The best place to get to level 40 is right outside Crescent Lake after you get the canoe. Specifically in the water. There you can fight white crocs which give 2000gp each and decent xp, and neochu (orange ochu). This one gives 3400 xp and is usually solo. My party is Warrior, Red Mage, White Mage, Black Mage. The Warrior and Red mage will kill either of these enemies on the first turn cycle easily. After that you can do all of the crystal dungeons basically in whatever order you want. Getting the Levistone from the ice cave gets you the airship on the same continent, once you get that go to the waterfall cave and stay near the door. Fight green dragons, run from Pyrolisks to avoid their gaze. Once you're OP fisnish the waterfall cave, and the rest of tbe game is easy. Once you find the gauntlets in the Temple of trials, the healing staff, and the mages staff, you can basically get through every dungeon without using any spells and then dump them on the boss.
I’ve got a video I’m working on right now where I broke the world up into 14/15 areas and got the experience per minute earned for each area lol - that video will (hopefully) come out Sunday. It’s absolutely nuts how much data I have for it!
I was ten when the OG came out. I settled on two fighters: a red mage and a white mage. The lack of healing items and places to save made it more about "survival" than anything else. Having two characters that could cast "Life" and "Exit" became vital for me. As for the cost, it was really only rough in the beginning before the best weapons and armor became available in the dungeons. The spells I cast the most often could be cast using items.
I swear I walked around that hall for hours wondering why It wasn't there. It was ok though and ended up being my favored grinding spot for that part of the game. I still have the fold out posters and manual laying around somewhere :)
@@whyismynametaken123 I remember calling the Nintendo help line and they told me the developers put that there because they felt the game was too hard and it would force us to grind a bit.
With the Boost function added to the PS4 and now recently the Steam version of the Pixel Remaster, griding is a non issue. If you have it on from the start of the game, you can easily reach about level 50 without much effort. If you prefer to keep things old school, then as you mentioned, Flying Fortress or the 3rd floor of the Chaos Shrine are probably the best places to grind if you want to hit 99 (or 50 if you're playing on NES) since Firaga and Diaga/Diaja (if you have mages in your party) can make quick work of the undead in those areas much like the Peninsula of Power.
Another spot I used once past level 28ish to 30 is the zombie dragon encounter in the citadel of trials, sure venture through is dreadful but once there you can grind almost indefinitely on the zombie dragons if you have heals staffs and helmets
Taking the "peninsula of power" away is so DUUUUUMB. It's not a "cheat" or some easy trick, those are some grueling battles, and you're absolutely going to get killed from time to time and have to trek back to Pravoka (with an incomplete party!) to heal, save, and buy more supplies. Even when you start to see some significant gains, the battles are still a challenge and you can still be killed pretty easily.
For OG NES Level 6 For FF Origins on PS1 same level 6 On both GBA and PSP any level to be honest but I'd wait till level 8 for the benefit of DIA 2 and Fire 2 (Harm 2 in OG NES and Fira on later versions) I agree they shouldn't have tooken out early power grinding but on Pixel Remaster let's be honest just like GBA and PSP versions of the games it's not needed!! On OG Nes and Origins on PS1 I would recommend power grinding for the sake of saving time otherwise it's not needed in later versions!!
To make it more simple for your quest I'll just mark down the levels for each dungeons that'll allow you to breeze through them unless you just like a challenge otherwise here are the levels Marsh Cave level 16 Earth Shrine level 22 Mount Gulug level 25 Sunken Shrine level 28 Desert Tower(I forget what this one is called but it's the one where you fight Tiamat) level 30 Finally Chaos Shrine level 32!! Make sure you're stocked up on healing items and optimal equipment kuz you're gonna need all of them!! First 3 Final Fantasy games in terms of difficulty is no joke!!
One leveling spot I don't hear anybody talking about which was also sadly removed from the Pixel Remaster, was the forced battle tile in the Dark Elf's castle in the Mystic Key room. Of course, this required a white mage and Harm 2 or better to consistently kill the undead that comes out there. The money was really nice and the XP was not too shabby either, and in some ways it was actually faster than the giants' hallway. Basically you'd go there, blow your white mage's spells, one per battle and then go back to town, rest, and come back. That sounds like a lot of work but each fight would reward you handsomely.
