The Biggest Sign of FINAL Narcissistic Discard | They're not coming back

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @narcabusecoach
    @narcabusecoach  3 місяці тому +26

    Betrayal Trauma After Narcissistic Abuse:

    • @sheensheen6769
      @sheensheen6769 3 місяці тому +3

      Az chu chalan mea seeth yi... Final discard😒

    • @charmee4045
      @charmee4045 2 місяці тому

      If you live with a narcissist long enough do you become one? I see this in my female relatives that have lived with one for 50 years. She became a bully, and hateful.

  • @eiehe93-
    @eiehe93- 20 днів тому +89

    Narcissists move VERY fast in relationships. It's not uncommon to hear, “I love you", and/or be bombarded with love songs/texts/memes a few weeks after meeting them. By rushing into sex/intimacy, they fast-forward the relationship. They get their targets to fall for them before he/she can realize something is amiss. I believe this is also the reason they tend to be VERY good lovers. Sex is usually the “hook” in toxic relationships. Narcissists lack genuine personalities. So, they mirror their targets. If you find you have “so much in common" with a new person, your likes are their likes, and your dislikes are coincidentally their dislikes as well, raise your antennas! They may be mirroring you. This is the “soulmates" hook… You'll also notice that they'll spend more time telling you who they are, verses showing you. As time goes on, you'll notice the words they used to describe themselves do not fit their personality - at all. But, they will fit YOURS!!! Passive-aggressive behavior and irrational/unexplained anger, are also major red flags. Pay attention to how a person treats you the first time you say, “No”, and/or when things don't go their way… If they give you the silent treatment, grow cold, and/or pull away, do not overlook it! Most importantly, if someone pulls away, or goes silent, after you set a boundary - DO NOT pursue them! This is how they groom you to be the chaser in the relationship. It's emotional abuse/manipulation! Pay close attention to people who portray themselves as victims.
    NOTHING is EVER their fault! EVERYONE, including the family pet, has done them wrong… ALL of their ex's are “crazy” and mistreated them… They’re great, but no one appreciates said greatness… Simply put, it's bullshit! No one should have a laundry list of bad experiences. If they do, RUN, because they're the common denominator! Narcissists tend to have a history of failed/short-term relationships. Believe it or not, it's hard for Narcissists to find people to deal with them long term due to their instability and poor behavior… Superficial relationships/friendships. I've noticed they don't have anyone they're genuinely close to. This is due to their inability to bond and form true attachments to people. Their relationships are shallow and based on surface-level bs. They'll refer to someone as their bestfriend, but you’ll notice they barely speak. Or, that the person is never really around. Or, only shows up when it's time to party, etc. They may also speak down on/poorly of said “bestfriend” behind their back. Narcissists tend to be condescending, two-faced and downright mean! Based on my experience, they cannot talk about deep subjects (i.e. fears/emotions). Or, how a situation truly made them feel. Or, what their childhood was like in detail… They don't want to go there. I suspect, it's because they can't. They don't know themselves well enough. They can't connect. They also live in a world of dishonesty. They're very dishonest with themselves about who they truly are. A poor relationship with their Mother/primary caregiver. Underlying issues between Narcissists and their Mother's (abuse, neglect, don’t get along, etc.), seems to be common. People that I've known who've displayed strong Narcissistic tendencies, ALL had bad relationships with their Mothers! I think it's worth mentioning, their Mother's also displayed strong Narcissistic traits… I'm fully aware and understand that there are healthy adults who have toxic Mother's.
    However, if you're spotting several red flags in an individual, including this one, pay closer attention! They're selfish! Some are selfish from the very beginning. Some start out generous and slowly begin withholding. Some act helpless and needy. They manipulate people into doing things for them, but never give back. It's not only financial and material selfishness. They're selfish emotionally, affectionately, conversationally. sexually and with their attention. They withhold validation and support. EVERYTHING has to be about them, their needs, their wants and everything happens on their terms. Anger, rage, silent treatments and disappearing acts are common - when they don't get their way. Pathological lying. Narcissists are professional liars. It's their second nature. If you call them out, they'll have no issue staring deeply into your eyes as they tell another lie! You'll hardly ever get the truth. Even with unchallengeable proof of the truth, they'll hold on to the lie. It's actually quite fascinating to see them in action - once you know what you’re dealing with. They also have the uncanny ability to provoke doubt in their victims (even when you KNOW the truth), because their lies are so convincing! Beware of people who do not seek conflict resolution. Many Narcissists enjoy drama/chaos! Remember, these are high-conflict personalities. Many of them NEED to argue and fight! Peace to a narcissist, is what chaos is to non-disordered people - unsettling. This is why they repeat behaviors that trigger a negative response. They need tension, anger and high/out of control emotions. They're known for calling people crazy, drama queens, insecure, etc., but never admit what they did to provoke those responses. And, when you attempt to discuss/resolve something, THEY said/did, they’ll gaslight, stonewall and/or flip it back on to you.
    They're extremely disrespectful, rude and lack self-awareness. They have an issue with being called out on their behavior and project/deflect to avoid accountability. “Normal” people want to get along, for the most part. So, they seek fair compromises when conflict arises. Narcissists want to “win” and conflict IS their niche. This is how many Narcissists get their way - they wear people down via conflict. Immaturity. It’s one thing to be playful and lighthearted (in appropriate settings), as an adult. It’s something completely different to be immature. Narcissists suffer from arrested development. They do not know how to respond to situations/people/stress/life appropriately. They have a child-like mindset. They truly believe everything is about them and have no concept of the needs of others. By nature, children are takers. They have no concept of reciprocation. They believe their Parents (and everyone else), exists to meet their needs. When their needs aren’t met, or they don’t get what they want, they become mean and throw tantrums. Narcissists cannot think outside of themselves and their wants/needs - like children. They’re completely unaware that people are individuals with their own agency, needs, wants, opinions... They truly believe people exist to serve them. They believe their job is to receive. They’re children trapped in adult bodies, who cannot consider anything/anyone other than themselves! Above everything I've stated, trust your intuition! Narcissists give off an uneasy vibe. They try very hard to appear cool, calm and collected - on the surface. But, you can feel their energy. It's very off-putting. They also tend to have more noticeable negative qualities, than most people. But, you have to stop justifying and making excuses, in order to see things clearly. Accept people for who they are and not who you want them to be. Observe, listen and trust yourself. No one should be allowed to grant themselves a position in your life. Vet people and YOU decide if they'll be a liability, or an asset, to you. Lastly, take cues from your body. If you ever feel your mood changing, feel anxious or feel your stomach knot up, in the company of someone, don't dismiss it! It could be a sign that you're in bad company!!! Additionally, If you need to find out about a cheating narcissist; send a request to: MetaspyHub@gmail. com

    • @Carllizard
      @Carllizard 5 днів тому +2

      Well said. I’d like to add contempt as an early red flag. It’s when the love bombing phase is over and the de valuation phase begins.

