I thought you said this is what I call true love of a peasant haha, but... THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU WILL EVER HEAR: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart, and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell. But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine. This means that God can legally dismiss their case: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent (turn away from sin) and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift. Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.
@@marion3654 God can use any occasion to spread the gospel! :) Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Imagine how much I would have to hate you, to know the key to eternal life and never tell you? Imagine your house was on fire and you were asleep, I wouldn’t whisper to you “uh hi, wakey, wakey “ no, I would scream on the top of my lungs “ get out, your house is on fire!” God gave you the dignity to have free will, but that being said, He wants you to do the right decision, and If I can do anything about it, of course I will
@@marion3654 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. It’s for the ones that do care, but it is America, freedom of speech :) (The smile is not sarcasm lol)
I have never seen a crawler for a baby before, never even though if the need for that. This boy has an amazing, genious dad, he sounds very smart for his age too, runs in the family.
It breaks my heart to know that we can put a man on the moon and have made such incredible technological advancements, but simple inventions like this to help people with disabilities have not been a priority. My daughter suffered a spinal cord injury about 15 years ago. I tweaked everything in our house to help her with her OT. She accomplished things her doctors said she never would. If I had not been proactive, like the parents in this video, her progress would have been greatly stunted. My least favorite words in the world are, "I can't." Thank you for your inventions, they will be such a great blessing to people all over the world. God bless your family always.
Just so you realize there were no trips to the moon. Even Buzz has admitted this outright NO ONE has ever gone to the moon. STAGED! NASA is 100% lies by past governments in chg. They took tax payers $$$ and stole it! It was all done in studios in Nevada deserts. All will be REVEALED very soon. Trump is the REAL POTUS not fake FAKE BIDEN. DHS printed the paper for the states and all were marked with security features. Trump took 80.4% of the legal ballot votes. Military has it all and is currently in control. That you can be sure of!! THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
@@smitty2000 Congratulations on taking a heartfelt comment and completely castrating it into an invitation for other people to start a flamewar by spitting out conspiracy theories, political agendas, and troll comments.
I guess some ppl don't realize there's a time and place for everything, just some ppl don't have that in them. So let's help them out... This is an avenue to encourage parents with children who have special needs by loving parents reinventing materials creating equipment that benefits children with spinal cord injuries or disease deformities. This is a beautiful time celebrating and encouraging a breakthrough that wasn't available to benefit children in their growth process from birth before these parents and inventive father. What a wonderful medical breakthrough that the medical field should have jumped on and didn't. But a love of an inventive father opened a new style of a normal life for special needs children. Medical History Made! GOD Bless him for blessing children with the means not to be held back from succeeding in life! Beautiful!!!
Life doesn't give you so much that you cannot handle......it's just finding the motivation and his comes from how much love his family has and they seem to not emphasize on his problem but on his uniqueness. They show him he is different but not necessarily as bad thing. I like how it's just, well, "you gotta move, here is your tool" And it's just that and appears so normal that it make him confident
She must of had a lot of hurdles back then , I can imagine how tough it was for disabled people back in the 80's and even still they are treated like second class citizens. Wish her well .
Keep strong. Dont forget that despite the evil in this world, God is full of justice, mercy and love. Justice said we broke His perfect law - causing the world's previous perfection to be destroyed - and therefore we deserve Hell (like a punishment in any legal system but this is eternal as His perfect law is eternal too). Don't think you fit in that category? Ever done one of these?: lying, stealing - regardless of how small the object EVER, hating others - which is murder in God's perfect law, lusting (plus God sees our entire thought life). Justice says "the soul that sins shall die". BUT, mercy said "I dont want to give them what they deserve. I don't want them to be cut off from Me. I love them despite all they have done/will do against Me. I want to give My children another chance. I want them to come home and live in My love again". And love said "Jesus, God's Son, came down as a Man, our representative, suffering every temptation, pain and struggle we have ever faced, yet without sin. He took all our sins (past/present/ even future) to the cross and then crucified EVERY ONE on our behalf. Justice was paid on the cross so that we can be free from Hell's punishment, experience Gods mercy of forgiveness of sin and live in His love. If we turn from the sins we have committed and repent (turn away from our sin and pursue the opposite direction of love through Christ) He will, overtime, recreate us back into that previously perfect image through The Holy Spirit which Jesus sends to all who accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior of their life. He is in Heaven right now preparing a place for us so that He can take His faithful, believing children home with Him when He returns. He will ressurrect us from death when He returns, giving mercy to those who accept His love, instruction and teachings in their life, and give justice to those who refuse it. He doesn't want ANY of us to go to Hell and die for continuing in evil and rejecting His way to life, thats why He died FOR us. He wants us to be His and begin to follow His life of love and service through Him (not ourselves as it's impossible without depending on His power and instruction). So long as we keep our hearts near to Christ through His strength, strive to obey His will of perfect love revealed in the Bible, and ask Him to help us in the midst of (very certain) pitfalls and struggles, we will, in time, win the victory over sin, pain and DEATH through Christ. Even if you are willing to be made willing, or struggling or doubtful, simply be honest and tell Him that. He is not intimidated by ANY sin or struggle you are facing. ANY. He hears and will answer. If we pray for Him to come in, regardless of the condition, then He will. NOTE: You are NEVER too sinful or messed up that God cannot turn your life around through Jesus. EVER. If you have any questions let me know xx
Now that’s the love of a proud father. I know that his designs and engineering will help so many other children just as it has proven with his gorgeous son 🤗
@@annarenneberg9699 ~may the Lord continue to bless them 🙏 He appears to be central in their lives now 😊 May He & the Holy Spirit stay close by this family always🙆💞
This is so much more than him being able to socialize and be active.. he is building his core strength... he will be so much stronger and healthier because of his Dad ❤ Dad, you are a hero!
These are another set of special people. They didn't let his mobility stop him from living. And giving other children an equal quality of life. All because of Brody! Truly heartwarming.
#ActuallyAutistic here to let you know that our needs are *NOT* special, calling them that is inspiration porn and infantilizing! It's just part of who we are. There is nothing bad about the word "disabled"!
