Vulkan Hestan giving re rolls to wounds for flamers within 24" is crazy good for these guys! 10D6 re roll wounds is amazing. If in firestorm you get S6 AP0 1D flamers..... thats all that needs to be said
@@MinscS2 I've got a 6 man boltstorm aggressor and Gravis Captain squad as well for my Firestorm detachment I'm building. I've also magnetised so I can use the dev wounds and +1 to wound strats on them with flamers if I can't use it on my Infernus guys, as the AP increase shooting the closest target will push them a bit higher in certain circumstances.
Man I’ll never forget how these guys surprised me when me and my buddy played our first game of 10th. We were just playing with the leviathan models for that campaign and I already lost my veterans, dreadnought, and apothecary by turn 2. Just when I thought I wasn’t gonna do anything, these guys killed his winged tyranid prime in overwatch and brought his screamer killer down to just 1 wound. Still didn’t win, but they definitely kept me playing for another 2 turns. A single flamer feels kinda worthless but I never thought about how 10 D6 auto hitting flamers can really stack up. It’s stats might not be the best but when you have 10-60 shots, it might matter when you’re drowning them in fire. Only down side is they’re still squishy intercessors and once they start getting cut down, their combat effectiveness does suffer greatly. It might have just been luck, but these guys still feel underrated.
I love my Infernus Marines. I, usually, run a big 10-man blob for area denial but I'll sometimes run two 5-man squads for coverage depending on how I'm feeling. My friends want to get Infernus Marines because of my usage, they're perfect Overwatch users and aren't bad in my experience for culling enemy chaff
I suspect one slightly niche use not really mentioned is when playing against armies' with lots of low toughness/save melee units. Orks, Tyranids, GSC, etc. Have a unit or two move up with your other units as a sort of discouragement unit to make your opponent think carefully about charging in. Used to a thing in 6th where flamers caused d3 auto wounds when charged, always made people think twice.
I'm not even sure this use is all that niche. I'd imagine any troop unit that doesnt have a base save of 3+ or better would be deterred by this. Any horde or trade army that wants to get up close would be deterred by a couple of these guys on overwatch.
I had my first game with firestorm last night. 3 impulses with 5 of these guys inside was fantastic at melting all kinds of admech. Taking advantage of the open top and added durability was solid
Very much like these guys, especially the design of their flamers and the way they're held from the hip. It adds a sense of heft to the weapon. Though if I'm honest, I wish the Ironclad dreadnought was still an option to use as it serves the bunker clearing purpose and can be a scary charging threat to boot with its grenade launchers.
I used these in my very first game of 40k, 2 squads of 5, each supporting a squad of assault intercessors. They did serious work against Khorne demons, managing to hold on the entire game chipping away at enemy calvary, doing enough damage over time for my librarian dreadnought to put the smackdown on the last 4 bloodcrushers of a 10-man unit that had been tearing up the board all game
10 Infernus in a drop pod dropped into my opponent's backline turn 1 and incinerated 3 full units in 2 turns of shooting - they're incredibly useful against hordes with Firestorm and they got even better when Vulkan and the Company Heroes got to the midfield in a Redeemer they shared with Adrax and 6 BGVs. It was brutally effective
I usually like them (aside from vulkan things( is to use them for objective skirmishes as they are quite good at killing other objective scrappers especially under their own weight class
it can be interesting also a 5man in reserve. You put them in game when/where you need, especially to kill small enemy group that may keep home objective (maybe inceptors are better at 110 and with their special deep strike, but they could be fun and are also a treat for the overwatch)
I rather like these guys, even before the codex dropped. Five in an Impulsor is a great squad mower at a reasonable price, and Firestorm makes them even more hilarious. I want to try ten with a Librarian, delivered by Repulsor sometime. They're definitely niche, but they fill that niche remarkably well, are a reasonable threat for the cost, and have a variety of options for employment. A good place for a brand new unit to be in terms of game balance
Best thing about infernus marines? They're not only good in a SM detachment or three, they're also good as Rubric Marines in Tsons/ CSM. Having 10-25 of them never hurts, for a huge range of builds.
I think vulkans power is truly talked about enough, when you have 10 infernus marines, a redemptor with a hand flamer, an invictus warsuit with a heavy flamer, and terminators with flamers all bearing down on 1 unit. You could theoretically could be rolling 200+ dice in one turn and thats just in a 1000pt army. Now if you were to add immolation protocals to it, then the damage is even more crazy.
