If you suffer from BPD, do you identify with these? Can you help promote this video to spread more awareness on BPD if you feel we did a good job describing it.
Getting help is unfortunately more difficult than everyone seems to think it is. Edit: I was not just specifically referring to getting help for BPD. It's hard to get help for EVERY mental illness.
Yup. The system goes well this sounds like it would be hard to treat and require a specialist... DENIED! They might as well have told me to go off myself since apparently we’re just worthless garbage since we didn’t tell anyone that we were being sexually abused from forever, until they got caught grooming the next victim when we were starting to get close to puberty. Then couldn’t go trough with going to the police. Have you ever been brainwashed to the point where you don’t even know if reality is real or not? Where it’s all too much and you aren’t you anymore, you’re fragmented now? Then you’d understand. I want to die, unfortunately the other don’t agree and still think there’s still hope. Tick tock tick tock, counting time until the inevitable death.
Getting therapy is practically useless at times for me and only scratches the surface because I consciously and unconsciously deny myself of my problems or minimize them to the point that I’m not really doing anything different than talking to someone I trust about a few basic problems I’ve faced throughout the week or smth.
•KemiEmi• The problem is trusting someone enough that you feel safe enough to talk about these things but then your brain is like “hey remember all those reasons why you have trust issues? Because I do and here’s the list!” So how are you doing? Did anything happen? Oh... well, there’s nothing special going on really... 😓 😬 I’m fine 🙂 just a few minor things really 🤔
@@kateissues my mom says “you have teen depression I have depression” I got so mad Is like teens can’t have depression that’s why I hide my opinions and feelings to myself
I lost my younger brother, my only sibling to undiagnosed BPD this year. After losing him, it became like a mission of my life to find out what went wrong and that’s when I came across something called BPD. When I learnt about the symptoms, I was devastated. Devastated because my brother exhibited all the said symptoms and yet we could not figure out what was happening to him. Knowledge and awareness about different brain disorders should be made mandatory in schools so we do not lose our loved ones
Do not blame yourself,he chose that ,but agree we should learn and know how to support our kids and our self some families are just hell or an ignorants I have depression non of my family's understanding me they think Im lying
Unfortunately I have EUPD and bipolar. Confused!! I just don’t know who I am the more I try to understand myself the more confused I get. I don’t know which bits or the bipolar and which or the EUPD. There used to be a tv series years ago called Soap, at the beginning they would give you the story so far and the narrator would say.......Confused?.....you soon will be.
@The Angry Introverted Scotsman ....I'm in College Preperatory English, I just wasnt trained to read jumbles of atrocious run on sentences. I have astigmatism, my eyes shake rapidly when I try to focus on garbage paragraphs like yours.
@The Angry Introverted Scotsman ok so commas aka *,* are put to separate one part from another. For example: _I like apples, carrots, youtube, and drawing._ Each sentence ends with a period aka *.* For example: _I can cook meat balls._ And how you are to write it in a list thing: _A. I like apples. B. I like to read. C. I can cook_ And one last thing I'm going to tell you is parentheses aka *"("* and *")"* These can be used in a sentence as: _I like to eat apples (with peanut butter or caramel), I like to watch youtube (mainly minecraft and among us), and I like to cook meat balls (sometimes with rice or spaghetti depends on my mood)._ Hope this helps!
My mom has BPD and it was one of the reasons my parents fought and split pretty early. I got over that at some point but I'm starting to think I might've inherited it but I'm scared to get diagnosed honestly I wanted to get diagnosed for depression and anxiety before to get help but I learned how to deal with it better so I didn't go but I'm realizing some things now and I'm pretty sure it's more than that
@Nightfall Hey man! As someone who also has a BPD parent I can say that I also have and had bpd symptoms, just know that a lot of these are learned and CAN be reversed! It takes therapy but it can happen! :D good luck bruv!
Side note: If you're diagnosed with BPD remember, it is not your Moms fault nor your's or anybody else's it's a health condition just like cancer etc. Unconditional Love and Understanding is the best and only way to deal with things. Also, instead of thinking of the Problem how about thinking of the Solutions! It is what one does with "challenging" news that really matters, whether there are bad days, good days always out-weigh bad one's, hands down!! Stay strong & look after thy self, self-sooth and treat others the way you'd like to be treated. 🥰
Hey! My mom also has BPD. I got diagnosed with chronic depression and anxiety disorder and have some BPD traits too. Don't be scared to be diagnosed. At least you already have the awareness! Which is the most important part in order to heal. Also, don't be scared of meds, I know they sound extreme but in my case, they have helped a lot and I feel so much better. I don't feel the internal void anymore. Anyway, hope you find peace and healing in your own terms 🤍.
Its highly likely its childhood trauma from having a parent with bpd. Go seek help anyway. It's very common to have the same symptoms described in this video from being raised by a parent with bpd so don't be scared.
living in a country with good healthcare, this seems so wild, like;;; why the fuck should ppl go bankrupt because of their health? therapy is literally as good as free for me
I always blame myself, I cut off people, I am being rude, I feel like someone is controlling my brain. I don't wanna be rude. But I am When I said I cut off people, I meant that I make them dislike me, and leave me.
I really appreciated the ending part about how BPD affects everyone differently and not everyone has the same symptoms, all symptoms, or experience them in the same way/same amount of time/intensity as others. That's been one of the hardest things for me to come to terms with since my diagnosis. I keep comparing myself to others with BPD and I think to myself "Oh... I'm not 1:1 with this description/experience...I don't have this, my doctor is a quack and I'm just sensitive and need to get a grip." So hearing that really made me feel validated. Thank you.
i think an amazing part of BPD is it’s correlation with sensitivity. it sucks that we as highly sensitive people self criticize the most while taking on the pain of the world, but an amazing part of it is having the resilience to still move forward. us doubting the validity of our condition goes to show how invalidated we’ve been, but we are resilient ❤️
This plus my reoccurring thought that my issues shouldn’t be other people’s problems and their for I shouldn’t let them deal with them, really really puts me off getting checked for anything, I love being self aware.
“I keep getting thoughts that people judge me no matter what I do, I’ve been so anxious. I hate it-“ Mom: Its your own fault, you chose to feel that way. 🧍♀️
@@krecza Most of the families in the world also doesn't care about their kid's mental health, therefore since its the MOST of them, it is considered normal.
@@krecza my parents don't give 2 shits about my mental health... i've tried opening up to them about my anxiety last year (which i'm still struggling with). to summarize in a sentence, because if i explained everything we'd be here for days, my parents asked me why i was getting bad grades, and i said i have a lot of anxiety and i can't focus, and they said to get rid of it and i shouldn't have it, and they were still trying to figure out my problem with school when i handed my problem over to them. at this point i have more than anxiety, i just can't get professional help. so once i move out (i'm 16 right now) i'll get medical help asap.
One of my favorite things about this channel is the cute animation styles and the calming voice. Very soothing. A quote I like: Talk to yourself like somebody you love 💕
“plz reach out to a professional” yeah sure first i have to convince my narcissistic parents they aren’t perfect and i’m not just looking for attention 🤪🥳
bruh im in the same situation. and my mom (the only one of my parents i live with) has the audacity to say that im mentally perfect and fine while shes the mentally broken one. as soon as im 18 im gonna move out and instantly try at least to get mental help.
@@cataxy5697 same situation except my parents are in a on and off relationship and whenever I bring it up they’ll say that I’m happy and I’m not sad and I’m just looking for attention when it stresses me out so bad I pull out my hair I don’t even get sleep
Seek them out on your own, I'm in canada so it might be different but theres a variety of ways to seek out mental health. School wellness centers could be a good bet or a wellness center in general. A hospital could set you up as well. Which is what happened to me. I was severely depressed and suicidal and i got assigned to a therapist that assigned me to another one that treated me with cognitive behaviour therapy and it really helped. If you want to discuss further and need some direction to getting mental help leave a comment and I'll try to get back to you.
I was diagnosed with BPD. Years of therapy helped me notice when I'm over stimulated, or when I'm about to go into a depressive mood; which helps me prepare myself and my partner.
BPD is so hard to deal with I can't bear to live with myself most of the times, I feel like I'm in a mental prison that I'll never be able to escape, I'm my worst enemy
This is awful, I don't even have friends anymore, I hardly talk to my parents and I start crying or getting angry about everything. I blame others but more on me. I don't feel like I can be happy in the future, I don't even see a future
there are a lot weirdest people in this f*cking world everybody in this f*cking world is weird at some points they can’t change them but i have beleive in my self that i could make myself good so don’t feel that you are alone👉✌️✌️
It's okay your gonna be okay. And even if your not it's fine. It's completely okay to not be okay. Even I think I might have thoses symptoms but I'm too scared to get help. If you can please do. And like you got a future. Everything will work out. And please dont worry, like I'm just a teen myself and I hope and pray your life gets easier. Sending lots of love dear stranger💗💗
I'm sad, alone and so tired of everything. i don't even know what i want, what my desired life even is. i dont have any plans or thoughts about me in the future and i dont know how to make things better
“She is a beautiful piece of broken pottery, put back together by her own hands. And a critical world judges her cracks while missing the beauty of how she made herself whole again.” --J.M. Storm
May or may not have BPD The list: 1. Self Hatred/Self Harm 2. Difficulty Regulating Emotions 3. Internalized Anger 4. Fear of Rejection 5. Unstable Relationships 6. Impulsive Decisions 7. Dissociation
What’s tough about BPD to the outside world is these are symptoms everybody feels at some point or another. But the depth, the intensity, how much it controls your ability to function and have healthy relationships, is not something you could understand unless you have it. And this disconnect makes it so hard to be understood/to understand
It's hard for the sufferer not understanding why they feel this way, and it's hard for the people who love the sufferer who don't understand why their loved one is on a hair trigger. The going to work image was really poignant to me. A cousin of mine can't work because of her social anxiety, but feels threatened when I am unavailable due to work. It's hard all around.
Honestly, I’m not one to self diagnose. But watching this makes a lot of sense to why I’m acting the way I am. Been struggling with major depression and anxiety for years. But lately I have been very angry with my family members even if it wasn’t even something to be angry about! Making Christmas cookies with my sister and I didn’t follow the directions the proper way. She told me I didn’t do it right and this sense of anger took over me. It was almost like I wasn’t in control of what I was saying. I was just… angry. Ended up destroying my room and punched holes in the wall. Felt a great sense of guilt afterwards. And felt that my family would be better off without me. I felt like 5 different emotions within a span of 10 minutes. I don’t want to be like this. I don’t know why I am like this. It hurts my loved ones. They just think I’m straight up mean. I know it’s something much deeper inside me. I just need help but can’t talk to anyone about it, because I hate opening up like that.
I hate seing people saying "i know" or "i hunderstand what u sufer" but here this time its me who say it because ye i'm also kinda like that Can't be emotionaly stable and an danger to myself But i can't do anything to me because if i bleed i start going crazy (hemophobic) do that's keep me from doing it But ye all of that to say that i relate to what you say Even more when its with depresion.. hunfortunatly
> I felt like 5 different emotions within a span of 10 minutes Literally same. Whenever I get stressed or something, it goes from feeling frustrated/irritable -> feeling sad -> feeling guilty/angry at myself -> feeling sad again all in such a short timespan. Though it's kind of surprising since I've never really considered myself the kind of person to get angry much, but I realized that's because I usually direct most of my anger and hatred towards myself. And that's prolly also why half the time I end up being toxic to other people without even realizing it because I tend to do things like withdraw and ghost when I'm upset, but I underestimate how that affects other people because I figure that no one will care yet I also want people to care. Sorry for the rant, I just feel like ranting lol
@Hopespeak4ever as calmly as you can, insist on getting an expert‘s opinion. You can tell her that if you (like she thinks) don‘t have these symptoms, she has nothing to worry about, and seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist will only confirm that and put your concerns at rest. Don‘t let too much time pass before seeking help. A similar thing happened to me with depression, and it hurt me tremendously. I grew up, left home, and sought help; I‘m doing better now. However, there was damage done that is very hard to correct and best avoided.
@phillip abney I'm so sorry, I feel the same way, sometimes even to eradicate myself. However, I know I've learnt empathy, people are good too and sometimes just situations need ignorance. So we are all together in this. Let's learn more about ourselves, forgive ourselves and improve ourselves. I'm fighting BPD and depression right now. I'm with you busy. You're good, you matter and you're valuable. Even if you don't love yourself, everyone needs you, cause how you showed your struggle will help others to work on it in their own ways.
I have diagnosed bpd and I think relationships are the hardest for me. Like, one day, I'll adore my partner. I would do anything for them and I never want to lose them. But then the next day, I hate them, even if they haven't done anything. Before I was diagnosed, I would act on my hatred and just break up with the person. But now, I just know to wait it out until the feeling passes. It might sound easy, but its not. Hating someone for no reason and at the same time being aware that you hate someone for no reason makes me sick. Anyways, Idk if anyone will see this, but if you do, I hope you have a great day ❤
Learning to wait out the sudden mood/perception changes and actually "feel them out" is helpful for ANY mental/behavioral/mood disorder! Not just BPD so you're definitely not alone! 28 year old ADHD-er here.
Not in a romantic relationship, but I had a very intense crush on a friend for a little bit, like couldn't stop thinking and talking about them, and then a switch flipped and I loathed them. I don't really talk to them anymore either. My family was confused about how fast I went from obsessing over this person to not caring about them, actively disliking them and even avoiding them. Very confusing and disturbing to feel. I'm not diagnosed btw.
Me: "I guess I have BPD" People: "So, go seek professional help." Me: "I don't have any money for that." People : "Go get a job." Me: "No one wants to hire me because I have a disorder." People: "So, go seek professional help."
Which is why I will never go seek help for BPD, I am positive I have it, but if it got out that I did I would never be able to work in either of my professions.
I saw this video like a month ago, ever since then ive told my therapist. We are currently in the process of a diagnosis, and ever since I've brought it up I feel like I can finally understand myself more. So thank you for this video
How did you bring it up to your therapist? I don’t wanna sound like I’m self-diagnosing for attention or something but I feel like I can relate so much to the symptoms of bpd.
@@prostark8445, same here. I feel like this is exactly what I have. I've been diagnosed with PTSD but I feel like this is the most accurate description of my behavior, thoughts, and feelings.
To any teenager knowing they have some kind of mental issue but can’t talk about it because of the fear of being treated as an “edgy teen who fakes mental illness” Please please please get help. I’ve struggled with my mental health since middle school, now I am 23 in college and it gets worse by the day. I regret not getting help earlier because I used to think it’d get better as I grew up, it’s just not the case. There are services online and especially if you are under health insurance, you can get help for free. Please get help so that you can enjoy your later years and develop healthy relationships. Please.
okay, i'm a pre-teen girl who shows symptoms of bpd, bipolar, depression, separation anxiety and normal anxiety. i know i at least have depression (50% sure about bipolar, my symptoms of it are the ones in depression + moods swings and easily irratatible) and separation anxiety, but i'm to scared to self diagnose. i'll talk to my doctor when i see her in december.
my parents wouldn’t believe me, they don’t believe in mental health even though they know i struggle with self harm. i’ve been suspecting that i have bpd for a year now and i’m too scared to tell them, they think i’m crazy and i just want them to view me as a normal teenager. i don’t think my friends have noticed signs, if so they haven’t said anything to me about it. i want to get help but i can’t. i suspect i have bpd bc i did reasearch and i have almost all the symptoms. i also think i have ADHD, anxiety and depression.
Good advice! 💯💯💯 I spent most of my formative years wondering why I didn't think, feel or react how my peers did when in the same situations. My parents just didn't really care tbh, they viewed me as an "awkward, ungrateful and uncooperative little b***tard." (loving parental quote there!) Eventually I got sick of having to always put on a front and feign being ok, I completely estranged myself from the whole lot of them, parents, siblings - everyone! Finally, I'm in therapy with a list of diagnoses as long as my arm, I'm 50 now so truthfully it really is too little too late for me. I created so much misery and destruction trying to not be "a f****ng nutcase" (another loving parental quote) and hid so much, that some ships really did sail long ago. I can never get those years back. Don't get me wrong, other people were not the reason for my mental health, nor were they to blame, but I really wish parents would take the mental wellbeing of their kids as seriously as physical wellbeing. MH is no joking matter, but I now realise my parents were more concerned with how THEY'D be viewed & judged as parents than they were with my awkwardness/ungratefulness blah blah blah! If as a young person you feel you're not being taken seriously, seek basic counselling through school or college initially. Then go from there. Sometimes parents do NOT actually know best, but regardless, please please PLEASE do not ignore MH symptoms. You have a whole long life ahead of you and today is the 1st day of the rest of that life. Statistically 1 in 3 people will suffer from MH issues at some point in their life, that's a shed load of people! Good luck and best wishes to everyone in this kind of predicament, seek help. You matter and you deserve to be happy. (Sorry for the essay btw!)
As someone with ADHD can I just say I find your little animations extremely helpful for my concentration. Your voice is SO relaxing but if I was just hearing it alone I would either fall asleep or switch off because my brain gets so easily distracted. But your animations are so cute and friendly it makes me want to see the next one, but also helps me visualise what you're saying, as I'm a visual learner. It seems quite a lot of these symptoms cross over into ADHD as well.... but that last one is definitely something I go through but didn't realise the term for it. Looks like I need another trip to the doctor to further try to understand what's going on with me... Thanks so much for these videos, they are so well done!
