TechnoBeeKeeper Yup got the Grand theft semi auto.. Doesnt matter if they kill you during your executing the other guy doesnt see the light off day when it starts!!
TriksterHD honestly, I can promise you that you WILL NOT be disappointed. The campaign is literally the best OF ANY fps EVER MADE. AND THE MULTI PLAYER IS SO REDICULOUSLY FUN YOU WILL BE STARING AT THE SCREEN FOR DAYS ON END. I actually bought the game for only 28 dollars during a Walmart Christmas Black Friday sale, it was a great deal for such an amazing game. A SWEAR TO YOU ON MY LIFE YOU WILL NOT REGRET BUYING TITANFALL 2. That's all... ✌🏻
My pulse blade is named Naruto, my a-wall is named Wall-E, my phase is named Just A Phase, my cloak is called Cloaka Cola, and my stim is called Stimothy.
Anthony Tedesco Ikr, I had a Christmas noob on my team who got a score of 23 in attrition and yelled at me the whole match because I wouldn't give him a battery for his doomed titan. We lost 230 to 450 and the kid sent me a message saying "why don't you use a viable weapon instead of the grenade launcher you idiot?!" I top fragged with the softball and got told how to play by the bottom scoring player. Absolutely disgusting.
The loadout with my Grapling hook is called ''Fly You Fool!'' And the one with my A-Wall WAS called ''You Shall Not Pass!'' but I changed it to ''Wall Of China''
Speed Demon: Stim Arc Grenades Low profile R-97 with tactikill and gunrunner Archer Rockets Suppressed Re. 45 Auto Ronin Trust me, this class is hard to catch, and you'll be racking up kills in no time.
Nikki Varagod that was decently EA fault if it came out in November or December more people would of bought it. But instead da thought it was a good idea to release titanfall 2 one week after BF1
Okay, so I tried the Loadout with Ronin, Phase Reflexes and Nuclear Ejection. My first try I blew up 3 hostile Titans, which were against the wall but all shooting at me. Ever since I love it lol
I despise nuke eject with Ronin. Having e smoke lets you last longer and deal a fair amount of damage to Titans, too. Ronin can be used for so much more than just being a bomb. And wait till' the christmas noobs either get more skill or leave; you'll find that players can avoid nuke eject 99% of the time. Even in my Scorch, one of the only times I died to nuke eject was because my teammate blocked me, and apart from that I can just leave with ease.
Jake Pama I know it can be avoided very easy. Fact remains that I like no other set up with Ronin. I tried everything from Bouncing bullets to two arc waves, with several combo's from extra dash to nuke eject to electric smoke, and sure, granted the extra dash was great but Ronin cant complement my playstyle as long as he no suicide bomber. When I play with Ronin, Tone or ION, I play very agressivly, especially with Ronin, I have to when all of his abilities are based on CQC, but he has health of nothing. I never felt comfortable using Ronin to his pressuring bastardness until I used the nuke eject. Normally, I've been able to drop in about 3 - 4 Titans in a match of attrition. With this combo I often can call in 3 Titans within a minute, while obliterating the enemy team
My custom class: Hey now you're an L-Star Phase Shift Firestar L-Star with: extend mag and speed reload MGL with speedloader and extend mag Speed regen and low profile Grand Theft Semi Auto And finally your boost is amped weapons for a scummier and deadlier L-Star I hope you enjoy and leave a like if you did
I find that the mastiff, stick, quick regen, lowprofile, and electric smoke, is something that I play best with. It helps a lot when you add the fun and gun and the speed reload perks onto the mastiff as well.
My personnel favorite... Snoipa Run the Kraber “dopamine rifle” along with the charge rifle and RE auto pistol. Use the stim pilot to better close the distance and get out of bad situations. Use gravity stars to hold pilots in one place so you can one tap them with your Kraber Use Northstar to make it that much more of a sniper build with threat optics and turbo boost Use quick regen and low profile for when Northstar is destroyed Hope you liked it, and yes Kraber is a one shot kill to any part of the body.
I named all my custom slots based off the Agents in the Red Vs Blue series. All of them using there respected weapons and specials. From Wyoming using a sniper and cloak to Carolina using the L-star to represent her energy weapons with grapple hook to show off her amazing speed.
Tip: if you want to rodeo a titan, jump on them and instantly jump off. They’ll usually use electric smoke as soon as their titan warns them to, which will be after you are off. Jump on right after the smoke clears.
the titan hunter: cloak, micro missiles, satchels charges, thunderbolt or archer depending on map, low profile, power cell, and amped weapons. this shit ways titans ALIVE.
Does anyone else think the devotion need a slight nerf to its damage because it does 80 DMG per shot which can 2 shot a pilot on chest shots. It is also the fastest firing LMG of the bunch. Anyone else agree?
nah, its so slow and inaccurate in the beginning that it takes some time to reach the sweet spot. if enemy has volt for example im usually dead before my devotion can really do anything.