    • @mariasaunders1097
      @mariasaunders1097 5 днів тому

      I wasted 3 years with this man thinking he could change but he only got worse!! The very first paragraph through to the last is 100% accurate in my experience 😔

    • @LauraSchendel-ko1qk
      @LauraSchendel-ko1qk 4 дні тому

      WOW! Well said!

  • @etaokha4164
    @etaokha4164 3 місяці тому +318

    We dont need them back. They can go to space and stay forever for all we care. Demons in human form

    • @StarrSun
      @StarrSun 3 місяці тому +11


    • @vanessaLanni
      @vanessaLanni 3 місяці тому +4

      Absolutely 🎉🎉🎉😂❤

    • @paulaneary7877
      @paulaneary7877 3 місяці тому +5

      AGREED! They can go to space and stay foreger! My ex husband tried SO HARD to get me to say that I wanted a divorce, and I kind of knew what he was doing, so I NEVER SAID IT. I would always say, "No, I don't want a divorce, I just want you to stop lying." Or , "No, I don't want a divorce, I just want you to stop staring at porn 8 hours a day." Or whatever. I knew he wanted me to say it so he could blame everything on me. At least I was wise enough not to do that. He is gone and I am still alive.

    • @incovenantwithJesusChrist1975
      @incovenantwithJesusChrist1975 3 місяці тому +1


    • @lavender1986
      @lavender1986 2 місяці тому

      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 lol

  • @EricaChavira-on4oz
    @EricaChavira-on4oz 3 місяці тому +77

    My ex bf stood me up on my birthday, after that, I was done, no more. He was accusing me of being with other guys, going out and drinking, which I was not doing, I didn’t beg or cry like I had before, I said, “ok, it’s fine, I understand” and didn’t give him a chance to respond, I blocked him. He came to my house about a week later, I didn’t answer the door of course. I was done with the disrespect. That was about 9 months ago. Stay strong guys! We got this. ❤

    • @relaxdrinkeatandlaughwithc5274
      @relaxdrinkeatandlaughwithc5274 2 місяці тому +4

      They never change don't look back the worst thing you did was show him that he hurted you that made him feel real good ex boyfriend is now my Covert Narcissists husband and guess what he got worser they never change. Save yourself find someone else better who treats you right.

    • @EricaChavira-on4oz
      @EricaChavira-on4oz 2 місяці тому +3

      @@relaxdrinkeatandlaughwithc5274 you should take your own advice. 😉

    • @relaxdrinkeatandlaughwithc5274
      @relaxdrinkeatandlaughwithc5274 2 місяці тому +3

      ​@@EricaChavira-on4ozNo shit that's why the hell. I said don't look back move on.I don't want you to make the mistake I made.😢 women to women. RUN 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️

    • @leahsandow9300
      @leahsandow9300 2 місяці тому +1

      Thank Danish, is it me or is it a thing.... after 22 yrs I told my husband I'm done. No he spends all his time with our middle child & HIS friends. He has 4 children but chooses to spend his time with ONLY ONE child. Is it me or do all narcs have NO TRUE friends of his own age. I know he's doing it just for supply, feeling like big man in front of 20 yr olds..... he's 47

  • @michelleelfazzate178
    @michelleelfazzate178 3 місяці тому +134

    Yes and the courts are not ready to realise emotional abuse on children either 😡

    • @karinanderson3239
      @karinanderson3239 3 місяці тому +10

      Emotional abuse is the hardest to get over too. I have survived sexual, verbal, and emotional abuse. This is by far has been the hardest.

    • @lemonfaces
      @lemonfaces 3 місяці тому +8

      Because if they recognise it there won't be jobs left for the judges. It's all part of the system.

    • @Q-hv2cb
      @Q-hv2cb 3 місяці тому

      Children are 3rd class citizens. Even prisoners got more rights than them

    • @hydeajin8148
      @hydeajin8148 3 місяці тому +2

      Yes! This is so so painful.

    • @tatianaa.3694
      @tatianaa.3694 2 місяці тому +6

      Emotional abuse is very difficult yo prove 🤷🏾‍♀️

  • @ArthurKhachikian-p2u
    @ArthurKhachikian-p2u 3 місяці тому +71

    There should be courses on NPD taught in school and on public television.

    • @bjornna7767
      @bjornna7767 3 місяці тому

      Prob is that teachers are narcissists more often than the average Joe...Same in politics, everywhere, where you can flex with your power.... I'm for strong parents. Kids learn some cr00ked stuff in schools, nowadays.

    • @miraclesforus
      @miraclesforus 2 місяці тому

      The problem with this idea is that it is a rampant phenomena and wouldn't. be politically accepted in any system. Just look at the average psychologist,domestic abuse advocate,until probably recently,the depth, acknowledgement and scope of this remains obscured.

    • @emijean8391
      @emijean8391 2 місяці тому +3

      @@entity0xyep. Same thing happened some years back with bi-polar disorder I think it was. The amount of people throwing around the term gaslighting without knowing its meaning is ridiculous. The moment you dont see eye to eye now a days its because you’re a narcissist. Truly awful how quickly humans destroyed its meaning.

    • @Shelbdoni
      @Shelbdoni 2 місяці тому

      That would never happen as the NPD's and psychopaths comprise the politicians, school policy makers and curriculum designers.

  • @shawnmarie1912
    @shawnmarie1912 3 місяці тому +108

    The demon finally gave up after calling me 65 times with no response

    • @joseenoel8093
      @joseenoel8093 3 місяці тому +7

      Oh you've patience counting so high, prob same amount with me and older overt coke head sis, I'm very satisfied with not being pushed to change my number, they inconvenience me enough!😊

    • @TataShiku
      @TataShiku 3 місяці тому +16

      they are on a Break. taking some energy drink. (new supply) . they be back and ruin your day if you allow them . close the door completely

    • @shawnmarie1912
      @shawnmarie1912 3 місяці тому +6

      @@TataShiku He's blocked, but you can still see he calls, not changing my number

    • @shawnmarie1912
      @shawnmarie1912 3 місяці тому +3

      @@joseenoel8093 Right, me either

    • @sarahanderson9181
      @sarahanderson9181 3 місяці тому +2


  • @emijean8391
    @emijean8391 3 місяці тому +149

    Every single one of them have the same mind ! Disturbing . I’d give anything to be able to go back and walk right past this monster at 17 years old. 22 years later here I am in the remains of what a covert narcissist has left behind .

