Top 10 Shocking Corporate Abuses

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @Duke00x
    @Duke00x 5 років тому +176

    Nestle also take huge amounts of lake/ground/river water from drought ridden areas (while paying ridiculously low prices for it on top of it).

    • @loraxdavewalters2696
      @loraxdavewalters2696 5 років тому +17

      Ring of Fire just did a news story about this. 40 years of stealing water in California on an expired permit. Governor Jerry Brown seems to be protecting the company. If it were legal to incite destroying their wells, I would do so. The recent report also told of Nestlé stealing water and buying out water sources all over the world. The CEO of Nestlé said "water is not a human right." What do you expect from the Nazi (your favorite) chocolate company?

    • @Ranger1PresentsVirtualRealms
      @Ranger1PresentsVirtualRealms 5 років тому +4

      Considering their track record, perhaps consider voting for different politicians instead of repeatedly doubling down. I must point out though, California is no longer in drought, so there is that.

    • @camelopardalis84
      @camelopardalis84 5 років тому +3

      That's not the worst thing they do ... I hate Nestle so much.

    • @donrobertson4940
      @donrobertson4940 5 років тому +8

      What the ceo of nestle actually said
      'The water you need for survival is a human right, and must be made available to everyone, wherever they are, even if they cannot afford to pay for it.
      'However I do also believe that water has a value. People using the water piped into their home to irrigate their lawn, or wash their car, should bear the cost of the infrastructure needed to supply it. '
      What gets quoted is a small part of an interview taken out of context by people who aren't being honest with you.

    • @uglyweirdo1389
      @uglyweirdo1389 5 років тому +3

      @@Ranger1PresentsVirtualRealms Drought as a result of precipitation is not the same as drought caused by lack of groundwater.
      The aquifers California relied on were created by geological conditions that no longer exist and cannot be replenished. The irresponsibility destructive practices of human beings have destroyed that part of the ecosystem. Those same practices deployed elsewhere in the name of creating an artificial environment suitable for life in California can only lead to the same result.
      There is no legislation or political platform that can undo the damage already done.

  • @jesswebb5261
    @jesswebb5261 5 років тому +93

    I think that what they did with the Epi Pens should be considered a criminal act. I wounder how many died in its wake.

    • @SarthorS
      @SarthorS 5 років тому +5

      Most likely no one outside of the US, since the rest of the world has some form of socialised medicine. Except for the third world countries who can't afford much of anything even if it's the government paying.

    • @harrkev
      @harrkev 5 років тому +13

      The CEO of Mylan (make of EpiPen) is the daughter of a DEMOCRATIC US Senator. FYI. The same ones saying we need socialism are the ones showing us how evil capitalism is. Oh, the irony.

    • @CarFreeSegnitz
      @CarFreeSegnitz 5 років тому +9

      DEMOCRATS don't want socialism. The entire American political system is a wholly owned subsidiary of American corporations. Banks and the healthcare system own the Democrats while oil, retail and big auto own the Republicans. Neither side have fought for the average American since Ronald Reagan.
      America is entering a full-on class war. It has been a brewing war since Reagan with union busting, tax cuts for the wealthy, massive budget deficits and grotesque military spending. And Clinton and Obama were willing combatants on the side of the wealthy. The 2008 recession was the most egregious abuse by bankers and justice has not been served... yet.

    • @ashleynoneofyobusiness1759
      @ashleynoneofyobusiness1759 5 років тому +1

      Lenard Segnitz socialism is the New Democratic platform. Those who are not extreme are ousted. There’s plenty of current examples of this.

    • @kimmyisgreen2929
      @kimmyisgreen2929 4 роки тому +2

      I’m thankful for government pharmacare, without it I couldn’t afford the medication I need to stay alive.

  • @markchip1
    @markchip1 5 років тому +388

    What are the odds that, despite paying millions in fines, not one single Bayer executive ever saw any jail time, despite committing murder!?!

    • @alisoncircus
      @alisoncircus 5 років тому +20

      Odds are expressed as a ratio of yes vs no. Given that this is a certainty, there are no odds possible. In fact, I doubt any executives lost their bonuses.

    • @alexmckercher3176
      @alexmckercher3176 5 років тому +12

      They probably still made a profit off of the decision.

    • @theultimatejoost
      @theultimatejoost 5 років тому +12

      I would guess its a 100% chance they had a great retirement..

    • @theultimatejoost
      @theultimatejoost 5 років тому +7

      @@killaken2000 technically it was IG Farben a company BAYER bought much later on..

    • @byronp2311
      @byronp2311 5 років тому +6

      @@killaken2000 You are close. Bayer was a part of IG Farben, a huge German chemical conglomerate. Some part of the IG did supply the Zyklon B. Part of IG Farben's punishment was that it was broken up into its components, such as Bayer and Agfa. Much like Ma Bell was broken up into baby Bells. And we all know how well THAT turned out.

  • @mrmike2119
    @mrmike2119 4 роки тому +22

    And corporate executives say, "I's nothing personal." If it impacts me, it's personal. BTW I always thought it odd how on Labor Day upper management gets a day off while in retail, service industry and other laborers still better show up for the day or else.

  • @Mimi-cq4bg
    @Mimi-cq4bg 5 років тому +51

    The supreme court has ruled that a corporation is a person. If they are, well, if I steal 500 dollars I ho to jail.
    They've stolen trillions.

    • @jessaguilar4747
      @jessaguilar4747 5 років тому +10

      It’s hard to throw the hand that feeds you into prison. The US government is full of politicians that have their very deep pockets lined with money from all of these companies. It’s shocking when you look at the donors for individual politicians. There is a DIRECT line from the policies they support to the Companies that are pushing said policies. It’s stunning!! Take Beto O’Rouke, he was anti oil, right up until he received a big fat check from an oil company, that changed his tune real quick. We need to over turn the citizens united SCOTUS decision. It made it legal to bribe politicians. Getting corporate money out of US politics would make a massive difference in our country.