How did you find out you had ADHD? Did you display signs that you researched before going to the doctor? Or did you just go to the doctor about your mental health? I’m really struggling because I don’t know what’s wrong with me and I’ve questioned if it was ADHD or BPD but I’ve yet to go to a doctor (of course I will but I need to know what signs I have first so that I can explain what’s going on). Do you think you could tell me what kind of signs you have so that I can establish if I identify with them? I completely understand if not, but thank you anyway :)
@@Elizabeth-vr8cb before I was diagnosed with BPD, I had to do an ADHD test. They ask you more specific questions about your work and concentration and things like that. BPD is actually rarer than people think. It only affects 1% of the population and if you’re under the age of 18 you’re unlikely to be diagnosed with BPD as your personality hasn’t set in yet. It’s a lifelong disorder but you can manage symptoms better. Unfortunately, I can’t afford therapy and medication is hard to get because (an actual doctors quote here) “you’re only a woman, it’s just your hormones”
@@milliejay1451 wow I had no idea it was that rare. I definitely wasn’t self diagnosing but I’ve gone through a lot of trauma and have had an ED since I was about 9 so I’m struggling a lot while in recovery etc anyway. I definitely think I need to look to seeing a doctor about depression/anxiety/other trauma related mental health problems, though I am worried about it because last time they just belittled me for being so young and in turn, made it worse, so I definitely understand your troubles with ignorant doctors. How should I go about seeing a mental health professional? And will they eventually decide where my mental health is for themselves or will I have to try and explain what I think may be my problem? (Obviously I’m not a mental health professional so I don’t actually have any idea 😂)
@@Elizabeth-vr8cb Hello! I can recommend a channel called *How To ADHD* , there are SO many videos on there but there is definitely one in particular which outlines some of the tell tale signs of ADHD. Basically my husband was actually the one who noticed my behaviour and thought that was what I could have, then when I sent to a specialist it turned out I was a pretty textbook case. For me, my ADHD is hyperactive and inattentive combined. I'm incredibly easily distracted, hyperfocus only on things that interest me to the point where hours and hours can go by and I don't realise, but can't focus on something that doesn't give me any sort of dopamine... e.g mundane tasks, reading long paragraphs of texts (though funnily enough I can write them, but that's probably because my hyperactive brain is trying to spew out as much information as possible and doesn't QUITE know when to stop🤣🤣), watching something that isn't the most interesting. I struggle to process what's being said to me quickly, or what I've read. I often have to go over things again and again and even then it sometimes still doesn't sink in because my brain has already darted off onto something else. I am very easily overwhelmed by tasks, take on too much, have an acute inability to regulate my emotions... going from 0 to 100 real fast. I have a humongous issue with rejection of any kind, and have lost many friends because of these and more symptoms. It's been a constant struggle all my life, yet was only diagnosed 2 years ago. Another great channel is *ADHD Management*. Check both of those out. Even though I've laid out SOME of my symptoms, please don't compare yourself to me. See if you relate, yes, but get yourself checked by a professional. I really hope you find the help you need... it was a breath of fresh air getting diagnosed xxx
@@AyeshaShaSha I relate to these signs so much! It’s relief to know that I’m at least experiencing things that other people have to deal with as well 😅 thanks for recommending that channel, I’ll definitely check it out. I really want to get a diagnosis (even if it’s not ADHD) but I’m very nervous to even go to/be around doctors because of past experiences. The sooner the better though ig. Did it take you long to get a diagnosis? And is there any kind of treatment or medication or anything? ( I know that I may not even have it but if I do, I’d like to know what to expect at the doctors) ty!! :D
I suffer from gad, (generalized anxiety disorder), severe to moderate depression, bipolar disorder, bpd and ptsd (diagnosed by a professional) I’m working my way up to a more physically and mentally healthy life. If I can do it you can too, we got this. Just a reminder for today is that I’m proud of you, grab a snack or meal, make sure to drink water and take care of yourself. You’re loved and you are enough, don’t let those thoughts convince you other wise. You got this.
Whoa, we’re diagnoses twins! For real, I have the exact same: GAD, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, BPD, and PTSD... all of which were diagnosed by a professional. And I declare, like your lovely self, that if I can do it you can too xoxox
I’ve been dealing with clInically diagnosed BPD/Bipolar disorder for about a decade now. It took a long time with many different medicines, psychiatrists and therapists, hospitalizations, and growth opportunities to get where I am now. The best advice I can give is to be honest with yourself and others, acknowledge and express your emotions, find useful coping strategies and use them, don’t be afraid to ask for and receive help (you are not a burden), and schedule time for yourself. Also, realize that any medicine or care you get won’t “fix” your disorder or make it go away, only help lessen the symptoms, so it is not an end-all be-all. Keep fighting the good fight peeps
I show every sign of having bpd and have been researching on it for a while, when I talked to my mom about the disorder she just yelled at me, told me I’m just a teen and that it’s a faze 😀🤚
that’s exactly what my psychiatrist said, i have every single sign and she says, i’m still a teen so therefore i don’t have it, and that if i did have it, i wouldn’t be able to tell i had it, like what??? like i get my psychiatrist is a professional but what the hell?
@@jackieapplegate940 omg what?? I’ll never understand people who say things like that, untreated bpd is terrible and can get worse the longer it stays that way. I’m sorry that happened :/
if you feel like there’s something wrong, please go talk to a therapist! it’s your emotions, and you understand yourself better than anyone else! if you do think you have a disorder, then you probably do. the only way to find out for sure, though, is to talk to a professional! good luck, you can do this! if you ever need to talk to someone, ill be right here!! keep going!
Just because your emotions do not swing, does not mean something is "wrong" . Emotions are not 'right' or 'wrong' they just are. If you are struggling with relationships with others or feel 'disconnected' from your emotions, that is just as much of a reason to chat with someone as if you have emotions that roller-coaster. It helps just to talk it out with a neutral person who can help you gain perspective.
This actually happened to me :( I have awful mood swings and coincidentally when I went into (most) of our sessions I was happy and wanted to talk about how amazing I felt in the moment! She never ASKED about things, so I never told her. My advice is: if you get a therapist tell them about your mood swings! Tell them anything they should know about!
This summer I was diagnosed with BPD after a major depressive episode. It was scary and almost bewildering to receive that diagnosis after being diagnosed with major depression for 7 years. Having this new diagnosis though makes a lot more sense and lead to my psychiatric team and I to find ways to help myself. So far, we are doing DBT therapy and we may delve into addressing trauma. It's nice to see a better portrayal of BPD compared to what I heard and learned prior to my diagnosis. I'm studying biology and psychology and I had a professor completely shit on people with BPD.
1:20 Self hatred/self harm 1:50 Difficulty regulating emotions 2:30 Internalized anger 3:02 Fear of rejection 3:27 Unstable relationships 4:00 Impulsive decisions 4:30 Disassociation Watch full video for full info🙂
@@claudiar972 Not everyone can speak to a therapist to diagnose them,,if your underage and parents don’t believe in mental illness,don’t have insurance and can’t afford it,etc.
Yeaah me too. I never connected so much to other types of mental illnesses like to BPD, i know to speak with a Professional Doc makes it more safe, but its difficulty to open the fu*kin mouth...🙁 And like i'm introverted as hell
26 yrs old , diagnosed with bpd this year , I always thought that these were normal feelings for everyone , I even was so sure that everone wanted to commit suicide once in a while Little did I know
I have been researching bpd for the last year, because strongly suspect I have it, I experience all the symptoms, and I am suffering, and keeping it all in is killing me. I am now reaching out for help, and I am hoping to enter a diagnosis process with a licensed mental health professional, to find out what the hell is wrong with me, and how I can have a better quality of life in the future.
Hey, any updates? I think I'll reach out to someone too. I've been experiencing these things for as long as I remember and journalling made me realise that I don't think I'm entirely normal.
As a child I was always told I'm being irrational, overemotional, belittled, etc. It got to the point where I wasn't sure how much of what I was feeling is real It still messes with me a lot I'm very thankful to have a partner who loves me despite my issues. He is always considerate and helps me get through my episodes. I feel so lucky to have someone so understanding and kind
My wife is the same, I'm glad your partner loves you enough to help you through those episodes, they are difficult for all involved. Have a wonderful day
I am afraid of going to a "professional" because every time I have tried they diagnose me with different things and can never seem to agree on what I actually have which makes me feel unhelpable..
I understand your frustration. You Are Helpable! Explain to whom you may see next how you feel. Explain it causes more harm to your well being to be diagnosed with anything right now. Its most important to sort your thoughts and feelings to feel balanced day to day. It's Okay to tell them you dont want to feel unhelpable and the diagnosing isn't helping! Stay Strong, You Got This!
Hi :) I have created a page on Instagram to gather people's stories about their mental health in the hope it would help people feel more understood and not alone in feeling a certain way. I have literally just created it so I was wondering if you'd like to share your story anonymously. The name of the account is lifestories0250. You can send me a message there if you'd like to be part of it. Anyone else is welcome as well. Hope everything goes well with you and you have a good day!😊
One of my best friends has BPD and it used to be a very hard and challenging friendship throughout our youth becaus she wasn´t diagnosed with it. Her actions and reactions to me were often so irrational to me, it sometimes felt like being slapped right in the face for no reason at all. Nevertheless, we never let go of each other and when she finaly got diagnosed i almost cried because i finaly got an explanation for all those things that happened this whole time. She also apologised to me for the hurtful things, she did back then. We´re still friends until today, talk about her disorder very openly and are there for each other in difficult times.
@@Testing-123 Definitely! I guess most People with any kind of mental illness or personality disorder would agree to that. Even with physical illnesses: once you know, whats "wrong" with you, you can start working on it. In the case of my friend, you can tell your friends and family what the reason for your behaviour was in all these years and relationships may start to heal. Naming a problem is the first step to start communicating about it properly.
sometimes people don’t have the means to seek professional help so unfortunately self-diagnosing is their only option. As long as they do extensive research
@@amira-eg4qb yes at times self diagnosing is justified but its better to not take meds till your clinically diagnosed and i know thats not easy to do but its better than taking meds for an illness you might end up not having especially with illnesses that are easily misdiagnosed due to the similarities between the symptoms of the illness and other illnesses
Oh my Gosh, I am so grateful for people like you!! I have BPD, I would love to have people try to understand what it is all about instead of saying the standard stuff like 'You're just so sensitive' or 'Why is everything over the top with you?'
I'm using this to say I think I have it and not self diagnose for sure cause I dont have money to seek help from a professional, I'm a minor and I have family trauma and obv dont want my family to take me cause I hate them :(. But you really sound like a good friend. Your friend is lucky that they have you. I wish I had a friend like you.
@@tararosabelle7368 Hey, I hope you're well and will get the opportunity to get diagnosed some day! but pls keep in mind that BPD is a personality disorder and most psychiatrists won't diagnose minors with it. It's said the personality isn't fully developed until the age of 18-20. I struggled with the symptoms since I can remember (even in my early childhood), mum went to 15+ psychiatrists with me since I was 6 (now 22), even had to stay at hospitals 4 times, before finally being diagnosed at the age of 18 in my final therapy. It can be a long way and most of the things to help you have to figure out yourself, because BPD is different from person to person. So I wish you that you don't have it, it's a pain in the ass most of the time...
I’m not diagnosed but I definitely relate to a lot of things in this video. Especially about the relationship aspect, literally no matter how good you’ve been to me at a certain point my mind will decide it doesn’t trust you and that I should distance myself from you. And it hurts cause I feel like I don’t love the person anymore even though at the same time I know I do.
Also with the thing where other people are able to function normally without getting upset when someone disagrees, I have a very hard time controlling those situations and often have breakdowns- so yeah like this perfectly describes me
You may have disorganised attachment style. What you have said about your relationship thoughts it is the same with disorganised attachment style. I suggest you to search on that topic too, to understand your problems.
The worst part is when you 'wake up' from the explosive anger, see what you did impulsively and think "i really wish not to be like this" it's very hurtful. Edit: Love the comments, it's so good to feel like I'm not alone and that my struggles can be treated if i approach them correctly. Love you all, you're not alone 🖤
@Rimsha Mohammed ...being aware and knowing the problem - watching videos to improve- brings you one step ahead on solving this. Am sure they don't hate you and the best c'd be to address your concern in a calm moment, so for you to find a solution together. Calming exercises are excellent. Try to find some breathing or calming meditation, it will do wonders. Wishing you VERY well.
For 7 years I thought I just had uncontrollable anxiety. So many doctors and so many medications to try and get a handle on it. However, after a few visits with a psychiatrist I was diagnosed with BPD. I had never even considered this. At first I was angry and rejected the diagnosis. However, over time I was able to accept the issues I have and am working with mental health therapists. This video hits all the symptoms right on the nose. Thank you for making this video
i really relate to this. im getting a psychological evaluation soon and im really nervous but idk why… im pretty sure its bpd but idk yet. how do you cope with having bpd? im literally barely a teenager and im really worried.
@@leeisoffline trust the therapy. It will take time but the payoff is worth it. Being a teenager isn't necessarily a bad thing! You will probably pick things up in therapy faster! You can do it
I got diagnosed a few years ago, with social anxiety, depression and a personality disorder... the relationship one hit home hard as I've finally found someone that understands the impulsive and aggressive (stupid) things I do and we've slowly over the years found ways to get through these episodes... its not nice knowing someone or being someone who goes through this hut I'm happy that mental health is finally getting the respect and help that has been denied/overlooked for so many years. I don't know how many people will actually see this comment but I'll write it anyway: My own experiences:- 1-anger when someone walks away during a conversation/argument. 2-low self esteem and body dysmorphia 3-irrregular periods of sadness, anxiety and paranoia 4-thoughts of my own funeral or the deaths of people I love and blaming myself for not stopping it. 5-fear of failure/being a disappointment to people I know or even strangers. 6-always try to make everyone else happy even if it doesn't make me happy. 7-alcohlism or a look for an escape (this isn't much of an issue anymore) 8-internal voices and need to feel sad/upset (sad songs/movies)as it makes me feel normal and at peace with myself. If you've made it this far I ti the comment thank you for taking the time too read it, if you too are going through the same issue please done hesitate to reply/message...you are strong and you can beat this...I am proud of you for waking up every morning,going to work, looking for work, having goals, trying to be happy, trying new things and most importantly I'm proud at the fact you are being yourself,you never need to change Yes we aren't perfect but wheres the fun in that...chin up and keep breathing 💞💞
Thank you for this. I don't have BPD, but my partner for the last 3 years does. It has been hard..... It's inspiring to see someone put in the work to find a balanced way to move through some very difficult things.
@@seato9844 1, Not a grear personality trait but pretty norrmal 2. Given the current social media context par for the course. 3. Again pretty normal. 4. lot of people think of their own funeral (It's fun) don't be so self indulgent you turn it into a symptom of something 5. fear of failure and disapointing others (very common neurosis) 6. actually positive personality trait unless it builds resentment in you in which acknolwedge that and change or accept based on said resentment. 7. Alcoholism that isn't and issue anymore is NOT Alcoholism. 8. A Bit of melancholia in your cultural tastes If you're not a chick you sound like one be well and don't smell.
@@KingMinosxxvi wow mate you're mature, guessing you've been sheltered your whole life? You are a major issue with men talking about their issues! I've lost parents and friends and have a friend who's recovering from suicide attempt (found by his parent) but if that sounds like a female then that's a very sad view of the world you have my friend, very very poor view and hopefully you will never have to face any issues cause by the sounds of it you won't handle much to anything in life... stay in your wee bubble and stop being so vile, sorry if I sound butt hurt but mental health is a major thing I try my best too support so in the nicest way bye and be quiet
Same here dwag I just felt conected to everyone and since my 1st trip i felt more entuned with what other feel and am able to expose more positive energy I did not know until I tried!
Psych2Go Internalized symptoms that occasionally escape or produce a deep depressive state. Suicidal thoughts. Feeling like I’m a bad person despite striving to be the best I can be. Can’t hate others. Hate and blame myself instead. Deathly afraid of rejection as a teenager. People I considered friends all eventually leaving me because I crawl into my own hole. Binge eating. Awful dissociation. Rarely in tune with my body. Makes me wonder if I’ve developed BPD to cope with my childhood.
I either have this or some *really* bad anger swings, like, sometimes I have to lock myself in a room and sit there curled up and shaking from anger so I don't break anything or accidentally hurt myself. Edit: thank you for the kind replies, I really appreciate all of you ❤️❤️
BPD is no joke, I've been struggling with it for years so bad to the point where I'll literally beat myself to a bruised figure until my eyes swell shut. Alongside the other disorders this channel has helped me understand within myself, my heart goes out to those sharing the same boat, and those that are too afraid or ashamed to explain themselves, at risk of being unwanted or misunderstood.
