Well said sir. In the past I "bought" stuff to help my success. Now I am trying simplicity...an old recurve bow made in the U.S. Wood arrows, wool clothes. Now I need to focus on skill not stuff. But all these tv and youtube and magazines can't really profit as much on selling skill as much as chinese stuff.
Fred bear said it right. Sitting real still is the best camo there is. I guess you need to blend in but deer see movement really good. And hear really good. I don't put much into scent. As I do blending in and being still And quiet,,,
Absolutely you can stink enough to smell yourself and if you sit and don’t move they don’t care. I watch wildlife in my fields. Street clothes sit in the woods and observe. I’ve had turkey, hawks , owls , squirrel, you name it next to me motionless.
I'm a South Texas stalker, lifelong. I used to wear camo up until about 2003-04. Camo isn't necessary. I usually stalk in jeans and a drab smok or t shirt. The wind direction, your movment, and being able to see deer before they see you is where it's at. I stalked a fork horn to six yards one winter and killed him without him knowing I was there. I realized camo for deer hunting is a gimick. See them before they see you and you'll be successful.
If a deer isn't moving they almost seem to disappear, but, as soon as they move, you can pick them up easily. This started me thinking about how deer are basically brown with white and a few areas of black and they have some of the best camo in the woods. No more high dollar camo for me.
Coyotes are like that too I once was on a Coyote, he was maybe 25m from me, and as soon as he stopped moving he just disappeared. I belive its because the base color of a coyote or a deer is "coyote Brown" rather than some shade of green, Brown accented with other earth tones would work better I think..
lol man camo is so overrated. I know guys who hunt with one outfit year around and some who do it in jeans. Just buy the walmart brands. Thats what I use for everything. their cheap and usually go on clearance pretty quickly.
Stay out of direct sunlight, keep your face and hands covered and dont move. Hand and head movement has alerted more deer than the type of camo you wear. New camo patterns are designed more to fool hunters (buyers) than deer. Some of the greatest deer hunters known still wear green and black checked wool jackets. They stay down wind and watch their motions.
Totally agree. I put deer seeing movement at the top. I have blended in a Bush up wind and had deer feeding within touch. After an hour or so I moved my hand a little bit and they were gone.
I heard mostly just stating the obvious things in this video. Movement and smell are the most important things to consider when stalking or even just sitting in a stand. I've managed to get within 40 feet of a deer by timing my movements and moving oh so painfully slowly and staying downwind. You can also make yourself obvious and outsmart them, which is fun. Often in dense forest deer will circle back to figure out what you are after you startle them. I've used this fact with changes in direction to get them to sometimes walk right at me.
Great comment. SAME here. Originally from Texas, we moved up to NW Montana for 12 years...the BEST hunting AND hunting MEMORIES that will last the rest of my life. That’s where I learned HOW to really hunt. Flathead National Forest just across our fence. I would purposely look (STARE) & slowly blink) at doe just to see what I could get away with and see how they’d respond...it was awesome!
Also body language o have slowly crawled on hands and knees into a group of deer noisely chewing on on grass with no alarm looking away from their staring at me
“Successful” Deer hunting requires patience, opportunity and some skill. Camouflaged clothing really has very little to do with it. You generally ‘make’ your own luck. One caveat though: Deer HAVE to be frequenting or IN that area, whether moving through or “living” in the surrounding area/terrain. The biggest “gimmick” on the market today is the ‘scent killer’ crap they sell...clothes soap, etc. Hunting is all about LEARNING what to DO and what NOT to do...the animal will tell you all you need to know.
Deer see movement before they see colors. One of the best things i have learned about hunting deer in my 37 years of doing so, is that camo doesn't always work. I use solid colors nowadays. I use solid black mostly, then browns, and green shades. I have had deer pick me out of a tree stand many times when wearing camo, and that's what got me to thinking. So I switched to solid colors like I used to wear in the early 80's before camo was even around. Very seldom do I get spotted in the tree, and even on the ground. Try this test. Stand in front of a mirror, move your arms side to side. Which color hides your arm movement? When you wear camo, your arm movement is seen all of the time. Blacks and brown hide it best, where green works around evergreen trees. My best hunt at wearing street clothes was a 12 yard shot on a doe while I was wearing blue jeans, blue shirt, and a red windbreaker, with tennis shoes on. I did that on a bet with one of my old deer hunting buddies clear back in 1989. He lost the bet, I shot a deer before he did. Camo looks good to people, and works on turkeys for some reason, but not so good on deer.
