Importing a new generator will cost 50 euro just in import costs! Add to that the cost of the generator and shipping.
@@christianocondo5179 I haven't repaired damage like this yet. Can you maybe find a used part somewhere in your country? Sometimes I buy defective machines for spare parts. LG
Nice working brother.❤❤
Dziękuję za pomoc.
Moj model ekspresu.
Hi dude, great video, just went over the entire process myself last weekend and wished I'd found your video earlier. I was checking it out now, because upon re-assembling I was not sure what is recommended for tightening the piston. For sure not all the way, but how much slack?
One thing though, I am not sure, but it appears that at 12:00 you have placed the bracket upside down. It might work that way as well, but perhaps the screw will go in too deep and damage its plastic housing? Not sure about it, but I placed it back the other way around which seemed to make more sense... Thought I'd let you know just in case
Hi, the long screw has to be screwed in until the large transparent sleeve no longer moves. You should make sure that the screw turns into the old thread. If this is not the case, then the screw should still be screwed in until the end.
The bottom of the black bracket needs to be flush with the housing when you put it in. Otherwise the screw would not go far enough in and you would bend the bracket in the middle. So what he shows you in the video is correct.
I have one more question. I would like to change the silicon tubing that attaches to the infuser unit and the one that actually dispenses the coffee into the cup. I have spent hours looking for a good parts diagram but not seeing anything that's very helpful. Can you tell me the size of the tubes please and thank you? I believe they are silicone tubes? Thanks so much for your time!!
@Mikey a teflon hose and a silicone hose 3.0x1.5mm are connected to the brew group. You can buy the silicone hose on Ebay. The thick silicone hose is only used for venting and does not have to be replaced.
@@yt.myworks Thank you very much!
I mean inside Ø 3.0 mm and outside 1.5 mm. That means a total of 3.0 +1.5+1.5=6 mm external dimensions.
What could be a reason for NO water coming through?
I have recently repaired one where one of the seals at 04:06 wasn't sealing anymore and the unit was leaking water. After replacing the O-ring the unit worked perfectly. I also checked, greased and cleaned everything else.
However, now 3-4 months later and probably unrelated, the machine won't spit out water anymore at all. Neither via the water spout or coffee dispenser. The pump is OK (checked with working one), the boiler isn't clogged. I swapped it with a known working piston infuser, and no problems with making coffee or dispensing hot water in that case. The only thing i can think of is the spring valve on top (at the water entry point, before the water spout - coffee dispenser splitter), but that seems to work fine.
Before I buy a new piston infuser, I'd like to know if something can be fixed. It's a mechanical part, so I assume everything is servicable. I just can't think of or find the culprit.
Thank you for the great video!
Kind regards and best whishes.
It is possible to get an exploded view of the Longhi Magnifica S. You can guide me. Thank
Great video. Thanks for the effort. Really helpful. I was wondering though, what is the function of the two springs? Does the Brew Infuser move when in operation? It seems to be screwed in place quite solidly.
Yes, the two springs are compressed while the coffee grounds are being pressed.
@@yt.myworks Thanks for the reply. The mechanics of the machine are starting to make more and more sense.
Hello is there a good diagram and part numbers of what size seals go on each of the parts? Ive seen kits, but no diagram. Im specifically looking to confirm seals on the part @ 2:15 and @ 3:17. Thank you!
If you watch my video all the way you will find the size of the o-rings ;-)
@@yt.myworks ha I watch all the way! I dont see a summary on which size seals / part numbers go to each seals you replaced! help!
@@yt.myworks my hero! are those ID or OD measurements for the diameter? thank you!
ID + SD (thickness)
what is that small grey piece that sits beneath the spring valve and has a stem that is held to the top cylinder by a small circlips ? and is there a spare part for it ? mine broke at the bottom of that stem where it attaches to the three way manifold, I doubt the break impact in anyway the function but since I opened the machine might as well replace it. Also do you happen to have a step by step assembly guide for the magnifica evo ?
Hi, I think you can only get this part as a used spare part. Every part on the brewing piston has a certain function and is therefore very important, otherwise it can malfunction. In this case I recommend a new brewing piston.
