I'm going to try this properly, I accidentally raised a load of danio when I did a water change and saw lots of tiny little chaps stuck to the sides of my bucket. Bunged them in a spare tank and there's about 20 adults in there now. I struggled to feed them with hatching BBS so will definitely try the infusoria. Cheers Mark.
I used to grow infusoria in a jar and then just pull some out with a syringe when I bred bettas. It worked really well! 😉 I just placed tank water in the jar, put like maybe some green beans (or something veggie lol), and then sat it in a window where sun would hit it. Usually took about a week at least for the infusion to develope. But before collecting I would sit a flashlight next to the jar because they're attached to the light. Once they're all in one area you can easily suck them up. 😋 I hope this helps you people! 💖
Great video Mark! I have 5 males and 5 females in a 22 gallon and every female is robust. I am moving a pair into a breeding tank tonight! I will get back to you tomorrow when they breed!
After watching your videos I have now successfully bred and raised danios.... well I still have almost 30.. 40 juveniles despite gifting dozens to ma frens..... thank you... you are such an inspiration
All new to us & I'm just as excited as my babies!!!! So this is top atuff💖💖💖they made me buy another tank yesterday. Good thing cz I just watched this thus its required
Great video! Glad that you are feeling better. You have peaked my interest in zebra danios. I have been a guppy girl for years, maybe it is time for a change! I'll think about it!
Thanks mate ...absolutely awesome video ..think I was lucky breeding them the first time I tried it a while ago..going to try it your way ..u made it entertaining to watch..
looking forward to the series Mark, would love an in depth on the zebras plecos and plecos in general. Might have a crack at the danios for a bit of fun. Cheers for the video, glad the backs on the mend.
Just found your channel now! Great video and very clear instructions. Don’t normally subscribe but I subscribed to you and hit the bell notification button. Cheers from New Zealand 🇳🇿
really cool to watch :) I have Celestial Pearl Danios and they have been spawning in their aquarium like crazy - but I wasn't too interested in breeding them since I had enough of them in there and they naturally kept eating all of their fry and eggs. A couple of weeks ago it was crazy hot here and over night 8 of my 12 fish had died. Saw the remaining 4 in the morning gasping for air and put them in my shrimp cube :( Luckily I still have 2 males and 2 females so hopefully I will be able to restock them so to speak once their original tank has recycled.
love this video I'm so glad your going back to thinks from your childhood I recently got 2 zebra danios because one was put in by accident with another fish I bought so I sexed him and ended up buying him a female and I will try this out
Yea it works with glo fish danios there just genetically modified, same fish just the glo gene added, its illegal to sell or trade them tho, there's a Patten on them
Nice work Mark...glad your back is getting better, but dont do to much, take it easy. This was a great video and my kids and I are learning so much from your instruction...From the other side of the Pond...Thanks!!!!
Marc...........It just gets better and better. ..........what a fantastic video can't wait for a follow up........like you my Dad had two ........24 × 12 × 15..........In the 70s ..........air driven box filters was the height of technology ( ohhh and if you used some "Charcoal " activated Carbon what's that)........you were a scientist. ...........haha.........It got me started..............keep up the Great Content..........Herm Boy...........
Great video Mark. Glad you're feeling better and glad to see you in front of the camera again 👍 That's quite a bunch of babies good luck with them. Looking forward to the next video
OMG 😲 Mark that was super cool, brilliant video as always and can't wait to try it out, I'm sorry never new you had been poorly, I'm still not right myself, but plaster off and space boot on lol 😂, dam thing is heavy as heck 👍🏻👍🏻⭐️⭐️
Great video thanks for showing us.they are lovely fish.what is one of the pair of fish past away would the fish be by itself for the rest of its life or would it pair up with another one?wow spawning after how long of you having them?
My glowlight danios spawned in the quarantine tank! The eggs are much larger than I expected! I found them under moss and siphoned them into a hob breeder box
So glad your back is on the mend but be careful, once you have a problem with your back it is so easy to put it out again. How is the jellyfish tank doing?
