Not always. Some were simply outnumbered, outmatched & outgunned despite not having "internal decay". Sometimes you try so hard but someone is just stronger, faster, etc & will overpower you in the contest.
Arguably the worst thing we forgot is what an honest days work means to the average person. We used to Hunt, Farm, and Fish together as a community. Now we hustle each other using trick words, terrible weapons, and our amazing minds against us.
I think this video is my favorite of yours so far. It is succint, clear and underlines great concepts with a touch of your interpretation. Clean and honest as usual. Cheers mate!
UK and Ireland is also transitioning from Selfishness and Apathyto Dependence. It's hard to know how to break the cycle - we've long forgotten where we came from and to Whom we owe our blessings.
The UK, I can't speak for Ireland as I don't live there, is in the strange position of its people not wanting the various steps that have been taken to reduce them to their current level, but its elite insisting on them. I've watched over the past four decades actions be taken that the public didn't like be insisted upon by their political and media class, that have ended disastrously. But the public aren't ready to accept that their representative parliamentary system is failing them. If they do, and reform it, there is still a chance for the UK. Ireland perhaps less so, whilst it remains in the European Union its ability to take action that suits Ireland alone is hampered.
@@Sir_Gerald_Nosehairs. That would be different if the aristocracy were of the same stock as they historically were. Now they are commoners blinded by money and pushing Marxism because they are afraid. They do not know their own nations anymore.
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their policies will wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
There's no breaking an immutable law. This is the natural cycle of civilization. The day it breaks is when there is no longer civilization or we're no longer human.
This is a well made and thought provoking video. However, I'd like to point out one thing in this video; the six stages in the Tytler's cycle of civilizations are not distinct stages. Each stage merges with the stages preceding and following it. Thus if the US is at the 5th stage of Selfishness and Apathy, then a diminishing part of the US would be in the stage of Liberty and Abundance while some part of the US would already be in dependence. So you will see some parts of the society at the 4th stage, a large part in the 5th stage and some parts of the society in the 6th stage.
This progression refers to an entire society, though not individual lives. I'm not sure how you're applying individual experiences as though they run the same path. There will always be individuals that are more or less intelligent and or knowledgeable about a particular aspect of their society, but that doesn't seem to have any distinguishable affect on the progression of the society as a whole. One life is more or less eighty years, and this cycle is based on a two hundred year cycle if I'm not mistaken. Another thought that comes to mind is that even if there are individuals that are in different phases of the cycle as you suggest, the cycle seems to apply to decisions and actions taken by the society as a whole, meaning that you may have older people who understand the prosperity stage and have even been a part of it but their knowledge of it seemingly does not change the fact that their children and grand children progress through the next phases....
@@nolangillentine773 Societies do not seem to learn from history and repeat the same mistakes over and over again. This is because this behavior results from human nature, and that changes glacially, if at all.
Very insightful comment. You've explained the reason for the deep divide culturally and politically between the heartland and Northeast and West Coast in the United States today. The heartland is mostly at an early stage of the cycle and the Northeast/West Coast are further along.
@drexelmildraff7580 Several good points. After reading through the thread again, I don't believe that I disagreed with the OP. I certainly don't now. I think it is one of those topics that lies just on the outside edge of my understanding. My mind has to "mull it over," if you will. I appreciate the insight from both of you. Clearly, our society is floundering as a whole, and even many of the very intelligent people who I know, while meaning well, are not responding in the correct manner to save it.
Agree. The USA is breaking into at least two separate civilizations… You’ve got the heartland, the south and the general interior of the country which is maintaining its basic western Christian civilization, patriotic family values, and morals, whilst the left coast and the Atlantic coast from Virginia North are branching off into their own breakaway civilization, which seems to be obsessed with social engineering, progress, and obsession with social reform (puritanical new England yankee culture), and generally dedicating itself to being the opposite of its parent western civilization.
The meager 4.8K views of this crucial video (for our survival), is a sure testament to the bottom level our current society has fallen to, and a proof that the cycle will run it's course again.
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their policies will wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
To every individual in a society the costs of anti-social behavior are dispersed and far in the future, while the benefits are concentrated and immediate. Even with forewarning, the cycle can't be stopped.
Human society is very simple...its a game of SUPPLY & DEMAND. The masses have NEEDS & DEMANDS for stuff most ppl cannot or will not get, make or provide (SUPPLY) for them selves so a few very capable, talented elites step up & SUPPLY the helpless masses with most or all of their NEEDS, DESIRES & DEMANDS! it's an ancient, perfectly balanced system of GIVE/TAKE...SUPPLY/DEMAND yet sometimes gets out of balance when the rich powerful elite SUPPLIERS get greedy & begin neglecting the NEEDY masses. A rebellion may occur, but the ancient, cosmic system of SUPPLY/DEMAND is quickly & happily reinstated.
It meant “men” as German “Menschen” (human beings), not men as “Männer” (as oppsed to women). English has lost this distinction which German has kept, and which Latin also had (homo vs. vir) and other current languages too. English “man” can be in opposition to (say) animal or in opposition to woman. Poverty of English leads to confusion and unnecessary arguments. Just a thought…
Women are just along for the ride I’m afraid. If women check out of the system it doesn’t collapse. If men check out of society it’s done and quickly over. Women’s “lib” and female suffrage have made promiscuity and social programs the norm. They may have started with a noble goal but the unintended consequences have done major (perhaps irreparable) damage to Western Civilization.
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their omnipotent leader and policies will now wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
This concept of cycle of empires originally comes from the Muslim philosopher Ibn Khaldun in 1377. In his work titled Muqaddimah, he explains that empires go through a natural cycle of rise, peak and fall. They do this through what's known as *Asabiyyah* (social cohesion or group solidarity) Empires arises from a group with strong *Asabiyyah* , which allows them to conquer and establish a new state. Over time, as the ruling group becomes more comfortable and luxurious, their *Asabiyyah* weakens, leading to the eventual decline and fall of the empire, making way for a new group to rise to power.
I think the dependence of corporations on massive subsidies and tax break to siphon off massive profits and pretend to to be viable in a marketplace of real competition is more of a problem than people receiving social security in which they were taxed 40 to 50 years
It took hundreds of years for our civilization to emerge from bondage to liberty. In contrast, the bad half of the cycle is taking place within single lifetimes. The question is: will we then move on just as rapidly or will we become mired once again in a long state of bondage?
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their omnipotent leader and policies will now wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
We're already in the bondage phase. Our entire system is founded on bondage. We have the highest prison population and largest bondage market on the planet.
I’m canadian and we clearly are in the dependence stage while our "elites" are draining the accounts before the show is over. Thanks to justin, we now know what a post national states means. I didn’t like how it sounded back in 2015 and living in it is a real nightmare. And I witnessed first hand the assault on the Warrior Culture in the army and it just killed me as a vet.
It must be pointed out that different countries and regions of the globe are at different stages of this cycle (which has always been the case throughout history). The West is entering, or has entered, the Dependence phase, but the East is still at earlier stages of the cycle. We can therefore posit with great certainty that power will be shifting from one to the other.
One thing worth mentioning is that social security isn't free. I've been forced to pay into that fund all my working life. Money that I could have put to work earning interest, or profit. You feel a certain entitlement after all that effort.
