Rashid Khalidi is a Palestinian American professor at Columbia University. His book The 100 Year War on Palestine is a good book to read to gain a good understanding of this history. I would also recommend Ilhan Pappe's book about the Naqba, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. A third recommendation is unfortunately out of print, but you can find a pdf of it on the author's Wikipedia page, and that is The Birth of Israel by Simha Flapan. Flapan, like Pappe, is an Israeli historian, both part of the New Historians who have revisited the mythologized history of the Israeli state that prior Israeli "historians" concocted. The Birth of Israel, for example, debunks several talking points Zionists use about the creation of the Israeli state (for example that 7 Arab armies invaded Israel--Flapan puts this claim into necessary context regarding this "invasion." All three of these books were recommended by Gabor Mate (among others) for gaining a clearer perspective that isn't infected by Israeli propaganda.
oh and the world kitchen workers who were given clearance to targeted areas by the IDF... also bombed the world's 3rd oldest church in the world that was protected the muslims for centuries
@@WakamolewonderHamas members are journalists in Gaza lol Everything in the Arab world is upside down which is the precise reason 1,5 billion people are utterly useless and haven’t contributed anything to humanity in over 500 years
The problem is, no matter how much they admit their crimes, video their crimes and celebrate their crimes.... The mainstream media tells us it's not happening, they've done nothing wrong and don't believe our lying eyes. That is not only complicity. That's being an accomplice.
Because nearly every single media outlet and industry in the US is bought and sold to Zionists. They are currently using private equity to completely eviscerate our economy.
I think that guy did a good job of explaining, especially for the average low information observer, why it is vital to oppose the oppression of the Palestinian people
Thanks for posting this interview which I had not seen elsewhere. And if you don't know who Rashid Khalidi is, you have missed a LOT. He has, amongst others, written one of the milestones on Palestinian history.
The occupation of land started in 1948. The structure and workings of the apartheid system are extremely well documented by many organizations, within and outside Israel. Start with B’tsalem. And Israel has exercised 100% of control of Gaza resources, from electricity to medical supplies to water to tax takes to the airspace and sea space. Some folk keep, painfully, trying to suggest that dismantling 2 illegal settlements in Gaza in 2005 constitutes them no longer being in control. A specious argument at best, an entirely craven one in my eyes.
@@martinkirk1 Lets start at the beginning, you say the occupation started in 1948, that is suggesting this region and land belonged exclusively to the Arabs, what is the basis of your position for saying this
@@martinkirk1 Apartheid refers to the implementation and maintenance of a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights. As in the origin of apartheid, contextually this referred to the racial segregation of political and civil rights imposed upon South African citizens within South Africa’s sovereign borders. So for Israel to be called an apartheid state they would need to have racial segregation laws implemented within the sovereign borders of Israel imposed upon its 9 million Israeli citizens, as was the case in South Africa. So what laws are within Israel that racially segregate, political and civil rights, upon its citizens.
@@martinkirk1 Israel is not standing in the way of preventing Gaza from building power plants and/or renewable power plants. In recent years, efforts have been made by the Palestinian Authority to establish a Palestinian power plant in the Jenin area, and in 2017 they even succeeded in obtaining the approval of the Israeli government for this, but to date the power plant has not yet been built. So not sure how one is to believe the myth that nothing gets into Gaza, even with the 360km of tunnels built. Some other examples debunking this myth, in 2010 Gaza experienced a boom in the construction of for-profit recreational facilities serving the local population, including a new amusement park, the Water Park was one of several seaside tourist resorts constructed in a $20 million building binge. The Crazy Water Park was burned down a few months after it was built. In 2012, Qatar donated 400 million dollars towards construction projects in the Gaza Strip. That year, 250 trucks a day passed through the Kerem Shalom border crossing, transporting goods from Israel to the Gaza Strip.
Dude bringing up Henry Kissinger like he wasn't the biggest terrorist to have ever lived is crazy to me. He is not an expert on terrorism because he was against it. He was an expert on terrorism because he is both the biggest most prolific terrorists and killed the most civilians of all terrorists. Dude is an actual super villain.
Just FYI, this isn't a debate, and the other guy isn't a Zionist. There are questions that he sometimes poses from what could be considered the pro-Israel side (like if this will really defeat HAMAS), but these aren't shouted at the guest or meant to be "gotcha" questions. They're posed so that the expert he's interviewing can address and even debunk these points.
