Thank you so so much for shining a Light on the DDOS Issue. Let's hope Respawn finally get's on this. It would be such a humongous shame if they actually abandoned TF|1&2 for good.
I don't want Respawn to abandon the game like Valve with TF2 and CounterStrike series. since a lot of people have been booting up Titanfall 2 due to the new influx of players, me included, I really hope that Respawn and EA can get through the struggle and work together to protect their game.
There’s a special place in hell for these hackers and we as the titanfall community are sending them to it and I don’t even think Satan would want them under his roof might as well get the FBI on this case too to make their lives worse
"The IMC were just vibing and did nothing wrong" *Remembers Titanfall 1 where the IMC releases the spectres into the mining colony town. And when IMC Blisk shot at the civilian ships saying "today's civilians are tommorows militia, what do you want me to do...wait?"*
Not to mention, in TF2 there is summary execution, and execution by Ash's combat simulator. We also discover the fate of the hundreds of missing colonists from the first game: All entombed in cryo-stasis for biological experiments at the Typhon IMC research center, all killed after the ARC weapon test.
In titanfall 1 the pilots needed the injections and stuff but in titanfall 2, they equiped the titans with the neural link. That is why Jack Cooper became a pilot so easy.
You don't need injections or special equipment to be a combat Titan pilot. All you need is the combat certificate to operate a combat-capable Titan. We even see high ranking grunts in the first game pilot Titans.
lastimosa injected cooper with something in the first mission when cooper got launched back by a titanfall sure it did nock cooper out {the injection} what if it changed cooper
Jack Cooper clearly was recieving training before the game. Perhaps he already had some of the elements needed to be a pilot, and was just lucky with bt. Also, BT was one of the new titans the militia made themselves. Maybe it doesn't require the implants?
@@thescriptedplayer3192 Precisely. Similar implementation in other games show the campaign as a special instance instead of the norm, making multiplayer in games make sense for things to be harder/ less won as well. I think respawn understands this well.
In Titanfall 1 you can see "Titan Captains" piloting their own titans during the campaign. The Captains are actually just grunts. With this we can infer that a neural link is not necessary to pilot a titan, and we can infer that Cooper may have some experience piloting titans prior to TF2.
Good point, he must have had what it takes to be a pilot if he was recieving training. It seemed he was going to recieve his own titan after, but they were interrupted by IMC, so he had to go as a regular soldier.
I can answer almost all of these: 1: The pilots gauntlet is a simulation 2: It actually became a lot easier become a pilot between the 1st and second game, requiring a lot less implants and the like. For example, during the events of the first game, cloak required a bunch of implants all over your skin. However, by the second, it was now simply a projection from your helmet. As long as Cooper had a working helmet and jump kit, he had pretty much everything he needed to become a pilot. The real reason why there were so few pilots is because it was simply really hard to pass training. For the IMC, only 1% of potential pilot recruits passed basic training. 3: Ash was reassembled by Vinson Dynamics and became their Field Commander during the events of the multiplayer. She's a simulacrum, and therefore can be rebuilt over and over. 4: I don't get what he's saying here. 5: Your explanation is great. Additionally, the jump kits need to save a lot of their charge to prevent you from taking fall damage. 6: Another great explanation. 7: This guy's trolling so not gonna bother. 8: It's not very safe for humans to spend long periods of time in the Phase world. Obviously they can do it, Phase rewind, Phase embark into titans and the dropship, or being on or in Ronin. The phase pilots are all simulacrums, suggesting that its not safe for organic matter to spend a lot of time there, and is only used in short emergency situations, or inside the protection of a titan chassis. It's interesting that Wraith can spend so long in the phase world without being harmed by it. 9: When you kill the other MRVNS, its not their problem. Titan sentry question: Titan sentry's are designed to be resistant to brute force attacks, but the more precise punch of a pilot probably is able to hit a less defended part. Boomtown Titanfall: Yeah idk. In theory the ceiling could open up like it did for the spectres in the campaign, but that doesn't seem to happen. (EDIT: I found a source that proves that none of the multiplayer maps are on typhon, and are instead on other planets) A more difficult question is how are we able to play on multiplayer maps set on Typhon when Typhon was destroyed in the campaign? The multiplayer takes place after the campaign, so this shouldn't be possible. While they could be simulations, this is unlikely for a number of reasons, and it's actually far more likely that the multiplayer factions are traveling back in time to during or before the events of the campaign, in order to change the outcome of the battle of Typhon. Effect and cause proved that the use of the fold weapon on Typhon allowed for time travel on the planet. However, this doesn't explain the map Complex, as it's clearly the same place as in Effect and Cause, while also being clearly NOT the same place, since there's a bunch of minor differences in the architecture.
If i am correct it could be explained that it is during the battle of Typhon. meaning that the planet isn't blown up and it makes sense to have the destruction in certain area's like the dome. Being blown into or out of for the Militia/IMC to get easier access to the facilities with titans as other entrances would be more heavily guarded. As the planet blew up at the end of the battle with the militia "victory" I believe it was that anyways
For the Titans falling in Boomtown I think they warp-fall in through the ceiling if you look closely you can see a flash like when the drop ship escapes at the end of a round
@Carter used to game the multiplayer is confirmed to take place after the single player though. Evidence for this includes monarch being built from vanguard titans recovered from the battle of titan, Ash’s faction description, the wanted posters on angel city, reapers and stalkers being commonplace, etc.
Yes well octane didn't actually lose his legs at the gauntlet just injured. Instead octane in the hospital just got rid of his legs and black mailed life line to build him new legs. What a crazy man
“The imc were just vibing and did nothing wrong” *The entire campaign of titanfall 2 was about you trying to stop the imc from commiting mass genocide*
I can actually answer the gauntlet one. The gauntlet is a simulation as show in the campaign, therefore they are not actually in the gauntlet so they dont get hurt.
BT is a COMPLETELY different Titan than the TF|1 ones. It is said that militia did them completely by themselves so this may be a completely different process
Wraith is special not because she doesn’t need a device. In titanfall the only people who can go into the upside down ( the phase world ) are the robot pilots.
what about jack cooper and major anderson? they were humans and could go to the phase world but they needed a device in theory i think both arguments go well together since 1: wraith don't use a device 2: she is a human
Everyone can enter the void with technology, it's just that for normal humans extended exposure is hazardous af, while Wraith is highly tolerant or immune to it
@@AnoAssassin id argue highly tolerant over immune because of wraith showing visible pain/discomfort from her abilities in loading screens when choosing her
According to lore, Apex and TF2 are not in the same timeline. They are parallel reality. Sad to learn in the first place but it does make a lot more sense when it's explained. I'll linked the video if I found it back. Edit : here's the link It's a theory but I give it credit
He didn't do any research, he just say comments form people that also didn't do any research and jokes about it, if you take his video for anything other than comedy i don't know what to tell you
Don't let the "wall running doesn't make any sense" people see what actual parkour pros without scifi jump jets to assist them can do, they may implode into a black hole.
There's a fan theory that says: When Lastimosa finds Cooper at the beginning of the game and takes him to safety he injects something in Cooper. That something might have been the nanite injection that Cooper needed to finalise his transition into a pilot. There's another one that says Cooper was originally an IMC pilot but was captured and unwillingly went through the Regen process which would have erased his memories. This theory is supported by a dialog between Cooper and BT where Cooper asks about a battle that he would have taken part of but can't remember
But in the fracture one there also is an option where cooper says: “fracture, sounds familiar” but then responds by saying it was his first operation as a rifleman, witch means his first mission was in militia documents so he has always been militia
It’s possible that Cooper simply forgot the battle for whatever reason, but dialogue confirms he’s always been Militia. I do like the injection theory though and it makes sense. I wouldn’t be surprised if they confirm in a Titanfall 3 (if one ever happens).
