FFXIV Has A Healer Problem

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024


  • @elaine_of_shalott6587
    @elaine_of_shalott6587 Рік тому +16

    See as a healer my frustration is the opposite. I'm in a dungeon roulette where all 3 other people fail to use any mitigation or doge a single mechanic I fight through and I still get blamed for the fact that we wiped and the run was slow. People always blame and second guess the healer "I didn't see you cast cure 2" when you used benediction, 2 divine benisons, your bell 3 lilies and your temperance but by the end of the pull the tank had 4 cheese puffs and was standing in the fire getting one shot by auto attacks.

    • @CarrCab
      @CarrCab 11 місяців тому +1

      So call them out on their BS in chat. Don't be scared of being perceived as toxic. Be toxic. Some people deserve it.

  • @Richard3rd665
    @Richard3rd665 Рік тому +21

    in ffxiv learning to heal something = learning how to keep people alive consistently.
    learning to optimize healing something = learning how to do the bare minimum to keep people alive. So you can dps more.
    Cart before the horse and all that

    • @Sonicrida
      @Sonicrida  Рік тому +4

      Exactly! Once you're good at keeping people alive, then you can focus on the damage part haha

    • @LerThiL
      @LerThiL Рік тому

      All you need to be alive is 1 HP XD

  • @illuminatin6497
    @illuminatin6497 Рік тому +3

    As a WHM main of 5 years, I have conflicting feelings about this. The "damage is god" mentality that has afflicted the minds of 95% of the player base never sat right with me. I picked a healer when I started because I thought doing so would mean I wouldn't be doing DPS for 9/10ths of my playtime. I WANT to heal, but the community and current lack of difficulty (yes, even in savage) will not allow me the opportunity with the exception of week 1 min ilvl runs. All tanks are self-sufficient gods, especially in dungeons, which only further kills the relevancy of healers as a role. On the other hand though, call me petty, but I honestly feel like all of you non-healers deserve this outcome. After having to endure and being force-fed the "healers are just green DPS" mantra at every corner, you shouldn't be surprised to find that you have fostered a mentality where healers are willing to drop their party for an extra 310 potency. I have been flamed or told I'm trolling for using my GCD heals in high end content before, and it's not rare either. Newsflash: I'm a WHM. I don't have many weavable options to work with because the overwhelming majority of my high potency healing tools are locked behind my GCD - so forgive me if I need to pull out an occasional Medica 2 for a raidwide bleed between my Lilybell's cooldown or a Regen after my MT eats a buster.
    At the end of the day, honey is more effective than vinegar, and the community has not been kind to healers who, ya know...actually want to heal. We have been effectively ostracized from the community as a group of "turbo casuals who just fish for free cure procs" and replaced with lazy caster DPS players who can't be bothered with learning an actual damage rotation so they play healer to spam one button and turn off their brains.
    You killed us. We probably won't be coming back.

  • @FaeriichanII
    @FaeriichanII Рік тому +1

    My static recently had to kick out a healer for this reason... They were the shield healer and would almost never use shields before raidwides. On closer analysis, I was doing more than double the healing as the regen healer. This was my first savage tier progging it while current and I feel like I've become an overhealing bot as a result of the experience. I essentially was solo healing our P9S-P11S prog, so it's no wonder it took us so long to get our p10s clears...
    Thankfully, I have a new cohealer now who I am on equal footing with. Our healing percentages are essentially the same and they are much more communicative and aware of the party's wellbeing. We may still be on p12s phase 1 prog, but I can see a clear happening within 4-5 weeks. \o/

  • @LerThiL
    @LerThiL Рік тому +4

    The real deal is to know the fights, when to shield, when to regen, when to pre-cast. That way you can dps most of the time with no worrys. Also in any dungeon Lvl 50 or less, focus heals before dps, ARR was made having healers doing dedicated healing instead of dps, most people fly throught ARR content this days and when it pops on a Roulette things get bloody in no time, the tank gets hit real hard.

