What Sin Cannot Be Stopped?

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Why do so many people believe they can’t stop sinning? Like what’s causing you to not obey God? God wants us to obey him and that is the only way to salvation. Hebrews 5:9 #Sinless #ObeyGod


  • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ
    @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 6 років тому +6

    God didn’t GIVE mankind a sin nature, He didn’t create us with it, the curse of sin came into the world because of the disobedience of Adam & Eve in the Garden. When sin entered the world so did sickness and death. The curse of sin is in the flesh and it’s why a person who is saved will have the desire to sin, but we can overcome the desires of the flesh with the power of the Holy Spirit within us. There’s no sin greater than the power of God, but the flesh is weak. The closer we walk with God, fellowship with Him, put Jesus #1 on a list of one in our life, and keep our eyes on Christ, the less sin we will commit. The less sin in our life the closer we become to Christ because sin forms a barrier between us and God. I agree with you Collin that we can live without committing willful sin because the Holy Spirit empowers us to do so. I don’t agree with you that Christians lead completely sin free lives because that completely contradicts scripture.
    Even for those who are saved the Bible says 1 John 1: 8 “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us”. In 1 John 5: 18 it says “We know [with confidence] that anyone born of God does not habitually sin; but He (Jesus) who was born of God [carefully] keeps and protects him, and the evil one does not touch him”. This does not mean that the born again Christian will never sin again. The word habitually is key. A believer will struggle with sin and sometimes give in, but giving in to sin is no longer normative. As we grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord (see 2 Peter 3: 18), we are being sanctified. As we are led by the Spirit, we will walk more and more in obedience to the Word of God. The presence of the Holy Spirit in a person is going to change that person from within. It doesn’t happen overnight, and the process of sanctification continues until we are united with Christ in His Kingdom.
    It’s not fair for a Christian who has been in the process of sanctification for decades to point at a new Christian with condemnation and tell them they aren’t saved because they still have sin in their life. That is the self-righteous, prideful behavior that Jesus despises. If the Holy Spirit has been working within you for 20, 30, or more years then obviously you aren’t going to have as much sin as a new Christian, but you forget that you didn’t start your Christian walk at the same place you are now. I don’t live in willful sin, but that doesn’t mean I don’t slip sometimes and become angry or impatient, or perhaps I don’t show as much kindness to my neighbor as I should have, and all these actions are contrary to God too, so they are sins I must repent from when it happens. Remember that Christ considers just an angry thought about someone is the same as murder and just looking upon someone with lust is fornication/adultery. Jesus also says our words spoken to another person can commit murder, adultery, theft, etc., so Jesus has much higher standards of what is considered sin than just what is written in the 10 commandments. You honestly want to claim you never have an angry thought or have not looked at a beautiful woman in admiration Collin? You’ve never lost your temper or been impatient since being saved? You’ve never failed to show as much compassion and generosity to another person as you should have?
    Self-righteous Christians who boast that they have no sin are forgetting that pride is a sin so the very act of boasting is them sinning. Unless you are Jesus Christ you will struggle with and have some form of sin in your life as long as you are flesh. Just because you don’t break the 10 commandments doesn’t mean you are free of sin. In fact, claiming you have no sin is a sin because it makes you a liar and you call God a liar since HIS HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED SCRIPTURES SAY YOU ARE NOT FREE FROM SIN JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN. I can guarantee that God’s opinion of your behavior and lifestyle are not the same as your claims to be completely without sin and perfect. I am not a willful sinner, but I’ve been saved a couple of decades too. I also know I am not perfect because I am human and no human is infallible. I know when I do fall short of God’s expectations & display anger or don’t show the love for my neighbor I should have, Christ is quick to forgive me when I confess my shortcomings. I repent daily even if there is nothing I can remember doing contrary to God because I know I am not perfect. I believe a vast amount of Christians have deceived themselves into believing that they ARE perfect. God bless.🙏🏻❤️

    • @livebyfaith9743
      @livebyfaith9743 5 років тому

      👍👏👏👏👏🙌🙏 perfectly said!

    • @livebyfaith9743
      @livebyfaith9743 5 років тому

      @Anchored Alliance Sweetheart you couldn't even answer any of my questions? Misunderstanding this woman only proves who you really are. I tried helping you understand. I even gave you a chance to rightly divide the word with me. I hope one day you get rid of that pride! All you ever do is try to debate people. You never cared to lead anyone! You only want to be right and you can't accept the fact that you're not perfect! WHAT PART OF... If we claim to be without sin, (right now, today, in this present moment) we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8) DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND???