It really shouldn't be able to out-perform the sniper rifles. People say that it's balanced due to slow initial fire rate but that only means that close-range weapons like shotguns or SMGs(aka mini assault rifles) can outperform it. The Devotion's pin-point accuracy is what needs to be fixed in my opinion. Make it kick more and people will start using the L-STAR and the Spitfire more.
as someone who's owned this game since about a week after launch let me say: just about EVERY single loadout except the last, is bullshit to play against
For the "Grunt farmer" loadout insted of the Devotion I used either the Cold War or Softball paired with A-Wall. it usually kills them right as they come out the drop pod.
Titanfall 2 is much better tbh. Less grindy story mode and the gunplay is the best of any game I've played. Definitely my shooter of the year(and I love Overwatch).
Flagara A. I would say get tf2 now while there is people playing it. Theres always gonna be a new cod and it will always be pretty much the same thing.
i wanted to add to this with my own loudout called outlaw your weapons are the two revolvers and a rocket launcher your boost is the smart pistol your pilot is the pulse knife and the titan is legion i promise you its fun but challenging. the smart pistol will fetch you some kills if your doing bad and the wingman elite and the wingman are two really hard guns to master. if you want to add bonus points use cowboy/outlsws colors something you would see in the 1800s btw i based all the guns on 1800s
For me the best is Grapple hook Car quick reload, run n gun P2050 ext mag, quick reload Charge rifle weapon swap, charge hack Fire star/frag grenade Battery low profile
I have a similar phase shift load out called "Now you see me" I basically turned myself into a tiny ronin Phase Shift pilot Mozambique Electric smoke Fast regen (or power battery) Low profile Phase Rewind boost And charge rifle to deal with titan The idea is to rush the enemy with electric smoke, phase out, phase in behind them, eliminate the target
I have a loadout that is specifically designed to make people as angry as possible. -Spitfire/Shitfire with quick reload and extended (use whatever scope you want -wingman (look, this thing gets people surprisingly angy) -anti titan doesn't matter, cuz I run -Boost is smart pistol I KNOW -pilot is phase Yes, I do fear god.
My personal favorite loadout is Run and gun Eva8 with stim and smoke grenade with fast healing and immuneScorch. it's so fun, they don't even see me coming
Brandon wills although if you have phase shift when you go out of phase space and youre in an enemy pilot you will kill them unfortunately its the other way round for ronin unless you sword block to save yourself
The 100% Skill Loadout: Primary: EPG-1 Secondary: Wingman Tactical: Grapple With Hover perk Motive: Swing high and shoot true. You'll need a degree in Movement to win with this
Video is top quality and informative, but for those who want to make these builds a tad more competitive, here's a few quick mods and tips: 1)The longbow dmr is a hitscan weapon, unlike the other two snipers, but with the tradeoff of lower damage. However, if it is combined with the A-Wall, it can 1-shot to the body allowing the disposal of pesky, faster-moving pilots. 2) The tracking feature on the Archer rocket is lack luster right now, and the rocket can be easily sidestepped by a titan without them having to expend a dash. (It's made even easier on them because it tells them that they are being locked onto and in which direction.) The MGL has a higher dps and the projectiles are even magnetic. 3) The A-Wall base is bugged and currently indestructible which means that it is completely indestructible and won't disappear until the ability runs out. Don't worry about how exposed the base is and have fun with having amped weapons almost 24/7 with the right setup.
One of my favourites A Hole Devotion A Wall Wingman Thunderbolt Phase embark Esmoke Titan hunter Random executions Dice roll And either tone or monarch Just to be an A Hole
Turdsley Yeah I split my classes depending on what game mode I'm playing. Sometimes I just get tired of being raped by a titan right out of spawn, ya know? Lol
I run the "visionary pilot" Pulse blade Smoke grenade Flatline to mow left and right along with tactikill and extra ammo Thunderbolt with fast reload and extra ammo Re 45 with surpressor and gunrunner Map hack as boost Ronin Now you see me execution with fast regen and hover
I roll with what I call the "Runner" kit which has stim, firestar (my pursuit breaker), an R97 with Gunrunner and Tactikill, Power Cell, and Low Profile. The idea is to charge and flank the enemy and never stop running. The tactikill and power cell make it so you always have your stim when you need it and the firestar can be thrown behind you (or in front of you if you're stimming and lock it onto a doorway or something) to stop anyone from following you, or punishing them if they decide to do so anyways. The CAR works great as the primary with the same attachments, but then I refer to it as the Driver kit ('cause you run your enemies over with your CAR)
i usually hate playing multiplayer online but I'm addicted to this game. and the campaign is amazing too. if you haven't already pick this game up,you won't be disappointed
Thank you my brother, these are genius! I can personally say these have all worked for me. I usually spend half my time in games editing my loadouts and nothing works, I appreciate it. You earned a sub bro
I run phase shift with Grav stars to pin a close enemy and phase away to get a more distanced shot, I run alternator with the gun perk that lets you shoot while sprinting, same for my secondary, this way I can keep momentum and do almost drive by like maneuvers when fighting other pilots. On top of that if you find yourself being chased by a titan, the arc nades can blind them while you shift out of view, usually leaving them without and clues to where you shifted to, antitan is the archer with ready fire, run low profile for more batteries and rodeoing.
