My team and I did a speedrun using Drillevator Skip! If you want to see how fast we did it, you can check it out here!
Dude, you can't be spreading this information around. If management wisens up, the rest of us dwarves are gonna have to hand drill to the seeds forever.
@@zillatattoo Uh.. they were making a joke. Implying that it's cheaper to dig by hand than to send the drillivator. They were making light of Management for being inconsiderate slave drivers thinly veiled as employers.
"Yeah, we used to have these massive drill elevators that would dig to the seeds, then some leaf lover named Ryeor discovered how to find the seeds without the scanners, and now management claims they save 0.5% a year in mining costs by simply having us dig manually"
Wish you could drill down I got left behind by some new players one time and tried to dig down playing as driller but you get stopped after the first hard layer
Hey! GSG programmer here! If I remember correctly we left this in on purpose just to see if people would figure out if it was possible or not. The resupply hole is covered with volumes that makes the area "not walkable". It's mostly there to try to prevent molly from taking the drop pod paths when you're making your escape back out of the other mission types. And yes! Molly has a failsafe that makes her do the void jaywalking if there is no valid path to her destination. The reason she walked up the tunnel and back down again is that she walks as close as possible to the destination before she starts going on her void journeys! so even if it would have been much shorter to void walk from the start she tries to take the valid path for as long as possible :) Also all the weirdness with the supply pod not making holes that allow mission completion is a complete coincidence. I think we assumed that you would have had to dig yourself there somehow to begin with so regular players would be extremely unlikely to end up in a situation where they cannot complete the mission. At least without cheating ;)
@@gentlecat7735 hi! I really appreciate you guys leaving it in, and I really like the idea that there's an alternative method to complete Deep Scans with. It reminds me a bit of the design philosophy behind Super Mario Odyssey wherein a player can approach a puzzle or problem the "Nintended" way or a different way within the mechanics of the game and still be rewarded with the same outcome. The RNG element of where the geode spawns on generation poses a risk-reward factor (a waste of time if I miss the geode and a massive time-gain if I hit it) that I really like to see in a speedrun! I haven't thought about this until recently but... what could be more in the spirit of the title of season 5 than the player... well... drilling deeper? I'm happy to know that you confirmed some of my observations and clarified others that were almost there like resupply holes using volumes to make them not walkable, as you say, rather than simply being an invalid path. Thank you for the insight and taking the time to watch this! Looking forward to Rogue Core!
Now I'm curious how long ago these "volumes" to prevent pathfinding through them were implemented. Cause as long as I've been playing, Molly has always walked straight up those resupply holes to the drop pod, and bugs have always spawned at the top of them and come down them unless I plug it with a platform.
@Haps_q "it's mostly there to try to prevent Molly from taking the drop pod paths when making your escape back out of other mission types." That says to me that the volumes are there to stop Molly from climbing straight up resupply holes when running back to the drop pod.
Average pub lobby Driller gameplay; drilling a hole down to the bottom of the map, getting the engi mega stuck, breaking the mission, and somehow still solo carrying the team.
@@chaomatic5328 that's one of them. The other was simply digging a big enough hole in the ground with a small entry, plugging it, and calling the pod from in there. Would literally call the pod to your location.
Insane discovery! It looks like this is only viable for 3+ player teams and it has to be very well coordinated. Plus, there's a chance that in random seeds you miss the geode completely when drilling down. But if done correctly, I imagine you could finish the mission in sub-3 minutes. Huge for DD/EDD speedruns! Great video and analysis!
@@0mn1P4wn4g3 Not really a viable option when speedrunning. You are likely better off full sending for a time save, and resetting on whiffs. Otherwise, yeah.
T.A.G. on youtube did it solo as a engineer in 9:30min (in a public lobby but he did it himself) (i took off 2 min off timer cus randoms took 2 min to extract)
Devs have coded Molly to avoid her taking ressuply tunnel so it is easier to follow her on the extraction, if you played on early access she would have taken the ressuply pod tunnel without a problem
Man I've had her take resup holes on mining expedition return trips so many times. It seems it was patched out in S5 but it definitely happened a lot in S4
@@sage5296 I was about to say the same. However, bugs can still spawn in those tunnels during missions, which is why you should have an Engi to platform the holes above HACK-C and the Resupply Pod on defense. Which makes me question why can they pathfind there, but not in this video?
@@AlphaSnowLion the bugs usually only spawn near the entrance to those holes, rather than deeper inside. probably something to do with the hole entrance being near valid spawnpoints; the hole itself is still not valid
So in regards to the resupply tunnels not counting as pathing, i can't believe i didnt already realize this because ive noticed this in normal gameplay. When making bunkies as a driller for my team, ill always carve out the sides for molly to be ojt of the way, and on the opposite side of the entrance, room for a resupply. I noticed that normally bugs dont enter theiugh the resupply hole, but if i carved out enough room around the resupply pod itself, suddenly bugs started entering the bunkie theough the resupply hole consistently over the course of several missions. Giving us two entrances we needed to cover. So now i understand why that happens.
20:20 my guess is that molly tries to path to the absolute closest she can get with a valid path before void walking. So here, because that apot was right next to the tunnel you dug manually, molly took that path cause even if it wasn't 100% valid, it was closer to being valid than if she cut between the tunnels
I believe you're right. I think a similar thing happens when you use sandbox utilities to teleport a few caves down in mining expeditions and then the mule void walks through the shortest path between dirt walls
Wow caught this really well made video early. i find the pathing creation extremely interesting. I noticed sometimes it looks like the resupply/drop pods in the video almost "delete" rock around them instead of mining through them. you can kind of see the pattern at the drop on 11:20 where it looks like the rock is being deleted in a roughly resupply shaped object, except extruded out a few meters around it. Same thing occurs with the drop pod at about 22:41, it's even right next to the entry drop pod so you can notice the differences. when it's really high before it's about to land at about 24:01-24:10, it roughly / simply deletes rock in front of the drop pod, and drop pod makes the rock look more like it's properly "dug into" when it passes by. it also seems that when molly's area is being dug out the same kind of "deletion" is used, so maybe covering circumstances like that could be a reason as to why we saw previously unpathable areas turn pathable after a dwarf creates regular pathable area with their digging tools?
Love the thoroughness of your explorations!! Olaf and I had seen another skip that didn't work so well... but it's cool to see what the parameters are! Thank you!!
My guess is the resupply pods don’t update the nav mesh and the way the game computes whether caves are connected or not is through said nav mesh. From a development standpoint, this makes a lot of sense
An alternative comes to mind. Is it possible the game checks whether the location where you deposit the seeds is connected to the main cave, rather than the geode? What if you grab the seeds without a valid tunnel, then return to the main cave and feed them to Molly there?
I feel like this is intentional by the devs having it only work when a valid connection path exists is a weird way of checking instead of just checking if the previous objective has been done. This does make me wonder what if you go down with the drillevator and then plug the drillevator hole would the button still appear? Well i tested it and even if their is no path between the main cave and the geode when having done the drillevator the button will still appear. So it feels like the only reason this condition exists so it knows you actualy dug the whole and can skip half the mission.
It honestly feels like the devs knew what they were doing especially with a Season title such as "Drilling Deeper". What could be more in the spirit of that title than the player... well... drilling deeper themselves? And I would bet the devs would keep that spirit alive, to give the player different avenues towards the same outcome. It reminds me a bit of the design philosophy behind Super Mario Odyssey where you could do something the "Nintended" way or a different way and still be rewarded for it. There possibly is another check for if the drillevator is in the geode that keeps a sealed hole from preventing the button from appearing, becuase if that were the case, I could see the game getting softlocked if someone plugged before depositing all 8 seeds. I too tested it when I saw your comment; I appreciate you doing the test as well and sharing, awesome that we came up with the same result.
