@@MADvocate7 men need it for hygiene, you guys have all that cheese and white stuff in there because of the foreskin. At the end of the day male circumcision is a MUST in islam whether you agree or not
Let's apply this notion to homosexuality. It is pretty unsympathetic to create homosexual persons and then say they should not be allowed to be together. The inconsistencies in holy scriptures alone should be proof enough that without constant remise en question and critique, one should never try to live by these ancient rules.
@@Monochr0meMan Yes, and if some people are born homosexual, they should be allowed to live with (and sleep with) the one they love, like hetero people can without being judged. Being in a relationship is somethig we choose as well, and can in theory survive without. Knowing that it gives joy and meaning in life, it should be encouraged rather than oppressed.
@@aysaadan6889 I think it's relevant, as the comment I responded to was written by someone who derives from an assumption that God created us the way he wanted us to be. Fight me on it with good arguments, and I will respect your objection.
@@EscargoTouChaud being homosexual is not prohibited in islam, the act of homosexuality is, just as heterosexual acts outside of marriage is prohibited. Also those who have thoughts of commiting prohibited acts but do not go through with it they get rewarded, so if a homosexual has thoughts of homosexual acts but does not go through with the act, then they are rewarded.
Vile, cruel, perverse, deplorable, abominable, disfiguring, dibalitating, evil practice that causes a lifetime of pain, suffering and deprivation. It's not circumcision it's mutilation and torture, disgusting and contemptible, it harms and disables and steals.
🌴🏖🌴 The word of ALLAH is above and beyond all "hadith" combined. Follow the Holy Quran which says "Allah created the human body perfect" Circumcision/FGM was a Jewish practice that unfortunately Muslims adopted
ALLAH in the quran says obeying prophet muhammad is obeying ALLAH, Quran is the words of ALLAH that must be obeyed but what is prophet Muhammad's words that ALLAH is talking about ?! Definitely ahadith 😉 .
Ok yeah, you are so right, for example: Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” 1 Samuel 15:3
My current partner has had FGM done to her, im scared of hurting her or it causing her pain after we get married. It disgusts me that its even a practice, brought tears to my eyes when she told me what they did to her as a child.
im literally sick to my stomach i can't believe people condone this in any way, im glad my father isn't crazy and would to this to my oh my goodness im gonna vomit right now
Exactly!! It's so frustrating when scholars are so afraid of going against Hadith that support harmful and violating practices, no matter how weak or strong, when they are nowhere to be found in the Quran. I loathe getting the run-around to these questions. And it genuinely pisses me off when scholars take such vague and weak opposition stances in these topics. They are some of the only ones with the influence to make a real difference.
Hadith never support harmful practice so if the hadith say cut it but not too deep if you are not happy with it daz your own problem but you can't change the position of religion
@@hambedoumarega2128 The Quran prohibits us Muslims from causing harm to our body , thats why tattoos are not allowed cus its harming gods creation > if god created us this way why is it necessary to mutilate our self?
@@hambedoumarega2128 that Hadith is weak first of all plus if it was fundamental is the religion it should've been mentioned in a better context by the prophet peace be upon him or Qur'an to not cause confusion, God is all knowing and all merciful!!
It’s crazy, because for all the screaming I want to do about this, this guy will be much more affective in actually preventing it by speaking with credibility to that community.
Sorry baby, men are also circumcised but everybody takes it normal, men are also not sexual objects. If fgm is wrong then mgm is also wrong. No more double standards.
@@mominaali2700 Men are circumcised where there foreskin is removed . Often with anesthesia. Fgm is different. It harms women. They find it difficult to urinate ,sit or stand, complain of pain between legs. And fgm is often done without anesthesia
Prophet Muhammad pbuh never required any genital cutting for any of his wives or any of his children. This Mohammad rasululah pbuh was a man that was the most beloved by Allah! Allahu akbar! ALHAMDU lilahi rabil alamin! La ilaha ilalah Mohammad rasululah!
@@MegaTinni You're trying to explain me my own religion? I am and will be a proud muslim woman. And a feminist, because even in the west we are far from perfection in the field of gender equality.
@@MuhammadFaizanarshad55 practiced in select parts of north and east Africa. And it is tradition not religion. Fucked either way though, I would go as far to call it a crime to humanity
One question ... There is only one above all .. What gives you the right to mutilate .. he's creation .. So your religion as given itself the right question the form he creates ...
hhhhh cmoon menn bad logic! whhy do you cut your fingernail hhhhh orrrr your hair? is it because you created it? hey im not saying fgm is right but be careful with your logics men
When an orphan writes a book(for 20 years) to try to make up for his loses,and people don't know psychology,you get islam.A faith about empty man's pleasure.
Give this man a medal. He is a wise man. Islam is the most confusing religion in the world. 90% of people don't know what does their religion preach and they keep following others and do wrong practices. No offense but it's time that Islam should get their actual scholars together and set the guidelines and priorities straight. It was supposed to be a beautiful religion but it has lost the way somehow.
Islam is a crystal clear religion, no scope of confusion and ambiguity. There are some scholars and misunderstood people who get confused and confuse others creating a chaos.
Many reasons. In the context, usually religious or traditions believes. In my country this usually practiced in rural area. I had conversation (interview) with a FGM victim. The reason they do that is religion believe. When first i heard she said that i shocked. Well, then i knew this practice is COMMON in the particular area, especially rural.
Reasons people do it is To remove womans ability to feel sexual pleasure Its seen as Nobility/purity Seen as Obligatory by Shafi school of sunni islam, but mustahab (recommended) by hanafi, maliki and hanbali school of sunni islam Nowhere in shia islam
Don't wanna sound weird but am i the only one who came across this word now in 2022, I am also Muslim from Pakistan but this is first time hearing this seriously. I can assure anything harmfull is haram
omg same situation here. A muslim from pakistan coming across this word but 5 months after you. This word is making me go nuts like how it is considered a sunnah when it has no meaning behing it!
I got to know about it today It took me to watch many videos to really believe that this also exists in World. Some women have gone through so much in life.
Because the women marching generally follow what they are told. We have few wise women and men who follow their own direction. If they did, they would march against fgm.
women always march against this as well as do other things regarding the all available in lobbying and advocacy. a quick google search would have voided this query. Maybe question should be why dont men march against it.
Does the Quran really say stars are used to strike down the jinn? If so how does this Corelate with science? Stars are fixed how can they move, please answer this question as its been on my mind for years
Shafiullah Noory Listen. The person had/has a question. Respect that since he/she just wants to find the answer. You wouldn’t like it if people judged your questions or react to it like that. It might not be related to anything but if you know the answer answer it. If not, your opinion doesn’t really count
As a muslim from Central Asia, I have heard about female circumcision in the USA, never ever have we heard about it in those areas. It is beyond my comprehension for women to be cut from very sensitive organ to be honest. It disgusts me beyond, but lack of education creates dumb and stupid people unfortunately who cant question "why?". It is sad, and should be fought further...