I remember my dad (RIP) built a wheelchair for me when I broke my leg, so I wouldn't miss my 2nd grade tests. Back then, there were no wheelchairs for children available in my town. May the Lord bless this family.
@@WisdomThroughGod Disagree, non human animals will abandon or even kill offspring with disabilities or health issues. Most human parents will care for and love their children regardless of any issues.
This is wonderful! My granddaughter was born with spina bifida 27 yrs ago and we were always trying to help her with mobility. She got her first wheelchair at 2 yrs and it opened up her world. My husband modified a Barbie jeep with hand controls on the steering wheel when she was 4. She got her driver's license at 16 hand controls, got married at 23 and has a baby boy who is almost 2 and has a full time job. Thanks for what you are doing to help all these kids, wish you were around when she was little. Bless your little man !
Probably the best part is that most wheel chairs made for kids cost sooooo much money but hes giving kids the ability to be independent and move for free and parents the joy of knowing they dont have to pay tons of money for their kids to be mobile
Brody's dad and mum.....YOUR INCREDIBLE. 50 years ago our 4 day old brother had spinal bifida and back then I thought it was the best outcome for him to have passed, NOW, seeing BRODY, David should've survived and lead a semi-normal but extremely HAPPY LIFE that your boy does....BRODY'S DAD.... you're an angel.
The look of joy on Brody's face as he gets around is beautiful. God really blessed his parents with him and in turn blessed so many other children. All due to Brody!
Dude if there was ever a father of the Year award ceremony you'd win hands down I know first hand what inspiration from your child is like my beautiful kids inspired me to start my own line of kids jewelry which I proudly named after them this is my legacy to them just like this is your legacy to your beautiful son and the mobility to others just like your son
They really took this challenge and made the world a better place using their creativity (and of course having the resources), not only for their son but for other children! That they give them away to other kids is so heartwarming. Such a cool design. I hope they continue on being generous and humble by making this accessible to other less fortunate.
This guy needs a contract with big companies. He’s a hero. Why hasn’t he need recognised? This is someone who actually cares about others. Government couldn’t give a crap about anyone!!
The government has cared about disabilities, like requiring public buildings being wheelchair friendly by having a ramp when the building has steps and having brail on the signs, like room numbers and which restroom it is. But when it comes to individual’s care, I definitely agree with you on that.
Oh knock it off. The wheelchair has been around for quite some time. You get caught up in your feelings and say nonsense. I have air to sell you btw you gullible hooman 😂
@@Omni-King2099 ""The wheelchair has been around for quite some time."" Have you ever saw the price of custom wheelchair?? This kid and many other kids can't have a normal one (which cost a LOT also) we are talking thousands of $$$ for something he will outgrow within 2-3 years... The Frog and the Gobro is not a new invention but it's something that is within reach for people who can't afford a new wheelchair for their kids every 2-3 year.
Maybe someday something even better than a wheelchair. I’ve seen robots (granted with 4 legs) that can run. I know it’s extremely complicated to do and may never be perfect but it would be great someday to see an exoskeleton or something that can allow people more mobility. Honestly I’d love to see people work together to create a huge upgrade to our current mobility devices. People who want to be inventors, that is still a field with endless possibilities.
@@gordythecat yes, and the braincell microchip so a computerised machine can be operated by you'r mind sending signals to the limbs just to move around and turn. It's still being made into a prototype for testing but it could work with a full mechanical rig to support a human body with full ability to function someday.
Keep strong. Dont forget that despite the evil in this world, God is full of justice, mercy and love. Justice said we broke His perfect law - causing the world's previous perfection to be destroyed - and therefore we deserve Hell (like a punishment in any legal system but this is eternal as His perfect law is eternal too). Don't think you fit in that category? Ever done one of these?: lying, stealing - regardless of how small the object EVER, hating others - which is murder in God's perfect law, lusting (plus God sees our entire thought life). Justice says "the soul that sins shall die". BUT, mercy said "I dont want to give them what they deserve. I don't want them to be cut off from Me. I love them despite all they have done/will do against Me. I want to give My children another chance. I want them to come home and live in My love again". And love said "Jesus, God's Son, came down as a Man, our representative, suffering every temptation, pain and struggle we have ever faced, yet without sin. He took all our sins (past/present/ even future) to the cross and then crucified EVERY ONE on our behalf. Justice was paid on the cross so that we can be free from Hell's punishment, experience Gods mercy of forgiveness of sin and live in His love. If we turn from the sins we have committed and repent (turn away from our sin and pursue the opposite direction of love through Christ) He will, overtime, recreate us back into that previously perfect image through The Holy Spirit which Jesus sends to all who accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior of their life. He is in Heaven right now preparing a place for us so that He can take His faithful, believing children home with Him when He returns. He will ressurrect us from death when He returns, giving mercy to those who accept His love, instruction and teachings in their life, and give justice to those who refuse it. He doesn't want ANY of us to go to Hell and die for continuing in evil and rejecting His way to life, thats why He died FOR us. He wants us to be His and begin to follow His life of love and service through Him (not ourselves as it's impossible without depending on His power and instruction). So long as we keep our hearts near to Christ through His strength, strive to obey His will of perfect love revealed in the Bible, and ask Him to help us in the midst of (very certain) pitfalls and struggles, we will, in time, win the victory over sin, pain and DEATH through Christ. Even if you are willing to be made willing, or struggling or doubtful, simply be honest and tell Him that. He is not intimidated by ANY sin or struggle you are facing. ANY. He hears and will answer. If we pray for Him to come in, regardless of the condition, then He will. NOTE: You are NEVER too sinful or messed up that God cannot turn your life around through Jesus. EVER. If you have any questions let me know xx
@@bearvillebear1468 And you believe this utter nonsense? Blanket punishment of innocents... by a "loving" god? If your earthly parent/guardian acted that way would you worship them too? So sad people get brainwashed like this and are rendered incapable of rational thinking.
@@bearvillebear1468 Your god is just one of the many gods humans have imagined up. Just doing good fearing gods judgement really tells something about your own character and humanity.