That explains my confusion. My attempts were inconsistent a few days ago, and the reason is that I was just doing them on Haz5, so I plugged the top of the hole so bugs wouldn't follow me. Unplug before button, or just don't plug it. Got it. I also attempted just pushing myself out of bounds via plats and jumping in, and those obviously, and in no surprise to me, failed. I assumed a connection mattered, just didn't think about how I was plugging it.
Huh that's interesting I've always thought about drilling down but I didn't think too much about it, merely speculation. Using the engi platforms to get through the compacted shale is a good idea. Seeing that you don't have jet boots makes a lot of sense that you can't run this in singles, however if there is a way that the driller can get through the compacted shell I don't see why you can't run this and Duos it's just about finding out how. The other complication is just finding the geode in a random seed. I don't know much about it but I imagine the Z axis of where the geode is located is relatively the same across the same cave complexities, my reasoning being in my experience the drillavator takes roughly the same amount of time to descend when I do missions of cave complexity X. In any case great video!
Thanks for watching! Duos could probably do it if they dig to and into the geode at a steep angle, then once they get to the geode part of the shell driller starts levelling out his tunnel and makes the entry hole into the center of the geode accessible. Alternatively, after engi gets through the bedrock, he heads back up the steep incline and driller finishes from there. And singles actually maybe as well if in sandblasted corridors, now that I think about it: just dig at an incline. I don't think there is a known method for driller to get through bedrock other than his pickaxe, and I think we all know how small the carve is on bedrock with a pick. You're right about the geode depth on the Z axis, I've been collecting data about where roughly the centers of the geodes are positioned and it seems the depth varies by about 10 meters, which isn't that much compared to how deep they are.
@@RyeorReal Right because the depth of the geode determines the length of time on the drillevator. The issue with the incline drill is that it wastes too much time imo, to go up and down. One other way I was thinking was if there was a way to shoot down the engi platforms from the top that would be interesting because then the driller can just keep going.
@@BlackwingXElite that's an interesting idea. Not too sure how accurate the platform gun is, or if it's even possible to aim straight down a roughly >100m deep hole. Driller wouldn't be able to use his drills but he could use his pickaxe when the platforms hit the shell.
Yeah that's the idea. Doing an angel would be hard it would have to be a situation in which you could aim straight down over the hole somehow and still hit it I don't know about the spread but at least the first shot should be accurate the issue is if you miss you risk hitting the hole on the way down invalidating a valid path not allowing you to call the drop pod as mentioned in the video
Okay, as a hobby game dev who's done out A* by hand a few times, I think I understand what's happening. I sat through a few hours of lectures and multiple exercises on path finding, so this is an abridged explanation. A* (pronounced A Star) is an algorithm that a navigation agent can use to navigate a grid. The computer sees every surface of the cave as one big grid made of flat surfaces. You may have noticed the low polly aesthetic this game has. Fewer big polygons require less processing time than a bunch of small ones. A* calculates the cost of going from point A to point B based on how far it is on the grid. However, you can increase the cost of any given surface by giving it a weight value. The weight is added to the distance, so an agent can take a longer path through less expensive terrain. This is exactly how the platform bug repellent works. The polygons of a platform are given a higher cost, and the bugs are looking for the cheapest path. Lets say there are two paths. One is 5 meters, but it goes over lava rock. I don't know the numbers the game uses internally, but lets say the weight is 10 per meter. So the 5 meter path costs the bug 50 to take that path. There's a longer path next to it that goes around the lava on normal ground that's 15 meters. The distance is greater, but that 15 meters only costs 1 per meter. So the bug takes the path that costs less and goes around the lava. To those that know how A* works, I did clarify that this was an abridged version. I know that's not an accurate description of the math going on behind the scenes, this is more of a layman's understanding. Molly and the bugs actually both use the same agent code, and they're subject to the same weights on terrain. If I had to guess, GSG put a higher weight on the terrain carved out by resupply pods to discourage her from going vertical during extraction and making escape impossible. It also just happens to discourage the bugs from entering the space as well. There is a point where the cost of going around is high enough she still will go up the resupply tunnel, and she's not forbidden from doing it. It just costs more and she'd like to avoid it. The bugs seem to have been forbidden from spawning on those polygons, which is a bit odd but the devs must have their reasons. I've seen them come in from above on hacking pods, so I'm not sure if hacking pod tunnels don't have this property or what's going on there. There's something to test with sandbox, does the hacking pod allow for a connection? Probably not viable for speed runs, but I'd like to know the answer. As for why the resupply pod drill hole doesn't allow for the connection, my guess is the game has a point up in the main cave that draws a path from it to the bottom of the geode. If it can draw a valid path, it confirms that you did the mission properly. And since the only way to quickly get through the geode's shell is a resupply pod, they run a check to see if the path goes over and polygons made by one. If it passes over one, the path is considered invalid and the mission can't be completed. Not terribly useful for speedruns, but I'd like to see what would happen if you dug a straight line down the side of the hole. Will it register a valid path? The pickax only gets a small piece out of the bedrock, and the agent needs enough room to enter it. Is it wide enough to be a valid path? If it isn't it probably needs to be wide enough for Molly to get through.
2:29 There is a trick. If you trap molly, with many layers of platforms, then call the drop pod, the drop pod should spawn on molly since there is no valid path to the other parts of the cave.
T.A.G. goes into the sand dunes where the sand is one hit with the pick and plays as engi. I have been waiting for a scan mission to do this can’t wait to see how it goes.
If you're on PC you can manually switch the missions by adjusting your PC clock. A lot of speedrunners do this to find the best mission/biome instead of waiting
Idea: If you deposited the seeds, then plugged the hole BEFORE pressing the button, would that make the only valid place for the game to spawn the drop pod *inside* the geode?
@@kiranb3434 very interesting idea, had to test it out because I don't recall testing that before. But sadly no it didn't work just now. :( I think that could've worked in early season 4 when there was a trick to call the drop pod to your location (got patched). But now it seems the possible drop pod locations in a cave are set on generation
I'd guess Molly's cave pathing algorithm assigns a really high weight to any void walking segments, so at around the 20 minute mark, she goes up and back down into the other hole because void walking between the two holes would be more "expensive" than void walking down one little bit of the resupply hole
I believe I was one of the first if not the first person who drilled down to the geode on the day experimental branch started, I have some screenshots of it posted on the DRG Discord. There were people who sequence broke the game before me but they used a glitch to fall out of the map rather than actually digging there like I did with some randoms I've found online. It's more than doable solo and even without resupplying even once (well, maybe not anymore, they made the geode a bit deeper iirc) tho if you get unlucky you really want that extra fuel. Ideally you'd get two resupplies, one for emergency fuel pre-geode, then a 2nd one to drop it below the geode to get inside easier. You can dig from the side of it but it takes quite some time to do so, remember to take berserk perk and the fast power attack recharge upgrade if you decide to do so to make the process a bit quicker. Rock and stone brothers!
really interesting, but im not sure this is the full picture. with the pickaxe you are able to dig narrow diagonal tunnels that bugs will refuse to path through, but using such a tunnel to reach the geode still allows mission complete. i think that would indicate using bugs to test the path isnt accurate in this case
Perhaps in that case it is the size of the hole that prevents bugs from pathing through. For something like that I'd probably test to see if the mule could walk through it vs a shortest path resupply hole since molly is known to take paths through comically small holes. I'd also probably test a swarmer too. I know what you mean, btw. I've had several cases of a steeve getting stuck in a cave because the hole I dug through a dirt wall wasn't wide enough.
