What Are the HARDEST to EASIEST Roles in Season 13 - League of Legends

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @skillcapped
    @skillcapped  Рік тому +3

    Improve Fast ➡️www.skill-capped.com/lol

  • @Dr.Aleotti
    @Dr.Aleotti Рік тому +113

    i never knew the narrator was the voice of ezreal, cool!

    • @Aceinine
      @Aceinine Рік тому +5

      I never knew that skillcapped made videos for improvement, cool!

    • @OkayImGonnaSayIt
      @OkayImGonnaSayIt Рік тому +15

      ​@@Aceinine i never knew people waste time and energy being rude on the internet, cool!

    • @Aceinine
      @Aceinine Рік тому +2

      @@OkayImGonnaSayIt you must be new to the Internet then

    • @unknown001w
      @unknown001w Рік тому

      @@OkayImGonnaSayIt what about wasting time on learning a game that will not benefite you long-term

    • @nathanwood3110
      @nathanwood3110 Рік тому +1

      @@unknown001wdamn, I guess everything I do has to be applicable in my life and help me survive. No more fun!

  • @unclenoodle3572
    @unclenoodle3572 Рік тому +34

    i just flash sett ult annie every game and im diamond 1

    • @michealman264
      @michealman264 Рік тому +3


    • @allat0nce
      @allat0nce Рік тому +9

      let me guess, pdf is your favorite file format

    • @TorontoTondo
      @TorontoTondo Рік тому +1

      Jax is your main?

    • @Wither-xj5cp
      @Wither-xj5cp Рік тому +1

      @@allat0nce hes a pdf file if you know what I mean

    • @i_saidmeow2469
      @i_saidmeow2469 7 місяців тому

      Don't you get killed in 4 seconds by the other 3 damage dealers in the enemy team while your team fights their own demonds?

  • @potatoxc1957
    @potatoxc1957 Рік тому +6

    Ofc jungle is the hardest in macro, that’s why every jungler i find is mentally uncapable or handicapped

  • @viziontrex
    @viziontrex Рік тому +54

    My problem as a top laners is not matchups or anything in lane related it's that my success in lane very rarely translates to winning game. It doesn't matter if I have a consistent 2k gold lead, level lead and both towers toppled when bot is losing. Having your success not be rewarded is significantly discouraging me to soloq

    • @saydounet
      @saydounet Рік тому +37

      There are a lot of toplaners who managed to climb to challenger, the problem is not the lane, it's you, you don't know how to use your lead to carry and you're not playing against gumayusi in the botlane, if you're better than them, you'll carry

    • @DarkSaber1212
      @DarkSaber1212 Рік тому

      What I usually do as top lane is destroy the first tower and then help mid out if they need it.

    • @beannibba
      @beannibba Рік тому +1

      Help out other lanes once you destroy first tower

    • @edrickmaldonado9291
      @edrickmaldonado9291 Рік тому +2

      It’s definitely not a super impactful role but the way I typically win is through good split pushing (pushing when drag is up or about to come up) so you can pressure the map and you either get an objective or possibly a win. Splitpushing is probably the hardest part about top lane, and I think one of the most important ones to win the game. Helping the team every now and then when your wave is pushed helps too, but it won’t win you games where your teammates have been hard feeding.

    • @bonkxy5840
      @bonkxy5840 Рік тому

      swap the lanes with bot lane in the mid game

  • @iresss4810
    @iresss4810 Рік тому +7

    I agree with these statements, but as Sup main who play for 6 years would say, Support is the most easiest role to play BUT hardest to master and make MOST role diff. Following those opinions (or maybe facts), Sup have 4 wards with control ward which mean the entire macro game of the team is depend on what support doing. Jungle diff is big gap, but support diff is the biggest gap of the team.
    Sup play along with Mid = easy roaming for mid
    Sup play with Jg = easy to shutdown opponent game plan
    So I would rate Sup to be the hardest macro role because Sup can make impact around the map by overload to any positions at the right time ( right time = hardest part of the role which mean macro).

    • @_fin0_242
      @_fin0_242 9 місяців тому

      I'd say it's pretty ez, u have prio = u roam, a monkey could do that

  • @Paddythelaad
    @Paddythelaad Рік тому +6

    I play fill and I largely agree, played since season 3.

  • @MrBloodsplatt
    @MrBloodsplatt Рік тому +5

    Adc as least macro roll? Huh. The hardest part about adc is what to do after lane, how to keep up with farm, when to not be with ur team, and when to be with them. As a mid laner or a top, you just kill the wave and run to the team fight, they usually have 15 dashes and gap closers so theyll never be in any real danger but adcs have minimal dashes (not ezreal or trist) and get one shot anyway. I do agree its lower on the list but top is 100% lowest. Split push with tp and tp if you u r fighting, very very simple.

    • @Jony01011
      @Jony01011 Рік тому

      The key is "if your mechanics are on point". In reality, you do need good macro to climb as ADC, and sometimes the ADC has more macro knowlege than a midlaner simply because they need to compensate the micro part + theirs mistakes are punishable as enemy double kils. But in a theorical standpoint where you have really good mechanics, you surely would need less macro.

