She left me without warning for a guy she met less than a week prior. I've been around long enough to know that I should have walked away and gone no contact right there, but she did such a good job over 3 years of getting past my defenses and burrowing into my heart and soul, making me truly believe that she was different and I could trust her, that I went against everything I knew I should do and did the opposite, because I refused to believe that she was capable of flipping 180 and being just like every other girl. But in the end, she was. She did everything that every other girl who broke my heart before did, step by step. I hope this finally teaches me that no matter how special or different you think she is, how many times she's proven that you can trust her and she'll never up and leave you out of the blue, EVERY girl is capable of doing exactly that, in an instant, even if she looked you in the eyes and told you she'd never do something like that the week before.
When my ex broke up with me, I literally told him “I don’t agree, but I’m not going to beg you to be with me.” And I MEANT it. I will never give another human being that satisfaction over me no matter how much I love them. Stay strong and keep your self worth out here loves ❤️
My dear if you seriously want to recover ur relationship / get ex back, twin flame or a specific person Mr williams is the best when it comes to recovery relationship, he recover mine and he can also help you
Begging and pleading is all FEAR based. Being motivated by fear is always the worst option. There is nothing attractive about the smell of desperation. The best option is to acknowledge your partners request to disconnect. Let them know you don’t agree with their unilateral decision; but you respect them and love them enough to let them go. Take a moment; gather yourself and establish emotional self control then go complete NO CONTACT. You must walk away and never look back. Watching these types of videos will help you when the anxiety begins to rise. Love is always about freedom and letting your lover go will express self respect and emotional maturity. Be well my friends.
You don't need to let them know you don't agree with them dumping you. It's a waste of time. After I got dumped, I cut all contacts. I erase them from my life. And MOVE ON. There are other fishes in the sea!!!
My dear if you seriously want to recover ur relationship / get ex back, twin flame or a specific person Mr williams is the best when it comes to recovery relationship, he recover mine and he can also help you
I had a breakup in 2014 in which I "begged and pleaded." A good reason to not do it is that it prolongs your pain. It's said that part of what makes you want your ex back, esp. after you begged & pleaded, is that you soon feel humiliated after begging and pleading, and the getting back of your ex becomes even more important to "right" that feeling of humiliation. Basically, if you get broken up with, your pain and desperation might be at a level 6 just because of rejection. But if you beg & plead, your pain and desperation will go up to a level 8 or 9 because instead of just dealing with rejection, you're dealing with rejection + humiliation.
This is true cos that’s how I feel right now especially cos she unblocked me but one thing it’s helped with is not reaching out to her cos I always think of how I pleaded and feel with that amount of pleading if anything was to bring us back it shouldn’t be me reaching out first again
If you didn’t expect it then who the bell wouldn’t lose it emotionally. shows you care, but now let them know you accept it and you can move on as a bette person. don’t contact anymore, they chose this in the first place.
Right? The cruelest joke the universe plays is that if someone you truly trusted, who just a week prior was all over you, looked you in the eyes and told you they'd never leave you, suddenly leaves you a week later without warning for someone they just met, and you do what any human would do by breaking down, crying and getting upset, then by doing that you've ensured that they've lost any scrap of attraction they had left for you. I'm not a T-101, I can't have someone I completely trusted shatter my world and leave me for someone else and just be like "ah, yeah, ok cool."
I unfortunately pleaded and tried to change her mind after the break up, I didn't message her everyday. Not even close to that but it was too much nonetheless. It took a few months for me to completely shut up and I feel so embarassed after all this time of not talking. I just hope that weakness is not what she remembers of me because I was weak and needy when I needed to just go away. It sucks because I was never jealous or needy even once during the relationship.
Aah thats rough. are doing better. I listen to a lady on youtube she does meditation to help you. But she says never let another person be your oxygen tank. I feel bad for you. Wish I could make you a cup tea with cookies. I am old enough to be your Granny so I do mean tea and cookies. Take care .
@@barbarariley3488 Yeah, but when every single time you let someone in, they break your heart, eventually you learn that you can't trust anyone. I was with a girl and had my walls up high, because I didn't want to get hurt. Over 3 years, she tirelessly worked to break down my defenses, burrow into my heart and soul, and proved over and over that I could trust her, that she was different, and that she'd never up and leave me like other girls had. After 3 years, she'd proved herself enough that I finally let my walls down and trusted her 100%. Less than a week later she left me out of nowhere for a guy she'd met less than a week before. Yeah, I'm cool with missing out on a "great love" after that.
After everything I have read, even if you made mistakes after the breakup... you MUST go NC. That’s all you can do. Especially if the relationship was good. You have to give them the breakup. If you set the standard for what they look for in someone, that will always be the best card in your favor. Let them realize their decision, especially if it all ended over 1 argument.
Yeah if they care at all, they’ll get in touch but your best bet is to literally focus on your career/friends and family/ and MEETING AND DATING NEW PEOPLE
This is my story. I didnt beg. Its been 3 months and nothing its so strange just hours before the argument she was kissing me and holding me non stop. I’m so confused…
Easy to say, but when someone who's spent years burrowing into your heart and soul until you trust them completely leaves you out of nowhere for a guy she met last week, it's pretty much impossible not to break down and start begging and pleading.
I did many mistakes post breakup and I'm abit ashamed of my actions but there's nothing I can do about it. It's been 3 and half months and I'm quite fine to be alone on my own 😊
My dear if you seriously want to recover ur relationship / get ex back, twin flame or a specific person Mr williams is the best when it comes to recovery relationship, he recover mine and he can also help you
I honestly don’t really regret the begging and pleading. It showed him how much I cared, how much I loved him, how much I really wanted to fight for the relationship. I was bawling my eyes out and asked for a hug and I kept apologizing, saying we could work on things because they weren’t a big deal. He didn’t shed a tear. But I heard from his bestfriend a week later that he actually bursted out into tears when he left my house after the breakup. I had begged for him for 5 days after the breakup, apologizing and everything. Then finally I realized if I want to respect him I have to respect his decision and let him go. I told him that he deserves the world and hope he finds happiness again. I said I’ll always care for him and love him as a person. He said I deserve the same and I believe we ended on good terms. 2 weeks after the breakup he even texted my mom how proud of me he is and that I have a bright future ahead of me and that I deserve the absolute best. It’s been 3 weeks NC now. I really hope he realizes my love for him will be like no other. And that we can grow separately and come back together stronger!!
@@BrandoGee what a roller coaster of what happened since then. So we got back together for 3 months. Then broke up again for 10 months. Then got back together again after those 10 months and now we’ve been together for another 2 months. But now we aren’t doing so well in our relationship because he’s unsure if he wants to marry me, even though he told me multiple times he wanted to spend his life with me and have a family
@@anairaham actions speak louder than words, focus on his actions they hold all the truth, my ex told me she was going to have my children and she’d never leave my side, she then left me for another guy she had been talking to behind my back for 2 months… there’s more to life than a partner though I wish you and him the best but never forget to keep improving yourself so if one day he does leave again, you’ll be happy regardless! Family, Friends, hobbies, don’t forget the fruits of life!
