Viral Frustrations with New Generation of Parents

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024


  • @misslora3896
    @misslora3896 10 місяців тому +50

    She's one of few of her generation that are seeing and experienceing the world the way my generation Gen X is... For what it's actually become, completely out of control. Thank goodness this young woman had parents who acrually "raised" their child. Boundaries, dicipline with love, respect of others, especially your elders and yourself. I feel for her and so wish there were millions upon millions more like her and those who raised her.

    • @kimmiewise1044
      @kimmiewise1044 10 місяців тому +3

      It's the soft parenting for sure. As a parent myself, I get UA-cam shorts for parenting bloggers and a LOT are recommending soft parenting where you coddle a child's feelings and try to center the behavior around them and how they feel instead of other people and how other people are affected by their behavior. For example, there was a short about a little boy throwing a temper tantrum and hitting his brother. The mother immediately took him to this fuzzy corner with toys (think stress relief fidget type things) blankets and a little chart to display his emotions and was constantly hovering and telling him that it's okay to express his emotions. This, completely ignoring the actual victim of the incident, the younger brother, and continuously validating the feelings of the disruptive child and that the child has a right to express negative emotions for validation and attention. In another video, this time of an older teen and her mother, the skit is the mother on the phone confirming that she and her daughter will be visiting a male relative's house for dinner. The daughter walks in on the conversation and then motions to her mom that she doesn't want to go. Instead of doing the rational thing like leaving her home alone and fulfilling her end of the arrangement, ignoring her daughter and fulfilling both of their obligations or even just talking to both parties and trying to understand the situation objectively, the mother immediately follows the daughters orders and cancels their plans to stay at home, telling the male relative that she needs to stay home with her daughter with no explanation given. Again this is an older teen, 16-17 years old. That young lady was fully capable of being home by herself while her mom visited her relative. But she demanded the mom stay with her to validate her feelings of being "uncomfortable". No communication about why she felt that way or if the male relative deserved to be iced out of both of their lives. The text on the screen only said that you should always side with your child when they say they are uncomfortable which is just a patent lie. Kids can pretend to feel any sort of way just to do what they want to do. Hell, back in the day kids would make themselves puke to get out of a dumb math test. Kids are not above lying about being "uncomfortable" just to escape their obligations and responsibilities like visiting a very nice relative they aren't that crazy about.
      Soft. Parenting.
      I think it's often a trauma response that these parents have and are projecting on to their kids. Even in this video. How much do you want to bet that the little girl's mom had a bad step mother or an absent mother and was raised by her grandmother? She was probably deeply affected by that unstable upbringing and constantly trying to be the mother she never had and trained her daughter to never accept another female authority besides herself. She also probably tossed around from house to house, from grandmas to daddy and step mom to aunties house, so she makes sure that her own daughter is never forced to stay in a place she doesn't like unlike her own childhood. So when this teacher talked about redirecting her daughter to sit in her spot, mom got triggered and started getting defensive of her daughter...
      Same thing for the little boy who hit his brother. Mom grew up with siblings and when she got upset at a sibling her feelings were invalidated even if there was a reason she was upset so now she coddles her son who gets upset and validates his feelings to give him the chance she never had. Same with the mom who felt obligated to cancel her plans to coddle her teenager. Again, probably a young teen who felt invalidated or even neglected by her own parents as a teen and probably got into some very bad experiences which caused her to coddle her daughter.
      A lot of these parents have unresolved personal issues and then take out their emotional distress on their kids by coddling them and berating people who try to criticize them.

    • @tarledamanley2832
      @tarledamanley2832 10 місяців тому +1

      Girl don't confront the parent send the baby with her parent and no refund don't let the mama leave cause her baby might need to go with her as well

    • @misslora3896
      @misslora3896 10 місяців тому +1

      @@kimmiewise1044 Not to mention kids have to be exposed to things/situations where they feel uncomfortable to be able to learn how to navigate and cope with them. These "lessons" are no different than the "safe spaces" at primary schools and colleges. It's teaching kids and young adults that everything revolves around THEM and THEIR feelings. The world can be an uncomfortable place in many different ways. It's impossible to become an emotionally stable, functional adult without 1: learning the reality of the world. 2: that it doesn't revolve around you. And 3: positive strategies for how to handle or cope with an unlimited number of different situations people face daily. But then, I believe not being able to grow and mature into functional adults is the entire point behind this insanity. It's sinister.