    • @Doublejho
      @Doublejho Рік тому +3

      are you kidding? your support does all the macro gameplay for you in lane besides wave management, you don't roam (unless you're like, idk, twitch), and the bulk of your responsibility as a marksman come lategame is farming whatever lane the toplaner isn't splitting in and the midlaner isn't occupying, then you run to objectives like everyone else, you don't actually need to make decisions in that regard, you just need to soak up XP and gold where you can
      it's pretty rare that a toplaner can ever just run to a teamfight if they're actually splitpushing like they should be, given that splitpushing happens on the opposite end of the map from where the objective is taking place, teleport exists but then they're giving up 1v1 priority in lane which makes their lane even harder to win when it's already the least forgiving lane in the game.
      and sorry, what's this about most champs from top and mid having dashes? assassins, sure, some skirmishers like riven and fiora, sure, but most tanks, most juggernauts, some bruisers and most mages don't have mobility, so that's just straight-up wrong, and it's a weird thing to say when a majority of the marksman cast actually does have access to dashes, mobility boosts and zeal items

    • @IDirtyMangoI
      @IDirtyMangoI Рік тому

      @Doublejho you're kidding, right? Supports are generally brainded or auto filled until plat, at which point if you miss a kill by 1 auto, they ego trip and start calling FF BOT DIF in all chat. Most picking melee sups get poked out at lvl 1 and then flame the ADC for doing no damage before lvl 2 at which point evdn most undamaged sups ignore the powerspike.
      In the current Meta, the ADC better know where the enemy JG is at ALL times. The game is basically lost by the losing ADC right now.
      I thank god my role is partly reduced to only right clicking because if I so much as even position slightly wrong, I just die. My only self defense is kill you harder. The amount of kill pressure enemies apply without even knowing they have a lethal on ADCs is insane. Tanks often have mostly utility driven kits meaning CC. They don't need to gap close just start the CC Chain and saunter up to cave your head in. Only 2 adcs have dashes and only 3 others have meaningful move speed stims. Samira, Nilah, Siver, Jinx, Jihn(w Fleet rune)
      Top is packed to the brim with the most overtuned and linear champs in the game. The reason riot doesn't let top have agency is because evertime they allow it the top just curbstomps the whole game. The only respectable ones are the 4 horse women of top and honestly they're all BS in their own ways

    • @Doublejho
      @Doublejho Рік тому +1

      @@IDirtyMangoI funny you should say that, because ADCs are the biggest psychopaths in this game bar none and it's always them that start flaming or afking over something trivial, back when i actually played enough and wanted to even try to climb there were an unreal amount of games decided by one of the ADCs having a meltdown and either soft AFKing, hard AFKing or outright inting over something trivial, whether it be some cs, a death, etc. if there's one benefit to playing ADC, it's that you don't have to have an ADC player on your team
      supports ain't much better, admittedly, and nobody is quicker to start chatting shit despite doing nothing, so i'll give you that.
      when i climbed on support i found both enemy botlaners to be unbelievably gormless, though, my own one included too honestly, so i'd just force fights as leona knowing we could win, and every time it'd work because holy fuck these people had no sense of danger, whereas in top i've gotta be so on top of that shit because lethal can come so quickly
      but why would you say only two ADCs have dashes? kalista, trist, vayne, ezreal, kai'sa, zeri, lucian, samira, nilah and caitlyn is just two?
      and for moment speed stims you have jinx, draven, sivir, vayne, zeri, samira, xayah, twitch, jhin (natively on-crit, not just fleet), MF (bro she was literally built around maintaining hers til the BT rework, how can you forget her?) twitch (good for roams), senna and nilah
      so you're looking at 18 marksman + nilah with mobility options right there when there's only 22 ADCs in botlane in the first place, do you actually play botlane?
      out of all of the botlane marksmen, the only ones missing mobility are aphelios, ashe, varus and kog'maw, and they all make up for it by either having a ton of cc, a ton of damage, a ton of reach or all three
      also, most tanks have melee CC, so they kinda do need to be close to start it unless it's their ult or they're zac
      i don't know how to tell you this, but pretty much every marksman is linear; almost the entirety of your damage comes from a free, resourceless, on-click, no-cooldown, ranged and instant damage proc that can't be dodged, swain R unironically has more counterplay than they do, the role by design is a total stat check, so i don't wanna hear anything about other lanes having linear champions.
      linearity isn't even a totally strong thing, it means they have a simpler gameplan to play around; i'd rather have to kite something simple like xin than try to anticipate where one of the four horsewomen of toplane (who absolutely are not respectable) is gonna manifest themselves and how much of my HP i'll lose when they do because they've just cancelled their whole kit into itself to one-shot me and possibly my team after crossing 12 walls to do so
      i'l agree that toplaners are formidable duelists (including some tanks), since it's the only thing they're valuable for at this point, but riot absolutely have tried to make top more valuable historically, if only to stop marksmen and enchanters from inhabiting the lane instead and quiet our discontent for a while

    • @cowboyslime3615
      @cowboyslime3615 Рік тому

      Adcs are always stroking their dick about being a hard role while having every advantage of squishy without any drawbacks

  • @tvm2209
    @tvm2209 Рік тому +5

    Is this glitter boy talking? (ezreal)

  • @Sina-dv1eg
    @Sina-dv1eg Рік тому +32

    So basically, a summary. If you're unsure what role to choose:
    Strategically intensive but mechanically easy: Jungle
    Mechanically intensive but strategically easy: ADC
    Easy overall: Support
    Medium overall: Top
    Hard overall: Mid

    • @kevinsyz1201
      @kevinsyz1201 9 місяців тому

      Nope hard has the most strategically intensive and mechanically intensive and mentally intensivd

  • @themonkeys96
    @themonkeys96 Рік тому +24

    I find, as many commentors have said, that this is a large oversimplification that doesnt account for the wide swath of champion divesity in a given role.
    Yes, Samira can be micro intensive and even Ashe has to know orb walking, but Karthus and veigar are perfectly viable botlaners who arent nearly as mechanically intensive.
    Amumu and rammus might be extremely linear, but insecs gained notoriety of mechanically difficult for a reason.
    Riven vs. Malphite, Malz vs. Zed, Sona vs. Thresh, all wildly swinging levels of micro skill needed.
    With macro, people have pointed out hard farming junglers, wave dump mid laners (stares at lux), roam heavy bard, and on and on. It varies.
    So yeah, massively over simplified concept that more so shouldve looked at the specific roles of a given champion. Enchanter vs. Marskman vs. Tank vs. Fighter... and even that likely wouldve still been overly simple.