    • @livebyfaith9743
      @livebyfaith9743 5 років тому

      This person really gets it because she's a true woman of God! Praise God for her! Everything she said was true and biblical!

    • @livebyfaith9743
      @livebyfaith9743 5 років тому

      @Anchored Alliance No! I do not live in sin and I will never ever support anyone who thinks they have a license to sin!
      Both "perfect people" and "licensed to sin people" are wrong and they are LIARS!
      I am not debating you! I wanted to rightly divide the word with but you never gave me a chance! You only question me a few times. Now I am only exposing you!

    • @livebyfaith9743
      @livebyfaith9743 5 років тому

      @Anchored Alliance because everyone knows that no human being is literally perfect. We may be righteously perfect in Gods eyes like Abraham and Job. They were not literally perfect. They were blameless! There is a difference. No one in the world is perfect! All born again people are blameless and righteous in the eyes of God because they put their trust in Him! What is so difficult about that! Why can't you and Collin understand the difference between "not living in sin" and "having no sin"

  • @allenschmitz9644
    @allenschmitz9644 6 років тому +7

    where in the bible AV KJV 1611..does it say we are born in sin or inherent such a nature..dude that's a man made doctrine for the sin loving churches...

    • @learnbusinesstech7933
      @learnbusinesstech7933 6 років тому +1

      allen schmitz Agreed.

    • @SpecialKS
      @SpecialKS 5 років тому

      allen schmitz, Romans 5:12, read it.

    • @allenschmitz9644
      @allenschmitz9644 5 років тому

      @@SpecialKS dude git real, cain and abel were not born in sin , look what God told Cain...Gen.4:7, your a sinner by your thoughts, words and deeds...take your saved in sin rant back to the AMEN heretics.

  • @robertdavis2147
    @robertdavis2147 5 років тому +1

    Colin puts his faith in HIS ability to stop sinning
    I put my faith in Jesus ability to help me stop sinning it's a small different a narrow difference but a difference if you. Believe Christ blood and the holy spirit will seal you and give you a new heart! So not if but when you sin you'll have no desire to live a life of sin

  • @vickim6990
    @vickim6990 6 років тому +2

    Always the truth. Thank you.

  • @paulferreira4222
    @paulferreira4222 6 років тому +5

    I can only stop through the indwelling power of JESUS and only in HIM . By my self i will only keep sinning . By my self i am nothing . In JESUS im a overcommer

    • @OragansDAristilde_TheChristian
      @OragansDAristilde_TheChristian 2 роки тому

      Actually you can stop sinning by yourself even if you don't believe in Jesus it's just that you won't be saved because you didn't put your faith in Jesus.
      There are people who don't believe in Jesus yet, do good deeds (I don't know if they stop sinning though). Again I think 🤔 you can stop sinning by yourself even if you don't believe in Jesus but you won't be saved because you didn't trust in Jesus.

  • @incorruptibleword4513
    @incorruptibleword4513 5 років тому

    What you love you give yourself to, sin or righteousness, life or death, truth or lies, good or evil, God or self its whatever you love the most.

  • @bonniejohnson1518
    @bonniejohnson1518 5 років тому +1

    Any doctrine that does not conform one to godliness is a doctrine of devils. If that said doctrine has captured the heart of its followers its almost impossible to lead them to the truth...Sin appeasement doctrines are the traditions traditions of men, or what Jesus called the “old wine”...He said once they drink straightway of the old wine they say the old is better...It requires new wine skins (a repented heart) to hold the new wine of the gospel.........be blessed Willie & Bonnie

  • @HannahYael-MayaDevi
    @HannahYael-MayaDevi 6 років тому +3

    So I have a question. How often do you repent if you're sin free. And how do guard against pride, because you stopped sinning and others struggle with it.

    • @thepuppetboyzjr.5589
      @thepuppetboyzjr.5589 6 років тому +1

      HannahYael when you repent you change or you’re a liar.

    • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ
      @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 6 років тому +5

      HannahYael, no Christian is completely without sin. They may be without WILLFUL SIN, but Jesus says an angry thought against another person is equal to murder. Looking at someone with lust is fornication/adultery. There is only ONE person of flesh who is perfect and sinless, Jesus Christ. I am not Him. I don’t live in willful sin, but just because I obey the 10 commandments doesn’t mean I am without sin. Boasting of being without sin and perfect like Christ is a sin because it’s both pride and a lie. Many self-righteous Christians have deceived themselves into believing that just because they are obedient to the law/commandments they are without sin. They forget how high Jesus set the standards for what is sin and we can sin against Him with only our thoughts and words. God bless you.🙏🏻❤️

    • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ
      @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 6 років тому +3

      The Puppet Boyz Jr., repenting and changing doesn’t make you free of all sin. Obeying the commandments doesn’t make you free of all sin. In fact, the Bible says only one became flesh and was sinless and perfect, Jesus Christ. You are not Him, nor am I. Jesus says if we have an angry thought about another we have committed murder. If we look upon another with lust, we are guilty of fornication/adultery. In fact, our boasting of being without sin and claim to be perfect is a sin of pride and is a lie. A Christian’s lifestyle will change through the process of sanctification through the Holy Spirit and is indeed the evidence of one’s salvation. However, sanctification is a life long process and it doesn’t make a Christian perfect and sinless. The Bible says we won’t be sinless and perfect until we are with Christ in our glorified bodies.

    • @thepuppetboyzjr.5589
      @thepuppetboyzjr.5589 6 років тому +1

      Rejoice and Praise Yeshua, King of Kings! You are wrong and still caught in sin. When we truly accept Jesus as the lamb of God, God’s Holy Spirit comes and lives in us, which changes our sin nature. You are without this.

    • @thepuppetboyzjr.5589
      @thepuppetboyzjr.5589 6 років тому

      Rejoice and Praise Yeshua, King of Kings! First, Jesus isn’t the King of Kings. No one has seen or can see the King of Kings the Bible says.

  • @kevinatchison1973
    @kevinatchison1973 5 років тому

    Choice to disobey is sin, but that is not the only type of sin. Sin means to "miss the mark" which is anything short of perfection. There are unintentional sins that existed in both Peter and Paul's lives, and has a separate sacrifice in Leviticus. Jesus is the only one that is sinless, because he is the only one who is perfect.

  • @randynethery1878
    @randynethery1878 6 років тому

    Question: Have you sinned even once since coming to the knowledge of having the ability to live a sinless life? If so, how many wilfull sins (according to 1 Corinthians 10:13, all sins are willful) does it take to exclude one from Heaven (per Hebrews 10:26-27)? Is it one sin...10 sins...100 sins...1000 sins? I look forward to your response.

    • @randynethery1878
      @randynethery1878 6 років тому

      I knew I wouldn't receive a response regarding this question. The truth is, EVERY human sometimes sins. Thank God we have an advocate in Christ (1 John 2:1).

  • @bonniejohnson1518
    @bonniejohnson1518 5 років тому

    Job’s integrity
    Job loved his neighbor as himself, whereas the apostle Paul said the whole law of the Spirit hangs on this one thing. “love your neighbor as Why? Gal.5-13 “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”. Because it’s impossible to love your neighbor without loving God first.….Job was a very wealthy and powerful man, yet he obeyed God and loved his neighbor. The bible says the one that fears God and WORKETH righteousness is accepted by HIM.That sounds like Job….Or as Solomon said; “fear God and keep His commandments, for this is our whole purpose in life”. Again; this sounds like the character of Job. Proverbs 8-13 “to fear the Lord is to hate evil:” also in Psalm 97-10. Again; God said Job hated evil and sinned not… Therefore Job lived by the Royal law of God that Paul spoke of…. Matthew 5:28 “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart”. Again; Job said in chapter 31 that let God know his integrity, that he would not even look upon a woman with lust..
    In verses 4-40, paraphrasing the matter, we see Job speaking of himself, he declared that he was no better than his servants, he did not secretly let the poor go hungry by deceiving them, have I seen any perish for want of clothing, or any poor without covering and done nothing about it? If so ;let me be destroyed by God. Verse 24 “If I have made gold my hope, or have said to the fine gold, Thou art my confidence: If I beheld the sun when it shined, or the moon walking in brightness; And my heart hath been secretly enticed, or my mouth hath kissed my hand: This also were an iniquity to be punished by the judge: for I should have denied the God that is above”.
    29 If I rejoice at the destruction of him that hated me, or lifted up myself when evil found him: Neither have I suffered my mouth to sin by wishing a curse to his soul.
    Job did not speak blessing and curses from the same mouth, because he lived by the Law of the Spirit, and not after the lusts of the flesh. He even knew God would raise him in the resurrection. Ezekiel said Job was delivered by his own righteousness.
    In Job 42, after his trials, God says to the so called friends of Job “you go to my servant Job”. God does not call the disobedient His servants, but rather only the righteous are called His servants. Or as Job said in chapter 2 “should we indeed accept good from God, but ant accept adversity”?
    Be blessed Willie & Bonnie