Israel is not standing in the way of preventing Gaza from building power plants and/or renewable power plants. In recent years, efforts have been made by the Palestinian Authority to establish a Palestinian power plant in the Jenin area, and in 2017 they even succeeded in obtaining the approval of the Israeli government for this, but to date the power plant has not yet been built. So not sure how one is to believe the myth that nothing gets into Gaza, even with the 360km of tunnels built. Some other examples debunking this myth, in 2010 Gaza experienced a boom in the construction of for-profit recreational facilities serving the local population, including a new amusement park, the Water Park was one of several seaside tourist resorts constructed in a $20 million building binge. The Crazy Water Park was burned down a few months after it was built. In 2012, Qatar donated 400 million dollars towards construction projects in the Gaza Strip. That year, 250 trucks a day passed through the Kerem Shalom border crossing, transporting goods from Israel to the Gaza Strip.
Gaza has not managed their current water and waste infrastructure, and/or expanded their water and waste infrastructure systems, Palestinians have also dug up a significant amount of water pipes making their water and waste crisis worse, further Israel is not preventing Gaza from building desalination plants. Gaza, 20 March 2013 - Today the European Union and UNICEF launched the construction of a major seawater desalination plant which will provide 75,000 Palestinians with safe drinking water in Gaza. The project, to be implemented by UNICEF thanks to a €10 million grant from the European Union, will provide 6,000 m3 of desalinated seawater per day, to serve residents in Khan Yunis and Rafah in southern Gaza. The plant is being installed on land adjacent to the sea near Deir al-Balah. Over 150 small-capacity desalination plants operate in the Gaza Strip. Around 25 of them are operated by public utilities and the rest by commercial operators. The private desalination plants use reverse osmosis (RO) technology with no proper monitoring of water quality.
If Gaza is occupied then why was Hamas elected in 2006, who is UNRWA and who gives money to UNRWA and who do they give this money to. Who controls the school curriculum, who decides where and how this money is spent, how did the 360km tunnel work get built and paid for, how did the Hamas leaders become billionaires, Israel controlled all this
Could the 1988 Hamas Covenant potentially be a hinderance to coexistence and peace, Hamas Covenant, says Israel will exist, it will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it, the Islamic resistance movement is a distinguished Palestinian movement whose allegiance is to Allah and whose way of life is Islam, it strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine. It also rejects any kind of negotiations for a peaceful resolution, “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.” Hamas “military” end with the words “It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.” It further claims that all faiths can coexist in peace under its unique “wing of Islam.” “It is the duty of the followers of other religions to stop disputing the sovereignty of Islam in this region, because the day these followers should take over there will be nothing but carnage, displacement and terror.” In the 2017 revised Hamas Covenant they have applied more palatable wording, never-the-less, perhaps the most astonishing statement in the entire new document, issued by a terrorist group that has forbade elections in Gaza since 2007, is the fatuous claim in Article 29 that “Hamas believes in, and adheres to, managing its Palestinian relations on the basis of pluralism, democracy, national partnership, acceptance of the other and the adoption of dialogue.”
Btw that's not just an "activist" this is Rashid Khalidi, one of THE historians when it comes to palestinian history. His book "The 100 year war on Palestine" is one of three to five books, one must read to understand the history of palestinian liberation and zionist opression.
Gaza currently is not a legitimate legal state, there is no legal recognized statehood, this because they have refused a state not because this has been denied. Currently Gaza is also not annexed, Israel withdrew in 2006 to which Hamas was elected in 2007. Therefore, Gaza is operating in limbo, not as a legitimate legal recognized state and/or not annexed, this status of limbo doesn’t conveniently default to one of “occupied”. Since 2007 Gaza has been governed by elected Hamas, their funding comes from UNRWA, funds that Israel has no say, what, where and how it is spent. Hamas controls and governs Gaza, the “school curriculum”, Hamas decides and controls where and how this money is spent, that’s exactly how a tunnel network of 360km was built and paid for. Clearly by way of this specifically, the priority of years in the making, building tunnels and buying arms and weapons took priority, this shows and proves their clear deliberate intent and aligns with the Hamas Covenant and all statements openly continuously made over and over, that continuously falls on deaf ears. Further how does one reconcile that Hamas leaders became billionaires living in Qatar, from who’s money and at who’s expense? So, while in the perpetual interim of limbo, until they can decide to have and want a legitimate accepted legal recognized state, that can coexist peacefully alongside Israel, Israel, a legal legitimate recognized state, will do what they deem necessary and essential related to their safety and security interests, to those that openly declare themselves Israel’s enemy, which yes does therefore include actions and behaviour that wouldn’t and couldn’t be imposed upon a peaceful legal recognized state, whether one likes and/or agrees with this or not. To attempt to put forward that since 2006, Gaza has literally been occupied and/or Israel has deliberately been standing in the way and/or preventing an authentic self-sustaining economy and prosperity is disingenuous.