Awesome video Mark! I have some zebra danios in my community tank. The little guys are expensive at the pet store, but if i breed my own, then i dont gotta worry about that haha! Im thinking my community tank is lookin a little dull... plus i already have a 10 gallon tank just taking up space... maybe ill start breeding them on thursday... get the 10g set up and ready tomorrow, then start thursday morning haha Cheers Mark! Havent watched your videos in a while, but im finding i need to do something to destress my life, and this may just help.
hey Mark, i totally failed at the infusoria culture thing haha! i didnt realize that you had to have the culture under light. it was tucked away behind my 10g tank and holy mother of todd does it smell. tossed it because it started molding and decaying beyond. i just finished building a tiny little 1L glass box that i will grow my culture in. im going to grab my daylight LED floodlight and give this another go :)
Hi Mark... I raise my own danio fry. It's something everyone should have fun with. It's so rewarding. Do you remove your parent fish at the end of the first day? I have left them for 2 days thinking they may not be finished. I probably have lost babies in doing that. 💦😁❤️💦 I really want to make that food. I hatch bbs for them but this is a great alternative!
So do you cover the tank with with something so it's proper dark? Then turn on the lights and they will spawn. What if you put 2 females and 1 male? I have lots of females in my 12-danio school, that's all I have in my 20 gallon just now, zebra & leopard mix,I have 2 3-half gallon tanks tho,one iz dry and one is still cycling can I add tap water with conditioner and that would be OK? I've also read u can crush flakes t powder to feed them,is that so?
Hi Jacob. No filter is needed as the parents are only in the tank overnight and removed after spawning. Once the fry hatch out it will be another few days before they are free swimming and taking food. Once they have grown out a bit small 10% water changes with do.😊👍
glad your back is feeling better buddy . and wow they breed fast lol .. is4 days the normal for eggs to hatch .. cause i have some eggs in my tank not sure if there cory or snail for sure but either way they dont seem to be doing much
Mark, thanks for the advice and inspiration. I take it the same principals will apply for Leopard Danios? One thing I picked up was you said they 'paired for life'. I've just got 6 Leopard Danios which when bigger I'd like to try to breed from - do these pair for life ? If so do i need to get the 'exact' pair out of the tank for breeding, or will any male & female breed together. Thanks again.
@@MARKSAQUATICS I was also wondering this (...and your answer didn't really help ;) ). Let's say I have a tank with 20 danios and they all already "paired for life". If I pick out two random ones for mating, the chance is pretty low that I happened to get a matching "pair". So how does that work?
Hi..i have a male and female danio tetra in 1 tank with my other tropical fishes.so if i were to spawn them i just need to seperate them to another tank simillar with this technic u having?
It seems the hardest part in breeding fish is to catch them in the community tank. Is that why you get a pair from the fish dealer? Anyway I was able to catch a couple of pairs of the five band barbs, they were quite easy to trick into the net. But it seems very difficult to get them to acclimatize in the breeding tank, they're scared and just stay in a corner or under a leaf, sometimes freakin' out. I used mostly tank water setting it up. Could it be the light being too bright (not brighter than the community tank)? Or is it just that they liked it so much in the community tank that they were disappointed being transferred to a whole new tank? I also used quite a lot of plants so they would feel safe, apparently that did not work out. I also put some peat under the gravel to have a bit of a softer, lower pH water. I have some peat pellets in the community tank filter so it should be familiar to them.