The Peninsula of Power was my go to. I would go there shortly after the fighter could make two hits in one turn. Buy a bunch of tents and a few houses. I would go there and level up to about level 20-22 fighting Zombulls, frost wolves and frost giants, and trolls. Of course, it got a lot easier to fight these things once the black mage or red mage could use FIR2
My go to was the Evil Eye in the Ice Cavern. I’d spend FOREVER there, and I certainly used the Power of Peninsula loads of times, but.. here we are. Thanks for watching and commenting!
The peninsula of power is a legend almost as big as the tale told in the game world, but in ours… I’m working my way down to 1 for my first PM run, so it’s theoretical frustration at this point (as I’ve yet to experience the new balancing of this remake yet). Fun channel! I’ve watched these ff videos a couple times now, and will check out more of the channel.
Sadly, nothing can replace the Peninsula of Power or the hopeless curb stomping of The Eye, but I did find ONE decent/safe place. After having the dwarves create the canal, go to Melmond specifically to purchase magic. Next, sidetrack your quest by using your ship to sail to the town of Crescent Lake. I simply wandered around the town's borders and found groups of what used to be called centipedes in the NES version. A group of 4 will yield 4776 experience. I started grinding at level 19, and was up to level 35 in no time. Hope this helps someone in the future.
literally saved outside crescent lake tonight lol. going to do this for a bit next time i play and get some gil for new spells. Its been forever since I played the ps1 version and this version brings me back to a better time. a simpler time with RPGs. a more.. civilized time lol. loving it!
In the Dawn of Sould version for GBA, the best way to level was just doing the optional dungeons. I wound up level 99 on all characters the first time I played it without really trying.
Same with the PSP version (and I suppose Pixel Remaster also) you just kinda accidentally level up to a crazy point sometimes! Thank you for commenting!
You mentioned how they kind of averaged things out in the remaster. While you can't grind like you used to you don't need to grind as much. Did they do similar with the Final Fantasy 2 remaster? So as you don't have to go 10+ hours just fighting to build up your experience with different weapons and the like?
Oh yeah all of the pixel remasters have been balanced for easier overall experience, to me anyway. I seem to spend less time grinding overall in all of them!
@@TheReturnersHideout That's good to know. I have the Origins collection also (and came upon the PP by accident). When I started FF2 I got a strategy guide online and it said to start you should spend over 10 hours just fighting and building up those weapon stats. It was tedious, but I did it. Then as I continued the game it kept reseting on me. So I stopped. I'll probably get all the remasters to play them (currently working on my favorite, FF6 and loving it) so I can say I have.
Temple of Trials, with the dragons guarding the exit (or chest) that was a title that you could use to get to level 50 rather easy. Did Sqenix take that spot away too?
I loved doin the solo red mage push to job upgrade challenge in Dawn of Souls (where you leave the other members level 1 until job upgrade to get better stat growth) , and Peninsula of Power was my go-to spot. Sad that it's gone, but I am unsure how much I wanna try that challenge without MP casting system. I never much liked the spells-per-day of the original, I often felt my mages weren't very useful outside of boss battles.
I remember waaay back in 1994 finding what yall call the "peninsula of power" on accident. Grinded the shit out of it. New game I just kinda run back and forth at the entrance of ice cave but I have not even been to the volcano yet. Just got the air ship.
100% honestly the only two times I ever grind in FF1 is to get to level 2 before fighting Garland, and enough to buy a couple Level 3 spells (Usually FIR2 and CUR2 or HEAL) right when I get to Elfheim. Basically after that I just go through the rest of the game the best I can while running the least amount of times I can, and I'm usually more or less fine. My party is usually something along the lines of Fighter, Black Belt, White Mage, Black Mage, with a Red Mage subbing in for basically any slot depending on how I'm feeling. If things get extremely dire, EXITing later dungeons just to heal and then beelining the first couple floors because chests are already looted will end up getting me a little "extra" EXP as I trek back to where I was. The key is to just not run from any battle unless you really can't afford to fight (e.g. you're about to die and just trying to get to town).
