To this day I'm convinced that if Tywin was a good father to Tyrion and they got along and worked together they'd win and beat all their enemies by season 5.
If any of the major players in King's Landing actually worked alongside Tyrion, they'd have achieved all of their ambitions by season 4, and be halfway to ruling the whole world by season 5.
GRRM loves his self fulfilling prophecies. Tywins lifes work was to reverse the embarrassment brought to house Lannister by his father Tytos. He feared that Tryrion would continue that humiliation so he shunned and mistreated him all his life. That abuse turned Tyrion against his own house and lead to Tywins death and house Lannisters destruction.
I like how Olenna treated Tywin. She finds herself smarter than others. She doesn't believe in rumors and plays people, but then she faced Tywin. She saw on her own eyes that the rumors were true. He's as tough as people said. Tough, intelligent and hard to manipulate. She clearly didn't like Tywin but she found him worthy and gave him deserved respect.
Also the fact he can't pay attention to simple directions while he's at a disadvantage. "Say whore one more time..." 30 seconds later... "that whore --" THUNK.
Cuz the name lives on, we humans dont, ever wonder why achilles is taught in school? No one ever mentions his life before troy, wonder why? His legacy lived on but he didnt, for example love or hate him but the name trump will forever be ingrained in american history, names carry tremendous weight, one bad apple truly does spoil the bunch for if you can openly mock one, you can openly mock all of them, if we cared more about our family names then the world would be much better for it, shame seems to be a thing of the past except for the japs
Honestly, I think there was a part of him that deep down, did love his children. And there was a glimmer of the good, of the compassion we see his children express throughout the show. But said-glimmer was simply stamped out as Tywin allowed his resentment, hubris and ego to consume him. But in retrospect, there was also a part of Tywin within Tyrion, Jaime, and Cersei. That made made each of them at times, see the worst of the world, and overlook those who wanted to give them some sense of compassion. I know this may not apply too much in the case for Jaime and Tyrion as the two throughout the show are shown to deeply care for one another. But while THEIR relationship is touching, it really wasn't that interesting or packed with conflict in the show. Contrast their relationship with Tyrion and Cersei. They may loath and detest one another, but never underestimate each other's intellect and capabilities, even indulge in moments of sympathy. Showing that despite everything, they are family and that means something. As for Tyrion and Tywin, there may be contempt and animosity, but there is also respect. It really sucks that all the show has is Jaime and Tyrion love each other, and that's about it. I mean, while it is a breath of fresh air to see in a show filled with f**ked up family relations, consider how much different their relationship is in the books, especially when it's revealed that Jaime betrayed Tyrion when he confesses the "Tysha truth".
@@israelasiku3975 if u treat the starks (and daenerys) as the protaganists, then tywin is an antagonist. he isnt necessarily a villian, but hes definitely an antagonist
@@israelasiku3975 I don't really see it that way. His family is in power so he's doing his best to ensure it stays there in the future as well. Tywin is very house-centric, and they only became enemies with the Starks because Joffrey was dumb enough to have Ned executed.
So basically this actor rose his voice twice in the whole show, speaks within quite a restricted range and yet he is more intimidating and emanates much more than most vilains of recent movies combined. The "categorically" is a great line.
“The Lion doesn’t concern itself with the opinions of a sheep” is the most ironic thing Tywin has ever said. His obsession with legacy and the perception of his family are exactly what drive his decisions throughout the story and the treatment of his children, especially Tyrion.
I don't get how the other actors/actresses could shoot a scene with this man, if he shouted at me or looked at me with that expression on his face I would just start crying
"What did you call me once? A drunken little lust filled beast?" "More than once 😡" "Therrru hav it!" Lmao Every scene with Tywin is a great scene. Tyrion and Tywin together was epic. 1st and 3rd favorite characters.
My dad once told me when i was 18, if you smell your own shit for too long you'll roll over and croak. Never heard such a bizarre thing but it shook me a little.
The scene where Joffrey tells Tywin his father was winning the war while he was hiding under Casterly Rock was awesomely intense. I love Tywin's character.
@@letthemadnessspeakDo not continue to delude yourself into overestimating tywin's capacity and voracity of winning wars .The only reason why he won the war of the five kings was because of luck and that hia enemies were divided and as such much more easier to pick apart now .If he had faced robert ,ned and Jon arryn on his own without any legitimacy of the crown or other external allies other than the westerlands themselves like in the WO5K he would have been crushed and defeated . The only reason as to why robb was defeated was because of his inexperience and sheer bad luck giveb to him by martin himself .If Jon were to have been by his side they would have been an iconic duo like how robert and ned were each one complementing the other's skillset and lackings and also tywin and the lannisters would have been croushed right then and there at the battle of the green fork with Jon and Robb leading the two stark hosts .Whilst the show downpaly quote a bit off Jon's intelligence, he is first and foremost an equal of robb in battle and he is a far greater strategist than robb ever was and which the lack thereof of robb doomed his faith ,he is also a lot more politically savy ,Cunning and ruthless in the books and .He is more like his father rhaegar though a bit more honourable than the actual deal due to ned's influence no doubt.