Never mind if it's a muslim thing or not, it has to stop! If muslim preachers want it to stop they have to speak out! Loudly and repeatedly! If they don't they support it!9
Today I have perfected your religion, you should not eat pork but you can eat pork if you fear starvation. With regards to female genital mutilation, there is no guidance, the Ummah is Confused about this matter. There is difference of opinion like in most of the Islamic Rulings.
@@Quran_Alone_Dawah For boys it's not unhealty, even doctors says it can prevent some infections, also we have bigger D-head ;) For females it's unhealthy and have nothing to do with Islam.
@@usmansharifgujjar Wrong. The fore skin is the male prepuce and covers the glans p enis. The clitoral hood is the female prepuce and covers the glans cli toris. The fore skin and the clitoral hood are the same body part and cutting them is equivalent. In Islam, both the fore skin and clitoral hood are cut, and female circ umcision is supported by every madhhab, including the Shafi madhhab which deems it as mandatory. Doctors in Indonesia for example, view both male and female cir cumcision as healthy and I have personally argued with them. All medical organisations in Europe however, oppose all circ umcison, of both genders. I am an ex Muslim and I have been fighting this evil alongside doctors and human rights organisations for years. Don't open your mouth if you know nothing about your religion or the human body 👍
As Dr Ally, and many Islamic scholars have stated, FGM has no basis in Islam or the Quran. Dr Ali Gomaa, the 18th Grand Mufti of Egypt and former President of Al-Azar put it best when he said, FGM is "prohibited, prohibited, prohibited". FGM is a cultural, not religious, practice but, because it's more prevalent in Muslim majority countries/areas, people automatically assume it's part of the religion. There are numerous accounts of pre-Islamic FGM and Egyptian women of the Coptic Christian church, which predates Islam, are also cut. Many countries have outlawed FGM but the practice continues to be widespread in countries like Djibouti, Guinea and Somalia, where respectively 93%, 97% and 98% of women age 14-49 have been cut.
@@bazzmusic4952 Show me where in the Quran it says male circumcision is acceptable? If you use this logic for female circumcision, then you must use it for male circumcision, because both are present in the hadiths.
So take the bold step and declare categorically that Islam is AGAINST ANY form of female genital mutilation. So too that Islam is against the oppression or hurting or expulsion of either non-Muslims or Muslims that choose to a) deviate from harmful muslim behaviour, b) pursue other religions, even secularism. Keep religion, and culture for that matter, an individual CHOICE, flexible, constructive, progressive, subject to the greater good of humanity and its habitat.
Doesn't circumcision show that we are trying to improve what is already good for Allah? Like we know better than Allah. There was never any command from Allah in the Quran for male or female to circumcise. It is a Jewish tradition made to be inserted into the Bible by the anonymous writers of the Bible. An addition to Allah's command. And now being followed by Muslims. Its a fitnah against Muhammad S.A.W. He will never add something new that was not mentioned or commanded by Allah. Allah promised to cut his aorta if he was to add Allah's rules. I hold onto, Allah has made us perfect, nothing we do can improve Allah's creation.
@@lightman2258 I truly believe that the law should be black or white, at least in harming, killing, etc cases! he did come to his conclusion very very slowly... it took him a long time to get to his point that fgm is harmful... i was wondering why did it take him so long to say that fgm is very wrong...
@@Heyyzsara what choice?, To bleed to death? You do know that FGM is a very painful practice right? You won't even be able to urinate properly ,or bleed normally during your period, it's very harmful and can cause an infection
FGM is not in the Quran, but it is in the Sunna. Muhammad said: Say: I am no new thing among the messengers (of Allah), nor know I what will be done with me or with you. I do but follow that which is inspired in me, and I am but a plain warner. (Quran 46:9, Pickthall) Elsewhere in the Quran it says: Naught is said unto thee (Muhammad) save what was said unto the messengers before thee. (Quran 41:43) There is no commandment in the Bible to practice FGM on girls. Muhammad received no new revelations. Therefore, those hadiths that speak about circumcising females are false and should be ignored. The Quran also says: Such is the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, the Mighty, the Merciful, who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay. (Quran 32:6,7, Pickthall) Every part of a woman's anatomy is good. One should thank God for her anatomy and recognize the goodness of God in creating it the way He did. FGM is an attack on the goodness of God. It prevents a woman from experiencing the amount of sexual pleasure that God intended for her to experience when she makes love to her husband. As for male circumcision, that was a sign and seal of the covenant that God made with Abraham. (Genesis 17:11; Romans 4:11) The sign of the covenant has been replaced by baptism. In Colossians 2:11,12, there is a parallel between baptism and circumcision. The seal of the covenant that God made with Abraham has been replaced by chrismation. (II Corinthians 1:21,22; Ephesians 4:30; I John 2:20,27; Revelation 7:3) Circumcision is not required by God any more. (Acts 15:23-29; Galatians 5:6; 6:15) It is the apostolic practice to baptize and chrismate females and children as well as adult males. (Acts 16:15,31-33; I Corinthians 1:16) In the Orthodox Church, babies are supposed to be baptized when they are 8 days old and churched when they are 40 days old. Male babies were circumcised when they were eight days old under the Abrahamic covenant. (Genesis 17:12) In practice, many wait until the child is 40 days old and then have everything done to the child at one time. The Quran says that we should accept the Bible, believe in all of God's messengers, and obey God''s messengers. (Quran 2:285; 3:84,179; 4:136,150-152,171; 5:59,66,68; 29:46, etc.) Jesus said that we must be baptized. (Mark 16:16; John 3:3-5) Chrismation replaced the practice of laying on of hands. Only an apostle or a successor of an apostle can lay hands on someone after that person has been baptized. The deacon Philip baptized the Samaritans, but he requested some apostles to come from Jerusalem and lay hands on them. (Acts 8:4-17) A successor of an apostle is a bishop. A priest is subordinate to a bishop and cannot lay hands on any one after baptizing someone because he does not have the authority to do so. So, chrismation was instituted some time during the first century. A bishop asks God to bless bottles of chrism and gives them to his priests. The priests chrismate after performing a baptism. There is evidence in the New Testament and the writings of second century Christians that this practice was going on. It is apostolic tradition. We are supposed to observe apostolic tradition. (I Corinthians 11:2; II Thessalonians 2:15)
Is it possible that its just a mere tradition before İslam? As the hadith is not that authentic. Why there is no awareness or law against this ,it should be banned cause those who practice this are giving constant pain to females,is period and labor pain not enough that they are doing this,i heard that those women stay in constant pain ,they can't pee , even periods can't pass through and birth also .