There lies two problems Getting it all there in one piece And making sure it's all lined up. Invictors have no toughness and will fold like paper, and their special ability is wasted if no phobos. For termies, cyclone and librarian is a better bet for the sustained hits right out of deepstrike. Or even the assault cannons. You'll also want a captain for the infernus. Vulkan needs a body guard or he's gonna get sniped 12 inches way from where he starts being useful.
2x 5-man squads in Impulsors useful for drive-by burning death or nabbing secondaries. They are a great distraction Carnifex that are constantly doing things. Can’t wait to use them in my Firestorm detachment to make them that much faster and stronger.
Even before the codex ive been running them with hestan as a big 10 man and i love them people either make the mistake of charging them, just ignore them, or dedicate shooting on them they could of used to kill more important things.
How about a Stormraven inserting a full infernus squad with character, and a Brutalis into the enemy flanks? I kinda feel like that could wreck someone's day
I use them with a drop pod. that way I can get them in range of the enemy I need on turn one. Then they get to overwatch in the enemy's turn. They are a very good unit but it does depend on who your opponent is somewhat.
I'm going to give this a go next game. Probably a fantasy situation but I'd love to drop them behind the enemy turn 1 for maximum irritation on their next movement phase
Hit and miss tbh, with their weapons for enemy to take battleshock make them terrifying enemy for opponent's battleline units, but their standard tacticus armour really make take soft target for melee and heavy weapons enemy especially since the sergeant don't have significant melee weapons or there are no heavier version of pureblasyer to deal -S- T6-8 enemies
T6 is covered by the detachment you want to run them in: firestorm. Vulkan he'Stan gives them re-roll wounds, a captain can will them devastating wounds each turn for free, and this now covers T7 to 11 for 5+ It's T12 and up you've got to worry about.
I had 9 Infernus with He'stan use Immolation Protocols and one-shot Trajan Valoris and his 5 man squad of Custodian Guard yesterday. I probably won't ever bring two squads, but I will always have one
Wpuldve been better if you had the captain and a full ten man in a transport and with vulkan hiding somewhere with company heroes Or just aggressors. It'll save you 200 points.
I love to use Urial Ventris to give a little 5 man squad deepstrike just to jump them about with guerrilla tactics targeting any light infantry, really useful and great for secondaries 🎉
Bit of a waste at his cost, especially if you're not maxing the size and they can be delivered another way. A drop pod is much better delivery, supports with its own guns AND is cheaper. Using ventris to bring in assault centurions with either meltas or flamers? Now you're onto something!
I play Deathwatch and my current theory for these guys is 5 alongside some Bladeguard and a Chaplain all within a Drop Pod. Yes I could take Beacon, but that'd only bring along one squad, so I'm fine paying 40 points extra for a earlier turn drop and no Rapid Ingress for Free (though... I think I could still Rapid Ingress with the Drop Pod turn 1, might be funny). The theory goes to have the Infernus cover the Bladeguard, burn away any chaff or screens and then have the Bladeguard make their 9" charge. If they pass, great, if not then the Infernus can Overwatch any primary targets and hope they don't get shot off the board from long range damage.
I think they're great against a lot of match ups. They've carried the day for me against a lot of hoard armit's. So much so they've turned into a distraction carnifex. Its a big toss up what character works BEST with them. Captain for the free battle tactic is great, the dev wounds strat let's them easily punch well outside their class.
This unit feels like one that'd either shine or flop depending on your local meta. Lots of low toughness infantry? Sure bring em. But your local meta only brings hardy units? Don't think about these things.
Also possibly of note, if you get them on a central objective with vulkan his OC 10 ability will come into play, giving a strong grip on the objective with dangerous overwatch ability and place him in a central position to pick out squads to designate for rerolls with other roaming torrent/melta weapons. Whether that's a vehicle/monster targeted by Eliminators or infantry subjected to a 6 man squad of agressors with a gravis captain giving them free immolation protocols.
Expect aggressors get absolutely nothing from vulkan They're already twin linked and this have inbuilt rerolls. In fact, vulkans ability is slowly becoming less and less useful. Attack bikes went away; gone is 2 melta shots at speed at 55 points. Deimos predator is legends; gone is the magna melta and twin h flamers. He only really supports infernus and a LR redeemer. Devastators are too over priced and it's better to use the razorback for the wound reroll. Invictor warsuits fold like paper and only shine next to phobos with the 48" autocannon. Aggressors trump infernus for immolation protocols due to being 300 points for full effectiveness. Infernus needs 180 for the squad, 80 for the captain and then 100 for vulkan, who also wants a body guard (add 95 for company heroes) otherwise he gonna get sniped. The captain can also be sniped. Aggressors captain? I'll take half damage thanks at T6 and W6 thanks And eliminators don't have any torrent or melta weaponry??