Not necessarily, as the video demonstrates, having a valid spot for the bugs to spawn close to the resupply tunnel exit means they can still path through it. In those cases, plugging the holes can still be beneficial.
Could you make the tunnel created by the resupply a valid path by digging short perpendicular 'footholds' at regular intervals? Maybe just enough to jump climb out?
So, basically, all I need to do is to _not_ plug the hole? Cause I did this earlier today; started digging (as Engie, and it wasn’t even sandblasted so it took longer to dig), plugged the hole, and I had to do the drillevator after I already did the heist Well, I also fell through the world into the geode halfway and had to dig back up to the tunnel I was making
@@RyeorReal normally, yes. i've fallen out of the world when attempting to do earlier heists and teleported back, but this time was way different so, i was peeking through the terrain to look for geode. i don't remember ehat i did, maybe jumped too much, but i got sent into the void. i thought i was just gonna teleport back, but my screen went almost completly black. i had 0/0 hp/shields, could not see my guns, could not bring the laser pointer out, and, according to ALT+F3, my position was 0/0/0. While i was in the Void i could still see stuff, like the icon that shows up when a pod drops down to connect to a crystal, but when the rest of the dwarves in the mission ended up dying, the mission ended there
@@ocomolinaehain1795 ooh that sounds like you got physics'd into the void. A similar thing happens when you spam special powder out of bounds in Sandbox. You know how sometimes you're just mining a vein of whatever and you get shot out of it at incredible speeds? I think that's what happened to you. I've only completely voided out a couple times, think I had to alt+F4 lmao
Huh, I never knew it worked that way. In Sabotage, you can sometimes get a glitch where one of the power stations doesn't count on your client if it gets cleared while you're loading in. The primary will be a step behind the whole rest of the mission (shut down forcefield, defeat caretaker, steal data rack, etc.) and you actually won't get credit for the primary once the mission is done. I thought doing things out of order would do something similar, not even checking for the morkite seeds until the scans/drillevator were done.
After doing the skip for a while I found a way for the engineer to teleport into the geode. I was able to pull it off with randoms and got the drop pod called at 8min on the dot. My randoms were confused and never made it to the drop pod ruining my run.
Hm... By that resupply pathing logic, there would be no need to plug up the resupply hole right? But I still find bugs crawling through it if not plugged.
Probably due to the height, ig. Resupply pods might start drilling properly when they're close to the naturally generated cave system, rather than where they spawn. (So that they appear to have drilled the whole way, but saving on animations and pathing computation.)
You still have to plug it tho since yes it will not spawn bugs in the pod's terrain but about 5-10m near the exit hole the game turn those zone into valid spawn area. I saw it in action before, a whole ass Guard spawned like 5m above the pod and can still crawl down to bite me There is also a theory i been cooking. If the bugs dont know how to path in those terrain, will it be the perfect (vertical) bunker ? Just call a Sup Pod, climb up the hole for about 10-20m and start shot down. Worst case a Bulk/Oppressor dug you out
@@Coolguy-wl9ng in solo probably not. Otherwise, most likely; my friend and I did a deep scan in less than 4 minutes. I suspect a larger team could do it faster with a better cave gen.
i wonder if in a solo situation you could go mining speed beer + rj250 overclock as engi.. haven't tried it but could make getting out easier / quicker? awesome video thanks for the upload!
Okay so drilling is pre-requisite requirement to make the game detect a change. The only thing to ask is this would different said biomes make it easier to get to the geode? The 4 I know would be easy solo wise with JUST engi can Speedrun the mission: sandblasted corridor, fungus bog, hollow bough, and salt pits. Among the one biome being the ez go-to is sandblasted cause of the one terrain hit, while the other 3 are 2 hit terrain. Can digging with pickaxes count towards drilling or classified to digging as long your directly on the compressed rock? If yes then this is a super easy and possible Speedrun, not then it’s required to have 2 dwarfs: engi and driller.
Yes and yes. Another biome would be Dense Biozone, and is better than the other 2-hit biomes because of the wider carve the pickaxe makes in it vs all the other biomes (except the tutorial, Shallow Grotto, same width as DB). Depends on how fast the engi can be. The fastest I've seen a solo Deep Scan done normally was less than 6 minutes. It was an incredible seed...
Any rock removed with any drill down(like the re-supply or drop pod) doesn't count as acually empty. So stuff can't path through it and it doesnt count as a tunnel. This doesnt count the drillavator obviously
question not relating to the tech whatsoever lol, does the geode at 4:20 look like that due to graphics optimization via modding or does something about skipping the drill bug it to look like that?
Ugly, isn't it? 💀It is by modding. Mod Hub has a "Performance" tab that has a checkbox called "Hide junk debris" that does this among other things like making the ceiling grass in Fungus Bogs invisible. I hate ceiling grass.
@@RyeorReal it might look a little silly sure but i used to have a shitbox of a computer so i understand it lmao. i did not know about the hide ceiling grass but i will apparently be doing that from now on lmao
Hold on, I tunneled down with a teammate after a player disconnect caused the drillevator to break. After collecting all 8 seeds the button STILL wouldn’t work, because the objective of starting the drill wasn’t completed. Is this only possible in deep dives?
Another question: Is it possible for a bad actor player to ruin a drillivator mission as Engi by plugging the entire drillevator tube with platforms? Hmmm
@@AutumnReel4444 No. I tested this after the video was published because another user asked this before you; the button still appears when the entire drillevator hole is plugged and the Drillevator is in the geode. The game probably runs another check to see if the Drillevator is in the geode to prevent a softlock.
But... bugs will often spawn in ressupply tunnels during waves and climb down to you. That's why engi's job is often to patch the resup tunnel. So why's it different here..?
I tried it myself yesterday and found myself disagreeing with your theory until you mentioned platforms. I dug down to the hole manually with the engineer and the button didn't come on. I'm pretty sure I plugged the hole I went down with platforms when I got to the bottom so bugs wouldn't spawn (doesn't work btw, bugs spawn inside the geode). So I'm not sure if it would otherwise work this way without plugging the hole. If your theory is correct though, I would think that digging a pickaxe hole might have mixed results since bugs have a hard time patching through those.
@@0mn1P4wn4g3 it may be the case simply that the pickaxe hole is too small for bugs to fit except for swarmers and mactera. A similar thing happens to me when I have a steeve on mining expedition missions when I mine out a dwarf size hole through dirt walls and steeve can't fit through but molly has no issues walking through. I'd think those paths are still valid... never stopped to even think about it and test it. Anecdotal as it may be, I don't see why it wouldn't work since the pickaxe carve through the shell using platforms would be the same size as the carve through common rock (unless it's in dense biozone, common rock there has a wider carve than other biomes).
Your blue text at 9:30 kind of sucked. It appeared and was gone while still reading the white text. The note even pertains to point 1 in the white text so why not put the annotation up there? Great video otherwise
That blue text was intended to interrupt the viewer's reading as it stays on screen long enough for one to read it after reading the first line. Glad to know that it wasn't as effective as I thought. Thanks for the feedback!
@@RyeorReal I've found that if your doing it with friends the engineer can die and go down so you can use the spectators camera to see through the ground. finding the exact location of the geode every time without fail.
@@RyeorReal this way is so easy you can dig initially from anywhere and as long as you hog molly you can have randoms take the drop pod for you. Thanks for letting everyone know this was even possible lmao.