    • @tomlawrence1335
      @tomlawrence1335 4 роки тому +2

      @@mwwhited they want to have an opinion they can take their business and money out of it then they can

    • @joselynmikolaczak6299
      @joselynmikolaczak6299 4 роки тому

      when Texas executes a corporation I'll except they are people

    • @danielcooke9974
      @danielcooke9974 4 роки тому

      This will be over ruled, if it can not be subject to law in the same way as a person. I corporation can not go to jail and a corporation can not do anything without others doing it. And paper and ideas can not be used as a excuse for a biological living person.

  • @CueTheTrumpets
    @CueTheTrumpets 5 років тому +1091

    The way he pronounces Nike bothers me on an internal level.

    • @songohan3321
      @songohan3321 5 років тому +88

      I was searching for this comment.

    • @thefinalword1980
      @thefinalword1980 5 років тому +40

      lol, that's how everyone in Britain pronounces it

    • @scar3fr3ak
      @scar3fr3ak 5 років тому +88

      Simon is saying it wrong; But I'm sure we commonly butcher British brand names, also.
      Still, every time he says it my brain explodes and my ears bleed.

    • @roamingmillennial2200
      @roamingmillennial2200 5 років тому +52

      @Steve Ostrowski but it's a name there is only one way to pronounce it.

    • @acetate909
      @acetate909 5 років тому +29

      Do you think that the ancient Greeks pronounced Nike the same way that a modern resident of America does? We are 100% pronouncing it wrong by your standard. Accents dictate pronunciation and there isn't a true standard that has any practical meaning. If you know what the person meant than that's the only thing that really matters. Everything else is just noise.

  • @hankw5086
    @hankw5086 5 років тому +35

    The U.S. has many state laws that prohibit overcharging for construction materials in disaster areas. How is grossly overcharging for a product needed for survival any better. LEGISLATORS, ACT NOW, PLEASE!

    • @nelsonricardo3729
      @nelsonricardo3729 5 років тому

      Hank W Supply and demand is a basic concept in economics.

    • @jaredhamon3411
      @jaredhamon3411 5 років тому

      Engineers would simply refuse to sell. Your death has no meaning.

    • @MH-Tesla
      @MH-Tesla 3 роки тому +1

      #5. You forgot that Epi calluded with congress, the federal government oversight and FDA to prevent competition in exchange for generous donations and jobs for family/ friends. So when they were hauled in front of congress they were being grilled by the people who they colluded with. EPI paid their "fine" and the FDA was pressured by the schools (who were now required to buy EPI pens) so there were two competing sources for congresional money and votes. The teachers union and the pharmaceutical company. And congress, who made it all possible, acts like they are outraged. Legislators are the PROBLEM not the solution. A true free market is the solution. Anti gouging laws only hurt the people they pretend to protect.

    • @prime77089
      @prime77089 3 роки тому

      Are you talking about the same legislators who’s pockets are lined with big pharma money?

  • @LunaHarp91
    @LunaHarp91 5 років тому +19

    With as much as clothes cost, you'd think they could actually pay the people making clothes. Smh.

  • @crackedlogic7125
    @crackedlogic7125 5 років тому +44

    Nestle - I'm not positive of the time frame - sent reps into Africa and convinced many many breast feeding mothers to switch to their formula. Telling the mothers it was better for baby. Then, they skipped town, leaving the mothers "dry", meaning no longer able to produce milk, and without the monetary means to purchase more formula.

    • @johnhardin4358
      @johnhardin4358 5 років тому +11

      There was a boycott against Nestle for a while because of this 3rd world formula effort. It was just a really inappropriate action. The people they were selling to had a common 3rd world problem.They lacked access to safe water sources. So they mixed this formula with tainted water, pretty dangerous for infants. I question the wisdom of the whole concept, except for women with dry glands. Breast feeding has some tricky social issues to contend with which women, to their credit , have tried to address, but it is an uphill battle. There is a lot of pretense and illusion in civilized life. We forget we are mammalian creatures and put up some kind of artificial front that fosters our illusions.

    • @CarFreeSegnitz
      @CarFreeSegnitz 5 років тому +14

      John Hardin ... the breast-feeding battle is an American phenomenon. Something like 5-10% of new mothers in the US breastfeed. In Northern Europe the figure is more like 80-90%. Parental leave has a lot to do with it. In the US women are lucky to get a six weeks leave after a new baby is born. Sweden and Norway grant a year or two parental leave that even extends to the father. I'm in Canada, I have a father-co-worker who is on six months paternal leave and his wife is also taking six months, their income is supplemented by employment insurance.
      Nature invented breastfeeding mammals because it results in clever offspring. Gestation is extended outside the womb. This is most pronounced in humans as babies are thoroughly dependent on its parents for at least 5-6 years. Ungulates are very different in their young being mobile within an hour or two of being born. Evolution has perfected nursing through more than 60 million years of trial and error.

    • @michaelharder9737
      @michaelharder9737 5 років тому +3

      @@CarFreeSegnitz I'm also Canadian, and to my chagrin, I am funding your co-worker's vacation.

    • @nanjappa42
      @nanjappa42 5 років тому +4

      This they did in South America also. Read the Book "How The Other Half Dies" by Susan George. (1976). Nestle is an old devil.

    • @Amccordford
      @Amccordford 5 років тому +2

      I think they still do this, to be honest, although I would love to be wrong about that! And because of the lack of access to safe water, they were usually pushing the pre-made stuff, I think, which is even more expensive! Overall, a huge disgrace!

  • @Hollylivengood
    @Hollylivengood 5 років тому +18

    Well, that explains why the chicken factory closes down three times a year for bacteria contamination.

    • @dannydaw59
      @dannydaw59 5 років тому +3

      Tyson has a big voluntary recall on it's Chicken strips right now. Great Value brand sold at Walmart is also part of that.

  • @phant0
    @phant0 5 років тому +41

    what shocks me is that human beings took those decisions and one of them will ever go to jail for it.

    • @CarFreeSegnitz
      @CarFreeSegnitz 5 років тому +5

      Corporate charters demand that executive officers be psychopaths. Executive officers can be legally brought to account for NOT doing the psychopathic thing.
      Governments need to grow a spine and revoke corporate charters when abuses come to light. Corporate capital punishment. No protection for investors. And criminal prosecution for executives caught in the act. Severe consequences would result in self-policing from within the executives and from shareholders who'd rather not lose all their money.

