Chapter 5 hit me very hard and will never forget that scene of him describing her mother's hard work. Then you turn the page and see her mother crying, it made me cry uncontrollably because I can see my mother through it. I never had the courage to admit how much I love art in front of her and I never even acknowledge how hard she works. I may be attending college for animation now but it all happened by pure luck because the plan since high school was I'm going to be a mechanical engineer. Blue period hit every mark that I want to see in a story and it didn't fail to deliver it
It hit the same way for me too. All throughout high school I studied hard in order to be an oncologist. I secretly wanted to go to art school but I had been given the idea that a career in art won’t be very successful. But after reading Blue period I resonated so much with the words of the art teacher telling Yaguchi that no job is guaranteed. And that something you love shouldn’t be treated like a “hobby” but something you should truly pursue. So I decided to pursue animation after realizing that I am so passionate about art and I can definitely do it for the rest of my life. It’s amazing that I someone went through the same experience.
same here. I got accepted into one of the top law schools in the uk and ended up dropping out after a year because of my love for art. It was blue period that gave me that push to pursue what I love. I now got to uni for animation :')
The quote that with me most was a unique one, “Yaguchi, you’re not selfish enough.” This quote, changed my life, I was trying to hard to be great when I should have accepted that sometimes good is enough. And you are allowed to take breaks. This show helped me realize that and I will never forget it.
I was just like yaguchi I was always the top in class and I had no passion but in my second last year I started drawing than I found my passion so I dropped out of school and started training for the top art school in Netherlands and the moment I felt the most discoursed I found blue period. And I got inspired again. I will get the results that I passed the entrance exam for art school in 4 weeks so I really hope that I made it . Update I did it I got accepted
I wouldn’t call it embracing being “normal”, for me it was more like embracing being your true self. He is not an average joe by any means, on the contrary he is really smart. Even though he doesn’t possess a raw artistic talent, he is very analytical, strategic, self-reflective and whats more importantly persistent. I think his unique approach to understanding art is what allowed him to improve so quickly.
I'm actually very afraid to read this manga. I've given up on art ever since my Mom told me that I will never earn money and I shouldn't study arts on college. Now, I'm really regretting it and if I read this manga, there's a huge possibility that my passion will came back to me and walk out to my normal life to pursue being an artist. I'm nearly on my 30's, I have high paying job (I like my job). But there's still something missing inside me that I will never feel complete without it. I'm afraid.
I am 12, so I am not going to be the best person to give advice. But, you could possibly keep doing art as a side job, or such, do what you want to do, and it doesn't matter what others think of what you do or who you are, just do what makes you happy in this existence, and try your best.
i get the fear 100% maybe you feel a little outside of the demographic or like its too late to have thoughts like this, but life is too short, too precious to live it for someone else. You are young read the manga let it reignite your passion and do what you want to do.
I can totally relate though I've read the manga and yep it did revive my passion for art but at the same time felt regretting how I couldn't run for it. I was actually jealous of the main protagonist all throughout that I was annoyed that I tried to stop reading but I couldn't because of how the manga portrays really well of what life could've been if u try to achieve your dreams. But seriously, I was really jealous of him.
yotasuke takahashi was a character i related with the most. ever since i was young ive always drew alot and got praised by people around me. my parents always knew how much i loved to draw and were okay with it, but not encourage me or support me, why? because art was all i was good at. i was horrifically bad with every other class, i wasnt smart at all and only drew 24/7 and they would always say stuff like " your really talented.. but i just wish it wasnt art that u loved so much" or " u should draw more like this, drawing that is useless" and so on so i grew up trying to make myself more useful to my parents but i was still not good enough.. so instead of trying i continued to do art since its all im good at.. but every time i drew i never felt like i was doing it for my own self but for others.. despite art being the one thing i always had, i never once felt like i truly loved doing my artworks because they all felt empty.. my mother abandoned me and my father neglected me until one day he just removed me from my art club and told me that continuing art wont do me any good, i didnt listen and continued to teach myself instead until he gave up, but now says that i should do architecture because its the only useful thing i can get from drawing.. not painting.. we got into a huge argument which caused me to stop drawing all together,, because of some family issues i cant even go back to school now,, art was the only way for me to communicate,, and the fact that i cant do that now makes me feel like ive lost my purpose... the problem is, even if i continue to art.. i cant see myself being able to support myself with art so why should i do art? im not even good at art anymore because i stopped all together.. art is my passsion.. but is it really worth it to continue knowing i might not succeed in life? i have no idea what to do..
Listen, I have quite of the same problem as you. I understand you, I hear you. All my life Ive always had art by my side, Its something that I know I have confidence in, because ive done it all my life. But sometimes I feel like something is missing. What I mean by that is well... Im a teenager, right now my head is crazy with what i want to pursue in the near future (the word NEAR is scary for me). I would say Art is my passion, but im also struck with the idea that "If i pursue art, It wont be my passion anymore.. itll be a job" Yeah I might be doing something I like right? But If i want art as job, my goal then would have to be to WORK HARD to get paid. That would be the goal, now notice how I capatilized "WORK HARD", Because I feel like my art would be pointless for ME, of course not for the person or business Im working for, well because they are askig me to do it. But id never pour my raw emotions into a piece becuase that would not be what I would get paid to do. All my years of being a person who can take a pen or pencil and create "art", Ive realized that you being in the present is very important. Imagine, years of years of dispute, emptiness, and loss of communication, fear, frustration all coming back to you in a moment, all your hurtful memories that you could have deep in your mind..... spill them out to the physical world, CRY... SCREAM... anything that will let out those emotions, so they can all spill into an art piece. Because you need to find your way back to that spark of light you once had, so being in the present when you have your mind filled with anger and frustration, pour them into your art. Let me just say, it doesnt have to have structure, or balnce, or any sort of composition. Art is emotion, feeling, its how you can communicate, art is a way of communication. Human minds are very powerful, our minds are just a box full of different kinds of thoughts and memories that are just jumbled up in it, nobody has to "understand it" they can analyze all they want, but at the end of the day it was all your human potential to reach for a spark you once had and pulling it with much force... to a blank paper. Its you and Its always been for you, thats why you have the gift of art, because you have the hand and mind that can constantly move and wander in all the different places just do then it can flow into a piece of paper. Dont expect something specifically when your drawing (unless you are doing photo realism). in all art pieces you may do, try to visualize also what kind of shape might this emotion have, what color, what form. 7 billion people on this planest, and I just realized that youre a person that is at their lowest, you may feel lost, I offer you to experiment the hell out of ur potential. Art is a beautiful thing, because it can potray the human mind. I see a triumph in you. May peace be with you.
Ahh it's been a year I hope you've found your way through everything If not I would like to add something - Having a passion for something is EVERYTHING you'll ever need in your life , it's really that simple I can't stress enough on how much that matters People like me , after being endlessly consumed by hundreds of different passions But being so invested in the vast amount of things that could be done , I am unable to find what my true passion is It's as if I don't have a passion for anything It all seems like I'm PRE- tending to have a passion I'm afraid I'll waste my years just finding my passion and ambition But I have the willpower to work for it , I know I won't leave without making myself known That's where I won't give up As of you You are blessed to have a passion for art, don't let situations change where your headed If you find it as your passion Live with it and die with it And Make a name for yourself with it Nothing's "useless" unless your really good at it
I say do it, if he doesn't approve do it, if you aren't sure about the future do it, don't know how to do it still try and do it, why be ouse it your passion, if you like doing it then it will eventually work out
I love the moments when parents, other people, indirectly insult the artist. Bad wording but in short, the moments when non-artists overestimate their passion. There's a moment in the later chapters when Haruka and Yatora work at a children's art center. One of the children's parents come over and look at their child's painting. They say something like, "That art is good." He looks at the wall to another painting. "Another kid in your class made that, right? Why don't you make something like that?" It's also mentioned that he's said things like, "That face looks weird". The child reacts in changing her painting, changing the meaning. Even a kid could feel that rage, that raw feeling of being unrecognized for the work they meant to do, and the way Tsubasa Yamaguchi portrayed that was so amazing.
