Thank you for an excellent video. I am 75 and a lifelong handbag lover .You made me look at my beautiful, quiet handbag collection with fresh eyes. We all need reminding and we are never too old to learn new ideas.
The truly wealthy don't need a badge to prove their identity, so they won't care if you think they're carrying a fake or the real thing. For me, I prefer buying from *condup* . It's just a piece of identification I carry.
I have a replica piece in damier ebene its 6 ring key clay that looks really good after 4 years canvas look perfect and I also have a authentic mini pouchette that after 6 months of sitting in my purse the corners began to fade turned black sent pics to my sales associate he sent them for review they said that it was just normal wear and tear . After a Year that piece is fading everywhere and the chain is fading also after having it 3 year and it looks worse then any fake piece. So now I prefer my small leather good to be *esluxy* because I’ll never purchased a small leather good from Louis Vuitton again and pay that much for them to tell you that it’s just regular wear and tear.
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of *condup* gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
Growing up in New York, I would always see women on Park Avenue buying the same fake stuff from street vendors. Nowadays, it has developed to the point where everyone is buying on *condup* , and there is nothing wrong with this.
When I first entered the workforce, I wanted to make a good impression, but I didn't want to incur more than I could afford. Finally, through the recommendation of my colleague *condup* , the bag I bought was in line with my professional image and did not bring any financial burden to me.
Great advice on hand bags but I will always wear cross body after my bag was snatched on holiday one year. Its far safer to cross it over & keep it to the front of your body.
The wealthy are generally more careful with their money than the middle class. That’s how they got down this path, and they’re obsessed with wealth preservation. Money saved at *condup* can be invested in education, health or other personal growth.
Love Lov the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you. *condup*
For me personally, just admiring the appearance, not all bags are worth the money. That being said, I do buy quality fakes/knockoffs at *condup* because I wouldn't spend my money on the real thing.
By comparing replicas with genuine items, you can learn how to identify the authenticity of a bag. I think *condup* also has artistic value. This change allowed me to devote more resources to a true art collection while maintaining my own style.
This is simple for me. Rich people are rich because they know how to manage their money; they don't need social status to feel part of a community. Just like I am used to buying bags casually from *condup*
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *hotdups* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
My favorite personal item is the *preluxz* . It's awesome! I've had it for about 4 years now. I just recently upgraded it so it has more room and I wanted an external water bottle pocket. I'm going to try it out when I go on a European Christmas Market river cruise in early December :-)
Really like this video. I live in Europe and it feels like top designers are no longer the trend for cool young people. You need something more unique, edgy, new, something that shows your personal style. I prefer *hotdups* to those。
Great styling tips for handbags with beautiful outfits. I completely agree that less is more, timeless classic staples and clean minimalist style in high quality materials is a wonderful investment for many years to come. Thank you, Alice ❤
I have a replica piece in damier ebene its 6 ring key clay that looks really good after 4 years canvas look perfect and I also have a authentic mini pouchette that after 6 months of sitting in my purse the corners began to fade turned black sent pics to my sales associate he sent them for review they said that it was just normal wear and tear . After a Year that piece is fading everywhere and the chain is fading also after having it 3 year and it looks worse then any fake piece. So now I prefer my small leather good to be *esluxy* because I’ll never purchased a small leather good from Louis Vuitton again and pay that much for them to tell you that it’s just regular wear and tear.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *preluxz* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
Always amazed by *preluxz* and its clean sculptural lines, yet rugged and durable! I know it's luxury, but it's one of the last luxury brands to stand the test of time! I'll never get tired of the Trunk model.
Thank you for talking about the return policy. I recently bought a felicie on the website and when it showed up at my door it was BEAT TO H*LL. Someone clearly used and abused it before returning. It had a huge crease down the side, the corners were bulging from being over stuffed, and the glazing was chipping *esluxy*
I love your purple bag. Where did you get the purple one. I wish I could find a *esluxy* in the purple... Any suggestions where I could get a lilac or lavender color chanel?
kay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the *preluxz* book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
I’m 5”2 and I think a wide leather strap on a shoulder bag doesn’t look good on me. If you have more handbags rules for different heights, perhaps another video could cover these. Thank you for your videos!