Hi Mark. Loved the video. Very informative and helpful. I’m not sure if you still read comments on this video but I have a question I’m hoping you can answer. I’ve followed all of your steps and I’ve successfully bred my danios. I’ve noticed planaria hovering near my eggs. It’s day 2 now so they should all be hatching by now. I’m worried that the planaria will eat the eggs or newly hatched fry - do you have experience with this and should I be worried? Thank you. 🙂
Mark I've been missing your videos! Where have you gone!? Ive just started a Danio only tank, could you breed Giant Danios? (although I appreicate it will be very much the same kind of job as Zebras!)
hi mark glad your on the mend, all my tanks are to big and catching danios would be a nightmare, ive put a pair in a tank and nothing happened for the first 48hrs, is it ok to leave the pair in a tank of their own until they spawn then remove the adults
Hello! I have a small (8 gallon tank) and yesterday noticed that we have about 30 free swimming spawn alive in the back area of the tank where the water intake goes prior to going through the sponge filter. This tank was meant for a betta, and is extremely low flow. It seems the fertilized eggs landed and hatched in the sponge filter :-O I don't have time to make them food as they are already free swimming!! Do you know if they might thrive on the Hikari Fry Food? I need to get food for them ASAP! Thank you!!! I'm SO grateful for your video & info!!!!
@@MARKSAQUATICS Fantastic!! I purchased some cultured Java Moss at my LFS today, too...It appears that they are eliminating today (when magnified we saw a few of them emptying "poo"), so hopefully this is a good sign. I added this moss to the back of the tank where they are "trapped" We started a broccoli culture this morning - probably too late for this batch, but we won't be caught without food for any future batches! How do you prepare the egg yolk? Is there info in one of your other videos? Thanks for taking the time to reply!! SO much appreciated!
Hey, Mark - my fry are now three weeks old and doing great!! Thanks for the tips - especially the food tips...life saving!! :-) Question about breeding now that I am actually setup for it....I had separated the males and females to kind of hit the breaks on it until I could get set up....I now have one female FULL of eggs....if I put her and a male I select will they breed right away tomorrow morning when the lights come on, or do they need to fully pair-bond all over again? Also....can I trick the fish into thinking it's morning by making the tank dark for a few hours, and then turning on the lights? The reason I ask about this is so that I can control the spawn - I leave for work each morning before the sun is up...so if I make it completely dark at say noon....and light the tank up at 8pm....will they be tricked into spawning at that time? Thanks for your help again!! Kindest regards!
Hi... I wonder if you can give me some advice? I have 2 Danios because that's all I was allowed at the time due to tank size. The smaller, slimmer of the two has been hovering around this little ornament for a few days now; I was worried it was depressed so I've just upgraded their tank, but now I'm worried, maybe they had eggs? The gravel was black unfortunately, and I just tossed it out today because they're in their new tank. The other Danio is bigger and rounder and I suspect female. That one has been swimming around happy as larry, eating fine and occasionally swims behind the other and persuades it to swim (not aggressive or biting). Now they're in the bigger tank, the smaller hovering one seems like it doesn't know what to do. Swimming and exploring, but then sometimes just treading water. I know in the wild male fish typically guard eggs and will go without food to do so.... Do you think it was depressed or guarding eggs?
Great video very informative, do you have any experience with rainbow shiners I’ve got a group of 10 that I would like to breed but there’s not too much information on them, also how often can the danios breed, if you put them in the tank with no filter you obviously knew they were ready but how can you tell? Thanks
Im currently attempting to breed zebra danios and I've got 2 in a breeding tank. I put one in thinking it was a female because it had a big belly but it has just turned yellowish and it has been chasing the other danio. Does this mean it's just a very fat male?
HI Mark... First of all thanks a lot for such detailed information. I love to see your videos. I have one small query and need your input. How frequently do you feed the fries. you showed that you fed them for the first time. Another query is how frequently does the same female Zebra Breed!! Will wait for your valuable response.
Hi. Feed the fry three to four times a day but only small amounts ok. As for spawning, Zeba Danios will spawn most mornings if Fed well on bloodworm , Daphnia, brine Shrimp. 😀👍
Thanks Mark. I got my answer!! but does Zebra breed in every 3 months or twice in a year or once in a year!! I wont disturb you post this with the same question :)
How often does spawning happen this quick as I've been trying this method for the last 5 days but no spawning and after 5 minutes it's the female chasing the male
Before we start. how long have you had the fish for? Are they in a tank of their own like mine to breed. I just need to know a few things first then i'll be able to help ok. 😀
@@MARKSAQUATICS I've had them for roughly 8 months now in a community tank however I moved them into their own tank with a sponge filter for them to breed
Ok. I your having trouble put a separation sheet in the tank and keep them away from each other for a few days and feed them on frozen or live blood worms and then 're introduce them back together.
