Also don't forget he apparently actually owned the costume he imagined performing this song in, while living in a tiny shack in Sotenboori. And kept it for nearly 20 years afterwards.
I like to view this game as Majima's coming of age story. Like, I feel that his whole story revolves around him breaking bonds imposed upon him by various parties like Shimano, Sagawa, and even himself, ultimately culminating in him discarding his socially accepted persona "Goro Majima- Sotenbori's Lord of the Night" choosing instead to live in whatever way he finds fun. It's the tale of a man learning to accept himself for who he wants to be even when others are telling him to be something else. I think this fits, in that 24 Hour Cinderella allows us an early insight into Majima's true nature before he completes that journey through the socially acceptable window of karaoke. and that is why Yakuza 0 is still my favorite :)
@@lisamedcalf6986 The OST probably was released at some point, but only in Japan and as part of the limited collector's edition. The biggest problem with a decent chunk of music in the Yakuza games is that Sega somehow can't work out the international distribution rights for the purpose of appearing in a video game. Which is why in Yakuza Kiwami, we didn't get the fucking epic and amazing Recieve You Reborn in the west. From my limited knowledge, the problem likely lies in the difference between composition copyright and performance copyright, so even though Sega owns the Lyrics, Title and Melody to the song, they can't get the rights to the performance for international distribution for the games. Copyright is weird and I want to understand this shit just so I can know why great games keep getting some of the best tracks left out entirely, but international copyright is a whole other can of worms...
every night i dream of majima singing this to me and every day i awake crying knowing its not real i cant take it anymore the tears and heartache is unbearable
Y'all remember when Majima had to fake being a boyfriend to this one girl for her dad, but her dad by the end fell head over heels for Majima and begged him to be his son in law. Just... that a such a normal reaction to the International treasure that is Goro Majima.
This game just pure perfection... And 80% developers out there still think "we need the biggest map ever, but all you can do there is just driving around and just killing cops all day, the player never bored of that"
The Yakuza series teaches us all that you don't have to kill a single person to have fun in a video game, all you need to do is beat bad guys to a bloody pulp :D
@@zach_the_guy5257 Come on Kiryu has always been trying to just be a GOOD BOI. He shouldn't be the dragon, he should be the good doggo thats all Im sayingl
It's only after seeing the english translation that I realize how both Majima's and Kiryu's main karaoke songs basically theme perfectly to their respective storylines in Yakuza 0. The fucking writing of this game istg.
tbh id agree with you, he mayve lost a few marbles in that year he spent in the hole ( i mean hell who wouldnt have? being treated the way he was, but for the sake of spoilers i dont wanna elaborate on that too much) but they're still mostly there, imo i believe the whole "mad dog of shimano" face he exhibits is his way of making himself forget makoto because he didnt wanna get her into any more danger or suffer any more heartbreak after what she'd gone through in her life, so her dating/marrying a yakuza would have been paramount to her living in constant danger because of his lifestyle.
@@MikeEzeOfficial I've seen the Japanese version of that scene, and all I'll say is it's bittersweet, but it does help bring closure for majima and help him move on
seriously, like even the disco songs sound like real songs from that time period (granted, a couple if not most of them are based on real songs); I love how much effort was put into making Yakuza 0 genuinely feel like the 80's, from the music to the fashion, and good lord did they succeed!
so majima has the literal balls to sing a song about CINDERELLA in front of 4 people including a kid honestly i thought the name "24 hour cinderella" was just a random name, i never thought it would actually be related to the fairy tale
oh but you know you what those too sing karoke togeter just have him and majami singing this song fighting togeter no the gta world wont survire such a duo
gaminggoddess85 I cosplayed him and sang Get to the top and had that as ringtone on my mobile for more than two years. Majima is the epitome of manliness even while he dresses as a woman or sings girly anisongs. (This one seemed to me a lot like the perfect opening for a shojo anime tbh)
Why do you care, dude? We're all gamers here who enjoy a masterpiece like Yakuza 0. Of course there will be girls that like it but, it's like whatever, man.
I like how the main reason I wanted to get into the Yakuza series is because I saw the ingame version of this song get recommended to me on UA-cam and now I'm almost finished the story for Yakuza 0 and I already own a copy of Yakuza Kiwami so I can move onto it afterwards.
