He didn't pay a million for an ambassadorship, that's just how liberal media misrepresents him because literally nobody cares about what's true, people only care about what they are told is true, and believe anything that inspires outrage and dehumanisation of what they perceive to be the other side... two sides to the same coin
Right? I've always been thankful for Florida. They have so many crazy news stories, the state acts like an attention magnet that keeps Alabama out if the news as much. When we make the Daily Show, it's generally pretty bad (like Roy Moore.) Btw I almost immediately began singing the Alabama Man song from South Park after reading your Florida man comment (see Chin poko mon episode.)
Yeah, he looked and acted exactly how i would expect a #45 associate to act. All he needed was a waitress passing by so he could give her a cheap come-on line.
Jim Jordan behaved like a belligerent child during his questioning, and Hill and Holmes and Vindman got to show America that there are still patriots left.
Jim Jordan is one of the very few Senators who I respect. If you tried unplugging CNN and actually watching the hearings, you'll see Jordan was one of the few people making sense.
@@stephenmarris9292 There's very little about Gym Jordan that actually makes any sense. www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/11/08/second-person-says-he-told-rep-jim-jordan-about-sexual-misconduct-ohio-state/
@Jonathan Taylor I love weed as much as the next guy, but this seriously supersedes your weed legalization promotion. I know you just wrote a research paper on it for grade 11, but seriously relax. Extorting a NATO ally thats currently fighting a Russian backed insurgency takes major precedence over "weed is chill man, why is it illegal?"
V I really hated that Obama sides with the banks over the American people but when trump chose Russia over us, I wished for that financial trickster Obama to lead us as a people again
@Richard Soale Yes, Donny who also believes you need to show a valid ID to go grocery shopping. And that's who some see as the "savior" of blue collar workers ~ LOL
You can be both. Not all Republicans agree with the most vocal republican politicians, and many disagree with trump and don't understand why he is still in office. Besides, "American" has never meant "non republican" and, hopefully, never will
@@gunnerdj5629 Uhhhh.... even by the very definition, no, those are not incompatible. I get it, you think a socialist democrat wants stuff that erodes the foundation America was built on. Sure, that's fine to think. But even if people who call themselves "socialist democrats" want stuff that counters traditional american values, that's just an incorrect label, or the things they want are the incompatible part, not the group as a whole itself. America was literally built on the foundation of having social (or individual, depending on the group) ownership of means of production and goods. Even though there are tons of types of socialist movements, they have that core idea in common, which isn't *against* the foundation or intent behind the formation of America. Sure, some ways to achieve socialist ideals may be detrimental to certain freedoms or the core principals of the country, but only those specific methods are incompatible with America's core values. The basic goals are similar in a lot of ways and aren't incompatible. Short example- Wanting to be alive forever and wanting to not die are similar ideals that are compatible, but if the "not die" group advocates being frozen and sent off to deep space to literally avoid dying forever, THAT method is counter to living forever (since you aren't really living).
@@noblesseoblige319 Anything that takes the away what one earned to give something that is not needed to sustain life is wrong. Why should I or anyone else be responsible for bad life choices that some on else makes? There are Charities for this where people willingly give to. That is the right and proper way. As for Socialized health care. Ask yourself why a great majority of the finest Dr in the world are in America. Simple Here they get paid the most. The idea that a majoritarian of people become Dr or Lawyers or almost every other profession for other reasons then the amount of money they can earn is Ignorance. Sure a small % go into medicine or Law for selfless reasons but that is such a tiny %. People me you all of us work for $$ We find places to live where taxes are the lowest. I now live in FL because there is no Income Tax. There are basic rights. We decided on what is a Right and what is not a long time ago. A Right can not come at the expense of any other. It is does then it is a forced right. There is not one aspect of Socialism they works will ever work or will not destroy the Country it is unleashed in. Even Social Security when it was first set up was based on they put a small % of what a person earns then give it back after a age. This does not truly work anymore because it was never meant to last 10 or more years. Now back to socialized medical. How many people will go into the medical field when they are paid less then say a Carpenter? The government is NEVER the answer it is always the problem. America has come a long way from its Ideal of a State rule. The 10th Amendment has been chipped at so long it is almost gone. America has lost her way and just maybe with Trump and the new Republican party we can once gain be a Country where the most Political power resides at the State level and even more at the Country and City town level.
"The difference between then and now, isn't the difference between Nixon and Trump, it's the difference between that Congress and this one." -Chairman Schiff As a Republican myself, I'm deeply ashamed of my party. *This is the time for them to stand up TO Trump, and up FOR us!* If not... RIP GOP; you've done it to yourself, you've committed suicide. 🥀💀 What a shame.
Props for adhering to reason when many others are digging their heads into the sand. Proud independent here, but the truth is certainly getting ugly for the trumpees, as if it wasn't ugly enough already.
Republicans are too fucking stupid to commit political suicide as they will just double down on all of this especially when Trump gets reelected in 2020.
@@IAmSuzyQ Absolutely! I hope this whole incident is the seed that leads our country to abandon the two party system. We should vote for people, not parties. For too long a large population of voters have made decisions based on the idea of a party they think they align to because of where they are from, race, class or a couple of hot button issues. We need to learn to support candidates based on merit instead of party. Perhaps this will lead to the end of party loyalties that have been destroying our country.
Thank you and please keep speaking out. We need Republicans to insist that their representatives and senators hold this administration accountable. Your voice carries more weight to them. Please write your congresspeople. Thank you!
@@dougcrane8031 "fine with it"?? zelensky is the new prez of a country literally under attack by russia, and the only thing holding putin in check is knowing that the usa has ukraine's back. then zelensky is told to do the obviously corrupt thing trump says or he will let the world know that the usa is withdrawing that critical support. wtf do you think his options were? or do you just imagine that he is as daft as you sound here?
@@dougcrane8031 In other words, Zelensky didn't want to do it. When the quid vanished, he declined to deliver the quo. If it was a genuine case, why would it have needed Trump to apply so much leverage, and why would Z decline to announce the investigation as soon as the leverage was removed? Of course he won't say he felt pressured. Trump can make Ukraine disappear as a sovereign nation with a phone call to Putin (who doesn't need asking twice) and a phone call to the Pentagon (that would be trickier but they're trained to follow orders). Put yourself in Zelensky's place.
He committed an impeachable offence. The Ukraine's government, administration and army was held to ransom. He also did those ten obstructions of justice which no one gives a rat's ass about. And he cheats at golf. I forget what the current count of his lies told since inauguration is.
@Brian Sands so you are avoiding saying something smart and deep because MAYBE hitler used it? oook... well, you should stop using the phrase "can I have more bread?" then too.
@BurglaaR Tv To my knowledge, there's been no successful revolution in history against a government where the army, or a portion of it, did not take part on the revolutionary side. The civilians themselves don't win the revolution. They win the backing of the military, and the military wins the revolution. Crack open a history book.