And yet voters have continuously voted for politicians who looted and squandered the social security funds to purchase votes via an ever-increasing welfare state. My program is a GOOD program; those others are BAD programs. Life is about me, Me, ME! The USA is now $36 trillion in debt and the SS program will not survive in its present form. Benefits will be cut, retirement age will rise to 74 or higher, and this is not avoidable. American voters failed to hold their elected officials accountable and will soon pay a painfully high price for the apathy of the Lost Generation, WWII Generation, Silent Generation, Baby Boomer Generation, Generation X, and the Millennial Generation.
not a bad idea to keep in mind that a significant number of us paid/pay into social security all of our working lives, making it an investment rather than a 'government handout.' Small detail perhaps, but often seemingly incidental features can alter a picture entirely. This is really great food for thought - I exercise my mind with all of your posts I've read so far - thanks for that.
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their omnipotent leader and policies will now wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
I believe that we are in that area between dependence and bondage currently. I believe that the 70s were charachertized by the selfishness and apathy, at least the latter part going into the 80s and by then the socialist policies of Johnson had been multiplied with the affirmative action policies and we became largely dependent upon the government or at least a significant percentage of the population has. I am starting to see the beginnings of stirrings amongst the youth towards traditional values and faith in God. Young people are crying out for a sense of purpose and fulfillment that is not based upon hollow and shallow things. Thus in much the same way that we were ripe for an awakening in those years before our revolution and to which the subsequent revolution had sprung forth from. In similar fashion also to the civil war period and great awakening that happened in that era. We are as close to division as we were at our revolution or our civil war. More divided even than in the 60s and 70s with the race riots and Vietnam.
I don't know if you're a believer or not, but our system will end soon. That said, during the Song Dynasty, China 🇨🇳 had a proto industrial revolution and a good capitalism system, and the economy was at its height.
We should be in hard times now where strong men can arise now to break the cycle and save our beloved nation Our whole country should watch this very informative video!
What I find interesting is that if you asked someone on the left where we are in this cycle, they would likely say The Courage Phase bc they see our Constitution as archaic and limiting, supporting only Christian ideals and patriarchy. They believe they are currently breaking free from that. Perception is key but ultimately, it is not relative and they will see exactly where we are when the other phases are short circuited and we enter Bondage.
Lemmings never learn. They just follow the leaders (the most greedy), and the cycle repeats. I don't know if we have the imagination to make different choices. Even having the cycle laid out before our very eyes, seems to not be enough.
In the US, we are definitely somewhere between Selfishness and Dependence. We are quickly heading deep into dependence with the help of far left leaning politics.
After having passed through (or currently towards the end of) the selfishness cycle which has been encouraged and exacerbated by the policies of the far right to hoard ever more of the nations wealth for the upper class.
The percentage of the population and percentage of production of elites would impact this. Someone could be become dependent if the society does not produce enough optimism or opportunities for the whole or average citizen. Resources and how they are divided more than mindset of the citizens. Or resources influencing mindset
I guess Tytler didn't anticipate that the "voters" would become "money" (eg., corporations are people) and those with money would see to it that they receive all the largesse - that, despite not paying as much into the treasury as those who don't have money. A little simplistic to say that late 20th century American "wealth" was due to collapse of USSR and US geopolitical position. What about manufacturing and labor collapsing due to US business moving to low-labor-cost countries?
The international dominance, until the 2020s, of the greenback permitted the US to export its inflation and import cheap goods and services from abroad.
When it comes to "relying on the government" why does it always talk about poor people and not large multinational corporations lobbying for billions in subsidies? Seems kinda biased. Never talks about $100 millionaire sports franchise owners coming with their hands out for money for a new stadium when the local government can barely pay for enough police or teachers.
its the purchasing power of the dollar manipulated to go down...thomas jefferson said if we let bankers manipulate our currency our great grand children will wake up homeless on the continent their forefathers founded. another thing is the stupid property tax which you will have to pay. example grandfather buys house in 1965 for $18,000 dollars, ends up paying mortgae for 30 years where he pays over 100,000$ dollars. plus taxes every year on top of all that. after mortage is paid off in 1996, still has to pay between $2000-$5000 a year for property tax for that house. years down the road the 95 year old wife thats on social security barely can make ends meet every month. it gets to a point that the property tax cant be afforded anymore and the gov takes that house. if a house can be in your family for over 60-70 years and it can be taken from you because you cant pay $2300 property taxes for that year its time for a revolution. do you know what the definition of a mortgage is? mort - means death, gage -means pledge. so your mortgage actually means death pledge.The problem is the purchasing power of the dollar needs to be reinstated away from the “fiat debt based create money out if thin air” to be like it was years ago before creation of the fed. You always hear politicians say “we need more good paying jobs” that is not the answer. I have had jobs some good paying and not so good paying… heck I have had 2-3 jobs st one time. and still not make it week to week…the problem is that the purchasing power of the dollar must be reset so one spouse can work where the other one can stay home and be with the kids and watch the home and give proper discipline which with one income that takes the pressure off of the marriage and you will make it in life…for example in 1972 a father can work one job mom can stay home and raise kids. And you still could have one car on the family with a small yet decent single family home America and any other nation falls when the 1-5 percent of the population has 90 percent of the wealth. Check out other nations: France Rome Spain, etc… same thing always happens. Then that society just disintegrates into all sort of perversion and then it collapses…
This is missing either an entire stage, or at least an element of the bondage stage - the stage of bondage in which the ruled believe they are free and others are not, AHEM AMERICA AHEM. What about the economic and financial servitude that is commonplace among all of the western nations? What about the illusion of choice in all the so called democratic nations, which are truly oligarchical at their core? What about the passive acceptance of any outcome that we all have willingly adopted under the ruse of novelties like this or that technology (iPhones, movies, video games, social media, etc.) which has only blinded us from our own interests?
This is apophenia applied to history. History, as Alexaner Hertzen writes, has no libretto. I recommend Tolstoy's treatises in War and Peace on great man history. This sort of view faces the same infinite regression that that does.
I'd agree that the US is at least partially in the Selfishness and Apathy stage. A big difference this time around is the rise of technology, it's changing the way we live and will break this cycle.
Technology only serves to expedite the processes, but the people stay the same, if not conveniently more ignorant; despite having access to information unlike any other. They still live in not just an ignorance, but rather an arrogance.
@@ConnortheCanaanite Also, people don’t realize that technology has always existed in societies. We just don’t think of many of our material possessions as technology today.
I see technology as a fragile, impermanent entity which can disappear like Rome's technology. They forgot how to make glass and concrete when rome fell, and no one was able to repair aqueducts for over 600 years. If our technology fails today, 90% of us die.
It's actually much simpler, all empires since recorded history have 3 stages in their lifespan. Rise, decline, and finally collapse. The only difference is the timespan. For example, it took Rome approx 1200 years to complete the cycle whereas it took nazi Germany approx 26 years. Today Great Britain is in the collapse phase and the US is in the decline stage.
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their omnipotent leader and policies will now wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Is America tough enough to quell it's differences diplomatically, or will the many calls for another civil war lead us back to the 1860's?
I wonder if pseudo Capitalism (where competitive advantage becomes meaningless because power is concentrated in a few corporations) is a re-enforcing mechanism strengthening the bounds of this cycle? The next question is: What will happen when jobs are replaced by robots? Will that event destroy the financial system? And give rise to a new "savior" (government?) and bondage?
It's still technically an entitlement. That isn't to say you don't deserve to receive it. But the government manages it nonetheless, meaning it is at risk from corruption.
8:59 this bit is hilarious since, by the definition of needing the government for basic needs being the litmus test for the dependence stage, you just put all feudal history into that category.
I think that I've heard about this in once or twice in those several History courses that I took at University. To put it a little more simply, maybe: form versus substance? For those that watch PBS Documentaries once in a while. Where the 'form' can be financed by the society, as the forms are often pretty simple. But as times progress, the society is politically convinced that they 'can afford this,' as they are the 'richest' people and that it 'would be fair and charitable,' for succeeding generations to "share." A religious experience then? I am hoping that the valuable metals that planetary astronomers tell us that are in nearby orbits will finance future political platforms. Go NASA, quickly!! The US might be running out of resources to fund the illegal immigrants and others in political apparent difficulty. Sounds a lot like a dystopia movie, don't it?