    • @abonynge
      @abonynge Рік тому +5

      To actually go into that level of depth on this topic would probably take 10 hours. This is a basic overview, if you want all the in depth specifics of each role, that's what their paid teaching service is for. Of course the 10 minute video on this topic is going to be a gross oversimplification, it is a highly clickable title and interesting concept to rope you in hoping for a sale on their website. This is a glorified ad, and their site is legitimately good. If you see value in their free content, the paid content is multitudes better and I would recommend it.

    • @criticalrevel
      @criticalrevel Рік тому +2

      my man... its so dumb to be critizicing or commenting the obvious at something that's soooo duuuuumb... yes tehre re over 100... fuck i even had to google this shit there re 163 champions available in lol... SO YES THERE RE GOING TO BE EXCEPTIONS TO EVERY FREAKING CASE.
      what these guys have done is sum it up in a 15 min video, and they've actually nailed it pretty darn well considering all the factors that u could actually consider in such format... which IS very useful for a lot of topics for example "what role has the hardest carry potential" or "what role is the most newb friendly" etc. like JEESH stop being so freaking "hey guys look at me i've found something in which they've fucked up, which makes me sooo relevant and speciaaal" (commenting on content created by a group of dedicated challenger players as well that ALSO focus their time on teaching... )
      tldr: stop being self centered and appreciate the fact that the content if focused around giving a GENERAL PERSPECTIVE.

    • @annafernandez6674
      @annafernandez6674 Рік тому

      lol how is amumu mechanically intensive ? compare him to like..... yone, yasuo, katarina, irelia type champions

    • @themonkeys96
      @themonkeys96 Рік тому

      @@annafernandez6674 Reread what I stated. I was directly referencing amumu as a simple character in comparison to a more complicated character like lee sin as an example of how much of an over generalization you have to do in order to categorize the micro difficulties of an entire role's roster.

  • @AmokBR
    @AmokBR Рік тому +12

    Macro is the most important skill for ADCs because they’re so reliant on income to be useful. You need to know exactly when and where to clear waves so you have money AND can be present in team fights AND not insta die to an assassin.
    The mechanics part is actually pretty easy, with some exceptions like Draven, Kalista and EZ. Sure, kiting and attack moving can be hard, but once you got that down, you have that for all adcs. Macro and positioning is much harder to master because you’re such a squishy immobile target who needs to farm constantly.

  • @usul1987
    @usul1987 Рік тому +10

    bull shit. from a macro stand point support is harder than top. A good support is roaming mid, helping jungler invade. Doing it in a way that u dont sacrifice your adc isn't easy.

    • @lunacy5510
      @lunacy5510 Рік тому +5

      Support macro is easiest shit ever. Every role has to help jungler, not just support. Good toplaners also roam, except it's WAY HARDER than in other roles since one bad timing and your opponent that you have been beating is suddenly ahead of you. It would a sight to see autofill support playing toplane and instantly losing the game with shitty roam. SOME supports actually know how to roam and tempo but MOST get away doing random shit unpunished and I am not even biased, just ask literally any midlaner or jungler what they think about supports perma sitting in their lane/doing random stuff unpunished.

    • @criticalrevel
      @criticalrevel Рік тому +1

      said the support main that dont play top XD

    • @Blastizor
      @Blastizor 10 місяців тому

      Wrong, roaming and playing for vision takes more macro than ooga booga split push top lane.@@lunacy5510

    • @honeytoasttsu3268
      @honeytoasttsu3268 4 місяці тому +3

      @@lunacy5510said someone who’s never play support, toplane macro is the easiest macro ever you just sit back farm and try not to die and that’s mechanics skill not macro, where’s the macro at? Only toplane macro early game play is helping your jungle hit the rift herald🤣🤣 It’s the least impactful role. You did bad? Wait til mid-late game and go with the team, you did good? Congrats when mid-late game you make little difference

  • @andrenergy1272
    @andrenergy1272 Рік тому +30

    I main mid and top and I find toplane to be harder of a role. Midlane usually is avoiding enemy abilities while hitting yours, while top lane is wave control and knowing the dmg output in the match up & baiting abilities. It takes a while to get accustomed to the dmg output of every champ over extended fights and levels.
    I also find myself still having more impact midlane when loosing, by roaming or jngl fights. Top it's usually harder to have impact when loosing, since wave can be frozen and you can be zoned off and are basically stuck on your lane. In general toplane requires way more match up knowledge and you can be punished harder.

    • @nicollasdx
      @nicollasdx Рік тому +1

      not so much, a 0/10 malphite/shen/ornn/maokai can win a fight for his team only pressing R at the right time, if you get something with utility doesn't matter if you loose lane

    • @Telados
      @Telados Рік тому +5

      Toplane is not fun, I always have to pick first and get some ungodly matchup that is nearly impossible to win without help

    • @nicollasdx
      @nicollasdx Рік тому +1

      @@Telados that's why I pick shen almost everytime playing top so if I lose ate least I can help my team

    • @ziggs123
      @ziggs123 Рік тому +2

      When i wanna go brain afk i go top and chill, dont care about jungler or anything. Also everyone can be frozen

    • @Bad_Posture_
      @Bad_Posture_ Рік тому +1

      @@nicollasdx Well.... you know you only named 5% of the top lane roster lol. Those are the exception not the rule. Otherwise. you can pick 4-5 champs that just have good CC at any role and say the same. Ex for mid, malzahar, Lisandra, Panth, Galio, or Veigar. well except adc.... if you get a lead top lane and you are smart, you just freeze at twr and your opponent will have 50 cs at 15 min and they couldnt gank you bc you are at your twr..... Not that JG was going to help them anyways bc the focus is around the dragon lanes. lol this doesnt happen mid bc it's a bit harder when you have 2 objs next to you and bot side you have drag and 2 people who prob arent a duo. so they prob cant freeze lane very well on average.
      So I'd say top is more punishing to not know every match up but also more rewarding to know every match up as opposed to mid and bot lanes.

