I've visited London and went clubbing. The attitude of the people in underground and the way they talked to the staff there was despicable... People high out of their minds shouting death threats. I thought to myself. If there is a hell on earth, this is it.
Doing Instacart work, being around large numbers of people in supermarkets then delivering it to the individuals at their home and being able to see these individuals in their own State inside of their home is a real eye-opener
Everytime I used the tube in London and need assistance on where i should change stations or which platform i needed to go to, the Tube staff have always been so nice to me and always willing to help; so i don't understand why people treat them so badly, they get you home or wherever you need to go SAFELY! people are truly disgusting!
Same. The staff there have been nice and helpful to me, whenever I needed help, EVERY TIME. I also don't understand why some people are abusive towards them. Imagine facing that potential situation every night you work! I couldn't do it.
@@sheila6186 It's the same with other jobs that involve dealing with the public, however to a lesser degree. People are always on a level of douchebag, you will see it everywhere. I work as a cashier and have met my fair share of grumpy, rude, and outright insulting and condescending people.
In my psychology class in college we watched like 4 videos of people stabbed in the subway and just falling over and dying, as people would walk by looking at them with pool of blood coming out and do nothing. It's like a weird city phenomenon. One asian guy jumped in to save a women's purse from being stolen, got stabbed as the robber ran away, and the lady just walked away after too. Asian dude died against the wall in a crowded newyork subway. Crazy
There's something fucked up about living in big cities, it's like it turns people into drones, the masses of humans around you are so vast they might as well be ants, I'm glad to be living in a fairly small city, people only get stabbed once or twice a week here!
That’s so insane. I’ve lived in the USA south my whole life and if you even just raise your voice, people notice here. People are more prone to help out if something happens. I can’t imagine a stabbing happening here and no one does anything…
Best-PartnerⓈⒺⓍⓈ🔞------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💜 Aishite.Tokyo/Tatsuhisha?Heavy-Sex 💋 I will accompany, and make you happy💋🥰 #ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). . !💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾
Got to be honest I don't think it would be that difficult to work out this guy's identity but I also don't think he's saying anything that should put his job at risk. He also doesn't get paid enough to put up with all this crap, no one does.
Working with public is the worst job in the world. You get threatened and attacked every day. You're constantly under stress and anxiety. My partner worked the gatelines and on platforms, it was horrific, thank god she's moved on. Every single word this man says is true. Working for LU is simply a living nightmare, and the psychological damage is irreversible. Coming from someone who's dealing with it and trying to get out.
@@hitzoneproductions7858 had, counselling, then therapy, then spent six months in a weird state on Sertraline. Coming off them is like being born again, but it was needed. The next step is to get away from LU. Vile place.
@@naacaruso652 I'm not alone. Most people are these days. I'm actually in a good place, clear minded and I know what needs to be done. Hope you're well friend and in a good place.
The older I get the more disgusted I am with the moral decay of society. This poor soul has no choice but to remain privy to it firsthand with the bottom of the barrel.
Decay assumes at one point society had morals. Look at subways from the 1970s or the murder of Emmitt till. What about king Leopold cutting people's arms off? Or the Namibian genocide, or the Armenian, or the rape of Nanking? People with aids in the 80s being forced to die alone because they were disposable anyway. Miss me with that whole, societies going down the drain. It is a drain.
@Martin Luther God didn't do anything. The devil didn't do anything. We choose what happens to us. You can let the wheel go anytime, no one will save you.
I live in NYC and was born here and it’s absolute madness here! No one helps, absolutely no one! In fact, if you help, people will think YOU’RE the weird one. I give money to the homeless sometimes or talk to them and people give me dirty looks, and when I tell my friends, they tell me “you’re crazy, they’ll just use it for drugs, they don’t deserve to be helped, it’s their own fault” and it’s just crazy. One memory that sticks out the most is, I was waiting for the train at night and saw a young girl (14-15 yr old) standing alone and a much older man, at least 15 years older, catcalling her, following her around the platform, and threatening to k*ll and r**e her. This platform was pretty packed, at least 10 others, including grown men who could’ve made the guy back off, and no one except me (a young lady) stepped in to help her and told the guy to leave her alone. It’s absolutely crazy here, literally a concrete jungle of empathy-devoid people.
That would be safety for that moment but I can see someone who has been tasered coming back to retaliate. So it probably makes it more dangerous for them
@@propdouchebag criminals dying instead of being put in a comfortable jail for a few months, getting released, and running a truck through a Christmas fair. Seems pretty good to me!!
Well technically depending on the state, you are legally allowed to hold onto a taser or pepper spray. I for one hold onto the spray since you dont need to be close to use it
As a kid I used to be fascinated with the London Underground and the history behind it but now I just feel shocked to know the awful things that take place on a daily basis.
@@CA-Aviation that was because of lack of running trains that time & also because of the ginormous population in a few states or towns especially where people are rogue till date when I was 3 years old I remember myself seeing people climbing the rooftops of the trains I was scared to board the trains at that time atleast in my city the trains were very frequent yet people acted like punks & yes the same happens here every night just like LU the world is a mess even now people want to act like a stud even so called corporate workers have their own approach to this they pop their heads out of the doors of the running trains & pretend to talk on their phones so what happens is as they're having their heads out of the doors sometimes these people are face first to the boards or the metal frame of the signals on the trains & man they get swatted on the boards or the signals like a fly the blood is smeared all over I have seen one myself when I was boarding the train to my workplace his face got got smashed & his skull was cracked his flesh was hanging down his face even his body wasn't coming out of the board they had a hard time pulling it out also I have seen the rogue people smearing blood all over just like LU my friend got killed because of these junkies then he was thrown on the tracks after they'd mugged him even his family couldn't recognise him in the mortuary we couldn't either such a cheerful person slaughtered like a lamb
Want a peaceful life? Look to the country side, it may seem boring and primitive to the naked eye but when it comes to peace and a healthy lifestyle, you'll definitely find it. 🙂
I am a girl, working in Central London in a nightclub and go home with the night tube. I fell asleep sometimes as I’m tired after work. What he said about men preying on asleep women now terrifies me.
That really struck me, where the bloke brought up the issue of 'creeps' hanging around stations at the quieter end of the lines, and riding the trains until the cars have nearly emptied out, with the plan of 'bothering' lone women - or worse. I remember one time back in the '90's, I was into the fetish scene and one night was headed to a party, wearing all the 'gear', by way of the last overground train of the night. The train had been about to pull out of the station so I just leapt onto the last carriage. It transpired that the carriage was empty but for one woman, who looked every inch what we would nowadays call a 'Karen' (if I can, perhaps unfairly, so characterize her). Now, dressed as I was, I was myself wary of finding myself in potentially uncomfortable situations and as such, late at night, where possible I would try to find a quiet, uncrowded carriage - but _not_ one that was either empty, or carrying a lone female; however you don't always get what you want! There was no time to change carriages unless I went through the 'internal' door - which she was sat right up beside; still, I was getting off at the next stop, so it didn't seem like a huge deal. I gave the lady the subtlest of nods and wandered down towards the other end of the carriage to find a seat. Now, I don't know to what extent I was being paranoid myself and to what extent it was real, but I felt like I was picking up on some majorly hostile vibes - but the sort of hostility that is born largely of fear, I think. There was an element of irony in this, because in fact, dressed as I was, I'd found _I_ had to be conscious of my surroundings, having been beaten up a number of times and having had a couple of _very_ close calls where, with no exaggeration whatsoever, I had been lucky to get away with my life! Also, for whatever it may have been worth, while I was, and am, 'straight' (err... _mostly_ ) when dressed for a night out, people almost always took me for 'gay'... Anyway, as one does even at the best of times when using transit in London, I firmly fixed my gaze on the sparsely lit East End streets passing by outside and tried to give out my best 'harmless' vibes. Well, so, it can't have been more than a few minutes, but after 5, maybe 10 very _l•o•o•n•g,_ tense minutes the train pulled into my stop, the last station before Liverpool St., the terminus station, and I got up to get off - as did my 'travelling companion! *Awk~ward!