the degen I saw were on a pvp low population server where horde players ganked alliance in ratchet.The alliance did no damage or little damage to fool the algoritm - even i were invited once and did my part- i fought empty handed but that was one time , saw the same guys for weeks at the ratchet grave yard
I don't know man, just roll a frost mage, mount up and pull 30-80 mobs using a mana shield and a frost shield and then just blizzard them down. Get like 10 levels in under an hour of actual play with casual grinding and alt tabbing to watch youtube while you wait for respawn. So pretty much 10 levels a day just chilling logged on for ~3 hours a day.
You left out how some PVP groups would organize who would get Rank 1 for each week, and if anyone stepped out of line they were doxxed and given death threats.
It's so funny how the whole internet goes on about death threats. Jesus. Like a fucking nerd that spents all his allowance on 10 accounts to multibox is capable of offing someone.
If anyone was doxxed it was by blizzard not some basement dwelling 80iq sloth wow player. They ain’t figuring out how to do that and playing wow 24/7. You must have played on the developer server.
Hm, not really. A lot of items are worth that much and other games have more worthfull items. Swift Spectral Tiger is worth like 13.000 Euro/Dollar. And in Counter Strike people pay MILLIONS for a single skin. A Skin. Not a better weapon which makes you OP like Gressil.
@@RaimaNd that's true but not all items across all games mean the same, Gressil it's a weapon in an always progressing game, prob didn´t even last half a year before it was obsolete for all of it's purpose (being a BiS item), meanwhile CS skins have their purpose (looking good) for as long as they exist, also they have an IRL market value (unlike Gressil). 4,5k on an item that will become irrelevant in a couple months just to have the best weapon in an mmorpg (easiest genre of multiplayer game) for a short period of time is absolutely peak degeneracy
In all my hours of Classic, I saw 1 black lotus. Was in plaguelands by some houses. Some how, during the high time of classic. It was just there, mobs still around it. Killed the mobs and got it, right when another player came by. I kept that plant for the rest of that characters play time. Never used it, just had it to look at cause it was the only one I ever saw and i got it.
I will never forget Christmas Eve 2019, I got a discord notification server wide ping at like 2 or 3am that Kazzak was up and before I could finish my internal, half asleep thought about what psychos are playing wow this early on Christmas eve, another ping came out telling us that one of the top guilds on the server got 40 people there and killed it within a few minutes. The amount of people and level of degeneracy clearly shows red flags that they need some help IRL but it was entertaining at least. That is the best part about online gaming, you can play how you want.
It takes only a few degenerate gold buyers to spawn dozens of bots unfortunately. Can't hold the entire community responsible for that shit, blizz just needs to actually hand out the bans they don't want to for more sub money.
Ugh yes. This made classic a LOT worse for sure. At first I thought GDKP was just a fun way to assure everyone gets at least SOMETHING but as soon as I noticed people paying thousands of gold on non-Mage players I knew something was up.
I remember having to take a break from WoW before battlegrounds were released. As a solo warrior, there was nothing more cancer than being camped 10 times, only for the next camper to show up.
On 2019 Classic I used to Black Lotus farm. I hit all the areas but Winterspring was my gold mine. I hit 13 Lotuses in a matter of 5 hours and fully funded Linoheart armor for my Fury Warrior in one fell swoop. It was incredible.
As someone who played vanilla i remember talking to people who where rank one on our server and the way they maintained it was account sharing with guildies in different time zones. That level of uptime was necessary. Fucking crazy.
The community really got ruining the classic experience down to a science and now we will never have fun vanilla communities ever again thanks sweaties...
What a great vid. You always put out the best relatable vids to us older players. I was apart of at least 8/10 of these, especially the rank 14 grind (which I obtained in Vanilla and rank 12 in Classic 2019) and the memories have been unlocked. Have a great vid to show you with some old school Merciless Gladiator rank 1 drama from season 2 if you'd ever be interested.
Didn't mention pool boosting in PvP. You'd need to create dozens of alts and have them run to a graveyard to be killed so that they would be included in the server's ranking calculations (more players in the pool meant bigger brackets at higher ranks).
I'd honestly say pool boosting was anti-degen. People did it on my server because it saved insane amounts of time for everyone on the horde side. As a result, the PvP scene actually behaved like human beings, rather than monkeys throwing shit at each other. Ranking up was easy enough that people could just do it without cross-faction nonsense like win trading or playing for 12 hours a day for months.
I'd argue that the dungeon boosting meta was more degen than spellcleave. It got to the point where it was almost impossible to form groups to do non-popular leveling dungeons.
As degen as classic wow can be, videos like this make me happy I played and play classic. All of these events have created great memories. Classic wow has created some of my best gaming memories I have ever had. Retail wow doesn’t have an inch of personality that classic does. Retail just feels like an empty allow button masher and there’s no social interaction. It’s a shame. It has no great player-created stories.
on Benediction PVP, there was a mage in our guild that got to 60 in less than a week and used layer hopping to get over 200 black lotus before it was fixed. This was in the days before Blizzard increased the spawn locations and frequency. Flasks were over 300g by the time I stopped classic vanilla early in phase 2...