One question: where in this video is a zionist triggered? I know why Israel has committed genocide. I watched this to see how they would react to someone calling them out. Was it in the last 2 min, cause I didn't watch that?
Where was the “triggered Zionist”??? You’ve already jacked Robinson’s content. To add insult to injury you malign him??? This is what YOU stand for??? Have some integrity young man🧏
You must read his book, The Hundred Year War on Palestine, it’s a wonderful read. He is a Professor at Columbia, and his family goes way back in Palestinian history.
Thanks for this video and your commentary, it put me onto the interview. And to be honest, maybe my only critic is the headline! I think the host is pretty generous, and it might just be me, but the vid title makes it seem like the host is the triggered zionist when he came across awfully generous.
Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad, aired by Al-Hekma TV on March 23, 2012 stated.... ..."every Palestinian, in Gaza and throughout Palestine, can prove his Arab roots - whether from Saudi Arabia, from Yemen, or anywhere. We have blood ties. Personally, half my family is Egyptian. We are all like that. More than 30 families in the Gaza Strip are called Al-Masri ["Egyptian"]. Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis. Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians." The people who today call themselves Palestinians are not originally from the place the world calls Palestine! "half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.
It’s a sham organization headed by “Imam Tawhidi” who is a complete joke. Nonetheless even if it were a legitimate organization this isn’t a religious issue and that would matter nothing to the facts on the ground.
I've been feeling kinda icky about watching Hasan and rathbone I think this style does more to respect the subject matter. The talking head vs the chat just kinda derails everything
Respecting the subject matter would be to do something to stop Israel and the US. No one is going to do anything. There are ex us soldiers helping fight in Ukraine. When those same guys fight in Syria they are labeled terrorists. No one can even get into Gaza to help fight. There's no "respecting" the subject. There's only the truth. The history books won't recognize how people talked about the subject. It will just note the inaction.
He is smart, but still wrong. The suffering of Palestinians is mainly self harm. Opossing partition that was globally recognized, and wanting to exterminate Jewish sovereignty on any part of the land. This is still the agenda of vast majority of Palestinians including Mr Khalidi. Partition and two states for two people, that is the best outcome possible for Palestinians, and they keep dreaming about abolishing Jewish sovereignty.
The same human rights organizations Khalidi sites, including UNRWA, all have stated Hamas strategically uses schools and other infrastructure as cover for their bases and stockpiling weapons. Nobody has ever disputed that. Hamas itself has never said it doesn't do that. So Rashid Khalidi is very actively defending the strategy of using children as human shields.
None of them have stated such a thing because it is untrue. Meanwhile Israeli vases etc are all in civilian areas therefore by yoyr idiotic reasoning Israel uses the jews as human shields.
The fact that you believe it’s okay to destroy civilian infrastructure because there are terrorists inside rather than conduct a military raid or siege of the structure itself shows that you don’t value Palestinian lives. That you think it’s okay to murder hundreds of Palestinians in a hospital to get a few terrorists
Gaza is not part of Israel, on what basis does any country have an obligation to another supplying them water, electricity etc. Where in the world does this happen and/or is expected? Further Gaza has a border with Egypt, so why doesn't Egypt supply these services to Gaza and why cant the Palestinians move freely through Egypt, why has Egypt denied the Palestinians basic services and forced them to live in an open air prison? Further why was these basic not in place and self sufficient within Gaza, if one had the means and money to build at least 360km network of underground tunnels, and buy arms and weapons why didn't one spend the money, time and effort, building a self sustaining economy and future?
On what basis? On the basis that Israel is occupying Gaza and the West Bank, that's the basis. You're argument is purposely naive and racist to the core. Israel has ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to tell the Palestinians they need to leave their homes and land, on the sole basis that they are not Jews. Your head needs to be examined.