Hey I’m proud of you for admitting this. I do this too. Feel like a dumbass after but also like I deserve to be all beat up after what I did. Lol. I get you
Same 🥺 I thought I was alone. I felt so weird, misunderstood etc and then I came to this comment section full of people that deal with the same things that I do. I feel so emotional right now. Wishing strength and love for everyone here 🖤
My wife was diagnosed with BPD 4 years ago. She was in crisis for 2 years. Luckily we have come through it and we are doing well with no hospital admissions for 2 years. 🤞
Dialectical behaviour therapy is what helped me, I was an inpatient for a year at a specialist unit. Their program was 2 rounds of dbt that lasted 6 months each. It has helped a lot. I still have bpd but it’s not at constant crisis like it was for about 2 years. E x
I was misdiagnosed as bipolar at first and given a ton of expensive antipsychotics and mood stabilizers which did nothing but make me fat and give me tardive diskonisia. I twitched uncontrollably. It sucked.
mental health and us 2020: Your wife is a very lucky woman; if you feel comfortable, can you tell me please, were you the one who noticed the problem & sought help for her? Or was it a health care professional? What kind of help did you guys get, & how did you afford it? I've known that I need help for 15 YEARS, but I can't find anything I can afford. What's worse than that is the fact that my husband, & every member of my family have all decided that I'm either just trying to get attention, or this is just how I am & nothing can be done about it. I've been doing my best to find help on my own, but I had such a serious mental break in 2009 that I don't have any clear memories for 2009 to 2015. They've all known I've been struggling so hard for so long and I just can't grasp how they can miss the fact that I've been in serious trouble for 15 years. Why in the world is it so hard for them to see that something is very wrong and I need help to get the help I need. They love me, but their only reaction to all this is to try to make me "stop feeling sorry for myself" and "think about all the good things in your life". I didn't mean for this to be so long - I'd just like to hear from a family member of someone with this issue - I really want to understand what's going on in THEIR heads - how can they ignore the level of suffering I've been in?
I have been diagnosed with BPD. BPD is so complex to talk about when you are not speaking to a person that also has it. More often the feelings are so overwhelming that you cant even describe what you are feeling, it can be a mix of so many different kinds of feelings. Anxiety mixed with anger and disgust just for an example, for me that has been how i’ve behaved in deep relationships with girlfriends, uncontrollable feelings that are so foggy and not logic at all, something gets triggered, a thought comes up, a fake scenario is made and last the fake scenario becomes a reality, not in the mind but in your feelings, fake shit can feel so real its absolutely fcked up. I guess its kind of a self-defense mech? Go through feelings before they happen or ever will happen? Although in the end of the day to make things easier you have to be in absolute self-control over your feelings, and also have done therapy to become aware of every aspect of behavior you have. You are not born with BPD, call it a personality disorder but to be honest its more of a in-learned behavior, I never asked for this but here I am, taking responsibility for my own healing even though I didnt cause it, thanks.
I recently got told by my Psychiatrist that she thinks I may have Bipolar disorder or BPD, and she asked me to research more about it to help me be able to know what I should look out for. I just finished researching about Bipolar disorder and I thought it was pretty close, but then I started researching about BPD and it hits right on the mark. So thank you for making these videos to help inform others, it helps so much! ❤
Because Bpd is a personality disorder not a mental illness so not treated by a lot of mental health professionals. Look for a DBT group in your area, this type of group therapy is very helpful. Look for Clinical Social workers who often work with personality disorders. Psychiatrists won't see you. Some psychologists will if they choose to work with PD
I understand the hell that is finding a mental health professional you can access, but if you have the means I highly recommend finding an LCSW near you. Clinical social workers are consistently the best counselors I’ve ever worked with when it comes to their knowledge of the disorder and the way they treat you like a real human being. There’s a level of empathy when working with LCSWs I don’t get from your run of the mill therapist.
i feel like i have bpd. im scared to talk to anyone about it. i don’t want to seem like i want attention but i’ve been thinking about it a lot and i think it might be the problem. im scared im going to ruin relationships if i don’t get help though:(
I have been there too. I was scared but then i couldn't control myself anymore and I talked with my parents. I cried a lot . They understood me . We went to a psychiatrist. And he gave me medicines. Don't be scared. Talk to your parents or go to a doctor. You're strong. Believe me. Because I'm someone like you. Don't wait until it get worse. You deserve to be happy. I love you ♡♡ . I can understand how you feel right now. You can do this. ( sorry for my bad English)
Hey, Emma, I think, and I'm not alone in this, that it is actually a characteristic of most human beings to need the attention (pretty often AND regularly) of the people we care about. Attention is not just something that kids ask for, either by "misbehavior" or rebellion - it is needed by people of ALL ages. The thing is, the way many people AND MOST Americans are raised is to believe that asking for what you need is somehow BAD. (It may be a "left-over" from our Puritanical roots, which originally came from our forebears in the New England region of the country and also around New York.) What I'm getting at here is that it ISN'T wrong or bad to need and/or to ask for attention. You can make this go more easily if you think in advance what your areas of worry or concern are AND what sort of attention is most likely to help you with them. Some people are a lot more willing to help a worried or concerned person when they have SOME IDEA (from you) of WHAT they will be asked to do to help. Now, all of this shouldn't be discouraging. It is really only to say that the ease with which you can ASK for help and the LIKELIHOOD that you'll find family members or friends (you know: whoever you ask) who are willing (i.e., not afraid) to talk with you to help you ARE BOTH INCREASED if you can spend some quiet time thinking about what exactly is bothering you and what you might need to open up to another person about your feelings. Don't despair, please, because in almost every case you WILL be able to find someone to talk with, either friend or family or a person in the counseling profession One last thing, Emma: You mentioned that you were scared you might ruin relationships because of your possible BPD. If you tell the people who are in these relationships with you that you are having some personal worries (tell as little or as much as you think is wise, but DO share something) and ask them remember this and "cut you a little slack," because you value your relationship with them and want to protect it from any misunderstandings. This should help, too, at this difficult time. Good luck to you, Emma, and good wishes from me to you. I have a feeling from your comment that you will be able to BEGIN to find what you need. It IS, after all, a continuous process for ALL OF US. keep safe and healthy, emma! kris k.
@@vishmifernando6816: I just wanted to say, Vishmi, that I really admire you. Your response to Emma was so loving and understanding, and you shared some of your experience with her, showing that relationships CAN remain positive and she CAN move forward toward feeling better Brava to you, Vishmi! p.s.: your English sounded very good, and well studied, to me. kris k.
I think so too myself, i'm terrified of telling my parents about it cause I knoe they'll take away things I cherish so much. I cry myself every night not knowing why, I want to reach out and get help but I can't..
You should do a "How to calm down when having a mental breakdown or Anxiety Attack" Edit:Why do I have so many likes when Im just trying to help myself....?
@@mandy5313 just wanna say that you're not alone in this; you'd be surprised how many people do understand and experience this. I know I'm just a stranger on the internet but I hope you get the help you need and find happiness. :)
To fellow BPD diagnosed folks: PLEASE READ As someone who is in therapy for bpd- lemme tell you, they key thing is that you start teaching yourself to notice your splitting. Talk to a friend. Talk to your parents if you can. Try relaxing yourself when you notice you're beeing triggered and if you're like me and have no control over yourself in these phases, say sorry to whoever you affected and explain the situation. If they are understanding, write a note and keep it with you stating "name of person=good friend" so everytime you start hating them, you can look at it as a reminder that they've treated you well and that they're there for you. If a friend labelles you as crazy, dump them. They're toxic and inconsiderate. Keep a note stating that, as a reminder that you do not love this person over the moon. Keep notes of things you enjoy and look at them once a month or so to remind yourself not to immediately drop skills etc. The key is, do not use borderline as an excuse to hurt others and try working on seeing certain patterns, then you'll learn to live with it(not really tho, but it'll help you keep track of shit that you wouldn't do on a normal day and thenyou can determine wether certain behaviours are borderline or a seperate problem) A thing that helps me is always saying sorry if I have been rude or mean or anythkng like that to a friend or family member. I know sometimes they won't accept your apology and this will hurt, but whatever you do, do not go to someone and say "hey yeah I dumped that latte all over you yesterday bc borderline told me to" rather say "hey yes, I am terribly sorry for dumping a latte on you, I've lost control in the situation and I am working on bettering myself, I hope you are considerate of my situation and if you want I can invite you on another latte as an apology" Bc blaming shit on ur borderline makes u sound like a cocky douchebag asshole, you may not be but consider it from a standpoint other than yours, noone without bpd will ever know HOW it feels, try to make it easier for them, then they'll be more considerate to you which in turn will make your life with it better too, bc u will feel less guilt. Also a bout the note thingie, this is actually good to keep track on relationships that have turned negative for you, or have improved greatly, so you can surround yourself with people who value you with all your scars and quirks and can also help you realise when something is not ok, so that you can furthr improve yourself and live a healthier lifestyle. If you feel like you are too out of control to fix it by yourself, I would S T R O N G L Y suggest a therapist, my therapist has helped me loads and if needed proper meds:-) Have a nice and safe day, i hope this rant actually helps someone, love to yall!!!
Thank you the advice with the notes sounds helpful until i get into the situation where i want to turn away from these people and ill just rip the paper apart thinking that i simply didnt know enough about them and was too naive. My bad perceptions always outweight my good perceptions of people and the world around me once i am there :/ but i am happy that it helps you and that it seems like you are on a good way of managing bpd
I cried reading this. I feel it’s been so hard since i was diagnosed as I’m starting to doubt everything and hate myself even more. Thank you. Thank you idk anything else to say aside from thank you
I've been diagnosed with BPD 3 separate times. It's so hard to live with this disorder. I constantly feel guilty and ashamed because I act and feel differently then other people my age. I feel every emotion in extremes and It's so exhausting... The other day I had a pretty bad episode where I got angry and screamed at my friends and told them to leave because I was feeling insecure and nervous. I immediately regretted it and wished I could take it back. That's only a small example of BPD for me. I didnt ask to be here. I didnt ask to be this messed up... drawing, painting, and poetry have helped me alot in coping with this disorder.
My girlfriend isn’t diagnosed with it but displays all of the symptoms of it. One minute she will be alright and I will do something dumb like yesterday we were going to go out to dinner and I had asked her if I could change the radio from aux to fm, I didn’t get a response because I guess she didn’t hear me and then went and did it anyways, after she realized that she went off on me about touching her shit and not having any respect for her or her belongings and how I’m an idiot and how is she supposed to deal with somebody this impulsive and dumb. I changed the radio back to aux almost immediately btw and it didn’t help at all because she wouldn’t let it go and the whole way to the restaurant and she threw a tantrum. We got to the restaurant and we’re sitting in the car not saying anything ( I haven’t said anything most of the ride because she was screaming about it the whole time so I was just looking out the window )and all of the sudden she puts her car in reverse and starts to drive back home. The whole way there telling me how dumb and saying how could I do such stupid shit and how I always do something everytime I get into her car and saying how is she supposed to be with someone like this. We then get home and she tells me to get out and I do then she drives off for an hour.I realize that these are little things and she just doesn’t understand that.
@@pastalavistar6262 You don’t deserve to be treated like that. She will never change and you’re only going to continue to get hurt. Relationships/friendships with those who have BPD that refuse to acknowledge their disorder and don’t take the initiative to seek help or are too stubborn to acknowledge that they need self improvement are always going to be toxic. Im certain your girlfriend never even apologised to you for her irrational reaction that day. People like her choose to turn a blind eye on the way they treat those that care about them and the affects that they cause. She will leave you mentally damaged if you continue to allow her in your life without her making the decision to accept that she needs to make change. The more of an empath that you are, the more pain she will cause you Nothing you try to do to protect your relationship will ever work. Apologising to her for something that you never did wrong in order to appease her and to prevent an argument will only feed her ego and will give her justification for her irrational behaviour towards you which will only lead to her continuing to treat you badly more often. On the other hand, if you attempt to defend yourself by telling her that you never did anything wrong, this will cause her to rage and will only escalate her behaviour, she’ll begin to say more hurtful things to you. She will go to any length to say or do something to get under your skin to cause you anguish and if you react to it (which she wants) this will give her more of a reason to see herself as the victim. A person with BPD who’s ignorant to their disorder will always manipulate the situation in order to make them out to be the victim under every circumstance. There is no winning no matter how much effort you put in to attempting to make the relationship work. The only thing you can do to protect your own mental health is to leave her. Otherwise, your relationship with her will make you miserable which nobody should feel like that. You deserve a lot better. One of the things that those with BPD fear the most is abandonment. Ironically, due to their actions with the way they choose to treat those that love them, they inevitably cause this fear to become a reality. So if you leave her I can guarantee that she will come begging for you back. Do not go back I personally will never allow myself to get into a relationship with someone that has BPD who refuses help. It’s not worth it. It’s been widely accepted by society to avoid relationships with narcissists, sociopaths etc. This should be no different when it comes to those with BPD (who choose to be ignorant to their disorder) as they can be equally as dangerous. I truly hope I’m wrong and that she does accept that she needs help so that she can learn to understand her disorder and make changes to the way she handles situations in the future. If she chooses to be ignorant then nothing you do will ever fix things. Sounds harsh but the only thing that you can do is to move yourself out of the situation and surround yourself with non toxic people. You will be a lot happier and life will be better. Once you realise your self worth, you’ll have the strength to leave her. The longer you leave it, the more difficult it will be for you to find that strength as she will slowly break you down
Please leave her asap. BPD wife totally DESTROYED my friend’s life. He suffering stayed with her for 25 yrs and now he wanna divorce her after years of suffering and abusive from her.
My heart really goes out to anyone with this disorder, it sounds exhausting and intense. I just wanna send some love your way, if you are going through this, man, you are dealing with things I can't even imagine. Society as a whole needs to be kinder to people with mental health conditions
That's really nice of you to say, thank you for that ^^ It is indeed very exhausting having that condition but there are also good sides to it! I actually couldn't picture my life without this disorder.
Do you realize how abuse ppl with bpd can be? They destroy people and break them down. Trauma being the cause doesnt excuse their actions. Yeah, theyre tired, but so is everyone who tries to care for them. I wonder how many people youve met with bpd. I know 5+ and they destroy their families (including my own).
@@becca652 chances are that I have met someone with DBD but it wasn't brought up. I also have previously worked within mental health for a few years. I supported people with schizophrenia, autism, and other conditions. I have seen people behave aggressively and violently because of their conditions and a lifetime of having to cope in a society that is ill equipped to understand how best to help them. Lucky, for me, I haven't personally experience it. My comment in no way tried to excuse poor behavior. I think it's a little sad that my comment that just tried to understand the complexity of an arguable, neurological disorder, upset you. I would never think to say family and friends aren't also affected. I just think that wouldn't it be better for the family/friends and the individual with the condition, if there was more awareness? Teaching people techniques to better handle the condition. That they are not alone. There are also so many people with this condition who are activity trying to seek help or completely unaware they even have it. I am so sorry that you have been one of those people negatively affected by someone with this condition. I can understand your anger. But, I stand by my first post, because it does sound like an extremely difficult condition to try to navigate. Saying that does not imply I disregard anyone else who is negatively affected by it too. I don't know what else to say, other then I genuinely am sorry you and others have experiences hardships because of this condition. I don't know you, but I hope you can find peace~
@phillip abney i don't know you but i still wouldn't call you a coward. There are times in our lives when waking up everyday is the triump. Celebrate what you have overcome, however small you may think they are. I hope you have a healthy support network and perhaps a mental health perfessional to help guide you. We all deserve to thrive, YOU deserve to thrive. Honestly my heart goes out to you. Your choice in words (onslaught) really hit me. I've dealt with depression in the past, and although, completely different, i remember a time where i saw nothing ahead of me but the same emptiness. It took time and training to work my way out of it. I hope this is possible for you, too. 💙
I been on the phone to a suicide prevention team for last hour they couldn’t fully evaluate me but said my symptoms thoughts and actions could be a mental health problem ptsd or personality disorder watched this video and I have every trait scrolled through comments and ur post brought me to tears and has made me realise there is loving people out there I send u my love bk and want u to know how much ur post means to me ❤. Thankyou
Can relate, head in the oven for most of my life. all i wanted in life is to just be left the fuck alone but drew the short straw and was born with overprotective parents and in Great Shitain where house prices are extremely high, Rents even higher and wages low for nearly everyone born after 1980. constantly mitering me about how i am only saying "leave me alone" because i want attention but house prices are so high in Great Shitstain and jobs so few and far apart(made worse by parents who showed up at work and gave me lots of bullshit whenever i did a little overtime) Childhood made worse by them personalty asking school to give extra support and tackle bullies that didn't exist, like they were on a crusade to make me not be left the fuck alone ever. When i was 12 was lectured on how never learned to ride a bicycle as if that's a personal failing despite the fact my parents didn't let me out the house alone until i was 16. now i feel guilty about being glad my mum cant bother me anymore since she died but sad i could never show her that i was able to leave England.
I am a self aware vulnerable narcissist, not saying you are a one but vulnerable narcs basically love the outside hate the core of themselves. Idk if I should have even brought this up though, but it might be worth looking into VN which is largely a disorder of self esteem regulation, and many VNs also fit criteria for borderline traits. You are not alone.
hello everyone. I'm 11 and suffer with bipolar ADHD and more. I want everyone to know that your not alone and that there is always someone who loves you. Keep going, life is short so make it as long as you can. Don't let mental illness pull you down! You can do it. You do matter. Have a good morning/afternoon/night everyone.