They DID it got moved to the town where you get the Canoe after beating Lich BUT its still possible to access that town AND BUY the silver sword BEFORE fighting Lich you just can't USE it against Astos at all.
I played on switch and was a little dissipointed the peninsula of power was gone but since the game offers 4x and 8x exp boosts and gill boosts as well it's not much of an issue. Games on the easy side to which helps a lot. I beat the pixel remaster ver with 6 party wipes 4 of which were on the end boss.
I've always spent time grinding the mummies in Astos's castle as soon as I get the Key. Good gold, experience, and weak to fire and harm spells. Buy a few Houses/cottages and you can grind there a long time. Is it still in the game?
If the mummies are attached to getting the treasure in Astos’ castle, then yes they’re there, but only once as they’re attached to receiving the treasure, not the spot on the ground beforehand which is frustrating. I used to use the Piscodemon chest in the Marsh Cave!
Nope the battles that occur when you STEP right in front of those chests in the Pixel version are ALSO 1 time only battles so no you can't farm the hell out of those mummies by fighting them over and over unless its every OTHER version of the game but without exp cheats the NES/PS1/GBA/PSP versions just take TOO long if NOT fighting the over leveled PoP enemies.
Leveling up fast is kind of counter productive in the grand scheme of things. You get such a massive stat boost after promotion that it's better to be relatively low level before the upgrade. Grinding money can be a pain, but pirates spawn often in the ocean and drop a decent amount of money.
What is the bext XP grind spot now? Because I'm getting killed easilly by Chaos... Like, if he's not healing 9999HP, he's dealing between 600/800 points of damage when I'm THIS close of ending his life... Nothing short of cheating on PC or griding until I'm level 70 minimum will help at this point...
I’ve found either grinding on the 2 floors before Chaos’ floor is solid or the old Giants Hall in the Earth Cavern with the two hooded enemies, leave and heal, repeat.
I'll tell you that I am upset they got rid of the peninsula of power . But grinding is not necessary I literally just beat the game with no random encounters only opening chests and fighting non-random encounter enemies only once unless you have to fight them twice in order to complete the game. I beat the game at a minimum level of 23 on all four characters. My team was fighter Monk Red mage White mage. And the hardest battle in the game what is the third fight. If you can manage to get through that fight with just the Monk and fighter average stats roles are good enough for all four of them the game is beatable. I did not min max their stats
If I wanna play FF1 these days I grab FF1R, select "improved vanilla" as a baseline, then adjust the scaling a little to cut down on grind time. Boom, done, game remastered, grinding less. Still hard, but the game ain't broken anymore, and stuff works. Sometimes not to your advantage, but it works. Required: One FF1 ROM I'm gonna assume you ripped from your real cart or Wii virtual console or something. I realize this ROM's a little hard to obtain legally, that's the hard part.
Everyone seems to be saying the peninsula of power is in Dawn of Souls, but I never encountered any of the high-level mobs on my GBA version. I used the crap outta that spot on my NES copy though.
the PoP is on the GBA version but I still couldn't easily beat them without access to at least Firaga and the 3rd DIA spell for the 1 undead enemy that shows up.
@@veghesther3204 You sure? Because I farmed that thing like crazy and didn't get it. Im gonna have to bust it out again and see if I was just having terrible luck.
My 8yo brain likely wouldn't have comprehended any tactics like that... Especially when running a Fighter/Monk/White/Black and getting as close as Tiamat in the Chaos Temple (Past) with lvl 26 characters and barely access to lvl 8 spells to beating it. Or running Fighter/Monk/Monk/Red and attempting Kary at around lvl 13 and unable to understand how that was difficult when everything prior was a breeze... Fun times...
@@TheReturnersHideout I was a little upset that there was no peninsula of power, but beyond that it is a lot more fun than I remember. The pixel remasters just added a lot of quality of life changes that are really nice.
