The Anticipated Battlefront Re-Release | Star Wars Battlefront: Classic Collection

  • Опубліковано 16 бер 2024
  • Ігри


  • @EJPugh1331
    @EJPugh1331 3 місяці тому +37

    The biggest disappointment for me. Was that loading screen music? My heart broke when I heard the change and I can't understand why they would do that.

  • @-Tom.Waits.But.I.Dont-
    @-Tom.Waits.But.I.Dont- 3 місяці тому +22

    i totally see the console appeal, but it's definitely mostly redundant on pc

  • @evanmixon1808
    @evanmixon1808 3 місяці тому +7

    I love your reaction to the loading screen music was the same as mine lmfao

  • @darthcerebus
    @darthcerebus 3 місяці тому +6

    Man, every time something comes out, I end up having barely any issues and can't understand what people are talking about until I see their gameplay and just don't understand why I NEVER have any issues other people have. I had 2 issues apart from the cutscenes not loading in properly, and it was on 2 specific levels and no others, and even then 1 of them was a visual glitch I can't replicate.

    • @ciudad1696
      @ciudad1696  3 місяці тому +4

      Then I'm glad, genuinely glad, that you aren't having many issues

  • @BasementBoyStudiosGaming
    @BasementBoyStudiosGaming 3 місяці тому +16

    7:15 That clone just YEETED himself.

    • @flyinryan1459
      @flyinryan1459 3 місяці тому +3


    • @edwardjoseph8007
      @edwardjoseph8007 3 місяці тому +1

      It's customary to throw yourself off the edge of the map right as the victory screen hits based on most of the steam servers I've played

    • @certifiedteasipper292
      @certifiedteasipper292 3 місяці тому +1

      That's just called sticky reticle which was on the console version already

    • @lostworld4618
      @lostworld4618 3 місяці тому


  • @Scout819
    @Scout819 3 місяці тому +3

    They actually just released a patch for PC today(currently testing on Switch/PS/Xbox- it's up to those companies right now), and one of the things fixed is the loading screen in BF1

  • @SwankyJami
    @SwankyJami 3 місяці тому +11

    Watching this reminds me of that scene in The Simpsons where Bart is replaying when Ralph's heart breaks

  • @benmunoz2766
    @benmunoz2766 3 місяці тому +46

    This game needs an update to make the online play balanced and actually playable so bad. I'm enjoying single player but knowing online was coming was my selling point.

    • @chuckBauer2k23
      @chuckBauer2k23 3 місяці тому +2

      Have you noticed any AI issues? The polis massa mission all the stormtroopers besides me were sitting in the one room, and not going to the underground thing

    • @benmunoz2766
      @benmunoz2766 3 місяці тому +3

      @chuckBauer2k23 Yes, that too it feels like you need to get the majority of the kills in order to beat the levels because your allies are just standing around. I'm not sure if that was happening in the earlier versions.

    • @chuckBauer2k23
      @chuckBauer2k23 3 місяці тому +2

      @@benmunoz2766 no that’s a new thing unfortunately

    • @russianoverkill3715
      @russianoverkill3715 3 місяці тому +1

      Just play original bf2 2005, it has much better mutliplayer

    • @MrBsberzerker
      @MrBsberzerker 3 місяці тому

      It doesn't need to be balanced it's fine as it is.

  • @th3exceptionexception452
    @th3exceptionexception452 3 місяці тому +10

    I definitely agree with this review. I like the visual upgrades and that even in single player you can play hero assualt on every map and use the dlc characters. With the mp being so bad though and the price point I would say its not really worth it right now. I still do like it, but i would say either wait for a sale, buy the originals, or wait until the issues are fixed
    Also, they really need to fix the loading screen sound on the first battlefront. I honestly would rather that be fixed than multipleplayer 😂