@yt.myworks alright thank you for the answer, indeed I researched the part and it's not available on its own you can only get a new whole piston. I tried some gorilla epoxy glue and the part is holding pretty well, am gonna try this and if it fails I'll buy a new piston. Thanks for the answer
where non earth do you obtain the O rings you describe. and no mention of the spring under the grey bit. is it held in situ by the strange bulbous bit and ? which way up?
Siemka, może dasz radę pomoc. U mnie woda dochodzi do góry zaparzacza ale nigdzie nie uchodzi jakby gdzieś było coś zablokowane. Rozebrałem do zera cały piston I brewing unit wszystko wygląda ok.
Cześć, sprawdziłeś zaworek, mały grzybek na sprężynce? Czasami deformuje się po czasie i blokuje przepływ wody całkowicie.
@yt.myworks a może i tak być, gdzieś mam jakiegoś dawce części wezmę z drugiej maszyny i przetestuje. Dziękuję :)
Hi amazing video. My machine has been leaking and found out its due to a crack in the big block shown in 2:07 . I have tried to fix it by using a soldering tool to melt the plastic crack. I have not yet checked if it works as I somehow have lost the part you show in 11:29 . Do you know whats the purpose of this part?
This is part of the Delonghi valve system, it prevents the water from dripping after the brewing process. It may have other functions as well.
Alles was Recht ist!! Klasse!! Ich stelle fest, dass ich bei meinen Abo`s aufräumen muss. Die meisten die hier Videos um das Thema zeigen ist nur Bla Bla.....
Hello! Very helpful your videos!
I have an ESAM 4000 B, and i would like to replace the orings.. do you know if the dimensions of the orings on the video, will fit to my machine?
Hi, except for the two large o-rings at min. 8:14, everything is almost identical to the ESAM.
Thank you very much!
Awesome video. I have an older gran dama that is making watery double shots. Would a failing generator cause that?
@Arick House: First, make sure the brew group is running smoothly. If not then you have to lubricate the brew group. Then you need to check that the coffee is properly ground. See my other videos in my maintrance playlist.
Thank you for the reply. . I just replaced the orings and lubricated/cleaned the brew unit. Much quieter, the start of the shot is dark, but the end of the pour seems to be a lot lighter and watering down the shot. Pucks look good, are well formed and grinder is set to fine. If you have any other ideas, please let me. Thanks again for the videos and your replies!
@@arickhouse How long will the coffee be ground? Five to six seconds is fine.
@myworks, yes, the grinder will run for 5-6 seconds before each pour.
@Arick House; I think you need to refurbish the brew piston infuser.
great video - what is the clear liquid from the syringe you are putting on one of the seals
This is silicone grease (food grease)
Hi. Can you advise if there is a video how to dismantling the delinghi ESAM 4200 to get to infuser and replace all seals.
Do you know where I can buy a good quality seal set for infuser
Hi, I made an older video with a similar machine. The housing is designed slightly differently but the brewing infuser is essentially the same ua-cam.com/video/ZVrbdKXM1pY/v-deo.html
You can get an O-ring set from eBay or Amazon amzn.to/3BYuZss
Very helpful videos. My ESAM3000b does not brew coffee, when I select a 1 or 2 cup coffee it grind the beans and creates a puck, but no coffee or water comes out of the coffee spouts, only water comes out of the steam wand. Any chance you know how I could fix this?
@Amy you must try to make a coffee with the door open. Then maybe you can see where the water is coming from. To do this, you have to operate the door switch manually.
@@yt.myworks Thanks for the suggestion! I made a coffee with the door open. When the brew unit moves across to the infuser to press the coffee grounds and filter water through, the water then begins to be produced through the steam wand instead of being directed through the coffee grounds in the brew unit. I'm not sure if this is in issue with the infuser unit or a leaking valve in the steam wand
Does the water come out directly at the steam nozzle?
@@yt.myworks yes all the water comes out of the end nozzle of the steam wand. There are no leaks in the machine
Thanks, very professional video. Where can I buy the overall O ring kit??
Dichtungen/Wartungsset XL: amzn.to/2ZPuxpr
Great video I have a JennAir built in coffee which I believe is built by Delonghi we continually get an General Alarm Insert Infuser Assembly upon start up. Normally after 5 or 6 restarts we get it to work do you have any thoughts on where the problem might be?