You should study up on these questions because they all have well understood and documented answers. Gaza is occupied by Israel. Even the U.S. State Department has referred to Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem as the Occupied Palestinian Territories. This is what legally obligates Israel to make sure they have water, electricity, food, etc. It has nothing to do with them "sharing a border" (and there is no "border" between Gaza and the rest of Israel). This also answers your odd question about Egypt. Egypt hasn't been forcing them to live in an open air prison for decades. Israel has. This is turn answers your last question about why living standards weren't sufficient in Gaza. Israel controls what items and which people go in and out of Gaza, not Gazans or HAMAS or the Palestinian Authority, but Israel. Israel control the nautical space and fishing rights off the Gaza coast, the air space above Gaza, the flow of power and electronic telecommunications, etc. The strangling of the Gazan economy is periodically punctuated by extremely destructive Israeli bombing raids such as in Operation Protective Edge or Cast Led. Please try to educate yourself about this.
@@TurdF3rguson If Gaza is occupied by Israel then who is Hamas, they weren't elected in 2006, who is UNRWA, why do they exist who gives them money and what is that money used for and how does Israel control of have a say in this. So Israel has made the top Hamas leaders billionaires, Israel approved the school curriculum, Israel approved the extensive tunnel network larger than London underground.
@@residentgrey He says that Israel tried to push the population out of the Gaza strip and considers that to be genocide - but they were simply wanting to move innocent people out of the way to AVOID civilian casualties. It would have saved thousands of civilians, because then Hamas could not fight from within the population (using human shields)
@@residentgrey Israel was providing free water and energy to Gaza for decades, and Hamas attached them like they did - So Israel must continue to supply the enemy? Gaza has its own sources too you know. The tunnels were stealing power from UNRWA and hospitals to keep the ventilation and lights on, while civilians were suffering, purposefully stopped from evacuating by Hamas, just to ensure greater civilian deaths (human shields)
Great to See Khalidi. the Zionist triggered click bait is a bit much though. He was listening. and the fact that he even had Khalidi on is the most important thing
Full interview: ua-cam.com/video/eLPfLNr50OE/v-deo.htmlsi=2iQCaSU4lVTBWqAr
Thank you for linking to the source. Many channels simply copy from other sources, and it's annoying to have to track down the source.
Rashid Khalidi is a Palestinian American professor at Columbia University. His book The 100 Year War on Palestine is a good book to read to gain a good understanding of this history. I would also recommend Ilhan Pappe's book about the Naqba, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. A third recommendation is unfortunately out of print, but you can find a pdf of it on the author's Wikipedia page, and that is The Birth of Israel by Simha Flapan. Flapan, like Pappe, is an Israeli historian, both part of the New Historians who have revisited the mythologized history of the Israeli state that prior Israeli "historians" concocted. The Birth of Israel, for example, debunks several talking points Zionists use about the creation of the Israeli state (for example that 7 Arab armies invaded Israel--Flapan puts this claim into necessary context regarding this "invasion." All three of these books were recommended by Gabor Mate (among others) for gaining a clearer perspective that isn't infected by Israeli propaganda.
he forget, they destroyed hospitals and target ambulances and doctors
oh and the world kitchen workers who were given clearance to targeted areas by the IDF... also bombed the world's 3rd oldest church in the world that was protected the muslims for centuries
And journalists
You forgot about the kids, men, women, grandmas, grandpas the cats, dogs, mosques, etc. you forgot so much lol
@@WakamolewonderHamas members are journalists in Gaza lol
Everything in the Arab world is upside down which is the precise reason 1,5 billion people are utterly useless and haven’t contributed anything to humanity in over 500 years
And cemeteries
The problem is, no matter how much they admit their crimes, video their crimes and celebrate their crimes.... The mainstream media tells us it's not happening, they've done nothing wrong and don't believe our lying eyes. That is not only complicity. That's being an accomplice.
Because nearly every single media outlet and industry in the US is bought and sold to Zionists. They are currently using private equity to completely eviscerate our economy.
That’s Rashid Khalidi. Great historian.
I think that guy did a good job of explaining, especially for the average low information observer, why it is vital to oppose the oppression of the Palestinian people
Thanks for posting this interview which I had not seen elsewhere. And if you don't know who Rashid Khalidi is, you have missed a LOT. He has, amongst others, written one of the milestones on Palestinian history.
76 years of occupation and apartheid
17 years of blockade and siege
Could you elaborate on those claims
The occupation of land started in 1948. The structure and workings of the apartheid system are extremely well documented by many organizations, within and outside Israel. Start with B’tsalem. And Israel has exercised 100% of control of Gaza resources, from electricity to medical supplies to water to tax takes to the airspace and sea space. Some folk keep, painfully, trying to suggest that dismantling 2 illegal settlements in Gaza in 2005 constitutes them no longer being in control. A specious argument at best, an entirely craven one in my eyes.
