Peripheral Vision: FASTER 🦄 Vision Improvement? | Endmyopia | Jake Steiner

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024


  • @kexinshi8376
    @kexinshi8376 3 роки тому +14

    Peripheral vision awareness has helped tremendously, esp the part about observing movements in the peripherals.

  • @ricardomilos2254
    @ricardomilos2254 4 роки тому +8

    I just want to thank you jake. I passed the dmv vision test by using your method

  • @elenaluvv1
    @elenaluvv1 4 роки тому +61

    Is it possible that peripheral awareness techniques that Mark Warren uses just helps unlock ciliary spasm and hence helps quicken the improvements you get from active focus? I have been triangulating and noticing objects to the left, right, below and above me and it definitely helps me to get far off things into focus better as well as close up like at my computer. And is it true that stinging feeling is the ciliary muscle relaxing? I get that a lot when I use my periphery vision.

    • @DamaniJones
      @DamaniJones 4 роки тому +24

      Me too. I find Active Focus to be easier when I take into account my peripheral vision and triangulate. I’ve been having some ridiculous jolts of clear vision (definitely close to 20/20) after combining the habits that both Jake and Mike mention. I had never experienced those before in my life. (-2.25/-2.5)

    • @AznDudeIsOn
      @AznDudeIsOn 4 роки тому +2

      @@DamaniJones Triangulate? like a GPS? You mean practicing your depth perception right?

    • @DamaniJones
      @DamaniJones 4 роки тому +17

      AznDudeIsOn That’s part of it, but what I mean is that I set up 3 objects a few feet away from me in a triangle; one in front (usually my laptop), one to my left, and one to my right. I notice that sometimes I can’t keep all of them in my vision, but when I practice looking ahead while trying to keep all 3 objects in sight, I can manage to get some clear flashes. Looking ahead but seeing the sides. Apparently, people with 20/20 vision just automatically do this (anecdote from Mark), but I notice that when I practice the habit I get improvements.

    • @ludo9981
      @ludo9981 4 роки тому +2

      @orangyorange yeah it is my case, and duration increases day after day.

    • @NoxiousNova
      @NoxiousNova 4 роки тому +24

      I am a true believer that peripheral vision plays a vital role in reducing your myopia much quicker. The Edinger-Westphal nucleus has connections with the ciliary body and the iris for pupil dilation as well as plays a vital role in depth perception and convergence. The more information you give your brain to work with, the more efficient it will be at working towards clear vision. Mark warren's method in combination with Jake's should yield some pretty great results quicker than any alone.