    • @larshesthaven5828
      @larshesthaven5828 3 місяці тому +14

      Do your best never to get near and look at the narc again...let the narc be

    • @anacardinale5769
      @anacardinale5769 3 місяці тому +13

      I am 67 and have not awakened to the truth until the last 2 years. I also should have left when I was a teenager but my mind was damaged by trauma bonds. No matter what age the light bulb goes on, at one point we must leave. Staying in these relationships is too damaging. Walk away, let them go!! Who cares what people think? God knows the truth and one day they will have to face Him! Love yourself!

    • @Nani-wm2kn
      @Nani-wm2kn 3 місяці тому +5

      And I bet you will remain as far as you're still trying to meet someone you're not anymore.
      Please.consider: if you were 17 again, you would have done the same one time and another.
      You don't have to go back in time to rescue from your past. You have to get over it. Life is not going to give you a 2nd chance unless you start telling yourself: "Yes, it's true. I met a monster and I survived. Now I'm starting over knowing that I will be fine and do better next time. I'm not done".
      Then, life starts again. ❤

    • @paulaneary7877
      @paulaneary7877 3 місяці тому +3

      emijean8391 Yes, I was married to a narc for 9 years. I am glad that I am alive. I hope that you find a healing path and keep loving yourself. Don't give up no matter what! It will take time, but it can get better. Just try to forget about all the nasty stuff and when you notice yourself thinking about it, do something for yourself, or something you find fun, or call someone for support. Love yourself! ❤

    • @yellowdayz1800
      @yellowdayz1800 3 місяці тому +8

      It is like coming out of a horror movie... I know. Hugs.

  • @tinaleigh3273
    @tinaleigh3273 3 місяці тому +106

    I publicly exposed my ex when I did a reality show. He was so embarrassed and mad. Best decision ever bc my truth set me free and let him know I wasn't dealing with his shhhh anymore. He never hoovered me again! 🙏🏽✨️

    • @MrGodgivemeaname
      @MrGodgivemeaname 3 місяці тому +3

      @tinaleigh3273 you literally did the narcissistic thing this dude in the video describe narcissists of doing. You ran a smear campaign against your ex because you are a narcissist.

    • @duck9886
      @duck9886 2 місяці тому +9

      @@MrGodgivemeaname sometimes you have to play their game to get rid of them evil mfs so no not necessarily it doesn’t make them one. They go through great lengths to fck with you mentally, emotionally and physically so I say all this to say if they got rid of the narc completely by doing that, then kudos to them. Trust they caused harmed to them 10X worse.

    • @str4wb3rry.101
      @str4wb3rry.101 2 місяці тому

      Yess! u go girl but idk, i've heard some of these people who give advice on narcs, that they actually like it when you do that to them, like they just like any negative/positive thing, but idk. hopefully he got what he DESERVED!

    • @thethe4665
      @thethe4665 2 місяці тому

      Anyone that doesn’t want to be exposed shouldn’t have done the bad behavior to begin with

    • @MrGodgivemeaname
      @MrGodgivemeaname 2 місяці тому

      ​@thethe4665 you have people here justifying fighting narcissistic behavior with narcissistic behavior. At what point does the narcissistic abuse end? At what point is it not hypocritical? At what point is the cycle broken? At what point do people reflect on their own tendencies and rise above this? At what point is there a path for redemption and a better world?

  • @lorawhite1017
    @lorawhite1017 3 місяці тому +187

    They won't come back if you don't let them back

    • @AngelaFerrante-ms2xu
      @AngelaFerrante-ms2xu 3 місяці тому +17

      Block them.

    • @deja2cent
      @deja2cent 2 місяці тому +3

      Chile you didn’t have a narcissist then you probably just weren’t compatible and forcing it cus they will find any way!

    • @relaxdrinkeatandlaughwithc5274
      @relaxdrinkeatandlaughwithc5274 2 місяці тому +1

      I told my husband to not come back he still keeps coming back to me after I done blocked him.

    • @michellegaines3568
      @michellegaines3568 2 місяці тому +1

      I agree 💯 percent ❤❤❤❤

  • @heygyal
    @heygyal 2 місяці тому +7

    I've only endured this for 3 years and I've experienced all the emotional abuse you mentioned. I can't imagine people that have been in it for decades. I can't imagine your mind

    • @lala5061
      @lala5061 Місяць тому

      It's very terrible very hard

  • @Toni-1of1
    @Toni-1of1 2 місяці тому +5

    Mine just started actIng funny again. Not communicating, not asking me to come over as much, claiming to be working more, just missing in acton basically. I know it's someone else but I still miss him. 🥺Dear God, please remove this man from my life COMPLETELY!

  • @JohannaBell-d7r
    @JohannaBell-d7r 3 місяці тому +17

    I had the reverse discard. After i started divorce my Ex-Husband married before me. It was impossible to stay any longer in this house, now i am the monster, my own children and the complete relatives are my enemies. Very painful experiance in my life, no contact to 5 children and 12 grandchildren. But Jesus Christ helped me, so i can live a good life now. The narcisst is leaded through demons and they are pure evil. I forgive them and trust in god. Thank you for this very good explanation.

  • @christineswick5977
    @christineswick5977 3 місяці тому +33

    There is no final discard by the narcissist. Only final when the victim says no more goes no contact.

    • @neal-stewart834
      @neal-stewart834 3 місяці тому +4

      yes especialy when u were the best supply

  • @lc9629
    @lc9629 2 місяці тому +3

    My ex always said 'gotta leave your options open'. I quickly learned what that meant.t That's why he never cut ties with anyone, his boss, coworkers, his hook ups, his family, but talked horribly about them all behind their back.

  • @jamescompany-xf6vi
    @jamescompany-xf6vi 3 місяці тому +321

    Interesting video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her..

    • @coleman-zx9ne
      @coleman-zx9ne 3 місяці тому +7

      its difficult to let go of someone you love, i was in a similar situation, my relationship of 12 years ended, but i couldnt just let her go i did all i could to get her back, i had to seek the help of a spiritual counselor who helped me bring her back

    • @jamescompany-xf6vi
      @jamescompany-xf6vi 3 місяці тому +1

      Amazing, how did you get a spiritual counselor, and how do i reach her?