Re-aquainted with aquatics after 50+ yrs and this video has been amazing .. thank you .. have subscribed, and look forward to lots more info and tips
Awesome, thank you!
Really appreciate the breeding series, Mark. Achieved success with Zebra danios based on your recommendations. Keep it coming!!
I'm going to try this properly, I accidentally raised a load of danio when I did a water change and saw lots of tiny little chaps stuck to the sides of my bucket. Bunged them in a spare tank and there's about 20 adults in there now. I struggled to feed them with hatching BBS so will definitely try the infusoria. Cheers Mark.
Now this is a straight forward video that tells you exactly what to do instead of talking about bull shit
I used to grow infusoria in a jar and then just pull some out with a syringe when I bred bettas. It worked really well! 😉 I just placed tank water in the jar, put like maybe some green beans (or something veggie lol), and then sat it in a window where sun would hit it. Usually took about a week at least for the infusion to develope. But before collecting I would sit a flashlight next to the jar because they're attached to the light. Once they're all in one area you can easily suck them up. 😋 I hope this helps you people! 💖
Thanks will try this as well
Great video Mark! I have 5 males and 5 females in a 22 gallon and every female is robust. I am moving a pair into a breeding tank tonight! I will get back to you tomorrow when they breed!
After watching your videos I have now successfully bred and raised danios.... well I still have almost 30.. 40 juveniles despite gifting dozens to ma frens..... thank you... you are such an inspiration
All new to us & I'm just as excited as my babies!!!! So this is top atuff💖💖💖they made me buy another tank yesterday. Good thing cz I just watched this thus its required
Excellent dear. I will do it soon.
Great video! Glad that you are feeling better. You have peaked my interest in zebra danios. I have been a guppy girl for years, maybe it is time for a change! I'll think about it!
I hope your back is doing better.
Loving the new series. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us.
Thanks mate ...absolutely awesome video ..think I was lucky breeding them the first time I tried it a while ago..going to try it your way ..u made it entertaining to watch..
Awesome video..just pick up 6 Danios...love this video so informative...cant wait to have little fry...Cat Vancouver Island BC Canada😊
Very Cool Mark!!! I love the idea for this new series. Don't forget to keep us updated on Jack's kids too.
Great, I was planning on giving them a go in my unheated tank and this was the info I needed, thanks Mark!
The breeding master 👍🏼
Cheers mate
Hi Mark! Great info. I have always like Zebra Danios and still have some. They are pretty, active and a lot of fun to keep!
looking forward to the series Mark, would love an in depth on the zebras plecos and plecos in general. Might have a crack at the danios for a bit of fun. Cheers for the video, glad the backs on the mend.
Got my first fry because of you. Thanks brother!
Just found your channel now! Great video and very clear instructions. Don’t normally subscribe but I subscribed to you and hit the bell notification button. Cheers from New Zealand 🇳🇿
Thank you so much for watching and subscribing. 😀👍
Great Informational and Interesting Video!!
Mark, another great video full of interest and practical information. I can sympathise with you and your bad back. It’s no fun.
Good to see your getting better thanks for another interesting vid.
Great video thanks Mark. Sorry to hear your back has been playing up. All the best Barry
As always great to watch and learn.
really cool to watch :) I have Celestial Pearl Danios and they have been spawning in their aquarium like crazy - but I wasn't too interested in breeding them since I had enough of them in there and they naturally kept eating all of their fry and eggs. A couple of weeks ago it was crazy hot here and over night 8 of my 12 fish had died. Saw the remaining 4 in the morning gasping for air and put them in my shrimp cube :( Luckily I still have 2 males and 2 females so hopefully I will be able to restock them so to speak once their original tank has recycled.