  • @tvm2209
    @tvm2209 Рік тому +3

    Honestly feel like adc and top are most mechanically demanding not mid but maybe this video is referring to low elo specifically 🤷‍♂️

  • @skyrstofficial
    @skyrstofficial Рік тому +4

    I would rank Top much higher on the list in term of Mechanical. All they do is 1v1. The role created mechanical beasts like TheShy, Marine etc. that the world had to witness. And likewise their Macro rank lower IN SOLOQ since top soloQ Top players usually play carry top and take ignite for 1v1 and split push potential.
    ADC having lowest macro requirement since “wave management doesn’t matter on ADC” while literally ANY OTHER ADC GUIDES YOU UPLOADED says otherwise. It says wave management is the ONLY THING ADC can do during laning phase to gain agency, as well as how to reach that 10CSPM mid game IN SOLOQ (stop going mid to ARAM videos)
    My personal list:
    1. ADC
    2. Top (easily number 1 when not considering tank champs like Malphite)
    3. Mid
    4. Jungle
    5. Support (insert enchanter meme here, I would agree the role is 4th if not for Yuumi)
    1. Jungle
    2. Mid
    3. Support (as much as I hate Yuumi, support roaming with jungle counts as strategic play. Even when it starts with getting a duo outside of game it still counts as strategic move)
    4. ADC (without good wave management on ADC you can’t climb. Every game is coinflip)
    5. Top (can get away with poor wave management during laning phase as long as you can outplay mechanically. Top players in Chinese super server often overstay/fight during bounce back but still win thanks to their superior mechanics. TP-plays are more and more limited. Split pushing is their most Macro intensive. I think the role’s macro involves very little decision making: group or split)

    • @jtcye1162
      @jtcye1162 Рік тому

      yeah man this is what i thought too when i saw this video. they are literally saying opposite things from their previous videos about adc.
      but then again, i think most people would agree that top may be the most mechanical lane during "laning phase", not as much out of lane.
      and for adc, kinda only wave management is crucial, the whole map macro not so much.
      so I'd say they are pretty accurate in this video, but just not very clear/precise on how they deliver the message.

    • @GamementLP
      @GamementLP 9 місяців тому

      You say mechanical beast like the TheShy but then you look at mid and they have Knight, Chovy, Rookie, Scout, Zeka,…

  • @jtcye1162
    @jtcye1162 Рік тому +2

    as a person that plays adc quite often, i really hope supports can learn wave management and how to cs under tower so they can help those cs that would be impossible to get without help.
    most supports under diamond (and even diamonds) doesn't know shit about these.

  • @thedargon6899
    @thedargon6899 Рік тому +7

    What’s the point of this ranking

    • @mamemakimmk6189
      @mamemakimmk6189 Рік тому +2

      For people who want to find the perfect role for them I guess

    • @kiddo4838
      @kiddo4838 Рік тому +8

      No point just a vid to push out so they can work on something else

  • @kaden2910
    @kaden2910 Рік тому +2

    Top the most difficult on your mental change my mind

    • @VenomCold
      @VenomCold Рік тому +2

      When u play jg and your 3 lanes are literally sprinting it and you have to give up ur own jg and camps through no fault of your own. That shit makes me wanna alt f4

  • @tsepil13
    @tsepil13 Рік тому +7

    maybe its true that support easier as macro then midlane, but about alone island toplaners...
    its true only for utility like janna or soraka, but any engage support roams almost same amount as mid(or even more), and lane conrol is matter but its more about laning and close to micromanagement then playing around objects as supp

    • @HuyNguyen-jl7go
      @HuyNguyen-jl7go Рік тому +6

      E-girl role 💀

    • @clean1752
      @clean1752 Рік тому +1


    • @serafimbarbu7711
      @serafimbarbu7711 7 місяців тому

      Sorry to disappoint you but if you’re not playing in gold or below no toplaner will play like an isolated monkey. You always see toplaners like Fiora or Camille splitpushing, objective trading, roaming or even doing shenanigans in the enemy jungle. Macro is definetly a must for the toplaner player, especially in higher levels

  • @huntRicedown
    @huntRicedown Рік тому

    *dies to raptors at level 2* B-b-but skill capped said it was mechanically easy to play jungle 😢

  • @iratevagabond204
    @iratevagabond204 5 місяців тому

    Pfft. Being low elo support is harder than ADC, because you have to deal with an ADC.

  • @Goldendragon1998
    @Goldendragon1998 Рік тому +8

    Jgl is only macro intensive like d2+ based that the avg player is silver 2 idk if this is good representation if u say top is lower because its based on elo if u do wave managment etc while the silver 2 joey goes udyr full clears and runs down the 5cs/m bot or the yi that does the same its not like these players track pathing or think abt splitting the map or weak and strongside

    • @zaidnauman7798
      @zaidnauman7798 Рік тому


    • @UncleForHire
      @UncleForHire Рік тому

      Calm down, we all you know you're gold

    • @Goldendragon1998
      @Goldendragon1998 Рік тому

      @@UncleForHire peaked 400 lp Master euw arcanian is the ign u got the balls to drop ur ign? LoL

    • @UncleForHire
      @UncleForHire Рік тому

      @@Goldendragon1998 yeah and I'm faker

  • @homyachock
    @homyachock Рік тому +2

    Why would you compare Malphite and Vayne? Of cause top will be easier mechanically, if you take easy to play malph and hard Vayne, but adc has broken while super easy champion like Ashe and MF, and top has GP, Riven, Jayce, who is harder than Vayne. We should take average pick (with considering pickrate and effectiveness of champs), I think midlane will be the hardest. Most of the time you need to dodge skillshot, often you also has skillshots, plus melee champions are also quite hard (qiyana, Yasuo, Zed), plus lane is shorter, so if you really want to snowball and play melee champs, you should dive more often than bot or top.