The problem is the wrong interpretation of Islam . Islam described by Allah vs Islam interpreted by Mullah. That too many Religions witnessed many wrong customs but later changed by wise men and religious leaders. But Mullah described Islam remains static. Isam needs to withdraw the wrong customs as done by others. Circumcision doesn't provides certificate that one is the true follower of path described by Allah. God never discriminates in any human body . God provided all human same organs . Allah is the Arabic name of God. Bhagwan is the Hindu name of God. And God itself is the Christian name. And all the creatures are controlled by same Lord.
Bukhari mentionnes him saying Khitan is fitra, so its ok acc. to him for both male and female. or is fitra only for male Moslems? He also says "when Khitan meets Khitan" how is that if women are not ex/circumcised. and, khatana can mean both.
I have read the hole Quran verses by verse, anything the Quran didn't discuss it's not important,by Allah Wills my woman my daughter's will never go into such wickedness act
Auteh Allah Auteh Rasool.. Follow Allah and Follow the Prophet. If Allah never mentions it and the Prophet pbuh never practiced it personally in his own family circle then DONT do it. Hujoor uses the word Cultural practice this is not generally Islamic practice. Don't forget alot of previous present Cultural practice can and has been deemed as Jaheelia Foolishness! And should be avoided. Remember EVERYTHING is accountable on Judgment Day good bad happy and sad! Let's stick the 1st statement I made! Follow Allah and the Prophet pbuh. Allah Alom Allah knows best
UA-cam removed my comment. Censoring bots. I’ll repeat what I said: you die if you are a Jew in east Africa. There are no Jews in east Africa largely because of antisemitism. And FGM is culture related, has nothing to do with religion.
A religion influences a culture as much as a culture influences its religion. Often culture and religion are pretty much the same thing. Even IF Islam would be against FGM, considering FGM is still prevalent in many parts of the Islamic world then Islam must be extremely incompetent in stopping these practices or extremely competent in keeping these practices alive. Although I'm pretty sure that Islam brought FGM to Indonesia, as it wasn't practiced before Indonesia became Islamic. So maybe FGM just is a part of Islam (not surprising as Islam is rather a backwards and misogynist ideology). PS. I oppose all forms of ritual genital mutilation on children too young to give consent
So its fair to say christianity is white supremacy than? Would you admit. Because the kkk were christian. American slavery was christian. American christianity is white supremacy. Just wondering if you will blame that religion for that culture
So its fair to blame Christianity for fgm? Because fgm is practised in Central african christian countries too. Liberia for example. In Chad christians have a fgm rate of over 80 percent and the muslims there have a fgm rate of less than 2 percent. Its cultural not at all islamic. Even beta jews of isreal practise it. Its such a common central african practise.
FGM has nothng to do with islam, I'm African and fgm has it's roots in Africa. It's an old African practice (started from ancient Egypt) and according to quran it's wrong and bad but ppl still do it bc it's been part of African culture for a long time
Narrated Umm Atiyyah al- Ansariyyah ( Sunan Abi Dawud 5271): A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (a) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband. Abu Dawud said: It has been transmitted by 'Ubaid Allah b. 'Amr from 'Abd al-Malik to the same effect through a different chain. Abu Dawud said: It is not a strong tradition. It has been transmitted in mursal form (missing the link of the Companions) Abu Dawud said: Muhammad b. Hasan is obscure, and this tradition is weak. This is the Hadith 👆
@@xSunnyDaysx the prophet peace be upon him never said or encouraged that act, it is not a Sunna if something isn't in the religion it becomes something called a bid'a "بدعة"!!
@@bazzmusic4952 You're incorrect. It is recommended in Hanafi and in other schools it is obligatory. Muhammad even gave guidelines on how to perform the mutilation so stop spreading false info about Islam
A very sober and respectful interaction between two intelligent, inquisitive, equal minds. Muslims and Christians alike can learn from this interaction. Thank you.
circumcision and fgm is a priority to islam ...if its not in hadid and quran why do your scholars keep boosting on the top of there voice that it is sunna and farz....?and this is the reason why there are many discrepancy in islam and even today there are so many argument in understanding qur'an....... confusing ...for ex. your qur'an says allah has two right hands ..and others say allah is invisible ...what to understand..?
@@nyanchonyancho6005 if you understand quran honestly..... Very honesty... U will quit islam.. Earth is flat, sperm comes from rib, allah forgot what he made fiirst, earth or heaven.. Kill black dog... Shaitan pee in ears.. One who eat ajwa wont die of poison.. Where as Muhammad died of effext of poison 🤣🤣
Muslin 349.....Narrated by Aisha said, ‘The messenger of Allah said when a man sits between the fur parts (arms/legs of his wife) and the two circumcised parts meet the bath is obligatory.’
@Nazia Tabassum yes if there are general set of hadiths that say that if it harms then don't do it. Unfortunately, some of us still can't smell the wrong in this highly disturbing act. Therefore we must call it bidah "TO PROVE THAT ITS RIGHT TO DO SO" Plus according to me there is general knowledge among people that before prophet Muhammad Saw people used to even more horrible things to women. But as an ambassador of Allah Prophet came and got rid of every one of those acts that were done to hurt women. So this act can be put in the same category as well. Rest .. I don't know.. U may know more.. if yes then share.ur understanding.
Let’s be honest here...men wanted this and women were submissive to follow this barbaric act. This man that is talking, have an evil look and it is mostly on the ground as if he does not believe what he’s saying.
Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah( Sunan Abi Dawud 5271): A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (ﷺ) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband. Abu Dawud said: It has been transmitted by 'Ubaid Allah b. 'Amr from 'Abd al-Malik to the same effect through a different chain. Abu Dawud said: It is not a strong tradition. It has been transmitted in mursal form (missing the link of the Companions) Abu Dawud said: Muhammad b. Hasan is obscure, and this tradition is weak.
I'm so sorry for what has happened to you. You were violated, disfigured, and robbed of your God given right. I hope you find a place of healing and peace and forgiveness. Maybe some therapy will help too.
@@hyrunnisa997 Sorry for answering now but thank you for your kind words❤❤. I am fine now, this happened when I was 4-5 years old but I will never forget that moment. I just stress about giving birth in the future❤
@@FNFNFN99KKKdon't give birth then , they took ur God given right m you don't have to give birth to someone else and die in the process just because of their mistake . My prayers are with you sister!
It hurts me even imagining that this is "PERMISSIBLE".
This should be totally Haram!
What makes u think its not haram for gents 😂
Aisha was circumcise! Respect you God!
@@djangoreinartz2998 how do you know Aisha (RA) was circumsiced?
Harami won't say it's Haram ❤
@@rafimuhammed9156 The thing is boys dont cut their joystick off they cut the skin around the joystick
Why remove something that Allah has given us, in the female anatomy? People just don’t want women to experience pleasure.