Regarding Margaret on the initial shock of a break up. I think comunication is seriously important. There's some people that actually doesn't think there's anything wrong, and nothing is spoken about it. I think when someone is angry and let's it fester without talking about it, I think that's when the shock factor really explodes.
I begged for four months . No one around me on either side of our families recognized me. I was the furthest from that kind of person during our 5 year long relationship. I think having two very young kids together had a big factor in the situation but Iv chosen to just let it. I embarrassingly have caught her in several lies and driven past her work. She told me awhile ago she needed time and space and I’ve pushed her too far. She’s also said I’m the only man that has ever fought for her so my mind was in limbo. No more crazy acts any longer today I’m letting go . She left the house and is willing to give up half the children’s time that tells me enough . I don’t quit but I have to quit on her . Wishin everyone luck
I did so many mistakes. I begged and I discussed our situation with our co-workers and made my ex very mad. I'm 100% sure I ruined any chances if I even had any.
Alberto Deulofeu I was with my ex for 42yrs total married for 33! I told him GOOD BYE!! He was one of the worst narcissistic persons EVER!! It has taken some years to rebuild from that! Today I’m happy and FREE!!❤️😎
Alberto Deulofeu l did almost 2 years of deep therapy after the divorce. I walked around lifeless not knowing who l was because it was all about HIM! There was no ME! I learned to love ME first! At 63 now and living my best life. 3 grown children and grands. I still have to see him from time to time because of the children. God finally took the hate from my heart. I learned he’s the one with the problem not ME!! I felt my life was a waste at one time! But he is who he is and he’s not going to change for anyone! Educate yourself on personality disorders! It’s priceless!! I wish you the best! Love won’t ever hurt me again because l refuse to let it!! Blessings💕
I’ve been thinking about this. I’ve got sucked into the rabbit hole of post break advice and videos and had to take a step back to look at this as it is. For starters “begging and pleading” doesn’t really describe much. One person might have got on hands and needs saying “please please” then spent 4 weeks sending 100 message a day. The other person might have cried a little when being dumped and spent the next 4 weeks with the odd sporadic phone call where they talked calmly over if there were a chance to reconcile down the road, offering how they’d like to see things. Both could get labelled the same. I know the “ideal world” advice is just agree and walk off as if it were a scratch card that didn’t nett some money. But here’s the thing, that might be hunky dory after a rele of a few months, but in my case, say 10 years that would be really phoney and actually quite disturbing. It’s like asking someone who’s just found out a loved one has died not to cry and just go “sure that’s bad news” and saunter off. A bit of remorse, asking if it can be worked out and tear shedding is normal, healthy behaviour. I think it gets bandied in with “needy” but the term needy is really overused and abused, that’s not needy, it’s a normal loving human response. Granted it doesn’t help an ex view you attractively post break up if you did cry during the dumping and spent a few weeks “trying to work it out”, but - at that point the ex has made their decision anyway, sees zero attraction at that point and there’s not much you can do that will increase your attractiveness. At that point regardless you’re at the lowest point in the exes eyes as they’ve just had to solidify their decision. I have read it tends to be much later when they live life away from you and hit a few bumps in their road that they reach neutrality and nostalgia. Provided you’ve gone into NC, moved on a bit in life on your own, I’d like to think the natural emotions of being dumped fall into a memory of normal in the exes eyes and don’t hold currency if they’re missing you. Granted if you spent the weeks post break blowing up their phone with hundreds of calls and messages, throwing a shoe through the window etc that’s a bit different. For anyone who did beg “mouth of the ape” did a video on his ex begging to come back after months of NC and he begged and begged the whole nine yards by his own account. I think so much depends on life for the dumper and dumpee way down the road after the breakup. You’re not reconciling in the immediate subsequent months anyway, if you did you’d likely breakup again as it would just be reactionary.
absolutely brilliant comment thank you so so much i needed to read this you made my day! and yes, if the reconciliation is too soon it doesnt work; that happened to us when she broke up with me then came back regretting it but then decided it was too soon. I hope she will come to her senses about the good things we had and eventually reach out
thank you so much brilliant comment i needed to read this, you made my night! I agree if reconciliation is too soon it usually goes stale soon too; i just hope that after all tje pleading after the second break up she'll eventually remember the good old times and reach out
I love him so much but he wants to be apart to deal with pain that I caused him. I feel so desperate to have him back but each day more and more I am trying to respect his space and let him deal with those issues so we can potentially be together again. I really feel like he is the one for me. I am so scared of losing him.
I begged and pleaded with her, then realized you guys were right and sent a clean slate text. After a week she called me to come look at her leaky roof, and because I care deeply for her I’m fixing the roof this Saturday, however she’s being cold and short with me after telling her I was doing this because I care for her deeply but I don’t want to be just a friend. Oh did I mention she let me kiss her passionately twice when I looked at the roof two days earlier. I’m totally confused about what to do?
You guys are Awesome!!! Thanks so much. I definitely needed that advice at this very moment! And I'm glad I started watching someone with a degree in the field instead of the others giving advice, like I was. The difference between the two is more than positive obvious!! Thanks again Craig❤
Coach Craig Kenneth Unfortunately I did try to convince him multiple times and tried to ask him out and talk things through. He declined by saying he’s busy. Obviously he was annoyed and asked me to respect his decision. It was a total mess but at least I stoped trying for 2 months already. He didn’t contact me but didn’t block me on anything. Sometimes he look at my stories and Idk if that’s a sign he’d change his mind.
For the first 2 weeks, I begged, cried, and sent a "dirty" text to her saying "this is what you'll be missing out on" (you can just imagine the image I sent lol).. Her friends told her to block me, but she didn't.. I sincerely apologized for the text 3 days later (because I knew it was really dumb to do), and she was surprisingly very warm to me when I did, even texting me back paragraph long texts explaining to me that she really appreciated me owning up to it, and even told me that she was struggling with anxiety herself, and was sad to have hurt me during all of this. After that day, she immediately went back to being cold, and after a final conversation where I attempted to have "the talk" with her (obviously didn't work), I've been mostly no contact minus a drunk text in early March. I found your channel late March, and have been sticking to your plan since, Coach.
Petros Giorgallis I know that already man. I did an email coaching with Coach in late March, and have been NC since early March. She has unfollowed me on IG, but hasn't blocked me anywhere. While that text was pretty bad, I never grand gestured, or went to her house or job. Never stalked. I don't think it's the worst situation ever, but coach estimated 3-4 months before an indirect/direct. We're 2 months in now, and I'm already starting to date, and post pics on IG of me having a good time (my profile is public).. I even noticed that my ex changed her main pic to a pic I told her was one of my faves (could be a clue or could mean nothing).. We'll see..
Honestly, sometimes I wish I would have begged instead of sinking to a certain ex's level of insults, ridicule and devaluation... I actually don't remember begging, I remember the bitterness and drama and mean words that we exchanged. I think begging shows that a person cares. Whoever looks down on you for begging is not worth the mental trouble. ... If there's name-calling and ridicule, sarcasm, devaluation, narcissistic kindergarten, that's what's truly bad. If they start that and you reflect it, you still feel guilty after a while. And it breaks trust in both people, no matter who started. Some people say it's normal that an ex is mean after a break-up, but I think that's always a sign of narcissism. If people have empathy they don't get mean towards you when they know you are already in pain.... Same with begging. Why would I look down on someone for begging? It can be annoying and make you feel guilty, but it's possible to set clear boundaries without being hurtful.