    • @coleman-zx9ne
      @coleman-zx9ne 3 місяці тому +2

      Her name is Shelly renee white , and she is a great spiritual counselor who can bring back your ex.

    • @jamescompany-xf6vi
      @jamescompany-xf6vi 3 місяці тому +1

      Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked her up now online. impressive

    • @Nani-wm2kn
      @Nani-wm2kn 3 місяці тому +22

      When someone is anyway able to bring you back a narcissistic ex, I bet than someone is perfectly able to be a narcissistic person as well.

  • @ninashirley432
    @ninashirley432 3 місяці тому +29

    Yippee it’s a party when they leave for good 🥰☮️⚖️

  • @rajparida1713
    @rajparida1713 3 місяці тому +26

    Just happened to me in last couple of days.When i got to know that she is a covert Narcissist, i said all the truth about her on her face and at that time she was cheated on me for several time with another guy . As always she ready her next supply by manipulating him and finally discard me bcz she can't tolerate the truth about her and i just unwear her fake mask

  • @camellia8625
    @camellia8625 3 місяці тому +12

    You are so good at explaining narcissism with much more depth than most other narcissism experts here on UA-cam

  • @rhdesktalk8046
    @rhdesktalk8046 3 місяці тому +7

    My ex's favourite quote was "the hardest thing in the world is the coldness of indifference". I used to ask him there are uncountable words that have been said and you chose these cold words? This quote is chilling. When he discarded, betrayal trauma was so severe that I had to walk around clutching myself to keep my heart from bursting out. And I didn't had closure. Then when I learned about narcissism, then finally the pieces of puzzle fell together suddenly and I could finally see the truth and was able to make peace with myself.

  • @KatherineGrey-pz9on
    @KatherineGrey-pz9on 3 місяці тому +85

    Unfortunately, infidelity tends to go hand in hand with narcissism. Especially, somatic narcissism. Narcissists believe EVERYTHING they need is external, including self-worth, self-esteem, validation, etc. Those things are what make up our inner world and we are supposed to develop and cultivate them within/on our own. Narcissists DEPEND on people to supply those things for them. Because we cannot (nor, are we supposed to) supply every want/need of a partner, narcissists are always on the lookout for "better supply". They will always gravitate toward anyone they feel can meet the needs/wants their spouse isn't (and can't). Narcissists are unstable and they cannot soothe themselves. They cannot meet their own needs and their needs/wants are constantly changing. Narcissists are black holes. They are human abyss' of unmet needs/wants. Even if you gave them everything, they'd still want MORE... All while giving NOTHING in return. Narcissists are also pathologically bored. They do not experience boredom the way normal adults do. They're like children. Once they become bored, they tend to throw their toys (people) in a corner to collect dust. Then, they search for new ones... Untilllll, they realize that their newest toy isn't as fun. Or, it doesn't function as well as the old toy did. Then, they'll go digging in the corner to find that old toy (the reason their relationships tend to be off and on). People are objects meant to keep them occupied and entertained. The newer the toy, the better/more exciting it is. However, EVERYONE will inevitably lose their shine with the narcissist. You must accept their reality and realize that it's NOT ABOUT YOU and it never was. This is also the point when it becomes crucial to sit your ego on the curb. Your ego will want to fight to be seen. Your ego will want to fight to prove you're enough. Your ego will feel it's "worthy" of the narcissist and fight to "keep" them... But, again: IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU. Most narcissists are extremely irresponsible. Many of them marry to secure stability. Or, to have someone they can count on to help with bills to free up their resources. It also ensures they'll have somewhere safe to land when they fall - because they always f*** up... Do yourself a favor and pull that rug of security out from under them and save YOURSELF. Narcissists do not have a moral compass. They do not respect the union of marriage. It'll always be a one-sided arrangement with you being the giver that's making their life easier and them being the taker that's making your life harder. We deserve the same love, attention, support and understanding that we give our spouses. You will never get it from someone suffering with NPD. Moreover, if you feel sure that your husband might never cheat on you, you might have to rethink. Most wives in marriages are shocked when they find out their husband cheating, and it happens more with people who never thought they would cheat. This is why you have to take the tiniest suspicion carefully. If your husband is cheating on you, the best and probably the only guaranteed way to catch him is to spy on their phones. However, spying on a phone is not something you can do without any external help unless you have the James bond level of spy skills. In such case you will need an expert phone spyier Metaspyhub@gmail. com for the purpose,,,

    • @1stBorn538
      @1stBorn538 2 місяці тому +5

      BINGO!!!!! ON
      EVERY WORD!!! Thank you Ms Katherine!! You can't get a better experience(s) 1000%

    • @pinkyalmeroth3702
      @pinkyalmeroth3702 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@MrGodgivemeaname doesn't sound like they need it, they've used their heart and brain to analyze and help themself. You, however? Need more than help.

    • @MrGodgivemeaname
      @MrGodgivemeaname 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@pinkyalmeroth3702 unlike you I actually have seen professionals in therapy and worked through my issues and traumas. It sounds pretty narcissistic thinking that all a person would need is confirmation from their own feelings and thoughts to work through things instead of breaking away from their narcissistic perceptions of things by actually talking to others and gaining more outside perspective on things. I find this channel is littered with covert narcissists in the comment section selectively cherry picking the parts they want to hear instead of actually doing self reflection on how this all applies to them because everyone on earth shares some narcissistic traits. You need professionals though to actually diagnose someone with narcissistic personality disorder, they can't just be an ex who you are obviously still mad at. This is literally what a covert narcissist would do by laying blame instead of actually doing any self reflection.

    • @1stBorn538
      @1stBorn538 2 місяці тому +1

      And assuming someone hasn't gotten help isn't narcissistic? And for some, yes, confirmation and experience are our diagnoses. When you've been raised by narcs, have dealt with them your entire life, and been in countless relationships with them, you will know what you're dealing with at some point and all a professional is good at and getting paid for, is to listen and help you navigate the process of breaking the trauma bond and moving on with your life and thriving. You gotta do the work. No one can do that for you. And yes, almost every video on this thread about narcs is flooded with narcs in the comment sections. I've said that many times!!! They love to debate, challenge, and word salad conversations, thriving from the attention, negative or positive, much like you have done with everyone in this section. As much as people want to believe everyone is acting from a place of narcissism to justify their own behaviors, that's just not completely true. If you're not here to encourage, support, or just give positive feedback to those of us who have and still are dealing with abuse, then go to the narcissistic side of youtube and vent there and victim blame, cuz we don't need that kind of foolishness over here.