@william9557 I meant eradicators rather than eliminators, apologies. I'd overlooked the twin linked aspect of the agressors in my musings. Thanks for reminding me as it'll inform my thinging going forward. Is it common for opposition to snipe characters out of units? I haven't encountered that frequently but have only played a handful of times after 10 years away.
Lt on a BA set if Inferis is fun. Leathal hits on a charge and it they're still up fall back next turn and burn em alive then charge again for 1 cp or aggressive onslaught hold a unit in place fall back burn em charge next turn
I'm guessing you've realised that lethal hits doesn't work when you're not rolling to hit? The recent changes to Captains is interesting though. Especially if using Firestorm.
@@SteveForteGMR Lt grants lethal hits to all weapons, Meele too. That plus +1 attacks 2 strength on charge makes just about any unit in My army pretty effective in Meele
@@SteveForteGMR yeah but falling back being and to shoot and charge after, having good over watch, and lethal hits on meele. Toss em in an Impulsor and you have a primaris Baal predator 😂 Sons of sangunuis all day, shooting is secondary, charge is where we shine.
I'd marked these up as fire support but the codex has them as close support, albeit tacked on at the end of what is otherwise an alphabetical list. What have others done?
I really wish the Leviathan box just had different posed monopose Intercessors but the Infernus dudes are fine. I did enjoy painting them, they have some nice little details.
Impulsor with 5 man infernus is actually really good. Overwatch would actually work for it since while embarked, the vehicle is counted as shooting the weapons, so you would just target the vehicle with it. It’s basically a Gladiator in terms of firepower, only when you kill the vehicle, the unit jumps out.
If the Pyreblasters had a -1AP then I'd be all yay, but as they stand they are not that great. Weight of dice, even on torrent, doesn't always help eliminate a target unit. I'd consider a big squad in a drop pod a potential option but I don't expect them to last long afterwards.
I run 2x 5-man squads in Impulsors. They can quickly redirect to go after weaker or critical units, great at grabbing secondaries, an vastly increased toughness. In Gladius Task Force, where I have used them so far it isn’t until late game where they finally get targeted.
The Pyreblaster looks like it should be more dangerous than it is. I skipped them on my Crusader Squads in exchange for power fists, which I see as no contest. Maybe I will get some if I'm really into firestorm.
The thing is that they are good because you get 10 of them in the inferno squad. It's the numbers that make the difference. If you can get just one or two, yeah, you're are better off with power fists.
@@grud8495 thank you, that's good to know. My newly painted custom chapter is still finding its identity. I don't love Righteous Crusaders, so I'm looking at Firestorm. ChatGPT told me they have "Siegebreaker Pistols"; so...close range shooting? Maybe? Infernus might fit well in the future. Etsy sells those little backpack torches to go on them.
I have been proxying primaris in my local club for a while now. They said that it looks like a marine only the weapon is different so im free to use intercessors/hellblasters/infernus interchangeably if they can identify which is which (squad numbers came in handy) Gw selling weapon options as different units is an outrageous cashgrab.
Is it just me or does anyone else think Torrent weapons should have something like the blast keyword? So swingy. D6 minimum of 3 if target has >5 models?
Torrent weapons already reduce swinginess by not having to hit and their insane synergy with overwatch. Add to that, that many also ignore cover and it's probably better they don't get extra reliability (already being one of the most reliable types of weapon). Especially in big units such as this, pure volume leads to more average results.
I just played a game with a 10 blob of infernus marines with Vulkan leading them. A blob of 21 Ork boyz was about to charge me. I fire overwatch them. 18/21 boyz got incinerated and my opponent and I could not believe it 😂😂
You know, I'm a firm believer flamethrowers shouldn't be 1d6 shots. It's so weird. You have this weapon that for 7 editions got far more hits vs hordes than vs single targets and now it's random and the same for everyone. It should have a less random/not random base, and something like Blast. (And Blast should be Blast(x) where you get x extra shots per 5 people in the target squad). I swear the D6 shots is only so they're luck based, so there's some randomness beyond the wound/save. Which is already random. And, hear me out. Overwatch stops being a strategy and becomes a weapon quality. You put it on most 'rifle' sized guns. If you're worried about Flamers being too powerful a charge deterrent, bring back the old Wall of Flame rule where they use a smaller profile for those shots on Overwatch.