  • @williamaltman9606
    @williamaltman9606 5 років тому

    The major problem I see is that people don’t believe THE WORD. They also don’t read it.

    • @TheRootedWord
      @TheRootedWord 5 років тому

      They filter out what they don't want to hear. They also do not keep the priorities of the writings straight. Here is theirs: #1 Paul, #2 anything else, #3 Jesus' teachings are last
      The real priority:
      #1 Jesus' teachings, since He is our Lord, not Paul. Paul did not die for our sins and Paul was not the Word of God incarnate.
      #2 The Full Apostles: Peter, James, and John
      #3 Paul, the least apostle and the chief sinner of sinners, as he himself said.
      Paul's statements MUST be reconciled to the Full Apostles' and those to Jesus' teachings. We do not reconcile Jesus' teachings to anything else.

  • @Vettel2011
    @Vettel2011 5 років тому

    ALL sin can be stopped! See Philippians 4:13

  • @Pharisee312
    @Pharisee312 5 років тому

    Numbers 15:27-28
    27 And if any soul sin through ignorance, then he shall bring a she goat of the first year for a sin offering.
    28 And the priest shall make an atonement for the soul that sinneth ignorantly, when he sinneth by ignorance before the Lord, to make an atonement for him; and it shall be forgiven him.
    There is still ignorant sin. It's possible to overcome willful sin, but not ignorant sin.

    • @karenterry9988
      @karenterry9988 5 років тому

      1 John 5:16-17: If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.
      All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death.
      Sins of ignorance are not against our conscience, they are errors of judgment, of ignorance, because no one is perfect in knowledge, however we grow in grace and knowledge (2 Pet 3:18).
      The sins unto death are in Gal 5, 1 Cor 6, Eph 5, Col 3 and Rom 1 and these are what will keep someone out of the kingdom, IF they have first come through a genuine repentance Heb 10:26-29.

  • @louis44911
    @louis44911 6 років тому

    oooooooohhhhh shut up and study the WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @jameshenry1285
    @jameshenry1285 6 років тому +11

    I agree with this message wholeheartedly. I also agree with the hairstyle.

    • @learnbusinesstech7933
      @learnbusinesstech7933 6 років тому +2

      James Henry Hahaha!!! Glad you agree with the message AND the hairstyle!

    • @josephgorscak5229
      @josephgorscak5229 5 років тому +1

      Collin Michael ... your hairstyle is a sin !!!! VANITY ! Have you no heart to understand in the spirit what is said in 1 TIM. 2:9-10 and 1 Peter 3:3 of the KJV bible ! Granted the main message here is to women ... but as stated already ... the core message from these two verses (and there are many more) addresses VANITY !
      1 Timothy 2:9-10 KJV
      [9] In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; [10] But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
      1 Peter 3:3 KJV
      [3] Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
      I hope your sin is “NOT UNTO DEATH” ... 16] If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them 1JOHN5:16KJV !!!!
      But I have seen other things that make me question your ministry ! In the spirit of 2THESS3:13-15 I am
      UNSUBSCRIBED now !
      TRUE KINGDOM HEARTED AND MINDED CHRISTIANS that have “1JOHN5:4 overcometh the world “ DO NOT 1JOHN5:17 SIN UNTO DEATH !!!! ... if they do “AS DESCRIBED BY HEB.6:4-6 ... THEY CAN NEVER GO TO HEAVEN !!!! “For it is IMPOSSIBLE for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.” ‭Hebrews 6:4-6 KJV‬
      JOHN5:16-17 clearly explains that there are TWO kinds of sin ! ...
      1 John 5:14-18 KJV
      [14] And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: [15] And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. [16] If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it. [17] All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death. [18] We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.
      “Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.” ‭1 Corinthians 15:34 KJV‬
      Denominational Christianity is Satan’s “controlled opposition” used to promote HYPERGRACE & PROSPERITY GOSPELS !!!! ... and the best part of this is the fact that God has INTENTIONALLY allowed this to happen so that all the fake and phoney DENOMINATIONAL Christians can go STRAIGHT TO HELL in the spirit of LUKE 10:21 and 2 Thess. 2:10-12 :) HalleluJAH !!!!
      “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the LOVE OF THE TRUTH, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2THESS.2:10-12KJV.
      “In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.” LukE 10:21 KJV
      Only us TRUE BORN AGAIN KINGDOM HEARTED AND MINDED CHRISTIANS WILL ENJOY ETERNITY WHILE 99.99% of denominational Christians WILL “Mark 16:16/JOHN3:18-GTH” ! Along with the all the useless religions around the world !
      THANK GOD FOR LUKE 10:21 !!!! AND 2THESS.2:10-12 !!!!
      SALVATION and DAILY REGENERATION must be explained using MARK12:30,JN3:5/6:53,MATT.5:3-10/2TIM.2:19 !!!! ANYTHING LESS THAN THAT: FALLS SHORT ...