I'm not sure I agree with this theory. The Roman Empire (after Caesar) was quite authoritarian compared to the republic yet early on it was powerful and prosperous. Tytler was likely biased from the spirit of his time. I much prefer Glubb's or even Spengler's cyclic theory.
It’s pretty accurate up to the “dependence” stage. This part is indefensible. NASA has pointed out that the greatest threat to civilization is the wealth gap. The ruling class, in their privilege bubble, become so detached from the populace that they don’t notice societies collapse till it’s too late. They don’t notice that the population lost hope and so turn to authoritarian leaders who promise to fix things, but who only become oppressive dictators once in power. The countries with the highest standard of living, the lowest corruption, and happiest populations are the ones with strong government programs, strong unions and a strong welfare state, like in Scandinavia. Mind blowing I know, but it turns out societies don’t collapse when they take care of their people, and collapse under pure capitalism which is about survival of the fittest.
Scandinavia, despite all the benefits it has provided its citizenry, has imported problems into their societies that never existed previously due to a suicidal empathy to help people beyond their borders. Even now, despite all the benefits, they too are demographically dying out.
@@savioblanc They’re doing a lot better than us! Maybe the lack of hate for outsiders is part of why they are so much more happy? Maybe they’re not boiling with rage all day, you know?
@@petercornwell5880 boiling with rage against outsiders happens when your borders are wide open and people from across the planet start streaming into your country by the millions. And it's obvious they're getting mad at the numbers of issues they've imported, as more right wing parties get elected. Even the left wing parties, like the ones in the Netherlands, won because they adopted the right wing approach to immigration.
You seemed to have misunderstood a few parts, or perhaps you are just trying to make it fit your narrative. The theory is basically correct, it's just your application of it is faulty.
Very interesting until the narrator claimed that Social Security is a government handout when people like myself have paid into these so-called government handouts all my life. I would be grateful if the government would give me back what I paid into Social Security and leave me to my own devices.
@@woofowl2408 Social Security isn’t really a Libertarian idea, as it can only be enforced by forceful taxation. Whether that be left or right leaning libertarianism. Though, Social Security definitely falls underneath a left-leaning economic policy. Right-leaning Libertarians are something along the lines of Anarchical-Capitalists, whilst Left-leaning Libertarians are something along the lines of Anarchical Mob-Rule attempting to live within a ‘True Democracy’ based system. As Democracy is essentially that the largest voting block or party beats the other every time. Though, I say Mob-Rule, because this inevitably turns into an attempt to control every institution and this includes any Media. So it inevitably becomes more Authoritarian. The same goes with Right-Leaning Libertarians, except that corporations vie for complete control or power, as Nature Abhors a Vacuum; so the power structure will be filled regardless of the desire of the people, as they are individualists and not a collective. Libertarianism is sort of Paradoxical in general, in that in any which way you create some organized structure, it takes away from the Libertarian system of ideals. The best you’d get is essentially ‘Wild Western America’.
Seems bogus to me. How many democracies have there been? Greek democracy was government by a tiny group. Same with the Roman Republic. England has been a constitutional monarchy, effectively a democracy, for hundreds of years, but still ruled by a small group. Most “democracies” are pretty young, so this cycle has not lived out yet.
You lost me at the welfare state stage. I’m assuming most of that elucidation was more of a personal neo-liberal opinion piece rather than what the author himself had actually written about it.
Exactly, you can't take a political view. If you want a solid economic theory of why complex societies collapse, nobody has explained it better than Joseph Tainter, without getting into questions of democracy, dictatorships, welfare, freedom or anything like that. It is a process that over time, societies get more complex and add complexity as they solve problems as they arrive. Complexity has an energy cost, and eventually a society cannot sustain its own processes without spending its capital. Without a surplus, eventually the society is on a downward slope.
As a Latter-Day Saint we call this the "Pride Cycle." The Book of Mormon emphasizes the destruction of ancient societies in the Americas and warns those of our generation that the same can happen here. There is one fundamental difference between the cycle you have presented, compared to what the Book of Mormon teaches, and that is the divinity of Jesus Christ which seeks to draw all men to him. His divinity is in sharp contrast with Lucifer or Satan who seeks to destroy the souls of men. This war between good and evil continues and America is no different except that at this time when men ripen in iniquity they will be swept off by the power of God. Those who fear God should conduct themselves according to his commandments. Time is running out.
In this stage of America, we're overlooking the innovation that's going on and the newcomers to our melting pot society. From this point of reference, I'd say we're in the stage of great courage, tearing down the chains of superstitions from the blindness of religious faith and the segregationist culture.
Nothing lasts forever. Change comes at the expense of the poor. The poor will fight and die for the rich. The old system will be replaced with the old system with a new name.
I would say it was pretty clearly during almost the entire 70's and 80's. People had such easy lives that they literally partied and screwed off throughout those decades. You can piss and whine and pretend like you yourself have never experienced wealth because you feel like you are entitled, if that's your angle here, but we have been overwhelmingly wealthy as a society, even in our lower classes.
@@nolangillentine773 So, first of all, you are claiming this liberty and abundance phase lasted a mere two decades at best. Second, I lived during those decades and people did not have any easier lives than they have now. Those decades weren't just about partying and screwing-off. When the 70s began, we were still in Vietnam and many of our young men were still coming home in body bags. The corrupt Nixon Administration was engaging in criminal activity that threatened our democracy. Inflation was high and the economy began to stagnate at the same time. This was a completely new economic phenomenon, they had to invent a new term to describe it, 'stagflation'. The decade ended with the overthrow of the Shaw in Iran and the taking of American hostages in the US embassy there. This was followed by a failed US rescue operation in the desert that made America look weak. Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of minorities still lived in poverty, as well as many white Americans in rural areas. Things got better under Reagan in the 80s -- especially for the wealthy. But drugs and gangs ruled the streets of many inner-cities during that decade, there were drive-by shootings, and often innocent people lost their lives in the crossfire in the wars between the bloods and the crips, other people became hopeless drug addicts as crack became the drug of choice. Crack was widespread in the 80s, it ruined people's lives and destroyed families. They invented another term in that decade 'crack-babies' -- these were babies who were born premature and already addicted to crack because their pregnant mothers were crack addicts. The 80s also saw the rise of AIDS as an incurable and life-threatening disease that threatened not just homosexuals, but anyone that engaged in promiscuous sex -- Magic Johnson, who was an NBA star at the time, was forced into retirement at the peak of his talent because he got it. So, the 80s weren't all that great. In some ways, things are much better now than they were in the 80s, and, historically speaking, the 1920s and 1950s were better times for America than the 80s. Third, liberty and abundance isn't about partying and screwing-off, it's about raising a family so they can live happy and productive lives and contribute to the well-being of the society and nation as a whole.
As for pissing and whining and supposedly feeling entitled, you are certainly projecting your own feelings on to me. I am very happy with America and being American -- as the name 'Always Great USA' indicates to anyone with a brain. We are ALWAYS Abundant and Free in comparison with the rest of the world. My criticism in this thread was directed towards this whole 'cyclical' theory of the rise-and-fall of civilizations. It's a theory that doesn't fit the actual historical facts for anyone that has actually studied history. Moreover, I pointed-out the problems in the 70s and 80s, just to show that EVERY DECADE has its own problems. America is Always Great, regardless of its problems. Every society has problems. What we are not is perfect -- NO society on earth is ever perfect. Abundance and Liberty aren't 'a phase' in America -- it's WHO WE ARE AS A NATION !