This is one of my favourite mangas of all time. I feel though that the anime ends with a fake sense of closure when he passes the exam, since later in the manga, after Yaguchi enters Geidai, he enters a long self deprecation and depressive state that lasts for almost half of the current manga episodes. He gets blocked by his own mind, which is caused by some external factors and has to learn to not get affected by what others say. The story is really amazing and relatable, even if you're not into art Btw, properly expressing your thoughts by text is fucking hard
I think it's really clever of Tsubasa that when Yaguchi was watching the soccer match he felt excitement and clearly showed that he appreciates sports, but he doesn't appreciate art in the same. It's a nice scene because it reflects how people value different forms of art, yet don't value art as a whole, and don't realise that when they devalue art, they devalue what makes their life worth living (books, music, designs, architecture, cars, mechanics, performances, food- all which are different forms of art).
Yaguchi is both relatable and such a distant character. I love art and creating it sometimes can be a challenge but what related to me with his struggles was the uncertainty in life and I always feel like way pursuing an engineering degree, a future that is kind of guaranteed since I fear taking risks
This was such a well made video, I was about to keep my pen down from drawing but now I have the strength to pick it back up though I'm not that brave to invest all of my time in it... Thank you
Reading blue period has made me see myself on my current path (as I am 24 now and discovered my passion about a year before I read blue period) and as someone who is inspired to write. Wanting to be a writer/author, Yagushi's passion is infectious. It makes me want to write more, it makes me smile seeing him push on despite the hardships. When I started writing, I at first didn't have the intention of writing a book, until I put pen to paper and saw my ideas come to words. Of course I was bad at it at first, but it helped me press on to work on it, even if I have a full time job, I still try to find time in the day to write, because THAT is my passion. Thanks for reading this person on the internet.
I was jealous of the main protagonist while reading the manga. I wasn't jealous that he was able to pursue arts (i gave up on it cuz,,, idk how it can lead me). I was jealous because he was able to put 100% maximum effort & focus to what he is doing and I lack that... I have never tried putting my 100% best in something because I couldn't feel the "passion".
I’ve been keeping up with Blue Period since chapter 26 got translated and fell in love in the first chapter. Never gonna forget that day I decided to grab volume 1 from the bookstore. Not only is Yatora relatable, but every single character has an aspect of them that makes them feel so and utterly real. Even that one little kid in the recent arc. The way Yamaguchi goes about telling Yatora’s story is magnificent and the way the other characters are not only used for their own development and self-discovery, but also for pushing Yatora and giving him realizations is spectacular. Everything from the art style, the inner monologue, and character interactions is done with pure passion, experience, and care. I will never fall out of love with this series and I thank everyday that it exists. It has been such a motivation booster for me to continue drawing and figuring out what I want to do with my life.
I'm reading this right now cause my school's library has almost all the printed out volumes, and so far Blue Period has made me want to pursue art even more. And it motivates me to work even harder for it, and be grateful for the opportunities that I have. I'm a Junior in highschool and I just hope I can see a improvement in my art by the time I've graduated!!
i just picked up the first 5 blue period manga volumes and i connect with yatora, being surrounded by people that are WAY above my skill level (in guitar) makes me feel nervous, but at the same time gives me opportunities to learn and improve my knowledge of theory and technique.
What I love so much about blue period is the struggle of following your passion. No real manga came to the top of my head when I thought of that, the only manga I can think of is finding it. I also discovered this manga when I was in the stages of pursuing my own and it hit close to home. The time spent trying to purse something especially. I had a pretty similar story to you, but instead replace anime with manga. Got A's in all of my high school classes with little effort, hanged with friends afterwards, had no real passione besides manga and games, etc. Though because I like manga so much, I wanted to become a translator. My parents didn't fully support it at the time due to thinking it wouldn't pay well. So I intially took it as "just a hobby" thing until I quickly realized the degree I was pursuing at the time gave me no satisfaction or pride. It wasn't till I hit the lowest point in my life when I decided what I wanted to do with it. And oh man, I've never felt so much satisfaction over reading a chapter of a manga and being understand every single word in it without a dictionary.
Thank you for this video. Sincerely. I’m about to quit my first job to which I had already adapted and in which I was praised by higher-ups for my skills to start constant hustle in hope of entering art courses and being able to pursue the path that I want. I really want to study academic art. After years of failure and people not believing in me I’m at the point when even classroom bullies are curious about my progress. And I still want to make my passion a reality. Wish me luck. And good luck to you. I believe in you with all my heart, stranger.
Its honestly great that the main character can feel at least passionate about something like art. Because It really sucks when you realize you have no passion art while going to an art school.
It sounds like the only thing it doesnt or hasnt yet touched on is how some people dont see major success until they’re older and feel like they need to or want to start over. Many famous people like some actors didnt hit it big until they were past the point that most would have long seen long past their chance. Definitely want to check this out myself.
I read this manga right after graduating from college with an arts degree and right at the beginning of Covid. It was a really hard read because it was so realistic, and even though the Japanese arts school was so different from my American experience it was so similar in the feelings and the symbolism used to show the deep and complicated feelings hurt so much I would have to leave and come back to the story a different day. I also used to get the stress rashes all over my body, I once had them for a full month.
This series really hit way too close to home for me it’s almost scary how much I related to it. I always had lack of confidence in myself and my own art and never felt I could achieve the dreams I want. This is something I saw myself in Yaguchi.
For anyone looking for a story that treats the same hardships and life questions that are in Blue Period, i can't recommend enough the anime and manga Baby Steps. This might be the way to bring exposure to the most heavily underrated sports anime (and my favourite), which explores the same dilemma of truly passion for something in your life. I personally felt even more connected with baby steps protagonist than blue period (maybe because i like sports and no so much visual arts tho). The anime is great, but the real gem is hiding in what's after the anime, and the struggles of someone trying to go pro in tennis are vivid and touchable in the manga (with more than 450+ chapters). Seriously can't recommend it enough. I made this comparison because both main protagonist are so alike too btw, and can't think of one without thinking in the other
Recently bought a hardcopy version of Blue Period's first volume. It's a beautiful story that played a huge part in my life as well. Great video and wish you the best my friend.
Recently, back in May, I bought a bunch of mangas at an outdoor bookstore sales[where bookstores are promoting and selling books of all kinds.] Among those many mangas was Blue Period[the first two volumes, as they were on my list of many mangas to buy :)] As an artist drawing was my life as a kid. But, I got insecure drawing my favorite characters and drawing in general... Plus, having electronics made me "stopped enjoying real life things" alot... Despite loving art it felt "fake" than real. During the start of quarantine, in 2020, I wanted to learn to draw digital art. Soon enough, I started to revisited traditionnal art after YEARS. My drawings were wonky at first, overtime I self taught myself with various artstyle slowing I learned how to draw characters more and more... I wished I had read Manga and didn't stopped drawing YEARS ago... Now, I draw what I like and upload them online for others to enjoy :)
One day, I was wandering around Netflix as usual, searching something interesting to watch, it was then that I saw an anime with the cover art being mostly blue, with a person who had golden eyes and white hair in the center. There was the name of the anime, and a banner saying "new episodes every week". Although, it only had only one episode since it just aired. Intrigued by the cover, I decide to watch that single episode. I almost cried, I felt happy, I knew the same feelings as the character on the cover that I just learned the name, Yatora Yamaguchi. I love art, I make my art too, and at one point I had the same toughts as him, and actually still do have! I had decided that this was the anime I would watch every week, now there are currently 3 episodes, and all three have something I relate to. I WILL keep wayching this anime all the way to the end. I started reading the manga through scans too (in my country, Brazil, the manga has not been published yet so I can only read it through scans. Although if it is released one day, I'll gladly buy it), but I decided the anime is the better choice currently... Still love and will keep reading it, but I love the anine just a bit more I think I found my anime.
One of the only nice things about depression was that I wasn't concerned with whether to devote myself to art because I was weighing drawing against a desire not to exist otherwise.
Late to the party, but wanted to thank for making this video. I have this weird desire to be excellent in three different fields (writing, art, and programming) and manage to devote a small amount of time every week to at least one of them but rarely can focus fully on all three and sometimes none. I don’t necessarily have a desire to make a career out of any of them (although that would be nice I suppose) but it’s comforting to know I’m not the only one who is trying to do something that’s not for the provision of others. Just for pure satisfaction in creating the thing itself. I’m a husband, dad, and already decently established in a technical career field but always feel like I don’t have much going on for myself. Not that I’m ungrateful, I just know deep down I’ve got a desire to create things that don’t necessarily have a high likelihood of payoff financially.