I just hunted the other day in a stand on the edge of a cutover wearing khaki colored pants and a black Carhartt jacket. Went out at at 2pm and sat completely motionless until 530pm and moved really slowly when I had to. Right before sunset a doe walked right out in front of me about 25 yards upwind of me and had no idea I was there.
I believe it depends on where and how you hunt. I started bow hunting before the compound. Some guys wore surplus camo(The only thing around), or what ever we had that was comfortable. We still managed to kill deer. During the rut most bucks are way out of their home ground. During rifle season they are pushed out. The "Bucket" concept does not hold water. There is a big difference between hunting a "Managed" area and deer on full alert from hunting pressure. A lot of deer will ignore something out of the ordinary, or even come closer to investigate, if they do not associate it with danger. I had a puppy that ran around the TV looking for a way in when he saw and heard a Turkey that was big enough to fill the screen. Once was enough. After the one time, he just ignored it. Unless you use different, unexposed deer every time you test something, the experiment is contaminated.
Just remember Indians didn't have cabelas leafy scent blocker suits and Fred bear held many records around the world for a guy in jean pants and a flannel shirt . Movement is the factor . I've had deer notice me stare at me and when I froze they just went right back to their actions
e2sguy that's what happened with my first deer it stopped and looked at me when I picked up my rifle and I just stood still and then it went back to what it was doing
I've stalked many a deer wearing blaze orange and they don't see me AS LONG as there is something to break up my silhouette. I have friends who hunt with black and that works fine as well. A camo designed jacket is not necessary. Just try and blend in with your surroundings, a tree or bush, something to break up your body sticking out like a sore thumb.
+Brandon P I agree. I actually hunt various game crouched in the open at times wearing black or brown and do fine. Some game may be suspicious and look, but, generally resume they're actions if nothing startles them. So, I make no movement or sound. And, although I am not saying game will let their guard down while feeding, I've noticed when they dip they're heads, It's easier to move in carefully a few steps if needed. I guess camo is still useful, though. As some fisherman prefer clear line over yellow.
+XSevenSonata i agree as well ive stalked deer in green skate board shorts and red tshirt with black baseball hat with no cover scent. ive never been busted when im still and quiet. movement and sound is key
I never use cammo. The biggest thing you sort of touched on is blending in which means sit still. Where I live the last few years has been bucks only and I’ve had both bucks and does’ walk up on me. Last year a buck walked up within 30 feet and a doe and her dawn were standing 10 feet from me. I was sitting on the ground against a tree as still as could bee only breathing and blinking. The doe could smell me and knew something was different but couldn’t see me and walked around me for a long time snorting. The year before 2 fawns were 5 feet from my son who was laying on the ground watching them while the doe was trying to figure out what I was sitting against a fence post. A person doesn’t need thousands of dollars worth of bull crap hunting gear to get the job done. We went home with 3 deer last year and 2 the year before.
Every deer I have killed save for one, has been killed wearing jeans and a Carhart jacket. Camo is nice and has its place but the main thing is scent and movement.
This is why you wear camoflauge! Im tired pf people trying to argue with me, well deer are color blind and ive worn a full hunter orange suit before and killed deer. Maybe so but people need to quit saying you dont need camo in the woods. This proves camo is better than a solid color. Deer are color blind but they see paterns and know when something is out of the oridinary. Awsome video! Now i can prove camo is better!!
