Should I go to the movie theater?

  • Опубліковано 2 тра 2017
  • As someone with severe Tourette's and very prominent vocal tics, should I go to the movie theaters?
    What is a relaxed screening/performance?-
    What is Tourette's?-
    My email-


  • @ImyurZero
    @ImyurZero 7 років тому +29

    I don't have Tourette's and I go to the movies early in the morning when it's a lot less crowded too lol, just the best time to go!

    • @ImyurZero
      @ImyurZero 7 років тому +6

      If someone with Tourette's was in the theater with me at that time I don't think I would mind or say anything, obviously it's not like you can do anything about it,

    • @snappleandcats8045
      @snappleandcats8045  7 років тому +4

      ImyurZero I'm an introvert at heart, so it really is better haha. Thanks for pointing that out :)

  • @donbrown9420
    @donbrown9420 7 років тому +8

    Anything in life that can give you joy shouldn't be avoided

  • @lucarunge4529
    @lucarunge4529 5 років тому +2

    I think it's ok because movie theaters are so loud, I feel like youd barely hear it. And I wouldnt care if I heard someone's tics during a movie. I'm not the type of person to be annoyed by it.

  • @madtekker
    @madtekker 7 років тому +13

    Oh my lord, you are the sweetest human being I have ever met. I honestly love your videos and I think your super awesome with how your so comfortable with talking about your Tourette's. Although I don't have Tourette's I think it would be very hard for me to make these kinds of videos if I did and I love how you educate me on the topic because I don't know a lot♥️

  • @Davidironfist
    @Davidironfist 7 років тому +1

    I completely agree with you, people who consciously make noise, fidget with their phone or in other ways disturb during a movie is one of the worst things I know but in your case I would have zero problems with it. Any person with half a brain should pick up on the fact that your sounds and/or movements are involuntary more or less instantly.
    You should not have to hide or shy away for something you have no control over.
    You seem like a genuinely sweet and caring person who probably could end up sacrificing some activities to avoid "disturbing" others but I'm glad to hear you sticking up for yourself.
    You already have tourettes, don't let closed-minded people add to that hurdle.
    Keep living your life to the fullest, your videos are inspirational and educational.

    • @snappleandcats8045
      @snappleandcats8045  7 років тому +1

      Davidironfist Thank you so much! Those people bother me as well and I don't feel I'm being hypocritical lol. Like I go out of my way to choose an unpopular time and a movie that's been out for a while and to find a seat far away from everyone else, to educate people who do happen to sit near me, to try to manipulate my tics to quieter ones or let them out more during louder scenes (though I don't beat myself up about it if a loud tic comes out, I only quiet my tics at times if that's relatively easy and seems more considerate). A person blatantly using their phone or talking loudly when they have the choice not to is just being inconsiderate without reason.
      Anyways, I'm rambling now. Thank you so much for your lovely comment!

    • @Davidironfist
      @Davidironfist 7 років тому

      You shouldn't really have to go out of your way to pick the emptier screenings though, even if it's considerate of you to do so.
      I had to put up with people who were actually drunk when I saw Force Awakens, on opening night... Would've much rather had you and your tics there then those drunk brats.
      There's a HUGE difference between unintentionally "disturbing" the movie and doing it intentionally, in your case I'd say you're very sweet for actually looking for less crowded showings but never let that stop you from going to a specific showing if that's when you really want to go.
      Like you said; most of these people will probably only be at the same showing as you once or twice in their life, if that is a problem for them then well... Too bad.
      I'm going through your videos and you don't play the victim nor do you let it control you.
      You fight for your right to live a life without being held back while still thinking of others, I've got huge respect for you.

  • @marioventrello7193
    @marioventrello7193 7 років тому +2

    Youre so amazing. I never knew much about this condition until I watched your videos. you're a huge insperation and I would love to be your friend. your smile is genuine and I can feel your heart is pure. I'd see every movie that is to ever come out with you. I'm seriously so moved by yourl don't stop making videos and sharing your beautiful voice with the world. I was just about to watch your new video and I'm so excited to see what you have to say. when I saw that you made this video and it popped up in my news feed I never have clicked so fast. thank you for everything you do and everything that you are.
    Love and respect always.
    Mario Ventrello.