I agree. We see the father he should have been to his children, but he was so wrapped up in the family name and legacy that they (Tywin included) were all cheated out of a relationship. I’m sure the death of his wife was a contributing factor in it all.
But the never closed the loop. I wanted to see the look on Tywin's face when he found out he had Arya Stark in his hands all that time. But it never happened. I think he would have had a rueful chuckle at his own expense at being outwitted by a 10 year old.
@@k.y3551 the respect is just in your head its just what u want to believe , he might appeared cordial to her but he is cordial to a lot of people beneath him who he see as useful (littlefinger , oberyn martell ,etc ) , to lord tywin everyone is a pawn that he move as he wish either just by words or by force (THREATS) in the case of lady ollena he made her fall to his will by force , just accept it and deal with it 😏🤣
Its the other way round. Olenna respected him, the only person that met the rumours of his viciousness as well as intelligence. Tywin on the other hand saw her as another powerful ally whenever it suits him. People like Tywin dont fathom respect. Theyre sociopaths. Olenna isnt. Part of the reason she killed Joffrey. Margaery can control Joff as needed but Olenna didnt have the heart of letting her grandaughter mary a psycopaths.
Why doesn't anyone talk about how Tywin gets off on humiliating Tyrion? Like _actually_ gets off to it, for example when Shae thought Tyrion was Tywin coming back to bed and called him "my lion". Tywin for sure told her to call him that after learning that's what Tyrion liked to be called
It’s also funny since, in the books, Tywins corpse decays super rapidly, to the point where it’s difficult for the Faith to prepare his body for the funeral. Some fans speculate he may have been poisoned/suffering from a terrible disease while he was still alive.
3:34 such a brilliant acting from Tywin. He does not threaten Olenna like his inferiors, nor does blackmail her (even if it looks like he does). He's making up this scene like a true diplomate and earns a compliance from Olenna not by fear, but rather for her admiration to him. I think it wasn't written in script, but rather a great acting from Charles Dance.
@@mageofdoomsie1598 He would have instantly caught her if he knew, Jaime was prisonner from the Starks, she probably was the most valuable hostage to trade him with. So no, there's no way he knew and let her go anyway.
This is one part good writing on JRR Martin, and two parts great acting by Charles Dance. He knows how to be in the spotlight and make sure his presence is the dominant one.
I loved Tywin...I wish he would have been there to the end...The acting is second to none....he brought soo much presence to the show....he wasn't cruel but you feared him
The glare he gives Joffrey then saying, ‘The King is tired, see him to his chambers’ is just epic. Gleesons face drop was brilliant acting, and Cersei realising he stepped too far, and trying to whisk him away just gives Dances character so much power through presence alone. I wish he would have stayed in the series longer.
The way Tywin just instantly approves, no conditions, of Margery being able to manipulate and control Joffrey is hilarious, makes me wish the two of them had scenes together, working together to keep the little shit under control
I always loved how all of the Lannisters were either idiots or degenerates. Only Tywin and Tyrion had the brains to keep everything running correctly. Tywin knew everyone was an idiot and it frustrated him throughout the series. He wanted a perfect house.
"So if I wanted to attend the council meeting I would now have to climb all the stairs in the tower of the hand" "Be grateful you're allowed to attend the Council meeting, your grace"
I always thought Tywins death is a shame but I don’t want to imagine what would have happen to him if he was to survive until later seasons just to be butchered by the terrible writing
Charles Dance played this role so frigging well. He also often apologised to Peter Dinklage after their scenes because how badly he had to speak to him in character.
I wish I could remember which season & episode it was during the DVD commentary where Lena Headey said that she never needed to pretend to be intimidated by Charles Dance when he was portraying Tywin. She said he was a lovely man but when he got into character, sometimes she'd forget her lines because he'd be staring at her as Tywin & her mind would go blank. Jack Gleeson said something similar in interviews. Charles Dance is just boss at his job.
You know? There is something about Tywin that if he was the ruler of the Iron Throne I would bend the knee to him, even though yes he can be cruel, but he has that mind and character that makes him one of the best leaders, big props to Charles Dance for making this character amazing, big props
If I had to equate him to a historical figure I'd probably say he's very much like Julius Caesar. Very capable both at politics and military affairs, both obsessed with power, managed to outplay all their opponents, one managed to become a dictator while the other became the puppet master behind Jeoffrey's reign. The only difference is that Julius cared about his personal reputation, glory etc, while Tywin cared more for the Lannisters as a family. But then again, as one of his children pointed out, it's very easy to say to others that everything is done for the benefit of the family when you're the one that's the head of said family.
