Dr Cheryl Meier 💕 Introduction Video

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • 💕 Welcome to my UA-cam channel! I am so glad you are here!
    My name is Dr. Cheryl Meier.
    I am a clinical psychologist in my day job,
    and more recently a "lyrical psychologist" 🎶
    I use music (all the time) to express deep psychological and spiritual content, so that we can enter these higher realms of understanding, and apply the truths to align with our true telos in Christ, which also happens to better our lives here! (We cannot always see this with our physical eyes, but God sanctifying us in this world will always be for our highest ad deepest best.)
    here is my linktree to all of my links in one place!
    George MacDonald (C.S. Lewis' spiritual mentor) said:
    "Do not teach your children they have a soul,
    teach them they are a soul and have a body."
    Your soul is always communicating how to get "home" -- back to True Love.
    Ultimately, God is Love, so, as Saint Augustine expressed:
    Our hearts are restless until they rest in God!
    Join me in this NEW, creative way to get healing in your life: I reveal the "ego path" vs the "soul path" in popular songs (and sometimes without songs) so that you can EXPERIENCE a new level of understanding ("More Love") DURING the video teaching!
    It's like a new kind of music therapy!
    We have these old "programs" running in our minds all the time (from the world) and it is important we learn how to let go of the old negative thought patterns. I stumbled upon this creative way to do this discipline! (See 2 Timothy 1:7, the Greek root word for "sound mind" is about discipline, disciple, learning to do one's true duty. This is a high and noble calling!)
    I often teach a whole lesson with a song and then the song will help you afterwards to anchor in the truths, wisdom, psychological and spiritual insight we have gained from the teaching. (I am praying now, Holy Spirit lead me every time I teach! It is important that you take every teaching of anyone and every person back to God and ask God to sharpen your discernment. Ask God: "Is this person for me at this time, did you send this person?")
    #Navigate your #HolySpiritual #💖🕊️ #Awakening
    / drcherylmeier
    / drcherylm
    Disclaimer: This video and any associated advice & comments shared are not a substitute for professional therapy, mental health care, crisis support, medical advice, doctor diagnosis, or professional healthcare treatment. My videos & other website articles, & social media posts provide general information for educational purposes only - they are offered as suggestions for you and your professional therapist or healthcare advisor to consider and research.
    I wish you so much Love!,
    Dr. Cheryl Meier


  • @DrCherylMeier
    @DrCherylMeier  Місяць тому +1

    Here were the lyrics at 8:44 that I was thinking of, by Oasis:
    “Take me to the place where you go, Where nobody knows
    If it's night or day…”
    Look at how that compares to psalm 139, King David’s song:
    Psalm 139:1, 8-12
    King James Version
    Vs1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.
    O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me…
    8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
    9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
    10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
    11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
    12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
    (The Oasis song was called “Don’t Look Back in Anger” )
    I’ll edit this to add links to videos I mentioned when I have a moment!
    ALL these gifts, I meant to say, but it was through our implied, are here to serve you. To serve God first, as God is Love. We are ambassadors meant to serve our King, God. The gifts we have are meant for the whole of creation! We are all connected.
    I love the verse “in Him we live and move and have our being”
    We are both - in God and God is transcendent to us! Many profound spiritual truths seem like paradoxes at first! CS Lewis explains so many, so well in Mere Christianity!
    Welcome here!!!
    I wish you so much Love!

  • @chaunceyPNEUMAdaniel727
    @chaunceyPNEUMAdaniel727 Місяць тому

    • @DrCherylMeier
      @DrCherylMeier  Місяць тому

      @@chaunceyPNEUMAdaniel727 thank you so much Chauncey! Great to hear from you! ❤️💯🕊️