    • @CajunGators
      @CajunGators 10 місяців тому +3

      See that’s the problem. I’m 33/millennial and can’t pretend too many of millennial parents (not all but way too many) got away with giving their kid a tablet or iPhone with no kinda supervision instead of parenting and being involved with them so that they could stunt on Instagram and take all these vacations they felt entitled to because “I’m living my best life” as one should do BEFORE kids smh. It’s not even just lack of guidance, people ignore the technological aspect entirely. People have several social media sites??? What?? I deleted my fb 10 years ago and didn’t have the others. This is insane. These kids can’t even read smh.

    • @misslora3896
      @misslora3896 10 місяців тому +1

      @@CajunGators Totally agree. I was on FB for about 5 or 6 years. At 1st it was great for keeping up with family and friends and reconnecting with many people I'd lost touch with. But I got rid of it in 2015 because I could see how toxic it was becoming. Social media as a whole is destroying human connections, empathy, compassion and creating a very selfish and self absorbed world. And screen time for kids? I felt guilty putting a movie on for my girls when I had to get things done on occasion. Now most kids don't even play outside anymore. Between streaming, video games and other electronic "entertainment"... And yeah parents have gotten as bad, between their social media and "me time". Parents are hardly parenting children at all anymore. It's a mess.

  • @jillohara3121
    @jillohara3121 10 місяців тому +32

    she speaks the truth 💯, bless her heart. When my daughter played sports, she had some coaches that from the very beginning held a special meeting with the parents. they read them the riot act, spelled out exactly what they would not put up with and what the consequences would be. Then the parents had to sign on the dotted line and they knew exactly what would happen if their kids were out of line. there was never a problem after that. These were female coaches and when they were finished with us I felt like I had been run over by a truck but I can’t blame them because that’s what you have to do these days.

  • @Leijucrowell1999
    @Leijucrowell1999 10 місяців тому +37

    yikes... so this is the fall of generations and society.

  • @rockyayyy8978
    @rockyayyy8978 10 місяців тому +25

    I work with children. I say I’m not your mom but there are rules at school. And you need to follow the rules at school or there will be consequences. The choice is yours. I know you are capable of making good choices. 95% of the time they make the correct choice. It’s exhausting but someone needs to help these kids.

  • @TrippyKitty08
    @TrippyKitty08 10 місяців тому +18

    I was worried about many of my peers having kids. Many just want mini versions of themselves. They aren't raising their kids at all. I'm a millennial my mother is gen X and she also raised me to be disrespectful. She thought it was funny. I struggle with authority figures. I struggle with romantic relationships. I don't understand boundaries and respect. My family neglected me because they were neglected. I also don't understand how to communicate needs within relationships and with authority figures. Just a complete blank. A lot of the times I come across as rude when in reality it took all my courage to say anything at all.

    • @GIJadaSmith
      @GIJadaSmith 10 місяців тому +2

      See, thank you. As much as I call out Gen Z, rightfully so, I’m trying to figure out how millennial parents got away with giving their kids UNRESTRICTED INTERNET PHONES in lieu of parenting so they could “live their best lives” on social media 🤦🏾‍♀️ Had a homegirl mad about her 10 year old talking to older men online. Like GIRL! We all had dial up and knew bad people and content were online. And you’re blaming the kid? Smh

    • @se2664
      @se2664 10 місяців тому +1

      Why do you struggle with romantic relationships?

    • @TrippyKitty08
      @TrippyKitty08 10 місяців тому

      @@se2664 re read what I wrote more carefully. 0/10 on compression there bud. Think for a moment how would poor boundaries, respect, and communication effect a romantic relationship? Huh a real mystery. It's like I didn't explain it at all.