  • @ournewnormal6773
    @ournewnormal6773 7 років тому +4

    Im so happy to see your face again Chickie! And as far as Im concerned, you have just as much right to go to a movie as anyone else!💖

  • @reesefitz6019
    @reesefitz6019 7 років тому +5

    Hi!! Glad your back!!👍

  • @tarjamr2521
    @tarjamr2521 6 років тому

    I'd love to take you to the movies, your personality legitimately brightens up my day because of how awesome you are. I love the videos you make, I think your channel is amazing and that you are beautiful inside and out.

  • @jamesellis5432
    @jamesellis5432 7 років тому +4

    I am happy to see you back with this video. I think you should enjoy life and admire the fact that you go early to movies that have been out for a while being considerate. But you bring up a good point, what about people with crying babies, or a bad cough? You have just as much right as anyone to enjoy your life!

  • @arthurlll2168
    @arthurlll2168 6 років тому

    You are so precious and pure.

  • @uniqutilities2831
    @uniqutilities2831 7 років тому +2

    Absolutely, positively go to every single movie you wish. I personally go in the AM as well. It is in no way selfish to enjoy your life to the best of your ability. And like you mentioned, the majority of the time, the movie is so loud noone would really notice. Keep doing you!

  • @carolinaespinoza5299
    @carolinaespinoza5299 6 років тому +1

    I love her, and honestly agree. I don’t have Tourette’s but I normally ignore half the weird strange sounds in theatres (babys, side conversations, etc.) so what’s another sound ? It’s not that big a deal. Plus her vocal tics specifically aren’t very loud. I know some that have a tendency to verbally yell. Also the movie is normally so loud u can’t hear much of anything in the audience (unless of course you’re watching “a quiet place” then it’s like deadly silent almost the whole time 😂)

  • @jaygrizzley3839
    @jaygrizzley3839 7 років тому +5

    almost 1000 subs though. keep going, and take your time.

  • @billywhitewolf
    @billywhitewolf 7 років тому +1

    I would have no problem with it. The amount of noise of people crunching popcorn, plastic wrappers, whispering, coughing etc throughout the movies is far more annoying than a few vocal tics. The only exception would be if someone had really loud vocal tics then that would be distracting.

  • @moleybear
    @moleybear 5 років тому

    I so agree with you. I don't have torettes, but I get similar opinions in regards to being serverely vision impaired. I have Retinitis Pigmentosa. These comments show how ableist our mindsets can be.

  • @evanlaird6417
    @evanlaird6417 5 років тому

    I have tourettes too, your attitude is addictive!

  • @WindmillTea
    @WindmillTea 6 років тому

    Hi :-) Thanks for posting these informative videos that also include a personal, subjective narrative of what living with Tourette's is like. I am a teacher who has had students with a disability, but have gained a great understanding for those with a disability, especially if I were ever to have a student with Touretters, feel welcome, appreciated, and valued--in class, in a theater, or elsewhere. More people, educators, as well as students should learn from your experiences. Thank you

  • @NotABanana
    @NotABanana 7 років тому +9

    I find I am only comfortable being in quiet spaces if someone else invites me, I personally wouldn't do it alone but that's my own fears. For me I find that context is everything... I will happily go into a library but I'll avoid so "silence study spaces" or events where making noise is considered disrespectful.

    • @MrProp46
      @MrProp46 7 років тому

      Not A Banana
      what about people that havent bathed in 6 weeks and smell absolutely rancid. why is it okay for them to go the library silence please quite areas and not you what about people with a ski color that you find offensive who should be barred from the library in that scenario.
      they were idiots in jr high and there morans now... when they push, you shove back... dont take that crap from them that they are more privileged then you ... why should you play the part of the 2nd class lower quality human being... because they dont have TS then that should make them better then you.
      you do know the primary purpose of your middle finger right? LoL, just saying you got some options when it comes to retards like those that have the believe they should have an exemption to you not being in there presence because there more special then you.
      just remember.. when YOU bow before there shit that you havr been conditioned to believe has no smell you not only harm your self, you hurt me and everyone one else with TS because if they come to the realisation they can control you and your right to be a human, then they will treat me and people like snapple the same way, then it becomes our responsibility to slap them down a peg or 2... which im more then happy to do, but its okay to man up once in awhile it can be quite empowering very scary at 1st... but once you slap these over privileged idiots around a few times ... its actually alot of fun
      hang in there... we got back, your one of us, we are all in this together... life is great, provided you fight for your right to party... if not, then you have chosen to be 2nd class citizen and life is going to kind of suck