    • @1stBorn538
      @1stBorn538 2 місяці тому +1

      And assuming someone hasn't gotten help isn't narcissistic? And for some, yes, confirmation and experience are our diagnoses. When you've been raised by narcs, have dealt with them your entire life, and been in countless relationships with them, you will know what you're dealing with at some point and all a professional is good and getting paid for, is to listen and help you navigate the process of breaking the trauma bond and moving on either your life. You gotta do the work. No one can do that for you. And yes, almost every video on this thread about narcs is flooded with narcs in the comment sections. I've said that many times!!! They love to debate, challenge, and word salad conversations, thriving from the attention, negative or positive, much like you have done with everyone in this section. As much as people want to believe everyone is acting from a place of narcissism to justify their own behaviors, that's just not completely true. If you're not here to encourage, support, or just give positive feedback to those of us who have and still are dealing with abuse, then go to the narcissistic side of youtube and vent there and victim blame, cuz we don't need that kind of foolishness over here..

  • @lisajones6839
    @lisajones6839 3 місяці тому +19

    I did have that feeling inside that it was truly over.

    • @LethalWeapon73
      @LethalWeapon73 3 місяці тому +1

      Me also after 7.5 years of separation. He’s come into some $$$ and already gradually pre discarding hopefully he serves me divorce papers. I been ready to sign those papers

  • @meirbookatz8304
    @meirbookatz8304 3 місяці тому +21

    Danish, I just want to say thank you for your videos, they have opened my eyes and helped me place boundaries and start healing from my ex properly. On behalf of everyone healing from narcissistic abuse syndrome, thank you.

  • @ajr7940
    @ajr7940 3 місяці тому +7

    In my experience & research narcs are never really gone. They always linger in the background & many do try to come back & see if you are still open to their bs. It's common 4 narcs to keep their exes around if possible

  • @KellBelle65
    @KellBelle65 2 місяці тому +5

    Mine would purposely pick a fight and then tell me I needed to go visit my family/parents, send me off with the kids for two to three weeks. And then bring me home. He would do this every three to four months.
    When I started understanding some of this behavior, I'd refuse to participate in his manipulation. I'd ask him why he wanted to fight/argue with me. And I'd tell him I refused to argue. That would only infuriate him more. He'd explode and demand I leave immediately. So no matter what he would discard and bring me back. But to the outside world it looked like I was the one leaving and crawling back.

  • @antoinetterocco3701
    @antoinetterocco3701 2 місяці тому +2

    This is 1000% true. I lost so many friends over the smear campaign. I never knew what a narcissist was until I looked up
    Why does
    Someone ignore you for months at a time. That’s how I learned about the disorder. It devastated me to the core. I never thought I would survive this pain. It’s almost five years since the discard. It took all these years of therapy to get me through the worst imaginable thing
    I’d ever been through.. he had everyone convinced I was crazy. His whole family blocked me and mutual friends turned their backs on me. I hope I never see him again as long as I live. He even had the new supply messaging me and told her I was stalking him. I never responded and blocked her. Wait until she finds out she’s next in line to go through what I went through. The worst thing that ever happened to me in my life. Glad he’s gone. Stay away from these monsters.. runnnnn and never look back. Everything that was said in this video is exactly the truth. I am relieved to know there’s people who can help and truly understand what these demons are capable of.

  • @shumikar3895
    @shumikar3895 2 місяці тому +1

    You are like a Blessing to those who is suffering suffered from narcissist

  • @joeb.317
    @joeb.317 2 місяці тому +6

    Shocker, they are done with u once they took everything

  • @beastman.330
    @beastman.330 2 місяці тому +6

    Narcissists have some of the most weirdest ways of sleeping .one of the most annoying I find is open mouth with head tilted all the way back on the pillow.

    • @achiengdeji
      @achiengdeji Місяць тому +1


    • @dopeblacktherapist
      @dopeblacktherapist 10 днів тому +1

      Omg the truth here 😅

    • @debbiefloresbrown5317
      @debbiefloresbrown5317 6 днів тому

      What the hell?? Lol ... They must be letting in all the demons through their open mouth! Just like a horror movies ...omg that's disgusting 🤢

  • @Catherine--Gentry765
    @Catherine--Gentry765 3 місяці тому +155

    I love the grounded reality of this channel!!!
    Retirement took a toll on my finances, but with my involvement in the digital market, $27,000 weekly returns has been life changing. AWESOME GOD🌹🌹🌹🙏

    • @enrique-villa
      @enrique-villa 3 місяці тому

      I'm 37 and have been looking for ways to be successful, please how??

    • @Catherine--Gentry765
      @Catherine--Gentry765 3 місяці тому

      Thanks to my co-worker (Alex) who suggested Ms Claudia Ann Brandon.

    • @Catherine--Gentry765
      @Catherine--Gentry765 3 місяці тому

      She's a licensed broker in the states 🇺🇸

    • @Catherine--Gentry765
      @Catherine--Gentry765 3 місяці тому

      After I raised up to 325k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸 also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.

    • @TeresitaSolis-
      @TeresitaSolis- 3 місяці тому

      Can't imagine earning $85,000 biweekly, God bless Ms Claudia Ann Brandon , God bless America 🇺🇸♥️

  • @barbararoberts7082
    @barbararoberts7082 3 місяці тому +4

    I ended up being the one that "got away" from him. He's finally moved on to his next victim.

  • @MixYourWay
    @MixYourWay 3 місяці тому +4

    Once it gets nasty and fearless, it's final discard time. It doesn't mean she's done with you anyway. The smear camp will go on basically forever.

  • @elizabethramos1325
    @elizabethramos1325 3 місяці тому +9

    I literally feel like you are telling my story word for word. I feel that my heart has been tore out of my chest, like am going to die and he walks around happy as can be my children and I are hurting so much & he doesn't care at all