Sorry to hear that. Now you can breed some more.😀
love this video I'm so glad your going back to thinks from your childhood I recently got 2 zebra danios because one was put in by accident with another fish I bought so I sexed him and ended up buying him a female and I will try this out
Can you do a video about breeding Sailfin mollies or just regular ones?
CANDY QUADS racing does this work for glofish zebra danios
Yea it works with glo fish danios there just genetically modified, same fish just the glo gene added, its illegal to sell or trade them tho, there's a Patten on them
Thanks for the video. It is really simple and helpful
Nice work Mark...glad your back is getting better, but dont do to much, take it easy. This was a great video and my kids and I are learning so much from your instruction...From the other side of the Pond...Thanks!!!!
Thanks for watching you guys! 👍😀
It was great seeing you today! I hope your back is calming down.
Getting better. lots of walking, well trying! 👍😀
New to your channel. I am excited. 😊
Very interesting... Thanks Mark!
Glad your back is getting better! Thanks for another informative video, I think I will give that a try!
Marc...........It just gets better and better. ..........what a fantastic video can't wait for a follow up........like you my Dad had two ........24 × 12 × 15..........In the 70s ..........air driven box filters was the height of technology ( ohhh and if you used some "Charcoal " activated Carbon what's that)........you were a scientist. ...........haha.........It got me started..............keep up the Great Content..........Herm Boy...........
chris mc grath Thanks for watching Chris. 😀👍
Thanks for all the help I'm new to it and can't wait to start. I just want to found out how does a person know for sure when the female has eggs?
Great video Mark. Glad you're feeling better and glad to see you in front of the camera again 👍 That's quite a bunch of babies good luck with them. Looking forward to the next video
Thanks for watching Maria.😀
What would you feed celestial pearl danio fry ?
You have to start them of on infusoria because of their very small size ok.
Awsome video Mark keep them comming. Happy fishkeeping .
Wow, that is brilliant!
OMG 😲 Mark that was super cool, brilliant video as always and can't wait to try it out, I'm sorry never new you had been poorly, I'm still not right myself, but plaster off and space boot on lol 😂, dam thing is heavy as heck 👍🏻👍🏻⭐️⭐️
I'm on the mend. Can't let these things beat us. 😀
Great video Mark, do you know if white cloud mountain minnows would need the same or similar setup? Cheers. Hope you make a full recovery soon.
Hi Tim. WCMM have a similar set up but the the pairing and courtship are different. I've got some WCMM's might breed them so you guys how its done.👍😀
Cheers Mark, that would be fantastic. I’ve got the golden wcmm and in a community tank I think they really stand out from the crowd.
yes please! :)
Just found you!! Liked and subbed. Great job! Thanks.
Great video mark
Great video thanks for showing us.they are lovely fish.what is one of the pair of fish past away would the fish be by itself for the rest of its life or would it pair up with another one?wow spawning after how long of you having them?
They'll find a new partner 👍😀. I bought them the day before and they spawned the next day.
Great introduction into breeding tropical fish 👍🏻 cheers Mark. Definitely gonna need a bigger fish room 🐟🐠🐡🐬🐙🦑🦀
That just makes me want to get a pair of fish and try it here,, I slowly building a fish room one tank at a time,, LOL
Do u have to use infusoria or can u feed them microworms and Walter worms
Infusoria for first food ideally but you can try liquid fry food
Really awesome video...I will definitely be trying this asap!!!! Thanks
Can you use an air stone on very low?
My glowlight danios spawned in the quarantine tank! The eggs are much larger than I expected! I found them under moss and siphoned them into a hob breeder box
Someone may have asked this already but when you set up the breeding tank and while raising the fry do you put a filter in it? Like a sponge filter?
Thanks for the good ideas, helped a lot
Thanks for watching.
So glad your back is on the mend but be careful, once you have a problem with your back it is so easy to put it out again.
How is the jellyfish tank doing?
Thanks John I'm being very careful .😀
Another great video glad your backs getting better
thanks very informative
Do u top off the infusoria culture or do u just start a new culture
No just use for a week or until the fry have moved on to brine shrimp
Awesome video bro, well done. Any chance on doing one on dwarf gourami's or angelfish?