@alwaysgreatusa223 I believe that it should be who we are. And I believe that we have, or had, rather, the potential to always be great, but I believe that you are blinded by your idealistic views, unfortunately. I want to be proud of this nation, I love the USA. Yes, we have had more freedom and more blessings than any other country, probably in history. That is all the more reason that we seem to be on the decline. Those freedoms are rapidly being eroded by not only a tyrannical government but also by a "Karen"- like mentality of people who are quick to want to convict others of wrong doing and absolutely blind to their own imperfections. Entitlement is running rampant in this nation. Surely you can see that? Everyone wants to call the police on their neighbor for the most ridiculous things, and then they want the government to always validate their own decisions. The police, bloated with power and authority, happily pretend that they are heroes and have seemingly no limits on what they will do to "catch the bad guy", to the point that the entire nation, including the police themselves, easily fall into their own definition of "criminal".We have actively traded our freedoms for a false sense of security. How can you not see that happening? Trans-sexuality and sexual immorality is another indicator of a failing society that isn't even listed in this video. Surely you can't argue how rapidly moral degradation has not only become accepted but has become expected in this society? I can clearly see how the mentality of our society has almost exactly followed this cycle. It saddens me to the core to face this reality, but the reality is that we are a spoiled, entitled nation who was blessed by God and have walked away from Him. We have had many blessings, and we as a whole have responded much like a spoiled teenager. Much like Israel has done so many times throughout history. The question is whether He will continue to allow us to exist, as He does with Israel, or whether His judgment on the US will be more like Sodom and Gomorrah. I believe that the answer to that question depends largely on whether or not we as a nation chose to return to God and reality and truth, or whether we chose to continue down the path of selfishness, greed, entitlement, fantasy and pride that we are currently barreling down. It is worth noting that Israel has a covenant with God. He set them apart as "His people." We do not have those promises from Him.
@@nolangillentine773 I lived through both the 70s and 80s and they were not any better than the decade we are now living in, and in many ways they were worse. Moreover, the idea that Abundance and Liberty means just partying and screwing-off is immature and stupid. Abundance and Liberty mean raising a family to be happy, healthy, and productive people in a society that is economically, politically, and socially stable and relatively law-abiding and peaceful, but which still allows for free-expression, individuality, and diversity. In fact, I would argue that, taking an overall view of the history of our nation, America is becoming more Abundant and Free over time. But this is not merely a phase in our history, it is WHO WE ARE AS A NATION. The progress is not a straight linear ascent, we have our ups and downs, some decades are better than others, but, overall, we are on the right track -- I don't care what the left or the right say. THEY ARE BOTH WRONG in their PESSIMISTIC OPINIONS about the Always Great USA ! We are already Great, and WE ARE GETTING GREATER with every passing day !
Your explanation of this scheme is heavily US-centric and far-fetched. I like Lev Gumilev's take on the Rise and Fall of Civilizations. Specifically his theory of passionarity explosion
Late 19th century Britain with its exploitation of the working class is an example of abundance? While the content of this channel is interesting, the creator really struggles to draw the parallels between the material he presents and the real world.
I do not agree with this model since we live during a technological era in which our societies no longer abide by the usual cycle of rise and collapse. We have AI now which can theoretically break or warp this cycle, and the possible outcome of future societies become more bizarre and complex. Civilization becomes obsolete, and societies today resemble more and more as processes in a giant cybernetic web or computational labyrinth in which we are barely able to scratch the surface of comprehending.
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their omnipotent leader and policies will now wreck the UK, a civilisation and once Empire in collapse in real time for all to see.
Is it really that welfare increases in the US? Also I wonder if not the problem lies in the stage of apathy and selfishness. More wealth are concentrated to fewer and average citizens cant sustain their lifestyle. The rich does not pay a fair share of taxes and average salaries stagnate because the workers bargain situation weakens. So, without state welfare, how can people survive when the game is rigged against them? US salaries are at the same levels as they were in 1980 (indexed salaries), but the country is much richer now. in 2010, 20% of wealth in US is owned by 0,1% of families. 20% of wealth is also own by 90% of the population. Americans are a funny people since almost all of them think they allready are among the wealthiest top 10%. 71% of young people believe they will be among the wealthiest top 1%. Reality and expectations does not match. US is not the country of opportunity. In Europe you have more social mobility than in the US. This makes for an unstable US in my view.
“No great nation has been conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within”-Durant
Durant was quite correct with his observation. Decay and collapse always start from within.
Not always. Some were simply outnumbered, outmatched & outgunned despite not having "internal decay".
Sometimes you try so hard but someone is just stronger, faster, etc & will overpower you in the contest.
Not just democracy any form of government.
Arguably the worst thing we forgot is what an honest days work means to the average person.
We used to Hunt, Farm, and Fish together as a community.
Now we hustle each other using trick words, terrible weapons, and our amazing minds against us.
I think this video is my favorite of yours so far. It is succint, clear and underlines great concepts with a touch of your interpretation. Clean and honest as usual. Cheers mate!
Thank you Mathieu!
UK and Ireland is also transitioning from Selfishness and Apathyto Dependence. It's hard to know how to break the cycle - we've long forgotten where we came from and to Whom we owe our blessings.
I would say they are immersed in it already.
The UK, I can't speak for Ireland as I don't live there, is in the strange position of its people not wanting the various steps that have been taken to reduce them to their current level, but its elite insisting on them. I've watched over the past four decades actions be taken that the public didn't like be insisted upon by their political and media class, that have ended disastrously.
But the public aren't ready to accept that their representative parliamentary system is failing them. If they do, and reform it, there is still a chance for the UK. Ireland perhaps less so, whilst it remains in the European Union its ability to take action that suits Ireland alone is hampered.
@@Sir_Gerald_Nosehairs. That would be different if the aristocracy were of the same stock as they historically were. Now they are commoners blinded by money and pushing Marxism because they are afraid. They do not know their own nations anymore.
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their policies will wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
There's no breaking an immutable law. This is the natural cycle of civilization. The day it breaks is when there is no longer civilization or we're no longer human.
I live in Britain and we are without doubt at the selfishness and apathy stage and heading towards the dependence stage.
nope we are late stage DEPENDENCE .
It’s the entire anglosphere including America.
@@Tony11806 Got that in one!
This is a well made and thought provoking video. However, I'd like to point out one thing in this video; the six stages in the Tytler's cycle of civilizations are not distinct stages. Each stage merges with the stages preceding and following it. Thus if the US is at the 5th stage of Selfishness and Apathy, then a diminishing part of the US would be in the stage of Liberty and Abundance while some part of the US would already be in dependence. So you will see some parts of the society at the 4th stage, a large part in the 5th stage and some parts of the society in the 6th stage.
This progression refers to an entire society, though not individual lives. I'm not sure how you're applying individual experiences as though they run the same path. There will always be individuals that are more or less intelligent and or knowledgeable about a particular aspect of their society, but that doesn't seem to have any distinguishable affect on the progression of the society as a whole.
One life is more or less eighty years, and this cycle is based on a two hundred year cycle if I'm not mistaken.
Another thought that comes to mind is that even if there are individuals that are in different phases of the cycle as you suggest, the cycle seems to apply to decisions and actions taken by the society as a whole, meaning that you may have older people who understand the prosperity stage and have even been a part of it but their knowledge of it seemingly does not change the fact that their children and grand children progress through the next phases....
