So I bought an emulator and it works. I’ve had a couple but I’ve noticed my ignition sometimes still doesn’t wanna come on. I put the key in and nothing happens. Can’t turn or anything. When I pull the key out o get the sound like it recognized the key but I feel like the ignition isn’t sending the signal to the ESL. Do I need to replace the whole ignition for that?
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So I bought an emulator and it works. I’ve had a couple but I’ve noticed my ignition sometimes still doesn’t wanna come on. I put the key in and nothing happens. Can’t turn or anything. When I pull the key out o get the sound like it recognized the key but I feel like the ignition isn’t sending the signal to the ESL. Do I need to replace the whole ignition for that?
How do they cost.?
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What if is the ESL unlocks but the EIS still not opening?
EIS problem?
How come EIS is not opening? Give me full description.
How much
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