Are you me? Because I also got into Yakuza after being recommended a video of 24 hour Cinderella. And I'm also near the end of 0. And I already own Kiwami. There's a 9 month difference, but _still_
gumdani I’ve only played 0, but from what I can see, part of his insanity appears to be a facade to keep other yakuza from ever abusing him like that again
Omg, agreed on Joao. Just imagine Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4 and Yakuza 5 remake with Yakuza 6 graphics would be so dope!!! I would pay any amount for all of them!!
I know when i first started playing this series and thought i give it a try but now it's one of my fav game series ever Yakuza has a special place in my heart!❤🙏🙌
素直に I LOVE YOU! 届けよう 스나오니 I LOVE YOU! 토도케요오 솔직하게 I LOVE YOU! 말할거야 きっとYOU LOVE ME! 伝わるさ 킷토 YOU LOVE ME! 츠타와루사 분명 YOU LOVE ME! 전해질거야 キミに似合うガラスの靴を探そう 키미니 아우 가라스노 쿠츠오 사가소 너에게 어울리는 유리구두를 찾을래 2人でStep&Go! いつまでも 후타리데 Step&go! 이츠마데모 둘이서 Step&go! 언제까지나 深夜12時をすぎたって 신야 쥬니지오 스기닷테 밤 12시를 지나도 ボクらの恋魔法-ラブマジック-は解けはしない 보쿠라노 라부 마지쿠와 토케와 시나이 우리 사랑의 마법은 풀리지 않아 おいでめしませ お姫様 오이데메시마세 오히메사마 어서 오세요 공주님 毒のリンゴを食べて眠っちゃいそうな 도쿠노 링고오 타베테 네뭇챠이소나 독이 든 사과를 먹고 잠이 들 것 같은 素直すぎるキミが とても愛しい 스나오 스기루 키미가 토테모 이토시이 너무나 솔직한 네가 무척 사랑스러워 当たり前=宝物さ 아타리마에 =(이코루)다카라 모노사 당연하다는 것 = 보물이야 地球はまわり 陽はのぼり 지큐와 마와리 히와 노보리 지구는 돌고 태양은 떠올라 キミは微笑む 키미와 호호에무 너는 미소지어 素直に I LOVE YOU! 届けよう 스나오니 I LOVE YOU! 토도케요오 솔직하게 I LOVE YOU! 말할거야 きっとYOU LOVE ME! 伝わるさ 킷토 YOU LOVE ME! 츠타와루사 분명 YOU LOVE ME! 전해질거야 キミに似合うガラスの靴を探そう 키미니 아우 가라스노 쿠츠오 사가소 너에게 어울리는 유리구두를 찾을래 2人でStep&Go! いつまでも 후타리데 Step&go! 이츠마데모 둘이서 Step&go! 언제까지나 深夜12時をすぎたって 신야 쥬니지오 스기닷테 밤 12시를 지나도 ボクらの恋魔法-ラブマジック-は解けはしない 보쿠라노 라부 마지쿠와 토케와 시나이 우리 사랑의 마법은 풀리지 않아 イジのわるいママハハにも 이지노 와루이 마마하하니모 심술궂은 새엄마에도 急な雨にも 寂しい夜にも 큐나 아메니모 사비시이 요루니모 갑작스런 소나기에도 외로운 밤에도 へこたれないキミが やはり愛しい 헤코타레나이 키미가 야하리 이토시이 주저앉지 않는 네가 역시 사랑스러워 遠く離れて会えない日は 토오쿠 하나레테 아에나이 히와 저멀리 떨어져 만나지 못하는 날에는 星に願って夢で逢おう 호시니 네갓테 유메데 아오우 꿈에서 만나기를 별님에게 기도해 明日はハレルヤ 아스와 하레루야 내일은 할렐루야 一生 I LOVE YOU! 変わらない 잇쇼 I LOVE YOU! 카와라나이 함께 I LOVE YOU! 변하지않아 そうさ YOU LOVE ME! 永遠さ 소우사 YOU LOVE ME! 에이엔사 그래 YOU LOVE ME! 영원토록 キミに似合うダイヤのリング渡そう 키미니 아우 다이야노 링구와타소 너에게 어울리는 다이아 반지를 전해줄래 これから何千回 つまづいて 코레카라 난센카이 츠마즈이테 앞으로 몇천번 걸려 넘어져도 さらに何万回 転んでも 사라니 난만카이 코론데모 더욱더 몇만번 구른다해도 キミのガラスの靴は 脱げはしない 키미노 가라스노 쿠츠와 누게와 시나이 너의 유리구두는 벗겨지지 않아 皆~!ノッてる~? 민나~! 놋테루~? 다들~! 즐기고 있어~? 今回のゴローはなんたってアイドル 콘카이노 고로-와 난탓테 아이도루 이번 고로는 뭐니 뭐니 해도 아이돌 そう!グループ名は真島JINGI! 소오! 구루-푸메이와 마지마JINGI! 그래! 그룹명은 마지마JINGI 이야! 当たり前=宝物さ 아타리마에 =(이코루)다카라 모노사 당연하다는 것 = 보물이야 地球はまわり 陽はのぼり 지큐와 마와리 히와 노보리 지구는 돌고 태양은 떠올라 キミは微笑む 키미와 호호에무 너는 미소지어 素直に I LOVE YOU! 届けよう 스나오니 I LOVE YOU! 토도케요오 솔직하게 I LOVE YOU! 말할거야 きっとYOU LOVE ME! 伝わるさ 킷토 YOU LOVE ME! 츠타와루사 분명 YOU LOVE ME! 전해질거야 キミに似合うガラスの靴を探そう 키미니 아우 가라스노 쿠츠오 사가소 너에게 어울리는 유리구두를 찾을래 2人でStep&Go! いつまでも 후타리데 Step&go! 이츠마데모 둘이서 Step&go! 언제까지나 深夜12時をすぎたって 신야 쥬니지오 스기닷테 밤 12시를 지나도 キミは僕の愛しい 키미와 보쿠노 이토시이 너는 나의 사랑하는 24時間シンデレラ 니쥬욘지칸 신데레라 24시간 신데렐라 Hey! Hey! Hey!