@@nolangillentine773 Societies do not seem to learn from history and repeat the same mistakes over and over again. This is because this behavior results from human nature, and that changes glacially, if at all.
Very insightful comment. You've explained the reason for the deep divide culturally and politically between the heartland and Northeast and West Coast in the United States today. The heartland is mostly at an early stage of the cycle and the Northeast/West Coast are further along.
@drexelmildraff7580 Several good points. After reading through the thread again, I don't believe that I disagreed with the OP. I certainly don't now.
I think it is one of those topics that lies just on the outside edge of my understanding. My mind has to "mull it over," if you will.
I appreciate the insight from both of you. Clearly, our society is floundering as a whole, and even many of the very intelligent people who I know, while meaning well, are not responding in the correct manner to save it.
Agree. The USA is breaking into at least two separate civilizations… You’ve got the heartland, the south and the general interior of the country which is maintaining its basic western Christian civilization, patriotic family values, and morals, whilst the left coast and the Atlantic coast from Virginia North are branching off into their own breakaway civilization, which seems to be obsessed with social engineering, progress, and obsession with social reform (puritanical new England yankee culture), and generally dedicating itself to being the opposite of its parent western civilization.
The meager 4.8K views of this crucial video (for our survival), is a sure testament to the bottom level our current society has fallen to, and a proof that the cycle will run it's course again.
@@jasminesnead2517 12K
People don't use their HANDHELD SUPER COMPUTERS to educate themselves. They use it for pron, escapism, and various other idiotic past times instead.
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their policies will wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
To every individual in a society the costs of anti-social behavior are dispersed and far in the future, while the benefits are concentrated and immediate. Even with forewarning, the cycle can't be stopped.
Human society is very simple...its a game of SUPPLY & DEMAND.
The masses have NEEDS & DEMANDS for stuff most ppl cannot or will not get, make or provide (SUPPLY) for them selves so
a few very capable, talented elites step up & SUPPLY the helpless masses with most or all of their NEEDS, DESIRES & DEMANDS!
it's an ancient, perfectly balanced system of GIVE/TAKE...SUPPLY/DEMAND yet sometimes gets out of balance when the rich powerful elite SUPPLIERS get greedy & begin neglecting the NEEDY masses. A rebellion may occur, but the ancient, cosmic system of SUPPLY/DEMAND is quickly & happily reinstated.
It's remarkable how closely this pattern matches what my people call the pride cycle. Not exactly the same but pretty darn close.
I would be very interested to learn more about the Pride Cycle. Do you have any sources so I can research it? Thank you.
Human nature does not change.
@@bitbucketcynicit is for a reason in my way of calling it the cycle of life
It's total nonsense. There is no such "cycle".
Is this pride cycle in reference to LGBT pride or is it something else? I'm slightly confused...
We are in a modern “ Bread and Circuses “ Event now. Social Engineering via Social Media and Digital Currency will be the nail in the Coffin.
Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak mean create hard times
What about Women
It meant “men” as German “Menschen” (human beings), not men as “Männer” (as oppsed to women). English has lost this distinction which German has kept, and which Latin also had (homo vs. vir) and other current languages too. English “man” can be in opposition to (say) animal or in opposition to woman. Poverty of English leads to confusion and unnecessary arguments. Just a thought…
If you unironically believe this then you're a mouthbreather who's never read a book. Real history doesn't ever fit this neat little cycle.
Women are just along for the ride I’m afraid. If women check out of the system it doesn’t collapse. If men check out of society it’s done and quickly over. Women’s “lib” and female suffrage have made promiscuity and social programs the norm. They may have started with a noble goal but the unintended consequences have done major (perhaps irreparable) damage to Western Civilization.
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their omnipotent leader and policies will now wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
This concept of cycle of empires originally comes from the Muslim philosopher Ibn Khaldun in 1377.
In his work titled Muqaddimah, he explains that empires go through a natural cycle of rise, peak and fall. They do this through what's known as *Asabiyyah* (social cohesion or group solidarity)
Empires arises from a group with strong *Asabiyyah* , which allows them to conquer and establish a new state. Over time, as the ruling group becomes more comfortable and luxurious, their *Asabiyyah* weakens, leading to the eventual decline and fall of the empire, making way for a new group to rise to power.
This sounds a bit like Hegel's dialectic and Karl Marx's rise of the proletariat.
Tytler's cycle is not a theory. It's an observation.
I think the dependence of corporations on massive subsidies and tax break to siphon off massive profits and pretend to to be viable in a marketplace of real competition is more of a problem than people receiving social security in which they were taxed 40 to 50 years
It took hundreds of years for our civilization to emerge from bondage to liberty. In contrast, the bad half of the cycle is taking place within single lifetimes. The question is: will we then move on just as rapidly or will we become mired once again in a long state of bondage?
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their omnipotent leader and policies will now wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
We’re at the Dependence Stage progressing to the Bondage Stage.
We're already in the bondage phase. Our entire system is founded on bondage. We have the highest prison population and largest bondage market on the planet.
@@wesbaumguardner8829one thing I’ve learned in life is that things can always get worse.
@@huemann7637 Oh, it's gonna. You can rest assured.
Seems to me we're at the Bondage Stage... most people are financially incapable of doing much more than simply staying alive.
If when all one's income is spent on food, clothing, accommodation, utilities, & transport, one has become a slave.
I’m canadian and we clearly are in the dependence stage while our "elites" are draining the accounts before the show is over.
Thanks to justin, we now know what a post national states means. I didn’t like how it sounded back in 2015 and living in it is a real nightmare. And I witnessed first hand the assault on the Warrior Culture in the army and it just killed me as a vet.
It must be pointed out that different countries and regions of the globe are at different stages of this cycle (which has always been the case throughout history). The West is entering, or has entered, the Dependence phase, but the East is still at earlier stages of the cycle. We can therefore posit with great certainty that power will be shifting from one to the other.
One thing worth mentioning is that social security isn't free. I've been forced to pay into that fund all my working life. Money that I could have put to work earning interest, or profit. You feel a certain entitlement after all that effort.
Well said!
And yet voters have continuously voted for politicians who looted and squandered the social security funds to purchase votes via an ever-increasing welfare state. My program is a GOOD program; those others are BAD programs. Life is about me, Me, ME!
The USA is now $36 trillion in debt and the SS program will not survive in its present form. Benefits will be cut, retirement age will rise to 74 or higher, and this is not avoidable. American voters failed to hold their elected officials accountable and will soon pay a painfully high price for the apathy of the Lost Generation, WWII Generation, Silent Generation, Baby Boomer Generation, Generation X, and the Millennial Generation.
Wait is this the origin of "good times creates weak men"?
It describes a similar trend, though I don't believe the quote you mentioned originally comes from Tytler.
Brilliant! You may find my book, "Rise and Fall: A Discourse Upon the Phenomena of Civilization and Decline", of value in this regard.
Brilliant video. This should be made mandatory in schools
not a bad idea to keep in mind that a significant number of us paid/pay into social security all of our working lives, making it an investment rather than a 'government handout.' Small detail perhaps, but often seemingly incidental features can alter a picture entirely. This is really great food for thought - I exercise my mind with all of your posts I've read so far - thanks for that.
"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."
-Galatians 5:1
I love the idea of civilization cycles. Oswald Spengler’s is the most fascinating. Turchin and the 4th turning are also interesting
We are in dependence now. Theoretically, now thr government does everythjng for us and few even are self sufficent
5:16 = the mouse utopia experiment
Universe 25
There is no doubt that we live in Mouse Utopia.
Even mighty Rome falls from within, when ideas on which it was based were corrupted by barbarians and invaders
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their omnipotent leader and policies will now wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
Sounds like racism. Did they also taint the pure roman blood with intermarriage?
