I bought one second-hand. It failed to come hit any temperature except 450. I checked and found out the potentiometer behind the temperature control knob was a cheap, sub-$1.00 component. I replaced it with one of the same value that cost me $12.00, is twice the size, solid quality. It solved that problem. Next, it would work but only up to around 350. I then found out the temperature sensor was fried, also. Another cheap electronic part. This I could not find anywhere so was stuck. China sells these sensors but wants an order for minimum of 1000 of them. Nobody else has any. So, I'm stuck with an elegant, solid boat anchor if I just fill it with cement and add a chain to it. Puck had a great idea, but not the knowledge of electronics parts quality that varies from absolute junk to great components, and is subject to trial and error, testing under extreme conditions, etc. He didn't know that. His people gave him a bad job, in other words, really bad inside that lovely box. No wonder people had trouble. A minor issue is the timer control that turns on if you over turn it past "off". So what, people sued him for that since it could start a fire. It's a damned shame, because this thing could've been a complete rave of all time, the food tastes amazing. He just gave up on it. No parts, no service, nothing left of it, after 2 and a half years of development effort, sunk by the cheapskates in the accounting office who controlled the engineering, again, happens all the time. Don't skimp on electronic components that control things, ever, is the lesson here.
I’m always tired after work and don’t wanna start prepping dinner but unfortunately I have to. Update: I just got this today. Can’t wait to start using it. I’m cooking a ribeye tonight
I have your pressure oven. I want to cook salmon for two pescatarian guests this Thanksgiving. How long do I cook the salmon and what temp? Please answer as I lost my cook book in a move. Debra in Texas.
I bought one second-hand. It failed to come hit any temperature except 450. I checked and found out the potentiometer behind the temperature control knob was a cheap, sub-$1.00 component. I replaced it with one of the same value that cost me $12.00, is twice the size, solid quality. It solved that problem. Next, it would work but only up to around 350. I then found out the temperature sensor was fried, also. Another cheap electronic part. This I could not find anywhere so was stuck. China sells these sensors but wants an order for minimum of 1000 of them. Nobody else has any. So, I'm stuck with an elegant, solid boat anchor if I just fill it with cement and add a chain to it. Puck had a great idea, but not the knowledge of electronics parts quality that varies from absolute junk to great components, and is subject to trial and error, testing under extreme conditions, etc. He didn't know that. His people gave him a bad job, in other words, really bad inside that lovely box. No wonder people had trouble. A minor issue is the timer control that turns on if you over turn it past "off". So what, people sued him for that since it could start a fire. It's a damned shame, because this thing could've been a complete rave of all time, the food tastes amazing. He just gave up on it. No parts, no service, nothing left of it, after 2 and a half years of development effort, sunk by the cheapskates in the accounting office who controlled the engineering, again, happens all the time. Don't skimp on electronic components that control things, ever, is the lesson here.
Second hand? There’s your problem.
Mine is brand new and I’ve had it for 3 years, no issues.
I have 2 but the timmer went on it could I order a new timmer
Love this oven! Use is all the time.
I’m always tired after work and don’t wanna start prepping dinner but unfortunately I have to.
Update: I just got this today. Can’t wait to start using it. I’m cooking a ribeye tonight
I love it this oven its excelent
I have your pressure oven. I want to cook salmon for two pescatarian guests this Thanksgiving. How long do I cook the salmon and what temp? Please answer as I lost my cook book in a move. Debra in Texas.
This is the manual for the oven I found on Google. Hope it helps!
Fish is so good for you but my picky mom hates it. Except for crab, shrimp and lobster
I made some chicken breasts last night. So moist so juicy.. Hats off to Wolfgang. I love your pressure oven
Of course potatoes take a long time with the slicing of the potatoes and hoonions (onions) plus then shredding of the cheese
Sautéed fish? Yuck!! Who wants all that in their body??