    • @sloklubolisen2577
      @sloklubolisen2577 10 місяців тому +1

      @@TrippyKitty08 ahh so you’re just rude really. And lemme guess, it’s you parents fault 😂

    • @TrippyKitty08
      @TrippyKitty08 10 місяців тому +1

      @@sloklubolisen2577 I just don't feel the need to explain further. Especially on a personal topic like my romantic relationships. I said all I wanted to in my first comment. My parents taught me how to read at least.

  • @73aven
    @73aven 10 місяців тому +13

    I’m 24, I also work with kids.. it’s actually so bad.

    • @se2664
      @se2664 10 місяців тому +1

      Such a menace to society

  • @fionagriswood9918
    @fionagriswood9918 3 місяці тому

    Scary to think what they'll be like when they're 30. Respect to this woman ❤

  • @r.i7654
    @r.i7654 10 місяців тому +12

    Kids raising kids.

  • @GIJadaSmith
    @GIJadaSmith 10 місяців тому +7

    This is why I don’t advocate charter schools. Worked at one with all the funding, laptops, iPads, digital chalkboards, etc. Those grades are inflated and kids are passed along otherwise that big check doesn’t come in august. Meanwhile my high school had no printer paper and teachers bringing their own and I got my associates alongside my diploma. Took advantage of summer school courses for free. Gen Z didn’t raise themselves. And neither did their millennial parents more often than not 🤦🏾‍♀️ it starts at home.

  • @tth715
    @tth715 10 місяців тому +9

    She’s so right it’s sad and scary 😦 but there’s still hope for Generation Alpha! Now imagine teaching in higherEd dealing with the same type of behavior displayed among 5 yr olds, but in college students, mainly Gen Z and younger Millennials 🥺😱… Not all but by far too many! And if you teach at a state school you’re likely bound by similar constraints placed on secondary educators.

  • @bitokay147
    @bitokay147 10 місяців тому +1

    Today adults want to be kids and kids want to be adults !

  • @taurus3alexis
    @taurus3alexis 10 місяців тому +13

    I was raised by the ole school, my son is 14. I think in the 8-10 years since he been in public school, we received 2 behavioral call within those years. Those calls were also in the early years. Let just say we haven’t gotten a behavioral call from his teachers since the second grade, but he has brought honor roll into the consecutively. These kids need discipline and to hit them were it’s going to hurt. It might not even be physically pain, for my son it was the video games.

  • @isaidajhooks7631
    @isaidajhooks7631 10 місяців тому +6

    It’s cultural and it’s disgusting! It’s not racial. It’s cultural and it’s absolutely disgusting. It’s devastating but if you call them out? They call you Karen… or say you’re not black.

    • @TheOnylove
      @TheOnylove 10 місяців тому

      This is not cultural at all. It’s a societal issue. Unfortunately most of the stores the little girls and boys would have shopped at are no longer open. Limiting available product. Leading them to start shopping at the teenage and young adult stores earlier. As well as people around the kids only listening to “mainstream” music and not kid and age appropriate music. So they copy what they see and that music is more for older adults. And with their access to social media and internet. It makes it hard to make age appropriate things normalized when they see kids their age getting wigs, nails, having cell phones and designer products, getting lip fillers, etc. I mean, they grew up with or idolizing Kylie Jenner.
      It’s is sad to see children get adultified faster than they should.