Hello, after inserting the brew group, the error message comes up immediately or are there working noises at first? It could be that the drive unit is already worn out.
@@yt.myworks there are working noises and like I said we usually eventually get it to work
@@yt.myworks also upon shutdown we always receive the message insert infuser assembly which can be fixed by just opening and closing the brew station door
This problem can have many causes, but most often it happens when the transmission is worn and the spindle nut is too loose. The brewing group then cannot find the basic position and generates an error message. You can see similar problem in my other video: ua-cam.com/video/HZ8oQUGtPjc/v-deo.html
@@yt.myworks thank you so much I thought it was definitely a brewing unit issue just wanted some expert knowledge b4 I try to take it apart
Hi, thx for video. I have followed everything step by step. After replacing my machine's steam wont give any water and i didnt touched that part of it. Can you help me what could be the problem?
@Gábor have you connected teflon hoses incorrectly? Can you make a coffee now?
@@yt.myworks I have connected everything precisely. The problem could be that i was not able to measure the o-rings exactly so i try to use my "eye measure" I used silicone where it needed. At the end of the priston there is a black plastic "'ring" which squeezes the grinded coffee has a screw. This was overscrewed and one of the screw head goes off but it stays in its place. Once i was able to make coffee but after that the 3 red lights come up (in manual says needs to let out hot water through steam) as soon i start letting out nothing comes but i can hear sounds. Iam sure that the water pump is okay because i got this used machine with everything working. The brown seal was broken like in your video thats why i wanted to change.
@Gábor I recommend taking everything apart and reassembling it. You may notice something is wrong. There is also a valve 11:28 in the white plastic body, maybe it's upside down.
@@yt.myworks Thanks for help. im sure that i installed it correctly before . I will try to reassembly.
Hallo guten Tag,
Ich habe ein Delonghi Primadonna Elite und beim einschalten und Erst-Spülung läuft das Wasser vom hinter BrühKolben runter ins restkaffe Behälter anstatt durch Auslauf vorne. Woran es liegen kann?
Auf eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen.
Hallo, wahrscheinlich ist der Brühkolben undicht, wie auch in diesem Film. Ich empfehle das Teil zu reparieren oder am besten gegen einen neuen ersetzen. Ein neuer Brühkolben kostet zwischen 30-40,-€ zum Beispiel in diesem Shop "komtra.de".
Thanks for making this video it's been very helpful so far, but I'm still having an issue. When attempting to make a coffee the water is being pumped directly into the drip tray, the steam wand works fine. All the O rings look fine and the Piston was clean, I have very soft water so there is no lime scale at all and all the pipes are clear. At 2:23 you show a spring which contains a silicone tube with a mushroom cap. They look separated, in my machine they are connected and do not pull apart when the spring is released. Is it's normal behaviour or is the spring meant to separate them? I can manually pull them apart. I can't find that spring + tube + cap as a spare part anywhere although it's available without the tube. My Model is ECAM 23.420 . Any advice would be really useful.
Hello, yes, these parts can also be purchased individually, but they are not responsible for the problem you described. There must be another problem here. You need to make sure that no o-ring is broken and the clear sleeves are not cracked.
Hi Ravere, have you been able to find a solution in the meantime? I have a similar issue...
Thanks for the helpfull video! I have a water leak: the (hot) water comes from under the part that you start to remove at 1:58 in this video. I have lifted it, checked the rubber rings and they are good. Can you help me?
This would be very unusual for water to leak from this spot. You can check if there is a crack inside, but that would be very strange. I recommend replacing all o-rings, even in the transparent sleeve, as I did in my video.
@@yt.myworks thanks, there is no crack inside. I will try the o-rings!
Check the Teflon hose. I had the same problem after changing all seals. Mine was split by the brass retainer.
Hi, i find your videos very helpful. I do have an issue when i do steaming with my magnifica S, the steam does not come out to the steam wand and i see it's coming out of the brew piston/generator area. Any idea what could be the problem?