  • @cynoflads
    @cynoflads 3 місяці тому +6

    Using his World from Sonic 06 fits very very well

    • @ciudad1696
      @ciudad1696  3 місяці тому +4

      I've been waiting for a video to use that song

  • @somecommonsense4647
    @somecommonsense4647 3 місяці тому +8

    So you probably won't even see this but I wanted to talk about my experiences with this collection.
    Prior to this release I played 100 hours of Battlefront 1, Battlefront 1 being ironically my favorite due to the battles feeling more epic and strategic, and about 65 hours of Battlefront 2. All on my PS2 which was the less optimal way to play the games due to bad resolution.
    And they were all right, I'll beat both of the campaigns on the hardest settings and didn't really have any major issues with my time with the game. However what people forget about Battlefront 1 and 2 is the fact that these games didn't release 100% balanced to begin with. There were class favoritism issues, some classes being more prioritized over others, and after a while Space Battles became very repetitive. However it's all in good fun because the game feels like a video game and for the time it released a lot of this was so impressive on a technical scale.
    Now I just completed the Clone campaign in Battlefront 1 again in the classic collection, again I played on hard and the game feels so much better. They have tweaked the AI a bit and when they work they seem to try different strategies instead of just steamrolling you all the time. I've seen them group together and push certain command posts over others, I've seen them hunkered down and guarding specific locations, and I've seen them actually defend their Heroes and vehicles more often. All this makes the first game feel so much better along with the improved 60 frames per second. And I believe the improved frame rate and changes to certain things is what is making the game feel so bad online. They've changed so much about the game but they didn't optimize the game to run with those changes well, and that is what is causing how many issues online.
    And I've only played about maybe 3 or 4 hours of the online and on PS4 it ran pretty well, only experiencing a few glitches and almost no latency. However I do say that official servers need to bump up the unit count and possibly tweak certain classes to be less favored. And it does help if you have already multiplayer experience in other games, because grasping the core concept in this game is super easy. I was consistently top three on the leaderboard and I played multiple matches in Battlefront 1 and a few matches in Battlefront 2. Battlefront 2 is the game that seems to have the most glitches and problems with it, and I really do think they needed to optimize the second one even more than the first one. The only glitch I encountered that was necessarily game-breaking was an audio glitch that made every sound non-existent, and the only way to fix it is to go back to the launcher and then relaunch the game. Battlefront 2 single player feels great play and they have done the same AI update to the second game as well. In fact the second game feels a lot more harder on Elite then the original PS2. And I have noticed some AI issues with them trying to do the new strategies on certain Maps, probably because those Maps really favor the old strategies the AI used. There are still some similarities like the choke points on Masa being the only place the battles will actually take place. So some aspects of the game still retain it's fun but unbalanced nature.
    As for the Battlefront 2 multiplayer, it's kind of garbage. I didn't experience any major issues with the game, but I did experience the fast matches and the long wait times between getting back into the action. It got to the point where I just decided to make my own match and set it up exactly how I thought the games would be most balanced and fun, and lo and behold I actually had a full server of 32. And we played for about an hour and 15 minutes with almost no issues.
    350 ticket seems to be the perfect amount to compensate for real people playing The Objective. And taking the player count from 64 to a Max of 32 seem to fix most of the latency issues. Heroes still played funky and I wish they had given them actual health bars in typical multiplayer than the stupid timer system, as they tend to die too fast and you can't really strategize with them aside from just running into The Fray and killing everything before you die.
    But my only real gripes with the game are issues with the single player balancing in Star Wars Battlefront II and some severe balancing issues on dedicated servers in Battlefront and Battlefront II.
    Also don't care about cross play but would have loved to see them at Co-op to the galactic Conquest because I have had friends who would love to strategize with me and build their armies to see who can truly conquer the Battlefront faster. My final thoughts is the fact that the game launched quite bad, is it as gut wrenching as everyone is making it out to be- I don't think so, but it is something they need to work on if they want this game to continue to be popular and to be played. I love the single player changes and can get used to the other issues now that the game feels so smooth to play, but if they want modern audiences to enjoy the multiplayer and to keep the multiplayer from feeling like it's unfair, they need to balance it a little bit more and make a few small sensible changes.
    Raise the ticket count, balance the units a little bit more, give the heroes an actual health bar outside of hero assault, and maybe even raise the health of traditional units a little bit so that each player can play them how they want to but aren't punished too severely by trying new strategies with their favorite classes. But again this all applies to the actual online multiplayer, as I think single player is balanced well enough and with the new changes is plenty difficult on its own right.
    My final thoughts is I love how Battlefront 1 plays now and the multiplayer is fine.
    Battlefront 2 is fine in the single player and the online needs to be optimized a lot more before I consider it to be as best as it can be. But in my opinion right now I suggest sticking with Battlefront 1 for the majority of your multiplayer experience and only hop on Battlefront 2 if you want to make your own custom server and have some friends to join. This isn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be but it is a poor launch from one of my favorite publishers. They have overestimated how much people actually adore this game and that has caused them to lose massive reputation. They should have done more but the thing is we do have this game finally on Modern consoles and on PS4 it ran find the most part.