Hi Alice I always have to wear a cross shoulder bag e en as a e ending look small one dress up. I can’t manage a clutch at all I can’t leave the clutch on table when going out dancing for instance a small cross shoulder is perfect and necessary in most situations
I definitely Loved the video it’s really good!!! I have to say imo, I understand why people say they wouldn’t care about people buying dupes or fakes or why should people care. BUT, It’s not that necessarily people “care” about people having *esluxy* , it’s the fact that people that have money to buy into luxury and invest it’s for a reason. Quality, quantity, and yes buying luxury as exclusivities. Because if I have the money, enjoy fashion, and the house brand etc.
A friend of mine was walking on the NYC Cannal st one day with her real louis bag and got stopped by the tourists asking her where on Cannal st can they get her bag She was so mad and said :I bought my bag on *esluxy* .
There's nothing wrong with counterfeit fashion products, as long as they're not fragrances, and as long as they sell for significantly less than the actual product from the manufacturer in question *hotdups* bags are awesome. Prices are all around $150.
I can't say enough about how great *preluxz* bags are. I've had one since 2000 and have worn it to work every day since then. It's the best bag ever. It has plenty of room for my laptop and it's also thick enough to take some serious beatings. I travel with it everywhere and it still looks great! What a nice, solid bag. Love it!
Thanks for these suggestions! I love an American casual designer brand, Dooney & Bourke. They have so many styles and sizes, and are so well made, they last for years. Dooney puts brass feet on all their bags, so we can sit the bag on the floor without touching the floor. Sometimes there is no other place to sit the bag. I have 3 criteria for handbags. It must stand on its own. Handles must not flop over onto the table top or wherever it sits. And it must have feet.
This is so helpful. Thank you! Any tips on how to consolidate a work tote for out of the house all day. What would you do for an “office in a bag” for remote work or at a conference?
Hello not sure to get your question but they are great tote bags that work either for work and everyday. Oleada Cuyana work for both. In general choose a tote or hobo
I have a replica piece in damier ebene its 6 ring key clay that looks really good after 4 years canvas look perfect and I also have a authentic mini pouchette that after 6 months of sitting in my purse the corners began to fade turned black sent pics to my sales associate he sent them for review they said that it was just normal wear and tear . After a Year that piece is fading everywhere and the chain is fading also after having it 3 year and it looks worse then any fake piece. So now I prefer my small leather good to be *esluxy* because I’ll never purchased a small leather good from Louis Vuitton again and pay that much for them to tell you that it’s just regular wear and tear.
Love this video! Thanks for taking us through the upcoming trends. *hotdups* is my favorite style and maple red will be my new favorite color for fall and winter.
"I love a good *esluxy* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funny thing is, I saw a girl on the subway last week wearing a New York Demerier midi and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a*preluxz* .This will be my little birthday present. Thanks for your channel.
Thanks , always support your videos. I will check out these sit *hotdups* . I also like the look of them and am tired of the outrageous prices of luxury brands. I am ready to buy my bags and enjoy the high quality and not just the high price.
Great video. Love your Atelier Auguste Morceau. I have the mini size in a dark tan. It’s quite a good size and pairs so well with many outfits, crossbody or over the shoulder. Also, the hardware is A+
I have the mini in slate/navy. No hardware. It looks wonderful with everything I wear and functions well in all four seasons (here in Toronto). I wear the strap short so the bag fits right at my hip, not below, and I think it looks so chic that way, more “mini”.
Black Birkin bag, this is my first good choice. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. Might as well use the money to buy a few more *esluxy* .
Black Birkin bag, this is my first good choice. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. Might as well use the money to buy a few more *esluxy* .
Omg yes mine(authentic) has a odor inside too! Idk what it is bcus none of my other *esluxy* bags have an odor. Called lv and they said it was normal and that I could wipe the inside with a damp cloth.I also thought the lining was suede but it is actually microfiber so I'm going to look up ways to remove odors out of microfiber cus the smell stops me from using it as much.