  • @AznDudeIsOn
    @AznDudeIsOn 4 роки тому +53

    Nothing Mark Warren suggests people to do is different from what Endmyopia suggests people to do. I feel like Mark comes off as anti-Endmyopia but I hope Mark does not actually feel that way. However, I feel that Mark means well and his explanations has helped me on my journey from back to 20/20. Below, I'll give you a summary of everything you need to know about vision improvement.
    The core of going back to 20/20 is that we need to relax the ciliary muscles so that it can appropriately focus on objects of various distances. People get myopia from their eyeball lengthening. This process starts with ciliary lock-up, which occurs when the muscles become too tight from looking at close-up too long. However, there is a physical limit to how much the ciliary muscles can tighten. In preparation of a close-up lifestyle, the body will elongate the eyeball in order to compensate for the ciliary muscle's physical limit.
    So, if people want to reverse their myopia then do the opposite: Start looking at distant objects so that the ciliary muscles can relax and focus on distant objects. Do this enough, and the eyeball will shorten to compensate, eventually going back to 20/20. The tricky part of this is that we don't want the objects too far away or else the eyes have too hard of a time trying to clear the blur. But we also don't want the object too close that we don't have any blur to clear up. Whenever we're clearing up blur we're doing Active Focus. And as Endmyopia has always advocated, it's a lifestyle. There are no exercises that will magically fix your myopia. The best thing to do is just change your lifestyle so that you incorporate Active Focus into your life. One obvious example is incorporating sports.
    You know, there are a ton of parallels in the adventure of improving your vision and the adventure of improving your posture. If you slouch in a chair for 40+ hours a week, it doesn't matter what exercise you do, how much you do or how intense you do. You're going to have bad posture if all you do is slouch. If you want to fix your posture you have to change the way you approach every activity in life. There's only one thing you need to have good posture, and that's have good posture. However, the difficult part is figuring out how to have good posture. How do i know if I'm using my glutes/abs/back properly? Is the way I walk okay? I feel comfortable but does that mean I'm not hurting my body? And other relevant kinesthetic questions as people establish their mind-body connection to improve their posture.
    Likewise, the only thing, we need to improve our vision and to get back to 20/20 is active focus. But that's the hard part, active focus. How do I know if my ciliary muscles are relaxed or locked-up? How do I know if I'm in active focus? How do I know if what I'm looking at is blurry? If I can read it clearly does that mean there is no blur? Is it just about finding the right distance? Is there more to looking at things then just distance? Endmyopia gives great advice, do a reset.Spend some time (0-60 minutes) in the start of your day without glasses. That way when you put on your glasses you can appreciate the vision that the glasses give you and this will help you figure out what is resolvable blur. But there's more, this is where Mark Warren comes in introducing jargon for things there are already terms for. The physics behind the eyes is simple, the eyes adjust its ciliary muscles and lens based on the distance of an object. However, Mark brings up visual skills that can aid us in our eyes' ability to appropriately adjust the eyes for various distances. Most notably, multiple object tracking and depth perception, or as Mark calls it "peripheral vision" and "triangulation." The tl;dr is change the way you approach looking at things. Imagine if you're playing soccer or something, You're not going to solely look at the ball and only use 5% if your vision. You're going to use all 100% of your vision by looking at the ball while tracking all the players. In the act of tracking multiple objects, your ability to perceive depth will improve.
    Mark also mentions another way that will improve depth perception. As anyone who drives knows you're not getting the best picture of the situation unless your head is on a swivel with your eyes. When in sync, you get a better field of view which in turn makes it easier to track the depth, distance and speed of multiple objects. Actually, if you try moving your eyes without moving your head, you'll notice that weaker depth perception. You'll notice that objects move in a more static-manner then if you were to moves your eyes in sync with your head. You know this intuitively makes sense because let's say you want to look at something to your left, but only move your eyes (without your head), then you will have a harder time tracking depth because your right eye is physically blocked from seeing the left of you. And it takes two eyes to perceive depth properly. (Note though, that there is a time to move your eyes first before moving your head. Such as, if you are avoiding confrontation and want to see if that person is still there without letting them know you're looking at them.)

    • @DamaniJones
      @DamaniJones 4 роки тому +6

      Well said. I think people who struggle with active focus (like myself for some time) should practice ingraining some of the habits Mark recommends but focus PRIMARILY on what Jake is saying. Back to 20/20 was very well structured and provided me with the foundation to understand all of this, I think I just needed another type of explanation and slightly different habits to add on to what I already do to finally “unlock” the actual skill of active focus.

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  4 роки тому +11

      Dude claims to improve eyesight by almost 1 diopter every two months, consistently, with an old Bates Method eye exercise. And that you get astigmatism from playing violin. It's like I've taught you nothing at all. 😭

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  4 роки тому +8

      @orangyorange Everybody gets clear flashes. Just takes a bit of diopter reduction and active focus time.