I think one of the things people do not take into account while doing classic raiding is the latency and internet connection speeds. I think a lot of the difficulty of older raids is poor response time etc, also the fact that raiding on that scale did not really exist outside of WoW, EQ had raiding but it was mostly just tank and spank for the entire process up until Planes of Power. Not saying it was super difficult, but that likely accounts for the differing views on its level of difficulty, also nowadays everyone knows everything there is to know about Classic/Vanilla, the knowledge gap is massive.
When Classic 2019 launched, I made my own speedrunning guild and maintanked in it. I also REALLY wanted to secure some worldboss loot for my guild, so I created an alliance with 2 other guilds which...Wasn't easy to maintain socially with one of them as their leader's views...Uh...DIFFERED a bit to mine and that of the 2nd guild leader, to say it VERY nicely... And well, it worked. We literally OWNED Worldbosses for like, half a year and got a ton of loot out of it. And I don't mean "We killed Azuregos sometimes", I mean we literally owned every single Worldboss that existed, including all Nightmare Drakes, Kazzak and Azuregos. Some of these players literally made 2nd accounts with level 20 warlocks just to scout + summon people to said worldbosses and we awarded points based on how long people were scouting for, with some exceptions made to the Maintanks of all 3 guilds. This was hell. Literally, absolutely, not worth it. I barely even scouted and I still hated this. Having to deal with the social politics wasn't worth it, the slightly better loot wasn't worth it, it was so stupid ugh. ...And I still kinda fondly remember it?? I get how people get old and tell people about hardships they had with a fond and pleasant outlook now, it's odd. I also had several rank 14 players in my and those other 2 guilds, who got VERY mad at a rankbreaker who argued "I just wanna keep playing :P" when we all knew he was botting. He was online 24/7, without a single pause, ALWAYS in AV.
Just to reinforce how insane Phase 2 was when pvp launched in 2019, i literally had to quit the game for weeks because it was in fact 100% unplayable, you could not go to any zone without getting ganked and corpse camped, it was completely insane. Like, as soon as i logged in I would INSTANTLY die before loading screen even finnished
How about the fact that alot of raid groups demanded not only full wbuffs and consumes, but also prefect prebis or you wouldnt even be considered for raiding content that people completed 15 years ago with next to no idea what they were doing. Was turned away from raiding Ony on my hunter because i didnt have the sword from dire maul (literally the only prebis i didnt have)
Slow paced leveling...matched with all the sweatys who rush to 60 only to abandon the game and turn their server into a wasteland for others who took their time xD
I don't think that's accurate. Why would you see level 60's in the world when there was no point in being in the world once they've gotten BiS from dungeons? If everyone started an alt once they got to max level and got BiS the world would feel more alive, the problem is the game relies on other people playing the same as everyone else, but that's just not the way the game works. Once I've started leveling up an alt most players are at endgame and not leveling anymore. They already spent a majority of their free time playing and need a break.
I remember hearing about the guild that realm transferred to a new server specifically to start the AQ event. That is the most degenerate thing to have ever happened, in my opinion
Best moment is grizzly transferring to sulfuras, opening aq gates week one for us, and then being a holes on the entire server for a bit. But the entire horde got together and did not allow a SINGLE alliance player to get scarab lord.
I 100% remember setting my notifications to max volume and waking up at 3am for world bosses. But dang it i got my 4-set of Eskhandar and procced that sweet ghost tiger in raid
@mcfarvo I was lucky enough to be allowed a non-meta spec, during the whole of classic I played a Combat rogue that would only use Fist weapons. So that set really was perfect for my sort of RP or whatever you'd call it
Covid unemployment funded my grind to HWL. We had a group of guys who would just log on, group up, and grind it our for weeks. One of them was paying a service to pool boost so there were more top bracket spots open each week. Good times...
You know what is degenerate? Using demonic rune as a warlock (espeically in the burning steppes while farming imps for soul shards). "BUT IT'S NOT ON THE GLOBAL COOL DOWN!!!!!"
12:48 -- but it's true. Despite the fact that nearly every guild that wanted to clear Naxx did so in 2019 Classic, in 2006, something like ~1000 players did it. That's true; it's not misremembered.
I was 55 on my warrior when honor was implemented in classic 2019.. few days after my guild fell apart and a bit later I stopped playing because leveling was downright impossible. Trying to make it on anniverary this time, wish me luck.
Man, there’s a video floating around out there of my guild waiting our turn for Kazzak, a healer from the opposing faction/rival guild decided to flag and goad us on but no one bit. However I was just waiting for them to get about 30 seconds into their attempt before popping full cooldowns as a top dps warrior at the time. Wiped their whole group, I want to find that video again. Jem I know you still have it somewhere !!