Loved your persoective. How are you doing? I begged like an idiot. Our relationship was very loving. Never narcisistic, never abusive, no name calling. Absolutely none of that. Very caring person she is. She knew my downfall was comming and warned me politely that I needed to change some of my behaviors (insecurities/jealousy/drinking too much/neglecting her needs) Not too bad but it certainly wasn’t attractive to her. I hope that she can look at my begging as a positive to this point in no contact(9months). I feel like she will only realize until she faces all of those abusive/narcissistic traits another man treats her with. That’s just the only way unfortunately. I say a quick prayer that she comes back and move on with my day. Everyday.
I've been hurt and betrayed before, so I had my defenses up because I couldn't handle trusting someone and getting hurt again, and she knew that. But she slowly broke down my defenses, burrowed into my heart and soul, and proved over and over again that she was different, that I could trust her, and that she'd never up and leave me without warning. I resisted as long as I could, but after 3 years, I knew that she was real, that I really could trust her, and finally gave in and trusted her 100%. Less than a week later she left me for a guy she'd just met, after telling me he wasn't a threat and inviting him out with us on a Friday night. Over the course of that night, she paid less attention to me and more to him, until by the end of the night, she ignored me completely and was focused on nothing but him. She walked alone with him, talked with him, and made me watch as she gave him the look of lust and passion that up until then, she'd only given me. She left me the next day and showed no remorse for how much pain she inflicted on me. I can confidently say that after that, I will never trust anyone again for the rest of my life.
The second you give up they come back I had an ex flip out and go crazy and I spent months trying to talk to this person but the second I gave up for real they tried to come back the problem is it’s really hard to give up
Hello I'm so excited my relationship was fixed back again my ex is back to me we loving and happily together,I got help from a great man who brought us back together......
It’s been 3 months and every so often I break down and text him asking him if he sees a future together and he gets aggravated and feels I’m harassing him ): I don’t want to keep pushing him away
It has been three months since my break up and I have contacted him 3 times (to apologize for my reaction to our breakup, validate his feelings, and to inform him i was moving). I wish I hadn't since he became so cold during and after the breakup, because I know I should be treated better. I think it is best not to contact your ex anymore. I know that it is hard, but it will not help. My ex has ignored my attempts at communication. You do not want to push him away any further than you already have. I know it's hard, trust me I do...but I do think it is for the best. :( You can get through this...We can get through our breakups...we are stronger than we let's show them. 😉
I have an interesting story. A few days ago my gf managed to breakup for real but in the moment of the breakup I was like: wait, what? I cannot believe this, just stop, I'm terribly sorry, I'd like to fix things. And we're about to move in. (Long story short) I'm not sure if it was borderline begging / pleading on my part but I feel like we communicated about it in a mature way at the end. Then we went radio silence. We agreed we'll talk next month - there's also a concert we have the tickets to attend to.Thing is, the last weeks have been pretty frustrating for both of us due to multiple real life events, on top of that, she felt like she's doing everything alone in the relationship, she didn't have my support and respect etc. And I feel like shit about myself. Yet...we could turn the tables around. I guess our case falls into the category of "every relationship is different, every breakup is different". I mean, something has worked that shouldn't have worked. I'm confused. Anyway I'm doing my best to get things back on track.
I pretty much beg and pleaded. I think? I was the cause of the breakup, we met up and I apologized. She forgave me. I was originally only going to apologize. Then I told her I think we can work things out but she made it clear 3 times she didn’t want to try again. Does this fall under begging? I said we can work things out, she said no then I said are you sure. We left passionately kissing each other, she was crying, said I love you to each other, and she mentioned it was like a sad movie. Then I walked away.
That is very sad. I think its possible to still love a person and yet end the relationship. I am old now and have loved 4 men in my life. Two died and two walked.out of my life. I still love them all even the ones who walked out. Cherish the best of the romance and let the bad stuff gently fall away. Good luck.
I was in a LDR for 3 yrs. I loved him and we had a close bond. Then one day he just.ghosted me. That was 5 months ago and its been rough. I will never have a LDR again ever.
It’s so much harder when kids are involved as the guy. I’m going through this now after begging and trying to reason with them. Just moved out yesterday and I’m trying the no contact but it’s impossible because there is the kids and we are still friendly. It’s unbearable. Not sure how to play this.
If begging and pleading will grant you peace of mind knowing you've done everything, I guess do it ONCE, and just ONCE only! maybe? At least your were brave enough to stand and walk on that "blazing fire". After that be reborn from the ashes. PEACE!!
Whats the best situation if you two are still friends on social media? Be active on it or MIA? When im active shes constantly looking at my story or liking my photos but dumped me....
Just don't overthink it. She has to reach out. That's when you can truly say she has probably made an initial step towards reconciliation and even with that, chances are not certain
He says he still loves me but won't text or call, still wants to break up. So I keep sending snap chats because I can see that he has seen it. He did respond that he reads everything I send and appreciates them. What does that mean?
Hello I'm so excited my relationship was fixed back again my ex is back to me we loving and happily together,I got help from a great man who brought us back together......
I didn’t exactly beg, but I did try to be friends with her and it didn’t go well. I still love her and I think she may be rebounding now. Is it too late?
I did the same. It's been about 3 months, my longest no contact stretch was 2 weeks. She has not come back. I'm very very slowly being able to let her go.
I also did the same for six weeks... funny thing is she was probably going to come back, but I begged and tried to reason with her and gave her all the power.. I chased her away for good.. no contact right away is the most important, because two things will happen. She is either going to come back begging for you back, or at least you will leave a man with your dignity.. you will feel like crap later on if you keep begging... trust me
@@markkeuffer7267 I hear you man. This has sucked so bad, I still dont believe I'll get anybody "better". I have started to see the reality, I had her on a pedestal in my mind for months. Reality is there was a lot of good in us but some issues that aren't necessarily irreversible. I am finally after 3 months not hurting anymore, but I still love her and wish she would reach out, but she never does. This is somebody I pushed away from me for a long time, I basically forced her to break up with me and I regret it.
She broke up with me last week because she lost trust in me after lying to her for a couples of times. I begged pleeded for one week. Does no contact still works ?
Yeah, I admit it. I begged. One the first day. But give me some credit, I only did it on the first day. Not even that. Just the first 12 hours. After flying over to her country, thinking of every rheotrical trick in my book, I conceded defeat. There was no way of winning over her. Logic cannot conquer the heart. I told her that, and I respected her decision. One hour later, it was over. A year, a week, a day, all our time vanished in a moment. It was horrible. On day 17 of NC. Her birthday is in two weeks time. Forgive me, Coach. I will send her a short birthday message. That seems right to me, not for the relationship, but as a general act. I want another opportunity with her. Love never learns to lie low. We were good together, and I hope the memories will remind her of that. She misses me. She's too good a person to deny herself that. And I miss her too much to risk telling her my feelings. But I will wait as long as my heart will permit. I will press on.