* And the situation wasn't helped by the fact that the station was in a particularly poorly lit area of back streets consisting mostly of garages and similar small businesses which was also a well known 'red light' area. She's looking at me, I'm looking at her, each of us considering our next move. We both know the train will probably stand at the station for no more than ½ a minute or so, and we both know that if the distance from the last station was only a few hundred yards, and from the station where I'd boarded was between ½ a mile and a mile, the distance to Liverpool St. is probably 4 or 5 times that and we both know there will be no more trains (or buses) in either direction tonight. I consider negotiating - "You go ahead, I'll hang back", or "Leave me go ahead, that way, you know I'm not behind you!"; but apart from the fact that whatever I might say, if - hypothetically - I was a rapist or the like, there would be little to stop me stalking her on the one hand, or lurking up ahead in the shadows somewhere, intent on 'jumping' her, on the other; _apart_ from all that, instinctively I know that _anything_ I say will only confirm in her mind that I am a 'dangerous weirdo'! Forced to make a lightening decision, thinking "No good deed goes unpunished", and also, no doubt, (if I'm honest!) something like "Why the hell should _I_ have to undertake a 5 or 6 mile walk through some _well_ dodgy streets on account of some princess' paranoia, especially when she has the appearance of being _well_ able to afford a taxi?!" Anyway, _she_ yields first, resumes her seat and heads on up to 'The City', as in The Square Mile, while I get off and go in search of my party. Now, _one_ possibilty that only occurs to me _now,_ 25 - odd years after the fact, literally as I write, is that the woman had _never_ intended on getting off at the same stop as me. Everything else being equal, Liverpool St., with onwards connections for much of East London, not to mention much of S.E. England, made _far_ more sense as a destination for a lone woman than some creepy, dingy, unattended station in the middle of nowhere that was barely used even during the day. It's possible, even likely, that she only got up to get off because she was afraid of being stuck alone on the train with me during the comparatively lengthy period it would take the train to make its way to the end of the line. Much as I would like to think that that was the case, and as likely as that may have been if I look at the situation dispassionately, I just can't quite shake the feeling I've had this last quarter of a century, that because I put the fear of God into this woman, at the very least I was the cause of ruining her night and putting her _greatly_ out of her way! And that's if I hadn't actually put her in considerable danger by forcing her to hang around a train station late at night in search of a cab, or worse, forcing her to make her way home several miles on her own through a rather disreputable 'quarter' of London, and I've always felt kind of guilty over this; and then I flip to being cross with myself for feeling guilty - while I do understand the fear some women feel when using public transport alone late at night, am I to apologize for being a geezer who needs to lead his _own_ life, just because _she's_ a little paranoid?! Perhaps, like far too many women, she has suffered some form of sexual attack in the past and almost certainly will have had fend off the attentions of lairy, horny, obnoxious and probably intoxicated men... but then, what am _I_ supposed to do about that?! Like, until things get to the stage where, like Japan, we introduce 'Women Only' carriages... I was already in the habit of giving women as much space as I could on public transport, _anyway._ Actually, judging from the comments of the train driver in the video, it seems like that day might have actually come; but while I can see the possible need, it would be a sad day, and, I fear, in many ways, a retrograde step. Society is already far too polarized in too many ways without going down the road of sexual seperatism. I have to acknowledge then as well that I was wearing an outfit that more or less proclaimed me as a 'sexually domineering' character - it probably would have been surprising had the woman _not_ been afraid of me! But _then again,_ what about the freedom to dress as one sees fit - whatever the time of day or night? On a more practical level, my outfit was rather more 'costume' than normal appareil; just as if one sees a character with a beret or 'beanie' hat, masked eyes, a stripey jumper and a bag marked swag, rather than assuming they've just knocked over the stately home and the bag is full of silver, you will probably tend more to the assumption that they are coming or going from a fancy dress party, in the same way my style of dress is to signify that the things I am 'into' are far more about sexual theatre than actually hurting people or forcing people to do anything, and I have never in my life had any sort of relations with an actual 'slave' - given that slaves in real life don't get to volunteer, or to say 'enough already'! And I was not in the habit of 'recruiting' slaves on public transport, still less, capturing them! I mean, what the Hell did she think?! As I say, to this day I feel guilty about scaring that lady and causing her to have to choose between the theoretical (but infinitesimal) risks that attended me and the actual risks of altering her travel plans based on an encounter with a "weirdo!" But without wishing to make this even _more_ about me, I also felt insulted and put out that I should have been made to feel guilty in that way! I don't think there's really any particular upshot or moral to this story, except that while I'm not sure what the meaning of the story regarding relations between the sexes _is,_ I don't much doubt that there is one. And the fact that that woman would put herself in danger, ironically because of a man in a cartoon 'BadMan' costume, forgetting that rapists and the like, those that haven't _completely_ lost their minds, anyway, don't go around with signs over their head saying rapist(!) - that has to say _something_ (again, damned if I know what!) about the level of sexual violence against women in society; and the level of _fear_ there is in society amongst women, of 'random', opportunistic, _yet planned_ sexual violence... Finally, I do apologize for the length of this, um, manuscript; I really had no idea just how long a tangentially pertinent anecdote would end up being!
@@richiehoyt8487 TG? If so, I hear ya. Look, reading your comment made me think of one thing (well, 2 actually now I come to think about it), you and I are very alike in how we process and dissect information and/or experiences in an external, physical environment. I only learned several years ago this is known as “Catastrophising” apparently. The ironic thing was that at one point this was a strength of mine: having been in several jobs where my organisational skillset and more importantly, my ability to multitask like you wouldn’t believe was a positive… until I found a job where it wasn’t and it burned me out. Long story, but you get the gist! Also, whenever that memory bothers you that no matter what you did that night, you would have neither been right or wrong. It just “was”. Which reminded me in turn of this quote from David Mitchell’s book “Cloud Atlas” (I have a feeling that if I’m right on the above points, you would find a great sense of connection with the movie by the way, so do check it out if you’ve not seen it) “Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future…”
As a tube driver this is 100% facts. And I've had a jumper and the people pretending to jump are particularly cruel. I'm doing a Masters hoping I can change jobs within the company because I am proud to be part of the heritage
People act like they're going to jump in front of your train? Thats nuts man... here in the states Brits have a reputation for being very civilized, but yall have some crazies out there too
@@chrissmith3587 Probably because they're immature and they have a twisted sense of humour about it. They're most likely drunk too, and people tend to find almost everything to be funny when they're drunk, unfortunately!
The whole "people retiring and then dying suddenly" is real. Often career military will retire, but by then their body is used to constant stress. Their bodies, in fact, cannot adjust to a lack of constant stress, and they die of heart failure or strokes. Also, do stations in England have public bathrooms?
Lol career military arent in constant stress. If your theory were true theyd die after coming home from war. Retired people die because they're old. People in certain careers die earlier because they're unhealthy or for demographic reasons. Schoolteachers experience more day to day stress than the average soldier.
I remember watching a video by the NYT about NYC subway drivers who had ppl jump in front of their trains, the amount of trauma they had was heart breaking, one woman couldn’t even be at subway platform two year after the incident without having a complete panic attack. Idk why anybody would think that it’s a joke.
It´s pretty F up. I saw a guy jumping on the Legazpi's metro track in Madrid, 5 or 6 years ago. Right after, the driver was a walking and crumbling sea of tears. It freaked me out till the bone. I couldn't sleep for 5 days in a row due to the sounds I've heard, the screams, the panic. I coundn't imagine what kind of moral devastation took for the driver.
@@Ezoriel666 I feel bad for everyone involved, from the drivers, passengers and other witnesses to the individuals that are in so much pain that they feel the only option is to be shredded by a train. I say this as someone that suffers serious mental health issues and is suicidal- more compassion is needed in this world. Even just smiling at a stranger can change their day, it can change their life.
When Vice is on point with their content they produce really fascinating stuff like this series which I will always watch. Hearing these stories about different people's lives are really amazing.
I work in public transit in the US, fairly similar experiences. Public transit is the most depressing job in the US currently. People are brutal and the pay is very mediocre but society says work or literally die.
Public employees complain about pay but the benefits tend to be better and theres a drawn out process to terminate you. I could get fired any given friday, for no reason at all
The same sort of stuff happens all the time where I live and work. To serve the public, you have to be a part-time social worker, trained fighter, and psychiatrist ... on top of doing your job. Public service is a thankless occupation.
I HAVE TO nitpick you here: psychiatrist is someone who prescribes you "medicine" (usually numbing drugs), while a psychologist is a therapist you talk to about your problems and about how you feel bad and life sucking and all that. So I guess you ment psychologist? And sorry to hear it's like that. I guess a lot of people are either entitled or just raised in a dog-eat-dog way.
Do a episode on food service workers! The horrific ways management miss treats them. I mean the store management in the field. The front of house managers and back of house. The discrimination by the general managers at every restaurant. I can honestly say after working in the restaurant industry for 17 yrs there is No such thing as a Good Manager in the restaurant industry!
The fast food employees making 9 an hour are doing hard labor. Because people kept ordering during the pandemic the government made fast food workers 'essential' WITHOUT a pay increase. So ALL the people ordering from home were part of the problem. There was one time. It was only me and my manager Tasha at the restaurant. It was during Christmas. Yes we're open on Christmas during covid. It was so so so busy! It was literal nonstop work for only 2 people. So to have the drive-thru Non-Stop... And then also all the online ordering Non-Stop. Completely demoralizing. All for only 9.50 an hour. It was harder than warehouse work. Because you had to work fast like in a warehouse AND talk to customers unlike in a warehouse where you talk to co workers and managers.
Hearing the messy cleanup part makes you think there should be a community service train cleanup program for certain people to realize this is world they helped create.
I always think that I've got it hard, working 50 - 60 hours and having one day off per week - but I'll always have respect for people like this and I'm grateful to live in the quiet countryside. There's always somebody in a worse situation than you and/or they have a far more difficult job.
Ive seen a lot of disgusting behaviour in the underground and overground trains. Last time in the train toilet they literally used their faeces to write on the wall. Sigh Ive lost hope on some people's morality and dignity.
That’s why my aunt would say “if you can help it, don’t go out at night. That’s when the freaks and creep crawlers come out”. Y’all be safe out there.!
Man, I live in NYC for 10yrs and experienced so much on riding the train. Coming from downs south I was totally shocked! I saw people sniffing coke, fights, robberies, rats, drug deals, seizures, feces, vomit, racism and etc. The first piece of advice I got about riding the train was, do not stare at people, fall asleep, and at night ride in the first car with the conductor.