He „can“ be cruel!? He let the King (Aerys II) being tortured and going insane and becoming the mad king by the enemies for months for shits and giggles. He killed some of the most noble men (Starks) get killed on their own wedding. He mocked and openly despised his own son even when he was a child and wasnt sleeping with every women in westeros to the point where Tyrion actually kills him just for being a dwarf and Tywins wife dying while giving birth to him. ect. ect. Tywin is my favourite char in asoiaf but he is NOT a good person by any means…
He was not sadistic like Jofferey. Just cold and efficient, always hiding his emotions. He would not had his peasants die of hunger of the undead because he understood where his power came from.
Tywin wasn't necessarily a bad guy but rather someone doing what he felt he needed to do to secure his legacy & bring stability to the realm. Anything evil that happened on his watch was to clean up the mess other people made. Taking out Robb was to clean up the mess Joffery made by starting a war & what he did to Tyrion was to bring closure to the assassination of Joffery by the Tyrels. He might have even suspected the Tyrels did it, so he might have pinned it all on Tyrion to avoid an all-out war with the Tyrels.
"Any man who must say i am the king is no true king" I loved the interactions between Jeoffrey and Tywin, because you can almost see Jeoffry's balls shrinking whenever he crosses Tywin.
Charles' reading of Rudyard Kipling's 'The Road to Mandalay' at the 70th anniversary of VJ Day in 2015 and Siegfried Sassoon's 'Aftermath' at the Thiepval Memorial in 2016 also capture what a great actor/orator he is.
He is brilliant and pragmatic, one of my favourite characters but too ruthless at the end, so obsessed by his image and power he turn almost every house against him. He made Dorne his worst enemy when he ordered the mountain the raping and murder of Elia and her kids, ( by the way, in the books is clear he does it as a revenge for the king's refusal of Cersei as Rhaegar wife)and this led to his own poisoning and at the least two different conspirations against the iron throne. He was hated and distrusted by his own loyals in the riverland and the north after the red wedding. Kingslanding sack is still on the memory of the smallfolk, who still now hate the Lannisters. Over the last 30 years he created more enemies and unlike Robert, his alliances were weak and unsincere like he has with the Tyrell. His pride made him uncapable of watching the incestuous relation of his two sons and uncapable of seeing anything else in his other son than a dwarf and a walking joke against his name. His heir toke votes in the kingsguard and her daughter was never told how to rule so Cersei just fucked up trying to be like her father but only her family name backing up her brutallity. I hope book Tyrion learns from his father and grandfather mistakes, as he did in clash of kings " hear me roar, hear me laugh and also hear how i am not ordering a gigantic psychopath to murder and rape an entire family and use my banner as a gift wrap so everyone know i am a fucking monster".
So apparently after knowing the extended lore, the main reason why Tywin was so uptight, strict and straight up a menace when anything involving the name of house Lannister was on the line, was because he practically re-build it by himself, his father was weak willed, complacent, frightful, worrisome man, Lannister name were literally in the dirt when he was the head of the house, and Tywin absolutely despise him for it, he practically rebuild the Lannister by himself which is why he's so ruthless sometimes, because he has to in order to restore his house's name.
I believe that deep down Tywin may have resented Tyrion for being a dwarf but in the end Tyrion had more of his intellectual qualities than his siblings. Tywin had an admiration for this and disappointed for Tyrion's lack of discipline. After all Tyrion was the only person in the GOT unviverse that could make Tywin smile.
Tywin wife died giving birth to Tyrion and he really love her. Thats is his biggest problem with his younger son. Dwarfism and indulgence dont come even close to this "crime". I wonder how it would look if famili didint loose wife/mother. Would Tyrion be groomed for next head of family as Jaime didint want the job?
His main channel shifted away from this kind of content quite some time ago, most likely he removed the videos there and put them up on here so that fans who originally followed him for these videos could better access them and the same for fans of his other videos
To this day I'm convinced that if Tywin was a good father to Tyrion and they got along and worked together they'd win and beat all their enemies by season 5.
Did Tywinn really want him dead or was he gonna force him into some agreement?
If any of the major players in King's Landing actually worked alongside Tyrion, they'd have achieved all of their ambitions by season 4, and be halfway to ruling the whole world by season 5.
yea! together whey would beat everyone
Fo' shizz.
GRRM loves his self fulfilling prophecies. Tywins lifes work was to reverse the embarrassment brought to house Lannister by his father Tytos. He feared that Tryrion would continue that humiliation so he shunned and mistreated him all his life. That abuse turned Tyrion against his own house and lead to Tywins death and house Lannisters destruction.
I like how Olenna treated Tywin. She finds herself smarter than others. She doesn't believe in rumors and plays people, but then she faced Tywin. She saw on her own eyes that the rumors were true. He's as tough as people said. Tough, intelligent and hard to manipulate. She clearly didn't like Tywin but she found him worthy and gave him deserved respect.
Olenna said it best to Cersei when describing Tywin after his murder: “It’s a rare enough thing, a man who lives up to his reputation.”