    • @CottidaeSEA
      @CottidaeSEA 11 місяців тому +1

      Depends, pre-casting Stone in ARR dungeons can make a massive difference in trash pulls, assuming you time it correctly and people focus the same target. For a lot of bosses, damage output > healing as well. In some dungeons this is obviously not possible, but as a rule of thumb as a healer, you should not focus on damage if you aren't experienced with the content you're doing. So in my case, someone who has played ARR far more than I'd like to admit, I know every single detail there is to know about each and every encounter, every trash pull, every boss. I know when I can and can't dps. I know which mob to focus first for optimal dps output as a healer. I know all of these things, so therefore I can focus on dps over healing.
      Another important thing is knowing exactly how much healing your spells do, because if you can get a full effectiveness heal out of your strongest healing spell and the fight isn't going to be over anytime soon, you should probably do it even if not necessary. Because it accounts for mistakes and if you're still going to heal someone you might as well do it the moment you get 100% out of it.
      I also want to point out that this was the exact same back when ARR was the current content. What you're saying is kind of true, but at the same time I'd argue it's the opposite. Healers need to heal the same amount if not more in newer content, but we have far more instant casts or just passive healing in our toolkits so you do not notice the healing as much, since you do not see the cast bar in many cases. Instead you notice the Glare or equivalent spell being used which gives the perception of less healing and more damage when it's actually the same amount. Although when it comes to time spent healing it's probably less in newer content for the same reason.
      All in all, the main take-away from this is do not get greedy for damage, learn the encounters, then try to squeeze in as much damage as possible and do not play needlessly risky.

  • @Ravum
    @Ravum Рік тому +6

    This is the natural state for the dpshealer meta this game pushes.

  • @shaunnaruto
    @shaunnaruto Рік тому +6

    Simple. If u wanna heal, be a healer role. If u do not wish to heal, don’t be a healer.

  • @dacienvegas2712
    @dacienvegas2712 Рік тому +1

    People tend to forget that healer prog IS trying to figure out what tools to use. So yes, failing to measure damage output this, is part of the prog. Example: you might think a celestial op is enough for a certain raidwide, but find out that 10 secs later there’s a bleed aoe, where mit by be better. This trial and error is the healer prog.
    As for PF healer, there is a dance between you and your cohealer where the first pull you are counting on the other to properly use the tools that would be common. But if you wipe, you adjust to what actually happened. So healers are always progging basically.

    • @Zyvux.
      @Zyvux. 4 місяці тому

      Basically this, every single boss cast during prog gets a gcd shield, but if I see the raidwide aoe barely tickle the party, next run I am doing damage instead of shielding it, and if it actually hurts, next test is seeing if it can be survived with an ogcd mit I have available and no gcd shields, or if the gcd shield is absolutely mandatory to survive.

  • @Ikuraga
    @Ikuraga Рік тому +4

    I remember the days.... the days that healers actually healed... ahhhh.. but where are those who share the memory...

    • @illuminatin6497
      @illuminatin6497 Рік тому

      I'm right here with you.

    • @FoolyCoolySAP
      @FoolyCoolySAP 9 місяців тому

      Wrong game Zhongli... lol

    • @JayAshkevron
      @JayAshkevron 7 місяців тому

      Yeah but even then it was a constant bitching session about "why aren't you doing more dps?" I find regardless people complain about the healer.

  • @MaskedBishop
    @MaskedBishop Рік тому +6

    Tanks should pull and keep agro, healers should heal, dds should focus on damage. Those things should be the main priority for everyone and only once that works it is okay to try additional stuff. I've been healing since 2013 and have been critized more than once for healing too much, in the sense that I try to not let anyone's hp drop under 50 %, as you never know when someone takes a strong hit by accident. That's ridiculous.
    The only times I don't rez anyone for like half a minute are when the mechanic is new and so difficult that I have to focus on dodging myself. In those cases I wait for a moment without AOEs. Because if the healers die the battle is over.

    • @maracaegrizzley8734
      @maracaegrizzley8734 10 місяців тому

      Sometimes the battle is over if the healers die.
      Warrior, aka Blue Healer, can sometimes manage to pull a win by soloing the boss. It depends on the player and how comfortable they are with their buttons, but I've done it before and it is GLORIOUS. To this day it's my favorite run of the L83 dungeon. If I'd been more comfortable with some of my options to help the rest of the party, I might coulda kept at least one of the DPS alive, but I got it done.

  • @Blazingbeard
    @Blazingbeard Рік тому +1

    THANK YOU! When I started with healers I tried to only use ogcd healing during leveling. Yeah that doesnt work at lower levels. Also I really felt ashamed when I was out of ogcds and needed to gcd heal. Like I didnt spread cooldown effiecient enough. But this cleared stuff up for me. Prog, sprout parties and (usually) alliance raids, really need the gcd healing.