    • @ciudad1696
      @ciudad1696  3 місяці тому +3

      I think your point about the optimization for the higher framerate and everything is a good observation. But on the multiplayer side, it sound like we've had inverse experience. Every major issue I had was on the Battlefront 1 side of things whereas 2 was a lot better. Now, that could come down to anything, even us playing the game on different consoles. But I'll be curious to hop back into both games and see if there's anything else I notice

    • @somecommonsense4647
      @somecommonsense4647 3 місяці тому

      @@ciudad1696 Yeah I can see that, but if you're ever on Battlefront 1 or 2 look for a server named HaveFun. I typically play the game online at night when I know I don't have to do any more work or anything like that. My issues might be minor but they are still there and I don't know how I would experience the game playing with someone from a different console generation. As most of my lobbies I joined were people specifically playing on PS4 alongside me. But I try to host a Lobby when I'm feeling up for it so that players who do want to play late at night don't have to constantly worried about the host leaving or deal with a really bad ticket count in official

    • @vruxdrossgaming
      @vruxdrossgaming 2 місяці тому

      The last update unfortunately bugged out reward weapons for Battlefront 2 Classic.

  • @Asgero
    @Asgero 2 місяці тому +2

    I never played battlefront 1, but now that i have it's my favorite battlefront

    • @ciudad1696
      @ciudad1696  2 місяці тому +2

      Honestly, Battlefront 1 has better maps. I like two more overall, but 1 often gets overlooked

    • @Asgero
      @Asgero 2 місяці тому +2

      @@ciudad1696 totally agree, but I suck at tps and love the first person in battlefront one, especially the vehicles its impressive to be able to see the inside of stuff you other wise wouldn't EDIT:thanks for the heart man

  • @jarrodedson5441
    @jarrodedson5441 3 місяці тому +7

    Dune Part 1 and 2 are amazing

  • @Letcaster
    @Letcaster 3 місяці тому +2

    Well because of you I realized the finals came out on Xbox and heard nothing about it.

  • @WillWork4Cheese
    @WillWork4Cheese 3 місяці тому +6

    Bro Aspyr left the server on that BF1 Geonosis game lmao

  • @christy1819
    @christy1819 3 місяці тому +3

    This makes me glad I don’t have photosensitivity as part of my seizure salad, lol.
    But I do really hate the trend companies have been falling into where they knowingly release buggy, laggy, and incomplete games (especially with bad multiplayer). Companies know that they’re releasing “bad” games. I’m glad, like you said, they can be fixed in post, but in most other industries, you wouldn’t sell someone a bad product and then say “Oh, bring it back in three weeks and we’ll fix part of the issue”. It makes me really grateful for developers like Toby Fox and ConcernedApe who have delayed updates and releases explicitly because they want to make sure they’re the best. (Speaking of which, new Stardew update comes out on the 19th for PC, and a few weeks later for the Switch)