I think it is. With no recoil it's like gatling laser that just starts up slowly firing but when it reach full firing speed then it's "if I point my Devetion there you die before you can say 'zap' ". And no, I don't Devetion or Tone myself. Flatline/CAR and Legion/ Scorch/Ronin depending on the map.
I run two load outs routinely: R-101 and Archer, with P2016 as back up, and Grapple. My second is Mastiff, Charge Rifle, RE-45 Auto for backup, and my Pilot is Holo Pilot.
My favorite class I've made "Brrrrrrrrrrttttttttt" Its actually surprisingly good. Go stim, a spitfire with gun runner and tacti kill, re 45 with gun runner/tacti kill, any anti titan, and any ordinace/passive. The goal is to get as close as possible with a stim and never stop firing your spitfire, the one catch, your not aloud to aim down sites. This class is a lot of fun try it out
My one is called "me". Basically it's devotion with threat scope and archer with b3 wingman with extra ammo. Add the ion or legion or northstar or Ronin and then you have the me loadout
I know titanfall 2 isn’t as popular anymore but here’s a loadout me and my friend made up. Big Iron Sheriff: Primary: Wingman elite Secondary: B3 Wingman Anti-Titan: MGL Grenade Launcher Boost: Smart pistol Tactical: Stim (to serve justice and get to the scene quickly) Oh and use tactical ready Titan: Legion for the biggest iron.
Titan Hunter: SMR, with extended mag and fast reload. Thunderbolt with fast mag Grapple hook with ticks, low profile Gravity Star for escaping pilots. Monarch with extra dash, Battery Theif, standard fall. Upgrades: Double Rocket Salvo, Faster Ready and Reload, Superior Chassis.
My loadout is called “now you see me...” The pilot is Phase with frag as an ordinance. The weapons are CAR, RE-45 and MGL. the kit is Power cell with low profile. The Titan is Northstar/Ronin. Northstar has turbo engine, viper thrusters and dome shield. Ronin has turbo engine, thunderstorm and some shield. Both are very effective.
I'm on my 4th regen, and certainly no expert on shooters, but I know enough about the game now to appreciate how solid these recommended builds are. Wish I were at home to try some of them right now!
My fav strat is fast and furious, it consists of grapple, car w/tactikill and speedloader, p2016, and charge rifle w/charge hack and extra ammo. U slide-hop and grapple across the map to be quick and suprise the enemy
Sorry if everyone hates my kind of loadout Stim class : Fast shot Mastive (fast reload, shoot w running, close up optics) P2020 (fast reload (what ever you want tho)) Shock grenade, (any perk except wall hang or hover) Titan : Tone (quick drop, and double pulse)
I love the Dimensional sneakaboo, because I like to get away fast and steal batteries and try to kill people with my titan explosion! THIS HAS TAKEN MY GAME TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL (Sorry I just found out about this)
STONE Pilot:pulse Grenade:E smoke Primary:SMR second:re-45 Anti-T: Archer Ability:wall hang or power cell Other ability: personal preference and a tone so you can have matching missles STRATEGY: if the enemy is in a hallway or street get to a high vantage point wall hang is your friend then pop smoke n blade from above after that go sparticus and UNLEASH HELL with SMR tight spot switch to the re so you don't blow yourself up and finally with tone pop smoke before entry *back up before poping* then continue the fight
wow, that thing with ronin + phase shift when doomed + nuclear is really nice, all people thinks i has just good reflex and wait for finish, and then boom, nuclear to face.
I have something I like to call the run and gun: Car smg: Long range scope Shoot while running Fast reload Pistol: Whatever you want AT weapon: Thunderbolt Draw the gun quicker Fast reload Ordinance: Grenades Perks: See enemy death location and tactical boost Tactical: Grapple Titan: Northstar Chip: Increase cluster rockets Boost: Smart pistol/Ticks And that's my go to class in the game.
i use a run & gun combo: stealth, firestar. CAR (extended mag and fast reload), Charge Rifle (extended mag and fast weapon swap), Power cell and Low profile. ultimate combo, to flank, stalk and get up in there face if you use it right.
The Hider Electric smoke grenade Cloak tactical Power cell Kill report (Neck breaker or 2-3-2, for fun :) ) Mastiff with bigger ammo and speed reload and the vcog (the light blue round sight) MGL or Archer (ammo increase) Autopistol or Any wingman (ammo increase and silencer) -To engage and disengage in any situation. you can even use the cloaked jumpjets instead of kill report. The grenade will quickly hide you while you cloak and run in a dangerous situation, or if you're being shot at. Mastiff and the pistol are for up close and sometimes mid-range attacks, powercell to get cloak back faster.-
I'm surprised that this game didn't get the Game of the Year award..
well it was competing with Overwatch, so i'm just glad people are recognizing its a great game.
ReeseCup Gamer ikr
DeltaLegion wow....
ReeseCup Gamer yeah
DeltaLegion Titanfall 2 is way better
The inner pieces execution is always so satisfying.
SonicSrikr Hold the melee button a second or 2 longer.. Had the same problem once.
Adrian Rogers ikr I was disappointed in my 300 credit purchase of an execution that I didn't know how to use
TechnoBeeKeeper Yup got the Grand theft semi auto.. Doesnt matter if they kill you during your executing the other guy doesnt see the light off day when it starts!!