I always loved the video posted by someone that was part of the "collusion" between horde and alliance on their server farming the silithid carapaces. People on the forums complaining about this thought that should be bannable behavior (Blizzard did not agree and did nothing about it; nothing in the TOS bans cross-faction cooperation, never has). This despite the fact in the canon lore the horde and alliance frequently set aside their differences towards a common goal, so by this logic many canon NPCs should be banned. Heck, it was the lore of Ahn'Qiraj that the horde and alliance were working together.
I remember i solo grinded honor in BG's back in vanilla. I didn't play classic, and i forgot what rank it was, but 9-10 maybe? I had the blue PvP set and TuF from AV. You could do that relatively casually. Play a few hours a day, nothing crazy. The higher ranks just wasn't obtainable on your own even back then. Was probably even more sweaty and hard in classic
The more I head about WoW Classic the more grateful I am that I never played it. If I get a little bored of retail I'll just play a completely different game.
Lol in 2004 I was a mage and never did spell cleaving in dungeons... I ran them constantly but at least on my server a lot of tanks didn't know how to tank. And wouldn't hold agro on everything. I died a lot saving the healer in those days lol
@@Ally.Cat.252 just my opinion… SoD was fun at the start, but got super weird in the end. Fresh is always an exciting and amazing feeling… it’s kinda sad that it’s really degenerate and there is only min/maxing groups. But if u got a group of friends it’s an incomparable experience
I never understood world buffs, me and several other World PvP randos got bored and just grouped up and went and beat all the raids in vanillla, no one had world buffs and we never looked up bosses or wiped more than 3 times before we figured out the mechanics the fight. It was stupid easy, then again PvP players are always far superior to PvE players when it comes to DPS, tactics, and not standing in shit.
I had quite a good route in burning steppes that I frequented on my BWL/AQ40 geared mage, before and after the buffs and I had pretty great success getting them because as the lotus farmers were all fresh 60 hunters, I had fun killing them :) there was one time I had to kill FOUR(in succession, not simultaneously) before successfully getting a particular lotus. my gear made that possible as one shatter combo was enough to global one of them lol
I don't think I knew that there were world bosses in vanilla. I never saw one and I would never raided really so... This is new news to me 20 years later LMAO
wasn't there a point with silithid where people were mass reporting JUST to have exclusive rights to farm or was it something else i cant remember. though i guess either way that was also a degen moment from the community.
For me classic is only fun when I'm as little prepared as possible, not knowing what questline leads where, what the rewards will be and what mobs ill farm next is 90% of the fun - leveling with guides seems like hell and extremely boring to me, Im minmaxing in retail already
I got to rank 10 back in 2006 or so. And I raided as well pretty hardcore. I had a lot of free time, otherwise I'd have had no chance. One of Draenors rank 14 farmers was also from the same country as me, Wales. She had been constantly hammering BG's for months and months. I never did find out if she got there or not, but she was annoyed about the changes in TBC pre patch where anyone could get the HWL gear with no rank requirements etc. I can see why, as that gear would have been replaced while lvling in TBC for anyone just getting it for that, but for those who had been farming for months would have kept it forever for obvious reasons. Really tempted to go back to Classic, but whether I'd play the same class is another thing. Shaman was really dull to lvl and wasnt much fun at max lvl either back then, but with dual spec it might be less frustrating.
way way back in the day we were on a relatively new server and AQ hadn't been opened. Our guild at the time was top PVE for that server with BWL on farm. So we decided to take the war effort into our own hands. I had an excel spreadsheet and we advertised to the entire server that we would be taking contributions for the war effort where we set levels of stuff like linen cloth that would earn you, for instance, a class tier set piece from MC, or a random drop from MC, etc. This was back in the day where raiding took around 40 people so if you were casual at all you needed a committed guild to do anything. Once we had the ability to unlock because we'd completed the war effort we basically spent all night on alts trying to cross up the PVE guild on our server. We ended up holding until a Monday morning or something and spent the rest of the day ganking the horde guild rivals who only had a few diehards camping out the event start. I still remember getting tons and tons of mail to turn in for the war effort and exploding random players in Ironforge with all of those random buff scrolls you would get. Good times. Cry More, on Balnazzar circa 2005.
World buffs were so annoying lol. I remember raging so hard when I died in DM getting the tribute buff. Luckily my guild didn't really care that much and aslong as you got Ony buff and STV buff which were super easy to get especially when people would do summons and coordinate drops
Let's not forget there were no add-ons back then, so you NEEDED a strong leader and people that knew their role so you didn't just spend all your time running to the dungeon over and over. CC was a real thing back then.
The most degenerate action is when a high level character steals a mining node whilst being farmed by a low level such as trying to mine a copper node and a lvl 60 takes it from you and says its need for AQ , absolute scum move and pathetic.