Because they remove stuff from the male foreskin
Why remove something that allah has given us in the male anatomy? People just don’t want men to experience pleasure
@@Tony.S420 your pleasure isn't effected by circumcision like that of a women. There is no foreskin like such in women. Do research before BSing
Do you say the same about "transgender" kids and male circumcision 🇮🇱?
@@honorylealtad5596 it is only the skin for men circumsicion not the stick of joy..
Please,do not deprive the girls of individual rights,God has blessed them with.
Men get theirs done so why shouldn't women
@@THEMASHUPDECK facts Agreed 💯
But it's ok for them to do it to the men?
@@Adam-uz9sc men just get skin removed not a whole organ.
As a general rule maybe we should not be mutilating children regardless gender.
Quran or no Quran, there’s neither a logical explanation nor medical motivation for FGM stop ✋ the bs and join the fight against FGM.
When president Obama called this practice barbaric and worked to stop it, I thought it was one of the best decisions he ever made in his term.
@@squigglyline6488 really removing skin from female is barbaric but from male is healthy
@@MADvocate7 yes because we're made differently
@@squigglyline6488 nope removing skin is the same thing though one is banned one isn't why??? Simple hypocrisy of 1st world countries
@@MADvocate7 men need it for hygiene, you guys have all that cheese and white stuff in there because of the foreskin. At the end of the day male circumcision is a MUST in islam whether you agree or not
There is absolutely no reason to do this women.
And a man
If God didn't want it there, he never would have created us that way
Let's apply this notion to homosexuality. It is pretty unsympathetic to create homosexual persons and then say they should not be allowed to be together. The inconsistencies in holy scriptures alone should be proof enough that without constant remise en question and critique, one should never try to live by these ancient rules.
@@Monochr0meMan Yes, and if some people are born homosexual, they should be allowed to live with (and sleep with) the one they love, like hetero people can without being judged. Being in a relationship is somethig we choose as well, and can in theory survive without. Knowing that it gives joy and meaning in life, it should be encouraged rather than oppressed.
@@EscargoTouChaud Don't correlate this with homosexuality
@@aysaadan6889 I think it's relevant, as the comment I responded to was written by someone who derives from an assumption that God created us the way he wanted us to be. Fight me on it with good arguments, and I will respect your objection.
@@EscargoTouChaud being homosexual is not prohibited in islam, the act of homosexuality is, just as heterosexual acts outside of marriage is prohibited. Also those who have thoughts of commiting prohibited acts but do not go through with it they get rewarded, so if a homosexual has thoughts of homosexual acts but does not go through with the act, then they are rewarded.
Vile, cruel, perverse, deplorable, abominable, disfiguring, dibalitating, evil practice that causes a lifetime of pain, suffering and deprivation. It's not circumcision it's mutilation and torture, disgusting and contemptible, it harms and disables and steals.
Basically an African practice. Not sanctioned by any scriptures.
@@greengalaxy8873 no it's a Muslim practice don't put that Satanic trash on Africa
@@greengalaxy8873 yes it is.
@@Timeren2010 , It is what? sanctioned by scripture? Bible? I did not examine the Bible thoroughly, so maybe you are right.
Do you say the same about "transgender" kids and male circumcision 🇮🇱?
“How deeply is too deeply”
Did you even watch the video
@@muslimproudtobe Yes! Muhammad sanctioned it.
@@muslimproudtobedid you? The guy in the video didn't clarify anything about what to cut and what to not cut deep.
If something is not mentioned in the Quran, we don't have to do it, period.
Matt White Wolf
You’re wrong, period.
Without understanding and accepting quran and hadiths both we can't call oyr selves muslim
🌴🏖🌴 The word of ALLAH is above and beyond all "hadith" combined.
Follow the Holy Quran which says "Allah created the human body perfect"
Circumcision/FGM was a Jewish practice that unfortunately Muslims adopted
Matt white wolf you're knowledgeless and that's very sad
ALLAH in the quran says obeying prophet muhammad is obeying ALLAH, Quran is the words of ALLAH that must be obeyed but what is prophet Muhammad's words that ALLAH is talking about ?!
Definitely ahadith 😉 .
It is a crime against females, men can have their satisfaction, women are not allowed the same right.
Lord have mercy. Why are human beings like this?
@Tara Bhatt where?don't be ignorant
Ok yeah, you are so right, for example:
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” 1 Samuel 15:3
Not human being, men who decided that we need it.
that's why we need Jesus 🥰 you call him a saviour too no?@@shammaalali6889
Because of sherk/idolatry, the blind following/worship of the rabbis/masters, scholars, experts, witch doctors, TV.
My current partner has had FGM done to her, im scared of hurting her or it causing her pain after we get married. It disgusts me that its even a practice, brought tears to my eyes when she told me what they did to her as a child.
You can thank muhammad for that.
"FGM is thus a cultural rather than a religious practice. In fact, many religious leaders have denounced it."
- United Nations Population Fund
im literally sick to my stomach i can't believe people condone this in any way, im glad my father isn't crazy and would to this to my oh my goodness im gonna vomit right now
Thank God you didn’t go through this abuse
@@Humanity894 soo sorry i think i was confused, but im not a female but still though it was really disgusting man, hope nobody has to go through this
"We have created man in the best form." (Qur'an 95:4)
This must be stopped!!!! This isn't enough information to justify this practice. Wrong behavior is Wrong behavior. Period.
Exactly!! It's so frustrating when scholars are so afraid of going against Hadith that support harmful and violating practices, no matter how weak or strong, when they are nowhere to be found in the Quran. I loathe getting the run-around to these questions. And it genuinely pisses me off when scholars take such vague and weak opposition stances in these topics. They are some of the only ones with the influence to make a real difference.
Hadith never support harmful practice so if the hadith say cut it but not too deep if you are not happy with it daz your own problem but you can't change the position of religion
@@hambedoumarega2128 The Quran prohibits us Muslims from causing harm to our body , thats why tattoos are not allowed cus its harming gods creation > if god created us this way why is it necessary to mutilate our self?
@@hambedoumarega2128 that Hadith is weak first of all plus if it was fundamental is the religion it should've been mentioned in a better context by the prophet peace be upon him or Qur'an to not cause confusion, God is all knowing and all merciful!!
He's only arguing that Mohammad didn't necessarily condone this atrocity.
Why people freak out for female circumcision but not for male circumcision? Why kids are not allowed choose when they become fully grown adults?
don’t compare female cicumcision to male, for the males their are benefits. Their is no benefit when done on female
@@zuricon1925 There is no benefit nor harmfulness for male circumsion but female circumcision does do harm
1. Female genital mutilation is harmful and barbaric while it causes no harm nor benefits for male circumcision 2. Religion and culture
@@verntogememes3304 there is harm in the male one lesser sexual pleasure no protection of glands
@@verntogememes3304 female one is benifitial too then clitoral phimosis
It’s crazy, because for all the screaming I want to do about this, this guy will be much more affective in actually preventing it by speaking with credibility to that community.