This was my reaction when I first saw the Inner Pieces execution:
"Where did I teleport to? OH SWEET MERCIFUL BHUDHA WHAT THE FUCK!?!?"
Adrian Rogers lol I got the 2-3-2 combo
I Have a class Named ''My Next Trick'' I Have a smoke grenade And Phase shift
SillyMan sounds awsome tell me more....
Tony Flamingo it's not that cool XD
That's amazing lmao.
Really need to try this
I run
Pulse blade
Wingman elite
Hard cover
I call it
Robbie rotten is number 1 lol
I am a ronin main so I like shotguns
TacticoolTaco 810 I'm also a Ronin main but I prefer the Car
I should really get this game.
i just got it on holiday sale. its 50% off on origin if you play on pc. im loving it so far.
MrWhite yeah i got it on the ps4 for 40 dollers
TriksterHD honestly, I can promise you that you WILL NOT be disappointed. The campaign is literally the best OF ANY fps EVER MADE. AND THE MULTI PLAYER IS SO REDICULOUSLY FUN YOU WILL BE STARING AT THE SCREEN FOR DAYS ON END. I actually bought the game for only 28 dollars during a Walmart Christmas Black Friday sale, it was a great deal for such an amazing game. A SWEAR TO YOU ON MY LIFE YOU WILL NOT REGRET BUYING TITANFALL 2. That's all... ✌🏻
why are you watching this if you don't have it yet?
+Rodimus Prime that wasn't a question
My pulse blade is named Naruto, my a-wall is named Wall-E, my phase is named Just A Phase, my cloak is called Cloaka Cola, and my stim is called Stimothy.
Benjamin Tan WHY
Benjamin Tan Lmao good on ya mate 💯
My stim is named speedy gonzales
ACENDANT 173-2 why... is there... no... GRAPPLE
My phase is it’s not a phase mom
I play "Good Magician"
Smoke, holopilot, Softball
Gets em' every time
At yo you on xbox because maybe we could play a few rounds and if you are on xbox plz add me my user is SnakeKiller8229
that sounds amazing, ill have to try that
I'm not liking because it has 69 likes
@@ozorator7493 you are a good man, thank you
This game is hell of a lot of fun..
+Kelvin Martinez Sure is.
Kelvin Martinez damn straight
Kelvin Martinez yep it is fun and I am addicted to playing titanfall2
Logan Elmore same here
Kelvin Martinez dude, this game should have gotten a game of year award!!!! I think this game is amazing as well
3:00, so clutch I had a heart attack
got this game on Xbox One for Christmas! best damn game I played all year long!
Straight up.
KahunaCilver520 must not have played many games
You got this game on Christmas yet you've been playing it all year long... strange
Are you a leafy fan or something?
Anthony Tedesco Ikr, I had a Christmas noob on my team who got a score of 23 in attrition and yelled at me the whole match because I wouldn't give him a battery for his doomed titan.
We lost 230 to 450 and the kid sent me a message saying "why don't you use a viable weapon instead of the grenade launcher you idiot?!"
I top fragged with the softball and got told how to play by the bottom scoring player. Absolutely disgusting.
The loadout with my Grapling hook is called ''Fly You Fool!''
And the one with my A-Wall WAS called ''You Shall Not Pass!'' but I changed it to ''Wall Of China''
Gandalf ftw
BattlePro3 lmao
A Yuuuge Wall
Wall of Mexico and get Gen 2 to get the golden skin and call it ur hair
Speed Demon:
Arc Grenades
Low profile
R-97 with tactikill and gunrunner
Archer Rockets
Suppressed Re. 45 Auto
Trust me, this class is hard to catch, and you'll be racking up kills in no time.
SpaceUnicorn trueee hahaha my class is almost this exactly and it’s pretty nutty how fast you can rack up kills with this class
@SpaceUnicorn Or you could take gravity star and give yourself a head start boost with it to go even faster
Why would you use gunrunner?
@@dankiuswankius So you don't need to stop sprinting to hip fire.
@@naturalone6529 Ever heard of wallrunning?
Number 1 and number 4 should have been named Cancer.
It really sucks how they shot themselves in the kneecap with this game. its a great one. Just... wont get as much spotlight as it deserves.
That was EA's fault, not Respawn's.
Nikki Varagod that was decently EA fault if it came out in November or December more people would of bought it. But instead da thought it was a good idea to release titanfall 2 one week after BF1
Yeah I heard their reasoning. It's just absolutely flawed.
Nikki Varagod what is EA's reasoning?
akamassassin Read my comment above. They did it to appeal to two different types of gamers by releasing two different games close together.
You've got to use a stim , mastiff loadout 👌
hey another one of my own :D
That load out is extremely toxic
@@marialambert7642 why thank you
Okay, so I tried the Loadout with Ronin, Phase Reflexes and Nuclear Ejection. My first try I blew up 3 hostile Titans, which were against the wall but all shooting at me. Ever since I love it lol
I despise nuke eject with Ronin. Having e smoke lets you last longer and deal a fair amount of damage to Titans, too. Ronin can be used for so much more than just being a bomb.