Flame throwers or lame throwers? Pyra blasters or cum blasters. Q1 why can't these guys take the new pyra Canon 1 per 5 models? Seems silly that they can't. Q2 why can't these gutless all have a flame pistol option instead of a bolt pistol? Q3 I know I've hacked on about it before but why can't the better squad of hellblasters not all take plasma pistols any more, for the same reason above it makes sense that they should or at least one in 5? Q4 for that matter why can't he'll blasters take one plasma cannon?
it's limited by the kit. there's only one plasma pistol in the kit (for hellblasters), so the index just made up another four out of thin air-and GW's online store description is a lie lol. but now that they've gotten people a bit used to 5x plasma pistols on top of the regular i can see why no one really wants to go back. as for the infernus and hand flamers and pyrecannons, the ETB kit is literally one jam-packed sprue for 5 marines. there's no room on it for anything else. the multi part kit (whenever that comes, if it comes) could change that
(and the hellblasters might have been able to take a plasma cannon if there weren't three options to build the rifles-backpack addon and cabling for it, plus separate magazines because they needed the option to swap between the cables or a magazine, two muzzles that are split in half for twenty bits in all. that's a LOT of space. but it's a kit that really went down the whole 8th and 9th route of Options)
@dawnstar89 upgrade sprues? If I can't kit bash 5 out my 10 have pistols as well as incinerators then they should keep them. Which is what I did and now I'm pissy but plasma experts and flame experts should be both pistol and main
lore wise I agree. But for the gameplay I am happy about it. I find it very anoying if you have 5 differen weapon in a 5 man grp. makes the rollig annoying imo.
Vulkan Hestan giving re rolls to wounds for flamers within 24" is crazy good for these guys! 10D6 re roll wounds is amazing. If in firestorm you get S6 AP0 1D flamers..... thats all that needs to be said
Not all that needed to be said; Add Immolation Protocols for extra spice.
@@MinscS2 that's fair haha. Use the +1 to wound strat as well, and you're off to the races haha
@@MinscS2 I've got a 6 man boltstorm aggressor and Gravis Captain squad as well for my Firestorm detachment I'm building. I've also magnetised so I can use the dev wounds and +1 to wound strats on them with flamers if I can't use it on my Infernus guys, as the AP increase shooting the closest target will push them a bit higher in certain circumstances.
Oh, no, no... you misunderstood. You pick an enemy unit within 24 inches and give re-rolls against it to your WHOLE ARMY.
@@elgrun2913 yeah I knew that.... it's why I said within 24" as that's the range of the enemy unit you choose.
A 5 man infernus in an impulsor is pretty funny. It turns the impulsor into a pretty major threat to a lot of stuff
That's how I run mine! I also added in a lib for the 4+ Inv.
@@Sanguinedaydreamslib doesn't give the impulsor a 4+ invuln
@@PallaDrakrun the shield dome on it so it gets a 5+ invun
@@PallaDrak yes I know that. He gives it to the squad. You misunderstood what I was saying.
Firing Deck doesnt work with Overwatch
The Mini of the month infernus marine was my first step into 40k and will always be my favourite model :)
lol mine too!
Returning to the hobby after over a decade and coming back to Space Marines your videos have been a godsend.
Man I’ll never forget how these guys surprised me when me and my buddy played our first game of 10th. We were just playing with the leviathan models for that campaign and I already lost my veterans, dreadnought, and apothecary by turn 2. Just when I thought I wasn’t gonna do anything, these guys killed his winged tyranid prime in overwatch and brought his screamer killer down to just 1 wound. Still didn’t win, but they definitely kept me playing for another 2 turns. A single flamer feels kinda worthless but I never thought about how 10 D6 auto hitting flamers can really stack up. It’s stats might not be the best but when you have 10-60 shots, it might matter when you’re drowning them in fire. Only down side is they’re still squishy intercessors and once they start getting cut down, their combat effectiveness does suffer greatly. It might have just been luck, but these guys still feel underrated.
im surprised Vanguard detatchment wasn't mentioned more, you can put a librarian into a 10 man infernus squad and infiltrate them.
It’s fun, but you’d rather pick a lot of other things for that
@@smallbarns well possibly yes, but this was a video about infernus marines
I'm looking at running mine in a drop pod for similar reasons
Now that I know the pyre cannon exists now the squad needs to be able to bring one
I love my Infernus Marines. I, usually, run a big 10-man blob for area denial but I'll sometimes run two 5-man squads for coverage depending on how I'm feeling. My friends want to get Infernus Marines because of my usage, they're perfect Overwatch users and aren't bad in my experience for culling enemy chaff
I suspect one slightly niche use not really mentioned is when playing against armies' with lots of low toughness/save melee units. Orks, Tyranids, GSC, etc. Have a unit or two move up with your other units as a sort of discouragement unit to make your opponent think carefully about charging in.