He wasn’t injected with the nanites. When Cooper got knocked back by the IMC tone Titan that landed next to him Lastimosa injected him with some sort of medication saying ‘this might knock you out but you should be ok when you wake up’. It’s possible that Cooper received the nanites months before this since he is being trained to become a pilot and then needed the nanites for his training and to become a pilot
I like the nanite injection theory, because it not only explains why pilots are able to take physical trauma in normal circumstances (like punching a robot or falling from great heights) but it also explains why pilots are able to heal so fast, has anyone ever heard an audible sound when their pilot is healing? It sounds like a syringe, doesn’t it?
@@theultimaterich6302 that was something to ease the pain. He even says, "this might knock you out for a while". He didn't give him nanites. He gave him a drug probably similar to morphine so he didnt feel his pain
Actually, Lastimosa at the first mission in the campaign injects some thing in you that every pilot gets if im right. Also it is theorized that Jack was a pilot before but got amnesia.
@@scareraven9669 yea that’s where the theory comes from some people think that jack was an iMc pilot that got bonked in the head a little to hard during that mission and then was used as an militia grunt later to become a pilot
You didn't just become a pilot out of nowhere. He was slowly being trained in secret. The gauntlet is not supposed to he his first time in Simulation training. It's just supposed to be the players first time
About the second one: its been discussed that the injection that lastimosa gives you at the start of the game may have also included nanites that allowed you to become stronger and faster, use your jumpkit and bond with BT easier
I believe how the titans are spawning in the dome is basically they're phase shifting. If you look closely it looks like the titans are phase shifting.
Ea knows the target marketing especially when they knew about titanfall community while battle royale is running amok, i heard apex was a project for titanfall 3 at first.
Correction here @1:25 You don't need to be a robot/simulacrum to use stim, same with Phase Shift. Every pilot and person can use stim and phase shift, the devs confirmed that the models tied to abilities are just for balance reasons and the ability to easily identify what tactical another player is using. The Phase Shift model was originally the Grapple model. Pilots in-lore can use several tacticals at once. In Titanfall 1 the normal human pilots use Stim and a grunt mention using it, though it kept him awake for a week.
Also, there’s a theory that he was actually an top IMC pilot but then had a head injury in the battle and got captured by the Militia and made him not able to remember who he was before, and they put him as a grunt so that he thinks he was always a grunt, but then once he gets into a titan, he doesn’t even question his own skill, almost like he knew how to use a titan.
I loved this game and I am so sad I can never play multiplayer ever again and it's the first game I ever played and I loved it and all great things come to a end
for wraith and the void and her being special, shes special because she’s a human as well, the time travel thing is different even though it look similar, but phase shift is only done by simulacrum
I always thought the time travel thing was kind of strange too because unless the time variations are physically bound to the planet’s surface then wouldn’t pilots who time travel just end up in the middle of space due to the movement of the galaxy?
@@derp-7274 the phase shift would probably kill you, however I guarantee that the stim in this game is a higher dosage than the first, so they yes simulacrums for it.
I love how you ignored the mission in tf1 when the IMC ordered the execution of an entire civillian village for thinking they were hiding milicia troops (wich they werent). And that was before their ranks were filled with mercenaries
I love how you ignored how A) The Militia started the War, and employed terrorist tactics like dressing up as civilians to bomb the Core Worlds, who had no fucking business with the IMC. And how B) Blisk ordered it, without telling Graves anything until he was already done.
@@baisansebastian3358 fair enough, but i see this as one those military tales, where both sides eventually do morally questionable actions, and its up to you to decide Who is more in the right. Its a "Lesser of two evils" type thing
@@fi5707 Both Militia Grunts AND IMC Grunts confirm the bombings. Militia Grunts will ask if any of them got tasked with doing one, whilst for the IMC Side, a scared IMC nooby will ask his Sergeant if he has to check Civilians for bombs again, to which the Sergeant replies something along the lines of 'fire on sight, we can't risk another something something'. Both sides are horrible, in their own right. ARES Division went rogue and tried to mass delete the Militia, whilst the violent cells inside the Militia (Which is made of pirates ,murderers, slavers and whatnot) resort to dirty warfare to get what they want. So both sides just keep 1-upping each other in terribleness.
Theres a theory that jack was a pilot and was injured severely in battle, causing memory loss. The campaign takes place some time afterward. I think there are holes in that but it's possible.
I like the idea but I doubt it, Jack had cloak which lorewise probably carried him through pilot sections and well a vanguard Titan is the best kind of Titan (interestingly the mp monarch is vanguard based not an actual vanguard). He also only received training on movement (and a small amount of shooting) that we see but he more than likely had much much more training then we see.
OMG it breaks my heart to see that titanfall 2 is being destroyed by hackers! Titanfall 2 is a beautiful and awesome game for all people and it doesn't deserve to be ruined by hackers who have no regard for people trying to have fun. Great video man keep up the great content!!!
I have a solid explanation for Wraith being considered special for having phase shift abilities. Think about it. The only people that had phaseshift in Titanfall were robots. The phaseshift pilot and the Ronin titan. It only worked on robots because it would make humans go insane, or have a situation like Wraith were she hears voices and shit. It said she was being experimented on, so clearly the scientists didn't know that it would make humans go insane. The reason that doesn't happen on robots is because well...they don't really have a mind. TL;Dr Wraith is special because she is the first human with it and got some severe side effects, whilst robots weren't because they can't get said side effects. (Also the time travel thing cooper does in the campaign isn't phase shift. It's two different things)
The time thing is just using some weird tech to stabilize spacetime and allows for travel to the time leading up to the singularity event that caused the spacetime disruption.
The gauntlet in the start of TF2 is a simulation, so you can’t die. But with Octane, you can see there are audiences. So that means that he does that in real life, which is kinda dumb. Hey, at least he got robot legs.
Jack had been training to be a Pilot for a while. The one training run you do was just one session of many he already did. Since he has been training to be a Pilot he already has the injections and modifications required to operate a Titan. Jack just didn't have his Titan certification yet.