    • @isaidajhooks7631
      @isaidajhooks7631 10 місяців тому

      Your response took away ALL accountability from the people responsible. I live in this society and I have children. If they have access to something? I gave it to them. If they have other adults around that listen to garbage? I hang with those adults. It doesn’t matter how you spin it! Parents are responsible! I have moved out of neighborhoods, switched jobs, discontinued friendships, etc… but my children my responsibility! Me and my husband make sacrifices to raise our children. We don’t use the excuses you mentioned. IT’s cultural and it’s NOT ok to try to explain it in any way that takes away responsibility from mom and dad. “ my body my choice= my children my responsibility”

  • @rosseryankeegirl
    @rosseryankeegirl 10 місяців тому +8

    They see their parents acting like this so theyre going to follow exactly what they see..and its verrrry sad!!
    But its the parents that are pushing the agenda..🤷🏽‍♀️
    Listen..when i see these type kids in public acting out and theyre are seeking attention..I ignore them and their parents. My face shows that this behavior is not acceptable or cute. And I turn up my nose at it. We live in a negative attention seeking society.

  • @yodheytheway
    @yodheytheway 10 місяців тому +4

    Pray. We need to fast and pray!

    • @SisterSanMiguel
      @SisterSanMiguel 10 місяців тому

      Yes every Christian needs to

      @MISSMADISONMEDIA 10 місяців тому

      Awesome but what about the issue at hand? Kids need discipline, not less food

    • @yodheytheway
      @yodheytheway 10 місяців тому

      @@MISSMADISONMEDIA I'm not suggesting anyone deprive kids of food. Is that what you thought?

  • @dstonedest
    @dstonedest 10 місяців тому +4

    They are being raised by phones, tik tok, and technology. The parents don't give a damn about them. Instead of letting the kids talk to them and engaging with them about the wonder in the world and the curiosity they have about nature and animals, these "parents" give them an ipad and ignore them. If their kid tries to talk to them about any of their interests they stay on their phone and mumble, "oh... uh huh... okay." Instead of actually engaging with their kids. And when their kid is being disrespectful, they do nothing because it takes too much effort. These people should not be having kids! They dont even love them.

    @LOUDMOUTHTYRONE 10 місяців тому +2

    This is why I'm planning to move to Japan and start a family there.

  • @mirrormirror3414
    @mirrormirror3414 10 місяців тому +4

    It becuase trash is raising children. People are choosing to be trash. And then they blame other people when their kids are in jail or dead.

  • @quichawnabryant
    @quichawnabryant 10 місяців тому +2

    I would just like to point out, while I agree with everything she’s saying, this is not a new generation thing. The memories I have from being 5, 6, 7, 8, and the things that the girls in my schools were doing and talking about, this is very much a continuation of the same old same old. It’s just slightly different now due to children’s access to the internet, and yes, much more dangerous. But yeah, it’s not like the older generations were raising us any better. This has been going on for generations upon generations, the same messed up mistakes being repeated. I honestly believe it’s largely due to people being yeeted into parenthood that should not and do not want to parent, which is why it’s paramount for women to be able to decide that it’s not for them and actually have the knowledge and resources to follow through, especially young parents. They’re not ready to raise children, and that’s okay, but we need to work on continuing to educate the young masses.

  • @PhoenixHeartCure
    @PhoenixHeartCure 10 місяців тому +1

    ...what are these parents even expecting from a ballet class? "You can't tell my kid what to do!" Then why did you enroll your child in this class?? What is the point???? That's not how classes like that work...the teachers tell the kids what to do, and the kids do it, because how the frick else are they going to learn anything? Which, you the point of a class. And on top of that it's inconsiderate to any students who actually want to be there and take things seriously.

  • @MrCaseyrose77
    @MrCaseyrose77 10 місяців тому

    If you're not going to listen to a teacher, then why are you even here?

  • @maisanascimento5441
    @maisanascimento5441 10 місяців тому +1

    You should talk to your teacher what they thought about that generation of kids and parents. 🙄

    @MISSMADISONMEDIA 10 місяців тому

    I honestly think the behavior hasn’t changed. This is kids doing kid stuff. The difference is the parents aren’t doing shit to stop it. Back in the day, I wanted to tell my teacher to stfu plenty of times😂 Only reason I didn’t is because… are you kidding?! If my parents showed me time and time again that there’s no consequence for me saying that to a teacher, I probably would’ve done it every day. Kids need discipline period. This world would be terrifying if kids were in control. They don’t know what they’re doing, they’re like autopilot robots for the first several years. Adults need to pull the reigns

  • @333-u9o
    @333-u9o 3 місяці тому

    Ballett requires discipline.
    If the kids act like this, kick them out of class.
    They probably don't even want to be learning to dance.