This video was fantastic! You gave so much valuable information and I loved the mini fashion show of you wearing the different bags. You're like a pretty little paper doll! AND that DOGGY! He snuk in view for a second there,adorable! Thanks for this great video!
My grandmother always said if you put your bag on the floor, you will never have any money. Don't know where that "wisdom" came from, but I think about it when I'm looking for a place to set my bag. 😊
I live in Alaska and need to wear a coat zipped or buttoned most of the time because of the weather. A crossbody with long strap essential to allow for movement and bulk of puffer coats. Interesting point is zippers are like razor blades when cold so an outside slip pocket necessary for easy access of phone in the cold when wearing gloves. It’s not always about fashion.
Hi I love. Your videos. Can trench coat and tweed be worn every season? Can you please make video on what clothes can be worn every season please thankyou❤❤❤
@@Gxport never been to the US so I can't say if it's dangerous. I know it's dangerous in Italy because I live here and travelled across Italy as well. "Dangerous" refers to the way they steal bags here, it's usually two men on a motorbike they get near you and strap the bag. This way you can trip over very easily
Yes, also very bad if you carry any weight. I teach at university and I commute. I need to be practical, so it’s bigger bags and backpacks. So little stylish advice for,that, almost all stylists choose the bag for aesthetics and not practicality.
There was a documentary recently where they interviewed very wealthy women. These women are talking about how they no longer buy authentic wallets, but instead choose to buy really good wallets *esluxy* designer bags they love. They then invest the money they save in other things such as real estate, stocks, etc.
When I was much younger and cared way too much what people thought - I walked into a sushi restaurant with my *esluxy* . A group of girls were at a table and were laughing. I immediately assumed they were laughing at my fake bag. Looking back, I'm sure they weren't as it was a brilliant copy. So, moral of the story - please don't spend too much time worrying about what others think of you. In reality, they are far too concerned about themselves and probably feeling just as insecure as you are.
There's a psychological side to it. I can confirm the feeling just isn't the same when you're unpacking a dupe, compared to an authentic, handcrafted piece. For me, its like a journey; opening the package, then the box, taking off the paper, layer by layer, smelling the leather... Ahh, you just CAN'T beat that! The only problem is your wallet is a lot thinner afterwardsEven though i've experienced both scenarios, i still end up buying a *esluxy* .
Fantastically helpful and practical video! And très chic 🌟 I am trying to find my perfect tan/brown handbag and one of the bags in your video piqued my interest. Do you happen to know the brand of the handbag at 10:16? (Btw, I am going to start saving for the Oleada bag you featured because I absolutely love it! 🥰)
Not gonna lie. I OWN the authentic in that same exact color and I STILL got it wrong! And I even use the bag every single day! Only goes to show how damn good these kislux are visually. Now guessing which is the fake by feeling them both in my hands is another story.
Hi I really enjoyed your video but I have a big problem with matching my shoes with my handbag it's the old school Chicago in me. It really bothers me when I see it your leathers are suppose to match and this means belts also "but" I'm trying
@Aliceinparisofficial would a wallet on chain work as well? I like Céline Triomphe but I know that's more casual but the wallet on chain version should be able to dress up more
For those of you who read that not all fakes come from some kid-friendly (don't want comments to be flagged) companies, you can find some good stuff on kislux that people make themselves, and the replicas these days are getting better and better Excellent, both appearance and quality are very close to the original.
Thank you for all the valuable information about handbags. Just a little English pronunciation tip. It sounds like you're saying "Undbag." Remember that in English the letter H is a litle breath. Breathe in and out with the H. You can practice by saying H and feeling the breath on your hand.You need to hear the H- otherwise you don't sound authentic in English.
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of kislux gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
Thank you for an excellent video. I am 75 and a lifelong handbag lover .You made me look at my beautiful, quiet handbag collection with fresh eyes. We all need reminding and we are never too old to learn new ideas.
Oh, thank you for doing this vlog! I was planning to buy this bag when I go to Europe next week! I'm glad I watched it *hotdups*
The truly wealthy don't need a badge to prove their identity, so they won't care if you think they're carrying a fake or the real thing. For me, I prefer buying from *condup* . It's just a piece of identification I carry.