I remember on the worst acid trip I had in my entire life I attempted to make myself feel better by putting this song on but it turned into literal gibberish and felt like it kept on going forever, repeating parts over and over. I felt like I was going insane. Thanks 👍
Never forget that Majima knows the lyrics to this song off the top of his head.
Ari I tend to forget there was a sub story where he sings this song in public.
Which Sub story exactly?
The living statue street performer on the bridge
I played that sub first, and cracked up bad at the song. Imagine my happiness when I hit the karaoke bar and Goro starts singing this. Incredible!
Also don't forget he apparently actually owned the costume he imagined performing this song in, while living in a tiny shack in Sotenboori. And kept it for nearly 20 years afterwards.
This appeals to my male fantasy
Male gamers only care about one thing and it's fucking disgusting: 24 Hour Cinderella
@@Drakulas77that and goro himself I mean look at that gorgeous man
@@diobrando2321 I like DIO , he's a nice guy
Goro Appeals to everyone's fantasies
It's how I imagine when I am in a dream event in M&S Olympic Games
>start Yakuza 0 and got to his chapter
"wow finally I get to play as sane Majima
>got this karaoke
"I take that back, he's still insane"
majima's ancestor in ryu ga gotoku ishin is insane, so I guess you can say it runs in the family lmao
Isnt ishin and kenzan is spinoff? So okita isnt majima's ancestor cmiiw
I like to view this game as Majima's coming of age story. Like, I feel that his whole story revolves around him breaking bonds imposed upon him by various parties like Shimano, Sagawa, and even himself, ultimately culminating in him discarding his socially accepted persona "Goro Majima- Sotenbori's Lord of the Night" choosing instead to live in whatever way he finds fun.
It's the tale of a man learning to accept himself for who he wants to be even when others are telling him to be something else.
I think this fits, in that 24 Hour Cinderella allows us an early insight into Majima's true nature before he completes that journey through the socially acceptable window of karaoke.
and that is why Yakuza 0 is still my favorite :)
H.R. gaming4plebs "But how did Majima become as crazy as he is?"
*Majima starts talking to Walking Erection*
That was nice
Majima is best idol
i thought this is from akb48 song haha
He needs to team up with popuko and make the ultimate idol group.
KING GHIDORAH Rise Kujikawa and Sayaka Maizono should start taking notes from
After playing The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage, I could see Majima being an SSR card along with this song.
We'll have to wait for Yakuza: Dancing All Night
You just have to love the fact that these people went above and beyond, singing full versions of songs and placing it into the soundtrack
Gotta believe that. Props to the actors dude.
Agreed, absolutely love it. I wish SEGA made this available for purchase.