    • @Trulipy
      @Trulipy 5 років тому

      @@josephgorscak5229 You are being way too harshly judgemental. How is his hairstyle sinful? It is how he's wearing his hair. It isn't feminine. Nothing about it is sinful. What hairstyle to you isn't sinful vanity? Have you obeyed Jesus in all he said? If you have, you should be able to name 5-10 commandments of Jesus to his disciples, and therefore us. (The Great Commission by Jesus tells his disciples to teach us to obey everything Jesus commanded his disciples to do.)

    • @josephgorscak5229
      @josephgorscak5229 5 років тому

      Andrew ... “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:19‬ ‭KJV‬
      “[26] But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. [27] My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” John 10:26-27 KJV
      REJECTED fake CHRISTIANS: “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:21‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      Don’t ya find it a bit strange ... that in a world of about 3 billion so called Christians, that JESUS CHRIST said: “When the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” ~Luke 18:8 KJV ...
      JESUS CHRIST also SAID: “But as the days of NOAH were , so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matthew 24:37 KJV -
      again ... Denominational Christianity is Satan’s “controlled opposition” used to promote HYPERGRACE & PROSPERITY GOSPELS !!!! as prophesied in the Parable of the TARES and as intentionally designed to be ACCEPTED BY ALL THE WORLDLY “REV.3:16-LUKEWARM” Christians that MISERABLY FAIL TO “1JOHN5:4-overcometh the world”
      THANK GOD ALMIGHTY FOR LUKE 10:21 !!!! ... AND 2THESS.2:10-12 !!!!
      SALVATION and DAILY REGENERATION must be explained using MARK12:30,JN3:5/6:53,MATT.5:3-10/2TIM.2:19 !!!! ANYTHING LESS THAN THAT: FALLS SHORT ...AND adhering to EVERY BIBLICAL ORDINANCE of THE NEW TESTAMENT IS VITAL !!!! ONLY TRUE BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS WILL NOT FIND THEM “1JOHN5:3-GRIEVOUS” as 99.99% of this wicked world WILL ! Read why ... truesalvationjesuschrist.wordpress.com
      1 John 5:3 KJV
      [3] For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.
      “[26] But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. [27] My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follo
      Andrew ... in the spirit of 2THESS.3:13-15KJV ... I have nothing more to say to you ...
      “brethren, BE NOT WEARY in well doing. And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.” ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭3:13-15‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?”LUKE6:46KJV
      “But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. “ 1COR14:38KJV

    • @davidpodyuchenko1341
      @davidpodyuchenko1341 5 років тому

      @@josephgorscak5229 so tell me out of those verses you wrote which ones does Collin not follow? Just curious honestly, I don't really watch his videos to often, but I know he says what scripture says.

  • @weobeyjesus4565
    @weobeyjesus4565 5 років тому +1

    The power of Satan makes people slaves of sin and without Christ they can resist it to an extent but not overcome it, it’s a battle, like Paul wrote of in Rom 7, but through Christ the person is empowered and set free from that power of Satan. That’s what I see in the Scripture anyway. You don’t need to be clean to come to Christ, he cleans.