    • @MrProp46
      @MrProp46 7 років тому +1

      Not A Banana
      what about people that havent bathed in 6 weeks and smell absolutely rancid. why is it okay for them to go the library silence please quite areas and not you what about people with a skin color issues that find others with a different skin color different from there own to be offensive who should be barred from the library in that scenario, the one thats offended or the person that has the skin color that others find offensive ... clearly a distraction in the quite please silence only section of the library
      the leople you claim to fear (you did mention context is everything) the people you claim to fear were idiots in jr high and guess what, there morans now... when they push, you shove back... dont take that crap that they are more privileged then you do to your having TS and they dont ... why should you play the part of the 2nd class lower quality human being... because they dont have TS then that should make them better then you.
      you do know the primary purpose of your middle finger right? LoL, Im just saying you got some options other then accepting there version of who is the clean vs who is the dirty among us. when it comes to retards like those that have the believe system they should have an exemption to you and the rest of us withTS not being in there presence on what ever rules they choose to dictate over us because there more special then you. is just crap . I dont except that, snapple dosnt except that, many of us with TS dont accept that view of the world ither, and guess what if you decide to choose not to accept there lord ship over you and live your life as a 1st class human... then your going to be fine, yeah might get a bloody nose from time to time... but at least you get to live like a human and not a diseased animal... trust me, its cool to be a human i enjoy it, its worth the pain and hassle of standing down these idiot moron looser normal people... personally i highly recommend living like a human..its great and you can do it also... all it takes is thw ability to dlex that middle finger in a special way straight into there face... jts actually alot of fun once you have done it a few times...i look forward to it, i know i shouldnt say that... but its true
      just remember.. when YOU bow before there shit that you have been conditioned to believe has no smell you not only harm yourself, you hurt me and everyone one else with TS because if they come to the realisation they can control you and your right to be a human, in the quite plese special study arwa of the library then they will feel its okay to also treat me and people like snapple the same way, then it becomes our responsibility to slap them down a peg or 2... which im more then happy to do, but its okay to man up once in awhile it can be quite empowering and yes its very scary at 1st, like all worthwhile challanges.. but once you slap these over privileged idiot refards around a few times ... its actually alot of fun
      hang in there... we got back, your one of us, we are all in this together... life is great, provided you fight for your right to party... if not, then you have chosen to be 2nd class citizen and life is going to kind of suck... in fact the more you you bow, the more the suck

  • @frankconnors3321
    @frankconnors3321 6 років тому

    Personally,. I would gladly accompany you to said theater and personally do the best I could to support you, plus I'm a theater fan myself :) I know a good person when I see one. I'd endure anything just to see you keep smiling. :)

  • @pauldeahl3980
    @pauldeahl3980 6 років тому +1

    I honestly think you should be able to go to a movie and if someone complains, you explain what’s up, then they should be cool with it. If not, then that’s tough. People these days don’t know how to deal with anything unless it goes exactly their way. Their parents never taught them to deal with adversity or inconveniences. Go to the movies sweetheart it’s a free country!

  • @danielharte1906
    @danielharte1906 6 років тому +1

    I recently subcribe to your channel, and I'm in love with your personality, your so confident, jovial, BEAUTIFUL! !!! , it's amazing to watch u , #repect
    And continue u to do the great work

  • @laceyharless5203
    @laceyharless5203 6 років тому

    I wish I had hair like that! Such a pretty voice too!

  • @Lou-qi3yh
    @Lou-qi3yh 4 роки тому +1

    Hard agree with your view on this!

  • @danteishimura9189
    @danteishimura9189 6 років тому

    Hope you went and enjoyed the movie.