Jared Hudson I've stalked deer in South Texas my entire life and ditched camo in the fall of 2003-2004. What made me start to see things differently was on an October day of 03 while stalking hogs, I was wearing a button up white plad short sleeve western shirt because I was in a rush to get into the woods. During the stalk I encountered a doe that acted as if she could care less and passed within 20 yards of me (I was kneeling when she passed). I usually stalk in jeans and a tee or a rifleman's smock when it's cold. There as been one trip since then that ended without a kill ( I had a severe cold). The closest I have stalked was 6 yards on a fork horn one season. I have found that being able to cypher deer in the brush before they see you is the most important thing in stalking, and that requires working the wind, moving when you can and being still when deer are still. I don't use scopes on my rifles so over the years I've tried to perfect my techniques. Not trying to toot my own horn, but I consider myself an authority on stalking and have even done seminars for a major outdoor retailer. One of my topics that I would cover was the use ( or the lack thereof) of camo.
The only thing camo does is break up the solid sheet of colour, Orange if it has some lines through it will blend a lot more than a blank orange section.
he dont tell you that deer dont have red rods in the eye they have blue and green. the best colors to wear deer hunting are blaze orange, reds ,and pinks , deer see theses as being neutral gray whitch is not a threat, . all you need is to wear something to break up your outline. i like the blaze orange camo suit.
He said plenty, notably that deer perceive something different in their surroundings, aka, their living room. It doesnt matter what you are wearing if you are obvious and out of place in their territory. Listen to the 5 gallon bucket story he told..
There's no doubt that camo is better, but it's not necessary. using your surroundings can be just as effective. If you find a good hollow under a cedar tree's branches with vegetation around and you create a couple shooting lanes, you can stay hidden better than someone with the entire Cabela's fall clothing line.
Last time I went bowhunting I got lazy and didn't pull on my camo pants. I wore new blue jeans. My upper half was completely in camo- face paint on face and hands as well. I was eleven deer on the other side of a clearing. They were coming across to my side and it looked like they be no more than 25 yards up hill from me. The leader was a doe and she changed directions to a trail not 9 feet from me. As soon as they dropped into a swale I came to full draw and waited for antlers. Every one of them was a doe. Everyone of them looked at me- some slowed but showed no distress. They never broke from their walk. I know my camo worked that day, but I also questioned the need for complete camo as well. I think my face, green ad loam colored broke up my appearance so I didn't look so much like an animal. The fact that face and hands were covered, I think, were the big proof that camo does do its job. But I have to question this fellow's observation that anything out of the ordinary will spook them (the bucket theory) because every one of those Blacktail Deer could see my brilliant indigo pants just fine.
You could have been in a pink with purple polka dot tux! They wouldn't have give a shit. Movement is what counts. Sent? That's bullshit too. I have been smoking a cigarette while pissing off a stand with the wind blowing strait at the deer I shot that morning. She walked right to me. Deer are curious animals.
Randall Berry, Doe are easy to fool and very curious abimals. A mature 4 or 5 year old buck is a completely different beast. If you want Wallhangers you need to control scent, movement and be hidden, either expensive camo or just plain natural colors. When I talk about hunting Im not talking about shooting does or young bucks, I want mature wary, smart, intelligent bucks. Does are not even a challenge, shoot them at will no matter the scent, camo, movement, I want to be challenged by my prey.
Nothing wrong with that at all, in the end thats what its about. I save shooting meat for last day of season. Both my brothers shoot deer, plus my Dad. so by end of 1st weeek of season I have access to 6 deer worth of meat, so I strive for mature bucks cuz Im in no rush to shoot meat
I shot my biggest wt last september. Wasn't even on a real hunt, but was hiking into a late-season area to set up some trailcams, for when i hunt there in november. I was wearing blue jeans and my grey stansfields sweater. Jumped a really big buck, then followed him up onto the next ridge. I hunkered down up there, knowing it was pointless to keep pursuing him. Hoped maybe he'd circle back. About 20 minutes later, i glanced over to my left, and there was an even bigger buck. He had been coming down from above, and unaware that i was already sitting and waiting. of course luck and timing plays a part too. But what i was wearing played no part, my sitting still is what kept me from being spotted.
I agree he didn't say dick..said we have to blend in with surrounding and that always changes. Well no fucking shit that what camo is. I could fucking tell ya that
Movement is only part of the formula. Didn't you hear him say that if you put a 5 gal bucket in the road a deer will notice it as being out of place? I think that camo dimension is as important as the pattern. A deer or coyote not only has an earth toned coat, but the hair is several inches thick, which help absorb light and prevent reflection. That's why I like wool camo rather than some of the "flat" fabrics that are highly light reflective.