I believe that we are in that area between dependence and bondage currently. I believe that the 70s were charachertized by the selfishness and apathy, at least the latter part going into the 80s and by then the socialist policies of Johnson had been multiplied with the affirmative action policies and we became largely dependent upon the government or at least a significant percentage of the population has.
I am starting to see the beginnings of stirrings amongst the youth towards traditional values and faith in God. Young people are crying out for a sense of purpose and fulfillment that is not based upon hollow and shallow things. Thus in much the same way that we were ripe for an awakening in those years before our revolution and to which the subsequent revolution had sprung forth from. In similar fashion also to the civil war period and great awakening that happened in that era. We are as close to division as we were at our revolution or our civil war. More divided even than in the 60s and 70s with the race riots and Vietnam.
I don't know if you're a believer or not, but our system will end soon.
That said, during the Song Dynasty, China 🇨🇳 had a proto industrial revolution and a good capitalism system, and the economy was at its height.
@@markmunroe-hz8rf Interesting
We should be in hard times now where strong men can arise now to break the cycle and save our beloved nation
Our whole country should watch this very informative video!
I wonder whether it is even possible to break the cycle.
Kind of hard to have the benefit of hindsight when most people can't even be botherd to recognize the importance of history.
THANK you - SO. Much. !!!!!!!!!!!!
What I find interesting is that if you asked someone on the left where we are in this cycle, they would likely say The Courage Phase bc they see our Constitution as archaic and limiting, supporting only Christian ideals and patriarchy. They believe they are currently breaking free from that. Perception is key but ultimately, it is not relative and they will see exactly where we are when the other phases are short circuited and we enter Bondage.
This is almost like the theory of cyclical history by ibn e Khaldun
When power passes from Generals to Politicians the end is nigh.
Lemmings never learn. They just follow the leaders (the most greedy), and the cycle repeats. I don't know if we have the imagination to make different choices. Even having the cycle laid out before our very eyes, seems to not be enough.
In the US, we are definitely somewhere between Selfishness and Dependence. We are quickly heading deep into dependence with the help of far left leaning politics.
Indeed the digital UBI will bring back the debt slavery of neo-feudalism.
After having passed through (or currently towards the end of) the selfishness cycle which has been encouraged and exacerbated by the policies of the far right to hoard ever more of the nations wealth for the upper class.
@@ThinkingWest I think this is accurate. Rome had its social programs. Rome had inflation. Hopefully, we can reverse course.
And centrall banqs setting up systems of debt bondage
The percentage of the population and percentage of production of elites would impact this. Someone could be become dependent if the society does not produce enough optimism or opportunities for the whole or average citizen. Resources and how they are divided more than mindset of the citizens. Or resources influencing mindset
“The closer the collapse of empire, the crazier its laws are.
So... The car that was found buried and had a seat soaked in blood.
Was it tested? Was it human? Did that link to anything else?
It will all be over soon......☺
The suggestion this cycle, if the observation is correct, is tenuous at best.
Interesting… which group loves “free stuff”?
The lazy and unproductive.
Lazy commies.
amazing ❤
Australia is caught between selfish complacency and dependency..
I guess Tytler didn't anticipate that the "voters" would become "money" (eg., corporations are people) and those with money would see to it that they receive all the largesse - that, despite not paying as much into the treasury as those who don't have money.
A little simplistic to say that late 20th century American "wealth" was due to collapse of USSR and US geopolitical position. What about manufacturing and labor collapsing due to US business moving to low-labor-cost countries?
The international dominance, until the 2020s, of the greenback permitted the US to export its inflation and import cheap goods and services from abroad.
When it comes to "relying on the government" why does it always talk about poor people and not large multinational corporations lobbying for billions in subsidies? Seems kinda biased. Never talks about $100 millionaire sports franchise owners coming with their hands out for money for a new stadium when the local government can barely pay for enough police or teachers.
Good luck Earthling!
needs louder music
this channel is not for you
Notice how women don't want want laws on beauty only on a man's strength
its the purchasing power of the dollar manipulated to go down...thomas jefferson said if we let bankers manipulate our currency our great grand children will wake up homeless on the continent their forefathers founded. another thing is the stupid property tax which you will have to pay. example grandfather buys house in 1965 for $18,000 dollars, ends up paying mortgae for 30 years where he pays over 100,000$ dollars. plus taxes every year on top of all that. after mortage is paid off in 1996, still has to pay between $2000-$5000 a year for property tax for that house. years down the road the 95 year old wife thats on social security barely can make ends meet every month. it gets to a point that the property tax cant be afforded anymore and the gov takes that house. if a house can be in your family for over 60-70 years and it can be taken from you because you cant pay $2300 property taxes for that year its time for a revolution. do you know what the definition of a mortgage is? mort - means death, gage -means pledge. so your mortgage actually means death pledge.The problem is the purchasing power of the dollar needs to be reinstated away from the “fiat debt based create money out if thin air” to be like it was years ago before creation of the fed. You always hear politicians say “we need more good paying jobs” that is not the answer. I have had jobs some good paying and not so good paying… heck I have had 2-3 jobs st one time. and still not make it week to week…the problem is that the purchasing power of the dollar must be reset so one spouse can work where the other one can stay home and be with the kids and watch the home and give proper discipline which with one income that takes the pressure off of the marriage and you will make it in life…for example in 1972 a father can work one job mom can stay home and raise kids. And you still could have one car on the family with a small yet decent single family home America and any other nation falls when the 1-5 percent of the population has 90 percent of the wealth. Check out other nations: France Rome Spain, etc… same thing always happens. Then that society just disintegrates into all sort of perversion and then it collapses…
This is missing either an entire stage, or at least an element of the bondage stage - the stage of bondage in which the ruled believe they are free and others are not, AHEM AMERICA AHEM.
What about the economic and financial servitude that is commonplace among all of the western nations?
What about the illusion of choice in all the so called democratic nations, which are truly oligarchical at their core?
What about the passive acceptance of any outcome that we all have willingly adopted under the ruse of novelties like this or that technology (iPhones, movies, video games, social media, etc.) which has only blinded us from our own interests?
This is apophenia applied to history. History, as Alexaner Hertzen writes, has no libretto. I recommend Tolstoy's treatises in War and Peace on great man history. This sort of view faces the same infinite regression that that does.
I'd agree that the US is at least partially in the Selfishness and Apathy stage. A big difference this time around is the rise of technology, it's changing the way we live and will break this cycle.
Technology only serves to expedite the processes, but the people stay the same, if not conveniently more ignorant; despite having access to information unlike any other. They still live in not just an ignorance, but rather an arrogance.
@@ConnortheCanaanite 💯
@@ConnortheCanaanite Also, people don’t realize that technology has always existed in societies. We just don’t think of many of our material possessions as technology today.
I see technology as a fragile, impermanent entity which can disappear like Rome's technology. They forgot how to make glass and concrete when rome fell, and no one was able to repair aqueducts for over 600 years. If our technology fails today, 90% of us die.
No govt can last forever
"No political entity lasts more than 250 years in its original form."
1776 - 2026
America's rule by an oligarchy. How does yhat play in.
We are alive a few years before Cole's 4th painting.
I guess society just wont work out, all we can do is hope to live in the better times
It's actually much simpler, all empires since recorded history have 3 stages in their lifespan. Rise, decline, and finally collapse. The only difference is the timespan. For example, it took Rome approx 1200 years to complete the cycle whereas it took nazi Germany approx 26 years. Today Great Britain is in the collapse phase and the US is in the decline stage.