When obstacles occure in your life you have always 2 ways to handel it: 1. to be fustrated, complain, to be passive but also: 2. accept the situation, but try to improve it the best you can, be patient till you found a solution, be innovative .. This is what the father did..much respect!
@@noeonoohno4219 if you help your child to overcome all kind of obstacles in life and if you help dozens of other children the same way, then yes. You are probably better.
@@melbae.1124 I was being a bit sarcastic clearly this guy is an angel and I think the wife is too :) but i don't think ALL women want a man like that, some of us don't wanna muck around with men in the first place. straight women dig thru a lot of bullshit before finding empathetic and altruistic men like him.
@@noeonoohno4219 you're right, but that's not just women who dig through bullshit to find soemone worth the effort, money, time, etc. Everyone wants a judgement free world, but then they say stuff like this. Why not save that stuff for your personal thoughts or someone who loves and cares enough to listen to you? Youd rather just hate others for your past issues with completely different people. Sad
I have a daughter with cerebral palsy. The use of her arms is limited and her hips did not develop normally because tendons were pulling and dislocating dispite surgeries. She does drive a wheelchair with her head. Its amazing how having a disabled child can motivate a parent. The work you have done is exemplary. Thank You
Amazing!!! Mobility aids can be so expensive especially when a kid is growing so fast- the fact that he’s making these for free and helping so many other kids warms my heart
They are available, but any piece of medical equipment is incredibly expensive, and most insurances (in the US) won’t foot the whole bill. My ultralight manual wheelchair cost $7900 and it’s pretty stripped down. An electric wheelchair for a quadriplegic can cost $40,000 and up, so just imagine the cost to keep up with a growing child. Lots of parents end up making their own stuff as a result for their kids. The only thing I’d be concerned about with these homegrown devices is seating stability and pressure relief. A kid with spina bifida generally doesn’t have sensation in his/her legs, so you have to have some way to distribute pressure off bony bits, and they may not have the trunk control to stay upright. But there’s workarounds for all that too. Good parents find a way.
@@pinkmonkeybird2644 Wow. I had no idea they were that expensive. I'm wondering if there were more manufacturers if the cost would go down. That's crazy.
@@faizaanwar3662 I'm confused as to why you would say that. Are all of these medical devices available for free or at least at an affordable cost in all other countries?
What an amazing story. I've worked with kids with disabilities for year's. You've dramatically changed the trajectory of his life and other lives as well. It is amazing to watch how he responds to life in these chairs. No one knows what the future will bring but you've given him a gift of seemingly limitless possibilities. You all rock! Much love and admiration.
Brodie looks like a bright spark. What a clever boy to choose a Dad who could design a device that would enable him to get around. You guys are amazing. Much happiness.
My little brother had spinabifida among a long list of other birth defects. He died shortly before he turned 3; I was 4 almost 5 when he passed so my memories are fading as I enter my early 20’s. He couldn’t walk couldn’t talk, but I’ll be DAMNED if he wasn’t the sassiest most fiery little kid I’ve ever been blessed to know. truly a happy, pure soul despite all the pain he must have been in. I saw him mostly confined to our downstairs room where all of his machinery was. Unfortunately he also had a trach and many wires that were always attached to him. I can’t imagine how much of a little terror he would have been if he could have had this kind of freedom with a wheelchair 😂😂 I wish I could have gotten to know my little brother better but I’m glad to have the memories I do. Really brings joy to my heart, seeing kids with his condition getting the opportunity to have those normal childhood moments that everyone deserves. I hope he thrives and enjoys life to its fullest ❤️
This touched my heart in many ways... thank you for sharing... you are an awesome big brother by speaking of and sharing your lil bro 😇 story. ✌❤ to you always.
Wow this little boys is so fortunate to have a Dad with a skill set and a mission to find a way. Freak’n Amazing! His ideas will impact many other families.
What a beautiful family. The fact he wants to continue making these and give them out to families with children in need. This is true love not just for his own son but other people's little ones who are in the same situation. Truly beautiful!
Amy, since you know them could you pass along a suggestion? I'm wondering if he has thought of making the tray table with an edge to keep things from rolling or falling off. What a great family! Blessings!
Oopoolkjmb ertaxxr xxxxxx crvsr is the fifth gen 6th juju 7th buggy of fruit in time for a year and the next two months are 9999999now now now now now now now now 99now now now now now now now now
You are an amazing father to help your son find happiness with his disability. Now your helping other children embrace the same happiness you've given Brody. God Bless
So wonderful to see unfortunate circumstances turned into motivation and sharing instead of self pity and isolation. These parents rock, their son is so lucky!
As someone who is in a wheelchair, I am all too aware how amazing it is to have a piece of equipment that allows me to get around independently. Seeing not only Brody being joyful about his new chair, but also his dad and mum truly is beautiful
A boy with the same diagnosis lives in the neighborhood. He is 11 years old now. I think he would have benefited from such equipment for natural development.
Standing ovation for you both. Well done sir! It's always great to see kids getting into things and getting up to mischief as usual. I'm so happy to see this.
@@Cardiisshook not true. Parents know how much it cost to raise a child especially with a disability. There are so many things insurance companies don’t and won’t cover! They took a sad situation and turned it into a story that may bring them success. And that’s okay.
When he said "I want to play" I nearly cried its sad how some children are stuck with this and not getting the chance to play properly it makes me so grateful I have the ability to walk
My sister and I were both born with spina bifida. Unfortunately, she succumbed to the condition during an operation when she was 9 weeks old. She would have been 26 years old if she were alive today and I'm devastated to have never met her
I had hip dysplasia and my dad modified a skate board for me to get around. It's amazing what a parent will do to help their children. What a gorgeous little family
This little cutie is like a real life transformer. A true hero. Ingenious inventive Dad! Wishing you all the best the world can offer. I have limited hip function and bad nerve pain back & legs, I know some of the suffering involved. It was beautiful to see Brodie smile and flying around❤🧡💛💚💙💜
You can see the love just shining off of him as he talks about his son and giving mobility to other children. I wish they had put some contact information in the description so if people wanted to donate, they would know where to go
I am overwhelmed and so glad that Brodie is so fortunate to have you two as parents. Your generosity in sharing with others is such a blessing to them. I pray God rewards you, financially, for your inventions and in many other good ways, also. He has such a beautiful personality and gusto for life, because of the love and strength the two of you have given him. Thank you. Blessings.