  • @madisonweber9123
    @madisonweber9123 7 років тому

    Very excellent video. I have severe tourette syndrome, and I love going to the movies. When people suggest that I shouldn't be able to go anywhere everyone else can go I find that ridiculous ! I have the same rights as anyone else.

  • @AmbivalentAlexthymic
    @AmbivalentAlexthymic 7 років тому +5

    Well I say go anyways. 1 what are they going to do kick you out? No because that is discrimination and they hear babies cry all the time - they don't kick them out. 2 it's a movie as you said drowns out most noise. 3 No one has said ANYTHING to you when you did go. I would not let a few people who don't have the circumstances that you do deter me from going. You have a right to go so go. People need to get over should not be a issue either -it's not like you are ticking in the microphone. Libraries too. Your ticks are not speakerphone loud so it shouldn't bother people. Most people are petty though. No one is going to die from listening to you tick so they need to get over it.

  • @kendrickdonnelly
    @kendrickdonnelly 6 років тому

    I get your side. I wouldn't care if you were in a theater w me and had many loud ticks. It doesn't bother me at all. But I could see why someone would get mad. It's not that you are causing them a problem walking down the road.. They paid good money to watch a movie and probably x2 on the snacks. In a movie theater setting. Kinda like ppl that bring infants to a movie theater. If I was you I'd go to see movies whenever you want and on whatever day you want. If they weren't happy then the manager will give them a new ticket. Now the only thing I don't agree with, no one should have to deal w your problems because it's only once,maybe,kinda,well maybe not if they go to the movies often on Monday mornings.. This is your issue and you can not expect people to change their lives or even days to accommodate you. I really like your vids. Keep up the good work.

  • @janklebox7263
    @janklebox7263 5 років тому

    Do what you want your happiness isn't up to other people.

  • @MrProp46
    @MrProp46 7 років тому

    I am so proud of you, if i had children i wish you were my daughter !
    you have several choices and the fact you choose the more difficult one and more risky option is just pure leadership as a human being, it would be so easy to stay at home hiding under your bed watching Netflix
    fact is you have every right to be there even on friday and Saturday nights ... ive seen people with crying children and mentally impaired, and lots of keyboard phone warriors all around me... why are they not barred., and yes they are a distraction to me but should i impose on them, NO it's a community experience like any other place where two or more people gather together all across human life
    the theater is a community experience anyone is allowed to attend even homeless vagrants that do not believe in bathing except once a year and yet there allowed in, what about people with racial issues... who should have the right of way in that scenario of black vs white vs yellow vs red vs brown vs green with purple stripes
    its important to remember you have the right to be there like anyone else that has $49 in there pocket for a ticket popcorn and soda, its an individual choice as to whether you go or not if you have TS, but you are a human being, you have the same rights as anyone else. to having some kid constantly kick your seat back, to have some little ol grandma next to you fall asleep and snore like a chainswaw, or the person sitting on the far end seat next to the wall that has full bladder issues 6 times an hour...why be denied the pleasure of THOSE people... they all show up on fri and sat night primetime and there personal experiances or what make community so colorful you can't all be aesthetic White super clean and for the privileged if that's the case and perhaps probably should stay home and fear us living under their beds watching Netflix hoping we dont show up at there door step selling girl scout cookiea
    this topic has resonance for me because its more then just a movie theater experiance how many other places are we pigeon holed and held down or held back and just plain old bulled to live the values of someone elses live values because we walk a different path...
    for me, my failure with TS was grade school jr high school and high school. I was a huge disturbance in class, and as a result i didnt fight back and allowed the school system to shove me around into places outside the class room like LD ( learning disabilities) wood shop, extra study halls, multiple gym classes and choir... always heavily encouraged but was also singled out and overwhelmingly discouraged from advanced classes that carried college implications such as . math, foreign language and the Sciences why because I was a distraction and would effect the future of the normal peoples lives intent on going to college Its far easier to put me in the places where I had have zero effect on somebody who is going to be flipping a burger as a career option six months after graduation.
    that was my failure I should have fought back and I was wrong not to have fought back in order to have the same right to be like anyone else because they chose to pressure me that way in which they did I wrongly chose to buckle under and accepted there role over me I have paid costly price for not shoving back and demanding my place be respected as a human being... i dont want special privilege or access only the right to compete along side my colleagues... life isn't clean they're going to deal with people like us they should not be given special exemption of my or anyone elses presence that dosnt measure up to there ideology we are the human race in all of its imperfect Beauty and elegance of misfortune
    the next person that decides to challenges you and feels the need to dictate there values onto you as to what you can and can not do because of your TS... look at them eye to eye with disgust and then in a very clear low tone voice say (bite me) then give him the finger and tell them very directly and poignantly tell them to step off
    to me ... if someone thinks its okay to tell me where and how i should live my life is just another form of them being an idiot Moran pushing me around... and you know what i say to that... if they push, then you shove back
    Snapple im so proud of you, because you always shove back when pushed, your a real example for how its done we with TS should look to you as an inspiration on how to live our own lives. im very encouraged by you for the future I can tell that you're going to be a great advocate counsellor protector for those of us n the future with TS the still yet to be born with ts that will need heros like you that will face lifes challanges of TS fearing to live or worse lloosing hope and given up in the day to day struggle of TS
    because you shove back, and i shove back, and so many other people with TS have shoved back to gather we make a force to be reckoned with and the right to choose the life we want, the life we were meant to live