And wait till' the christmas noobs either get more skill or leave; you'll find that players can avoid nuke eject 99% of the time. Even in my Scorch, one of the only times I died to nuke eject was because my teammate blocked me, and apart from that I can just leave with ease.
Jake Pama I know it can be avoided very easy. Fact remains that I like no other set up with Ronin. I tried everything from Bouncing bullets to two arc waves, with several combo's from extra dash to nuke eject to electric smoke, and sure, granted the extra dash was great but Ronin cant complement my playstyle as long as he no suicide bomber. When I play with Ronin, Tone or ION, I play very agressivly, especially with Ronin, I have to when all of his abilities are based on CQC, but he has health of nothing. I never felt comfortable using Ronin to his pressuring bastardness until I used the nuke eject.
Normally, I've been able to drop in about 3 - 4 Titans in a match of attrition. With this combo I often can call in 3 Titans within a minute, while obliterating the enemy team
BattlePro3 You can play how you want.
But in any case, you should watch FrothyOmen's video on Ronin, it has lots of good tips.
Jake Pama I did, I watched his videos on all Titans, and stuff like movement tips and tricks
i hate people like you
Aaron's such a badass!
I have a loadout called "FUUUUUUCK" and it involves the cold war with the Mozambique and Ronin with nuclear ejection.
Rodrigo Lanas
I have a op loadout called tim
RodriGj6ctxf😱😱go Lanas
My custom class:
Hey now you're an L-Star
Phase Shift
L-Star with: extend mag and speed reload
MGL with speedloader and extend mag
Speed regen and low profile
Grand Theft Semi Auto
And finally your boost is amped weapons for a scummier and deadlier L-Star
I hope you enjoy and leave a like if you did
Clorox Bleach the l star doesn't reload smfh
@@Rackcoon929 lol it does if it overheats smart ass
why the hell did i sang this in smash mouth style?
I find that the mastiff, stick, quick regen, lowprofile, and electric smoke, is something that I play best with. It helps a lot when you add the fun and gun and the speed reload perks onto the mastiff as well.
My personnel favorite...
Run the Kraber “dopamine rifle” along with the charge rifle and RE auto pistol.
Use the stim pilot to better close the distance and get out of bad situations.
Use gravity stars to hold pilots in one place so you can one tap them with your Kraber
Use Northstar to make it that much more of a sniper build with threat optics and turbo boost
Use quick regen and low profile for when Northstar is destroyed
Hope you liked it, and yes Kraber is a one shot kill to any part of the body.
Please keep making Titanfall content, I really enjoy these videos.
David is that a destiny 2 half exo half human face on your logo thing
I named all my custom slots based off the Agents in the Red Vs Blue series. All of them using there respected weapons and specials. From Wyoming using a sniper and cloak to Carolina using the L-star to represent her energy weapons with grapple hook to show off her amazing speed.
MysteryMrR that's awesome!
Please don't let this game die this game is so freakin fun
Dissapointing,isnt it.
Its back!!!!@@Skibble.
Tip: if you want to rodeo a titan, jump on them and instantly jump off. They’ll usually use electric smoke as soon as their titan warns them to, which will be after you are off. Jump on right after the smoke clears.
This loadout I like to call “no”
It’s cloak and gravity star, mastiff with extra ammo and quick load, power cell, and low profile with tone
ew, Tone
Call it memestiff
the titan hunter: cloak, micro missiles, satchels charges, thunderbolt or archer depending on map, low profile, power cell, and amped weapons.
this shit ways titans ALIVE.
Gotta try these! This game is so deep!
Christopher Ellis word, about as deep as a puddle
I think its better than BF1 and deeper than too
my bf1 is still sealed
Christopher Ellis you on xbox 1 ?
my personal loadout. i call it the titan reaper
have fun shredding XD
+Calvin Raval What about the secondary weapon?
nice one, cloak and satchel is great
Yarid Or Rashid go mgl. best antititan weapon right now
@@petrifiedpotato4568 probably wingman since it shreds
Does anyone else think the devotion need a slight nerf to its damage because it does 80 DMG per shot which can 2 shot a pilot on chest shots. It is also the fastest firing LMG of the bunch. Anyone else agree?
nah, its so slow and inaccurate in the beginning that it takes some time to reach the sweet spot. if enemy has volt for example im usually dead before my devotion can really do anything.
It really shouldn't be able to out-perform the sniper rifles.
People say that it's balanced due to slow initial fire rate but that only means that close-range weapons like shotguns or SMGs(aka mini assault rifles) can outperform it.
The Devotion's pin-point accuracy is what needs to be fixed in my opinion. Make it kick more and people will start using the L-STAR and the Spitfire more.
The devotion has horrific accuracy and recoil when compared to weapons like the Hemlok and the R-201. It does not need a nerf.
Mistress Fast I think that all snipers need to insta-kill, just switch up fire rates.
recoils and accuracies too
Who’s here in 2024
Oh yuh
Me :3
Oo rah
Yep :3
Phase Reflex and Nuclear Ejection have always been my go-to for Ronin in pilot+titan modes. Excellent counter to deth.