@@noubietube3062 I did not send her a birthday message. She sent me a birthday message on my birthday. I tried to arrange to meet but she said no. That was 2 years ago. I've moved on from my ex. Even as I write this message, I am lying beside my new partner. She's prettier, more intelligent, younger, kinder, just all round better than my ex. We are engaged and looking for our future home. Life gets better, but first you must deal with a lot of mire. But when you make it, it's just amazing.
Im at the point that i don’t know what I want... if I want my ex or not? I’m catching feelings for another person! When I’m with this person makes me feel special and happy! While my ex just make me sad and make me feel the worse human been I thought I was toxic which I am but makes me feel it was all my fault but no it was not all my fault I became because of him Anyways things I’ve change I worked really hard on my self I getting in shape I lost 40 pounds. I feel really comfortable and confident about my self I’ve been getting a lots DMs and I talk to a lot people but I’m just catching feelings for one person! And I can tell my ex still into me but he doesn’t accepted it! Should I give a try a new relationship or wait for my ex ?
I think you answered your own said the new guy makes you feel good and you have taken positive steps to improve.yourself. The former guy made you sad. Some people are just toxic together. Move forward.
Mariella Rodriguez I feel the same way smh we didn't have a loving relationship but I still wanted her back. Now months later I know it was my ego. I might of cared for her but I couldnt see myself with her forever. We both deserve better.
Hi! I didn't beg but I tried to salvage things saying we could work this out. We talked for 3 hours and at the end he said he needed time for himself and would think about it during the summer because maybe we should not waste everything. He said we would talk in september to see where we're at. (We've been together for 1 year and a half) Do you think I still have a chance or does it mean he won't get separation anxiety ? (I said to him "okay let's do that but I won't be waiting for you")
I do my best to nc with him but we had a child... its long last for 5 days and start talking.. and i told him in my last words.. " maybe this time icant forget myove for you but i know soon i will forget you.. but before that i already begging and pleading asking to save my family specially we had a child.. Its really painful for me to put my pride to tell him to comeback.. but after i promise to not to talk or anything.. but i really hate it because he always find way to communicate to his son.. How to forget this man if i always see him and calling to my son
I didn't beg for a second chance, but asked him to rethink it...BUT when he said i could pick up my stuff from his car like I was a horrible person, that is when i begged for him not to treat me like I did something wrong and how it made me feel shameful to pick up my stuff from his car and him not being there. I feel completely dumb and wish I could've had more self control. All we can do is work on ourselves and try to be the best version of ourselves now. I am sorry you are going through a break up too, it's heartbreaking. 💔We are stronger than we think and we will get through this. 💕
@@starrynight9999 you’re right and don’t beat yourself up over the way you acted. I was beating myself up for weeks but I’m getting to the point where I feel strong and confident again. I begged one time and that was it. I’m at the point where it’s her loss. I’m doing better and starting to feel like myself again. Good luck to you!
hello coach Craig I just have a question I am going to do a Skype coaching with you but need to save up I was hoping that you would do a video or at least consider it on my breakup i promise its interesting but I'm not sure how to do about it do I leave the story on a comment here or do I email you directly? thank you for all that you do!! roger
Craig, Its been five months since the breakup. And i saw recently that she might have logged into my FB, and probably seen me talking to my friends about missing her alot. Is that a setback?
Guys I need help! I implemented nc with my ex after the day we broke up and about a month later he reached out saying that he’s sorry for everything. We’ve been talking here and there after. Now he wants to meet up with me to play some tennis when he gets back in town (he’s in the military). Should I go or not? Btw Craig I love your videos 😊😊 they always comfort me whenever I’m down. Thank you so much and keep up the good work 😊😊
Erica NightWalker If you want to! Don't act too available though. The chase is automatically attractive, so being TOO available looks desperate. When you do it let him know you've been doing a lot of cool stuff and how much you've been working on yourself :)
my ex told me during the time of the break up that she knew i wasn't going to contact her again, so now that i went totally cold turkey no contact at her it means that i did something she expected?I begged a little at the time of the break up but then nothing more.Maybe she thinks i dont want her back again.Please can you help me with this?Thanks for your great job it gives me a lot of courage.
My dear if you seriously want to recover ur relationship / get ex back, twin flame or a specific person Mr williams is the best when it comes to recovery relationship, he recover mine and he can also help you
Hello dear do you need help in your relationship problems I know of a person who can help you rebound your relationship get your ex back Manifest any specific person into life make you partner addicted to you within 24hrs inbox father right* away
My dear if you seriously want to recover ur relationship / get ex back, twin flame or a specific person Mr williams is the best when it comes to recovery relationship, he recover mine and he can also help you
I didn't say anything for a week, in fact I broke up with her she said she was breaking up with me too. Then I got really drunk for like three days straight. Totally screwed up. I did everything that i knew I wasn't supposed to do. Anyway, I'm 50 and my ex is 49. Does age make a difference with women? Meaning are they easier to get back or harder?
Not ashamed to say I begged I didn't get the results I wanted. But love makes you vulnerable
Oh Begged and pleaded as well. Been in no contact for 2 weeks now
@@Slomountainbikingsame here, how you holding up now
Still no contact and its been 5 months. Met a way better person and have been with her for 4 months. Life has changed for the better my friend
She left me without warning for a guy she met less than a week prior. I've been around long enough to know that I should have walked away and gone no contact right there, but she did such a good job over 3 years of getting past my defenses and burrowing into my heart and soul, making me truly believe that she was different and I could trust her, that I went against everything I knew I should do and did the opposite, because I refused to believe that she was capable of flipping 180 and being just like every other girl.
But in the end, she was. She did everything that every other girl who broke my heart before did, step by step. I hope this finally teaches me that no matter how special or different you think she is, how many times she's proven that you can trust her and she'll never up and leave you out of the blue, EVERY girl is capable of doing exactly that, in an instant, even if she looked you in the eyes and told you she'd never do something like that the week before.
When my ex broke up with me, I literally told him “I don’t agree, but I’m not going to beg you to be with me.” And I MEANT it. I will never give another human being that satisfaction over me no matter how much I love them. Stay strong and keep your self worth out here loves ❤️
My dear if you seriously want to recover ur relationship / get ex back, twin flame or a specific person
Mr williams is the best when it comes to recovery relationship, he recover mine and he can also help you
十18048760380🇱🇷🇱🇷⏭erida, si en serio
Begging and pleading is all FEAR based. Being motivated by fear is always the worst option. There is nothing attractive about the smell of desperation.
The best option is to acknowledge your partners request to disconnect. Let them know you don’t agree with their unilateral decision; but you respect them and love them enough to let them go.
Take a moment; gather yourself and establish emotional self control then go complete NO CONTACT.
You must walk away and never look back. Watching these types of videos will help you when the anxiety begins to rise.
Love is always about freedom and letting your lover go will express self respect and emotional maturity.
Be well my friends.
You don't need to let them know you don't agree with them dumping you. It's a waste of time. After I got dumped, I cut all contacts. I erase them from my life. And MOVE ON. There are other fishes in the sea!!!