  • @se2664
    @se2664 10 місяців тому

    This is so disappointing 😢 none of those little girls should be listening to pound town smh

  • @BrottenGuy
    @BrottenGuy 3 місяці тому

    To be fair, people HER age are behaving that way, as well.
    My wife & I are in our early 40s. She is the manager of a Sally’s Beauty Supply.
    Oh. My. LORD this early-20s generation is ATROCIOUS, in thinking they’re entitled to anything & eveything.
    So, this girl needs to wake up to her own peers

  • @Lokian_Mermaid
    @Lokian_Mermaid 10 місяців тому

    Oh, pkease, its been going on. Im Gen X and as a child I was surprised at the amount of boomers that acted like their child could do no wrong and expected everyone else to treat them that way too.
    If more parents actually PARENTED over several generations instead of resorting to hitting without even bothering to do better, there wouldn't be so many traumatized adults that releat the same mistakes while others are trying to do better which isn't going to be fixed over a couple of generations.
    So many traumatized adults grew up to have addiction issues, yet think they turned out "fine".

  • @soulshadoww55
    @soulshadoww55 10 місяців тому +1

    This is just why I refused to teach. I have a degree and teaching certifications but as soon as some kid tells me "my momma said I don't have to do anything you say. She told me to tell you to kiss her ass." I'd be fired because I'd slap that kid right in the mouth. I went into the legal field, made good money. I'm retired now and stress free.

  • @Luna-jk9de
    @Luna-jk9de 10 місяців тому

    Just think (to further scare us) This will be the same generation who will be making our prescriptions when we are old.... God help us...

  • @mangersavoir4213
    @mangersavoir4213 10 місяців тому +1

    I've seen them do it at 3 years old at Headstart.

  • @paikmar
    @paikmar 10 місяців тому

    It’s true story…there is respect towards the elders too…stories from teachers in Asia

  • @roxannee8316
    @roxannee8316 10 місяців тому +1

    This is a great video to bring awareness to the madness. I'd say It's not totally on the parents to why we are here. A lot of things have been in the pipe line with how technology has evolved and been pushed upon us with no understanding on the long term effects and these songs have been making there way in to children's ears for years with radio stations playing songs in the day that are filled with sexual content not to mention TV adverts. The saying 'sex sells' has been around for generations and now we are seeing generations of children effected. You pretty much have to raise your child like a Mormon to avoid all of this stuff as it's seeping through everything. Parents have been made to feel bad both ways, they are either too strict or not strict enough by today's standards and we are lumping everything on to them to why children are the way they are but as we know the children are not predominantly with the parents during their schooling years they are in school more then at home so also a lot of what's happening is due to too many children being together so bullying and peer pressure come in to play which is now worse then ever too with daily online attacks being possible. Our children are a reflection of all of us as a community and a reflection of the times. Not to forget, these 5 year olds where born in to and around COVID times when screens were mostly their lives, for some, we must never forget this reality as it's impact will be forever unfolding.

  • @bitokay147
    @bitokay147 10 місяців тому

    Parents don’t do a good job !!! I am older than her. This is one of the worst decades of kids I have seen and read about in history books lol

  • @laela6289
    @laela6289 10 місяців тому

    This is deeply disturbing

  • @bitokay147
    @bitokay147 10 місяців тому

    Remember this is the decade where they let’s kids decide if they should get the jab or choose to get surgery to change their body parts with no life experience.

  • @fawaztharayil5869
    @fawaztharayil5869 9 місяців тому

    Man..! she can clearly see current by day it's getting worse, I'm from india, sadly it's happening everywhere
    May Allah protect our kids from everything!