  • @jscott186
    @jscott186 5 років тому +1

    2corinth 6:17-18
    2 corinth 7:1 kjv
    Having therefore these promises,dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God

  • @antonyadimidminstitute5973
    @antonyadimidminstitute5973 6 років тому +1

    Yes as per Romans 8:1-4 it's possible to live without sinning. In every thing God be praised and given all glory. Amen

  • @Elfdogable
    @Elfdogable 5 років тому

    Every Christian has sinned. What made you think you could stop it before then? When you say 'what' your implying a type of sin in your question. Why does it matter what type ? Sin is sin. No matter if it is promoting yourself on UA-cam, being socially engineered on Facebook, letting your Church incorporate entertaining rock and roll into your worship or turning your sanctuary into a cafe. My dog behaves much better than people I have known who are 'Christian', who sit in the front pew every Sunday and play the part. Fact of the matter is they seem to think that fitting in, adorning themselves with material objects (home, car, # of kids) is every important as confessing 'Christianity' even here on UA-cam. Once you see them for who they really are (eventually you find out) it is revolting.

  • @89cruzzey
    @89cruzzey 5 років тому

    I agree but at the same time do not agree with your message. We as Christians have a sinful nature, the Bible says that our good deeds are like dirty rags to God and all of us fall short of the glory of God, we all sin, whether by thought or action. Now as Christians obviously we should make it our goal and to abstain from sin the best we can however we do slip up at times and that’s what the grace of God is for.
    If it was so simple for everyone to stop sinning then Jesus wouldn’t have to die on the cross. For a Christian to say they never sin, John actually warns against that in 1 John 1:10...
    If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.
    Therefore, yes we must abstain and be vigilant but we do fall to sin and make mistakes and that’s what the grace of God through Jesus Christ is for.