@@Hearumi finaly someone with IQ higher then roomtemperature. i really get angry when i so thoes people finishing the task and saying "you dont die"🙄🙄🙄
1: the gauntlet is a simulation, also even "irl" I could imagine fragboosting would work because pilots being genetically enhanced (not exactly cannon but makes sense, giving them tougher bones etc) 2: Cooper was injected with something before lastimosa died, also he got training before the game started, he could have been getting drugged already. 3: macro already said that ash has probably multiple bodies, which makes sense. 4: only jumping once mid air is for balancing reasons, however one reason I can think of is, that boosting around 200+ kg of mass to a high speed mid air takes a lot of energy. The jump kit also serves as a safety feature for great fall distances, maybe it doesn't let you jump more, so the battery/whatever has enough power left to save you from potentially falling to death. After touching the ground the jump pack would calculate again how much energy is left to boost you and save you from a fatal fall. 5: wall running somewhat makes sense, because you are touching the wall, so all the jetpack is doing is pushing you up into the wall, while you use your legs to move forward. The 1.75 second limit could be explained by the jump boost limitation I made last point. 6: I don't believe the IMC is all that bad, but I don't think the Militia is that good either. The campaign is in the eyes of a Militia soldier so of course we see the bad side of our enemy. The IMC is an commercial imperialistic capitalistic empire, doing a lot for "peace" (and profits), much like some countries today. Whether the it's a necessary evil or the greedy evil is up to you. 7: Wraith makes sense, also because of the blackout a lot of pilot and titan technology has been lost or deemed unusable AFAIK. 8: MRVNs are programmed to tasks, they use tools to do them. They could've been programmed to show human like emotions if they are unable to do their task (tools stolen, someone is in their way etc). "Death" or destruction of MRVNs (hopefully) doesn't usually happen in workplace environments, and even if so it would make no sense for them to cry all over the place while an emergency occurs. About the radiation chamber, you probably would just get cancer from staying in there too long and die a few years later Segment 2 1: Frag boosting and grapple slings for other purposes that e.g. to gain high ground are probably off the protocol tactics and very dangerous. A-Walls for protection of yourself and other grunts make perfect sense. I could imagine pilots are also used to flank enemy positions, hence their movement abilities. 2: while pilots punches are incredibly powerful, it makes no sense for a titan to be weaker, unless the turret is especially engineered to withstand a brute punch while a more focused, more accurate punch could more easily break it. 3: Boomtown is an arena for simulation purposes, and there are holes in the ceiling (and even if it were intact I could imagine a hexagon opening leaving room for a Titanfall). Also the ceiling could just be entirely holographic for the reason of letting titans, dropships or other external factors test the units. That was a long one and I don't think anyone will read through it given that the video was released a year ago. Also those are just theories. Yes, this game makes no sense, it's giant robots fighting eachother with swords but some of it could actually be explained and possibly become a reality in military or everyday life so I find it quite fascinating to talk about. -🤓
In the Titanfall universe, Gauntlet runs take place inside a computer simulation, like in the tutorial of tf2. Octane was the only person insane enough to try the grenade strat irl. He is also able to use stim as a human because he carries a blood dialysis machine with him, and can filter out the negative effects, hence the health regen.
For the jet boosters, think of the boost as a capacitor. You can jump and free-fall, which uses the jets, but in order to boost you spend the energy in the capacitor. And when you touch the ground/stop using the jets, the capacitor refills.
Theory: the reason why you can wallrun infinite times and only can jump twice is because double jumping takes a lot of fuel and wallrunning takes just enough to keep you on the wall without falling. But that's just a theory
It really sucks because I love titanfall 2 and it freezing every game is soo annoying. I don't understand if it's Ddossing or just my game but it's really annoying
*Cheemsburger giving explanations:* You don't need robotic legs to have stim. The reason why in titanfall simulacrums use it is because it is way way safer to just give a simulacrum an electric boost, instead of giving a human combat drugs as if they were space marines. Revenant is the only simulacrum that has multiple bodys. The pilot's gauntlet is a simulation so therefore grenades wouldn't do anything to their legs.
One of my favorite theories about jack being a pilot is he was actually working for the imc because he and his family were poor and the imc was paying for mercenaries and the militia wasn’t so jack sided with the imc and he trained and became an excellent pilot and during a battle I think it was called operation fracture and during that jack lost his memory as the militia captured him and made him think he was a rifleman and rank him up to a pilot. It’s a really cool theory and it was made by a flying tea cup
7:49 Because lorewise the only things that could use the void travel were simulacrums (the phase pilot is a simulacrum) and the only character we canonically see use the phase is Ash. Wraith basically was a human trial and also in Tatanfall you can time travel because the zone was disorted by the fold weapon and the Ark.
If you wanna use multiplayer as an argument that only robots can phase, Ronin can do it with an pilot inside of it who also goes into the void alongside Ronin no matter the class, even human pilots can use it in finishers, there is an perk that allows you to phase shift into your titan to get inside faster as any class, any class can use the whole backtrack thingy that makes you phase shift and go back where you were a few seconds ago.
i actually wish i didn't know about you not dieing in that room, i would've rather just hurried every time lol. black ops 2, a few years ago, had a terible problem online for months and it eventually got fixed. so i wouldn't worry about that blacklisting. great video, not too many people are good enough for me to stay till the end but you can do it without me realizing. very entertaining.
6:23 has he ever heard of parkour? where people wall run all the time without the jumpkit? it makes sense that the jumpkit makes wall running easier and longer
So i was thinking about the jump kit (5:44) for the past few days and i came up with a hypothesis: Maybe it's a safety feature. In mission 6, when you shut the turbine off to get into the facility, BT says "Your jumpkit can take the fall", so this lead me into thinking that the jumpkit does in fact decelerate the pilots so that they don't smash their legs when landing (hence why no fall damage either). And if i was designing a jetpack, i would at least put a safety feature that prevented all the fuel from being used mid-air so that the user won't fall to their death back down. I know this is a long ass text, but i felt like sharing some ideas! TL;DR: A safety feature to prevent pilots from crushing their legs on the way down
7:49 phase shift is only seen wiht robots in Titanfall and for those who point out that human pilots phase shift in the ronin, I believe that Ronin has a shielding of sorts to the negative effects of phase. Wraith on the other hand can enter phase shift with little, if any, side effects.
just want to explain something for those who arent titanfall lore aficionados, its explained in the opening cutscene in titanfall 2 that cooper is training to become a pilot while serving as a rifleman, and it can be assumed that he has the implants to link with BT. the same can be said for the sim pod, cooper would need implants to use the sim pod which can be linked in the first few seconds where lastimosa says "time to establish a neural link, its not quite the same as a titan link, but its similar". neural link would need implants, therefore, cooper has implants for the sim pod, and it can stand to reason that he also has pilot implants since hes training to become a pilot. just wanted to clear that up, as it can be explained by in game lore and critical thinking.
one i noticed while replaying the campaign this week is where did cooper get his current outfit from? the red flight suit one. He starts the game with the same outfit all the militia grunts have but somehow gets a full wardrobe change once lastimosa died. He didnt steal lastimosa's clothes either since his were green. Did BT have a spare set of clothes stashed away? i know vanguards are outfitted with stuff for long engagements so spare clothes would make sense if there were extra clothes
1. Grenade jumps are possible because the gauntlet is a sim. Octane blew his legs off by ACCIDENT and was a misjudgment on his own account, not purposely 2. I feel like the stim that jack was injected with at the beginning of the campaign was also a nanite/chip stim. 3. Ash is back because she's a simulacrum, aka robot cyborg, being that her mind has been downloaded into a robot, making her a cyborg. The apex preds motto is "I kill you, I'm better. You kill me, you're better." And that's the same case, but ash will do anything to win, and she technically still exists, since her main personality has already been copyed and saved, meaning she could come back much stronger and better. 6. again, on point. The jets are 3d capable, meaning they can practically go any direction you want, and with enough force, they can push you to which ever side you're running on to counter act falling. 7. The jets are under a lot of pressure while in youre in the air after you've used them. Same with Northstar. When in the air and not on a surface, the jets have to work a lot harder because there's nothing for you be on, say a wall. It's much easier to walkrun because of the fact youre on a surface and they can push you against it. 8. The imc is actually a terrible company and exactly like a lot of big corporations today, extremely territorial and dont care about anything but growing bigger and making more money. If you don't know about them go watch a tf1 campaign video. 8. Wraith is special because of her powers and because of the fact she's human and can do all these things in one. Normally you'd have to be a simulacrum to void shift, there's probably tons of radiation that are off the charts in there. How wraith does it? Maybe cause, this is my theory, she's had so many experiments on her that her cell structure has changed. I'm no medical or DNA specialist but I feel like that is the case since it's heavily into the future from our time and the medical and DNA world has evolved so much. 9. MRVN is a dumb ai robot. Dumb ai Robots are programmed to do one thing and one thing only, their job. The arc tool is there tool and it's how they do their job. Its like taking away a drill or hammer from a carpenter, now how's he gonna finish his job without his tool. and they aren't sad if you kill others because again, they're robots. They have no affiliation with others. The only thing that matters to them is their job. 10. Most maps are just sims, anything can happen, anything can change. Shhhh yes I know, I'm a nerd. Deal with it bitch :)
fun fact, when viper shoots your widow down and you fall, if you look up after it resets your view you can see bt still falling right where he was until he randomly just teleports over to barkers ship
The only people that DON’T follow me on twitter (@TheMacroShow) are Spitfire, Tone and Smart Pistol users…
Can I get a happy birthday
Wow I’ve never been so close to ur comment
Thank you so so much for shining a Light on the DDOS Issue. Let's hope Respawn finally get's on this. It would be such a humongous shame if they actually abandoned TF|1&2 for good.