    • @AznDudeIsOn
      @AznDudeIsOn 4 роки тому +6

      ​@orangyorange Mark's explanation of ciliary muscles are misinformed and I believe he's making up pseudoscience to explain his remarkable rate of improvement.
      If you are experiencing ciliary muscle spams/lockup then that's the only tension to release. Usually you'll work this out in the early stages of back to 20/20 and will see rapid improvement during the early stages.
      Otherwise, ciliary muscles have a limit to how much it can flex and relax. (Source:
      Ciliary muscles will adjust how much it flexes and relaxes based on how far away the object of interest is.
      If your ciliary muscles are in it's most relaxed state and you still cannot see far away clearly without a glasses correction then that's it. You just have to wait for your eyeball to shorten its length. Which on average will be about 0.25 diopter every 3 months. In my personal experience I have gone from -4.75 to -2.25 in about 1.5 years.
      The clear flashes. Yes I've experienced them. In relation to the physics of refraction it is important to note that your ciliary muscles are muscles and not perfect machines. Just like any other muscle, when you move muscles there's going to be a degree of inaccuracy and instability. When your eye is able to adjust itself to focus clearly but not yet consistently you're going to get clear flashes.

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  4 роки тому +7

      @@khalilcool7507 Dude's trying to make a business based on our name. F*ck all that noise. We help him for free and he turns around and makes it "his" method. People are lame.

  • @justinlawrence2461
    @justinlawrence2461 4 роки тому +50

    Come on man... The guy ur trying to slag off improved his eyesight from -5 to -1.5 in 10 months! I know u want to think only ur way works but fact is there are hundreds of ways to improve ur eyesight and I'm talking real scientifically proven ways not just ur active focus which is really just forcing the eyes to see better. The REAL way is through increased dynamic relaxation and awareness which leads to better seeing.

    • @guillermotoledo1355
      @guillermotoledo1355 4 роки тому +16

      You are talking about Mark Warren right?

    • @milap8989
      @milap8989 4 роки тому +4

      True, relaxing your eyes might work, im at -2,50 in both eyes and I'm trying Mark's method. Relaxation makes sense, because a muscle spasm can be relieved by relaxing it or passing hot water over it or for cilliary muscle, sunning might work. Jake and Mark should work together and stuff...

    • @doubleJJ01
      @doubleJJ01 4 роки тому +5

      Jake Steiner is just being arrogant man...I'm so sick seeing this guy condemned over other's method...
      This just show how much this guy tried to gets subscriber n making people fall into the idea that only his method doubt it works but NOT FOR ALL!! but after seeing this guy dragging Mark's's Just BS now... watching his vids

    • @ltran25
      @ltran25 3 роки тому +1

      @@doubleJJ01 Mark is just going very in depth about peripheral vision which is part of jake's method. When Jake talks about utilizing distance vision, your automatically using peripheral because your field of vision increases. Jake just doesn't laser focus into that alone and combines this with reduced lenses, active focus, & drives home the point of minimizing screen time on phones. His method is an all out vision therapy. Mark just took 1 component of that and makes it sound like that is all you need. I've only been researching this for 3 weeks now so I'm fairly fresh but also non biased, so I'm not a loyal endmyopia guy saying this this. Jake has taken decade worth of experience and has put it all out there, it's very comprehensive if you take time to see it all. It's a contrast from Mark who seems to just repeat the same information on all his videos.

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  3 роки тому +4

      3.5 diopters in 10 months. 🤔 Possible but also not very likely. Mark has one year experience and a sample size of one. I have 20 years and tens of thousands. And I’m not using some unlikely gains story to sell you a $200 course. But ... by all means, if that’s your jam. 🤷‍♂️

  • @stethoscanomaly
    @stethoscanomaly 4 роки тому +27

    Why don't you explain what's wrong with what Mark is suggesting instead of just relying 100% on your claim to authority - "WE (as though you're some kind of exclusive movement) have thousands of data points bla bla bla". If there's something wrong with what Mark suggests or it's not useful explain why. He gives explanations of his own. Explain why you think those are wrong. This just comes off as petty, egotistical, and needlessly competitive.