@@MalloryNewcombas demonstrated crystal clearly in this very video, Olenna said that quote to Tywin himself while he breathed, and not to Cersei.
@@MalloryNewcomb she told her that he played by the rules.
A sign of true wit and intelligence is knowing when you've met someone that can actually match you, and then act accordingly.
She had no reason to like him. It was a business meeting.
Tyrion slapping Joffrey is great... Tywin making Joffrey feel like he'd been slapped was greater 🤣
Cercei dared Tywin to stop joeffrey from doing what he wanted, he just replied "I will" and oh boy did he delivered 😂😂
Tywin’s biggest problem: He loved his family’s last name more than his actual family
He always felt he had to make up for how soft his father was and how tytos made the Lannister name a mockery.
Also the fact he can't pay attention to simple directions while he's at a disadvantage.
"Say whore one more time..."
30 seconds later...
"that whore --" THUNK.
Cuz the name lives on, we humans dont, ever wonder why achilles is taught in school? No one ever mentions his life before troy, wonder why? His legacy lived on but he didnt, for example love or hate him but the name trump will forever be ingrained in american history, names carry tremendous weight, one bad apple truly does spoil the bunch for if you can openly mock one, you can openly mock all of them, if we cared more about our family names then the world would be much better for it, shame seems to be a thing of the past except for the japs
Honestly, I think there was a part of him that deep down, did love his children. And there was a glimmer of the good, of the compassion we see his children express throughout the show. But said-glimmer was simply stamped out as Tywin allowed his resentment, hubris and ego to consume him. But in retrospect, there was also a part of Tywin within Tyrion, Jaime, and Cersei. That made made each of them at times, see the worst of the world, and overlook those who wanted to give them some sense of compassion.
I know this may not apply too much in the case for Jaime and Tyrion as the two throughout the show are shown to deeply care for one another. But while THEIR relationship is touching, it really wasn't that interesting or packed with conflict in the show. Contrast their relationship with Tyrion and Cersei. They may loath and detest one another, but never underestimate each other's intellect and capabilities, even indulge in moments of sympathy. Showing that despite everything, they are family and that means something. As for Tyrion and Tywin, there may be contempt and animosity, but there is also respect.
It really sucks that all the show has is Jaime and Tyrion love each other, and that's about it. I mean, while it is a breath of fresh air to see in a show filled with f**ked up family relations, consider how much different their relationship is in the books, especially when it's revealed that Jaime betrayed Tyrion when he confesses the "Tysha truth".
I was just thinking there are barely any scenes where he doesn't say Lannister.
Tywin riding in on his horse to receive his badge to avoid kneeling is so fucking goated. Easily the best antagonist of the series
Is he really an antagonist though?
@@israelasiku3975 if u treat the starks (and daenerys) as the protaganists, then tywin is an antagonist. he isnt necessarily a villian, but hes definitely an antagonist
He is defintely a villain and a antagonist but so are a dozen other characters
@@israelasiku3975 I don't really see it that way. His family is in power so he's doing his best to ensure it stays there in the future as well. Tywin is very house-centric, and they only became enemies with the Starks because Joffrey was dumb enough to have Ned executed.
Tywin for prezo
Crazy to think Charles Dance was constantly apologising to Peter Dinklage in between takes.
Sounds like Charles. He's a sweetheart, I've heard.
@boitrash4279 Yeah that's magic of Charles Dance for you...
Now he's typecast as a bad guy lol
@@brainrich1358 😂 That's terrible. Us commoners are such simple people. The dude plays one bad guy role so well and we won't forgive him for it.
That whole section of tywin cutting a deer to form is perfect.
Hinting to taking out the Baratheons
@@Alrokako unspoken analogies, the best
He was actually butchering a real deer for this scene.
@@jonathonjohnson1227 just like the direwolf being killed by the stag antler at the beginning, symbolising that the stag will be the death of the wolf
When he walks up to Joffrey slowly, and softly speaks "we could arrange to have you carried" I die laughing every...single...time.
why you are still alive then?
@@f.s.1429 He's not answering, perhaps he's dead ? :o
“Only when necessary”
The only man in westeros with the balls to stare down and insult the mountain with zero fear.
It certainly helps when you are the Mountain's liege lord.
@@TV-ge3uj could have sawed him in half any time he chose.
The mountain owed everything he had to Tywin so
@@dougbrown04Why the frick would he ? He would lose everything that he held dear in his pathetic life in a moment and an instant
@dougbrown04 And the Mountain will lose his head after. He's the Mountain, but I don't think he can handle the wrath of all Lannister soldier
So basically this actor rose his voice twice in the whole show, speaks within quite a restricted range and yet he is more intimidating and emanates much more than most vilains of recent movies combined. The "categorically" is a great line.
I noticed that too. I think it's incredibly attractive in a man. I need to stop lol.
Its the body language and its in the eyes, he has piercing eyes.