    • @Sonicrida
      @Sonicrida  Рік тому

      I'm glad that I could help! Honestly there's more to dungeon healing that I could cover too since they can be tricky especially when new and your tank wants to do big pulls haha

  • @redgeoblaze3752
    @redgeoblaze3752 10 місяців тому +1

    I was in a normal mode raid the other day.
    I make a mistake, and am at half health. I stay that way for about 10 seconds. I die to a raid wide. I get revived a little later. I wait for the invuln to run out before starting to damage again. I die to the next raid wide.
    I tried asking them to please start healing a bit, and they both got all offended, saying it was my fault for getting hit in the first place, and they threaten to report me for harassment.
    Normal raid, by the way. Two deaths from getting hit once, by the way.

  • @21bywater
    @21bywater 10 місяців тому +1

    I really appreciate your analysis of how much time it takes to heal vs how much dps a particular healer could do at 2:30 or so. Yes, FFXIV is all about damage, even for healers. But, if *not* healing someone means more DPS but a serious risk of a wipe, then that 2% or 3% extra DPS as a healer doesn't matter because a wipe wastes a lot of time. Healers in XIV hate healing because they want more DPS, yet 95% of their abilities are healing based abilities and not DPS. I think it has to do with ego, too. Let's be honest. I leveled AST to 90 and SCH to 70 so far, and I do find it aggravating when people keep taking huge amounts of damage as DPS, causing me to strain my mana pools and risk not healing the Tank enough. All the while I have to do mechanics, too of course. It's a good time when a good healer who actually heals when it's necessary is paired with players who know enough of the basic mechanics of a fight to avoid most damage. When the DPS is drunk or sleepy, or if the healer is too selfish, then things get messy quick. This is probably why so many people love Warrior, because it is the Tank that can often heal itself.

  • @healgo527
    @healgo527 Рік тому

    I agree but I do feel conflicted as a healer main. First few time I focus less on dps output but after a few reps I have an idea where and when to put my HOT and SHIELDS once I have that I put it into action at the end healing output will always differ from group to group its a dance but being accountable is key.
    Good vid some healers needed to heat this can't always do what other healers do cause that's a controlled environment

  • @maracaegrizzley8734
    @maracaegrizzley8734 10 місяців тому

    I was a brand new baby sprout, playing less than a month in the game, maybe only a couple of weeks, and was in Snowcloak for the FIRST DAMN TIME and got told "Hey, if you're *not* a bot, ABC." Made me feel absolutely humiliated because I was doing my absolute BEST at the time and I already knew how quickly things could go south if I wasn't paying attention. I was a VERY recent refugee from That Other MMO where I'd also played a Healer character and I'd avoided any and all group content possible because of toxicity.
    People learn at different rates. We don't have the same tools at L50 that we have at L90. Extend a little compassion to each other, and don't be ashamed to focus on your *primary* task first. Optimization can happen later. Years later if need be.

  • @Gravewhisper
    @Gravewhisper Рік тому +6

    This isn't just a high end raiding problem anymore. I've recently been in multiple daily roulette dungeons where the tank died during a boss fight because the healer didn't cast a single heal. In 2 occasions it even caused a wipe because the healer then also didn't use a rez. But hey, your stone casting sure helped us clear faster!

    • @MaskedBishop
      @MaskedBishop Рік тому

      You always have to be prepared for both inexperienced healers and tanks, and if one of those is your party you can just adapt your playstyle. It's pointless to get angry or attack people because of that. PLUS: Many skills get altered every two years, and researching every change in every job for 2% more damage isn't worth it imo if you just want to max your levels.

    • @elaine_of_shalott6587
      @elaine_of_shalott6587 Рік тому +3

      Do you examine the tank as closely? Because as a healer I'm sick of getting blamed for a wipe when a tank doesn't use mitigation AND stands in every telegraphed mechanic even though I used every single instant and OGCD heal I had on that one trash pull just because some genius didn't happen to see me cast cure 2.

    • @Gravewhisper
      @Gravewhisper Рік тому +1

      @@elaine_of_shalott6587 the tank literally died in like 20 seconds. there was no mechanic, just constant incoming boss damage and zero heals the entire fight. Sometimes it simply just is the healers fault. I agree that a lot of tanks should use mitigation during trash in levelling dungeons, especially when they do big pulls. But healers not casting ANY heals is the bigger issue here and it's happening more and more.