  • @Swooped117
    @Swooped117 Рік тому +1

    There is a lot of malding silver players who know nothing about adc in this comment section lmao

  • @tendoproxi929
    @tendoproxi929 Рік тому +2

    7:00 are we just gonna ignore that jax took a tower shot And took no damage

    • @anbov9
      @anbov9 Рік тому +1

      he healed with sunderer passive

  • @sevastian07
    @sevastian07 Рік тому

    how can i get money back from subscription ?

  • @NotLerro
    @NotLerro Рік тому

    Support is boosted support is boosted support is boosted

  • @oscarfernandomartinezvarga5004

    Im so bad mechanically and i am an adc player😢😭😭😭

  • @AlaaAhmed-ov6ho
    @AlaaAhmed-ov6ho Рік тому

    Good video lov it❤

  • @andresmadrid9260
    @andresmadrid9260 Рік тому +3

    I would put support dead last at everything

  • @zaidnauman7798
    @zaidnauman7798 Рік тому +2

    Damn. No gaps in these comparisons. Accurate 👍

  • @tellmewhenitsover
    @tellmewhenitsover 11 місяців тому

    You dont need any kind of game knowledge to play jg besides: spam gank bot and transition to dragon.

  • @ziggs123
    @ziggs123 Рік тому

    Spot on

  • @nunoamaro6518
    @nunoamaro6518 Рік тому +7

    Mid lane harder macro then support, lmao

  • @IDirtyMangoI
    @IDirtyMangoI Рік тому +3

    ADC easiest Macro. List is an automatic fail.
    Brute forcing a fight as ADC=Inting. You will die>feed>throw off of just 1 death.

    • @Charles-kc2vt
      @Charles-kc2vt Рік тому


    • @IDirtyMangoI
      @IDirtyMangoI Рік тому

      @Charles-kc2vt k, my bad, i
      I guess. I'm unable to argue with that logic.

    • @criticalrevel
      @criticalrevel Рік тому

      @@IDirtyMangoI i guess i am unable to argue with your logic as well. but fuck surely you're right as the with all the exclusively adc mains out there...
      constructive critique: dude, IF you're ahead (which dont happen to you often it seems), AND the teams are equally in strength, THEN the default strat is indeed that... which in AVARAGE (do you grasp that concept? avarage ?) should net you winning results IF YOU AGAIN play correctly

    • @IDirtyMangoI
      @IDirtyMangoI Рік тому

      @@criticalrevel who are you?

  • @xenailes9121
    @xenailes9121 Рік тому

    ily man

  • @TheAntananarivu
    @TheAntananarivu Рік тому +2

    This video is strange. What relevant is the agency every role provides, not mechanical or macro skill. In terms of agency jungle, then support, mid, top and the last one adc

  • @ksilva2848
    @ksilva2848 Рік тому +7

    Micro or macro ADC is the easiest, lowest skill floor and ceiling. Imagine right clicking the whole game and thinking you're somehow good at the game because of "muh big orange crits".

    • @thesseus1332
      @thesseus1332 Рік тому +8

      How to show that you don't have any clue about the botlane lol

    • @rebirthofshien364
      @rebirthofshien364 Рік тому +1

      If an adc appears on map, he becomes the big target. Your macro and micro HAS to keep you alive, then "do big orange crits".
      To say its easy is ignorant of the fact that everything wants to greyscreen you for the next minute on sight.
      That is super hard.
      Meanwhile in mid you can just pick anivia, press R on wave, then press r-e-q on closest enemy and win, no thought needed (im anivia main btw)

    • @thesseus1332
      @thesseus1332 Рік тому

      @@rebirthofshien364 btw you got 1shot from 3 screens away and a lot of times you can't even react to someone and you are already dead, that's bullshit I'm pretty sure this dude above would int the shit out of every game on adc with mindset that stupid

    • @ksilva2848
      @ksilva2848 Рік тому

      @@thesseus1332 how about an counter argument rather than meaningless platitudes

    • @ksilva2848
      @ksilva2848 Рік тому

      @@rebirthofshien364 everyone's presence in the map is meaningful. Fed to planer splits with an objective spawning in 30 seconds and dies? Bad macro. Your point is invalid and the other one is even worse: Anivia, although easy, still has to hit Q no matter how braindead her ult is. Meanwhile adcs have to hit... Oh wait they don't, their whole thing is a basic mechanic of the game and they deal absurd amounts of damage from afar. Try harder.

  • @blackbird217b7
    @blackbird217b7 Рік тому

    I think you got AdC and support switched

  • @ponglenis9273
    @ponglenis9273 Рік тому +7

    Anyone who thinks adc is hard has absolutely no clue about league. I’m a horrible adc and went legendary regularly only because my support was on fire.

    • @TheAntananarivu
      @TheAntananarivu Рік тому +2

      That's supp diff

    • @ponglenis9273
      @ponglenis9273 Рік тому

      @@TheAntananarivu exactly. You can have absolutely zero brain cells as adc (which like 70% of the adc players have) and still destroy everything because of supp gap

    • @TheAntananarivu
      @TheAntananarivu Рік тому +8

      @@ponglenis9273 supp gap can carry you through the laning phase, but if you have bad positioning and decisions you will still lose. ADC is definitely harder than supp and have no agency early. Also you need all your team to play around you to succeed in tfs, but it's almost never a thing in soloq (especially in low elos), only in pro games

    • @flameofmage1099
      @flameofmage1099 Рік тому

      What rank

    • @lunacy5510
      @lunacy5510 Рік тому

      that's because your're low elo. Good luck playing adcs when your reach diamond or even plat then where you would just get eaten alive by even by the most stupid motherfuckers that there are out (a lot of adcs are really really stupid, there is no denying but a lot of them also have really really good hands which carry them really far especially in ADC role) just because of hands diff since they will outrade, outfarm and outimpact you even by going 0-4 in lane and dying to every jungle gank. Nobody says that adcs requirres macro but on average it's the hardest role micro wise.