It doesn't hurt that he's 6'3" and still built like a Greek god.
“The Lion doesn’t concern itself with the opinions of a sheep” is the most ironic thing Tywin has ever said. His obsession with legacy and the perception of his family are exactly what drive his decisions throughout the story and the treatment of his children, especially Tyrion.
Very true. If he embraced Tyrion's intellect despite his bad habits they would've been so much stronger as a house.
Doesn't Jamie literally call him out on this and he just handwaves it away ?
He doesn’t concern himself with opinions, he concern himself with facts, he did even explain in the scene 😂 it is really so hard??
@@letthemadnessspeak glad someone understood that 👍👍
Opinion: People thinking the Lannisters are jerks, etc. Useless.
Fact: You can kidnap a Lannister with impunity, or attack them, etc. Problematic.
“The king is tired…”
Works well with some Darth Vader phrasing…”I’m altering your bedtime, pray I do not alter it further.”
Joffrey's comeback should have been "You're relieved of your duty as hand of the King... for tonight". Should've made the old man go to bed lol.
I don't get how the other actors/actresses could shoot a scene with this man, if he shouted at me or looked at me with that expression on his face I would just start crying
That just means he did a damn good job in the role.
He did repeatedly apologize to Peter Dinklage between the takes for Tyrion's treatment of Tyrion.
He died like a bitch in Alien 3. After being intimate with Ripley.
Charles Dance's performance steals every single scene he is in. Such a legend.
I don't think any other actor could've done Tywin Lannister justice. Charles Dance is simply perfect
When he's yelling at Tyrion for being a drunken jackass, that was the most dad thing I've seen 🤣🤣🤣
that will be in the Tywin's dad moments compilation 🤣🤣
"What did you call me once? A drunken little lust filled beast?"
"More than once 😡"
"Therrru hav it!"
Lmao Every scene with Tywin is a great scene. Tyrion and Tywin together was epic. 1st and 3rd favorite characters.
My dad once told me when i was 18, if you smell your own shit for too long you'll roll over and croak. Never heard such a bizarre thing but it shook me a little.
Admittedly he was a much better strategist when he was drinking.
The irony is that so is Tywin but he however does all of what Jackassery in secret and in private ro maintain a certain image unlike Tyrion
Hearing Tywin say “You are not serious people” to his three kids would be so perfect.
The scene where Joffrey tells Tywin his father was winning the war while he was hiding under Casterly Rock was awesomely intense. I love Tywin's character.
Joffs best line;) for it was true.
"The King is tired" 😂😂😂
@@HopPerJaKeNot even in the slightest bro😂🤣
@@HopPerJaKewtf Dude. Tywin would win any war
@@letthemadnessspeakDo not continue to delude yourself into overestimating tywin's capacity and voracity of winning wars .The only reason why he won the war of the five kings was because of luck and that hia enemies were divided and as such much more easier to pick apart now .If he had faced robert ,ned and Jon arryn on his own without any legitimacy of the crown or other external allies other than the westerlands themselves like in the WO5K he would have been crushed and defeated . The only reason as to why robb was defeated was because of his inexperience and sheer bad luck giveb to him by martin himself .If Jon were to have been by his side they would have been an iconic duo like how robert and ned were each one complementing the other's skillset and lackings and also tywin and the lannisters would have been croushed right then and there at the battle of the green fork with Jon and Robb leading the two stark hosts .Whilst the show downpaly quote a bit off Jon's intelligence, he is first and foremost an equal of robb in battle and he is a far greater strategist than robb ever was and which the lack thereof of robb doomed his faith ,he is also a lot more politically savy ,Cunning and ruthless in the books and .He is more like his father rhaegar though a bit more honourable than the actual deal due to ned's influence no doubt.
Tywin and Arya is just some of my favourite scenes in the entire series, I just love it, every second of it!
In the books that never happened
@@terrazadelivery6150 I know, but still
@@terrazadelivery6150who cares it was great.
I agree. We see the father he should have been to his children, but he was so wrapped up in the family name and legacy that they (Tywin included) were all cheated out of a relationship. I’m sure the death of his wife was a contributing factor in it all.
But the never closed the loop. I wanted to see the look on Tywin's face when he found out he had Arya Stark in his hands all that time. But it never happened. I think he would have had a rueful chuckle at his own expense at being outwitted by a 10 year old.
This guy was a boss. I enjoyed every single one of his appearances
Charles Dance was possibly the best casting decision ever made 🎉
Olenna was the only person I think he respected as his equal.
He still dominated her and forced her to marry loras to cersei
@@jaimenazaryan860that was business and it benefited both parties. He still respected Olenna.
@@k.y3551 the respect is just in your head its just what u want to believe , he might appeared cordial to her but he is cordial to a lot of people beneath him who he see as useful (littlefinger , oberyn martell ,etc ) , to lord tywin everyone is a pawn that he move as he wish either just by words or by force (THREATS) in the case of lady ollena he made her fall to his will by force , just accept it and deal with it 😏🤣
She’s still a woman to him. Ned Stark, Doran Martell, & Stannis we’re the only ones he saw as rivals.
