I'm sure no one will ever see this, but I'm love with the sled at my gym and have created my own little set I call "The Longshoreman" Load decent but far from max weight on the sled, high push bars and a muscle rope on one side. Push out and pull back hand over hand. You have 1/2 hour to move the sled as far as you can. I'm not in very good shape, but my max is 75kg(45kg sled+2x15kg plates) for 650 meters. I'd love to hear if any one tries it and has opinions
I use sled as my primary cardio workout. That said, pulling a sled w/rope while walking backwards is also an amazing quad exercise. The pump and lactic acid buildup is ridiculous. I push the sled down the track, then pull it back to start. Great video! Sled is a great tool for strength and conditioning.
I have a love/hate relationship with the sled. Because of the sled I have lost 17% body fat (35 to 18), 87 pounds of weight (331 to 244), and 9 inches off my waist (46 to 37), but every time I look at my sled I curse it out and say, "I'll be damned if I let you kick my ass today." If it weren't for the results I was getting I would have long kicked that thing to the curb. Don't skimp on the sleds. Load that thing up and push, pull, drag, and everything in between. You'll lose fat, inches, and gain muscle at the same time. Another added effect is it helps you increase your compound lifts.
Blood pressure is getting pretty high. Figuring I’ll add some sled drags for some cardiovascular health. Thanks for the video. Anything you’d add that’s not in this video?
You mentioned that the rope has to be a certain size , what you would consider an optimal one? In size , also the pulling variation that you lean kinda forward is very dope cause you loading the sled bit more, feels less of an isolation
You can also do chest presses with it, beats laying down to exercise if you ask me, (Which no one did). I've also carried my 80 pound power sled up and down three flights of stairs before I got the garage, along with lots of plates and the farmer's walk handles; that was conditioning for sure.
This is awesome Pandemic hasn't slowed down in my country and well i'm jobless so can't go to the gym But i was able to make my own sled with a tire and some weights Really wanna try these out
How to incorporate sled in my lifting routine or should I use sled only on tje day I do hitt/functional trainning? I do not do any barbell squats do to bulding disk on lower back. I do landmine belt squats now but I heard prowler are good to build legs?? Iam not an athlete anymore, iam a 50 year old fit male. I do full body lifting workouts 3x a week m,w and f...and on Tuesday I rest or do LISS workout and on THURSDAY I do 30 min HITT/functional trainning workouts with kettlebells, sandbags, sledg hammers, etc....
during the pandemic i was lucky enough to find a rogue fat by sled on craigslist, and it's what kept from going crazy. i loaded it up with a homemade sandbag and dumbells until i finally got some plates. I usually modify the forward sled drag by digging in with my heels and it feels great. i love doing that after deadlifts it's chef's kiss. any sled you get or make will be the best asset to your own little gym bc you can do so much with it. i was rowing it and pulling it up and down the drive way. i've yet to try bench pressing it though, i might try that soon!
I built a sled in the backyard out of plywood, logs and a tow strap. My favorite toy ever now. I run all these drills. The sideways pull seems like it's asking to tear something, so I try to avoid that one.
Bro I thought the same damn thing lol!! The pump and burn in your quads while dragging/walking backwards with a sled is 10 times more than what you feel when you’re dragging it behind you as you’re walking forward. And there are a bunch of vids & trainers on here that say as much. Kinda bizarre to hear this guy say what he did.
Lately I'm getting bruised palms (the fleshy lower thumb part of the palm) that makes it difficult to increase the weight I put on the prowler. It it not visibility bruised but feels painful for days to the point I can't lift a kettle (yes this is a serious problem for an English person). I don't want to have to keep at a lower weight as worried progress will not happen, but can't bear to keep doing it at current weight. Any tips on how to reduce or remove palm bruising and pain? The prowler we have had these long poles one side, and low T bars on the other, these are what cause the pain.
I know you asked this question 8 months ago, but I went from 37% to 19% body fat and lost 63 pounds using a sled routine, farmers carries, tire flips, and yoke walks. I think the sled is what put me over the top though.
@@timshel011 I just bought the folding sled from Rogue, it’s only $100 & well worth it, I use it in my basement & yard, at 59 all my knee pain is gone & my legs are super strong & I feel great, you can make one out of wood or an old tire, plenty of vids on UA-cam for those
Made it over to Szat Strength. Was going to purchase a program and maybe a tshirt....no programs for sale, and every single tshirt sold out. Love your videoa on here, but you arecosting yourself money by not having your apparel and swag at least semi-professionally tracked. It's great that you sold all you had, but being out of 1 or 2 items is okay. Out of everything? That hurts. Anyhow, love your stuff, but would like to see you do well, aside from these videos.