Not familiar with PR but in the original definitely once you get fire 2 peninsula was 100 % worth it. I feel dumb grinding on ogres before marsh cave TBH. The others meme spots are good like eyes, cascade cave trapped tile, earth cave giants etc. There is a weaker peninsula of power near athos castle to the west that has magi ogre and tiger on it, not a good grinding spot but a fun fact. Speedrunners use the aguma trapped tile in the volcano for grinding.
Personnally, I prefer to try completing the game without grinding, but if you want to grind, in FF1, the Power Coast, east of Provoka is the best place in all game.
Oh I can imagine, the huge HP increase by itself makes the difficulty level go up quite a bit! Do you have a preferred party set up for these types of play throughs?
I don't have a favorite place to level up in any game, but in every rpg I tend to grind for weeks or till I get super bored then I run through the story until it gets tough or till I beat the game.
I tend to do it gradually as I go! But there are some places that make it much easier than others so sometimes I’ll wait until I reach those spots and then make my party overpowered!
Yes but also you can just turn exp and Gil x4 on so it’s pretty easy to cheese ngl 😂 i still love the game. I put enough time into the game as a kid I think I earned the cheating.
I think the simple answer would be it just wasn't an intended behavior. With the inclusion of the boost modifiers though I don't think it matters much anymore. Pop that on and you are level 99 in an hour. I personally didn't use it till end game and only enabled it when I got bored trying to get that asshole War Mech to spawn. By the time he spawned my monk one shot him. Was somewhat hilarious.
But they were like the critical bug. They were on NES bugs originally but retained in all of the remakes due to being seen as a part of the game "balance". Also that doesnt explain the removal of tile specific combats.
That why they added the xp multiplier 😂. No more exploits, yeah, you want the old school cheays to play the old school games. And yes, I played the nes final fantasy in 1990. There is no story in final fantasy, really, so only time waster is leveling and Gil collecting.
When I made this video, it didn’t exist yet and while I’m glad something like a 4x multiplier was added - I miss my grinding spots! Specifically defeating the Evil Eye over and over!
Pixel Remasters on everything: *Remove the grinding spots!* Also Pixel Remasters for PS4 and Switch: *x0/x0.5/x1/x2/x4 times EXP/Gill toggle at all times!*
The best place to get to level 40 is right outside Crescent Lake after you get the canoe. Specifically in the water. There you can fight white crocs which give 2000gp each and decent xp, and neochu (orange ochu). This one gives 3400 xp and is usually solo. My party is Warrior, Red Mage, White Mage, Black Mage. The Warrior and Red mage will kill either of these enemies on the first turn cycle easily.
After that you can do all of the crystal dungeons basically in whatever order you want. Getting the Levistone from the ice cave gets you the airship on the same continent, once you get that go to the waterfall cave and stay near the door. Fight green dragons, run from Pyrolisks to avoid their gaze. Once you're OP fisnish the waterfall cave, and the rest of tbe game is easy. Once you find the gauntlets in the Temple of trials, the healing staff, and the mages staff, you can basically get through every dungeon without using any spells and then dump them on the boss.
I’ve got a video I’m working on right now where I broke the world up into 14/15 areas and got the experience per minute earned for each area lol - that video will (hopefully) come out Sunday. It’s absolutely nuts how much data I have for it!
I found this spot as well and showed up here looking to see if there were better ones.
@@TheReturnersHideoutpls what video is it?
I was ten when the OG came out. I settled on two fighters: a red mage and a white mage. The lack of healing items and places to save made it more about "survival" than anything else. Having two characters that could cast "Life" and "Exit" became vital for me. As for the cost, it was really only rough in the beginning before the best weapons and armor became available in the dungeons. The spells I cast the most often could be cast using items.
I adore that they included those items in the game. It definitely saved a LOT of magic 'charges' in my last few play throughs!
Does anyone remember the “hidden staircase” in the giants hall referenced in the original NES manual? That drove me crazy for years!