@@lisamedcalf6986 The OST probably was released at some point, but only in Japan and as part of the limited collector's edition. The biggest problem with a decent chunk of music in the Yakuza games is that Sega somehow can't work out the international distribution rights for the purpose of appearing in a video game. Which is why in Yakuza Kiwami, we didn't get the fucking epic and amazing Recieve You Reborn in the west.
From my limited knowledge, the problem likely lies in the difference between composition copyright and performance copyright, so even though Sega owns the Lyrics, Title and Melody to the song, they can't get the rights to the performance for international distribution for the games. Copyright is weird and I want to understand this shit just so I can know why great games keep getting some of the best tracks left out entirely, but international copyright is a whole other can of worms...
@@lisamedcalf6986 all of it is available on spotify
@@lamtran8834 kiwami 2 and 6 aren't
I don't think I can fully appreciate the authenticity of this song until there is a 24 hour version.
Just right click and loop?
Brian Nguyen Not enough
25 hours version for you
24-hour Cinderella needs a 24 hour version
24 hours of 24 hour cinderella or riot
After seeing kiryu's "judgement" rock out, I was wondering what majima's thing was going to be. Didn't expect rainbow suited roller disco...
So 80's it hurts.
Hayabusa Japan is a decade behind us, for them the eighties were the seventies.
Nobody Expects Majima. Unless you're Kiryu
Lord of Hilarity
The entirety of Yakuza Kiwami shows thay, even when you're Kiryu, you don't expect Majima.
"The Earth is round"
Goro Majima 1 - Flat Earthers 0
"Thus spoke Goro Majima"
@@dominicsacchetti2360 Is this a jojo reference?
@@saileshsingh9374 *ah, I see you're interested in the exceptionally rare!*
Flat earthers aint gonna win againts everyone idol goro
And the best part is that no one would fight Majima over this (or they could and get violently beaten down)
I love the voice Majima puts on for this. Majima doing the "japanese schoolgirl" voice makes me laugh everytime.
3:00 XD
Hahahaha this is exactly it! It's like he's singing along to Akb48 or something. What a legend.
the only thing funnier than watching this song, is imagining the voice actor performing this in the goddamn recording room
ponquinful yessss
Dude was probably having the time of his life
The Get to the Top Majima Remix is crazier than this one in my opinion XD
@@compedycakemine6960 I would too
@Santiago Scarpino do you have a video link? I'd love to watch some behind the scenes myself
The female fantasy is having Majima. The male fantasy is BEING Majima.
And the bisexual fantasy is both
the true fantasy is being majima (future) and having majima (past) at the same time
its majima-sexual
Forgive me, sir. I want to like your comment but the thumbs up count is on 69
I mean being able to do whatever the fuck you think is fun doesn't sound so bad until you consider what he went through before and after he did that
Do you mean gorogorogorogoro-chan
every night i dream of majima singing this to me
and every day i awake crying knowing its not real
i cant take it anymore
the tears and heartache is unbearable
my heart goddamnn
Oh god I feel exactly the same way. Majima, what are you doing to us?
Miyu ron Reteaching us how to truly love again
That was so beautiful
Versace Mishima same tbh
its unhealthy at how much i listen to this
I feel ya
i guess you listen to it *24 hours* eh? i know i know this was a comment made 1 year ago but whatever
Y'all done
*M A K O T O*
Flat earthers instantly convert when they hear majima say the earth is round
They better have to.
If they don't, Majima's gonna gut them to death.
He doesn't say it's round, he said it spins round
@@Peer_Review 1:07 "The Earth is round" what you can't read or somethin'?
@@Salsu5635 translation is wrong. 地球はまわり means the earth spins around, 地球は丸い would mean the earth is round. Who’s the one that can’t read?
Y'all remember when Majima had to fake being a boyfriend to this one girl for her dad, but her dad by the end fell head over heels for Majima and begged him to be his son in law.
Just... that a such a normal reaction to the International treasure that is Goro Majima.
Don’t forget he was also willing to take Majima for himself too! I can’t blame him though. I’m not gay, but I’d make an exception for Majima.
@@isaacfg6949 You'd take him from Kiryu?
@@RealCryptoTest i dont think kiryu would let you lmao
@@imp8453 Kiryu: Hmm
IDK if this is right but
Didn't the father said he'll marry his daughter if he doesn't want to?
2:50~3:04 Interlude(translation)
Hey, guys! You feel it?
After all, today’s GORO is the idol!!
The group name is...that’s it, MAJIMA-JUSTICE!!!!