My current loadout in Titanfall 2 is shotgun Steve ,which is a Eva-8 auto with grapple and a tone titan that has nuclear ejection
as someone who's owned this game since about a week after launch let me say: just about EVERY single loadout except the last, is bullshit to play against
Where my NorthStars at?
Raru Kuttan already dead and awaiting titanfall.
right here!
_0 Titan kills_
Flight core activates
"Such an A-Wall"
That's actually genuinely clever...
Back here in 2023. Cmon we need a shooter like this
I use volt,thunderbolt and re45
I call it
Thunder cross split attack.
Jojo reference
I love being sneaky and invisible and long range and silent in video games
I am Void The Titan Slayer the Slayer of all titans!!
VoidStalkerLK haha nice reference
VoidStalkerLK. Yeah ok butterscotch!!
I am the arrow piercing the Titans armour
Jez reference :O
For the "Grunt farmer" loadout insted of the Devotion I used either the Cold War or Softball paired with A-Wall. it usually kills them right as they come out the drop pod.
i should have got this instead of MGSV
Titanfall 2 is much better tbh. Less grindy story mode and the gunplay is the best of any game I've played. Definitely my shooter of the year(and I love Overwatch).
Darrez different games. but if you had to choose getting this first while it's hot would have been better.
Darrez I think I'm going to complete the Trinity of modern shooters, I got BF1, and soon Infinite Warfare and then maybe next year Titanfall 2
Flagara A. I would say get tf2 now while there is people playing it. Theres always gonna be a new cod and it will always be pretty much the same thing.
I have TF2 and y'know, i kinda need something somewhat refreshing after 170 hours in TF2 Lol
3:04 LOLZ love this guy haha
lol i just got the game today and now there a video about it lmao
teamhebi13 Coincidence? I think NOT!
teamhebi13 me 2 lol
teamhebi13 hows the game :) i love it more than i liked the first one
its really fun online even the executions the story is good too and the game is only 30 or 40 bucks right now on psn store
I do this crazy thing with my loadouts where I don't use the R201 and instead use something that takes skill to get kills with. I know. Crazy.
I run the Hemlok, Mozambique, and Tone, and I call it "CHEESE"
Joe Sauter Absolutely disgusting. But the hemlok got nerfed so (:
Devon Santos Mozambique is fine imo, but tone is just... No...
***** Mozambique is only good in close range but a good player can absolutely destroy with it.
i wanted to add to this with my own loudout called outlaw
your weapons are the two revolvers and a rocket launcher
your boost is the smart pistol
your pilot is the pulse knife and the titan is legion
i promise you its fun but challenging. the smart pistol will fetch you some kills if your doing bad and the wingman elite and the wingman are two really hard guns to master. if you want to add bonus points use cowboy/outlsws colors something you would see in the 1800s
btw i based all the guns on 1800s
like the rocket launcher
Smart pilot
R-97 with wingman b3 and holo pilot and with a smart pistol
Grim2 Reaper I 2as thinking you were gonna say smart pistol
Tony Flamingo LOL
Grim2 Reaper whaat?
Tony Flamingo i did say that
For me the best is
Grapple hook
Car quick reload, run n gun
P2050 ext mag, quick reload
Charge rifle weapon swap, charge hack
Fire star/frag grenade
Battery low profile
Who else is comin back now?
Me, I just bought titanfall 2 like 4 days ago
I had it on my xbox but I bought it on my ps4, because I switched and it was on a discount
I have a similar phase shift load out called
"Now you see me"
I basically turned myself into a tiny ronin
Phase Shift pilot
Electric smoke
Fast regen (or power battery)
Low profile
Phase Rewind boost
And charge rifle to deal with titan
The idea is to rush the enemy with electric smoke, phase out, phase in behind them, eliminate the target
One of my sets is called the Hypocrite and it has the kraber, it's called hypocrite because I hate snipers
I have a loadout that is specifically designed to make people as angry as possible.
-Spitfire/Shitfire with quick reload and extended (use whatever scope you want
-wingman (look, this thing gets people surprisingly angy)
-anti titan doesn't matter, cuz I run
-Boost is smart pistol I KNOW
-pilot is phase
Yes, I do fear god.
Getting people angry usually happens with CAR
i am a BATTLEFIELD FANBOY and this game has taken me away from Battlefield 1 and this is FPS Of The Year!👍😃
My personal favorite loadout is Run and gun Eva8 with stim and smoke grenade with fast healing and immuneScorch. it's so fun, they don't even see me coming
umm you don't need to have phase shift for inner pieces execution.
Brandon Willis He didn't say you needed it
Must have misheard then
Brandon wills although if you have phase shift when you go out of phase space and youre in an enemy pilot you will kill them unfortunately its the other way round for ronin unless you sword block to save yourself
M1GHTY PANTH3R true which is it like that ?
The 100% Skill Loadout:
Primary: EPG-1
Secondary: Wingman
Tactical: Grapple
With Hover perk
Motive: Swing high and shoot true. You'll need a degree in Movement to win with this
Another Guy On UA-cam already have it, as a gen ten. Destroyed a gen 100 spitfire camper.