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  4 роки тому +2

      Firstly, it’s the Royal We. 👑 Secondly, yes. Claim to authority, needlessly competitive, all of that. Not dissuading you in any way from trying your luck via the hapless unicorn farmers. 😉👍🏻

    • @drfawaz4270
      @drfawaz4270 4 роки тому +11

      @@endmyopia Who is this fool acting God like here with all the royal we and bla bla needless competition mate keep humble dude you n ur technique have no power over anybody's vision

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  3 роки тому +2

      I guess irony is totally lost on you guys. Sure, go buy his $200 endmyopia copy course with some Bates exercises thrown in. 😂👍🏻

    • @lashes2884
      @lashes2884 Рік тому +1

      Knowing or imagining explainations does not imply it's going to work...maybe it works, maybe it doesn't...the onlt way we get to know that is via data of a a lot of people who have if one of them has a lot of data with positive results, safer to try their method isn't it?

    • @aynbangla3266
      @aynbangla3266 Рік тому


  • @shirlwong3229
    @shirlwong3229 4 роки тому +16

    Peripheral vision is something that works. If you have look at Meir Schneider’s work, you will realise that it has very great impact.

    • @ashutosh4832
      @ashutosh4832 4 роки тому

      Can you please tell me does it helped u ?

    • @MP-wt9kz
      @MP-wt9kz 3 роки тому +1

      @@ashutosh4832 It seems to improve 3d vision and depth perception

  • @M1ssAnique
    @M1ssAnique 4 роки тому +15

    I know Endmyopia is NOT the ONLY way to 20/20.
    There are A LOT of people who have healed their eyesight thanks to, for example, the Bates method. And there are A LOT of people who didn't get much results using the Bates method, but somehow something clicks when they hear, for example, Mark Warren's story and suddenly they are making progress.
    The same goes for Endmyopia. Endmyopia has helped a lot of people getting back to 20/20 or has helped them improve their eyesight. But for some Endmyopia just doesn't "click", while some other method does. That doesn't make Endmyopia "a lie" or "bad"; it's just like a lot of other things (like any kind of medication for example): it just doesn't work for everybody the same way.
    @Jake Steiner: I think it doesn't hurt YOU or your business if you would admit that, despite the fact that you've spent 10.000 hours of work on it, Endmyopia is not the ONLY way to 20/20 vision. I don't know how this works for other people, but if I see someone working SO hard as you do to prove others wrong and yourself right, I get suspicious about that person and what he or she preaches immediately.
    If your method really is that good as you say (and it very well may be, I'm just saying that it's not the ONLY working method), you wouldn't need to defend it. It would speak for itself and you could just be happy for the ppl who improved their eyesight using an other method than Endmyopia. It would save you a lot of work AND energy I think :)
    P.S. I'm sorry if my English isn't correct; I'm Dutch.

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  4 роки тому +3

      Except you don’t understand people stealing concepts, using our hard earned name to promote themselves, and try to divide an already tiny community for their own profit motive. Mark learned all from us and instead of sharing in the community he talks sh*t about us and promotes his own “method”. People suck which requires me to put in the extra effort. Also Bates Method is largely nonsense, very much not his original work (and most of that not applicable to lens induced myopia). Before Endmyopia there simply was no consistent, working, science based approach to myopia reversal but for some reason some people insist on dismissing the facts. If Wr ignore and not push, it all just stays a swamp of misinformation and unicorn farming (like Bates literally is). How much work do I do that I could spend relaxing, to help people for free even? How much do most people contribute back? Much of humanity is shortsighted in more ways than the literal. Also there is no healing eyes, they’re not sick or broken. 😉👍🏻