The deer will only notice that bucket is out of place, if it is regularily crossing that same stretch of road. If the bucket has always been there, it's just what is familiar to the deer. It would then seem strange if the bucket was suddenly gone.
Camo is important, but not everything. Deer rely more on their sense of smell as a stand alone sense than sight. Many deer may see something out of the ordinary, but won't necessarily bolt. If the deer smells something off, however, they will often take off without confirming something's wrong.
Smells a lot more important to a deer than sight. Had them walk past and never look at me but when they caught my sent they are gone! The only camo that works is HECS and it has absolutely nothing to do with the pattern of the camo.
All of that expensive camo crap is made of synthetic fabrics that reflect ultra-violet like a you have a white sheet on, I found that out last year while experimenting with cameras and ambient UV night vision, deer can see in the lower UV scale, so I switched to wearing all cotton canvas blue jeans and Carhart jacket and first night out on gun season a nice buck walked right out in front of me, BOOM, he never saw me.
Don't believe deer only see yellow and blue .Deer mostly definitely see blaze orange and go on alert . I don't care how many ways they analyze deer eyeballs in a laboratory. I have hunted many years and they know and you can visually see their reactions when they see that orange . Besides pennstate university did studies with colors deer feeders and found that deer most definitely can spot blaze orange in a lineup
Good vid. Hunting and fashion have little to do with each other. I started hunting with full expensive coordinated camo outfits and stupermag rifles. An elderly family member with just old farm clothes sat on a log smoking and talking to himself, and a 7pt walked up behind him and probably thought "what is this odd stinky creature?". He was infact odd and stinky. Regardless he just turned and blasted him with buckshot. Had he not done that several times over the years I would just think it was a random event. Its more fun to just wear regular clothes, carry a 44 handgun, and piss hunters off at the gas station when you stop in after the kill.
Take a look at vintage photos of hunters from the 1920s through the 1950s. They didn't use camo and we're very successful hunts. Photos of family back in the day never wore camo they wore work clothes and work boots. Again have been successful. My dad up until he passed never wore camo. You need it even less if you hunt from a ground or elevated blind. Don't spend your cash on stuff you don't need.
As Fred Bear once said "the best camouflage is learning how to sit still"
Well said sir. In the past I "bought" stuff to help my success. Now I am trying simplicity...an old recurve bow made in the U.S. Wood arrows, wool clothes. Now I need to focus on skill not stuff. But all these tv and youtube and magazines can't really profit as much on selling skill as much as chinese stuff.
Fred bear said it right. Sitting real still is the best camo there is. I guess you need to blend in but deer see movement really good. And hear really good. I don't put much into scent. As I do blending in and being still And quiet,,,
Absolutely you can stink enough to smell yourself and if you sit and don’t move they don’t care. I watch wildlife in my fields. Street clothes sit in the woods and observe. I’ve had turkey, hawks , owls , squirrel, you name it next to me motionless.
Well I guess my car was camouflaged because he ran right into it.
It might have been your headlights blinding him.
Spot hunting is not legal, sir!
I'm a South Texas stalker, lifelong. I used to wear camo up until about 2003-04. Camo isn't necessary. I usually stalk in jeans and a drab smok or t shirt. The wind direction, your movment, and being able to see deer before they see you is where it's at. I stalked a fork horn to six yards one winter and killed him without him knowing I was there. I realized camo for deer hunting is a gimick. See them before they see you and you'll be successful.
Magnificent points. Very true! Technique, remain as still as possible, and stay down wind.
hope you have some thick boots and gaitors. that scrub will tear you up!
I would have to agree with you. As a child I used to sneak up to deer everyday.
If a deer isn't moving they almost seem to disappear, but, as soon as they move, you can pick them up easily. This started me thinking about how deer are basically brown with white and a few areas of black and they have some of the best camo in the woods. No more high dollar camo for me.
Coyotes are like that too I once was on a Coyote, he was maybe 25m from me, and as soon as he stopped moving he just disappeared. I belive its because the base color of a coyote or a deer is "coyote Brown" rather than some shade of green, Brown accented with other earth tones would work better I think..