@@martinkirk1 Lets start at the beginning, you say the occupation started in 1948, that is suggesting this region and land belonged exclusively to the Arabs, what is the basis of your position for saying this
@@martinkirk1 Apartheid refers to the implementation and maintenance of a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights. As in the origin of apartheid, contextually this referred to the racial segregation of political and civil rights imposed upon South African citizens within South Africa’s sovereign borders. So for Israel to be called an apartheid state they would need to have racial segregation laws implemented within the sovereign borders of Israel imposed upon its 9 million Israeli citizens, as was the case in South Africa. So what laws are within Israel that racially segregate, political and civil rights, upon its citizens.
@@martinkirk1 Israel is not standing in the way of preventing Gaza from building power plants and/or renewable power plants. In recent years, efforts have been made by the Palestinian Authority to establish a Palestinian power plant in the Jenin area, and in 2017 they even succeeded in obtaining the approval of the Israeli government for this, but to date the power plant has not yet been built.
So not sure how one is to believe the myth that nothing gets into Gaza, even with the 360km of tunnels built. Some other examples debunking this myth, in 2010 Gaza experienced a boom in the construction of for-profit recreational facilities serving the local population, including a new amusement park, the Water Park was one of several seaside tourist resorts constructed in a $20 million building binge. The Crazy Water Park was burned down a few months after it was built.
In 2012, Qatar donated 400 million dollars towards construction projects in the Gaza Strip. That year, 250 trucks a day passed through the Kerem Shalom border crossing, transporting goods from Israel to the Gaza Strip.
Dude bringing up Henry Kissinger like he wasn't the biggest terrorist to have ever lived is crazy to me. He is not an expert on terrorism because he was against it. He was an expert on terrorism because he is both the biggest most prolific terrorists and killed the most civilians of all terrorists. Dude is an actual super villain.
Liberals are idiots
This is THE guy lol. Rashid Khalidi wrote THE book on Palestine. The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine.
If it's not Genocide then what is it. What word should we use.
Apartheid, racism, theft, mass murder, oppression or just evil.
Well I did come up with an alternative description but UA-cam keeps deleting it...I wonder why. Obviously not hasbara enough for their tastes.
Bassam Yousef calls it "too much killing"
@@philgriffin8687I hear people calling it ethnic cleansing
Thank you. I watch Robison’s channel but missed this
"I'm not a lawyer." His daughter is.
Just FYI, this isn't a debate, and the other guy isn't a Zionist. There are questions that he sometimes poses from what could be considered the pro-Israel side (like if this will really defeat HAMAS), but these aren't shouted at the guest or meant to be "gotcha" questions. They're posed so that the expert he's interviewing can address and even debunk these points.
Israel is not standing in the way of preventing Gaza from building power plants and/or renewable power plants. In recent years, efforts have been made by the Palestinian Authority to establish a Palestinian power plant in the Jenin area, and in 2017 they even succeeded in obtaining the approval of the Israeli government for this, but to date the power plant has not yet been built.
So not sure how one is to believe the myth that nothing gets into Gaza, even with the 360km of tunnels built. Some other examples debunking this myth, in 2010 Gaza experienced a boom in the construction of for-profit recreational facilities serving the local population, including a new amusement park, the Water Park was one of several seaside tourist resorts constructed in a $20 million building binge. The Crazy Water Park was burned down a few months after it was built.
In 2012, Qatar donated 400 million dollars towards construction projects in the Gaza Strip. That year, 250 trucks a day passed through the Kerem Shalom border crossing, transporting goods from Israel to the Gaza Strip.
Gaza has not managed their current water and waste infrastructure, and/or expanded their water and waste infrastructure systems, Palestinians have also dug up a significant amount of water pipes making their water and waste crisis worse, further Israel is not preventing Gaza from building desalination plants.
Gaza, 20 March 2013 - Today the European Union and UNICEF launched the construction of a major seawater desalination plant which will provide 75,000 Palestinians with safe drinking water in Gaza.
The project, to be implemented by UNICEF thanks to a €10 million grant from the European Union, will provide 6,000 m3 of desalinated seawater per day, to serve residents in Khan Yunis and Rafah in southern Gaza. The plant is being installed on land adjacent to the sea near Deir al-Balah.