    • @doncarlin9081
      @doncarlin9081 5 років тому +2

      @@CarFreeSegnitz In some countries, that's already the law. No corporate shield for criminal wrongdoing.

    • @a64738
      @a64738 4 роки тому

      The world is run by power hungry psychopaths that should never been allowed to have any power at all...

  • @damenwhelan3236
    @damenwhelan3236 5 років тому +36

    Corporations should be considered people.
    Expendable and replaceable.

    • @droopmasterflex2822
      @droopmasterflex2822 3 роки тому

      It will be no profit to spare you,
      Nor will it be a lost to kill you... seems like big corporations

    • @larrytownley2231
      @larrytownley2231 3 роки тому

      And excuteable !!!

  • @jackwood8307
    @jackwood8307 5 років тому +67

    #8 Blood chocolate! As to Nike they paid michael Jordan more than everyone in the factory where they made the shoes he endorsed.

    • @damenwhelan3236
      @damenwhelan3236 5 років тому +4


    • @uglyweirdo1389
      @uglyweirdo1389 5 років тому +2

      They are also aware that marketing their most expensive products to the poorest demographics creates a black market that kills the children who buy them.

    • @jackwood8307
      @jackwood8307 5 років тому +1

      damen whelan/yes.

  • @wschnabel1987
    @wschnabel1987 5 років тому +11

    Here's a dishonorable one as well, Ford when they found out about the problem with the gas tank of the pinto, did a cost study, and found it would be CHEAPER to just pay the costs of funerals and lawsuits, then to actually fix the tanks.

    • @wschnabel1987
      @wschnabel1987 5 років тому +1

      - fair enough, was responding with what my parents knew as well, but ty for the correction on the study info.

  • @CrippledMerc
    @CrippledMerc 5 років тому +8

    Exxon: That memo is out of context!
    Exxon to itself: It’s so much worse than you think, please stop asking questions..

  • @cadburybunny
    @cadburybunny 5 років тому +2

    Basically once a company becomes a corporation it ceases to care about the well being of it's customers or employees ... ALL they care about is increasing their share price for the shareholders ... whom are usually the CEO and Board members.

  • @patrick8116
    @patrick8116 5 років тому +36

    You didn't mention the United fruit company in Honduras.

    • @lancecaldwell3874
      @lancecaldwell3874 4 роки тому +5

      Or Union Carbide (INDIA) , or Bayer (Thalidomide) . Thankyou for reminding me of that.

    • @skywindow6764
      @skywindow6764 3 роки тому +1

      @@lancecaldwell3874 and many thanks to you for reminding me thalidomide, was that Bayer too?

    • @lancecaldwell3874
      @lancecaldwell3874 3 роки тому

      @@skywindow6764 Yes. But the Germans found issues with it and ends use, for some reason Canada kept useing it. The Americans banned it as soon as thier results proved what the Germans findings. Hope this helps, take care!

  • @jewelh.2177
    @jewelh.2177 5 років тому +2

    I've worked at family dollar years ago. They had us working off the clock trying to get inventory done. Multiple times...

  • @Mountain_Man_
    @Mountain_Man_ 5 років тому +43

    Play a RPG:
    Your evil but your a healer
    Im the American healthcare system

  • @shaywhelan4354
    @shaywhelan4354 5 років тому +49

    Don't trust corporations noooo. They're big and profitable at the expense of many.😮

    • @harrkev
      @harrkev 5 років тому +1

      Capitalism is horrible. The only thing worse is everything else that we have ever tried.

    • @uglyweirdo1389
      @uglyweirdo1389 5 років тому +2

      @@harrkev *the genocides committed against everyone who tries something else.
      Fixed that for you.

  • @darreljones8645
    @darreljones8645 5 років тому +7

    It's been said that you cannot know things that your occupation requires you to ignore for the sake of profit.

  • @phant0mwolf421
    @phant0mwolf421 5 років тому +7

    14:00 another great excuse to use when someone gives me a surprised look when they discover I don't use social media like Facebook, or Twitter. I don't trust youtube either, but the content available makes a little lose of privacy, worth it.

  • @eddardstark5034
    @eddardstark5034 5 років тому +35

    Due to Simon's mispronunciation of "Nike" I am now convinced he is just Trolling us at this point.

    • @eddardstark5034
      @eddardstark5034 5 років тому +9

      @ well, here's the thing. It's an American Company, and the founder always pronounced it Nigh-Kee. So you can say that your country pronounces it one way and some other country pronounces it another, but at the end of the day if your not pronouncing it the way the founder does your just pronouncing it wrong. sorry.

    • @SarthorS
      @SarthorS 5 років тому +1

      damn amie-ricans :)

    • @216trixie
      @216trixie 5 років тому


    • @skankhunt_-42
      @skankhunt_-42 5 років тому

      @@eddardstark5034 when Americans pronounce nissan "nee-sahn" and not "niss-anne"

  • @MadamFoogie
    @MadamFoogie 5 років тому +13

    Holy hell!
    ~throws away bottle of Bayer aspirin~

    • @Zeldarw104
      @Zeldarw104 4 роки тому +2

      I buy generic problem solved!😳

  • @Doc_Tar
    @Doc_Tar 5 років тому +58

    I look forward to Top Ten Government Abuses.

    • @PatRiot-
      @PatRiot- 5 років тому +4

      Yes, please release a video with that title and topic.

    • @kcbh24
      @kcbh24 5 років тому +1

      You could probably name 10 on your own, right now. Damn shame.

    • @uglyweirdo1389
      @uglyweirdo1389 5 років тому +3

      Are you implying governments and corporations are separate entities?
      Gonna need to back that up with sources.

    • @CarFreeSegnitz
      @CarFreeSegnitz 5 років тому +1

      90% of media is about government abuses. Opposition parties are more than happy to bring to light all and every mole hill that could paint the party in power in a bad light.

    • @michaelharder9737
      @michaelharder9737 5 років тому

      @@CarFreeSegnitz Individuals and parties within government aren't the problem, its government itself.