hi mokey
I completely agree with this and it would make me incredibly sad if Respawn really did abandon one of my favorite games. Also, hi Monkey :)
I don't want Respawn to abandon the game like Valve with TF2 and CounterStrike series. since a lot of people have been booting up Titanfall 2 due to the new influx of players, me included, I really hope that Respawn and EA can get through the struggle and work together to protect their game.
There’s a special place in hell for these hackers and we as the titanfall community are sending them to it and I don’t even think Satan would want them under his roof might as well get the FBI on this case too to make their lives worse
yeah #SaveTitanfall
"The IMC were just vibing and did nothing wrong"
*Remembers Titanfall 1 where the IMC releases the spectres into the mining colony town. And when IMC Blisk shot at the civilian ships saying "today's civilians are tommorows militia, what do you want me to do...wait?"*
Its not a war crime its denying the enemy future recruits
civilian homes? thats a wierd way to say terrorist recruitment centers
Not to mention, in TF2 there is summary execution, and execution by Ash's combat simulator. We also discover the fate of the hundreds of missing colonists from the first game: All entombed in cryo-stasis for biological experiments at the Typhon IMC research center, all killed after the ARC weapon test.
Or when took the peoples land after hundreds of years of abandonment
Wanna also remember the Militia starting the war, and dressing up as Civilians to commit terror bombings?
In titanfall 1 the pilots needed the injections and stuff but in titanfall 2, they equiped the titans with the neural link. That is why Jack Cooper became a pilot so easy.
You don't need injections or special equipment to be a combat Titan pilot. All you need is the combat certificate to operate a combat-capable Titan. We even see high ranking grunts in the first game pilot Titans.
Jack Cooper was also a pilot in training if I remember correctly
Yeah so he might have whatever injections anyway though that doesn’t ring a bell
lastimosa injected cooper with something in the first mission when cooper got launched back by a titanfall sure it did nock cooper out {the injection} what if it changed cooper
@@hunterwatson1234 shoot. Never thought of that. Good theory tho
Jack Cooper clearly was recieving training before the game. Perhaps he already had some of the elements needed to be a pilot, and was just lucky with bt. Also, BT was one of the new titans the militia made themselves. Maybe it doesn't require the implants?
That makes sense maybe bt is more autonomous, in multiplayer the Titans sound so monotone in the interactions and bt has almost a conscious
@@thescriptedplayer3192 Precisely. Similar implementation in other games show the campaign as a special instance instead of the norm, making multiplayer in games make sense for things to be harder/ less won as well. I think respawn understands this well.
I thought that was implied
In Titanfall 1 you can see "Titan Captains" piloting their own titans during the campaign. The Captains are actually just grunts. With this we can infer that a neural link is not necessary to pilot a titan, and we can infer that Cooper may have some experience piloting titans prior to TF2.
Good point, he must have had what it takes to be a pilot if he was recieving training. It seemed he was going to recieve his own titan after, but they were interrupted by IMC, so he had to go as a regular soldier.
I can answer almost all of these:
1: The pilots gauntlet is a simulation
2: It actually became a lot easier become a pilot between the 1st and second game, requiring a lot less implants and the like. For example, during the events of the first game, cloak required a bunch of implants all over your skin. However, by the second, it was now simply a projection from your helmet. As long as Cooper had a working helmet and jump kit, he had pretty much everything he needed to become a pilot. The real reason why there were so few pilots is because it was simply really hard to pass training. For the IMC, only 1% of potential pilot recruits passed basic training.
3: Ash was reassembled by Vinson Dynamics and became their Field Commander during the events of the multiplayer. She's a simulacrum, and therefore can be rebuilt over and over.
4: I don't get what he's saying here.
5: Your explanation is great. Additionally, the jump kits need to save a lot of their charge to prevent you from taking fall damage.
6: Another great explanation.
7: This guy's trolling so not gonna bother.
8: It's not very safe for humans to spend long periods of time in the Phase world. Obviously they can do it, Phase rewind, Phase embark into titans and the dropship, or being on or in Ronin. The phase pilots are all simulacrums, suggesting that its not safe for organic matter to spend a lot of time there, and is only used in short emergency situations, or inside the protection of a titan chassis. It's interesting that Wraith can spend so long in the phase world without being harmed by it.
9: When you kill the other MRVNS, its not their problem.
Titan sentry question: Titan sentry's are designed to be resistant to brute force attacks, but the more precise punch of a pilot probably is able to hit a less defended part.
Boomtown Titanfall: Yeah idk. In theory the ceiling could open up like it did for the spectres in the campaign, but that doesn't seem to happen.
(EDIT: I found a source that proves that none of the multiplayer maps are on typhon, and are instead on other planets)
A more difficult question is how are we able to play on multiplayer maps set on Typhon when Typhon was destroyed in the campaign? The multiplayer takes place after the campaign, so this shouldn't be possible. While they could be simulations, this is unlikely for a number of reasons, and it's actually far more likely that the multiplayer factions are traveling back in time to during or before the events of the campaign, in order to change the outcome of the battle of Typhon. Effect and cause proved that the use of the fold weapon on Typhon allowed for time travel on the planet. However, this doesn't explain the map Complex, as it's clearly the same place as in Effect and Cause, while also being clearly NOT the same place, since there's a bunch of minor differences in the architecture.
If i am correct it could be explained that it is during the battle of Typhon. meaning that the planet isn't blown up and it makes sense to have the destruction in certain area's like the dome. Being blown into or out of for the Militia/IMC to get easier access to the facilities with titans as other entrances would be more heavily guarded. As the planet blew up at the end of the battle with the militia "victory"
I believe it was that anyways
For the Titans falling in Boomtown I think they warp-fall in through the ceiling if you look closely you can see a flash like when the drop ship escapes at the end of a round
@@catsharkthe85th It does that for all of it, it's the ship getting out of the atmosphere quickly
@Carter used to game the multiplayer is confirmed to take place after the single player though. Evidence for this includes monarch being built from vanguard titans recovered from the battle of titan, Ash’s faction description, the wanted posters on angel city, reapers and stalkers being commonplace, etc.
Well a TF1 Grunt is found in Complex, maybe that's a starting point for an explanation
Didn’t Octane do a real gauntlet run while us pilots used a simulation, which would explain why Octane lost his legs.