I mean... I don't think I've been in the subways of New York but I've been to some sketchy ass places in Spanish Harlem. Sooo. I also remember Washington D.C. subways and that might be worse.
How sad , I admire you telling your story, you I’m sure just want to work for a wage to live ! I’m so sorry to hear of the evil unacceptable words and actions of others . Thanks Your job is hard I wish u the best ! 🙏❤️fifi
Best-PartnerⓈⒺⓍⓈ🔞------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💜 Aishite.Tokyo/Tatsuhisha?Heavy-Sex 💋 I will accompany, and make you happy💋🥰 #ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). . !💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾
I've had friends tell me I should apply for a position with Amtrak because I love riding the train and they just don't understand why I always say "NO!" when they tell me to apply. I've not only utilized public transportation enough to witness first hand the sketchy, downright disgusting behavior of fellow passengers, I have friends who work these types of jobs and yeah...nothing but a LOT of respect for those folks working these essential jobs but it's not something I'd want to do. I love people in general so these positions would have their benefits but the negative aspects you'd deal with daily would eventually wear you down physically and mentally after many years on the job.
The staff are doing a splendid job taking care of all the unglamorous work. In my 15 years living in central London, I've basically never seen most of the things described. Occasionally vom on the night tube but that's about the worst I can recall.
Shout-out to all the Underground workers. You have no protection and still doing 10 jobs at the time. Keep up the Underground strikes until the politicians will SEE YOU. Shout-out to VICE for this series. It's an eye opening and a reality check we all need.
My mom once went on a couple dates with a man who drove trains in the Netherlands. He was suffering from severe PTSD because it happened 3x that a person jumped in front of his train. Absolutely horrifying. I feel so bad for anyone who has to see that.
I´ve worked night shifts as a security driver basically driving around to check on buildings for 9 months on a fulltime basis. To most people that won´t seem like too much but i can tell you night work hits different. It fucks up your circadian rhythm and therefore your hormones and therefore your menthal health and therefore your friendships, your relationships and especially if fucks you up. i´ve came to point where i had my first burnout at the age of 21 which is absolutely insane. I can´t even think about what this man has seen in 3 years in a much more intense job than i had. I have nothing but respect for the strength these people have. I don't really know what i want to say apart from show some goddam respect and look out for each other especially at night.
So much went into keeping this guy anonymous - but his physical stature and the fact that he gives what shift he works pretty much gives this guy away.
I think the anonymous thing is a bit of a ploy to make the video seem more sensational. I admit I clicked the thumbnail because the guy looked like some kind of serial killer. Didn't seem to be much in the video that warranted anonymity really, he just said what happens.
This is why I quit my customer service/sales job… customers abuse employees now adays and that’s not something I found I could take mentally forever… so sad my heart feels for people who do these jobs
i work in political based survey caller we get the same treatment from inbound and outbound survey takers i got called the n word i had too did with people cussing me out it is mentally draining been doing this for about two and half years thank god can save money for other careers i.m doing independently gaming and music too pay for membership perks i know and understand the mental part of the job
My dad worked the London underground in the 80's and he had some terrible stories, one though that was more lighthearted was when he met Rowan Atkinson( mr.bean, black adder)and asked to see his ticket. He didn't say a word and just stuck his tongue out and on his tongue was the ticket lol.
Why do people always assume other people lie? Probably because you are liars yourself? Really, what possible benefit does this person have of telling this story here? Fame? Fortune?
worked as a restroom custodian for a huge bus station in my city. from 1:30 PM to 10 PM. On weekends I opened at 5 AM. I was jumped, sexually harassed by staff/cops/patrons, threated because the restroom was closed for cleaning, heckled for cleaning, heckled because it wasn't clean, heckled because I don't do security detail, had furniture thrown at me, had to clean biohazards from every crack on the property, seen any and every way someone can destroy property, seen enough naked bodies to last a lifetime... It was insanity. You were working in a Hieronymus Bosch painting.
As someone who has done their fair share of public transportation in the past I have to say I feel really bad for the drivers. People are just assholes but the riders deal with those assholes to of course not for 8 hours or more a day. People just need to learn respect.
As a former Londoner, travelling on the underground can be pretty unpleasant. No one speaks to anyone. London is so much more pleasant on foot. Goodness this makes me glad I don't live there anymore. In Barcelona the underground was so much more pleasant (fewer wasters), cleaner and more civilised. Eating on the tube is my Room 101. No night tube when I was in London, it was buses only. God this is horrific.
In San Francisco you regularly have crazy drunk/high homeless folks screaming obscenities at the entire train car during evening rush hour. But hey, who are we to tell him how to act in his own home
@@wesmont87 Finland has homeless folks too, I was one of them. And I've also used public transport here over half my life, and I've never had problems like this... at worst there was a rowdy person, a really smelly guy who made the whole train smell like feces, and some noisy punks. No fighting no stabbing etc. It does happen here too, I know that, but still... The point was, I know well how USA treats its homeless folks compared to Finland, and maybe that's part of the reason for the difference?
I work on the trains in Sydney.....much of what he says is correct. I used to do morning shifts and recently went back to late morning-early afternoon shifts. Much better for my body clock yet the passengers are much more excitable, putting it nicely. Friday or Saturday nights, football, alcohol, and a full moon are always a great combination. lol
This is the same as the train lines in Chicago the blue and red line are always running and you’ll find some very sketchy people on there waiting on the platform feels like forever and the anxiety I felt was awful everytime
If there is one thing ive learned is that to never EVER work with the general public... It makes you hate people. You dont want to hate people, trust me. Because you need people in your life.
Best-PartnerⓈⒺⓍⓈ🔞------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💜 Aishite.Tokyo/Tatsuhisha?Heavy-Sex 💋 I will accompany, and make you happy💋🥰 #ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). . !💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾
The scariest thing is that fucking mask! Who made that thing? 🤣 Also, why does the film go negative when he says 11pm and 7am? Is that supposed to be shocking or something? 0:56
It’s so so important to show respect and kindness to blue collar workers. These kinds of jobs especially are rough and exhausting and often thankless. Just giving someone personal space, being polite and respectful can be enough to keep someone alive for another day. Kudos to this man for keeping the underground safe and cleanly and making sure passengers can get from place to place without issue. I hope he knows how respected he is and that people out there care about him and I wish him all the best.
I never really used the night tube but being on tube or at stations late at night was quite scary as a young woman. Whenever I would see other women who seemed vulnerable I felt like I had to keep an eye on them to make sure they were okay. One time I saw a really drunk woman and some creep was chatting her up, she didn't seem to get it and went along with it due to her state. I gave him the dirtiest looks I could muster and he got off the train thankfully, I was going to stay with her and make sure he didn't follow. I think he knew I wouldn't allow it.
Well done you. It's a shame you even had to do that. Predatory men are a blight on the worlds landscape. They must forget their own mothers, sisters etc exist.
My 15 years (11 year of it night shift) in MTA-NYCT mirrors this exactly to a tee. Worse off my employer cares even less than the passengers who claim to want to harm me and actively works with local news to villify us on the regular so they can justify pay cuts.
Is the very real possibility that someone's word against yours means you could serve 15+ years for a crime you didn't commit really something men shouldn't concern themselves with? Is that really a necessary price to pay to ensure actual abusers are always prosecuted based solely on victim testimony?
@@jailbotmark1379 False allegations should be met with punishment when caught. But, false instances of rape DO NOT outnumber legitimate instances of rape
@@songxia735 so treating everyone with respect and not wanting to harass them is “white knighting” now? I wonder what your definition of a decent person is?
Its incredible in places such as London, we are being told to clean up the environment, save the planet. Many of us are on board with these things, in simple ways an average person can contribute. And yet for rail transport, cutbacks, downsizing, threats to reduce service or routes, scale back projects, those sorts of things. Its baffling.
I feel like maybe they just need security cameras everywhere. People who attack tube workers or others after clubbing should face jail time. Maybe that would help solve things
Yeah, I agree. Let's all go like China does it and have NO PUBLIC PRIVACY WHATSOEVER, full Orwell state and police everywhere, everyone who doesn't smile gets a pill or a shot that sedates them because they're a potential thought criminal. Like they do with Uigurs in China. I mean it works there it seems, no violent Uigurs, so why not do it to all the world population while we're at it?
Best-PartnerⓈⒺⓍⓈ🔞------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💜 Aishite.Tokyo/Tatsuhisha?Heavy-Sex 💋 I will accompany, and make you happy💋🥰 #ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). . !💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾
@@bob_malin That this guy and vice would rather have a catchy gimmick that isnt hiding anyone's identity instead of just telling us what we already know, A lot of people in this world should have been a stain on a matress
@@bob_malin Naaaah, ofcourse that wasn't the BIGGEST point he or I or anyone picked out from it... It was just ONE kind of humorous tidbit extracted from in-between all of the larger, more important issues addressed in the video.
Best-PartnerⓈⒺⓍⓈ🔞------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💜 Aishite.Tokyo/Tatsuhisha?Heavy-Sex 💋 I will accompany, and make you happy💋🥰 #ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). . !💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾
The thing is, this is not about individual pay in form of a raise. Its a lack of staff, guards, train workers etc. A few years back funding was cut to the Underground and therefore less workers to handle the same amount of people getting on the trains. And this is drunk, violent people we are talking about, I wonder what the result will be....