After watching up to episode 12 and reading every volume 11-15… So art and this story gave me hope on escaping my circumstances and depression… Hope you take the bad days with the blessed one…
thank you for this, i cried, you will never understand how much I love you for this,you just can't,i knew i would regret not following my passions but I needed a wake-up call, thank you for letting me live from now on, 19 years late but I can live from today ,thank you, thank you so much i can breathe now thank you i love you
Honestly, I'm tunring 30 this year and this story may have changed my life. I'm still an absolute scrub at art but I'm deeply interested in it and, who knows, maybe I'll one day get good enough to break out of the boring, grey-in-grey daily grind at my office job and do something I'm passionate about. Maybe even teach art at school. For that though I'd need to get back to uni and risk everything I've built up so far. All I need to do is be like Yaguchi and have the courage to take the plunge.
I'm one of the more luckier artist because I had my parents support. I enjoyed painting since I was 3 and because of my learning disability, I had a hard time keeping up with my peers in class and art was the only skill I was proud of. My mom was worried that I wouldn't get a job because of how behind I was in school so she taught me art hoping that I could maybe become an art teacher when I grow up. What's funny is she didn't expect me to love art so much. I'm now a professional artist and I'm thankful that life gave me a clear path.
Magnificent production! I thoroughly appreciated your analysis of Anime/Philosophy/current state of affairs, etc…I’m 50 and had my first experience with anime with the recent release of AOT on Netflix. It’s never too late to Anime! And I’m blown away with your level of emotional maturity and self reflection. Much respect to you. 😊
I just binge watched the anime last night and I was awestruck. I don't think any anime has ever touched me so profoundly (except, perhaps, for 3-gatsu no Lion, but I have to admit that Blue Period was somehow more relatable). I learned things about myself. I completely agree with you - it all felt incredibly grounded and realistic, and the psychology of the characters (speficially Yatora) was so real and well-portrayed. And all the character were just so nice?! Seriously, no drama for drama's sake, this show is just full of kind, well-rounded people. Again and again, I was struck by how mature the story was. There tends to be a lot of exaggeration, manucaftured drama and overplaying in anime, but this had none of that. I just... Watching Blue Period made me feel exactly like Yatora felt when he saw the angel painting. I'll definitely be coming back to this beautiful, beautiful story.
im not really someone who comments but I'm in my last year of highschool, everyones pressuring me into choosing what i want to do. i as so sure that i wanted to be a softare designer as coding was the only thin i was good at in school. but i absolutely love the arts, computer may be something i'm good at but the arts, especially script writing is what i'm passionate about and what i want to do. I love my parents to death but they way they look down on theater in general, even though they find entertainment through it, their views on theater really moulded how i think of it aswell. As much as i want to leave everything and study and pursue theater, my parents want me to walk on the path that they have chosen for me. i dont even know what they'll say if I even mention that i want to do anything other than computer science
What a beautiful essay and reflexion. Thank you for sharing it. I fell the sime during the conversation whit his mother. How drawing, a pasion that really makes Yagushi focuses in all the ways possible (not only mentally but, for the first time emotionally), makes him see the world and the people near him in a different perspective... is just beautiful. This not only a comming of age history, this is also a reflexion the hard path that can be trully knowing yourself. This is the first time I watch your channel, and I'm sure I will be watching all your future videos :)
Thank you for this video. I seriously related to it. I’m currently a high schooler in Tokyo, and am being asked to choose what kind of career I want to pursue and what subjects I need to take for it.This summer, I picked up Blue Period and fell in love with it. I watched the whole anime series and read the manga until the recent chapter in literally a week. That’s how much I was obsessed with it. I am a top scorer in my class and am considered as one of the “smart” and “academically gifted” students, but I don’t feel as excited and as passionate about anything anymore. I genuinely don’t know what I want to do with my life, and I’m not kidding when I say I’ve cried over this never ending dilemma multiple times. How am i supposed to choose a career if I don’t even have a passion or something I love??? I feel so hollow and empty and transparent yet I don’t know how to deal with it, and the sadness sometimes gets to me a little too much. In some ways, that’s why I envy Yaguchi so much. He gets to discover his passion, and though an underdog, he manages to go after it and puts 100% into it. As for me, I’m a retired theater kid who gave up her dreams of becoming a dancer with no real passion anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I love musical theater and I still love dancing to this day. But i don’t think it’s something I can give up my whole life for. And I’m scared I’ll never be able to find this one true “passion” and I’m afraid my life will end before I even start living in it. I envy Yaguchi, but at the same time relate to him like crazy, and that’s why blue period hits home to me. I don’t have any wants or wishes with art, but after reading blue period, I realized this emptiness of mine wasn’t something to ignore and was maybe something I had to tackle face first. Thank you for this video once again, and sorry for the long rant haha.
I will always appreciate art and follow my passion you see I’m a animator and that’s my passion same with photography and that’s a work of art these things we should take for granted man this was a great video keep it up brotha 💯🙏🔥🔥
Blue Period is probably is the only anime that’s hit home for me well. I’ve felt every single emotion that Yaguchi went through in high school. I discovered that I had a passion for art when I was 13 and used to be so hard on myself for getting to it late compared to other people. I was the defecto art kid and I felt really competitive to towards my friends who were better than me. Even though we don’t have cram schools here I did a lot of similar stuff in school. And now, I’ve got accepted into art school and I’m reading excited to start this this new chapter in my life. I haven’t been able to go to art school yet because of mental health stuff that happened in grade 12 but it’s definitely not to late for me yet since I’m still in the college age range. Peeps, if you discover your passion later don’t beat up yourself, everybody’s journey is different! Heck, Stan Lee started to comes into his own when he was an older man
I'm currently in my first year and first days of my psychology career. There were only two options, art or psychology. Don't get me wrong, i love psychology and the classes i really find it inspiring and learning about the human mind it's also inspiring and beautiful but it's not going to make my happy by itself. I can't imagine my life without drawing, without art, thinking about it makes me feel sick and i know i will never stop drawing and paiting, because its my passion. Psychology will be part of it and i have to work my ass off to make this happen, because damn I'm not stoping
I was putting off reading Blue Period til the anime came out. But after seeing your community post about this video, I knew I had to check it out. I am so glad I did! Great video as always, ACC!
I also highly recommend checking out Kenrantaru Grande Scene. The sports manga revolves around ballet, but it's only ballet and there's no fan-service or romance side plot. Just 100% ballet. And the story's really good with many themes with the sport and the characters. The creator also uses real life ballet dancers as a reference and her drawings are actually pretty accurate as to how ballet is portrayed.
I recommend reading Show-ha Shou-ten! it's about two high schoolers trying to pursue being two comedians. well, there is only 6 chapters and its monthly releases but also touches on pursuing a creative career path! it's interesting thus far and makes me root for them!
Three years ago or not this is an amazing and touching video, as an artist I can mildly relate but not a lot since I'm still in high school but this manga will always hold a special place in my heart ❤
i wanted something which i was so passionate about, interested in knowing about it more deeply and made my mind up for to follow and learn it. Over days, i came to see many people like myself having the same set of dreams and passions but they are so ahead of me but at the same timeframe as me, it discouraged me that "i am late'' and made delusions of how happy would i have been if i got what they had now but as the quote goes "everyone has their own story'' but long can i ignore this comparison and self hate. Slowly my subconscious understood it and made ways for me to reach it way faster, ignoring the little details which is what i earned for in the beginning which was to learn the subject deeply but here i was finding ways to speed up the process and coming up with suitable reasons that ''this is right''. This was self sabotaging my passion at its peak, to earn for something which someone else had. This video gave me a really good perspective on this, which is very simple but hard to implement in your life despite all the obstacles around you which is to "do your own thing", a very cliche one but it takes depth to understand it fully. Do your own thing which you are very passionate about, with your own ways, methods.