Its the other way round. Olenna respected him, the only person that met the rumours of his viciousness as well as intelligence. Tywin on the other hand saw her as another powerful ally whenever it suits him. People like Tywin dont fathom respect. Theyre sociopaths. Olenna isnt. Part of the reason she killed Joffrey. Margaery can control Joff as needed but Olenna didnt have the heart of letting her grandaughter mary a psycopaths.
Every word, silence, look and gesture Tywin made exuded dominance, control and power.
Why doesn't anyone talk about how Tywin gets off on humiliating Tyrion? Like _actually_ gets off to it, for example when Shae thought Tyrion was Tywin coming back to bed and called him "my lion". Tywin for sure told her to call him that after learning that's what Tyrion liked to be called
Yeah idk if all these moments were "badass"
Hands down the best character in all GoT
Tyrion #1
Tywin #2
Arya #3
@@MRJMXHD eh just no. Thanks for participating
Agreed. Such a flawed man but is a genuine genius. His interactions, writing and mannerisms are perfect. Martin and Dance are awesome 👍
Well yes. Cause DnD didn't have enough time to ruin it
@@Medaumplay3and thank God for that....
2:37 The irony in this statement by Tywin so subtly foreshadows the finale.
Consumed by maggots I thought it was Rice you were talking about? I guess I’m thinking about flushed away🤣🤣🤣
It’s also funny since, in the books, Tywins corpse decays super rapidly, to the point where it’s difficult for the Faith to prepare his body for the funeral.
Some fans speculate he may have been poisoned/suffering from a terrible disease while he was still alive.
One of the best and most memorable characters. Charles dance was phenomenal in this role
The best character in the whole series hands down. I always found myself wanting to see more scenes from him. Truly great acting.
Tywin entering the throne room on the horse is boss of bosses
the little small edits are brilliant, like cherry on top of a cake
3:34 such a brilliant acting from Tywin. He does not threaten Olenna like his inferiors, nor does blackmail her (even if it looks like he does). He's making up this scene like a true diplomate and earns a compliance from Olenna not by fear, but rather for her admiration to him. I think it wasn't written in script, but rather a great acting from Charles Dance.
Are you high? He outright threatened to end her house with a single order. That is pure extortion.
@@abelbabel8484 threatening the most powerful ally? you know much about politics
@@69dm it's right there in the video, are you blind?
Absolutely a threat😂
He’s 100% blackmailing her. What he said was essentially “hand over Loras or I cut him from the gene pool” pretty cut and dry my friend
The editing is like the icing on top
0:24 I'm pretty sure that this is Tywin's subtle way of saying "have some guts, son"
Honestly the exchanges between Tywin and Arya might have been my favorite part of this show. The craziest part is none of it was in the books.
5:15 has to be the best realisation I have ever scene, Tywin releasing just how cunning his son actually is
Could probably extend this to 10 minutes, since Tywin was a boss in the overwhelming majority of his scenes.
Charles Dance upstages everyone in every scene he's in. Just a glance and your his, to toy with as he decides your fate...
I'd have loved to see Tywin's expressoin if he found out that Arya was so close.
Theories go that he did know it was her. He clocked her immediately when she said that first “My Lord”.
@@mageofdoomsie1598 He would have instantly caught her if he knew, Jaime was prisonner from the Starks, she probably was the most valuable hostage to trade him with. So no, there's no way he knew and let her go anyway.
@@mageofdoomsie1598nope only little finger knew it was her
@@AD-ur1fk Why in the scene, every time Little Finger tried to make a good look on Arya, Tywin was saying something to make him busy?
Such a powerful actor 😎
Tywin was lucky to not be on the show passed the books AND was in the best show change - He and Arya at Harrenhall
The Night King didn’t invade Westeros until after Tywin was dead. Coincidence? I think not.
I do not think the night king cared. They did not care about who they were fighting.
Every night, the Night King checks under his bed to make sure Tywin and Stannis aren’t there.
Whoever did the effects for 1:14 - 1:26 and 2:56 is hilarious 🤣🤣😂
Bro the way the camera shakes in time with his head at 2:56 is fucking priceless
You know what's incredible? Tywin was right 99% of he time. What a great villain he was.
The best villains are the ones who simply live by the ugly truths we all know subconciously. A good villain is our shadow self embodied in a man.
This is one part good writing on JRR Martin, and two parts great acting by Charles Dance. He knows how to be in the spotlight and make sure his presence is the dominant one.
To this day I am convinced that Tywin 100% knew that it was actually arya who was working as his servant and he just messed with her
My take is he knew she was nobility but didn't know exactly who, and was trying to suss her out in a clever manner as opposed to just torturing her.
He suspected her to be highborn, but didn't know from whom.