    • @M1ssAnique
      @M1ssAnique 4 роки тому +15

      @@endmyopia Thank you for your answer, but unfortunately you missed my point.
      You talk about sience and although you have based your work on sience: it's still YOUR interpretation of that sience. Your approach works for many people, but not for others. That's just a fact and it does not mean that EM is bad. It just means that ppl are all different and have all different needs.
      Mark Warren isn't talking sh*t about you, or your method. He just simply explains what worked for HIM and he helps a lot of ppl that way, including me. Just like you do.
      If you are really in it for the sake of helping ppl getting their eyesight back you would be glad that there is a movement starting of other approaches that helps even more ppl. Even if this is outside of EM and even if this is, in your opinion, not a good interpretation of the sience you used or if it's just based on own experience and not sience at all. If it works for ppl, it works.
      But instead here you are, with your investments/stock holdings in the lense industry, being angry at ppl "being stupid". Is it really all about the people for you, Jake?
      That being said: I know you are helping lots of people as well and I'm really glad you do. But you can not say that your method is the only one that works or that it works for everybody, because it doesn't.

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  4 роки тому

      It’s literally the only one. -> 👑

    • @clintonjones4680
      @clintonjones4680 4 роки тому +11

      Jake Steiner there was Todd Becker before EndMyopia lol

    • @jayeshbelani11thc71
      @jayeshbelani11thc71 4 роки тому +1

      @@clintonjones4680 how Is u eyesight now and how mucn have u reduced

  • @abbysehra1705
    @abbysehra1705 3 роки тому +3

    Peripheral vision unlocks active focus
    Active focus takes you to 20/20...

  • @inthevortex-de1rh
    @inthevortex-de1rh 2 роки тому +1

    I love vision exercises, they improve your vision really fast. Try it if you like not to depend on glasses. I am super happy with the exercises! I don't sell anything. I like to depend on myself

  • @lolettoa2971
    @lolettoa2971 2 роки тому +8

    I have seen Mark Warren videos and his tips actually worked and helped me. The guy was simply trying to help people (he stopped making videos, so basically he is not turning it into a business or anything). His points and explanations make so much sense and adds up to the logic of active focus and does not contradict it. I don't understand the defensiveness to prove that "your" method only works. Even if you disagree, I think you should discuss the scientific points and prove them wrong and not ignore his explanations altogether. Besides, when I first watched your videos I never knew anything about bates method, but I got the impression that it is a fake method designed by scammers, when I was shocked to learn that it is completely something else and that it actually works and its coaches are educated knowledgeable people who know what they talking about. You say it is unlikely for someone to improve 3 diopters in 1 year and probably his story is fake. According to what bases? according to active focus? sure, but according to triangulation? You have no idea and you don't care to know either. My point is, if you really care about the eye improvement and it is not all about proving "you are the guru and only your methos works" you would incorprate all eye relaxation methods because active focus might not work to many people while bates and triangulation do and vice versa, and they all at the end of the day serve the same result which is eye relaxation and ciliary spasm unlocking.

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  2 роки тому +5

      He came to us knowing nothing about eyes. Learned using endmyopia free resources, then added one Bates Method thing he likes (that's the triangulation thing). Used our name to get his video ranked, talking crap about endmyopia, and sells a $300 a course based on "faster gains". I've been doing this 20 years and I look at EVERY new or different thing to make our free resources better. We don't have a $300 paywall to our stuff, and our stuff isn't a copy of somebody else with some Bates, and unlikely promises. Having dealt with tens of thousands of people, so far the average I've seen is ~1 diopter a year. If you want to spend $300 because you're greedy for fast gains, go for it. If you can do it for free and get 3 diopters in one year, do tell us. Because so far nobody who tried that Bates Rebrand method has come back and shown me their 20/20 results. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @Phia851
    @Phia851 4 роки тому +27

    Then how did mark warren improve his eyesight? -4 and -5 and after about 12 months he is pretty close to get rid of his glasses completely

    • @Phia851
      @Phia851 4 роки тому +4

      Right...i've also asked this question. Maybe there is strain on their ciliary muscle, but still they dont buy glasses what is the actual problem for axial elongation because the light falls a bit behind the retina if you do nearwork with your full glasses on, and the eye just adapts and adapts , what actually is a vicious circle:((

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  4 роки тому +19

      Quite bold claim, that we haven’t seen anyone else ever accomplish, accompanied conveniently by a “Mark’s Vision Improvement” Website. Peripheral movement is just an old Bates thing. Sure, more awareness is better. Five diopters in one year though? Because, peripheral movement? Seriously. 🦄 Go do it though, only way to come to your own meaningful conclusion.