    • @elaine_of_shalott6587
      @elaine_of_shalott6587 Рік тому

      ​@@Gravewhisper You say that healers not casting any heals at all is this huge issue that I've never once encountered. Not as a tank, not as a DPS. I do occasionally see healers who clearly don't know thier toolkit like scholars casting physick at level 50 but not using their fairy skills. I've been in Crystal tower runs where only one of the two healers does much healing, but there's only a couple fights in there where there's enough incoming damage to need more than one healer unless you manage to get a group that's 1/2 or more on their first run. And for the record I actually tank leveling and MSQ roulettes more than I heal on them. I do however see at least one tank per week in greater than level 60 content who ususes no mitigation at all on trash pulls. I can't as accurately tell you the state of Expert Roulettes since I do usually do those as healer myself. I do suggest that as a DPS you probably don't have a good idea of who is at fault. Tank or healer. The reason I tank so much is so that I can properly tell when I need to improve and when the tank needs to be proded to play properly.
      In fact I'll go for broke. If the healer didn't cast a single heal then I bet the tank pulled before the group was ready. The proper response to that from a tank is to appologize for not checking and make sure before the next attempt.
      There isin't a dungeon boss in the game that does enough damage from auto attacks to kill a tank using proper mitigation. There just isn't.

    • @Gravewhisper
      @Gravewhisper Рік тому +1

      @@elaine_of_shalott6587 ok, listen: This is getting ridiculous. You speak about a situation in which you weren't there, making assumptions based on your experiences and denying that anyone could experience anything else. There is no point in continuing a conversation on this level. If you don't want to believe that there are healers out there who simply refuse to heal, then you can keep believing that, doesn't make it less true.

  • @FalkRaegos
    @FalkRaegos Рік тому +1

    As a shield healer main, i used a lot of gcd shields when first learning a fight and a few more times after clearing the fight while cleaning up mechanics.
    It is 100% true that gcd healing is barely needed, but that's only IF your group is reliably mitigating with feint, addle, disassemble, tactician etc., so yes, do greed some of that damage if you your team can survive that raidwide, otherwise make sure some of your own stuff is out there if it means getting the clear.

    • @Sonicrida
      @Sonicrida  Рік тому +2

      Yep pretty much. As a healer, we can really notice when the party is using their mits well haha. That peace of mind is great. Shoutouts to the Warriors using Shake it Off haha love that ability!

  • @NuLL555
    @NuLL555 Рік тому

    As a main AST since the previous raid tier I can't stretch enough how important DPS mitigation is , if you are playing DPS talk with the other DPS in the party on where to mitigate , also although I agree with that video that you should use GCD heals if needed and keep your party alive the overuse of GCD heals can cause serious issues to your mana! The way you solve this is to communicate with your cohealer. A good example of this is playing macrocosmos before a strong raid wide and the other healer is healing the damage with everything they have and that results to not having their resources when the next raid wide comes and blaming you that you didn't heal enough , you can avoid all this confusion just by communicating with the other players and most importantly with your cohealer.

  • @Songforyall
    @Songforyall 10 місяців тому

    Personally during prog I always like to figure out what is the best place to use each piece of my healing kit if you're seeing mechs for first time though sure use GCD's but they're by no means necessary in a well oiled team that knows how to mit.

  • @jessicawilson1751
    @jessicawilson1751 Рік тому +1

    I had that issue with a healer not wanting to heal in a dungeon while I was leveling my warrior. The scholar was whining at me to use Bloodwhetting on CD, and I died to trash in a leveling dungeon... a single pack. They were crying about me being "bad" because I wouldn't use Bloodwhetting. Imagine actually healing when queued as a healer. We died at least 3 times in that dungeon. That's the only dungeon I had issues in while leveling my warrior, and I never had to use Bloodwhetting on CD. That scholar was also surprised I never had issues in dungeons until they were my healer.

    • @Sonicrida
      @Sonicrida  Рік тому +3

      Yeah it's not cool for people to police how you play like that. No matter what a tank does or doesn't decide to use, as a healer you should be keeping them alive regardless.
      As a tank you probably should be using your defensives as much as possible but the healer shouldn't let you die because you're not doing that.