Yes well octane didn't actually lose his legs at the gauntlet just injured.
Instead octane in the hospital just got rid of his legs and black mailed life line to build him new legs. What a crazy man
@@simplycookie3315 leg not lag bro
@@niceshotd9130 huh my brain may have gotten some lag thanks
Actually they were blown all the way off and shattered, as seen in the original art etc
You can also do the grenade boost in the real game, so that doesn't really factor in... titanfall 2 a simulation!?!?!?!
Anyone who plays Titanfall 2 and doesn't fall in love with it within the first 5 minutes are psychopaths.
can relate
Pure facts
Marvins don’t feel any emotions but they guilt trip you when you take the arc tool so you give it back
Dont high five marven while dropping in
@@Taleof2heads but he sad :(
@@Nana_UFC they talking about about marvins all the mrvns have feeling but we canhigh five them
i punched every marvin i saw in campaign first play through
@@packosand3287 you monster...
Your legs dont blow of in the gauntlet because its a simulation.
Yeah but it should simulate your legs being blown off
no, its for the fashion
You can also grenade boost in the real game, so that's not it
“The imc were just vibing and did nothing wrong”
*The entire campaign of titanfall 2 was about you trying to stop the imc from commiting mass genocide*
Trying to stop the ARES Division*
In tf1 they also wipe out a colony of civilians and they also killed Sarah’s entire family for resisting occupation when she was a child
@@jamietate3526 Blisk wipes out G21 against Graves's orders, to be exact.
@@baisansebastian3358 still the IMC’s responsibility tho
@@jamietate3526 to an extent. Still better than the Militia.
I can actually answer the gauntlet one. The gauntlet is a simulation as show in the campaign, therefore they are not actually in the gauntlet so they dont get hurt.
And octane was dumb and did a grenade jump IRL.
@@alvinluo4639 probably their armor, the respawn devs confirmed pilots are just highly trained grunts,
yeah and octane wasn't running the pilot gauntlet, just a random one like the one in king's canyon
Yeah I really don’t get how they missed that pretty obvious fact
@@alvinluo4639 nah that's just a gameplay mechanic, don't ghink it has anything to do with lore
BT is a COMPLETELY different Titan than the TF|1 ones. It is said that militia did them completely by themselves so this may be a completely different process
Wraith is special not because she doesn’t need a device. In titanfall the only people who can go into the upside down ( the phase world ) are the robot pilots.
what about jack cooper and major anderson?
they were humans and could go to the phase world but they needed a device
in theory i think both arguments go well together
1: wraith don't use a device
2: she is a human
@@HistoryDynamic it's not the phase world it's just time traveling... Totally different.
Everyone can enter the void with technology, it's just that for normal humans extended exposure is hazardous af, while Wraith is highly tolerant or immune to it
@@AnoAssassin id argue highly tolerant over immune because of wraith showing visible pain/discomfort from her abilities in loading screens when choosing her
According to lore, Apex and TF2 are not in the same timeline. They are parallel reality. Sad to learn in the first place but it does make a lot more sense when it's explained. I'll linked the video if I found it back.
Edit : here's the link
It's a theory but I give it credit
1. Grenade: his legs didnt blow up, Player was in simulation but Octane did it in real life so he lost his legs
Actually his legs could've been saved (guessing per their technology in that age), but he rather not save them and instead got his mechanical legs
“Titanfall makes no sense”
"They hated him because he spoke the truth"
@@Gekk-rx7nv lol, nice one
It’s a game about giant mechs that use swords and human monkeys with jet packs, if it made sense then I’d probably question my own reality lol
@@ollytherevenant1653 lol trust me, within the 1000 hours of playing titanfall, I’ve noticed it’s kinda crazy 😂
He didn't do any research, he just say comments form people that also didn't do any research and jokes about it, if you take his video for anything other than comedy i don't know what to tell you
Don't let the "wall running doesn't make any sense" people see what actual parkour pros without scifi jump jets to assist them can do, they may implode into a black hole.
Lol literally after one game of playing Titanfall I said “I’ll get off after this” I then keep playing until I was level 14
Imagine getting into a game, it's possible that it's because I only play pilot v pilot though
_rookie numbers_
There's a fan theory that says: When Lastimosa finds Cooper at the beginning of the game and takes him to safety he injects something in Cooper. That something might have been the nanite injection that Cooper needed to finalise his transition into a pilot.
There's another one that says Cooper was originally an IMC pilot but was captured and unwillingly went through the Regen process which would have erased his memories. This theory is supported by a dialog between Cooper and BT where Cooper asks about a battle that he would have taken part of but can't remember
But in the fracture one there also is an option where cooper says: “fracture, sounds familiar” but then responds by saying it was his first operation as a rifleman, witch means his first mission was in militia documents so he has always been militia
It’s possible that Cooper simply forgot the battle for whatever reason, but dialogue confirms he’s always been Militia. I do like the injection theory though and it makes sense. I wouldn’t be surprised if they confirm in a Titanfall 3 (if one ever happens).
He wasn’t injected with the nanites. When Cooper got knocked back by the IMC tone Titan that landed next to him Lastimosa injected him with some sort of medication saying ‘this might knock you out but you should be ok when you wake up’. It’s possible that Cooper received the nanites months before this since he is being trained to become a pilot and then needed the nanites for his training and to become a pilot
I like the nanite injection theory, because it not only explains why pilots are able to take physical trauma in normal circumstances (like punching a robot or falling from great heights) but it also explains why pilots are able to heal so fast, has anyone ever heard an audible sound when their pilot is healing? It sounds like a syringe, doesn’t it?
@@xxiSHTAr9000x I have, it sounds sort of like an ecg and a slurp sound? Not sure
Didn’t they explain that he’s a rifle man and a pilot in training? I remember that
He also received the nanites that others have theorized are what allow him to
@@ALPHABEASTACE pilots don't get nanites -_-
@@boldbriggan look at the syringe lastimosa injected into cooper right before he died
@@theultimaterich6302 that was something to ease the pain. He even says, "this might knock you out for a while". He didn't give him nanites. He gave him a drug probably similar to morphine so he didnt feel his pain
@@boldbriggan their pods already injected a drug into cooper to help him, why would lastimosa give him more?
10:16 "Sitting behind my a-wall with my chopper going RATATATA"
MRVN: What is my purpose?
Cooper: You hold Arc Tools *takes it*
MRVN: Oh my god
Actually, Lastimosa at the first mission in the campaign injects some thing in you that every pilot gets if im right. Also it is theorized that Jack was a pilot before but got amnesia.
@@theguywholikesprogramming2092 Yeah
In the Beacon mission BT said Jack was a 3rd class rifleman during the Fracture operation
@@scareraven9669 yea that’s where the theory comes from some people think that jack was an iMc pilot that got bonked in the head a little to hard during that mission and then was used as an militia grunt later to become a pilot
@@stevenbaczkowski6601 since regenration wipes your memory kinda its more probable that cooper was an imc pilot that got snatched in his generation
TF|2 having a hacker problem
The other TF2: *first time?*
TF|1: First time?
@Russian bass guy yes...yes it is
Why do they dedos
TF2 has scripts, Titen fall 2 is hacked
@@joebob3683 still the games are broken
You didn't just become a pilot out of nowhere. He was slowly being trained in secret. The gauntlet is not supposed to he his first time in Simulation training. It's just supposed to be the players first time
About the second one: its been discussed that the injection that lastimosa gives you at the start of the game may have also included nanites that allowed you to become stronger and faster, use your jumpkit and bond with BT easier
I believe how the titans are spawning in the dome is basically they're phase shifting. If you look closely it looks like the titans are phase shifting.