@@Loeschzwerch on fairbanks people were paying for others to mine ores and vendor the ores so they wouldnt make it to the market for turn ins. If that helps you understand the frustration
We had an oiler offering $1500 for our guild to delay the gong bang and boost his warrior to SL, never accepted the offer so dunno whether the money was real or not, but he was paying insane gold amounts for carapaces
As an alliance rogue player, I had to admit that camping near Yojamba Isle with my buddy Rogue, waiting for the fully buffed warriors, and killing them were my favorite things: letting the warriors use all CDs and letting them be killed slowly. That fulfilled my day - Old good days
Reading all this degen things makes it clear for me that i will never again play on a pvp server. For what do you pay a monthly sub, tonger angry and pissed?
I can kinda see why this is just sad. Made a hardcore and people ran cheats to find my hardcore. At that extent, I say, everythings pointless and evil prevails.
Anyone who takes your ore/herb node etc. Because youre stuck in combat next to it is a flog. Anyone who tag steals mobs because it takes 3 seconds for your dots to get the tag is a flog. Anyone who talks to a quest giver when youre standing there waiting is a flog.
Click this link and use my code WILLE to get 25% off your first payment for!
the degen I saw were on a pvp low population server where horde players ganked alliance in ratchet.The alliance did no damage or little damage to fool the algoritm - even i were invited once and did my part- i fought empty handed but that was one time , saw the same guys for weeks at the ratchet grave yard
I don't know man, just roll a frost mage, mount up and pull 30-80 mobs using a mana shield and a frost shield and then just blizzard them down. Get like 10 levels in under an hour of actual play with casual grinding and alt tabbing to watch youtube while you wait for respawn. So pretty much 10 levels a day just chilling logged on for ~3 hours a day.
so according to you shamens are the only class that should use flask of distilled wisdom? dumb
Nothing was worse than getting world buffs, wiping in raid, and going out to get world buffs again.
You left out how some PVP groups would organize who would get Rank 1 for each week, and if anyone stepped out of line they were doxxed and given death threats.
You mean rank 14? Rank 1 is easy...
@@EvlEglehe means rank 1 bracket of honor in a given week, part of the rank 14 process
It's so funny how the whole internet goes on about death threats. Jesus. Like a fucking nerd that spents all his allowance on 10 accounts to multibox is capable of offing someone.
If anyone was doxxed it was by blizzard not some basement dwelling 80iq sloth wow player. They ain’t figuring out how to do that and playing wow 24/7. You must have played on the developer server.
@@Derjeniche1510😂 for real
The $4,500 Gressil from GDKP has to be top a top degen moment
Hm, not really. A lot of items are worth that much and other games have more worthfull items. Swift Spectral Tiger is worth like 13.000 Euro/Dollar. And in Counter Strike people pay MILLIONS for a single skin. A Skin. Not a better weapon which makes you OP like Gressil.
@@RaimaNdthat’s just fcuken insane
Should never even be allowed to use irl money for raid items
@@RaimaNd that's true but not all items across all games mean the same, Gressil it's a weapon in an always progressing game, prob didn´t even last half a year before it was obsolete for all of it's purpose (being a BiS item), meanwhile CS skins have their purpose (looking good) for as long as they exist, also they have an IRL market value (unlike Gressil). 4,5k on an item that will become irrelevant in a couple months just to have the best weapon in an mmorpg (easiest genre of multiplayer game) for a short period of time is absolutely peak degeneracy
The most degen thing i remember a girl wanted a flying mount in tbc but dont have enough gold and fucked some guy for enough gold Xd
"You'd have to wake up at 3 am to slay a dragon..."
Bro, this is titled the most degen moments of all time. Everybody is already awake at 3 am.
In all my hours of Classic, I saw 1 black lotus. Was in plaguelands by some houses. Some how, during the high time of classic. It was just there, mobs still around it. Killed the mobs and got it, right when another player came by. I kept that plant for the rest of that characters play time. Never used it, just had it to look at cause it was the only one I ever saw and i got it.
I will never forget Christmas Eve 2019, I got a discord notification server wide ping at like 2 or 3am that Kazzak was up and before I could finish my internal, half asleep thought about what psychos are playing wow this early on Christmas eve, another ping came out telling us that one of the top guilds on the server got 40 people there and killed it within a few minutes. The amount of people and level of degeneracy clearly shows red flags that they need some help IRL but it was entertaining at least. That is the best part about online gaming, you can play how you want.
Tbf, you were checking discord pings at 3 am on Christmas Eve, so there’s that level of degenerate as well 😂😂
Insane story brother!
@@Burlehmangus"it takes one to know one"
Number 1: Community normalising buying gold from bots, making them responsible for said botting.
It takes only a few degenerate gold buyers to spawn dozens of bots unfortunately. Can't hold the entire community responsible for that shit, blizz just needs to actually hand out the bans they don't want to for more sub money.
If only there was an overarching authority that could stop botting. If only.. oh wait.