  • @mauriciogadalupe
    @mauriciogadalupe 10 місяців тому +3

    But it’s not just kids you know unfortunately it’s with seniors and disabled people like they can run you over and they’re free to go but you can’t lift a goddamn finger or say one little peep because you’re abusive

  • @earthynomad7160
    @earthynomad7160 10 місяців тому

    You need to import some African moms to America.
    My mom promoted me to a doctor and a Virgin obedient girl at 26 and she didn’t even have to rise her voice😂.
    Greetings from Sweden

  • @Ehlaar
    @Ehlaar 10 місяців тому +3

    It’s this whole don’t whoop them mess people will deny the correlation and deny the benefit.

      @MISSMADISONMEDIA 10 місяців тому

      No, the issue is that people hear “Don’t beat your kid”, and for whatever reason they assume that means don’t discipline them at all. There are a million and one ways to make sure your kid isn’t an asshole, without hurting them. Try again.

  • @TheyForgotMySalad
    @TheyForgotMySalad 10 місяців тому +4

    What would be a proper solution or course of action? Are you a mandatory reporter? If so, it is your legal responsibility to report these overtly sexual behaviors to CPS for investigation. ❤

    • @MrAbbsterz
      @MrAbbsterz 10 місяців тому

      This is a generational problem? Are you saying every most gen alpha kids should be taken to away from their parent? Where will they go? The foster system…you know what songs kids in the system listen to? Pound town…
      That is not always the answer.
      I do not have kids, I’m 29 but I plan on having them when I’m 32.
      Kids need to live on a farm away from iPads. All I see around me in the Bay Area are iPad babies

      @MISSMADISONMEDIA 10 місяців тому

      @@MrAbbsterzthis seems to be the immediate response nowadays which is also terrible. The kids aren’t being taken care of, lets make sure they’re in jail or on the street by high school! Yeah, great idea…

  • @Jared-xd9qo
    @Jared-xd9qo 10 місяців тому

    Although these behaviours are not particular to any generation, as there have always been rebels. The difference is that it has become rampant and 'acceptable' in this current society or generation. Then, ppl who were rebellious were cautioned or admonished by most of society as there was still a sense of common sense/morality/religious adherance. However, the decline of religion has led to immortality being rampant and accepted and common sense being prehistoric. Laziness is acceptable, children are now capable of being autonomous, delusion is embraced, 'white' lies are harmless, 'breaking the rules' are now national anthems, being naked/provocative is empowering, fetuses are parasites, drugs/violence is seen as cool, casual sex is honing one's ability, drugs are a way to 'escape' reality, reverse racism is acceptable, love of onself (selfishly) is the norm...- the list is VERY long.
    It now seems that ppl with common sense or a sense of morality are the odd ones. All these didn't begin at once. Instead, it was a gradual process of indoctrinating ppl into being themselves or doing whatever makes them happy. Being blind to the fact that not everything that makes us happy is good and man is naturally corrupt- human nature.
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news neither am I a persimistic person but, all these will get worse (seeing as most ppl are bot even bothered by it). Most ppl have become too self absorbed and lazy to make any change, when they realise they are astray while others have gone past the point of no return as their hearts have corroded.
    I have put my faith and hopes in JESUS CHRIST, as HE alone gives me peace and reassurance. Sometimes, I fear what new madness will arise in our world but I know that HE will see me through (and all my brethrens and those who accept HIM as their Lord, in truth and in spirit). Cause it's sad to see mankind become vile each second, even good deeds are publicly done to receive praises. May the peace of CHRIST dwell in us all in JESUS name, Amen.

  • @sandraledoux8522
    @sandraledoux8522 10 місяців тому

    Its rediculius...why woould these idiot parents lut their kids in any kind of extra carricjlar activity if they don't support the fact that the kids will obviously have to follow instructions to learn something?! I see her dilema
    I would tell each one of them that if they dont want them to learn then their kids contract jas been terminated. Dont come back jnless you change your mind. But then shed have no clients, no pay. No income. They have control over ber that way and its sad.