Haha that's ridiculous. Sometimes I really feel like they're at a loss with me. I think personality disorders just can't be helped. This is why I'd rather die.
I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar from the time I was 14 until I was 27, I got reevaluated at 27 and was diagnosed with BPD, CPTSD & anxiety/panic disorder. Honestly it has been so helpful for me having the correct diagnosis. I was treated with all sorts of Bipolar meds (anti psychotics and SSRIs) and nothing was working but when I finally got off the meds that weren"t working, some stability in my life and consistent therapy things got better so fast. I only take 1thing for my anxiety (not a benzo because benzos make my mood swings worse) and its been so much better this way. a big thing ive learned is people with BPD need stability to be able to thrive. Ive seen it in my personal experience and in the experience of friends with similar issues. I also want to mention that I am a recovering addict, which makes sense since I have BPD and we tend to engage in risky behavior, but since getting clean and staying cleaning and staying away from prescription medicine that doesnt work for me, my symptoms have become so much more managable. I dont have anger outburts nearly as much and the sadness isnt as bad. I felt hopeless growing up but today at 29 years old I can say there is hope and people like me can get better :D
I have BPD, I am an avid #MentalHealthAwareness advocate and spoken word performer, and I love this so much. I travel the country trying to bring that awareness on stages, in classrooms, hospitals, and on my UA-cam channel, so I get excited when I see other advocates.
@@Phoenix-cg3hq wdym "self-diagnosing" i didn't self diagnose anything and I do get help, please consider others before speaking or claiming absurd things.
@@Phoenix-cg3hq they didnt say anything like "I have bpd" they just said they thought all or some of these symptoms were normal things that happened to everybody
3:44 really got me. there's this girl and although do i genuinely like her, i feel on top of the world when she compliments me and consistently checks on me. but when she happens to start agitating me my brain goes "she's awful in every way possible. i don't like her anymore." and it continues. i'm not self-diagnosing but man it's super frustrating when i lash out at people only for the outburst to end and the guilt comes in
OMG I never felt so represented before. Sometimes I like someone (almost never) its like I love this person and the next day is NOPE I don't like it anymore and so on And if I can know how went the things with her?
I was diagnosed with BPD. Never even had heard if it. Was angered when I asked what pill to take to fix that and they said its a behavioral problem no pill can fix. I do not like being told I have a behavioral problem especially when I am not aggressive, abusive or acting out. I thought I was misdiagnosed even though the childhood trauma was spot on for it. But then I learned of two types “Classic BPD” and the less common “Quiet BPD” in the video I think you refer to it as Hidden. I am quiet bpd. Im not a danger to you, only myself. And I know right from wrong and avoid doing those things. Me being Asexual helps as I don’t have the romantic issues more people with my disorder have as I prefer to be single.
ignore the haters. never become one. love everyone and be good. I was once I hater. I hated myself and didn't know it. I was hurt. I hated what others did to me. and that I allowed them to do it. that i couldn't stand up for myself, and the bad things I did. I became aggressive and violent to defend myself. it truely is a deep wound to the real you.... as a kid. who didn't know his to express themselves or explain what happened to them.
@@jimmyfitsimmons9419 I know. I used to agree with you. I became tough, verbally I could shred anyone to their breaking point. I made people cry without even trying. I was confused as to why they cried. but dude. it eats you up inside. I was living powerful, indestructible. on top for 10+ years. but it made me focus on the bad things about life. I lost touch with myself. everyone. I eventually became evil and broke. i can't describe it to you... I wake up in fear every day. food is nothing. I stay online all the time now. trying to distract myself. I used to talk 8+ hours a day. learning videos 5+ hours. sculpt , videogames, art. nothing means anything to me anymore. who I was inside. who I was born as.. they soft guy who got beaten to be strong.. he died. and the tough me... that I built. died too. I know it's not fair. life is harsh. but I lost myself. gone. the most valuable thing you can own is your true identity. I know it sounds like some girly soft crap. but you can be strong and gentle. think about it... horses are. you don't have to be brutal. we lacked boundaries, self esteem, and a good father figure in my case. gotta look into some inner child therapy. work to become your true self again. I lost myself.. around... 8th grade was the reas change. but 2nd-3rd grade.. was when it started. you owe it to yourself to discover who you really are. the "find yourself " thing is actually true. nobody knows who they are! it's crazy! most never find out. I was too late. I wish I was you. you still have a chance. I'm 27 and gone. ruined. cause I wouldn't allow myself to be vulnerable. open up. be "weak". but only strong people can tell their painful stories and ask for help. maybe find a real therapist. someone you like. good gut feeling. and dig up the past. dude. I wish I would have before it was too late.
Thank you for this channel. I have BPD and was just recently diagnosed after a very near suicide attempt;(my 7th attempt). I just turned 39 and have suffered with this in silence since childhood. I had a very traumatic childhood. Thank you for showing the struggle with this and doing so with kindness and compassion.
Im 44 and tgo originally diagnosed in high school, when i was rediagnosed 10 or so years ago, it saved me. Its scary knowing somethings wrong but not knowing what or why.
I feel like another characteristic/trait of bpd that not a lot of people talk about enough is being overly sensitive (hypersensitive) as a kid I was always really sensitive about things, even if it wasn’t a big deal stated by everyone around me. I remember I’d often have angry outbursts or meltdowns when i wasn’t invited to play with my older sister and her friends, even if I never asked so they weren’t aware. When I got into my pre-teen years I tried to stop being as sensitive because most people in my life (i.e my parents) I used to feel always shamed me such as “stop being a snowflake” but that’s genuinely the way I used to process emotions. But since i saw it as weak I tried to stop. I became more conscious of myself, but it just gave me more anxiety about things like emotional processing. And now it gets the the point where affection is still a bit weird to me, like I can’t really reciprocate it. Only if I’m in a “manic” or “hypomania” state is when I’m more comfortable with signs of affection. As well as conflicting emotions and thoughts, I also remember as a child I’d yell at my parents to leave me alone, and then cry even harder at the fact no one checked up on me even after I just yelled the opposite. My sense of identity is really foggy because I have a really bad habit of basing myself off of other people’s opinions and validations. Which then manifested into me having really bad periods of body dysmorphia. And overthinking a lot, like feeling uncomfortable asking for help. Or suppressing my emotions because everytime I do, I’m seen as “argumentative” even though I’m just trying to process something. It also lead to a bad negative self voice as well. And it eventually leads to really bad meltdowns.
I suffer with PTSD and BPD and I think this video is a great way of showing people that do not understand the condition (and other mental disorders) how it manifests itself. Thank you for making this!
im diagnosed with bpd and honestly this video is so great and really helps remove the stigma around this disorder. i think anyone who also suffers from it should share this video with their friends and loved ones
I've been diagnosed with BPD for over decade now by multiple professionals. It's a horrible time, i hate the intense emotions and how i can be perceived. Sometimes i am mistaken for trying to emotionally manipulate people but my emotions are just really that intense and i'm genuinely that sad or hurt. I thankfully through a lot of therapy am able to express what is going on effectively or wait for the feeling to pass before I act. But i still have episodes that i can't control sometimes and i know they can be scary and frustrating for the people around me when i do lose control.
Every few months I start to think I might have this but my therapist doesn’t think so. For some reason though, I feel like she’s avoiding giving me a diagnosis.. is it possible for me to maybe email you to ask if the things I experience seem like BPD?
As someone who has BPD (mix of outward and hidden) this information is very true. Thank you for bringing awareness and making it sound not scary and that we are still good people and not evil.
Was diagnosed with MDD and BPD about 4 months ago. Can't afford counseling or psychiatric help due to not having health insurance. Got a large debt handed to me after a psych break and spent 36 hours in the goofey coupe. You hit the nail on the head with BPD. Best thing I can say to y'all that are suffering, focus on Knowing your emotions and make sure you're keeping yourselves grounded. Meditation helps a lot.
You wouldn't know you had bpd until you are an adult. By then you won't think it's nearly as cool when you have no friends and people can't stand to be around you.
I often yell at my parents or curse because of tiny things but I can't just "oh okay" I'm in Rage everyday and they have 2 deal with it but I'm so sorry 4 them
The intense mood swings are so real for me..I could go from being blinded by absolute rage or feeling like I'm spinning and sick with anxiety so quick. I cry when I'm angry, I people please all the time, and I'm terrified I'm not the person I think I am. I live in such a toxic household that no one understands, but I'm so glad videos like these help me understand myself.
@A Matt I really do think so honestly. I've never seen a family be as dysfunctional as mine for sure. It was difficult growing up and still is, but now I'm working on myself more than ever
If you suffer from BPD, do you identify with these? Can you help promote this video to spread more awareness on BPD if you feel we did a good job describing it.
Yes will do! Also love your vids! It's entertaining and helpful :)
@@piedondon8726 Thank you! :)
@@carpeteaterh Hello!
@@Psych2go didn't know that you would notice me but ok-
I’m afraid that my parents would just tell me that I’m being irrational. So I can never tell them about my mental problems.
same here
I feel you
yeah mine too
Well hope you get better! Remember we're on your side!
I feel that
Getting help is unfortunately more difficult than everyone seems to think it is.
Edit: I was not just specifically referring to getting help for BPD. It's hard to get help for EVERY mental illness.
I know right, I tried getting therapy once and I just couldn’t go. It was too much for me.
Yup. The system goes well this sounds like it would be hard to treat and require a specialist... DENIED! They might as well have told me to go off myself since apparently we’re just worthless garbage since we didn’t tell anyone that we were being sexually abused from forever, until they got caught grooming the next victim when we were starting to get close to puberty. Then couldn’t go trough with going to the police. Have you ever been brainwashed to the point where you don’t even know if reality is real or not? Where it’s all too much and you aren’t you anymore, you’re fragmented now? Then you’d understand. I want to die, unfortunately the other don’t agree and still think there’s still hope. Tick tock tick tock, counting time until the inevitable death.
Getting therapy is practically useless at times for me and only scratches the surface because I consciously and unconsciously deny myself of my problems or minimize them to the point that I’m not really doing anything different than talking to someone I trust about a few basic problems I’ve faced throughout the week or smth.
•KemiEmi• The problem is trusting someone enough that you feel safe enough to talk about these things but then your brain is like “hey remember all those reasons why you have trust issues? Because I do and here’s the list!”
So how are you doing? Did anything happen?
Oh... well, there’s nothing special going on really... 😓 😬 I’m fine 🙂 just a few minor things really 🤔
Why's that?
It’s so sad when you can’t even talk about your problems to your parents bc their answer is always just don’t worry or just don’t be sad
exactly! When I try to politely explain it to them and ask for help they always say JUST DONT BE SAD
Like oh yes I totally chose to be sad.
@@kateissues my mom says “you have teen depression I have depression”
I got so mad
Is like teens can’t have depression that’s why I hide my opinions and feelings to myself
@@seeya3705 exactly then parents are like why do you hide things from me
I lost my younger brother, my only sibling to undiagnosed BPD this year. After losing him, it became like a mission of my life to find out what went wrong and that’s when I came across something called BPD. When I learnt about the symptoms, I was devastated. Devastated because my brother exhibited all the said symptoms and yet we could not figure out what was happening to him.
Knowledge and awareness about different brain disorders should be made mandatory in schools so we do not lose our loved ones
I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family are able to find some comfort in your memories with him.
It would also help people understand us so we don’t have to burrow further and further away from people and isolate ourselves.
God be with you .
Sorry to hear that.
Do not blame yourself,he chose that ,but agree we should learn and know how to support our kids and our self some families are just hell or an ignorants I have depression non of my family's understanding me they think Im lying
I randomly found this channel and started watching it everyday
me too
Get ready to be awakened *-*
Same here, and started recommending it 2 close friends as well ❤️🙏🏽
This is about to be me
lol same
1- Mood swings
2- Low self-esteem
3- Internalised anger
4- Fear of rejection
5- Unstable relationships
6- Impulsive decisions
7- Disassociation
Unfortunately I have EUPD and bipolar. Confused!! I just don’t know who I am the more I try to understand myself the more confused I get. I don’t know which bits or the bipolar and which or the EUPD. There used to be a tv series years ago called Soap, at the beginning they would give you the story so far and the narrator would say.......Confused?.....you soon will be.
@The Angry Introverted Scotsman okay so there are these inventions called commas and full stops
@The Angry Introverted Scotsman idk abt you but I couldn't read your first message even though I tried. I could not decipher that shit
@The Angry Introverted Scotsman ....I'm in College Preperatory English, I just wasnt trained to read jumbles of atrocious run on sentences. I have astigmatism, my eyes shake rapidly when I try to focus on garbage paragraphs like yours.
@The Angry Introverted Scotsman ok so commas aka *,* are put to separate one part from another. For example: _I like apples, carrots, youtube, and drawing._
Each sentence ends with a period aka *.*
For example: _I can cook meat balls._
And how you are to write it in a list thing: _A. I like apples. B. I like to read. C. I can cook_
And one last thing I'm going to tell you is parentheses aka *"("* and *")"*
These can be used in a sentence as: _I like to eat apples (with peanut butter or caramel), I like to watch youtube (mainly minecraft and among us), and I like to cook meat balls (sometimes with rice or spaghetti depends on my mood)._
Hope this helps!
1. Self hatred/Self harm
2. Difficulty regulating emotions
3. Internalized anger
4. Fear of rejection
5. Unstable relationships
6. Impulsive decisions
7. Dissociation
thank you so much i could not pay attention
Fear of rejection also includes fear of abandonment. A lot of people with BPD feel that immensely. My youngest son has the disorder.
You can correlate these symptoms to many other mental illnesses.
My mom has BPD and it was one of the reasons my parents fought and split pretty early.
I got over that at some point but I'm starting to think I might've inherited it but I'm scared to get diagnosed honestly
I wanted to get diagnosed for depression and anxiety before to get help but I learned how to deal with it better so I didn't go but I'm realizing some things now and I'm pretty sure it's more than that
@Nightfall Hey man! As someone who also has a BPD parent I can say that I also have and had bpd symptoms, just know that a lot of these are learned and CAN be reversed! It takes therapy but it can happen! :D good luck bruv!
Side note: If you're diagnosed with BPD remember, it is not your Moms fault nor your's or anybody else's it's a health condition just like cancer etc. Unconditional Love and Understanding is the best and only way to deal with things.
Also, instead of thinking of the Problem how about thinking of the Solutions! It is what one does with "challenging" news that really matters, whether there are bad days, good days always out-weigh bad one's, hands down!!
Stay strong & look after thy self, self-sooth and treat others the way you'd like to be treated. 🥰
Hey! My mom also has BPD. I got diagnosed with chronic depression and anxiety disorder and have some BPD traits too.
Don't be scared to be diagnosed. At least you already have the awareness! Which is the most important part in order to heal. Also, don't be scared of meds, I know they sound extreme but in my case, they have helped a lot and I feel so much better. I don't feel the internal void anymore.
Anyway, hope you find peace and healing in your own terms 🤍.
Its highly likely its childhood trauma from having a parent with bpd. Go seek help anyway. It's very common to have the same symptoms described in this video from being raised by a parent with bpd so don't be scared.
Yeah it's happend to me too, but my father had BPD, schizophrenia, and was a sociopath.
"get diagnosed by a mental health professional."
my family's financial status says no.
self diagnosis is perfectly ok as long as you do a bunch of research!
@@melissa.5020 cool but that ends with self diagnosis. still can't afford therapy and can't actually get the help that is needed :(
living in a country with good healthcare, this seems so wild, like;;; why the fuck should ppl go bankrupt because of their health?
therapy is literally as good as free for me
@@alexcantdrawhands9671 oh my friend. oh.
Mmm this is a big mood
“Trust yourself. You’ve survived a lot, and you’ll survive whatever is coming.”
― Robert Tew
Great quote!
Northern lights - Geez dude
One thing we won't survive and that's death.
I always blame myself, I cut off people, I am being rude, I feel like someone is controlling my brain. I don't wanna be rude. But I am
When I said I cut off people, I meant that I make them dislike me, and leave me.
You and me both 👊🏾
Me everytime. I feel like someone is controlling me and when I tried to stop it, it just makes it worse.
Same... And when they still like me I can't believe it. So I try harder to push them away 👍
me to
I really appreciated the ending part about how BPD affects everyone differently and not everyone has the same symptoms, all symptoms, or experience them in the same way/same amount of time/intensity as others. That's been one of the hardest things for me to come to terms with since my diagnosis. I keep comparing myself to others with BPD and I think to myself "Oh... I'm not 1:1 with this description/experience...I don't have this, my doctor is a quack and I'm just sensitive and need to get a grip."
So hearing that really made me feel validated. Thank you.
i think an amazing part of BPD is it’s correlation with sensitivity. it sucks that we as highly sensitive people self criticize the most while taking on the pain of the world, but an amazing part of it is having the resilience to still move forward.
us doubting the validity of our condition goes to show how invalidated we’ve been, but we are resilient ❤️
This plus my reoccurring thought that my issues shouldn’t be other people’s problems and their for I shouldn’t let them deal with them, really really puts me off getting checked for anything, I love being self aware.