Ugh yes. This made classic a LOT worse for sure. At first I thought GDKP was just a fun way to assure everyone gets at least SOMETHING but as soon as I noticed people paying thousands of gold on non-Mage players I knew something was up.
@@SirMalorak atleast it isn't allowed on the 20th anniversary fresh classic server.
@@biglolloli wish I was still ignorant enough to think I had all of life's solutions.
only saw 1 black lotus on Faerlina during all of classic and it was taken by a druid before i could get to it.
Weren’t trying hard enough then.
I remember having to take a break from WoW before battlegrounds were released. As a solo warrior, there was nothing more cancer than being camped 10 times, only for the next camper to show up.
time to reroll
This was the reason why I transferred to a pve server since it was literally impossible to play the game
just call a healer for questing and fight and stop cry
You sign up for this by rolling on a pvp server
@@lucaschebance3135I bet you feel very edgy now 🙄
On 2019 Classic I used to Black Lotus farm. I hit all the areas but Winterspring was my gold mine. I hit 13 Lotuses in a matter of 5 hours and fully funded Linoheart armor for my Fury Warrior in one fell swoop. It was incredible.
As someone who played vanilla i remember talking to people who where rank one on our server and the way they maintained it was account sharing with guildies in different time zones. That level of uptime was necessary. Fucking crazy.
Effing crazy? Maybe.
Effing bad game mechanic? Definitely!
Yup. Worst pvp rank design ever.
Pvpers like to climb MMR.
The community really got ruining the classic experience down to a science and now we will never have fun vanilla communities ever again thanks sweaties...
What a great vid. You always put out the best relatable vids to us older players. I was apart of at least 8/10 of these, especially the rank 14 grind (which I obtained in Vanilla and rank 12 in Classic 2019) and the memories have been unlocked. Have a great vid to show you with some old school Merciless Gladiator rank 1 drama from season 2 if you'd ever be interested.
Didn't mention pool boosting in PvP. You'd need to create dozens of alts and have them run to a graveyard to be killed so that they would be included in the server's ranking calculations (more players in the pool meant bigger brackets at higher ranks).
That's pool boosting. Bracket stacking was something else
Oh yeah that was it. Still didn't get a mention though.
I'd honestly say pool boosting was anti-degen. People did it on my server because it saved insane amounts of time for everyone on the horde side.
As a result, the PvP scene actually behaved like human beings, rather than monkeys throwing shit at each other. Ranking up was easy enough that people could just do it without cross-faction nonsense like win trading or playing for 12 hours a day for months.
I'd argue that the dungeon boosting meta was more degen than spellcleave. It got to the point where it was almost impossible to form groups to do non-popular leveling dungeons.
1. Rank 14
2. Rank 13
3. Rank 12.... Etc
As degen as classic wow can be, videos like this make me happy I played and play classic. All of these events have created great memories. Classic wow has created some of my best gaming memories I have ever had. Retail wow doesn’t have an inch of personality that classic does. Retail just feels like an empty allow button masher and there’s no social interaction. It’s a shame. It has no great player-created stories.
on Benediction PVP, there was a mage in our guild that got to 60 in less than a week and used layer hopping to get over 200 black lotus before it was fixed. This was in the days before Blizzard increased the spawn locations and frequency. Flasks were over 300g by the time I stopped classic vanilla early in phase 2...
i got scarab lord on my server, i didnt sleep for 4 days straight, most degen time of my life
YES. Thanks for these throwbacks. I’ll never trust blizzard again but 2019 classic was my favorite job of my whole wow career.
What did you do there. Fetch the horde players coffee?
Job? Career?
@@mcfarvo The game sure does feel like a fulltime job sometimes lmao
@@CorruptedSometimes? Dude this game is more demanding than like 80% of all jobs in the modern world
breast milk bandit
I think one of the things people do not take into account while doing classic raiding is the latency and internet connection speeds. I think a lot of the difficulty of older raids is poor response time etc, also the fact that raiding on that scale did not really exist outside of WoW, EQ had raiding but it was mostly just tank and spank for the entire process up until Planes of Power. Not saying it was super difficult, but that likely accounts for the differing views on its level of difficulty, also nowadays everyone knows everything there is to know about Classic/Vanilla, the knowledge gap is massive.
When Classic 2019 launched, I made my own speedrunning guild and maintanked in it. I also REALLY wanted to secure some worldboss loot for my guild, so I created an alliance with 2 other guilds which...Wasn't easy to maintain socially with one of them as their leader's views...Uh...DIFFERED a bit to mine and that of the 2nd guild leader, to say it VERY nicely... And well, it worked. We literally OWNED Worldbosses for like, half a year and got a ton of loot out of it. And I don't mean "We killed Azuregos sometimes", I mean we literally owned every single Worldboss that existed, including all Nightmare Drakes, Kazzak and Azuregos.
Some of these players literally made 2nd accounts with level 20 warlocks just to scout + summon people to said worldbosses and we awarded points based on how long people were scouting for, with some exceptions made to the Maintanks of all 3 guilds.