Respawn's still busy milking apex, while i'm here still dreaming about titanfall 3.
Respawn sacrificed Titanfall 3 for Apex.
@@sethblack7413 ea did that when they bought respawn ea screws over everything they make and buy
Ea knows the target marketing especially when they knew about titanfall community while battle royale is running amok, i heard apex was a project for titanfall 3 at first.
well who knows, maybe they'll get tired of money one day and release it, don't let the hope die my guy
I think ea scrapped titanfall 3 to hop on the battle royale bandwagon and made apex
Valkyrie likes to put her dad up on a pedestal, but he was defeated by a rifleman who had been a pilot for like an hour... lol
Correction here @1:25 You don't need to be a robot/simulacrum to use stim, same with Phase Shift. Every pilot and person can use stim and phase shift, the devs confirmed that the models tied to abilities are just for balance reasons and the ability to easily identify what tactical another player is using. The Phase Shift model was originally the Grapple model. Pilots in-lore can use several tacticals at once.
In Titanfall 1 the normal human pilots use Stim and a grunt mention using it, though it kept him awake for a week.
The thing that makes no sense is why EA inadvertently doomed their best game in recent years on release.
Because TF2 was released before EA bought Respawn
If apex gets destroyed by dossiers,we may never get titanfall 3
“Gary Sue? “ I think you meant “giga Chad”
Also, there’s a theory that he was actually an top IMC pilot but then had a head injury in the battle and got captured by the Militia and made him not able to remember who he was before, and they put him as a grunt so that he thinks he was always a grunt, but then once he gets into a titan, he doesn’t even question his own skill, almost like he knew how to use a titan.
@@TeenWithACarrotIDK wow thats like really cool. But. This game is like. Five year old
@I drink your milkshake idk but definitely not respawn
@I drink your milkshake Lol
@@carsonagar3987 mate, people Theorize things that are way past their time, also, it wasn’t my theory, it’s was a youtubers theory.
The DDOS attacks aren't going to be fixed. it's EA's way of killing Titanfall 1,2, and the hopes of a TF3
Tell me why
@@evanbenscoter4859 because EA and respawn only care about apex, and want people to play that more so they make more money
I loved this game and I am so sad I can never play multiplayer ever again and it's the first game I ever played and I loved it and all great things come to a end
Well it works again!
for wraith and the void and her being special, shes special because she’s a human as well, the time travel thing is different even though it look similar, but phase shift is only done by simulacrum
No, it can be done by humans as well but just like stim it just isn't very safe for humans
I always thought the time travel thing was kind of strange too because unless the time variations are physically bound to the planet’s surface then wouldn’t pilots who time travel just end up in the middle of space due to the movement of the galaxy?
@@nolanjoseph1553 they haven't taken spacetime into the equation. An oversight.
@@KeanuCheems when ever humans use it they get telaported so it's safer
@@derp-7274 the phase shift would probably kill you, however I guarantee that the stim in this game is a higher dosage than the first, so they yes simulacrums for it.
I love how you ignored the mission in tf1 when the IMC ordered the execution of an entire civillian village for thinking they were hiding milicia troops (wich they werent). And that was before their ranks were filled with mercenaries
I love how you ignored how A) The Militia started the War, and employed terrorist tactics like dressing up as civilians to bomb the Core Worlds, who had no fucking business with the IMC.
And how B) Blisk ordered it, without telling Graves anything until he was already done.
@@apexmarveldchelluvabossfan7247 The IMC are the good guys. ARES Division ,not so much.
@@baisansebastian3358 fair enough, but i see this as one those military tales, where both sides eventually do morally questionable actions, and its up to you to decide Who is more in the right. Its a "Lesser of two evils" type thing
@@fi5707 Both Militia Grunts AND IMC Grunts confirm the bombings. Militia Grunts will ask if any of them got tasked with doing one, whilst for the IMC Side, a scared IMC nooby will ask his Sergeant if he has to check Civilians for bombs again, to which the Sergeant replies something along the lines of 'fire on sight, we can't risk another something something'.
Both sides are horrible, in their own right. ARES Division went rogue and tried to mass delete the Militia, whilst the violent cells inside the Militia (Which is made of pirates ,murderers, slavers and whatnot) resort to dirty warfare to get what they want.
So both sides just keep 1-upping each other in terribleness.
@@baisansebastian3358 description of war
Things That makes no sense: ddossers destroying a great game
the g in ddos stands for good
@@giuseppecoppola315 but there is no g in ddos
im kidding,get scammed
@@HistoryDynamic r/woooooosh
im kidding,get scammed
@@certifiedgoat7067 :( got me for a second there
@@HistoryDynamic lol
Theres a theory that jack was a pilot and was injured severely in battle, causing memory loss. The campaign takes place some time afterward. I think there are holes in that but it's possible.
You mean the fracture thing? BT says this was Cooper's first mission/battle as a rifleman.
I like the idea but I doubt it, Jack had cloak which lorewise probably carried him through pilot sections and well a vanguard Titan is the best kind of Titan (interestingly the mp monarch is vanguard based not an actual vanguard). He also only received training on movement (and a small amount of shooting) that we see but he more than likely had much much more training then we see.
love this series
Me to bro
@@Performingkilla me to bro
The gauntlet is a simulation tho. Octane ignored that fact and did it irl.
they build a whole gauntlet irl just for octane, imagine
OMG it breaks my heart to see that titanfall 2 is being destroyed by hackers! Titanfall 2 is a beautiful and awesome game for all people and it doesn't deserve to be ruined by hackers who have no regard for people trying to have fun. Great video man keep up the great content!!!
Well at least its back
For now
@@drdestruction5564 we have northstar Now :D
@@ExtraPrivatable wdym
@@drdestruction5564 the northstar client is a fanmade mod that allows people to host their own servers,its pc only atm tho.
I have a solid explanation for Wraith being considered special for having phase shift abilities. Think about it. The only people that had phaseshift in Titanfall were robots. The phaseshift pilot and the Ronin titan. It only worked on robots because it would make humans go insane, or have a situation like Wraith were she hears voices and shit. It said she was being experimented on, so clearly the scientists didn't know that it would make humans go insane. The reason that doesn't happen on robots is because well...they don't really have a mind.
TL;Dr Wraith is special because she is the first human with it and got some severe side effects, whilst robots weren't because they can't get said side effects.
(Also the time travel thing cooper does in the campaign isn't phase shift. It's two different things)
The time thing is just using some weird tech to stabilize spacetime and allows for travel to the time leading up to the singularity event that caused the spacetime disruption.
The only thing you accomplish from being a hacker is ruining people’s day’s
They know. And they think that's funny.
And all that just to win a non competitive game
Yes. And they don't care about other people.
Honestly hacking can be used for good (making sure websites are secure) but using it in a video game is just… pathetic
They just wanna see games burn or make the game not a challenge for there single brain cell
The gauntlet in the start of TF2 is a simulation, so you can’t die.
But with Octane, you can see there are audiences. So that means that he does that in real life, which is kinda dumb. Hey, at least he got robot legs.
i always read Team Fortress 2, i didn't even played that game
@@Fatt0ri Yeah, same.