I swear I walked around that hall for hours wondering why It wasn't there. It was ok though and ended up being my favored grinding spot for that part of the game. I still have the fold out posters and manual laying around somewhere :)
@@whyismynametaken123 I remember calling the Nintendo help line and they told me the developers put that there because they felt the game was too hard and it would force us to grind a bit.
With the Boost function added to the PS4 and now recently the Steam version of the Pixel Remaster, griding is a non issue. If you have it on from the start of the game, you can easily reach about level 50 without much effort. If you prefer to keep things old school, then as you mentioned, Flying Fortress or the 3rd floor of the Chaos Shrine are probably the best places to grind if you want to hit 99 (or 50 if you're playing on NES) since Firaga and Diaga/Diaja (if you have mages in your party) can make quick work of the undead in those areas much like the Peninsula of Power.
Another spot I used once past level 28ish to 30 is the zombie dragon encounter in the citadel of trials, sure venture through is dreadful but once there you can grind almost indefinitely on the zombie dragons if you have heals staffs and helmets
That's what I used on my PR playthrough. It was wildly unnecessary lol.
Taking the "peninsula of power" away is so DUUUUUMB. It's not a "cheat" or some easy trick, those are some grueling battles, and you're absolutely going to get killed from time to time and have to trek back to Pravoka (with an incomplete party!) to heal, save, and buy more supplies. Even when you start to see some significant gains, the battles are still a challenge and you can still be killed pretty easily.
What level should I be before I go there?
@@Unnamed_ToastHigh enough of a level to not bother doing it in the first place
For OG NES Level 6
For FF Origins on PS1 same level 6
On both GBA and PSP any level to be honest but I'd wait till level 8 for the benefit of DIA 2 and Fire 2 (Harm 2 in OG NES and Fira on later versions)
I agree they shouldn't have tooken out early power grinding but on Pixel Remaster let's be honest just like GBA and PSP versions of the games it's not needed!! On OG Nes and Origins on PS1 I would recommend power grinding for the sake of saving time otherwise it's not needed in later versions!!
To make it more simple for your quest I'll just mark down the levels for each dungeons that'll allow you to breeze through them unless you just like a challenge otherwise here are the levels
Marsh Cave level 16
Earth Shrine level 22
Mount Gulug level 25
Sunken Shrine level 28
Desert Tower(I forget what this one is called but it's the one where you fight Tiamat) level 30
Finally Chaos Shrine level 32!!
Make sure you're stocked up on healing items and optimal equipment kuz you're gonna need all of them!! First 3 Final Fantasy games in terms of difficulty is no joke!!
its a bug. it had to be fixed.
One leveling spot I don't hear anybody talking about which was also sadly removed from the Pixel Remaster, was the forced battle tile in the Dark Elf's castle in the Mystic Key room. Of course, this required a white mage and Harm 2 or better to consistently kill the undead that comes out there. The money was really nice and the XP was not too shabby either, and in some ways it was actually faster than the giants' hallway. Basically you'd go there, blow your white mage's spells, one per battle and then go back to town, rest, and come back. That sounds like a lot of work but each fight would reward you handsomely.
The Peninsula of Power was my go to. I would go there shortly after the fighter could make two hits in one turn. Buy a bunch of tents and a few houses. I would go there and level up to about level 20-22 fighting Zombulls, frost wolves and frost giants, and trolls. Of course, it got a lot easier to fight these things once the black mage or red mage could use FIR2
My go to was the Evil Eye in the Ice Cavern. I’d spend FOREVER there, and I certainly used the Power of Peninsula loads of times, but.. here we are. Thanks for watching and commenting!
@@TheReturnersHideoutno shit. You just mentioned it a million times in your video, four-eyes.
In the volcano there is a red dragon guarding a chest. Lots of xp.
The peninsula of power is a legend almost as big as the tale told in the game world, but in ours… I’m working my way down to 1 for my first PM run, so it’s theoretical frustration at this point (as I’ve yet to experience the new balancing of this remake yet).
Fun channel! I’ve watched these ff videos a couple times now, and will check out more of the channel.