100% They’ll only listen to their own imams and not what is actually humane
@@johncalabria1607 What is in the religion is humane
@@alecsbizarrememes7862 no it's not humane
@@ballistic1980ify its not in the religion thats why
@@ballistic1980ify Just to make it easier to understand: FGM is not in the religion
sad fact is that young girls die though this practice and thoes who do survive have long term complications this practice should be completley banned
Women are not a sexual object “ the present for a husband “
well women are treasures so yes they are a "present". but interpret it as u will lmao
Sorry baby, men are also circumcised but everybody takes it normal, men are also not sexual objects. If fgm is wrong then mgm is also wrong. No more double standards.
@@mominaali2700 my religion my very better woman rights
@@mominaali2700 Men are circumcised where there foreskin is removed . Often with anesthesia. Fgm is different. It harms women. They find it difficult to urinate ,sit or stand, complain of pain between legs. And fgm is often done without anesthesia
Prophet Muhammad pbuh never required any genital cutting for any of his wives or any of his children. This Mohammad rasululah pbuh was a man that was the most beloved by Allah! Allahu akbar! ALHAMDU lilahi rabil alamin! La ilaha ilalah Mohammad rasululah!
Thank you
As a Muslim woman born in the west this information horrified me.
then make your conclusions, do you want to be a part of this?
@@MegaTinni what do you mean? I'm not a part of this and never be
@@walkingwith_dinosaurs I mean a part of that religion. The religion that condones the suppression of women.
@@MegaTinni You're trying to explain me my own religion? I am and will be a proud muslim woman. And a feminist, because even in the west we are far from perfection in the field of gender equality.
@@walkingwith_dinosaurs I understand your stance, there is a lot of denial in you still. Perhaps in time.
Affects 200 million women? And where is it practised? Overwhelmingly in repressive Muslim countries.
Yes but it has to do with tradition and lack of health understanding, not religion.
@James Lin and how correct is that hadith? At least the sheikh in the video knows what he's talking about.
It does not happen in muslim countries, actually it relates to tradition not related to Islam. I'm a muslim and I had have never heard about it.
@@MuhammadFaizanarshad55 practiced in select parts of north and east Africa. And it is tradition not religion. Fucked either way though, I would go as far to call it a crime to humanity
This has nothing to do with Islam it’s culture
The torture of little girls !!!
I’m a man yet I’m crying
And praying
This madness must end !
One question ... There is only one above all .. What gives you the right to mutilate .. he's creation .. So your religion as given itself the right question the form he creates ...
hhhhh cmoon menn bad logic! whhy do you cut your fingernail hhhhh orrrr your hair? is it because you created it? hey im not saying fgm is right but be careful with your logics men
@@soothingqurangr8 because hair and nails are dead cells they don't bleed and grow up! Not same at all
It is not in the Islam.....
Jahanzeb Abro what tf do u mean “it is not in the Islam” those that make sense 🤦🏾♀️
The message of strictly banning this is so just.
We should bring it ourself from within.
Thanks for the video.
Masah Allah,may Allah wajal bless you abundantly for your noble lecture,I still. remember you praying next to me at Jamia Mosque ,back in the 70'.
When an orphan writes a book(for 20 years) to try to make up for his loses,and people don't know psychology,you get islam.A faith about empty man's pleasure.
Give this man a medal. He is a wise man. Islam is the most confusing religion in the world. 90% of people don't know what does their religion preach and they keep following others and do wrong practices. No offense but it's time that Islam should get their actual scholars together and set the guidelines and priorities straight. It was supposed to be a beautiful religion but it has lost the way somehow.
bhupinder singh nope.
Islam is a religion not a person,people lose their way,people are the ones doing these things not islam.
The term "Religion" should be banned in Islam and change to "Faith" and a "Natural Way of Life"...
Islam is a crystal clear religion, no scope of confusion and ambiguity. There are some scholars and misunderstood people who get confused and confuse others creating a chaos.
This harmful procedure females NOT tolerated in Islam WHAT SO EVER.
so why is this done? I’ve never heard about it before
Many reasons. In the context, usually religious or traditions believes. In my country this usually practiced in rural area. I had conversation (interview) with a FGM victim. The reason they do that is religion believe. When first i heard she said that i shocked. Well, then i knew this practice is COMMON in the particular area, especially rural.
Reasons people do it is
To remove womans ability to feel sexual pleasure
Its seen as Nobility/purity
Seen as Obligatory by Shafi school of sunni islam, but mustahab (recommended) by hanafi, maliki and hanbali school of sunni islam
Nowhere in shia islam
@@JackSmith-qi2sl my man I mean a sunna Muslim and never in my life have seen anyone do or talk about doing this! Please do not spread misinformation.
Men get it done so why not women??????
@@JackSmith-qi2sl this is barbaric, Allah allowed men and women to feel sexual pleasure.
Don't wanna sound weird but am i the only one who came across this word now in 2022, I am also Muslim from Pakistan but this is first time hearing this
seriously. I can assure anything harmfull is haram
omg same situation here. A muslim from pakistan coming across this word but 5 months after you. This word is making me go nuts like how it is considered a sunnah when it has no meaning behing it!
@@studyworm4481 1 year after u and I'm also Pakistani a friend told me about this this is so weird I nvr heard it
I got to know about it today
It took me to watch many videos to really believe that this also exists in World. Some women have gone through so much in life.
It’s a thing in parts of Africa
Why don't women march against this😨
Because the women marching generally follow what they are told. We have few wise women and men who follow their own direction. If they did, they would march against fgm.
@mrbooglesopus True, white men have been demonized in media unjustly.
In Africa at least the majority of people marching against FGM are women
because they love men and will do anything to please men no matter what it is
women always march against this as well as do other things regarding the all available in lobbying and advocacy. a quick google search would have voided this query. Maybe question should be why dont men march against it.
Does the Quran really say stars are used to strike down the jinn? If so how does this Corelate with science? Stars are fixed how can they move, please answer this question as its been on my mind for years
Warrior Life
One of the signs of ignorance is jumping on irrelevant subjects .
Your comment is not releva to the subject .
I think the government is fooling us. The world is a motionless plain.The heavenly bodies move, not Earth.
Stars are not stationary
Its not stars it ball of fire which strikes
Shafiullah Noory
Listen. The person had/has a question. Respect that since he/she just wants to find the answer. You wouldn’t like it if people judged your questions or react to it like that. It might not be related to anything but if you know the answer answer it. If not, your opinion doesn’t really count
As a muslim from Central Asia, I have heard about female circumcision in the USA, never ever have we heard about it in those areas. It is beyond my comprehension for women to be cut from very sensitive organ to be honest. It disgusts me beyond, but lack of education creates dumb and stupid people unfortunately who cant question "why?". It is sad, and should be fought further...