4 months no hope :(
My dear if you seriously want to recover ur relationship / get ex back, twin flame or a specific person
Mr williams is the best when it comes to recovery relationship, he recover mine and he can also help you
十18048760380🇱🇷🇱🇷⏭erida, si en serio
I had a breakup in 2014 in which I "begged and pleaded." A good reason to not do it is that it prolongs your pain. It's said that part of what makes you want your ex back, esp. after you begged & pleaded, is that you soon feel humiliated after begging and pleading, and the getting back of your ex becomes even more important to "right" that feeling of humiliation. Basically, if you get broken up with, your pain and desperation might be at a level 6 just because of rejection. But if you beg & plead, your pain and desperation will go up to a level 8 or 9 because instead of just dealing with rejection, you're dealing with rejection + humiliation.
This is true cos that’s how I feel right now especially cos she unblocked me but one thing it’s helped with is not reaching out to her cos I always think of how I pleaded and feel with that amount of pleading if anything was to bring us back it shouldn’t be me reaching out first again
If you didn’t expect it then who the bell wouldn’t lose it emotionally. shows you care, but now let them know you accept it and you can move on as a bette person. don’t contact anymore, they chose this in the first place.
Right? The cruelest joke the universe plays is that if someone you truly trusted, who just a week prior was all over you, looked you in the eyes and told you they'd never leave you, suddenly leaves you a week later without warning for someone they just met, and you do what any human would do by breaking down, crying and getting upset, then by doing that you've ensured that they've lost any scrap of attraction they had left for you. I'm not a T-101, I can't have someone I completely trusted shatter my world and leave me for someone else and just be like "ah, yeah, ok cool."
If the feelings are mutual, the effort will be equal.
I unfortunately pleaded and tried to change her mind after the break up, I didn't message her everyday. Not even close to that but it was too much nonetheless. It took a few months for me to completely shut up and I feel so embarassed after all this time of not talking. I just hope that weakness is not what she remembers of me because I was weak and needy when I needed to just go away. It sucks because I was never jealous or needy even once during the relationship.
I think love act like fools at times. Hope you are doing better.
that's literally me
she doesn’t think of you like that, she likely remember the relationship rather than the breakup.
what happened in the end man?
@@eathanp2044 She ended up dating someone 3 months or so later, and I eventually got over her (was not easy). Time really heals all wounds
Wish I hadn't begged. Been 3 months, I get sick to this day when I think back to the day I got on my knees
It happens, i'm dealing with why was i like that back then..
Aah thats rough. are doing better. I listen to a lady on youtube she does meditation to help you. But she says never let another person be your oxygen tank. I feel bad for you. Wish I could make you a cup tea with cookies. I am old enough to be your Granny so I do mean tea and cookies. Take care .
@@barbarariley3488 that's so sweet of you :) ♡
This is why I will never, ever get in another relationship. It just isn't worth the pain.
I understand that but you could be missing a great love.
@@barbarariley3488 Which could end with an ever greater break-up.
@@barbarariley3488 Yeah, but when every single time you let someone in, they break your heart, eventually you learn that you can't trust anyone. I was with a girl and had my walls up high, because I didn't want to get hurt. Over 3 years, she tirelessly worked to break down my defenses, burrow into my heart and soul, and proved over and over that I could trust her, that she was different, and that she'd never up and leave me like other girls had.
After 3 years, she'd proved herself enough that I finally let my walls down and trusted her 100%. Less than a week later she left me out of nowhere for a guy she'd met less than a week before.
Yeah, I'm cool with missing out on a "great love" after that.
After everything I have read, even if you made mistakes after the breakup... you MUST go NC.
That’s all you can do. Especially if the relationship was good. You have to give them the breakup. If you set the standard for what they look for in someone, that will always be the best card in your favor.
Let them realize their decision, especially if it all ended over 1 argument.
Derrick Childers I needed to see this. Thank you
Derrick Childers damn I felt like this message was directly for me
Yeah if they care at all, they’ll get in touch but your best bet is to literally focus on your career/friends and family/ and MEETING AND DATING NEW PEOPLE
This is my story. I didnt beg. Its been 3 months and nothing its so strange just hours before the argument she was kissing me and holding me non stop. I’m so confused…
Begging and pleading- no good. They always have power over you if you do this. Never trade self respect for a relationship.
Easy to say, but when someone who's spent years burrowing into your heart and soul until you trust them completely leaves you out of nowhere for a guy she met last week, it's pretty much impossible not to break down and start begging and pleading.
I did many mistakes post breakup and I'm abit ashamed of my actions but there's nothing I can do about it. It's been 3 and half months and I'm quite fine to be alone on my own 😊
My dear if you seriously want to recover ur relationship / get ex back, twin flame or a specific person
Mr williams is the best when it comes to recovery relationship, he recover mine and he can also help you
十18048760380🇱🇷🇱🇷⏭erida, si en serio
Coach Margaret has the funniest dry sense of humor I've ever seen! She just cracks me up because you can tell she's seen it ALL! :)
Love makes you do very weird thing. Fortunately, we have coach Craig and coach Margaret
I honestly don’t really regret the begging and pleading. It showed him how much I cared, how much I loved him, how much I really wanted to fight for the relationship. I was bawling my eyes out and asked for a hug and I kept apologizing, saying we could work on things because they weren’t a big deal. He didn’t shed a tear. But I heard from his bestfriend a week later that he actually bursted out into tears when he left my house after the breakup. I had begged for him for 5 days after the breakup, apologizing and everything.
Then finally I realized if I want to respect him I have to respect his decision and let him go. I told him that he deserves the world and hope he finds happiness again. I said I’ll always care for him and love him as a person. He said I deserve the same and I believe we ended on good terms.
2 weeks after the breakup he even texted my mom how proud of me he is and that I have a bright future ahead of me and that I deserve the absolute best.
It’s been 3 weeks NC now. I really hope he realizes my love for him will be like no other. And that we can grow separately and come back together stronger!!
Update on how you’re doing now?
@@BrandoGee what a roller coaster of what happened since then. So we got back together for 3 months. Then broke up again for 10 months. Then got back together again after those 10 months and now we’ve been together for another 2 months. But now we aren’t doing so well in our relationship because he’s unsure if he wants to marry me, even though he told me multiple times he wanted to spend his life with me and have a family
@@anairaham actions speak louder than words, focus on his actions they hold all the truth, my ex told me she was going to have my children and she’d never leave my side, she then left me for another guy she had been talking to behind my back for 2 months… there’s more to life than a partner though I wish you and him the best but never forget to keep improving yourself so if one day he does leave again, you’ll be happy regardless! Family, Friends, hobbies, don’t forget the fruits of life!
@@anairaham Is there another update?
@@nickold4499 we’re together again 😂 we’ve been back together for over a year now
Regarding Margaret on the initial shock of a break up. I think comunication is seriously important. There's some people that actually doesn't think there's anything wrong, and nothing is spoken about it.
I think when someone is angry and let's it fester without talking about it, I think that's when the shock factor really explodes.
I begged for four months . No one around me on either side of our families recognized me. I was the furthest from that kind of person during our 5 year long relationship. I think having two very young kids together had a big factor in the situation but Iv chosen to just let it. I embarrassingly have caught her in several lies and driven past her work. She told me awhile ago she needed time and space and I’ve pushed her too far. She’s also said I’m the only man that has ever fought for her so my mind was in limbo. No more crazy acts any longer today I’m letting go . She left the house and is willing to give up half the children’s time that tells me enough . I don’t quit but I have to quit on her . Wishin everyone luck
I did so many mistakes. I begged and I discussed our situation with our co-workers and made my ex very mad. I'm 100% sure I ruined any chances if I even had any.
any updates?