So what you’re saying is I could softlock a normal mission if I plug the drill hole with plats and deposit all 8 seeds? I could even use the old drop pod glitch as an excuse too lol
Question, can’t you do the skip, but plug the hole before calling the drop pod? If so won’t that make the drop pod go down directly to the geode? I’m not sure if it would work since it’s below the compressed rock, but I know drop pod usually only goes to a connected area that has valid pathing.
If by your first question you mean to deposit the 7 seeds first then plug the hole then yes it should still work. I don't believe it would make the drop pod land directly into the geode, though... what you're describing got patched out in the middle of season 4; you could dig out a hole big enough for you and the mule then plug the entrance, and then calling the drop pod would make it land right where you were standing. The patch now makes it so the drop pod has several, multiple different locations for it to drop upon cave generation. I don't think these locations can be in the geode, although I have never checked for certain.
@@matthiasvancampen3770 since the game only requires you to get 7 normally, it makes sense for the game to have an internal check upon deposit for at least 7 seeds. With that in mind, I didnt show that situation because it wouldn't have been any different than when I deposited the 7th seed
Would depositing anything other than seeds cause a inventory check? Like if you had all 7 seeds but no path to the pod,then opened one and put some nitra in molly would it activate the button?
@@fetusgriffin9897 I don't know, haven't tested that specific case. That's a very good question. If I understand you correctly, you mean to have already deposited the 7 seeds with a plugged path and then after opening the path, deposit again with anything else like nitra and the button would appear on the mule? My first guess would be yes unless there is a distinction between minerals that would need a reason for the check. Like say morkite and dystrum's distinction from other minerals is that they're objective oriented minerals and therefore would have cause for an inventory check. But things like nitra, gold, and crafting minerals wouldn't because they don't count towards the mission objective. But that assumes there is a distinction in the first place. It could work. TL;DR - idk, maybe
What if you deposit all of the seeds that spawns without drilling to the geode? Would it count? Because everytime that you've shown the process of collecting the seeds you left 1 out and I thought you need to collect every seed spawned for button to appear. Just curious.
It would not count, no. You only need 7 seeds (8 total spawn, I believe) for the button to appear when done correctly or doing the mission normally. If, for example, you plugged the valid pathing hole and then deposited all the seeds in the geode you'd have to go back up to find the crystals and get the drillevator.
Mollys and Bugs pathing to not use supply pod tunnel makes sense, so Molly won't screw the player during extraction and as for the Bugs , they could not most of the time reach the player, if they could spawn inside the supply pod tunnel and funnily enough this video would be a lot different, if they didn't use a supply pod, to breach into the geode 😅
@@The_Meloman it is a mod. Sandbox has a Full Bright checkbox that can be checked to brighten up the caves. It's useful here to make everything easier to see for the viewer. It has its own hotkey combination to activate/deactivate it, Ctrl+shift+F.
You can absolutely do this solo. Engie is the best for it, as you can use platforms to get your head outside of the map and then find the geode with the laser pointer even beyond visible range, then just slap a waypoint on it and mine there. Obviously easiest with a driller, with rocky mountain, or in sandblasted maps. Using this searching method it's easiest to approach the geode from an angle, which allows you to return up the tunnel and means you avoid all the compacted granite the drillevator hits, as they spawn in a series of disks above the geode rather than along the whole map. Also, let me rant for a moment - I've never understood people having difficulties finding the crystals. If you move in a direction, the scanner tells you if that's the right way to go or not, and in tunnels there's only ever two ways to go. And if I do just go straight to each crystal, it ends up leaving a significant portion of the cave unexplored anyways. Now I just explore the cave normally to find all the events and minerals in it, and when I come across a crystal I scan it. It's incredibly easy, you don't even have to interact with the scanner at long range due to the sound they make when you near the crystals and the dwarves having a voiceline reacting to that proximity before you start digging around. When you're right about on top of it, you can just walk in a circle and go to the point the scanner had the lowest distance reading on. The drillevator is another matter.
@@lolosharacarrot5507 yes! In fact, my channel is full of deep dive speedruns and sprinkled with a few mission runs. Deep Scan speedrun using Drillevator Skip coming soon!
@@hugoortega195 oh, I gotcha. Yeah, I guess this isn't very interesting for the regular player. Nothing to shoot. No strategy. Nothing to do but go down.
My team and I did a speedrun using Drillevator Skip! If you want to see how fast we did it, you can check it out here!
Dude, you can't be spreading this information around. If management wisens up, the rest of us dwarves are gonna have to hand drill to the seeds forever.
Maybe then they will give drillers extra c4 to -kill scout-
blast down!
or you might have to, IDK, play the Fing mission?
@@zillatattoo Uh.. they were making a joke. Implying that it's cheaper to dig by hand than to send the drillivator. They were making light of Management for being inconsiderate slave drivers thinly veiled as employers.
"Yeah, we used to have these massive drill elevators that would dig to the seeds, then some leaf lover named Ryeor discovered how to find the seeds without the scanners, and now management claims they save 0.5% a year in mining costs by simply having us dig manually"
Wish you could drill down I got left behind by some new players one time and tried to dig down playing as driller but you get stopped after the first hard layer
Hey! GSG programmer here! If I remember correctly we left this in on purpose just to see if people would figure out if it was possible or not. The resupply hole is covered with volumes that makes the area "not walkable". It's mostly there to try to prevent molly from taking the drop pod paths when you're making your escape back out of the other mission types. And yes! Molly has a failsafe that makes her do the void jaywalking if there is no valid path to her destination.
The reason she walked up the tunnel and back down again is that she walks as close as possible to the destination before she starts going on her void journeys! so even if it would have been much shorter to void walk from the start she tries to take the valid path for as long as possible :)
Also all the weirdness with the supply pod not making holes that allow mission completion is a complete coincidence. I think we assumed that you would have had to dig yourself there somehow to begin with so regular players would be extremely unlikely to end up in a situation where they cannot complete the mission. At least without cheating ;)
@@gentlecat7735 hi! I really appreciate you guys leaving it in, and I really like the idea that there's an alternative method to complete Deep Scans with. It reminds me a bit of the design philosophy behind Super Mario Odyssey wherein a player can approach a puzzle or problem the "Nintended" way or a different way within the mechanics of the game and still be rewarded with the same outcome. The RNG element of where the geode spawns on generation poses a risk-reward factor (a waste of time if I miss the geode and a massive time-gain if I hit it) that I really like to see in a speedrun! I haven't thought about this until recently but... what could be more in the spirit of the title of season 5 than the player... well... drilling deeper?
I'm happy to know that you confirmed some of my observations and clarified others that were almost there like resupply holes using volumes to make them not walkable, as you say, rather than simply being an invalid path. Thank you for the insight and taking the time to watch this! Looking forward to Rogue Core!
Big reply! This was pmuch what I was thinking when I saw the behavior.
Now I'm curious how long ago these "volumes" to prevent pathfinding through them were implemented. Cause as long as I've been playing, Molly has always walked straight up those resupply holes to the drop pod, and bugs have always spawned at the top of them and come down them unless I plug it with a platform.
@@Secarious If you read the reply again its related to the geode.
@Haps_q "it's mostly there to try to prevent Molly from taking the drop pod paths when making your escape back out of other mission types."
That says to me that the volumes are there to stop Molly from climbing straight up resupply holes when running back to the drop pod.
Average pub lobby Driller gameplay; drilling a hole down to the bottom of the map, getting the engi mega stuck, breaking the mission, and somehow still solo carrying the team.
@@thedarter 🗿
Very smegma driller gameplay
@@hypeman958 the ligma male drillset
bro is spreading the forbidden dwarf knowledge
I bet he knows how to make the droppod land near you and not in the next fucking cave
@@steyn1775 oh yes, I do. Or at least I did before the trick got patched in the middle of season 4
@@RyeorReal was it the trick where you plug off all paths to other caverns so that molly stays only in yours?