My sister has BPD, and I’m here to help understand her disorder :)
Thankyou, from her, me and every other borderline who feels misunderstood by society xx❤️
I'm very proud of you even if I don't know you.
Free Palestine
Then you really are the best sibling ever.
Me : hey I’ve been worried about a lot of things and I-
Mom : just don’t worry
welp I GueSs it GoNe now ThaNKs MoM
Awww I’m sorry your parents cut you offf like that :(
Sync_Mxlly nah it’s fine
“I keep getting thoughts that people judge me no matter what I do, I’ve been so anxious. I hate it-“
Mom: Its your own fault, you chose to feel that way. 🧍♀️
gosh you have it same here
when a yt channel cares more about your mental well-being than your own family does
There's something incredibly wrong about that and needs to be fixed.
@@krecza Most of the families in the world also doesn't care about their kid's mental health, therefore since its the MOST of them, it is considered normal.
@@krecza my parents don't give 2 shits about my mental health... i've tried opening up to them about my anxiety last year (which i'm still struggling with). to summarize in a sentence, because if i explained everything we'd be here for days, my parents asked me why i was getting bad grades, and i said i have a lot of anxiety and i can't focus, and they said to get rid of it and i shouldn't have it, and they were still trying to figure out my problem with school when i handed my problem over to them. at this point i have more than anxiety, i just can't get professional help. so once i move out (i'm 16 right now) i'll get medical help asap.
I finally found a therapist who specializes in BPD. I’ve never been so relieved and felt more heard in my life.
I just friggin love how all the little characters have cute tiny plants on their heads :D
I think it is creepy.
@@sunnythehedgehog5026 LMAO
Yaaaaah fortnite someone said you never miss a shot prove it
One of my favorite things about this channel is the cute animation styles and the calming voice. Very soothing.
A quote I like:
Talk to yourself like somebody you love 💕
_but the thing is... I'm a circus-_
Thank you~
Pie Dondon a circus full of love
@@Psych2go I'm glad you notice your fans :)
@@spinning_jenny707 _a circus full of jokes_
“plz reach out to a professional” yeah sure first i have to convince my narcissistic parents they aren’t perfect and i’m not just looking for attention 🤪🥳
bruh im in the same situation. and my mom (the only one of my parents i live with) has the audacity to say that im mentally perfect and fine while shes the mentally broken one.
as soon as im 18 im gonna move out and instantly try at least to get mental help.
@@cataxy5697 same...but I only suffer with depression and anxiety...and the more I stay home the worse my mind gets
@@cataxy5697 same situation except my parents are in a on and off relationship and whenever I bring it up they’ll say that I’m happy and I’m not sad and I’m just looking for attention when it stresses me out so bad I pull out my hair I don’t even get sleep
Seek them out on your own, I'm in canada so it might be different but theres a variety of ways to seek out mental health. School wellness centers could be a good bet or a wellness center in general. A hospital could set you up as well. Which is what happened to me. I was severely depressed and suicidal and i got assigned to a therapist that assigned me to another one that treated me with cognitive behaviour therapy and it really helped. If you want to discuss further and need some direction to getting mental help leave a comment and I'll try to get back to you.
I cant talk to people because I'm afraid they'll think I'm looking for attention....or else I share to much
I was diagnosed with BPD. Years of therapy helped me notice when I'm over stimulated, or when I'm about to go into a depressive mood; which helps me prepare myself and my partner.
BPD is so hard to deal with
I can't bear to live with myself most of the times, I feel like I'm in a mental prison that I'll never be able to escape, I'm my worst enemy
I know how you feel 😏
Right there with you.
Yes it's a prison
Definitely with BPD. People misunderstand our intentions and it cages us from expressing our love right.
yep i feel you
This is awful, I don't even have friends anymore, I hardly talk to my parents and I start crying or getting angry about everything. I blame others but more on me. I don't feel like I can be happy in the future, I don't even see a future
You’ve got a friend in meee
there are a lot weirdest people in this f*cking world everybody in this f*cking world is weird at some points they can’t change them but i have beleive in my self that i could make myself good so don’t feel that you are alone👉✌️✌️
It's okay your gonna be okay. And even if your not it's fine. It's completely okay to not be okay. Even I think I might have thoses symptoms but I'm too scared to get help. If you can please do. And like you got a future. Everything will work out. And please dont worry, like I'm just a teen myself and I hope and pray your life gets easier. Sending lots of love dear stranger💗💗
I'm sad, alone and so tired of everything. i don't even know what i want, what my desired life even is. i dont have any plans or thoughts about me in the future and i dont know how to make things better
I can relate to you so well. Like I almost cried because of relatability.
“She is a beautiful piece of broken pottery, put back together by her own hands. And a critical world judges her cracks while missing the beauty of how she made herself whole again.”
--J.M. Storm
@@kittykatrat1474 I love this one.
grand theft auto series They are trying to make people feel better asshole
@@carnage2967 im curious how them responding would help anything. What exactly are they supposed to say to you? Aside from what's already been said.
Ahhhhh, Pinterest....
I was diagnosed with BPD a very long time ago, but drawing and writing keeps me calm. Thank you for spreading awareness on BPD. you are amazing : )
Okay, this says that you didn't have BPD in the first place.
May or may not have BPD
The list:
1. Self Hatred/Self Harm
2. Difficulty Regulating Emotions
3. Internalized Anger
4. Fear of Rejection
5. Unstable Relationships
6. Impulsive Decisions
7. Dissociation
I have some of them
@@reshmaadhikari131 fucking quick with the links !
I have all but 5
i have all 7 :(
me after watching this video: wtf i might have bpd.
my brain: nah its not that deep bro. ur being dramatic get over it.
@@saniajunaid8016 same
What’s tough about BPD to the outside world is these are symptoms everybody feels at some point or another. But the depth, the intensity, how much it controls your ability to function and have healthy relationships, is not something you could understand unless you have it. And this disconnect makes it so hard to be understood/to understand
Well said👌
Its also very often misdiagnosed or dismissed...
It's hard for the sufferer not understanding why they feel this way, and it's hard for the people who love the sufferer who don't understand why their loved one is on a hair trigger. The going to work image was really poignant to me. A cousin of mine can't work because of her social anxiety, but feels threatened when I am unavailable due to work. It's hard all around.
perfectly articulated!!
oh my god this. it makes me feel more crazy when i get this kind of response.
Honestly, I’m not one to self diagnose. But watching this makes a lot of sense to why I’m acting the way I am. Been struggling with major depression and anxiety for years. But lately I have been very angry with my family members even if it wasn’t even something to be angry about! Making Christmas cookies with my sister and I didn’t follow the directions the proper way. She told me I didn’t do it right and this sense of anger took over me. It was almost like I wasn’t in control of what I was saying. I was just… angry. Ended up destroying my room and punched holes in the wall. Felt a great sense of guilt afterwards. And felt that my family would be better off without me. I felt like 5 different emotions within a span of 10 minutes. I don’t want to be like this. I don’t know why I am like this. It hurts my loved ones. They just think I’m straight up mean. I know it’s something much deeper inside me. I just need help but can’t talk to anyone about it, because I hate opening up like that.
I hate seing people saying "i know" or "i hunderstand what u sufer" but here this time its me who say it because ye i'm also kinda like that
Can't be emotionaly stable and an danger to myself
But i can't do anything to me because if i bleed i start going crazy (hemophobic) do that's keep me from doing it
But ye all of that to say that i relate to what you say
Even more when its with depresion.. hunfortunatly
I get it, but we all need to talk it out. Trust me
@@nana8135 definitely. I was recently discharged from the hospital. I can say getting help changes a lot.
I just know smth wrong with me
But i dont think its smth like this
Im sure i can overcome it
Or atleast i hope.
> I felt like 5 different emotions within a span of 10 minutes
Literally same. Whenever I get stressed or something, it goes from feeling frustrated/irritable -> feeling sad -> feeling guilty/angry at myself -> feeling sad again all in such a short timespan. Though it's kind of surprising since I've never really considered myself the kind of person to get angry much, but I realized that's because I usually direct most of my anger and hatred towards myself. And that's prolly also why half the time I end up being toxic to other people without even realizing it because I tend to do things like withdraw and ghost when I'm upset, but I underestimate how that affects other people because I figure that no one will care yet I also want people to care.
Sorry for the rant, I just feel like ranting lol
1:21 1. Self Hatred/Self Harm
1:50 2. Difficulty Regulating Emotions
2:31 3. Internalized Anger
3:01 4. Fear of Rejection
3:27 5. Unstable Relationship
3:58 6. Impulsive Decisions
4:30 7. Disassociation
tysm :)
@Hopespeak4ever as calmly as you can, insist on getting an expert‘s opinion. You can tell her that if you (like she thinks) don‘t have these symptoms, she has nothing to worry about, and seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist will only confirm that and put your concerns at rest. Don‘t let too much time pass before seeking help. A similar thing happened to me with depression, and it hurt me tremendously. I grew up, left home, and sought help; I‘m doing better now. However, there was damage done that is very hard to correct and best avoided.
@Hopespeak4ever me too but Im getting a hint or an idea that Im maybe a narcissist.
@phillip abney I'm so sorry, I feel the same way, sometimes even to eradicate myself. However, I know I've learnt empathy, people are good too and sometimes just situations need ignorance. So we are all together in this. Let's learn more about ourselves, forgive ourselves and improve ourselves. I'm fighting BPD and depression right now. I'm with you busy. You're good, you matter and you're valuable. Even if you don't love yourself, everyone needs you, cause how you showed your struggle will help others to work on it in their own ways.
@@itsfroztiitoo I don't really like myself so probably not one of them.
I have diagnosed bpd and I think relationships are the hardest for me. Like, one day, I'll adore my partner. I would do anything for them and I never want to lose them. But then the next day, I hate them, even if they haven't done anything.
Before I was diagnosed, I would act on my hatred and just break up with the person. But now, I just know to wait it out until the feeling passes. It might sound easy, but its not. Hating someone for no reason and at the same time being aware that you hate someone for no reason makes me sick.
Anyways, Idk if anyone will see this, but if you do, I hope you have a great day ❤
i feel u cuz i experienced the same things as u . 😞
Learning to wait out the sudden mood/perception changes and actually "feel them out" is helpful for ANY mental/behavioral/mood disorder! Not just BPD so you're definitely not alone! 28 year old ADHD-er here.
this made me cry
does the hatred or disgust feealings pass?
Not in a romantic relationship, but I had a very intense crush on a friend for a little bit, like couldn't stop thinking and talking about them, and then a switch flipped and I loathed them. I don't really talk to them anymore either. My family was confused about how fast I went from obsessing over this person to not caring about them, actively disliking them and even avoiding them. Very confusing and disturbing to feel. I'm not diagnosed btw.
Me: "I guess I have BPD"
People: "So, go seek professional help."
Me: "I don't have any money for that."
People : "Go get a job."
Me: "No one wants to hire me because I have a disorder."
People: "So, go seek professional help."
World sucks dosent it
How do they know you have a disorder if you haven't been professionally diagnosed?
Which is why I will never go seek help for BPD, I am positive I have it, but if it got out that I did I would never be able to work in either of my professions.
I don't have money just becouse i'm teen. All what i can do is just sell berries. But people don't pay a lot
I saw this video like a month ago, ever since then ive told my therapist. We are currently in the process of a diagnosis, and ever since I've brought it up I feel like I can finally understand myself more. So thank you for this video
can i just ask ?were you diagnosed with BPD ?
happy for you!!
@@notdeadbuthappy5614 yes in the end i was!
How did you bring it up to your therapist? I don’t wanna sound like I’m self-diagnosing for attention or something but I feel like I can relate so much to the symptoms of bpd.
@@prostark8445, same here. I feel like this is exactly what I have. I've been diagnosed with PTSD but I feel like this is the most accurate description of my behavior, thoughts, and feelings.
To any teenager knowing they have some kind of mental issue but can’t talk about it because of the fear of being treated as an “edgy teen who fakes mental illness”
Please please please get help. I’ve struggled with my mental health since middle school, now I am 23 in college and it gets worse by the day. I regret not getting help earlier because I used to think it’d get better as I grew up, it’s just not the case. There are services online and especially if you are under health insurance, you can get help for free. Please get help so that you can enjoy your later years and develop healthy relationships. Please.
okay, i'm a pre-teen girl who shows symptoms of bpd, bipolar, depression, separation anxiety and normal anxiety. i know i at least have depression (50% sure about bipolar, my symptoms of it are the ones in depression + moods swings and easily irratatible) and separation anxiety, but i'm to scared to self diagnose. i'll talk to my doctor when i see her in december.
Good person to comment this for others.
no but how. how if no one believes u and u cant tell anyone.
my parents wouldn’t believe me, they don’t believe in mental health even though they know i struggle with self harm. i’ve been suspecting that i have bpd for a year now and i’m too scared to tell them, they think i’m crazy and i just want them to view me as a normal teenager. i don’t think my friends have noticed signs, if so they haven’t said anything to me about it. i want to get help but i can’t. i suspect i have bpd bc i did reasearch and i have almost all the symptoms. i also think i have ADHD, anxiety and depression.
Good advice! 💯💯💯 I spent most of my formative years wondering why I didn't think, feel or react how my peers did when in the same situations. My parents just didn't really care tbh, they viewed me as an "awkward, ungrateful and uncooperative little b***tard." (loving parental quote there!)
Eventually I got sick of having to always put on a front and feign being ok, I completely estranged myself from the whole lot of them, parents, siblings - everyone! Finally, I'm in therapy with a list of diagnoses as long as my arm, I'm 50 now so truthfully it really is too little too late for me. I created so much misery and destruction trying to not be "a f****ng nutcase" (another loving parental quote) and hid so much, that some ships really did sail long ago. I can never get those years back. Don't get me wrong, other people were not the reason for my mental health, nor were they to blame, but I really wish parents would take the mental wellbeing of their kids as seriously as physical wellbeing. MH is no joking matter, but I now realise my parents were more concerned with how THEY'D be viewed & judged as parents than they were with my awkwardness/ungratefulness blah blah blah!
If as a young person you feel you're not being taken seriously, seek basic counselling through school or college initially. Then go from there. Sometimes parents do NOT actually know best, but regardless, please please PLEASE do not ignore MH symptoms. You have a whole long life ahead of you and today is the 1st day of the rest of that life. Statistically 1 in 3 people will suffer from MH issues at some point in their life, that's a shed load of people!
Good luck and best wishes to everyone in this kind of predicament, seek help. You matter and you deserve to be happy.
(Sorry for the essay btw!)
As someone with ADHD can I just say I find your little animations extremely helpful for my concentration. Your voice is SO relaxing but if I was just hearing it alone I would either fall asleep or switch off because my brain gets so easily distracted. But your animations are so cute and friendly it makes me want to see the next one, but also helps me visualise what you're saying, as I'm a visual learner. It seems quite a lot of these symptoms cross over into ADHD as well.... but that last one is definitely something I go through but didn't realise the term for it. Looks like I need another trip to the doctor to further try to understand what's going on with me... Thanks so much for these videos, they are so well done!
How did you find out you had ADHD? Did you display signs that you researched before going to the doctor? Or did you just go to the doctor about your mental health? I’m really struggling because I don’t know what’s wrong with me and I’ve questioned if it was ADHD or BPD but I’ve yet to go to a doctor (of course I will but I need to know what signs I have first so that I can explain what’s going on). Do you think you could tell me what kind of signs you have so that I can establish if I identify with them? I completely understand if not, but thank you anyway :)
@@Elizabeth-vr8cb before I was diagnosed with BPD, I had to do an ADHD test. They ask you more specific questions about your work and concentration and things like that. BPD is actually rarer than people think. It only affects 1% of the population and if you’re under the age of 18 you’re unlikely to be diagnosed with BPD as your personality hasn’t set in yet. It’s a lifelong disorder but you can manage symptoms better. Unfortunately, I can’t afford therapy and medication is hard to get because (an actual doctors quote here) “you’re only a woman, it’s just your hormones”
@@milliejay1451 wow I had no idea it was that rare. I definitely wasn’t self diagnosing but I’ve gone through a lot of trauma and have had an ED since I was about 9 so I’m struggling a lot while in recovery etc anyway. I definitely think I need to look to seeing a doctor about depression/anxiety/other trauma related mental health problems, though I am worried about it because last time they just belittled me for being so young and in turn, made it worse, so I definitely understand your troubles with ignorant doctors.