Awesome video Mark! I have some zebra danios in my community tank. The little guys are expensive at the pet store, but if i breed my own, then i dont gotta worry about that haha! Im thinking my community tank is lookin a little dull... plus i already have a 10 gallon tank just taking up space... maybe ill start breeding them on thursday... get the 10g set up and ready tomorrow, then start thursday morning haha
Cheers Mark! Havent watched your videos in a while, but im finding i need to do something to destress my life, and this may just help.
Thanks for watching. Go and breed some some you'll really enjoy it. Then you can sell them. 👍😀
hey Mark, i totally failed at the infusoria culture thing haha! i didnt realize that you had to have the culture under light. it was tucked away behind my 10g tank and holy mother of todd does it smell. tossed it because it started molding and decaying beyond. i just finished building a tiny little 1L glass box that i will grow my culture in. im going to grab my daylight LED floodlight and give this another go :)
How can you tell the difference between male and female of this fish and when are they ready to spawn? Please help! Thank you.
Hi Mark... I raise my own danio fry. It's something everyone should have fun with. It's so rewarding. Do you remove your parent fish at the end of the first day? I have left them for 2 days thinking they may not be finished. I probably have lost babies in doing that. 💦😁❤️💦 I really want to make that food. I hatch bbs for them but this is a great alternative!
Really good video mark thanks
Will this method work for glowlight danios?
Do you get breeding in a larger 20 gallon tank with a school of them?
are those long finned zebra danios or just zebra danios
Yep. They sure are 😀👍
So do you cover the tank with with something so it's proper dark? Then turn on the lights and they will spawn. What if you put 2 females and 1 male? I have lots of females in my 12-danio school, that's all I have in my 20 gallon just now, zebra & leopard mix,I have 2 3-half gallon tanks tho,one iz dry and one is still cycling can I add tap water with conditioner and that would be OK?
I've also read u can crush flakes t powder to feed them,is that so?
Do you use a filter in the fry tank ?
Hi Jacob.
No filter is needed as the parents are only in the tank overnight and removed after spawning. Once the fry hatch out it will be another few days before they are free swimming and taking food. Once they have grown out a bit small 10% water changes with do.😊👍
Appreciate the reply 👍🏾
glad your back is feeling better buddy . and wow they breed fast lol .. is4 days the normal for eggs to hatch .. cause i have some eggs in my tank not sure if there cory or snail for sure but either way they dont seem to be doing much
Cory eggs will hatch in 2 to 3 days.👍😀
must not be cory eggs then .. they have been there for about a week .. or maybe there not even going to hatch ..no idea
Mark, thanks for the advice and inspiration. I take it the same principals will apply for Leopard Danios? One thing I picked up was you said they 'paired for life'. I've just got 6 Leopard Danios which when bigger I'd like to try to breed from - do these pair for life ? If so do i need to get the 'exact' pair out of the tank for breeding, or will any male & female breed together. Thanks again.
Let them grow up and form the pairs. 👍😀
@@MARKSAQUATICS I was also wondering this (...and your answer didn't really help ;) ). Let's say I have a tank with 20 danios and they all already "paired for life". If I pick out two random ones for mating, the chance is pretty low that I happened to get a matching "pair". So how does that work?
Hi..i have a male and female danio tetra in 1 tank with my other tropical fishes.so if i were to spawn them i just need to seperate them to another tank simillar with this technic u having?
yes if you separate them I a small tank and follow the video they will breed.
Thanks alot buddy for the tips
Hi Mark. Would you use this method for other egg scatterers? I’ve just bought some Ticto barbs that I’d like to breed
QUESTION = 10:05 can I just put a tiny bit of broc in the tank a day instead?
No you need to make the culture up two weeks before you start breeding them so the infusoria culture matures ok.