Skye Don’t be scared. If it comes to that, and he is not impeached and removed or if he is not voted out. We will flip the senate to Democratic and legislate in the best interest of the American people. Hopefully it will benefit the rest of the world too.
only now? The US has been fucking around for decades... Especially outside the US, but also inside. Corporatism/lobbyism has always been this scary, but apparently it takes a Trump for your average Joe to become acquainted with how politics and power nearly always lead to corruption. It's why we all have governments and a ton of rules. And still it happens, because humans are creative and most of the others do not care if their own life is devoid of continuous frustration. The US' blind patriotism and the belief the US is the greatest thing ever, no matter what, is just as scary. Trump has very little to do with that. Nor with the US ties to the Saudi regime, or its animosity towards Iran - which used to be Persia, until the US screwed around with it. Like it did with many south American countries... Here, please read this (a speech on interventionism from a highly decorated US general, in the 30's!!!): "War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses. I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. If a nation comes over here to fight, then we'll fight. The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag. I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket. There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism. It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. I helped make *Mexico,* especially *Tampico,* safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make *Haiti* and *Cuba* a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of *half* *a* *dozen* *Central* *American* *republics* for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify *Nicaragua* for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the *Dominican* *Republic* for American sugar interests in 1916. In *China* I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." And it didn't stop there as we all know too well... Vietnam? Lies (kennedy got murdered over it, that and his wish to get rid of 'secret societies'). Afghanistan? Lies (it was the Saudis). Iraq? Lies (no wmd, but Saddam refused to play ball). Many other skirmishes aren't as obviously deceitful, but they basically all are. War is about profit and producing weapons is a lucrative hobby for the US. Paid for by the blood of US citizens, while their vets are left to rot and often commit suicide. USA! USA! USA! If you still have the stamina, take a look at this too: www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html Like I said: people don't care... Obviously. We all know we get screwed over. But revolution takes a bit more screwing over and the elites have been careful not to end up like the Russian Tsars. It's no coincidence communism was coined the enemy of capitalism. Communism starts with murdering the elites. Capitalism is the elitist tool to maximise profit and it has led us to Trump. But somehow, Trump get's the blame, while corporatism and lobbyism remain - the true reason all US presidents are basically puppets. Even Trump (he only gets to remain if he pleases certain people - because quid pro quo is at the basis of US politics). TLDR? Figures - it's why this speech from Smedley Butler never resonated with the public... Now matter how he was praised and decorated.
@@corbeau-_- Only real problem with Trump is he played the roll just like the rest a puppet He took the bait and ate that hook He spoke about being for the people when if by his choice never cleaned any swamp He claimed he was not evil and or corrupt when look at what's going on I'm sure everything in the letter is probably 100 percent true When your doing deals and used to doing them like I'm sure Trump was I scratch your back and you scratch mine isn't supposed to happen as a president So let's just say Trump is fully right in his mind for doing and saying what he says doesn't really make it right Like being a driver in a bank robbery. Cop: sir you know why your going to jail? Driver nope I do not! All I was, was the driver and nothing else i did nothing. Cop: just cause all you do is drive doesn't exclude you from the crime. Its pretty damm sad that as humans all we know is corruption on both sides and hunger for money, money Money is absolute and money rules absolutely
" and everyone was nodding in agreement" So he's saying that pretty much everyone around them literally new about this and have been lying to the whole country to protect themselves from being fired. So to the people who sat and did nothing, YOUR JOB IS TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, not to cover the actions of a mad man. If you would choose your job over the wellness and security of the men and women of this country, RESIGN. . .
@@Antoila80 He thinks a pardon will save him. But a pardon is a guilty verdict but without the incarceration or fine. He'd probably be disbarred as well.
If it helps, anytime anyone in the media says it "literally means 'this for that,'" they're not actually correct... in Latin, *literally* quid pro quo is translated as 'what for what' So any time you hear the Latin, just mentally replace it with "what for what" and laugh at how appropriately stupid everyone sounds
Fiona Hill devastated the Trump toadies to such an extent that they gave up asking her questions and simply filled up their time making silly speeches.
It's amazing that everybody seems to forget for the last hundred years we've been fighting the Russians in one way or another, that they're always trying to make a Gambit for the Mediterranean and it it's always our job with a united Europe to fight them off. Spy games have been going on for decades, back when they use real honey pots, submarines Etc but nowadays we don't need anything nearly as expensive or flashy when you have the internet and all the data in The Ether up there just waiting to be analyzed and used by whomever. Bring back paper and pencil ballots, they're UNhackable or better yet go to Oregon's Mail In system of voting!!! (Over 80% turnout!) There been so many voting machine failures here in Texas in the last few years, that I truly fear Russia / Trump winning. With gerrymandering, the Electoral College, and purging the voting rolls of hundreds of thousands - it almost seems as if our democracy doesn't stand a chance. Citizens united fucked our democracy, I hope SCOTUS is proud of itself!
Secretary Clinton is probably thinking "bet you idiots wish you had voted for me," and "you can't say you weren't warned this would happen," as America goes down the tubes. Trump's supporters have proven that "deplorable" is far too soft a term for them--they barrage gov't officials with death threats just for doing their jobs and obeying the law, and there have been a thousand mass shootings since Trump's election, every one carried out by one of his supporters and inspired by right wing hate radio and Fox news. Everyone who disparages Clinton is still unable to point to one example of wrong-doing by her, and she has been exonerated of all the accusations about her emails, server, etc. She's a law-abiding, patriotic citizen and the people who continue to slander her are the ones who are un-American and corrupt.
I'm betting that IF she had secured the Presidency we wouldn't be in the shitstorm in the first place. Ukraine would have received the Javelin anti-tank missiles No favors needed. hell, she'd probably wouldn't lead the US into one flaming dumpster fire to another.
I like that when you watch the full footage he goes on to say that's the way you have to talk to Trump for him to understand. probably why he liked Sondland so much. 'spoke his language".
In that little note of his writen in sharpie he spelt Zelensky wrong. If we are gonna stay here and talk about the things Donald gets wrong we are gonna be here all day
You boneheads have been saying this since the Mueller investigation. It's over dude. Trump approval is on the rise and he leads all Democratic contenders in Kep swing states like Wisconsin. In order to be a witness you had to see or hearing something first hand. The only that did was Sundland.
@@kevincolbertjr.6844 But hey, Trump is very stable genius with unmatched wisdom, he's not making mistake by hiring Rudy. I'm wondering is it even possible be worse than Rudy?
He hired Rudy because the price was right.....FREE! Rudy has been claiming he's working for free, plus he knows little donnie doesn't pay his bills, remember folks YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!
Does the rest of the world Fear our Military? Want access to our economy? Well for the next 5 years you will have to deal with President Trump oh BTW the American Piggy Bank is CLOSED !!!!
I'm just happy whenever Trump's name is uttered it'll forever be linked with IMPEACHED. Doesn't it seem almost quaint now to say Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a consensual affair?
@@Edu_Kate Clinton was impeached due to a single lie because "the president must be someone the American people can trust" Now we have Trump lying more than any political figure in history and openly requesting foreign governments to interfere with our democracy on his behalf. Hell he even committed a felony altering a weather map with a damned sharpie to try to back up one of his obvious lies. Trump won't be impeached because he's already made his deals and put people in positions of power to protect him.. and he will "win" 2020, turning America into a Russian puppet with a fake democracy. In short we are all fucked.