One things for sure. Money is power. Give more money to the underground Man we’ll just create some mayhem and chaos. We gotta be smart about money. Plus its not all about the pay or the money! Think about long and hard. Better yet put yourself in there shoes!!!
A lot of the things that this man is saying is unfortunately true. Its an honest and decent living but the stuff that one has to deal with over the years takes a toll on you. I've been driving a bus for 18 years in Toronto and the things I've seen and experienced. There's a lot of ignorance, entitlement, and toxicity that we have to deal with on top of the politics, the lack of breaks, lack of times on the schedules, and so on. I had a suicide jumper (15 year old who thankfully lived) back in 2008 and I suffer from anxiety and PTSD. I got assaulted by a woman suffering from extreme schizophrenia back in December of 2021. My family has seen the changes in me and it does affect you. Its not a job that I would recommend nowadays.
Yeah now that I think about it he's speaking as if this is some new or secretive thing going on so maybe it seems that they're just trying to make a mockery out of this guy that's really sad if you think about it
Just to get people to make fun of him in the comments cuz they want the maximum amount of and the best way to get the most amount of Engagement is to make it dramatic and obscure
My father used to work as a Night Driver when he was younger and at times I would accompany him as a child; let me tell you, I've learned so much just watching what was in-front of me.Thankfully, we were alright, but would think twice before working this field at night.
This was cathartic to watch. I'm a transit worker here in the States and the things you see day in, day out takes its toll on you. Austerity/privatization is making it all worse.
I work as a Station Supervisor in Z1 (LU changed our title to Customer Service Supervisor1, 🙄) I work night tube shifts too and it's amazing how depraved human beings can be. I love my job don't get me wrong but on the extreme end of the spectrum that is the human condition, exist some sadistic, heinous misanthropists imaginable. They come on to our network to do all sorts, they just love and get kicks out of causing revulsion in others. Shitting on train seats, pissing and all, you name it, they'll do it. Just because they can. The problems associated with alcohol seem tame compared to the recreational substances people are now using these days. One time a young bloke, coked out or ketamined out of his head just walked into the tunnel to "go home" because the train was taking too long🤦♀️. Thankfully the driver saw him in good time and emergency stopped the train. It's going to get worse, I've just been informed that they're stripping our ranks of more staff because of cuts, it's going to get worse on the antisocial front I'm afraid.
Idk if one would do that on coke or ketamine lol... maybe acid.. or just plain booze. British drinking culture is insane, its no wonder the bars in london close so early and the government sets a minimum price for drinks. Lots of fights. I've never heard of anyone here shitting in a train for kicks, that sort of thing wouldn't be considered funny, a drunk friend who did that would probably be mocked forever
Before being a doctor (no, not the rich kind, I’m from a country where the girl who makes my coffee makes more than me, hell - the janitors do too) I thought regular people are okay, I thought that I’ve met enough people in all sorts of situations and knew what to expect. Nope. The average human is 10x stupider and nastier than you think. Working in any job where you have to deal with a lot of people is hell.
Yuuup. My High School science teacher said he used to be a Veterinarian, but he quit his career after one of his clients repeatedly came in to see him when her small dog kept eating plastic bags - apparently she'd let her dog lick the blood off meat packages. One day, she came in with her dog that had a plastic bag coming out of its mouth and out its anus - it had extended all the way through its alimentary canal, and there was no way to remove it. So the dog was put down, and his Vet days were permanently over.
I’m glad I live in a safe area. I live in northern Utah which is one of the lowest crime counties in the WORLD. The buses are safe where I am. I wish they were safe everywhere so we could utilize public transportation more.
To those who make this man miserable at work, SHAME ON YOU.......
Can’t shame people that have no sense of shame
Yeah thats really gonne help 🤣🤣🤣
Or get a different job
@@alchemist3724 Wow, how useful.
He's chosen to stay in this line of work, shame is on himself if anything.
I've visited London and went clubbing. The attitude of the people in underground and the way they talked to the staff there was despicable... People high out of their minds shouting death threats. I thought to myself. If there is a hell on earth, this is it.
Maaaan take of that mask those work with you know it's you
Alcohol is called ‘the devil’s drink’ for a reason you know
Im pretty sure hell on earth is Brazilian favelas or starving African villages. Not London Underground when the clubs close.
@@coffeyeoin5 In my view Hell is a state of mind - not a location.
@@coffeyeoin5 Im Brazilian, and its too much different
Working with the general public will destroy your soul.
Yea, more people should do it so they could understand just how fucked society is.... 🐀
Doing Instacart work, being around large numbers of people in supermarkets then delivering it to the individuals at their home and being able to see these individuals in their own State inside of their home is a real eye-opener
99% of the bad behavior is due to alcohol
Wow, I had a bunch of stuff to share but it keeps "disappearing" on here..they are stories in which I managed an Adult store..the horror, the horror 😳
This is why I never do customer service or anything that has to deal with people .
Everytime I used the tube in London and need assistance on where i should change stations or which platform i needed to go to, the Tube staff have always been so nice to me and always willing to help; so i don't understand why people treat them so badly, they get you home or wherever you need to go SAFELY!
people are truly disgusting!
Same. The staff there have been nice and helpful to me, whenever I needed help, EVERY TIME. I also don't understand why some people are abusive towards them. Imagine facing that potential situation every night you work! I couldn't do it.
@@sheila6186 It's the same with other jobs that involve dealing with the public, however to a lesser degree. People are always on a level of douchebag, you will see it everywhere. I work as a cashier and have met my fair share of grumpy, rude, and outright insulting and condescending people.
I've never seen anyone treat a member of staff on the Tube badly, and I've used it a fair bit.
Welcome to planet earth
apparently how u treat people is a reflection of u
In my psychology class in college we watched like 4 videos of people stabbed in the subway and just falling over and dying, as people would walk by looking at them with pool of blood coming out and do nothing. It's like a weird city phenomenon. One asian guy jumped in to save a women's purse from being stolen, got stabbed as the robber ran away, and the lady just walked away after too. Asian dude died against the wall in a crowded newyork subway. Crazy
Damn that's so messed up! People really do suck.
There's something fucked up about living in big cities, it's like it turns people into drones, the masses of humans around you are so vast they might as well be ants, I'm glad to be living in a fairly small city, people only get stabbed once or twice a week here!
Bystander effect
That’s so insane. I’ve lived in the USA south my whole life and if you even just raise your voice, people notice here. People are more prone to help out if something happens. I can’t imagine a stabbing happening here and no one does anything…
Mind your business or get stabbed? Not hard to make a decision there
Shoutout to this bloke and his colleagues trying to get paid whilst being undervalued and dealing with some of the biggest wasters in society
Best-PartnerⓈⒺⓍⓈ🔞------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💜 Aishite.Tokyo/Tatsuhisha?Heavy-Sex 💋
I will accompany, and make you happy💋🥰
#ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). .
!💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾
he's an actor only. never being involved in events he's taking about.
@@gonnabeok how u know? Sources? If it was me, I wouldn’t mind doing exactly what he’s doing.
@@kunhooyoon5826 Same I wouldn't mind doing the same either. Kunhoo, I think our peer supersonic is just deeply confused. Unfortunate.
@supersonic How can you disrespect someones story like that?
Got to be honest I don't think it would be that difficult to work out this guy's identity but I also don't think he's saying anything that should put his job at risk. He also doesn't get paid enough to put up with all this crap, no one does.
Lol I know a dozen blokes like him, he’s fluffy and has a cockney accent. Probably 30% of the population in Essex.
@@ejhdbegbeidishdj9358 he narrowed it down by providing his job, roughly his age and you can see his size.
I believe what hes mainly protecting his identity for is the commuters/ the general public
@@loduca16 there’s also probably an easy way to decode the voice changer. Come help out Internet investigators!
over 55k a year to run a station? but rail workers dont even see 20k and we are the ones actually maintaining the underground.
Working with public is the worst job in the world. You get threatened and attacked every day. You're constantly under stress and anxiety. My partner worked the gatelines and on platforms, it was horrific, thank god she's moved on.
Every single word this man says is true. Working for LU is simply a living nightmare, and the psychological damage is irreversible. Coming from someone who's dealing with it and trying to get out.
Counseling and magic mushrooms reset the brain. Best of luck to you.
@@hitzoneproductions7858 had, counselling, then therapy, then spent six months in a weird state on Sertraline. Coming off them is like being born again, but it was needed. The next step is to get away from LU. Vile place.
U seem stressed maccy bear?
@@naacaruso652 I'm not alone. Most people are these days. I'm actually in a good place, clear minded and I know what needs to be done. Hope you're well friend and in a good place.
@@maccybear8093 What does LU stand for? London Underground?
The older I get the more disgusted I am with the moral decay of society. This poor soul has no choice but to remain privy to it firsthand with the bottom of the barrel.
In my opinion society and human beings have been bad since forever
Decay assumes at one point society had morals. Look at subways from the 1970s or the murder of Emmitt till. What about king Leopold cutting people's arms off? Or the Namibian genocide, or the Armenian, or the rape of Nanking? People with aids in the 80s being forced to die alone because they were disposable anyway.
Miss me with that whole, societies going down the drain. It is a drain.