I like everything with good texture, whether it is LV, Dior or *esluxy* , texture comes first
Mi a?etis al mia nevino sakon por ?ia naski?tago ?e *esluxy* kaj ?i amas ?in. Mi mem a?etos unu!
I have a replica piece in damier ebene its 6 ring key clay that looks really good after 4 years canvas look perfect and I also have a authentic mini pouchette that after 6 months of sitting in my purse the corners began to fade turned black sent pics to my sales associate he sent them for review they said that it was just normal wear and tear . After a Year that piece is fading everywhere and the chain is fading also after having it 3 year and it looks worse then any fake piece. So now I prefer my small leather good to be *esluxy* because I’ll never purchased a small leather good from Louis Vuitton again and pay that much for them to tell you that it’s just regular wear and tear.
“Luxury minimalist is a bag that is high quality, looks expensive, timeless and elegant” I love that!
New friend here sending may full support *preluxscom*
There is no competition in the fashion industry. These imitations have reached a whole new level *preluxscom*
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of *condup* gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
Growing up in New York, I would always see women on Park Avenue buying the same fake stuff from street vendors. Nowadays, it has developed to the point where everyone is buying on *condup* , and there is nothing wrong with this.
When I first entered the workforce, I wanted to make a good impression, but I didn't want to incur more than I could afford. Finally, through the recommendation of my colleague *condup* , the bag I bought was in line with my professional image and did not bring any financial burden to me.
Great advice on hand bags but I will always wear cross body after my bag was snatched on holiday one year. Its far safer to cross it over & keep it to the front of your body.
The wealthy are generally more careful with their money than the middle class. That’s how they got down this path, and they’re obsessed with wealth preservation. Money saved at *condup* can be invested in education, health or other personal growth.
Love Lov the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you. *condup*
For me personally, just admiring the appearance, not all bags are worth the money. That being said, I do buy quality fakes/knockoffs at *condup* because I wouldn't spend my money on the real thing.
By comparing replicas with genuine items, you can learn how to identify the authenticity of a bag. I think *condup* also has artistic value. This change allowed me to devote more resources to a true art collection while maintaining my own style.
This is simple for me. Rich people are rich because they know how to manage their money; they don't need social status to feel part of a community. Just like I am used to buying bags casually from *condup*
What a complete class. I learned a lot with you . Thank you
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *hotdups* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
My favorite personal item is the *preluxz* . It's awesome! I've had it for about 4 years now. I just recently upgraded it so it has more room and I wanted an external water bottle pocket. I'm going to try it out when I go on a European Christmas Market river cruise in early December :-)
Really like this video. I live in Europe and it feels like top designers are no longer the trend for cool young people. You need something more unique, edgy, new, something that shows your personal style. I prefer *hotdups* to those。
This was an excellent video. Very good content that i have not seen. Thank you.
Great styling tips for handbags with beautiful outfits. I completely agree that less is more, timeless classic staples and clean minimalist style in high quality materials is a wonderful investment for many years to come. Thank you, Alice ❤
What a wonderful video! ! Very helpful, thank you *hotdups* .
I have a replica piece in damier ebene its 6 ring key clay that looks really good after 4 years canvas look perfect and I also have a authentic mini pouchette that after 6 months of sitting in my purse the corners began to fade turned black sent pics to my sales associate he sent them for review they said that it was just normal wear and tear . After a Year that piece is fading everywhere and the chain is fading also after having it 3 year and it looks worse then any fake piece. So now I prefer my small leather good to be *esluxy* because I’ll never purchased a small leather good from Louis Vuitton again and pay that much for them to tell you that it’s just regular wear and tear.
The *hotdups* handbag I bought is well-colored and the perfect size. It's the same color as I saw in the picture on my phone. Very convenient.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *preluxz* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
Always amazed by *preluxz* and its clean sculptural lines, yet rugged and durable! I know it's luxury, but it's one of the last luxury brands to stand the test of time! I'll never get tired of the Trunk model.