Used to a thing in 6th where flamers caused d3 auto wounds when charged, always made people think twice.
I'm not even sure this use is all that niche. I'd imagine any troop unit that doesnt have a base save of 3+ or better would be deterred by this. Any horde or trade army that wants to get up close would be deterred by a couple of these guys on overwatch.
I had my first game with firestorm last night. 3 impulses with 5 of these guys inside was fantastic at melting all kinds of admech. Taking advantage of the open top and added durability was solid
I use mine in Salamanders with Vulkan in Firestorm. Strength 6, re-rolling wounds is very strong
Very much like these guys, especially the design of their flamers and the way they're held from the hip. It adds a sense of heft to the weapon.
Though if I'm honest, I wish the Ironclad dreadnought was still an option to use as it serves the bunker clearing purpose and can be a scary charging threat to boot with its grenade launchers.
I used these in my very first game of 40k, 2 squads of 5, each supporting a squad of assault intercessors. They did serious work against Khorne demons, managing to hold on the entire game chipping away at enemy calvary, doing enough damage over time for my librarian dreadnought to put the smackdown on the last 4 bloodcrushers of a 10-man unit that had been tearing up the board all game
"Brother, get the flamer, the Heavy flamer"
Brother you do not own a non heavy flamer.
10 Infernus in a drop pod dropped into my opponent's backline turn 1 and incinerated 3 full units in 2 turns of shooting - they're incredibly useful against hordes with Firestorm and they got even better when Vulkan and the Company Heroes got to the midfield in a Redeemer they shared with Adrax and 6 BGVs. It was brutally effective
I usually like them (aside from vulkan things( is to use them for objective skirmishes as they are quite good at killing other objective scrappers especially under their own weight class
it can be interesting also a 5man in reserve. You put them in game when/where you need, especially to kill small enemy group that may keep home objective
(maybe inceptors are better at 110 and with their special deep strike, but they could be fun and are also a treat for the overwatch)
I rather like these guys, even before the codex dropped. Five in an Impulsor is a great squad mower at a reasonable price, and Firestorm makes them even more hilarious. I want to try ten with a Librarian, delivered by Repulsor sometime. They're definitely niche, but they fill that niche remarkably well, are a reasonable threat for the cost, and have a variety of options for employment. A good place for a brand new unit to be in terms of game balance
How did you not smack "Hot or Not" on that thumbnail? How much self control do you posses?
Best thing about infernus marines? They're not only good in a SM detachment or three, they're also good as Rubric Marines in Tsons/ CSM. Having 10-25 of them never hurts, for a huge range of builds.
I think vulkans power is truly talked about enough, when you have 10 infernus marines, a redemptor with a hand flamer, an invictus warsuit with a heavy flamer, and terminators with flamers all bearing down on 1 unit. You could theoretically could be rolling 200+ dice in one turn and thats just in a 1000pt army. Now if you were to add immolation protocals to it, then the damage is even more crazy.
There lies two problems
Getting it all there in one piece
And making sure it's all lined up.
Invictors have no toughness and will fold like paper, and their special ability is wasted if no phobos.
For termies, cyclone and librarian is a better bet for the sustained hits right out of deepstrike. Or even the assault cannons.
You'll also want a captain for the infernus.
Vulkan needs a body guard or he's gonna get sniped 12 inches way from where he starts being useful.
Why are the models often shown with Fire support markings, but the new codex place them under close support? Which one is it?
Only wish the Leader could get a heavy flamer 😢
2x 5-man squads in Impulsors useful for drive-by burning death or nabbing secondaries. They are a great distraction Carnifex that are constantly doing things. Can’t wait to use them in my Firestorm detachment to make them that much faster and stronger.
Even before the codex ive been running them with hestan as a big 10 man and i love them people either make the mistake of charging them, just ignore them, or dedicate shooting on them they could of used to kill more important things.
How about a Stormraven inserting a full infernus squad with character, and a Brutalis into the enemy flanks? I kinda feel like that could wreck someone's day
I use them with a drop pod. that way I can get them in range of the enemy I need on turn one. Then they get to overwatch in the enemy's turn. They are a very good unit but it does depend on who your opponent is somewhat.
I was excited to pick up 10. I’m probably going to stay there for now.
If they were Battleline with OC 2 I would take them in my Black Templars lists. Not as they are now sadly. They are very cool.