“Not deep” wtf ! It’s wrong full stop!
I don't believe him, he hasn't mentioned the narrator of his Hadith ,or the book where the Hadith is mentioned
please remove the "broom" like decorative material in the room...
its not looking nice....
That room looks like an unreal chroma… It’s virtually made.
Women who undergo fgm get often children with a braindamage becaust the baby can not get out well.
Or the mother gets ripped apart. And even die.
Never mind if it's a muslim thing or not, it has to stop!
If muslim preachers want it to stop they have to speak out! Loudly and repeatedly!
If they don't they support it!9
I don't understand this so called "honor" in doing FGM.
Thank you for saving our Muslim girls.
Today I have perfected your religion, you should not eat pork but you can eat pork if you fear starvation. With regards to female genital mutilation, there is no guidance, the Ummah is Confused about this matter. There is difference of opinion like in most of the Islamic Rulings.
I’m going to go drink a beer, walk my dog, eat a hot dog, and not mutilate young girls. Happy Easter!
What benefited women by doing FGM ?.. when men circumsized they benefited by better genital healtyness..
They do it to girls for hygiene too. You have no right to cut boys or girls.
@@Quran_Alone_Dawah For boys it's not unhealty, even doctors says it can prevent some infections, also we have bigger D-head ;)
For females it's unhealthy and have nothing to do with Islam.
@@usmansharifgujjar Wrong. The fore skin is the male prepuce and covers the glans p enis. The clitoral hood is the female prepuce and covers the glans cli toris. The fore skin and the clitoral hood are the same body part and cutting them is equivalent. In Islam, both the fore skin and clitoral hood are cut, and female circ umcision is supported by every madhhab, including the Shafi madhhab which deems it as mandatory. Doctors in Indonesia for example, view both male and female cir cumcision as healthy and I have personally argued with them.
All medical organisations in Europe however, oppose all circ umcison, of both genders.
I am an ex Muslim and I have been fighting this evil alongside doctors and human rights organisations for years. Don't open your mouth if you know nothing about your religion or the human body 👍
It doesn’t benefit women at all it tortures them for the rest of their life
@@Quran_Alone_Dawah They don’t do it for hygienic reasons
A simple question and someone wants to take corners just to answer. Mind games
As Dr Ally, and many Islamic scholars have stated, FGM has no basis in Islam or the Quran. Dr Ali Gomaa, the 18th Grand Mufti of Egypt and former President of Al-Azar put it best when he said, FGM is "prohibited, prohibited, prohibited".
FGM is a cultural, not religious, practice but, because it's more prevalent in Muslim majority countries/areas, people automatically assume it's part of the religion. There are numerous accounts of pre-Islamic FGM and Egyptian women of the Coptic Christian church, which predates Islam, are also cut. Many countries have outlawed FGM but the practice continues to be widespread in countries like Djibouti, Guinea and Somalia, where respectively 93%, 97% and 98% of women age 14-49 have been cut.
God made me perfect the way i am!!!! All women are made perfect. !!!!
Both genders babies should not have that done to them, that’s traumatic and painful.
I dont trust all hadiths
Some things you can take
Some things you shouldn't
As long It’s authentic you have no way but to believe in it if you’re a believer
@@mow_1073well how do you know it's authentic if he can't even tell us the narrator?
@@purplelove3666 I never said I knew anything all I said if it is authentic then no problem.
Circumsison is wrong in women and men
not wrong to male. it is very good for hygiene and healthy to the john too.
@@ruzishuib5329 Its wrong for both
Ruzi Shuib nothing healthy about cutting a part god gave u. Maybe u should wash daily then everything will be ok
I live in Africa and I can tell you with the heat if you don't circumcise men the number of infections the will get.
Jesus Christ is Lord ,
Jesus was circumcised
What about the ahadith and certain Sunni schools of thought that encourage this barbaric practice?
How can you say is barbaric do you balance it equally
that Hadith is probably wrong
@@hambedoumarega2128 yes it's wrong brother, show me a verse about it from the Qur'an
@@hambedoumarega2128 isn't it barbaric tho?
@@bazzmusic4952 Show me where in the Quran it says male circumcision is acceptable? If you use this logic for female circumcision, then you must use it for male circumcision, because both are present in the hadiths.
So take the bold step and declare categorically that Islam is AGAINST ANY form of female genital mutilation. So too that Islam is against the oppression or hurting or expulsion of either non-Muslims or Muslims that choose to a) deviate from harmful muslim behaviour, b) pursue other religions, even secularism. Keep religion, and culture for that matter, an individual CHOICE, flexible, constructive, progressive, subject to the greater good of humanity and its habitat.
Doesn't circumcision show that we are trying to improve what is already good for Allah? Like we know better than Allah. There was never any command from Allah in the Quran for male or female to circumcise. It is a Jewish tradition made to be inserted into the Bible by the anonymous writers of the Bible. An addition to Allah's command. And now being followed by Muslims. Its a fitnah against Muhammad S.A.W. He will never add something new that was not mentioned or commanded by Allah. Allah promised to cut his aorta if he was to add Allah's rules.
I hold onto, Allah has made us perfect, nothing we do can improve Allah's creation.
Well that was a lot of dancing around the question.
A Griff No he answered the question. For Muslims some Hadith can be wrong as it's not for god. For Muslims the Quran can't be wrong as it's from God.
The way how he explains is really good. It helps to don't think in a black-or-white way.
@@lightman2258 I truly believe that the law should be black or white, at least in harming, killing, etc cases! he did come to his conclusion very very slowly... it took him a long time to get to his point that fgm is harmful... i was wondering why did it take him so long to say that fgm is very wrong...
yepp, i agree! it took him a really long time and many questions needed to be asked before he, eventually said his opinion..
It's disgusting and it's taboo for a lady
you will burn in hell..allah will curse you..insulting islam
what is?
@@user00774 lmfao just shut up FGM isn’t part of Islam and it is disgusting
YES OR NO!!!!!
Thats all up to you if you want to do that but thats not obligated for muslims women so it depend on your choice but for muslim men its a must.......
@@Heyyzsara what choice?, To bleed to death? You do know that FGM is a very painful practice right? You won't even be able to urinate properly ,or bleed normally during your period, it's very harmful and can cause an infection
I was thinking the same thing.