Thats an excellent observation. If nature thought realtree camo was better it likely would have made deer have patchy type fur.
lol man camo is so overrated. I know guys who hunt with one outfit year around and some who do it in jeans. Just buy the walmart brands. Thats what I use for everything. their cheap and usually go on clearance pretty quickly.
If you dress like a deer...they will come up close and lick you
It was a joke you dumb idiot
This guys is very knowledgeable. He provides a lot of technical information.
I killed the biggest buck of my life while I was wearing jeans and an orange sweatshirt,I kept my movements to a minimum
Stay out of direct sunlight, keep your face and hands covered and dont move. Hand and head movement has alerted more deer than the type of camo you wear. New camo patterns are designed more to fool hunters (buyers) than deer. Some of the greatest deer hunters known still wear green and black checked wool jackets. They stay down wind and watch their motions.
Totally agree. I put deer seeing movement at the top. I have blended in a Bush up wind and had deer feeding within touch. After an hour or so I moved my hand a little bit and they were gone.
I heard mostly just stating the obvious things in this video. Movement and smell are the most important things to consider when stalking or even just sitting in a stand. I've managed to get within 40 feet of a deer by timing my movements and moving oh so painfully slowly and staying downwind. You can also make yourself obvious and outsmart them, which is fun. Often in dense forest deer will circle back to figure out what you are after you startle them. I've used this fact with changes in direction to get them to sometimes walk right at me.
Great comment. SAME here. Originally from Texas, we moved up to NW Montana for 12 years...the BEST hunting AND hunting MEMORIES that will last the rest of my life. That’s where I learned HOW to really hunt. Flathead National Forest just across our fence. I would purposely look (STARE) & slowly blink) at doe just to see what I could get away with and see how they’d respond...it was awesome!
Ones ability to remain motionless is crucial.
Steady slow movement is best.
Also body language o have slowly crawled on hands and knees into a group of deer noisely chewing on on grass with no alarm looking away from their staring at me
“Successful” Deer hunting requires patience, opportunity and some skill. Camouflaged clothing really has very little to do with it. You generally ‘make’ your own luck. One caveat though: Deer HAVE to be frequenting or IN that area, whether moving through or “living” in the surrounding area/terrain. The biggest “gimmick” on the market today is the ‘scent killer’ crap they sell...clothes soap, etc. Hunting is all about LEARNING what to DO and what NOT to do...the animal will tell you all you need to know.
Exactly, and no movement ever so slight when they can see you or your shadow.
I love the jacket he is wearing I'm searching for that jacket everywhere..!!!
Deer see movement before they see colors. One of the best things i have learned about hunting deer in my 37 years of doing so, is that camo doesn't always work. I use solid colors nowadays. I use solid black mostly, then browns, and green shades. I have had deer pick me out of a tree stand many times when wearing camo, and that's what got me to thinking. So I switched to solid colors like I used to wear in the early 80's before camo was even around. Very seldom do I get spotted in the tree, and even on the ground. Try this test. Stand in front of a mirror, move your arms side to side. Which color hides your arm movement? When you wear camo, your arm movement is seen all of the time. Blacks and brown hide it best, where green works around evergreen trees.
My best hunt at wearing street clothes was a 12 yard shot on a doe while I was wearing blue jeans, blue shirt, and a red windbreaker, with tennis shoes on. I did that on a bet with one of my old deer hunting buddies clear back in 1989. He lost the bet, I shot a deer before he did. Camo looks good to people, and works on turkeys for some reason, but not so good on deer.
that buck at 3:00 wow
I just hunted the other day in a stand on the edge of a cutover wearing khaki colored pants and a black Carhartt jacket. Went out at at 2pm and sat completely motionless until 530pm and moved really slowly when I had to. Right before sunset a doe walked right out in front of me about 25 yards upwind of me and had no idea I was there.