Over 150 small-capacity desalination plants operate in the Gaza Strip. Around 25 of them are operated by public utilities and the rest by commercial operators. The private desalination plants use reverse osmosis (RO) technology with no proper monitoring of water quality.
If Gaza is occupied then why was Hamas elected in 2006, who is UNRWA and who gives money to UNRWA and who do they give this money to. Who controls the school curriculum, who decides where and how this money is spent, how did the 360km tunnel work get built and paid for, how did the Hamas leaders become billionaires, Israel controlled all this
Are you suggesting there isn't a border between Egypt and Gaza. My house has a front door and back door, just forgot there was a back door, me bad
Could the 1988 Hamas Covenant potentially be a hinderance to coexistence and peace, Hamas Covenant, says Israel will exist, it will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it, the Islamic resistance movement is a distinguished Palestinian movement whose allegiance is to Allah and whose way of life is Islam, it strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine. It also rejects any kind of negotiations for a peaceful resolution, “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.” Hamas “military” end with the words “It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.” It further claims that all faiths can coexist in peace under its unique “wing of Islam.” “It is the duty of the followers of other religions to stop disputing the sovereignty of Islam in this region, because the day these followers should take over there will be nothing but carnage, displacement and terror.”
In the 2017 revised Hamas Covenant they have applied more palatable wording, never-the-less, perhaps the most astonishing statement in the entire new document, issued by a terrorist group that has forbade elections in Gaza since 2007, is the fatuous claim in Article 29 that “Hamas believes in, and adheres to, managing its Palestinian relations on the basis of pluralism, democracy, national partnership, acceptance of the other and the adoption of dialogue.”
Hi from Ireland Inaam, could you please put links in the descriptions please. Thanks for your vids.
Yes this has been a big request, I will begin doing it in future videos. Thank you for your comment and support :)
Clickbait title is unhelpful and unethical
Innan..keep going buddy
Thank you, I will
Rashid Khalidi is so goated ❤
damn this video is amaaziiinngg. tysm!!!! 🖤🙏
I waiting to see the interviewer be triggered but I didn’t see it. But I’m sure he needed to hear it.
prof Khalidi is always amazing, buy hus book Hundred years war
Rashid Khalidi is a treasure.
You can tell how frustrated Dr Khalidi is spelling this out to people.
I agree with what this man is saying but Jesus Christ man your clickbait title is gross
Btw that's not just an "activist" this is Rashid Khalidi, one of THE historians when it comes to palestinian history.
His book "The 100 year war on Palestine" is one of three to five books, one must read to understand the history of palestinian liberation and zionist opression.
Gaza currently is not a legitimate legal state, there is no legal recognized statehood, this because they have refused a state not because this has been denied. Currently Gaza is also not annexed, Israel withdrew in 2006 to which Hamas was elected in 2007. Therefore, Gaza is operating in limbo, not as a legitimate legal recognized state and/or not annexed, this status of limbo doesn’t conveniently default to one of “occupied”. Since 2007 Gaza has been governed by elected Hamas, their funding comes from UNRWA, funds that Israel has no say, what, where and how it is spent. Hamas controls and governs Gaza, the “school curriculum”, Hamas decides and controls where and how this money is spent, that’s exactly how a tunnel network of 360km was built and paid for. Clearly by way of this specifically, the priority of years in the making, building tunnels and buying arms and weapons took priority, this shows and proves their clear deliberate intent and aligns with the Hamas Covenant and all statements openly continuously made over and over, that continuously falls on deaf ears. Further how does one reconcile that Hamas leaders became billionaires living in Qatar, from who’s money and at who’s expense? So, while in the perpetual interim of limbo, until they can decide to have and want a legitimate accepted legal recognized state, that can coexist peacefully alongside Israel, Israel, a legal legitimate recognized state, will do what they deem necessary and essential related to their safety and security interests, to those that openly declare themselves Israel’s enemy, which yes does therefore include actions and behaviour that wouldn’t and couldn’t be imposed upon a peaceful legal recognized state, whether one likes and/or agrees with this or not. To attempt to put forward that since 2006, Gaza has literally been occupied and/or Israel has deliberately been standing in the way and/or preventing an authentic self-sustaining economy and prosperity is disingenuous.
@CognitiveSloth sir, this is a Wendy's
@RobHel when one says something without saying anything at all, says it all
@@CognitiveSloth and you put forth nothing but years old hasbara talking points filled with lies, half truths and straight up nonsense.