@Martin Luther God didn't do anything. The devil didn't do anything. We choose what happens to us. You can let the wheel go anytime, no one will save you.
@Martin Luther not trying to discredit your story, but exactly how did Jesus Christ save you
@@G_Six jesus didn't, his teaching did. His faith in Jesus did. He chose to follow the lord, no one made him.
I live in NYC and was born here and it’s absolute madness here! No one helps, absolutely no one! In fact, if you help, people will think YOU’RE the weird one. I give money to the homeless sometimes or talk to them and people give me dirty looks, and when I tell my friends, they tell me “you’re crazy, they’ll just use it for drugs, they don’t deserve to be helped, it’s their own fault” and it’s just crazy.
One memory that sticks out the most is, I was waiting for the train at night and saw a young girl (14-15 yr old) standing alone and a much older man, at least 15 years older, catcalling her, following her around the platform, and threatening to k*ll and r**e her.
This platform was pretty packed, at least 10 others, including grown men who could’ve made the guy back off, and no one except me (a young lady) stepped in to help her and told the guy to leave her alone.
It’s absolutely crazy here, literally a concrete jungle of empathy-devoid people.
People who work in industries that have to deal with drunk, predatory and violent customers should be allowed to carry tasers and pepper spray.
That would be safety for that moment but I can see someone who has been tasered coming back to retaliate. So it probably makes it more dangerous for them
@@PropaneTreeFiddy no, not FUCKING guns. Look at the state of the U.S.
@@propdouchebag criminals dying instead of being put in a comfortable jail for a few months, getting released, and running a truck through a Christmas fair.
Seems pretty good to me!!
Well technically depending on the state, you are legally allowed to hold onto a taser or pepper spray. I for one hold onto the spray since you dont need to be close to use it
Man I thought the call centre was bad. Mad respect for these brave night tube workers.
As a kid I used to be fascinated with the London Underground and the history behind it but now I just feel shocked to know the awful things that take place on a daily basis.
@@blick9538 have u seen those videos from india?? Same thing but with people in between the trains and on top and some people even cut in half
City is so massive there is always going to be fights and weird things I guess
yeah someone even done a sh1t in the bin!!!
@@CA-Aviation that was because of lack of running trains that time & also because of the ginormous population in a few states or towns especially where people are rogue till date when I was 3 years old I remember myself seeing people climbing the rooftops of the trains I was scared to board the trains at that time atleast in my city the trains were very frequent yet people acted like punks & yes the same happens here every night just like LU the world is a mess even now people want to act like a stud even so called corporate workers have their own approach to this they pop their heads out of the doors of the running trains & pretend to talk on their phones so what happens is as they're having their heads out of the doors sometimes these people are face first to the boards or the metal frame of the signals on the trains & man they get swatted on the boards or the signals like a fly the blood is smeared all over I have seen one myself when I was boarding the train to my workplace his face got got smashed & his skull was cracked his flesh was hanging down his face even his body wasn't coming out of the board they had a hard time pulling it out also I have seen the rogue people smearing blood all over just like LU my friend got killed because of these junkies then he was thrown on the tracks after they'd mugged him even his family couldn't recognise him in the mortuary we couldn't either such a cheerful person slaughtered like a lamb
Want a peaceful life? Look to the country side, it may seem boring and primitive to the naked eye but when it comes to peace and a healthy lifestyle, you'll definitely find it. 🙂
I am a girl, working in Central London in a nightclub and go home with the night tube. I fell asleep sometimes as I’m tired after work. What he said about men preying on asleep women now terrifies me.
That really struck me, where the bloke brought up the issue of 'creeps' hanging around stations at the quieter end of the lines, and riding the trains until the cars have nearly emptied out, with the plan of 'bothering' lone women - or worse.
I remember one time back in the '90's, I was into the fetish scene and one night was headed to a party, wearing all the 'gear', by way of the last overground train of the night. The train had been about to pull out of the station so I just leapt onto the last carriage. It transpired that the carriage was empty but for one woman, who looked every inch what we would nowadays call a 'Karen' (if I can, perhaps unfairly, so characterize her). Now, dressed as I was, I was myself wary of finding myself in potentially uncomfortable situations and as such, late at night, where possible I would try to find a quiet, uncrowded carriage - but _not_ one that was either empty, or carrying a lone female; however you don't always get what you want! There was no time to change carriages unless I went through the 'internal' door - which she was sat right up beside; still, I was getting off at the next stop, so it didn't seem like a huge deal. I gave the lady the subtlest of nods and wandered down towards the other end of the carriage to find a seat. Now, I don't know to what extent I was being paranoid myself and to what extent it was real, but I felt like I was picking up on some majorly hostile vibes - but the sort of hostility that is born largely of fear, I think. There was an element of irony in this, because in fact, dressed as I was, I'd found _I_ had to be conscious of my surroundings, having been beaten up a number of times and having had a couple of _very_ close calls where, with no exaggeration whatsoever, I had been lucky to get away with my life! Also, for whatever it may have been worth, while I was, and am, 'straight' (err... _mostly_ ) when dressed for a night out, people almost always took me for 'gay'... Anyway, as one does even at the best of times when using transit in London, I firmly fixed my gaze on the sparsely lit East End streets passing by outside and tried to give out my best 'harmless' vibes.
Well, so, it can't have been more than a few minutes, but after 5, maybe 10 very _l•o•o•n•g,_ tense minutes the train pulled into my stop, the last station before Liverpool St., the terminus station, and I got up to get off - as did my 'travelling companion! *Awk~ward!* And the situation wasn't helped by the fact that the station was in a particularly poorly lit area of back streets consisting mostly of garages and similar small businesses which was also a well known 'red light' area. She's looking at me, I'm looking at her, each of us considering our next move. We both know the train will probably stand at the station for no more than ½ a minute or so, and we both know that if the distance from the last station was only a few hundred yards, and from the station where I'd boarded was between ½ a mile and a mile, the distance to Liverpool St. is probably 4 or 5 times that and we both know there will be no more trains (or buses) in either direction tonight. I consider negotiating - "You go ahead, I'll hang back", or "Leave me go ahead, that way, you know I'm not behind you!"; but apart from the fact that whatever I might say, if - hypothetically - I was a rapist or the like, there would be little to stop me stalking her on the one hand, or lurking up ahead in the shadows somewhere, intent on 'jumping' her, on the other; _apart_ from all that, instinctively I know that _anything_ I say will only confirm in her mind that I am a 'dangerous weirdo'! Forced to make a lightening decision, thinking "No good deed goes unpunished", and also, no doubt, (if I'm honest!) something like "Why the hell should _I_ have to undertake a 5 or 6 mile walk through some _well_ dodgy streets on account of some princess' paranoia, especially when she has the appearance of being _well_ able to afford a taxi?!" Anyway, _she_ yields first, resumes her seat and heads on up to 'The City', as in The Square Mile, while I get off and go in search of my party.
Now, _one_ possibilty that only occurs to me _now,_ 25 - odd years after the fact, literally as I write, is that the woman had _never_ intended on getting off at the same stop as me. Everything else being equal, Liverpool St., with onwards connections for much of East London, not to mention much of S.E. England, made _far_ more sense as a destination for a lone woman than some creepy, dingy, unattended station in the middle of nowhere that was barely used even during the day. It's possible, even likely, that she only got up to get off because she was afraid of being stuck alone on the train with me during the comparatively lengthy period it would take the train to make its way to the end of the line. Much as I would like to think that that was the case, and as likely as that may have been if I look at the situation dispassionately, I just can't quite shake the feeling I've had this last quarter of a century, that because I put the fear of God into this woman, at the very least I was the cause of ruining her night and putting her _greatly_ out of her way! And that's if I hadn't actually put her in considerable danger by forcing her to hang around a train station late at night in search of a cab, or worse, forcing her to make her way home several miles on her own through a rather disreputable 'quarter' of London, and I've always felt kind of guilty over this; and then I flip to being cross with myself for feeling guilty - while I do understand the fear some women feel when using public transport alone late at night, am I to apologize for being a geezer who needs to lead his _own_ life, just because _she's_ a little paranoid?! Perhaps, like far too many women, she has suffered some form of sexual attack in the past and almost certainly will have had fend off the attentions of lairy, horny, obnoxious and probably intoxicated men... but then, what am _I_ supposed to do about that?! Like, until things get to the stage where, like Japan, we introduce 'Women Only' carriages... I was already in the habit of giving women as much space as I could on public transport, _anyway._ Actually, judging from the comments of the train driver in the video, it seems like that day might have actually come; but while I can see the possible need, it would be a sad day, and, I fear, in many ways, a retrograde step. Society is already far too polarized in too many ways without going down the road of sexual seperatism. I have to acknowledge then as well that I was wearing an outfit that more or less proclaimed me as a 'sexually domineering' character - it probably would have been surprising had the woman _not_ been afraid of me! But _then again,_ what about the freedom to dress as one sees fit - whatever the time of day or night? On a more practical level, my outfit was rather more 'costume' than normal appareil; just as if one sees a character with a beret or 'beanie' hat, masked eyes, a stripey jumper and a bag marked swag, rather than assuming they've just knocked over the stately home and the bag is full of silver, you will probably tend more to the assumption that they are coming or going from a fancy dress party, in the same way my style of dress is to signify that the things I am 'into' are far more about sexual theatre than actually hurting people or forcing people to do anything, and I have never in my life had any sort of relations with an actual 'slave' - given that slaves in real life don't get to volunteer, or to say 'enough already'! And I was not in the habit of 'recruiting' slaves on public transport, still less, capturing them! I mean, what the Hell did she think?!