Instead Id rather do the same workouts but with a huge tire. Mucht mutch more powerful Doesn't slide. No momentum. Just body Superhuman power. Brutal force
Good overall video, sleds are amazing for variety. I have 10-12 different variations I can use plus setting kettlebells on the sled for additional exercises between sled movements keeps things mentally interesting. To be clear, though a little thing like the catch phrase GPP, 3:13... there really is not a "forward plane", when you pull the sled forward one is moving in the Sagittal plane, yes moving in a forward direction but not forward plane. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagittal_plane
Monthly, yes
Sledding and shreddin
Not usually, no
I love sled work. Thanks for the ideas Coach!
at least once a week. i'm the sicko that likes to do them at the end of leg day to make my post squat noodle legs even more noodly
I'm sure no one will ever see this, but I'm love with the sled at my gym and have created my own little set I call "The Longshoreman"
Load decent but far from max weight on the sled, high push bars and a muscle rope on one side. Push out and pull back hand over hand.
You have 1/2 hour to move the sled as far as you can.
I'm not in very good shape, but my max is 75kg(45kg sled+2x15kg plates) for 650 meters.
I'd love to hear if any one tries it and has opinions
I used sled today for first time absolutely loved it such a good workout , took about 10 mins to get my breath back
Yeah man first time you use sled it smashes ya especially backwards drag
Oh yea but that's normal trust me. I know iam 2 years late but I went through the samething. Sled is life lol
When you realize your dad was trying to teach you Sled is Life with the push lawnmower...🤯
😂😂imagine working in lawn mowing and coming home to chop wood and push around heavy wheel barrels....
I use sled as my primary cardio workout. That said, pulling a sled w/rope while walking backwards is also an amazing quad exercise. The pump and lactic acid buildup is ridiculous. I push the sled down the track, then pull it back to start. Great video! Sled is a great tool for strength and conditioning.
I underestimated sled pulls sooo hard. They had me sore for a week 😩
Agreed my go to for cardio as well
This video is GOLD ! thank you !
I use sleds and stone boats for hauling with a yoke type harness.
Great video. Some tips on how to progress these and how best to peogram them would be nice.
I am planning on doing and using these too bring up my quads and the size of my legs. Good instructional video!
Great demonstrations. Thank you!
Just picked one up earlier today, then when I got home this video popped up in my feed. Perfect!
I have a love/hate relationship with the sled. Because of the sled I have lost 17% body fat (35 to 18), 87 pounds of weight (331 to 244), and 9 inches off my waist (46 to 37), but every time I look at my sled I curse it out and say, "I'll be damned if I let you kick my ass today." If it weren't for the results I was getting I would have long kicked that thing to the curb. Don't skimp on the sleds. Load that thing up and push, pull, drag, and everything in between. You'll lose fat, inches, and gain muscle at the same time. Another added effect is it helps you increase your compound lifts.
Quads engaged more when walking backwards 💪
Blood pressure is getting pretty high. Figuring I’ll add some sled drags for some cardiovascular health. Thanks for the video. Anything you’d add that’s not in this video?
Wow, I'm 61 and live next to a 50 mile rails to trails . This looks like a good cardio exercise I need. Just for my legs and cardio.
Coach that is one succulent thumbnail.
You inspire me! Keep up the hard work!
Excellent video thanks 💪🏿💪🏻
You mentioned that the rope has to be a certain size , what you would consider an optimal one? In size , also the pulling variation that you lean kinda forward is very dope cause you loading the sled bit more, feels less of an isolation
Just started sledding brooo totally radical
You can also do chest presses with it, beats laying down to exercise if you ask me, (Which no one did). I've also carried my 80 pound power sled up and down three flights of stairs before I got the garage, along with lots of plates and the farmer's walk handles; that was conditioning for sure.
Sled and prowler work is great, 10/10 for improving gpp in a fun way
Thanks for sharing these. I have the sled and just got the straps so I plan to do a bunch of these to really work my legs.
This is awesome
Pandemic hasn't slowed down in my country and well i'm jobless so can't go to the gym
But i was able to make my own sled with a tire and some weights
Really wanna try these out
Thanks king
Santa Claus better beware after we do these sled exercises. Him and his reindeer are going to get dusted in a foot race this Christmas
@Shae Perkins I’m everywhere and nowhere all at once. An enigma wrapped in a riddle
Such a great full body workout with just the prowler sled. I'll try it, looks like much fun and of course exhausting 💪🙌
How do you change direction without moving the strap each time?
Just started watching this guy’s videos I love them 😍 I also really appreciate the way this mans physique looks 💪
I won’t even lie. That thumbnail makes you look like a superhero
I did sled drags and pushes in my physical therapy. You are a great coach, thank you for this content.
How to incorporate sled in my lifting routine or should I use sled only on tje day I do hitt/functional trainning? I do not do any barbell squats do to bulding disk on lower back. I do landmine belt squats now but I heard prowler are good to build legs?? Iam not an athlete anymore, iam a 50 year old fit male. I do full body lifting workouts 3x a week m,w and f...and on Tuesday I rest or do LISS workout and on THURSDAY I do 30 min HITT/functional trainning workouts with kettlebells, sandbags, sledg hammers, etc....