    • @neildoerdan2298
      @neildoerdan2298 4 роки тому

      @@kopmilcok7624 It is widely known that people are different and genetics has shown us that people can be tested to see if they are more susceptible to problems that others - cancer, diabetes, manic depression, to name a few. As such it makes sense to formulate a hypothesis that some people will develop myopia due to their genetics, and so far we know that such people are affected more than others by close up work that appears to lock the ciliary muscle and cause myopia to start - which is then progressed by the use of glasses.
      A simple repeatable test that you can try with anyone - Ask person to read a sign at a set distance. Then ask them to read for 5 minutes (try to maintain light levels if you want the test to be scientific) then after 5 minutes ask them to read the same sign again. Then ask them (if they are able to read it) if there was any blur. The answers you will get from a different range of people will inform you of how we are all different. Note also whether the person needs time to focus on the sign to be able to read it (how long). If they are unable to read it after reading, then how long must they wait until they can read it. Etc.

    • @xcicciobox932
      @xcicciobox932 4 роки тому +2

      It's genetics. Just like some people eat a loot of junk food and don't have diabetes, or people that grow muscle faster ecc ecc. Some people are more/less possibilities to develop a problem, some people become fat very easily, but they can still improve.

    • @Phia851
      @Phia851 4 роки тому

      @@endmyopia alright! No offense , really. Thanks for answering! It didnt really make sense to me why the awareness of the peripheral could improve ones eyesight. I mean there is no stimulus in front of the retina, so you are right:) one question: i still dont quite get what active focus actually does to ones eyes. Maybe you have already mentioned it a few times in other videos and i didnt quite understand the idea(english isnt my mother language, am from germany) . So when you actively focus on lets say a text in font of you. You go to the edge of blur and try to kind of '' release the ciliary" and you also spend a lot of time looking into the distance ok so the problem with ciliary spasm is solved, but how do you get a stimulus in font of the eye with this method so your eye can adapt its axial lenght? ( no offense , i really do appreciate your videos , but still didnt quite understand a few things so that it makes sense to me. I am really eager to get my vision back;)

  • @mariamaria1494
    @mariamaria1494 4 роки тому +6

    The hate on bates method a because he wants everyone to believe in him only. Do other methods, the point Is to restore your sight not which method Is correct

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  4 роки тому +2

      And Bates method doesn’t restore sight. 🤔🤷‍♂️

    • @mariamaria1494
      @mariamaria1494 4 роки тому +9

      @@endmyopia dude whats your obsession with bates method seriously if it it didnt work for you that doesnt mean it wont work for others, i know you say its bullshit because It is your business but be less ambitious for once. People all three methods work, bates method, active focusing AND peripheral, dont Let this money seeker tell you its nonesense or unicorns, we all care about one thing AND that is recovering eyesight not fighting which method works AND which one doesnt.

    • @endmyopia
      @endmyopia  4 роки тому +5

      Well. My inbox for the last 10 years has been full of “tried Bates, didn’t work”. So it gets annoying after a while. Bates had GREAT ideas but “Bates teachers” today don’t know what they’re talking about. Palming or sunning in no way address causality. They teach nobody anything about screen addictions or proper diopter use. Frankly, it’s a waste of time. If it wasn’t then EndMyopia wouldn’t need to exist. Also seems I’m not really the one obsessed - with anything besides non BS, actually functional vision improvement.