First Denial: “This man was with him." But Trump denied it. "Woman, I never met the man” Second Denial: “This fellow knows them." Again Trump denied knowing. “Woman, I hardly knew the man” Third Denial: “Surely you are one of them, for your transcript gives you away." Then he began to call down Nunes and Jordan on them and he swore at them, "The man played a minor role!" Immediately a rooster crowed. The Gospel According to Trump (Two Corinthians) 13,450 lies and counting
Oompa loompa doom-pa-dee-do Ukraine dealers implicate you! Oompa loompa doom-pa-dee-da Con-man presidents won't go far. What do you get from conspiracy nuts? Stupid ideas make you look like a putz! Rudy is helping you spill all the beans. Maybe the problem is in your genes. The Constitution says you're gone! Oompa loompa doom-pa-dee-do New York state prosecutors coming for you. Oompa loompa doom-pa-dee-da Locked in a jail cell you won't go far.
Unfortunately there is someone with a brain an enough clout to have convinced Trump to block them... knowing that it would end up with people like Rudy showing up and turning what's already a burning house into the Great Fire of London.
Earl Edmonds The Democrats won’t let the Republicans call any witnesses the Democrats don’t want. It’s a stacked Kangaroo court and a set up. The Russian Collusion farce by another name.
Cheryl Lawlor bully, from what I’ve seen, republicans are allowed to call anyone, but they’ve been needlessly slowing the system down by demanding the court be open view then demanding it behind closed doors. Mayhap this court is rigged, there hasn’t been anything to confirm that but maybe, and hear me out on this, the guy who is known for being a lier and crook from the New York scene (as in his persona whilst in New York) lied and was a crook
They can be asked, but can refuse, since Trump is the subject, and the others coconspirators, they are protected constitutionally, even though this is not a Court, by your Constitution's 5th Amendment.
@@adamperry4610 That's what I said. Irrespective of if it's a Court or not, any other hearing or tribunal or assembled body, public or even private sector, the right to avoid self incrimination is Conditionally mandated, and cannot be abridged under any circumstances.
@@adamperry4610 Thus, all those parties named by the OP, especially as de facto indictees, cannot be compelled to testify, as they have a constitutionally protected right to abstain from self incrimination. Anywhere, not just a Court.
Maybe when the case goes to the Senate for trial THEY can get them to appear? It's already looking like Trump lied to Mueller in his written answers. That came out in the Roger Stone trial.
The UK’s loss is America’s gain. Asked about Prince Andrew’s interview about his friendship with Epstein, Eton and Oxford alumnus PM Johnson says the monarchy is beyond reproach, receives hundreds of thousands of pounds from Russian oligarchs to play tennis and support his party, delays a report on Russian interference in the last election, but our journalists are asking if Labour’s manifesto to tax top 5% of earners is “declaring class war”. It’s been a Cold War for centuries.
Clare Willison Fiona Hill is a hero in my eyes. The Republicans continue to try to smear her. We have to stick up for her. She’s a no nonsense intelligent person in a room full of ankle biters.
@1 7 like, why was he so eager to "tell all" except for when he was asked who the investigation would benefit? He wasn't so willing to answer at that point. Weird.
Watching the hearings there were a number of times he got like that. It seemed to me that he was being careful with his wording to CYA; he knows he's in a precarious position & they are attacking witnesses- trying to discredit them on any little thing. He doesn't want to be sued for libel/slander, misspeak & purger himself, or fall into what could be a 'trap'. In this instance if he answered Trump right away, that opens him up to the opposition framing it as characterizing his opinion as fact or some such. He's careful to the point of being a touch paranoid.
@1 7 thank you SO much for that. I really wanted to know. I didnt realize that you were the one who both asked and answered me my question. I'm not so sharp. Lol. I only see (and feel) when something's not quite right like with Sonland's testimony here.
Just like on the September 9th call to Sondland where he said, "I want nothing! I want nothing! No quid pro quo!" He learned that from the whistleblower's complaint which was released that very day. There's no way he knew that term. Republicans really are counting on us to be stupid.
Steve Bannon saw Rudy Giuliani from a mile away and exited stage left..... I'm sure he also knew that every corrupt family needs a patsy and that if he was smart - it wouldn't be him! The American public will also need somebody to blame and everybody already hated him for his racism , he was too easy of a Target and I think he knew it. I also think despite Steve bannon's racism, he's a patriot and he knows not to work with the Russians , the more he heard about it and learned about it - the more disgusted he got and the further he had to distance himself.....
Now now, he must be innocent. He wrote down how innocent he was in giant letters on a napkin and screamed it out loud on the white house lawn. What could be more convincing than that?
Dr. Fiona Hill is the shining star of the impeachment hearings! Thank you for your service and sacrifices for our country and for speaking truth to power!
When the law is harsh for the powerless but constantly fails to hold the powerful accountable, it's nothing but a mere tool for a tyranny.
Kim Jong Fun, is that your own quote?
That perfectly describes 3rd world kleptocracies ...America is becoming one.
Amen brother
Very well said
there are a few kleptocracies in america.
i can name at least 2:
venezuela and usa.
Rep. Adam Schiff is a Saint for NOT slapping Devin Nunes every few minutes…
Someone should show to one of those hearings dressed as a cow.
I would've been shut up Hypocrite!
Why hasn't Nunes been recused from the proceedings since Lev Parnes implicated him?
Take a look at chronological photos of nunes throughout the course of this week. Schiff has smacked him around mentally
Don't know how he did it.
Rudy, “I have a great passion for corruption” most honest thing the crook has ever said. Lock them all up!
Mr. Meyers, from everyone around the planet, thank you for your service.
0:41 I was fortunate enough to hear that live uncensored call from Florida this afternoon. I couldn't believe my ears.
The "Have a nice day " really highlights how surreal this all is
What was your initial reaction?
@@kylestubbs8867 I'd kiss him but he's too ugly.
You were watching cspan?
I have never related to anything more than to that caller from Florida.
@zztop3000 no class just like trump!
Evidently the arseholery flocks together with that bunch. Dont mind them.
zztop3000 Go back to your incel forum and cry about how women keep rejecting you.
Great Call!
If anyone should know a quid pro quo when he hears one, it's a guy who paid a million bucks to get an ambassadorship.
New Message most other pay you to work for them- trump on the other hand gets paid by his employees for the privilege of working with him....
Suparna I wouldn’t call it a “privilege” if it concludes to getting thrown in jail and always being called to court 😂😂😂
Thank you!!🔥💯👍
He didn't pay a million for an ambassadorship, that's just how liberal media misrepresents him because literally nobody cares about what's true, people only care about what they are told is true, and believe anything that inspires outrage and dehumanisation of what they perceive to be the other side... two sides to the same coin
@@soupsgord what a privilege!😂
We're truly in turbulent times when Florida Man is the voice of reason.
Well, Trump is the new Florida Man.
You are hillarious!
When Florida man is right, you know things have gone especially off the rails.
He just wants him to be out, so he can be tried. If he's in jail, he doesn't have to be his neighbor.
Right? I've always been thankful for Florida. They have so many crazy news stories, the state acts like an attention magnet that keeps Alabama out if the news as much. When we make the Daily Show, it's generally pretty bad (like Roy Moore.)
