Crayton, Edith Section 2011 KIN 287 Winter 2014 Video #2 I think Bosco played really well. They hustled for the ball with every play, even though they had some turnovers they hustled to get the ball back. You can tell Bosco team players were trying really hard even though they might not have had the best skills out there on the court. Great Team Effort and persistence!!!
Alvaro Loya PE 665 Both teams had pretty good defensive rebounded except for a couple of plays where there wasn't too much boxing out and plenty of out jumping. I saw how Reece and Moreno used fundamental ball handling and protected the ball well.
Blanco, Jennifer Section 2011 The speed on both teams is really quick! Nice fake by 14! The Bernard team seems to have done really well thisyoutube video part. They had a few steals and jumped really well. Bosco kept up and had some good shots!
Armando Arce Badminton Skills- Kin 366-1 #12104 The intensity is there, and Bosco seems to be putting the more pressure. I also noticed the height of these players at a young age, they are all at least 6 feet tall. A good game so far
Alena Morales kinesiology 387 section 2087 part 4 it is all about reading "defense" and "offense" seeing the patterns getting ready to react to what you.
Rodolfo Valdez Cortez Kin 287 Basketball Winter Session 2014 The tallest player from Don Bosco Tech kept on turning the ball over to the other team. St. Bemard kept on taking advantage of that but at times they were so eager to score that they would rush in too fast and not make the shot.
Elizabeth Avitia
Kinesiology 366-1 2018
Monday 6:00-9:30
Part 2
Vincent Soliz
Spring 2014
Kin 387
Section 2029
@ 2:10 number 15 with a sleeper move.
Kaitlin Javier
Kin 391-1
Section #14202 MW 9:00A-10:25A
Fall 2018
Part 2
Helio Gonzalez
Kin 103 Fall 2013
Kicking it old school, good start to the game
Escobar Fabricio kin 103, #44 easy rebound for a 6'7 guy @ 2:53
Marino took advantage of that free 18ft shot.Good job Marino.
Crayton, Edith
Section 2011
KIN 287 Winter 2014
Video #2
I think Bosco played really well. They hustled for the ball with every play, even though they had some turnovers they hustled to get the ball back. You can tell Bosco team players were trying really hard even though they might not have had the best skills out there on the court. Great Team Effort and persistence!!!
Kin 287
Section 2011, Winter Session
Marino took advantage of that wide open 18ft shot.Good job Marino
Desten Rodriguez
Kin 366-1
Section #24862
Spring 2022
(Part 2)
The steal done near the middle of the video was very well done.
Alvaro Loya
PE 665
Both teams had pretty good defensive rebounded except for a couple of plays where there wasn't too much boxing out and plenty of out jumping.
I saw how Reece and Moreno used fundamental ball handling and protected the ball well.
Elvira valencia
Fall 2020
Kin body toning
Section 19596
Bosco #10 is one of the best player I just love the way he plays basketball
Mark Dennis
Kin 387 section 2019 Tuesday & Thursday 9am
Number 15 had some nice steals.
Kin 387-1 Section # 18004
M-W 12:00-1:30PM
Basketball s
Spring 2018
Denise Villarreal
kin 387
Winter 2014 9:00am-9:35
quick players
Vincent Bello
summer 2014
section # 2002
kin 387
Very close game, both teams show great heart
2nd part part of the video
Anidar Jimenez Junior
Kin 387 Section 2029
Spring 2014
Looking like the San Antonio Spurs with the ball movement love it!
Stephanie Lopez
Kin 229 #27689
Part 2: (3:46) nice ball movement! I also noticed there in so three point line? interesting
Julio Torres
-Winter 2016
Blanco, Jennifer Section 2011
The speed on both teams is really quick! Nice fake by 14! The Bernard team seems to have done really well thisyoutube video part. They had a few steals and jumped really well. Bosco kept up and had some good shots!
Luis Uribe
1. Kin 287 (basketball skills)
2. section 2011
3. Winter 2015
Andre Dashiel
kinesiology 378
sec 2011, winter session
number 44 is a great asset to the team great player for bosco tech
Adolfo Rodriguez
Kin 387
Section 2029 spring
Dam, the game is getting better.
Jay Wong
Section number 24862
Part 2
You can feel the intensity judging by the crowds reactions
Rubio, David
Kin 287
Section 2012
Winter 2014
This is the second video I have viewed. Great ball rotation but some get stolen
Pedro Torres
Kin: 287
Section: 2011
Winter 2014
Great defending even with the hight difference they are still defending well
Robert Rios, Kinesiology 387, section 2089, spring 2016. Part 2
Armando Arce
Badminton Skills- Kin 366-1
The intensity is there, and Bosco seems to be putting the more pressure. I also noticed the height of these players at a young age, they are all at least 6 feet tall. A good game so far
Berexson Herrera P.E 713......the game sure has changed... they passed alot more back in the day then they do now
Kavin Nguyen
1. Kin 287 Basketball Skills
2. Section 2012
3. Winter 2015
William Abad kin 387 spring 2014 section 2029 great defense great offense
Erick Bustillos
Kin 370: Table Tennis
Section #: 13298
Fall 2018
Part 2
Adeline Wong. Kin 366. Section 2084. Spring 2016. Part 2.