  • @snippyJ
    @snippyJ 4 роки тому +2

    But wait a minute, I thought that Nike was such a fan favorite of the social justice Warrior Bunch. This is so ironic and so funny to me. LMAO

  • @christinabryant1899
    @christinabryant1899 5 років тому +31

    Hey Simon! Look into what Nestle is doing to The Great Lakes!!!

    • @Ranger1PresentsVirtualRealms
      @Ranger1PresentsVirtualRealms 5 років тому +2

      You do realize that the Great Lakes are either at or are almost at (depending on the lake) record high levels right?

    • @702cody
      @702cody 5 років тому +1

      Christina Bryant was not referring to Nestle as depleting the Great Lakes so much as she was pointing out the polluting of the lakes.

    • @christinabryant1899
      @christinabryant1899 5 років тому

      @@702cody nope, really wasn't. I can speak for myself.

    • @ginak5802
      @ginak5802 5 років тому +1

      Ikr. I live in Grand Rapids and everyone was up in arms about it. The problem isn't them depleting the Great Lakes so much as how they're going about it. They pollute and they take as much water as they want practically for free.

  • @AdamMansbridge
    @AdamMansbridge 4 роки тому +1

    My uncle was an oil industry chemist and told me and my siblings and cousins about global warming in the '80s. The companies certainly were aware back then

  • @thekeepers15
    @thekeepers15 5 років тому +11

    I haven’t been caught this off guard in a while, but giving out aids pills, dam . And I thought my grandma was greedy lol

    • @CarFreeSegnitz
      @CarFreeSegnitz 5 років тому

      AIDS pills: growing their customer base.

    • @ingriddubbel8468
      @ingriddubbel8468 5 років тому +1

      Damn not dam.
      A dam manipulates water flow.

    • @grannieannie1371
      @grannieannie1371 4 роки тому +1

      They weren't aids pills, they were a blood infusion which help people with heamophillia (whose blood doesn't clot) to not die. Its unconscionable either way.

  • @kevinwinstonshen
    @kevinwinstonshen 5 років тому +2

    The Phillip Morris "anti-smoking" ad showed the teenage boy being friend-zoned by his teenage girl love interest.

    • @loraxdavewalters2696
      @loraxdavewalters2696 5 років тому

      You would think that would be quite effective.

    • @goddessintriptych7046
      @goddessintriptych7046 5 років тому

      @@loraxdavewalters2696 Except teenagers are intelligent enough to understand that it's made up.

  • @ansismaleckis1296
    @ansismaleckis1296 5 років тому +31

    Where the Monsanto at?

    • @buckeyezak89
      @buckeyezak89 5 років тому +1

      Bought out by pharmaceutical giant, Bayer decades ago.

  • @BelthansMods
    @BelthansMods 5 років тому +2

    By definition, corporations ARE people. A corporation is a group of people (shareholders) who collectively own assets (facilities, equipment, intellectual property, and so on). When those shareholders put individuals in charge who are greedy, unethical, or downright corrupt, that's a failure of corporate governance, not an inherent problem with the concept of incorporation. Blaming "corporations" for evil acts disguises the true nature of the problem and makes it harder to fix. Evil INDIVIDUALS do evil things, whether they are in charge of corporations, governments, or religions.

    • @johnhardin4358
      @johnhardin4358 5 років тому

      The corporation as a device of organization needs questioning. As invented, it was never meant for private use. It was meant as a protection for public service agencies. It was captured by the legal profession and they went hog wild with it. Calling a corporation a person is typical of the adulteration of our laws in a la la land court system that is an offense to common sense. It is obviously utterly self serving and a perversion of our laws.

    • @BelthansMods
      @BelthansMods 5 років тому

      @@johnhardin4358HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it when uneducated people learn a few big words.

    • @johnhardin4358
      @johnhardin4358 5 років тому

      Depends on what you mean by education. Half the US public is functionally illiterate. While bovine teachers fatten at the public trough, literacy goes begging. LA is spending millions on homeless facilities. If their school system actually taught people to read the burden might be reduced.

    • @BelthansMods
      @BelthansMods 5 років тому

      @@johnhardin4358 Agreed. Receiving a diploma does not equal receiving an education.

    • @johnhardin4358
      @johnhardin4358 5 років тому

      Refer to other replies. Fasci: The double axe surrounded by tied on rods. Symbolic of Aesop's fable of the man who taught power to his sons. Hands them each a twig. Tells them to break it. It is done. Hands each a handful of twigs. Tells them to break it. Can't be done. In union strength. A house divided against itself cannot stand. The Fasci was carried by a servant through the streets ahead of a Roman official of stature. It was a symbol of office. Ceremonial, not offensive. Some US coins have them. Mussolini, a son of Italy. Famous for fascism. He defined it as economic interests running the country. Those who own rule. Money, the fine servant and dreadful master. Today, corporate rule. I am not sure what form that took in fascist Italy. Look around you. What rules? Welcome to the United Fascist States of America. Why do I say that? Because our laws, meant to protect the public, have been perverted to loot them. Globalism is conquest. Diversity is invasion. Importation of 10 million inbred Moslems is not exactly an improvement to anyone but the depraved. Figure 15% are active or passive jihadis. You just imported about a million terrorists in the middle of a so-called war on terror. Every conflict since the coup detat of 1963 has the hallmark of absurdity measured by the public benefit. However, they make perfect sense when seen as the goal of totalitarian rule of money. Roll that 1% on your tongue a little. Like the taste? You'll go far. How did Hillary Clinton get so far? Treating against the Logan Act with the Bilderbergers in a foreign country. Her votes were "counted" by machines built by George Soros. Wouldn't you know it, Soros bailed Trump out one time when his business failed. 2 steps forward, one step back. Where is the middle class center party? Divided between communists and fascists. No wonder they are going extinct. This would be a tough struggle if the people weren't brainwashed and stupified. Both Hitler and Stalin polluted drinking water with fluoride in their concentration camps. This was to save the teeth of enemies of the state, because they were so beloved of the Fearless Leader. Nanotech aluminum in chemtrails. Alzheimer's has been traced to aluminum toxicity in the brain. Nanotech crosses the blood brain barrier. Fluoride is synergistic to the process. Also crushes pituitary gland function. Barium is 100 times more toxic to the brain than lead. Chemtrail content. Lead colic ruined the Roman Empire. This is extemporaneous. You should see the research.