Sadly, nothing can replace the Peninsula of Power or the hopeless curb stomping of The Eye, but I did find ONE decent/safe place.
After having the dwarves create the canal, go to Melmond specifically to purchase magic.
Next, sidetrack your quest by using your ship to sail to the town of Crescent Lake.
I simply wandered around the town's borders and found groups of what used to be called centipedes in the NES version. A group of 4 will yield 4776 experience.
I started grinding at level 19, and was up to level 35 in no time.
Hope this helps someone in the future.
literally saved outside crescent lake tonight lol. going to do this for a bit next time i play and get some gil for new spells. Its been forever since I played the ps1 version and this version brings me back to a better time. a simpler time with RPGs. a more.. civilized time lol. loving it!
Stay tuned! We’re working on an achievement guide for each FF Pixel Remaster! Thank you so much for commenting!
In the Dawn of Sould version for GBA, the best way to level was just doing the optional dungeons. I wound up level 99 on all characters the first time I played it without really trying.
Same with the PSP version (and I suppose Pixel Remaster also) you just kinda accidentally level up to a crazy point sometimes! Thank you for commenting!
I loved the peninsula of Power. You could get the ice wolves to drop Ice Shields and Zombie Minataurs to drop Rune axes.
I'm level 33 now. Just reached the final boss and he bitchslapped me back to the start screen quicker than i could say hello!.
level 59 for the worst SM session of my life.
It's balance because you can auto battle at faster speed, and turn off encounters. I still would have liked to have my Penninsula of Power tho.
I'd love to have the Evil Eye spot back! That was my go-to!
You mentioned how they kind of averaged things out in the remaster. While you can't grind like you used to you don't need to grind as much. Did they do similar with the Final Fantasy 2 remaster? So as you don't have to go 10+ hours just fighting to build up your experience with different weapons and the like?
Oh yeah all of the pixel remasters have been balanced for easier overall experience, to me anyway. I seem to spend less time grinding overall in all of them!
@@TheReturnersHideout That's good to know. I have the Origins collection also (and came upon the PP by accident). When I started FF2 I got a strategy guide online and it said to start you should spend over 10 hours just fighting and building up those weapon stats. It was tedious, but I did it. Then as I continued the game it kept reseting on me. So I stopped. I'll probably get all the remasters to play them (currently working on my favorite, FF6 and loving it) so I can say I have.
FF2 PIXEL also got rid of its Peninsula of power fighting over leveled enemies at the START of the game.
Temple of Trials, with the dragons guarding the exit (or chest) that was a title that you could use to get to level 50 rather easy. Did Sqenix take that spot away too?
I loved doin the solo red mage push to job upgrade challenge in Dawn of Souls (where you leave the other members level 1 until job upgrade to get better stat growth) , and Peninsula of Power was my go-to spot. Sad that it's gone, but I am unsure how much I wanna try that challenge without MP casting system. I never much liked the spells-per-day of the original, I often felt my mages weren't very useful outside of boss battles.
I remember waaay back in 1994 finding what yall call the "peninsula of power" on accident. Grinded the shit out of it. New game I just kinda run back and forth at the entrance of ice cave but I have not even been to the volcano yet. Just got the air ship.
100% honestly the only two times I ever grind in FF1 is to get to level 2 before fighting Garland, and enough to buy a couple Level 3 spells (Usually FIR2 and CUR2 or HEAL) right when I get to Elfheim. Basically after that I just go through the rest of the game the best I can while running the least amount of times I can, and I'm usually more or less fine. My party is usually something along the lines of Fighter, Black Belt, White Mage, Black Mage, with a Red Mage subbing in for basically any slot depending on how I'm feeling.
If things get extremely dire, EXITing later dungeons just to heal and then beelining the first couple floors because chests are already looted will end up getting me a little "extra" EXP as I trek back to where I was. The key is to just not run from any battle unless you really can't afford to fight (e.g. you're about to die and just trying to get to town).
They probably also removed the silver sword from Elfheim too
They didn't AFAIK
They DID it got moved to the town where you get the Canoe after beating Lich BUT its still possible to access that town AND BUY the silver sword BEFORE fighting Lich you just can't USE it against Astos at all.