  • @sandraledoux8522
    @sandraledoux8522 10 місяців тому

    I think this every day. I'm gen X and have a respectful, happy and successful 33 year old and a 10 year old being raised the same way. Its hard this time around sending my child to school with kids that are, quite frankly, feral little monsters. Their larents let them dovwhat they want because they want them to be tough. They think its cute. They call it strength and independence. Its not. They wont make it through school, they wont have healthy relationships and no employer will put up with that. Owning their own business is tricky too. They have to be likable and bossy, pushy and mean is not "likable". Noonecwill want to work for them or buy from them. Noone will want to cater to them either, so these parents are setting their kids up for failure or lives of crime and drug dependence. Next up? Whos foing to be running this country when these mids are grown? Who will be our Doctors, nurses, garbage men, child welfare workers? Whovwill be our plumbers and ac repair guys. Who will do the smart work, the hard work and the dirty work? Surely not there entitled brats.

  • @nicholasadkins5724
    @nicholasadkins5724 10 місяців тому

    This is sad...

  • @princessmarlena1359
    @princessmarlena1359 10 місяців тому

    It starts at home. Parents aren’t giving their kids the “Vitamin N” that they need.

  • @VISHNUKJ210
    @VISHNUKJ210 10 місяців тому +2

    Doctor iam from India am struggling with dry eye for the past it curable or dry eyes is permenant?please reply

  • @lex2951
    @lex2951 10 місяців тому +2

    I have children and one is a 3.5 year old and she listens and behaves. Idk what kids you have but mine don't act like that.

      @MISSMADISONMEDIA 10 місяців тому

      Ok cool then this isn’t about you lmao it happens tho… a lot

    • @lex2951
      @lex2951 10 місяців тому

      @@MISSMADISONMEDIA omg this isn't about me? I had no idea. Thanks

  • @sheilawebb9746
    @sheilawebb9746 10 місяців тому +2

    The sad thing is that for parents who do try to teach their kids to be respectful & discipline them when needed, we're are told by the mental health industry (doctors, therapists, CPS, etc) that we are bad parents for not accepting their behavior unconditionally. I took a parenting class, where the teacher reprimanded me & said that i was thinking in an abusive way for believing that children are capable of being manipulative to get their way, & we were also told that doing anything that made a child feel like they had done something bad, even just putting them in a time-out where they understood that they were in trouble, was emotionally abusive. The instructor said we shouldn't teach our children that anything is bad. The parents don't have much backup from society these days, when trying teach their kids to be respectful. Not saying the lady you mentioned wasn't in the wrong, but for those of us who are trying, we have a lot working against us. Also, when it comes to bad influences on the internet (like the influencers who are famous for being disrespectful & inappropriate), we can shelter them from that at home, but they get access to this stuff from friends at school or even on their chromebooks. I know of parents who asked teachers not to give them chromebooks, because they knew what their kids were inclined to do, but the teachers still did, & it would turn out their kids were doing inappropriate things on them at school. It's not all parents being like that, but this generation is definitely different from anything I've ever known as well.

    • @GIJadaSmith
      @GIJadaSmith 10 місяців тому +4

      ….no, that never happened lmao. Not one of them called you up to tell you that. When does this victim mentality stop? 🤦🏾‍♀️

    • @sheilawebb9746
      @sheilawebb9746 10 місяців тому

      @@GIJadaSmith what are you talking about?

    • @GIJadaSmith
      @GIJadaSmith 10 місяців тому +2

      @@sheilawebb9746 What are you talking about? Stop making things up and come back to reality and maybe things will make sense for you lmao

    • @AliciaTheTroonSlayer
      @AliciaTheTroonSlayer 10 місяців тому +1

      Pretty sure what makes you a bad parent is making up scenarios that never happened and don’t sound believable on any level to those sober and functional to avoid any accountability for your own parenting. Put the bottle down

    • @sheilawebb9746
      @sheilawebb9746 10 місяців тому

      @@GIJadaSmith did you attend the parenting class i attended, & you hear what the instructor did & didn't say? Did you sit in in their therapy sessions & hear what was & wasn't said?