I believe it depends on where and how you hunt. I started bow hunting before the compound. Some guys wore surplus camo(The only thing around), or what ever we had that was comfortable. We still managed to kill deer. During the rut most bucks are way out of their home ground. During rifle season they are pushed out. The "Bucket" concept does not hold water. There is a big difference between hunting a "Managed" area and deer on full alert from hunting pressure. A lot of deer will ignore something out of the ordinary, or even come closer to investigate, if they do not associate it with danger. I had a puppy that ran around the TV looking for a way in when he saw and heard a Turkey that was big enough to fill the screen. Once was enough. After the one time, he just ignored it. Unless you use different, unexposed deer every time you test something, the experiment is contaminated.
Deer Know! Out of season; Deer Know who are the Outlaws and who are respected hunters! 💯💯💗💗
Just remember Indians didn't have cabelas leafy scent blocker suits and Fred bear held many records around the world for a guy in jean pants and a flannel shirt . Movement is the factor . I've had deer notice me stare at me and when I froze they just went right back to their actions
e2sguy that's what happened with my first deer it stopped and looked at me when I picked up my rifle and I just stood still and then it went back to what it was doing
Very informative , I learned alot from this video . I thank you so much .
I've stalked many a deer wearing blaze orange and they don't see me AS LONG as there is something to break up my silhouette. I have friends who hunt with black and that works fine as well. A camo designed jacket is not necessary. Just try and blend in with your surroundings, a tree or bush, something to break up your body sticking out like a sore thumb.
+Brandon P I agree. I actually hunt various game crouched in the open at times wearing black or brown and do fine. Some game may be suspicious and look, but, generally resume they're actions if nothing startles them. So, I make no movement or sound. And, although I am not saying game will let their guard down while feeding, I've noticed when they dip they're heads, It's easier to move in carefully a few steps if needed. I guess camo is still useful, though. As some fisherman prefer clear line over yellow.
+XSevenSonata i agree as well ive stalked deer in green skate board shorts and red tshirt with black baseball hat with no cover scent. ive never been busted when im still and quiet. movement and sound is key
I never use cammo. The biggest thing you sort of touched on is blending in which means sit still. Where I live the last few years has been bucks only and I’ve had both bucks and does’ walk up on me. Last year a buck walked up within 30 feet and a doe and her dawn were standing 10 feet from me. I was sitting on the ground against a tree as still as could bee only breathing and blinking. The doe could smell me and knew something was different but couldn’t see me and walked around me for a long time snorting. The year before 2 fawns were 5 feet from my son who was laying on the ground watching them while the doe was trying to figure out what I was sitting against a fence post. A person doesn’t need thousands of dollars worth of bull crap hunting gear to get the job done. We went home with 3 deer last year and 2 the year before.
Every deer I have killed save for one, has been killed wearing jeans and a Carhart jacket. Camo is nice and has its place but the main thing is scent and movement.
Stephen Swaffer That's where it's at! I'm a stalker, usually in jeans and a t shirt, and I'm successful every year.
Omg what camera did you use?! Those deer shots were BEAUTIFUL
These were taken with a RED camera. Thanks for watching!
Deer Hunting thank you for filming! I love deer a lot and I've always wanted to go hunting but I'm pretty sure my asthma will get in the way.
This is why you wear camoflauge! Im tired pf people trying to argue with me, well deer are color blind and ive worn a full hunter orange suit before and killed deer. Maybe so but people need to quit saying you dont need camo in the woods. This proves camo is better than a solid color. Deer are color blind but they see paterns and know when something is out of the oridinary. Awsome video! Now i can prove camo is better!!
Jared Hudson I've stalked deer in South Texas my entire life and ditched camo in the fall of 2003-2004. What made me start to see things differently was on an October day of 03 while stalking hogs, I was wearing a button up white plad short sleeve western shirt because I was in a rush to get into the woods. During the stalk I encountered a doe that acted as if she could care less and passed within 20 yards of me (I was kneeling when she passed). I usually stalk in jeans and a tee or a rifleman's smock when it's cold. There as been one trip since then that ended without a kill ( I had a severe cold). The closest I have stalked was 6 yards on a fork horn one season. I have found that being able to cypher deer in the brush before they see you is the most important thing in stalking, and that requires working the wind, moving when you can and being still when deer are still. I don't use scopes on my rifles so over the years I've tried to perfect my techniques. Not trying to toot my own horn, but I consider myself an authority on stalking and have even done seminars for a major outdoor retailer. One of my topics that I would cover was the use ( or the lack thereof) of camo.