As I say, to this day I feel guilty about scaring that lady and causing her to have to choose between the theoretical (but infinitesimal) risks that attended me and the actual risks of altering her travel plans based on an encounter with a "weirdo!" But without wishing to make this even _more_ about me, I also felt insulted and put out that I should have been made to feel guilty in that way!
I don't think there's really any particular upshot or moral to this story, except that while I'm not sure what the meaning of the story regarding relations between the sexes _is,_ I don't much doubt that there is one. And the fact that that woman would put herself in danger, ironically because of a man in a cartoon 'BadMan' costume, forgetting that rapists and the like, those that haven't _completely_ lost their minds, anyway, don't go around with signs over their head saying rapist(!) - that has to say _something_ (again, damned if I know what!) about the level of sexual violence against women in society; and the level of _fear_ there is in society amongst women, of 'random', opportunistic, _yet planned_ sexual violence...
Finally, I do apologize for the length of this, um, manuscript; I really had no idea just how long a tangentially pertinent anecdote would end up being!
@@richiehoyt8487 TG? If so, I hear ya.
Look, reading your comment made me think of one thing (well, 2 actually now I come to think about it), you and I are very alike in how we process and dissect information and/or experiences in an external, physical environment. I only learned several years ago this is known as “Catastrophising” apparently. The ironic thing was that at one point this was a strength of mine: having been in several jobs where my organisational skillset and more importantly, my ability to multitask like you wouldn’t believe was a positive… until I found a job where it wasn’t and it burned me out. Long story, but you get the gist!
Also, whenever that memory bothers you that no matter what you did that night, you would have neither been right or wrong. It just “was”.
Which reminded me in turn of this quote from David Mitchell’s book “Cloud Atlas” (I have a feeling that if I’m right on the above points, you would find a great sense of connection with the movie by the way, so do check it out if you’ve not seen it)
“Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future…”
As a tube driver this is 100% facts. And I've had a jumper and the people pretending to jump are particularly cruel. I'm doing a Masters hoping I can change jobs within the company because I am proud to be part of the heritage
People act like they're going to jump in front of your train? Thats nuts man... here in the states Brits have a reputation for being very civilized, but yall have some crazies out there too
Why do they pretend to jump?
Good luck with the masters
@@chrissmith3587 Probably because they're immature and they have a twisted sense of humour about it. They're most likely drunk too, and people tend to find almost everything to be funny when they're drunk, unfortunately!
Wish you the best
Monique give me uu numba
The whole "people retiring and then dying suddenly" is real. Often career military will retire, but by then their body is used to constant stress. Their bodies, in fact, cannot adjust to a lack of constant stress, and they die of heart failure or strokes.
Also, do stations in England have public bathrooms?
Not on the underground...which would probably avoid some of the gross bodily waste situations
@@thegirlinterruptedd Yeah, and add a crackhead or three in every station's loo
Lol career military arent in constant stress. If your theory were true theyd die after coming home from war. Retired people die because they're old. People in certain careers die earlier because they're unhealthy or for demographic reasons. Schoolteachers experience more day to day stress than the average soldier.
some of them do
Yeah, but avoid the one in Preston, that bog is a shithole (pardon the pun). Like the siege of Saigon in some of them toilets 🤮
This makes the most mundane subjects seem terrifying and dark. I want to see a build a bear workshop employee in this interview format.
“…the snot… the drool, all mixed in with the fluff… it was ‘orrible… [sobs]” cut to a bear 🐻 ripped to shreds
Hahaha 🤣😂
@@QuikdethDeviantart I'm falling out of my chair laughing after reading that, literally. 😂
I thought that too
“It’s the eyes man , there’s just so … so many eyes … so many eyes all the time and they watch everything, everything always”
I remember watching a video by the NYT about NYC subway drivers who had ppl jump in front of their trains, the amount of trauma they had was heart breaking, one woman couldn’t even be at subway platform two year after the incident without having a complete panic attack. Idk why anybody would think that it’s a joke.
It´s pretty F up. I saw a guy jumping on the Legazpi's metro track in Madrid, 5 or 6 years ago. Right after, the driver was a walking and crumbling sea of tears.
It freaked me out till the bone. I couldn't sleep for 5 days in a row due to the sounds I've heard, the screams, the panic. I coundn't imagine what kind of moral devastation took for the driver.
@@Ezoriel666 I feel bad for everyone involved, from the drivers, passengers and other witnesses to the individuals that are in so much pain that they feel the only option is to be shredded by a train. I say this as someone that suffers serious mental health issues and is suicidal- more compassion is needed in this world. Even just smiling at a stranger can change their day, it can change their life.
When Vice is on point with their content they produce really fascinating stuff like this series which I will always watch. Hearing these stories about different people's lives are really amazing.
So after listening to a few of these I find myself reminded that the world is a place full with scary maniacs. Be safe out there.
I work in public transit in the US, fairly similar experiences. Public transit is the most depressing job in the US currently. People are brutal and the pay is very mediocre but society says work or literally die.
Alex, I am right there with you in Las Vegas. It is getting bad.
@@EricFoemmel I can’t even imagine doing it in Vegas. I’m in Chicago and everyday is a trial with the junkies and covid everywhere lately.
@@Agueart I am in isolation right now with Covid. We are a vector. Stay safe!
Public employees complain about pay but the benefits tend to be better and theres a drawn out process to terminate you. I could get fired any given friday, for no reason at all
@@wesmont87 doesn’t negate the fact they are overworked and not paid enough. its not a competition bud
The same sort of stuff happens all the time where I live and work. To serve the public, you have to be a part-time social worker, trained fighter, and psychiatrist ... on top of doing your job. Public service is a thankless occupation.
I HAVE TO nitpick you here: psychiatrist is someone who prescribes you "medicine" (usually numbing drugs), while a psychologist is a therapist you talk to about your problems and about how you feel bad and life sucking and all that. So I guess you ment psychologist?
And sorry to hear it's like that. I guess a lot of people are either entitled or just raised in a dog-eat-dog way.
Do a episode on food service workers! The horrific ways management miss treats them. I mean the store management in the field. The front of house managers and back of house. The discrimination by the general managers at every restaurant. I can honestly say after working in the restaurant industry for 17 yrs there is No such thing as a Good Manager in the restaurant industry!
I agree with u but, its the job's nature. The manager needs to be tough otherwise his bussiness will fail. Living in society is hellish
The fast food employees making 9 an hour are doing hard labor. Because people kept ordering during the pandemic the government made fast food workers 'essential' WITHOUT a pay increase. So ALL the people ordering from home were part of the problem.
There was one time. It was only me and my manager Tasha at the restaurant. It was during Christmas. Yes we're open on Christmas during covid. It was so so so busy! It was literal nonstop work for only 2 people. So to have the drive-thru Non-Stop... And then also all the online ordering Non-Stop. Completely demoralizing. All for only 9.50 an hour.
It was harder than warehouse work. Because you had to work fast like in a warehouse AND talk to customers unlike in a warehouse where you talk to co workers and managers.
I work in the food industry only had one bad manager
Hearing the messy cleanup part makes you think there should be a community service train cleanup program for certain people to realize this is world they helped create.
I always think that I've got it hard, working 50 - 60 hours and having one day off per week - but I'll always have respect for people like this and I'm grateful to live in the quiet countryside. There's always somebody in a worse situation than you and/or they have a far more difficult job.
Ive seen a lot of disgusting behaviour in the underground and overground trains. Last time in the train toilet they literally used their faeces to write on the wall. Sigh Ive lost hope on some people's morality and dignity.
This is so sad
Why do people like playing with their feces.. 😖
You'd definitely recognize this man if you seen him working before and then see this video
@@goatpepperherbaltea7895 thats what i was thinking
Is the Undergroung Night Tube a new thing in London?Haven’t seen it beforeз
Tbh if he wanted to be known, he wouldn't have made himself anonymous.
The way hes sitting the colleagues will know who it is anyway, if he was skinny itd be hard to tell though
@@dertythegrower 7
That’s why my aunt would say “if you can help it, don’t go out at night. That’s when the freaks and creep crawlers come out”.
Y’all be safe out there.!
My mother works on trains. You people can’t imagine what she see and how people treat her.
Man, I live in NYC for 10yrs and experienced so much on riding the train. Coming from downs south I was totally shocked! I saw people sniffing coke, fights, robberies, rats, drug deals, seizures, feces, vomit, racism and etc. The first piece of advice I got about riding the train was, do not stare at people, fall asleep, and at night ride in the first car with the conductor.
This sounds like an average evening on a NY subway.
sad but true
I mean... I don't think I've been in the subways of New York but I've been to some sketchy ass places in Spanish Harlem. Sooo. I also remember Washington D.C. subways and that might be worse.
@@One_LuvZ Metallica?
I don't know why that made me laugh but thank you.
How sad , I admire you telling your story, you I’m sure just want to work for a wage to live ! I’m so sorry to hear of the evil unacceptable words and actions of others . Thanks Your job is hard I wish u the best ! 🙏❤️fifi
Best-PartnerⓈⒺⓍⓈ🔞------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💜 Aishite.Tokyo/Tatsuhisha?Heavy-Sex 💋
I will accompany, and make you happy💋🥰
#ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). .
!💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾
To every person that body shames this man , your miserable and need help.
Seems to be the other way round
Nobody even brought up his shape, except for you.
Don't be all fat about it
@@longdong3889 😂😂😂
I've had friends tell me I should apply for a position with Amtrak because I love riding the train and they just don't understand why I always say "NO!" when they tell me to apply. I've not only utilized public transportation enough to witness first hand the sketchy, downright disgusting behavior of fellow passengers, I have friends who work these types of jobs and yeah...nothing but a LOT of respect for those folks working these essential jobs but it's not something I'd want to do. I love people in general so these positions would have their benefits but the negative aspects you'd deal with daily would eventually wear you down physically and mentally after many years on the job.
Amtrak is so shady im not sure why its still on subsidized life support
The staff are doing a splendid job taking care of all the unglamorous work. In my 15 years living in central London, I've basically never seen most of the things described. Occasionally vom on the night tube but that's about the worst I can recall.
Shout-out to all the Underground workers. You have no protection and still doing 10 jobs at the time. Keep up the Underground strikes until the politicians will SEE YOU.
Shout-out to VICE for this series. It's an eye opening and a reality check we all need.
My mom once went on a couple dates with a man who drove trains in the Netherlands. He was suffering from severe PTSD because it happened 3x that a person jumped in front of his train. Absolutely horrifying. I feel so bad for anyone who has to see that.
Prayers up for all night shift workers, thank you for what you do but also please consider your own physical and mental health.
I´ve worked night shifts as a security driver basically driving around to check on buildings for 9 months on a fulltime basis. To most people that won´t seem like too much but i can tell you night work hits different. It fucks up your circadian rhythm and therefore your hormones and therefore your menthal health and therefore your friendships, your relationships and especially if fucks you up. i´ve came to point where i had my first burnout at the age of 21 which is absolutely insane. I can´t even think about what this man has seen in 3 years in a much more intense job than i had. I have nothing but respect for the strength these people have. I don't really know what i want to say apart from show some goddam respect and look out for each other especially at night.
I worked from 3am - 11am for about a year.
It really does mess up your circadian rhythm and you never have time to hang out with your friends.
@@RooRoove even as night shifts go that's a pretty rough schedule, starting at 3
So much went into keeping this guy anonymous - but his physical stature and the fact that he gives what shift he works pretty much gives this guy away.
That's just his night shift outfit
Maybe he's black...? 🤔
I think the anonymous thing is a bit of a ploy to make the video seem more sensational. I admit I clicked the thumbnail because the guy looked like some kind of serial killer. Didn't seem to be much in the video that warranted anonymity really, he just said what happens.
@@jemthompson2019 I think it represents the many faceless people that work, almost as though they are speaking as a collective of their industry.
This is why I quit my customer service/sales job… customers abuse employees now adays and that’s not something I found I could take mentally forever… so sad my heart feels for people who do these jobs
i work in political based survey caller we get the same treatment from inbound and outbound survey takers
i got called the n word
i had too did with people cussing me out
it is mentally draining been doing this for about two and half years
thank god can save money for other careers i.m doing independently gaming and music too pay for membership perks
i know and understand the mental part of the job
My dad worked the London underground in the 80's and he had some terrible stories, one though that was more lighthearted was when he met Rowan Atkinson( mr.bean, black adder)and asked to see his ticket. He didn't say a word and just stuck his tongue out and on his tongue was the ticket lol.
Smells like bulls*hit
@@Svanrige just remembering a memory of one of my dad's stories from when he worked there, I could care less if you believe it.
@@Pantheonslayer Well, you don’t have to lie :)
Why do people always assume other people lie? Probably because you are liars yourself? Really, what possible benefit does this person have of telling this story here? Fame? Fortune?
OK, I blame the production for turning a serious segment into comedy gold by putting a tiny mask on a big dude's head. Bravo.
Whilst ruining the sound
@@macstermarston2145 I don't even know what he was saying. I was too transfixed on this tiny mask wrapped around a big head.
You’re a platform pusher, aren’t you?
@@_robustus_ No idea what that means...
You’ve pushed a few people in front of trains haven’t you?
worked as a restroom custodian for a huge bus station in my city. from 1:30 PM to 10 PM. On weekends I opened at 5 AM. I was jumped, sexually harassed by staff/cops/patrons, threated because the restroom was closed for cleaning, heckled for cleaning, heckled because it wasn't clean, heckled because I don't do security detail, had furniture thrown at me, had to clean biohazards from every crack on the property, seen any and every way someone can destroy property, seen enough naked bodies to last a lifetime... It was insanity. You were working in a Hieronymus Bosch painting.
I am sorry to this guy for having to experience all the horrible experiences. Big up to him for speaking up - utmost respect from me as Tube user!
We live in a world where most people are not in a happy place.
As someone who has done their fair share of public transportation in the past I have to say I feel really bad for the drivers. People are just assholes but the riders deal with those assholes to of course not for 8 hours or more a day. People just need to learn respect.
I actually thought this was one of the workers in the illegal game rooms at the Asian apartments in San Diego!
They get attacked for no reason
As a former Londoner, travelling on the underground can be pretty unpleasant. No one speaks to anyone. London is so much more pleasant on foot. Goodness this makes me glad I don't live there anymore. In Barcelona the underground was so much more pleasant (fewer wasters), cleaner and more civilised. Eating on the tube is my Room 101. No night tube when I was in London, it was buses only. God this is horrific.
In San Francisco you regularly have crazy drunk/high homeless folks screaming obscenities at the entire train car during evening rush hour. But hey, who are we to tell him how to act in his own home
@@wesmont87 Finland has homeless folks too, I was one of them. And I've also used public transport here over half my life, and I've never had problems like this... at worst there was a rowdy person, a really smelly guy who made the whole train smell like feces, and some noisy punks. No fighting no stabbing etc. It does happen here too, I know that, but still...
The point was, I know well how USA treats its homeless folks compared to Finland, and maybe that's part of the reason for the difference?
No one speaks to anyone is like litherally he best thing about the underground
Ever Glasgow Subway is better, surprisingly given Glasgows reputation as a tough city.
This is an awful job. Bless this man.
I work on the trains in Sydney.....much of what he says is correct. I used to do morning shifts and recently went back to late morning-early afternoon shifts. Much better for my body clock yet the passengers are much more excitable, putting it nicely. Friday or Saturday nights, football, alcohol, and a full moon are always a great combination. lol
Here's to all of you, my brothers and sisters working the nightshift. We're a strange breed, indeed. Stay strong. And be safe. Cheers.
The fact that we get free documentaries on UA-cam by VICE is truly a gift. 👍
My father is a retired train driver in Australia and has had people jump infront of his trains too. Its awful thing to happen
This is the same as the train lines in Chicago the blue and red line are always running and you’ll find some very sketchy people on there waiting on the platform feels like forever and the anxiety I felt was awful everytime
If there is one thing ive learned is that to never EVER work with the general public... It makes you hate people. You dont want to hate people, trust me. Because you need people in your life.
The cyberpunk 2077 trailer audio would've fit perfectly as an intro to this episode before he started telling all those things.
Best-PartnerⓈⒺⓍⓈ🔞------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💜 Aishite.Tokyo/Tatsuhisha?Heavy-Sex 💋
I will accompany, and make you happy💋🥰
#ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). .
!💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾
@Star yep
The scariest thing is that fucking mask! Who made that thing? 🤣
Also, why does the film go negative when he says 11pm and 7am? Is that supposed to be shocking or something? 0:56
My thought exactly
It looks like a latex glove.
I actually cant sleep bcuz of the mask they've could just blur his face instead with the nightmarish mask
@@user-qk2dh3tq8h 😂😂😂😂😂😂 same ffs
🤣🤣🤣 👍🏼
You should do one with people that work in weatherspoons
What is a weatherspoon?
@@inlandbhsk8r it's a giant spoon you use to eat lightning, clouds, tornadoes, and other weather.
@@inlandbhsk8r or it's a brand of pubs bar that are really cheap . Like " target " for drinks
@@stephenjemyers I think they are mocking your spelling error.
@@missmaynard6956 damn I missed that. I'm sitting in a spoons now. Ima ask the barmen how they spell it
Gaddamn, this man literally fights a war with humans every single day.
We've lost a lot of civility as a society.
It’s so so important to show respect and kindness to blue collar workers. These kinds of jobs especially are rough and exhausting and often thankless. Just giving someone personal space, being polite and respectful can be enough to keep someone alive for another day. Kudos to this man for keeping the underground safe and cleanly and making sure passengers can get from place to place without issue. I hope he knows how respected he is and that people out there care about him and I wish him all the best.
People do terrible things when they are not watched
I never really used the night tube but being on tube or at stations late at night was quite scary as a young woman. Whenever I would see other women who seemed vulnerable I felt like I had to keep an eye on them to make sure they were okay.
One time I saw a really drunk woman and some creep was chatting her up, she didn't seem to get it and went along with it due to her state. I gave him the dirtiest looks I could muster and he got off the train thankfully, I was going to stay with her and make sure he didn't follow. I think he knew I wouldn't allow it.