  • @DuppyBoii187
    @DuppyBoii187 Рік тому +8

    We really think it's harder to space on ADC than on squishy melees where is the logic. Camille is harder than every ADC, and it's not even close. Shoulda honestly split top into tank+juggernaughts and bruiser+assasins.
    Also Jungle at least has some mechanically hard champs, supports "hard" champs are what Thresh?
    We also have 400 videos about how macro is the most important for adc and now it's on the bottom of the list here? Feels like you just didn't want to upset support players in this video.

    • @cubalibre0128
      @cubalibre0128 Рік тому +11

      "Tell me youre iron without telling me youre iron"

    • @tripleb4528
      @tripleb4528 Рік тому +11

      I'll dumb it right down for you since you're clearly not getting it. If adc make mistake, adc die. If Camille make mistake, she still kill you coz her q does 1000% max health true damage.

    • @allat0nce
      @allat0nce Рік тому +3

      yeah bro camille is harder than every adc. She has no escape tools and has to position perfectly in order to deal damage XD. Also impossible to trade with camille against melees and come out on top XDDD. Concerning support: pyke, thresh and bard are (from right to left) the most demanding supports, be it mechanically or macro-wise. But the video refers to enchanters so ofc support is the easiest role, just sit back and press your buttons lmao

    • @nicollasdx
      @nicollasdx Рік тому +1

      Bruh, did you ever played adc?

    • @nicollasdx
      @nicollasdx Рік тому +1

      One day you learn the game and understand for yourself everything you said

  • @TakaiSin
    @TakaiSin Рік тому +1

    Disliked because of bad talking supports. They are the second hardest to play after jungle. They get blamed for everything in game x)

  • @walkelftexasranger
    @walkelftexasranger Рік тому +4

    Video made by Redditors.

  • @YzoSs
    @YzoSs Рік тому +54

    Hmm quite a rare occurence of skill capped uploading a bad video

    • @4everelectromusic558
      @4everelectromusic558 Рік тому +2

      Why a bad video?

    • @mol-jerry
      @mol-jerry Рік тому +7

      ​@@4everelectromusic558because all roles are hard to learn

    • @4everelectromusic558
      @4everelectromusic558 Рік тому +6

      @user-yn1yr8pz5q I mean obviously because you have to learn the game, but also obviously some require more then others

    • @zacharyconner9319
      @zacharyconner9319 Рік тому +1


    • @andresmadrid9260
      @andresmadrid9260 Рік тому +5

      For people below gold this must be a bad video indeed.

  • @killer30556
    @killer30556 Рік тому +2

    Everytime i see a midlaner just stand there in lane while opponent is roaming I jsut know were moving towards a loss. happens way too often, at least attack the damn tower.

    • @nicollasdx
      @nicollasdx Рік тому +8

      sometimes the side lanes are just dumb and doesn't fall back when the midlaner pings. A mage can never follow an assassin for example. Or sometimes you just don't have proprity bc the enemy jungle ganked and the mid had to go to the tower or base. Is not that simple like follow or hit the tower.

    • @Ple0k
      @Ple0k Рік тому +7

      i add, sometimes you are freezing the lane, so the ennemy can only roam. If you follow, u die, lose the minions frozen. If you push you just prepare all the minions for the oppenent when he comes back.
      if you "stand there in lane" you are just doing the best play, and it's really frustrating when bot lane can't follow ping and die when ennemy mid is out of option

    • @nicollasdx
      @nicollasdx Рік тому +1

      @@Ple0k they want you to follow but nobody puts a single ward in the river/jungle xd

    • @TheAntananarivu
      @TheAntananarivu Рік тому +5

      Dopa almost never roams, but often freeze and pings his teammates

    • @nicollasdx
      @nicollasdx Рік тому +1

      @@TheAntananarivu a roam is never certain, a wave full of minions is always garante garanteed income

  • @RobAaronCrow
    @RobAaronCrow Рік тому +1

    so Generally speaking MID is the hardest role ?

  • @odinxrk1424
    @odinxrk1424 Рік тому +5

    wow this is SO biased its insane, how is adc the most micro intense role when the highest skill cap champions reside in Top lane? you can literally pick Sivir Ashe or MF and do fine all the way to Plat by just rightclicking. It is by far the least mechanical role because most of them barely even need to use their skills to deal damage. Plus toplane is by far the most punishing role overall. Once you are behind there is almost no hope for you

    • @sylvainjosegautier767
      @sylvainjosegautier767 Рік тому +13

      An adc player slightly mispositions and gets blown up. Toplaners slightly misposition and still survive. An adc has to have near perfect movement or else they lose the game

    • @odinxrk1424
      @odinxrk1424 Рік тому +2

      @@sylvainjosegautier767 right but you forget they have the support to enable them doing those things and make up for 99% of their mistakes. AND nowadays they can usually 1v1 assassins and bruisers so my point still stands. Meanwhile you have champs like Fiora Riven Irelia Gangplank (just to name a few) in toplane who you have to pilot perfectly to even get to kill the adc

    • @TheAntananarivu
      @TheAntananarivu Рік тому +6

      @@odinxrk1424 they might have support in high elo, but try to play adc in low elo, you will encounter all type of mentally ill players aswell as their picks. And NOBODY, i mean NOBODY in low elo will play around you, even if you're fed. Mage players who can't farm in mid sits in support role, steals farm and overall not caring about adc at all. So yes, you have to play perfectly and still not guaranteed that you won't get punished

    • @odinxrk1424
      @odinxrk1424 Рік тому +1

      @@TheAntananarivu that is not a good point either because if you are in low elo you can DEFINITELY 1v9 better on adc than in higher elo with an incompetent support, low elo players will almost never exploit your mistakes especially not in mid and late game scenarios