Bless you for what you are doing. I myself am a wheelchair user and am waiting to see if I can get the right wheelchair I need due to how I broke my back. It is so heartwarming to see someone step up and help children who are forgotten about or ins. thinks they can wait until the child is older to fit them with something now taking into consideration that children have feelings and desires to do and learn. You are doing a great thing. Keep it up. Big hugs to you and your family.
I am getting my first chair in the coming weeks and of course I have mixed feelings. But to be able to get back to having a life is something that is hard to even imagine!
This was wonderful to see! I certainly wouldn’t call Brody handicapped in any way. The human sprit is wonderfully powerful . The parents and this joyful child are proof of that !! Where there’s a will, there is a way !!
He is sooo incredibly blessed to have such an amazing father!! Those inventions are awesome! I hope he patents them and starts selling them or donating them to other children who can benefit! Absolutely wonderful unconditional love!! 😃😇🙏💙👍🤗
I love this on sooo many levels... I work with developmentally disabled individuals, so this really touched my heart deeply... one of my most favorite individuals that I cared for before she passed had spina bifida, she was an amazing person!! Brody is an awesome little boy with equally awesome parents!! ❤️❤️❤️
Wergsa xxxxxxdfg til oil K6hvu fifth they should have y had the robber who made it through a great time when the ball went on for the 999th 9999inches in a game which saw
This is what I call the true love of a parent
I thought you said this is what I call true love of a peasant haha, but... THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU WILL EVER HEAR: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart, and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell. But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine. This means that God can legally dismiss their case: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent (turn away from sin) and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift. Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.
@@starmirzai906 This is the most random place for you to be forcing people into your religion
@@marion3654 God can use any occasion to spread the gospel! :)
Mark 16:15
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Imagine how much I would have to hate you, to know the key to eternal life and never tell you?
Imagine your house was on fire and you were asleep, I wouldn’t whisper to you “uh hi, wakey, wakey “ no, I would scream on the top of my lungs “ get out, your house is on fire!”
God gave you the dignity to have free will, but that being said, He wants you to do the right decision, and If I can do anything about it, of course I will
@@starmirzai906 Sorry but the UA-cam comment section is not the place for that
@@marion3654 1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
It’s for the ones that do care, but it is America, freedom of speech :) (The smile is not sarcasm lol)
the love of his parent is like no other.....especially the way his father keeps smiling as he talks about his son this is such a beautiful story
s orry s fiv ✓ so > Ad my nety door O n o nolord diane Li I s ites uriof
@@laurenwinter5027 àe
Really when he is 18 he will leave his parents and you call that love
Strong power thank you to you as well for this comment. 💜
His father makes dope wheelchairs and crawlers. What an awesome guy and loving family.
I have never seen a crawler for a baby before, never even though if the need for that. This boy has an amazing, genious dad, he sounds very smart for his age too, runs in the family.
@@GunsNRoses1123, so true. It's quite embarrassing it's not commonplace to have wheels for disabled infants. 🤨
take the product to shark tank
I am an adult with spina bifida. I love the inventions that this father did for his son.
You legend hope your doing good
My man u r a legend
It breaks my heart to know that we can put a man on the moon and have made such incredible technological advancements, but simple inventions like this to help people with disabilities have not been a priority. My daughter suffered a spinal cord injury about 15 years ago. I tweaked everything in our house to help her with her OT. She accomplished things her doctors said she never would. If I had not been proactive, like the parents in this video, her progress would have been greatly stunted. My least favorite words in the world are, "I can't."
Thank you for your inventions, they will be such a great blessing to people all over the world. God bless your family always.
Just so you realize there were no trips to the moon. Even Buzz has admitted this outright NO ONE has ever gone to the moon. STAGED!
NASA is 100% lies by past governments in chg.
They took tax payers $$$ and stole it!
It was all done in studios in Nevada deserts.
All will be REVEALED very soon.
Trump is the REAL POTUS not fake FAKE BIDEN.
DHS printed the paper for the states and all were marked with security features.
Trump took 80.4% of the legal ballot votes.
Military has it all and is currently in control.
That you can be sure of!!
@@smitty2000 Congratulations on taking a heartfelt comment and completely castrating it into an invitation for other people to start a flamewar by spitting out conspiracy theories, political agendas, and troll comments.
@@fornax5798 right so annoying
I guess some ppl don't realize there's a time and place for everything, just some ppl don't have that in them. So let's help them out...
This is an avenue to encourage parents with children who have special needs by loving parents reinventing materials creating equipment that benefits children with spinal cord injuries or disease deformities. This is a beautiful time celebrating and encouraging a breakthrough that wasn't available to benefit children in their growth process from birth before these parents and inventive father. What a wonderful medical breakthrough that the medical field should have jumped on and didn't. But a love of an inventive father opened a new style of a normal life for special needs children. Medical History Made! GOD Bless him for blessing children with the means not to be held back from succeeding in life! Beautiful!!!
Agreed. Making bombs blowing up someone else's kids in another country when they shoulda been attending to their own...
He's quite natural at that wheelchair he even knows how to turn.
I mean yeah he's been in it most of his life lol
Life doesn't give you so much that you cannot handle......it's just finding the motivation and his comes from how much love his family has and they seem to not emphasize on his problem but on his uniqueness. They show him he is different but not necessarily as bad thing. I like how it's just, well, "you gotta move, here is your tool"
And it's just that and appears so normal that it make him confident
My sister had cerebral palsy in the early 80's and these inventions would have changed our lives!!
This family is solo sweet, n loving u can v it. Wish u all the best
She must of had a lot of hurdles back then , I can imagine how tough it was for disabled people back in the 80's and even still they are treated like second class citizens. Wish her well .
Keep strong. Dont forget that despite the evil in this world, God is full of justice, mercy and love.