Joshua Calderon Tu/Thur 9:00 am sect.#:2074 Kin 387 #2
Gonzalez, Steve
1. Kin 287
2.Section 2012
3. Winter 2015
Gustavo Giron-Rodriguez
Summer 2020
Kin Maj- 103 Intro/coaching athletics
Reynoso, Cindy
Kin 387-1 basketball 1
Sec 14003
Fall 2018
Kathy Lopez
Kin 334-1 Fitness walking
section #24547
Spring 2021
part #2
The audience is so into the game so much excitement
Lorenzo Contreras
Part 2
Roland Truong
1. Kin 287 basketball skills
2. Section 2012
3. Winter 2015
anthony nieto
KIN 387
Spring '17
part 2
Deion Molina
1. Kin 287 basketball skills
2. Section 2012
3. Winter 2015
Yency Guerra
Spring 2020
Kin 389-1: Soccer-1
Kin 370: Table Tennis
Kin 103 Section 2017
Fall 2013 Tuesday/Thursday
Really good game!
Alena Morales
kinesiology 387
section 2087
part 4 it is all about reading "defense" and "offense" seeing the patterns getting ready to react to what you.
Melissa Peralta (summer 2016) kinesiology 366 section#2010 part 2
Valerie Lopez
Kin 370: Tabe Tennis
Section #10484
Summer 2019
Martinez, Oscar
Kin 287
Section 2011
Winter 2014
Good game so far.
Felix Ayala
Spring 2021
Part 2
Juana Landin ( Juanita)
KIN 366-1 E03
Badminton Skills
Spring 2018
Part #2
Natasha Torres- Kin 287, Sections: 2011, Winter 2014.
Danny Pizarro : Part #2
Winter 2020
KIN 370: Table Tennis
Section: E01-10217
Good game so far.
2. Larios, Alejandro
Section 2012
Kimberly Juarez PE 500! Nice shot form player #18
Brianda Terriquez
Kin 391-1
Section: 18363
Spring 2018
Yu-Min Cheng, Kin 397, Section# 2019, Tues/Thurs Fall 2013, part2
Wow, this is a very aggressive game. Players are falling everywhere.
Erica Torres
P.E 500 M-W 8:15-10:20
Looks like a really good game, really like it.
Becerra Jorge kin 387 winter 2014 number 22 got hit pretty hard and bosco had good shoots
Natalie Sanchez
1. Kin 287
2.section 2012
3. Winter 2015
Vivian Perez
Section 24548
#2 video
St. Bernard in the lead.
Amy Contreras-Portillo
KIN 346
Spring 2017 MW
part 2
William Abad
section 2029 kin 387 spring 2014
Great defense Great offense!!!!
Jonathan Tu, Kin 387, Section 2087, Spring 2016, Part 2
Ong, Chau.
Spring 2021.
KIN 287. Section #25936.
Part #2
Jocelyne Diaz
Tues and thurs
It is just the beginning and it is very intense
Jose E Conrique
Kin 387-1
Part 2
Alejandra Villegas
Kinesiology 334-1
Spring 2021
Joshua Sauno KIN 388, section 2006 Fall 2016 Part 2
Luis Cuellar, Kinesiology 388, Section 2089, Spring 2016, Part 2
Bautista, Yeshira
Kin 387-1 basketball 1
Sec 14003
Fall 2018
Alejandra Villegas
Kinesiology 334-1
part 2
Spring 2021
Denise Alvarez
Kin. 387-1
sec. 13096
Brian Perez Aguilar
Kin 387
Spring 2017
Part 2
Joel Bautista
Kin 387-1: Basketball
Section: 14003
Fall 2018
Part 2
Jose Trujillo
KIn 388
Spring 2017
Part 2
Physical Education 304
Section 2017, Thursday Class
Spring 2012
They had a few basketball rules back in the day.
Kin 387 Section 2012 Bryan Leung
Those shorts are seriously short
Frank Vasquez Checking in again
Kin 287 basketball winter session 2014
Ekly Sek, Spring 2020, Kin 389-1: Soccer-1.
Enrique Renaldo
Kin 387
Sec 2075
Fall 2015
Stefan Vasquez
class: kin 387 section: 2075
fall 2015
Jesus Marquez
Spring 2020
section: 14579
Kin 389-1: Soccer-1
Leonardo Mena
Winter 2016
Joshua Bustamante
KIN 387-1
Class section: 2012
Part 2
Ana Gonzalez
class: kin 387 section: 2075
fall 2015
Rodolfo Valdez Cortez
Kin 287 Basketball Winter Session 2014
The tallest player from Don Bosco Tech kept on turning the ball over to the other team. St. Bemard kept on taking advantage of that but at times they were so eager to score that they would rush in too fast and not make the shot.
Carlos Miranda
1. Kin 287
2. Section 2011
3. Winter 2015
Jackson Tu
Kin 387
Section - 2029
Spring 2014
Good ball movement
Juan Chavez
Kin 366-1
Section# 24862
Spring 2022
Both put on a lot of pressure making it difficult for either side to determine the outcome
Salvador Chavoya Kin 2019 tue/ thur
from the looks of it St Bernard was playing a box and one keeping your big out of the paint
kin 387
Casey Russo
Fall 2020
KIN 334-1: Fitness Walking
Section 26841
Araceli Gutierrez
Kin Section:2013
Winter 2017-table tennis
Part 2
Gabriela Zoquiapa
KIN 387-1 T/TH
Spring 2018
Part 2
Ho Nguyen
Spring 2020 - Kin 366-1
section #: 18714
Part 2
Duyen Pham KIN 366-1 Fall 2016 Section 2103 Part-2
Sergio David Vergara Kin-366-1, Winter 2017 Part 2
Castillon, Vida
KIN 391-1
Spring 2018
Part 2
Alejandra Gazpar
Fall 2019
Kin 391-1 volleyball
Section #13218
Anthony Tapia
Kin 387-1
Class 10531
Winter 2019
Part 2
Thiha Tun
Section #15045
Fall 2017