@@chaomatic5328 that's one of them. The other was simply digging a big enough hole in the ground with a small entry, plugging it, and calling the pod from in there. Would literally call the pod to your location.
@@RyeorReal and probably your head if the cavern was too small xd
Insane discovery! It looks like this is only viable for 3+ player teams and it has to be very well coordinated. Plus, there's a chance that in random seeds you miss the geode completely when drilling down. But if done correctly, I imagine you could finish the mission in sub-3 minutes. Huge for DD/EDD speedruns! Great video and analysis!
@@benicopter thanks! The time to finish I think would depend on the depth of the geode, I bet the more shallow ones could probably do sub 3 🤔
Use engy platforms to look through space to see the geode by clipping out of bounds. The biggest danger is swarms killing you or your teammate.
@@0mn1P4wn4g3 Not really a viable option when speedrunning. You are likely better off full sending for a time save, and resetting on whiffs. Otherwise, yeah.
T.A.G. on youtube did it solo as a engineer in 9:30min (in a public lobby but he did it himself) (i took off 2 min off timer cus randoms took 2 min to extract)
Devs have coded Molly to avoid her taking ressuply tunnel so it is easier to follow her on the extraction, if you played on early access she would have taken the ressuply pod tunnel without a problem
Man I've had her take resup holes on mining expedition return trips so many times. It seems it was patched out in S5 but it definitely happened a lot in S4
@@sage5296 I was about to say the same. However, bugs can still spawn in those tunnels during missions, which is why you should have an Engi to platform the holes above HACK-C and the Resupply Pod on defense. Which makes me question why can they pathfind there, but not in this video?
@@AlphaSnowLion the bugs usually only spawn near the entrance to those holes, rather than deeper inside. probably something to do with the hole entrance being near valid spawnpoints; the hole itself is still not valid
Ngl, the weirdest thing by far to me about this video is the fullbright caves.
what mod is that
It really is strange to look at xD
So in regards to the resupply tunnels not counting as pathing, i can't believe i didnt already realize this because ive noticed this in normal gameplay. When making bunkies as a driller for my team, ill always carve out the sides for molly to be ojt of the way, and on the opposite side of the entrance, room for a resupply. I noticed that normally bugs dont enter theiugh the resupply hole, but if i carved out enough room around the resupply pod itself, suddenly bugs started entering the bunkie theough the resupply hole consistently over the course of several missions. Giving us two entrances we needed to cover. So now i understand why that happens.
Huge video! Solid research and presentation of findings.
20:20 my guess is that molly tries to path to the absolute closest she can get with a valid path before void walking. So here, because that apot was right next to the tunnel you dug manually, molly took that path cause even if it wasn't 100% valid, it was closer to being valid than if she cut between the tunnels
I believe you're right. I think a similar thing happens when you use sandbox utilities to teleport a few caves down in mining expeditions and then the mule void walks through the shortest path between dirt walls
10 seconds in, I’ve subscribed. This is a masterclass.
Thank you!
Wow caught this really well made video early. i find the pathing creation extremely interesting.
I noticed sometimes it looks like the resupply/drop pods in the video almost "delete" rock around them instead of mining through them. you can kind of see the pattern at the drop on 11:20 where it looks like the rock is being deleted in a roughly resupply shaped object, except extruded out a few meters around it.
Same thing occurs with the drop pod at about 22:41, it's even right next to the entry drop pod so you can notice the differences. when it's really high before it's about to land at about 24:01-24:10, it roughly / simply deletes rock in front of the drop pod, and drop pod makes the rock look more like it's properly "dug into" when it passes by.
it also seems that when molly's area is being dug out the same kind of "deletion" is used, so maybe covering circumstances like that could be a reason as to why we saw previously unpathable areas turn pathable after a dwarf creates regular pathable area with their digging tools?
Love the thoroughness of your explorations!! Olaf and I had seen another skip that didn't work so well... but it's cool to see what the parameters are! Thank you!!
It was explained. I plugged the top of my tests when I was doing it because I was testing on Haz5 and didn't want to be chased the entire dig.
My guess is the resupply pods don’t update the nav mesh and the way the game computes whether caves are connected or not is through said nav mesh. From a development standpoint, this makes a lot of sense
An alternative comes to mind. Is it possible the game checks whether the location where you deposit the seeds is connected to the main cave, rather than the geode? What if you grab the seeds without a valid tunnel, then return to the main cave and feed them to Molly there?
I feel like this is intentional by the devs having it only work when a valid connection path exists is a weird way of checking instead of just checking if the previous objective has been done.
This does make me wonder what if you go down with the drillevator and then plug the drillevator hole would the button still appear?
Well i tested it and even if their is no path between the main cave and the geode when having done the drillevator the button will still appear.
So it feels like the only reason this condition exists so it knows you actualy dug the whole and can skip half the mission.
It honestly feels like the devs knew what they were doing especially with a Season title such as "Drilling Deeper". What could be more in the spirit of that title than the player... well... drilling deeper themselves? And I would bet the devs would keep that spirit alive, to give the player different avenues towards the same outcome. It reminds me a bit of the design philosophy behind Super Mario Odyssey where you could do something the "Nintended" way or a different way and still be rewarded for it.
There possibly is another check for if the drillevator is in the geode that keeps a sealed hole from preventing the button from appearing, becuase if that were the case, I could see the game getting softlocked if someone plugged before depositing all 8 seeds. I too tested it when I saw your comment; I appreciate you doing the test as well and sharing, awesome that we came up with the same result.
I like how the sped up icon is the dash icon lmao
That explains my confusion.
My attempts were inconsistent a few days ago, and the reason is that I was just doing them on Haz5, so I plugged the top of the hole so bugs wouldn't follow me. Unplug before button, or just don't plug it. Got it.
I also attempted just pushing myself out of bounds via plats and jumping in, and those obviously, and in no surprise to me, failed.
I assumed a connection mattered, just didn't think about how I was plugging it.
@@olaf.forkbeard glad this cleared it up for you!
Huh that's interesting I've always thought about drilling down but I didn't think too much about it, merely speculation. Using the engi platforms to get through the compacted shale is a good idea. Seeing that you don't have jet boots makes a lot of sense that you can't run this in singles, however if there is a way that the driller can get through the compacted shell I don't see why you can't run this and Duos it's just about finding out how. The other complication is just finding the geode in a random seed. I don't know much about it but I imagine the Z axis of where the geode is located is relatively the same across the same cave complexities, my reasoning being in my experience the drillavator takes roughly the same amount of time to descend when I do missions of cave complexity X. In any case great video!
Thanks for watching! Duos could probably do it if they dig to and into the geode at a steep angle, then once they get to the geode part of the shell driller starts levelling out his tunnel and makes the entry hole into the center of the geode accessible. Alternatively, after engi gets through the bedrock, he heads back up the steep incline and driller finishes from there. And singles actually maybe as well if in sandblasted corridors, now that I think about it: just dig at an incline.
I don't think there is a known method for driller to get through bedrock other than his pickaxe, and I think we all know how small the carve is on bedrock with a pick.
You're right about the geode depth on the Z axis, I've been collecting data about where roughly the centers of the geodes are positioned and it seems the depth varies by about 10 meters, which isn't that much compared to how deep they are.
@@RyeorReal Right because the depth of the geode determines the length of time on the drillevator. The issue with the incline drill is that it wastes too much time imo, to go up and down. One other way I was thinking was if there was a way to shoot down the engi platforms from the top that would be interesting because then the driller can just keep going.