Btw I almost immediately began singing the Alabama Man song from South Park after reading your Florida man comment (see Chin poko mon episode.)
robearberbils Alabama is ten times worse then Florida
Just wanna say impeach the fucker and have a nice day.
You know, he was so nice.
@1 7 Are you mad?
Sondland enjoyed himself way too much while testifying 😂
Yeah, he looked and acted exactly how i would expect a #45 associate to act. All he needed was a waitress passing by so he could give her a cheap come-on line.
It's his paid reality show appearance. Don't you know how much he paid tRump to get a job?
Didn't wanna go to jail 😂😂
Or, giggling from severe panic. Who wants to die of skull cancer for doing the right thing?
Melly West yeah a real goofball
Seth is basking in the afterglow of TRUTH.
Jim Jordan behaved like a belligerent child during his questioning, and Hill and Holmes and Vindman got to show America that there are still patriots left.
Ryan Jackson Jim Jordan has been acting like a child... it’s eye opening to his character and in the words of the trump world it is very SAD
Jim Jordan is one of the very few Senators who I respect. If you tried unplugging CNN and actually watching the hearings, you'll see Jordan was one of the few people making sense.
@@stephenmarris9292 ok boomer
@@stephenmarris9292 There's very little about Gym Jordan that actually makes any sense.
Eric Bluefield You do not even realize JIM Jordon is not a Senator!
Guys... I am literally cross stitching while watching this. It is hysterical
I support this message
Ooooh. What are you cross-stitching?
Whatcha ya stitchin'?
@@kylestubbs8867 it says 'my favorite season in the fall of the patriarchy'
Come on America, here's your time to do something right
for everybody!
@Jonathan Taylor I know man, but one step at a time is the journey...I guess. Hopefully...
@Jonathan Taylor I love weed as much as the next guy, but this seriously supersedes your weed legalization promotion. I know you just wrote a research paper on it for grade 11, but seriously relax. Extorting a NATO ally thats currently fighting a Russian backed insurgency takes major precedence over "weed is chill man, why is it illegal?"
@Jonathan Taylor gottdamn... didn't know it was that dark
@Jonathan Taylor but some presidential candidates are motioning for complete legalization
Nixon - I’m not a crook
Clinton - I did not have relations with that woman
Trump - No quid pro quo
When Trump can pronounce it
@@australianews Damn right!
That about sums it up🤣😂
Just no pro quo
Do the GOP really think history is going to judge them kindly for this?
They don't care.
PrimeNumber19 They’ve got no morals and no shame.
They are too far up their own asses to think like human beings.
They and their voters like the idea of a dictatorship. One where they can put all those civil right seeking libs in their place.
PrimeNumber19, yes, they really do because they're so bloody stupid.
It would be nice to have a president who isn’t an extortionist and a liar.
V and doesn’t tweet.
V I really hated that Obama sides with the banks over the American people but when trump chose Russia over us, I wished for that financial trickster Obama to lead us as a people again
And a racist.
..and a DISGRACE to the human race
He makes Ms13 like angels
Just when I think Seth Meyers can’t get funnier, gotta watch again, my laughing drowned much out.🤓
Anyone who has ever taken public transit knows its impossible not to hear other people’s phone conversations.
Also Trump hosts chopper talk like every week, soo he is well versed in yelling
@@sandisithebe673 he's also 100 years old..anyone who has grandparents knows they speak louder than they should cause they just don't understand
@Richard Soale Yes, Donny who also believes you need to show a valid ID to go grocery shopping. And that's who some see as the "savior" of blue collar workers ~ LOL
...whilst watching them throw their friends under the bus. It does stand out a bit.
They weren't on a mass transit bus or train, you fucking cucumber!
“What we learned “ Fiona Hill blew the damn place up.
It was basically a Braun Strowman promo - Which of you wants to Get These Hands first?
Her opening statement was bomb
she was great!
She has bigger balls than the whole GOP!
Best question to make so far: "ARE YOU A REPUBLICAN, OR ARE YOU AN AMERICAN"?
I remember Seth from snl, this is full in cringe 😕
No the Best Question would be "Are you American or a Socialist Democrat" The 2 are not Compatible.
You can be both. Not all Republicans agree with the most vocal republican politicians, and many disagree with trump and don't understand why he is still in office. Besides, "American" has never meant "non republican" and, hopefully, never will
@@gunnerdj5629 Uhhhh.... even by the very definition, no, those are not incompatible. I get it, you think a socialist democrat wants stuff that erodes the foundation America was built on.
Sure, that's fine to think. But even if people who call themselves "socialist democrats" want stuff that counters traditional american values, that's just an incorrect label, or the things they want are the incompatible part, not the group as a whole itself.
America was literally built on the foundation of having social (or individual, depending on the group) ownership of means of production and goods. Even though there are tons of types of socialist movements, they have that core idea in common, which isn't *against* the foundation or intent behind the formation of America. Sure, some ways to achieve socialist ideals may be detrimental to certain freedoms or the core principals of the country, but only those specific methods are incompatible with America's core values. The basic goals are similar in a lot of ways and aren't incompatible.
Short example- Wanting to be alive forever and wanting to not die are similar ideals that are compatible, but if the "not die" group advocates being frozen and sent off to deep space to literally avoid dying forever, THAT method is counter to living forever (since you aren't really living).
@@noblesseoblige319 Anything that takes the away what one earned to give something that is not needed to sustain life is wrong. Why should I or anyone else be responsible for bad life choices that some on else makes? There are Charities for this where people willingly give to. That is the right and proper way. As for Socialized health care. Ask yourself why a great majority of the finest Dr in the world are in America. Simple Here they get paid the most. The idea that a majoritarian of people become Dr or Lawyers or almost every other profession for other reasons then the amount of money they can earn is Ignorance. Sure a small % go into medicine or Law for selfless reasons but that is such a tiny %. People me you all of us work for $$ We find places to live where taxes are the lowest. I now live in FL because there is no Income Tax. There are basic rights. We decided on what is a Right and what is not a long time ago. A Right can not come at the expense of any other. It is does then it is a forced right. There is not one aspect of Socialism they works will ever work or will not destroy the Country it is unleashed in. Even Social Security when it was first set up was based on they put a small % of what a person earns then give it back after a age. This does not truly work anymore because it was never meant to last 10 or more years. Now back to socialized medical. How many people will go into the medical field when they are paid less then say a Carpenter? The government is NEVER the answer it is always the problem. America has come a long way from its Ideal of a State rule. The 10th Amendment has been chipped at so long it is almost gone. America has lost her way and just maybe with Trump and the new Republican party we can once gain be a Country where the most Political power resides at the State level and even more at the Country and City town level.
"The difference between then and now, isn't the difference between Nixon and Trump, it's the difference between that Congress and this one." -Chairman Schiff
As a Republican myself, I'm deeply ashamed of my party. *This is the time for them to stand up TO Trump, and up FOR us!*
If not... RIP GOP; you've done it to yourself, you've committed suicide. 🥀💀 What a shame.