I'm like a water down Yaguchi. I started getting serious about art in high school but I still wasn't that motivated to paint/draw everyday like him. I also didn't have to worry about art school because I just wanted to get into a normal college and just pick an art major. This series really helped me get motivated to draw more but college courses are no joke and I still don't have that much freedom to draw whenever I want. I also can't help but compare myself to my classmates that are better than me and that puts me down. I'm so glad I found Blue Period
I first found Blue Period after having a breakdown and going to the store with my dad. I picked it up making fun of the name and read the back. It sounded like something I'd actually like so I picked it up. I found it during one of my lows and it gave me hope. I want desperately to succeed but I have little drive. I have everything he has but the motivation. I always ask myself "all I have ever done Is art but what if I still fail?" I'm scared
I really enjoyed Blue Period anime so much, but more than that I truly enjoyed how you express your thoughts and feelings about this manga. You made cry in some parts because I felt that in some moments of my life, and currently I really feel like I don't have any passion and hear how you started to follow your passion with anime even when you had more options makes me believe that I can find my passion too. I enjoy your analyse and perspective about Blue Period, thank you so much. New follower, definitely
Absolutely amazing video, I agree with everything you said, this analysis truly connected with me on a personal level. I loved how you perceived Blue period, the external force of society that is placed on Yaguchi, how that inhibits/drives his actions, actions which forward the guise of the fake self he's pretending to be. The duality between his passion, his inner desires, genuine wants, and his fabricated sense of self. The exploration of how the conflict and tensions culminate between the two is the most apparent when his creative pursuits are set ablaze, leading him to completely devote himself to his passion, art. I don't know much about art, however to me, this anime is a masterpiece, worthy of being the best anime of the year (in my humble opinion). I'll have to read the manga sometime. You just earned a sub, hope for the best for you, and I look forward to your future content. Cheers ACC!
Thank you for making this video - I really resonated with yaguchi and a lot of the things you said, especially at this point in my life. I look forward to watching more of your videos! Take care!!
8:10 9:35 with no checkpoints.. 10:40 small accomplishments 12:00 😢 12:28 13:40 embracing 'normal' 15:00 'if you're upset, that means you're willing to fight'
Great analysis! I just finished volume 1 of Blue Period and I loved it and I think you really captured the experience I was getting from it really well. The anime is beautiful and I'm also enjoying it but the manga is even better so far in my humble opinion lol. I really love how both make you think about meaning in life and not just going through the motions.
Holy shit I literally cried while watching the video because it hits home on more levels than you can probably imagine nice work bro I left a sub and an anime to watch next 👍🏾
Blue Period made me feel inspired and depressed at the same time. I'm only 20 years old and since I'm 16 I dropped drawing, writing and acting. I wasn't scared of society or anything like that; I had my personal reasons to not consider them as future carreers... And bc of school it's really hard to just do these things as hobby again. Three years of depressing highschool and toxic classmates didn't pass without leaving their scars... Now I'm studying Social Work because my father and my sister did that. It's a secure path and I always thought that it would be a perfect thing to do. Since I'm a Christian I'd love to help others in one way or another.... But deep down I know that this might not be the carreer God plans for me... I'm scared... I am so scared. I don't know what to do. Without Social Work I've got nothing left...
i’m at that crossroads right now again. it isn’t my first time here but i made the wrong choice the first time. i chose what others wanted or what they saw me as and i was afraid of making the wrong decision again but thank you. this really opened my eyes. i’m going to make the choice that i myself believe is right and if it ends up a mess then i’ll at least know that i tried. i’m still filled with fear but i won’t let it take over anymore.
Gosh this segment made me bawl out into a sobbing mess of catharsis and I want to thank you for putting the time and effort into sharing your thoughts across. Thank you.
Haven’t read the manga but the anime shattered me and brought back together as an artist. I can’t describe my attitude towards Blue Period other than that it’s too clearly and specifically relatable, in a way I never expected to see.
If you find that special something in your life, that passion, that gift, hold on to it and don't let go because without it life might be too hard for us mortals.
Well done video. Blue Period hit me hard, but unfortunately not because I found a passion that drew me in like his. But rather, because I lack such a passion but really wish to find one.
I wish I discovered this manga a couple of years ago. Maybe it's not too late. I should give it a try and see what happens. Better to do that than live with regret.
I usually don’t comment on UA-cam videos but for this one I have to make an exception, truly a wonderful work that puts in to words how I feel about blue period Congrats! You earned a sub
This is my first ever vid I watched of you. Normally I guess how many subs a person has based on their editing. Most of the time I’m right. I guessed 300k so why tf r u on 16k!!? U got a new sub 🔥
If I said I wasn't crying throughout the video I would be lying, very well put into words all that I felt when I watched this anime! awesome video man keep it up!
Good video, my perspective has changed a bit on whatever journeys you take. Your start or the decisions you make can be objectively and subjectively good or bad. So focusing on the good isn't actually the worse advice, because journeys should be like that, you can only make yours more ideal to you.
As a teen who Will start my second year in High school after this summer break and who just started Reading Blue period(I love the manga, on Volume 6). i qustion myslef. Who i am really? What do I like? What do i actually want? And so many more, I dont know if this is normal to think when your a teen now? Its feels wierd but still exciting.
I have not read the manga, but the blue period anime is one of 7 or so anime that have reasulted in tangible positive changes in my life. While the anime is nowhear near the quality of anime like tatami galaxy, sonny boy, anohana, or a place further than the universe, but much like those anime it inspired an actual change in my life.
Although i dont know exactly what i want to do or what im most passionate about, this video and the manga made me realize the importance of doing things I actually want to do
Any young man or woman should follow their dreams... better than living the rest of their lives working a job they feel nothing for. Especially if you dont plan to have children or a family.
My story is very similar to Yaguchi's. It's scary how similar it is. Even down to how I started late in comparison to other kids who were even better than me at drawing. I have to admit I've never regretted following this path I'm in.
for the past year or so before finding blue period I had been stuck in yatora's place but blue period definitely pushed me to somewhat find my place and helped me a lot
Im afraid of getting spoiled so haven’t watched the video. But i just want to say, these first to episode of Blue Period, have left me crying by and i don’t think an anime has affected me this much ever. Its so beautiful and i relate to it so much. Me being 19 and all, its like seeing myself and the art is so beautiful. I cheer for Yatora so much when he’s happy and empathize with his sadness. Its honestly a 15/10 from these first 2 episodes alone
Chapter 5 hit me very hard and will never forget that scene of him describing her mother's hard work. Then you turn the page and see her mother crying, it made me cry uncontrollably because I can see my mother through it. I never had the courage to admit how much I love art in front of her and I never even acknowledge how hard she works. I may be attending college for animation now but it all happened by pure luck because the plan since high school was I'm going to be a mechanical engineer. Blue period hit every mark that I want to see in a story and it didn't fail to deliver it
The anime made me cry a lot
@@cong-ltt3001 me too.. i never expected that the episode 2 would made me cry, my tear just.. flowing
That scene hit like a truck crashing into the feels.
It hit the same way for me too. All throughout high school I studied hard in order to be an oncologist. I secretly wanted to go to art school but I had been given the idea that a career in art won’t be very successful. But after reading Blue period I resonated so much with the words of the art teacher telling Yaguchi that no job is guaranteed. And that something you love shouldn’t be treated like a “hobby” but something you should truly pursue. So I decided to pursue animation after realizing that I am so passionate about art and I can definitely do it for the rest of my life. It’s amazing that I someone went through the same experience.
same here. I got accepted into one of the top law schools in the uk and ended up dropping out after a year because of my love for art. It was blue period that gave me that push to pursue what I love. I now got to uni for animation :')
The quote that with me most was a unique one,
“Yaguchi, you’re not selfish enough.” This quote, changed my life, I was trying to hard to be great when I should have accepted that sometimes good is enough. And you are allowed to take breaks. This show helped me realize that and I will never forget it.