@RobHel 😗
You are using "zionist" for everyone, it's stupid and counterproductive. The interviewer is not a zionist.
That isn't what the title says, though. It doesn't call the interviewer a zionist.
Unless they edited it lol
Awww does the boot fit shlomo?
One question: where in this video is a zionist triggered? I know why Israel has committed genocide. I watched this to see how they would react to someone calling them out. Was it in the last 2 min, cause I didn't watch that?
JazakAllahu khayr! Links to the full interview would be great
Robinson Erhardt 's channel
Love your content bro keep it up 🫡🫡👑
Where was the “triggered Zionist”??? You’ve already jacked Robinson’s content. To add insult to injury you malign him??? This is what YOU stand for??? Have some integrity young man🧏
@@kipwonder2233 awww shlomo upset?
You must read his book, The Hundred Year War on Palestine, it’s a wonderful read. He is a Professor at Columbia, and his family goes way back in Palestinian history.
Thanks you’re the second one to recommend it. I’ll take a look.
Thanks for this video and your commentary, it put me onto the interview. And to be honest, maybe my only critic is the headline! I think the host is pretty generous, and it might just be me, but the vid title makes it seem like the host is the triggered zionist when he came across awfully generous.
Which podcast was Khalidi on?
Rashid Khalidi
Its not a claim its a fact since before 1948 let alone now
where was the zionist triggered ? i didnt see anyone triggered
This is an old interview. The guy interviewed Dr. Norman Finkelstien as well. The interviewer is just looking for knowledge on the subject.
What? You don’t know who Rashid Khalidi is?
Lol. Robinson isn’t a Zionist. Far from it. Clickbait title was unnecessary.
Plagiarising others UA-cam dosnt make you an author.
See the link? It is not plagiaraism.
Forever wars...??????
Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad, aired by Al-Hekma TV on March 23, 2012 stated....
..."every Palestinian, in Gaza and throughout Palestine, can prove his Arab roots - whether from Saudi Arabia, from Yemen, or anywhere. We have blood ties. Personally, half my family is Egyptian. We are all like that. More than 30 families in the Gaza Strip are called Al-Masri ["Egyptian"]. Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis. Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians."
The people who today call themselves Palestinians are not originally from the place the world calls Palestine!
"half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.
Even the Global Imams Council holds Hamas responsible for every death in this conflict - how can you not see that
It’s a sham organization headed by “Imam Tawhidi” who is a complete joke. Nonetheless even if it were a legitimate organization this isn’t a religious issue and that would matter nothing to the facts on the ground.
I've been feeling kinda icky about watching Hasan and rathbone I think this style does more to respect the subject matter. The talking head vs the chat just kinda derails everything
Respecting the subject matter would be to do something to stop Israel and the US. No one is going to do anything. There are ex us soldiers helping fight in Ukraine. When those same guys fight in Syria they are labeled terrorists. No one can even get into Gaza to help fight. There's no "respecting" the subject. There's only the truth. The history books won't recognize how people talked about the subject. It will just note the inaction.
@@JuanPerez-ru5qt The inaction is never recorded adequately to be remembered.
Why is reading a dictionary such a challenge?
No Inaam this guy is not an intellectual. This was not a debate or even discussion - someone should challenge his lies and bias.
Good clip but if you're not going to link the source then you're milking other people's content. It's shameful.
He is smart, but still wrong.
The suffering of Palestinians is mainly self harm. Opossing partition that was globally recognized, and wanting to exterminate Jewish sovereignty on any part of the land. This is still the agenda of vast majority of Palestinians including Mr Khalidi.
Partition and two states for two people, that is the best outcome possible for Palestinians, and they keep dreaming about abolishing Jewish sovereignty.
Aaah, hate clickbaits☠️😬😬
How many orphans joined hamas?! that should be the real question
Would you blame them if they did?
@@kirstyduncan408 Thats my whole point, the palastinians didnt started it, they just taking revenge for their lost family members
khalidi uncle is one of the people that put palestinians in this position
Quit lying
@@residentgrey sorry its very true
@TheSmoke-bs7ub You only lie and you show you are not sorry about BEARING FALSE WITNESS.
Why try to antagonize people who you could easily get along with a change of heart and a little effot?
How does one get along with someone who systematically dehumanizes them across generations?
Oh yeah, and all the wars they start and the countries they invade? Just this past year alone...