Justice said we broke His perfect law - causing the world's previous perfection to be destroyed - and therefore we deserve Hell (like a punishment in any legal system but this is eternal as His perfect law is eternal too). Don't think you fit in that category? Ever done one of these?: lying, stealing - regardless of how small the object EVER, hating others - which is murder in God's perfect law, lusting (plus God sees our entire thought life). Justice says "the soul that sins shall die".
BUT, mercy said "I dont want to give them what they deserve. I don't want them to be cut off from Me. I love them despite all they have done/will do against Me. I want to give My children another chance. I want them to come home and live in My love again".
And love said "Jesus, God's Son, came down as a Man, our representative, suffering every temptation, pain and struggle we have ever faced, yet without sin. He took all our sins (past/present/ even future) to the cross and then crucified EVERY ONE on our behalf. Justice was paid on the cross so that we can be free from Hell's punishment, experience Gods mercy of forgiveness of sin and live in His love. If we turn from the sins we have committed and repent (turn away from our sin and pursue the opposite direction of love through Christ) He will, overtime, recreate us back into that previously perfect image through The Holy Spirit which Jesus sends to all who accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior of their life.
He is in Heaven right now preparing a place for us so that He can take His faithful, believing children home with Him when He returns. He will ressurrect us from death when He returns, giving mercy to those who accept His love, instruction and teachings in their life, and give justice to those who refuse it.
He doesn't want ANY of us to go to Hell and die for continuing in evil and rejecting His way to life, thats why He died FOR us. He wants us to be His and begin to follow His life of love and service through Him (not ourselves as it's impossible without depending on His power and instruction). So long as we keep our hearts near to Christ through His strength, strive to obey His will of perfect love revealed in the Bible, and ask Him to help us in the midst of (very certain) pitfalls and struggles, we will, in time, win the victory over sin, pain and DEATH through Christ. Even if you are willing to be made willing, or struggling or doubtful, simply be honest and tell Him that. He is not intimidated by ANY sin or struggle you are facing. ANY. He hears and will answer. If we pray for Him to come in, regardless of the condition, then He will.
NOTE: You are NEVER too sinful or messed up that God cannot turn your life around through Jesus. EVER.
If you have any questions let me know xx
Now that’s the love of a proud father. I know that his designs and engineering will help so many other children just as it has proven with his gorgeous son 🤗
What a wonderful story, these parents challenge became a solution for many. May God bless you and your family!
@@annarenneberg9699 ~may the Lord continue to bless them 🙏 He appears to be central in their lives now 😊 May He & the Holy Spirit stay close by this family always🙆💞
its the least the dad could do after making his son disabled
The look in the mother's eyes while her husband is talking... Pure love and admirarion.🥰
Yes, I was just going to say that! ☺️
They've hit jackpot as a couple.
They found out he was disabled halfway thru the pregnancy. Why didn't they abort him?
They are very cruel parents.
@@FA9082why cruel? Why is the answer always abortion?
This is so much more than him being able to socialize and be active.. he is building his core strength... he will be so much stronger and healthier because of his Dad ❤ Dad, you are a hero!
Amen! Good job Dad and Mom!
yeah really he can actually use what parts of his body he can control to the fullest now
These are another set of special people. They didn't let his mobility stop him from living. And giving other children an equal quality of life. All because of Brody! Truly heartwarming.
#ActuallyAutistic here to let you know that our needs are *NOT* special, calling them that is inspiration porn and infantilizing! It's just part of who we are. There is nothing bad about the word "disabled"!
I remember my dad (RIP) built a wheelchair for me when I broke my leg, so I wouldn't miss my 2nd grade tests. Back then, there were no wheelchairs for children available in my town. May the Lord bless this family.
Such a beautiful story
That’s wonderful
Beautiful story ,your father supported you when you needed him !
....and they're giving these
out for free to other kids with the
same condition. I'm crying.
Yup, definitely teared up towards the end. This couple is what every kid dreams they had for parents.
That’s beautiful!!
Kindness is the most powerful force for change.
Yes, it is devastating. Humans are the only species who oppose there own evolutionary instincts
@@WisdomThroughGod Disagree, non human animals will abandon or even kill offspring with disabilities or health issues. Most human parents will care for and love their children regardless of any issues.
This is wonderful! My granddaughter was born with spina bifida 27 yrs ago and we were always trying to help her with mobility. She got her first wheelchair at 2 yrs and it opened up her world. My husband modified a Barbie jeep with hand controls on the steering wheel when she was 4. She got her driver's license at 16 hand controls, got married at 23 and has a baby boy who is almost 2 and has a full time job.
Thanks for what you are doing to help all these kids, wish you were around when she was little. Bless your little man !
Wonderful story! You’re really proud of your grand daughters achievements....maybe takes after you!
Great story. Thanks for sharing.
Wow... that’s an incredible story!
Probably the best part is that most wheel chairs made for kids cost sooooo much money but hes giving kids the ability to be independent and move for free and parents the joy of knowing they dont have to pay tons of money for their kids to be mobile
yeah especially bc they grow out so fast
@@I_AM_HYDRAA Hlo I want to talk you my son also spina bifida and I want this wheel chair for my kid .I am from Pakistan
It warms my heart to see that there is still goodness in this world.
Never doubted about it.
There always will be💜
Oh yes, things like this restore a bit of faith in humanity
There always was. We just have to look for it 😊
God Bless you
You can tell the mom is so proud of her husband. Way to go you guys. Wonderful parents.
They were devastated when they heard about their son and yet he is the reason children elsewhere have the gift of mobility.
This family is awesome.
I'm not crying, you are!!!! Brody is such a happy, handsome child. With parents like them he's capable of anything.
Brody's dad and mum.....YOUR INCREDIBLE. 50 years ago our 4 day old brother had spinal bifida and back then I thought it was the best outcome for him to have passed, NOW, seeing BRODY, David should've survived and lead a semi-normal but extremely HAPPY LIFE that your boy does....BRODY'S DAD.... you're an angel.
The look of joy on Brody's face as he gets around is beautiful. God really blessed his parents with him and in turn blessed so many other children. All due to Brody!