    • @EastmanEditing
      @EastmanEditing 3 місяці тому +1

      I'm so glad you're free of him though! And I know it's hard, but please just know that narcs can NEVER actually be happy. It's all an act. I know you probably know this, but it can't hurt to hear over and over! When I was dealing with my narc I kept questioning everything until it finally sunk in and clicked one day...and ever since that day, I haven't shed a single tear! Truly! I can look back and just shake my head, sometimes I can even laugh. Mostly I just feel bad for whoever they ended up marrying. (They seem like a really nice person...because narcs always choose a good supply, which means someone kind hearted and selfless. Too bad I am actually not quite as "nice" as I appear at first glance lol. Meaning I did NOT take crap for very long! (But can admit I took it too took a close friend and my family convincing me that I wasn't crazy to finally cut them out of my life completely in one fell swoop!)
      But all that to say, I am SO sorry you're going through the tough emotions, as good as it is to be free of your narc. Keep telling yourself that the reason you feel like you're going to die is because you actually have a heart and a soul. This man does NOT! And he's in "actor" mode now trying to win over his new supply (if he hasn't already.) But a narc does not feel true joy, love or happiness. You can be assured their smiles are all hollow and are only for show. They may have a "fun" time for a month or two, but they never have "happy" times.
      What helped me was to just keep watching videos like this and listen to other people's stories so I felt less alone and less crazy. Eventually, like I said, I woke up one day and the grief was gone! It took a little while of course, but it WILL come for you too. Having kids makes it that much tougher, but just keep reminding them that nothing he does is their fault. If he doesn't have shared custody, it's also ok to gently start talking to them about narc abuse (if they're old enough to understand of course). And if they're too young, a good therapist or even school counselor can help them at least talk through some of their emotions in a specific way to encourage healing. Sending you healing vibes! Hang in there...surviving a narc is one thing I can assure you DOES get better. It won't be as painful as it is right now for very much longer now that you've discovered the truth behind what's really going on

    • @nextupafrica9897
      @nextupafrica9897 2 місяці тому

      My exact same story. He is living his best life. Hang in there. It will get better. It is for me me and my kids, slowly, every day

  • @rosameijering5161
    @rosameijering5161 3 місяці тому +10

    He did not talk to me for a.year, now send me a message again as if nothing happened. I just did not anwser and will not anwser

    • @cherylmarriott7109
      @cherylmarriott7109 3 місяці тому +2

      Mine to 😂 6 months after he ran id with my cousin. 🤣🤣 Never would I give him a ounce of my time.

  • @janvisingh3464
    @janvisingh3464 Місяць тому

    A narcissist and his girlfriend just made my life hell, I wish I knew how to deal with these demons back then. Thanks for raising awareness about these kind of people

  • @ABC-ui9cm
    @ABC-ui9cm Місяць тому

    I have grown up in a conventional family with four brothers, being the only daughter and the youngest. Yes, we had out internal family feuds, sibling rivalry and all that, but all that never affected me much because I was able to function as a normal person, work, party and enjoy myself, had great friends, everything was fine. Nothing killed my spirit, any incident. But when I met him, and married him, I didint realise until now that I am good for nothing. I lost myself, I dont know if I will ever be able to rise back up. Yes there was physical abuse of the worst kind everytime I called him out on his behaviour, but somehow what has impacted me is the mental and emotional abuse. I just cant believe how I allowed that to happen, why did I ? I wish I could erase the last 7 years of my life. Forget about finding supplies after the separation, he had them while he was with me. Those blatant lies, that shrewd sense of confidence, the arrogance. its all demonic.

  • @bellanegrin3915
    @bellanegrin3915 3 місяці тому +2

    Yes, my ex-husband was completely as you described; however, it was extremely severe because he had no one to replace me with. He caused me to lose my career, stole every penny from me, forged my name on so many money related documents that were unknown to me or my attorney until after the judge stamped the papers, he stalked me until I filed a police report, sabotaged my car, and so many other evil things, even eluding to the safety of my life. My life was hell for fifteen years, and it took three years to get the divorce finalized. And the behavior didn't stop there. It continued for a couple of more years. Penniless, I had to find a way to move away. In fact, one of my children does not want me to come visit him because if his father finds out I am anywhere in the vicinity, he is afraid for me. So he has to travel to come visit me instead.

  • @rashidarowe7882
    @rashidarowe7882 3 місяці тому +3

    I am a avoidant so that narc chases me, I love him but I discarded him and i do not reach out no matter what.

  • @LaShawnDenise
    @LaShawnDenise 3 місяці тому +2

    Found out the truth last week to why he discarded me in March. He still hoovered me up until then. Doubt he’ll be back now. He blocked me everywhere.

  • @christinanorthfleet6473
    @christinanorthfleet6473 3 місяці тому +3

    „Legally, you can’t take action. „ The legal system has to change. I talked to a lawyer, and he said he couldn’t do anything, even though the impact was high. I could not accept a better-paying position in time as I developed depression. If he had stolen money from me, it would have been a different story. In the end, I was told that I would find a new man soon, which I found insulting.“

    • @heygyal
      @heygyal 2 місяці тому

      It's so infuriating, what they take it worse than stealing anything let alone money.

  • @EdwardHaren
    @EdwardHaren 2 місяці тому +1

    I set my boundry, i will not let her come back .

  • @heleyy
    @heleyy Місяць тому

    I’ve never felt this kind of pain before.

  • @larshesthaven5828
    @larshesthaven5828 3 місяці тому +4

    The worst for me is my daughter who the demonic narc monster is now destroying in the most horrible and mean way just to hurt me...and talking behind my back doing her toxic and sick smear campains

    • @Sam-2359
      @Sam-2359 3 місяці тому +2

      Same, it's been 3 years since I've seen my grandchildren. We were very close and my heart breaks for them and myself. When I cut the money off out of necessity, I was no longer of use to her. Of course her version is different and very defaming of me to all her friends. I spoiled her rotten and was still giving her money at 29 years old. I have no choice but to go on with my life. Maybe one day she will come to her senses, not holding my breath.

    • @ErikAdalbertvanNagel
      @ErikAdalbertvanNagel 3 місяці тому

      It's the parents' fault the child become a narc by either heavily neglecting or heavily spoiling them.

    • @Sam-2359
      @Sam-2359 3 місяці тому

      @ErikAdalbertvanNagel thanks doc

  • @gracesanity6314
    @gracesanity6314 3 місяці тому +2

    I dodged an atom bomb. It has forever changed me for the good. He's new supply is a lovely women l have met her many times. But God love her. I knew she has low self esteem...when l asked her how she likes her name (unusual name) said. She turned to him for the answer. I was so shocked. He met a women who he knows he can cheat on. She will forgive him and stay. What one calls the "cool girl" . She will put up with all the drama, manipulation and toxicness. He's new therapist and Mama. That's her growth unfortunately. I am in gratitude l got away.

  • @violettabicycletta331
    @violettabicycletta331 3 місяці тому

    You are so accurate every thing you say is what I have lived in my entire life with 2 important relationships with narcissists .

  • @BonitaHighley-el4ed
    @BonitaHighley-el4ed 3 місяці тому +2

    ex nard told me to leave, i filed for divorce, he illegally evicted me and our son, we moved out, he knocks on my door, giving gifts, our eviction records end in august, we are going to move away asap.