  • @miguelcastrokohler4834
    @miguelcastrokohler4834 5 років тому +8

    Foxconn is a subsidiary of Apple so Apple should be added to that bit. Also mention that no CEOs or other executives and owners have gone to prison or even charged with crimes in their home countries.

  • @24framedavinci39
    @24framedavinci39 5 років тому +4

    Hey Simon, nice troll mate. "Let's call this shoe brand by the way it should be pronounced and watch all these westerners blow a gasket." Well played.

  • @adoxartist1258
    @adoxartist1258 5 років тому +5

    Huh?? I don't know a single person who gets a warm fuzzy when thinking of a corporation.
    Oh yes they are deleting FB Messenger conversations. One of mine, which was extraordinarily important, was deleted. Fortunately, the person who discovered it let me know and we were able to get the information back - from other sources. Facebook sucks.

    • @randallpetroelje3913
      @randallpetroelje3913 3 роки тому

      Agreed. I don’t Facebook, Twitter,twater, instagram, etc.. Corporates that’s selling your information without your consent and knowledge is evil.

  • @hilarymol6607
    @hilarymol6607 3 роки тому

    I'm someone who has to carry an Epi-Pen with me at all times; I have a fatal allergy to mushrooms. When the price went from $50.00 to $600.00 per pen, I couldn't afford health insurance at the time and didn't qualify for government-assisted health care, either. I had to stop carrying one with me for more than two years, so I had to stop going to all restaurants, ordering the occasional pizza, buying anything from my grocery store's deli, and could no longer enjoy dinner at a friend's home because there was no way to 100% guarantee that every surface (and hand) was completely mushroom-free. I always wash every bit of produce thoroughly, so at least I didn't have to stop eating fresh food at home. I was so disgusted with Mylan for putting my life at risk - moreover, for making my life literally worthless - so their CEO could rake in a few million extra in her salary, and no doubt the execs also had stunning salaries and great benefits to boot.

  • @prepperjonpnw6482
    @prepperjonpnw6482 4 роки тому +10

    Your pronunciation of “Nike” is seriously funny lol. You must know that it’s actually pronounced with a long “E” not a silent “e” so you must be mispronouncing on purpose lol
    Try “Nikeeeeee” you might like it lol

  • @CrippledMerc
    @CrippledMerc 5 років тому +1

    People like the ones at Bayer are the kind that make me nervous about agreeing to emergency blood transfusions before surgery. I guess I’m lucky to live in the US where they’re *slightly* less likely to try to pull something like that.

  • @aprilkurtz1589
    @aprilkurtz1589 5 років тому +207

    Hey Simon, the man who founded Nike says it's pronounced Nikeee...or with a long "e" sound. Love your videos, though!

    • @Thuebner1104
      @Thuebner1104 5 років тому +22

      April Kurtz I've never NOT heard it pronounced "nye-key." Simon's the only person I've heard pronounce it that way.

    • @aprilkurtz1589
      @aprilkurtz1589 5 років тому +10

      @@Thuebner1104 Many Brits pronounce Nike incorrectly, just like many Americans pronounce Adidas incorrectly.

    • @finalfalcon7368
      @finalfalcon7368 5 років тому +11

      It is pronounced nike with a long ee. The word nike in Greek means victory. Athena nike (whom the parthenon was built to glorify) was the winged goddess of victory hence where nike gets its symbol .

    • @MarielaQue
      @MarielaQue 5 років тому +3

      Simon must be trolling us 🤣🤣🤣

    • @frenchjr25
      @frenchjr25 5 років тому +1

      Companies names are always pronounced they way they pronounce them. Nike with the long e is one example. Just like GIF is pronounced with a J, like the inventor pronounces it. The beauty of American English is that it includes many pronunciations from other languages. Like Taco with the Spanish "a".

  • @fortuneflux
    @fortuneflux 5 років тому +2

    You should make a video about top 10 time people's details got hacked by using public wifi and then put express VPN ad at end

  • @rinima858
    @rinima858 5 років тому +15

    "Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility." - Ambrose Bierce

    • @remalm3670
      @remalm3670 5 років тому +1

      ... I take it he never read Moral Sediments by Smith ... Oh, wait he was a progressive socialist ...

  • @spankrocketgaming294
    @spankrocketgaming294 5 років тому +2

    Munster Joinery should be in this list as well, their essentially running a concentration camp so band in fact that a worker commited suicide and the factory was still running as police and emergency staff were investigating!

  • @Gearheadgotajob
    @Gearheadgotajob 5 років тому +5

    A marriage made in ethical hell? How about Bayer combining with Monsanto?

    • @CarFreeSegnitz
      @CarFreeSegnitz 5 років тому +1

      Hmmmm, Monsanto poisons them and Bayer pretends to treat them. Milk people from both ends!

  • @aereilly5818
    @aereilly5818 5 років тому +1

    I have generic TEVA Epi-pens from CVS. They're $10 co-pay with my insurance. It's concerning that there's no expiration date on the pens themselves, only on the packaging.

  • @ronalddavies1091
    @ronalddavies1091 5 років тому +28

    But, but donnytinybrain & his administration say you don't need regulations on companies because they'll always do the correct & ethical thing.

    • @JEMurl
      @JEMurl 5 років тому


    • @mlfeathers7527
      @mlfeathers7527 5 років тому +9

      It is political when our government is enabling these corps in bad behavior.

    • @tamarasauls8855
      @tamarasauls8855 5 років тому +2

      These things were going on way before he was voted into office.

    • @gratefuldead4605
      @gratefuldead4605 5 років тому +1

      @ThatOneAsianBroChick The Trump derangement syndrome is strong with this one!

    • @caroljomartin3051
      @caroljomartin3051 5 років тому

      Yeah... obviously....

  • @verticalflats2816
    @verticalflats2816 5 років тому +2

    There is also the Pardue and Sheckler family creating oxycoton and the damages that has been done.