The same human rights organizations Khalidi sites, including UNRWA, all have stated Hamas strategically uses schools and other infrastructure as cover for their bases and stockpiling weapons. Nobody has ever disputed that. Hamas itself has never said it doesn't do that. So Rashid Khalidi is very actively defending the strategy of using children as human shields.
None of them have stated such a thing because it is untrue. Meanwhile Israeli vases etc are all in civilian areas therefore by yoyr idiotic reasoning Israel uses the jews as human shields.
This is a complete falsehood. Hi zionist, are you having fun spreading the same lies over and over? We see through them.
The fact that you believe it’s okay to destroy civilian infrastructure because there are terrorists inside rather than conduct a military raid or siege of the structure itself shows that you don’t value Palestinian lives. That you think it’s okay to murder hundreds of Palestinians in a hospital to get a few terrorists
Actually no one says this. Quit lying, Hasbara.
Gaza is not part of Israel, on what basis does any country have an obligation to another supplying them water, electricity etc. Where in the world does this happen and/or is expected? Further Gaza has a border with Egypt, so why doesn't Egypt supply these services to Gaza and why cant the Palestinians move freely through Egypt, why has Egypt denied the Palestinians basic services and forced them to live in an open air prison? Further why was these basic not in place and self sufficient within Gaza, if one had the means and money to build at least 360km network of underground tunnels, and buy arms and weapons why didn't one spend the money, time and effort, building a self sustaining economy and future?
Can't fix dumb
You should see a mental health professional.
On what basis? On the basis that Israel is occupying Gaza and the West Bank, that's the basis. You're argument is purposely naive and racist to the core. Israel has ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to tell the Palestinians they need to leave their homes and land, on the sole basis that they are not Jews. Your head needs to be examined.
You should study up on these questions because they all have well understood and documented answers. Gaza is occupied by Israel. Even the U.S. State Department has referred to Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem as the Occupied Palestinian Territories. This is what legally obligates Israel to make sure they have water, electricity, food, etc. It has nothing to do with them "sharing a border" (and there is no "border" between Gaza and the rest of Israel). This also answers your odd question about Egypt. Egypt hasn't been forcing them to live in an open air prison for decades. Israel has. This is turn answers your last question about why living standards weren't sufficient in Gaza. Israel controls what items and which people go in and out of Gaza, not Gazans or HAMAS or the Palestinian Authority, but Israel. Israel control the nautical space and fishing rights off the Gaza coast, the air space above Gaza, the flow of power and electronic telecommunications, etc. The strangling of the Gazan economy is periodically punctuated by extremely destructive Israeli bombing raids such as in Operation Protective Edge or Cast Led. Please try to educate yourself about this.
@@TurdF3rguson If Gaza is occupied by Israel then who is Hamas, they weren't elected in 2006, who is UNRWA, why do they exist who gives them money and what is that money used for and how does Israel control of have a say in this. So Israel has made the top Hamas leaders billionaires, Israel approved the school curriculum, Israel approved the extensive tunnel network larger than London underground.
All projection and strawmen. This guy talks so much bullshit.
When? I have only heard truth.
@@residentgrey He says that Israel tried to push the population out of the Gaza strip and considers that to be genocide - but they were simply wanting to move innocent people out of the way to AVOID civilian casualties. It would have saved thousands of civilians, because then Hamas could not fight from within the population (using human shields)
@@residentgrey Israel was providing free water and energy to Gaza for decades, and Hamas attached them like they did - So Israel must continue to supply the enemy? Gaza has its own sources too you know. The tunnels were stealing power from UNRWA and hospitals to keep the ventilation and lights on, while civilians were suffering, purposefully stopped from evacuating by Hamas, just to ensure greater civilian deaths (human shields)
@@residentgrey Has he said a single word against the real genocide currently in Sudan? Or the genocides in Syria, Yemen etc?
@@residentgrey He says that moving people is a war crime? NOT moving them is a war crime!!
everything he said is bs
No. Everything he said is proven true. Get with reality, Hasbara.
@@residentgrey sorry dude it was this guys' family that lost so called palestine, by their actions
@TheSmoke-bs7ub Quit lying, Wumao Hasbara. You know better.
@TheSmoke-bs7ub Everything YOU and YOUR ILK say is BS, HASBARA.
Great to See Khalidi. the Zionist triggered click bait is a bit much though. He was listening. and the fact that he even had Khalidi on is the most important thing