Props for adhering to reason when many others are digging their heads into the sand. Proud independent here, but the truth is certainly getting ugly for the trumpees, as if it wasn't ugly enough already.
@@prescottmajette5290 Country over party! ✌️💜🇺🇲
Republicans are too fucking stupid to commit political suicide as they will just double down on all of this especially when Trump gets reelected in 2020.
@@IAmSuzyQ Absolutely! I hope this whole incident is the seed that leads our country to abandon the two party system.
We should vote for people, not parties. For too long a large population of voters have made decisions based on the idea of a party they think they align to because of where they are from, race, class or a couple of hot button issues. We need to learn to support candidates based on merit instead of party. Perhaps this will lead to the end of party loyalties that have been destroying our country.
Thank you and please keep speaking out. We need Republicans to insist that their representatives and senators hold this administration accountable. Your voice carries more weight to them. Please write your congresspeople. Thank you!
Does anyone remember “The Song That Doesn’t End?” This administration is like “the corruption that doesn’t end.”
It just goes on and on, my friends.
GOP keeps denying it, tho we all know it was.
And they'll keep on denying it forever just because...
Kemet Comics no it’s just the media and democrats won’t stop looking for an excuse to impeach him. Been that way since the day after his election.
Aaaand now that will be stuck in my head until 2020 😂😂
@@bidmcms3 Payback is a …..
Have we reached the end of the beginning of the end yet? It's been 3 years and for a beginning of the end that seems like a long time.
"A closer Look" is a dynamite show- a most brilliant way to present the impeachment hearings ... wish it was more mainstream ... thanks Seth
1) It's a segment from a show 2) its very main stream. Its on every weeknight.
@@mfay6933 very cool ...
It's not as much bribery as it is extortion.
@@dougcrane8031 "fine with it"?? zelensky is the new prez of a country literally under attack by russia, and the only thing holding putin in check is knowing that the usa has ukraine's back. then zelensky is told to do the obviously corrupt thing trump says or he will let the world know that the usa is withdrawing that critical support. wtf do you think his options were? or do you just imagine that he is as daft as you sound here?
@@dougcrane8031 In other words, Zelensky didn't want to do it. When the quid vanished, he declined to deliver the quo. If it was a genuine case, why would it have needed Trump to apply so much leverage, and why would Z decline to announce the investigation as soon as the leverage was removed? Of course he won't say he felt pressured. Trump can make Ukraine disappear as a sovereign nation with a phone call to Putin (who doesn't need asking twice) and a phone call to the Pentagon (that would be trickier but they're trained to follow orders). Put yourself in Zelensky's place.
The X makes it sound cool
@jbaz77777 That's a curiously absurd point of view you have there.
He committed an impeachable offence. The Ukraine's government, administration and army was held to ransom. He also did those ten obstructions of justice which no one gives a rat's ass about. And he cheats at golf.
I forget what the current count of his lies told since inauguration is.
If only there were some Republicans with the decency to admit they were wrong.
Jon Z He died
Deathlok The Demolisher i miss John Mccain
@@gariejoyce5263 we all do.🇺🇸
I think they exist, it's just that they're hunkering down, waiting for the shitstorm to pass. Quite cowardly, if you ask me.
Yer livin' in a dream world.
"No f**** left to give" just about sums this whole saga up. Speaking as an English person, would you just get on with it; the man's as guilty as sin.
"People shouldn't be afraid of their government.... Governments should be afraid of their people."
-Alan Moore /V For Vendetta
If those in government are afraid of the people, how do they react?
@Brian Sands so you are avoiding saying something smart and deep because MAYBE hitler used it? oook... well, you should stop using the phrase "can I have more bread?" then too.
@BurglaaR Tv To my knowledge, there's been no successful revolution in history against a government where the army, or a portion of it, did not take part on the revolutionary side. The civilians themselves don't win the revolution. They win the backing of the military, and the military wins the revolution. Crack open a history book.
I don’t even live in the United States and I’m scared
Don’t be scared. If it comes to that, and he is not impeached and removed or if he is not voted out. We will flip the senate to Democratic and legislate in the best interest of the American people. Hopefully it will benefit the rest of the world too.
only now? The US has been fucking around for decades... Especially outside the US, but also inside. Corporatism/lobbyism has always been this scary, but apparently it takes a Trump for your average Joe to become acquainted with how politics and power nearly always lead to corruption. It's why we all have governments and a ton of rules. And still it happens, because humans are creative and most of the others do not care if their own life is devoid of continuous frustration. The US' blind patriotism and the belief the US is the greatest thing ever, no matter what, is just as scary. Trump has very little to do with that. Nor with the US ties to the Saudi regime, or its animosity towards Iran - which used to be Persia, until the US screwed around with it. Like it did with many south American countries...
Here, please read this (a speech on interventionism from a highly decorated US general, in the 30's!!!):
"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.
I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. If a nation comes over here to fight, then we'll fight. The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag.
I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.
There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism.
It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.
I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.
I helped make *Mexico,* especially *Tampico,* safe for American oil interests in 1914.
I helped make *Haiti* and *Cuba* a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in.
I helped in the raping of *half* *a* *dozen* *Central* *American* *republics* for the benefits of Wall Street.
The record of racketeering is long.
I helped purify *Nicaragua* for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?).
I brought light to the *Dominican* *Republic* for American sugar interests in 1916.
In *China* I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."
And it didn't stop there as we all know too well...
Vietnam? Lies (kennedy got murdered over it, that and his wish to get rid of 'secret societies').
Afghanistan? Lies (it was the Saudis).
Iraq? Lies (no wmd, but Saddam refused to play ball).
Many other skirmishes aren't as obviously deceitful, but they basically all are. War is about profit and producing weapons is a lucrative hobby for the US. Paid for by the blood of US citizens, while their vets are left to rot and often commit suicide. USA! USA! USA!
If you still have the stamina, take a look at this too: www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html
Like I said: people don't care... Obviously. We all know we get screwed over. But revolution takes a bit more screwing over and the elites have been careful not to end up like the Russian Tsars. It's no coincidence communism was coined the enemy of capitalism. Communism starts with murdering the elites. Capitalism is the elitist tool to maximise profit and it has led us to Trump. But somehow, Trump get's the blame, while corporatism and lobbyism remain - the true reason all US presidents are basically puppets. Even Trump (he only gets to remain if he pleases certain people - because quid pro quo is at the basis of US politics).
TLDR? Figures - it's why this speech from Smedley Butler never resonated with the public... Now matter how he was praised and decorated.
This impeachment business has blanketed our country. We're all being smothered under it. We are suffocating. Lucky you!!! 👋🍸 Cheers.
@@corbeau-_- Only real problem with Trump is he played the roll just like the rest a puppet
He took the bait and ate that hook
He spoke about being for the people when if by his choice never cleaned any swamp
He claimed he was not evil and or corrupt when look at what's going on
I'm sure everything in the letter is probably 100 percent true
When your doing deals and used to doing them like I'm sure Trump was
I scratch your back and you scratch mine isn't supposed to happen as a president
So let's just say Trump is fully right in his mind for doing and saying what he says doesn't really make it right
Like being a driver in a bank robbery. Cop: sir you know why your going to jail? Driver nope I do not! All I was, was the driver and nothing else i did nothing.