Can't touch this... SMR, Stim, Phase embark, Ronnin with nuke. Auto pistol... OFP.
aka cancer
Video is top quality and informative, but for those who want to make these builds a tad more competitive, here's a few quick mods and tips:
1)The longbow dmr is a hitscan weapon, unlike the other two snipers, but with the tradeoff of lower damage. However, if it is combined with the A-Wall, it can 1-shot to the body allowing the disposal of pesky, faster-moving pilots.
2) The tracking feature on the Archer rocket is lack luster right now, and the rocket can be easily sidestepped by a titan without them having to expend a dash. (It's made even easier on them because it tells them that they are being locked onto and in which direction.) The MGL has a higher dps and the projectiles are even magnetic.
3) The A-Wall base is bugged and currently indestructible which means that it is completely indestructible and won't disappear until the ability runs out. Don't worry about how exposed the base is and have fun with having amped weapons almost 24/7 with the right setup.
Carson Wyatt for the first one, don't you mean amped weapons instead of a-wall? or does a-wall also boost outgoing damage?
Nasus KustoszPustyni Yes, A-Wall boosts outgoing damage.
Carson Wyatt Archer got buffed and the mgl got nerfed a tad.
Devon Santos Back when I wrote that, the information was up to date.
Carson Wyatt I know I was just informing you
0:43 The Devo-
*Nah, I'll pass*
mine is the Midwestern showdown double wingman, stim, Frag, and anything is can be your choice
the softball is my favorite weapon
One of my favourites
A Hole
A Wall
Phase embark
Titan hunter
Random executions
Dice roll
And either tone or monarch
Just to be an A Hole
RIP Rest in peace Carrie Fisher 1978-2016
edit: 1956_2016!!!
AQUE my mistake. typing too fast!
TheRandomGamerDude she was born in 1956.
Requiescat in pace.
We're not here for Carrie Fisher's death. Yeah I love her, but not gonna bother because this isn't what I"m here for.
Anthony Tedesco Titanfall 2 takes a backseat to Carrie ✋🏼
Phase shift
And I like to call it level 500 Wraith
Use low profile on literally all of your loadouts, the other options are terrible in comparison.
Turdsley Unless you're playing a pilot only game mode, use kill report. Gives you more of an incentive where enemy pilots may be
Yeah, I guess that applies a lot more now that Live Fire is out. That said, I play Titanfall for Titans.
Turdsley Yeah I split my classes depending on what game mode I'm playing. Sometimes I just get tired of being raped by a titan right out of spawn, ya know? Lol
I run the "visionary pilot"
Pulse blade
Smoke grenade
Flatline to mow left and right along with tactikill and extra ammo
Thunderbolt with fast reload and extra ammo
Re 45 with surpressor and gunrunner
Map hack as boost
Now you see me execution with fast regen and hover
This is why Tf 2 is plagued by nuke eject ronins
cause asses
I roll with what I call the "Runner" kit which has stim, firestar (my pursuit breaker), an R97 with Gunrunner and Tactikill, Power Cell, and Low Profile. The idea is to charge and flank the enemy and never stop running. The tactikill and power cell make it so you always have your stim when you need it and the firestar can be thrown behind you (or in front of you if you're stimming and lock it onto a doorway or something) to stop anyone from following you, or punishing them if they decide to do so anyways. The CAR works great as the primary with the same attachments, but then I refer to it as the Driver kit ('cause you run your enemies over with your CAR)
0:11 I'm so cool!!
i usually hate playing multiplayer online but I'm addicted to this game. and the campaign is amazing too. if you haven't already pick this game up,you won't be disappointed
stop making people play with the devotion
Thank you my brother, these are genius! I can personally say these have all worked for me. I usually spend half my time in games editing my loadouts and nothing works, I appreciate it. You earned a sub bro
Legion, Devotion, A-wall?! What is this? Scrub fest?!
I run devotion, A-wall. But I feel bad for every pilot I kill. ;-;
@@Dragoon-VI it is bad
I run phase shift with Grav stars to pin a close enemy and phase away to get a more distanced shot, I run alternator with the gun perk that lets you shoot while sprinting, same for my secondary, this way I can keep momentum and do almost drive by like maneuvers when fighting other pilots. On top of that if you find yourself being chased by a titan, the arc nades can blind them while you shift out of view, usually leaving them without and clues to where you shifted to, antitan is the archer with ready fire, run low profile for more batteries and rodeoing.
F*uck Devetion
I think it is.
With no recoil it's like gatling laser that just starts up slowly firing but when it reach full firing speed then it's "if I point my Devetion there you die before you can say 'zap' ".
And no, I don't Devetion or Tone myself.
Flatline/CAR and Legion/ Scorch/Ronin depending on the map.
Joonas Sariola
A: you try to censer fuck but still spell the whole thing out.
B: you spelled devotion wrong
tried* censor* spelled* wrong.*
Kadaj Noir damn you roasted him just like how roasted a doomed Northstar is get it?