Where can you buy the shorter straps she used for the pull using her arms?
during the pandemic i was lucky enough to find a rogue fat by sled on craigslist, and it's what kept from going crazy. i loaded it up with a homemade sandbag and dumbells until i finally got some plates. I usually modify the forward sled drag by digging in with my heels and it feels great. i love doing that after deadlifts it's chef's kiss. any sled you get or make will be the best asset to your own little gym bc you can do so much with it. i was rowing it and pulling it up and down the drive way. i've yet to try bench pressing it though, i might try that soon!
I built a sled in the backyard out of plywood, logs and a tow strap. My favorite toy ever now. I run all these drills. The sideways pull seems like it's asking to tear something, so I try to avoid that one.
I play football offensivell and defensive line and man the sled got my first step explosive as fawk
Are there any specific advantages to doing single arm work with the sled?
In general, what's the difference in muscle activation between a sled pull & push?
The push will work your anterior (front) muscles more and the pull will work your posterior (backside) muscles more
The backwards sled drag with the dip belt exclusively targets your quads
What fo you put on the bottom of the sled so it moves on that floor?
Is using the Sled Tred the same idea. You need a lot of space to use asled
Did you honestly say that forward drag works more quads then reverse drag??? Have you ever used a sled?
Bro I thought the same damn thing lol!! The pump and burn in your quads while dragging/walking backwards with a sled is 10 times more than what you feel when you’re dragging it behind you as you’re walking forward. And there are a bunch of vids & trainers on here that say as much. Kinda bizarre to hear this guy say what he did.
Interesting! I've seen people do the Sled Trudge before. But, I thought that it was just due to a lack of space.
The sled f-ing suuuuuucks!!!!!! That’s why I do it and love it
Lately I'm getting bruised palms (the fleshy lower thumb part of the palm) that makes it difficult to increase the weight I put on the prowler. It it not visibility bruised but feels painful for days to the point I can't lift a kettle (yes this is a serious problem for an English person).
I don't want to have to keep at a lower weight as worried progress will not happen, but can't bear to keep doing it at current weight. Any tips on how to reduce or remove palm bruising and pain?
The prowler we have had these long poles one side, and low T bars on the other, these are what cause the pain.
Best exercise is tie a battle rope to the sled and pull it. Great for biceps, triceps, lats, quads and calves.
Early gang 🤘🏽😤💖
Isn't it better to crouch a bit to incorporate the glutes as you step backwards?
Link for the straps??
Can i build a big physique with this?
I dont have a sled, but I have a semi tire, a tow rope, and a keg! 👍🤘
How many sets of each
Sled for fat loss? I’m looking to recomp and I’m focusing on compound work. Would you suggest the sled for this?
I know you asked this question 8 months ago, but I went from 37% to 19% body fat and lost 63 pounds using a sled routine, farmers carries, tire flips, and yoke walks. I think the sled is what put me over the top though.
you live 25 mins from me, gotta make a trip out
Explosive sled rows will give you a ridiculous lat pump, especially if you do it at the end
Hip hip hooray
My sled: car tyre, sandbag and towing rope
I think I'm going to go this route too.
I want to sled so bad. Gotta find one
Me too.
I have a plan to make my own and inexpensive.
@@timshel011 I just bought the folding sled from Rogue, it’s only $100 & well worth it, I use it in my basement & yard, at 59 all my knee pain is gone & my legs are super strong & I feel great, you can make one out of wood or an old tire, plenty of vids on UA-cam for those
You’ve got to get that teal lions den fitness with sunglasses back in stock. I love that shirt!
Forwards is not more quad it’s more glute and ham. Backwards is more quad.
You and her gonna get married yet? Hahaha jk i love sled work. Great for conditioning days, and leg day finishers
Tonya Tough (like Tonka)
If you play rugby get low and a nice flat back for practicing rucking
Dude done so much juice he out of breath talking 😅
Made it over to Szat Strength. Was going to purchase a program and maybe a tshirt....no programs for sale, and every single tshirt sold out. Love your videoa on here, but you arecosting yourself money by not having your apparel and swag at least semi-professionally tracked. It's great that you sold all you had, but being out of 1 or 2 items is okay. Out of everything? That hurts. Anyhow, love your stuff, but would like to see you do well, aside from these videos.
Whos that hottie THO
He’s called Joey
Those roids are going to shorten your life more than the sled will increase it.
Id rather do the same workouts but with a huge tire.
Mucht mutch more powerful
Doesn't slide. No momentum. Just body
Superhuman power. Brutal force
Too much talking not enough working
So much talking for such a basic workout wtf.
Good overall video, sleds are amazing for variety. I have 10-12 different variations I can use plus setting kettlebells on the sled for additional exercises between sled movements keeps things mentally interesting.
To be clear, though a little thing like the catch phrase GPP, 3:13... there really is not a "forward plane", when you pull the sled forward one is moving in the Sagittal plane, yes moving in a forward direction but not forward plane.