When I hit this point in the game I questioned if I was hallucinating or if this was actually a thing. I'm so glad it's actually a thing.
Oh My Super Saiyan God It's actually a thing, but you were hallucinating as well.
Welcome to Yakuza
Oh My Super Saiyan God first time to the series love it already
This game just pure perfection...
And 80% developers out there still think "we need the biggest map ever, but all you can do there is just driving around and just killing cops all day, the player never bored of that"
The Yakuza series teaches us all that you don't have to kill a single person to have fun in a video game, all you need to do is beat bad guys to a bloody pulp :D
Another friendly reminder that Kiryu and Majima have *never* killed anyone.
The helicopter that got shot by bazooka, approves your comment
@@zulucruz664 No, He would NEVER lol
@@zulucruz664 Those were paid actors smh
Back when he was sane...ish
He's not insane, he just doesn't give a fuck anymore. He does whatever he wants, just happens he really like this song
Jackyover900 To be fair, this is the game where he snapped
Yakuza 0 is my first game... Now I'm scared
Majima is the only sane person. Everyone else is just crazy.
@@zach_the_guy5257 Come on Kiryu has always been trying to just be a GOOD BOI. He shouldn't be the dragon, he should be the good doggo thats all Im sayingl
It's only after seeing the english translation that I realize how both Majima's and Kiryu's main karaoke songs basically theme perfectly to their respective storylines in Yakuza 0. The fucking writing of this game istg.
"Pass me the AUX cord" "You better not play trash"
it's not trash, it's called perfection
*素直に I LOVE YOU! 届けようきっとYOU LOVE ME!*
This isn't trash
Your mom's trash
Your humour's fucking trash
I honestly don't know which Majima I prefer: the smooth, slick ex-yakuza from 0 or the complete nutcase who lives up to his nickname that he becomes.
ThatAryanGuy TBH he has not completely lost it.
Who are you kidding? They're both perfection!
tbh id agree with you, he mayve lost a few marbles in that year he spent in the hole ( i mean hell who wouldnt have? being treated the way he was, but for the sake of spoilers i dont wanna elaborate on that too much) but they're still mostly there, imo i believe the whole "mad dog of shimano" face he exhibits is his way of making himself forget makoto because he didnt wanna get her into any more danger or suffer any more heartbreak after what she'd gone through in her life, so her dating/marrying a yakuza would have been paramount to her living in constant danger because of his lifestyle.
viper2003923 well according to the trailer of Kiwami 2 he meets her again so I look forward to seeing how that turns out
@@MikeEzeOfficial I've seen the Japanese version of that scene, and all I'll say is it's bittersweet, but it does help bring closure for majima and help him move on
All joking aside, these are some very beautiful lyrics. We need more upbeat and catchy love songs rather than sad ones
Super affection? (From "Carnival phanatsm")
@@michaelandreas4350 reminds me of that too!
300th like yay
I don't care if I'd look like an idiot, but if I could sing this song with the level of passion as Majima I wouldn't give a damn
You can do it! I believe in you :)
Same my friend
Before beating the game: Ha ha, this song is hilarious!
After beating the game: Ha ha, this song's still hilarious... so why do I feel sad?
Can i get a Goro Majima card in Love Live: School Idol Festival?
ZappyFred no,too overpowered.
For 24 hours, there is a 100% chance that you will get a Perfect Combo
Its rank must be SSSS.
Yes please
it will be URR XD
I compliment the voice actor's singing, the range and clarity is accurate. Mr. Ugaki is a suitable actor for the character.
RareEnigma™ - For the English dub of the first game, Majima was voiced by Mark Hamill. If you've played the Arkham games, you'll know why.
The only good thing about that English dub.
ThatAryanGuy I already did.
ThatAryanGuy Hell if anyone has seen anything Batman related in terms of animation since 1992 would know why
The fact that this honestly sounds like an 80s pop love song is one of the best things about the game as a whole, it's frighteningly authentic.
yakuza team in sega actually tries unlike most gaming companies.
seriously, like even the disco songs sound like real songs from that time period (granted, a couple if not most of them are based on real songs); I love how much effort was put into making Yakuza 0 genuinely feel like the 80's, from the music to the fashion, and good lord did they succeed!
If my man ain't singing this to me,,he ain't my man anymore
To be honest, who doesn't sing this fucking banger once you listen it the first time?
Sir, I don't want to alarn you, but if you are who you say you are, then that's you singing.
@@RealCryptoTest self aware insaneness. Perfect majima san.