And you believe in a god who does this to children
Dude if there was ever a father of the Year award ceremony you'd win hands down I know first hand what inspiration from your child is like my beautiful kids inspired me to start my own line of kids jewelry which I proudly named after them this is my legacy to them just like this is your legacy to your beautiful son and the mobility to others just like your son
These parents are so loving and admirable! They didn't give up on their child and instead helped their child grow.
I won't say that they're not bit isn't that more or less compulsory for any decent parent?
They really took this challenge and made the world a better place using their creativity (and of course having the resources), not only for their son but for other children! That they give them away to other kids is so heartwarming. Such a cool design. I hope they continue on being generous and humble by making this accessible to other less fortunate.
That boy is just so adorable. Wonderful parents giving him and others their freedom.
I’ve honestly never seen a better dad. What a lucky little guy
This guy needs a contract with big companies. He’s a hero. Why hasn’t he need recognised? This is someone who actually cares about others. Government couldn’t give a crap about anyone!!
The government has cared about disabilities, like requiring public buildings being wheelchair friendly by having a ramp when the building has steps and having brail on the signs, like room numbers and which restroom it is.
But when it comes to individual’s care, I definitely agree with you on that.
Oh knock it off. The wheelchair has been around for quite some time. You get caught up in your feelings and say nonsense. I have air to sell you btw you gullible hooman 😂
Not everything has to be about money. That is the first problem with capitalism and the so called 'free market' mentality.
@@Omni-King2099 ""The wheelchair has been around for quite some time."" Have you ever saw the price of custom wheelchair?? This kid and many other kids can't have a normal one (which cost a LOT also) we are talking thousands of $$$ for something he will outgrow within 2-3 years... The Frog and the Gobro is not a new invention but it's something that is within reach for people who can't afford a new wheelchair for their kids every 2-3 year.
@@ItamiAkuma dude....... insurance. We're not paying taxes for nothing
I was thinking he would sell each one for hundreds or thousands. He said he was trying to give them away for free 🥺😃, they're so sweet and kinds
Yes, he could and I'm so glad he doesn't!!!
Good people, parents shouldnt have to spend thousands of dollars on something that their kid physically needs to function
This dude is helping kids with limited mobility move around more! It's great!
I'm so happy he does that, the price of a wheelchair or standing frame for a disabled child even a pram that is a little larger is extortionate.
@@darlenechrisman7570 k
That kid is going to have the coolest wheelchair when he's older.
The futures looking bright for this kind of technology being created.
Maybe someday something even better than a wheelchair. I’ve seen robots (granted with 4 legs) that can run. I know it’s extremely complicated to do and may never be perfect but it would be great someday to see an exoskeleton or something that can allow people more mobility.
Honestly I’d love to see people work together to create a huge upgrade to our current mobility devices.
People who want to be inventors, that is still a field with endless possibilities.
@@gordythecat yes, and the braincell microchip so a computerised machine can be operated by you'r mind sending signals to the limbs just to move around and turn. It's still being made into a prototype for testing but it could work with a full mechanical rig to support a human body with full ability to function someday.
I am a disabled person and I know life is going to be hard for him but with you around, it will become beautiful for him.
Blessings to him.
The "wheel chair" for crawling just 😲 with parents like them that kid is going to go far 👏👏👏
This is the kind of story that should be told on the news every night. Instead of hearing about somebody shooting their spouse because they cheated!!
Ditch open TV and choose to consume the good that is done in the world! Even my 70 year old parents are doing this 🥰
Keep strong. Dont forget that despite the evil in this world, God is full of justice, mercy and love.
Justice said we broke His perfect law - causing the world's previous perfection to be destroyed - and therefore we deserve Hell (like a punishment in any legal system but this is eternal as His perfect law is eternal too). Don't think you fit in that category? Ever done one of these?: lying, stealing - regardless of how small the object EVER, hating others - which is murder in God's perfect law, lusting (plus God sees our entire thought life). Justice says "the soul that sins shall die".
BUT, mercy said "I dont want to give them what they deserve. I don't want them to be cut off from Me. I love them despite all they have done/will do against Me. I want to give My children another chance. I want them to come home and live in My love again".
And love said "Jesus, God's Son, came down as a Man, our representative, suffering every temptation, pain and struggle we have ever faced, yet without sin. He took all our sins (past/present/ even future) to the cross and then crucified EVERY ONE on our behalf. Justice was paid on the cross so that we can be free from Hell's punishment, experience Gods mercy of forgiveness of sin and live in His love. If we turn from the sins we have committed and repent (turn away from our sin and pursue the opposite direction of love through Christ) He will, overtime, recreate us back into that previously perfect image through The Holy Spirit which Jesus sends to all who accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior of their life.
He is in Heaven right now preparing a place for us so that He can take His faithful, believing children home with Him when He returns. He will ressurrect us from death when He returns, giving mercy to those who accept His love, instruction and teachings in their life, and give justice to those who refuse it.
He doesn't want ANY of us to go to Hell and die for continuing in evil and rejecting His way to life, thats why He died FOR us. He wants us to be His and begin to follow His life of love and service through Him (not ourselves as it's impossible without depending on His power and instruction). So long as we keep our hearts near to Christ through His strength, strive to obey His will of perfect love revealed in the Bible, and ask Him to help us in the midst of (very certain) pitfalls and struggles, we will, in time, win the victory over sin, pain and DEATH through Christ. Even if you are willing to be made willing, or struggling or doubtful, simply be honest and tell Him that. He is not intimidated by ANY sin or struggle you are facing. ANY. He hears and will answer. If we pray for Him to come in, regardless of the condition, then He will.
NOTE: You are NEVER too sinful or messed up that God cannot turn your life around through Jesus. EVER.
If you have any questions let me know xx
@@bearvillebear1468 And you believe this utter nonsense? Blanket punishment of innocents... by a "loving" god? If your earthly parent/guardian acted that way would you worship them too? So sad people get brainwashed like this and are rendered incapable of rational thinking.
Look, I'm sorry, but he had it coming. He only had himself to blame.