  • @amymandeville8342
    @amymandeville8342 5 років тому +41

    It's "Bay er" not "Buyer" . And I agree with some of the other commenters, you should definitely do a video on all the b.s. Facebook has pulled lately.

    • @mariagabriela_bia
      @mariagabriela_bia 5 років тому +6

      Amy Mandeville Buyer is the correct sound of the Bayer Pharmaceutical company as it is a German company and the consequent sound in their language.

    • @amymandeville8342
      @amymandeville8342 5 років тому +3

      I stand by my comment, having worked in the pharmaceutical industry.

    • @nora22000
      @nora22000 5 років тому

      @@amymandeville8342 Maybe we should worry about pronouncing their name as soon as they behave responsibly toward humans. Shut down Monsanto for starters.

    • @amymandeville8342
      @amymandeville8342 5 років тому +1

      @@nora22000 that I can agree with!

    •  5 років тому +2

      I've worked in healthcare for a long time. The Siemens engineers and Bayer representatives we had meetings with would pronounce it as 'buy-er' ... because that's how Germans pronounce the name of the German company. I recall in America all advertisements were pronounced 'bay-er' so as to not cause confusion amongst the masses.
      Before making a stupid and incorrect comment I suggest you look up the various German pronunciation videos for Bayer.

  • @nangma07
    @nangma07 5 років тому +1

    There is one thing that is kept very quiet, coffee companies make a big song and dance about paying better than others, they have the cheek to call it fair trade. What they don't tell you is coffee is cheap, it only goes up in price after it exported and it has been roasted and whatever else it is they do.

  • @krymsynrayne
    @krymsynrayne 5 років тому +34

    Simon you should do s video specifically about all the crap FaceBook has pulled...

    • @TheWolfsnack
      @TheWolfsnack 5 років тому +1

      he doesn't do them...he just reads them.....sometimes annoyingly

  • @Paul-sj5db
    @Paul-sj5db 5 років тому +1

    Not only are there no laws to stop pharma, there are laws that enable them. Patents and also loads of regulations that massively increase the cost of developing alternatives are what gives them the power.

  • @JuanPerez-il9ou
    @JuanPerez-il9ou 5 років тому +3

    Express VPN?? On this segment is so rich!!

  • @Nyeoom
    @Nyeoom 4 роки тому +1

    THIS IS SUCH AN IMPORTANT VIDEO! THANK YOU! Also, Jiffy Lube does the same thing Family Dollar does, sometimes having 3-4 "Managers" making less than they would if they were hourly with minimum wage(60hrs/wk minimum)! And also, not a big deal AT ALL, but Nike is pronounced "Nykey" in Beaverton/Portland, Oregon (their HQ location) Thank you and your whole team!

  • @freddie7354
    @freddie7354 5 років тому +4

    Monsanto didnt reach top 10? Im shocked.

  • @A1chem1stGaming
    @A1chem1stGaming 5 років тому +1

    Mylan's generic EpiPen is also the only A rated EpiPen generic meaning that's the only one insurance will cover, therefore Mylan is still making all the money.

  • @DarknetDude
    @DarknetDude 5 років тому +12

    Human morality?
    Ha! That's NO match for the almighty dollar!

  • @rikosaikawa9024
    @rikosaikawa9024 5 років тому +1

    I studied business in school and did paper after paper on shady businesses and I ended up becoming a nihilistic misanthrope

  • @karizmacharles4510
    @karizmacharles4510 5 років тому +8


    • @hiddenwoodsben
      @hiddenwoodsben 5 років тому

      erm, no. bayer is a german company. the way he pronounces it is simply correct. or would be, if he didn't have the proverbial bubblegum-R.

    • @donrobertson4940
      @donrobertson4940 5 років тому

      That's your biggest problem with the video?

    • @SarthorS
      @SarthorS 5 років тому

      Most Brits pronounce it the American way. Just as most Americans pronounce vehicle the correct way.

  • @tedski69
    @tedski69 4 роки тому

    I saw the program where the chairman of Nike was asked why they had no US employees making shoes. He said because Americans didn't want to make shoes. He was then asked if the TV program could find a number of Americans wanting to make shoes would he open a factory in the US? He said yes.
    The TV program came back to him with names of people wanting to make shoes, easily enough for a factory. His response?
    I'm not opening a factory because they don't want to make shoes, they just want a job!!!
    From that moment I refused to buy anything made by Nike!!!
    He couldn't give the honest answer which was child labour from abroad was cheaper!

  • @treblehead79
    @treblehead79 5 років тому +10

    32 degrees celcius is still 90 degrees fahrenheit. Jezzus.

    • @leviquigley9683
      @leviquigley9683 5 років тому +1

      American factors aren't any better. I used to work in one where it was not uncommon to have temperatures over 105°F

    • @kmjones5
      @kmjones5 5 років тому +1

      @@leviquigley9683 there's labor laws here against that. You should have reported them.

    • @beninwarrior4579
      @beninwarrior4579 5 років тому

      Its cambodia. Its like that outside all the tme mostly. They are use to it.

    • @goddessintriptych7046
      @goddessintriptych7046 5 років тому

      @@kmjones5 Yea, but that's also a problem with the system. We expect laborers to understand when they can and cannot report their company. There's no surprise-auditing of these mechanisms in the U.S. because "REGULATIONS GOVERNMENT WHARRBLGARRRBL"

    • @buddyclem7328
      @buddyclem7328 5 років тому

      @@leviquigley9683 That's right. I worked in a facility with no air conditioning and it was 108°F outside. My hands were sweaty, and I dropped a hot can of 7Up unloading a vending machine, and it went off like a bomb! To my knowledge no one reported that, or the 50°F in the shop all Winter long.

  • @joelspaulding5964
    @joelspaulding5964 5 років тому +1

    The actual amount of drug in the EpiPen is worth about 30 cents.
    A multi dose vial of epi and 100 syringes would run about $100 or less.
    For 100 doses.
    Of course expiration, administration issues exist but other options are out there.
    Nothing prohibits an MD from prescribing a vial of epi and syringes, so long as significant education and demonstration of patient competency exists.

  • @jeremyshaw7502
    @jeremyshaw7502 5 років тому +5

    I LOVE THIS SHOW! SIMON WHISTLER IS MY HERO! I wish he would do a collaboration with Thoughty2...