I chased my ex for 7 weeks and got blocked on everything, now I'm in no contact and have no choice but to work on myself
I wish Coach Margaret would give me a hug.
No way on earth will l EVER BEG ANYONE to stay with me!
Hell im the prize you lost!!!
BYE ✌🏽
Shirley ^^^High value woman here. 👏 That kind of mindset automatically makes you a catch. 😀
L F God has been good to me and l’ve been married one divorced, it hurt like hell to part but beg??? NOPE!!!
Thanks for the response 🙏🏽
Shirley can you rub some of that mindset and attitude onto me?!
Alberto Deulofeu I was with my ex for 42yrs total married for 33! I told him GOOD BYE!! He was one of the worst narcissistic persons EVER!! It has taken some years to rebuild from that! Today I’m happy and FREE!!❤️😎
Alberto Deulofeu l did almost 2 years of deep therapy after the divorce. I walked around lifeless not knowing who l was because it was all about HIM! There was no ME! I learned to love ME first! At 63 now and living my best life. 3 grown children and grands. I still have to see him from time to time because of the children. God finally took the hate from my heart. I learned he’s the one with the problem not ME!! I felt my life was a waste at one time! But he is who he is and he’s not going to change for anyone! Educate yourself on personality disorders! It’s priceless!! I wish you the best! Love won’t ever hurt me again because l refuse to let it!! Blessings💕
I’ve been thinking about this. I’ve got sucked into the rabbit hole of post break advice and videos and had to take a step back to look at this as it is. For starters “begging and pleading” doesn’t really describe much. One person might have got on hands and needs saying “please please” then spent 4 weeks sending 100 message a day. The other person might have cried a little when being dumped and spent the next 4 weeks with the odd sporadic phone call where they talked calmly over if there were a chance to reconcile down the road, offering how they’d like to see things. Both could get labelled the same.
I know the “ideal world” advice is just agree and walk off as if it were a scratch card that didn’t nett some money. But here’s the thing, that might be hunky dory after a rele of a few months, but in my case, say 10 years that would be really phoney and actually quite disturbing. It’s like asking someone who’s just found out a loved one has died not to cry and just go “sure that’s bad news” and saunter off. A bit of remorse, asking if it can be worked out and tear shedding is normal, healthy behaviour. I think it gets bandied in with “needy” but the term needy is really overused and abused, that’s not needy, it’s a normal loving human response.
Granted it doesn’t help an ex view you attractively post break up if you did cry during the dumping and spent a few weeks “trying to work it out”, but - at that point the ex has made their decision anyway, sees zero attraction at that point and there’s not much you can do that will increase your attractiveness. At that point regardless you’re at the lowest point in the exes eyes as they’ve just had to solidify their decision. I have read it tends to be much later when they live life away from you and hit a few bumps in their road that they reach neutrality and nostalgia. Provided you’ve gone into NC, moved on a bit in life on your own, I’d like to think the natural emotions of being dumped fall into a memory of normal in the exes eyes and don’t hold currency if they’re missing you.
Granted if you spent the weeks post break blowing up their phone with hundreds of calls and messages, throwing a shoe through the window etc that’s a bit different.
For anyone who did beg “mouth of the ape” did a video on his ex begging to come back after months of NC and he begged and begged the whole nine yards by his own account. I think so much depends on life for the dumper and dumpee way down the road after the breakup. You’re not reconciling in the immediate subsequent months anyway, if you did you’d likely breakup again as it would just be reactionary.
absolutely brilliant comment thank you so so much i needed to read this you made my day! and yes, if the reconciliation is too soon it doesnt work; that happened to us when she broke up with me then came back regretting it but then decided it was too soon. I hope she will come to her senses about the good things we had and eventually reach out
thank you so much brilliant comment i needed to read this, you made my night! I agree if reconciliation is too soon it usually goes stale soon too; i just hope that after all tje pleading after the second break up she'll eventually remember the good old times and reach out
I love him so much but he wants to be apart to deal with pain that I caused him. I feel so desperate to have him back but each day more and more I am trying to respect his space and let him deal with those issues so we can potentially be together again. I really feel like he is the one for me. I am so scared of losing him.
Did he comeback to you 😢? Whatever the outcome, I hope you are doing well.
Craig how about a video on ways to test for integrity when meeting someone.
Punky Brewster if only....
I begged and pleaded with her, then realized you guys were right and sent a clean slate text.
After a week she called me to come look at her leaky roof, and because I care deeply for her I’m fixing the roof this Saturday, however she’s being cold and short with me after telling her I was doing this because I care for her deeply but I don’t want to be just a friend. Oh did I mention she let me kiss her passionately twice when I looked at the roof two days earlier.
I’m totally confused about what to do?
You guys are Awesome!!! Thanks so much. I definitely needed that advice at this very moment! And I'm glad I started watching someone with a degree in the field instead of the others giving advice, like I was. The difference between the two is more than positive obvious!! Thanks again Craig❤
Let Margaret and I know what ya think of this one. Did you beg? How did your ex respond?
Coach Craig Kenneth Unfortunately I did try to convince him multiple times and tried to ask him out and talk things through. He declined by saying he’s busy. Obviously he was annoyed and asked me to respect his decision. It was a total mess but at least I stoped trying for 2 months already. He didn’t contact me but didn’t block me on anything. Sometimes he look at my stories and Idk if that’s a sign he’d change his mind.
I was blocked from everything
Mariella Rodriguez his lost
For the first 2 weeks, I begged, cried, and sent a "dirty" text to her saying "this is what you'll be missing out on" (you can just imagine the image I sent lol).. Her friends told her to block me, but she didn't.. I sincerely apologized for the text 3 days later (because I knew it was really dumb to do), and she was surprisingly very warm to me when I did, even texting me back paragraph long texts explaining to me that she really appreciated me owning up to it, and even told me that she was struggling with anxiety herself, and was sad to have hurt me during all of this. After that day, she immediately went back to being cold, and after a final conversation where I attempted to have "the talk" with her (obviously didn't work), I've been mostly no contact minus a drunk text in early March. I found your channel late March, and have been sticking to your plan since, Coach.
Petros Giorgallis I know that already man. I did an email coaching with Coach in late March, and have been NC since early March. She has unfollowed me on IG, but hasn't blocked me anywhere. While that text was pretty bad, I never grand gestured, or went to her house or job. Never stalked. I don't think it's the worst situation ever, but coach estimated 3-4 months before an indirect/direct. We're 2 months in now, and I'm already starting to date, and post pics on IG of me having a good time (my profile is public).. I even noticed that my ex changed her main pic to a pic I told her was one of my faves (could be a clue or could mean nothing).. We'll see..