    • @HyouVizer
      @HyouVizer Рік тому +3

      Warrior high levels has incredible self heals tho. Bloodwhetting is insanely good, should be using it roughly 2 twice per dungeon mob pull when enhanced Equilibrium regen is on CD paired with Thrill of Battle. That Scholar is clearly spoiled by warriors that use their self heals effectively. I main white mage as a healer, when I have a high level skilled warrior tank i dont need to heal them cuz their own heal ablitiies are more than enough honestly...i feel kinda useless as a healer before a skilled warrior lol. have lost tracked at how many times a healer died and a warrior healed the party themselves with nascent flash sharing those heals with another party member and shake it off aoe party regen too. Thats how crazy good warrior is healing itself.

    • @jessicawilson1751
      @jessicawilson1751 Рік тому +1

      I use my defensive CDs in dungeons but that day I was tired and just wanted a fast dungeon. It wouldn't have been a problem to add in Bloodwhetting but their behavior about it was completely uncalled for and they kept making a big deal out of it, so on principle I used all other CDs except for that one.

    • @BriGuy77711
      @BriGuy77711 Рік тому +4

      As a healer, I’m definitely happy to see a high geared warrior as my tank in dungeon roulette. However, I do use the first pull as a guide for how much healing they’ll need for the rest of the dungeon. The only exception to this is if the tank says that they’re new to tanking and might need extra help. Basically, good communication between tank and healer leads to efficient dungeon clears with as little wipes as possible.
      Extreme trials and savage raid fights are different. Keep everyone alive through mistakes so you can all learn the fight, then figure out how to optimize.

  • @kenzotenma9214
    @kenzotenma9214 Рік тому +1

    It only happens on NA, EU and JP healers care for tanks

  • @lillybyte
    @lillybyte Рік тому +2

    I started playing FF recently... I refuse to DPS as a healer. I will cast heal and people WILL like it.

    • @Sonicrida
      @Sonicrida  Рік тому

      People will like when you heal at least but damage is important too 😅

  • @celynen2631
    @celynen2631 6 місяців тому +1

    sometimes I wish DPS was not so important to tanks and heals. you should be a healer/DPS, not DPS/healer where it's all about DPS and healing can get kind of boring when we only have 1 single DPS spell 1 aoe spell, and just spam it again and again. having that been said I like healing and still have fun with it. it does get kind of annoying when a tank doesn't even use basic mitigation or tank CDs and heals get blamed for it, if you don't know how to play tank you can always ask about things like that in party we are a team at the end of the day. if I see a tank doing it, I will not be mean about it. I care more about getting us to the end more than things like that. just do the best you can. and don't feel bad if someone dies we all been there.

  • @IKMcGwee
    @IKMcGwee Рік тому

    The dying and studying is a real thing. Me and a couple of people were blind running Mount Rokkon and while Ratjamming i died first, so i started just watching the fight, and after about another 30 sec the other guys died to. But i had seen enough to explain the color notes and we cleared after that.
    As for the not healing someone thing, thats true but. I had a Red in Hukke Manor that in the basement, while the new to duty tank and lancer, were cleaning out the mobs when you jump down the stairs, the red decides to sprint out the room and aggro EVERYTHING in the basement. They die and pop and return... And do it again... The third time they stayed with the group... Intill we opened the boss door. They aggroes a mob pack we skipped and dragged them into the boss room and then pulled one of the double bosses. I didn't ress them and was focusing on keeping the baby tank and dpa alive. I wasnt going to leave the two doing their best to pick up someone you was just gonna keep doing it. They behaved for the rest of the run. You do sometimes need to be the bad cop.

    • @Diddz
      @Diddz Рік тому

      i did this as red mage when the healer did the same thing, i opted to try playt the red healer, somehow we managed, and when the tank died, i juked the boss and rezzed. im planning on going healer next expac because i dont trust healers at launch anymore after endwalker freecure fishing spam

  • @nickjordan8996
    @nickjordan8996 6 місяців тому +1

    Healers are so broken. I actually started to hate this game after 4.0's changes stripped healers of their dps complexity and started this pure healer garbage. It's so thankless, boring, and dull.

  • @kaelyoshim5234
    @kaelyoshim5234 Рік тому +6

    You don't see many beginner focused guides to healing because there is nothing to heal honestly. Especially in casual content. It is very straight forward.
    Use oGCDs over GCDs. In casual content you can never go wrong with this.
    On a side note, in many cases what you end up healing is avoidable damage that could have been mitigated/dodged but it wasn't and this effectively turns your job into one of a babysitter hence most of the competent healers quit the game or avoid doing content with pugs.