    • @TheAntananarivu
      @TheAntananarivu Рік тому +2

      @@odinxrk1424 i was plat ADC in s4-s6 but i can't climb out of silver right now, bcs of how punishing adc role is right now. I definitely can't 1 v 9 every game and i make mistakes aswell. And support players do not pick enchanters here in silver EUW at all, i mean last game 1 hr ago i had full ap malphite "support" not using a single ult in 2 v 2 with me as MF. And leaving me for entire game after laning phase ended.
      Botlane also ruled by supports, i can't win 1 v 2 when my supp is NPC while their is decent. I had to play passively, give up farm and pressure when i have griefing "supp" in lane. And that happens more than enough in my silver games. Sometimes i just queue as supp and almost always win bot, sometimes even easily 1 v 2 as Zyra or Heimer. Just shows how low agency adc has, compared to other roles

  • @mathewerenberger7275
    @mathewerenberger7275 Рік тому

    Hardest is support, easiest is top

  • @Aceinine
    @Aceinine Рік тому

    This list is quite inaccurate and is very tunnel visioned on higher levels of play. Separating macro and micro skills as requirements for success is very misleading as they are often if not always deeply intertwined and needed to work in tandem with each other.
    Adc for example is super easy in low ELO because they can just right click to be useful when they aren't punished.
    Mid lane can also be quite brain dead in lower ELO if you are playing a champ that can simply perma push and roam for kills. They will barely be punished for losing minions and will impact the map more easily.
    Also saying jungle is the easiest role to learn is absolutely ridiculous and borderline offensive. It is by far the role that requires the most macro knowledge which comes exclusively from experience. Mechanics are also much more important now as clears are less relevant and your ganks or 1v1 are what separates you from weaker junglers.
    Finally, all of this info is generalized without taking into account the many permutations of champions and builds can be played in different roles. Singed or inting Sion for example is way more macro over micro intensive as top laners, which is the complete opposite of champs like fiora or irelia. A similar case can be made for a yasuo vs tf matchup in mid.
    Imo, this video is a bit of a trap for any new player looking to make their climb feel easier by doing a role swap, especially if you don't understand the many nuances of a role that the video glosses over ☠️
    It would actually make much more sense if the ease and difficulty of the roles were contextualized and divided on the basis of level of play instead of micro vs macro needs.

    • @Doublejho
      @Doublejho Рік тому +1

      did you even watch the video? they literally said that jungle is the hardest macro class and takes the longest of any class to learn as far as macro is concerned

  • @Snowiestttv
    @Snowiestttv Рік тому


  • @FrogVoid1
    @FrogVoid1 Рік тому +1

    To be an EFFECTIVE jungle you have to have pretty good micro

    • @wnsjimbo2863
      @wnsjimbo2863 Рік тому +5


    • @m1k1_15
      @m1k1_15 Рік тому +6

      Nah, most meta jgs like reksai nunu jarvan amumu you just press 2 buttons, but ehat makes that role hard is macro

    • @walkelftexasranger
      @walkelftexasranger Рік тому +3

      Spamming abilities on camps and move to place where you want to go is indeed ''very mechanically intense task'', yup.

    • @FrogVoid1
      @FrogVoid1 Рік тому

      @thegalaxypepega you have to kite and do alot more than just spam abilities on camps to clear fast

    • @jacobhe2303
      @jacobhe2303 Рік тому

      i really don't like being that guy but master yi is a champion

  • @Mecomesloswebosxpregunta-nx5lx

    support the easiest, mid and adc the hardest then jgl and top chilling

  • @Marco-qt5nv
    @Marco-qt5nv Рік тому

    Jgl camps pulling and stuff is not that easy

  • @rehmanrohanyone2147
    @rehmanrohanyone2147 Рік тому +3

    Bro you guys are extremely delusional if you think support role is not the no 1 macro role. You literally have to babysit your teammates like a mother taking care of there children's. There is a huge difference between an actual good support then an uwu support who just stays behind and heals you

    • @matthewphang4035
      @matthewphang4035 Рік тому +5

      High elo maybe you can argue support is #2 hardest macro but there is no world where jungle isnt the hardest macro role at any rank. It is so much easier to play support from a macro perspective than jungle its not even close

    • @rehmanrohanyone2147
      @rehmanrohanyone2147 Рік тому +1

      @@matthewphang4035 before I say anything I am a midlaner and I can say that jungle is definitely not the hardest role in terms of macro unless if you are playing tank jungle. You can literally afk farm for 30 billion years and delete people late game if you are a farming jungler. Or you can spam gank a lane 30 times and still win. Pure braindead. Supports are just way above everyone else in terms of macro difficulty. You can win any game without a good jungle. But it's impossible to win a game without a good support. Jungle only cares about kills that's it while support needs to watch 9 players like a hawk

    • @rehmanrohanyone2147
      @rehmanrohanyone2147 Рік тому

      @@matthewphang4035 if you are Ganna say I am low elo. My current rank is grandmaster in euw

    • @CK-vc4lq
      @CK-vc4lq Рік тому +1

      @@rehmanrohanyone2147 thats kinda true but if as a jungler your an afk farmwer then a heavy hitter later, but the enemy jungler can apply a bunch of pressure by perma ganking or running around every lane early, you get flamed, your team falls behind, and theres nothing you can do about it till late mid game, and the team might not even last till then, jungle machups i think are the hardest to work around because there are so many play styles and you ahve to have a lot of macro knowledge to work around this kinda thing. especially in low elo where laners just have no idea how to set up a simple gank. im low elo tho so I cant say much above silver but thats just my experience.