  • @kendralewellyn2654
    @kendralewellyn2654 5 років тому

    FYI, the "calling employees managers to save money and screw employees out of overtime" is not just common, it's pretty much a given in the retail industry. With experience from both the customer-facing side and the corporate offices, I can say that Family Dollar is not unique in the slightest. Whether it was Family Dollar or Dollar Tree, they also had problems with not giving employees adequate/legal breast-pumping time/places. Not to mention a few years back when we (in the U.S.) THOUGHT we might get new overtime laws, in which both my employer, friends' employers, and numerous others decided to just boot a bunch of people off of salary and made them hourly.
    And don't even get me started on the food industry and their negligence of employee's rights -- specifically those around lunch and/or short breaks. (Because at any place I ever worked, those weren't actually things. You'd better hope you work a 12 hour shift because that's the only time you MIGHT get 15 minutes in the back to shove crackers or other food into your mouth.)
    Soooooo, about them labor laws....

  • @lostbutfreesoul
    @lostbutfreesoul 5 років тому +4

    Remember, everyone....
    The Free Market can regulate itself.

    • @12many4you
      @12many4you 5 років тому +1

      Yes it can as soon as we find a way for politics to stop being part of the free market.
      If all of these people went to jail as they should have it would actually solve most of this.
      Thanks for playing

  • @lifewuzonceezr
    @lifewuzonceezr 5 років тому +1

    Wow! Nike...and I cannot watch any more! I need to watch here we go always reminds me why I love my UA-cam

  • @bubba6284
    @bubba6284 5 років тому +3

    The funniest part of this video is the comments.
    That's where all the Grammar Nazi's show up.

    • @lynnwest4307
      @lynnwest4307 5 років тому +1

      especially since they do not consider the fact that different accents different languages different cultures countries what have you can pronounce a word differently

    • @DanCooper404
      @DanCooper404 4 роки тому

      *Nazis. No apostrophe. You're welcome.

  • @natetheshocker7547
    @natetheshocker7547 5 років тому

    5:23 Nike HAHAHAHAHAHA Okay maybe it's not that funny, but I cracked a smile.

  • @Kerosene.Dreams
    @Kerosene.Dreams 5 років тому +2

    I don't by brand names to begin with but you know that even the cheap knock offs do this.

  • @dirdyoldfart2386
    @dirdyoldfart2386 5 років тому +2

    there should be proper labor unions in every business now if anything to put the fear into corporations everywhere

    • @jaredhamon3411
      @jaredhamon3411 5 років тому +1

      They will just invest in automation, much cheaper.

  • @jauncarlos1970
    @jauncarlos1970 4 роки тому +4

    I LOVE ALL the videos , but this guy freaks me out the way he pronounces a lot of things.
    not just this video

  • @Donkeyearsa
    @Donkeyearsa 5 років тому

    I have a really disgusting story for you.
    This happened about 7 years ago. I was driving a semi truck delivering large paper rolls to a company that makes card board boxes for fast food companies. I needed to do number 2 and wail I was sitting there doing my business six people came into the restroom to pee. Not a single one of them washed there hands before they left to go back to work. Since I was the only truck driver there it could only be their employees that did it.
    From that day on after I wash my hands in any restroom that is not my home I use ether a paper towel or if that is not avalable as they use hand blowers I use some TP to touch the bathroom door handle to leave the bathroom as I have no confandance that the last person to touch the door handle had washed their hands after doing what ever they where doing in the bathroom.

  • @MarielaQue
    @MarielaQue 5 років тому +3

    Am I the only one who sees the background in the video as being green?

  • @ernestbywater411
    @ernestbywater411 5 років тому +1

    Have you considered doing an episode about the shocking abuse of people by various government bureaucrats establishing rules and regulations that put people's lives at risk. An example is the various schools that passed Zero Tolerance Rules on ALL drugs on school grounds so any medicines had to be held by the school nurse, even Epi pens and similar emergency treatment drugs some children were directed to keep on them by their doctors.

  • @andrewvachon3195
    @andrewvachon3195 5 років тому +7

    This list could be comprised solely of the daily habits of Mark Zuckerberg.

  • @--enyo--
    @--enyo-- 4 роки тому +1

    Don’t Amazon treat their employees similarly to the Purdue etc ones here?

  • @blackwidow5228
    @blackwidow5228 5 років тому +8

    Simon, sweetie, I love you. But why you gotta pronounce everything so wrong? Why?

    • @Pissedoffdetective
      @Pissedoffdetective 4 роки тому

      He pronounces everything right actually. It's Americans who butcher English and pronounce it really badly.

    • @acespades8175
      @acespades8175 4 роки тому

      @@Pissedoffdetective yhea hes british so he speaks proper english and also at this moment im drunk

  • @ausbare140
    @ausbare140 5 років тому +1

    A fine is not the answer. Nothing will change until people at the top of a company get put in jail for crimes.

  • @BathroomCube
    @BathroomCube 5 років тому +6

    “Shocking” this is just capitalism babey!

  • @shellnet411
    @shellnet411 5 років тому +4

    Most of these big businesses you pronounced it wrong buy a lot and they’re easy to pronounce words even for a British people

  • @DaVeganZombie
    @DaVeganZombie 5 років тому +4

    You’re missing a syllable! ^^;

  • @FahqAll
    @FahqAll 5 років тому +2

    I worked at friendlys for 10 years and never was in trouble, i wasnt perfect, but when we got a new manager and i refused her affections she spread horrible rumors about me, tryed to get my girlfriend to break up with me and fired me after being there for 3 months.
    She was transferred from another store for doing the same thing to someone else, but dont worry she got to keep her job.

  • @EpilepticHouseplant
    @EpilepticHouseplant 5 років тому +4

    I should probably start saying Nike the way Simon does.

    • @Mustlovebooks15
      @Mustlovebooks15 5 років тому

      Jordan Shea you would be saying it wrong then.