In another reality, Majima is happily singing this song to Makoto
Bro do not make me cry rn
So unbelievably over bros...
Unironically better than any Kpop song out there.
goro majima the only idol we stan
This sounds like a girl group Jpop song XD
@@nicelettuce8181 he is everyone's idol, as shown in yakuza kiwami's majima everywhere system
ill drink to that cheers
Majima, you goofy fuck. You're the best.
Majima sings the chorus of the song so damn well. It's a legitimately great cover.
@@TakeMeOffYourMailingList A fantasy song made for women Idols, but Majima killed it with his voice!
so majima has the literal balls to sing a song about CINDERELLA in front of 4 people including a kid
honestly i thought the name "24 hour cinderella" was just a random name, i never thought it would actually be related to the fairy tale
Everybody's idol Goro
Can we all appreciate that sweet solo at 3:00 that sounds 80s as hell
If i could just jump into the game and meet Majima san, that would be so awesome.
no we know we what majima and trover phillps to do a duet to this song
robert23456789 Trevor is 💩💩💩 compared to Majima-San
oh but you know you what those too sing karoke togeter just have him and majami singing this song fighting togeter no the gta world wont survire such a duo
and then he stabs you for bumping into Kiryu by accident
Majima's Favourite Song :24-Hour Cindarella
Kiryu's Favourite Song : JUDGEMENT
My favourite Song : Bakamitai
Ortkuenstler old man
Get to the Top? Horrible voice? You take that back right now lol. I love his voice no matter what. He sounds really good in Majima no MajiROCK too.
Dont forget his Samurai Odon in Ishin. Thats very ridicilous, despite well "horrible voice" i actually like that song too.
gaminggoddess85 I cosplayed him and sang Get to the top and had that as ringtone on my mobile for more than two years.
Majima is the epitome of manliness even while he dresses as a woman or sings girly anisongs. (This one seemed to me a lot like the perfect opening for a shojo anime tbh)
yes you right, our Majima-kun love him no matter what, our treasure TvT
That's our Majima ;)
Don't forget ROUGE OF LOVE!
Majima’s voice actor is a fucking treasure
Ok but this is actually a really wholesome song
If Goro Majima had a tinder profile, you know this would be his anthem.
come on down to Majima construction
we build healthy relationships
if he had a tinder I'd cry from happiness
Somewhere in the world, this song is forever stuck in NicoB's head
Nightblade370 TRUE!do you think he still hears it in his head sometimes?
Imagine if Majima is in the next Council of Voices, he sings the song, and now Oliver got the song stuck in his head
It’s so damn catchy that it’s in his And now back to...
good to know we have girls that like yakuza games
Nurul Abdin yeah my sister (gcblods) always play Yakuza
this game deserves the love I feel like it's underrated as fuck
Why do you care, dude? We're all gamers here who enjoy a masterpiece like Yakuza 0. Of course there will be girls that like it but, it's like whatever, man.
Nurul Abdin funnily enough the only other yakuza fans I know are women lol
This song is dedicated to Makoto lol
He should just say it to Makoto.
why would you hurt me like this?
yo thats deep
But majima wife is mirei park right ?
Im not finish yet playing yakuza 0,just at majima at cabaret club
Stop salting my wounds...
Majima's 24-Hour Cinderella vs Kiryu's Judgement vs Akiyama's Baka Mitai. Who Wins?
YoRHa No.2 Type B We win
Judgment boi
Judgementkazi all the way
ooh, gotta hand this one to akiyama.
Majima ❤️ Makoto
I like how the main reason I wanted to get into the Yakuza series is because I saw the ingame version of this song get recommended to me on UA-cam and now I'm almost finished the story for Yakuza 0 and I already own a copy of Yakuza Kiwami so I can move onto it afterwards.
There is on steam
I Don't regret buying the Yakuza Remastered edition tho,Yakuza Series are really underrated at least i can help sega a even if it just a little
Are you me? Because I also got into Yakuza after being recommended a video of 24 hour Cinderella. And I'm also near the end of 0. And I already own Kiwami. There's a 9 month difference, but _still_
I got into the series because of Majima
this song never fails to pump me up and make me feel better
SEGA, you mad lads. You made another idol.
flat earthers are quaking
One side of me's like,
_"Aww, this is very cute and nice! It's also pretty cheesy, in a good way..."_
The other side of me's like,
Died 2015
Born 2025
Welcome back, 24 hour Cinderella
im so glad he sounds actually not crazy in this karaoke omfg
ShiniChick39 well he is pre-crazy so
Alex Knight
The crazy is just a facade anyway.