  • @laceyharless5203
    @laceyharless5203 6 років тому

    Ik this is not gonna help, but ur soooo pretty! And I lovvve that outfit!!

  • @Vielseitig
    @Vielseitig 6 років тому

    I miss you please come back to UA-cam :) take care

  • @crockerakahops90sjumpmantexas
    @crockerakahops90sjumpmantexas 6 років тому

    I can't answer your question but I'd have to say do what makes you happy.

  • @shayneyoung2222
    @shayneyoung2222 6 років тому

    I can love to hear you speak I like your videos I might be bypassing your sounds or its more mild in this one Nando's

  • @sputnikburan
    @sputnikburan 5 років тому

    Where are you? We miss your videos, i was learning english watching your videos, i hope you fine and good healt, God bless you always.

  • @irsute8833
    @irsute8833 6 років тому

    I'd love to go to the movies with you :)

  • @xevsetter1201
    @xevsetter1201 7 років тому +3

    according to the ADA you have the same right as any non-dysabled person to this. Its society that needs to make it accesable for you.
    By making these videos you are doing your part in spredding awarness and ending stigma.
    I have Sczoaffective dis adhd capd ect ect I dont have turrets but do often have times where I yell, hit things, stim and cant sit

    • @snappleandcats8045
      @snappleandcats8045  7 років тому +2

      Xev Setter Sounds like you have a list like me haha. I totally agree. Accessibility is a must. It's improved a lot, but we've got a long way to go.

    • @xevsetter1201
      @xevsetter1201 7 років тому +2

      Lol, yep. But you have a great avinu to move society forward by telling it how it really is!
      Keep up the great work!

  • @kaynaydiawilliams6017
    @kaynaydiawilliams6017 7 років тому

    you could go to a drive in theater that's really fun

  • @robertlareau1968
    @robertlareau1968 6 років тому

    You are a beautiful and wonderful young women.Best of luck on your life journey, you will do fine. Oh by the way, i like it when you say " FRIGID OR FIDGET" Love you!

  • @fawakamaha
    @fawakamaha 7 років тому

    we used to have a small theater that only sat about 20 people. It was rented out for entire groups and you could pick any movie that was already released for retail purchase. wish you could have that. you could rent the whole thing with a small group of friends and have a small party.

    • @snappleandcats8045
      @snappleandcats8045  7 років тому

      Mancub2489 Dang, I wish everyone had that. Renting out a small theater sounds like a good time. I probably wouldn't do it for every movie though.

    • @fawakamaha
      @fawakamaha 7 років тому

      Yeah, most people only did it once, so it didn't last long. Was fun while it lasted. Keep up the videos. I enjoy the content and have already learned a lot. Thank you for your hard work.