No he didn't know she was a Stark.
No way, if he really knew he would've instantly kept her as a bargaining chip.
He would have taken advantage of this to the max. He was at war with the Starks.
I might let you even wake from that sleep 😂
I loved Tywin...I wish he would have been there to the end...The acting is second to none....he brought soo much presence to the show....he wasn't cruel but you feared him
Tywin was so good. Charles Dance did an excellent job. In my top 3 GOT characters.
1:02 his side profile is crazy
something is wrong there
Oh yeah! My brain could not make sense of it. Where is his nose?
The glare he gives Joffrey then saying, ‘The King is tired, see him to his chambers’ is just epic. Gleesons face drop was brilliant acting, and Cersei realising he stepped too far, and trying to whisk him away just gives Dances character so much power through presence alone. I wish he would have stayed in the series longer.
4:25 vaerys’ reaction always makes me 😂
The way Tywin just instantly approves, no conditions, of Margery being able to manipulate and control Joffrey is hilarious, makes me wish the two of them had scenes together, working together to keep the little shit under control
I always loved how all of the Lannisters were either idiots or degenerates. Only Tywin and Tyrion had the brains to keep everything running correctly. Tywin knew everyone was an idiot and it frustrated him throughout the series. He wanted a perfect house.
Kevan did too. At least in the books
Seven kingdoms United in the fear of tywin Lannister. This shit is gold.
"So if I wanted to attend the council meeting I would now have to climb all the stairs in the tower of the hand"
"Be grateful you're allowed to attend the Council meeting, your grace"
This was an Incredible Masterpiece Video for My All Time Favorite Role for Charles Dance and My All Time Favorite Antagonist’s in Game of Thrones.
Who beat out the Old Lion for the top spot?
Hands down best actor on the show. His performance was perfect.
I always thought Tywins death is a shame but I don’t want to imagine what would have happen to him if he was to survive until later seasons just to be butchered by the terrible writing
Charles Dance nailed Tywin's character so good.
Tywin: Say something clever.
Jamie: Tyrion where are you? Help.
"The lion doesn't concern with the opinion of the sheep"
--The most "reputation-psyco" man in Westeros
Because he knew that in Westeros are also wolves and if lion show weakness it will be torn apart by pack.
Mr Dance was perfect in this. He nailed every scene
Tywin complaining that the starks had his son, while Arya was just next to him. Tension always thick of him potentially discovering it.
Yes, these scenes weren't exactly relaxing for Arya.
Charles Dance played this role so frigging well. He also often apologised to Peter Dinklage after their scenes because how badly he had to speak to him in character.
The scenes of him intimidating Joffrey are things of beauty
I wish I could remember which season & episode it was during the DVD commentary where Lena Headey said that she never needed to pretend to be intimidated by Charles Dance when he was portraying Tywin. She said he was a lovely man but when he got into character, sometimes she'd forget her lines because he'd be staring at her as Tywin & her mind would go blank.
Jack Gleeson said something similar in interviews. Charles Dance is just boss at his job.
You know? There is something about Tywin that if he was the ruler of the Iron Throne I would bend the knee to him, even though yes he can be cruel, but he has that mind and character that makes him one of the best leaders, big props to Charles Dance for making this character amazing, big props
If I had to equate him to a historical figure I'd probably say he's very much like Julius Caesar. Very capable both at politics and military affairs, both obsessed with power, managed to outplay all their opponents, one managed to become a dictator while the other became the puppet master behind Jeoffrey's reign. The only difference is that Julius cared about his personal reputation, glory etc, while Tywin cared more for the Lannisters as a family. But then again, as one of his children pointed out, it's very easy to say to others that everything is done for the benefit of the family when you're the one that's the head of said family.
@@nickklavdianos5136George RR Martin did even have a historical template for Tywin, which was King Edward I, known as the hammer of the Scots.
He „can“ be cruel!?
He let the King (Aerys II) being tortured and going insane and becoming the mad king by the enemies for months for shits and giggles. He killed some of the most noble men (Starks) get killed on their own wedding. He mocked and openly despised his own son even when he was a child and wasnt sleeping with every women in westeros to the point where Tyrion actually kills him just for being a dwarf and Tywins wife dying while giving birth to him. ect. ect.
Tywin is my favourite char in asoiaf but he is NOT a good person by any means…
He was not sadistic like Jofferey.
Just cold and efficient, always hiding his emotions.
He would not had his peasants die of hunger of the undead because he understood where his power came from.
Until he sets the mountain loose on your village.
Arya was basically the son and daughter that Tywin always wanted
That “waddle about” comment was diabolical.
i love him so much
Only FIVE minutes?! I don't believe it!
4:05 "We could've arrange to have you CARRIED there" daaamn Tywin predicted whole scenario! 💯🔥😎
How everyone sees themselves when playing Crusader Kings.