  • @biteynibbles8444
    @biteynibbles8444 3 місяці тому +1

    So true. I didn't think my ex was a narcissist at all. After 5 years of love & dating, and ready to move in together, my doctor said my ex gave me vd. My client (an ex stripper, no less) showed me numerous people online he was sleeping with, including his ignorant *gangsta" BM. After I told him about the disease he gave me (I was 100% loyal), he blew up & denied everything. When I showed him proof, he laughed. I broke it off, and ya, he basically framed ME as a stalker to his family & friends. There is NO WAY he wants the truth to get out in Inglewood that he was dating, loving, & lying to a white woman behind everyones' back. He made ME out to be a stalker, when I was the one who broke up with his diseased f'd up life azz. I admit my crime: I fell devoted in love with a man who pretended to be loyal. I surely will never do that again. Count on it.

  • @bewinged1
    @bewinged1 2 місяці тому

    What you say about narcissists is so true. Its a shame they dont want help for a mental illness which predisposes them to do drugs, alcohol abuse, to stealing, jail, and prison. Our prisons and jails are all full of ppl with NPD. Five years or more of psychotherapy and desire to not be controlled by NPD can help them. The disorder can be controlled.

  • @LovelyDaisy-r1g
    @LovelyDaisy-r1g 2 місяці тому +1

    I was recently love bombed like crazy then out of no where the one who promised me forever and all these luxury things and places we’ll see and go switched his feel off in the blink of an eye, It caused me to Stalk him, Self Harm, Lose out in work and ended up in a psych hospital, I could shake it he did me wrong but I was the one begging him back I couldn’t understand the coldness I wanted that love again I just called over 300 times in 3 weeks begging pleading crying I couldn’t sleep eat talk I isolated I wanted it back how could he hurt me then turn everything on me? Was it my fault? I should’ve just keep my mouth shut,, I went into a down world spiral that even God couldn’t get me out, But I’m here today even though a big pet of me is dying for that validation that I wasn’t crazy and that apology I know I deserved I’m here to rebuild myself I have a long way to go but I’m here I don’t know how this will happen but I’m going to try

    • @LovelyDaisy-r1g
      @LovelyDaisy-r1g Місяць тому

      UPDATE I no longer care lol and in my healing stage not just from him but from all men, I’m felling extremely hopeful and spiritually, There are times where I revert back to a hurt place but immediately overcome it with prayer and prayer only, I’m not in no contact I’m in we’ll never speak again contact and we’ll never meet again contact lol Stay blessed guys

  • @thomaslove7560
    @thomaslove7560 2 місяці тому

    My mom's resources have always meant more to me than her love. It's cycles of abandonment gift bombs. Bringing me to rage. Love is understanding and she has none

  • @Lambert7785
    @Lambert7785 2 місяці тому

    - there was a kind of blankness -and then inwardly, I said, "it's over". the lesson I learned was that you can fall in love with charming people, but if they have been abused severely enough as children, you can't save them - and a lot more clarity about the fact that mostly, people are on a trajectory, and it cannot be changed; particularly if they see no reason to change it :)

  • @oilyskinguru
    @oilyskinguru 2 місяці тому +1

    I am unsure if my bf has another supply. He just asked for space because he is grieving. Everytime I ask him if he's with someone else so I can leave him and let her have him. He said there's no one and I'm just a paranoid wreck.

  • @jorgemarquezzepeda8179
    @jorgemarquezzepeda8179 3 місяці тому +1

    I think this is the final for my wife.. I finally called her out on her treatment/ abuse and her infidelities... now she's playing the victim.. and being the sad one now

  • @bonitas.7106
    @bonitas.7106 Місяць тому

    You have to learn how to protect yourself. You were just too innocent.❤❤❤

  • @bluebirdflyinglow
    @bluebirdflyinglow 3 місяці тому +5

    Great video.

  • @dixienormus8693
    @dixienormus8693 3 місяці тому

    This episode really helped me with what i am going through at the moment!! Thank you Danish!!!!

  • @raymondkress3366
    @raymondkress3366 3 місяці тому +3

    ❤❤❤You are so right!!!

  • @Jessica-J.ones.
    @Jessica-J.ones. 3 місяці тому +2

    They discard you completely when you stop giving them the tormented attention they so crave. Im done playing these games. He needs to be to.

  • @elkebanhart7045
    @elkebanhart7045 3 місяці тому +1

    Actually when I was blocked and deleted...
    I knew there was something going on...
    But I couldn't put a finger on that cruel missbehaviour....🧐

  • @rodahmusyoka831
    @rodahmusyoka831 3 місяці тому +6

    ❤Thankyou so much .

  • @byeaccount1941
    @byeaccount1941 3 місяці тому +3

    im about to lose my mind.... i went back with her after a 6 month break, it lastet for 2 days and endet so fucking bad......
    like i just dont understand her behavior....
    im so done with life...... im tired....
    guess schizophrenia + Narcissm = run away

  • @jennifer21jt
    @jennifer21jt 2 місяці тому +1

    This video .....nailed it!

  • @duck9886
    @duck9886 2 місяці тому +1

    Idk how tf to get away from him!! I been trying for months. They just show up whenever they want and he scares me so bad!

  • @Thatnorcalgirl0416
    @Thatnorcalgirl0416 3 місяці тому +1

    It's been nearly a year since the ghosting and he's with someone else, so I figure it's final.

  • @lili17912
    @lili17912 3 місяці тому +1

    He manipulatively ,repetatedly discourages his partner also regarding the religious field,if he sees that his partner has or could have support there,even in his own faith.

  • @neal-stewart834
    @neal-stewart834 3 місяці тому +1

    when he found out that i knew what he is. i beleive, that made me think it was the final discord is this common ?

    • @neal-stewart834
      @neal-stewart834 2 місяці тому

      @@entity0x bet u are right i's my only son so hard

  • @carinweldon6907
    @carinweldon6907 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you! ❤

  • @cd9260
    @cd9260 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for this video, it is really helpful.

  • @IsabellaPiesch
    @IsabellaPiesch 3 місяці тому +1

    It is never right to listen to one side of a story. So I personally would never do that. You get a shell of yourself if you are with a narcissist - if you leave you will get yourself back step by step.

  • @elianadesiderio9696
    @elianadesiderio9696 2 місяці тому +1

    It’s a final discard when after exposing your limits about kind of relationship you want (so not occasionally sex) in general speaking , and then he blocked you on instagram and delete your number from their phone without blocking it but leaving you on Snapchat ….?