  • @bonniejohnson1518
    @bonniejohnson1518 6 років тому +3

    A biblical truth that is missed by the
    church for centuries is the fact that man has a natural ability to
    obey God. It was built into the fabric of our constitution. This
    truth is realized early on in the text just as many other truths are
    Gen 4-7 If thou doest well, shalt thou
    not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.
    And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
    Here Cain is told that by his own
    volition he has the ability to do well; meaning> (that which is
    good that wells up out of an honest and pure heart). But if not he
    then becomes a dry cistern of sand and sin lies at the door of his
    life, and to this shall be his desire (physis growth "nature"
    via habitual desires of lust)> a slave to sin... Not born that
    way, but made that way through the deceitfulness of sinful habits "by
    nature". But God tells Cain that he can rule over that man of
    sin seeking to rise up among his members.....If man could not rule
    over his anger and natural desires & inclinations with temperance
    keeping them subdued to the commands of the creator, then God would
    have to go back and apologize to Cain for judging him too
    This is a simple deduction through
    reason found early on in the text, or as God says to scarlet sinners
    in the book of Isaiah "come let us reason together". Man
    has the natural ability to logically reason together with the logical
    mind of God, the Logos...All that God asks is completely logical, and
    sin is completely illogical. The institutional systematic theologies
    hate this truth, and will accuse us of denying grace. Been that way
    sense Ambros/Augustine the students of Plato humanism. This is why
    they wanted to kill Pelagius, why the Puritans wanted to kill the
    Quakers and George Fox.. But Pelagius said that he himself could do
    nothing apart from God's "grace" (the empowerment of the
    Spirit"...Denying grace? go figure.....
    Man was created in God's image, and
    endowed with a light of consciences (John 1-9), while having natural
    desires and inclinations (Gen. 2-9,17) by using those desires in an
    ungodly manner they become sin and rebellion to God. Therefore we are
    to put to death the ungodly lustful desires of the flesh that give
    birth to sin in a one time season of godly sorrow in the baptism of
    repentance not to be regretted of. (Cor. 7-10). This season,
    described in verse 11, no matter how long it takes, is of great
    effort, zeal, revenge, in clearing oneself of all vile sins of the
    flesh, thus putting to death the old man of sin through cleansing of
    the heart pure/clear of wrong doing and emerging as the new man,
    becoming a vessel fit for the Masters use washed in the blood.
    However, no man is free from ignorance and perfect in knowledge,
    therefore being subject to sins of ignorance that are corrected
    through chastisement/teachings of Christ.
    A good example of that might be Job. We
    know he was perfect, fearing God and eschewing evil and God said Job
    sinned not. Job was not an extortioner, adulterer, thief, did not
    bear false witness to destroy anothers character, not a sodomite, not
    a fornicator, did not covet his neighbors property, was not a railer,
    did not blaspheme God, did not dishonor his parents, etc. etc....
    This is why Job was said to have “sinned not”.. But we can also
    see that Job had some sins of ignorance of which he was chastised by
    God. These are the transgression dismissed in the Lord's prayer
    because none are perfect in all knowledge, and free from ignorance...
    But Job NEVER engaged in the sins that Paul said would disqualify one
    from the kingdom in Galatians 5 & Romans 1.......
    "Faith”: Is a steadfast fidelity
    towards God, and is a work, “faith that WORKETH by love” said
    Paul....Man is a worker together with God (2 Cor. 6-1), also
    described in Phil. 2-12-13. We “work out” ( heautou ) our own
    salvation with fear of God and trembling in verse 12, this is man's
    effort. And in verse 13> it is HE that worketh (energeo) in us to
    do His will and good pleasure . This energy is via the empowerment of
    the Spirit, which is grace. And that grace has appeared to all men
    teaching us to live godly and soberly in this age, Titus 2:11-14.
    Meaning we are saved by grace through faith, and not of religious
    works, but rather by heart purity unto obedience coupled with the
    influencing POWER of the Spirit.
    Phil. 2-13 “Energeo” in the Greek,
    is where we get our word energy. God energies our walk through the
    conduit of our faith. This is done through covenant: man working
    together with God to bring about a fellowship of love that cannot be
    obtained by any other means. Man does his part, and God is faithfull
    and will always do His part. Thus, the manifest reality of the
    saints, whereas the church of Babylon believes in positional
    righteousness, and rejecting manifest reality of righteousness, thus
    denying the One that purchased their souls.
    side note: Cornelius, like Abraham, was
    born into a culture of paganistic polytheism. Yet despite this, he
    believed in the one true God, and was already a just man obeying God
    in accordance to the knowledge he possessed. Therefore God heard his
    prayers and they even came up to HIM as a memorial. Quite remarkable.
    And we know that God does not hear the prayers of willful
    sinners..This was even before Peter ever brought him the gospel ,
    therefore Cornelius willingly received an increase of the Spirit when
    Peter came to him from Joppa proclaiming the gospel. ....If Cornelius
    would have died before Peter arrived he still would have been
    saved....and of course this doesn't mean he didn't need Christ....But
    he was a just man in his meager condition obeying what his conscience
    had revealed to him up to that point in his life,..........becoming a
    moral law unto themselves by the light of conscience endowed in every
    man by Christ "by nature" Romans 2-14....….be blessed in His word, Willie & Bonnie

    • @bonniejohnson1518
      @bonniejohnson1518 5 років тому +1

      @Anchored Alliance it is said of people to be perfect/(blameless), and in the text people such as Job, Daniel, Zacharias, and his wife Elizabeth....In fact, God said that Job sinned not. Anyway to answer your question. All mankind is endowed with a light of conscience. Man, by nature, knows there is only One God, and knows righteousness by his conscience to the level of degree he has matured to. To whomsoever much is given much is required, Luke 12.....If this nature is already working within a man, such as was the case of Cornelius, they will gladly receive the gospel when coming in contact with it...They receive the engraved word that is able to save their soul. The law of conscience is written upon the minds of all mankind..Peter didn't bring the gospel of repentance to Cornelius, but rather the good news and an increase in the Spirit...Peter was the one who actually had a moment of doubt, then Cornelius spoke in tongues/foreign language, probably Hebrew in this case, which then confirmed the receiving of the Spirit to Peter...All man are held responsible for what they know, and nothing more......Babies and little children that die know nothing, yet they too are saved.........
      They have no sin but still need to be saved for nothing other than to be resurrected in the great and glorious day....................one must also understand the difference between sins of ignorance, and willful rebellion via the vile sins of the flesh....the institutional churches and bible colleges have no understanding of this truth...they perceive all sins are the same......when sins of ignorance, over time, are not corrected when coming under conviction, then they become willful rebellion........Be blessed Willie & Bonnie