Infernus marines and a drop pod is a strong combo, and still pretty cheap
I'm going to give this a go next game. Probably a fantasy situation but I'd love to drop them behind the enemy turn 1 for maximum irritation on their next movement phase
Hit and miss tbh, with their weapons for enemy to take battleshock make them terrifying enemy for opponent's battleline units, but their standard tacticus armour really make take soft target for melee and heavy weapons enemy especially since the sergeant don't have significant melee weapons or there are no heavier version of pureblasyer to deal -S- T6-8 enemies
T6 is covered by the detachment you want to run them in: firestorm.
Vulkan he'Stan gives them re-roll wounds, a captain can will them devastating wounds each turn for free, and this now covers T7 to 11 for 5+
It's T12 and up you've got to worry about.
I love how interesting, helpful, and useful your videos are, but I feel you could take an extra little bit to run a spellcheck on some of them :)
This! There are typos in almost every video.
To be fair he gets them out really quickly for the content he does
I used to care about that when i started watching him 2 years ago, but he pumps up so much content that we shouldn't care
The guy already doesn't sleep, haha. Someone could volunteer to proof read slides, but you'd have to to on call to not slow down the videos.
@@christophertidwell2422 - oh absolutely!
But 5 minutes won't hurt him :)
The good new point camper deleters.
Another monster against imperial guard.
Nothing like a BBQ in the name of the Emperor.
I just started and I have a ton of these. I have no idea what I'm doing.
This gave me a good laugh 😂
Shield dome impulsor with a primaris librarian makes them a pseudo Baal predator lol. Might toss them in a list with the Baal pred for firestorm
I had 9 Infernus with He'stan use Immolation Protocols and one-shot Trajan Valoris and his 5 man squad of Custodian Guard yesterday. I probably won't ever bring two squads, but I will always have one
Wpuldve been better if you had the captain and a full ten man in a transport and with vulkan hiding somewhere with company heroes
Or just aggressors. It'll save you 200 points.
I love to use Urial Ventris to give a little 5 man squad deepstrike just to jump them about with guerrilla tactics targeting any light infantry, really useful and great for secondaries 🎉
Bit of a waste at his cost, especially if you're not maxing the size and they can be delivered another way. A drop pod is much better delivery, supports with its own guns AND is cheaper.
Using ventris to bring in assault centurions with either meltas or flamers? Now you're onto something!
10 man squad out of a drop pid will always be funny
I play Deathwatch and my current theory for these guys is 5 alongside some Bladeguard and a Chaplain all within a Drop Pod. Yes I could take Beacon, but that'd only bring along one squad, so I'm fine paying 40 points extra for a earlier turn drop and no Rapid Ingress for Free (though... I think I could still Rapid Ingress with the Drop Pod turn 1, might be funny).
The theory goes to have the Infernus cover the Bladeguard, burn away any chaff or screens and then have the Bladeguard make their 9" charge. If they pass, great, if not then the Infernus can Overwatch any primary targets and hope they don't get shot off the board from long range damage.
My salamanders replaced my intercessors with these guys.
If sm gets flamer squads, Chaos Possessed need their Warpflamers.
I think they're great against a lot of match ups. They've carried the day for me against a lot of hoard armit's. So much so they've turned into a distraction carnifex. Its a big toss up what character works BEST with them. Captain for the free battle tactic is great, the dev wounds strat let's them easily punch well outside their class.
This unit feels like one that'd either shine or flop depending on your local meta. Lots of low toughness infantry? Sure bring em. But your local meta only brings hardy units? Don't think about these things.
Also possibly of note, if you get them on a central objective with vulkan his OC 10 ability will come into play, giving a strong grip on the objective with dangerous overwatch ability and place him in a central position to pick out squads to designate for rerolls with other roaming torrent/melta weapons. Whether that's a vehicle/monster targeted by Eliminators or infantry subjected to a 6 man squad of agressors with a gravis captain giving them free immolation protocols.
Expect aggressors get absolutely nothing from vulkan
They're already twin linked and this have inbuilt rerolls.
In fact, vulkans ability is slowly becoming less and less useful. Attack bikes went away; gone is 2 melta shots at speed at 55 points. Deimos predator is legends; gone is the magna melta and twin h flamers. He only really supports infernus and a LR redeemer. Devastators are too over priced and it's better to use the razorback for the wound reroll. Invictor warsuits fold like paper and only shine next to phobos with the 48" autocannon.
Aggressors trump infernus for immolation protocols due to being 300 points for full effectiveness. Infernus needs 180 for the squad, 80 for the captain and then 100 for vulkan, who also wants a body guard (add 95 for company heroes) otherwise he gonna get sniped. The captain can also be sniped. Aggressors captain? I'll take half damage thanks at T6 and W6 thanks
And eliminators don't have any torrent or melta weaponry??