Well done you. It's a shame you even had to do that. Predatory men are a blight on the worlds landscape. They must forget their own mothers, sisters etc exist.
This is the single most terrifying way I’ve ever seen anybody stay anonymous
I lived in the UK for a while and every single employee of the underground was so helpful to me with my questions and directions.
Remember.. Kindness goes a long way. Stay Humble my friend 💜
My 15 years (11 year of it night shift) in MTA-NYCT mirrors this exactly to a tee. Worse off my employer cares even less than the passengers who claim to want to harm me and actively works with local news to villify us on the regular so they can justify pay cuts.
Night work is really tiring been doing it on and off for 10 years as a registered nurse and it takes a toll on you, and shortens your life span too
4:10 men worry about “false rape allegation” while women worry about being stalked and violently assaulted
Is the very real possibility that someone's word against yours means you could serve 15+ years for a crime you didn't commit really something men shouldn't concern themselves with? Is that really a necessary price to pay to ensure actual abusers are always prosecuted based solely on victim testimony?
@@jailbotmark1379 False allegations should be met with punishment when caught. But, false instances of rape DO NOT outnumber legitimate instances of rape
@@SammyxSweetheart.02 legitimate instances of rape should be met with punishment when caught.
Samantha Rivera Girl no one is going to rape you. Relax we're not all that bad. There are a lot of white knights to protect you anyways.
@@songxia735 so treating everyone with respect and not wanting to harass them is “white knighting” now? I wonder what your definition of a decent person is?
Its incredible in places such as London, we are being told to clean up the environment, save the planet. Many of us are on board with these things, in simple ways an average person can contribute. And yet for rail transport, cutbacks, downsizing, threats to reduce service or routes, scale back projects, those sorts of things. Its baffling.
I feel like maybe they just need security cameras everywhere. People who attack tube workers or others after clubbing should face jail time. Maybe that would help solve things
Yeah, I agree. Let's all go like China does it and have NO PUBLIC PRIVACY WHATSOEVER, full Orwell state and police everywhere, everyone who doesn't smile gets a pill or a shot that sedates them because they're a potential thought criminal. Like they do with Uigurs in China. I mean it works there it seems, no violent Uigurs, so why not do it to all the world population while we're at it?
This is London there are cameras on every inch. And despite the cameras nothing happens to criminals unelss someone litherally dies.
This is a reason why I try to be as polite as possible to people that work with the public. I could not do it.
I was born and raised in NYC and still live here. Hearing this sounds soooooo similar to the NYC subway system
@@josephpapilson7224 I have never been to London, but I have heard it is almost a UK counterpart of New York
Omg fr its terrifying
Am I the only one who thinks this man wearing a completely mismatched small woman’s face would make a great horror movie villain
I was in London for only a week and I saw 2 fights while riding transport - stay safe people
I just wanna give this guy a hug man no on should EVER go thru this
How how is nobody going to know who this is where ever he works😂😂😂😂
I gotta say, I had the EXACT same thought.😄 Well, I hope it's not TOO critical that he be entirely anonymous.
Best-PartnerⓈⒺⓍⓈ🔞------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💜 Aishite.Tokyo/Tatsuhisha?Heavy-Sex 💋
I will accompany, and make you happy💋🥰
#ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). .
!💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾
What that the biggest point you picked up from this vid?
@@bob_malin That this guy and vice would rather have a catchy gimmick that isnt hiding anyone's identity instead of just telling us what we already know, A lot of people in this world should have been a stain on a matress
@@bob_malin Naaaah, ofcourse that wasn't the BIGGEST point he or I or anyone picked out from it... It was just ONE kind of humorous tidbit extracted from in-between all of the larger, more important issues addressed in the video.
Underground workers deserve to be paid as much as these celebrity body guards
Best-PartnerⓈⒺⓍⓈ🔞------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------💜 Aishite.Tokyo/Tatsuhisha?Heavy-Sex 💋
I will accompany, and make you happy💋🥰
#ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!1#万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!#今後は気を付けないとね5). .
!💖🖤❤#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!( #笑)#垃圾
The thing is, this is not about individual pay in form of a raise. Its a lack of staff, guards, train workers etc.
A few years back funding was cut to the Underground and therefore less workers to handle the same amount of people getting on the trains. And this is drunk, violent people we are talking about, I wonder what the result will be....
One things for sure.
Money is power.
Give more money to the underground
Man we’ll just create some mayhem and chaos.
We gotta be smart about money.
Plus its not all about the pay or the money!
Think about long and hard. Better yet put yourself in there shoes!!!
Dear God,
Protect this man and save him. You can feel his pain even with the augmented voice.
This dude is speaking facts. Public transportation is a hot mess. Respect to all you hard working people ❤
A lot of the things that this man is saying is unfortunately true. Its an honest and decent living but the stuff that one has to deal with over the years takes a toll on you. I've been driving a bus for 18 years in Toronto and the things I've seen and experienced. There's a lot of ignorance, entitlement, and toxicity that we have to deal with on top of the politics, the lack of breaks, lack of times on the schedules, and so on. I had a suicide jumper (15 year old who thankfully lived) back in 2008 and I suffer from anxiety and PTSD. I got assaulted by a woman suffering from extreme schizophrenia back in December of 2021. My family has seen the changes in me and it does affect you. Its not a job that I would recommend nowadays.
Um Vice, you are aware that his mask is to damn little for his head? 🤭🐾
I kno this poor guy.. I can't take him seriously
Yeah now that I think about it he's speaking as if this is some new or secretive thing going on so maybe it seems that they're just trying to make a mockery out of this guy that's really sad if you think about it
Just to get people to make fun of him in the comments cuz they want the maximum amount of and the best way to get the most amount of Engagement is to make it dramatic and obscure
*This makes me want to sit on my TV and watch the couch*
My father used to work as a Night Driver when he was younger and at times I would accompany him as a child; let me tell you, I've learned so much just watching what was in-front of me.Thankfully, we were alright, but would think twice before working this field at night.
I admire these workers because it is a very hard job ! I pray for all of them 🙏
I had a bunch of stuff to share but it keeps "disappearing" on here..they are stories in which I managed an Adult store..the horror, the horror 😳
tell me!
That man's very smart.
God bless him.
I feel like when he pulls back that mask he looks exactly the same just less rubbery.
I don't miss having to rely on public transportation. I can't imagine being a part of it as work. I feel so sorry for him.
This was cathartic to watch. I'm a transit worker here in the States and the things you see day in, day out takes its toll on you. Austerity/privatization is making it all worse.
I feel you. I've been driving a bus here in Toronto for 18 years and the things I've seen. I'm checked out and don't care much anymore.
I love how I see this hours after I left London and rode on the tube while I was there lmao
There’s a reason why I like driving in my own car
I work as a Station Supervisor in Z1 (LU changed our title to Customer Service Supervisor1, 🙄) I work night tube shifts too and it's amazing how depraved human beings can be. I love my job don't get me wrong but on the extreme end of the spectrum that is the human condition, exist some sadistic, heinous misanthropists imaginable. They come on to our network to do all sorts, they just love and get kicks out of causing revulsion in others. Shitting on train seats, pissing and all, you name it, they'll do it. Just because they can.
The problems associated with alcohol seem tame compared to the recreational substances people are now using these days. One time a young bloke, coked out or ketamined out of his head just walked into the tunnel to "go home" because the train was taking too long🤦♀️. Thankfully the driver saw him in good time and emergency stopped the train. It's going to get worse, I've just been informed that they're stripping our ranks of more staff because of cuts, it's going to get worse on the antisocial front I'm afraid.
Idk if one would do that on coke or ketamine lol... maybe acid.. or just plain booze.
British drinking culture is insane, its no wonder the bars in london close so early and the government sets a minimum price for drinks. Lots of fights. I've never heard of anyone here shitting in a train for kicks, that sort of thing wouldn't be considered funny, a drunk friend who did that would probably be mocked forever
@@wesmont87 definitely possible on ketamine.
what a good chance this was for him to share his experiences and emotions
Shout out to my man cutting off his circulation to tell us his STORY...
Before being a doctor (no, not the rich kind, I’m from a country where the girl who makes my coffee makes more than me, hell - the janitors do too) I thought regular people are okay, I thought that I’ve met enough people in all sorts of situations and knew what to expect. Nope. The average human is 10x stupider and nastier than you think. Working in any job where you have to deal with a lot of people is hell.
Yuuup. My High School science teacher said he used to be a Veterinarian, but he quit his career after one of his clients repeatedly came in to see him when her small dog kept eating plastic bags - apparently she'd let her dog lick the blood off meat packages. One day, she came in with her dog that had a plastic bag coming out of its mouth and out its anus - it had extended all the way through its alimentary canal, and there was no way to remove it. So the dog was put down, and his Vet days were permanently over.
I used to be a flight attendant. I can relate! Too many people are mean, nasty and lack common sense.
Vice could put my grandmother in that mask and room and get her to tell any baking recipe and it would be just as scary to watch
You sir, are one of the true heroes of our society 🙌
Any job that involves dealing with other human beings is generally abhorrent.
I’m glad I live in a safe area. I live in northern Utah which is one of the lowest crime counties in the WORLD. The buses are safe where I am. I wish they were safe everywhere so we could utilize public transportation more.
this is a certified hood classic
Lol my G
You didn't give up 👍🏾