    • @bonniejohnson1518
      @bonniejohnson1518 5 років тому +1

      @Anchored Alliance first we must biblicaly define "perfect" in the text.> "teleos", a pure heart towards God having no guile (Christian maturity). If humans do not have the natural ability to obey God then God needs to go back and apologize to Cain. He said Cain could rule over the sin that was seeking to rise up among his members, Gen. 4-7....weather or not there is such a person alive today like Cornelius, I would suppose so..Man doesn't have to sin, rather he chooses to go against his conscience and sin against God...I know this truth is completely foreign and veiled to Christianity, but it is in-fact biblical.. God is just and only judges in accordance to knowledge. The Holy Spirit is a person of the Godhead, and He influences the world through the power of conviction (John 16-8).
      Jesus raised the bar of obedience after the cross. However, HE sent an extra measure of grace via the Holy Ghost to accommodate for this. For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us to live godly and soberly in this present world.
      Abraham was seeking and worshiping the one true God in a world of people who were worshiping sticks, rocks, and many other pagan gods..Even his father Terah served other gods...God called Abraham away from the paganism, and Abraham did the works of faith and followed God......there was a measure of the Holy Spirit given in the OT, but that measure was increased after the cross....Job obeyed God perfectly (whole heartedly), he did not engage in the vile sins of the flesh that Paul said would disqualify a person from the kingdom..HOWEVER, the text shows that Job had some sins of ignorance that were revealed to him, thus corrected by Job...Job was not a fornicator, not an idolator, not a false witness to destroy anothers character, not a railer, not a sodomite, not and extortioner, nor did he engage in any of the vile sins of the flesh, thus he had a perfect heart towards God and his neighbor.....all people are capable of this, just as God said Cain was....man was born into a world of sinful influence and most all become sinners.
      In Romans 3 Paul was drawing from the OT and speaking of the wicked, not the righteous..His first statement that is overlooked is "IT IS WRITTEN there is none good no not one"..He was quoting from Psalms 14, it says "a fool saieth in his heart there is no God" so naturally among those that believe not in the God of the bible there is none good...He quoted from many OT passages in those following 9 verse, and all of them were speaking about the wicked, not the righteous..The wicked and the righteous are contrasted against each other on every page of the bible...but for some strange reason the church always numbers themselves among the wicked...Jeremiah 17-9 is contrasted against the righteous in verse 7.. Isaiah 64-6 is contrasted against verse 5...its on every page of the text.....
      God says He rewards those who diligently seek Him...anyone who is diligently seeking God will not reject the message of the gospel.....being made perfect is love from a pure heart having no guile...Nathaniel, under the fig tree, ( a mediphor for the old covenant obedience) it was a literal tree also, anyway, was said by Jesus to have no guile..

    • @Vettel2011
      @Vettel2011 5 років тому

      Anchored Alliance
      Amen, that is going too far. YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN

    • @bonniejohnson1518
      @bonniejohnson1518 5 років тому

      @@Vettel2011 What does born again mean????????????
      It means coming clean with God in repentance 2 Cor. 7-10,11....Coming clean with God in repentance and having a faith that works by love proven by your deeds that produces a clear conscience..
      Jesus told the sinful Nicodemus and his group of Pharisees that they had to be born again (via the process of 2 Cor. 7-10,11) ...Nicodemus did awaken to the truth, and was redeemed through a change of heart (being born again).........The unusual circumstances surrounding Cornelius didn't require him to to repent of his wickedness. Why? Because he was ALREADY a just/devout man after Gods own heart, therefore he received an increase of the Spirit and was filled with the Holy Ghost...(God heard Cornelius prayers, and scripture says that God does not hear the prayers of sinners, HE only hears the prayers of repented sinners).. who need to be born again.this is probably not the case with over 99% of the people in the world today..But weather or not there is still one like Cornelius today, who could say....Cornelius gladly received the love of the truth..........Hope this helps, Willie

    • @Vettel2011
      @Vettel2011 5 років тому

      bonnie johnson
      Amen, I said nothing else!!!! Faith that saves is never ever alone! However, let us not forget the good works come after regeneration. I never said somebody did not have to repent. Repentance is not a "work", as you said, it is a godly sorrow over sin. I am like Cornelius.
      But you say repentance was NOT turning away from sin? Did I missunderstand you? The greek word of repentance is "metaneoe", which means "to change your heart". I am sorry, but you are confusing me. Yes, I agree original sin is false. However, everyone got corrupted later one, we see that in Ezekiel 18

  • @Skyscraper21
    @Skyscraper21 5 років тому

    👍 Great