Cop: just cause all you do is drive doesn't exclude you from the crime.
Its pretty damm sad that as humans all we know is corruption on both sides and hunger for money, money
Money is absolute and money rules absolutely
Don’t be scared. The world will move on. The U.S. will just become an old former empire with no power, like England.
" and everyone was nodding in agreement"
So he's saying that pretty much everyone around them literally new about this and have been lying to the whole country to protect themselves from being fired. So to the people who sat and did nothing, YOUR JOB IS TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, not to cover the actions of a mad man. If you would choose your job over the wellness and security of the men and women of this country, RESIGN. . .
I am early AF! Grateful!! Also, Dr. Fiona Hill is a powerhouse! What a woman.
VianneyCreates, yes, a sublime human being.
@Karin MeyerYES! Dr. Hill killed it. It was funny to watch the look their faces when she responded. She made them look like rank amateurs.
She was soooo incredible!
She was all facts and so eloquent she’s my fave person today lol
It's too bad A Closer Look did not show more clips of her testimony. She came off so professional and knowledgeable.
Sean Patrick Maloney was AWESOME! He smacked him down after that!
Michele love that guy
Hero of the week!
I cannot count the time's I've heard the other person's conversation using cell phones 🤣
Right!? Right!? :D lol My hearing is not even that great.
I'm liking this reality show!
It finally feels like the heroes are winning!
Emm Bee Sea 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Emm Bee Sea Hopefully it sways Independents & motivates youth turnout. Unfortunately it won’t sway Republican sentiment.
Emm Bee Sea I’m not sure. They lost cases on Law&Order....
I wish I had your optimism
@Feynrik "The marginally less bad side, for right now, is winning"
Fixed it for you.
The term "quid pro quo" is ruined for me now. Thanks a lot America.
Same, I'm so sick of hearing it.
Yes! It sounds like nonsense now.
Well, you can always try "tit for tat," but considering whom we're talking about here. . .
@@pricklypear7516 hahaha
Just call it Bribery. English translation for you.
Noiiice, that person on the phone ROCKED.
These guys are all looking at Cohen and saying “not gonna be me”.
KDMN: Rudy isn’t! He believes he has insurance to help him when he’s thrown under the bus. Apparently he doesn’t know his client/Trump well enough!
Roger Stone is on the way to the big house too.
not JUST Cohen.
@@Antoila80 He thinks a pardon will save him. But a pardon is a guilty verdict but without the incarceration or fine. He'd probably be disbarred as well.
I f*cking hate the term “Quid Pro Quo” now.
Mr. Dragon yeah. Ruining Latin word by word until it goes extin... wait.
I still can only think of Hannibal Lecter. "Quid pro quo Clarice. Quid. Pro. Quo."
If it helps, anytime anyone in the media says it "literally means 'this for that,'" they're not actually correct... in Latin, *literally* quid pro quo is translated as 'what for what'
So any time you hear the Latin, just mentally replace it with "what for what" and laugh at how appropriately stupid everyone sounds
Jimbo Slice I snorted. Thank you.
How about: tit for tat?
Fiona Hill devastated the Trump toadies to such an extent that they gave up asking her questions and simply filled up their time making silly speeches.
Listened in on the hearings today on C-SPAN and when he came up this Fla. guy absolutely made my day 😸😄😹
How about the Alabama guy? The best!
Because they're on the Oligarchs payroll
Reagan's rolling in his grave
It's amazing that everybody seems to forget for the last hundred years we've been fighting the Russians in one way or another, that they're always trying to make a Gambit for the Mediterranean and it it's always our job with a united Europe to fight them off.
Spy games have been going on for decades, back when they use real honey pots, submarines Etc but nowadays we don't need anything nearly as expensive or flashy when you have the internet and all the data in The Ether up there just waiting to be analyzed and used by whomever.
Bring back paper and pencil ballots, they're UNhackable or better yet go to Oregon's Mail In system of voting!!! (Over 80% turnout!)
There been so many voting machine failures here in Texas in the last few years, that I truly fear Russia / Trump winning. With gerrymandering, the Electoral College, and purging the voting rolls of hundreds of thousands - it almost seems as if our democracy doesn't stand a chance.
Citizens united fucked our democracy, I hope SCOTUS is proud of itself!
Because Republican politicians are clearly useful idiots too focused on their self-interest.
It almost doesn’t matter. His base will defend him.
Most of them are angry old men - and the few who are really crazy enough to pick up weapons are more of a deal for the FBI then the National Guard.
More importantly the republican party, specifically politicians, will defend him
Never confuse a Trump Cultist with facts.
But the base is shrinking a little, and there aren't enough of them to outvote the majority.
Robert James Unfortunately I’ll have to agree
As a Black man, this Trump presidency has me wishing for the days of George W. Bush by comparison. They should tell y'all a LOT of how I feel
Pelosi also said she’d much rather work with W.
zztop3000 watch your mouth, moron.
When _FLORIDA_ is the voice of reason
Definitely sounds like Trump doesn’t know that Kiev is the capital of Ukraine.
Minnie Venkat he probs only thought it was a chicken dish.
President dumb ass 🤦♀️
But Moscow is so nice in November !!
He does not know anything about anything other than grifting people.
I’m totally cross stitching that pillow tomorrow.
I thought the same thing! Lol
Tom Sawyer oh dear 😂 Iol
I've heard people on the other line of phone calls all the time. Especially if they speak loud enough
Me too! I can hear my husband all the time when he is speaking to his mom or sister. Clear as a bell.
I answer them regularly
Me too.
I’m not a fan of hers, but I have to imagine Hillary is hysterical right about now.
Secretary Clinton is probably thinking "bet you idiots wish you had voted for me," and "you can't say you weren't warned this would happen," as America goes down the tubes. Trump's supporters have proven that "deplorable" is far too soft a term for them--they barrage gov't officials with death threats just for doing their jobs and obeying the law, and there have been a thousand mass shootings since Trump's election, every one carried out by one of his supporters and inspired by right wing hate radio and Fox news. Everyone who disparages Clinton is still unable to point to one example of wrong-doing by her, and she has been exonerated of all the accusations about her emails, server, etc. She's a law-abiding, patriotic citizen and the people who continue to slander her are the ones who are un-American and corrupt.
I'm betting that IF she had secured the Presidency we wouldn't be in the shitstorm in the first place. Ukraine would have received the Javelin anti-tank missiles No favors needed. hell, she'd probably wouldn't lead the US into one flaming dumpster fire to another.
Future films about this presidency will only fit one genre: Tragic Comedy
The theme song should be the one used for Benny Hill.
Comming fall 2040: All The President's Men...Are Complete Morons.
And what not to do if President.
There hasn’t been a good march on Washington in so long . . .
8:30 “Sounds like something i would say” the other guy was trying not to laugh😂
I like that when you watch the full footage he goes on to say that's the way you have to talk to Trump for him to understand. probably why he liked Sondland so much. 'spoke his language".
Nixon : I'm not a Crook!
Trump : I'm a Crook. so what!
Republicans : We are all Crooks. Get over it!
Putin : Well done. Mission Accomplished!.