@@BlackwingXElite that's an interesting idea. Not too sure how accurate the platform gun is, or if it's even possible to aim straight down a roughly >100m deep hole. Driller wouldn't be able to use his drills but he could use his pickaxe when the platforms hit the shell.
Yeah that's the idea. Doing an angel would be hard it would have to be a situation in which you could aim straight down over the hole somehow and still hit it I don't know about the spread but at least the first shot should be accurate the issue is if you miss you risk hitting the hole on the way down invalidating a valid path not allowing you to call the drop pod as mentioned in the video
Rj250, just have engi launch out
"Fascinating" Truly a scientist at work
i have never played deep rock galactic yet i still found this interesting! good job!
play Deep Rock Galactic
Okay, as a hobby game dev who's done out A* by hand a few times, I think I understand what's happening.
I sat through a few hours of lectures and multiple exercises on path finding, so this is an abridged explanation. A* (pronounced A Star) is an algorithm that a navigation agent can use to navigate a grid. The computer sees every surface of the cave as one big grid made of flat surfaces. You may have noticed the low polly aesthetic this game has. Fewer big polygons require less processing time than a bunch of small ones. A* calculates the cost of going from point A to point B based on how far it is on the grid. However, you can increase the cost of any given surface by giving it a weight value. The weight is added to the distance, so an agent can take a longer path through less expensive terrain.
This is exactly how the platform bug repellent works. The polygons of a platform are given a higher cost, and the bugs are looking for the cheapest path.
Lets say there are two paths. One is 5 meters, but it goes over lava rock. I don't know the numbers the game uses internally, but lets say the weight is 10 per meter. So the 5 meter path costs the bug 50 to take that path. There's a longer path next to it that goes around the lava on normal ground that's 15 meters. The distance is greater, but that 15 meters only costs 1 per meter. So the bug takes the path that costs less and goes around the lava.
To those that know how A* works, I did clarify that this was an abridged version. I know that's not an accurate description of the math going on behind the scenes, this is more of a layman's understanding.
Molly and the bugs actually both use the same agent code, and they're subject to the same weights on terrain.
If I had to guess, GSG put a higher weight on the terrain carved out by resupply pods to discourage her from going vertical during extraction and making escape impossible. It also just happens to discourage the bugs from entering the space as well. There is a point where the cost of going around is high enough she still will go up the resupply tunnel, and she's not forbidden from doing it. It just costs more and she'd like to avoid it.
The bugs seem to have been forbidden from spawning on those polygons, which is a bit odd but the devs must have their reasons. I've seen them come in from above on hacking pods, so I'm not sure if hacking pod tunnels don't have this property or what's going on there.
There's something to test with sandbox, does the hacking pod allow for a connection? Probably not viable for speed runs, but I'd like to know the answer.
As for why the resupply pod drill hole doesn't allow for the connection, my guess is the game has a point up in the main cave that draws a path from it to the bottom of the geode. If it can draw a valid path, it confirms that you did the mission properly. And since the only way to quickly get through the geode's shell is a resupply pod, they run a check to see if the path goes over and polygons made by one. If it passes over one, the path is considered invalid and the mission can't be completed.
Not terribly useful for speedruns, but I'd like to see what would happen if you dug a straight line down the side of the hole. Will it register a valid path? The pickax only gets a small piece out of the bedrock, and the agent needs enough room to enter it. Is it wide enough to be a valid path? If it isn't it probably needs to be wide enough for Molly to get through.
The SFX of Molly walking under time dilation are so cursed
Now imagine if I had the Squidward footsteps sound mod for the mule
Wait i thought this channel had at least 2k subs from the quality
@@MusForReal thanks! I appreciate the vid praise 👍
Simple solution: Footstool molly up the tunnel you dug.
Be careful not to fall off and it's basically just like riding an elevator.
There is a trick. If you trap molly, with many layers of platforms, then call the drop pod, the drop pod should spawn on molly since there is no valid path to the other parts of the cave.
7:21 could be from a trigger at the top of the geode.
First we had horizontally spinning rat now we got horizontally spinning *g e o d e*
I never realized that someone who made some lootbug meme could make this quality research
T.A.G. goes into the sand dunes where the sand is one hit with the pick and plays as engi. I have been waiting for a scan mission to do this can’t wait to see how it goes.
If you're on PC you can manually switch the missions by adjusting your PC clock. A lot of speedrunners do this to find the best mission/biome instead of waiting
@@benicopter Unfortunately I play on iPad and not PC but that makes sense.
I remember seeing a group dig below the good and use a resupply pod to dig through it
Idea: If you deposited the seeds, then plugged the hole BEFORE pressing the button, would that make the only valid place for the game to spawn the drop pod *inside* the geode?
@@kiranb3434 very interesting idea, had to test it out because I don't recall testing that before. But sadly no it didn't work just now. :(
I think that could've worked in early season 4 when there was a trick to call the drop pod to your location (got patched). But now it seems the possible drop pod locations in a cave are set on generation
I'd guess Molly's cave pathing algorithm assigns a really high weight to any void walking segments, so at around the 20 minute mark, she goes up and back down into the other hole because void walking between the two holes would be more "expensive" than void walking down one little bit of the resupply hole
I believe I was one of the first if not the first person who drilled down to the geode on the day experimental branch started, I have some screenshots of it posted on the DRG Discord. There were people who sequence broke the game before me but they used a glitch to fall out of the map rather than actually digging there like I did with some randoms I've found online. It's more than doable solo and even without resupplying even once (well, maybe not anymore, they made the geode a bit deeper iirc) tho if you get unlucky you really want that extra fuel. Ideally you'd get two resupplies, one for emergency fuel pre-geode, then a 2nd one to drop it below the geode to get inside easier. You can dig from the side of it but it takes quite some time to do so, remember to take berserk perk and the fast power attack recharge upgrade if you decide to do so to make the process a bit quicker. Rock and stone brothers!
Thank you for this. I hate this mission type. It's like "How can we make players dig more for less rewards?" I find it very tedious.
@@Barot8 I feel this way especially for the 5-crystal scans... they take an absurd amount of time to complete normally
really interesting, but im not sure this is the full picture. with the pickaxe you are able to dig narrow diagonal tunnels that bugs will refuse to path through, but using such a tunnel to reach the geode still allows mission complete. i think that would indicate using bugs to test the path isnt accurate in this case
Perhaps in that case it is the size of the hole that prevents bugs from pathing through. For something like that I'd probably test to see if the mule could walk through it vs a shortest path resupply hole since molly is known to take paths through comically small holes. I'd also probably test a swarmer too.
I know what you mean, btw. I've had several cases of a steeve getting stuck in a cave because the hole I dug through a dirt wall wasn't wide enough.
At least we know that there is no need to seal holes after resupply pods
Not necessarily, as the video demonstrates, having a valid spot for the bugs to spawn close to the resupply tunnel exit means they can still path through it. In those cases, plugging the holes can still be beneficial.
@@mes0gots0its spot on. As long as the plug isn't deep
When you showed the layout of the map and the morkite geode, just seeing the morkite geode felt very cursed.
Could you make the tunnel created by the resupply a valid path by digging short perpendicular 'footholds' at regular intervals? Maybe just enough to jump climb out?
So, basically, all I need to do is to _not_ plug the hole? Cause I did this earlier today; started digging (as Engie, and it wasn’t even sandblasted so it took longer to dig), plugged the hole, and I had to do the drillevator after I already did the heist
Well, I also fell through the world into the geode halfway and had to dig back up to the tunnel I was making
@@ocomolinaehain1795 that's right, no plug
@@RyeorReal I almost did it 3 times in a row! Related; what do you do if you happen to fall into the void past the death plane?