I’ve been searching around and couldn’t find the armor and weapon glitch for the ps4/ps5 version did they took this out too? 😂
I played on switch and was a little dissipointed the peninsula of power was gone but since the game offers 4x and 8x exp boosts and gill boosts as well it's not much of an issue. Games on the easy side to which helps a lot. I beat the pixel remaster ver with 6 party wipes 4 of which were on the end boss.
I don't like to power lv but if u do it's way easier now
I've always spent time grinding the mummies in Astos's castle as soon as I get the Key. Good gold, experience, and weak to fire and harm spells. Buy a few Houses/cottages and you can grind there a long time. Is it still in the game?
If the mummies are attached to getting the treasure in Astos’ castle, then yes they’re there, but only once as they’re attached to receiving the treasure, not the spot on the ground beforehand which is frustrating. I used to use the Piscodemon chest in the Marsh Cave!
Nope the battles that occur when you STEP right in front of those chests in the Pixel version are ALSO 1 time only battles so no you can't farm the hell out of those mummies by fighting them over and over unless its every OTHER version of the game but without exp cheats the NES/PS1/GBA/PSP versions just take TOO long if NOT fighting the over leveled PoP enemies.
Wait…. They removed ALL the dance floors?!?! Where will the kids grind?!
Leveling up fast is kind of counter productive in the grand scheme of things. You get such a massive stat boost after promotion that it's better to be relatively low level before the upgrade. Grinding money can be a pain, but pirates spawn often in the ocean and drop a decent amount of money.
What is the bext XP grind spot now? Because I'm getting killed easilly by Chaos...
Like, if he's not healing 9999HP, he's dealing between 600/800 points of damage when I'm THIS close of ending his life...
Nothing short of cheating on PC or griding until I'm level 70 minimum will help at this point...
I’ve found either grinding on the 2 floors before Chaos’ floor is solid or the old Giants Hall in the Earth Cavern with the two hooded enemies, leave and heal, repeat.
@@TheReturnersHideout Thanks
I'll tell you that I am upset they got rid of the peninsula of power . But grinding is not necessary I literally just beat the game with no random encounters only opening chests and fighting non-random encounter enemies only once unless you have to fight them twice in order to complete the game. I beat the game at a minimum level of 23 on all four characters. My team was fighter Monk Red mage White mage. And the hardest battle in the game what is the third fight. If you can manage to get through that fight with just the Monk and fighter average stats roles are good enough for all four of them the game is beatable. I did not min max their stats
If I wanna play FF1 these days I grab FF1R, select "improved vanilla" as a baseline, then adjust the scaling a little to cut down on grind time. Boom, done, game remastered, grinding less. Still hard, but the game ain't broken anymore, and stuff works. Sometimes not to your advantage, but it works. Required: One FF1 ROM I'm gonna assume you ripped from your real cart or Wii virtual console or something. I realize this ROM's a little hard to obtain legally, that's the hard part.
The stronger variant of ghoul in the marsh outside marsh cave are great to grind for gil btw 150g a pop
Everyone seems to be saying the peninsula of power is in Dawn of Souls, but I never encountered any of the high-level mobs on my GBA version. I used the crap outta that spot on my NES copy though.
the PoP is on the GBA version but I still couldn't easily beat them without access to at least Firaga and the 3rd DIA spell for the 1 undead enemy that shows up.
@@veghesther3204 You sure? Because I farmed that thing like crazy and didn't get it. Im gonna have to bust it out again and see if I was just having terrible luck.
Good discussion!
Hey thank you for that! I’ve got some real eye-openers coming up!
Also, the pixel remaster has a 4x experience boost in the game settings so that eight hours is only two. ;)
My 8yo brain likely wouldn't have comprehended any tactics like that... Especially when running a Fighter/Monk/White/Black and getting as close as Tiamat in the Chaos Temple (Past) with lvl 26 characters and barely access to lvl 8 spells to beating it. Or running Fighter/Monk/Monk/Red and attempting Kary at around lvl 13 and unable to understand how that was difficult when everything prior was a breeze... Fun times...