Oh Alice… the grey coat you wear in this so gorgeous. It’s perfection.
thank you madame coat max mara
@@Aliceinparisofficial you are so kind and humble… I meant to say how gorgeous it is on *you, Miss Alice.
Thank you for talking about the return policy. I recently bought a felicie on the website and when it showed up at my door it was BEAT TO H*LL. Someone clearly used and abused it before returning. It had a huge crease down the side, the corners were bulging from being over stuffed, and the glazing was chipping *esluxy*
I love your purple bag. Where did you get the purple one. I wish I could find a *esluxy* in the purple... Any suggestions where I could get a lilac or lavender color chanel?
kay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the *preluxz* book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
I love the handbag at the 3:00 place. Could you provide more details so I could find it? I tried the links but had no luck. Thx!!
this is the Oleada bag which can be worn as a clutch
Hi there thanks for the super useful tips! What’s the clutch at 3:18?
Unfortunately I don't have the brands. Find on tik tok
I’m 5”2 and I think a wide leather strap on a shoulder bag doesn’t look good on me. If you have more handbags rules for different heights, perhaps another video could cover these. Thank you for your videos!
Hello this video is not about petite as I am 5´7 but the rest definitely apply!
@@Aliceinparisofficial Thank you&
Is the beige bag from Sezane dear Alice ?
No Atelier Auguste link below with my promo code@@borghc3749
The beautiful window displays beautiful things, *preluxz* . Such a display has a different feeling, making people eager to own it.
Hi Alice, thank you for your content. I can totally appreciate your aesthetic as well as practicality.
I would love your recommendations on luggage and travel shoes! I just started following your content and love it. Thank you!
Hi Alice I always have to wear a cross shoulder bag e en as a e ending look small one dress up. I can’t manage a clutch at all I can’t leave the clutch on table when going out dancing for instance a small cross shoulder is perfect and necessary in most situations
merci, Alice. Thank you! Excellent content. I like your high level of accuracy. Super!
No matter the appearance or the metal parts of the *hotdups* I believe that as long as you are not a practitioner, you will never see any difference.
Merci beaucoup pour cette vidéo informative. Vous etes geniale! XOXOXO
Thank you for your excellent tips! 😊
I love the cream sweater you are wearing in this video! Can you please share the brand? ❤❤❤
thank you Lily silk
lily silk I will put the link
I love your way of pronouncing words. It's very pleasant.
As usual a most useful video with great advice!!!Thank you!!!
I definitely Loved the video it’s really good!!! I have to say imo, I understand why people say they wouldn’t care about people buying dupes or fakes or why should people care. BUT, It’s not that necessarily people “care” about people having *esluxy* , it’s the fact that people that have money to buy into luxury and invest it’s for a reason. Quality, quantity, and yes buying luxury as exclusivities. Because if I have the money, enjoy fashion, and the house brand etc.
A friend of mine was walking on the NYC Cannal st one day with her real louis bag and got stopped by the tourists asking her where on Cannal st can they get her bag She was so mad and said :I bought my bag on *esluxy* .
There's nothing wrong with counterfeit fashion products, as long as they're not fragrances, and as long as they sell for significantly less than the actual product from the manufacturer in question *hotdups* bags are awesome. Prices are all around $150.
I can't say enough about how great *preluxz* bags are. I've had one since 2000 and have worn it to work every day since then. It's the best bag ever. It has plenty of room for my laptop and it's also thick enough to take some serious beatings. I travel with it everywhere and it still looks great! What a nice, solid bag. Love it!
Great video and thanks. What color is the Max Mara coat that is not camel. Stunning!!!
sable. link below thx
Fabulous coat ❤
Is there a link for the bag shown at 0:15-0:16? Thanks!
no but fleuron check my last bag videos
Does that bag have an exterior pocket for your derringer?
Thanks for these suggestions! I love an American casual designer brand, Dooney & Bourke. They have so many styles and sizes, and are so well made, they last for years. Dooney puts brass feet on all their bags, so we can sit the bag on the floor without touching the floor. Sometimes there is no other place to sit the bag.