    • @Mustlovebooks15
      @Mustlovebooks15 5 років тому +2

      - yet you would still be wrong. This is a company. It’s a name. There is a way to say it which is how the creator of the company says it. Doesn’t matter if the name originally came from the Greeks. It’s pronounced the way the creator wants it to be, which is nikeee

    • @EpilepticHouseplant
      @EpilepticHouseplant 5 років тому

      A joke is a joke.

  • @ryanfreeman7458
    @ryanfreeman7458 5 років тому +2

    I see, well thank you. I will keep that in mind for when I pronounce it the right way and am corrected.
    I'm Canadian by the way, but it's a north American thing to pronounce words the way they appear.

  • @216trixie
    @216trixie 5 років тому +4

    Blame oil companies because they knew about climate change?? For what?? How about every automobile, airplane, train and ship manufacturer in the world. ????? lololol

  • @FluffieXStarshine
    @FluffieXStarshine 5 років тому

    The Epi pen got me .... when my Dr first told me to start carrying them they were covered under the state insurance I was on as a student. so I just had to pay a $18 co pay. with the price hike it was $400 the next time I had to renew the prescription ... as they do expire. I walked around with an expired on for 2 years ... hoping if I did need it that it wouldn't be harmful if it was needed ...

  • @nicholasmackley8580
    @nicholasmackley8580 5 років тому +3

    Great video, but I wish you knew how to pronounce company names correctly.

  • @tjwilson1591
    @tjwilson1591 5 років тому

    This is a very HUGE problem in the US! Any attempts to make corporations responsible often fails. Very frustrating, most of their people are more concerned with making money over the safety or sanity of its customers!

  • @leebutters7137
    @leebutters7137 5 років тому +12

    This dude knows he is miss pronouncing Nike. Unless he has been living under a rock his whole life.

    • @tenshiangelina
      @tenshiangelina 5 років тому +3

      That is actually the correct pronunciation. When I studied Marketing, we saw that the right pronunciation is like "byke".

    • @LindysEpiphany
      @LindysEpiphany 5 років тому

      The Greek goddess Nike (ay) and the American shoe company Nike (ee) are NOT interchangeable! They are not the same thing, each have their own pronunciation.

  • @JezterApoc
    @JezterApoc 3 роки тому +1

    The irony that Nike picked Kapernick as a spokesman because he was "oppressed" getting millions to play a recreational game... and they still run sweatshops to this day *chef kiss* 👌

  • @todddougherty9492
    @todddougherty9492 5 років тому +4

    He’s British, not American. Bayer and Nike pronunciation are purely American. Give my man a break. Also, he’s learning Czech... what are you doing? I’m getting stoned n playing Nintendo... don’t judge.

    • @todddougherty9492
      @todddougherty9492 5 років тому

      I do find it funny as hell tho...

    • @PaulMeranda
      @PaulMeranda 5 років тому +1

      life is hard..

    • @SarthorS
      @SarthorS 5 років тому

      Most British people pronounce Nike the American way. We get Nike commercials here, and our news/business channels all pronounce it correctly.

  • @MH-Tesla
    @MH-Tesla 3 роки тому

    #5. You forgot that Epi calluded with congress, the federal government oversight and FDA to prevent competition in exchange for generous donations and jobs for family/ friends. So when they were hauled in front of congress they were being grilled by the people who they colluded with. EPI paid their "fine" and the FDA was pressured by the schools (who were now required to buy EPI pens) so there were two competing sources for congresional money and votes. The teachers union and the pharmaceutical company. And congress, who made it all possible, acts like they are outraged.

  • @lisamac1986
    @lisamac1986 5 років тому +6

    Does someone just come on here to dislike as soon as it’s uploaded?

  • @da-ghoul2332
    @da-ghoul2332 5 років тому +2

    Nik-e Nik-e u Crumpet eating tea drinking Union Jack waving so and so.
    Nothing but love from Detroit

  • @natetheshocker7547
    @natetheshocker7547 5 років тому +12

    If you keep up these mispronunciations of well known brands I'm going to start pronouncing your name Seemon.

    • @ConstantChaos1
      @ConstantChaos1 5 років тому +2

      He pronounced Nike correctly

    • @SPRUbique
      @SPRUbique 5 років тому +1

      Nate The Shocker
      He says Nike correctly. Just the same as you say mike or bike.
      It's not nikey, mikey or bikey

    • @hotaruishere2133
      @hotaruishere2133 4 роки тому

      it's Nike
      It's an American company, that's how it's pronounced here.

    • @ktlemongrass5129
      @ktlemongrass5129 4 роки тому

      SAiKA If that logic followed we wouldn’t call the country Spain, as the people that live there spell and pronounce it Espaina

  • @Jake-bt7ig
    @Jake-bt7ig 5 років тому +1

    Everyone who knew anything about the climate change studies inside the company should be charged with treason against humanity. Morality is everyone’s responsibility and individuals need to be held responsible. No more hiding behind “pressure from higher ups” or “crowd mentality”.

  • @vonries
    @vonries Рік тому +1

    This could work for a 2023 update. I'm sure there are more then 10 more new ones you could list by now.

  • @SerTasera
    @SerTasera 5 років тому

    The very first thing they taught us in business school was that a firm’s only responsibility was to its shareholders, which means doing your best to increase profits and stock value. The idea that we can just let corporations regulate themselves is laughable.

  • @justkittensbeingkittens5892
    @justkittensbeingkittens5892 5 років тому

    The worst part about the epi pens is that you can’t have an expired one at school. My allergies have never required an epipen but they are considered “severe anaphylaxis” so I need to have one. My family has money but we still have to buy a 2 pack every single year...

  • @markgolden1418
    @markgolden1418 5 років тому

    The thing about epinephrine is one or two isn't always enough. On a trip lead by professors at my college had to administer 8 EpiPens in order to keep the students throat from closing.

  • @kunochiturtledove8111
    @kunochiturtledove8111 3 роки тому

    At a Tyson plant (formerly called IBP ) in Dakota City Nebraska in the mid 1990's, they decided to automate part of the plant production. I worked as a general laborer helping build that. To this day, I have a very nasty scar on my arm that reminds me of how one robot can cause harm. Maybe when technology is more advanced, robots will be in control of what occurs from the kill floor to the final packaging, without humans getting hurt, or mistreated.