@@bearvillebear1468 Your god is just one of the many gods humans have imagined up. Just doing good fearing gods judgement really tells something about your own character and humanity.
May he grow up to be an amazing man just like his Dad.
Wishing the same
.........And the sweet spirit of his mum....what genes! ..beautiful parents
No limits to a loving parent's desire to help their children succeed. No matter the obstacles. What a gift!
Right 😭
When obstacles occure in your life you have always 2 ways to handel it: 1. to be fustrated, complain, to be passive but also: 2. accept the situation, but try to improve it the best you can, be patient till you found a solution, be innovative ..
This is what the father did..much respect!
The way she looks at her husband is amazing! ☺️💗 So much love!
This is the man that every woman dreams to become the father of her children.
except lesbians :) we are just better
@@noeonoohno4219 if you help your child to overcome all kind of obstacles in life and if you help dozens of other children the same way, then yes. You are probably better.
@@melbae.1124 I was being a bit sarcastic clearly this guy is an angel and I think the wife is too :) but i don't think ALL women want a man like that, some of us don't wanna muck around with men in the first place. straight women dig thru a lot of bullshit before finding empathetic and altruistic men like him.
Noeono ??????????
@@noeonoohno4219 you're right, but that's not just women who dig through bullshit to find soemone worth the effort, money, time, etc. Everyone wants a judgement free world, but then they say stuff like this. Why not save that stuff for your personal thoughts or someone who loves and cares enough to listen to you? Youd rather just hate others for your past issues with completely different people. Sad
I have a daughter with cerebral palsy. The use of her arms is limited and her hips did not develop normally because tendons were pulling and dislocating dispite surgeries. She does drive a wheelchair with her head. Its amazing how having a disabled child can motivate a parent. The work you have done is exemplary. Thank You
Amazing!!! Mobility aids can be so expensive especially when a kid is growing so fast- the fact that he’s making these for free and helping so many other kids warms my heart
That baby's greatest blessing is to have a father like him. He is a great father 👍
Yes - as the saying goes - any man can father a child but not every man is a dad!
Great Dad!!!
What a great Dad... so calm that it helps his wife to deal her emotion. Being supported that much from your love ones change many things in our lives
Such LOVE for their child and other children. Wow!
I can feel the love in their voices. GOD continue to bless and keep them all.
How were these not already a thing? I'm blown away. He is changing many lives. What a sweet caring father. 💙
They are available, but any piece of medical equipment is incredibly expensive, and most insurances (in the US) won’t foot the whole bill. My ultralight manual wheelchair cost $7900 and it’s pretty stripped down. An electric wheelchair for a quadriplegic can cost $40,000 and up, so just imagine the cost to keep up with a growing child. Lots of parents end up making their own stuff as a result for their kids.
The only thing I’d be concerned about with these homegrown devices is seating stability and pressure relief. A kid with spina bifida generally doesn’t have sensation in his/her legs, so you have to have some way to distribute pressure off bony bits, and they may not have the trunk control to stay upright. But there’s workarounds for all that too. Good parents find a way.
@@pinkmonkeybird2644 Wow. I had no idea they were that expensive. I'm wondering if there were more manufacturers if the cost would go down. That's crazy.
@@pinkmonkeybird2644 america’s is so messed up
@@faizaanwar3662 I'm confused as to why you would say that. Are all of these medical devices available for free or at least at an affordable cost in all other countries?
What an amazing story. I've worked with kids with disabilities for year's. You've dramatically changed the trajectory of his life and other lives as well. It is amazing to watch how he responds to life in these chairs. No one knows what the future will bring but you've given him a gift of seemingly limitless possibilities. You all rock! Much love and admiration.
Brodie looks like a bright spark. What a clever boy to choose a Dad who could design a device that would enable him to get around. You guys are amazing. Much happiness.
This is the most beautiful gift he could he could give his son! Congratulations to this dad for making this happen.👏🏽🏆🙏🏼❤
My little brother had spinabifida among a long list of other birth defects. He died shortly before he turned 3; I was 4 almost 5 when he passed so my memories are fading as I enter my early 20’s. He couldn’t walk couldn’t talk, but I’ll be DAMNED if he wasn’t the sassiest most fiery little kid I’ve ever been blessed to know. truly a happy, pure soul despite all the pain he must have been in. I saw him mostly confined to our downstairs room where all of his machinery was. Unfortunately he also had a trach and many wires that were always attached to him. I can’t imagine how much of a little terror he would have been if he could have had this kind of freedom with a wheelchair 😂😂
I wish I could have gotten to know my little brother better but I’m glad to have the memories I do. Really brings joy to my heart, seeing kids with his condition getting the opportunity to have those normal childhood moments that everyone deserves. I hope he thrives and enjoys life to its fullest ❤️
This touched my heart in many ways... thank you for sharing... you are an awesome big brother by speaking of and sharing your lil bro 😇 story. ✌❤ to you always.
He's a cute little thing. You're a wonderful, calm, kind Dad. Lovely person
God bless them. What wonderful people. Brody is the cutest!
I can see and feel the tears of happiness in the parents' faces.
Wow this little boys is so fortunate to have a Dad with a skill set and a mission to find a way. Freak’n Amazing! His ideas will impact many other families.
What a beautiful family. The fact he wants to continue making these and give them out to families with children in need. This is true love not just for his own son but other people's little ones who are in the same situation. Truly beautiful!
His dads smile when he says “ I wanted my boy to crawl” gave me goosebumps
I personally know this family and their devotion to their children is not surprising! What a marvelous spotlight on what love and ingenuity can do!
Amy, since you know them could you pass along a suggestion? I'm wondering if he has thought of making the tray table with an edge to keep things from rolling or falling off. What a great family! Blessings!
I have no doubt the father will continue to make new inventions for his son as he grows. Beautiful.
Brody is a gift to this dad that brought out his greatness. Wonderful, kind beings.
Oopoolkjmb ertaxxr xxxxxx crvsr is the fifth gen 6th juju 7th buggy of fruit in time for a year and the next two months are 9999999now now now now now now now now 99now now now now now now now now
The parents are incredibly sweet, I can tell their child is going to grow up into a loving and kind man, I hope he has an incredible and safe life!