This was hell. Literally, absolutely, not worth it. I barely even scouted and I still hated this. Having to deal with the social politics wasn't worth it, the slightly better loot wasn't worth it, it was so stupid ugh.
...And I still kinda fondly remember it?? I get how people get old and tell people about hardships they had with a fond and pleasant outlook now, it's odd.
I also had several rank 14 players in my and those other 2 guilds, who got VERY mad at a rankbreaker who argued "I just wanna keep playing :P" when we all knew he was botting. He was online 24/7, without a single pause, ALWAYS in AV.
That "Type II fun" haha
20:06 i don't know why, but that arcane shot homing in on the left side of the screen made me chuckle.
Insane how an old game like WoW is still played a demonstration of how a good game can survive for a long time
Winmaxing ruined the game, and im saying that as a winmaxer. You feel good for about 5minutes and then its back to filling that bottomless pit
You could probably make a top 10 degen moments video for literally every wow player lol
There are more degenerate moments in this video than you can shake your WillE at!!!
Just to reinforce how insane Phase 2 was when pvp launched in 2019, i literally had to quit the game for weeks because it was in fact 100% unplayable, you could not go to any zone without getting ganked and corpse camped, it was completely insane. Like, as soon as i logged in I would INSTANTLY die before loading screen even finnished
How about the fact that alot of raid groups demanded not only full wbuffs and consumes, but also prefect prebis or you wouldnt even be considered for raiding content that people completed 15 years ago with next to no idea what they were doing. Was turned away from raiding Ony on my hunter because i didnt have the sword from dire maul (literally the only prebis i didnt have)
what a nostalgia trip lol, I'm glad they changed it all though, cata is way more laid back and fun
Slow paced leveling...matched with all the sweatys who rush to 60 only to abandon the game and turn their server into a wasteland for others who took their time xD
Dude mages aoe farming quest mobs are insufferable
@@jordantruong305 I agree, love the idea of mega servers but the mage Aoe farming certain areas is game breaking atm
@@jordantruong305The battle of hillsbrad chain is taking days because of the freakin mages that are farming the farm.
I don't think that's accurate. Why would you see level 60's in the world when there was no point in being in the world once they've gotten BiS from dungeons?
If everyone started an alt once they got to max level and got BiS the world would feel more alive, the problem is the game relies on other people playing the same as everyone else, but that's just not the way the game works. Once I've started leveling up an alt most players are at endgame and not leveling anymore. They already spent a majority of their free time playing and need a break.
@@jordantruong305 They are just playing the way that's good for them. That's a game design issue not a player issue.
For a funny Scarab Lord saga Barney64 has a video documenting his mental journey
I remember hearing about the guild that realm transferred to a new server specifically to start the AQ event. That is the most degenerate thing to have ever happened, in my opinion
Sorry but ppl did that 15 years ago with the last Server coming out with AQ still opened.
That's not new ;)
Best moment is grizzly transferring to sulfuras, opening aq gates week one for us, and then being a holes on the entire server for a bit. But the entire horde got together and did not allow a SINGLE alliance player to get scarab lord.
He included a screenshot of the Caverns of Time camping, but I was expecting more of a mention of this. Peak degeneracy.
@ if they just weren’t a-holes after the gates opening they wouldn’t of had to transfer off to get their scarab lords lol
@@CardBoredB0x before** they were a-holes whole time they were on sulfuras.
I 100% remember setting my notifications to max volume and waking up at 3am for world bosses. But dang it i got my 4-set of Eskhandar and procced that sweet ghost tiger in raid
Such a flavorful set, and fun to use even if not "BiS"
@mcfarvo I was lucky enough to be allowed a non-meta spec, during the whole of classic I played a Combat rogue that would only use Fist weapons. So that set really was perfect for my sort of RP or whatever you'd call it
Covid unemployment funded my grind to HWL. We had a group of guys who would just log on, group up, and grind it our for weeks. One of them was paying a service to pool boost so there were more top bracket spots open each week. Good times...
The fact Blizzard let Multiboxing go on for so long is wild to me
I will always say this with regards to sweaty, tryhard, degen playstyles.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
You know what is degenerate? Using demonic rune as a warlock (espeically in the burning steppes while farming imps for soul shards).
poor guzzy
12:48 -- but it's true. Despite the fact that nearly every guild that wanted to clear Naxx did so in 2019 Classic, in 2006, something like ~1000 players did it. That's true; it's not misremembered.
I know guilds that barely killed anubrekhan in 2019 classic xD
I was 55 on my warrior when honor was implemented in classic 2019.. few days after my guild fell apart and a bit later I stopped playing because leveling was downright impossible. Trying to make it on anniverary this time, wish me luck.
Speaking of which I got scarab lord in SOD!