The only thing camo does is break up the solid sheet of colour, Orange if it has some lines through it will blend a lot more than a blank orange section.
Movement is the key. The positive effect of camo in most areas is probably marginal.
Well, that is a lot of help for people in states that require a blaze orange vest and hat for all hunting except waterfowl.
I had deer come to me while digging s hole I looked away showing submission and slowly continue digging nice visit I simply acknowledge their presents
I quit wearing camo, here in Texas, when one day a buck didn't notice the Peterbuilt that I hit him with.
he dont tell you that deer dont have red rods in the eye they have blue and green. the best colors to wear deer hunting are blaze orange, reds ,and pinks , deer see theses as being neutral gray whitch is not a threat, . all you need is to wear something to break up your outline. i like the blaze orange camo suit.
Would it be a good idea to wear a orange bib with a slight camo pattern and a regular camo parka?
This guy talked for almost 4 minutes but didn't actually say anything.
He said plenty, notably that deer perceive something different in their surroundings, aka, their living room. It doesnt matter what you are wearing if you are obvious and out of place in their territory. Listen to the 5 gallon bucket story he told..
He talked.
You didn't listen ...
There's no doubt that camo is better, but it's not necessary. using your surroundings can be just as effective. If you find a good hollow under a cedar tree's branches with vegetation around and you create a couple shooting lanes, you can stay hidden better than someone with the entire Cabela's fall clothing line.
I had a guy tell me one time I don’t wear camo for deer, I wear it for the game warden.
Last time I went bowhunting I got lazy and didn't pull on my camo pants. I wore new blue jeans. My upper half was completely in camo- face paint on face and hands as well. I was eleven deer on the other side of a clearing. They were coming across to my side and it looked like they be no more than 25 yards up hill from me. The leader was a doe and she changed directions to a trail not 9 feet from me. As soon as they dropped into a swale I came to full draw and waited for antlers. Every one of them was a doe. Everyone of them looked at me- some slowed but showed no distress. They never broke from their walk. I know my camo worked that day, but I also questioned the need for complete camo as well. I think my face, green ad loam colored broke up my appearance so I didn't look so much like an animal. The fact that face and hands were covered, I think, were the big proof that camo does do its job. But I have to question this fellow's observation that anything out of the ordinary will spook them (the bucket theory) because every one of those Blacktail Deer could see my brilliant indigo pants just fine.
You could have been in a pink with purple polka dot tux! They wouldn't have give a shit. Movement is what counts. Sent? That's bullshit too. I have been smoking a cigarette while pissing off a stand with the wind blowing strait at the deer I shot that morning. She walked right to me. Deer are curious animals.
Randall Berry, Doe are easy to fool and very curious abimals. A mature 4 or 5 year old buck is a completely different beast. If you want Wallhangers you need to control scent, movement and be hidden, either expensive camo or just plain natural colors. When I talk about hunting Im not talking about shooting does or young bucks, I want mature wary, smart, intelligent bucks. Does are not even a challenge, shoot them at will no matter the scent, camo, movement, I want to be challenged by my prey.
Greg Hannigan I don't trophy hunt. Just meat .
Nothing wrong with that at all, in the end thats what its about. I save shooting meat for last day of season. Both my brothers shoot deer, plus my Dad. so by end of 1st weeek of season I have access to 6 deer worth of meat, so I strive for mature bucks cuz Im in no rush to shoot meat
I shot my biggest wt last september. Wasn't even on a real hunt, but was hiking into a late-season area to set up some trailcams, for when i hunt there in november. I was wearing blue jeans and my grey stansfields sweater. Jumped a really big buck, then followed him up onto the next ridge. I hunkered down up there, knowing it was pointless to keep pursuing him. Hoped maybe he'd circle back. About 20 minutes later, i glanced over to my left, and there was an even bigger buck. He had been coming down from above, and unaware that i was already sitting and waiting. of course luck and timing plays a part too. But what i was wearing played no part, my sitting still is what kept me from being spotted.