I was just like yaguchi I was always the top in class and I had no passion but in my second last year I started drawing than I found my passion so I dropped out of school and started training for the top art school in Netherlands and the moment I felt the most discoursed I found blue period. And I got inspired again. I will get the results that I passed the entrance exam for art school in 4 weeks so I really hope that I made it
. Update I did it I got accepted
congrats dude
That’s fucking awesome man
Congratulations!! Keep up the great work
whats the art school called? ( I live in the Netherlands too btw )
ayyy letsgoo dude. proud of you homie
I wouldn’t call it embracing being “normal”, for me it was more like embracing being your true self. He is not an average joe by any means, on the contrary he is really smart. Even though he doesn’t possess a raw artistic talent, he is very analytical, strategic, self-reflective and whats more importantly persistent. I think his unique approach to understanding art is what allowed him to improve so quickly.
I'm actually very afraid to read this manga. I've given up on art ever since my Mom told me that I will never earn money and I shouldn't study arts on college. Now, I'm really regretting it and if I read this manga, there's a huge possibility that my passion will came back to me and walk out to my normal life to pursue being an artist.
I'm nearly on my 30's, I have high paying job (I like my job). But there's still something missing inside me that I will never feel complete without it.
I'm afraid.
Well you can start art again as a hobby
I am 12, so I am not going to be the best person to give advice. But, you could possibly keep doing art as a side job, or such, do what you want to do, and it doesn't matter what others think of what you do or who you are, just do what makes you happy in this existence, and try your best.
i get the fear 100% maybe you feel a little outside of the demographic or like its too late to have thoughts like this, but life is too short, too precious to live it for someone else. You are young read the manga let it reignite your passion and do what you want to do.
I can totally relate though I've read the manga and yep it did revive my passion for art but at the same time felt regretting how I couldn't run for it. I was actually jealous of the main protagonist all throughout that I was annoyed that I tried to stop reading but I couldn't because of how the manga portrays really well of what life could've been if u try to achieve your dreams. But seriously, I was really jealous of him.
@@0ldAcc0unt Quite the impressive reply for a 12 year old eh?
yotasuke takahashi was a character i related with the most. ever since i was young ive always drew alot and got praised by people around me. my parents always knew how much i loved to draw and were okay with it, but not encourage me or support me, why? because art was all i was good at. i was horrifically bad with every other class, i wasnt smart at all and only drew 24/7 and they would always say stuff like " your really talented.. but i just wish it wasnt art that u loved so much" or " u should draw more like this, drawing that is useless" and so on so i grew up trying to make myself more useful to my parents but i was still not good enough.. so instead of trying i continued to do art since its all im good at.. but every time i drew i never felt like i was doing it for my own self but for others.. despite art being the one thing i always had, i never once felt like i truly loved doing my artworks because they all felt empty.. my mother abandoned me and my father neglected me until one day he just removed me from my art club and told me that continuing art wont do me any good, i didnt listen and continued to teach myself instead until he gave up, but now says that i should do architecture because its the only useful thing i can get from drawing.. not painting.. we got into a huge argument which caused me to stop drawing all together,, because of some family issues i cant even go back to school now,, art was the only way for me to communicate,, and the fact that i cant do that now makes me feel like ive lost my purpose... the problem is, even if i continue to art.. i cant see myself being able to support myself with art so why should i do art? im not even good at art anymore because i stopped all together.. art is my passsion.. but is it really worth it to continue knowing i might not succeed in life? i have no idea what to do..
I think you should at least try it out draw draw and draw try making paintings if art is your only passion at least give it a try and succed
You can try making comics
Listen, I have quite of the same problem as you. I understand you, I hear you. All my life Ive always had art by my side, Its something that I know I have confidence in, because ive done it all my life. But sometimes I feel like something is missing. What I mean by that is well... Im a teenager, right now my head is crazy with what i want to pursue in the near future (the word NEAR is scary for me). I would say Art is my passion, but im also struck with the idea that "If i pursue art, It wont be my passion anymore.. itll be a job" Yeah I might be doing something I like right? But If i want art as job, my goal then would have to be to WORK HARD to get paid. That would be the goal, now notice how I capatilized "WORK HARD", Because I feel like my art would be pointless for ME, of course not for the person or business Im working for, well because they are askig me to do it. But id never pour my raw emotions into a piece becuase that would not be what I would get paid to do. All my years of being a person who can take a pen or pencil and create "art", Ive realized that you being in the present is very important. Imagine, years of years of dispute, emptiness, and loss of communication, fear, frustration all coming back to you in a moment, all your hurtful memories that you could have deep in your mind..... spill them out to the physical world, CRY... SCREAM... anything that will let out those emotions, so they can all spill into an art piece. Because you need to find your way back to that spark of light you once had, so being in the present when you have your mind filled with anger and frustration, pour them into your art. Let me just say, it doesnt have to have structure, or balnce, or any sort of composition. Art is emotion, feeling, its how you can communicate, art is a way of communication. Human minds are very powerful, our minds are just a box full of different kinds of thoughts and memories that are just jumbled up in it, nobody has to "understand it" they can analyze all they want, but at the end of the day it was all your human potential to reach for a spark you once had and pulling it with much force... to a blank paper. Its you and Its always been for you, thats why you have the gift of art, because you have the hand and mind that can constantly move and wander in all the different places just do then it can flow into a piece of paper. Dont expect something specifically when your drawing (unless you are doing photo realism). in all art pieces you may do, try to visualize also what kind of shape might this emotion have, what color, what form. 7 billion people on this planest, and I just realized that youre a person that is at their lowest, you may feel lost, I offer you to experiment the hell out of ur potential. Art is a beautiful thing, because it can potray the human mind. I see a triumph in you. May peace be with you.
Ahh it's been a year
I hope you've found your way through everything
If not I would like to add something -
Having a passion for something is EVERYTHING you'll ever need in your life , it's really that simple
I can't stress enough on how much that matters
People like me , after being endlessly consumed by hundreds of different passions
But being so invested in the vast amount of things that could be done , I am unable to find what my true passion is
It's as if I don't have a passion for anything
It all seems like I'm PRE- tending to have a passion
I'm afraid I'll waste my years just finding my passion and ambition
But I have the willpower to work for it , I know I won't leave without making myself known
That's where I won't give up
As of you
You are blessed to have a passion for art, don't let situations change where your headed
If you find it as your passion
Live with it and die with it
And Make a name for yourself with it
Nothing's "useless" unless your really good at it
I say do it, if he doesn't approve do it, if you aren't sure about the future do it, don't know how to do it still try and do it, why be ouse it your passion, if you like doing it then it will eventually work out
I read Blue Period because of the sick manga covers. Then it got relateable and before i knew it i'm in love with it.
I love the moments when parents, other people, indirectly insult the artist. Bad wording but in short, the moments when non-artists overestimate their passion.
There's a moment in the later chapters when Haruka and Yatora work at a children's art center. One of the children's parents come over and look at their child's painting. They say something like, "That art is good." He looks at the wall to another painting. "Another kid in your class made that, right? Why don't you make something like that?"
It's also mentioned that he's said things like, "That face looks weird". The child reacts in changing her painting, changing the meaning. Even a kid could feel that rage, that raw feeling of being unrecognized for the work they meant to do, and the way Tsubasa Yamaguchi portrayed that was so amazing.
This is one of my favourite mangas of all time. I feel though that the anime ends with a fake sense of closure when he passes the exam, since later in the manga, after Yaguchi enters Geidai, he enters a long self deprecation and depressive state that lasts for almost half of the current manga episodes. He gets blocked by his own mind, which is caused by some external factors and has to learn to not get affected by what others say. The story is really amazing and relatable, even if you're not into art
Btw, properly expressing your thoughts by text is fucking hard
couldn't agree more; I've read this manga a couple of times and it amazes me with something different every time!
My need another season to see more of the growth
I think it's really clever of Tsubasa that when Yaguchi was watching the soccer match he felt excitement and clearly showed that he appreciates sports, but he doesn't appreciate art in the same. It's a nice scene because it reflects how people value different forms of art, yet don't value art as a whole, and don't realise that when they devalue art, they devalue what makes their life worth living (books, music, designs, architecture, cars, mechanics, performances, food- all which are different forms of art).