@@Fatt0ri it’s just the context to tell the difference. That’s all
POV: You’re back because he was right about Apex
Probably bc they are ones who hacked it and not the hackers who wants titanfall to fall
They made it say FIX TITAN FALL or somthing like that
Actually it was in 4th of July. But it got fixed
Jack had been training to be a Pilot for a while. The one training run you do was just one session of many he already did. Since he has been training to be a Pilot he already has the injections and modifications required to operate a Titan. Jack just didn't have his Titan certification yet.
9:08 I don’t know why but I have a vivid memory of dying in there and it always confuses me
I guess it kills you if you don't complete the task, but when you already did it and the door opens for you to leave, it doesn't kill you anymore.
@@Hearumi finaly someone with IQ higher then roomtemperature. i really get angry when i so thoes people finishing the task and saying "you dont die"🙄🙄🙄
@@TheDeadKing1751 I just know how videogames work lol
@@Hearumi you shouldve done this video instead of him 😅
@@TheDeadKing1751 bruh that's not it, he just made a minor mistake
2:00 "...U succeed kinda easily..."
*Viper boss fight flashbacks begin
He really only sucks on master
@@very_attractive_titan6047 I was able to beat him first time on master, I don’t get why people think he’s hard
Thanks for you’re help respawn, putting only 2 people on Titanfall to try to fix the ddossing issue, best devs ever 🙂
The person who asked the ash question never read up on the vinsion dynamic lore
1:25 no its because octane did it irl when cooper did it in simulation
You know Macro is sad when he doesn't even call you a noob at the end of the video.
1: the gauntlet is a simulation, also even "irl" I could imagine fragboosting would work because pilots being genetically enhanced (not exactly cannon but makes sense, giving them tougher bones etc)
2: Cooper was injected with something before lastimosa died, also he got training before the game started, he could have been getting drugged already.
3: macro already said that ash has probably multiple bodies, which makes sense.
4: only jumping once mid air is for balancing reasons, however one reason I can think of is, that boosting around 200+ kg of mass to a high speed mid air takes a lot of energy. The jump kit also serves as a safety feature for great fall distances, maybe it doesn't let you jump more, so the battery/whatever has enough power left to save you from potentially falling to death. After touching the ground the jump pack would calculate again how much energy is left to boost you and save you from a fatal fall.
5: wall running somewhat makes sense, because you are touching the wall, so all the jetpack is doing is pushing you up into the wall, while you use your legs to move forward. The 1.75 second limit could be explained by the jump boost limitation I made last point.
6: I don't believe the IMC is all that bad, but I don't think the Militia is that good either. The campaign is in the eyes of a Militia soldier so of course we see the bad side of our enemy. The IMC is an commercial imperialistic capitalistic empire, doing a lot for "peace" (and profits), much like some countries today. Whether the it's a necessary evil or the greedy evil is up to you.
7: Wraith makes sense, also because of the blackout a lot of pilot and titan technology has been lost or deemed unusable AFAIK.
8: MRVNs are programmed to tasks, they use tools to do them. They could've been programmed to show human like emotions if they are unable to do their task (tools stolen, someone is in their way etc). "Death" or destruction of MRVNs (hopefully) doesn't usually happen in workplace environments, and even if so it would make no sense for them to cry all over the place while an emergency occurs.
About the radiation chamber, you probably would just get cancer from staying in there too long and die a few years later
Segment 2
1: Frag boosting and grapple slings for other purposes that e.g. to gain high ground are probably off the protocol tactics and very dangerous.
A-Walls for protection of yourself and other grunts make perfect sense.
I could imagine pilots are also used to flank enemy positions, hence their movement abilities.
2: while pilots punches are incredibly powerful, it makes no sense for a titan to be weaker, unless the turret is especially engineered to withstand a brute punch while a more focused, more accurate punch could more easily break it.
3: Boomtown is an arena for simulation purposes, and there are holes in the ceiling (and even if it were intact I could imagine a hexagon opening leaving room for a Titanfall). Also the ceiling could just be entirely holographic for the reason of letting titans, dropships or other external factors test the units.
That was a long one and I don't think anyone will read through it given that the video was released a year ago. Also those are just theories. Yes, this game makes no sense, it's giant robots fighting eachother with swords but some of it could actually be explained and possibly become a reality in military or everyday life so I find it quite fascinating to talk about. -🤓
Why are there even abilities in this game? Everyone uses grapple anyway
Lol you are based
Nah stim is most played and honestly I prefer it lol
I play phase shift
The movement system is fleshed out enough that when you figure it out you don't need grapple or stim anymore for mobility.
I main holo unironically
Macro: so basically hackers are attacking Titan Fall
Me: Damn it crypto, he’s at it again
In the Titanfall universe, Gauntlet runs take place inside a computer simulation, like in the tutorial of tf2. Octane was the only person insane enough to try the grenade strat irl. He is also able to use stim as a human because he carries a blood dialysis machine with him, and can filter out the negative effects, hence the health regen.
Octane lost his legs because he grande jumped irl lol
Dear lord none of these people know the lore smh
Titanfall 2 is litteraly one of the best fps
THE best
"What's next for the hackers ? Apex Legends"
WaterGotHim : too late. 2 months too late
that segment where you were killing the mrvn's hurt me on a spiritual level
The gauntlet is a simulation but octane did it irl
Why didn’t I think of that?? 😂 what gauntlet did Octane do???
@@TheMacroShow *yes*
So how come when Octane does it he loses his legs but when you do it in Titanfall 2 you die from fragboosting???
@@TheMacroShow Maybe octane ran an real life gauntlet or somethin.
The gauntlet in tf2 is a simulation made for pilot traing but octane did one irl for the clout in front of a big public
The title: Titianfall 2 makes no sense
For the jet boosters, think of the boost as a capacitor. You can jump and free-fall, which uses the jets, but in order to boost you spend the energy in the capacitor. And when you touch the ground/stop using the jets, the capacitor refills.
The punching makes sense too. I always just assumed the pilots used their jump kit to boost forward into someone with their punch.
Theory: the reason why you can wallrun infinite times and only can jump twice is because double jumping takes a lot of fuel and wallrunning takes just enough to keep you on the wall without falling. But that's just a theory
9:30 damn didn't know that. I was almost crying cuz I accidentally forgot to lighten up one of those glowy stuff and rushed searching for it
The DDoS attacks on both Titanfall games will affect a lot of gamers, everyone should take action and destroy these hackers before they target apex.
they already have :( in apex ranked lobbies
@@kiktik2413 well sh1t. But this battle isn't over.
Its too late they already hit apex this morning
@@samuraijedi7991 BUT, Respawn is actually sueing and/or charging the DDoSers.
It really sucks because I love titanfall 2 and it freezing every game is soo annoying. I don't understand if it's Ddossing or just my game but it's really annoying
Respawn: we will fix the hacker problems on titanfall 2
Also respawn: mm rainbow badge
It’s over pilots it’s been a honor
*Cheemsburger giving explanations:*
You don't need robotic legs to have stim. The reason why in titanfall simulacrums use it is because it is way way safer to just give a simulacrum an electric boost, instead of giving a human combat drugs as if they were space marines.
Revenant is the only simulacrum that has multiple bodys.
The pilot's gauntlet is a simulation so therefore grenades wouldn't do anything to their legs.