  • @danworsham6140
    @danworsham6140 2 місяці тому +1

    Ah yes, a new funny man to add to my lists

  • @sydant
    @sydant 3 місяці тому +3

    If it helps any the devs have already come out and said they are working to balance this out. One of the more common issues as well is textures don't load properly. I'm honestly shocked there wasn't any space battles in this as that has some bug issues with planets not loading properly and looking terrible at times.
    I wholeheartedly agree with your point of the state of the video game industry being greedy and releasing games too soon only to push an update after launch. It's a shame really but also the fact that we can is also really awesome to see. I hope this update fixes a lot of these bugs and I'm crossing my fingers that one day this game will be exactly what we have been asking for. For the time being I am going to just play single player until the issue gets fixed, if it does. Unfortunately, with me being on PS5, there is no backwards compatibility option or even a way to purchase older games like this so as of now this is my only way of enjoying the game again. It's not a bad game, but it does need some attention from Aspyr. I am hoping these updates truly fix the game and I hope they actually give us the compressed BF1 loading screen

  • @anthonylis7646
    @anthonylis7646 3 місяці тому +1

    It’s working pretty good now last nights update was great

  • @tyrantxii1095
    @tyrantxii1095 3 місяці тому +1

    Switch seems to have the best performance currently but an update is coming to consoles which should fix majority of the issues

  • @chico_Olares
    @chico_Olares 3 місяці тому +2

    Sorry to hear that the game isn’t polished, I do hope this game gets a update that fixes these problem so that other people you included can enjoy the multiplayer. I do agree with your review, may your day be good, stay safe ciudad.

  • @jaredmatthews9403
    @jaredmatthews9403 3 місяці тому +2

    Literally my only problem is the loading screen tone they just repeated the initial one twice. Who decided that?

  • @vruxdrossgaming
    @vruxdrossgaming 2 місяці тому +1

    Played the new update, I've done unlocked some of the award stuff permanently for Singleplayer and it no longer works properly. I have to earn everything all over again, Ai in Battlefront 1 got a lot tougher than they were at release. Which can be good, but now the Singleplayer is more broken than the few issues it had at launch. Aspyr just can't win.

  • @zanekorvek8643
    @zanekorvek8643 3 місяці тому +3

    This is the first time for it to be on playstation 4 and 5 also switch

  • @lostworld4618
    @lostworld4618 3 місяці тому +1

    I think you're pretty great at the game

  • @malvi616
    @malvi616 2 місяці тому

    You know what’s crazy bro, the realest reason why it’s disappointing is because the issues that your experiencing online was the same in 2005 lol. They have time to fix it but it is an old game with a lot going on. Hopefully they fix it

  • @Perceval777
    @Perceval777 3 місяці тому

    You didn't notice that half of the cutscenes in the campaign inverted controls for starships are missing? Also, I'm glad you didn't experience countless audio glitches like I did, I had mute blaster fire and horrendous background noise out of nowhere, especially in ship hangars, I couldn't enjoy the game even in Single Player. Also, the screen glitch after your character dies literally made me sick. :(

  • @TheMock5000
    @TheMock5000 3 місяці тому

    I'm genuinely sad about the state of the game. I didn't get this on principle of not buying a new release at launch (because games always release unfinished and buggy now), but i kinda knew something like this would happen. And something else you didnt look at, apparently bf2 doesn't have the ending cutscenes for missions. So that finale cutscene? Gone. Regret and shame at knowing Aayla would die? Gone.
    I also have bf2 on steam, so there really wasn't a reason for me to get the collection.

  • @vruxdrossgaming
    @vruxdrossgaming 3 місяці тому +2

    If they just delayed it for a week or two to polish everything out, then it would've been fine, the 501st cutscenes missing is my biggest gripe with the collection and hopefully that issue is fixed soon, I dunno if they had problems working with 20 year old code, I'm just glad you aren't giving it too much negative flak like everyone else and being more open minded, the enemy Ai definitely got a noticeable improvement too, they're more aggressive and smarter too while also playing the objective. Anyway see you in the next one bud and tank you for your honest thoughts.