Honestly, sometimes I wish I would have begged instead of sinking to a certain ex's level of insults, ridicule and devaluation... I actually don't remember begging, I remember the bitterness and drama and mean words that we exchanged. I think begging shows that a person cares. Whoever looks down on you for begging is not worth the mental trouble. ... If there's name-calling and ridicule, sarcasm, devaluation, narcissistic kindergarten, that's what's truly bad. If they start that and you reflect it, you still feel guilty after a while. And it breaks trust in both people, no matter who started. Some people say it's normal that an ex is mean after a break-up, but I think that's always a sign of narcissism. If people have empathy they don't get mean towards you when they know you are already in pain.... Same with begging. Why would I look down on someone for begging? It can be annoying and make you feel guilty, but it's possible to set clear boundaries without being hurtful.
Wow, that's a good perspective you shared there. How are you?
@@kewl800i thanks, getting better.
@@kewl800i how are you? :)
Loved your persoective. How are you doing? I begged like an idiot. Our relationship was very loving. Never narcisistic, never abusive, no name calling. Absolutely none of that. Very caring person she is. She knew my downfall was comming and warned me politely that I needed to change some of my behaviors (insecurities/jealousy/drinking too much/neglecting her needs) Not too bad but it certainly wasn’t attractive to her. I hope that she can look at my begging as a positive to this point in no contact(9months). I feel like she will only realize until she faces all of those abusive/narcissistic traits another man treats her with. That’s just the only way unfortunately. I say a quick prayer that she comes back and move on with my day. Everyday.
The only time I use begging is for my job back when I get fired. A job pays your bills. But love doesn't. So I refuse to beg when I get dumped.
I've been hurt and betrayed before, so I had my defenses up because I couldn't handle trusting someone and getting hurt again, and she knew that. But she slowly broke down my defenses, burrowed into my heart and soul, and proved over and over again that she was different, that I could trust her, and that she'd never up and leave me without warning.
I resisted as long as I could, but after 3 years, I knew that she was real, that I really could trust her, and finally gave in and trusted her 100%.
Less than a week later she left me for a guy she'd just met, after telling me he wasn't a threat and inviting him out with us on a Friday night. Over the course of that night, she paid less attention to me and more to him, until by the end of the night, she ignored me completely and was focused on nothing but him. She walked alone with him, talked with him, and made me watch as she gave him the look of lust and passion that up until then, she'd only given me. She left me the next day and showed no remorse for how much pain she inflicted on me.
I can confidently say that after that, I will never trust anyone again for the rest of my life.
"tables turn"...i begged for years and when i left, he begged too...
The second you give up they come back I had an ex flip out and go crazy and I spent months trying to talk to this person but the second I gave up for real they tried to come back the problem is it’s really hard to give up
Hello I'm so excited my relationship was fixed back again my ex is back to me we loving and happily together,I got help from a great man who brought us back together......
Wh atsA p p👆him now❤❤
It’s been 3 months and every so often I break down and text him asking him if he sees a future together and he gets aggravated and feels I’m harassing him ): I don’t want to keep pushing him away
It has been three months since my break up and I have contacted him 3 times (to apologize for my reaction to our breakup, validate his feelings, and to inform him i was moving). I wish I hadn't since he became so cold during and after the breakup, because I know I should be treated better. I think it is best not to contact your ex anymore. I know that it is hard, but it will not help. My ex has ignored my attempts at communication. You do not want to push him away any further than you already have. I know it's hard, trust me I do...but I do think it is for the best. :( You can get through this...We can get through our breakups...we are stronger than we let's show them. 😉
I have an interesting story. A few days ago my gf managed to breakup for real but in the moment of the breakup I was like: wait, what? I cannot believe this, just stop, I'm terribly sorry, I'd like to fix things. And we're about to move in. (Long story short)
I'm not sure if it was borderline begging / pleading on my part but I feel like we communicated about it in a mature way at the end. Then we went radio silence. We agreed we'll talk next month - there's also a concert we have the tickets to attend to.Thing is, the last weeks have been pretty frustrating for both of us due to multiple real life events, on top of that, she felt like she's doing everything alone in the relationship, she didn't have my support and respect etc. And I feel like shit about myself. Yet...we could turn the tables around. I guess our case falls into the category of "every relationship is different, every breakup is different". I mean, something has worked that shouldn't have worked. I'm confused. Anyway I'm doing my best to get things back on track.
I pretty much beg and pleaded. I think? I was the cause of the breakup, we met up and I apologized. She forgave me. I was originally only going to apologize. Then I told her I think we can work things out but she made it clear 3 times she didn’t want to try again. Does this fall under begging? I said we can work things out, she said no then I said are you sure. We left passionately kissing each other, she was crying, said I love you to each other, and she mentioned it was like a sad movie. Then I walked away.
That is very sad. I think its possible to still love a person and yet end the relationship. I am old now and have loved 4 men in my life. Two died and two walked.out of my life. I still love them all even the ones who walked out. Cherish the best of the romance and let the bad stuff gently fall away. Good luck.
You are both amazing. So thoughtful. Thank you!
Begging and pleading is just showing desperation
Long Distance breakup video pleaseeeee
Your Dream pleaseeee
Yea that would be dope
Yes to this! It seems LDR are becoming very common these days.
I was in a LDR for 3 yrs. I loved him and we had a close bond. Then one day he just.ghosted me. That was 5 months ago and its been rough. I will never have a LDR again ever.
It’s so much harder when kids are involved as the guy. I’m going through this now after begging and trying to reason with them.
Just moved out yesterday and I’m trying the no contact but it’s impossible because there is the kids and we are still friendly.
It’s unbearable. Not sure how to play this.
If begging and pleading will grant you peace of mind knowing you've done everything, I guess do it ONCE, and just ONCE only! maybe? At least your were brave enough to stand and walk on that "blazing fire". After that be reborn from the ashes. PEACE!!
Talk more about what to do after begging
I'm still overwhelmed. I will make the pain stop soon.
Whats the best situation if you two are still friends on social media? Be active on it or MIA? When im active shes constantly looking at my story or liking my photos but dumped me....
how long since your Breakup? It could be an indirect direct approach. So somehow she seems to still be a bit interested
chilla939 wrong, that is not an indirect/direct approach, that’s just viewing his stuff
Just don't overthink it. She has to reach out. That's when you can truly say she has probably made an initial step towards reconciliation and even with that, chances are not certain
He says he still loves me but won't text or call, still wants to break up. So I keep sending snap chats because I can see that he has seen it. He did respond that he reads everything I send and appreciates them. What does that mean?
Another great video! Thanks.
I took my ex back after he begged..i loved when the shoe was on the other foot .he didnt take me bck so depends on the person
Hello I'm so excited my relationship was fixed back again my ex is back to me we loving and happily together,I got help from a great man who brought us back together......
Wh atsA p p👆him now❤❤
For me it was guilt ridden instead of fear ridden (mainly at least), because it was mainly my fault.
I didn’t exactly beg, but I did try to be friends with her and it didn’t go well. I still love her and I think she may be rebounding now. Is it too late?
What if I did this for 3 months on and off?
I did the same. It's been about 3 months, my longest no contact stretch was 2 weeks. She has not come back. I'm very very slowly being able to let her go.