ShiniChick39 It leaks out just a little bit right at the end
Majima is a national treasure.
Great translation. Thank you!
glad you enjoy it! :D
I hate that this is such a bop
Bakamitai is about Kiryu never coming to Majimas concert.
Drinking alone, thinking about what could have been
This song makes me sad cause Yakuza 0 was my first yakuza game and now sane Majima is gone ;-;
gumdani I’ve only played 0, but from what I can see, part of his insanity appears to be a facade to keep other yakuza from ever abusing him like that again
I don't regret listening to this on New Year's Day
The part at the end where someone says “Hey hey hey” in a weird voice always gets me like who is responsible for that?
Im late to responding and you probs figured it out by now but its Majimas voice
The last hey is toad.
I think it’s the karaoke kappa
@@keylimecookies karaoke kappa literally comes to life just to sing that "hey"
This song brings a tear to my eye what a beautiful man
I just ordered Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza Kiwami 2 and Yakuza 6 The Song of Life from Amazon. This is going to be epic year!!!
Wait a bit more and you'll have Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4 and Yakuza 5 for PS4, too.
Omg, agreed on Joao. Just imagine Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4 and Yakuza 5 remake with Yakuza 6 graphics would be so dope!!! I would pay any amount for all of them!!
Sadly, they won't be remakes, just remasters.
Majima with makoto: This
Majima without makoto: _As long as you're happy_
this song is dedicated to Majima's favorite Kiryu-chan
This actually cured my quarantine depression.
Before beating the game: This is glorious and hilarious! I love!
After beating the game: THIS IS SO GODDAMN SAD! I LOVE IT!
There's something great about these Japanese songs... so much excitement, so full of life
Is it bad that I memorised the choreography to the "I LOVE YOU" part down to a T?
"The Earth is round"
Me: Majima confirms it! Checkmate Flatearthers!
I cry everytime
I unironically love this
So beautiful
Unironically my favorite song. It’s in every single playlist I make
I know when i first started playing this series and thought i give it a try but now it's one of my fav game series ever Yakuza has a special place in my heart!❤🙏🙌
This is my workout song.
Which will also be played for my wedding. 👌
Your wedding to Goro Majima I hope
This song is the only thing that keeps me from running my car off the bridge on my daily commute
Walking around in his 24 Hour Prince outfit in Premium Adventure is hilarious
"Natural things are my treasure. The Earth is round. The sun rises. You smile."
I don’t know if I should be proud or ashamed that I’m trying to learn these lyrics
should be proud
Proud my boi
素直に I LOVE YOU! 届けよう
스나오니 I LOVE YOU! 토도케요오
솔직하게 I LOVE YOU! 말할거야
きっとYOU LOVE ME! 伝わるさ
킷토 YOU LOVE ME! 츠타와루사
분명 YOU LOVE ME! 전해질거야
키미니 아우 가라스노 쿠츠오 사가소
너에게 어울리는 유리구두를 찾을래
2人でStep&Go! いつまでも
후타리데 Step&go! 이츠마데모
둘이서 Step&go! 언제까지나