FGM is not in the Quran, but it is in the Sunna. Muhammad said:
Say: I am no new thing among the messengers (of Allah), nor know I what will be done with me or with you. I do but follow that which is inspired in me, and I am but a plain warner. (Quran 46:9, Pickthall)
Elsewhere in the Quran it says:
Naught is said unto thee (Muhammad) save what was said unto the messengers before thee. (Quran 41:43)
There is no commandment in the Bible to practice FGM on girls. Muhammad received no new revelations. Therefore, those hadiths that speak about circumcising females are false and should be ignored. The Quran also says:
Such is the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, the Mighty, the Merciful, who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay. (Quran 32:6,7, Pickthall)
Every part of a woman's anatomy is good. One should thank God for her anatomy and recognize the goodness of God in creating it the way He did. FGM is an attack on the goodness of God. It prevents a woman from experiencing the amount of sexual pleasure that God intended for her to experience when she makes love to her husband.
As for male circumcision, that was a sign and seal of the covenant that God made with Abraham. (Genesis 17:11; Romans 4:11) The sign of the covenant has been replaced by baptism. In Colossians 2:11,12, there is a parallel between baptism and circumcision. The seal of the covenant that God made with Abraham has been replaced by chrismation. (II Corinthians 1:21,22; Ephesians 4:30; I John 2:20,27; Revelation 7:3) Circumcision is not required by God any more. (Acts 15:23-29; Galatians 5:6; 6:15) It is the apostolic practice to baptize and chrismate females and children as well as adult males. (Acts 16:15,31-33; I Corinthians 1:16)
In the Orthodox Church, babies are supposed to be baptized when they are 8 days old and churched when they are 40 days old. Male babies were circumcised when they were eight days old under the Abrahamic covenant. (Genesis 17:12) In practice, many wait until the child is 40 days old and then have everything done to the child at one time.
The Quran says that we should accept the Bible, believe in all of God's messengers, and obey God''s messengers. (Quran 2:285; 3:84,179; 4:136,150-152,171; 5:59,66,68; 29:46, etc.)
Jesus said that we must be baptized. (Mark 16:16; John 3:3-5) Chrismation replaced the practice of laying on of hands. Only an apostle or a successor of an apostle can lay hands on someone after that person has been baptized. The deacon Philip baptized the Samaritans, but he requested some apostles to come from Jerusalem and lay hands on them. (Acts 8:4-17) A successor of an apostle is a bishop. A priest is subordinate to a bishop and cannot lay hands on any one after baptizing someone because he does not have the authority to do so. So, chrismation was instituted some time during the first century. A bishop asks God to bless bottles of chrism and gives them to his priests. The priests chrismate after performing a baptism. There is evidence in the New Testament and the writings of second century Christians that this practice was going on. It is apostolic tradition. We are supposed to observe apostolic tradition. (I Corinthians 11:2; II Thessalonians 2:15)
God bless you
Is it possible that its just a mere tradition before İslam? As the hadith is not that authentic.
Why there is no awareness or law against this ,it should be banned cause those who practice this are giving constant pain to females,is period and labor pain not enough that they are doing this,i heard that those women stay in constant pain ,they can't pee , even periods can't pass through and birth also .
God has done some mistakes like creating an an extra part so the creation can later cut it off later and suffocate. How crazy is that god. 😂
That means the foreskin of a man isnt extra
Thank God for this man’s view on FGM
The problem is the wrong interpretation of Islam . Islam described by Allah vs Islam interpreted by Mullah. That too many Religions witnessed many wrong customs but later changed by wise men and religious leaders. But Mullah described Islam remains static. Isam needs to withdraw the wrong customs as done by others. Circumcision doesn't provides certificate that one is the true follower of path described by Allah. God never discriminates in any human body . God provided all human same organs . Allah is the Arabic name of God. Bhagwan is the Hindu name of God. And God itself is the Christian name. And all the creatures are controlled by same Lord.
Bukhari mentionnes him saying Khitan is fitra, so its ok acc. to him for both male and female. or is fitra only for male Moslems?
He also says "when Khitan meets Khitan" how is that if women are not ex/circumcised. and, khatana can mean both.
also the quranic term tathiyr تطهير is used for circumcision, and includes women.
This shows how the Quran was written to please man.
It’s not in the Quran or even sound Hadiths it’s not practiced in gulf regions like Saudi Arabia only in Africa
Read you own hindu scriptures and read how racism is made in castes
I have read the hole Quran verses by verse, anything the Quran didn't discuss it's not important,by Allah Wills my woman my daughter's will never go into such wickedness act
Good man
Sidha sidha bolo k haram hai,bkwass kiyu kar rahe ho 😡 there's no such thing in islam
Karwana chahiye larkon r larkion dono ko. Aur underwear bhi pehen ni chahiye dono ko. Larkian aaj bhi bina underwear ghum rahi salwar kurta me.
Again, another Islamic practice that you can't criticise or UA-cam takes your comment down
Auteh Allah Auteh Rasool.. Follow Allah and Follow the Prophet. If Allah never mentions it and the Prophet pbuh never practiced it personally in his own family circle then DONT do it. Hujoor uses the word Cultural practice this is not generally Islamic practice. Don't forget alot of previous present Cultural practice can and has been deemed as Jaheelia Foolishness! And should be avoided. Remember EVERYTHING is accountable on Judgment Day good bad happy and sad! Let's stick the 1st statement I made! Follow Allah and the Prophet pbuh. Allah Alom Allah knows best
Lol.. so FGM isn't prohibited.. lol
No, its actually even recommended in sunni islam and obligatory in shafi islam
@@JackSmith-qi2sl it’s not a allowed in Islam
@@rebbexxxa629 Yes it is. The Quran doesn’t specifically says it’s prohibited and the Hadith mention it as well. Some consider it sunnah.
@@Kate-ct9ys the quran forbids it
Its an east African tradition. East African christians and jews do this to.
UA-cam removed my comment. Censoring bots. I’ll repeat what I said: you die if you are a Jew in east Africa. There are no Jews in east Africa largely because of antisemitism. And FGM is culture related, has nothing to do with religion.
no such thing in christianity stop embarrassing yourself by 'east Africa ' you meant somalia,a muslim country
Religion is bs sometimes can’t YALL think for ur selfs
A religion influences a culture as much as a culture influences its religion. Often culture and religion are pretty much the same thing.
Even IF Islam would be against FGM, considering FGM is still prevalent in many parts of the Islamic world then Islam must be extremely incompetent in stopping these practices or extremely competent in keeping these practices alive.
Although I'm pretty sure that Islam brought FGM to Indonesia, as it wasn't practiced before Indonesia became Islamic. So maybe FGM just is a part of Islam (not surprising as Islam is rather a backwards and misogynist ideology).
PS. I oppose all forms of ritual genital mutilation on children too young to give consent
So its fair to say christianity is white supremacy than? Would you admit. Because the kkk were christian. American slavery was christian. American christianity is white supremacy. Just wondering if you will blame that religion for that culture
So its fair to blame Christianity for fgm? Because fgm is practised in Central african christian countries too. Liberia for example. In Chad christians have a fgm rate of over 80 percent and the muslims there have a fgm rate of less than 2 percent. Its cultural not at all islamic. Even beta jews of isreal practise it. Its such a common central african practise.