@william9557 I meant eradicators rather than eliminators, apologies. I'd overlooked the twin linked aspect of the agressors in my musings. Thanks for reminding me as it'll inform my thinging going forward.
Is it common for opposition to snipe characters out of units? I haven't encountered that frequently but have only played a handful of times after 10 years away.
Lt on a BA set if Inferis is fun. Leathal hits on a charge and it they're still up fall back next turn and burn em alive then charge again for 1 cp or aggressive onslaught hold a unit in place fall back burn em charge next turn
I'm guessing you've realised that lethal hits doesn't work when you're not rolling to hit?
The recent changes to Captains is interesting though. Especially if using Firestorm.
@@SteveForteGMR Lt grants lethal hits to all weapons, Meele too. That plus +1 attacks 2 strength on charge makes just about any unit in My army pretty effective in Meele
@Maadcapminis the lethal hits doesn't work on the Pyreblaster though. Can't roll a critical when you're not rolling to hit.
@@SteveForteGMR yeah but falling back being and to shoot and charge after, having good over watch, and lethal hits on meele.
Toss em in an Impulsor and you have a primaris Baal predator 😂
Sons of sangunuis all day, shooting is secondary, charge is where we shine.
@@Maadcapminis I'm only using vanilla. Lose out on the fancy stuff 🤦♂️😭
Perfect watch after I've painted 10 of them 🙃
I'd marked these up as fire support but the codex has them as close support, albeit tacked on at the end of what is otherwise an alphabetical list. What have others done?
i haven't built mine yet, but i always intended to mark them up as close support, regardless of what the original art had. just feels more natural.
Are these Fast Attack or fire support? The art depicts them as Fire Support but the Codex lists them as Fast Attack lol
I really wish the Leviathan box just had different posed monopose Intercessors but the Infernus dudes are fine. I did enjoy painting them, they have some nice little details.
should of been a wargear option to the intercesor squads
I run a drop pod with 5 of them and a MM dev squad
Impulsor with 5 man infernus is actually really good. Overwatch would actually work for it since while embarked, the vehicle is counted as shooting the weapons, so you would just target the vehicle with it. It’s basically a Gladiator in terms of firepower, only when you kill the vehicle, the unit jumps out.
Firing deck is specified to only work during the shooting phase so overwatch wouldn’t work for the embarked units
If the Pyreblasters had a -1AP then I'd be all yay, but as they stand they are not that great. Weight of dice, even on torrent, doesn't always help eliminate a target unit. I'd consider a big squad in a drop pod a potential option but I don't expect them to last long afterwards.
I run 2x 5-man squads in Impulsors. They can quickly redirect to go after weaker or critical units, great at grabbing secondaries, an vastly increased toughness. In Gladius Task Force, where I have used them so far it isn’t until late game where they finally get targeted.
You mentioned tigurius but I in the codex I don't think he can lead the infernus squad, I'm right ?
I dont see why not, they share armor.
@@GeoffSmites I agree but the codex seem to say otherwise 🤔
@@Bibitos101 You are correct. wonder why?Weird stuff.
The Pyreblaster looks like it should be more dangerous than it is. I skipped them on my Crusader Squads in exchange for power fists, which I see as no contest. Maybe I will get some if I'm really into firestorm.
The thing is that they are good because you get 10 of them in the inferno squad. It's the numbers that make the difference. If you can get just one or two, yeah, you're are better off with power fists.
@@grud8495 thank you, that's good to know. My newly painted custom chapter is still finding its identity. I don't love Righteous Crusaders, so I'm looking at Firestorm. ChatGPT told me they have "Siegebreaker Pistols"; so...close range shooting? Maybe? Infernus might fit well in the future. Etsy sells those little backpack torches to go on them.
The Drukhari Muncher 9000s more like lol
I feel like Infernus are undercosted. I cant rationalize running Intercessors when a squad of Infernus are the same cost
Why cant overwatch while embarked? Can vehicles not overwatch?
I have been proxying primaris in my local club for a while now. They said that it looks like a marine only the weapon is different so im free to use intercessors/hellblasters/infernus interchangeably if they can identify which is which (squad numbers came in handy) Gw selling weapon options as different units is an outrageous cashgrab.
Are devastators worth taking in 10th?
You can justify 1 squad of them with flamers or meltas coming out of a razerback, giving them reroll wounds. And.... that's about it.
You can justify 1 squad of them with flamers or meltas coming out of a razerback, giving them reroll wounds. And.... that's about it.