Nonsense. There is no libretto for history. Britain's empire lasted
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their omnipotent leader and policies will now wreck the UK, a civilisation in collapse in real time for all to see.
@@lubumbashi6666British empire lasted 400 years
"I'm science"Fauci, the mad scientist.
I think we're in dependency going to bondage
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Is America tough enough to quell it's differences diplomatically, or will the many calls for another civil war lead us back to the 1860's?
I wonder if pseudo Capitalism (where competitive advantage becomes meaningless because power is concentrated in a few corporations) is a re-enforcing mechanism strengthening the bounds of this cycle?
The next question is: What will happen when jobs are replaced by robots? Will that event destroy the financial system? And give rise to a new "savior" (government?) and bondage?
I feel like modern Canada is at the Dependency/ bondage stage.
Social security is not an entitlement. I pay into that . Just like unemployment insurance.
It's still technically an entitlement. That isn't to say you don't deserve to receive it. But the government manages it nonetheless, meaning it is at risk from corruption.
8:59 this bit is hilarious since, by the definition of needing the government for basic needs being the litmus test for the dependence stage, you just put all feudal history into that category.
I think that I've heard about this in once or twice in those several History courses that I took at University. To put it a little more simply, maybe: form versus substance? For those that watch PBS Documentaries once in a while. Where the 'form' can be financed by the society, as the forms are often pretty simple. But as times progress, the society is politically convinced that they 'can afford this,' as they are the 'richest' people and that it 'would be fair and charitable,' for succeeding generations to "share." A religious experience then? I am hoping that the valuable metals that planetary astronomers tell us that are in nearby orbits will finance future political platforms. Go NASA, quickly!! The US might be running out of resources to fund the illegal immigrants and others in political apparent difficulty. Sounds a lot like a dystopia movie, don't it?
200 years would put us at 1976.... go look at what changed in the mid-70s....
Nixon Shock?
America has one foot in the abundance stage, and the other in the dependency stage.
I'm not sure I agree with this theory. The Roman Empire (after Caesar) was quite authoritarian compared to the republic yet early on it was powerful and prosperous. Tytler was likely biased from the spirit of his time. I much prefer Glubb's or even Spengler's cyclic theory.
Maybe there’s no cycle idk ? 🤷♂️ there’s definitely patterns but context of each nations matters also, otherwise Pakistan should be a superpower rn
This seems all too familiar...
It’s pretty accurate up to the “dependence” stage. This part is indefensible. NASA has pointed out that the greatest threat to civilization is the wealth gap. The ruling class, in their privilege bubble, become so detached from the populace that they don’t notice societies collapse till it’s too late. They don’t notice that the population lost hope and so turn to authoritarian leaders who promise to fix things, but who only become oppressive dictators once in power. The countries with the highest standard of living, the lowest corruption, and happiest populations are the ones with strong government programs, strong unions and a strong welfare state, like in Scandinavia. Mind blowing I know, but it turns out societies don’t collapse when they take care of their people, and collapse under pure capitalism which is about survival of the fittest.
Until uneconomic migrants flood in ti capitalise upon that welfare state!
Scandinavia, despite all the benefits it has provided its citizenry, has imported problems into their societies that never existed previously due to a suicidal empathy to help people beyond their borders.
Even now, despite all the benefits, they too are demographically dying out.
@@savioblanc They’re doing a lot better than us! Maybe the lack of hate for outsiders is part of why they are so much more happy? Maybe they’re not boiling with rage all day, you know?
You have an exceedingly rosey view of the region., but nothing lasts forever which I think is one of the points of the video.
@@petercornwell5880 boiling with rage against outsiders happens when your borders are wide open and people from across the planet start streaming into your country by the millions.
And it's obvious they're getting mad at the numbers of issues they've imported, as more right wing parties get elected.
Even the left wing parties, like the ones in the Netherlands, won because they adopted the right wing approach to immigration.
Look at Ray Dalio’s The Changing world order It’s more comprehensive. Also 6 stages.
"Hard times create good people. Good people create good times. Good times create bad people and bad people create hard times"
Replacing men with people, how woke of you.
Why the silly distracting music?
You seemed to have misunderstood a few parts, or perhaps you are just trying to make it fit your narrative. The theory is basically correct, it's just your application of it is faulty.
Very interesting until the narrator claimed that Social Security is a government handout when people like myself have paid into these so-called government handouts all my life. I would be grateful if the government would give me back what I paid into Social Security and leave me to my own devices.
lol, stay off the public roads, libertarian, your cheque is in the mail.
@@woofowl2408 Social Security isn’t really a Libertarian idea, as it can only be enforced by forceful taxation.
Whether that be left or right leaning libertarianism. Though, Social Security definitely falls underneath a left-leaning economic policy.
Right-leaning Libertarians are something along the lines of Anarchical-Capitalists, whilst Left-leaning Libertarians are something along the lines of Anarchical Mob-Rule attempting to live within a ‘True Democracy’ based system.
As Democracy is essentially that the largest voting block or party beats the other every time.
Though, I say Mob-Rule, because this inevitably turns into an attempt to control every institution and this includes any Media.
So it inevitably becomes more Authoritarian.
The same goes with Right-Leaning Libertarians, except that corporations vie for complete control or power, as Nature Abhors a Vacuum; so the power structure will be filled regardless of the desire of the people, as they are individualists and not a collective.
Libertarianism is sort of Paradoxical in general, in that in any which way you create some organized structure, it takes away from the Libertarian system of ideals.
The best you’d get is essentially ‘Wild Western America’.
The Problem is that they are giving your Social Security away to people who never put into the System
That's indeed how they sold it friend. We can smell a gimmick though can't we?
Caroline, believe none of what you hear and half of what you see
Protected bodies ? Established culture ?
We're safe, Bruh.
The quote is fake actually.
It circulated during tea party years in the early 2010s and was debunked as a fake quote.
Seems bogus to me. How many democracies have there been? Greek democracy was government by a tiny group. Same with the Roman Republic. England has been a constitutional monarchy, effectively a democracy, for hundreds of years, but still ruled by a small group. Most “democracies” are pretty young, so this cycle has not lived out yet.
Ah, good old Tytler's cycle. Shows how wealfare system is evil.
You lost me at the welfare state stage. I’m assuming most of that elucidation was more of a personal neo-liberal opinion piece rather than what the author himself had actually written about it.
Exactly, you can't take a political view. If you want a solid economic theory of why complex societies collapse, nobody has explained it better than Joseph Tainter, without getting into questions of democracy, dictatorships, welfare, freedom or anything like that. It is a process that over time, societies get more complex and add complexity as they solve problems as they arrive. Complexity has an energy cost, and eventually a society cannot sustain its own processes without spending its capital. Without a surplus, eventually the society is on a downward slope.
As a Latter-Day Saint we call this the "Pride Cycle." The Book of Mormon emphasizes the destruction of ancient societies in the Americas and warns those of our generation that the same can happen here. There is one fundamental difference between the cycle you have presented, compared to what the Book of Mormon teaches, and that is the divinity of Jesus Christ which seeks to draw all men to him. His divinity is in sharp contrast with Lucifer or Satan who seeks to destroy the souls of men. This war between good and evil continues and America is no different except that at this time when men ripen in iniquity they will be swept off by the power of God. Those who fear God should conduct themselves according to his commandments. Time is running out.
"Redirect the course of our own cycle"? Nah, not going to happen, no way no how.
In this stage of America, we're overlooking the innovation that's going on and the newcomers to our melting pot society. From this point of reference, I'd say we're in the stage of great courage, tearing down the chains of superstitions from the blindness of religious faith and the segregationist culture.