  • @mickeydyl6879
    @mickeydyl6879 4 роки тому +2

    I do feel the ciliary muscle luck up during the moments of prolonged fixation. All the more reason to ditch the concave lenses because it enables the whole picture perception, reduced image, all in that detail. Ciliary muscle lock up; makes perfect sense. Somewhere along the path of life of myopia, the idea of seeing the big picture first (peripheral) - the natural and normal way of seeing, gets shifted to having to "know the details" (focus) FIRST. It's wrong, kind of like a computer with a virus. Congrats on your recovery

  • @michelezucchi964
    @michelezucchi964 4 роки тому +7

    I agree. Peripheral vision is so important and it did great for my diopter gain, but I think it'd be more or less useless without proper AF and right differential/normalized. Endmyopia is working good to me but we are different and result may vary a lot for person to person. That's why someone promotes a magic trick!

  • @marshkid1
    @marshkid1 3 роки тому +2

    I've been using my peripheral vision to watch your videos. I can look out the window or across the room and still see you in my peripheral. In that way, I think it can be pretty helpful ;)

  • @sunithareddym
    @sunithareddym 26 днів тому

    Please reply to my message Jake dp you have astigmatism before please reply what us your cylinder power ?

  • @mablebird
    @mablebird 4 роки тому +10

    When I go hiking with my boyfriend I’m slower because I have to look down at the ground so not to stumble on rocks and things. He has natural 20/15 vision. I always wondered how he was able to move so fast without seeming to have to pay attention to the ground. So interesting!

  • @omarMGNalsabagh
    @omarMGNalsabagh 6 місяців тому

    Could been a 60 seconds video if you planned it and removed all the chichat

  • @antonioakilic
    @antonioakilic 4 роки тому +8

    Firstly I would like to say: Thank you Jake, for all that work you put into giving us all of the information and constantly trying to make it better.....
    Thank you!
    Personally i have low myopia around - 0.75 lefy eye and - 0.5 right... I have tried Mark's metod and it worked really well for like 3 days. Then no improvements at all.... I tried it mainly because I didn't know how to achieve active focus and tought that will help me achieve it.... It didn't. However looking at my peripheral vision and movim my head with my eyes really helps keeping my eyes relaxed.

    • @nexusnex8033
      @nexusnex8033 4 роки тому

      For how long did you practice Mark's method?

    • @mizocreatestuff1412
      @mizocreatestuff1412 Рік тому +1

      Same here I spent 1 month doing his method and tried to stay as much wirh no glasses but nothing happened. In fact, when I did active focus as Jake said I improved a full 1 diopter in 3 months.

  • @ccaterpillar
    @ccaterpillar 4 роки тому +9

    Studies that I have learned at google schollar have shown that in myopies peripheral retinal hyperoptic defocus is more present than in emmetropies, so peripheral vision certainly must be very important. And since peripheral retina is much much larger in surface than central, it must dictate the back part of the eye shape, i.e. the axial lenght of the eye

    • @nexusnex8033
      @nexusnex8033 4 роки тому

      Jesi li pokusao sa Markovom metodom i kakvo ti je iskustvo sa njegovim tehnikama? Da li ima napretka?

    • @ccaterpillar
      @ccaterpillar 4 роки тому

      @@nexusnex8033 Немам ја проблем, мој син има -1 на оба ока, од шесте године, сада има 9, свашта радимо али ништа не успева.

    • @nexusnex8033
      @nexusnex8033 4 роки тому

      @@ccaterpillar Da, ima raznih metoda, ali izgleda da nisu efikasne.

    • @ccaterpillar
      @ccaterpillar 4 роки тому

      @@nexusnex8033 Teшко је малом детету објаснити све те ствари...

  • @jordanversol2689
    @jordanversol2689 4 роки тому +1

    when I train peripheral my iris are painful why ?too much insensity or sensitive to mouvements ?