How should I go about seeing a mental health professional? And will they eventually decide where my mental health is for themselves or will I have to try and explain what I think may be my problem? (Obviously I’m not a mental health professional so I don’t actually have any idea 😂)
@@Elizabeth-vr8cb Hello! I can recommend a channel called *How To ADHD* , there are SO many videos on there but there is definitely one in particular which outlines some of the tell tale signs of ADHD. Basically my husband was actually the one who noticed my behaviour and thought that was what I could have, then when I sent to a specialist it turned out I was a pretty textbook case. For me, my ADHD is hyperactive and inattentive combined. I'm incredibly easily distracted, hyperfocus only on things that interest me to the point where hours and hours can go by and I don't realise, but can't focus on something that doesn't give me any sort of dopamine... e.g mundane tasks, reading long paragraphs of texts (though funnily enough I can write them, but that's probably because my hyperactive brain is trying to spew out as much information as possible and doesn't QUITE know when to stop🤣🤣), watching something that isn't the most interesting. I struggle to process what's being said to me quickly, or what I've read. I often have to go over things again and again and even then it sometimes still doesn't sink in because my brain has already darted off onto something else. I am very easily overwhelmed by tasks, take on too much, have an acute inability to regulate my emotions... going from 0 to 100 real fast. I have a humongous issue with rejection of any kind, and have lost many friends because of these and more symptoms. It's been a constant struggle all my life, yet was only diagnosed 2 years ago. Another great channel is *ADHD Management*. Check both of those out. Even though I've laid out SOME of my symptoms, please don't compare yourself to me. See if you relate, yes, but get yourself checked by a professional. I really hope you find the help you need... it was a breath of fresh air getting diagnosed xxx
@@AyeshaShaSha I relate to these signs so much! It’s relief to know that I’m at least experiencing things that other people have to deal with as well 😅 thanks for recommending that channel, I’ll definitely check it out. I really want to get a diagnosis (even if it’s not ADHD) but I’m very nervous to even go to/be around doctors because of past experiences. The sooner the better though ig.
Did it take you long to get a diagnosis? And is there any kind of treatment or medication or anything? ( I know that I may not even have it but if I do, I’d like to know what to expect at the doctors) ty!! :D
I suffer from gad, (generalized anxiety disorder), severe to moderate depression, bipolar disorder, bpd and ptsd (diagnosed by a professional) I’m working my way up to a more physically and mentally healthy life. If I can do it you can too, we got this. Just a reminder for today is that I’m proud of you, grab a snack or meal, make sure to drink water and take care of yourself. You’re loved and you are enough, don’t let those thoughts convince you other wise. You got this.
I hope you heal soon. And tysm
I'm grateful I found this comment T-T
Whoa, we’re diagnoses twins! For real, I have the exact same: GAD, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, BPD, and PTSD... all of which were diagnosed by a professional. And I declare, like your lovely self, that if I can do it you can too xoxox
I’ve been dealing with clInically diagnosed BPD/Bipolar disorder for about a decade now. It took a long time with many different medicines, psychiatrists and therapists, hospitalizations, and growth opportunities to get where I am now. The best advice I can give is to be honest with yourself and others, acknowledge and express your emotions, find useful coping strategies and use them, don’t be afraid to ask for and receive help (you are not a burden), and schedule time for yourself. Also, realize that any medicine or care you get won’t “fix” your disorder or make it go away, only help lessen the symptoms, so it is not an end-all be-all. Keep fighting the good fight peeps
thanks for the advice
Me having BPD: **exists**
Parents: You're a teen. Wait until it's over...
I show every sign of having bpd and have been researching on it for a while, when I talked to my mom about the disorder she just yelled at me, told me I’m just a teen and that it’s a faze 😀🤚
that’s exactly what my psychiatrist said, i have every single sign and she says, i’m still a teen so therefore i don’t have it, and that if i did have it, i wouldn’t be able to tell i had it, like what??? like i get my psychiatrist is a professional but what the hell?
@@jackieapplegate940 omg what?? I’ll never understand people who say things like that, untreated bpd is terrible and can get worse the longer it stays that way. I’m sorry that happened :/
Ahh damn bro fvck same, like they'll say things "when your older" like okay bish who knows if i did tommorow when i can do it when I get older
BPD doesn't get diagnosed until you're 18 so your psychiatrist isn't wrong
At this point youtube is trying to tell me something.
same here but I have two things
Do you need help?
Right lol
FR it’s offensive
i just want somebody to talk to but my emotions change so much i don’t think a therapist would think there’s anything wrong with me.
if you feel like there’s something wrong, please go talk to a therapist! it’s your emotions, and you understand yourself better than anyone else! if you do think you have a disorder, then you probably do. the only way to find out for sure, though, is to talk to a professional! good luck, you can do this! if you ever need to talk to someone, ill be right here!! keep going!
Just because your emotions do not swing, does not mean something is "wrong" . Emotions are not 'right' or 'wrong' they just are. If you are struggling with relationships with others or feel 'disconnected' from your emotions, that is just as much of a reason to chat with someone as if you have emotions that roller-coaster. It helps just to talk it out with a neutral person who can help you gain perspective.
I feel the exact same way
This actually happened to me :( I have awful mood swings and coincidentally when I went into (most) of our sessions I was happy and wanted to talk about how amazing I felt in the moment! She never ASKED about things, so I never told her. My advice is: if you get a therapist tell them about your mood swings! Tell them anything they should know about!
I never told anyone bout my probs for 1 Year
Haha its gotten very bad now
Im gonna do that gain
This summer I was diagnosed with BPD after a major depressive episode. It was scary and almost bewildering to receive that diagnosis after being diagnosed with major depression for 7 years. Having this new diagnosis though makes a lot more sense and lead to my psychiatric team and I to find ways to help myself. So far, we are doing DBT therapy and we may delve into addressing trauma. It's nice to see a better portrayal of BPD compared to what I heard and learned prior to my diagnosis. I'm studying biology and psychology and I had a professor completely shit on people with BPD.
1:20 Self hatred/self harm
1:50 Difficulty regulating emotions
2:30 Internalized anger
3:02 Fear of rejection
3:27 Unstable relationships
4:00 Impulsive decisions
4:30 Disassociation
Watch full video for full info🙂
Nice nice nice
I can relate to a LOT of these except disassociation...
@@reshmaadhikari131 Delete this.
Thanks for putting this together! :)
*trying not to self-diagnose*
After watching the whole vid : _oh no why are all of these feels relatable_
Talk to somebody who can tell if u have it
@@claudiar972 Not everyone can speak to a therapist to diagnose them,,if your underage and parents don’t believe in mental illness,don’t have insurance and can’t afford it,etc.
Yeaah me too.
I never connected so much to other types of mental illnesses like to BPD, i know to speak with a Professional Doc makes it more safe, but its difficulty to open the fu*kin mouth...🙁
And like i'm introverted as hell
@@hbkoth819 same im pretty sure i have this and im very introverted
these symptoms r rly common things 4 ppl even without bpd pls dont self diagnose
26 yrs old , diagnosed with bpd this year , I always thought that these were normal feelings for everyone , I even was so sure that everone wanted to commit suicide once in a while
Little did I know
Hope you are okay
Im 18 and got diagnosed with 16... can relate what u wrote. Realised being suicidal isnt normal when i was 13 and thought few years im just depressed.
oh shit that isn't normal? i've been feeling that since i was 8
@@lynnxx1744 that's horrifying
no same i thought it was a normal thing
I have been researching bpd for the last year, because strongly suspect I have it, I experience all the symptoms, and I am suffering, and keeping it all in is killing me. I am now reaching out for help, and I am hoping to enter a diagnosis process with a licensed mental health professional, to find out what the hell is wrong with me, and how I can have a better quality of life in the future.
Hey, any updates? I think I'll reach out to someone too. I've been experiencing these things for as long as I remember and journalling made me realise that I don't think I'm entirely normal.
As a child I was always told I'm being irrational, overemotional, belittled, etc. It got to the point where I wasn't sure how much of what I was feeling is real
It still messes with me a lot
I'm very thankful to have a partner who loves me despite my issues. He is always considerate and helps me get through my episodes. I feel so lucky to have someone so understanding and kind
My wife is the same, I'm glad your partner loves you enough to help you through those episodes, they are difficult for all involved. Have a wonderful day
This makes me happy good luck to you both x
Cherish them
I’m glad that you do now, but you ok from that though?
@SmokeyJungleFrog Oh…I’m sorry to hear that, but you ok…?
I am afraid of going to a "professional" because every time I have tried they diagnose me with different things and can never seem to agree on what I actually have which makes me feel unhelpable..
I understand your frustration. You Are Helpable! Explain to whom you may see next how you feel. Explain it causes more harm to your well being to be diagnosed with anything right now. Its most important to sort your thoughts and feelings to feel balanced day to day. It's Okay to tell them you dont want to feel unhelpable and the diagnosing isn't helping! Stay Strong, You Got This!
@@user-oq9ks3hc3h wtf?
Hi :) I have created a page on Instagram to gather people's stories about their mental health in the hope it would help people feel more understood and not alone in feeling a certain way. I have literally just created it so I was wondering if you'd like to share your story anonymously. The name of the account is lifestories0250. You can send me a message there if you'd like to be part of it. Anyone else is welcome as well. Hope everything goes well with you and you have a good day!😊
um I have this and i am deperesed you see what I tried to say
Unfortunately BPD is very understudied and many professionals aren’t trained well in order to treat it. Tragic
I have BPD because of childhood trauma. These are all true. Now I'm stable for two years with the right treatment. Thank you for raising awareness
I'm so happy for you. That's wonderful.
That’s great! Do you have any tips?
@@JoyT01 the right meds and ECT
@@lindasmolansky9592 how did u get a treatment ? Nd does it work guaranteed or only for sum ppl?? Lmk nd thnxs fa lettin us know 🖤
@@Jamal_Jenius I was hospitalized for a year. They tried everything. Finally a genius doctor sent me to ECT. It changed my life
Y'all can think whatever you want of me but I find her voice so sweet and relaxing that sometimes I watch her videos to sleep 😭😭😭😭
One of my best friends has BPD and it used to be a very hard and challenging friendship throughout our youth becaus she wasn´t diagnosed with it. Her actions and reactions to me were often so irrational to me, it sometimes felt like being slapped right in the face for no reason at all. Nevertheless, we never let go of each other and when she finaly got diagnosed i almost cried because i finaly got an explanation for all those things that happened this whole time. She also apologised to me for the hurtful things, she did back then. We´re still friends until today, talk about her disorder very openly and are there for each other in difficult times.
Good for you, you trusted your heart
proud of you both
I wish I had a friend like you lol
Do you think your friend would have benefitted by being diagnosed earlier in life? Thanks for the comment
@@Testing-123 Definitely! I guess most People with any kind of mental illness or personality disorder would agree to that. Even with physical illnesses: once you know, whats "wrong" with you, you can start working on it. In the case of my friend, you can tell your friends and family what the reason for your behaviour was in all these years and relationships may start to heal. Naming a problem is the first step to start communicating about it properly.
"The purpose of this video is to create awareness, and should in no case be used to self-diagnose"
People: Nah
sometimes people don’t have the means to seek professional help so unfortunately self-diagnosing is their only option. As long as they do extensive research
@@amira-eg4qb yes at times self diagnosing is justified but its better to not take meds till your clinically diagnosed and i know thats not easy to do but its better than taking meds for an illness you might end up not having especially with illnesses that are easily misdiagnosed due to the similarities between the symptoms of the illness and other illnesses
@@ghost-zw8rj if people don’t have the means to get professionally diagnosed how would they manage to get medication...?
@@DexDex000 sometimes people buy medication after self diagnosing and take them despite not being professionally instructed to take them
I personally have been diagnosed w bpd and man all of these hit home your work is so important never stop please
P2G: "Don't use this video to self diagnose"
Me who's just watching to understand my friend with BPD better: 👍
Sounds like you're a great friend.
Oh my Gosh, I am so grateful for people like you!! I have BPD, I would love to have people try to understand what it is all about instead of saying the standard stuff like 'You're just so sensitive' or 'Why is everything over the top with you?'
I almost started to cry while watching this. I check 6/7 (I didn't have a girlfriend yet)
I'm using this to say I think I have it and not self diagnose for sure cause I dont have money to seek help from a professional, I'm a minor and I have family trauma and obv dont want my family to take me cause I hate them :(. But you really sound like a good friend. Your friend is lucky that they have you. I wish I had a friend like you.
@@tararosabelle7368 Hey, I hope you're well and will get the opportunity to get diagnosed some day! but pls keep in mind that BPD is a personality disorder and most psychiatrists won't diagnose minors with it. It's said the personality isn't fully developed until the age of 18-20.
I struggled with the symptoms since I can remember (even in my early childhood), mum went to 15+ psychiatrists with me since I was 6 (now 22), even had to stay at hospitals 4 times, before finally being diagnosed at the age of 18 in my final therapy. It can be a long way and most of the things to help you have to figure out yourself, because BPD is different from person to person. So I wish you that you don't have it, it's a pain in the ass most of the time...
I’m not diagnosed but I definitely relate to a lot of things in this video. Especially about the relationship aspect, literally no matter how good you’ve been to me at a certain point my mind will decide it doesn’t trust you and that I should distance myself from you. And it hurts cause I feel like I don’t love the person anymore even though at the same time I know I do.
Also with the thing where other people are able to function normally without getting upset when someone disagrees, I have a very hard time controlling those situations and often have breakdowns- so yeah like this perfectly describes me
You may have disorganised attachment style. What you have said about your relationship thoughts it is the same with disorganised attachment style. I suggest you to search on that topic too, to understand your problems.
Thanks for posting this comment. It describes me 100%. Also, I will look up the disorganized attachment disorder. Thanks for info, too.
Me too😢
Sucks to be you
The worst part is when you 'wake up' from the explosive anger, see what you did impulsively and think "i really wish not to be like this" it's very hurtful.
Edit: Love the comments, it's so good to feel like I'm not alone and that my struggles can be treated if i approach them correctly. Love you all, you're not alone 🖤
This happens a lot with my parents and I don’t want to be mean to them
@@Julia-yk6lj word 👊
@Rimsha Mohammed ...being aware and knowing the problem - watching videos to improve- brings you one step ahead on solving this. Am sure they don't hate you and the best c'd be to address your concern in a calm moment, so for you to find a solution together. Calming exercises are excellent. Try to find some breathing or calming meditation, it will do wonders. Wishing you VERY well.
Yup, most of my arguments are with my mum, now she thinks I hate her
For 7 years I thought I just had uncontrollable anxiety. So many doctors and so many medications to try and get a handle on it. However, after a few visits with a psychiatrist I was diagnosed with BPD. I had never even considered this. At first I was angry and rejected the diagnosis. However, over time I was able to accept the issues I have and am working with mental health therapists.
This video hits all the symptoms right on the nose.
Thank you for making this video
i really relate to this. im getting a psychological evaluation soon and im really nervous but idk why… im pretty sure its bpd but idk yet. how do you cope with having bpd? im literally barely a teenager and im really worried.
@@leeisoffline trust the therapy. It will take time but the payoff is worth it. Being a teenager isn't necessarily a bad thing! You will probably pick things up in therapy faster!
You can do it
I love how the professional has a whole tree on his head 😂😂😂😂
tree of knowledge
@@jungkookjeon-hj3bl Yus.
@@jungkookjeon-hj3bl yess
I didnt even notice! Lol. Maybe that means being rooted... im constantly in search of my roots😭
@@jungkookjeon-hj3bl Hello Army !! 💜
Me: mum I’m depressed I need help (meanwhile actually having bpd)
Mum: you’re possessed let’s pray
she might be right
@@notgonnalie1846 haha😐
@@notgonnalie1846 got the whole gang laughing 😐
@@notgonnalie1846 damn bro I ordered a laugh on amazon. the order got thrown in a lake during delivery😐
Did you get your depression diagonesd
I got diagnosed a few years ago, with social anxiety, depression and a personality disorder... the relationship one hit home hard as I've finally found someone that understands the impulsive and aggressive (stupid) things I do and we've slowly over the years found ways to get through these episodes... its not nice knowing someone or being someone who goes through this hut I'm happy that mental health is finally getting the respect and help that has been denied/overlooked for so many years.
I don't know how many people will actually see this comment but I'll write it anyway:
My own experiences:-
1-anger when someone walks away during a conversation/argument.
2-low self esteem and body dysmorphia
3-irrregular periods of sadness, anxiety and paranoia
4-thoughts of my own funeral or the deaths of people I love and blaming myself for not stopping it.
5-fear of failure/being a disappointment to people I know or even strangers.
6-always try to make everyone else happy even if it doesn't make me happy.
7-alcohlism or a look for an escape (this isn't much of an issue anymore)
8-internal voices and need to feel sad/upset (sad songs/movies)as it makes me feel normal and at peace with myself.
If you've made it this far I ti the comment thank you for taking the time too read it, if you too are going through the same issue please done hesitate to reply/message...you are strong and you can beat this...I am proud of you for waking up every morning,going to work, looking for work, having goals, trying to be happy, trying new things and most importantly I'm proud at the fact you are being yourself,you never need to change Yes we aren't perfect but wheres the fun in that...chin up and keep breathing 💞💞
Im guessing you are chick
Thank you for this. I don't have BPD, but my partner for the last 3 years does. It has been hard..... It's inspiring to see someone put in the work to find a balanced way to move through some very difficult things.
@@KingMinosxxvi no actually a guy😂😂
1, Not a grear personality trait but pretty norrmal
2. Given the current social media context par for the course.
3. Again pretty normal.
4. lot of people think of their own funeral (It's fun) don't be so self indulgent you turn it into a symptom of something
5. fear of failure and disapointing others (very common neurosis)
6. actually positive personality trait unless it builds resentment in you in which acknolwedge that and change or accept based on said resentment.