FGM has nothng to do with islam, I'm African and fgm has it's roots in Africa. It's an old African practice (started from ancient Egypt) and according to quran it's wrong and bad but ppl still do it bc it's been part of African culture for a long time
Hitler was a christian and KKK was a christian group.
"That's why it is true that Christianity is evil and racism is encouraged in christianity.
Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-
Ansariyyah ( Sunan Abi Dawud 5271):
A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (a) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.
Abu Dawud said: It has been transmitted by 'Ubaid Allah b. 'Amr from 'Abd al-Malik to the same effect through a different chain.
Abu Dawud said: It is not a strong tradition. It has been transmitted in mursal form (missing the link of the Companions)
Abu Dawud said: Muhammad b. Hasan is obscure, and this tradition is weak.
This is the Hadith 👆
Does that mean it is weak??
@@IamMuslimChadyes , it is weak because of missing the link of the Companions .
Watch last 2 mins to get answers
Thank you Dr. Shabir
Damn it, do the ones practicing this call it "Female Genital Mutilation"?
FRÉMAUX SOORMALLY No, they call it sunnah. Like it’s something the prophet did.
@@xSunnyDaysx the prophet peace be upon him never said or encouraged that act, it is not a Sunna if something isn't in the religion it becomes something called a bid'a "بدعة"!!
@@bazzmusic4952 You're incorrect. It is recommended in Hanafi and in other schools it is obligatory. Muhammad even gave guidelines on how to perform the mutilation so stop spreading false info about Islam
@@jahedm3 hanfai maliki or whoever just gave their opinion what is islam is according to their understanding 100s of years after life of prophet
This isone of the things disgusted me why people on earth do such practices
This is the most comprehensive answer
A very sober and respectful interaction between two intelligent, inquisitive, equal minds. Muslims and Christians alike can learn from this interaction. Thank you.
May Allah reward you and guide you and us all ❤
respect and class shown throughout. 7:00 onwards 🤲🏾🙏🏾👌🏾
In olden days It was performed on male guys in order to keep some infections at bay or away.
"the greatest Jihad is to battle your own soul, to fight the evil within yourself". prophet muhammad (PBUH)
No it wasn't. That is a myth. It has no standards health benefits - we are not born with a make defect.
@Mustafa Alam When it's a choice not when it's forced at a young age.
What I heard is it was done to prevent sand from scathing against the bellend inside the foreskin. The Abraham religions were created in sandy places
Look, I like Dr. Shabir, but he could have done a much better job explaining this and condemning it it more directly.
Everyone remember, the prophet Muhammad never had his daughters circumcised.
circumcision and fgm is a priority to islam ...if its not in hadid and quran why do your scholars keep boosting on the top of there voice that it is sunna and farz....?and this is the reason why there are many discrepancy in islam and even today there are so many argument in understanding qur'an....... confusing ...for ex. your qur'an says allah has two right hands ..and others say allah is invisible ...what to understand..?
If u are trying to find fault in Quran then u are completely insane without knowing it..goooooo n read budy
@@nyanchonyancho6005 if you understand quran honestly..... Very honesty... U will quit islam.. Earth is flat, sperm comes from rib, allah forgot what he made fiirst, earth or heaven.. Kill black dog... Shaitan pee in ears.. One who eat ajwa wont die of poison.. Where as Muhammad died of effext of poison 🤣🤣
because they want power over women, and men for that matter and you are so dumb to follow
The prophet 's wives didn't do it, so how is it Sunnah?
@@nyanchonyancho6005he already found it buddy stop embarrassing yourself
Why modifications requires to gods creation?
Oh my god, can you get to the point. All this waffle
Muslin 349.....Narrated by Aisha said, ‘The messenger of Allah said when a man sits between the fur parts (arms/legs of his wife) and the two circumcised parts meet the bath is obligatory.’
@Nazia Tabassum yes if there are general set of hadiths that say that if it harms then don't do it. Unfortunately, some of us still can't smell the wrong in this highly disturbing act. Therefore we must call it bidah "TO PROVE THAT ITS RIGHT TO DO SO"
Plus according to me there is general knowledge among people that before prophet Muhammad Saw people used to even more horrible things to women. But as an ambassador of Allah Prophet came and got rid of every one of those acts that were done to hurt women.
So this act can be put in the same category as well.
Rest .. I don't know.. U may know more.. if yes then share.ur understanding.
Bidah means innovation in religion which is very very haram thing and the hadith is truly weak and i believe it.
The is more cultural practice then religious .#StopFGM
Let’s be honest here...men wanted this and women were submissive to follow this barbaric act.
This man that is talking, have an evil look and it is mostly on the ground as if he does not believe what he’s saying.
Stop your racism
@@MADvocate7 simping white boy, loves to belong to something, haha
So if you say profit Mohammad around a muslim will they blurt out randomly peace be apon him
So ..... and..... answer the damb question already.
Exactly, just answer to the point, stop dancing around the question
Thank you, Sir
Thank you so much for this great explanation. Difficult topic.
It is a jewish practice not prophets . Thier is not a single clue or Ayat / Surah presenting the practice of circumsiezed the muslim .
Fgm comes from Egypt
Why is Shabi Ali so afraid of Christian Prince ? We all know why !
He has the power of the mute button.
All abdools are potatoes
As Dr. Shabir menstion the hadith of Abu dawood, i guess this Ritual was Exists before Islam
That means it should be stopped.
Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah( Sunan Abi Dawud 5271):
A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (ﷺ) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.
Abu Dawud said: It has been transmitted by 'Ubaid Allah b. 'Amr from 'Abd al-Malik to the same effect through a different chain.
Abu Dawud said: It is not a strong tradition. It has been transmitted in mursal form (missing the link of the Companions)
Abu Dawud said: Muhammad b. Hasan is obscure, and this tradition is weak.
Great explanation, dr Shabir! May Allah bless you and your family. And also may Allah guide us all ❤️
I am victim to it :(
I'm so sorry for what has happened to you. You were violated, disfigured, and robbed of your God given right. I hope you find a place of healing and peace and forgiveness. Maybe some therapy will help too.
May Allah give you patience and punish those who have harmed you❤
@@hyrunnisa997 Sorry for answering now but thank you for your kind words❤❤. I am fine now, this happened when I was 4-5 years old but I will never forget that moment. I just stress about giving birth in the future❤
sorry to ask but do you feel any kind of pain or discomfort ?
@@FNFNFN99KKKdon't give birth then , they took ur God given right m you don't have to give birth to someone else and die in the process just because of their mistake .
My prayers are with you sister!
Circumcision of Muslim man is wajib while female is sunnah...
not sunnah,
Aseem al hakeem said makrooh @@LexlutherVII