Yaguchi is both relatable and such a distant character. I love art and creating it sometimes can be a challenge but what related to me with his struggles was the uncertainty in life and I always feel like way pursuing an engineering degree, a future that is kind of guaranteed since I fear taking risks
This was such a well made video, I was about to keep my pen down from drawing but now I have the strength to pick it back up though I'm not that brave to invest all of my time in it... Thank you
keep going
@@AnimeCultureCorner Agreed
Reading blue period has made me see myself on my current path (as I am 24 now and discovered my passion about a year before I read blue period) and as someone who is inspired to write. Wanting to be a writer/author, Yagushi's passion is infectious. It makes me want to write more, it makes me smile seeing him push on despite the hardships. When I started writing, I at first didn't have the intention of writing a book, until I put pen to paper and saw my ideas come to words. Of course I was bad at it at first, but it helped me press on to work on it, even if I have a full time job, I still try to find time in the day to write, because THAT is my passion. Thanks for reading this person on the internet.
I was jealous of the main protagonist while reading the manga. I wasn't jealous that he was able to pursue arts (i gave up on it cuz,,, idk how it can lead me). I was jealous because he was able to put 100% maximum effort & focus to what he is doing and I lack that... I have never tried putting my 100% best in something because I couldn't feel the "passion".
If my child told me they want to follow their passion, I'm supporting them 100%
as long as it doesn't harm anyone else of course.
I wish i was your son
Sometimes even though you think you are supoprting them, it might be otherwise altogehter. Be wary of that.
I’ve been keeping up with Blue Period since chapter 26 got translated and fell in love in the first chapter. Never gonna forget that day I decided to grab volume 1 from the bookstore. Not only is Yatora relatable, but every single character has an aspect of them that makes them feel so and utterly real. Even that one little kid in the recent arc. The way Yamaguchi goes about telling Yatora’s story is magnificent and the way the other characters are not only used for their own development and self-discovery, but also for pushing Yatora and giving him realizations is spectacular. Everything from the art style, the inner monologue, and character interactions is done with pure passion, experience, and care. I will never fall out of love with this series and I thank everyday that it exists. It has been such a motivation booster for me to continue drawing and figuring out what I want to do with my life.
Blue period came out last year here in Germany. It really hits my slice of life taste
oh absolutely
@@Rodrigo-hk7vp servus :)
Same Here
I'm reading this right now cause my school's library has almost all the printed out volumes, and so far Blue Period has made me want to pursue art even more. And it motivates me to work even harder for it, and be grateful for the opportunities that I have. I'm a Junior in highschool and I just hope I can see a improvement in my art by the time I've graduated!!
i just picked up the first 5 blue period manga volumes and i connect with yatora, being surrounded by people that are WAY above my skill level (in guitar) makes me feel nervous, but at the same time gives me opportunities to learn and improve my knowledge of theory and technique.
What I love so much about blue period is the struggle of following your passion. No real manga came to the top of my head when I thought of that, the only manga I can think of is finding it. I also discovered this manga when I was in the stages of pursuing my own and it hit close to home. The time spent trying to purse something especially.
I had a pretty similar story to you, but instead replace anime with manga. Got A's in all of my high school classes with little effort, hanged with friends afterwards, had no real passione besides manga and games, etc. Though because I like manga so much, I wanted to become a translator.
My parents didn't fully support it at the time due to thinking it wouldn't pay well. So I intially took it as "just a hobby" thing until I quickly realized the degree I was pursuing at the time gave me no satisfaction or pride. It wasn't till I hit the lowest point in my life when I decided what I wanted to do with it. And oh man, I've never felt so much satisfaction over reading a chapter of a manga and being understand every single word in it without a dictionary.
This anime helped me to find my drive and passion again for writing. Now I can finish my series' sequel.
Thank you for this video. Sincerely. I’m about to quit my first job to which I had already adapted and in which I was praised by higher-ups for my skills to start constant hustle in hope of entering art courses and being able to pursue the path that I want. I really want to study academic art. After years of failure and people not believing in me I’m at the point when even classroom bullies are curious about my progress. And I still want to make my passion a reality. Wish me luck. And good luck to you. I believe in you with all my heart, stranger.
u got it 🙌🙌
Its honestly great that the main character can feel at least passionate about something like art. Because It really sucks when you realize you have no passion art while going to an art school.
It sounds like the only thing it doesnt or hasnt yet touched on is how some people dont see major success until they’re older and feel like they need to or want to start over. Many famous people like some actors didnt hit it big until they were past the point that most would have long seen long past their chance.
Definitely want to check this out myself.
I read this manga right after graduating from college with an arts degree and right at the beginning of Covid. It was a really hard read because it was so realistic, and even though the Japanese arts school was so different from my American experience it was so similar in the feelings and the symbolism used to show the deep and complicated feelings hurt so much I would have to leave and come back to the story a different day. I also used to get the stress rashes all over my body, I once had them for a full month.
ive been reading blue period from volume 3 and im just keep falling in love with it more and more its crazy how good it is
This series really hit way too close to home for me it’s almost scary how much I related to it. I always had lack of confidence in myself and my own art and never felt I could achieve the dreams I want. This is something I saw myself in Yaguchi.
For anyone looking for a story that treats the same hardships and life questions that are in Blue Period, i can't recommend enough the anime and manga Baby Steps. This might be the way to bring exposure to the most heavily underrated sports anime (and my favourite), which explores the same dilemma of truly passion for something in your life. I personally felt even more connected with baby steps protagonist than blue period (maybe because i like sports and no so much visual arts tho). The anime is great, but the real gem is hiding in what's after the anime, and the struggles of someone trying to go pro in tennis are vivid and touchable in the manga (with more than 450+ chapters). Seriously can't recommend it enough.
I made this comparison because both main protagonist are so alike too btw, and can't think of one without thinking in the other
added to the plan to read list
Recently bought a hardcopy version of Blue Period's first volume. It's a beautiful story that played a huge part in my life as well. Great video and wish you the best my friend.
Recently, back in May, I bought a bunch of mangas at an outdoor bookstore sales[where bookstores are promoting and selling books of all kinds.] Among those many mangas was Blue Period[the first two volumes, as they were on my list of many mangas to buy :)] As an artist drawing was my life as a kid. But, I got insecure drawing my favorite characters and drawing in general... Plus, having electronics made me "stopped enjoying real life things" alot... Despite loving art it felt "fake" than real. During the start of quarantine, in 2020, I wanted to learn to draw digital art. Soon enough, I started to revisited traditionnal art after YEARS. My drawings were wonky at first, overtime I self taught myself with various artstyle slowing I learned how to draw characters more and more... I wished I had read Manga and didn't stopped drawing YEARS ago... Now, I draw what I like and upload them online for others to enjoy :)
One day, I was wandering around Netflix as usual, searching something interesting to watch, it was then that I saw an anime with the cover art being mostly blue, with a person who had golden eyes and white hair in the center. There was the name of the anime, and a banner saying "new episodes every week". Although, it only had only one episode since it just aired.
Intrigued by the cover, I decide to watch that single episode.
I almost cried, I felt happy, I knew the same feelings as the character on the cover that I just learned the name, Yatora Yamaguchi.
I love art, I make my art too, and at one point I had the same toughts as him, and actually still do have! I had decided that this was the anime I would watch every week, now there are currently 3 episodes, and all three have something I relate to. I WILL keep wayching this anime all the way to the end. I started reading the manga through scans too (in my country, Brazil, the manga has not been published yet so I can only read it through scans. Although if it is released one day, I'll gladly buy it), but I decided the anime is the better choice currently... Still love and will keep reading it, but I love the anine just a bit more
I think I found my anime.
One of the only nice things about depression was that I wasn't concerned with whether to devote myself to art because I was weighing drawing against a desire not to exist otherwise.
Late to the party, but wanted to thank for making this video.
I have this weird desire to be excellent in three different fields (writing, art, and programming) and manage to devote a small amount of time every week to at least one of them but rarely can focus fully on all three and sometimes none. I don’t necessarily have a desire to make a career out of any of them (although that would be nice I suppose) but it’s comforting to know I’m not the only one who is trying to do something that’s not for the provision of others. Just for pure satisfaction in creating the thing itself. I’m a husband, dad, and already decently established in a technical career field but always feel like I don’t have much going on for myself. Not that I’m ungrateful, I just know deep down I’ve got a desire to create things that don’t necessarily have a high likelihood of payoff financially.