Exactly! They showed that they couldn't handle the truth and facts when Fiona Hill broke it down.
But why keep going back to the Russia investigation and Obama's term in office? They know that their defense for Trump is weak on this Ukraine mess.
Sen. Joe McCarthy comes to mind
What's worse than a never Trumper?
A forever Trumper.
Call them what they are: republicans.
@DrMossydog That's not surprising, they're a very close match
45 cultists. That is what they are. Devotion to a very delusional cult leader.
Or we could stop making up new phrases and call it what it is. Cult behavior.
This says more about what republicans are ready to accept as long it fits their retarded agenda
Why hasn’t anyone noticed that Donald Trump doesn’t know where Kiev is?
canadian here. wasnt trump bragging about colorado's wall or something?
Pretty sure we're at the point where we'd be more surprised if he *did* know where it is.
In that little note of his writen in sharpie he spelt Zelensky wrong. If we are gonna stay here and talk about the things Donald gets wrong we are gonna be here all day
He only knows it’s the location of a chicken dish
Also, FYI, the city’s official spelling has been Kyiv since the early 90s.
This is finally the beginning of the end for the orange stain
You boneheads have been saying this since the Mueller investigation. It's over dude. Trump approval is on the rise and he leads all Democratic contenders in Kep swing states like Wisconsin. In order to be a witness you had to see or hearing something first hand. The only that did was Sundland.
@@mikesamra9126 Republicans motto is
Party Before Country.
@@mikesamra9126 wake up idiot
@@mikesamra9126 google translate isn't the best tool to use.
I sense a bot in this thread.
Trump hired Rudy because, he can't get any better attorney.
Propably saw him on TV, holding up a phone with incriminating evidence and thought "Wow, this guy attorney uses phones".
"I have the best attorneys." - donald trump
One of his best lies ever.
@@kevincolbertjr.6844 But hey, Trump is very stable genius with unmatched wisdom, he's not making mistake by hiring Rudy. I'm wondering is it even possible be worse than Rudy?
He hired Rudy because the price was right.....FREE! Rudy has been claiming he's working for free, plus he knows little donnie doesn't pay his bills, remember folks YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!
@@tommieklund267 so he says. I mean,who could possibly be worse than Rudy?
Find out on the next episode of "Impeachment Z"!!
America, you are being laughed at by the rest of the world
Sorry about us. We are going through a phase 😂 its really bad but if i dont laugh, ill cry
How are we being laughed at? At least we are not Hong Kong.
Yr so mean😭
@@AubAshme are ye sure?
Does the rest of the world Fear our Military? Want access to our economy? Well for the next 5 years you will have to deal with President Trump oh BTW the American Piggy Bank is CLOSED !!!!
Knowing that impeachment will be crushed at the Senate, I do hope that the current administration and supporting politicians get voted out in 2020.
I'm with you 100 percent !
I'm just happy whenever Trump's name is uttered it'll forever be linked with IMPEACHED.
Doesn't it seem almost quaint now to say Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a consensual affair?
Yup, at least you see that
@@Edu_Kate Clinton was impeached due to a single lie because "the president must be someone the American people can trust"
Now we have Trump lying more than any political figure in history and openly requesting foreign governments to interfere with our democracy on his behalf. Hell he even committed a felony altering a weather map with a damned sharpie to try to back up one of his obvious lies.
Trump won't be impeached because he's already made his deals and put people in positions of power to protect him.. and he will "win" 2020, turning America into a Russian puppet with a fake democracy.
In short we are all fucked.
Be careful when cracking open a beer or you'll summon brett kavanaugh
Bwaaaaahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣
R A 😱😱
Fiona Hill would be a great Secretary of State or of Defense.
Well most US cabinet members are usually uber racists so shed fit.
First Denial: “This man was with him." But Trump denied it. "Woman, I never met the man”
Second Denial: “This fellow knows them." Again Trump denied knowing. “Woman, I hardly knew the man”
Third Denial: “Surely you are one of them, for your transcript gives you away." Then he began to call down Nunes and Jordan on them and he swore at them, "The man played a minor role!" Immediately a rooster crowed.
The Gospel According to Trump (Two Corinthians) 13,450 lies and counting
Lol! Brilliant!
Pass it on. Use it to infuriate these Crazy Evangelicals who have a twisted sense of Christianity.
Giuliani didn't become dirty once he got old. He's always been dirty. He'd just getting sloppy with old age.
Narcissists usually get sloppy with age
Too bad Dr. Fiona Hill can't run for office. I'd campaign for her.
She can run for office just not presidency
you probably cant wait to burn crosses and other racist cliches
I can't wait for them to drag Trump out the White house
Hannah I want a front row seat!
@@missjonz 😂
Preferably, in handcuffs ;-)
I will have a big party! You're invited.
I would not want to be on the other side of Fiona Hill...
she's razor sharp
She's like Mary Poppins with a big old club.
Vern Hoke Mary Poppins with Lucille.
Especially not if I were Gym Jordan.
When the trash stinks it is time to take it to the curb.
That's why Pelosi and her disgusting district... And the scat app... should be put out on the curb.
Or bury it in the back yard!
O.J. Trial:
"If it doesn't fit, you must aquit."
Trump Trial:
"If it *does* fit, it ain't legit."
When trump is finally removed from office, they should play an oompa loompa song just for him.
Which one?
dhFLOOPY he’s the perfect mixture of Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt and Mike Teevee
Yakety Sax.
No not the loompas, love the loompas, huge insult to the loopmpas...
Oompa loompa doom-pa-dee-do
Ukraine dealers implicate you!
Oompa loompa doom-pa-dee-da
Con-man presidents won't go far.
What do you get from conspiracy nuts?
Stupid ideas make you look like a putz!
Rudy is helping you spill all the beans.
Maybe the problem is in your genes.
The Constitution says you're gone!
Oompa loompa doom-pa-dee-do
New York state prosecutors coming for you.
Oompa loompa doom-pa-dee-da
Locked in a jail cell you won't go far.
"My hearing is good"
Dude, the claim is that YOU were yelling. Nobody was yelling at you.
Proof he is too dumb to comprehend anything. And for further entertainment, he yells "my hearing is good."
And, the day before this testimony, he was standing outside the White House, yelling junk again.
Roodles: "I've been bribing people for 50 years and I've never had a complaint! People say I'm so good at it!"
I come here for the impeachment news.
Me too
that's not something I'd be proud of
You won't find ..NEWS ...here
First of all, you have to be smart enough to know what "quid pro quo" means.
I don't get that. Most people don't know the formal definition of assault and battery, but that is never a valid excuse for innocence.
@@supergluehotty But apparently you feel there's a valid excuse for being a complete fucking idiot.
Lies! I have the best lies. They're just the biggest most beautiful lies.
Richy Pederson Well they keep 30% of US on his side....
"I'm tremendous bigly at the ears for hearing!"
mrmoshpotato 😂😂😂😂
mrmoshpotato Dude, your name just boosted my....
Helicopter! Thankx
@@chrismilton2695 Umm...ok.
Can y'all hurry up and lock him up so I don't have to hear "quid pro quo" ever again.