Cooper did get to train with lastimosa before becoming a pilot
After playing Apex first, Titanfall has a special place in my heart. It deserved more
One of my favorite theories about jack being a pilot is he was actually working for the imc because he and his family were poor and the imc was paying for mercenaries and the militia wasn’t so jack sided with the imc and he trained and became an excellent pilot and during a battle I think it was called operation fracture and during that jack lost his memory as the militia captured him and made him think he was a rifleman and rank him up to a pilot. It’s a really cool theory and it was made by a flying tea cup
7:49 Because lorewise the only things that could use the void travel were simulacrums (the phase pilot is a simulacrum) and the only character we canonically see use the phase is Ash. Wraith basically was a human trial and also in Tatanfall you can time travel because the zone was disorted by the fold weapon and the Ark.
If you wanna use multiplayer as an argument that only robots can phase, Ronin can do it with an pilot inside of it who also goes into the void alongside Ronin no matter the class, even human pilots can use it in finishers, there is an perk that allows you to phase shift into your titan to get inside faster as any class, any class can use the whole backtrack thingy that makes you phase shift and go back where you were a few seconds ago.
The real thing that makes no sense: *Why does macro use smart pistol*
@toijg avnnr why copy paste
Pretty sure it was a campaign mission, where it is the only weapon
obviously because it's the only way to "hack" in titanfall 2 without getting in trouble
Okay off topic but can we just appreciate how Virgil's pfp at 7:19 is so darn adorable♥️♥️♥️🥺
fun fact jack cooper is an ex imc pilot who got amnesia in battle, even BT says this in the beacon mission
It’s no longer streamers or UA-camrs it’s now anyone and everyone that tries to play it!
I like how half the things make sense if you know your lore lol
For real lol
im not even a large streamer and youtuber and i still got blacklisted which really sucks because titanfall 2 has always been my number 1 game
I am a Mirage main and honestly you don’t need an ability that kills to have a good legend just my opinion though
Exactly, mirage players are more skilled because even if you bamboozle you have to kill the enemy with your gun
A lot of characters abilities don't kill which are really good like pathfinder.
Macro you were right people are hacking apex to save Titanfall
Only for Apex hackers attack titan fall 2 and is not working for randoms no more. I can't play the game anymore
@@lmao4894 I'm sorry to hear that but the game is working fine with me I still hope that Titanfall 2 doesn't have the same fate as the original
10:33 it is clearly because you kicked the sentry, but you are punching it as a titan
The titan is stronger than the kick it still don’t make sense.
i actually wish i didn't know about you not dieing in that room, i would've rather just hurried every time lol. black ops 2, a few years ago, had a terible problem online for months and it eventually got fixed. so i wouldn't worry about that blacklisting. great video, not too many people are good enough for me to stay till the end but you can do it without me realizing. very entertaining.
has he ever heard of parkour? where people wall run all the time without the jumpkit? it makes sense that the jumpkit makes wall running easier and longer
3:56 both tf2s are being attacked by hackers, sad man
Feels bad man
Everyone gets ddosed not just streamers
pov its 9 months after the ddosing began and I still havent been able to play a game...
There's a bug in the multiplayer.
Its Tone.
It's no bug
It's a disease
Lmao imagine hating on Tone
@@just_dead_inside2461 you don't have to imagine
@ParzGames who said I used it? I use northstar. Tones really aren't that OP
@@p3ter249 Yeah I noticed. But Tone really isn't that OP. Anybody with half a braincell can eat Tones for breakfast.
So i was thinking about the jump kit (5:44) for the past few days and i came up with a hypothesis:
Maybe it's a safety feature. In mission 6, when you shut the turbine off to get into the facility, BT says "Your jumpkit can take the fall", so this lead me into thinking that the jumpkit does in fact decelerate the pilots so that they don't smash their legs when landing (hence why no fall damage either). And if i was designing a jetpack, i would at least put a safety feature that prevented all the fuel from being used mid-air so that the user won't fall to their death back down.
I know this is a long ass text, but i felt like sharing some ideas!
TL;DR: A safety feature to prevent pilots from crushing their legs on the way down
7:49 phase shift is only seen wiht robots in Titanfall and for those who point out that human pilots phase shift in the ronin, I believe that Ronin has a shielding of sorts to the negative effects of phase. Wraith on the other hand can enter phase shift with little, if any, side effects.
just want to explain something for those who arent titanfall lore aficionados, its explained in the opening cutscene in titanfall 2 that cooper is training to become a pilot while serving as a rifleman, and it can be assumed that he has the implants to link with BT. the same can be said for the sim pod, cooper would need implants to use the sim pod which can be linked in the first few seconds where lastimosa says "time to establish a neural link, its not quite the same as a titan link, but its similar". neural link would need implants, therefore, cooper has implants for the sim pod, and it can stand to reason that he also has pilot implants since hes training to become a pilot.
just wanted to clear that up, as it can be explained by in game lore and critical thinking.
a game: makes no sense
me: this just makes it even better
It was fun, pilots ❤️
Titanfall 2: "grenades push you further"
Me: "Ask how Octane from Apex Legends lost his legs and come back here tell me that it doesn't make sense"
one i noticed while replaying the campaign this week is where did cooper get his current outfit from? the red flight suit one. He starts the game with the same outfit all the militia grunts have but somehow gets a full wardrobe change once lastimosa died. He didnt steal lastimosa's clothes either since his were green. Did BT have a spare set of clothes stashed away? i know vanguards are outfitted with stuff for long engagements so spare clothes would make sense if there were extra clothes
POV: you find the titanfall hackers: I just want to talk I just want to talk cmere
You just opened up a major can of worms by uploading this video, but you're right about the problems in this game.
1. Grenade jumps are possible because the gauntlet is a sim. Octane blew his legs off by ACCIDENT and was a misjudgment on his own account, not purposely
2. I feel like the stim that jack was injected with at the beginning of the campaign was also a nanite/chip stim.
3. Ash is back because she's a simulacrum, aka robot cyborg, being that her mind has been downloaded into a robot, making her a cyborg. The apex preds motto is "I kill you, I'm better. You kill me, you're better." And that's the same case, but ash will do anything to win, and she technically still exists, since her main personality has already been copyed and saved, meaning she could come back much stronger and better.
6. again, on point. The jets are 3d capable, meaning they can practically go any direction you want, and with enough force, they can push you to which ever side you're running on to counter act falling.
7. The jets are under a lot of pressure while in youre in the air after you've used them. Same with Northstar. When in the air and not on a surface, the jets have to work a lot harder because there's nothing for you be on, say a wall. It's much easier to walkrun because of the fact youre on a surface and they can push you against it.
8. The imc is actually a terrible company and exactly like a lot of big corporations today, extremely territorial and dont care about anything but growing bigger and making more money. If you don't know about them go watch a tf1 campaign video.
8. Wraith is special because of her powers and because of the fact she's human and can do all these things in one. Normally you'd have to be a simulacrum to void shift, there's probably tons of radiation that are off the charts in there. How wraith does it? Maybe cause, this is my theory, she's had so many experiments on her that her cell structure has changed. I'm no medical or DNA specialist but I feel like that is the case since it's heavily into the future from our time and the medical and DNA world has evolved so much.
9. MRVN is a dumb ai robot. Dumb ai Robots are programmed to do one thing and one thing only, their job. The arc tool is there tool and it's how they do their job. Its like taking away a drill or hammer from a carpenter, now how's he gonna finish his job without his tool. and they aren't sad if you kill others because again, they're robots. They have no affiliation with others. The only thing that matters to them is their job.
10. Most maps are just sims, anything can happen, anything can change.
Shhhh yes I know, I'm a nerd. Deal with it bitch :)
fun fact, when viper shoots your widow down and you fall, if you look up after it resets your view you can see bt still falling right where he was until he randomly just teleports over to barkers ship