You can justify 1 squad of them with flamers or meltas coming out of a razerback, giving them reroll wounds. And.... that's about it.
I don’t think chief librarian tigurius can join infernus?
Why can't they overwatch when in an impulsor ?
Because firing deck only works in the shooting phase.
Firing Deck only applies during your shooting phase
They need Ap-1 I think
Can the sargent be able to take a power fist? Would it come under close combat weapon?
Is it just me or does anyone else think Torrent weapons should have something like the blast keyword? So swingy. D6 minimum of 3 if target has >5 models?
Torrent weapons already reduce swinginess by not having to hit and their insane synergy with overwatch. Add to that, that many also ignore cover and it's probably better they don't get extra reliability (already being one of the most reliable types of weapon).
Especially in big units such as this, pure volume leads to more average results.
I think the auto hits are arguably better, and very powerful without blast, adding it is overkill and would make them cost more
I'd have to say no. The change to the Overwatch stratagem makes torrent weapons dangerous enough without giving them more shots.
I just played a game with a 10 blob of infernus marines with Vulkan leading them. A blob of 21 Ork boyz was about to charge me. I fire overwatch them. 18/21 boyz got incinerated and my opponent and I could not believe it 😂😂
Really you couldn't believe it when 10 flamers with re rolls killed 18 boys?
@andypreece1754 as a new player with horrible roll luck, no I could not 😀
You know, I'm a firm believer flamethrowers shouldn't be 1d6 shots. It's so weird. You have this weapon that for 7 editions got far more hits vs hordes than vs single targets and now it's random and the same for everyone. It should have a less random/not random base, and something like Blast. (And Blast should be Blast(x) where you get x extra shots per 5 people in the target squad). I swear the D6 shots is only so they're luck based, so there's some randomness beyond the wound/save. Which is already random.
And, hear me out. Overwatch stops being a strategy and becomes a weapon quality. You put it on most 'rifle' sized guns. If you're worried about Flamers being too powerful a charge deterrent, bring back the old Wall of Flame rule where they use a smaller profile for those shots on Overwatch.
Budget warpflamer rubrics
You cant have vulkan AND a captain can u?
no, only one captain or chapter master.
Flame throwers or lame throwers? Pyra blasters or cum blasters.
Q1 why can't these guys take the new pyra Canon 1 per 5 models? Seems silly that they can't.
Q2 why can't these gutless all have a flame pistol option instead of a bolt pistol?
Q3 I know I've hacked on about it before but why can't the better squad of hellblasters not all take plasma pistols any more, for the same reason above it makes sense that they should or at least one in 5?
Q4 for that matter why can't he'll blasters take one plasma cannon?
1. Agreed.
2. Maybe.
3. Because people complained that space marines were good at last.
4. Agreed.
Thank-you.i super agree now you do haha
it's limited by the kit. there's only one plasma pistol in the kit (for hellblasters), so the index just made up another four out of thin air-and GW's online store description is a lie lol. but now that they've gotten people a bit used to 5x plasma pistols on top of the regular i can see why no one really wants to go back. as for the infernus and hand flamers and pyrecannons, the ETB kit is literally one jam-packed sprue for 5 marines. there's no room on it for anything else. the multi part kit (whenever that comes, if it comes) could change that
(and the hellblasters might have been able to take a plasma cannon if there weren't three options to build the rifles-backpack addon and cabling for it, plus separate magazines because they needed the option to swap between the cables or a magazine, two muzzles that are split in half for twenty bits in all. that's a LOT of space. but it's a kit that really went down the whole 8th and 9th route of Options)
@dawnstar89 upgrade sprues? If I can't kit bash 5 out my 10 have pistols as well as incinerators then they should keep them. Which is what I did and now I'm pissy but plasma experts and flame experts should be both pistol and main
Tigurius can't lead them btw
Tigurius can't lead them unfortunately.
These mfs burn everything i own😂
I'd rather take flamer aggressors
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Mid at best outside of their niche circumstances.
i hate aspect marines so much
100% agree. Thats why i play deathwatch. All those mixed squads. Shame they are so shit atm
Of all the absurdities of the 40k universe, supposed tactical geniuses ignoring combined arms theory may be the absurdest.
@georgehutley what do you mean Deathwatch are shit atm? They're at 51% win rate.....
lore wise I agree. But for the gameplay I am happy about it. I find it very anoying if you have 5 differen weapon in a 5 man grp.
makes the rollig annoying imo.
@@SpiritStoneWarrior94-yx3gswho cares about win rate having fun is more important