Probably one of the solenoid valves is not working. Such valve should open and close depending on the function request
Hello - very helpful video, thank you for posting! What products specifically did you use for the washing soda and citric acid? Thanks!
I don't use any special brands. When it comes to citric acid, I pay attention to food quality.
@@yt.myworks thanks! What exactly is “washing soda”? Is it the same as baking soda? I am in Canada and haven’t found anything that is described as washing soda exactly. Or is it a type of descaling powder (like Urnex Dezcal)?
@Geoff Booth baking soda is a little different from washing soda, but it is not a descaler. The "puly CAFF" cleaner is also very good and may be available in Canada.
@@yt.myworks super helpful, thanks again !!
Hi, just wanted to know if there could be any other issues with brew piston than sealing? Complete set of sealing is 10 EUR, new unit is 40 EUR. So is it only about if someone wants to pay more for plug and play solution or wants to save some money and DIY? Need to decide. Thank you.
Hi, if you have a way to buy a new one, then it's a better choice. Often the plastic parts inside wear out after contact with hot water. To replace the part, I made a separate video: ua-cam.com/video/9PEf881kFAo/v-deo.htmlsi=ZF9_eA3wHVObF9nf
Nice detailed repair, but can you leave an link to these finnest brushes ?
I see that you have the proxxon polisher. Would you be willing to share what you were using for a polishing compound? And what kind of polishing wheel you're using? I can see from the video the one you have is not one of the standard ones that come with it
@Timo seppala I use APS PRO MINI PAD - HART Ø30MM and APS PRO PP30 - 30MM SUPPORT PLATE FOR PROXXON WP / E: www.autopflege-shop.de/30mm-polierteller-fuer-proxxon-winklepolierer-pp30.html and for polishing products from menzerna like these here: amzn.to/3tQwbp8
Hello i have the same 23450 delonghi. The water is coming but coffee dont .what can it be i change the infuser allready.
Hi, if the machine is more than four years old, then I definitely recommend replacing the brew piston. After that, you can see if there are any other issues.
Thanks for answering I also replace the brew piston .but still no coffee
I dobt know what more can it be.thanks
Good evening, I have a problem with this same model of De Longhi. The machine is 9 years old, always decalcified and I use bottled water. For a few days, the machine has stopped delivering water when it is switched on and not even coffee and it goes into alarm due to excessive pressure as if it were blocked by something. The cappuccinatore, on the other hand, works perfectly and the water is hot. Yesterday I decided to open it and I cleaned the flowmeter, tray and drain pipe where the water is expelled when it goes into too much pressure, and the internal tray with the two nozzles where the coffee is dispensed. After this cleaning the machine ran for the whole day but this morning the same problem again.
Since the problem seems mechanical to me, what do you recommend to check? Could it be the clogged mechanovalve?
Thanks so much for the help
In older models, the machine is not descaled via the coffee spout. To do this, you have to add the descaler to the water tank and press rinse until everything is free again.
Hello guys, thank you for the video and the dimensions of o-rings used. I am looking for the diameter of o-rings used to seal the connections between the transparent hoses and connections to the mechanical valve, if someone has them, I'd be so glad
Hi, from minute 8:00 you can see all sizes of the seals.
@@yt.myworks I believe there are few sizes missing. For example the ones inside plastic parts which connect to thin plastic pipes. They are secured by a forelock. I am not sure I am explaining it properly 😃
Oh yes.. these are the same connection o-rings that are installed everywhere in the machine 3.85 x 2.00 mm or alternatively the 4.00 x 2.00 mm, I also use these.
Hello, thank you for this very helpfull video.
For me it doesn't works. I have the classic problem of water not going through the coffee but to the overflow bin".
Everything is very clean.
Anybody has any idea ? Thank you for any clue.
Maybe it's just the toric joints of the infuser ?
My machine is the 23.210.
@Amhauri: Hello, where is the water going?
@@yt.myworks when the water come in the brewing piston (flow valve) she is not going trough it, she is going to the condensation collector (the drip tray), I hohpe to be clear enough... tell me. Thank's for your answer.
Look at this : ibb.co/0hX0cBV The water come in the brew piston and leave to the drip tray trough the pipe with the red arrow.
Clean the infuser. There is a valve under the sieve that must not be clogged.