    • @ciudad1696
      @ciudad1696  3 місяці тому +3

      I'm sorry, WHATS MISSING?!? You mean to tell me the cutscenes are missing from Rise of the Empire?!

    • @vruxdrossgaming
      @vruxdrossgaming 3 місяці тому +2

      @@ciudad1696 The ending cutscenes to each mission.

    • @vruxdrossgaming
      @vruxdrossgaming 3 місяці тому +2

      @ciudad1696 I dunno if it's a bug or what.

    • @robseymour1844
      @robseymour1844 3 місяці тому +2

      I read somewhere that they were in it but the day 1 patch removed them for some reason. It's a real shame but I'm hoping this is the case so it can be patched back in!

    • @Spitfire-nm6ic
      @Spitfire-nm6ic 3 місяці тому

      I do have two gripes about the ai and they pertain to battlefront 2. I like to run ai vs ai galactic conquests and I noticed that on certain maps like utapau the ai won't push past the first 3 bases they capture when the enemy team drops down to their last couple of dudes and the naboo theed corner is still an issue from the original version

  • @Alcarus06
    @Alcarus06 3 місяці тому +2

    I somewhat expected the game to have its compactions. Dew to how many people talk about controversy about it but it hurts to see it perform so poorly on launch I hope it improves in the future then I might buy it but for now I'll stick with pc steam release.

  • @HansiKlein
    @HansiKlein 3 місяці тому +1

    Finally.. best thing on Sunday!

  • @grayflaneur4854
    @grayflaneur4854 3 місяці тому +1

    It rhymes... one bad release after another. All I ever hear is how great it is... frankly I grow tired of snarky UA-camrs telling me how great these two games are. Frankly, EAs efforts became Art. Makes me enjoy those efforts all the more. I do get the nostalgia. Its fun and there is a lot of content to play around with.

  • @lostworld4618
    @lostworld4618 3 місяці тому

    I'm already loving the tutorial

  • @jamison74
    @jamison74 3 місяці тому

    It clearly states in the server select screen which matches have “auto-aim” or “sticky-reticle” turned on/off.

  • @aerodynamiccow3597
    @aerodynamiccow3597 3 місяці тому +1

    Maybe the fact it's a port instead of being rebuilt and polished from the ground up probably isn't helping its stability

  • @mikeywise3411
    @mikeywise3411 3 місяці тому

    that spongebob movie reference is worth a sub alone

  • @theogjunit.8523
    @theogjunit.8523 3 місяці тому

    Biggest problem was the port was handed to Aspyr, should've gave it to Nightdive

  • @lordgonk7967
    @lordgonk7967 3 місяці тому +4

    The game is good but I can’t for the love of god get a match

  • @3ofSpades
    @3ofSpades 3 місяці тому

    The day the saga fried.

  • @lostworld4618
    @lostworld4618 3 місяці тому

    I always get clowned on too

  • @9Cans
    @9Cans 3 місяці тому

    They had the golden goose and they stomped on it

  • @VorpalF
    @VorpalF 3 місяці тому

    I play it on Switch not bad 2nd half of cutscenes missing from campaign & yes BF1 mad buggy mostly funny though lowering sensitivity to 2 & turning off auto sim helps alot

  • @leitinhofresquinho8869
    @leitinhofresquinho8869 3 місяці тому +3

    I love BF2 and BF1 but this was such a bad release. The game doesn't work correctly, no cross platform multiplayer, and the online is sooo broken.

  • @JonCrs10
    @JonCrs10 3 місяці тому +3

    IMO, this was an excellent collection...for Nintendo and Sony because you already have the games on Xbox and Steam and SHOULD have gotten them by now.