I also did the same for six weeks... funny thing is she was probably going to come back, but I begged and tried to reason with her and gave her all the power.. I chased her away for good.. no contact right away is the most important, because two things will happen. She is either going to come back begging for you back, or at least you will leave a man with your dignity.. you will feel like crap later on if you keep begging... trust me
@@markkeuffer7267 I hear you man. This has sucked so bad, I still dont believe I'll get anybody "better". I have started to see the reality, I had her on a pedestal in my mind for months. Reality is there was a lot of good in us but some issues that aren't necessarily irreversible. I am finally after 3 months not hurting anymore, but I still love her and wish she would reach out, but she never does. This is somebody I pushed away from me for a long time, I basically forced her to break up with me and I regret it.
Margaret looks like she’ll square up, and win!
Lol fr! But shes such a good person
She broke up with me last week because she lost trust in me after lying to her for a couples of times. I begged pleeded for one week. Does no contact still works ?
Yeah, I admit it. I begged. One the first day. But give me some credit, I only did it on the first day.
Not even that. Just the first 12 hours. After flying over to her country, thinking of every rheotrical trick in my book, I conceded defeat. There was no way of winning over her. Logic cannot conquer the heart. I told her that, and I respected her decision. One hour later, it was over. A year, a week, a day, all our time vanished in a moment. It was horrible.
On day 17 of NC. Her birthday is in two weeks time. Forgive me, Coach. I will send her a short birthday message. That seems right to me, not for the relationship, but as a general act.
I want another opportunity with her. Love never learns to lie low. We were good together, and I hope the memories will remind her of that. She misses me. She's too good a person to deny herself that. And I miss her too much to risk telling her my feelings. But I will wait as long as my heart will permit. I will press on.
@@noubietube3062 I did not send her a birthday message. She sent me a birthday message on my birthday. I tried to arrange to meet but she said no.
That was 2 years ago. I've moved on from my ex. Even as I write this message, I am lying beside my new partner. She's prettier, more intelligent, younger, kinder, just all round better than my ex. We are engaged and looking for our future home.
Life gets better, but first you must deal with a lot of mire. But when you make it, it's just amazing.
Im at the point that i don’t know what I want... if I want my ex or not? I’m catching feelings for another person! When I’m with this person makes me feel special and happy! While my ex just make me sad and make me feel the worse human been I thought I was toxic which I am but makes me feel it was all my fault but no it was not all my fault I became because of him Anyways things I’ve change I worked really hard on my self I getting in shape I lost 40 pounds. I feel really comfortable and confident about my self I’ve been getting a lots DMs and I talk to a lot people but I’m just catching feelings for one person! And I can tell my ex still into me but he doesn’t accepted it! Should I give a try a new relationship or wait for my ex ?
I think you answered your own said the new guy makes you feel good and you have taken positive steps to improve.yourself. The former guy made you sad. Some people are just toxic together. Move forward.
Wait...but what about the original question ? What if you already begged and pleaded / got there a way back ?
What about when you don’t even know if you want them back!
Mariella Rodriguez I feel the same way smh we didn't have a loving relationship but I still wanted her back. Now months later I know it was my ego. I might of cared for her but I couldnt see myself with her forever. We both deserve better.
If you don't know then don't rush to make a decision... Time heals all
I need your help I'm close to losing my x for good, I've been watching your videos for the past couple weeks but don't know how to play this out..
Hi! I didn't beg but I tried to salvage things saying we could work this out. We talked for 3 hours and at the end he said he needed time for himself and would think about it during the summer because maybe we should not waste everything. He said we would talk in september to see where we're at. (We've been together for 1 year and a half)
Do you think I still have a chance or does it mean he won't get separation anxiety ? (I said to him "okay let's do that but I won't be waiting for you")
Any update?
@@thehavoc6331 the update is it didn't work and it took me 2 years to get over him. Good luck
I do my best to nc with him but we had a child... its long last for 5 days and start talking.. and i told him in my last words.. " maybe this time icant forget myove for you but i know soon i will forget you.. but before that i already begging and pleading asking to save my family specially we had a child.. Its really painful for me to put my pride to tell him to comeback.. but after i promise to not to talk or anything.. but i really hate it because he always find way to communicate to his son..
How to forget this man if i always see him and calling to my son
I,,, know,,,, who,,,, can,,,, help,,,, you,,,, w,,h,, a,, t,,z,, z,, +1-2-0-4-5-0-0-1-6-6-2
I begged for a second chance. 😣
I didn't beg for a second chance, but asked him to rethink it...BUT when he said i could pick up my stuff from his car like I was a horrible person, that is when i begged for him not to treat me like I did something wrong and how it made me feel shameful to pick up my stuff from his car and him not being there. I feel completely dumb and wish I could've had more self control. All we can do is work on ourselves and try to be the best version of ourselves now. I am sorry you are going through a break up too, it's heartbreaking. 💔We are stronger than we think and we will get through this. 💕
@@starrynight9999 you’re right and don’t beat yourself up over the way you acted. I was beating myself up for weeks but I’m getting to the point where I feel strong and confident again. I begged one time and that was it. I’m at the point where it’s her loss. I’m doing better and starting to feel like myself again. Good luck to you!
Can you go indepth on faded affect bias phenomenon? 💜
Can you do a video on when my ex is in a new relationship but still contact me? And still wants to talk to me.
Yessssss!!! Mine has the entire time we have been broken up and him in rebound. Torture
hello coach Craig I just have a question I am going to do a Skype coaching with you but need to save up I was hoping that you would do a video or at least consider it on my breakup i promise its interesting but I'm not sure how to do about it do I leave the story on a comment here or do I email you directly? thank you for all that you do!! roger
If we have kids? What should i do?
You have to talk him about the wellbeing of the kids not about.your relationship to him.
Craig, Its been five months since the breakup. And i saw recently that she might have logged into my FB, and probably seen me talking to my friends about missing her alot. Is that a setback?
How did you know.she facebook.?
Guys I need help! I implemented nc with my ex after the day we broke up and about a month later he reached out saying that he’s sorry for everything. We’ve been talking here and there after. Now he wants to meet up with me to play some tennis when he gets back in town (he’s in the military). Should I go or not?
Btw Craig I love your videos 😊😊 they always comfort me whenever I’m down. Thank you so much and keep up the good work 😊😊
Erica NightWalker If you want to! Don't act too available though. The chase is automatically attractive, so being TOO available looks desperate. When you do it let him know you've been doing a lot of cool stuff and how much you've been working on yourself :)
L F ok thank you 🙏😊
Don't hang around too long. Plan something for right after. Don't talk about anything for future plans...
my ex told me during the time of the break up that she knew i wasn't going to contact her again, so now that i went totally cold turkey no contact at her it means that i did something she expected?I begged a little at the time of the break up but then nothing more.Maybe she thinks i dont want her back again.Please can you help me with this?Thanks for your great job it gives me a lot of courage.
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If. We are wired for connection, why she wanna break up and be apart?
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Hey Craig, I have a question. How about if your ex is on a dating site. Do you still have a chance?
Once they turn into a smoke house and they let everybody hang there meat in it then let them go
I didn't say anything for a week, in fact I broke up with her she said she was breaking up with me too. Then I got really drunk for like three days straight. Totally screwed up. I did everything that i knew I wasn't supposed to do. Anyway, I'm 50 and my ex is 49. Does age make a difference with women? Meaning are they easier to get back or harder?
Our bodies age, but not our emotions and minds. It will always be hard as long as you don't grow emotionally.