신야 쥬니지오 스기닷테
밤 12시를 지나도
보쿠라노 라부 마지쿠와 토케와 시나이
우리 사랑의 마법은 풀리지 않아
おいでめしませ お姫様
오이데메시마세 오히메사마
어서 오세요 공주님
도쿠노 링고오 타베테 네뭇챠이소나
독이 든 사과를 먹고 잠이 들 것 같은
素直すぎるキミが とても愛しい
스나오 스기루 키미가 토테모 이토시이
너무나 솔직한 네가 무척 사랑스러워
아타리마에 =(이코루)다카라 모노사
당연하다는 것 = 보물이야
地球はまわり 陽はのぼり
지큐와 마와리 히와 노보리
지구는 돌고 태양은 떠올라
키미와 호호에무
너는 미소지어
素直に I LOVE YOU! 届けよう
스나오니 I LOVE YOU! 토도케요오
솔직하게 I LOVE YOU! 말할거야
きっとYOU LOVE ME! 伝わるさ
킷토 YOU LOVE ME! 츠타와루사
분명 YOU LOVE ME! 전해질거야
키미니 아우 가라스노 쿠츠오 사가소
너에게 어울리는 유리구두를 찾을래
2人でStep&Go! いつまでも
후타리데 Step&go! 이츠마데모
둘이서 Step&go! 언제까지나
신야 쥬니지오 스기닷테
밤 12시를 지나도
보쿠라노 라부 마지쿠와 토케와 시나이
우리 사랑의 마법은 풀리지 않아
이지노 와루이 마마하하니모
심술궂은 새엄마에도
急な雨にも 寂しい夜にも
큐나 아메니모 사비시이 요루니모
갑작스런 소나기에도 외로운 밤에도
へこたれないキミが やはり愛しい
헤코타레나이 키미가 야하리 이토시이
주저앉지 않는 네가 역시 사랑스러워
토오쿠 하나레테 아에나이 히와
저멀리 떨어져 만나지 못하는 날에는
호시니 네갓테 유메데 아오우
꿈에서 만나기를 별님에게 기도해
아스와 하레루야
내일은 할렐루야
一生 I LOVE YOU! 変わらない
잇쇼 I LOVE YOU! 카와라나이
함께 I LOVE YOU! 변하지않아
そうさ YOU LOVE ME! 永遠さ
소우사 YOU LOVE ME! 에이엔사
그래 YOU LOVE ME! 영원토록
키미니 아우 다이야노 링구와타소
너에게 어울리는 다이아 반지를 전해줄래
これから何千回 つまづいて
코레카라 난센카이 츠마즈이테
앞으로 몇천번 걸려 넘어져도
さらに何万回 転んでも
사라니 난만카이 코론데모
더욱더 몇만번 구른다해도
キミのガラスの靴は 脱げはしない
키미노 가라스노 쿠츠와 누게와 시나이
너의 유리구두는 벗겨지지 않아
민나~! 놋테루~?
다들~! 즐기고 있어~?
콘카이노 고로-와 난탓테 아이도루
이번 고로는 뭐니 뭐니 해도 아이돌
소오! 구루-푸메이와 마지마JINGI!
그래! 그룹명은 마지마JINGI 이야!
아타리마에 =(이코루)다카라 모노사
당연하다는 것 = 보물이야
地球はまわり 陽はのぼり
지큐와 마와리 히와 노보리
지구는 돌고 태양은 떠올라
키미와 호호에무
너는 미소지어
素直に I LOVE YOU! 届けよう
스나오니 I LOVE YOU! 토도케요오
솔직하게 I LOVE YOU! 말할거야
きっとYOU LOVE ME! 伝わるさ
킷토 YOU LOVE ME! 츠타와루사
분명 YOU LOVE ME! 전해질거야
키미니 아우 가라스노 쿠츠오 사가소
너에게 어울리는 유리구두를 찾을래
2人でStep&Go! いつまでも
후타리데 Step&go! 이츠마데모
둘이서 Step&go! 언제까지나
신야 쥬니지오 스기닷테
밤 12시를 지나도
키미와 보쿠노 이토시이
너는 나의 사랑하는
니쥬욘지칸 신데레라
24시간 신데렐라
Hey! Hey! Hey!
출저는 나무위키입니다.
I have a very strong feeling that this will sound amazing on eurobeat
I can never get enough of this song
Me before playing Yakuza 0 : Dame da ne~~~
Me after playing Yakuza 0 : SUNAO NI I LOVE YOU!
I remember on the worst acid trip I had in my entire life I attempted to make myself feel better by putting this song on but it turned into literal gibberish and felt like it kept on going forever, repeating parts over and over. I felt like I was going insane.
Thanks 👍
i can't stop imagining G-man dancing to this
*h e l p*
Cute, romantic and positive song 😊😊😊😊 my mood get up every time whenever I listen this song
Goro majima has have 3 side..
-mad dog of shinamo
-sad dog of shinamo
-idol dog of shinamo
3:03 cute dog of Shimano
His voice is Just perfect 😳😳
24 hour Cinderella = a girl always beautiful no matter what time of day
1:08 majime out here starting flat earthed controversy. Majime is god so explain this flat earthers
"It appeals to the Male Fantasy" - Some person.
"yes, yes it does" - Every male.
I'm unironically listening to and enjoying this
I think i'm probably responcible for 50,000 of these views. I would say i now have this song memorized word by word
This music is fun ultil you imagine Majima singing it to makoto
Havent got to the part to meet makoto.but that sounds sad now..
Owww,my heart....;-;
WoW! Finally, I found the full song.