I didn't seen it. I just cleaned this valve but same behaviour...
I should say there is no water flowing (during the rinsing process) when I switch on the machine.
Thank's for this clue.
Many thanks for the video, I followed it step by step, but now the machine does not turn on anymore. The display is blue but no text and nothing is starting up. Any ideas what I did wrong? The machine is a 28.465
Hi, check if you have connected the cable from the display correctly.
So if I make a normal coffee, and check the container and see a wet puck, but no 'extra water' around - piston should be okay?
Hi, do you have a video or instructions of removing everything in order to be able to remove the brew piston? This video only shows the operation with the piston already removed. Thanks!
Mihai Plesca: Hallo, there is also my other video of me there is a little more to see: ua-cam.com/video/1gQKH7rGwWI/v-deo.html
Dear Myworks
is it possible to give me a link to the right infuser unit (whole ) to DeLonghi ECAM 45.760 ?. I am a bit confused of what part would match my coffee machine. Based on your guides I am going to try to fix my coffee maker !:)
Hi, I have tried different piston infuser and they are all the same. The only difference is the hoses, so I recommend buying the cheapest one and taking the hose from the old one.
Thank you for your help
Hi myworks. Vielen Dank für deine Videos, sie sind sehr hilfreich. Habe alles so gemacht, wie gezeigt und hat eigentlich auch funktioniert. Die große Ernüchterung kam aber nach dem ersten Funktionstest. Kaffemaschine geht an, Warmwasser über die Dampfdüse funktioniert ebenfalls. Also auf diesem Weg ist schonmal alles ok. Beim Versuch einen Kaffee auszugeben hört man das Mahlwerk, bruhkolben verdichtet, die Pumpe fängt an zu drücken, aber es kommt kein Kaffee raus. Anschließend gehen alle Warnlampen an und es landet viel Wasser im Auffangbehälter und klatschnasses Kaffeepulver im Tresterbehälter. 😢
Ich tippe auf irgendeine Blockade in/an den Hochdruckschläuchen zwischen Thermoelement und Bruhkolben. Aber das sieht auf den ersten Blick gut aus.
Hast du einen Rat für mich?
Hallo, ist das der gleiche Fehler wie vor der Reparatur? Wenn ja, dann empfehle ich die Teflonleitung zu überprüfen die von der Heizung kommt. Sehr oft ist diese verstopft.
@@yt.myworks vielen Dank für deine Antwort! Ich habe gerade eben mal das crema Ventil aus dem Kolben der Brühgruppe ausgebaut. Jetzt läuft der Kaffee wieder normal raus. Ich vermute also, dass ich ein neues crema Ventil einbauen muss...
@yt.myworks P s. Es war tatsächlich das crema Ventil. Habe ein neues eingebaut und jetzt läuft die Maschine wieder ohne Probleme 😀 vielen Dank nochmal für deine Videos, haben mir sehr geholfen 👍
Do you know what the water hose specs are in the machine. Specifically the supply line from the reservoir to the pump. They are larger diameter soft. I can't find replacement or description anywhere.
I'm using this one 8x4 mm: www.ebay.de/itm/296118614120?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=AQmADgC_SHO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=fqjNmJj7Q9S&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Very professional and helpful video (I'm following you also on Facebook). Congratulations!
Good morning !
Thank you for this great video ;-)
I'm in France and thanks to your videos I can fix my coffee machine!
I have a problem, one of the two springs is broken... I don't know where to find this part on the internet... can you redirect me to a site, or maybe you have one? ;-)
Thank you !!! ;-)
I have the Delonghi Eletta ECAM45.70X and find the milk isn’t getting hot, it froths but only like warm milk comes out. The machine steams and produces hot water. What part do you think needs attention? Do you have any video on how you fix it? Thank you
The machine is equipped with an additional heater for steam generation. Maybe the temperature sensor is not working properly. I'm not sure though, I haven't had a case like this before.
@@yt.myworks thank you for your reply, much appreciated
Does bad one cause noise? Thanks
Hello friend,
I have the same coffee machine. Recently, there was a lot of clean water in the drip tray after making two cups of coffee, and there was more water in the drip tray after making four cups in a row. Could you tell me where the problem is and how to repair it? Thank you
You have to disassemble the case to see where the water is coming from. I think the brew piston is leaking like in this video.