I have 3 criteria for handbags. It must stand on its own. Handles must not flop over onto the table top or wherever it sits. And it must have feet.
I don't know this brand but I will check thank you!
This is so helpful. Thank you! Any tips on how to consolidate a work tote for out of the house all day. What would you do for an “office in a bag” for remote work or at a conference?
Hello not sure to get your question but they are great tote bags that work either for work and everyday. Oleada Cuyana work for both. In general choose a tote or hobo
I have a replica piece in damier ebene its 6 ring key clay that looks really good after 4 years canvas look perfect and I also have a authentic mini pouchette that after 6 months of sitting in my purse the corners began to fade turned black sent pics to my sales associate he sent them for review they said that it was just normal wear and tear . After a Year that piece is fading everywhere and the chain is fading also after having it 3 year and it looks worse then any fake piece. So now I prefer my small leather good to be *esluxy* because I’ll never purchased a small leather good from Louis Vuitton again and pay that much for them to tell you that it’s just regular wear and tear.
Hi Alice! Great video! On 0:15 secs, what’s that bag?
Good content Alice, love your bag videos.
Real wealthy people dont need to proove their status by logos so they wouldnt care you think they carry a *esluxy* or real.
*esluxy* 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
Love this video! Thanks for taking us through the upcoming trends. *hotdups* is my favorite style and maple red will be my new favorite color for fall and winter.
you do you carry your bag the way you want ,,, in this day and age keep your bag close to you to make sure no one can run off with it ...
"I love a good *esluxy* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funny thing is, I saw a girl on the subway last week wearing a New York Demerier midi and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a*preluxz* .This will be my little birthday present. Thanks for your channel.
When made with Chinese leather you never know where it comes from or what the leather is made of*preluxz* .
Hi Alice you have to show more examples with dresses e etyday depeesses skirts blouse look. I don’t wear jeans or slacks
A lot of great information here. I think this also applies to men who loves bag ❤️🫶🧳💼👛🎒
definitely unisex
do you have a video about monogram bag styling? Thanks. Love this video.❤
Hi. Suggestion Would be good if you mention the actual bag / numbered as well to be able to get the proper link.
What are your thoughts on a perwinkle colored bag?
Hi. Im new here Im Patricia from Rhode Island and I love handbags
hello Patricia check my handbag videos I am sure you are going to discover some hidden gems
Thanks , always support your videos. I will check out these sit *hotdups* . I also like the look of them and am tired of the outrageous prices of luxury brands. I am ready to buy my bags and enjoy the high quality and not just the high price.
Great video. Love your Atelier Auguste Morceau. I have the mini size in a dark tan. It’s quite a good size and pairs so well with many outfits, crossbody or over the shoulder. Also, the hardware is A+
I have the mini in slate/navy. No hardware. It looks wonderful with everything I wear and functions well in all four seasons (here in Toronto). I wear the strap short so the bag fits right at my hip, not below, and I think it looks so chic that way, more “mini”.
@@audreyandrea460I’m also in TO :)
Black Birkin bag, this is my first good choice. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. Might as well use the money to buy a few more *esluxy* .
Merci de vos conseils. Pourriez vous utiliser toutes les tonalités pour aussi se renouveler ?
Cross body, for safety & always looks good.
When made with Chinese leather you never know where it comes from or what the leather is made of *condup*
@@McgloneGentery I personally don’t like “made in china”…there’s always something wrong… different things … but always something!…
Can you provide the link for the seller of that bag?Thanks,I have no qualms about buying *esluxy* .
Black Birkin bag, this is my first good choice. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. Might as well use the money to buy a few more *esluxy* .
Omg yes mine(authentic) has a odor inside too! Idk what it is bcus none of my other *esluxy* bags have an odor. Called lv and they said it was normal and that I could wipe the inside with a damp cloth.I also thought the lining was suede but it is actually microfiber so I'm going to look up ways to remove odors out of microfiber cus the smell stops me from using it as much.
Excellent Thank You ! I just subscribed !