  • @simonahandschuh6651
    @simonahandschuh6651 2 місяці тому

    How is it possible that they fool so many people? Especially when those around them are intelligent, I mean how can a narc tell that his/ her x is crazy and in divorce situations get on his/ her ex about children, goods and so one without the other partner, getting a rid of it? I am a bit baffled here even more when knowing that narcs are generally having relations with people not that dumb.. thx for enlightening this a bit.
    You're super, Mister, thx for all

  • @debraannedimezza8075
    @debraannedimezza8075 2 місяці тому

    Mine told me the entire four years I was OK before I met you. It was great when I met you and I’ll be fine without you. How do you build a relationship on that statement? It’s impossible and everything he said was true. It’s 23 months and he’s fine, and I’m left in a heap on the floor

  • @christineswick5977
    @christineswick5977 3 місяці тому +3

    Never the final discard until victim says no more. Not the marcissist

  • @Boosted86
    @Boosted86 Місяць тому

    I personally don’t agree with that, mine deleted me, blocked me and didn’t talk to me for 3 years, not even in the slightest, I honestly thought it was the last time but then out of no where she adds me back on socials and starts talking again

  • @Racinas
    @Racinas 3 місяці тому +1

    They are very charming from the outside and threy everything to keep up his own created but not existing symapthy… its hard when you met people because of him and started to like them because you can be sure they will never believe what you are saying. They never. And you cant blame them, these people are getting the same taste of manipulation like we did when we first met. But we all know the real person behind that mask

  • @RikhiaMoitra
    @RikhiaMoitra Місяць тому

    Is there any online one to one session can be booked ? @danish

  • @shumikar3895
    @shumikar3895 2 місяці тому

    Thanku so much...

  • @alice-hp7dh
    @alice-hp7dh 2 місяці тому

    Don't know what to do. I've tried to leave him many many times but he always came back at my door and because of my feelings, I've allow him to access my body and my mind.
    When I've blocked him it was worse because he popped up to my place randomly.
    We saw on Sunday, one week ago and spent the entire afternoon together ( usually he gave me just two or three hours ) and after that he disappeared. No communication no meeting.
    It's been almost six month that he was "committed" to me and we stood in contact every two days maximun.
    I've asked him previously to leave with love, a hug a kiss and goodbye, due to the fact that he said he didn't love me. But he never accepted.
    So why he is so coward?!
    I have his key house.
    Do I have to put the key in the mailbox and block him?
    Too easy for him...if so he don't have to confront me and it is unfair

  • @kiaraharris826
    @kiaraharris826 2 місяці тому +1

    All true

  • @chatsu5441
    @chatsu5441 3 місяці тому

    Thank you for this truthful

  • @vibrantreadings6742
    @vibrantreadings6742 3 місяці тому

    Yeah, they are done.

  • @Eln9380
    @Eln9380 2 місяці тому

    You’re describing borderline personality. And untreated borderline personality is masked with NPD.

  • @Dragonheart325
    @Dragonheart325 3 місяці тому

    Thank you 🙏

  • @shobhanababu9891
    @shobhanababu9891 13 днів тому

    Hello sir, how can I meet you. Kindly giv the contact for advice

  • @funnytina3539
    @funnytina3539 2 місяці тому +1

    Its not love relationship... totally planned battle....

  • @mimap275
    @mimap275 3 місяці тому

    Thank you🎉🎉

  • @ReginaBond-r2n
    @ReginaBond-r2n 2 місяці тому

    No such thing is a “final” discard” they will always come back

  • @ediecook8491
    @ediecook8491 Місяць тому

    My sons are all three and they're 30s now and they remember that their father kicked them in the crotch which broke my heart because that is below the belt

  • @LatishaKing-nt7tn
    @LatishaKing-nt7tn Місяць тому

    Word of advice ignore the narcissist the flying monkeys and the family members too. Go find a new family and friends that the narcissist doesn't talk to.😊

  • @ajithero6548
    @ajithero6548 2 місяці тому

    Exactly what's going in my life fuckin every words are for her

  • @zippy6184
    @zippy6184 3 місяці тому

    If you tell a narcissist😊

  • @gabriellewhalley1328
    @gabriellewhalley1328 Місяць тому

    I like your accent.

  • @luxuriousfir
    @luxuriousfir 3 місяці тому +1


  • @deloresgrey2260
    @deloresgrey2260 3 місяці тому


  • @gabriellewhalley1328
    @gabriellewhalley1328 Місяць тому

    If they monkey branched and discarded

  • @TaraJones-p8f
    @TaraJones-p8f 2 місяці тому

    Not under emotional abuse punitive damages an. Mental diress an if messed with finances financial abuse different than punitive damages look it up. If don't believe me

  • @MacJank7
    @MacJank7 3 місяці тому +234

    They may discard us but they will always remain a narcissist

    • @tinaureta9891
      @tinaureta9891 3 місяці тому +6

      Hahaha!! Yes Indeed!

    • @Nani-wm2kn
      @Nani-wm2kn 3 місяці тому +11

      They don't care about it.

    • @kgs2280
      @kgs2280 3 місяці тому +6

      That’s what got me through my breakup with the narcissist. I left him, but I still thought about him all the time. I found out he married another woman and I thought, good, he’s someone else’s problem now, not mine. I didn’t need that narcissistic abuse back in my life. But I did feel sorry for her.

    • @MrGodgivemeaname
      @MrGodgivemeaname 3 місяці тому +1

      @kgs2280 but you literally sound like the narcissistic one here... It sounds like he moved on with his life and is loved and happy while you are bitter and alone, stuck being your own problem...

    • @kgs2280
      @kgs2280 3 місяці тому +3

      @@MrGodgivemeaname You couldn’t be more wrong. A few months after I left him, I met a wonderful man who showed me what love really looks like, and we were married some months after that. I don’t know how soon the old boyfriend got married, but I only heard about it a few years later. I was long over him by that time.

  • @debraannedimezza8075
    @debraannedimezza8075 2 місяці тому

    Mine told me the entire four years I was OK before I met you. It was great when I met you and I’ll be fine without you. How do you build a relationship on that statement? It’s impossible and everything he said was true. It’s 23 months and he’s fine, and I’m left in a heap on the floor

  • @user-dz7pi5wi6t
    @user-dz7pi5wi6t 3 місяці тому +129

    When they no longer have a need/use of you, they will smear and discard you. They are always looking for new supply.

  • @sandyberger-r9j
    @sandyberger-r9j 3 місяці тому +175

    The only final discard happens when you realize the narc is not worth it- not your love, your time, your effort. When you finally decide to go no contact and disappear from the narc’s life.