@@ocomolinaehain1795 nice! Does the game not teleport you back to the cave?
@@RyeorReal normally, yes. i've fallen out of the world when attempting to do earlier heists and teleported back, but this time was way different
so, i was peeking through the terrain to look for geode. i don't remember ehat i did, maybe jumped too much, but i got sent into the void. i thought i was just gonna teleport back, but my screen went almost completly black. i had 0/0 hp/shields, could not see my guns, could not bring the laser pointer out, and, according to ALT+F3, my position was 0/0/0. While i was in the Void i could still see stuff, like the icon that shows up when a pod drops down to connect to a crystal, but when the rest of the dwarves in the mission ended up dying, the mission ended there
@@ocomolinaehain1795 ooh that sounds like you got physics'd into the void. A similar thing happens when you spam special powder out of bounds in Sandbox. You know how sometimes you're just mining a vein of whatever and you get shot out of it at incredible speeds? I think that's what happened to you. I've only completely voided out a couple times, think I had to alt+F4 lmao
Huh, I never knew it worked that way. In Sabotage, you can sometimes get a glitch where one of the power stations doesn't count on your client if it gets cleared while you're loading in. The primary will be a step behind the whole rest of the mission (shut down forcefield, defeat caretaker, steal data rack, etc.) and you actually won't get credit for the primary once the mission is done.
I thought doing things out of order would do something similar, not even checking for the morkite seeds until the scans/drillevator were done.
I watched a video of someone successfully doing a drillevator skip in a public Lobby
After doing the skip for a while I found a way for the engineer to teleport into the geode. I was able to pull it off with randoms and got the drop pod called at 8min on the dot. My randoms were confused and never made it to the drop pod ruining my run.
Hm... By that resupply pathing logic, there would be no need to plug up the resupply hole right?
But I still find bugs crawling through it if not plugged.
Probably due to the height, ig. Resupply pods might start drilling properly when they're close to the naturally generated cave system, rather than where they spawn. (So that they appear to have drilled the whole way, but saving on animations and pathing computation.)
You still have to plug it tho since yes it will not spawn bugs in the pod's terrain but about 5-10m near the exit hole the game turn those zone into valid spawn area.
I saw it in action before, a whole ass Guard spawned like 5m above the pod and can still crawl down to bite me
There is also a theory i been cooking. If the bugs dont know how to path in those terrain, will it be the perfect (vertical) bunker ? Just call a Sup Pod, climb up the hole for about 10-20m and start shot down. Worst case a Bulk/Oppressor dug you out
this is why i main driller.... by passing terrain!
Yeah driller is still SSS+ tier class in drg
But is it quicker in vanilla game compared to doing it normally?
@@Coolguy-wl9ng in solo probably not. Otherwise, most likely; my friend and I did a deep scan in less than 4 minutes. I suspect a larger team could do it faster with a better cave gen.
Wait so the real take away for me here is that a resupply tunnel could be the ultimate bunker, yes? Interesting.
Edit: Probably far too impractical for all but the most niche of situations. Finding a situation it helps you at all will likely be the real challenge
I just asked the discord if it's possible to breach the geode without the drillevator lmao
I didn’t know Molly could void walk
thats crazy
I don't speed run but could you use a resupply hole to hide from the bugs?
Man, when I attempted it solo I was mining trough dense rock manually XD (it does break from 4-5 pick swings and the hole is really small)
i wonder if in a solo situation you could go mining speed beer + rj250 overclock as engi.. haven't tried it but could make getting out easier / quicker? awesome video thanks for the upload!
The deep dive codename bro 😂 final evolution of hawk tuah
@@darkndanky7135 better than the other deep dive codename I found in experimental... Bad Head 💀
Okay so drilling is pre-requisite requirement to make the game detect a change. The only thing to ask is this would different said biomes make it easier to get to the geode?
The 4 I know would be easy solo wise with JUST engi can Speedrun the mission: sandblasted corridor, fungus bog, hollow bough, and salt pits.
Among the one biome being the ez go-to is sandblasted cause of the one terrain hit, while the other 3 are 2 hit terrain. Can digging with pickaxes count towards drilling or classified to digging as long your directly on the compressed rock?
If yes then this is a super easy and possible Speedrun, not then it’s required to have 2 dwarfs: engi and driller.
This comment will be re-edited right now during the testing as of now for digging with pickaxe.
Yes and yes. Another biome would be Dense Biozone, and is better than the other 2-hit biomes because of the wider carve the pickaxe makes in it vs all the other biomes (except the tutorial, Shallow Grotto, same width as DB).
Depends on how fast the engi can be. The fastest I've seen a solo Deep Scan done normally was less than 6 minutes. It was an incredible seed...
Any rock removed with any drill down(like the re-supply or drop pod) doesn't count as acually empty. So stuff can't path through it and it doesnt count as a tunnel. This doesnt count the drillavator obviously
3:04 how to use c4 to refuel you drill back to max :D
question not relating to the tech whatsoever lol, does the geode at 4:20 look like that due to graphics optimization via modding or does something about skipping the drill bug it to look like that?
Ugly, isn't it? 💀It is by modding. Mod Hub has a "Performance" tab that has a checkbox called "Hide junk debris" that does this among other things like making the ceiling grass in Fungus Bogs invisible.
I hate ceiling grass.
@@RyeorReal it might look a little silly sure but i used to have a shitbox of a computer so i understand it lmao. i did not know about the hide ceiling grass but i will apparently be doing that from now on lmao
5:20 & 22:29 i have a mod for that
"auto equip jet boots", or something like that
Hold on, I tunneled down with a teammate after a player disconnect caused the drillevator to break. After collecting all 8 seeds the button STILL wouldn’t work, because the objective of starting the drill wasn’t completed. Is this only possible in deep dives?
What do you mean the drillevator broke? Like functionally, how the game intends for it to break on descent if not maintained?
Another question: Is it possible for a bad actor player to ruin a drillivator mission as Engi by plugging the entire drillevator tube with platforms? Hmmm
@@AutumnReel4444 No. I tested this after the video was published because another user asked this before you; the button still appears when the entire drillevator hole is plugged and the Drillevator is in the geode. The game probably runs another check to see if the Drillevator is in the geode to prevent a softlock.
@@RyeorReal Tested it myself as well just now (Manually lol). Yep, game runs just dandy. Thank you!
I wonder why bugs can spawn out of resup holes when you're doing like a hackC defense segment but not in this case? wierd
But... bugs will often spawn in ressupply tunnels during waves and climb down to you. That's why engi's job is often to patch the resup tunnel. So why's it different here..?
I tried it myself yesterday and found myself disagreeing with your theory until you mentioned platforms. I dug down to the hole manually with the engineer and the button didn't come on. I'm pretty sure I plugged the hole I went down with platforms when I got to the bottom so bugs wouldn't spawn (doesn't work btw, bugs spawn inside the geode). So I'm not sure if it would otherwise work this way without plugging the hole. If your theory is correct though, I would think that digging a pickaxe hole might have mixed results since bugs have a hard time patching through those.
@@0mn1P4wn4g3 it may be the case simply that the pickaxe hole is too small for bugs to fit except for swarmers and mactera. A similar thing happens to me when I have a steeve on mining expedition missions when I mine out a dwarf size hole through dirt walls and steeve can't fit through but molly has no issues walking through. I'd think those paths are still valid... never stopped to even think about it and test it. Anecdotal as it may be, I don't see why it wouldn't work since the pickaxe carve through the shell using platforms would be the same size as the carve through common rock (unless it's in dense biozone, common rock there has a wider carve than other biomes).