I played through ff1 recently and my only deaths were to bosses.
Heck yes! How did you like FF1?
@@TheReturnersHideout I was a little upset that there was no peninsula of power, but beyond that it is a lot more fun than I remember. The pixel remasters just added a lot of quality of life changes that are really nice.
On a boat. With crocodiles. They got tonn of a xp. And this spot was also nerfed.
I’m still pissy that they removed the Silver Sword from Elfland.
Not familiar with PR but in the original definitely once you get fire 2 peninsula was 100 % worth it. I feel dumb grinding on ogres before marsh cave TBH.
The others meme spots are good like eyes, cascade cave trapped tile, earth cave giants etc.
There is a weaker peninsula of power near athos castle to the west that has magi ogre and tiger on it, not a good grinding spot but a fun fact.
Speedrunners use the aguma trapped tile in the volcano for grinding.
Personnally, I prefer to try completing the game without grinding, but if you want to grind, in FF1, the Power Coast, east of Provoka is the best place in all game.
Does it make the game more difficult if you don’t grind?
@TheReturnersHideout For sure, but I love the challenge in it.
@ Absolutely, did the Pixel Remaster throw you off and make it easier?
@@TheReturnersHideout I find the Pixel Remaster far easier, but Chaos fight is harder in the Pixel Remaster.
Oh I can imagine, the huge HP increase by itself makes the difficulty level go up quite a bit! Do you have a preferred party set up for these types of play throughs?
Water Shrine with thors hammer and gauntlets
FF1Randomizer -> max exp multiplier!
I don't have a favorite place to level up in any game, but in every rpg I tend to grind for weeks or till I get super bored then I run through the story until it gets tough or till I beat the game.
I tend to do it gradually as I go! But there are some places that make it much easier than others so sometimes I’ll wait until I reach those spots and then make my party overpowered!
They did add the ability to get up to 4X exp and gold tho
They did! But when I first made this video, that option hadn’t been a thing yet!
Yes but also you can just turn exp and Gil x4 on so it’s pretty easy to cheese ngl 😂
i still love the game. I put enough time into the game as a kid I think I earned the cheating.
Agama battles in the Volcano
I think the simple answer would be it just wasn't an intended behavior. With the inclusion of the boost modifiers though I don't think it matters much anymore. Pop that on and you are level 99 in an hour. I personally didn't use it till end game and only enabled it when I got bored trying to get that asshole War Mech to spawn. By the time he spawned my monk one shot him. Was somewhat hilarious.
Wolves are easy hit them with a sleep spell and pick off the ones that resisted first.
To be fair they existed due to programming errors originally. Also with a recent patch the Pixel Remasters now have boosts to make grinding quicker.
This is super true, and I think sometimes that fact often gets overlooked. A LOT of fun exploits are due to programming "uh ohs".
But they were like the critical bug. They were on NES bugs originally but retained in all of the remakes due to being seen as a part of the game "balance".
Also that doesnt explain the removal of tile specific combats.
That why they added the xp multiplier 😂. No more exploits, yeah, you want the old school cheays to play the old school games. And yes, I played the nes final fantasy in 1990. There is no story in final fantasy, really, so only time waster is leveling and Gil collecting.
yeah wolves are such a waste of time😂😂
Then they added 4x exp multiplier 🙄
When I made this video, it didn’t exist yet and while I’m glad something like a 4x multiplier was added - I miss my grinding spots! Specifically defeating the Evil Eye over and over!
@ for sure
Noooo. Why did they take away the Peninsula of Power? IIRC that's a staple for solo challenges as you can grind to insane levels early on.
Pixel Remasters on everything: *Remove the grinding spots!*
Also Pixel Remasters for PS4 and Switch: *x0/x0.5/x1/x2/x4 times EXP/Gill toggle at all times!*
Them taking away the Peninsula of Power was a deal breaker for me.
x4 exp/Gil remaster feature makes grinding useless now thankfully.