@@MARKSAQUATICS but they're already here. Unexpected surprise so rushed & bought new tank then watched ur vids at 4am
Thank u for replying I'm desperate as my children will be mortified
thanks mark ,,love dannys
It seems the hardest part in breeding fish is to catch them in the community tank. Is that why you get a pair from the fish dealer?
Anyway I was able to catch a couple of pairs of the five band barbs, they were quite easy to trick into the net. But it seems very difficult to get them to acclimatize in the breeding tank, they're scared and just stay in a corner or under a leaf, sometimes freakin' out. I used mostly tank water setting it up. Could it be the light being too bright (not brighter than the community tank)? Or is it just that they liked it so much in the community tank that they were disappointed being transferred to a whole new tank?
I also used quite a lot of plants so they would feel safe, apparently that did not work out.
I also put some peat under the gravel to have a bit of a softer, lower pH water. I have some peat pellets in the community tank filter so it should be familiar to them.
Hey Mark,Do Fake plastic plants affect breeding.I mean don't they lay eggs in plastic bushes?
They will lay eggs in the softer plastic plants but your better off using spawning mops as plastic plants leach chemicals in to the water.
@@MARKSAQUATICS ohh..thanks Mark
Can you breed the cold water version
Do you mean white cloud mountain minnows?
I don’t know mine look like those ones but they aren’t tropical fish
Hello sir. Should i put an air stone in the fry tank? And will it be a problem if there are snails too? Can the snails eat the wrigglers?
Hi Mark. Loved the video. Very informative and helpful. I’m not sure if you still read comments on this video but I have a question I’m hoping you can answer. I’ve followed all of your steps and I’ve successfully bred my danios. I’ve noticed planaria hovering near my eggs. It’s day 2 now so they should all be hatching by now. I’m worried that the planaria will eat the eggs or newly hatched fry - do you have experience with this and should I be worried? Thank you. 🙂
Does this work for glofish zebra danios?
Mark I've been missing your videos! Where have you gone!? Ive just started a Danio only tank, could you breed Giant Danios? (although I appreicate it will be very much the same kind of job as Zebras!)
Hi Mark! Have you tried breedi g pink danio to the gray danios? Or is it possible? Thanks for you answer!! :)
sir do they eat thier eggs if ever you leave the parents inside the tank eith them?
Fantastic video. I'm a solid fan. You're a great guy! I have a small ~10 litre tank. Would fish spawn in there?
John Barker Thanks John. Yes neons and zebra danios will breed in that size aquarium. 😀👍
MARK'S AQUATICS hey! Thanks for the response! I wasn't sure if you'd see this. It's actually lemon tetras I want to breed. Any thoughts?
does this work for glofish zebra danios
Is it easy to breed Green dainos? Have been trying for some months without success. Have watched your videos and find it extremely informative
Would the fry snack on Reef Roids too?
They sure will 😊👍
great video
hi mark glad your on the mend, all my tanks are to big and catching danios would be a nightmare, ive put a pair in a tank and nothing happened for the first 48hrs, is it ok to leave the pair in a tank of their own until they spawn then remove the adults
Yes it's fine to leave them in there, but make sure add a filter ok.👍😀
What would you feed a pleco around 2 inch long
What type of pleco is it?
Common bristlenose
feed it cucumber, mushroom slices,algae wafers. and make sure there's some wood in the tank they rasp away on that and it aids in there digestion .
Ok thanks
Hello! I have a small (8 gallon tank) and yesterday noticed that we have about 30 free swimming spawn alive in the back area of the tank where the water intake goes prior to going through the sponge filter.
This tank was meant for a betta, and is extremely low flow. It seems the fertilized eggs landed and hatched in the sponge filter :-O
I don't have time to make them food as they are already free swimming!! Do you know if they might thrive on the Hikari Fry Food? I need to get food for them ASAP! Thank you!!! I'm SO grateful for your video & info!!!!
There should be some micro life in there tank so don't panic. You can try the food you have, if not try egg yolk finely dispersed in the water.