Your blue text at 9:30 kind of sucked. It appeared and was gone while still reading the white text. The note even pertains to point 1 in the white text so why not put the annotation up there?
Great video otherwise
That blue text was intended to interrupt the viewer's reading as it stays on screen long enough for one to read it after reading the first line. Glad to know that it wasn't as effective as I thought. Thanks for the feedback!
I can't tell if im missing the geode or what but i cant find it
@@Doom_976 might just be getting unlucky, where it generates is essentially random.
@@RyeorReal I've found that if your doing it with friends the engineer can die and go down so you can use the spectators camera to see through the ground. finding the exact location of the geode every time without fail.
@@RyeorReal this way is so easy you can dig initially from anywhere and as long as you hog molly you can have randoms take the drop pod for you. Thanks for letting everyone know this was even possible lmao.
if you jump down the resupply hole would it potentially trigger an invisible trigger to "arm" the geode objective?
So what you’re saying is I could softlock a normal mission if I plug the drill hole with plats and deposit all 8 seeds? I could even use the old drop pod glitch as an excuse too lol
Question, can’t you do the skip, but plug the hole before calling the drop pod? If so won’t that make the drop pod go down directly to the geode? I’m not sure if it would work since it’s below the compressed rock, but I know drop pod usually only goes to a connected area that has valid pathing.
If by your first question you mean to deposit the 7 seeds first then plug the hole then yes it should still work. I don't believe it would make the drop pod land directly into the geode, though... what you're describing got patched out in the middle of season 4; you could dig out a hole big enough for you and the mule then plug the entrance, and then calling the drop pod would make it land right where you were standing. The patch now makes it so the drop pod has several, multiple different locations for it to drop upon cave generation. I don't think these locations can be in the geode, although I have never checked for certain.
@@RyeorReal Thank you for the clarification. Yeah, I was thinking of the patched out trick to get the drop pod right near you. Thanks for responding!
but... what if you deposit the 8th seed first? you didn't even show that situation?
@@matthiasvancampen3770 since the game only requires you to get 7 normally, it makes sense for the game to have an internal check upon deposit for at least 7 seeds. With that in mind, I didnt show that situation because it wouldn't have been any different than when I deposited the 7th seed
Would depositing anything other than seeds cause a inventory check? Like if you had all 7 seeds but no path to the pod,then opened one and put some nitra in molly would it activate the button?
@@fetusgriffin9897 I don't know, haven't tested that specific case. That's a very good question. If I understand you correctly, you mean to have already deposited the 7 seeds with a plugged path and then after opening the path, deposit again with anything else like nitra and the button would appear on the mule? My first guess would be yes unless there is a distinction between minerals that would need a reason for the check. Like say morkite and dystrum's distinction from other minerals is that they're objective oriented minerals and therefore would have cause for an inventory check. But things like nitra, gold, and crafting minerals wouldn't because they don't count towards the mission objective. But that assumes there is a distinction in the first place. It could work.
TL;DR - idk, maybe
does the pathing thing mean it's less likely for Molly to go through resupply holes during extraction?
What about clipping out of bounds with engi trick
What if you deposit all of the seeds that spawns without drilling to the geode? Would it count? Because everytime that you've shown the process of collecting the seeds you left 1 out and I thought you need to collect every seed spawned for button to appear. Just curious.
It would not count, no. You only need 7 seeds (8 total spawn, I believe) for the button to appear when done correctly or doing the mission normally. If, for example, you plugged the valid pathing hole and then deposited all the seeds in the geode you'd have to go back up to find the crystals and get the drillevator.
What if you plug the hole made by the drillevator?
@@herosvicentegonzalez7872 the button shows up as normal. I tested it and I think the game has another check for if the Drillevator is in the geode
@@RyeorReal maybe it just checks if it can reach the drillevator
Mollys and Bugs pathing to not use supply pod tunnel makes sense, so Molly won't screw the player during extraction and as for the Bugs , they could not most of the time reach the player, if they could spawn inside the supply pod tunnel and funnily enough this video would be a lot different, if they didn't use a supply pod, to breach into the geode 😅
That's false, bugs can spawn on supply pod tunnels and pathfind their way there
@@Monsieurnad so, what we did see in this Video is wrong info?
How do you make the caves so bright? Is it a mod or is there some sort of command you need to put in the game's properties/files?
@@The_Meloman it is a mod. Sandbox has a Full Bright checkbox that can be checked to brighten up the caves. It's useful here to make everything easier to see for the viewer. It has its own hotkey combination to activate/deactivate it, Ctrl+shift+F.
Wait, you don't need to deposit all the morkite seeds to finish the mission? Not the thing I expected to learn from this, but interesting nonetheless.
@@alexmachan3255 yes, only 7 are needed and I think 8 total spawn
It's a shame this isn't possible to do solo. Deep scans are so awful.
I dislike how often you have to repair the drillevator. It's just running in circles constantly - you don't even get to engage in the vertical fights.
so true, especially the deep scans with 5 crystals. Takes forever to find them all.
@@benicopter Yeah. The whole mission is a slog, but the final part is especially boring.
You can absolutely do this solo. Engie is the best for it, as you can use platforms to get your head outside of the map and then find the geode with the laser pointer even beyond visible range, then just slap a waypoint on it and mine there. Obviously easiest with a driller, with rocky mountain, or in sandblasted maps. Using this searching method it's easiest to approach the geode from an angle, which allows you to return up the tunnel and means you avoid all the compacted granite the drillevator hits, as they spawn in a series of disks above the geode rather than along the whole map.
Also, let me rant for a moment - I've never understood people having difficulties finding the crystals. If you move in a direction, the scanner tells you if that's the right way to go or not, and in tunnels there's only ever two ways to go. And if I do just go straight to each crystal, it ends up leaving a significant portion of the cave unexplored anyways. Now I just explore the cave normally to find all the events and minerals in it, and when I come across a crystal I scan it. It's incredibly easy, you don't even have to interact with the scanner at long range due to the sound they make when you near the crystals and the dwarves having a voiceline reacting to that proximity before you start digging around. When you're right about on top of it, you can just walk in a circle and go to the point the scanner had the lowest distance reading on.
The drillevator is another matter.
Once you get the hang of deep scans you can find every geode in 3 minutes, it really isn't that bad
Wait, there is DRG speedruns?
@@lolosharacarrot5507 yes! In fact, my channel is full of deep dive speedruns and sprinkled with a few mission runs. Deep Scan speedrun using Drillevator Skip coming soon!
the way he talks about it makes it seem like he is exposing the deepest conspiracy theory ever lul
this is the stuff the deep elf state doesn't want YOU hard-working dwarves to find out!
I suppose that in an actual attempt you wouldn’t be using so many mods..?
@@solaireofastora6173 yes. At least for speedrun leaderboard submissions, DRGLib, ModHub, and SimpleMissionTimer are allowed.
full bright drg looks whack
Full bright makes me vomit
I don't see why they would patch this. It's useless to the average player. Neat...but still useless
This doesn't work anymore, if you found a Morkite seeds you still have to do a scan and drill down to the geode
ok....this is boring, no offense but none of this is engaging for one minute, interesting finds, but not really motivating me to do this
@@hugoortega195 no offense taken. I didn't intend for this video to have much or, if at all, any entertainment value
@@RyeorReal no, I mean as an exploit I find this completely boring and not fun
@@hugoortega195 oh, I gotcha. Yeah, I guess this isn't very interesting for the regular player. Nothing to shoot. No strategy. Nothing to do but go down.
Please don't