Man, there’s a video floating around out there of my guild waiting our turn for Kazzak, a healer from the opposing faction/rival guild decided to flag and goad us on but no one bit. However I was just waiting for them to get about 30 seconds into their attempt before popping full cooldowns as a top dps warrior at the time. Wiped their whole group, I want to find that video again. Jem I know you still have it somewhere !!
Doing 4 Mages and a Priest in Blackrock Depths and doing HUGE aoe pulls was one of the most fun things I did in my whole 15 year wow history 😂
I just experienced this for the first time yesterday (ima disc priest) but in Stocks -- can't wait to do it again
I always loved the video posted by someone that was part of the "collusion" between horde and alliance on their server farming the silithid carapaces. People on the forums complaining about this thought that should be bannable behavior (Blizzard did not agree and did nothing about it; nothing in the TOS bans cross-faction cooperation, never has). This despite the fact in the canon lore the horde and alliance frequently set aside their differences towards a common goal, so by this logic many canon NPCs should be banned. Heck, it was the lore of Ahn'Qiraj that the horde and alliance were working together.
I remember i solo grinded honor in BG's back in vanilla. I didn't play classic, and i forgot what rank it was, but 9-10 maybe? I had the blue PvP set and TuF from AV. You could do that relatively casually. Play a few hours a day, nothing crazy. The higher ranks just wasn't obtainable on your own even back then. Was probably even more sweaty and hard in classic
10 was full blue, ugh my server had people acct share 24/7 making 12+ impossible if you ever logged out
Where would u start ur wow journey in classic era or anniversary realm ?
The more I head about WoW Classic the more grateful I am that I never played it.
If I get a little bored of retail I'll just play a completely different game.
WoW Hardcore Degen moment => farm the Frostsaber mount ^^
Lol in 2004 I was a mage and never did spell cleaving in dungeons... I ran them constantly but at least on my server a lot of tanks didn't know how to tank. And wouldn't hold agro on everything. I died a lot saving the healer in those days lol
Building the perfect melle cleave group 🤤
Should I keep playing SoD? Or start Classic Fresh….again???
@ why?? What’s your reasoning?
@@Ally.Cat.252 just my opinion… SoD was fun at the start, but got super weird in the end. Fresh is always an exciting and amazing feeling… it’s kinda sad that it’s really degenerate and there is only min/maxing groups. But if u got a group of friends it’s an incomparable experience
@ I just hate starting fresh over and over and over again
@@Ally.Cat.252 over and over? This is the 2nd fresh release in 20 years. But if you don’t like it, then why even bother asking? 😂
I never understood world buffs, me and several other World PvP randos got bored and just grouped up and went and beat all the raids in vanillla, no one had world buffs and we never looked up bosses or wiped more than 3 times before we figured out the mechanics the fight. It was stupid easy, then again PvP players are always far superior to PvE players when it comes to DPS, tactics, and not standing in shit.
wish they removed the chrono the drama world buffs gave us is a priceless experience
why isn't me hitting 3x r14 in 2019 listed here
I had quite a good route in burning steppes that I frequented on my BWL/AQ40 geared mage, before and after the buffs and I had pretty great success getting them
because as the lotus farmers were all fresh 60 hunters, I had fun killing them :) there was one time I had to kill FOUR(in succession, not simultaneously) before successfully getting a particular lotus. my gear made that possible as one shatter combo was enough to global one of them lol
Everyone forgets winter fall fire water farming
Lmao my dad was one of those rogues in capital cities, what memories, I miss those days
I don't think I knew that there were world bosses in vanilla. I never saw one and I would never raided really so... This is new news to me 20 years later LMAO
Idk about phasing tech being better. I’ve been phased 3 times while in combat and I just hit 20
Does anybody remember the serenity now incident?
I wish I could get ganked. I keep getting bored and can’t level
Haha, yes very accurate. Though, I enjoyed farming world buffed players in OG back then
wasn't there a point with silithid where people were mass reporting JUST to have exclusive rights to farm or was it something else i cant remember. though i guess either way that was also a degen moment from the community.
Back in Vanilla i was there for my servers aq event it was the best wow event ever in the game way to laggy but worth the experience
For me classic is only fun when I'm as little prepared as possible, not knowing what questline leads where, what the rewards will be and what mobs ill farm next is 90% of the fun - leveling with guides seems like hell and extremely boring to me, Im minmaxing in retail already
Try playing retail without any guides, that sounds like a challenge worthy of a video i guess
@MoonTurky Just trying to understand how to craft your embelishments will be a nightmare lmao
I purposely rolled on a pve realm this time around just to avoid the insanity that was pre battle grounds last time should they do it again.
I have to ask do you remember the shamans name. Was it Prepared sound like something he would do.
I got to rank 10 back in 2006 or so. And I raided as well pretty hardcore. I had a lot of free time, otherwise I'd have had no chance. One of Draenors rank 14 farmers was also from the same country as me, Wales. She had been constantly hammering BG's for months and months. I never did find out if she got there or not, but she was annoyed about the changes in TBC pre patch where anyone could get the HWL gear with no rank requirements etc. I can see why, as that gear would have been replaced while lvling in TBC for anyone just getting it for that, but for those who had been farming for months would have kept it forever for obvious reasons.