After watching up to episode 12 and reading every volume 11-15…
So art and this story gave me hope on escaping my circumstances and depression…
Hope you take the bad days with the blessed one…
thank you for this, i cried, you will never understand how much I love you for this,you just can't,i knew i would regret not following my passions but I needed a wake-up call, thank you for letting me live from now on, 19 years late but I can live from today ,thank you, thank you so much i can breathe now thank you i love you
Honestly, I'm tunring 30 this year and this story may have changed my life.
I'm still an absolute scrub at art but I'm deeply interested in it and, who knows, maybe I'll one day get good enough to break out of the boring, grey-in-grey daily grind at my office job and do something I'm passionate about. Maybe even teach art at school. For that though I'd need to get back to uni and risk everything I've built up so far.
All I need to do is be like Yaguchi and have the courage to take the plunge.
The hours you put in to this paid off, happy late birthday. Imma go and delete my blue period script
haha nahh the more people who write about it the better
So glad you picked up it.
I'm one of the more luckier artist because I had my parents support. I enjoyed painting since I was 3 and because of my learning disability, I had a hard time keeping up with my peers in class and art was the only skill I was proud of. My mom was worried that I wouldn't get a job because of how behind I was in school so she taught me art hoping that I could maybe become an art teacher when I grow up. What's funny is she didn't expect me to love art so much. I'm now a professional artist and I'm thankful that life gave me a clear path.
Magnificent production! I thoroughly appreciated your analysis of Anime/Philosophy/current state of affairs, etc…I’m 50 and had my first experience with anime with the recent release of AOT on Netflix. It’s never too late to Anime!
And I’m blown away with your level of emotional maturity and self reflection. Much respect to you. 😊
glad to hear that 👍👍
I just binge watched the anime last night and I was awestruck. I don't think any anime has ever touched me so profoundly (except, perhaps, for 3-gatsu no Lion, but I have to admit that Blue Period was somehow more relatable). I learned things about myself. I completely agree with you - it all felt incredibly grounded and realistic, and the psychology of the characters (speficially Yatora) was so real and well-portrayed. And all the character were just so nice?! Seriously, no drama for drama's sake, this show is just full of kind, well-rounded people. Again and again, I was struck by how mature the story was. There tends to be a lot of exaggeration, manucaftured drama and overplaying in anime, but this had none of that. I just... Watching Blue Period made me feel exactly like Yatora felt when he saw the angel painting. I'll definitely be coming back to this beautiful, beautiful story.
im not really someone who comments but I'm in my last year of highschool, everyones pressuring me into choosing what i want to do. i as so sure that i wanted to be a softare designer as coding was the only thin i was good at in school. but i absolutely love the arts, computer may be something i'm good at but the arts, especially script writing is what i'm passionate about and what i want to do. I love my parents to death but they way they look down on theater in general, even though they find entertainment through it, their views on theater really moulded how i think of it aswell.
As much as i want to leave everything and study and pursue theater, my parents want me to walk on the path that they have chosen for me. i dont even know what they'll say if I even mention that i want to do anything other than computer science
great youtuber telling us great manga 🤝
What a beautiful essay and reflexion. Thank you for sharing it.
I fell the sime during the conversation whit his mother. How drawing, a pasion that really makes Yagushi focuses in all the ways possible (not only mentally but, for the first time emotionally), makes him see the world and the people near him in a different perspective... is just beautiful.
This not only a comming of age history, this is also a reflexion the hard path that can be trully knowing yourself.
This is the first time I watch your channel, and I'm sure I will be watching all your future videos :)
Thank you for this video. I seriously related to it. I’m currently a high schooler in Tokyo, and am being asked to choose what kind of career I want to pursue and what subjects I need to take for it.This summer, I picked up Blue Period and fell in love with it. I watched the whole anime series and read the manga until the recent chapter in literally a week. That’s how much I was obsessed with it. I am a top scorer in my class and am considered as one of the “smart” and “academically gifted” students, but I don’t feel as excited and as passionate about anything anymore. I genuinely don’t know what I want to do with my life, and I’m not kidding when I say I’ve cried over this never ending dilemma multiple times. How am i supposed to choose a career if I don’t even have a passion or something I love??? I feel so hollow and empty and transparent yet I don’t know how to deal with it, and the sadness sometimes gets to me a little too much. In some ways, that’s why I envy Yaguchi so much. He gets to discover his passion, and though an underdog, he manages to go after it and puts 100% into it. As for me, I’m a retired theater kid who gave up her dreams of becoming a dancer with no real passion anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I love musical theater and I still love dancing to this day. But i don’t think it’s something I can give up my whole life for. And I’m scared I’ll never be able to find this one true “passion” and I’m afraid my life will end before I even start living in it. I envy Yaguchi, but at the same time relate to him like crazy, and that’s why blue period hits home to me. I don’t have any wants or wishes with art, but after reading blue period, I realized this emptiness of mine wasn’t something to ignore and was maybe something I had to tackle face first. Thank you for this video once again, and sorry for the long rant haha.
I will always appreciate art and follow my passion you see I’m a animator and that’s my passion same with photography and that’s a work of art these things we should take for granted man this was a great video keep it up brotha 💯🙏🔥🔥
Blue Period is probably is the only anime that’s hit home for me well. I’ve felt every single emotion that Yaguchi went through in high school. I discovered that I had a passion for art when I was 13 and used to be so hard on myself for getting to it late compared to other people. I was the defecto art kid and I felt really competitive to towards my friends who were better than me. Even though we don’t have cram schools here I did a lot of similar stuff in school.
And now, I’ve got accepted into art school and I’m reading excited to start this this new chapter in my life. I haven’t been able to go to art school yet because of mental health stuff that happened in grade 12 but it’s definitely not to late for me yet since I’m still in the college age range. Peeps, if you discover your passion later don’t beat up yourself, everybody’s journey is different! Heck, Stan Lee started to comes into his own when he was an older man
I'm currently in my first year and first days of my psychology career. There were only two options, art or psychology. Don't get me wrong, i love psychology and the classes i really find it inspiring and learning about the human mind it's also inspiring and beautiful but it's not going to make my happy by itself. I can't imagine my life without drawing, without art, thinking about it makes me feel sick and i know i will never stop drawing and paiting, because its my passion. Psychology will be part of it and i have to work my ass off to make this happen, because damn I'm not stoping
I was putting off reading Blue Period til the anime came out. But after seeing your community post about this video, I knew I had to check it out. I am so glad I did!
Great video as always, ACC!
I also highly recommend checking out Kenrantaru Grande Scene.
The sports manga revolves around ballet, but it's only ballet and there's no fan-service or romance side plot. Just 100% ballet.
And the story's really good with many themes with the sport and the characters.
The creator also uses real life ballet dancers as a reference and her drawings are actually pretty accurate as to how ballet is portrayed.
@@notationmusical sure! It's name?
@@LadderVictims Kenrantaru Grande Scene.
@@notationmusical Yeah sure why not I'll check it out
13:05 You're the only channel about anime reviewing that I've been still watching. Your videos brought value to me, really. I just want to say it.
look forward to another one soon :)
I recommend reading Show-ha Shou-ten! it's about two high schoolers trying to pursue being two comedians. well, there is only 6 chapters and its monthly releases but also touches on pursuing a creative career path! it's interesting thus far and makes me root for them!
Forever my favorite manga. Amazing video man, couldn’t say the last time I felt this way over a UA-cam video in a long time.
Three years ago or not this is an amazing and touching video, as an artist I can mildly relate but not a lot since I'm still in high school but this manga will always hold a special place in my heart ❤
i wanted something which i was so passionate about, interested in knowing about it more deeply and made my mind up for to follow and learn it. Over days, i came to see many people like myself having the same set of dreams and passions but they are so ahead of me but at the same timeframe as me, it discouraged me that "i am late'' and made delusions of how happy would i have been if i got what they had now but as the quote goes "everyone has their own story'' but long can i ignore this comparison and self hate. Slowly my subconscious understood it and made ways for me to reach it way faster, ignoring the little details which is what i earned for in the beginning which was to learn the subject deeply but here i was finding ways to speed up the process and coming up with suitable reasons that ''this is right''. This was self sabotaging my passion at its peak, to earn for something which someone else had. This video gave me a really good perspective on this, which is very simple but hard to implement in your life despite all the obstacles around you which is to "do your own thing", a very cliche one but it takes depth to understand it fully. Do your own thing which you are very passionate about, with your own ways, methods.