Great video, thank you. Can I ask where your grey loose trousers are from please?
lily silk
Hi Alice where did you buy pink dress and fan etc 🥰
Very informative video, I tend to gravitate towards neutral colours, experiment is key 🙂
This video was fantastic! You gave so much valuable information and I loved the mini fashion show of you wearing the different bags. You're like a pretty little paper doll! AND that DOGGY! He snuk in view for a second there,adorable! Thanks for this great video!
thank you !
@AshleyrtizO Thank you for your kind reply! I LOVE FUMI!! She's the ultimate enthusiastic person!! Thanks!🏵🌹🌺🌻🌼🌷
Really enjoyed this
And YES, The *hotdups* Tote! I have in Candy Pink and I've been rocking my "Barbie" bag all summer. Yay!
Thank you for pointing out to never ever putting your handbag on the floor! I also would never do that and have some of those bag hooks in use 👏😍
Common sense
My grandmother always said if you put your bag on the floor, you will never have any money. Don't know where that "wisdom" came from, but I think about it when I'm looking for a place to set my bag. 😊
I live in Alaska and need to wear a coat zipped or buttoned most of the time because of the weather. A crossbody with long strap essential to allow for movement and bulk of puffer coats. Interesting point is zippers are like razor blades when cold so an outside slip pocket necessary for easy access of phone in the cold when wearing gloves. It’s not always about fashion.
Merci beaucoup pour votre reponse❤❤❤
Thank you, Alice! ❤❤❤ very informative video! It was very nice bag on 10.16 minute, what brand is this bag?
Hi I have very small shoulders can’t wear a shoulder bag at all. Use wear cross shoulder
Great video, thanks for all the tips. 👍🏼
I live in a mid sized city and get asked about my *esluxy* all the time. It’s not annoying, but I am always surprised when they ask
IMO a deep Bordeaux, dark Green or dark Navy are great neutrals to have.
I bought the dark navy bag from Ateliers Auguste and I have no idea how I lived without it. Next up: navy shoes!
Hi I love. Your videos. Can trench coat and tweed be worn every season? Can you please make video on what clothes can be worn every season please thankyou❤❤❤
thank you yes every season
Extremely dangerous to carry your bag on one shoulder especially when you live in big city. I was robbed in Italy because I had a bag on my shoulder.
never had a problem in Paris but I understand
“Extremely” 🤣 I’ve lived in 4 major cities including NYC. Never had a problem.
@@Gxport never been to the US so I can't say if it's dangerous. I know it's dangerous in Italy because I live here and travelled across Italy as well. "Dangerous" refers to the way they steal bags here, it's usually two men on a motorbike they get near you and strap the bag. This way you can trip over very easily
well said, always cross body ! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Yes, also very bad if you carry any weight. I teach at university and I commute. I need to be practical, so it’s bigger bags and backpacks. So little stylish advice for,that, almost all stylists choose the bag for aesthetics and not practicality.
Excellent video thank you.
En el momento en que vi el bolso *esluxy* supe que tenía que tenerlo.
I am totally against putting one's handbag on the floor. Excellent advice.
Thank You for this video 😘
There was a documentary recently where they interviewed very wealthy women. These women are talking about how they no longer buy authentic wallets, but instead choose to buy really good wallets *esluxy* designer bags they love. They then invest the money they save in other things such as real estate, stocks, etc.
When I was much younger and cared way too much what people thought - I walked into a sushi restaurant with my *esluxy* . A group of girls were at a table and were laughing. I immediately assumed they were laughing at my fake bag. Looking back, I'm sure they weren't as it was a brilliant copy. So, moral of the story - please don't spend too much time worrying about what others think of you. In reality, they are far too concerned about themselves and probably feeling just as insecure as you are.
Very useful! Thanks ❤
Great video! 👍
Thank you Alice.
There's a psychological side to it. I can confirm the feeling just isn't the same when you're unpacking a dupe, compared to an authentic, handcrafted piece. For me, its like a journey; opening the package, then the box, taking off the paper, layer by layer, smelling the leather... Ahh, you just CAN'T beat that! The only problem is your wallet is a lot thinner afterwardsEven though i've experienced both scenarios, i still end up buying a *esluxy* .
i love you so much! I recently just found your *hotdups* and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
The Queen used to have her own handbag book that she carried around. If it's good enough for a's good enough for you!