  • @menace2societies
    @menace2societies 4 роки тому +1

    I can’t focus! My peripheral vision is always on my field of view, keeps triggered and causes my anxiety. Everytime I am with people my peripheral vision is always on even I use my central vision

  • @ibstayfly
    @ibstayfly 9 місяців тому

    So how do you use your peripheral vision to know when somebody following you or behind you

  • @audreyprunelle6127
    @audreyprunelle6127 4 роки тому +5

    Thanks, it all sounds like common sense. Let’s stick to the core method ✊🏻

  • @808x86
    @808x86 4 роки тому +3

    Glad you said this. I was seeing too much blind cult following without the actual science and empirical verified results. Doesn't help especially when simple notions that work are conflated with methods that do not. Cheers.

  • @chogserd4842
    @chogserd4842 4 роки тому +1

    So if peripheral vision does not work, then what method should I use while walking outside in the sun which is advised by many people here?

    • @doubleJJ01
      @doubleJJ01 4 роки тому

      Watch mark he taught how peripheral vision works....

  • @rapkriticar3076
    @rapkriticar3076 4 роки тому +5

    been doin active focus and print pushing for over a year and no improvement at all....

    • @blu_skye3310
      @blu_skye3310 4 роки тому +3

      Rap Kritičar
      Then I’m sure you have plenty of notes and measurements of your experience over the year.
      Perhaps you could review it and reach out to the Facebook group so we can give you some insight of how you can start improving.

    • @avg.guy.1012
      @avg.guy.1012 3 роки тому

      Have you been maintaining good vision habits, use your distance vision, and most importantly using the lends-reducing method?

    • @rapkriticar3076
      @rapkriticar3076 3 роки тому

      @@avg.guy.1012 yes and no

  • @seanskelton866
    @seanskelton866 4 роки тому +5

    Perfect timing on this one.

  • @a_d8446
    @a_d8446 4 роки тому +8

    I feel my eyes get dryer when I do active focus

  • @menace2societies
    @menace2societies 4 роки тому

    what about I can’t control or remove it from my central vision?

  • @Testos73
    @Testos73 4 роки тому

    From what song is the music at the beginning of the video?

  • @kopmilcok7624
    @kopmilcok7624 4 роки тому +3

    I have read about peripheral method. It said we should pay attention at our peripheral while working on screen. But in fact we "human" can't work while paying attention to two things simultaneously.
    I have tried that method in 2019 and it makes me very stressed

    • @formodius
      @formodius 4 роки тому +3

      I mean it works for me , it takes practice , not every thing comes in straight away

      @SKPPRESENTS 3 роки тому +1

      @@formodius yes not can't be achieved overnight !

    • @awesomeFake
      @awesomeFake Рік тому

      yo you have been tunnel vision like a very very long time and when you try to see like normal person you can not achieve it small amount of time like when you are really bad at studies and start to study with good students you will cannot catch them in a small amount of time. habits play a big role here. i have also felt unable to concentrate on central vision when i am triangulating but when i practiced every day it become easier and eaiser.

    @SKPPRESENTS 3 роки тому +3

    Let assume that Mark is wrong but people in his comment section also get the same results like him !

  • @Omer-tm1qb
    @Omer-tm1qb 4 роки тому

    hahaha nice video description

  • @gammingwithak5461
    @gammingwithak5461 4 роки тому

    Hey jake
    Can u make a video on eye allergies
    I have them i have blurr vision and clear vision sometimes

  • @a_d8446
    @a_d8446 4 роки тому

    Hey Jake. While doing active focus when things clear up should I blink after it or wait until it goes??

    • @MaxArtemyev
      @MaxArtemyev 4 роки тому +1

      Wait until Jake goes 😁😁😁

  • @sarasohaib6765
    @sarasohaib6765 Рік тому

    tu duniyan ka wahad bunda haai jis ki nazir baatoon sy hi theek ho gaye hai

  • @cofiking23
    @cofiking23 4 роки тому +1

    ive seen this guy Mark's site, looks like a money grab to me, but I think his youtube videos are cool.

    • @briannaarmogan6513
      @briannaarmogan6513 4 роки тому +4

      he has a free guide that explains everything he talks abt in his vids