    • @Sonicrida
      @Sonicrida  Рік тому +2

      Honestly I get that it is but a lot of newer healers have a ton of anxiety around it.
      Especially for sage which is an interesting case where you start with a ton of skills at once. I remember failing the job quest and looking up a guide for help. I found a post where a bunch of people talked about having a hard time and I was scared to go in without friends for a while 😅

    • @omarsameh5007
      @omarsameh5007 Рік тому +2

      i do agree as healer main why should i get punished for other people mistakes as a healer ? its more people making mistakes the harder your job become unlike dps or tanks , even worst alot of time i end up getting choked on lack of mana because constant boss aoe make me spam more healing spells , but oh wait as white mage with short range aoe spells and everyone spreading im not healing the entire party because they are not stacked , now i need double the healing effort and repeat my healing all over again to people running far away from the tank , i got black mage today did that and kept dying , and if you get triggered and say something not nice , oh man you toxic now , time for GM to jail you , luckly i never say anything wrong , but dam sometimes the thoughts in my mind kick in making me wish if i can.

  • @JayAshkevron
    @JayAshkevron 7 місяців тому

    You know what I draw from this is healers can't do anything right. Dps too much, your bad. Don't do enough dps your bad. Here's an idea, how about all the people complaining about healers shut up and go play them instead. I've been healer main since before Heaven's ward came out, and I'm pretty much just tired of getting blamed for everyone else's crap. If dps dies because they can't dodge a ground aoe THEY ARE at fault for their own deaths. This happens at all levels of content. I literally just like an hour ago ran the original Sunken Temple of Qarn. The first boss fight with the doom, killed the tank. I saw he wasn't clearing the doom so prepared myself to raise him. Raised him immediately upon death, regened him, healed the dps through the transition, things were looking good. Almost immediately BOTH dps then died to second doom cast. Which caused both wasps to final sting me, because apparently the tank decided grabbing those wasps wasn't his job, thus wiping us. Guess who they blamed for the wipe. If you heard '"where were the heals/rez" in your head you too might have ff14 healer related ptsd. I do agree healers need to remember that healing is their primary duty, but IMO it got this way because too many players and Tanks in particular were complaining healers weren't dps-ing enough.

  • @alejanarrentanz698
    @alejanarrentanz698 Рік тому

    Yesterday i was roulette alianz raid. I was the only heal that use heal spells, we wiped 3 times at the first boss.

  • @elaine_of_shalott6587
    @elaine_of_shalott6587 Рік тому

    What FF14 really has is a communication problem. I have never encountered this problem in thousands of dungeons played on all roles. The fundamental problem you describe may happen in party finder prog, but in almost any other situation poor communication is the best explanation. You see when I have a wipe I asked what happened. Did I pull too soon? Did I pull too much? Did the cat grab their arm? Did their finger slip from the control key to the windows key and they had to tab back into the game? Are they an inexperienced healer who would like some tips on handling that situation better. I am especially annoyed by your use of Bardam's Mettle in your video since this is exactly the type of situation that is a tank problem that gets blamed on healers. A tank takes off with a random healer whose skill they don't know and they pull a ton of mobs that place unclearable dots on them and then scream at the healer when the healer finally runs into range just as the tank falls over dead. As far as static raiding I again say that this is a communication issue not a healer issue since the raid lead should be someone capable of educating the healer on the need for a different healing style during prog rather than during reclears.

  • @josephespinoza7229
    @josephespinoza7229 3 місяці тому

    meanwhile wow healers, just stand there do nothing until damage geos out lol

  • @anteprs7908
    @anteprs7908 Рік тому +1

    The issue also happen to often in dungs sadly and ruins the fun for us casuals a ton :(

    • @Sonicrida
      @Sonicrida  Рік тому +1

      Yeahhhh and dungeons are the last place for that. I get people who want to get in and out fast but it's rough on others sometimes.

    • @anteprs7908
      @anteprs7908 Рік тому

      @@Sonicrida true

  • @appealmitsunari3042
    @appealmitsunari3042 Рік тому

    I agree with this

  • @realKenM
    @realKenM 2 місяці тому

    Is someone close to dying?
    If yes, heal.
    If no, continue DPS.
    It aint that hard.

    • @Sonicrida
      @Sonicrida  Місяць тому

      You would think haha

  • @zed4229
    @zed4229 Рік тому +1

    Enrage is a trash game mechanic that only keeps people from soloing old raids later on in the games life.