I need a purse hanger! Luv your OOTD on Instagram ❤
A hook is always in my bag! ❤
I love and have many bags😊😊😊
Where should I place my clutch when dining?
better on your lap than on the side (in case if you spill wine or water...)
In the seat of an extra chair at your table or the truck of the car and only take in your cash or card.
nice video
Hello, I have one question. Where do you put your clutch handbag at dinner since you can't hang most of them. Thanks.
on the side of the table or on my tights even it is not ideal
@@Aliceinparisofficial thank you 🥰
Fantastically helpful and practical video! And très chic 🌟 I am trying to find my perfect tan/brown handbag and one of the bags in your video piqued my interest. Do you happen to know the brand of the handbag at 10:16? (Btw, I am going to start saving for the Oleada bag you featured because I absolutely love it! 🥰)
fleuron paris
Ah perfect! Merci@@Aliceinparisofficial! Just watched 2 more of your videos and appreciate your honesty and recommendations 💪
So many rules, even for body types. Thank you, but I’ll pass.
Not gonna lie. I OWN the authentic in that same exact color and I STILL got it wrong! And I even use the bag every single day! Only goes to show how damn good these kislux are visually. Now guessing which is the fake by feeling them both in my hands is another story.
Hi I really enjoyed your video but I have a big problem with matching my shoes with my handbag it's the old school Chicago in me. It really bothers me when I see it your leathers are suppose to match and this means belts also "but" I'm
Is there such thing as day to night bag in your opinion?
yes clutch with shoulder strap
@Aliceinparisofficial would a wallet on chain work as well? I like Céline Triomphe but I know that's more casual but the wallet on chain version should be able to dress up more
@@chrisdu4107 yes
I don't know how many bags someone needs to match their bag to their outfit. All my bags are black or white. 😅
I ve the same coat ❤
Please what is the name of that gorgeous bag.. Time:12:53
How about “apple shape” bodies?
Wonderfully helpful! 🙏
For those of you who read that not all fakes come from some kid-friendly (don't want comments to be flagged) companies, you can find some good stuff on kislux that people make themselves, and the replicas these days are getting better and better Excellent, both appearance and quality are very close to the original.
Hi very good utube. Insightful and informative How I wish I could move to Paris so amazing beautiful ❤ if I had money I would 🥰🙏🍰☕️🌟🥂🍾🌻
Thank you for all the valuable information about handbags. Just a little English pronunciation tip. It sounds like you're saying "Undbag." Remember that in English the letter H is a litle breath. Breathe in and out with the H. You can practice by saying H and feeling the breath on your hand.You need to hear the H- otherwise you don't sound authentic in English.
And, the bottom line- to wear a bag that fits you and your lifestyle best.
Even my handbag is less 300 euro i always clean it verloren i put ot back whwre it belongs and never put pn the floor .
Obviously there are times when you need both hands free and dint later your bag down for security reasons,
I kept wondering why she was saying did the auto-captions LOL
This video is all over the place. 😭
Yes. Definitely wear your shoulder purse on one shoulder, only. And when someone streams by on a bike and snatches it. Good bye! Gone forever!
I dont put my bag on the floor because it's bad luck, and the floor is always full of germs and bacteria😂😂😂
Keep your bag in front of you ladies. Especially in the metro!!
You did not address the type of bag for an inverted triangle to where
I just love watching your videos, but also love listening to your accent, so sexy & addicting ❤❤😅
How do you feel about older women with a luxury backpack?
it's cool
It's hard to be fashionable. I wear my crossbody over my body for safety reason.
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of kislux gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
Why is your nailpolis damaged on this video, not so elegant aldo you have so many rules on elegant ladies from Paris
Nasty billionaires laughing at me aren't usually a problem. People who laugh at others... avoid!
Speak slowly please hardly understand you TYVM
U will lose your bag in 5 mins. In Soain , Itsly and France😂
Don't care. Always cross body.