The editing on this is hilarious lol
Tywin wasn't necessarily a bad guy but rather someone doing what he felt he needed to do to secure his legacy & bring stability to the realm. Anything evil that happened on his watch was to clean up the mess other people made. Taking out Robb was to clean up the mess Joffery made by starting a war & what he did to Tyrion was to bring closure to the assassination of Joffery by the Tyrels. He might have even suspected the Tyrels did it, so he might have pinned it all on Tyrion to avoid an all-out war with the Tyrels.
Lol I love his animosity towards Joffrey
In a show with many great characters, he might be the best.
"Any man who must say i am the king is no true king" I loved the interactions between Jeoffrey and Tywin, because you can almost see Jeoffry's balls shrinking whenever he crosses Tywin.
God it's like every meeting with my grad school advisor all over again.
One of the best casting choices and characters that made the series legendary.
1:02 Tyrion gets all the discrimination when COUSIN REGINALD has some serious facial deformities himself
3:35, NO ONE is a boss in the presence of Olenna Tyrell. NO ONE. 😂
That actor could butcher like a pro
I’m not sure if you’ve heard this before, but in that scene Charles Dance is butchering a real deer. Next level acting
@@BIastwave. that's funny as he learnt it just for that scene.
He actually skinned that deer in real life. And I heard they only had one real deer so that's amazing acting from Charles Dance
Tywin being the boss == Tywin scenes compilation
3:21 😂😂😂😂😂 that close up got me
I don't think anyone else could've performed this role as perfectly as Charles Dance.
One of the best cast actors I can ever remember. He owns every scene he is in.
This guy inspired me to fix my family 😂
1:24 always cracks me up😂😂
I wanna know what this meme is called or originates from cause it's brilliant! 🤣
Charles Dance giving a masterclass in acting
"And because you are my cousin I might even let you wake from that sleep". -Tywin
Possibly my favorite line of his.
Charles' reading of Rudyard Kipling's 'The Road to Mandalay' at the 70th anniversary of VJ Day in 2015 and Siegfried Sassoon's 'Aftermath' at the Thiepval Memorial in 2016 also capture what a great actor/orator he is.
And Tywin was indeed consumed by maggots before Tyrion became lord of casterly rock.
He is brilliant and pragmatic, one of my favourite characters but too ruthless at the end, so obsessed by his image and power he turn almost every house against him.
He made Dorne his worst enemy when he ordered the mountain the raping and murder of Elia and her kids, ( by the way, in the books is clear he does it as a revenge for the king's refusal of Cersei as Rhaegar wife)and this led to his own poisoning and at the least two different conspirations against the iron throne. He was hated and distrusted by his own loyals in the riverland and the north after the red wedding. Kingslanding sack is still on the memory of the smallfolk, who still now hate the Lannisters. Over the last 30 years he created more enemies and unlike Robert, his alliances were weak and unsincere like he has with the Tyrell.
His pride made him uncapable of watching the incestuous relation of his two sons and uncapable of seeing anything else in his other son than a dwarf and a walking joke against his name. His heir toke votes in the kingsguard and her daughter was never told how to rule so Cersei just fucked up trying to be like her father but only her family name backing up her brutallity.
I hope book Tyrion learns from his father and grandfather mistakes, as he did in clash of kings " hear me roar, hear me laugh and also hear how i am not ordering a gigantic psychopath to murder and rape an entire family and use my banner as a gift wrap so everyone know i am a fucking monster".
So apparently after knowing the extended lore, the main reason why Tywin was so uptight, strict and straight up a menace when anything involving the name of house Lannister was on the line, was because he practically re-build it by himself, his father was weak willed, complacent, frightful, worrisome man, Lannister name were literally in the dirt when he was the head of the house, and Tywin absolutely despise him for it, he practically rebuild the Lannister by himself which is why he's so ruthless sometimes, because he has to in order to restore his house's name.
I believe that deep down Tywin may have resented Tyrion for being a dwarf but in the end Tyrion had more of his intellectual qualities than his siblings. Tywin had an admiration for this and disappointed for Tyrion's lack of discipline. After all Tyrion was the only person in the GOT unviverse that could make Tywin smile.
Also, he is convinced he killed his wife.
Tywin wife died giving birth to Tyrion and he really love her. Thats is his biggest problem with his younger son. Dwarfism and indulgence dont come even close to this "crime". I wonder how it would look if famili didint loose wife/mother. Would Tyrion be groomed for next head of family as Jaime didint want the job?
1:23 LOL, fits in so well, I had to rewind just to make sure I was seeing this correctly.
His scenes with Arya are wonderful
He elevated each scene he was in period
The show went downhill fast after he was killed off. Tywin was one of my favorite characters-- pragmatic and fascinating.
His main channel shifted away from this kind of content quite some time ago, most likely he removed the videos there and put them up on here so that fans who originally followed him for these videos could better access them and the same for fans of his other videos
Charles Dance was perfectly cast in this role. A great actor.