@@MARKSAQUATICS Fantastic!! I purchased some cultured Java Moss at my LFS today, too...It appears that they are eliminating today (when magnified we saw a few of them emptying "poo"), so hopefully this is a good sign. I added this moss to the back of the tank where they are "trapped"
We started a broccoli culture this morning - probably too late for this batch, but we won't be caught without food for any future batches!
How do you prepare the egg yolk? Is there info in one of your other videos? Thanks for taking the time to reply!! SO much appreciated!
Just boil the egg and use a very small piece of yolk an break it up in some tank water and drip some in .there's videos online. Good luck.
@@MARKSAQUATICS Excellent! Thank you!!
Hey, Mark - my fry are now three weeks old and doing great!! Thanks for the tips - especially the food tips...life saving!! :-)
Question about breeding now that I am actually setup for it....I had separated the males and females to kind of hit the breaks on it until I could get set up....I now have one female FULL of eggs....if I put her and a male I select will they breed right away tomorrow morning when the lights come on, or do they need to fully pair-bond all over again?
Also....can I trick the fish into thinking it's morning by making the tank dark for a few hours, and then turning on the lights? The reason I ask about this is so that I can control the spawn - I leave for work each morning before the sun is up...so if I make it completely dark at say noon....and light the tank up at 8pm....will they be tricked into spawning at that time?
Thanks for your help again!!
Kindest regards!
Hi... I wonder if you can give me some advice? I have 2 Danios because that's all I was allowed at the time due to tank size. The smaller, slimmer of the two has been hovering around this little ornament for a few days now; I was worried it was depressed so I've just upgraded their tank, but now I'm worried, maybe they had eggs?
The gravel was black unfortunately, and I just tossed it out today because they're in their new tank. The other Danio is bigger and rounder and I suspect female. That one has been swimming around happy as larry, eating fine and occasionally swims behind the other and persuades it to swim (not aggressive or biting). Now they're in the bigger tank, the smaller hovering one seems like it doesn't know what to do. Swimming and exploring, but then sometimes just treading water.
I know in the wild male fish typically guard eggs and will go without food to do so.... Do you think it was depressed or guarding eggs?
and when they do hatch do parents eat them?
Great video very informative, do you have any experience with rainbow shiners I’ve got a group of 10 that I would like to breed but there’s not too much information on them, also how often can the danios breed, if you put them in the tank with no filter you obviously knew they were ready but how can you tell? Thanks
I've never bred them but I like a challenge.👍😀
Very cool. thanks.
the eggs hatched the next day?
Do breed white cloud mino
Im currently attempting to breed zebra danios and I've got 2 in a breeding tank. I put one in thinking it was a female because it had a big belly but it has just turned yellowish and it has been chasing the other danio. Does this mean it's just a very fat male?
HI Mark... First of all thanks a lot for such detailed information. I love to see your videos.
I have one small query and need your input. How frequently do you feed the fries. you showed that you fed them for the first time. Another query is how frequently does the same female Zebra Breed!! Will wait for your valuable response.
Hi. Feed the fry three to four times a day but only small amounts ok. As for spawning, Zeba Danios will spawn most mornings if Fed well on bloodworm , Daphnia, brine Shrimp. 😀👍
Thanks Mark. I got my answer!! but does Zebra breed in every 3 months or twice in a year or once in a year!! I wont disturb you post this with the same question :)
@@bganguly100 they will breed multiple times in a year .😀👍
wow thats nice and interesting to hear.. Thanks a lot for your update...
How often does spawning happen this quick as I've been trying this method for the last 5 days but no spawning and after 5 minutes it's the female chasing the male
Before we start. how long have you had the fish for? Are they in a tank of their own like mine to breed. I just need to know a few things first then i'll be able to help ok. 😀
@@MARKSAQUATICS I've had them for roughly 8 months now in a community tank however I moved them into their own tank with a sponge filter for them to breed
Ok. I your having trouble put a separation sheet in the tank and keep them away from each other for a few days and feed them on frozen or live blood worms and then 're introduce them back together.
@@MARKSAQUATICS okay I'll try that, thanks