I run two load outs routinely: R-101 and Archer, with P2016 as back up, and Grapple. My second is Mastiff, Charge Rifle, RE-45 Auto for backup, and my Pilot is Holo Pilot.
if you ever use a-wall and devotion then pls uninstall the game
The Dimensional Sneekaboo class was so helpful especially wrecking enemy titans with the phase then Nuclear Eject.
These load outs are disgusting A Wall Camping class srsly
PlanetSider0924 plus devotion equals pure garbage.
My favorite class I've made "Brrrrrrrrrrttttttttt" Its actually surprisingly good. Go stim, a spitfire with gun runner and tacti kill, re 45 with gun runner/tacti kill, any anti titan, and any ordinace/passive. The goal is to get as close as possible with a stim and never stop firing your spitfire, the one catch, your not aloud to aim down sites. This class is a lot of fun try it out
My one is called "me". Basically it's devotion with threat scope and archer with b3 wingman with extra ammo.
Add the ion or legion or northstar or Ronin and then you have the me loadout
I know titanfall 2 isn’t as popular anymore but here’s a loadout me and my friend made up.
Big Iron Sheriff:
Primary: Wingman elite
Secondary: B3 Wingman
Anti-Titan: MGL Grenade Launcher
Boost: Smart pistol
Tactical: Stim (to serve justice and get to the scene quickly)
Oh and use tactical ready
Titan: Legion for the biggest iron.
Titan Hunter:
SMR, with extended mag and fast reload.
Thunderbolt with fast mag
Grapple hook with ticks, low profile
Gravity Star for escaping pilots.
Monarch with extra dash, Battery Theif, standard fall.
Upgrades: Double Rocket Salvo, Faster Ready and Reload, Superior Chassis.
My loadout is called “now you see me...”
The pilot is Phase with frag as an ordinance. The weapons are CAR, RE-45 and MGL. the kit is Power cell with low profile. The Titan is Northstar/Ronin. Northstar has turbo engine, viper thrusters and dome shield. Ronin has turbo engine, thunderstorm and some shield. Both are very effective.
It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that names my loadouts dumb stuff like "Zoom Zoom" (R-97 and Stim, so much fun)
I'm on my 4th regen, and certainly no expert on shooters, but I know enough about the game now to appreciate how solid these recommended builds are. Wish I were at home to try some of them right now!
My fav strat is fast and furious, it consists of grapple, car w/tactikill and speedloader, p2016, and charge rifle w/charge hack and extra ammo. U slide-hop and grapple across the map to be quick and suprise the enemy
One of my favorite loadouts from my Titanfall 2 past is the Pilot Hunter Killer. Equip gravity star, pulse blade, and ticks, and you're set.
Wow, such a ingenius loadouts! contratulations Aaron! I will, for sure, test those!
Sorry if everyone hates my kind of loadout
Stim class : Fast shot
Mastive (fast reload, shoot w running, close up optics)
P2020 (fast reload (what ever you want tho))
Shock grenade, (any perk except wall hang or hover)
Titan : Tone (quick drop, and double pulse)
I love the Dimensional sneakaboo, because I like to get away fast and steal batteries and try to kill people with my titan explosion! THIS HAS TAKEN MY GAME TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL (Sorry I just found out about this)
Grenade:E smoke
Anti-T: Archer
Ability:wall hang or power cell
Other ability: personal preference
and a tone so you can have matching missles
if the enemy is in a hallway or street get to a high vantage point wall hang is your friend then pop smoke n blade from above after that go sparticus and UNLEASH HELL with SMR tight spot switch to the re so you don't blow yourself up and finally with tone pop smoke before entry *back up before poping* then continue the fight
wow, that thing with ronin + phase shift when doomed + nuclear is really nice, all people thinks i has just good reflex and wait for finish, and then boom, nuclear to face.
I have something I like to call the run and gun:
Car smg:
Long range scope
Shoot while running
Fast reload
Pistol: Whatever you want
AT weapon: Thunderbolt
Draw the gun quicker
Fast reload
Ordinance: Grenades
Perks: See enemy death location and tactical boost
Tactical: Grapple
Titan: Northstar
Chip: Increase cluster rockets
Boost: Smart pistol/Ticks
And that's my go to class in the game.
That phase reflex and nuclear eject with ronin was pretty smart
Those are actually some really damn good suggestions I might try them out, thanks for the tips never thought of playing that way
i use a run & gun combo: stealth, firestar. CAR (extended mag and fast reload), Charge Rifle (extended mag and fast weapon swap), Power cell and Low profile. ultimate combo, to flank, stalk and get up in there face if you use it right.
here's one of my favorite load out's
Speed Demon
Power Cell
Low profile (just because)
The Hider
Electric smoke grenade
Cloak tactical
Power cell
Kill report
(Neck breaker or 2-3-2, for fun :) )
Mastiff with bigger ammo and speed reload and the vcog (the light blue round sight)
MGL or Archer (ammo increase)
Autopistol or Any wingman (ammo increase and silencer)
-To engage and disengage in any situation. you can even use the cloaked jumpjets instead of kill report. The grenade will quickly hide you while you cloak and run in a dangerous situation, or if you're being shot at. Mastiff and the pistol are for up close and sometimes mid-range attacks, powercell to get cloak back faster.-