  • @plaf0553
    @plaf0553 7 років тому +3

    It seems to me that you are very understanding and considerate of other people's enjoyment of a movie. You go during off times, to movies that have been out a while. I applaud that. However, in my opinion, you shouldn't hold back on going to a new release, during a busy time. Screw 'em. Enjoy your life to the most.
    Quite honestly, if I were in a theater with you, I'd likely be the "annoying" one. I know I be so curious and couldn't resist asking you questions about Tourette's .

    • @snappleandcats8045
      @snappleandcats8045  7 років тому +2

      plaf05 haha, after the movie, I'd probably be happy to answer any questions.

    • @joshf217
      @joshf217 6 років тому

      so screw all the other people who paid money just like everyone else to enjoy a movie in silence.if you have a condition that prevents that stay home. you can live your life and enjoy it while also being considerate of the other people.

    • @eleanor2509
      @eleanor2509 4 роки тому

      @@joshf217 she also paid to watch it though..... lol

  • @mfairus3781
    @mfairus3781 6 років тому

    If i find myself, in the movie theater with you, i am the luckiest person in the world that day. ;)

  • @rizziequeen5253
    @rizziequeen5253 4 роки тому

    Personally. I think there are cases where someone also has a disability, and cannot pay attention if there are other noises in the theater.
    So, in situations like those, I would understand people being upset that there is someone with vocal ticks in the theater. Fellow disabled people would probably be way more understanding and willing to compromise, though.
    But, for able people, it's mostly just selfishness and the value of their own comfort over others.

  • @bertbox69
    @bertbox69 6 років тому

    In all my trips to the movies I'd rather this sweet young lady was there than the idiots who cant manage two hours without having to eat anything and the constant rustling that involves. Last weekend I had to sit next to some mouth breather who wouldn't sit still, pushing the seat back all the time and putting his feet up on the bar in front, simply because he was ignorant and mannerless. So you go, you do whatever you feel to live a normal life. You'd be welcome at my cinema any time !

  • @stanleystalvey7406
    @stanleystalvey7406 6 років тому

    go to the movie on week nights when no crowds are there.

  • @donalobroin1775
    @donalobroin1775 6 років тому +3

    I'd love to hear your voice behind me in the theatre, fidget.

  • @user-uw9gg4kf4f
    @user-uw9gg4kf4f 4 роки тому

    Such a real nice girl.

  • @briamber9400
    @briamber9400 7 років тому +1

    go where ever you want and screw what other people think

  • @ctatrains
    @ctatrains 2 роки тому

    The only people that really get on my nerves are the ones without Tourette's.

  • @lovegivens8005
    @lovegivens8005 6 років тому

    Fidget...make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience.. Perhaps the mind fidgets.. Becomes iimmensely impatient and burst out... Hence Tourette..hence..Caprolalia... Idk but we are going to get to the bottom of this mystery.

  • @billypool8453
    @billypool8453 4 роки тому

    cool shirt.

  • @danieltaylor435
    @danieltaylor435 7 років тому

    You still are Beautiful to me.

  • @non-faccio-lo-yotuber
    @non-faccio-lo-yotuber 6 років тому +2

    a very sweet and beautiful girl!

  • @GunnerShoe
    @GunnerShoe 6 років тому

    Of course you shouldn't let Tourettes exclude you from enjoying life. I remember one time I was at the movies, and a man behind me kept whistling and making noises during quiet parts of the film. I made a complaint, and he ended up getting kicked out. Looking back, I realized he might not have been able to control it, and I felt bad denying him the chance to watch the film. People like me really need to be more empathic to other's situation

    • @snappleandcats8045
      @snappleandcats8045  6 років тому

      GunnerShoe It sadly happens all the time and most people with Tourette's don't "make a fuss" or stand up for themselves in those situations. And I don't think it's necessarily your fault for not knowing (though now that you do, please spread the word). It's just that the education needs to be more widespread. I usually educate people if they happen to sit near me, but I also don't think people should be obligated to, so it's a tough situation.

    • @snappleandcats8045
      @snappleandcats8045  6 років тому

      GunnerShoe Also, I should mention that I think it's awesome of you to share this experience and try to learn from it. Everyone doed ignorant things throughout the span of their life, but few are willing to admit it, address it and try to change. It's wonderful that you're doing that.