    • @Snusblues
      @Snusblues Рік тому +3

      hahahah who gave this elo inflated support main oxygen

  • @mcdick1621
    @mcdick1621 10 місяців тому

    support since its basically gives you the ability as a worse player to amplify the strength of your better teammates.
    unless we speak about really high elo (and especially if you play enchanters) you are entirely a free rider of success

  • @hippopotamless2891
    @hippopotamless2891 10 місяців тому +6

    as a high elo player i can say this video hardly touched anything about macro other then "wave management" which the average plat player should be able to do.
    In terms of difficulty for macro it should be.
    The first 3 can all be changed around same as the last 2. I'm an engage sup main so call me biased but roaming timers, which lane to go for while roaming, wave management, jungle tracking, herald rotation and ward cycles gives the support role a lot more to macro manage. Even if you crash a wave you cant randomly roam because they can stack wave push and dive, could give up dragon. Need to think about jungle pathing so you can counter gank. The role can easily run over the game with macro so idk why its placed 4th in the video. The reason Top and Adc can be changed around is because Adc can crash wave come herald with the support and 4 man top taking possible 2 towers + a dive. This is mainly done only in comp though.

  • @Ple0k
    @Ple0k Рік тому +19

    weird video. Like playing Malzhar mid or Qiyana mid is not the same level of micro. Same can be said for all lanes.
    And macro, while jungle is the most complex, in ranked at lower elo, jungler have worse macro than a midlaner, because if they had a good macro they would be higher in elo, so you don't need a good macro as jungler to be better than opponents

    • @derkonigk4011
      @derkonigk4011 Рік тому +8

      you aren't a jungler, are you? If the midlaner had better macro, they'd be higher as well. That argument can be made with the roles switched and still make sense. I am a jungler, and I really feel the impact of macro play. In fact I intetionally picked up a mechanically easy champ (ww) to focus on learning macro and it really pays of. And yes, the assassins of midlane take skill, but they usually have high burst and a disengage unlike the ADC. This Video is about the average or most used champs in the roles, so making an argument about two specific champs doesn't even make sense in the context of this Video.

    • @beiggo21
      @beiggo21 Рік тому +1

      @@derkonigk4011 Well if both mid and jungle have the same level of macro, jungler will climb faster because mid is still way more reliant on micro. The jungler might even reach higher rank because of the irrelevance of micro. Macro skill doesnt really matter in mid if your micro sucks because your butt will get pushed in in lane.

    • @zaidnauman7798
      @zaidnauman7798 Рік тому +1

      @@beiggo21 well yea he never said mid is easier then jgl did he?

    • @beiggo21
      @beiggo21 Рік тому

      @@zaidnauman7798 Well i never said he did, did i?

    • @criticalrevel
      @criticalrevel Рік тому

      @@beiggo21 then why the fuck did you answer something that implies that you think that way ? xd

  • @betasidemensquadd
    @betasidemensquadd Рік тому +4

    it's not that bad then that I'm only playing top as a newbie

    • @dajmahal
      @dajmahal Рік тому +3

      I think its a good way to learn the game

  • @Keanu2u
    @Keanu2u Рік тому +2

    so Midlane is the hardest?

  • @BouncingTribbles
    @BouncingTribbles Рік тому +6

    Jung-mid main, I'm definitely not addicted to macro play 😂

  • @BryGuy_Games
    @BryGuy_Games Рік тому +8

    Personal experience. Support is harder than top. Just because a lane that’s named (support) stereotypically a weak name/role doesn’t mean it’s bad. In top your basically focusing on a 1v1 and making sure the enemy doesn’t gank you while support your fighting 2 enemies and could be ganked. You also have to think about your ward control, adc, and how you use your util + supporting other teamates.

    • @chrisfahey4221
      @chrisfahey4221 Рік тому +5

      The average support is so terrible I'd have to disagree. Losing lane doesn't mean much on support either, you can easily float games just by knowing where to ward. If you can do these things AND play draft correctly it's super free. 9/10 times until diamond supports suck, and even then most diamond supports are inflated by the role.

    • @edrickmaldonado9291
      @edrickmaldonado9291 Рік тому +3

      I have to disagree, I play every role, and overall support has been easier for me since I don’t NEED to do all those things you mentioned to win. It can be helpful if you’re at a rank where it really matters but skillcapped focuses on low elo more than the higher ones. Top you have to win lane and game by focusing on your wave state and knowing when to split push so your team can either get objectives or you can end, otherwise your split is just a free kill and therefore turna a teamfight into a 4v5 which can lose you a game.

    • @vzreo
      @vzreo Рік тому

      theres a reason its the egirl role. No way are you trying to give reasons why the role yuumi plays is difficult and you list that it has to ward lmao

    • @chrisfahey4221
      @chrisfahey4221 Рік тому

      @@vzreo There's tiers to champions/roles. A pyke/bard commands way more respect than a Mundo top imo.
      But if we are just talking about the roles themselves, support is by far the easiest.

  • @thegoggstar
    @thegoggstar Рік тому

    This really helped thanks!

  • @DiamantV
    @DiamantV Рік тому +1

    Hardest is botlane.

    • @jacobhe2303
      @jacobhe2303 Рік тому

      yeah playing adc makes me want to kms

  • @willardrenee7118
    @willardrenee7118 Рік тому +1

    you can tell that a solo laner made this list. weird light yagami-style god complex

    • @criticalrevel
      @criticalrevel Рік тому +1

      you can tell you dont main a solo lane, jealousy complex that's also yagami style-ish xd

  • @VenomCold
    @VenomCold Рік тому +4

    As someone who plays every role i dont think mid is easy but ucan defo just lock ahri and 1v9 even if youre bad

    • @criticalrevel
      @criticalrevel Рік тому

      yes and no... missing charms can be very bad and it does require some macro to actually perform on the champ, since it does lack damage...
      and playing ahri isnt the same as playing mid btw...

  • @SuicidelG
    @SuicidelG Рік тому +2

    Wow tyhese guys have never played support before

    @OATHOFVIRTUE Рік тому +1

    fastest comment in the west