  • @bwbryanwhite494
    @bwbryanwhite494 3 місяці тому +1

    What is the song at the intro? Its driving me crazy I know it from somewhere

    • @ciudad1696
      @ciudad1696  3 місяці тому

      "His World" from Sonic '06

    • @bwbryanwhite494
      @bwbryanwhite494 3 місяці тому

      Thank you kindly sir, awesome vid. Just subscribed !

  • @Crosshair178
    @Crosshair178 3 місяці тому

    and they dont fix the droidekas twin blasters xD

  • @thatguyknownaswill8180
    @thatguyknownaswill8180 3 місяці тому +1

    This re release costs $35. I knew I wasn’t going to pre purchase the game because I knew that all the “remaster” would be is just AI upscaling, which you can see when you load into a new map. Instead of re-rendering anything or redrawing it, they just shoved it through a program to upscale it. I assumed the $35 would be towards the server costs, but they couldn’t even do that right.

  • @darthtempest4722
    @darthtempest4722 3 місяці тому

    Yo how did they drop the ball this bad come on man!!! 😭😡😭😡

  • @marijn236
    @marijn236 3 місяці тому +2

    i'm playing on ps4 and i've had a great experience, altough for some reason i cant play with my friend in a private match and i get that weird camera glitch, i am happy that i bought it.

    • @ciudad1696
      @ciudad1696  3 місяці тому +1

      I'm genuinely glad that there are people like yourself and others who are enjoying the game

  • @arkhamknight050playz8
    @arkhamknight050playz8 3 місяці тому +1

    Honey stop everything there's a new Ciudad upload

  • @lostworld4618
    @lostworld4618 3 місяці тому

    Tox is my Name

  • @dtxspeaks268
    @dtxspeaks268 3 місяці тому

    Honestly i made a great decision not to preorder this. Not only was I saving money, but $34 for two 20 year old games is too much and I didn't want this becoming another GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition scandal (which while nearly as bad, it's as bad).
    It's sad to see these developers take old games the gaming community likes and make terrible remasters and ports just to make a quick buck, and gamers will continue to be conned again and again. Just give it a few years and some no-name developer will "remaster" and/or port the older Sonic games, the older Need for Speed games, or COD World At War and Black Ops 1 and the imoressionable and toxic Sonic, Need for Speed and Call of Duty fanboys will eat it up and be conned.

  • @fat_alsgaming
    @fat_alsgaming 3 місяці тому

    I bought this only for the online multiplayer. Once again I have been left disappointed after spending my hard earned cash on a video game.
    To be honest I am getting tired of playing video games because of this reason.

  • @NoImNotJonsAltWhatDoYouMean
    @NoImNotJonsAltWhatDoYouMean 3 місяці тому

    I really dislike that uggo ass font that replaces the UI. It looks like the default font in Microsoft word, not Star Wars-y at all. Why did they replace it? That's as criminal as the BF1 loading sfx.

  • @primusvsunicron1
    @primusvsunicron1 3 місяці тому +1

    is online free for the Xbox version?

    • @ciudad1696
      @ciudad1696  3 місяці тому +1

      If you mean online for the Xbox version as in the Original Xbox version with backwards compatibility, that version has no working multiplayer servers. Only on PC can you find servers for the original

    • @primusvsunicron1
      @primusvsunicron1 3 місяці тому

      @@ciudad1696 ok

  • @bigdaddytrips6197
    @bigdaddytrips6197 3 місяці тому

    Uninstalled it the next day after release. If it was a disk I would of broke it in half

  • @10011110011
    @10011110011 3 місяці тому

    Clone stormtrooper left handed on gams select screen

  • @jackbmh2320
    @jackbmh2320 3 місяці тому +1

    Don’t play the campaign for bf2 on this version, half the cutscenes are missing

  • @lostworld4618
    @lostworld4618 3 місяці тому +1

    I wanna join
    Let me in on this action 🫡🫡🫡🫡😎😎😎😎😎