7. Alcoholism that isn't and issue anymore is NOT Alcoholism.
8. A Bit of melancholia in your cultural tastes
If you're not a chick you sound like one
be well and don't smell.
@@KingMinosxxvi wow mate you're mature, guessing you've been sheltered your whole life? You are a major issue with men talking about their issues!
I've lost parents and friends and have a friend who's recovering from suicide attempt (found by his parent) but if that sounds like a female then that's a very sad view of the world you have my friend, very very poor view and hopefully you will never have to face any issues cause by the sounds of it you won't handle much to anything in life... stay in your wee bubble and stop being so vile, sorry if I sound butt hurt but mental health is a major thing I try my best too support so in the nicest way bye and be quiet
I've been reading about psilocybin mushrooms and their potential for treating mental health disorders, has anyone tried to?
Yes! Psilocybin-assisted therapy helped me manage symptoms
Same here dwag I just felt conected to everyone and since my 1st trip i felt more entuned with what other feel and am able to expose more positive energy I did not know until I tried!
Hello! It appears I have interests, I want to get some.. where do you get from?
ᵒⁿ ᵗⁱᵏᵒᵏ ᵃⁿᵈ
I don’t wanna self-diagnose, but this sounds so much like my own experience.
I see. Thanks for sharing! How many of these signs did you resonate with?
Psych2Go Internalized symptoms that occasionally escape or produce a deep depressive state. Suicidal thoughts. Feeling like I’m a bad person despite striving to be the best I can be. Can’t hate others. Hate and blame myself instead. Deathly afraid of rejection as a teenager. People I considered friends all eventually leaving me because I crawl into my own hole. Binge eating. Awful dissociation. Rarely in tune with my body. Makes me wonder if I’ve developed BPD to cope with my childhood.
Psych2go I resonated with all 7 sings do you think I should find a specialist?
Psych2Go ?
@@wesleymartin1373 yes, you should
I either have this or some *really* bad anger swings, like, sometimes I have to lock myself in a room and sit there curled up and shaking from anger so I don't break anything or accidentally hurt myself.
Edit: thank you for the kind replies, I really appreciate all of you ❤️❤️
Music helps with my anger
yep its me tho i nearly cut myself bc im so angry with my lil bro and idk why i just lock myself in my room and crying for hours
Yeah...I already did hurt myself, it just made me angrier. I wanna go to the highest mountain and scream as loud as possible 👌
That actually sounds more like intermittent explosive behavior. My son suffers from it. It's hard to watch him.
Me: *has been curling up and shutting down to stop myself from hurting myself or breaking things my entire life*
“Today's tears water tomorrow's gardens.”
― Matshona Dhliwayo
😭😭 This is my new fav quote thanku♥️
Oh hello, i want to ask you something, is there a something that make you always make quotes like this? Just asking
"today's tears will be tomorrow's swimming pool"
-my soul
@@treznopresto4878 Sorry I couldn't get you. Could you elaborate?
BPD is no joke, I've been struggling with it for years so bad to the point where I'll literally beat myself to a bruised figure until my eyes swell shut. Alongside the other disorders this channel has helped me understand within myself, my heart goes out to those sharing the same boat, and those that are too afraid or ashamed to explain themselves, at risk of being unwanted or misunderstood.
Been there too, blue eye and swollen head. Never again. I want to learn and heal. For myself and my partner. I adore her.
Hey I’m proud of you for admitting this. I do this too. Feel like a dumbass after but also like I deserve to be all beat up after what I did. Lol. I get you
Same 🥺 I thought I was alone. I felt so weird, misunderstood etc and then I came to this comment section full of people that deal with the same things that I do. I feel so emotional right now. Wishing strength and love for everyone here 🖤
My wife was diagnosed with BPD 4 years ago. She was in crisis for 2 years. Luckily we have come through it and we are doing well with no hospital admissions for 2 years. 🤞
My therapist recommended dial ethical behavior therapy she says i have traits of bpd and should look into it. I don’t know but maybe it might help
Dialectical behaviour therapy is what helped me, I was an inpatient for a year at a specialist unit. Their program was 2 rounds of dbt that lasted 6 months each. It has helped a lot. I still have bpd but it’s not at constant crisis like it was for about 2 years. E x
I was misdiagnosed as bipolar at first and given a ton of expensive antipsychotics and mood stabilizers which did nothing but make me fat and give me tardive diskonisia. I twitched uncontrollably. It sucked.
You must be her favorite person
mental health and us 2020: Your wife is a very lucky woman; if you feel comfortable, can you tell me please, were you the one who noticed the problem & sought help for her? Or was it a health care professional? What kind of help did you guys get, & how did you afford it? I've known that I need help for 15 YEARS, but I can't find anything I can afford. What's worse than that is the fact that my husband, & every member of my family have all decided that I'm either just trying to get attention, or this is just how I am & nothing can be done about it. I've been doing my best to find help on my own, but I had such a serious mental break in 2009 that I don't have any clear memories for 2009 to 2015. They've all known I've been struggling so hard for so long and I just can't grasp how they can miss the fact that I've been in serious trouble for 15 years. Why in the world is it so hard for them to see that something is very wrong and I need help to get the help I need. They love me, but their only reaction to all this is to try to make me "stop feeling sorry for myself" and "think about all the good things in your life".
I didn't mean for this to be so long - I'd just like to hear from a family member of someone with this issue - I really want to understand what's going on in THEIR heads - how can they ignore the level of suffering I've been in?
I have been diagnosed with BPD. BPD is so complex to talk about when you are not speaking to a person that also has it. More often the feelings are so overwhelming that you cant even describe what you are feeling, it can be a mix of so many different kinds of feelings. Anxiety mixed with anger and disgust just for an example, for me that has been how i’ve behaved in deep relationships with girlfriends, uncontrollable feelings that are so foggy and not logic at all, something gets triggered, a thought comes up, a fake scenario is made and last the fake scenario becomes a reality, not in the mind but in your feelings, fake shit can feel so real its absolutely fcked up. I guess its kind of a self-defense mech? Go through feelings before they happen or ever will happen? Although in the end of the day to make things easier you have to be in absolute self-control over your feelings, and also have done therapy to become aware of every aspect of behavior you have. You are not born with BPD, call it a personality disorder but to be honest its more of a in-learned behavior, I never asked for this but here I am, taking responsibility for my own healing even though I didnt cause it, thanks.
Respect 💛
I recently got told by my Psychiatrist that she thinks I may have Bipolar disorder or BPD, and she asked me to research more about it to help me be able to know what I should look out for. I just finished researching about Bipolar disorder and I thought it was pretty close, but then I started researching about BPD and it hits right on the mark. So thank you for making these videos to help inform others, it helps so much! ❤
Diagnosed with BPD. It's really hard to get help, you need to find someone who specializes in BPD or they just don't know how to handle you
Because Bpd is a personality disorder not a mental illness so not treated by a lot of mental health professionals. Look for a DBT group in your area, this type of group therapy is very helpful. Look for Clinical Social workers who often work with personality disorders. Psychiatrists won't see you. Some psychologists will if they choose to work with PD
I understand the hell that is finding a mental health professional you can access, but if you have the means I highly recommend finding an LCSW near you. Clinical social workers are consistently the best counselors I’ve ever worked with when it comes to their knowledge of the disorder and the way they treat you like a real human being. There’s a level of empathy when working with LCSWs I don’t get from your run of the mill therapist.
Seven hidden signs of borderline personality disorder:
1. Self hatred/ low self esteem
2. Difficulty regulating emotions/ instability
3. Internalized anger (hidden)
4. Fear of rejection
5. Unstable relationships
6. Impulsive decisions/addiction
7. Disassociation
pls keep in mind these symptoms r common 4 ppl even without bpd
@Spleens The Cat no
@Spleens The Cat even if you have all of them, it doesn’t mean so. Reach for a professional to know. I hope you’re doing great
@Spleens The Cat No you have to have 5+ and be diagnosed by a professional lol
Yuhp. That's ME
i feel like i have bpd. im scared to talk to anyone about it. i don’t want to seem like i want attention but i’ve been thinking about it a lot and i think it might be the problem. im scared im going to ruin relationships if i don’t get help though:(
I have been there too. I was scared but then i couldn't control myself anymore and I talked with my parents. I cried a lot . They understood me . We went to a psychiatrist. And he gave me medicines. Don't be scared. Talk to your parents or go to a doctor. You're strong. Believe me. Because I'm someone like you. Don't wait until it get worse. You deserve to be happy. I love you ♡♡ . I can understand how you feel right now. You can do this. ( sorry for my bad English)
Hey, Emma, I think, and I'm not alone in this, that it is actually a characteristic of most human beings to need the attention (pretty often AND regularly) of the people we care about. Attention is not just something that kids ask for, either by "misbehavior" or rebellion - it is needed by people of ALL ages. The thing is, the way many people AND MOST Americans are raised is to believe that asking for what you need is somehow BAD. (It may be a "left-over" from our Puritanical roots, which originally came from our forebears in the New England region of the country and also around New York.)
What I'm getting at here is that it ISN'T wrong or bad to need and/or to ask for attention. You can make this go more easily if you think in advance what your areas of worry or concern are AND what sort of attention is most likely to help you with them. Some people are a lot more willing to help a worried or concerned person when they have SOME IDEA (from you) of WHAT they will be asked to do to help.
Now, all of this shouldn't be discouraging. It is really only to say that the ease with which you can ASK for help and the LIKELIHOOD that you'll find family members or friends (you know: whoever you ask) who are willing (i.e., not afraid) to talk with you to help you ARE BOTH INCREASED if you can spend some quiet time thinking about what exactly is bothering you and what you might need to open up to another person about your feelings.
Don't despair, please, because in almost every case you WILL be able to find someone to talk with, either friend or family or a person in the counseling profession
One last thing, Emma: You mentioned that you were scared you might ruin relationships because of your possible BPD. If you tell the people who are in these relationships with you that you are having some personal worries (tell as little or as much as you think is wise, but DO share something) and ask them remember this and "cut you a little slack," because you value your relationship with them and want to protect it from any misunderstandings. This should help, too, at this difficult time.
Good luck to you, Emma, and good wishes from me to you. I have a feeling from your comment that you will be able to BEGIN to find what you need. It IS, after all, a continuous process for ALL OF US.
keep safe and healthy, emma! kris k.
@@vishmifernando6816: I just wanted to say, Vishmi, that I really admire you. Your response to Emma was so loving and understanding, and you shared some of your experience with her, showing that relationships CAN remain positive and she CAN move forward toward feeling better
Brava to you, Vishmi!
p.s.: your English sounded very good, and well studied, to me.
kris k.
I think so too myself, i'm terrified of telling my parents about it cause I knoe they'll take away things I cherish so much. I cry myself every night not knowing why, I want to reach out and get help but I can't..
I felt the same way
I’ve been diagnosed with this and six other mental disorders and no one ever told me why. I think I understand it better now. Thank you.
You should do a "How to calm down when having a mental breakdown or Anxiety Attack"
Edit:Why do I have so many likes when Im just trying to help myself....?
We can keep that topic on our list! :)
MilkyMeGacha I really need help with anxiety attacks. I have them often and they are horrible and it always comes out in anger. People don’t get me.
@@mandy5313 Same for me I just rage and gets a hard time relaxing It would take a day for me to calm down a bit
@@mandy5313 just wanna say that you're not alone in this; you'd be surprised how many people do understand and experience this. I know I'm just a stranger on the internet but I hope you get the help you need and find happiness. :)
Burtrum Stone Thank you so much for your kind words❤️
To fellow BPD diagnosed folks:
As someone who is in therapy for bpd- lemme tell you, they key thing is that you start teaching yourself to notice your splitting. Talk to a friend. Talk to your parents if you can. Try relaxing yourself when you notice you're beeing triggered and if you're like me and have no control over yourself in these phases, say sorry to whoever you affected and explain the situation. If they are understanding, write a note and keep it with you stating "name of person=good friend" so everytime you start hating them, you can look at it as a reminder that they've treated you well and that they're there for you. If a friend labelles you as crazy, dump them. They're toxic and inconsiderate. Keep a note stating that, as a reminder that you do not love this person over the moon. Keep notes of things you enjoy and look at them once a month or so to remind yourself not to immediately drop skills etc. The key is, do not use borderline as an excuse to hurt others and try working on seeing certain patterns, then you'll learn to live with it(not really tho, but it'll help you keep track of shit that you wouldn't do on a normal day and thenyou can determine wether certain behaviours are borderline or a seperate problem)
A thing that helps me is always saying sorry if I have been rude or mean or anythkng like that to a friend or family member. I know sometimes they won't accept your apology and this will hurt, but whatever you do, do not go to someone and say "hey yeah I dumped that latte all over you yesterday bc borderline told me to" rather say "hey yes, I am terribly sorry for dumping a latte on you, I've lost control in the situation and I am working on bettering myself, I hope you are considerate of my situation and if you want I can invite you on another latte as an apology"
Bc blaming shit on ur borderline makes u sound like a cocky douchebag asshole, you may not be but consider it from a standpoint other than yours, noone without bpd will ever know HOW it feels, try to make it easier for them, then they'll be more considerate to you which in turn will make your life with it better too, bc u will feel less guilt. Also a bout the note thingie, this is actually good to keep track on relationships that have turned negative for you, or have improved greatly, so you can surround yourself with people who value you with all your scars and quirks and can also help you realise when something is not ok, so that you can furthr improve yourself and live a healthier lifestyle.
If you feel like you are too out of control to fix it by yourself, I would S T R O N G L Y suggest a therapist, my therapist has helped me loads and if needed proper meds:-)
Have a nice and safe day, i hope this rant actually helps someone, love to yall!!!
Thank you the advice with the notes sounds helpful until i get into the situation where i want to turn away from these people and ill just rip the paper apart thinking that i simply didnt know enough about them and was too naive. My bad perceptions always outweight my good perceptions of people and the world around me once i am there :/ but i am happy that it helps you and that it seems like you are on a good way of managing bpd
@@lugo_7776 hahaha yeah I've been there :"-) but just always keep trying!
@@sophiaromanamanuela thank you
thank u!
I cried reading this. I feel it’s been so hard since i was diagnosed as I’m starting to doubt everything and hate myself even more. Thank you. Thank you idk anything else to say aside from thank you
I've been diagnosed with BPD 3 separate times. It's so hard to live with this disorder. I constantly feel guilty and ashamed because I act and feel differently then other people my age. I feel every emotion in extremes and It's so exhausting... The other day I had a pretty bad episode where I got angry and screamed at my friends and told them to leave because I was feeling insecure and nervous. I immediately regretted it and wished I could take it back. That's only a small example of BPD for me.
I didnt ask to be here. I didnt ask to be this messed up... drawing, painting, and poetry have helped me alot in coping with this disorder.
My girlfriend isn’t diagnosed with it but displays all of the symptoms of it. One minute she will be alright and I will do something dumb like yesterday we were going to go out to dinner and I had asked her if I could change the radio from aux to fm, I didn’t get a response because I guess she didn’t hear me and then went and did it anyways, after she realized that she went off on me about touching her shit and not having any respect for her or her belongings and how I’m an idiot and how is she supposed to deal with somebody this impulsive and dumb. I changed the radio back to aux almost immediately btw and it didn’t help at all because she wouldn’t let it go and the whole way to the restaurant and she threw a tantrum. We got to the restaurant and we’re sitting in the car not saying anything ( I haven’t said anything most of the ride because she was screaming about it the whole time so I was just looking out the window )and all of the sudden she puts her car in reverse and starts to drive back home. The whole way there telling me how dumb and saying how could I do such stupid shit and how I always do something everytime I get into her car and saying how is she supposed to be with someone like this. We then get home and she tells me to get out and I do then she drives off for an hour.I realize that these are little things and she just doesn’t understand that.
@@pastalavistar6262 You don’t deserve to be treated like that. She will never change and you’re only going to continue to get hurt. Relationships/friendships with those who have BPD that refuse to acknowledge their disorder and don’t take the initiative to seek help or are too stubborn to acknowledge that they need self improvement are always going to be toxic. Im certain your girlfriend never even apologised to you for her irrational reaction that day. People like her choose to turn a blind eye on the way they treat those that care about them and the affects that they cause. She will leave you mentally damaged if you continue to allow her in your life without her making the decision to accept that she needs to make change. The more of an empath that you are, the more pain she will cause you
Nothing you try to do to protect your relationship will ever work. Apologising to her for something that you never did wrong in order to appease her and to prevent an argument will only feed her ego and will give her justification for her irrational behaviour towards you which will only lead to her continuing to treat you badly more often. On the other hand, if you attempt to defend yourself by telling her that you never did anything wrong, this will cause her to rage and will only escalate her behaviour, she’ll begin to say more hurtful things to you. She will go to any length to say or do something to get under your skin to cause you anguish and if you react to it (which she wants) this will give her more of a reason to see herself as the victim. A person with BPD who’s ignorant to their disorder will always manipulate the situation in order to make them out to be the victim under every circumstance. There is no winning no matter how much effort you put in to attempting to make the relationship work. The only thing you can do to protect your own mental health is to leave her. Otherwise, your relationship with her will make you miserable which nobody should feel like that. You deserve a lot better.