  • @katrinamiller1491
    @katrinamiller1491 6 років тому

    I honestly wouldn't mind going to the movie with you tics nd all

  • @kaynaydiawilliams6017
    @kaynaydiawilliams6017 6 років тому +1

    People have told you not to go to church now that makes me Mad you can't keep up with faith because people don't wanna hear you If anything they should be supporting you more at church I go to church the movies and the library and my verbal tics tend to be pretty much screaming we shouldn't be treated differently then anyone else if we can't go to the movies people can't bring their kids to the movies either

  • @princessky2987
    @princessky2987 7 років тому +2

    Hey girl💋✋👌🎊

  • @jayallison8387
    @jayallison8387 6 років тому

    if you wanna go to a movie do it man fuck what people think you pay to see the movie like anyone else

  • @1axe1
    @1axe1 7 років тому

    i dont want to be smart..... i think tourette is very similar to stutter i have personally helped 3 people so far........its all in the mind......the only reason i write is because i think its sad if you can do something about it, you dont just because you dont know.

    • @snappleandcats8045
      @snappleandcats8045  7 років тому +5

      axe Oh, you have a secret cure that only you know of that doctors and researchers can't find out? Please let us know.

    • @wittypseudx6839
      @wittypseudx6839 5 років тому

      yes, it is all in the mind, technically- it's a neurological disorder. but you can't control the mind when there is a fundamental flaw in the construction of the mind. that's like telling someone with depression to "lighten up," or someone with schizophrenia "just make yourself stop seeing things" or someone with ocd "just don't do the compulsions." do you know how many times ignorant people like you have told me my compulsions are "all in my head"? no shit they are, my head is wired wrong and it makes me have to do these things. my compulsions are as compulsory as blinking, and even if i delay, i still have to do them eventually

  • @garrettkeith1959
    @garrettkeith1959 7 років тому +2

    I really want to date you! I find you so adorable and your complexion is really attractive

  • @GlowingMpd
    @GlowingMpd 7 років тому +4

    Why should anyone have their movie going experience interrupted by you making inappropriate noises? Doesn't matter if it's unintentional. If a person smells I can sit far away from them and hardly have the movie storyline interrupted. It IS very selfish of you to think everyone should "only have to put up" with you for a couple of hours. That's a couple of hours that they paid to see a movie. UNBELIEVABLE!! Wait till it comes out on DVD as they all eventually do. Have a movie party at your home.

    • @snappleandcats8045
      @snappleandcats8045  7 років тому +8

      GlowingMpd Why should anyone have there movie experience completely taken away from them because of a disability?

    • @GlowingMpd
      @GlowingMpd 7 років тому +1


    • @elizabethmcevoy5692
      @elizabethmcevoy5692 6 років тому +1

      It’s not selfish, did you even watch the video? It’s a disorder. It can’t just be turned off. We deserve to experience the same things as everyone els.

    • @dexasmoru8333
      @dexasmoru8333 6 років тому +2

      Her vocal ticks are not even that loud... I'm sure it would be easy to brush off the noise. Much like people who clear their throats or cough in the theater.

  • @1axe1
    @1axe1 7 років тому

    i think you should not accept your you know anyone who got cured...i think you should look in to that

    • @snappleandcats8045
      @snappleandcats8045  7 років тому +2

      axe There is no cure for Tourette's. Anyone who claims to have one is lying, scamming you or a bit gullible. Sometimes tics get better on their own, but they rarely go away and you never know if they're going to get better or worse. It's out of your control. Accepting that is one of the best things you can do for yourself if you have Tourette's.

    • @Ec0001
      @Ec0001 7 років тому +1

      Snapple and Cats! I take medication for my tics! It doesn't go away completely but it's better than without meds😊👍🏻

    • @dillowman8
      @dillowman8 6 років тому +1

      axe there is no cure. You don't think she's probably been to countless doctors with this issue? The diagnosis usually comes for a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL! Don't you think the MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL would have administered a "cure" if it existed upon diagnosis? Think before you speak, or type in this case