Really tempted to go back to Classic, but whether I'd play the same class is another thing. Shaman was really dull to lvl and wasnt much fun at max lvl either back then, but with dual spec it might be less frustrating.
way way back in the day we were on a relatively new server and AQ hadn't been opened. Our guild at the time was top PVE for that server with BWL on farm. So we decided to take the war effort into our own hands. I had an excel spreadsheet and we advertised to the entire server that we would be taking contributions for the war effort where we set levels of stuff like linen cloth that would earn you, for instance, a class tier set piece from MC, or a random drop from MC, etc. This was back in the day where raiding took around 40 people so if you were casual at all you needed a committed guild to do anything.
Once we had the ability to unlock because we'd completed the war effort we basically spent all night on alts trying to cross up the PVE guild on our server. We ended up holding until a Monday morning or something and spent the rest of the day ganking the horde guild rivals who only had a few diehards camping out the event start.
I still remember getting tons and tons of mail to turn in for the war effort and exploding random players in Ironforge with all of those random buff scrolls you would get. Good times.
Cry More, on Balnazzar circa 2005.
World pvp sounds nice❤
Sleep schedule or getting epic item for your guildmaster alt?
On my server I spent 1k-1.2k on consumes every week. I had to sell boost for 20 hours a week to afford my consumes on both characters. Pretty degen
I really wonder what motivates you to go through this hell just to play raids honestly
World buffs were so annoying lol. I remember raging so hard when I died in DM getting the tribute buff. Luckily my guild didn't really care that much and aslong as you got Ony buff and STV buff which were super easy to get especially when people would do summons and coordinate drops
i remember befor 2019 classic came out ppl would always say the old 40 man raids were the hardest content the game ever had LAMO
Back in the day they were the hardest content in the game.
They were hard back then when everyone was dogshit at the game and no-one knew what to do
Let's not forget there were no add-ons back then, so you NEEDED a strong leader and people that knew their role so you didn't just spend all your time running to the dungeon over and over. CC was a real thing back then.
People have said this about every raid release during classic vanilla/tbc/wotlk/cata too
Only flex retail players has is raids are harder xd
playing legion expansion on a rogue was pretty dirty. bis legendarys i could 1v5 all day
Alternative title: Top 10 things you NEED to do in Fresh
The most degenerate action is when a high level character steals a mining node whilst being farmed by a low level such as trying to mine a copper node and a lvl 60 takes it from you and says its need for AQ , absolute scum move and pathetic.
Its okay. The copper node cant hurt you anymore.
I’d steal your node and cod it to you for x3 its worth
You want to raid aq too. Don't be selfish... Kappa
@@Loeschzwerch on fairbanks people were paying for others to mine ores and vendor the ores so they wouldnt make it to the market for turn ins. If that helps you understand the frustration
I only was able to get to rank 11.
Honestly though 'the min-maxing world buff meta" should really be top 1 degen thing about classic
Entire game sounds lifedraining
Other than playing casually for a fun little adventure, it would be IRL-draining
cant drain your life if you dont have one!!1!
If the warlock buying Corrupted Ashbringer for Cata felguard isn't on this list I'll be smh
that wasn't in classic in fairness - that was BC, the wotlk pre patch
Of course raiding is much easier with those op buffs, most players didnt abuse them back then like this
Hi Will!
How much would scarab lord cost $?
We had an oiler offering $1500 for our guild to delay the gong bang and boost his warrior to SL, never accepted the offer so dunno whether the money was real or not, but he was paying insane gold amounts for carapaces
As an alliance rogue player, I had to admit that camping near Yojamba Isle with my buddy Rogue, waiting for the fully buffed warriors, and killing them were my favorite things: letting the warriors use all CDs and letting them be killed slowly. That fulfilled my day - Old good days
And all this for some purples so you can do more DPS
is it sad that i took part in literally every point you made besides lotus camping? D:
Reading all this degen things makes it clear for me that i will never again play on a pvp server. For what do you pay a monthly sub, tonger angry and pissed?
Classic wow is just degen as a whole
Williiiiiieeeee ❤
I have never met for defend then in pvp arenas tbc sniping each other using every means possible.
I can kinda see why this is just sad. Made a hardcore and people ran cheats to find my hardcore. At that extent, I say, everythings pointless and evil prevails.
Anyone who takes your ore/herb node etc. Because youre stuck in combat next to it is a flog. Anyone who tag steals mobs because it takes 3 seconds for your dots to get the tag is a flog. Anyone who talks to a quest giver when youre standing there waiting is a flog.
The serveur is for free or not ?
is no
Time to update the list for Piratesoftware and the giga cringe ego exposed.
Videos like this make me love Retail even more
First Weak of Phase2 to on my PvP Server, The World is Burning everyday, Jesus.