One of the things that those with BPD fear the most is abandonment. Ironically, due to their actions with the way they choose to treat those that love them, they inevitably cause this fear to become a reality. So if you leave her I can guarantee that she will come begging for you back. Do not go back
I personally will never allow myself to get into a relationship with someone that has BPD who refuses help. It’s not worth it. It’s been widely accepted by society to avoid relationships with narcissists, sociopaths etc. This should be no different when it comes to those with BPD (who choose to be ignorant to their disorder) as they can be equally as dangerous.
I truly hope I’m wrong and that she does accept that she needs help so that she can learn to understand her disorder and make changes to the way she handles situations in the future. If she chooses to be ignorant then nothing you do will ever fix things. Sounds harsh but the only thing that you can do is to move yourself out of the situation and surround yourself with non toxic people. You will be a lot happier and life will be better. Once you realise your self worth, you’ll have the strength to leave her. The longer you leave it, the more difficult it will be for you to find that strength as she will slowly break you down
Please leave her asap. BPD wife totally DESTROYED my friend’s life. He suffering stayed with her for 25 yrs and now he wanna divorce her after years of suffering and abusive from her.
thank you I'll be sure to look into them painting and poetry ideas!🙏💖
3 times. What a waste of valuable resources. 1 diagnosis is enough
I love this channel. Could you do a video about skills for mental illnesses? Like the 6 habits to reduce stress and anxiety!
My heart really goes out to anyone with this disorder, it sounds exhausting and intense. I just wanna send some love your way, if you are going through this, man, you are dealing with things I can't even imagine. Society as a whole needs to be kinder to people with mental health conditions
That's really nice of you to say, thank you for that ^^ It is indeed very exhausting having that condition but there are also good sides to it! I actually couldn't picture my life without this disorder.
Do you realize how abuse ppl with bpd can be? They destroy people and break them down. Trauma being the cause doesnt excuse their actions. Yeah, theyre tired, but so is everyone who tries to care for them. I wonder how many people youve met with bpd. I know 5+ and they destroy their families (including my own).
@@becca652 chances are that I have met someone with DBD but it wasn't brought up. I also have previously worked within mental health for a few years. I supported people with schizophrenia, autism, and other conditions. I have seen people behave aggressively and violently because of their conditions and a lifetime of having to cope in a society that is ill equipped to understand how best to help them. Lucky, for me, I haven't personally experience it. My comment in no way tried to excuse poor behavior. I think it's a little sad that my comment that just tried to understand the complexity of an arguable, neurological disorder, upset you. I would never think to say family and friends aren't also affected. I just think that wouldn't it be better for the family/friends and the individual with the condition, if there was more awareness? Teaching people techniques to better handle the condition. That they are not alone. There are also so many people with this condition who are activity trying to seek help or completely unaware they even have it. I am so sorry that you have been one of those people negatively affected by someone with this condition. I can understand your anger. But, I stand by my first post, because it does sound like an extremely difficult condition to try to navigate. Saying that does not imply I disregard anyone else who is negatively affected by it too. I don't know what else to say, other then I genuinely am sorry you and others have experiences hardships because of this condition. I don't know you, but I hope you can find peace~
@phillip abney i don't know you but i still wouldn't call you a coward. There are times in our lives when waking up everyday is the triump. Celebrate what you have overcome, however small you may think they are. I hope you have a healthy support network and perhaps a mental health perfessional to help guide you. We all deserve to thrive, YOU deserve to thrive. Honestly my heart goes out to you. Your choice in words (onslaught) really hit me. I've dealt with depression in the past, and although, completely different, i remember a time where i saw nothing ahead of me but the same emptiness. It took time and training to work my way out of it. I hope this is possible for you, too. 💙
I been on the phone to a suicide prevention team for last hour they couldn’t fully evaluate me but said my symptoms thoughts and actions could be a mental health problem ptsd or personality disorder watched this video and I have every trait scrolled through comments and ur post brought me to tears and has made me realise there is loving people out there I send u my love bk and want u to know how much ur post means to me ❤. Thankyou
i love y’all spreading awareness on disorders that are demonized
Can relate, head in the oven for most of my life. all i wanted in life is to just be left the fuck alone but drew the short straw and was born with overprotective parents and in Great Shitain where house prices are extremely high, Rents even higher and wages low for nearly everyone born after 1980.
constantly mitering me about how i am only saying "leave me alone" because i want attention but house prices are so high in Great Shitstain and jobs so few and far apart(made worse by parents who showed up at work and gave me lots of bullshit whenever i did a little overtime)
Childhood made worse by them personalty asking school to give extra support and tackle bullies that didn't exist, like they were on a crusade to make me not be left the fuck alone ever.
When i was 12 was lectured on how never learned to ride a bicycle as if that's a personal failing despite the fact my parents didn't let me out the house alone until i was 16.
now i feel guilty about being glad my mum cant bother me anymore since she died but sad i could never show her that i was able to leave England.
I agree, however they should do more for NPD, ASPD, and HPD
I hope I’m not the only person who tells people “I love myself” but at the same time tells themselves they hate them
You're not alone ...
you're not :(
I don’t even say “I love myself” in general
No you're not. I can switch from adoring myself to fully hating myself in a heartbeat.
I am a self aware vulnerable narcissist, not saying you are a one but vulnerable narcs basically love the outside hate the core of themselves. Idk if I should have even brought this up though, but it might be worth looking into VN which is largely a disorder of self esteem regulation, and many VNs also fit criteria for borderline traits. You are not alone.
hello everyone. I'm 11 and suffer with bipolar ADHD and more. I want everyone to know that your not alone and that there is always someone who loves you. Keep going, life is short so make it as long as you can. Don't let mental illness pull you down! You can do it. You do matter. Have a good morning/afternoon/night everyone.
Thanks! I am 11 to and I think I am suffering from bpd so thank you for saying that! 😊
@capernacus2thomas882 of course
You helped me to find myself ❤️ love you
That's great to hear!
@@Psych2go 💓
You're lucky I just found yourself....
Wait I have a weird reply what the heck (I hate this autocorrect)
My psychiatrist said that I got “a little of everything” so that didn’t help lol
tf that seems pretty harmful to nonchalantly say to someone who's dealing w this stuff.. good luck with this eden m sorry
I am so sorry haha but this is hilarious
@@sayoma555 it's not rly lol
Why did they give such a vague diagnosis? Lol
Haha that's ridiculous. Sometimes I really feel like they're at a loss with me. I think personality disorders just can't be helped. This is why I'd rather die.
I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar from the time I was 14 until I was 27, I got reevaluated at 27 and was diagnosed with BPD, CPTSD & anxiety/panic disorder. Honestly it has been so helpful for me having the correct diagnosis. I was treated with all sorts of Bipolar meds (anti psychotics and SSRIs) and nothing was working but when I finally got off the meds that weren"t working, some stability in my life and consistent therapy things got better so fast. I only take 1thing for my anxiety (not a benzo because benzos make my mood swings worse) and its been so much better this way. a big thing ive learned is people with BPD need stability to be able to thrive. Ive seen it in my personal experience and in the experience of friends with similar issues. I also want to mention that I am a recovering addict, which makes sense since I have BPD and we tend to engage in risky behavior, but since getting clean and staying cleaning and staying away from prescription medicine that doesnt work for me, my symptoms have become so much more managable. I dont have anger outburts nearly as much and the sadness isnt as bad. I felt hopeless growing up but today at 29 years old I can say there is hope and people like me can get better :D
Thank you for this message Christi. I hope all is well.
Yes! Everything exactly me except for the addiction part!
I have BPD, I am an avid #MentalHealthAwareness advocate and spoken word performer, and I love this so much. I travel the country trying to bring that awareness on stages, in classrooms, hospitals, and on my UA-cam channel, so I get excited when I see other advocates.
me in the corner thinking that this was all normal: 😰
stop self diagnosing please, and get help if you need it :)
@@Phoenix-cg3hq wdym "self-diagnosing" i didn't self diagnose anything and I do get help, please consider others before speaking or claiming absurd things.
@@Phoenix-cg3hq they didnt say anything like "I have bpd" they just said they thought all or some of these symptoms were normal things that happened to everybody
@@Phoenix-cg3hq how are they self diagnosing?😂
@@hanaremn4193 they’re not. Phoenix is dumb
3:44 really got me. there's this girl and although do i genuinely like her, i feel on top of the world when she compliments me and consistently checks on me. but when she happens to start agitating me my brain goes "she's awful in every way possible. i don't like her anymore." and it continues.
i'm not self-diagnosing but man it's super frustrating when i lash out at people only for the outburst to end and the guilt comes in
Splitting is the term you’re looking for, research it in relation to bpd
OMG I never felt so represented before. Sometimes I like someone (almost never) its like I love this person and the next day is NOPE I don't like it anymore and so on
And if I can know how went the things with her?
Damn you know you’re messed up when you think “aww my illness only affects 1-3% of people I must be special after all”
no need to personally attack me lmao
lmao stop exposing me.
some people become their diagnosis. some embrace it to feel special. not a good idea.
this made me laugh out loud 💀
I was diagnosed with BPD. Never even had heard if it. Was angered when I asked what pill to take to fix that and they said its a behavioral problem no pill can fix. I do not like being told I have a behavioral problem especially when I am not aggressive, abusive or acting out. I thought I was misdiagnosed even though the childhood trauma was spot on for it.
But then I learned of two types “Classic BPD” and the less common “Quiet BPD” in the video I think you refer to it as Hidden. I am quiet bpd. Im not a danger to you, only myself. And I know right from wrong and avoid doing those things. Me being Asexual helps as I don’t have the romantic issues more people with my disorder have as I prefer to be single.
Every time I put on pysch2go I literally have to prepare my self to NOT cry
don't do that.
crying is the greatest!!!
keep doing it!
I stopped myself too long
and cant cry. then I Emotionally died.
ignore the haters.
never become one.
love everyone and be good.
I was once I hater. I hated myself and didn't know it. I was hurt. I hated what others did to me. and that I allowed them to do it. that i couldn't stand up for myself, and the bad things I did.
I became aggressive and violent to defend myself.
it truely is a deep wound to the real you.... as a kid. who didn't know his to express themselves or explain what happened to them.
@@VengefulPolititron if everyone is a horrible prick to me y can’t I be a prick to them
I know. I used to agree with you.
I became tough, verbally I could shred anyone to their breaking point. I made people cry without even trying. I was confused as to why they cried.
but dude. it eats you up inside.
I was living powerful, indestructible.
on top for 10+ years.
but it made me focus on the bad things about life. I lost touch with myself. everyone. I eventually became evil and broke.
i can't describe it to you... I wake up in fear every day. food is nothing. I stay online all the time now. trying to distract myself. I used to talk 8+ hours a day. learning videos 5+ hours.
sculpt , videogames, art.
nothing means anything to me anymore. who I was inside.
who I was born as.. they soft guy who got beaten to be strong..
he died. and the tough me... that I built. died too.
I know it's not fair. life is harsh.
but I lost myself. gone.
the most valuable thing you can own is your true identity. I know it sounds like some girly soft crap.
but you can be strong and gentle.
think about it... horses are.
you don't have to be brutal.
we lacked boundaries, self esteem, and a good father figure in my case.
gotta look into some inner child therapy. work to become your true self again. I lost myself.. around...
8th grade was the reas change.
but 2nd-3rd grade.. was when it started.
you owe it to yourself to discover who you really are.
the "find yourself " thing is actually true.
nobody knows who they are!
it's crazy! most never find out.
I was too late. I wish I was you.
you still have a chance.
I'm 27 and gone. ruined. cause I wouldn't allow myself to be vulnerable. open up. be "weak".
but only strong people can tell their painful stories and ask for help.
maybe find a real therapist. someone you like. good gut feeling.
and dig up the past. dude. I wish I would have before it was too late.
Thank you for this channel. I have BPD and was just recently diagnosed after a very near suicide attempt;(my 7th attempt). I just turned 39 and have suffered with this in silence since childhood. I had a very traumatic childhood. Thank you for showing the struggle with this and doing so with kindness and compassion.
Im 44 and tgo originally diagnosed in high school, when i was rediagnosed 10 or so years ago, it saved me. Its scary knowing somethings wrong but not knowing what or why.
Me: *trying to explain to my mom about how I can't control my emotions*
My mom: you just chose to be sad and chose to play the victim
My mom don't belive me if i tell her that I might have anxiety and tells me I just need friends
I’m sorry but I gotta say it, I hate my parents.
Man, gotta say, my mom didn't believe me until I began to take the kitchen knife to my chest at least 7 times during 2020, so I know it.
I think my dad is more understanding and he is always asking if I’m okay but I can never bring myself to tell him that I’m not okay
@@convolutedconvex same bruh, nothing to feel sorry about when your parents treat you like shit.
I feel like another characteristic/trait of bpd that not a lot of people talk about enough is being overly sensitive (hypersensitive) as a kid I was always really sensitive about things, even if it wasn’t a big deal stated by everyone around me. I remember I’d often have angry outbursts or meltdowns when i wasn’t invited to play with my older sister and her friends, even if I never asked so they weren’t aware. When I got into my pre-teen years I tried to stop being as sensitive because most people in my life (i.e my parents) I used to feel always shamed me such as “stop being a snowflake” but that’s genuinely the way I used to process emotions. But since i saw it as weak I tried to stop. I became more conscious of myself, but it just gave me more anxiety about things like emotional processing. And now it gets the the point where affection is still a bit weird to me, like I can’t really reciprocate it. Only if I’m in a “manic” or “hypomania” state is when I’m more comfortable with signs of affection. As well as conflicting emotions and thoughts, I also remember as a child I’d yell at my parents to leave me alone, and then cry even harder at the fact no one checked up on me even after I just yelled the opposite. My sense of identity is really foggy because I have a really bad habit of basing myself off of other people’s opinions and validations. Which then manifested into me having really bad periods of body dysmorphia. And overthinking a lot, like feeling uncomfortable asking for help. Or suppressing my emotions because everytime I do, I’m seen as “argumentative” even though I’m just trying to process something. It also lead to a bad negative self voice as well. And it eventually leads to really bad meltdowns.
I suffer with PTSD and BPD and I think this video is a great way of showing people that do not understand the condition (and other mental disorders) how it manifests itself. Thank you for making this!
im diagnosed with bpd and honestly this video is so great and really helps remove the stigma around this disorder. i think anyone who also suffers from it should share this video with their friends and loved ones
I've been diagnosed with BPD for over decade now by multiple professionals. It's a horrible time, i hate the intense emotions and how i can be perceived. Sometimes i am mistaken for trying to emotionally manipulate people but my emotions are just really that intense and i'm genuinely that sad or hurt. I thankfully through a lot of therapy am able to express what is going on effectively or wait for the feeling to pass before I act. But i still have episodes that i can't control sometimes and i know they can be scary and frustrating for the people around me when i do lose control.
It may be hard for you, keep going, I'm pretty sure you're a strong woman 👏💪😁
Every few months I start to think I might have this but my therapist doesn’t think so. For some reason though, I feel like she’s avoiding giving me a diagnosis.. is it possible for me to maybe email you to ask if the things I experience seem like BPD?
I watched this and have 6/7 signs so I got professional help to diagnose me and I have bpd,it's not nice and I wouldn't wish it on anyone
As someone who has BPD (mix of outward and hidden) this information is very true. Thank you for bringing awareness and making it sound not scary and that we are still good people and not evil.
Was diagnosed with MDD and BPD about 4 months ago. Can't afford counseling or psychiatric help due to not having health insurance. Got a large debt handed to me after a psych break and spent 36 hours in the goofey coupe. You hit the nail on the head with BPD. Best thing I can say to y'all that are suffering, focus on Knowing your emotions and make sure you're keeping yourselves grounded. Meditation helps a lot.
when your parents think it's just teenage hormones, but you can't control your emotions that change every 5 minutes
not necessarily a contradiction tho
You wouldn't know you had bpd until you are an adult. By then you won't think it's nearly as cool when you have no friends and people can't stand to be around you.
@@JohnSmith-wn4rt Actually, minors can be diagnosed with BPD. How do I know? I was one of them 😐
@@JohnSmith-wn4rt i don't think they were implying that BPD is cool.
I often yell at my parents or curse because of tiny things but I can't just "oh okay" I'm in Rage everyday and they have 2 deal with it but I'm so sorry 4 them
The intense mood swings are so real for me..I could go from being blinded by absolute rage or feeling like I'm spinning and sick with anxiety so quick. I cry when I'm angry, I people please all the time, and I'm terrified I'm not the person I think I am. I live in such a toxic household that no one understands, but I'm so glad videos like these help me understand myself.
Do you wonder if your toxic household created your BPD?
@A Matt I really do think so honestly. I've never seen a family be as dysfunctional as mine for sure. It was difficult growing up and still is, but now I'm working on myself more than ever
The feeling when the internet cares about your mental health than your family just really hits in a good way, love you all! ❤️