I'm like a water down Yaguchi. I started getting serious about art in high school but I still wasn't that motivated to paint/draw everyday like him. I also didn't have to worry about art school because I just wanted to get into a normal college and just pick an art major. This series really helped me get motivated to draw more but college courses are no joke and I still don't have that much freedom to draw whenever I want. I also can't help but compare myself to my classmates that are better than me and that puts me down. I'm so glad I found Blue Period
I first found Blue Period after having a breakdown and going to the store with my dad. I picked it up making fun of the name and read the back. It sounded like something I'd actually like so I picked it up. I found it during one of my lows and it gave me hope. I want desperately to succeed but I have little drive. I have everything he has but the motivation.
I always ask myself "all I have ever done Is art but what if I still fail?"
I'm scared
Its so cool to hear someone speaking about their own life mixed with the essay. Great video. Hope you are doing good and being happy
I am :)
I really enjoyed Blue Period anime so much, but more than that I truly enjoyed how you express your thoughts and feelings about this manga. You made cry in some parts because I felt that in some moments of my life, and currently I really feel like I don't have any passion and hear how you started to follow your passion with anime even when you had more options makes me believe that I can find my passion too.
I enjoy your analyse and perspective about Blue Period, thank you so much.
New follower, definitely
Absolutely amazing video, I agree with everything you said, this analysis truly connected with me on a personal level. I loved how you perceived Blue period, the external force of society that is placed on Yaguchi, how that inhibits/drives his actions, actions which forward the guise of the fake self he's pretending to be. The duality between his passion, his inner desires, genuine wants, and his fabricated sense of self. The exploration of how the conflict and tensions culminate between the two is the most apparent when his creative pursuits are set ablaze, leading him to completely devote himself to his passion, art. I don't know much about art, however to me, this anime is a masterpiece, worthy of being the best anime of the year (in my humble opinion). I'll have to read the manga sometime. You just earned a sub, hope for the best for you, and I look forward to your future content. Cheers ACC!
much love my friend
i've learned aloooooooooooooooooooooottt from this manga. i love that this story is so realistic that i can relate on.
Thank you for making this video - I really resonated with yaguchi and a lot of the things you said, especially at this point in my life. I look forward to watching more of your videos! Take care!!
This anime really makes me want to pursue my passions once more, even now after graduating with an engineering degree and working an 8-4
9:35 with no checkpoints..
10:40 small accomplishments 12:00 😢 12:28
13:40 embracing 'normal'
15:00 'if you're upset, that means you're willing to fight'
Great analysis! I just finished volume 1 of Blue Period and I loved it and I think you really captured the experience I was getting from it really well. The anime is beautiful and I'm also enjoying it but the manga is even better so far in my humble opinion lol. I really love how both make you think about meaning in life and not just going through the motions.
this manga tells such a relatable story even for people that aren't into art
Definitely a great communication for no matter what path someone wants to follow. We don’t get enough art anime.
Holy shit I literally cried while watching the video because it hits home on more levels than you can probably imagine nice work bro I left a sub and an anime to watch next 👍🏾
Blue Period made me feel inspired and depressed at the same time. I'm only 20 years old and since I'm 16 I dropped drawing, writing and acting. I wasn't scared of society or anything like that; I had my personal reasons to not consider them as future carreers... And bc of school it's really hard to just do these things as hobby again. Three years of depressing highschool and toxic classmates didn't pass without leaving their scars... Now I'm studying Social Work because my father and my sister did that. It's a secure path and I always thought that it would be a perfect thing to do. Since I'm a Christian I'd love to help others in one way or another.... But deep down I know that this might not be the carreer God plans for me... I'm scared... I am so scared. I don't know what to do. Without Social Work I've got nothing left...
i’m at that crossroads right now again. it isn’t my first time here but i made the wrong choice the first time. i chose what others wanted or what they saw me as and i was afraid of making the wrong decision again but thank you. this really opened my eyes. i’m going to make the choice that i myself believe is right and if it ends up a mess then i’ll at least know that i tried. i’m still filled with fear but i won’t let it take over anymore.
Masterful video the anime hit hard definetly a great series cant wait for more seasons
Gosh this segment made me bawl out into a sobbing mess of catharsis and I want to thank you for putting the time and effort into sharing your thoughts across. Thank you.
Haven’t read the manga but the anime shattered me and brought back together as an artist. I can’t describe my attitude towards Blue Period other than that it’s too clearly and specifically relatable, in a way I never expected to see.
I feel like yaguchi I'm in my junior year of college and just can't picture my future
If you find that special something in your life, that passion, that gift, hold on to it and don't let go because without it life might be too hard for us mortals.
This is the best video about a Manga/Anime I've ever seen 😭. Thank you so much
Well done video. Blue Period hit me hard, but unfortunately not because I found a passion that drew me in like his. But rather, because I lack such a passion but really wish to find one.
I wish I discovered this manga a couple of years ago. Maybe it's not too late. I should give it a try and see what happens. Better to do that than live with regret.
13:05 Thanks!
Honestly one of the best breakdowns. Well done. Ordering the book now
Keep going! Amazing content 👌
Thank you so much for this! Love this anime but none of my friends have ever heard of it so we can’t talk about it
I usually don’t comment on UA-cam videos but for this one I have to make an exception, truly a wonderful work that puts in to words how I feel about blue period
Congrats! You earned a sub
This is my first ever vid I watched of you. Normally I guess how many subs a person has based on their editing. Most of the time I’m right. I guessed 300k so why tf r u on 16k!!? U got a new sub 🔥
my guy sheldon 🙌🙌
Just wanted to say this video is amazing keep on the good work
Ngl, this almost feels like a poetry session with how you scripted this.
If I said I wasn't crying throughout the video I would be lying, very well put into words all that I felt when I watched this anime! awesome video man keep it up!
Just have to say, one of the best produced and interesting YT story-type videos I have seen in quite some time. Fantastic job! New sub
Good video, my perspective has changed a bit on whatever journeys you take. Your start or the decisions you make can be objectively and subjectively good or bad. So focusing on the good isn't actually the worse advice, because journeys should be like that, you can only make yours more ideal to you.
*worst I guess
I am going to look into this manga because of you. Keep working on your craft! Your videos are amazing and I wish you nothing but success!
As a teen who Will start my second year in High school after this summer break and who just started Reading Blue period(I love the manga, on Volume 6). i qustion myslef. Who i am really? What do I like? What do i actually want? And so many more, I dont know if this is normal to think when your a teen now? Its feels wierd but still exciting.
I have not read the manga, but the blue period anime is one of 7 or so anime that have reasulted in tangible positive changes in my life. While the anime is nowhear near the quality of anime like tatami galaxy, sonny boy, anohana, or a place further than the universe, but much like those anime it inspired an actual change in my life.
The video is so beautifully edited
Although i dont know exactly what i want to do or what im most passionate about, this video and the manga made me realize the importance of doing things I actually want to do
Any young man or woman should follow their dreams... better than living the rest of their lives working a job they feel nothing for. Especially if you dont plan to have children or a family.
this manga made me feel things a piece of fiction never has and probably never will, i dont even know how to describe it
This was a beautifully made video and it really struck a chord with me.
glad to hear that!
My story is very similar to Yaguchi's. It's scary how similar it is. Even down to how I started late in comparison to other kids who were even better than me at drawing. I have to admit I've never regretted following this path I'm in.
for the past year or so before finding blue period I had been stuck in yatora's place but blue period definitely pushed me to somewhat find my place and helped me a lot
Im afraid of getting spoiled so haven’t watched the video. But i just want to say, these first to episode of Blue Period, have left me crying by and i don’t think an anime has affected me this much ever. Its so beautiful and i relate to it so much. Me being 19 and all, its like seeing myself and the art is so beautiful. I cheer for Yatora so much when he’s happy and empathize with his sadness. Its honestly a 15/10 from these first 2 episodes alone
Its truly hard to find what you WANT to do in a society that shows you what you HAVE to do...
Blue period hitss me in a way i cant explain.
I’m gonna enjoy watching this channel grow…