What a talented Man. Inspired b/c of his son's needs. Giving back is key 2 his happiness-it is 4 all of us.
Should have named it " The Brody frog ". Such a wonderful thing you did for your son and now other children.
His wheelchair is called the “go bro” which I was thinking as brother but of course it’s probably short for Brody!
He is a very happy boy. It shows his parents are very loving and give him the best care.
You are an amazing father to help your son find happiness with his disability. Now your helping other children embrace the same happiness you've given Brody. God Bless
So wonderful to see unfortunate circumstances turned into motivation and sharing instead of self pity and isolation. These parents rock, their son is so lucky!
These are great! There’s no mobility devices for smaller babies and toddlers and this man has made one
As someone who is in a wheelchair, I am all too aware how amazing it is to have a piece of equipment that allows me to get around independently. Seeing not only Brody being joyful about his new chair, but also his dad and mum truly is beautiful
A boy with the same diagnosis lives in the neighborhood. He is 11 years old now. I think he would have benefited from such equipment for natural development.
Standing ovation for you both. Well done sir! It's always great to see kids getting into things and getting up to mischief as usual. I'm so happy to see this.
Poor kid, he has alot of struggle to overcome in his life but he has an awesome family to help him get through it. Best wishes.
he's surely got the right parents 😁 shout out to these guys
Only parents could discover new way to improve better son's life that has got disability
And only a parent would make it free and not try and make a big cash grab out of his inventions
@@Cardiisshook not true. Parents know how much it cost to raise a child especially with a disability. There are so many things insurance companies don’t and won’t cover! They took a sad situation and turned it into a story that may bring them success. And that’s okay.
I’ve had two disabled children… This brings tears to my eyes! God bless you and your family
When he said "I want to play" I nearly cried its sad how some children are stuck with this and not getting the chance to play properly it makes me so grateful I have the ability to walk
You are such an amazing father / person you was given Brody for that reason not just for Brody but other children
My sister and I were both born with spina bifida. Unfortunately, she succumbed to the condition during an operation when she was 9 weeks old. She would have been 26 years old if she were alive today and I'm devastated to have never met her
Well done sir..... you give hope
I had hip dysplasia and my dad modified a skate board for me to get around.
It's amazing what a parent will do to help their children.
What a gorgeous little family
Some parents apparently:/
This little cutie is like a real life transformer. A true hero. Ingenious inventive Dad! Wishing you all the best the world can offer. I have limited hip function and bad nerve pain back & legs, I know some of the suffering involved.
It was beautiful to see Brodie smile and flying around❤🧡💛💚💙💜
You can see the love just shining off of him as he talks about his son and giving mobility to other children. I wish they had put some contact information in the description so if people wanted to donate, they would know where to go
Dad has a great voice 📿📿📿📿📿📿📿
He's so blessed to have him for a Dad. Mom too! 🙏
I am overwhelmed and so glad that Brodie is so fortunate to have you two as parents. Your generosity in sharing with others is such a blessing to them. I pray God rewards you, financially, for your inventions and in many other good ways, also. He has such a beautiful personality and gusto for life, because of the love and strength the two of you have given him. Thank you. Blessings.
Bless you for what you are doing. I myself am a wheelchair user and am waiting to see if I can get the right wheelchair I need due to how I broke my back. It is so heartwarming to see someone step up and help children who are forgotten about or ins. thinks they can wait until the child is older to fit them with something now taking into consideration that children have feelings and desires to do and learn. You are doing a great thing. Keep it up. Big hugs to you and your family.
This kid will become a paralympic champ. Bless his parents!
Both father and son are an inspiration in their unique way
We are not bound to our wheelchair, our wheelchair is our freedom ❤️
I am getting my first chair in the coming weeks and of course I have mixed feelings. But to be able to get back to having a life is something that is hard to even imagine!
@@katejackson6502 trust me when i say as someone who was using crutches my wheelchair gave me the world
Great parents, brody is a cutie and so independent in his chair.
Cool gadget for the child :) He can have his mobility, play like a kid and learn to handle his daily life from a young age.
So wonderful!
What a gorgeous little boy, he's loving them inventions, I think you both are amazing parents, and what an awesome daddy, well done sir
This was wonderful to see! I certainly wouldn’t call Brody handicapped in any way. The human sprit is wonderfully powerful . The parents and this joyful child are proof of that !! Where there’s a will, there is a way !!
He is sooo incredibly blessed to have such an amazing father!! Those inventions are awesome! I hope he patents them and starts selling them or donating them to other children who can benefit! Absolutely wonderful unconditional love!! 😃😇🙏💙👍🤗
Wow, so cute little boy😍and what a blessing for him and other children,to get the chance to move around by himself! Daddy is beyond creative!
You can see the look on their faces that they are Proud of their son. 👍👍
I love this on sooo many levels... I work with developmentally disabled individuals, so this really touched my heart deeply... one of my most favorite individuals that I cared for before she passed had spina bifida, she was an amazing person!! Brody is an awesome little boy with equally awesome parents!! ❤️❤️❤️
Doctor: spina bifida
Dad: No problem son, I got this. ❤❤❤
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your son is so cute and you are giving him the gift of independence! God bless you for your work to enable other children experience the same freedom
What an amazing dad, making these for his son and giving mobility to others.
Beyond fabulous.
Gorgeous Bubba.
The universe was showing off when this Family was made.
Kind deeds change Lives.
What a lovely family and what great parents!! So optimistic -great for people out there in a similar situation.
They are so happy, you can just tell. And the look on mummy's face when daddy speaks, that's love and pride
That’s what we do for our kids ,what a cutie he is and what a wonderful thing your doing for other children.
Mainstream this 😭
its so wholesome even when he was pushing his brother in the chair away
I love this kid. He is sunshine. 🌻
And, his dad makes his world shines more. ☀️
So many children will be helped with these inventions. Such a beautiful family. This gives the world hope .🌻
You’re both amazing!!! Great father and mom!!!! Admirable ❤️