I agree he didn't say dick..said we have to blend in with surrounding and that always changes. Well no fucking shit that what camo is. I could fucking tell ya that
Unless you used to be a deer you dont know what they see. Pure speculation
Movement is only part of the formula. Didn't you hear him say that if you put a 5 gal bucket in the road a deer will notice it as being out of place? I think that camo dimension is as important as the pattern. A deer or coyote not only has an earth toned coat, but the hair is several inches thick, which help absorb light and prevent reflection. That's why I like wool camo rather than some of the "flat" fabrics that are highly light reflective.
slysphinx Soooo, don't use a 5gal bucket as a hide?
The deer will only notice that bucket is out of place, if it is regularily crossing that same stretch of road. If the bucket has always been there, it's just what is familiar to the deer. It would then seem strange if the bucket was suddenly gone.
explain blaze orange??
I was wondering how well deer can see red and black plaid.
Camo is important, but not everything. Deer rely more on their sense of smell as a stand alone sense than sight. Many deer may see something out of the ordinary, but won't necessarily bolt. If the deer smells something off, however, they will often take off without confirming something's wrong.
anybody else think this guy looks like the dogs owner from the fox and the hound???
deer have 180 degree field of vision in each eye, and MUCH more of their brain is devoted to olfactory processing than ours.
Smells a lot more important to a deer than sight. Had them walk past and never look at me but when they caught my sent they are gone! The only camo that works is HECS and it has absolutely nothing to do with the pattern of the camo.
God I about thought that was dale Earnhardt senior
Deer can pick out the human form; doesn’t matter what camo clothing or how motionless you are.
All of that expensive camo crap is made of synthetic fabrics that reflect ultra-violet like a you have a white sheet on, I found that out last year while experimenting with cameras and ambient UV night vision, deer can see in the lower UV scale, so I switched to wearing all cotton canvas blue jeans and Carhart jacket and first night out on gun season a nice buck walked right out in front of me, BOOM, he never saw me.
A Ghillie Suit is the right thing to use accordingly
Don't believe deer only see yellow and blue .Deer mostly definitely see blaze orange and go on alert . I don't care how many ways they analyze deer eyeballs in a laboratory. I have hunted many years and they know and you can visually see their reactions when they see that orange . Besides pennstate university did studies with colors deer feeders and found that deer most definitely can spot blaze orange in a lineup
Good vid. Hunting and fashion have little to do with each other. I started hunting with full expensive coordinated camo outfits and stupermag rifles. An elderly family member with just old farm clothes sat on a log smoking and talking to himself, and a 7pt walked up behind him and probably thought "what is this odd stinky creature?". He was infact odd and stinky. Regardless he just turned and blasted him with buckshot. Had he not done that several times over the years I would just think it was a random event. Its more fun to just wear regular clothes, carry a 44 handgun, and piss hunters off at the gas station when you stop in after the kill.
Sit still and be downwind they may not notice you even if you are wide open.
I have always wondered why hunters wear camo... I still don't see a point.
Take a look at vintage photos of hunters from the 1920s through the 1950s.
They didn't use camo and we're very successful hunts.
Photos of family back in the day never wore camo they wore work clothes and work boots. Again have been successful. My dad up until he passed never wore camo.
You need it even less if you hunt from a ground or elevated blind.
Don't spend your cash on stuff you don't need.
Yet he has camo on
Dam...my car is red...have had 3 deer take objection to it.!!!guess red is camo !!
This man doesn't know what he's talking about. I can shoot a nice size buck wearing a suit and tie in the forest any day
The deer might think your a secret agent and attack...lol...wear a cowboy hat instead...they like cowboys...reminds them of the alamo.
James hodges Don't you mean Deershit, the bull video is part 2.....
I've NEVER seen a deer wearing a suit and tie. Any photos of this well-dressed deer???
Hmm? Didn't think so.
I didn't say anything about a deer wearing a suit and tie.
How do deer see blue tape on the muzzle of your rifle. (Just kidding)
Still kills.
useless, completely useless...
anybody else think this guy looks like the dogs owner from the fox and the hound???
yes,thats it..i was trying 2 think who he reminds me of..you nailed it !! great video by the way