I would really love if we could start this:
Trump - disgraced president
"the Trumps - convicted criminals" damn ... there will be a series after he goes to jail
Trump- Sad excuse of a human being.
Trump: incestuous president.
Trump - Putin’s President
Trump - Toddler President
If trump is innocent let your staff testify
Unfortunately there is someone with a brain an enough clout to have convinced Trump to block them... knowing that it would end up with people like Rudy showing up and turning what's already a burning house into the Great Fire of London.
Earl Edmonds
The Democrats won’t let the Republicans call any witnesses the Democrats don’t want. It’s a stacked Kangaroo court
and a set up. The Russian Collusion farce by another name.
Cheryl Lawlor bully, from what I’ve seen, republicans are allowed to call anyone, but they’ve been needlessly slowing the system down by demanding the court be open view then demanding it behind closed doors. Mayhap this court is rigged, there hasn’t been anything to confirm that but maybe, and hear me out on this, the guy who is known for being a lier and crook from the New York scene (as in his persona whilst in New York) lied and was a crook
Then why is the Trump administration hiding sondlands documents? They are too damning!!
Cheryl Lawlor repeating the words of trump doesn't make a lie true, use your brain for once
Trump's hearing is SOOOO GREAT that he can't hear what ANYONE is saying.
Pompeo, Bolton, Giuliani, Barr, Mulvaney, Pence and Trump have to testify.
They can be asked, but can refuse, since Trump is the subject, and the others coconspirators, they are protected constitutionally, even though this is not a Court, by your Constitution's 5th Amendment.
@@Apis4 the 5th amendment doesn't just apply in the courtroom its valid everywhere
@@adamperry4610 That's what I said.
Irrespective of if it's a Court or not, any other hearing or tribunal or assembled body, public or even private sector, the right to avoid self incrimination is Conditionally mandated, and cannot be abridged under any circumstances.
@@adamperry4610 Thus, all those parties named by the OP, especially as de facto indictees, cannot be compelled to testify, as they have a constitutionally protected right to abstain from self incrimination. Anywhere, not just a Court.
Maybe when the case goes to the Senate for trial THEY can get them to appear?
It's already looking like Trump lied to Mueller in his written answers. That came out in the Roger Stone trial.
I’m shocked he didn’t talk about Dr Hill more...
The most no bullshit, competent witness you will ever see testify in front of Congress. She is a fucking hero.
I believe one of the most damaging things to the US in all of this is that Fiona resigned from her position.
The UK’s loss is America’s gain. Asked about Prince Andrew’s interview about his friendship with Epstein, Eton and Oxford alumnus PM Johnson says the monarchy is beyond reproach, receives hundreds of thousands of pounds from Russian oligarchs to play tennis and support his party, delays a report on Russian interference in the last election, but our journalists are asking if Labour’s manifesto to tax top 5% of earners is “declaring class war”. It’s been a Cold War for centuries.
Clare Willison Fiona Hill is a hero in my eyes. The Republicans continue to try to smear her. We have to stick up for her. She’s a no nonsense intelligent person in a room full of ankle biters.
She won me over 100% when I read her deposition. She brooked no bullshit.
Why was Sondland eagerly forthcoming until they asked him who the investigation would benefit?
@1 7 like, why was he so eager to "tell all" except for when he was asked who the investigation would benefit? He wasn't so willing to answer at that point. Weird.
Watching the hearings there were a number of times he got like that. It seemed to me that he was being careful with his wording to CYA; he knows he's in a precarious position & they are attacking witnesses- trying to discredit them on any little thing. He doesn't want to be sued for libel/slander, misspeak & purger himself, or fall into what could be a 'trap'. In this instance if he answered Trump right away, that opens him up to the opposition framing it as characterizing his opinion as fact or some such. He's careful to the point of being a touch paranoid.
@1 7 thank you SO much for that. I really wanted to know. I didnt realize that you were the one who both asked and answered me my question. I'm not so sharp. Lol. I only see (and feel) when something's not quite right like with Sonland's testimony here.
@@Jolinda11 hmmm, great observation! I had no idea. I definitely noticed a shift in gears with him. Thank you.
To no avail? No way in hell Trump wrote that tweet.
Just like on the September 9th call to Sondland where he said, "I want nothing! I want nothing! No quid pro quo!" He learned that from the whistleblower's complaint which was released that very day. There's no way he knew that term.
Republicans really are counting on us to be stupid.
There is more than trump wrong in that administration. More than we will ever know.
@@Edu_Kate And that is why the republican plan will succeed...
Rudy's a hand grenade that even Steve Rogers won't jump on
Steve Bannon saw Rudy Giuliani from a mile away and exited stage left.....
I'm sure he also knew that every corrupt family needs a patsy and that if he was smart - it wouldn't be him! The American public will also need somebody to blame and everybody already hated him for his racism , he was too easy of a Target and I think he knew it. I also think despite Steve bannon's racism, he's a patriot and he knows not to work with the Russians , the more he heard about it and learned about it - the more disgusted he got and the further he had to distance himself.....
@Bubbles McGee America's Captain
People like Rudy is why Captain America carried a pistol during WW2
Can I get that on a shirt?
Now now, he must be innocent.
He wrote down how innocent he was in giant letters on a napkin and screamed it out loud on the white house lawn.
What could be more convincing than that?
"We are through the looking glass, baby!" - You are SO correct, sir.
Everyone is in the loop, and now they are all hanging themselves with the loop
Well put.
Jennifer Castaldi lol
"I have a very, very great passion for....... corruption."
-Rudy Guiliani 2019
This is one of the funniest ACL segments, and a new fav of mine. Thanks guys :-)
Did they "Drain The Swamp" or "Fill A Lake"?
"Shat the Bed."
More like filled a septic tank
Can’t with for VH1 “i love the 2019s” ... when everyone spoke in Latin and no one knew Latin
Dr. Fiona Hill is the shining star of the impeachment hearings! Thank you for your service and sacrifices for our country and for speaking truth to power!
Oj did actually tweet that
He said something along the lines of:
"I'd kill for a cheeseburger right now"
"My hearing is, and has been, great."
Like you hire the best people?
Like you have the best words?
Like you are the smartest ever?
Most people with impeccable hearing have face to face conversations like the other person is standing 50 yards away.
Seth Meyers is really good at summarizing these proceedings! Hilarious and he gets all the important details!
The big question Jim Jordan is dying to ask the Whistleblower, "Tell me, how did it feel to actually report the wrongdoings of others?". 😬
Gym Jordan*
@@olivecbe9657 I've seen "Gym Jacket-Off Jordan".🤭
What, I have overheard people through the phone plenty of times when someone else is talking to them.
"We're through the looking glass, baby!"
Fun fact:
I am sitting in Danmark and watching this for entertainment
Im sorry, i tried to write northern Venezuela
Thomas Pedersen I’m sure u r and I’m sure u r laughing at the stupidity of r toddler President and the GOP!!
I might have front row seats, but as a foreign national....
Yeah, this dumpster fire is very entertaining!
@zztop3000 ,
It would be 'Son of the Gay,' which I find to be even better!
Thomas Pedersen you are a lucky dude
“You are a weird weird man” 😂😂