Thanks for video, but cleaning can be improved: don’t mix alcaline soda with citric acid….do an alcaline clean first, rinse, and then the acid clean. You neutralize the power of both the acid and alcaline by mixing them!
Superb - very helpful.
Dzięki za świetny instruktaż! W moim ekspresie przestała lecieć kawa (gorąca woda z dyszy leciała normalnie); problem leżał w zatkanym kamieniem kanaliku pod tym zaworkiem ze sprężyną. Nie pomagały żadne odkamieniacze, musiałem go przetkać mechanicznie. Po złożeniu zespołu tłoka pojawił się jednak inny problem: kawa leci normalnie, za to gorąca woda nie leci z dyszy, tylko z zaparzacza, prosto do pojemnika na fusy! Nie rozłączałem żadnych innych przewodów i wężyków poza zaparzaczem. Co to może być?
Czy złożyłeś już maszynę? Nagraj proszę krótki filmik i wstaw na UA-cam lub prześlij na mój email yt.myworks@hotmail.com bo ciężko jest cokolwiek stwierdzić na odległość. Pozdrawiam
Dzięki za odzew! Objawy są takie: ua-cam.com/video/GUuVmY2UBbs/v-deo.html
@@vutik1 Wygląda tak jakby źle podłączony był Solenoid Ventil. To jest te małe urządzenie do którego wchodzi druga strona szlałchu. Albo o góry na zaparzaczu. Posprawdzaj wszystkie połączenia jeszcze raz i porównaj ze zdjęciami z internetu. Coś jest nie tak ze szlaułchami.
@@yt.myworks przy termobloku wszystko dobrze podłączone, inaczej się nie da, bo węże nie pasują. Od drugiej strony nic nie odpinałem. Ten "solenoid ventil" to elektrozawór z szarą cewką z napisem CEME? Może się zawiesił i nie przełącza?
@@vutik1 Tak, należy sprawdzić czy zaworek otwiera odpowiednio. Przyznam szczerze że nie miałem jeszcze takiego przypadku. Chyba że kamień dostał sie aż do zaperzacza i coś tam blokuje?!
What's the spec of the last small O-Ring please !
You can see all specs in minute 8:00
My ESAM 4200 leaks from the infuser but only when on the steam setting. Do you have any idea which part / seal in the infuser may have failed?
@adammk102: You have to open the machine to see where the water is coming from. I recommend buying a seal set for the infuser and changing all seals.
@@yt.myworks Thanks for the reply. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly where the water and steam are coming from but water gets into the grounds container. I've got an O ring pack on it's way which I hope has the right parts that I need.
All fixed now - the small o ring at the bottom of the main (white plastic) body of the infuser was split. Your video was a great help!
merci beaucoup jeune homme :D
Thanks, great video 👍
Wenn man typisch Deutsch in einem Video beschreiben müsste -würde ich auf deines verweisen. Und das ist wirklich im positivsten Sinne gemeint. Die Hingabe, Genauigkeit und teilweise Pedanterie sehe ich in der Forum eigentlich kaum mehr. Tolle Arbeit, wirklich wahr.
Soda und Zitronensäure - heben die sich nicht gegenseitig auf ? Das eine ist ja eine Säure das andere eine Lauge. Wird machen das noch zusätzlich im Ultraschallbad, aber nur mit Soda bis jetzt.
Schöne Grüße
Hello. Could you tell me where I find the complete set of gaskets for the mechanovalve and for the infuser? thank you
Hello, you can find a link in the video description below.
What kind of grease was used?
Do you have a link for a new infuser?
Hallo! I have done all these steps, cleaned all parts, replaced all gaskets but I still get water drips in the coffee grounds container. I have also cleaned and changed all gaskets of the infuser, so all brew group has had a proper maintenance. Any idea what this can be?
@Mihai Plesca: Hello! Two to three drops of water are not bad. The seal on the infuser piston should be 4.2 mm thick, then nothing would have to drip.
Dzięki dobry człowieku. Pozdrawiam