Painful transition. It appears
I'm watching it in real life 😢
The gold standard is the curse. When then government holds gold it holds power. The answer is bitcoin.
Nothing lasts forever.
Change comes at the expense of the poor.
The poor will fight and die for the rich.
The old system will be replaced with the old system with a new name.
"liberal bourgeois propaganda" would be an excellent alternative title
So, when exactly was the abundance and liberty era in America ? Abundance and Liberty for whom at that time ? Do tell, and be specific.
I would say it was pretty clearly during almost the entire 70's and 80's. People had such easy lives that they literally partied and screwed off throughout those decades. You can piss and whine and pretend like you yourself have never experienced wealth because you feel like you are entitled, if that's your angle here, but we have been overwhelmingly wealthy as a society, even in our lower classes.
@@nolangillentine773 So, first of all, you are claiming this liberty and abundance phase lasted a mere two decades at best. Second, I lived during those decades and people did not have any easier lives than they have now. Those decades weren't just about partying and screwing-off. When the 70s began, we were still in Vietnam and many of our young men were still coming home in body bags. The corrupt Nixon Administration was engaging in criminal activity that threatened our democracy. Inflation was high and the economy began to stagnate at the same time. This was a completely new economic phenomenon, they had to invent a new term to describe it, 'stagflation'. The decade ended with the overthrow of the Shaw in Iran and the taking of American hostages in the US embassy there. This was followed by a failed US rescue operation in the desert that made America look weak. Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of minorities still lived in poverty, as well as many white Americans in rural areas. Things got better under Reagan in the 80s -- especially for the wealthy. But drugs and gangs ruled the streets of many inner-cities during that decade, there were drive-by shootings, and often innocent people lost their lives in the crossfire in the wars between the bloods and the crips, other people became hopeless drug addicts as crack became the drug of choice. Crack was widespread in the 80s, it ruined people's lives and destroyed families. They invented another term in that decade 'crack-babies' -- these were babies who were born premature and already addicted to crack because their pregnant mothers were crack addicts. The 80s also saw the rise of AIDS as an incurable and life-threatening disease that threatened not just homosexuals, but anyone that engaged in promiscuous sex -- Magic Johnson, who was an NBA star at the time, was forced into retirement at the peak of his talent because he got it. So, the 80s weren't all that great. In some ways, things are much better now than they were in the 80s, and, historically speaking, the 1920s and 1950s were better times for America than the 80s. Third, liberty and abundance isn't about partying and screwing-off, it's about raising a family so they can live happy and productive lives and contribute to the well-being of the society and nation as a whole.
As for pissing and whining and supposedly feeling entitled, you are certainly projecting your own feelings on to me. I am very happy with America and being American -- as the name 'Always Great USA' indicates to anyone with a brain. We are ALWAYS Abundant and Free in comparison with the rest of the world. My criticism in this thread was directed towards this whole 'cyclical' theory of the rise-and-fall of civilizations. It's a theory that doesn't fit the actual historical facts for anyone that has actually studied history. Moreover, I pointed-out the problems in the 70s and 80s, just to show that EVERY DECADE has its own problems. America is Always Great, regardless of its problems. Every society has problems. What we are not is perfect -- NO society on earth is ever perfect. Abundance and Liberty aren't 'a phase' in America -- it's WHO WE ARE AS A NATION !
@alwaysgreatusa223 I believe that it should be who we are. And I believe that we have, or had, rather, the potential to always be great, but I believe that you are blinded by your idealistic views, unfortunately. I want to be proud of this nation, I love the USA. Yes, we have had more freedom and more blessings than any other country, probably in history. That is all the more reason that we seem to be on the decline. Those freedoms are rapidly being eroded by not only a tyrannical government but also by a "Karen"- like mentality of people who are quick to want to convict others of wrong doing and absolutely blind to their own imperfections. Entitlement is running rampant in this nation. Surely you can see that? Everyone wants to call the police on their neighbor for the most ridiculous things, and then they want the government to always validate their own decisions.
The police, bloated with power and authority, happily pretend that they are heroes and have seemingly no limits on what they will do to "catch the bad guy", to the point that the entire nation, including the police themselves, easily fall into their own definition of "criminal".We have actively traded our freedoms for a false sense of security. How can you not see that happening?
Trans-sexuality and sexual immorality is another indicator of a failing society that isn't even listed in this video. Surely you can't argue how rapidly moral degradation has not only become accepted but has become expected in this society?
I can clearly see how the mentality of our society has almost exactly followed this cycle. It saddens me to the core to face this reality, but the reality is that we are a spoiled, entitled nation who was blessed by God and have walked away from Him. We have had many blessings, and we as a whole have responded much like a spoiled teenager. Much like Israel has done so many times throughout history.
The question is whether He will continue to allow us to exist, as He does with Israel, or whether His judgment on the US will be more like Sodom and Gomorrah. I believe that the answer to that question depends largely on whether or not we as a nation chose to return to God and reality and truth, or whether we chose to continue down the path of selfishness, greed, entitlement, fantasy and pride that we are currently barreling down. It is worth noting that Israel has a covenant with God. He set them apart as "His people." We do not have those promises from Him.
@@nolangillentine773 I lived through both the 70s and 80s and they were not any better than the decade we are now living in, and in many ways they were worse. Moreover, the idea that Abundance and Liberty means just partying and screwing-off is immature and stupid. Abundance and Liberty mean raising a family to be happy, healthy, and productive people in a society that is economically, politically, and socially stable and relatively law-abiding and peaceful, but which still allows for free-expression, individuality, and diversity. In fact, I would argue that, taking an overall view of the history of our nation, America is becoming more Abundant and Free over time. But this is not merely a phase in our history, it is WHO WE ARE AS A NATION. The progress is not a straight linear ascent, we have our ups and downs, some decades are better than others, but, overall, we are on the right track -- I don't care what the left or the right say. THEY ARE BOTH WRONG in their PESSIMISTIC OPINIONS about the Always Great USA ! We are already Great, and WE ARE GETTING GREATER with every passing day !
Your explanation of this scheme is heavily US-centric and far-fetched. I like Lev Gumilev's take on the Rise and Fall of Civilizations. Specifically his theory of passionarity explosion
Late 19th century Britain with its exploitation of the working class is an example of abundance? While the content of this channel is interesting, the creator really struggles to draw the parallels between the material he presents and the real world.
I do not agree with this model since we live during a technological era in which our societies no longer abide by the usual cycle of rise and collapse. We have AI now which can theoretically break or warp this cycle, and the possible outcome of future societies become more bizarre and complex. Civilization becomes obsolete, and societies today resemble more and more as processes in a giant cybernetic web or computational labyrinth in which we are barely able to scratch the surface of comprehending.
🇬🇧The Labour Party has won so many Parliamentary seats as to be unchallengeable. Their omnipotent leader and policies will now wreck the UK, a civilisation and once Empire in collapse in real time for all to see.
Is it really that welfare increases in the US? Also I wonder if not the problem lies in the stage of apathy and selfishness. More wealth are concentrated to fewer and average citizens cant sustain their lifestyle. The rich does not pay a fair share of taxes and average salaries stagnate because the workers bargain situation weakens. So, without state welfare, how can people survive when the game is rigged against them? US salaries are at the same levels as they were in 1980 (indexed salaries), but the country is much richer now. in 2010, 20% of wealth in US is owned by 0,1% of families. 20% of wealth is also own by 90% of the population. Americans are a funny people since almost all of them think they allready are among the wealthiest top 10%. 71% of young people believe they will be among the wealthiest top 1%. Reality and expectations does not match. US is not the country of opportunity. In Europe you have more social mobility than in the US. This makes for an unstable US in my view.
America 2024